Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Time to peek in on the Team Dramabeans watchlist, which I swear just keeps growing and growing. You’d think that shows routinely end at the same rate that new shows begin, and yet, dramaland math is just about as reliable as my real-world math. Which is to say, *throws hands in air* *gives up* I’m never upset about having shows to enjoy watching, but dramaland does feel like it consumes way more time than the literal hours it takes to watch its offerings, doesn’t it? —javabeans



Currently recapping: Moonlight Drawn By Clouds

The K2: Okay, we geddit, this show is All Action, All the Time! The thing is, I only think the action is cool about half the time, when the action coincides with a cool plot or relationship development. When it’s just there to be there, I tune out. (That shower scene was silly beyond words.) Which I suppose is just another way of saying I like shows that have cool plot and relationship developments, and don’t care when screentime is wasted on unnecessary showing off.

Fantastic: I’m so glad Ji-soo is back! The thing is, I am not watching this show just for him, and I really enjoy all of the characters (even the ones I love to hate, because I love to hate them)… but when the Park Shi-yeon and Ji-soo storyline was being back-burnered during his illness, the show happened to also get more serious with the cancer stuff, and I felt like my bright happy spots had dimmed. Now they’re back and I’m excited again.

Cinderella and the Four Knights: This show ended exactly how I thought it would, and wrapped up its loose ends in a benign happy bow. Despite often being overly simplistic and driven by a super-obvious storyline, it had a funny little charm that was buoyed by the cuteness of its lead couple and an overall good-natured attitude.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: The story is getting more interesting, but I feel like the execution is getting worse, and it’s gone from making me sad to making me mad. I keep telling myself I’ll let go of the what-ifs and if-onlys—but since I do quite like parts of the show, I can’t help feeling indignant that the result is so far below What Should Have Been. A lot of things got on my nerves this week, like the jarring transitions and IU’s stupid limping, but worst of all was that utter shitfest of an ending preview, which was legitimately the worst episode-ending preview I have ever watched in my entire life. I can’t believe the producers just undid all of the hard work the episode achieved in terms of conflict escalation and suspense-building, and just poop-bombed the “gotcha!” teaser in our laps at the end. How. Dare. You.

Drinking Solo: I do wish Ha Suk-jin hadn’t been quite as big an ass as he was this week, but my silver lining is that I will enjoy the hell out of him having to pay for that next week when Park Ha-sun doesn’t take him seriously. Of course I want the romance to happen (eventually), but I’ve got a little bloodlust to satisfy first.

Woman With a Suitcase: I caught the first couple episodes to get a sense of the show, and found it more engaging than I was anticipating, though a bit rough around the edges. It’s pretty low down on my priority list, but I was glad to see Choi Ji-woo being sassy and thought the legal cases were interesting, if rushed.

Shopping King Louis: This show should never keep Seo In-gook and Nam Ji-hyun apart, because they are 100 percent of its addictive charm. So sweet, so weird, so feel-good and underdoggy. I love Louis’s forthright, childlike way of expressing his feelings, even if he doesn’t always understand what those feelings mean. It’s all honest gut expression, zero interpretation.

1% of Anything: This show is interesting, in that it feels very old-school—I know it’s a remake, but usually remakes have an updated twist or a fresh feel. And it’s not only the story that feels dated, but also the directing and cinematography—it’s a little low-rent. That said, the show picks up cutely once the leads get together, even if reality does actually get in the way by making it hard for me to buy Ha Suk-jin as the lead when he’s romancing another girl on a different night of the week. For me, Jeon So-min makes this work—she’s like the new Jang Nara, equal parts everygirl and sass.



Jealousy Incarnate: Aaaaaaaaah, it’s so good this week! *Rewind* *Replay* *Rewind* *Replay* *Rewind* *Replay*

Cinderella and the Four Knights: I ended up enjoying this drama, even though the final conflict was dumb as rocks. But Park So-dam and Jung Il-woo were so adorable as a couple that I was able to power through Grandpa’s classist nonsense to get to the sweet stuff. It was as predictable as a drama could be, but it was satisfying comfort food—maybe something of the frothy sugary variety, but comforting all the same.

On the Way to the Airport: The atmosphere of this drama is kind of magnetic—there’s a tension to everything and the mood is so palpable, even when it seems like nothing significant is happening. I haven’t been hooked by a straight-up conventional melodrama in a while, but this director is so good that I’m getting caught up in all the little moments. It’s a purely sentimental show—there’s little else left if you take out the emotion—but it’s not pretentious, and I like that.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Lee Jun-ki being a hero! And getting a loveline! Is it Christmas? Also, was that so &$%#&$* hard?!

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: It’s funny, the show got sad this week, but I realized I wasn’t crying anymore, which is odd since this show usually makes me teary-eyed at the littlest of things. But then Park Bo-gum started crying. And then I was toast.

Drinking Solo: Park Ha-sun’s ‘90s dance-ballad-dance-ballad marathon made my day. I love this quirky little show, but I’m so mad at Ha Suk-jin’s character right now that the sentiment carried over into 1% of Anything, where he ALSO plays a jerk. At least they’re both hapless types? I’m not sold on 1% of Anything after only one episode, but it seems like a breezy, low-commitment rom-com.

Fantastic: Javabeans told me to watch this for Ji-soo’s noona romance, which she knew I’d like, except then he got hospitalized and his storyline was in danger of disappearing, so I literally waited to hear that he was returning to set before starting this drama. One marathon later, I like it more than I thought I would, mostly because it’s funny and light despite the cancer premise, and the friendship between the girls is aces.



The K2: It’s nice to have an action drama on my viewing list these days, but the novelty of Ji Chang-wook’s impressive fight scenes is starting to wear off, and now I’m finding all the combat stuff to feel much too much and much too long. Song Yoon-ah, however, plays an ice queen reminiscent of Claire Underwood in House of Cards, so it’s only natural that I love her so!

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: I thought after episode 11, the show had finally found its groove, but then this week’s uneven and not very enthralling episodes immediately proved otherwise. I know now to temper my expectations, but I can’t help but wish for better. “At the very least, there’s Lee Jun-ki and Kang Haneul for your viewing pleasure” is what I tell myself after every disappointing episode.

Shopping King Louis: So cute, so sweet, so [my] precious! The main couple is so endearing, and now I’m wondering what kind of haircut I’d end up with if their lousy stylist cut my tresses based on my name. Actually, scratch that. I don’t think I’d want to find out.



Shopping King Louis: Adorbs. If a baby seal and a baby hedgehog decided to snuggle, it still wouldn’t be as cute as Louis and his puppy-dog adoration for Bok-shil. That being said, this week may be the start of us (and Bok-shil) seeing Louis as more a man than a grown child. There’s his shy roundabout declarations of love, that piggyback ride, and his steady, protective presence during scary nights. Despite the wacky circumstances surrounding them, this may the most grounded, healthy relationship between two equals I’ve seen in dramaland.

Our Gap-soon: Gah. This show just proves I’m a drama masochist. But I had such a fondness for the So-rim couple in We Got Married, that I can’t help but go back to watch its downward spiral into mediocrity.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Finally, we’re getting some momentum in the plot. Now that the king’s dead, we get to see some actual action happen, instead of continual throne-taking plots failing. Err but our main character, Hae Su, seems kind of irrelevant at this point. The hanged court lady would have died from stomach cancer without intervening for Su. It seems like Wook would have turned dark no matter what reasons he’s using to justify it to himself. Hae Su’s warning for the Crown Prince was meaningless since Wook had already sent for him. So is starting to kill off his brothers, despite Su’s attempts to “reform” him. It’s come to the point that I’m wondering if Moon Lovers is actually some sort of meta-mind experiment in favor of determinism, regardless of the time travel variable.


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Watching OTWTTA and agree with girlfriday's take. Its a drama to be savoured. I might be most in love with the house and its atmosphere and will miss Madame Go.

JJS on Jealousy Incarnate and LYS in OTW are both actors who you may not register in those numerous glossy fashion spreads but on screen they are compelling leading men. Its been a long time since GHY did a melo and I had a bit of a crossover moment and really wished for a GHY-LSY melo drama.


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I swear I can hardly contain myself when watching this show - it's so easy on the eyes, ears ... love the direction, love the writing and the actors.
It's been a really long time, since a melodrama hit me that hard. Of all shows I'm watching right now, this is the one I look forward to the most!

So, Lee Sang Yoon, can you please come over and touch my wine glasses? Like...right now?!


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It is indeed very good!

The writer's previous collaborative work is very bittersweet so we will see how this goes (albeit the earlier work was for film and drama is a different beast).


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Guys, if you haven't yet---
check out - Gogh, Starry Night.

This week on Kdrama:
Most Adorable - Louie and Bok-shil
Most Hated Character - Professor Jin Sang (Drinking Solo)
and he's not even a villain.
Favorite Noona Romance - Jisoo and Park Si Yeon
Best Idol Rookie actor (member of a kpop group) - Key as Ki Bum(Drinking Solo)
Best Cry - Park BoGum (coz he's a puppy he got this)
Best Ahjumma - Queen Mother of the 4th prince and Stepmother of Ppal Gang in Jealousy Incarnate.
Most Sweet Innocent Moment - Louie-Bokshil hug on the beach, Seo In Guk's lone tear./ Piggyback ride with Bokshil snuggling on Louie's neck.
Most Boring -K2 and Yoona, PD thinks we are so in awe of those action scenes (yawn)
Too Intense for Nothing - Seohyun of Girl's generations as Sword Dancer/Assasin (MoonLovers)
Most Abused - King Lobster (Drinking Solo)
MoonLovers or MoonLight - Moonlovers for now.
Dangerously Thin but Good Actress - Park Ha Sun (Drinking Solo)
Most Pretty - Stephanie Lee (Second to Last Love)
Best Korean Cinderella in a modern setting - Park So Dam
Best Girl's Generation member as an Actress - Kwon Yuri (Gogh,Starry Night)
Most Depressing Actress - Guess Who? Hint: member of Apink. Yes, Na-eun!
Most Visually Appealing Drama - On the Way to the Airport
plug the hdmi to the 32 inch LED Tv
Most Handsome - Lee Sang Yoon (total package, that UEE is one lucky,lucky girl)
Guy who looks good in a White Sweater - Ji Soo
Best Boyfriend Material - Ji Soo
Best Girlfriend for Ji Soo - Me! ;-)


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I wish I could just like this comment. I really like rewound that scene six times to watch it.


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For some reason this show feels and looks like a dream. The color schematics is so nostalgic, its as if they want to take the viewers on a magical whimsical trip. For a melodrama, its not at all dragging.


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That's it! The atmosphere is so dream-like and heart tugging; getting to the end of an episode feels like waking up from a dream. LSY and KHN are perfect in the roles as kindred spirits.


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Its a bit like In the Mood for Love in being atmospheric and melancholic.


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You just sold the drama to me!

I was very tempted to watch it because i finished Liar Game not a long time ago and really wanted to see the main male actors play together again.

But if you say In the Mood of Love, i'm immediately on board. Where do i sign?


How come I was living under a rock for not knowing about that film! Goodbye sleep.


@Cool Girl, hope it lives up. Keep in mind its a K-drama with a number of episodes so quite different - but so far the way everything is brought together did give me a few ITMFL vibes.


So the reason why some are hating on Moon Lovers because of the 2nd guy syndrome? Lol


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I loved the limping! Almost always in dramas, historical or otherwise, whether torture or near death falling events leave no trace behind, within a day or two at most!


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>>I loved the limping! Almost always in dramas, historical or otherwise, whether torture or near death falling events leave no trace behind, within a day or two at most!<<

But I agree with everything else. There are episodes of this show that are nothing short of magic, and there is a lot going wrong in the process of making those moments happen!


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Just to be clear: I don't mind that the character limps. But I think IU is terrible at acting a limp, and it is so distracting that it gets in my way of watching a scene. I want to stick a rock in her shoe to make it more credible. >.<


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I agree with you. I have had multiple ankle surgeries and if I dont exercise every day, or if it rains, I limp. Seeing her exaggerated, "I'm about to fall" movements makes me feel like she's mocking me. She needs to stand still or just "heal up".


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when my heel ligament was torn, there wasnt just a limp, I basically dragged my foot behind. see injured dogs that cant skip on three for some reason and just drag it- pretty much the same. I could only move really slow. there was not much aof a limp, it was more like the foot was swollen so I couldnt use it at all. but she has a limp like the one you´d get from walking on heels for too long.


