1% of Anything: Episode 12

At this point, Jae-in and Da-hyun have fallen so hard for one another that they begin to wish that they had started off as anything but a contract-relationship couple. While Jae-in still faces a lot of pressure to get married to the “right” person, Da-hyun is the one taking the brunt of the external disapproval, and Jae-in couldn’t be more apologetic about it. But will it be enough?

EPISODE 12: “Her absence: It feels like my heart is going to disappear”

Arms folded, Joo-hee approaches Da-hyun and hostilely comments that she just knew there was something strange about Da-hyun dating Jae-in. Joo-hee demands that Da-hyun put an end to the contract with Jae-in and offers to give Da-hyun all the money she needs, adding that it’s about time for Da-hyun to disappear from Jae-in’s life anyway.

Da-hyun scoffs and asks Joo-hee, “Do you really think we’re only dating because of our contract?” Remarking that Joo-hee must not know Jae-in very well, Da-hyun reminds her that Jae-in’s not the type to be forced into doing something that he doesn’t want to do.

Da-hyun makes it clear that the two of them are dating because they like each other and refuses Joo-hee’s money, saying that she’ll be perfectly fine without it. Joo-hee looks away briefly before turning back to Da-hyun with a smirk.

Inside the reception hall, Jae-in looks around for Da-hyun, and notices Lawyer Park talking to two guests by himself. At his look, Lawyer Park quickly excuses himself to go search for Da-hyun.

Outside, Joo-hee asks Da-hyun, “Do you know why Jae-in and I broke up three years ago?” Before Da-hyun can respond, Joo-hee answers her own question: “It was because he wanted me to sign a prenup.” Just to keep it classy, she condescendingly wonders aloud about whether Da-hyun would be able to sign something like that.

Holding her own, Da-hyun replies that she’ll think about it when it happens. Joo-hee scoffs and asks Da-hyun if she really thinks she can marry Jae-in, spitting out slowly that Jae-in has been her man for the last three years.

Joo-hee tells Da-hyun that she’s in love with Jae-in, and Da-hyun cuts her off, telling her that she’s supposed to confess to the person she’s in love with, and not to his girlfriend. Buuuurn.

As Da-hyun starts to walk away, she turns around to add one last thing: “It’s not that Jae-in agreed to date me, but that I agreed to date him.”

Lawyer Park comes running in just then to check on Da-hyun, and one look at Joo-hee’s face tells him all he needs to know. He starts to lead Joo-hee away from Da-hyun, and Joo-hee roughly flings him off, walking away in the other direction.

Lawyer Park goes back inside the reception hall to inform Jae-in about Da-hyun’s whereabouts, and Jae-in leaves his guests to go talk to her. Outside, he walks over to Da-hyun and gently asks why she’s sitting outside all by herself.

She comments that this party isn’t very fun, and Jae-in agrees, remarking that for the people here, having a “party” just means talking about themselves the whole time. He asks if she wants him to grab some food for her, but she shakes her head no.

Breathing in deeply, Da-hyun extends her hand to Jae-in, and he looks at her quizzically. “Let’s go in together,” she suggests, and he quickly takes her hand as he smiles to hear that. He leads her towards the reception hall, and nearby, Joo-hee fumes to see Jae-in being so affectionate with Da-hyun.

Jae-in and Da-hyun walk through the doors hand in hand as Jae-in asks why she’s walking in with him when she had said that she wanted to show up separately before. Da-hyun agrees that she didn’t want to do it before, but now she does. Aw.

Jae-in leads her to a table, pulling out her chair for her like a true gentleman. But right as they’re about to start eating, Tae-ha’s mother walks up to them. Though Da-hyun greets her politely, Tae-ha’s mother isn’t interested in playing nice today, and simply tells her: “I don’t know what you may be thinking, but don’t even entertain the idea of Jae-in marrying you.”

Glaring, Jae-in gets up to defend Da-hyun from his aunt, but Tae-ha’s mother isn’t done with her caustic comments; she warns Da-hyun that Jae-in is someone who’s so desperate to become the heir of SH Group that he doesn’t even acknowledge his birth parents anymore.

Noticing the commotion, Jae-in’s mother steps in to reprimand Tae-ha’s mother for being so rude before turning to Da-hyun to apologize. Jae-in’s mother reminds Tae-ha’s mother that there are many people who are watching them, and advises her to go home, since she’s already said all that she wanted to say. Tae-ha’s mother gives Da-hyun a dirty look before stalking away. Tae-ha, meanwhile, watches everything from afar.

Jae-in’s mother asks Da-hyun if she’s all right, and though Da-hyun answers in the affirmative, Jae-in’s mother astutely notes that there’s no way Da-hyun could be fine after such an encounter as she remarks that Jae-in’s aunt has a special talent for hurting people’s feelings.

Jae-in introduces Da-hyun to his mother who greets her warmly, reassuring Da-hyun that there’s no one else here who would be rude to her. Jae-in’s mother walks off to greet a group of guests, and Jae-in barely has a second to tell Da-hyun not to worry about what just happened when his mother suddenly calls him over.

Alone again, Da-hyun sits down forlornly at the table by herself. Meanwhile, Jae-in’s mother takes Jae-in aside to remind him that he’s the host today as well as the heir to SH Group — he shouldn’t hang around one person for too long. “Anyone can manage Da-hyun,” she says, “but that isn’t the case with SH Group.” Chastised, Jae-in tells his mother that he understands.

Jae-in walks over to Da-hyun just as she gets ready to leave. He tells her that Grandpa will be here soon, but Da-hyun just responds that she has a bit of a headache.

Outside the reception hall, he offers to drive her home, but Da-hyun insists that he stay, knowing that he’s obligated to mingle with the other guests today. He gives her a rueful smile, and she takes her leave.

On the taxi ride home, Da-hyun stares out the window, lost in her own thoughts. Eyes slightly misty, she breathes out a sigh.

At Da-hyun’s house, Hyun-jin excitedly asks how everything went before noticing that Da-hyun seems rather glum. Da-hyun picks up a call from Jae-in, who asks if she’s feeling all right after what his aunt said to her. Da-hyun brushes it off by saying that she’s fine and urges him to get back to the party.

On the verge of tears, Da-hyun tells Hyun-jin that she feels like Jae-in lives in a different world. “Why does he have to be rich? Why is there such a huge difference between us?” she complains. Flashing back to Joo-hee’s comment about shoes that don’t fit, Da-hyun curses that this means the witch was right about everything.

Hyun-jin asks whether the witch that Da-hyun’s talking about is Joo-hee, and Da-hyun tells her that Joo-hee’s the mini-witch. “There was a witch who was even worse than Joo-hee,” she says, and when Hyun-jin looks at her curiously, Da-hyun sighs that it was Jae-in’s aunt.

At the reception, Lawyer Park informs Jae-in that Grandpa has arrived, but Jae-in is still worried about Da-hyun. At home, Da-hyun lies in bed staring at her phone.

The next day, Grandpa and Jae-in’s mother chat about Da-hyun, and Jae-in’s mother says candidly that she thinks Joo-hee is a better match for Jae-in. Jae-in’s mother tells Grandpa that Jae-in may be stoic, but he’s a filial son and takes good care of the people around him.

She doesn’t want his wife to be a burden for him on top of all the baggage that he already has, and she says that it’s time for someone to take care of Jae-in instead of the other way around.

At an Italian restaurant with Hyun-jin, Da-hyun is mindlessly playing with her spaghetti. Noticing her friend’s mood, Hyun-jin remarks that a day like this is more suited for drinking and takes Da-hyun to a beerhouse instead.

