
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 18 (Final)

We’re at the end of the line, and that means it’s time to resolve conflicts, wrap up loose ends, answer our questions, give us a satisfying resolution, and leave us with a uplifting feeling of hope that while the drama is over, the characters live on, in that we can be happy with even when we don’t get to witness it ourselves. That’s a fairly tall order, and the big question is whether the drama managed to pull all that off in its final hour. There’s no way to answer that without spoiling everything up front, so let’s just get right to the point, shall we?


EPISODE 18: “Moonlight drawn by clouds”

Late at night at Teacher Dasan’s home, Byung-yeon prepares to leave and peers inside to see Ra-on alone, dozing. He sets off, thinking, “It may be a long journey. But I promise you: I will return to you and the prince.”

Ra-on’s sleep turns fitful as she dreams of that night she’d held a knife to Yeong, which he’d used to cut off his bracelet.

In the palace, Yeong drinks his tonic and thinks of that same moment, when his bracelet fell apart and scattered. The poison hits him, and he falls over.

Ra-on calls out to Yeong in her sleep, and wakes feeling heavy-hearted. She chooses to consider the dream as a happy one, just as she’d once described dreaming of losing her mother: “Because at least I could see you.”

A frantic pounding sounds at the front gate, and it’s Young Master Jung with an urgent summons to bring Teacher Dasan to the palace. Ra-on hears that Yeong has been poisoned and falls to the ground, overcome.

Teacher Dasan and Ra-on (disguised as his assistant) hurry to the palace, where the gate guard asks Ra-on to remove her face mask. She’s saved from discovery by Eunuch Jang, who arrives in a panic to usher them in.

They’re taken to the prince’s chamber, where Yeong lies unconscious, looking like death. Ra-on kneels at his bedside and reaches for his hand, the sight of him bringing her to tears.

Teacher Dasan gets to work and spoons medicine into Yeong’s mouth. Perhaps it works, because Yeong’s eyes flutter open soon thereafter, and they breathe a sigh to see that he’s regained consciousness.

Through his tired eyes, Yeong just barely makes out the blurry image of Ra-on hovering above.

Just then, Ha-yeon is announced, and Ra-on quickly steps aside. Ha-yeon looks at her curiously, but she’s more concerned with the prince’s condition at the moment and hurries to his bedside.

Yeong’s blurry vision sharpens into focus as he makes out Ha-yeon’s face, and is that disappointment on his face? From a distance, Ra-on watches the two of them with sad eyes, and then the door closes in her face, leaving her on the outside.

The queen is worrying over having her baby daughter in Ha-yeon’s care when a court lady informs her that the prince has collapsed from poisoning. Her shock suggests she was unaware of the plan.

Teacher Dasan informs Yeong that the tonic he drank wasn’t poisoned, which is why the court lady who tasted it didn’t fall ill. Instead, the poison had been applied to the surface of the bowl, which is why the princess’s silver ring darkened upon contact. Because Yeong only drank a small amount, he should be able to recover fully. Yeong asks Teacher Dasan to keep his recovery a secret—he looks forward to seeing how happy people will be at his return from the brink.

The tactic has the desired effect, because Eunuch Sung reports to Prime Minister Kim that the palace is swirling with rumors that the prince is dying by the minute.

Ha-yeon thinks back to the masked aide attending to Yeong, unable to shake the suspicion that it was Ra-on. She tells herself that it can’t be, but without much conviction.

Ra-on tends to Yeong as he sleeps, and just as she moves away, his hand reaches out to pull her back. He reaches up to pull off her mask, then smiles to see her face, saying, “So I didn’t see wrong.”

She starts to explain why she’s here, but he just says, “When I opened my eyes, do you know how much I worried that it would not be you here? When I grabbed you, I hesitated for a long while, in case it might not be you.”

Ra-on tells him that she promised Teacher Dasan that she would only stay a few days, and take utmost care to not be recognized, not even by the prince. So now, she requests that he pretend not to know her for just a little while.

Yeong reaches for her hand and draws her sleeve back—revealing that she wears his bracelet, put back together. It makes him smile and hold on tighter, and he agrees, “I will pretend not to know you for a long, long while, so stay by my side. Even if it is just until I am recovered.”

He grasps her hand in his, and reaches up with the other to cradle her face.

And that’s the scene Ha-yeon witnesses from the door, which she quietly closes while holding back tears.

Yeong receives a visit from little Princess Yeongeun and her mother, Royal Consort Park. He asks if Consort Park recalls the day his mother died, recalling how she’d collapsed after taking her medicine, but no poison had been found in it. The incident was suspicious, but ultimately buried.