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I had a school mate with poliomyelitis, he was limping like IU, it's pity, she'd forgotten which leg it was. I couldn't imagine which of these methods of torture they would use:





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Agree 100% too. And to make it worse she limped on the other leg in a later scene. And I was annoyed at myself for trying to rationalize that perhaps she was trying to show that both legs hurt and not that she forgot.
I know many have been annoyed at the director with the close-up shots (me too) but I realized that if one is getting a close up of a good actor emoting you get sucked in. However, when one is seeing the deer-in-headlights stare all the time, that really turns you off or like me I feel embarrassed for the poor actor. It is like subjecting someone's weakness to extra scrutiny.


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You noticed the change of injured leg also?! Is she going to keep up the limp till series end? Let's all chip in for surgery at Joseon Sports Injury Clinic.


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U much be expecting too much from this drama,100% perfect is impossible! Limping is just to show she is in pain......


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Rethinking abt it, dislike of IU's limping is like me dislike PBG's big mouth & big teeth. I don't watch moonlight bc of this, I just can't stand ........


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That is the first time I've ever heard that Park Bo-gum has a big mouth - I'd have thought the exact opposite, because his mouth actually looks pretty small to me.

One actor whose mouth and teeth are actually distractingly large, though, is Suzy. Though I don't think it's a problem of the features themselves so much as the way she vocalises and attempts facial expressions, which just makes them awkwardly evident (and I can't get the image of horse's teeth out of my head when she opens her mouth to yell).

This isn't a problem I've ever seen with other actors who have big teeth/full mouths (e.g. Kim Go-eun, Park So-dam, Jung Eun-ji, Kim So-hyun) so I really do think it's more about how people control that particular facial feature.


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Disliking IU's limping is not the same as disliking PBG's facial features. The former is a criticism on her acting while the latter is on his looks. Your comment is below the belt.


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This comparison doesn't make sense for two reasons. One, is that PBG mouth and teeth are pretty small compared to the majority of people. But that may just be your own opinion. Secondly, the dislike of IU's limping isn't about how she looks, it's her acting hat puts everyone off. It's one thing to dislike a drama because of their acting, but can't standing to watch a drama because of an actors looks is a different story.


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When PBG smile, his teeth cover >1/3 of his face, might be considered big?!


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I feel the criticism just based on the limping a bit too harsh..give her a break may be. The girl had a lot beating to take for how many days only God knows. Also in Moon lovers times moving quite fast. We even saw one year jump in timeline so may be she had long term pain to handle....lol I'm just imagining things may be ..but my point is a lot if time these scenes won't get through the cut unless director would get approval. So we don't know whether it's the actors fault or not. It could be prompts from the director that made her act that way for all that matter.
Also sometimes I'm happy that I belong to the general audience hehe. Just because I enjoy dramas without knowing which part is qualitatively not up to the level for critics. For instance just the fact that So is becoming more humane and the drama is making some clear cut definition of showing how at contrast.. acts of So and Wool are right now..considering wook is obviously bothered more about doubting Soo...rather than noticing how she said she missed him. Anyway apart from nam ji Hyuk's random love scenes which show could go without .... I think l like the pace of the story now..


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+10000% agree,


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So [my] precious! for Shopping King Louis. Loved the characters' development in this drama.

And at last, the game of thrones for Moon Lovers is finally starting. So hyped for next week.


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I agree. The line IS perfect, GF.

When they loaded their cast up with flower boys, they forgot what the audience is there for. Sure, we'll take some throne intrigue on the side with a dash of action, but, for god's sake, a soft look, a lingering pinkie touch, a lips/cheek graze.
It's Lee effing Jun Ki. He could kiss his (poor dead) horse and we would pant.


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This was meant for v:
-Lee Jun-ki being a hero! And getting a loveline! Is it Christmas? Also, was that so &$%#&$* hard?!

THIS 1000000%

Ah, mornings...


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-Lee Jun-ki being a hero! And getting a loveline! Is it Christmas? Also, was that so &$%#&$* hard?!

THIS 1000000%


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"Also, was that so &$%#&$* hard?!"

I stuck here! help me please XD


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Javabeans on Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo...
"The story is getting more interesting, but I feel like the execution is getting worse, and it’s gone from making me sad to making me mad. I keep telling myself I’ll let go of the what-ifs and if-onlys—but since I do quite like parts of the show, I can’t help feeling indignant that the result is so far below What Should Have Been. A lot of things got on my nerves this week, like the jarring transitions and IU’s stupid limping, but worst of all was that utter shitfest of an ending preview, which was legitimately the worst episode-ending preview I have ever watched in my entire life. I can’t believe the producers just undid all of the hard work the episode achieved in terms of conflict escalation and suspense-building, and just poop-bombed the “gotcha!” teaser in our laps at the end. How. Dare. You."

Considering it is a pre-produced series, and the entire team had loads of time to perfect it, where do you think it all went so wrong? O_O


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I've been planning to marathon this post-Moonlight since I heard the story's a lot better now. Does it get better production-wise though?


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I personally find the SBS re-edited versions just fine (you can find them on kissasian). And while it's true that there are a lot of what ifs and if onlys, there are a lot of good things going for it as well, so maybe try a few episodes and see if you like it. If not just drop it.


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It is wholly a matter of personal preference. Moon Lovers is one of those shows where most people think it's a disaster or grudgingly watch it despite the editing flaws and then you have people like me (maybe only me) who's like omg guyz I actually think this is a masterpiece. I watch it live, spend hours browsing tumblr posts and dropped Moonlight because I couldn't physically focus on another drama in the Monday-Tuesday slot.


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To me, this drama is very polarizing. Those who love it will love it to the core, those who hate it will loath it to the max. I am loving it and couldn't really see the flaws, apart from LJK being my main reason for watching and boy, he does like 99% being the one carrying the show, the storyline is in fact very interesting and I am saying this despite that I have watched the C-version. Nothing is predictable and it feels very refreshing. On a point of drama critics', this show may be a flawed one but there is something very addictive when comes to Moom Lovers. I watched other high rated dramas too this year like Moonlight, W and Doctors but they don't have the addicting factor, more of like feel good watching, that'all. But Moon Lovers getting me excited about Monday and I always ended up screaming at the end of every Tuesday, wishing for more.


Same to me


That's exactly how I feel for Moonlight too. I literally couldn't focus on ANY other drama right now. It's not a masterpiece, but it certainly holds the throne in my heart.


I vote Moon Lovers as the strangest drama.If it was any other drama all the things that bothered me, and things that i dislike, would have dropped it long time ago. But strangely im tuning in every week, sometimes watch live if time permits. All those flaws and my dislikes i still see them or some i didnt notice but read about them. But for some reason i just need to see Wang So and Hae Soo through. Its like a child however difficult or hard journey you'll see it through. Thats how i feel about the show. Like i said.. Strange.


Try the first few eps to see if it's okay with you.

I remember there's a thread in the early episodes where some beanies were saying "I didn't notice the flaws in this show until I started reading hundreds of comments pointing them out, and now all I can see is how ugly it is and I don't enjoy it as much as I would have."

Granted, people who don't notice the flaws are rare, but if you're potentially one of them, it would suck to have it be overturned by reading lots of criticism in advance.


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Huh. The show is flawed? It's a one-man show! Yeah, *you* know who I'm referring to. I see 99% Lee Jun Ki, 0.5% Kang Haneul, and I split the last 0.5% between LJK's eyes, LJK's smile, Nam Joo Hyuk, Ji Soo, and LJK's hair (in this particular order, but all bets are off if LJK smirks).


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You mean you're one of those rare ones? *takes out pokeball and aims it at E*


I see 99% Lee Jun Ki, 0.5% Kang Haneul, and I split the last 0.5% between LJK’s eyes, LJK’s smile, Nam Joo Hyuk, Ji Soo, and LJK’s hair (in this particular order, but all bets are off if LJK smirks).

All of this.
I don't even care about the story at this point, as long as I can stare at LJK's beautiful face lmao


I stopped reading DB's SH posts because I am one of those people who was enjoying the drama even with the flaws. After I saw the way it was going on DB, I bailed and I've just loved this drama. Are there flaws? Sure, but to me I'm just a sucker for this type of story.(I'm a huge fan of the C-Drama.)

I agree with @mary and would add that if you aren't hooked by the end of episode 4, it might not be for you.


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It's kinda sad because you have to skip the comments to enjoy the show, and yet, sometimes the comments make the show better. I love the funny ones and the ones that break down the characters' motivations because almost everyone is a different shade of grey (well, except maybe Queen SMSS who is 99.999% black and 0.001% white at this point), you can spend countless hours just arguing the actions of every person in the show. Or if you're lurking like me, just spend countless hours reading and nodding along with everyone-- even if they have opposing views! XD


Are there flaws? I am watching the non sbs version and it doesn't seem incongruous to me.. also there is minute variation..I have checked watching the both version..and there are one or two scenes added at the main cut which doesn't upset the whole balance of the drama in general,imo.
And about the comment section of db..First of all just because people are saying there are flaws in the drama..does that make the drama experience worse? Umm it's a totally personal experience and seeing people talking about it doesn't take away the fun factor from it.And above all I loved the drama for the sake of the story as well...as I haven't seen the original...and there are so many power play in occurrence...so you can't but wonder at the range the show covers. I do admit the main riveting factor is So and Su..but their story is advancing quite rapidly because of the all background events...so they are not there just adorning the extra minutes.
But coming back to the stories I think either people love a show or they don't find it compelling...so it doesn't matter at the end who likes the show and who not. Criticism probably ensures the fact that the drama is creating lots of basis for discussion and that's a good thing.


@mary : ... almost everyone is a different shade of grey (well, except maybe Queen SMSS who is 99.999% black and 0.001% white at this point)...

Agree.. and 0.001% white is include her hair


@mary I'm not sad about skipping the comments section. It just is what it is. People have the right to be critical but some of DBs post have 800 plus comments. So if even 50% are negative, that just gets old especially because it is the same ole same ole.

@sky I think it is great if other people read the comments and it doesn't take away the fun factor. But people are different, and for me I just know when it's time to bail. No harm done. I actually find the DB comments useful on dramas I'm on the line about whether to watch or not.


I have to agree, I'm obsessed with this drama and despite hating Mondays I look forward to them.


on the other hand,
it also sucked when you realised the flaw and no one mentions it,
it can kill my joy even when I'm not commenting,
sometimes I wait until the same comment with mine appeared just to see what other loyal viewer think about,
is it just my rational sense, my nitpicking antenna or it just wasn't important


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@Nayour and @mary

I watched the first three-four episodes and stalled. I'm thinking of watching the first three re-edited SBS episodes first before continuing on. Are they also available on kissasian?


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Unfortunately no. So far I haven't seen any subbed version of the SBS re-broadcasted versions of episodes 1 - 3. Sorry ): but I don't think there's actually many differences in the scenes if I recall correctly, they just used better bgm/osts, and some scenes were longer and some shorter, choices in the shots I think etc.

PSA for anyone on the fence about watching Moon Lovers:
- Give it until episode 5 and if you're still not hooked, just drop it cause it's really not for everyone.
- Fair warning, it will make you cry so much but only episode 5 and onwards, episode 1 to 4 is a very bad attempt at setting up the story imo.

- also there's two versions airing simultaneously now (started from episode 7 I think) - international version (DramaFever, YouKu) vs. SBS version - small differences in both but still very annoying
- my advice is to watch the SBS version if you can, and you'll know it's the SBS version cause there's a faded SBS logo on the top right hand corner - it's just generally better and it's also longer so it has almost all the scenes that the int version has too and more - it's also the version dramabeans is recapping


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Just to point out - they release re-edit version since episode 4.


The director, the editor, the writer, basically the entire production team is a mess. It could've been so good but they screwed it up with their bad choices. Only people I like in terms of the production team are the people in charge of the costumes, cause their outfits are just A++. But screw everyone else!


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Yep, I feel bad for the actors, who are for sure the best part of the drama. I'm loving IU, Kang Ha Neul, and even discovering Lee Jun Ki's charms (I did not watch anything of him before). They make an awesome lead trio. It is a pity that they are stuck with such mediocre team making so many bad choices...


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Sad; I kinda liked the original and was looking forward to the remake especially with all that eye candy. Although, from the sound of it, it's not really a remake anymore as much as a... strange sageuk. Thank goodness I didn't start on it.

Also, jb and gf, how do you guys watch so many dramas?!


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It's actually very nice..you should watch it,but well,idk,your choice. I dont know how to describe it..but for me,thank goodness that i gave Moonlovers a chance despite all those "IU eyes are too wide,background music is blah blah,editing is blah blah" comments. Because I can say is that moonlovers is flawed just like any other dramas are flawed. Story is actually very interesting,actually better than most of the sageuks or any drama type,characters are good and of course Lee Junki is top notch,I have absolutely zero problem with IU's acting or anything,too. The only problem i can think of that might bother me is that it's too short(20 ep) for such complex story.