Da-hyun immediately downs a large glass of beer and says she wants more, which has Hyun-jin looking at her in shock. When Hyun-jin calls for another glass, Da-hyun shouts that they need two more before proceeding to down Hyun-jin’s beer, too. Oh boy.

Da-hyun pouts and wonders why she had to fall for Jae-in of all people, especially when he has such a nasty temper. Hyun-jin notes that falling in love is always like that — even if a person has ninety-nine bad traits and one good trait, if that one good trait catches your eye, then that’s what you’ll fall for, because that’s his charm.

She tells Da-hyun that she must’ve fallen for Jae-in’s charm that way, and even if no one else knows his charm, Da-hyun does. Da-hyun complains that that’s the problem, but Hyun-jin reassures Da-hyun that somewhere else, Jae-in is probably having a drink and thinking about her too. Da-hyun frowns and says that he’s probably not — he’s too busy to have the time to think about others.

A passerby accidentally knocks into Da-hyun, spilling some of her beer on her. Da-hyun goes to the bathroom to wash her hands, but when she leaves, Hyun-jin spots Da-hyun’s phone conveniently lying on the table and makes a call.

As Da-hyun and Hyun-jin stagger out of the restaurant, Jae-in arrives at the front. With a drunken smile, Da-hyun shouts his name and pats his face, and he wonders how much she had to drink.

Barely able to hold herself up, Da-hyun insists that she’s not drunk at all, and Jae-in fires back that she’s the very definition of drunk. He asks her why she didn’t pick up his calls, and she slurs that she wanted to get him angry — he got her super angry, so this is only fair.

Jae-in tells Hyun-jin that he needs to have a private chat with Da-hyun, and Hyun-jin, a little too entertained by this whole situation, jokingly asks if she really has to go. She wishes them a hot and passionate night together, but Jae-in insists that he’s just taking Da-hyun home.

At her home, Da-hyun slurs that she’s not curious at all, and Jae-in asks her what she’s going on about. He chuckles when Da-hyun continues to deny that she’s drunk, but goes silent when Da-hyun mumbles that she wishes they weren’t just dating because of some contract — better yet, Jae-in just shouldn’t have been born rich.

The mood turning serious, Jae-in sighs and comments that he’s not sure if she’ll understand what he’s saying since she’s drunk. He leans down, looking into Da-hyun’s eyes, and tells her that he feels the same way, adding that he’s sincere about it. He asks her, “Will you follow me, even though it may be hard? Do you want to be with me until the very end?”

Putting her hand on his cheek, Da-hyun responds, “Should we just do that, then?” She stumbles across her words, telling him that she really wants to do that, but they’re not supposed to — they can’t.

She buries her head in the crook of her arm, and Jae-in carries her to her bed. He watches her sleep, gently tucking away a wisp of her hair as he smiles lovingly.

The next day, a very hungover Da-hyun wakes up to a phone call from Hyun-jin, who asks what Jae-in said to her last night. Complaining that Hyun-jin’s too noisy, Da-hyun hangs up and goes back to sleep. But suddenly, her eyes fly open, and she sits up.

She flashes back to the night before when Jae-in had leaned in close to her, but she can’t quite recall what they had discussed, even though she has a feeling that it was something important.

At that moment, the doorbell rings. She checks the intercom, horrified to see Jae-in at the door. She rushes to the mirror to wipe off the drool and fix her hair, before slowly opening the door to ask what he wants. He says that they’re going to get breakfast, and chuckles to see that she didn’t even wash her face yet.

At the restaurant, Jae-in tells her that this place is known for its hangover soup, and asks her why she drank so much last night. Da-hyun insists that she has a high tolerance for alcohol right before commenting that she feels nauseous, ha.

In the car, Jae-in asks Da-hyun if she remembers what he said last night, and she asks him if it was something important. Hiding his slight disappointment, Jae-in tells her that it was nothing, and urges her to get to class.

In the evening, Joo-hee pays a visit to Lawyer Park, wanting to know why Jae-in is ignoring the business offer that comes with her when she knows that Jae-in is a skilled businessman.

Lawyer Park laughs that Jae-in gets plenty of offers like Joo-hee’s, and she pouts, saying that even still, Da-hyun’s not one of them. She comments that Jae-in probably wouldn’t have even given Da-hyun a second glance if not for the will, and Lawyer Park points out that that’s exactly why Da-hyun is so amazing — she doesn’t need money to convince Jae-in to love her.

He advises Joo-hee to move on, and Joo-hee wonders why she has to be the one to give up when she beats Da-hyun in terms of family, money, education, and connections. Lawyer Park surmises that there must be something special about Da-hyun that neither of them know about, but true to her character, Joo-hee is still undeterred.

Joo-hee asks if Da-hyun has a complicated past or if she has another man, and Lawyer Park can only laugh, saying that Da-hyun couldn’t possibly have another man — Jae-in’s not the type to let it happen.

A call comes in for Lawyer Park, and he walks out of the room, leaving Joo-hee to herself. She comments ominously that all she has to do now is get Da-hyun another man.

Da-hyun is working late at school when she gets a call from Jae-in, who promises to pick her up at night. After doing some more work, she gets ready to leave, remembering to take her cell phone with her. The school hallways are eerily dark as Da-hyun walks through them.

Jae-in’s car pulls up in front of the school, and he stands there, waiting for Da-hyun to come out.

At SH Mall, Tae-ha gets ready to go home for the night when he gets a sudden call from Joo-hee. She comments that it’s a good thing he’s still at work so late, and when he asks who she is, she introduces herself as Han Joo-hee from Hanjoo Chemicals.

Joo-hee glances back at the burly men in the car parked behind her, and the camera pans over to reveal Da-hyun lying unconscious in the backseat. So when Joo-hee said she was capable of being a lot more vicious, she meant kidnapping?

As the night goes on, Jae-in starts to worry that Da-hyun’s not coming out. He calls Hyun-jin to ask if she might know of Da-hyun’s whereabouts, and starts searching inside the school in the meantime.

At Tae-ha’s office, Joo-hee asks Tae-ha if he knows about his grandfather’s will, and he tells her to hurry up and get to the point. Joo-hee offers to help him get SH Group for himself, and while Tae-ha says he’s interested, he’s not a fool.

She hands him a hotel room keycard, and he looks at her suspiciously. Smiling, Joo-hee tells him that she caused just a tiny bit of trouble for his sake, and he can use that to get SH Group. All she needs is Jae-in, she says, and a dark look crosses Tae-ha’s face.

Jae-in is still searching the school when he makes another call to Da-hyun. He hears her phone ringing nearby and picks it up off the floor, realizing then that something is very, very wrong.

He runs around the school grounds hoping to find Da-hyun and quickly calls Employee Kang for help. Meanwhile, Tae-ha opens the door to the hotel room, and lets out a sigh when he sees Da-hyun in the bed.

Employee Kang calls Grandpa to let him know about the situation, reassuring him that they’ll definitely find out what happened. But Grandpa is infuriated, demanding to know what in the world Jae-in is doing with Da-hyun before hanging up angrily.

As Jae-in searches the school grounds, he gets a call from Tae-ha. He growls that if Tae-ha lays a single finger on Da-hyun, he’d better be prepared to deal with the consequences.