Yeong finds his poisoning similar to his mother’s death, and believes the same culprit to be behind both incidents. He views this incident as a good opportunity to get to the bottom of his mother’s death, though he sighs that he doesn’t have any proof.

At that, little Yeongeun flicks up her eyes nervously, looking conflicted. (Yasssssss.)

The queen orders Eunuch Sung to sneak her (discarded) baby back to her, and then she accompanies him to hand off the baby to a henchman. The queen warns the eunuch to do a proper job of it this time (as in, disposing of the child).

And then, Yeong’s voice orders them to halt. He turns scathing eyes on the queen, asking if she has ordered the child killed, and orders them to set the baby down, saying that even criminals are full of defenses and protests when accused of crimes. The least they can do is to let the baby do the only thing it knows how to do, cry, before it dies: “In front of the mother who is trying to get rid of her in such a terrible way.”

The queen looks conflicted, but steels herself and tells him to do as he wishes. Yeong warns that this is the last chance he will give her—that it’s the one way that everyone will be able to live.

He asks her to reveal that truth that this is her child, rather than the boy she has claimed. The queen’s face twists with emotion, but she smooths it out before facing the prince, lying, “I have no idea what you are saying.”

Yeong looks shocked at her coldness as she just walks away. But the baby begins to cry, and the queen struggles with herself, trying to ignore the cries.

Princess Yeongeun thinks back to that traumatizing day when she’d seen the court lady killed, and recalls seeing an envelope in the woman’s hands. Ra-on comes upon her and pauses in concern to see her looking distressed.

Ra-on quietly identifies herself, and Yeongeun writes a note asking if Ra-on is here as a doctor’s aide because of the sick prince. Ra-on says she will stay until the prince recovers, and asks if the princess is struggling with something.

Yeongeun asks for a favor, then leads Ra-on to that room where she’d once hidden, now dusty with disuse. She starts looking around for something, remembering that the lady stuffed the envelope underneath the a loose floorboard moments before being killed.

The memory makes Yeongeun tremble and cry, but she forces herself to point a finger toward the floor and eke out a word: “T-there…”

Ra-on feels for the loose floorboard, and finds that long-forgotten letter tucked underneath it. Behind them, a pair of feet quietly leave. Uh-oh.

It’s the prime minister’s underling, who reports back that he saw Ra-on fetching something from underneath the floor. The prime minister orders him to bring Ra-on, dead or alive, and at that, Yoon-sung offers himself for the task.

The prime minister points out that he can’t trust Yoon-sung when he knows he cares for the girl, but Yoon-sung replies that he’d like to test himself and see how strong his feelings are. He admits to feeling upset about her remaining close to the prince, and says that the clan must be powerful in order for him to have what he wants. Please tell me you’re just making the argument your grandfather wants to hear—because on that score, it works, and the prime minister agrees to let Yoon-sung bring her in.

Yeong delivers the old letter to the king, explaining Ra-on’s part in its recovery. The king recognizes the handkerchief inside, stained with blood, and reads the letter before showing it to Yeong.

The letter is from Yeong’s mother, addressed to him, and it sounds as though she expects to die; she tells Yeong that she hopes he will have overcome his sadness when he reads the letter. She also writes, “I have staked my life to protect your seat, not for my son’s power, but for the hope of Joseon—do not forget that.”

Ra-on returns to her old building late that night, and Yoon-sung finds her there. He looks at her with cold eyes and says she must come with him, just as he’s joined by masked assassins. Ra-on registers the threat, but they grab her before she can do anything.

Yoon-sung keeps his face stony, though it flickers when he hears Ra-on cry out in pain. At that, he draws his sword and holds it up to Ra-on’s scared face… and then whirls on his masked assassins.

He grabs Ra-on protectively and turns on his grandfather’s men, dispatching several in quick succession, not stopping even when he’s slashed across the abdomen. Then Ra-on sees that he’s in the direct line of danger, and darts in to block his body with hers.

But Yoon-sung can’t have her hurt, so he whirls them around, keeping Ra-on out of harm’s way… and getting stabbed in the chest instead. He spits up a mouthful of blood.

Still, he has enough strength to resume fighting when the remaining assassins charge him. One aims for Ra-on, and Yoon-sung blocks the sword’s path—by placing his body directly in its path.

The sword digs into his shoulder, and then Yoon-sung grabs the blade with his bare hand and slides his body along the length of the blade, toward the hilt, until he can knock the sword away. Goddamn it Yoon-sung, you’re a badass mofo but you’re hard to watch.