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I recommend reading the comments on Dramafever's site. They tend to be 95% positive. It is actually amazing how many people are commenting they'd never heard of Lee Jun Gi before. Regardless of how people feel about this drama (and I'm sure he's disappointed in the ratings), his personal popularity internationally has exploded. Good for him.


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Makes me sad because I've been looking forward to this one, especially with the trailers deceiving me into thinking it would fill the SFD-sized hole in my drama heart. Well I have ep 10 paused and I'm wondering if I should give up. I certainly don't want to be angry because of a show. But then I'll have to wait even longer to get my Jun-ki fix. I think all the time in the world couldn't have helped this production team.

Funny thing is...I didn't mind the shower scene in The K2 as much as I did the awkward bath scene in Moon Lovers. Maybe it was the way it was shot. Or maybe it's because most of the princes in Moon Lovers are kids to me. The K2 one was simply hilarious. Unnecessary, but I laughed at the obvious fanservice.


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You have to watch ep11, at least.


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I will do that then. Thanks. :)


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Episode 11 is probably one of the best Korean drama episodes I've ever watched. I re-watched it and it still got me as much as the first time.


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Yess,ep 11 reallh get me crying and emotional..(SPOILER)
when hae su and lady oh hugged in the tunnel and when hae su whisper "why" to herself when wook turned his back to her.


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"...where do you think it all went so wrong?"

I read an interview that Lee Joon Gi gave around summertime. To paraphrase: We filmed comfortably for half the production but then, due to our inexperience with pre-production, we had to hurry in the second half.

I actually thought it was pretty candid of him to admit to this in a tactful way, which is actually why he's one of the few Korean actors who I bother to read interviews of as most are so careful about everything (which I get but, still).


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"I read an interview that Lee Joon Gi gave around summertime. To paraphrase: We filmed comfortably for half the production but then, due to our inexperience with pre-production, we had to hurry in the second half."

This for me makes the drama make sooooo much more sense.I was really enjoying this drama and the pace but around episode 10 or 11 things got weird. The pacing was so off and things started happening with no build up ex. Yeonhwa suddenly proposing to So for no logical reason other then history says so haha. I can see that they are rushing things which makes no sense since they still have so many episodes left.


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Episode 11 is like the best episode ever. I bet many diehard MLSHR fans will fight you about that. But I admit ep 12 and 13 felt super rushed and all over the place.

Also re: Yeon Hwa's proposal - I thought her motivations were quite clear, cause Wook was obviously gonna sell her out and marry her off as a concubine to Yo as collateral, so being the self preserving b*tch she is, she went to So to try to save her own sorry ass.

I think the problem is not only with the filming and directing but also the script. What I heard/read was (don't take my word for it though) is that it went from a pre-planned 24 episodes to 20 episodes, so they probably cut out like 4 episodes worth of material so maybe that explains the lack of build up to most things. I just blame this all on bad choices by SBS and the production team.


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I understood why she did it, The scene itself came out of nowhere, which is an editing issue. When you watch it they literally just cut right to her saying marry me. It was weird, no build up at all. We didn't see her thinking then walking to find him to ask nothing, just BAM marry me.


I meant to say 12 and 13 not 10 and 11 but when I was writing it I couldn't remember what episode we were at and I didn't feel like looking but I remembered we were at at least 11. Laziness at its finest my friend ~


Ugh then I totally agree with you. Laziness at its finest. So much things could've been better but I've just accepted this drama is a piece of work but imma stick through it cause there are still bits that I really really do like, also I'm lowkey LJG trash.


no shame in my game I'm purely watching this show for Lee Jun gi haha The only time I'm okay with the ridiculous amount of close ups is when its of his prefect face.


Maybe they should try hiring people who have experience in sageuks like the folks at KBS who are producing Moonlight. I was worried about it being a youth sageuk but knowing that Kang Byung Taek has directed some epic sageuks before makes me excited because he can't possibly screw this up.
Han Jung Hwan on the hand has never directed a sageuk in his life although he'd work as a producer for 2 sageuk project. The rest of the staff are not even worth talking about.


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Oh Scarlet Heart... It's not perfect but I still love and watch it religiously as if it is. For me, Lee Joon-gi and Kang Ha-neul are the biggest pulls, then it's the curiosity of where they're going in terms of story and plot development. Surprisingly, I do want to know, and I care about the characters, so big brownie points! It's such a shame though, because they have such a good base material to work with, plus the freedom to take a creative license to history, plus the capable lead actors (LJG and KHN mainly; IU is doing okay for me and not unbearably bad) and yet this is what they come up with.

Scarlet Heart could have been epic. I wish it was epic. I have resorted to imagining what SH could have become if it was handled by the production team who did TWDR and 6FD. Sure, we may have to sacrifice some of the romantic moments, but it will be deep and sincere; and instead we will get EPICNESS of everything else, and I think I would much prefer that.


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Oh and also, I want to SQUEEEEEE about Jealousy Incarnate this week. I knew it, Jo Jung-seok never failed me. He has so much charms and presence as an actor that I can't see anyone else when he's on screen. I'm only watching SH and JI now (dropped Moonlight, too boring), so between all the fan-girling for JJS and KHN, guess what I'm re-watching? Yes, it's Youth Over Flowers: Iceland. It's still a delightful watch, love the four stones' friendship and everyone is just adorable.


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Oh how I wish I could find Youth over Flowers Iceland subbed somewhere!!!! My DramaCool quit on me and at least I could watch the Africa version with the Reply 1988 boys - but I cannot find Iceland anywhere!!! Someone please help?


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Try kshowonline.com. They had it subbed already.


@M3LON4 Yessss!!!!!! I too want to squee about that on db, but the ep 14 recaps are not up yet. It’s very hard to hold in the squee dramabeans, please do a recap before my heart literally explodes! Pretty please!


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Watching, Enjoying and Desperately waiting for - Drinking Solo.

Watched 8 episodes in 3 days and laughed out loud many times, Felt embarrassed on many occasions and saw My own life through 3 Exam Preparing Guys. That Kiss scene though. Home Run out of the blue.

FantastiC - I appreciate its humour and gradual shift from light to heavy moments in each episode. It's romance looks beautiful and conviced me that they actually are a couple and Its JTBC so I'm all in for it.

The K2 - Its TVN so your usual showoff channel with the same kind of content. It is all fun while you watch the episode but as soon as episode ends you get back to your usual self. It just doesn't lingers in your mind and it lacks emotional impact.

Woman with a suitcase - Concept is good but execution isn't. A lot of unexplained and illogical things happen and Characters lack Personality. Acting isn't amazing but Overall a passable watch.

Wish list - Thumping Spike 2, On the way to the Airport, 1% of everything.

Weekly - The Unusual Family and That Sun in the Sky.


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Still loving Shopping King Louie. It's so cute! The leads are so cute! Yoon Sang Hyun's extreme dark baggy eyes...hehe.

Also as a purse addict I noticed Louie was at the Coach store...


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Oops, sorry for the mispost!


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I agree about K2 but last night episode went from non-memorable to absolutely boring. After watching I thought, "How can action be this boring?" The plot movement took less than 5 minutes of the show. The ramen commercial was longer.


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as fellow Drinking Solo's marathoners... it's gold that way.
You can enjoy and love all the things they did

sometimes I also feel the same way with TvN, it doesn't linger in the way I think it would be, #
and I like the K2 because I just did it without try to rationalised everything they did, something I enjoy when watching but not making me think about it after watching it


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We all cried when PBG cried. ?


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I was crying for most of the two episodes, but PBG and KYJ breaking down turned the crying into shameless sobbing.


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I cried when Yoo-jung cried first. T_T


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Park Bo Gum's tears are our tears T_T


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Bo Gum's tears should be nation's tears.


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OMG Hahahahaha!


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Amen to that


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I cried like crazy when PBG cried. It felt so real. I just wanted to hug him.


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Seriously. Kleenex totally should be a sponsor of this show - especially the last few episodes.


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what makes me love the scene is he hide his eyes and that moments just resonates to me,

we all have the tears we know useless but it also stupid to hold it back,
you need to cry but you know it changed nothing than make you feel disappointed in everything that happens,


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I find myself unable to want to watch any currently airing drama but Moonlight, so I've dug into my collection and this is what I'm currently (re) watching (along with MDBC, of course!). Apparently, I'm in a sageuk mood.

Arang and the Magistrate - I think this is the drama where I liked LJK best. I love, love Kim Eun-oh and his perpetual migraines.

Chuno - This is the third time I'm rewatching it, and I'm surprised that I'm more emotionally invested this time. I've always liked it, but this time I'm loving it!

Conspiracy in the Court - I thought now would be a good time to try to get through this again. I'm liking the story, but I find myself having to consult a dictionary to get through the subs!

Sungkyunkwan Scandal - My first genuine kdrama obsession, and I still love it to bits to this day. Fun trivia: Ahn Nae-sang is playing the same character Jeong Yak-yeong in Moonlight. Could the two shows be set in the same universe? Will Lee Seon-joon and Kim Yoon-hee show up as an older married couple and give our Yeong and Ra-on some advice? Please, Moonlight, give this to me!


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Haha, me too! I couldn't watch/focus on other dramas while waiting for Moonlight, I tried watching a few but lost interest as soon as I started, couldn't even get through Ep. 1 of The K2 and Shopping King Louis, now attempting 1% of Anything, but my heart is just not in it. Gah, I wish Monday is here already.


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I know! It's like a sickness! I don't usually live-watch too many dramas per week, but I usually manage at least 3! But watching old favorites makes me comfortable.

The preview is in 15 minutes. Then we might know the answer to last episode's cliffhanger. *takes deep breath to relax*


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I watched the preview. MY EMOTIONS ARE KILLING ME


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What the, they're still going through with the wedding! *cries*


Can't believe I'm crying just from the preview alone. Yeong looked so defeated!


I shouldn't have waited up for the Moonlight preview. Now I'm just sad and I can't sleep


The version uploaded on Instagram stopped working near the end, but the one on Facebook is fine.


It doesn't spoil the end of last episode though?


And they used Love is Over again.


Please, don't remind me. I'd like to pretend that song doesn't exists. And I thought we're done with sad episode! But knowing Moonlight, the preview must be misleading again.


I hope Ra-on and Yeong will make commitment of sorts before he goes through with the wedding. He looks so sad! Gorgeous, but sad!

On a brighter note, she wasn't caught! But what about their meeting? Perhaps she was talking to him in her first line?


I think Ra-on saw the palace officials were marching to the meeting place and ran away, Kim Hyung probably arranged their meeting seeing how sad Yeong was.


From the preview, it looks like Kim Hyung may have orchestrated the meeting, but perhaps the letter was intercepted and read by the Kim spy before it got to Ra-on?

I'm so torn about the wedding because PBG looks so devastatingly gorgeous in his robes and I want to oggle, but the paaaaaiiin. Guy looks like he's walking to his funeral.


THAT PREVIEW!! I did not watch but I saw screencaps. The screencaps were enough to make me want to cry so bad. I felt pang in my heart and a lump in my throat. I guess I was too happy with the ending of EP 14 that I forgot that we are still going through that event because it was pretty much stated even in the character profile. Maybe I was kinda hoping we will not. It was supposed to be not a surprise but I found myself surprised with my initial reaction when I saw the screencaps. I thought I was ready for this scene. I guess I'm not after all. /cries

On the other hand, thanks for this scene because damn PBG looks gorgeous!!


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I wanted the wedding over with, but when I saw the preview, I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

I thought I was ready. Guess I wasn't after all. Thanks, MDBC. And yeah, PBG looks so handsome! I'll endure this for him.



Words of the day I tell you. I want Moonday to come cos I wanna know how the story is going to unfold but I also don't want it to come cos I don't wanna attend that wedding. Can they still get married but not be in the same scene? Because I feel for RaOn whenever CP is in the same scene with her. It's just too much to take. Just give us their individual shots so I can close my eyes whenever she comes on screen.


THIS!!! But I'll tune in for a good angsting and the costume porn. Everyone looks like they're suffering, but in a very beautiful way.

Jo Ha-yeon sure doesn't look happy in the preview. Could it be that she now knows who Yeong's true love is?


He looks dashing, but it's a shame that Yoo-jung isn't the one wearing the bride's gown.