Jae-in rushes over to the hotel and pounds furiously on the door. Tae-ha opens it, only to have Jae-in throw a punch at him. Before Tae-ha can recover, Jae-in grabs him by the lapels, demanding to know where Da-hyun is and what Tae-ha’s done to her.

Tae-ha closes his eyes in frustration and tells Jae-in not to misunderstand — he didn’t do anything to her. Jae-in pushes him away and walks into the bedroom where Da-hyun is, and Tae-ha tells him not to worry — Da-hyun is just asleep under anesthesia.

Relieved to see her safe, Jae-in gently touches Da-hyun’s head and demands that Tae-ha call their family doctor anyway. When the doctor eventually takes his leave, Jae-in asks Tae-ha who was behind this.

Tae-ha asks why Jae-in doesn’t suspect him, and Jae-in responds that it doesn’t make sense for Tae-ha to have called him if he were the culprit. (So why did you punch the poor guy, then?)

Jae-in adds that he doesn’t think Tae-ha is dumb enough to do such a thing, and Tae-ha wonders if that’s a compliment or a warning. Jae-in corrects his cousin, saying that it’s his way of saying thanks, and Tae-ha smiles just the teensiest bit.

Tae-ha tells Jae-in that Joo-hee’s the one behind this scheme, telling Jae-in all about her plan to get him for herself. Jae-in is in disbelief that she would go this far.

Meanwhile, Hyun-jin is worried sick about Da-hyun and calls Jae-in, suggesting that they let the police know. Jae-in reassures her that he’s found Da-hyun, but when he tells her that he can’t put Da-hyun on the line because she’s asleep, Hyun-jin only becomes more incensed.

Jae-in and Tae-ha take Da-hyun to Jae-in’s house — with some complaining from Tae-ha about being relegated to the position of Jae-in’s chauffeur, ha — and after making sure that Da-hyun’s tucked in bed, Jae-in sits down to have a candid conversation with Tae-ha.

He urges Tae-ha to call him “hyung” now, saying that things have changed between them. Jae-in adds that it would benefit Tae-ha to call him hyung in front of others, too, and Tae-ha’s a little incredulous, asking if he should go around telling people not to mess with him because Jae-in’s his “hyung.” Jae-in says matter-of-factly that it just means Tae-ha’s someone he’ll be protecting from now on. Aww.

Jae-in asks Tae-ha what he wants from him, sure that Tae-ha must’ve called him for a reason. Turning serious, Tae-ha asks for complete management rights over SH Mall, and says that Jae-in must’ve noticed that there’s been something fishy going on.

Jae-in asks Tae-ha if he’s accusing his own father of manipulating the stock prices, and wonders if he’ll be able to handle the consequences of what happens next. Tae-ha simply responds that he can’t forgive his father for playing dirty.

Jae-in reminds Tae-ha that since his father is involved, there’s no winning scenario for him, and Tae-ha just tells Jae-in that he started off at SH Mall as a parking attendant, and he’s worked his way up here. SH Mall was his first job and his first love, he adds, and now his life revolves around it.

Tae-ha doesn’t want to see the mall simply handed over to someone else, and he’s not willing to play a losing game. Jae-in nods and immediately makes a call to the secretary of the main branch, letting him know that he has plans to return to the main branch soon. He asks the secretary to look into both Hanjoo Group and Tae-ha’s father, explaining that it’s related to work.

At Grandpa’s home, Grandpa comments to Employee Kang that Chairman Han has gotten a little too greedy in his old age. Employee Kang is concerned that Jae-in is going to try to get rid of Hanjoo Group, and worries that Jae-in might not be capable of going up against such a powerful company. Grandpa responds that Jae-in might not be able to destroy the company, but he certainly can get the owner changed at a board member’s meeting.

At home, Jae-in holds Da-hyun’s hand tightly in his own as he watches her sleep. He murmurs that he’s sorry, calling her by her nickname, Da-da, as he promises that nothing like this will ever happen again.


So it looks like Joo-hee’s brand of delusional has gone up another level; it’s not enough that she’s been harassing Da-hyun this whole time, but now she kidnaps her and tries to get Tae-ha to spend the night with her? That’s not just being vicious anymore — that’s illegal.

I know she’s supposed to be a crazy second lead, but I can’t help but question her logic. I imagine that she wanted Tae-ha to snap a few pictures of himself in bed with Da-hyun to prove to Jae-in that Da-hyun had another man all along, but it’s not like Jae-in would’ve come running to Joo-hee even if he did think Da-hyun were cheating on him. Besides, it’s not like Da-hyun would’ve been the type to take this kind of stuff sitting down, and there’s no way that Jae-in wouldn’t have discovered Joo-hee’s scheme sooner or later.

At any rate, I’m thrilled to find out that Tae-ha’s on our side, and I’ll admit I was a little worried that he would do something to Da-hyun. We’ve seen him show some moral fiber before, such as when he argued to his father that it wasn’t right for him to steal his cousin’s girlfriend, but he’s also acted suspiciously before, like spying on Da-hyun and taking pictures of her with Ji-soo. Add that to his antagonistic relationship with Jae-in, and the rules of dramaland just seemed to suggest that he would inevitably be one of the bad guys.

It was a nice surprise to have Tae-ha subvert expectations and turn on Joo-hee, especially when she was so confident that Tae-ha would be as evil as her. While Tae-ha is definitely ambitious (considering that he’s willing to take down his corrupt father in order to keep his position in SH Mall), Tae-ha’s not the type to give up his morals for that ambition, and it seems like that much has finally been made clear to Jae-in.

I was actually hoping that Jae-in would admit fault and apologize for sucker-punching Tae-ha, especially since Jae-in acknowledged afterward that it would make no sense for Tae-ha to be complicit in the crime. I guess Jae-in made up for it with his declaration that he’ll protect Tae-ha from now on. Do I smell the beginnings of a bromance?

Speaking of ambiguous characters though, I’m also a little thrown off by the unconventional motives of Jae-in’s mother. She clearly loves her son and she’s not unkind when she meets Da-hyun, despite the concerns she’s expressed about Jae-in marrying her. However, she does have one major flaw: She’s never asked Jae-in for his opinion. Who does he want to marry? What are his ambitions? Does he even want to inherit SH Group?

When Jae-in’s mother talked to Grandpa, it’s evident that she pressures Jae-in to be the heir because she wants the best for him; when she’s talking to Jae-in though, that pressure seems to be coming from a different place — I imagine Jae-in thinks that it’s his obligation to inherit SH Group because he’s her son. I wonder if Jae-in is trying a little too hard to live up to her expectations because he feels like he has to do everything that her real son would’ve done, and that’s why he’s reluctant to go against his mother. He knows that he’s basically all she has left, and he’s afraid of hurting her or disappointing her.

Ironically though, I feel like if he were to express his true feelings to his mom, she would eventually come around to accepting Da-hyun once she realizes how important Da-hyun is to him (not to mention how crazy Joo-hee is). Jae-in is clearly the type to take care of the people around him, but that doesn’t mean that Da-hyun is just a burden and does nothing for him in return — she’s made him into a warmer and happier person, and she’s just a bright presence in his life overall. If Jae-in were to explain to his mother that Da-hyun has been his greatest pillar of support, and that she’s the person who’s best for him on an emotional level, then I don’t think his mother would be too unreasonable about it.

The real problem now is how Da-hyun feels about being in Jae-in’s life; as she’s realized from the party, she and Jae-in live in very different worlds. Although Da-hyun’s main concern seems to be that she won’t be accepted by the people around Jae-in because she comes from an inferior background, I’m curious to know what Drunk Da-hyun meant when she said that they’re not supposed to be together for real, and that she really wants to — but they shouldn’t.