Yoon-sung takes down the last assassin, but by now his body has been battered with multiple injuries, and he collapses. Ra-on rushes to his side and cradles his head in her lap, scared to see that he’s seeping blood at an alarming rate.

Yoon-sung manages to smile as he tells her not to cry: “I do not wish to be remembered as a small man who would make a woman cry.” She can’t believe he’d joke at a time like this, but he continues, “Do not be sad, either.”

She sobs that she’s sorry for always hurting him when he always made her smile. He shakes his head and says, “You are the picture I always wanted to draw.” He says that it’s enough that she is happy in the moment he draws her, and urges her to be happy.

His eyes slowly close, and he falls limp. As the reality of his death sinks in, she sobs over his body.

The queen must have been moved by her crying child after all, because she admits everything to her father, subdued for once rather than agitated. She says she wanted to give birth to a boy, even if through faking it, and had a reason other than the obvious one of providing an heir: She wanted her father’s acknowledgement.

“Even if you weren’t satisfied with me, I am still your blood kin,” she says.

She asks if he ever thought of her as his child, to which he replies that she’s in no place to ask that after trying to kill her own child to protect her position.

She can only laugh at that: “Yes, hearing that, we are indeed related. Able to throw away anyone who becomes a hindrance, or kill. I am just like you.”

The prime minister says coolly that her desire for his approval is not within her reach, as the lowly child of a gisaeng—she ought to just be content with the queen’s seat he created for her. Her face falls, disappointed once more.

Without warning, her doors fly open and the king walks in, followed by Yeong and several soldiers. The king faces the prime minister and demands to know if everything is true. The queen hangs her head, thinking they’re speaking of her baby—but Yeong holds out the recently discovered letter, and the prime minister recognizes it.

A flashback takes us back ten years: The previous queen, Yeong’s mother, faces the prime minister, who warns her of the dangers of being too interested in Western learning. He confronts her with a book that he calls dangerous and heretical, which the queen says she read purely out of curiosity.

The prime minister accuses her of teaching the prince about ruling without accounting for class and rank. She argues that she was merely instructing him to regard every one of his citizens as important, but the prime minister is clearly capable of twisting that around to make it seem she’s inciting an upheaval of social order. So he gives her the choice: be dethroned and make the crown prince the son of a criminal, or to remain blameless and step down of her own accord.

This must all be in the queen’s letter, which the prime minister now reads. But then, a eunuch bursts in with terrible news of Yoon-sung.

A short time later, the prime minister is brought before the court as a criminal. Yeong reads the charges: contempt of royalty in falsifying the queen’s identity, poisoning the prince, and assassinating the former queen and covering it up. He is sentenced, along with the other two Kim ministers, to execution by beheading. The queen, meanwhile, is dethroned for passing off another child as the prince.

As the prime minister is escorted out of his home to meet his fate, he requests one last look at Yoon-sung’s room. As he sits in the empty room, he flashes back to that day long ago, when Yoon-sung and Yeong were boys. He’d watched as they changed back after trading clothes and Yoon-sung had asked if wearing the prince’s robes would make him the prince.

Little Yeong, now wearing the egret-adorned hat, replies no—but it allows them to understand each other better. Little Yoon-sung asks Yeong how he’d felt wearing his clothes, and Yeong says that his friend’s clothes had felt just as heavy as his own. So it was Yoon-sung who would die young all along, and Yeong who bore the traits of a good king.

The prime minister finds a pistol among Yoon-sung’s things. Moments later, a gunshot rings out.

Yeong carries his mother’s handkerchief out to the field, remembering how she had wished for him to see the people in lower classes, and to protect each and every citizen as his own. She’d asked him then to promise to be that kind of king, and he reaffirms that vow now.

Next, it’s Ra-on who is brought before the court as a criminal, kneeling before Yeong as he reads out her charge—which he follows by acknowledging her contribution to restoring honor to the royal family. He pardons her for all of her crimes.

Ha-yeon makes a request of the king, which he finds difficult to understand: She wishes to step down as crown princess, even if, according to law, she is prohibited from marrying for the rest of her life. Ha-yeon explains that she knew Yeong didn’t care for her, but had hoped he might open his heart to her eventually.

“However, I was unable to offer the least bit of comfort to the prince’s weary heart,” she says, “and I blamed myself and hated myself for it. I realized how foolish I had been. Rather than being a foolish princess who is a burden to the prince, so that I may live alone but honestly, please grant your permission.”

A short while later, Ha-yeon makes her way through the city streets, on her way to the ferry. She flings off her head covering and breathes in the air.