Omg, Sungkyunkwan Scandal meets Moonlight, just what we need!!
Can we please petition for this to be an actual thing? The royal couple and the two scholars :')


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*prays fervently to drama gods*


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I LOVE Lee Jun-ki as the Magistrate. Still my favorite role of his to date. Arang was my first live-watch since coming back to kdrama in 2011 so both the leads have a special place in my heart.


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I read an interview he gave after the drama where he said he wasn't completely satisfied with his acting because he was restrained or something, but it worked really well. I loved him in Time Between Dog and Wolf but noticed he had a tendency to overact. He slipped into the Magistrate role so perfectly, quirks and all.

I think he was also excellent in Two Weeks, though. I think that's my number 2 LJK role.


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"Conspiracy in the Court – I thought now would be a good time to try to get through this again. I’m liking the story, but I find myself having to consult a dictionary to get through the subs!"

MrX is old school and when he sub sageuks it is the closest you can get to it's original meaning. I got use to it after a while but I had to start off with a dictionary too lol.
I love the fact that important details and humor is not lost in translation. I don't even bother looking up the history with his subs. The only thing that I would look up is the location. I had to have that map in my head.

Read Head's recap here. It might make it easier for you.


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"Conspiracy in the Court" was pre-produced and this show benefit well from it. Park Jin Woo is not one of the best writer out there but give him time and he'd do a good job. When pre-produced is handled by competent people the result is great.

This was Ahn Nae-sang at his finest <3. So glad to see him Moonlight.


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I'm torn about the subs because MrX did a fantastic job in translating the yangban manner of speech into similarly antiquated, super formal English. If these people spoke English instead of Korean, that was how they would talk. I appreciate the care he took in getting the authenticity of his translation right. But it does take some time getting used to.

MrX did Chuno as well, and the subs were much, much easier to follow. It was super formal where it needed to be but I didn't need to consult my dictionary. I noticed similar translation patterns with CitC when a (usually villainous) yangban speaks, but it never bothered me. I guess it's because most of the scenes involved street-smart slave hunters and straight-talking former generals.

But yeah, CitC is very well made, and I've heard the budget is really small. Amazing what you can do with a talented team at the helm!

Ahn Nae-sang is <3


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Scarlet Heart - loving it, flaws and all. I like the time jump and have no issues with the limp. Figured out 7 episodes ago not to watch the previews. There are side stories they didn't have time to develop that should have been let go, but I continue to find this very binge worthy. If the rumor is true that the script was changed to focus even more on the So/Wook story, I'd be interested to know why. I saw the cdrama and it is a big chunk of the drama but with only 20 episodes here, it is gonna be a roller coaster to wrap this up.

Fantastic - probably the most underrated drama I am watching. Romance, friendship, bromance, humor, redemption. It has gotten better as it has gone on. They dealt with js medical issues well.

Let's Drink - also improves as it has gone on. I am glad I gave this a 2nd try even if I do end up skipping the drinking scenes.

K 2 - I just don't know what to think about this one yet. Oh but I do know the director should hold the camera still.


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Beanies, the battle of the breads has never been this diverse.
Starting the week is the Woman who's pulling her Suitcase all the way to McD's, followed by three friends enjoying a whopper instead of Drinking Solo. Then we got Quiznos who might want to consider creating a special Jealousy (in Korean Hwashin) sandwich so Jung-won can take a good bite of it. But the real question is, when will Yoona finally discover the sub that's as delightful as The K2?
Speaking of Subway, I wonder what happened, did it go all diva, started to demand more screen time or refused to make an appearance if it's not blatantly obvious (like being twirled and get a dance performance for 5 minutes in slow motion), therefore is starting to lose its alpha bread position?

Anyway, another busy drama watching week and I'm still catching up.

MDBC: It's been said tons of times that this production is nearly perfect but I think it wouldn't be so prominent if there weren't other dramas airing where you can't help but think that some PDs treat their multimillion dollar projects like a directorial playground.

Scarlet Heart: Seeing we're back to the sloppy directing, editing and writing I almost wish ep.11 never happened (ok not really) because now we've evidenced what could've been. My guess is PD & Co. went on vacation during the production and editing of ep.11, had another team do all the work, then came back for this week's episodes. But finally KHN was giving more to do except for pining for Su. Because as much as I enjoyed him being the knight in shining armor, seeing him as a cunning and cold blooded prince is definitely more compelling.

Drinking Solo: Every single character is interesting and contribute so much to the show, it's pretty amazing. And I cannot wait to see Jung-seok suffer next week. *cue evil laughter* (I want to watch 1% of Anything as well but how to find the time ?)

Woman w/ Suitcase: Well hello JJM-ssi, you may join YJT, YKS & co. in the sizzling oppa category.

Jealousy Incarnate: I'm in the middle of ep. 14 and boy, it's surely getting more and more crowded on the HW ship. (Go find a free seat yourself, I've been camping here since the first episode and not gonna move an inch. ?) And what kind of sacrificial offerings do I have to make to have JJS win the Daesang at this year's SBS awards...

On The Way To The Airport: Ack, I'm behind this week but I want to fully appreciate every second of this therefore will watch this later today in a quiet moment.

Shopping King Louis: MBC stop messing around with the flow of your shows by ripping the episodes apart. I think this is my currently sweetest couple in dramaland (and they're not even together yet) - sorry Yeong&Ra-on - but how in the world can SIG and NJH be so darn cute?! And how can SIG play one memorable character after another?


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Fantastic: Oh my gah, dongsaeng-ssi...just break my heart, why don't you. How old is Ji Soo again? Whatever, "the road to hell is paved with pretty boys." (quote girlfriday) ?

C4K: Assa, we've made it. I feel like I deserve an extra cookie or something for watching all 16ep. Lol
I don't regret it but if I haven't watched it while it was airing this would've never made it onto my "to watch" list. It was ok as a filler while waiting for subs of other dramas but I'd not waste 16h on this. Lol, am I making any sense?
At least they stayed consistent with two things throughout the whole show: the in your face OST and HJ's blankface. I always feel so bad for the guys in dramaland who have to kiss a wooden block. They kiss and kiss and girl just doesn't respond. ?

The K2: Heol, this PD/writer duo are definitely no fan of subtlety, aren't they? This drama continues to give me whiplash. And they really need to learn when it's enough, the longer some scenes go the more the mood gets ruined. And I can only repeat myself, stop shaking the damn camera ffs, when did I board a rocky boat without knowing?
Now excuse me while I go and cook some ramyun, PPL's definitely working here (though this week's ramyun scene was extreme cringeworthy I have to say).


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Lol, i was on that seat since the first minute of the ep 1...lol...JJS is hands down one of the best actors. He makes it so effortless, it's amazing.

I agree on Jo Jin Moo...i have a thing for older men....i just want him to look at me..


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You are so right about the length of scenes in The K2 ruining the mood. Like, I could have found the ramyun-dance quirky and cute...if she wasn't jumping up and down, in slow-mo circles for over a minute. What I don't get is if the director was going to slow down the moment...why did he have it go on for so long? Less is more. It would have been sweet to see her just smile about the simple pleasures in life, but they chose to go overboard with the moment.


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And the way Je-ha was also flailing around in that scene was just so urgh and I was like...wtf is this? Which PD in their right mind would tell their hero to act like that? This was no Park Bong-soo adorkableness but just gave me the worst second hand embarrassment.


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The writer is actually really bad at humor and making his leads fall in love. I never understood how, why and when did Joo Won's character fell in love with KTH's all of a sudden and these were the same vibes I got from that scene with JH monitoring Anna.


I cringed! Urrrggggggggg I felt embarrassed and awkward watching ramyun scenes in both ep (the newer one is actually worse). Urrrrrggggggggggggggg!
Overall, I like Ep 5. But the ramyun scene alone made me feel so angry with both the writer and the director.
My JCW deserves so much moreeee. And I believe YoonA is capable of more subtle emotional expression as well.


LOL I totally CRINGED too and her ramyun and his flailing continued in episode 5! Why?! Who knows but it's making my skin crawl.

I'm going to watch Jealousy Incarnate ep 14 again to wash me of this oily nonsense.


I'll be happy to watch the kitten purring and climbing up the tile roof than see Anna and her Ramyun Macarena dance.


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+1000. That's the scene that I squeezed the most in the entire episode kkk. (The umbrella scene is beautiful and touching as well).


So cringeworthy! Probably the best (read: sarcasm) PPL for ramyun that a girl literally dances when she finds it. Plus, the show I noticed that the entire episode does actually nothing to move the plot and then they present us with a cliffhanger in the end.

JJS deserves a Daesang. But SBS has more 20+/15+ ratings shows, so you never know what they would go for. But the quality is here.


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I heart dongsaeng-ssi!! Jisoo is 93-er and is 23 (24 Korean age). I really enjoy this drama since it's got a great balance between comedy and the heartfelt moments.


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How Seo In Guk can play one memorable character after another? Because he is playful. He likes taking on roles, even when he is not in a drama. Did you know he is sort of addicted to role playing computer games? he is sort of like a ten year old in that getting absorbed into a game comes easy for him.

I just had a museum program with grown ups and some said it was difficult to step into the reality of the role play we did without preparation. They would have need a preface, an introduction. I think SIG is one of the people who would not need more introduction that one keyword. there were a few who went along from the start for me, but most did not.


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The director of K2 is kind of a nerd. He wants to do all kind of actions scenes and wants to use every new technology available. 360 degree fighting angle action view was played for total 10 seconds in 2 scenes. But Director Knew this kind of graphics existed and move ahead for it being looking COOL. There is in and out play of camera. Again Director wanted to provide Viewers real time fight preview. Director thought it would look like semi-3d but i actually ended up messing the angle view of fights.

In Sports Video Games different views are provided and i think director went for same View but result is in front of all of us. Director went overboard with the usage of technology and that's it. Maybe he was hyped up to get an action drama with good budget and wanted to do everything he always wished to be in an Action drama.

In latest episode we had even drone view of buildings. This clearly shows how much director is influenced by the technology. He wants to attract the attention but Overall i think it is actually messing up the whatever-little-story this show has.


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I just watched episode 09 of Drinking Solo and my blood is boiling.

I want to punch Mr. High Quality Jin Seuk. Our Girl Crying made me miserable.

On the other hand Ki Bum is watching many downs one after another.


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oh my god oh my god.....JJS wining Daesang at the end of this year will be the best thing ever. please god make this come true. he's such a good and versatile actor.


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"Moon lovers marathon after it ends " is scratched out of my To do list... I don't want destroy my love LJK & KH

Now my watch list
MDBC sorrow was not enough... I went on with secretly and greatly, train to busan, ouroboros.. all in 1 1/2 day.. I was a crying panda next day...& my co-workers teasing, if my boyfriend (don't have one) dumped me on my day off..

SKL- if Louis remembers everything & forgets bok shil... i'm out of this show..

JI- i have to replace the rewind button

K2- I just want see JCW stammering... I don't care about anything else...

C&4N- just happy it ended...


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Moon Lovers is a vehicle for LJK love.

Anyone who watches this and isn't in love with LJK yet will most definitely fall. And if you already like him and you watched this, you're gonna fall even harder.

I feel like the ratings of this show are directly proportional to LJK's amount of screentime per ep. XD


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LOL. So true.
Almost everyone watching Moon Lovers will fall for him. To me, LJK is Wang So and he owns that role. LJK rarely tackle romance genre and when he becomes Wang So, literally melting every girls' hearts. And not speaking only of his swoony-ness, he is really good in Moon Lovers, giving away really powerhouse and superb acting, which I personally feeling is a notch or two above his previous performances.


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Anyone who watches this and isn’t in love with LJK yet will most definitely fall. And if you already like him and you watched this, you’re gonna fall even harder.

is SO TRUE. It's a good thing I watch this while seated, or I'd have head injuries from swooning so often.


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Honest to my last, Moonlovers, it's just because of LJK that i watch it, if not, it's out.


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If you love Lee Joon Gi, YOU HAVE TO WATCH MOON LOVERS. It'll only intensify your love for him, no less. He basically more than doubled his instagram followers since the drama aired, so while the ratings is a total flop, he gained a lot of new fans and deservingly so because he is literally perfection as Wang So. Easily his best performance to date.

Also Kang Ha Neul is really really good as well, granted I haven't seen much of his previous works but that boy is good, and so terribly underrated.

The production might be lacking, some of the cast might be lacking, but their characters Wang So and Wang Wook are so interestingly complex, I totally don't blame any actor for wanting to play them.