Is there a reason aside from disappointed parents? Is she worried that she won’t be able to adjust to his world of fancy formal parties and corporate ambition? Despite our couple being pretty honest about having sincere feelings for each other, both have been rather reluctant to ask one another to become official up until Jae-in suggesting it to Da-hyun in this episode. As soon as Sober Da-hyun remembers what happened, it’ll be time to figure out exactly what’s been holding her back.


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*SCREEEEAAAAMS* thank you so much for the recap :) I've been refreshing dramabeans at least 10 times a day waiting for this to be out. can't watch kdramas right now cos I'm in the middle of my A levels but I'm tuning in to this couple (through recaps) just cos they're so cute. can't wait to marathon this after my exams are over ^^ what a nice surprise that taeha is somewhat on the same side as jae in though, praying for some bromance haha


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lol. I've been refreshing dramabeans since last Thursday, hoping for a recap too !


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Me three, iam always hanging on dramabeans waiting, especially for this show's recaps


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yay...me toooo... have been refreshing many times.hoping this recaps to show.. >_<


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Ditto. Glad that I'm not the only one.


Ahhhh shouldbestudying I literally just finished my A levels yesterday! ...hang in there and it'll be worth it in the end <3


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Enjoying this drama to bits~ The only thing I don't like about this drama is that it's only 30 minutes an episode. I die waiting each week, lol


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Thanks for the recap!

As if Joo Hee wasn't annoying enough already. Ugh. I really want to pull out her hair! Jae In's mom should witness how nuts Joo Hee is because there's enough crazy pants running around their conglomerate family.

Im so glad Tae Ha isn't another villain! Joo Hee makes up for all the villains in this series already because she is just BANANAS INSANE.

Did I mention she's insane? Ugh, cannot get over my annoyance.


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this drama like something I've been wanting from other drama,
That frustration that builds up over the time when the heroine doesn't handle the second lead in the right way,
That comment and "aha" moment I've been wanting to feel when the heroine stomp the second lead just by words
That jealousy and misunderstanding that ends before the shit storming blocked the realisation,
That day when the friends agree and cooperative with their friend's partner,
those days when they just talk their problem and touch their face rather than have to kiss as overly romantic things ,
yeah, this drama is the 1% of something I want from another drama and ass in Hyun-Jin'ss word, if that 1% charm got to you, then it got you.

I think Dada's concern is normal, they lived in a very different world and adjusted to that is really hard,
It even more difficult to achieve than makes jo-hee not eligible in Ja-In's family,
I think jo hee do that to Dada cause she can't win over here with anything, even with flaunting her wealth and status to her, she can't beat Dada, she should get her own punishment,
and glad that Tae-Ha also a man on his own,

I think the reason why I enjoyed this drama so much is because it doesn't do what drama usually did, it has enough drama with the setting and jo-hee but it refreshing to see the couple and their friends behave normal and thinking through their decision.
So many kdramas like to exhaust the viewer in the chasing part but rather not that good after they are in the relationship cause the interaction, the skinship and the dialogue feel the same.


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Thanks for the recap HappilyEverAfter. Yay! I was just waiting for Jae-in and Tae-ha to team up. It seemed to me that they were competitive with one another and maybe suspicious of each other's motives, but it seemed as if the real animosity came from the parents and not them. I'm so happy that once Jae-in calmed down and resumed thinking, post punch, that he realized Tae-ha's actions meant he could trust him and vice versa. Oddly enough, I think that Jae-in's unthinking reaction to punch Tae-ha is what actually made Tae-ha trust him. It showed Jae-in's true feelings for Da-hyun. This whole kidnapping scenario showed one other thing. Joo-hee is off her rocker nuts. Talk about a lame brained plan! What could Tae-in possibly do with an unconcious woman in a hotel room that would result in her marrying him as opposed to filing criminal charges? Also, how did she think that she would get away with kidnapping? I really hope that Jae-in and Da-hyun with Tae-ha's help file criminal charges against her. Possibly they will have to wait slightly until figuring what Han joo Chemicals and Tae-ha's father are up to.

I also agree with your assessment of Jae-in's relationship with his mother. Jae-in isn't the most open guy with his feelings. So, it may take some time before he can tell her about how he feels, but I think he will at some point. I think the real obstacle will be Da-hyun's parents. They are so dead set against a wealthy son-in-law that it makes me think that there maybe some family history or back story.


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One of my favourite aspects of the original was the rapport Jae In and Tae Ha developed during and post the kidnapping. Also agree that Joo Hee is unthinkingly crazy.

The mom here annoys me a bit. She is very different here from the original in that she seems to be a combination of Tae Ha's mom and Jae In's from the original. I think what bugs me even more is the dramatic irony here. When Jae In gave here the model gift, she was so touched and praised her son's character. She is unaware of the way Da Da has affected Jae In. This frustration is exacerbated when I think about how emotional mother and son got when Jae In called her on his birthday to thank her for raising her well. I would really love then to resolve this in the next episode. It was fun to see Tae Ha's mom get owned by Jae In's mom in this version though.


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Yeah, I think if Jae-in just let's his mom know that Da-hyun is the reason he was able to express his feelings to her his mom will accept Da-hyun without hesitation.


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Jae In's mom has been kept in the dark for this series. All she knows is that Grandpa is forcing her son to date some woman he calls "special." Grandpa didn't share legitimate reasons why, and Jae In hasn't shared his feelings for Da-da with his mom, so I feel like I'd want to protect a son from that as well. I hope once Mom has the full picture she'll be reasonable.


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The mom has noticed the subtle changes in Jae In and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the reason is Da Hyun. The mom knows he likes her because she commented on it when he had on the green suit. She might not have the full picture but the pieces she has should be enough to make her rethink a few things.


I really loved the Jae In-Tae Ha scene too! hehe I'm really looking forward to their team up.

I think you're right @BossyPixie that including Jae In's punch is a good indicator to Tae-Ha of Jae In's real feelings for Da Hyun. At the beginning of Episode 11, after Jae In chases Da Hyun at the park (where she finds out about the missing page of the will) Tae Ha wonders to himself if Jae In actually does like Da Hyun. So this incident provides further clarity to Tae Ha about where Jae In stands, and since we know from before that Tae Ha was wary about chasing his cousin's girl, he'll respect the couple's relationship, and maybe even be their supporter too when they eventually have to convince the parents & family, yayy
side note: does anyone actually know the real contents of the will? When Da Hyun gets married she'll get the SH Group inheritance? Or Jae In, or anyone else, who dates Da Hyun for six months will get the inheritance?

Yep, Joo Hee really unbelievable. What I don't understand is why she must go to Lawyer Park and ask why Jae In is ignoring her so much. In her first interaction with Da Hyun (Ep 9), Lawyer Park already tells her that Jae In and Da Hyun are serious, not to mess with them and that Jae In probably loves her. It's hard to empathise with Joo Hee (I don't think anyone can) when she seems to have an inablity to listen, understand and process, what the people around her are actually trying to say.

Did anyone else notice that during the transfer of Da Hyun, she was basically pulling on Jae In's tie the entire time? HAHAHAH Must be some subconscious working in there

Also it seems that the episode titles are a bit off. In Episode 11 titled "Drunken Confessions: Do you want to see this through until the end, even though it may be hard?" we see in this episode, a drunk Da Hyun scene where Jae In asks her this question.
And this episode's title also has nothing to really do with the actual contents of the episode. It's probably some sort of editing error. Her absence: It feels like my heart is going to disappear makes me think of this teaser (might be spoilery, but was released 26.9.16): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GAEqc6IxjI which is just... *sobs*.....with Jae In..


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I think the titles are an episode off too. I thought maybe it was just an error (one of MANY) at DramaFever.

I'm always happy when someone else brings up little things I notice. So I don't feel crazy. lol.


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Yay, finally, the recap for this episode is up! Been refreshing this site after seeing it'll be the next one to posted, lol. Thanks HappilyEverAfter for a great recap. :-) I totally agree with everything you said on your thoughts/comments about this episode. Tae-Ha turning against Joo-hee (and siding with Jae-In), was not surprising for me, since I saw the original and the kidnapping part of Da-hyun in this episode was similar in the original (with Jae-In punching Tae-Ha, but then, he found out that his cousin didn't kidnapped Da-hyun, his crazy and obsessed ex-fiancée did...Joo-hee's actually far more worst in the original compared to here, which she's mostly just annoying...). Glad to finally see the cousins talking to each other nicely. Can't wait till Joo-hee gets caught (and be punished for what she did), so she'll leave our poor Da-hyun alone. Hope Da-hyun and Jae-In would end their dating contract soon, admit their real feelings for each other, and start anew. Can't wait for this week's Episodes 13 and 14!! Can't believe there are just 4 more episodes left! I want to see mooooorree!!!!


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I too am looking forward to Joo Hee's comeuppance. I get even more exited by the distinct possibility that this Jae In has the potential of being way more forceful here than the original was; and the original was not all too pleased.


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OMG Joo-hee is worse in the original? How is that possible? LOL I'm starting to appreciate the tiny steps kdramas have made towards improving second leads over the years...


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Tiny steps indeed, or so it seems.

Joo Hee in the original did not know boundaries. Well, this one is no different, but suffice to say she imposed herself on Jae In by way of his family.


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I feel compelled to watch the original after this series is over


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I gave DaDa my standing ovation when she talked back to Jo Hee and said that Jo hee should said that she love Jae In to Jae in himself not to her. Jo hee is another level of clingy exgirlfriend SMH

I am ready to embrace the epic bromance between Jae In and Tae Ha..

By The Way, Am I only one who think that DaDa can introduce Tae Ha to her friend Hyun Jin... Haha I thought Hyun Jin frank and lovable personality can match with Tae Ha...



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I was thinking that too! Hyun Jin and Tae Ha seem like they would be good together.


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I also kind of like that idea, but then Hyub-jin would have to have Tae-ha's mom as a mother-in-law. *shudder*


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In the original drama, they end up together too - and
Tae Ha's mother ends up loving her as a daughter-in-law. Of course, she's a doctor in that version.


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From your lips to the drama gods ears. Lol.


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I think we need a spinoff about hyun jin and tae ha,
or hyun jin and the lawyer friend,

hyun jin is such a fun girl and she cares so much,
hyun jin probably can summon something out of tae-ha

ok puppy, it's your cue to appear


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I absolutely loved the Tae Ha and Hyun Jin pairing in the original mostly because they were two very broken people who found that something in each other. The original paired off a few more couples in the end. If the opening credits are anything to go by, this might do the same. Heck, this show has enough material to go for another season.


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In the original version tae ha end up with hyun jin, ofc with concern from his mom. But hyun jin in original version is not assertive like in new version, so idk what the writer nim would do later. I prefer hyun jin in this version.


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That would be awesome if the stoic Tae Ha is paired with brazen but fun loving Hyun Jin. But that needs to happen in ep 13 cause we dont have enough episodes. Only 4 more to go


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I am okay with that, though since I didnt watch the original I was first hoping Hyun Ji to end up with Lawyer Park


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Hyun-jin and Lawyer Park would also make a nice pairing. As far as pairings go, I just hope that Joo-hee ends up with no one, ever.


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Or she can marry Grandpa! Hahaha...that's actually Jae In's retort earlier.

Well, I don't wish this crazy woman on gramps either, he'll surely be sent to early death by her.


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Tae Ha!!!! I knew he was a good guy underneath the contempt for Jae In. They've been pit against each other because of their parents. Now that they're working together they'll be unstoppable.

Joo Hee...just ugh. Hyung Joon tells her Jae In is in love and to give up. Her reaction is to kidnap Da Hyun, drug her and set her up to caught in a hotel room. Yeah, 'cause that will win him back. As a woman Joo Hee is despicable. What if Tae Ha was one of those rich douche bags that thinks he untouchable and has no respect for women? Da Hyun could have been raped. Joo Hee just isn't getting the hint. UGH.

My favorite scene this episode has to be drunk Da Hyun and to the rescue Jae In featuring nosy friend Hyun Jin. The whole scene was cute but I loved Hyun Jin asking if she could stay with them. She is really enjoying watching Da Hyun and Jae In just as much as I am.

Idk why Jae In's mom thinks that Joo Hee would be the one to care for him. If that is what she truly wants then shouldn't she want whoever he wants? I never understand those rich mothers.

I was rewatching the previous eps and it occurred to me that maybe the reason for all of his "no cheating" and "I won't acknowledge any male friends" comes from his bio dad. If his father left him and his mom for another woman of course it would hurt but that just set in motion everything else. His dad leaves, his mom leaves for another country causing him to be adopted by his uncle who then dies. Then along comes Joo Hee, who he maybe started to like but it turns out she only wanted him for his title. He asks for a pre-nup for the divorce he sees as an eventuality. Just a thought.

Thanks for the recap!


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Jae In's mom doesn't really know the true face to JooHee and she still thinks DH as someone forced down the throat by their grandfather.
She is yet to see his son's love for DH is genuine and not part of a business deal. I hope she understands soon that DH is the one who will truly take care of her son.

My frustration is with JI. He knows about DH's feelings for him and in a way ready for consequences that come with choosing DH. But why is not sorting all this with a sober DH.
urrghhhhh. what is he waiting for?


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@bubbles. A lot happened and quickly in this episode. I think Jae In wanted to address what happened the night before on the car ride over to Da Da's school, but probably felt he didn't have enough time to.


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oh Jae-In and his dad's history theory is makes sense,
maybe he doesn't believe that people can become friends without ulterior motive,
or you'll lose someone when you obtained someone


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JI's mom tinks of caring as in helping JI in the business world. To use Joohee's family connections to strengthen the company and secure JI's footing in the company. She doesnt think about caring as in love or JI's feelings. JI too with his mom keeps each other at a respectable distance- they dont talk about their feelings, her grief, his difficulty or DH to her. Literally very little communication. That phonecall on his birthday is like a blue moon for them.


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Ah!!! And there it ended, we have to wait for tomorrow's ep.
Iam really enjoying this show by the minute. It's now a certainty that Jae In and Da Hyun are head-over-heels for each other and now iam positive that at this point, not even the contract itself can tear these two apart,not to mention the two "witches" whom i actually think their wickedness is due to lack of maturity.
Joo Hee claimed herself the 'most educated' than Da Hyun but the actions speak otherwise. Aunt is considered "elderly" but humilliating someone publicly that's "immaturity".
Yeah! I said it.
Iam starting to like Tae Ha though, for reasons unknown.........yet.


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Evil ex-girlfriend is a typical kdrama trope but I am not minding her so much here. Drama has given us more funny and winning moments in Dada and Joo Hee's confrontations. I hate shows where the protagonist is too nice, doesn't know how to fight back and always loses. The kidnapping was the epitome of craziness. Thankfully it was short and created the opportunity for Tae Ha to reveal his true self.