(hmm.. now that I'm reading back my comment, it seems like I might have been over selling ML a bit too much, so bit of warning, it's still very lacking in many aspects and it might not suit everyone's taste, but give it a try for Lee Joon Gi cause it might just be totally worth it (; )


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Seriously, if you're into Lee Jun-ki or Kang Ha-neul, hold on to that marathon and maybe put some cushions on the floor to hit when you swoon because like everyone says, Moon Lovers will only magnify your love for those two and especially Lee Jun-ki.

The drama itself is flawed but them? They're perfect.


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Just like girlfriday, I abused my rewind and reply button on JI ep 14. The audition was hilarious AND the ending part was *cough*... (excuse me while I try to find the most suitable adjective)


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Too hot,,,,,tooo real.....For a minute i wish they were dating. Gummy is lucky...that's for sure


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Ikr. Their chemistry is evident! But... despite my love for their characters, deep down in my heart, I still hope GHJ ends up with So Ji Sub. *sigh* there is a ship that never sinks.


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*hear touch love ost*...me too they were just perfect


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lol I would settle for them working together again. If they're going to have smoochies, I want to actually get to see it shot and lit nicely, with an appropriate soundtrack ;)


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I'm still rewinding and replaying the end of episode 14! So so GOOD!!


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My parents are sleeping right now, and I'm afraid if I join you replaying that scene, they'll hear my squeal from the other room. Besides, I need to give my laptop some rest, lol! Enjoy the scene, then! :D


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I'm just going to rewatch it again as well.


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Dammit, I'm still just at the 25 minute mark and sooooo tempted to skip forward to watch the end now *patience angieya patience*


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:D I know what you feel because I was too (after accidentally seeing the kiss on hancinema).
Hanging in there, angieya! Don't let yourself be tempted!


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Don't FF! The epic emotional impact of the end of episode 14 is solely dependent on everything that happened before. Enjoy the pain with us!


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Squeeeee, I'm back and it was so worth the wait (my internet had some serious hiccups, urgh). Although his kisses with PBY remain the best imo this was still so damn satisfying to watch. I just love how he always has to tear his eyes away from his co-star's lips before the kiss, feels so damn real. ?☺️


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*Goes to DramaFever to watch the next episode of whatever is on tap that night...see's screen cap for Episode 14 of JI...clicks play, ff to last minute...watch again.

Seriously, that scene is darn near perfectly played by the actors. I love these two so much and they know how to get every last emotion and bit of meaning out of each movement and look. JJS - his face and eyes...so expressive.

As a sufferer of SLS for most of this show, I am now thrown into chaos...


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I can't blame you for the dilemma. JJS indeed shows a vast amount of emotional feeling on that ending. And Na Ri... the more she tells him about JW's perfect side, the more she looks like a loosen kite trying so hard not to fall to the earth. The feel!


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I loved everything about that scene! The denial and raw emotions were REAL!


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SBS better give us a bts of it. ?


Yes! A thread to finally squeeee on Jealousy’s ep 14 ending! Pain and angst and pent up emotions - God!! This is what Kdrama kisses should be like. That kiss has put Jo Jung Suk right up there with Seo In Guk in my list of awesome kissers that make you feel all the feelsss…

Also, I am so glad to see a lot of Hwa-NaRi shippers here coz the feeling I got from reading comments elsewhere on social media is that there are a LOT of second lead shippers around. And not many Hwa-Nari shippers. Or maybe the Hwa-Nari shippers are the silent types taking comfort in knowing that NaRi will eventually be HwaShin’s *evil grin* (Change to *puppy dog face* - Please writer nim, pleeeease let it be like that!)

I’ve shipped Hwa-Nari from the beginning. Ok, maybe not from ep 1 (ep 1 just made me wonder why JJS would chose such a drama after last year’s awesome Oh My Ghost.) But by the end of ep 3 (I think), where Na Ri falls off her bed when the hospital curtains are drawn to reveal a miffed Hwa Shin sitting on the bed next to hers (coupled with that so-appropriate-for-situation “Hello Alien” song) - I was sold.

I ship them and I ship them unabashedly. Fighting Hwa-Nari!!


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I was totally a goner for them by the end of ep 3! As soon as he pulled the curtain and that song kicked in, I knew I was going to love their dynamic. That was when I really fell hard for the drama's fun and quirky charm.


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he he.. Chandler, let's squeeeee together!


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2D1N - No JJY in the next eps makes me savour last episode a bit more. He was so nice to the grannies! And who's gonna be the brain now he's gone? Out of everyone, he was the only one who thought abt writing a boat in the "3 things to bring to an island" list.

Running Man - Kwang Soo still doesn't win. It's a little waste of getting all those 102 hunters when they only have less than an hour to show them all. I wonder if they get paid ?

Moonlight - HE DIDN'T TOOK OFF THE BRACELET! He kept it on. He still beeeelieveeee!

Woman with a suitcase - So far this is Joon's best drama role yet. I felt his frustration in the courtroom, and abt him sticking to his ethics. It does annoy me a bit seeing how Hamburger is treating Geum-joo, but I like that little smirk on his face. Damn you.

Drinking Solo - Why does Prof Jin has to be such a good-looking jerk? Those lobsters' slaps/hits were not enough!

Jealousy Incarnate - How can something so right be so wrong?

On the Way to the Airport - How can something so wrong be so right?

Shopping King Louis - I am going to be so sad if you leave :( One episode is not enough. I want mooore!

Fantastic - so glad Seol has such great friends, and they didn't hesitate the slightest to help her unlike her horrible in-laws. Be gone, you horrible family!

The K2 - I might (or might not be) solely watching this show for Ji Chang Wook.


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I'm watching it solely for Ji Chang Wook. There's no maybe there.


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"Jealousy Incarnate: Aaaaaaaaah, it’s so good this week! *Rewind* *Replay* *Rewind* *Replay* *Rewind* *Replay*"

- This is the state I'm in right now because of this drama. It is SO FREAKIN' GOOD. I was gonna write up a post for my watchlist this week, but this show stole away any hopes of that. JJS has ruined me. My heart is a mess and it's all because of him.

My love continues to grow for both Moonlight and Drinking Solo. With these 3 shows, I'm pretty damn satisfied. They've become my definite favorites of the bunch, but I'm still enjoying Shopping King Louis & The K2. Also, Moonlovers may give me whiplash, but I'm still so hooked.

And, because I'm so satisfied right now, I'm saving FantastiC, OTWTTA, and 1% of Anything (I only need 1 grumpy Suk-jin at a time, thank you) for later.


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Let's just say I totally understand her 3 year long crush on Hwashin, especially after episode 14. I would be surprised if Nari wasn't a mess after that episode because he's totally ruined me too!


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Damn him! I feel her pain!


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“Jealousy Incarnate: Aaaaaaaaah, it’s so good this week! *Rewind* *Replay* *Rewind* *Replay* *Rewind* *Replay*”

I did the exact same thing. Rewind, reply, and repeat some of my favorite scenes.

I think this drama is one of those rare ones where I will re-watch the whole thing again.

Love this drama so much! Everything about it. My favorite drama this year.


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In defense of 1% of Anything, I have actually followed it since it was announced through various sites and the old feel, cinematography and all, I can't blame them. It had hard time finding funds initially then once they had the funds and produced the drama, they couldn't find a slot. Its hard producing a show and marketing it when you don't have Hallayu Gods and Goddesses headlining the project. Yet, the actors work, the story as dated as it is still delivered withing a very tight pace and limited amount of time. I can't say whether everybody agrees to it but I have always had this spot of immense respect for those low buzz shows out there. Nobody cares about them as it doesn't have an idol or a very well known face and even sneer at them but in reality some of the best dramas that I've seen since starting Korean dramas is those low-buzz stuff. OCN, TVN, JTBC is my soft for that reason alone. I would've probably ignored this but since I saw Maids, I have had this soft corner for Jeon So Min, I am just glad that she maybe getting some due with this show.


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Currently watching:
Two Weeks: Seems I've got a lot on my watchlist but with every one finishing two or more others are introduced so my list keeps building up. I only managed to revisit the further end of my list and tried a couple out this time. So far have watched up to ep 4 of this show. Tae-san fits LJK very well, and I'm enjoying this show a lot. I'm not averse to Kim So-yeon, and it might be a little too early on in the drama to judge, but so far she seems a little bit forced in her crying scenes.

King's Daughter Su Baek-Hyang Just on ep 1, but so far I'm very impressed with SHJ. Now I'm having serious problem trying to get off my mind the fan-made what-if ML video that was post in the Dramabeans team's 'What we're watching' thread some time ago.

K2 Tried the first 4 eps. The story seems to be still in the shaping up and not much content really happened just yet, but I'm still sticking around to decide whether or not to keep watching. I think Yong Pal did better with the beginning, but the latter half wasn't good enough to hold my interest. Am I optimistic to hope for the reverse to be true with K2?


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Also, I'm liking the costumes and hairstyles in King's Daughter Su Baek-Hyang a lot. The colours are still too garish for my taste, but the costumes' fabric for the female characters looks soft & flows very well. The armors for the soldiers also look nice and accentuate their body build. I also like that the men belonging to the higher ranks in the monarchy look well-groomed without those horrendous manes of shame.


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In Two Weeks, I liked the little girl's chemistry with LJK more than him with either ladies. I am a sucker for daddy-child relationships in dramas and maybe that's the reason I liked the drama.

K2 - I really thought that the writer wanted to go slow in the beginning so that he won't repeat the mistake he made in Yong Pal. But now, I am wondering if he even has an interesting story to tell.


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I finished King’s Daughter Su Baek-Hyang for Seo Hyun Jin and for a daily historical drama it was okay.

It is an extreme plus that it has Seo Hyun Jin though couple with a great music score. I'm impress with her considering it was her first lead role and she did way better than any of other actresses could in a historical drama because lets be honest, historical drama is not an easy thing to do.

It kind of make me miss seeing her in historical drama because it seems right up her alley


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Your last two sentences: You took the words right out of my mouth :)

I haven't seen much of King's Daughter, but have watched the fan-made video for Moon Lovers with SHJ as the heroine and from those 2 minutes of selected scenes from KD-SBH I must say SHJ has the knack for acting in sageuks. Her acting is very understated from what I have seen and provides an interesting and surprising contrast to her modern role in AOHY.

I wish she would do more sageuks in the future.


@ET: I know. Sometimes romance is not what sucked me in and moved me and kept me sticking around in kdramas. I was there for the parent(s)-child or sibling relationship (or colleagues/ friendship) in I Hear Your Voice, I Remember You/ Hello Monster, Remember, R88 & Misaeng to name just a few. Not that the heroines or romance department is bad in those dramas. It's just that the other relationships are so well-done romance pales in comparison for me.

I haven't looked up any information about screenwriting yet but I wonder whether screenwriting happens before or during liveshooting (I think perhaps it's the latter) so most writers suffer from the lack of time to properly plan out their stories? Many scripts have this tendency to be promising and grandiose in the beginning but lose the momentum toward the end, and the stories tend to drag.

I have decided to shut down my brain for K2, and I haven't watched anything past ep 4 so I don't know how the story has proceeded, but for the first 4 eps I quite like the villainess. This is unexpected, as the reason why I checked out the drama in the first place was because of the heroine's description. I'm intrigued by introverts & people who shy away from human interactions, but Yoona's character doesn't feel like the type I'm usually attracted to. And then they have to have her twirl around as if she was doing a classical dance with the ramen pack, which really killed the mood for me.


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Oh you had to mention IHYV! I cried buckets when Mom died. Yeah, I am the sort who don't cry easily over OTPs but more in sad scenes between parent-child or friends. And while everyone was busy boarding the two ships in R1988, I was more interested in the parents' stories.

I wonder how can a drama start without a complete story? My guess is that the story could be loosely structured or open to changes along the way.

I cut dramas a lot of slack because I know it's entertainment after all. I'm good at taking plotholes if the overall outcome is that I enjoy the drama. It doesn 't make the drama good but it entertains me. So for K2, I wouldn't have cared if Anna needed to dance with the ramen pack if they had filmed it well. Maybe she hasn't tasted ramyeon for a long time and had to do a celebratory dance, I get it. But JCW's character really made it worse for me. If he had just smiled and fist pump or something, I wouldn't mind. But he did a lot more than that and the whole thing was just terribly overdrawn, overacted and overblown.


@ET: Yup I remember Mom in IHYV being generally praised here on DB as the best mom of that kdrama year. I couldn't believe that villain actually killed her until the daughter fainted in the hospital. Plus LBY's crying was so gut-wrenching I was bawling my eyes out.

I've read so many compliments for Age of Youth for its depiction of friendship, so I've added it to my watchlist too. I bet it'll be a good emotional ride.