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the ex is so evil that I see her kidnapping plan as a sign that she is defeated by Dada,
nothing she did when she is sober will work for Dada so she became crazy,

the ex is so typical but Dada's reaction to her is what I loved the most,
Dada is kind and nice but that doesn't mean she shouldn't talks back to Jo-hee on every bullshit she said,


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Still madly in love with this show (I have lost count of how many times I've rewatched every episode) and it's refreshing and long awaited for take on what a female lead can be like. How many of us have been LONGING for DaDa? For like...forever! I really wished the drama had not gone for the kidnapping trope though. It's just one step too far into makjang and this drama has been really good about not 'going there'. So I'm a bit disappointed in this last episode. Because I also am betting psycho ex/wanna-be girlfriend will never be held legally accountable...which means she should be put in jail! :( If you watched the original then it wouldn't have been a surprise at Tae Ha's coming out as a good guy. He also falls for our lead's sister in the original so him ending up with the girlfriend is a good bet. But there's also the very adorable lawyer buddy whose sage advice about flowers had me LMAO!!!


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Right there with you in loving this drama. About the kidnapping as a makjang element, I think it was necessary to resolve other issues--as those who watched the original would be aware. In a way it feels a bit like a deus ex machina without being too much of one.


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I agree with you that the kidnapping felt completely unnecessary (makjang!) here, but I highly suspect that they just added it in to be faithful to the original to some degree. Which also explains why it was resolved so quickly: this show has never been about the needless typical kdrama frou-frou and so, in being faithful to the original with this completely unrealistic turn of events, they just shut that foolishness out in 5 mins tops and went riiiiight back to what makes us loooove the show: Jae-In and DaDa just being a normal adult couple in the 21st century.
is it Wednesday yet??


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Thanks for the recap, HappilyEverAfter!
I felt terrible for da hyun at the party, first that awful, evil ex-fiance, then that terrible aunt and then she has to hear jae in's mom tell him not to hang around one person, I don't blame her, I would have wanted to leave immediately too.

Happy tae ha and jae in are on the same side now, please bring down the evil, psychopath joo hee soon.


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This drama is my warm-and-fuzzy feeling zone... I love this episode, but also can't help thinking:
1. Please help me to understand, why can't Jae In and Da Hyun date for real? I mean except from their different background?
2. Damn, that party is boring AF!! No music, no entertainment, no speech... Just people standing, talking and eating. Wasn't that party supposed to be JI's commpany anniversary??
3. Why Tae Ha's mom is so rude?? What did she gain by carelessly harrasing Dae Hyun like that?? That act was so not classy and out of the blue, imo...
4. The actress who played Jo Hee turned out to be former Miss Korea!! Mind-blowing!!
5. So happy, Tae Ha is not evil... I kinda feel sad for him when Jae In punched him, without even saying sorry after that!! He looks like a little kid when he sit in JI's livingroom... LO
6. Did anyone notice how terrible the security in DH' s school? No one was there?? No guards at all??

Anw, 4 episodes left... I hope the story wraps with a satisfying ending for all of us! Fingers-crossed :))


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1) The contract, because they clearly said in the beginning that they are not each other type and will not end up together, I take it as "the confused pride". They don't have the courage if it's gonna work and got hurt because of it.
Their marriage is out of the norm for their family and their own plan. Jae In and his family want to strengthen their business and Dada and her family want a normal life (but we know it gotta change, right?)

2) I think the point of the party is that "the rich people party" is not about the actual party , the music and the people dancing around but about meeting people and build a connection, showing off what you did and who is people you should aware of, besides Dada leaves early,
So Dada is like us, we can't understand it because it serves different purpose than the party we understand.

3) Tae-Ha's mum probably still in her rude princess's pride entity, she wants his son to be the king and all the relative are from noble/royal families.

4) oh really??? thank you!!

5) I feel for Tae ha when he said that the mall is his life, oh boy, he is a loyal guy

6) Idk about the school, but it seems like a small school and has small staff, I remember seeing someone that gives JI permission before entering the class,



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I wonder if Jae-in is trying a little too hard to live up to her expectations because he feels like he has to do everything that her real son would’ve done, and that’s why he’s reluctant to go against his mother. He knows that he’s basically all she has left, and he’s afraid of hurting her or disappointing her.

Jae-in’s mother tells Grandpa that Jae-in may be stoic, but he’s a filial son and takes good care of the people around him.

My heart goes out to Jae In. He has always been taking care of people around him(now Tae Ha too) but he neglected himself. First, he persuaded himself that it's for his own good and his biological mother's that he had to be adopted by Mom. Not only did he not bear any parent a grudge, he took care of his biological mom & her family and also he takes care of his adoptive mom.

He is stoic alright. Has he ever complain to his biological mom that she lavished all her affections on her daughter but none for him? Nope, he stood from afar and watched it all. The fact that he treats his stepfather and stepsister well shows that he neither pities himself or bore resentment although it must be hard not to. Has he ever complain to his adoptive mom that he never got to celebrate his birthday? I guess he just accepts that she can't because it's the death anniversary of her dead son. Instead he tries his hardest to fill that void in her heart although he knows deep down that he will never be able to.

Perhaps because of all these, Jae In has shut out his own emotions and thoughts for so long that he never thought of telling anyone what he truly feels or wants.

I'm not sure why Mom never asks JI what he wants. I feel that she understands little about him or never tries to draw him out of his shell. She loves him in a way but there's something lacking. I wonder if she cognizant of the fact.


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Love your take on Jae In, ET! I've been thinking the same way but you articulate it so much better.. ?

But this just makes me so sad for JI.


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You really put JI's character and upbringing into perspective.
He had to be robotic and efficient hence the work maniac that he is. He doesnt stop to think its normal to celebrate birthdays cause he doesnt any more. It was like the boy on the day his cousin died literally grew up over night to be the man his current adoptive mother requires.
Really sad.
I'm glad Dada threw him a party, gave him his first cake and birthday gift in over 2 decades.


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really good analysis of Jae In !


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So, let me get this straight...
Current mom is LJI stepmom. Grandpa's son is the dead dad hence the Lee family name, real mom got married again with foreigner and he got half sister. TH mom is real dad's sister.

Did i got this right?


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Based on Rude Aunt's conversation with Tae Ha, Grandpa had two sons and one rude daughter. Jae In's adopted mom was married to the eldest son, so she's really his aunt. Jae In is from the second son (who left the family and/or died?), but was adopted by his uncle and aunt when their son died, and then at some point, uncle/dad died, making Jae In heir to Grandpa, with Tae Ha next in line.


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For all the usual reasons that you dont want to watch a drama- cause the plot has been done to death cause its a contractual agreement cause theres lot of cliches. But for all the same reasons I love this drama. Its such an easy watch cause Jae In and Dada's dating feels like real dating- threading sometimes carefully sometimes sheepishly sometimes unwarranted but unstoppable jealousy and the trying to know, understand each other.
I am thankful for the trajectory in Tae Ha's character- 1 crazy Joo hee is enuf. So im hoping more growth in Tae Ha's character that ultimately he is the one to defeat his very greedy parents.
Ordering more servings of Jae In and Dada- they are so cute together. Those immediate smiles when they see each other. Sigh and i love that conversation of Dada and her bestie. So TRUE. Sometimes its just that 1 or 2 things you discover in someone that you love and it's this 'CHARM', thing that makes you fall for that person even if there 98 or 99 other negatives about him. Its love when all those other negatives pale in comparison.