About Two Weeks and the little girl/LJK, that makes complete sense since the central relationship in that drama is between father and daughter, even when they haven't met each other yet :)

I mean, there's no love line between LJK and Kim So-yeon, and whatever there is between him and Park Ha-sun is pretty much just for the purpose of showing how they got to be parents - the kid trumps all. (also that was perfect casting, it's easy for that kind of role to come off cloying but Lee Chae-mi is so sweet I just wanted to snatch her out of the screen and cure her leukaemia)


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@pogo: Yes I know ^^ That's the reason why I planned to watch Two Weeks in the first place. I've barely made it past the setting up, and the two female characters (plus their current and past relationships) are actually being introduced more than the little kid, but after ep 3 the story has got its firm foot in its intended direction, so I'm bracing myself for the goodness in the name of father-child bonding to come.


Moonlight: This week is all bout making us cry. When Ra-on broke down, CP, i cried. I just love this drama.

Moonlovers: I take loyalty to the next level. Just when i was breathing a sigh of relief on Ep 11 they just had to test my loyalty to LJK.

Jealousy Incarnate: I watched the first and the last part of Ep 14 a million times...Gummy-unni or noona, whichever works, you girl are soooooo lucky...keep JJS in your pocket.

OTWTTA: Where did i read that this wasn't and adultery drama. Anyway i still love it. There i something about this drama that i just love. I just can't explain. It's different

Woman with A Suitcase: Jo Jin Moo...oh Jo Jin Moo...i loved you since Bichunmoo.

K2: When i start getting distracted whilst watching a drama means one thing, i am starting to lose interest. I have a short attention span, and only the really engaging keeps me focus.


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I really like Hae Soo's limp! To the point where I wish it never heals and she retains it till the last episode. It's very refreshing to have war and confrontations leave lasting effects on the people involved and even more so to have a female lead with a disability. I love Scarlet Heart so much that-- as unreasonable as it may be-- even the exclusive audience focus on Lee Junki is making me :s Despite hearing the same complaints every week and completely agreeing with them, this drama has something. I can't think of any other drama I've ever seen that could have had issues like this one does and yet keep so many people coming back for more.

I mostly disagree with Cinderella because I dislike it intensely for how stupid it presumed its audience to be. Maybe it's because I overestimated it in its first few weeks that my disappointment is so great. Besides I didn't find the lead OTP likeable in the least, so for a drama that didn't do much else except get its characters together by hook or crook, it didn't even have that charm. And I was completely against their family narrative and how they dealt with it, which means even the premise fell flat. Besides they used one of my most detested tropes- childhood connection- as an 11th hour savior and made it even worse for me. Ahn Jae Hyun got a Top Excellence award out of it at least, which- as much as he was my only stake in the drama and so, so attractive in the role- is just hilarious and bizarre.

On The Way To The Airport is so driven with emotion and sure-footed acting and direction, that it's utterly delightful. I have yet to see this week's episodes but I love that there was barely any denial that there was a line that the characters were mentally crossing or thinking of crossing, if nothing else. They have adult issues and behave like adults and I never realize how rare that is till a drama like this comes along. It's so thoughtful and has a lovely vibe of stopping in-the-middle-of-a-busy-day-to-observe. The dialogue and lead chemistry is just such a good slow burn.

Jealousy Incarnate is almost too good to be real. If it doesn't win ALL the year end awards, I'll be very disappointed. Jo Jung Seok for the Daesang tbh. I can't believe I used to think he was unattractive and couldn't understand his charm. He has more expressions playing a character than I have in real life. But seriously, as far as I remember, this show's never even had a bad week, it's kept me utterly hooked from the very first episode and the last week was swoon-worthy, guh. That tinge of magical realism just elevates it above and beyond. It's so impossibly clever.


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Reading the comment; agreeing with everything; looking up to see the name: Zoe. Call me not surprised ^.^

SH: I applaud the show for actually not making her heal from her wounds in like milliseconds. I am completely fine with it if they want to keep the limp permanently. It's something you don't really ever see in kdrama with a female lead.

Cat4k: At the end it felt to me like I was the only one left watching the show that didn't like the main couple. Honestly, I should have probably just dropped it but HM from the first 4 eps kept me watching in hope to see him again. ? I thought the ending was really bad...the villains all basically were forgiven without any redemption of some sort, Seo woo became a street musician again (WTF?!), HJ got what she wanted , secretary was first shunned and cursed out and then in the last scene smiling?? And let's not even mention the worst trope usage ever at the worst time.... When I watched it I lost my humanity for a second and wished to have the truck of doom appear out of nowhere and get rid of our main characters so everything following wouldn't even have happened. ? Yeah.... Still a bit salty about this drama.

OTWTTA is just lovely, love the tranquil atmosphere with a slightly unsettling ambience mixed into it.

JI is really continuously good, loved it from the start.


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I agreed with everything you said. JI is freaking awesome.


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I can’t think of any other drama I’ve ever seen that could have had issues like this one does and yet keep so many people coming back for more.

Yeah, and the funny part is that it's been like this from Day 1. It's not that it was going one way and then had a controversial derailing, or that the issues haven't been present right up front, but they are and yet we keep coming back anyway.

And even as Lee Jun-ki's #1 fan, I have to admit he doesn't have romantic chemistry with his leading ladies 100 percent of the time (I really didn't feel it in Iljimae or Joseon Gunman - leaving Two Weeks out of the equation here since the relationship they were going for in that one was 'exes and parents' not really a romance).

BUT I'm actually buying/rooting for the potential So/Su romance here, and I have to give IU credit for that, despite her deficiencies she vibes really well with both leading men. It's not an Heirs/UF-like case of two pretty people sharing the screen with zero spark between them or, despite claims, only the guy doing all the work.


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ML - I like that they were brave enough to show the consequences of what she's been through but I don't really understand her character anymore. She doesn't think like a modern woman. How could she not be angry at Wook? How could she feel guilty over Lady Oh's death when she did nothing to make it happen? How could she forgive the king for all that happened? Can you imagine a woman that limps because of what this king did still being all nice to him and the guy that didn't try to help and never showed up for a year?

I haven't managed to finish Cinderella yet but I was never disappointed because for me this show never pretended to be good, not like W at least.

I'm really liking OTWTTA despite thinking they shouldn't make the spouses so strangely unlikable and I really think they should have had a time skip because SDW is too normal for someone who just lost someone.


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Moonlight: After watching this drama, I'm smiling all day.

Moon lover: Finally getting to the love story that I wanted to see.

Lauren Tree Tailor: I don't quite understand why I watch this drama, but I tune in every weekend

Fantastic: Ji-soo & Noona ( That's all)

On the way to the Airport: This show is sinfully intoxicating. Also the wine glass scene almost made me melt in my sofa.

Woman with Suitcase- Just listening to the evidence--- verdict is not in yet


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Try to watch SKL its funny, adorable, cute and adorkable


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I'm not sure how I feel about The K2. I'm getting the same feeling as I did from Yong-pal where it appears to have this complex, grandiose plot, but when you get through each episode with all its sidetracking, you find out that actually, it's very simple. I think that writer gets way too excited with all his "great ideas" that he doesn't stop to think of how to execute them in the midst of everything else. He has no sense of balance. And then some very odd choices like the ramen CF. Reminded me of King of Dramas and the orange juice. I even bet it went down the same way, where a bunch of them were brainstorming on how to fit that ramen into that scene.


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Goddammit Jo Jungseok. Your being hot + an amazing actor + a very, VERY good kisser will be the death of us all. *rises from the grave, replays THAT scene a thousand times more*


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:D :D


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Yup its true! Seo Inguk and Nam Ji Hyun are the sweetest couple in the KDramaland at the moment! Oh how I loved puppy and child-like chaebol of Seo Inguk, definitely one-of-a-kind chaebol! May I say something? I have never been disappointed in whatever roles Seo Inguk have chosen during his acting years; be it the stoic, typical second lead male in Masters Sun or the playful, full of temper but adorable high school kid in HSKOS. SKL maybe full of cliche as the title suggests, but somehow it was entertaining, fun and definitely sweeter than any sugar! Heee oh I hereby profess my love for you again Gukkie-ya, may SKL surpass the 10% ratings so that I can watch you dress up like a Shiba Inu!


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SIG is really good with his drama choices. I admire how he does not choose you're atypical characters that can guarantee him a Hallyu star status and instead chooses to be versatile and go for different than usual roles and dramas. I'm not really a fan of his looks but I really like his commitment towards acting and choosing versatile roles. That's what makes me look forward to his projects more than any other actor in his age group.


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Totally second this! For an actor whom just started acting 4 years ago, Seo Inguk sure has a damn good resume! And as far for his looks, he is indeed not the typical flower-kind-of-boy face which adored by most Koreans, but I think that is what makes him a stand out among his peers, because his totally untypical looks is what makes me totally drawn in him! Haha.


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Same. SIG's been in four of my favorite dramas ever: Reply 1998, HSKOS, I Remember You, and Task Force 38. The roles are all completely different, but I think his versatility really shows going straight from Task Force 38 to Shopaholic King Louis.


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Oops, meant Reply 1997.


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Aaah, Reply 1997. Seo Inguk totally kills it in this drama. That Yoon Yun Jae guy with exceptionally a good kisser, definitely I will be remembering that drama for a very much, much longer time. Haha.


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Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Still enjoying this show a lot and I just love PBG and KYJ in this so much. JY and KDY are awesome as well. I'm impressed by the action scenes and emotional scenes. I knew the angst was coming, but trusted that our crown prince would have enough faith in his fave eunuch.

Moon Lovers: Just when I thought this show was finally getting better, it takes 10 steps back. The jarring and choppy scenes don't help since the plot and character development is severely stunted. I had such high expectations for this show with its cast and source material as well as pre-production. But I'm so disappointed in how things have turned out and it's like my love for the original has been doused with this show... At least there is LJG, who just outshines everyone and is the only reason to keep watching cuz Jung scenes keep getting shafted in K-version.


Cinderella and the Four Knights: Wrapped up neatly, just the way I expected. It was one of those dramas that won't require a lot of brain cells to get through. Though the plot got kinda bland, PSD and JIW being cute was enough to finish this series.

Fantastic: Same here. I really wasn't sure if I should watch this after I saw the first two ep's and news about Jisoo broke out. But now that's he's back and my other shows have ended, I got caught up with all the ep's. Love love love this show!! And agree that Jisoo is only part of the reason. In fact, they did a nice job of not making his absence really felt. The main couple is great! The ladies' friendship is awesome! Love the men: HS, JK, SW, PH! Hate the in-laws and jerk-face husband! It's a show I'm looking forward to every week.


Finally got around to watching Jisoo on Knowing Brothers variety and an older My Ear's Candy ep. ❤️?

Finished up Love O2O drama and saw the movie version as well. Thinking of what to watch next for C-drama or K-drama.


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Show I'm currently watching
1. Dr stranger, lmao! only for LJS while waiting for his jade-lover
2. 1% - I did not watch the original I gave this a try. Actings are subpar, will most-likely drop this after a few epi.
3. Airport- This is my kind of drama. love every bits of it.
4. K2- on the verge of dropping this very soon. So frustrating with the plots. Actions are good but it's too overwhelming!


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May i add you a list?? How about SKL #ShoppingKingLouie..SIG acting is versatile..its cliche but in a good and funny way..totally hillarious


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I plan to... I need to wait until it finish showing.


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Watching so many dramas, it is embarrassing to own up to all of them!

But my favs right now are:

MDBC - I am old enough to be PBG's mom, but am absolutely captivated by him. Kim Yoo-Jung is a delight to watch as well - how I wish the age gap were more appropriate so some of the romance scenes were a little more natural. Although these two are doing a wonderful job anyway (as is the rest of the cast). I'm a little worried about the impending wedding and how the show will end.

Jealousy Incarnate - hands down my favorite show right now. The triangle is probably the best I've seen. Although I am sure Na Ri will end up with Hwa Shin, I can make an argument for Na Ri ending up with either boy or even neither boy. And I am surprisingly okay with any of the possible outcomes. Barring an unexpected Truck of Doom showing up...

Shopping King Louis - This is my happy show. I grin like a fool through every episode. SIG has cemented a permanent place in my heart and I've come to love Nam Ji Hyun in a very short time. Oh, and as a newbie, I was excited that for the first time, I could hear the Busan accent. :)

I am also enjoying Fantastic, On the Way to the Airport, and Drinking Solo. I started 1% of Something and totally understand why broadcasters don't like airing multiple shows with the same lead at the same time. I am totally sold on the OTP in Drinking Solo, so it is a little disconcerting to watch Suk-Jin romancing another woman in 1%. I'm thinking I may delay 1%, because I am loving sassy Ju So Min in this.


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YES~ Jealousy Incarnate is my favorite show this year too. I like Moonlight too but just love JI more. I love everything about it.


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Shopping King Louis: Louis and Bok-shil are SO adorable. Sending my best Louis puppy-dog eyes so second leads and villains and business machinations don't ruin the cute.

Drinking Solo: It took me a while to get into this show. I'm still not crazy about the female lead, but I like the direction the show seems to be headed, and I like the younger group.


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Lol i feel most of us who complain about too much action in K2 will be trilled with the fact last two episodes barely had any action scenes. And ,shocker, there was some noted character development. So we are moving in the right direction.


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Yah do 5 &6 had less action scenes and more character development. That umbrella scene stole my heart.


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Only watching one drama right now, On the Way to Airport. Swamped at work, so much that don't even have time to sleep. I don't know why but this show reminds me so much of the "Before Sunrise" series. It evokes similar feelings in me.


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Looks like I should give On the Way to the Airport a look in since the "Before" series is one of my favourite series of movies. Before Sunset is hand-downed, my favourite romance movie of all time.


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I think it's the capture of mundane through the lens of feelings that emotions that gets me down... the kind when one wants to stop, but is not able to stop. You remember that "hair" scene in the movie... once when he pulls his hand back, and then in before sunset when she pulls her hand back... that involuntary attraction is the beautifully portrayed. I have no idea what's going to happen next, but hopefully, they'll do it right.


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Yes, I remember that scene. And also the scenes in the record shop in Sunrise and when they walked upstairs to her apartment in Sunset where they keep stealing glances at each other. Nothing really happened in either scenes, but they captured the feelings of awareness mixed with awkwardness that came with nascent attraction so well; the longing was palpable. The movies really excelled at little scenes like those.

How are the two leads in Airport? Are they flawed characters or more stereotypical kdrama tropes? I hope the significance others are not villanize in order to justify the attraction between the leads.


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When I first heard that Jealousy Incarnate would be a 24 episode show, I was LOL'n at the very idea. Now it actually makes sense why those 24 episodes are slated. I kinda wish there was more because this show is pure entertainment bliss. Its habit forming. It is.


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Watching more than the usual number of dramas and enjoying all of them but the real standout in the last week has been On The Way To The Airport.

My goodness that's one fantastic show.


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Currently watching Friends (2002) and omg Won Bin. I never understood what people were talking about...but man is he dreamy. Starting ep 2 in a sec. Ugh I just love this. :)


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The 4 episode drama naa? I just recommended it here yesterday in open thread.


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yes! I saw your recommendation and thought to give it a try! So thank you. :)


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Last week, the 3 Tuesday shows I watched had great crying scenes – LJK in SH, PBG in MDBC and Min Jin Woong in Drinking Solo. Min Jin Who? Yup, I didn’t know his name before either but I’ll remember him from now on. Of the 3, it was Prof Min who made me cry. He was so natural in that scene that it didn’t look like acting at all.

Somehow, Drinking Solo has become my favourite show of the week, the one which I can’t wait to watch. This show has found its way to my heart after Age of Youth which I absolutely adore. Honestly, I hesitated to start because I couldn’t fathom a show about drinking. I can take food porn like in Let’s Eat but drink? Turns out that it’s a lot more than drinking. The drama deals with serious issues without taking itself seriously. In fact, the comedy is awesome. I also discovered many good actors who I’ve never watched before.

Moon Lovers, the show which I was supposed to drop like 4 episodes ago but I’m still watching. I don’t know why because I can’t find anything good to say about it except that it isn’t boring? Goodness knows how many ‘better’ shows I’ve watched and still dropped because I lost interest or thought of picking them up but never got around to it.

Wook turned batshit and while it was totally bad writing, I actually prefer him this way than lurking in the shadows. Kang Ha Neul is one who can play an antagonist as well as a protagonist. Not all leads can do this. If only they had a better writer, this 8th prince could have been better than the C version. It’s the same for 4th Prince. I like my heroes smart and So isn’t it. Sure, he’s loyal, faithful, courageous and all but not smart. I’m not saying that he’s dumb but I want So to outwit his enemies rather than sacrificing himself every time. The part where he stopped Wook and Jung from killing Yo, I had thought he could overpower Yo and capture him, the great wolf warrior that he is. Then he had to go and plunge his sword into Yo’s chest, tsk tsk. Maybe that’s why I hardly pity him when he cried into Soo’s arms.

If there’s another idol I can’t stand more than Baekhyun in this show, it’s Seohyun. It’s largely very poor writing and she’s there purely for fanservice but it doesn’t help that she can’t act. She had like one expression in her killer dance sequence, somehow she reminded me of Chucky holding a knife. I like Baek Ha but Baek Ha- Woo Hee pairing is so dumb.


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I know that IU has been criticised for having that O_O look all the time. I thought she is doing all right although nothing superb. This week, she showed some good acting and then she had to go O_O again every now and then. I honestly felt tired for her eyes. Doesn’t she and won’t they dry up from opening so much for so long? Again, I’ve got to lay some blame on the PD. Plus did anyone think it was ridiculous how a lowly laundry maid got to get so close to the King at his deathbed and pretty much move around without being tailed. I laughed at the scene where she watched the showdown between Wook and So in wide eyed terror. No one saw her standing there? She was totally out of place.

I actually read the comments on this week’s recaps and it was quite interesting to see how viewers are so good at filling in the blanks. Whatever story they think the writer was trying to tell could possibly have more depth than what the writer intended.

K2 is still uninteresting. I am not just complaining about the action but after 5 episodes, there’s still not much of a story and I feel nothing for the characters. Ramyun 2.0 was like JCW fanboying at a SNSD concert. I’ll give it another week.

Fantastic continues to be good but I’m afraid of the inevitable. I picked up 1% of Anything and wonder if Ha Seok Jin is born to play arrogant jerks? I normally avoid this type like a plague but what I find different is that his characters aren’t really meant to be swoonworthy. They are more funny than anything else.


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No ML is not boring, that I agree with you. I was infuriated with the show at first but I'm still sticking around to read the recaps. For me the reason is my curiosity: I'm curious to see how further they will butcher the original story line and characters, and I'm also curious about how this writer will fit everything in the last 7 episodes. For this particular period in Goryeo history, with the reigns of 3 kings and more power play and bloodbath, there is definitely a lot to tell, which is not a bad thing because it provides a rich background to the main plot. Sometimes it almost feels like watching a novice struggling with the task of crafting a piece of pottery. You can almost visualise the potential end product they want to make out of that piece of clay, but you can do nothing but sit and watch. The clumsiness is definitely exasperating, but over time it also makes it amusing to watch.

I'm also enjoying the analysis of some posters. The comments that really struck me and sent me in a fit of nodding along are those that criticise the stereotypical characterisation and victimisation in break-ups in ML (as with many other K-dramas). I have already seen some comments which are apprehensive about Wang So's killing his brothers and which are praying that his killing would only be triggered by their betrayal. As for me I don't mind some cruelty initiated by Wang So, to be a little more true to the real historical figure. I understand that characters in dramas are often romanticised, but a pinch of reality would definitely make them very interesting.


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LOL @Hye Mi, I think I too am watching it out of morbid interest. And because it failed my expectations very early on, I am less frustrated with it.

Wang So is not just romanticized, I think they took the creative license to the the extreme on his character. It's the reason why I can't buy into this guy from day 1. He resembles more like a character in fan fiction than a dramatization of a historical figure.


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RE Moon Lovers ; yeah the K version has so much potential to make the better 8th prince, I like his transition but it doesn't make sense. I can make the sense by implied all the things he did but the story didn't.

RE Ha Seok Jin : his character is not swooned worthy and I love that aspect, he played it well,
I don't think he is a good person and his character also and bam we reached the agreement, he keep showing his story and I keep watching


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The reason why I was looking forward to the K version was because I didn't like the two actors in the C version. They did their parts very well in the drama, it's just my personal bias against them. The first sign that Moon Lovers wasn't going to be what I'd like was when they showed the stills of Wang So. The mask and the silly 'roadkill' on top of his head had me rolling my eyes. I knew he was going to be a emo guy, very unlike the character of 4th Prince in BBJX. In a way, I am not far from the truth, Wang So has displayed nothing of the kind of purpose, shrewdness and brilliance of one who's going to take over the throne by power.

Kang Ha Neul is awesome as Wook. If his character had been written as well as the C version, I'd be totally heartbroken by Wook/Soo.


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For me I was looking forward to the K-version because I considered it an interesting challenge for the Korean scriptwriter. Apart from the reverse harem set up, most other elements in C-BBJX can be considered to deviate from the K-dramas' norms. We have the issue of
sensibilities interfering with pure, idealistic romance, in which partners are drawn to each other not merely because of love but also because of their (subconscious?) expectations for the others influenced by social & historical constructs and norms, such as gendered roles & class.
We also have the philosophical issue of morality, which doesn't neatly translate into black/white and a few shades of grey, but a mixture of those throughout, and what type of person we perceive one to be is as much about circumstance-specificity as about seeing the bigger picture, which explains why we can generally tell that one is 'good' but don't agree with them due to the clashes in our values, some of which can easily categorise either us or them as 'bad'.
And then we have the issue of fault in break-ups. Is it always the men's fault? Is it the women who are always the victims? That many hate RX for not giving her all in a relationship was proof that the woman is an equal player in romance as is the man, & her choice is also conditioned by her social position & identities as much as the man's. Sometimes, as an outsider, we must agree that neither of them are completely right.
For me BBJX is a depiction of all the beauty and ugliness of romance. The unconditional loyalty & friendship is also a very bright spot in the drama.
Tbh, I had very high hope in KHN's 8th too (I'm a sucker for strategists, that's why). I also liked that dark and ominous aura from the preview and hoped against hope that they wouldn't go overboard with the comedic moments in the earlier episodes (I cringed hard at that part in BBJX). Too bad they decided to stay true to the parts I don't like in BBJX and deviate from the parts that I like. Still, this historical period in Goryeo is interesting, and the writer has done quite a good job in adapting to the Korean historical context.


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"isn't boring" But you know, this is no small thing. Even in better constructed dramas, I find myself skipping scenes. I've not done that once in this one.


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"She had like one expression in her killer dance sequence, somehow she reminded me of Chucky holding a knife."

This got me ROFL. And also to add on to this, I always thought that if you are part of a plot to kill someone, you aren't suppose to show your intent to kill so blatantly. She was glaring at the King very very obviously anyone can tell she's about to kill him [although strangely I think no one noticed, so yeah... ]

Anyway if not yet obvious I am one of those who are still holding on to Moon Lovers, hoping for the best but expecting nothing. At this point, I'm just glad So x Soo is finally happening. More screen time for LJG, yas!!!

Aside from ML, the only other Kshow I'm watching is 1N2D. And I am waiting for this shows to start:
▪ 3Meals A Day
▪ Entourage
▪ This Week My Wife Will Have An Affair
▪ Tomorrow With You


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"although strangely I think no one noticed, so yeah…"

Everything about her character is strange. No one cared enough that she tried to assassinate the King. No one cared that she stabbed a prince. Not even Baek Ah. She has zero chemistry with Soo, zero chemistry with Baek Ah who seems to have lost his marbles whenever it comes to Woo Hee.

The last time I watched a female assassin brandishing two blades, I was fangirling like crazy. I need more Cheok Sa Kwang pleeeeaassse!


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I watched most of the drama but never felt so impatient to wait like On the way to the airport. Episode 5 wins for me, from the sensual wine scene which made my heart beating and squealll like watching a sensuous scene. Never thought just a simple sliding on the wine glass could make a different impact. If I was SA, I will totally put a bucket of ice on my face because it burned like crazy. Not to forget the intense stares of Lee Sang Yoon. Damn that guy! Is that the same man from Twenty Again? Lol >.<


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What is up with this wine glass scene?! It's piqued my interest.

I'm head over heals for JI, but maybe I'll check out Airport.


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You should check it up! It topped the most heart pounding scene in my kdrama history! I rewind the scenes for many times but it still gives the same feelings - like you are watching intimate scene but reality is it just pouring a glass wine while the guy was staring at you and sliding his hand up to touch your hand! The bgm was beautiful, the mood and color are great not to forget LSY intense stare. I'm falling for this man :D


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I can't imagine the scene surpassing Jealousy Incarnate ep 14, but LSY does smolder like nobody's business so I'll take your word for it. I'm on ep 2 and liking it so far :-)


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Shoot, is Moon Lovers going downhill? Not this again...