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beanies....I hope you can answer my question.
I was about to post a comment, but I realised that I referenced previous episodes. Does this count as spoilers???????

If not....I cry. :'-(


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Previous episode is not a spoiler. Spoiler would be like talking ab


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Accidentally tapped post. Spoiler would be like talking


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AHHHHHHHH!!! Sorry, typing on my tablet. Spoiler would be like talking about episode 10 in the episode 9 recap.


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hahaha computer is always the best ?? (i say while on my phone) but thanks for your reply! i can post my comment now haha


@ azamions

Hi, I only saw your comment above that is not a spoiler.

If you're mean can you refer to previous episodes of this 2016 version of the show in this thread, yes, you can.

If you watched the 2003 version of this same show and want to talk about that one as well, then you need to make sure you don't include spoilers about what will happen after the kidnapping.

(I did watch and I know and I can't say anything about it as well!!!)

Hope this helps!


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ok!!!! yep i wanted to talk about ep 11 and 9 from this series. thanks!


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That's sweet of you to ask. :D


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Ma 1st time posting a lengthy comment -- gotta be sure!!
I posted in comment 4.2!! haha



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Thanks for the recap! I've been waiting for this, refreshing N times a day, since Friday. Haha! I really dunno why but even though the plot is nothing new and the tropes pretty cliché, I find myself really enjoying this show. Maybe it's the leads' chemistry, or their facial expressions and body language? Gah! They're really just so adorable.. ???


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It's been several episodes and I still just want to know who Plot Puppy belongs to!!! Why was it on that random ledge??!!


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Ok, can someone tell me how Joo-hee knew the terms of the contract? If it's from the one stolen from DaDa's house, the last page was supposedly missing so there should be no mention of Tae-ha being a contender. So, how did she know Tae-ha was part of the equation?

Also, didn't the grandfather willed everything to DaDa and whomever she chose? So, technically, she's the wealthiest one among them and JI's mother shouldn't have any problems with that!


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Yes, this same question came to my mind as well. There is a bit of a plothole because we cannot tell how seeing the contract that Da Hyun had enabled both Tae Ha's dad and now Joo Hee to know that there was another part that gave Tae Ha 2nd dibs on Da Hyun.

It's not shown, but possibly from Da Hyun's contract, they (I believe it was Tae Ha's father) dug up all the rest of the info and shared it with the Han Group. The why's of this, are not too clear to me, just that Han wants to take over SH Group and Tae Ha's father seems to be in league.


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Actually that's how I understood it. Hahaha....I didn't even think it was illogical or something, is it?


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@ ET
No, not illogical, just that we have to fill in the gaps ourselves, therefore it's a plothole. But I forgive the show for plotholes because the couple is just sooooo sweet, and the plotholes don't spoil the story or distract much.

I forgive everything, like even the datedness of the look or the not so great production values or the illogical-ness of Joo Hee going the way (of the old show) of kidnapping Da Hyun.

I do like the music transitions and the fact that the show is so succinct. The only thing I'd like more of, is more lengthly scenes where the OTP's interactions are not suddenly cut short. :)


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Oooh...is that the definition of plothole?

I'm not a fussy viewer. Most important thing is that overall the drama must work then I am forgiving of plotholes and all. See, I didn't even noticed them! But some shows get on my nerves so much that I start nitpick and a small hole look like a chasm :D


Heheheh! That's normal for most of us viewers. We don't nit pick just to nit pick (well sometimes) but when we get annoyed with a show. :)


I imagine joo hee hire healer to hack lawyer park computer...


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This show's OTP is the 1% why I'm loving this show.


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Can anyone explain to me what did. grandfather's response of getting angry meant? I depend on the subs to understand the dialogues n they were not very clear.
What did employee kang inform grandpa n why was he angry?
Is it because dada wasin trouble?


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Hi @ Jis

It was not made clear even when I watched (and re-watched). Grandpa just said 'What is Jae In doing?' very angrily. My guess is that he's probably upset that Da Hyun was kidnapped and thinks it has something to do with Jae In, and is wondering if Jae In is doing to recover her or not. Maybe he feels a little guilty since he forced Da Hyun into Jae In's world, and the kidnapping would not have happened if he had not done so. He may not really know at this stage how attached Jae In is to Da Hyun yet, unless Secretary Kang told him. If he didn't know, he might be worried that Jae In is not doing much.


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Hi @Growingbeautifully

Thanks :)


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Grandpa truly likes DaDa as she reminds him of his deceased wife and would like for her to become a daughter in law. He used the will as a means to introduce her to Jae In, get them to interact and hopefully fall for each other. He entrusted her to Jae In's protection and was upset she was endangered.


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Thanks HappilyEverAfter!

Some random thoughts about this lovely show:

There's such a great difference in how Da Hyun takes Jae In's arm compared to how Joo Hee did it. She offered her hand first and only after he took it with pleasant surprise did she then take his arm. He looked mighty proud.

In ep 7 Jae In tells Tae Ha that if he wants to win against him, he should let go of his parents then he would consider him a worthy opponent. In this episode Tae Ha has the opportunity to do that and he goes one further when he returns Da Hyun to Jae In without any conditions, plus he goes on to join forces with Jae In against his own father. Why does that feel so good? LOL. Yes I want more family for Jae In who is also a puppy who grew up somehow although abandoned twice.

I find it quite funny that the 2 cousins are more alike than they know (or wanted to be). Both are 'married' to their jobs and don't want to play a losing game. We hear both of them say so at different times. Once Tae Ha mentions this, Jae In completely understands and takes action straightaway.

So inadvertently Da Hyun has done so much good... not only has her 'teaching' and making Jae In 'more human' made him a little politer, he is happier, has become more affectionate, gains him an ally in his cousin and leads to his return to the Group. Exactly what both his mother and grandfather want. How perfectly does Grandpa's plan work out!!! Heheheh!


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Yes, Jae In is a puppy too!

I really like the development of Tae Ha and Jae In's relationship. I think Tae Ha is almost as lonely as Jae In is, his parents are terrible! Now, the two cousins can show the older folks how to run a business and how a family should look like :)

OMG! I just googled Kim Heong Min who plays Tae Ha, he's actually a year younger than Ha Suk Jin! I thought it was funny that Tae Ha called JI 'hyung' because JI looked younger. Ha Suk Jin really has a baby face :D


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Ahhh Can't wait for ep 13 and 14. I was very surprised with how civil Jae in's mum was towards Dada. I was expecting a wicked witch of the west mother in law treatment. Looks like she is not going to be that hard on her after all (with propper convincing from Jae in)

And didn't you love the moment she held his arm coming back to the party and the look of pride in his eyes!!! Shame it lasted seconds... I felt sorry for Dada and all the nastyness she had to endure. At the end of the day, she has proven she has a lot more class than some of the "super high society people" present at the party.

Finally.... yes !! Im rooting for Tae Ha-Hyun-jin ;)


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That moement when they were hand in hand could have been their wedding day. Jae In was beaming!


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SERIOUSLY?!! Where is a truck of doom when you need one?!! This drama has been giving me what i want from other dramas so i would'nt mind if the white truck of doom makes an appearance, i so want this crazypants Joo-hee off my screen. Thanks for the recap.


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In the first 3 episodes, I keep comparing them to the original version. But as the show progress, they seriously have their own charms that keeps making me forget the old one (I mean it's Kang Dongwon, and we DONT think his drama/movie is not cool even the old ones) but now I'm seriously in the guilt of thinking that Ha Sukjin's Lee Jaein is a lot cooler (and hotter) than KDW's.
I think they deserve better (I mean like popular, not hating you dramax) broadcasting channel, because they're so good, so bold (they got kiss scene EVERY WEEK!) and seriously well written (or maybe the writer feels like there's something incomplete with the 2003 version) that I want them at least on tvn or jtbc! (Even though tvn universe is totally gonna make me breakdown with 3 HSJ's show in a row, I'm still in)
Now every week I'm rolling around in bed while scratching my head waiting for Wednesday to come. And seriously, this show totally becomes one of the show that never gonna leave my brain even after years.


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I am so with you that they deserve a better broadcasting channel. Like you said, nothing against dramax but this gem is too good to be hidden.

3 HSJ’s show in a row

which is the 3rd? I only know DS and this one. Pray tell me, I am not getting enough of this guy!


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There was reality/variety/drama within drama After the show end with Yoon Sohee. I want so bad to watch it but no subs :(


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the 3rd one is an experimental - reality/tv drama/documentary. Its called after the show ends


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Oh yes! I wanna watch that but no SUBS!

The way HSJ kissed YSH against the glass window was too hot, I caught myself breathing hard, LOL.


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Yeah me too. I actually watch few ep raw. Theres this masculine aura from HSJ. And he pairs well with all his costars on drinking solo, 1% and after the show ends.too bad noone's subbing the latter


Yup its after the show end, I was kinda skeptical with that one. But like you say, I can't just get enough of HSJ.


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lol @ "they kiss EVERY WEEK" ! and very naturally so !


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Those kisses are totally swoon worthy.


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Just like thatstp said, every kiss scene is totally make me swoon.
And he is a famous kisser in this industry. Every actress he works with praise him and choose him as the best kisser.


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I can't believe I'm late to this recap party! My eyes were rolling every time Joo Hee was on screen, she's just really annoying. But thanks I guess for giving TaeHa the opportunity to be among those that JaeIn protects.

My only wish for this episode was that they have given more screentime for the OTPs together awake and sober but still loving the show and cant wait for ep 13.

Thank you for the recap @happilyEverAfter!


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I do hope they muster the courage to be frank now and ditch that Damocles' sword of a contract.


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Yes, before it reaches it's Wiesmann level limit and destroys all the progress our cute couple has made.


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I seriously ? this drama! Adore it to bits!! ???


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These were two interesting episodes. I know this is based on the original drama but was still hoping they would be done away with, especially the crazy ex and kidnappings. At least it got resolved pretty quickly, and we got to see the cute bro-bonding scene between Tae Ha and Jae In.

Looking forward to a proper confession between our couple this week! Its about time isn't it?


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The hotel storyline is simply something taken from the original drama. Also the reason why I looked forward to the remake from the start.
Back there, Da Hyun dressed like 12-year-old girl, never drank alcohol, still lived in her childhood room with her friend/stepsister, used her desk from school years, her father used to drive her to school like she was the one to study there and when her parents forbade her dating Jae In, her reaction was like that of a well-mannered little girl, who was told that shirt isn´t modest enough to church. The idea was for Tae Ha to rape her, which would make it impossible for Jae In to marry her and she´d have no choice but to marry Tae Ha. Because the notion back then to have sex before wedding was unthinkable and unspeakable even after it. Couples kiss rarely in Korean dramas, but comparing to the shows of the early 2000s, they´re slutty. In this modern version it truly doesn´t make sense.


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That's the feeling that I got from the original, too. That if Tae-ah raped her,
A.) She would have been unable to marry into Jae-In's family

B.) She would have been unable to forgive Jae-In for not protecting her (I know it isn't his fault, but I guess the idea was that he would have guarded a "real" girlfriend properly.

And yes, it doesn't quite make sense in a modern context because she could have Tae-ah jailed for rape and Jae-In would know she didn't sleep with him willingly. The original did have the unspoken thought behind it that if Tae-In raped her, her virginity once lost would be this bitter barrier between the leads - with her unable to forgive him for not shielding her from his vicious enemies and him unable to marry her knowing she had slept with his cousin, albeit unwillingly.

We've come a long way because today she would have the option to prosecute and to heal and no one would blame her for what happened. Granted that things don't always turn out this way in real life, but knowing that audience members can believe that Dada wouldn't be helpless is social growth.


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I'd like to add that in the original (and for lots of shows during that time and before), the virginity was the prize. If it was taken by force, then it was seen as some horrible wrong that couldn't be corrected, wounding the rest of the girl's life.

In current times, it seems that a woman herself is tge prize rather her virginity. Even if that virginity is taken by force, or given away to someone else, the essence of the woman's value and the value of her life is still in tact. It may be a wound that never completely heals, but her entire future isn't painted with the broad brush of "raped". Instead, she is a whole woman, with her virginity to be seen as only one part of that whole.

It's not that Dada's decision to wait for marriage isn't important, but that she isn't defined by this one thing, especially in such an unbalanced way that it could sink any of her future happiness. I am constantly surprised by the subtle little signs of sexism that I hadn't really been aware of as I lived through those older decades, but seeing this show back to back - the old vs. the new - has given me some revelations about the kind of expectations I lived under when I was growing up. It is heartening to know that the Dada's of today can be more than survivor's and that their worth isn't based on one single moment. Instead, they are valuable because they "are". They exist, a sum of all their parts, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the perfect and the imperfect, real, and whole, and constantly evolving.


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I don't really like romance-driven drama's (I need some darkness and mystery for me to fall in love with a drama) but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the natural relationship between Jae-in and Da-hyun. I hate when characters start dating/like each other, but holding hands and hugging happens once every episode and it is *O H* *S O* *I M P O R T A N T*.

Real relationships aren't usually like that at all, and I love that these two characters love to touch each other constantly, and be close to each other. That contact gives authenticity to their feelings, and makes me much more invested in their relationship. Hope more dramas take note, and make their relationships like this!


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The build up to the first kiss and the lucky if you have it follow up kisses really is frustrating in other dramas. The worst is the oh so dramatic hug that's supposed to be this big romantic gesture. You could fill 12 dramas with just the chemistry and skinship from this one drama. Funny enough, they didn't have to use any over the top expression of skinship to sell this relationship either.


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@hades.red and @the-basketcase I so agree with both you!

I am not a romance drama person and I thought it's because the genre is just not for me. Now I know it's because so many dramas do it wrong.

For the longest time, I couldn't get behind all those dramatic hugs and kisses which got fans squealing and me just cold. This drama however gives me all the flutters and heart palpitations.


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AFter the two "Moon" dramas... this is the only drama i decided to really watch and waited to read as a recap. i think i did watch the old version but weirdly can't remember the ending.

The great thing about this drama for me is that even though I'm not that familiar with the work of the two main leads, the way the story is and how they acted has drawn me in and it makes me love everything about it and excited for the next episodes. GOOD JOB over all. I wonder how it is rating wise in KOrea?


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Here you go. I got this from user Kiara over on the weekly ratings post.


Sorry for the reply in the wrong place below and the double post.


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Here you go. I got this from user Kiara over on the weekly ratings post.



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That kidnapping out of nowhere threw me for a loop.

Yay for the bromance!


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Good god does anybody know whats the name of the song, the one right before this episode ended like bruh ive been searching for it endlessly and im desperate!!!!! Please tell me if you know


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