But like I said in the OT, my thoughts on episodes 7-8. Man, I love Seon Deok. Her debut episode with the bear fur made me laugh so hard (I howled at everyone freaking out in Eun's birthday party for that!) I do hope I can see her in action more rather than just being Eun's love interest (but I also was thinking what Eun was thinking when she killed the bird... I'm sorry, animal deaths make me sad, ok?!) Fingers crossed!

As for Eun and his birthday? On one hand, he did get a little annoying, but mainly because of how demanding he was at his birthday with Seon Deok (but then again, I guess it is his birthday after all). On the other hand, Yo. Freaking Yo. If you never brought it up, Eun wouldn't have asked So to take his mask off and this shindig wouldn't have happened! But no, we gotta have some villain somewhere.

I absolutely hate this Second Lead Syndrome, knowing that it will sink in the future. But Su and Wook are too cute ;_; At least So is stepping up his game, so yay?


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Only one recapper watching Jealousy!? For some reason, I think you'd really enjoy Jealousy Incarnate javabeans! (Haha just plugging my favorite show here)

I'm saving Moon Lovers to marathon and watching Moonlight ongoing. I decided to choose only one to follow because I get so caught up in the fandom/comments that it really affects my emotions on how I feel about the show.

Despite that decision, I am currently watching Jealousy Incarnate, Shopping puppies and the K2 along with Moonlight. Still love JI the best - it has the perfect romcom recipe.


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Only one recapper watching Jealousy!?

My thoughts exactly!
How can you all stay away from the charms of JJS? ;)


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Wait, what javabeans? A new Jang Nara in town?

I am checking out 1% of Anything remake!

Because very rarely that, a candy character does not piss me off and Jang Nara has that pull in her character that always works. Just the right amount, and i give her props for that because it is not an easy feat to play a character that can be otherwise really annoying.

I'm checking it out. Welp. Hope it is good.


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I agree with jb about Scarlet Heart's terrible preview. It really let all the suspense out from EP 13.
But I thought Hae Su's limping a good, realistic detail.


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That would be "Mma-i p-preesh-yos!" Say it the granny way.


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Well, starting to see cracks in The K2 and that's not a great feeling. This is the kind of show that thrives on intensity--it's great when it's focused on the literal marriage of politics and action, that is, turning political proxy wars into physical encounters (so basically whenever Song Yoon-ah's character is the focal point), but whyyyyy stupid comic relief whyyyy. The clownish side couples are useless, completely divorced from everything that makes this show interesting tonally and thematically, and just plain unfunny. Also don't enjoy fawning recaps of everything the hero just did or women making fools of themselves drooling over him, because puffing him up just cheapens everything the director worked to achieve. It's little things like this that are dragging this show down. Haven't seen episode 6 yet so I'm hopeful Anna will get an active story line and the filler will fade into the background, but this writer...smh.

Really don't have a problem with the inevitable romance because unlike in Yongpal, it's not a betrayal of character motives or necessarily a concession to the usual bland, flavorless fare--JCW's character has had an obsession with nurturing the weak and powerless since the beginning of the show (getting so invested in saving the old couple's farm, feeding kitties his own food, blowing his cover when he sees the elderly cleaning lady caught up in someone else's fight, etc). Is it bizarre to watch him so wrapped up in someone else's dinner? Well yeah, but essentially the struggle is real.

I'm in the minority here, but I'm all for an action show having fun with action, and telling its story in the most bombastic, uncompromising, unconventional ways. One of the great joys of the genre is spontaneous fight scenes in bizarre locations where the hero is unprepared and unarmed. Really enjoyed the utter ridiculousness of the umbrella scene and the shower scene from that perspective, and also think in both cases action served as a vehicle for character/relationship development--in both, the hero proves his resourcefulness in entertaining ways (wish the writer would get the memo on showing, not telling though), and in the former, we watch the interdependence between Je-ha and Choi Yoo-jin unfold (pun not intended), while in the latter, the so-called hunting dogs (attempt to) establish their hierarchy. There is enough going on there on an interpretive level that I don't feel the show descends into masturbation, but I guess ymmv.


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If I make drama scene with the K2 ep, every scene they made will be erased with good fighting scene,
It's action, you need to punched people,
and Anna has a good amount of screen time in ep 6,


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If I make drama sin with the K2 ep, every sin they made will be erased with good fighting scene,
It’s action, you need to punched people,
and Anna has a good amount of screen time in ep 6,

edit ; scene= sin


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I like the action too, which was why I liked Chuno so much.

I can definitely do w/o the romance and J4-like female characters. The writer made Yoo-Jin so awesome then left crumbs for Anna and the rest of the female characters. It's an embarrassment to women and I'm second hand embarrassed watching them.


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i do appreciate all the time and trouble you guys go through to recap so many series! but i lately also find myself not ready to comment on any of them, even on those i do follow.

JI seems nice, and i'd give it a chance - once it's finished, if only for the recaps. it seems a hoot.

but i do watch - raw at first i might add - MLSHR and the K2 and i actually love them, despite the flaws.

while recaps for MLSHR come very fast, so that people can come gush or rant over the eps in the heat of the moment, i'm starting to find the negativity grinding. i like parts of it, i like LJK and not IU, the plot is finally moving places, and i did get used to the close-up shots and bad music choices... but i got turned off commenting - and enjoying the exchange of impressions on each ep - when people just can't drop the editing and music and bad shots and talk about those over and over... part of my enjoying any series used to be the comment section, now i enjoy the drama more when i don't read them.

as for the K2 - yeah they had a bit too much overkill in action scenes in the first two eps, but i find i'm getting very involved in the drama lately, despite those. the whole main cast does a good job and i love finding out what makes them tick. it might be that i didn't watch cable drama a lot, but for me it's a good, nicely done story. and i find the ramyeon two-part bit lovely, in its completion - i think the "just too good to be true" second part, from ep 5, was the most cute scene i've watched this year - or maybe two-three years - and the two leads aren't even in the same room. it might be just me, but the serious parts and the cutesy-romancey-fun parts are in good balance so far.

and the saddest part is that for this particular drama, i don't get to come and laugh or rant over it because the recaps are posted pretty late, when both week's eps have been released, translated and are done. it's not the same to come after a few days and be happy for a nice scene or explode over a bad one...

so yeah, to each its own. but it just feels like there are a looooot of recapped series lately (when do you guys get to sleep?) but i can't help thinking - so many dramas, nothing to watch :(


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MDBC: PBG's tears were bad enough, but it was the addition of those pitiful pouty lips, making him look extra-forlorn, that did me in. I wanted to yell, "Someone, please make it stop!". I also wanted to yell at uri CP, "Just listen to your heart! It knows baek pro that your backhugger is no backstabber!".

JI Wow. Just wow.

SKL I'm such a sucker for underdoggy found-families. This OTP just warms the cockles of my heart.


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I'm never upset about having shows to enjoy watching, but dramaland does feel like it consumes way more time than the literal hours it takes to watch its offerings, doesn’t it? —javabeans

This is so true, javabeans.

When I don't watch dramas, I think about them.
If not that, then I read about them (recaps, casting news here in dramabeans)
If not that either, then I comment about them (also here in dramabeans).

Also I loved girlfriday's description of jealousy incarnate. That's what I am doing too!


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stupid limping ?

But the girl was tortured... I'm pretty sure that with the lack of adequate care, her leg didn't properly get healed either, or did but very slowly.


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It's not about the fact that she limps, it's about the way she does.


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Fantastic, only drama I'm watching, love all the characters specially HS and SH, I also love the doctor, one of the better second leads in any dramas I've seen. Love the friendship between the ladies and the bromance between HS and JK as well as HS and his manager. FantastiC is indeed FANTASTIC!!!!!


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my list of shows is currently fairly short, i think.

the K2- my favorite show hands down. song yoon-ah is so beautiful to look at, and her character is fascinating and so is her acting. i don't mind all the action scenes, but i DID mind the stupid ramen scenes. such a to do over ramen. i'm not buying any of the "chemistry" between ji chang-wook and snsd's yoona yet, to be sure. ji chang-wook and song yoon-ah have sizzling chemistry, on the other hand.

woman with a suitcase- this is fun to watch, though i feel like i already see how it's all going to go.

jealousy incarnate- i've felt this from day one, but this show has got a really strange tone going sometimes. upbeat music during sad scenes, etc. it's not a bad thing, but it does make me wonder mid-watch how the hell i'm supposed to take this scene. i can't get serious about any of it—it's just all funny to me, even hwa-shin's angst.

moonlight drawn by clouds- i STILL haven't made it past the first four episodes, though i've been downloading all the episodes each week and meaning to get on with it. i don't want to miss park bo-gum's performance for anything, but i just don't seem to be in the mood to concentrate on a sageuk. argh how can i make myself do this!?


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HS's angst is meant to be funny-->sad-->funny. Yes at times funny music cues are played in a serious scene but I guess this is their way of telling me that I shouldn't take this scene that seriously. There is actually a very slight/subtle difference of expressions in HS's angst that without the music you won't get that this scene should not be taken that seriously. I think the music facilitates and enhances the feel of the scenes.


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Following 3 shows right now... Moonlight drawn by cloud, jealousy incarnate and scarlet heart...

MDBC - PBG cried, I cried!!! even though i already knows about it... i never watched the preview but i read about it so I really didn't expect to cry... I rarely cried watching dramas even in the saddest part especially if I know it's coming but PBG just had me... I can't... and it seems tomorrow will be another devastating ep judging from it's preview... MDBC is so good that I'm having a hard time waiting every week for new episode... I need my CP & RO dose... I really glad I start watching this drama... start it because of PBG n KYJ and end up loving every single cast...

JI - this show is good... i never expecting myself to like it this much... tho I really do love JJS and GHJ... it's funny and full of things that I love in modern drama... I love how it tackles issue that we rarely give attention to... not to mention chemistry between JJS n GHJ... I realise many people love GHJ and SJS but for me, GHJ n JIS is the best couple in korean drama world...

SC - I only start watching this drama because my friend ask me to download it... I can't say I love it but I enjoyed it... there are many flaws but I don't mind it that much... I love it's OST... but I totally agree with everyone about the preview... why in the hell you killed all the suspense that you build in the preview?? it not even tomorrow but next week episode... I don't know what is in their mind when making that preview...


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Am i the only one find the JI kissing part is like kind of forcing..i dont find it an intimacy between them..his kissing scene in other dramas are most likely the same..


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I'm just wondering what if the director of Airport did also Moon Lovers...


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I think WWAS is good, but many people underrated it. Lol quite difficult to find recap, and have to wait two days or so. Perhaps the main lead is veteran actor? For sure, Choi Ji Woo acting and JI Jin Mo nail me. I try to see it in different perspective, from legal rom com side. From this, I can feel Ji jin mo character, yes indeed he is a bit too far, but I think that is part of him, cold, decision maker, stiff, but childish in front of the woman he fall with. Just like his nick name, hamburger, thick but melted inside. Their chemistry is just damn good. Important to note the relation between Cha and attorney Ma, is so funny, and dazzling. Waiting for the works for Cha and attorney Go. Good team. In overall, I lovee it. It makes me gigling. You guys need to check this out..


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so . . . it's s Saturday and I am free ,
so I watch it all hahaha
Moonlight and Shopping King Louis ; they feed my heart with positivity, hope, dream and a simple wished to just do the best of it. It feels like the couple in this drama just meant to be.

OTWTTA : love the production and the maturity when they showed us how the No-couple resonates with each other. It almost an affair for me, if they make them kissed, then it settled (but it already in the grey area). I love how the show telling us the story without making an obvious judgement on who we have to support (up to this point). The No-couple just so sweet and I am enjoying the thrilling moment of the chemistry but rationally, they need to break loose before start linking the red thread again.

Moon Lovers : I still getting confused, it's like the time/pacing is different for each character. All the things that are implied are actually what should be filmed.

The K2 : I love this but the pace and music should just stop trying to get the spotlight. I found most of the scene actually written good, I get it but they showing is as over the top, either cutest or overdramatic moments, it doesn't have to be that way.
and beware of Strawberry

1% of anything : the plot and the story is good and they just lack 1% of anything in the production to make it looked polished.
I get what JavaBeans mean when this looked outdated, Idk if it's the colour balance but tbh I think the writer and the actor do great. It kinda jarring when Ha Seok Jin is more dreamy in drinking solo's shot even of 1% has more grandiose setting

Drinking Solo : I love this show so much, even if I don't think my perception of drinking solo and them is matched. This love greatly comes from marathoning it, that's how I can get the ass Jinsang moves out of my head easily and start wanting re-watched or his miserable phase starts.
Love the trio, they just so fun.


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