We hear the king’s voice delivering his decision: He will revoke the entire princess selection, thereby freeing her of the requirement to remain unmarried for the rest of her life. He hopes she will find a man who will treasure her and urges her to live happily.

One year later.

The king is announced, and a red-robed figure makes his way into the throne room—Yeong, now king, taking his position before his council. Among the lesser officials is Young Master Jung, while Teacher Dasan is there in minister’s robes.

Yeong makes his way to the throne, but pauses in front of the lofty seat. Changing his mind, he turns and sits down right on the top step, in front of the throne, butt on floor. The ministers murmur amongst themselves and Teacher Dasan asks why he is sitting there.

Yeong replies that he will continue to do so: “The highs and lows between me and my people, the distance between me and you—I hope that you will understand my wish to be one step closer.”

Eunuch Jang beams with pride, Teacher Dasan quirks up a smile, and the rest of the ministers bow a bit uncertainly.

Over in the eunuch department, Head Eunuch Jang delivers the speech about responsibility and honor to the newest class of rookies. Do Ki and Sung-yeol observe the new faces… and take a closer look at one of the rookies. Wait, is that…?

Pwahaha, it’s Kim Seul-gi, looking suspiciously pretty and delicate-featured in the sea of male faces. (Best cameo reference ever.) They both feel that strange sense of déjà vu, and then Kim Seul-gi looks over and shoots them a wink.

As Princess Myeongeun takes a walk, a eunuch hands her a red rose, which she takes with some confusion. More eunuchs line her path, as do court ladies, each holding out a rose.

Once she’s amassed a large bouquet, she comes to Young Master Jung at the end of the line, who kneels before her and starts to say that she now has ninety-nine flowers. Myeongeun cuts him off to get to the punchline first, that she’s the last flower. Aw, Young Master Jung drops the rose he’d been holding behind his back—his punchline had been different—and tells her she’s right, and asks her to marry him.

She’s touched, but concerned that marrying her would prevent his career from reaching its full heights (a princess’s husband would find himself restricted in many ways). He tells her that walking with her would make every path flower-lined, and outshining any path to career success.

“All I need is you,” he says, “Myeongeun-ah.” He kisses her, and their audience cheers.

Out in the city, Byung-yeon and Hong Kyung-rae watch from a distance as Yeong, disguised as a simple nobleman, walks among the people and gets invited to play a game.

Byung-yeon references a saying about drawing clouds to make the moonlight shine, and smiles as he watches Yeong among his people. He says, “Rather than a sun that shines alone, he’s a ruler who shines brightly when among his people, like the moonlight—I believe the king is that kind of person.”

Hong Kyung-rae notes, “So you will remain as a cloud, on behalf of the king. Is that what you mean?” They smile.

In a bookshop, Ra-on puts out a new book on display: The cover bears a face that looks like Yeong, and the title is “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds.” It’s snatched off its perch immediately, and Yeong sighs that she’s been so busy writing her supposed masterpiece that he’s barely seen her.

She’s a bit sheepish about putting his face on the cover, but asks for his understanding, since a book’s cover can affect its sales. Yeong leans down to meet her at eye level, and warns that he’ll be seeking repayment, and Ra-on shyly covers her lips with her hands and asks, “Here?” Hee.

He laughs at her assumption, saying that he meant a percentage of the sale price. Ha.

Holding hands as they walk through a field of flowers, Yeong asks what the book is about. Ra-on describes a prince of a far-off land, with beautiful looks and a bad temper. He pouts at that, but she continues that the prince undergoes all sorts of trials to emerge as a good king.

“Have you written of your hopes?” he asks. Ra-on shakes her head, saying, “No. I have merely taken a peek at the world you are making.”

He takes her hands, and asks, “Then who are you?” Ra-on guesses, “In the nation you will make, that first citizen?” Yeong shakes his head; that’s not what he’s thinking of.

Ra-on thinks again. “The one who came to you in the appearance of a eunuch, your first sweetheart?” That’s not it either, so she asks, “Then who am I?”

He replies, “You are the Ra-on who filled my world to the brim.”

She smiles happily, and he swoops in to kiss her.


Ahh, so we get our happy ending after all, and everything worked out, more or less, with ends tied neatly and history blatantly flouted. (That giant disclaimer at the top of the episode about this show being different from history was a pretty big tip-off that the ending would be upbeat, but I wasn’t expecting a tragedy, so I didn’t mind not having that element of surprise.) Not everything was happy, of course, considering how Yoon-sung died, but on the whole the episode fulfilled its role as a finale and provided closure to most of the big plot conflicts. It even managed to tie in points from early episodes, which contributed to the feeling of an ending that had been set up well in advance, so that it felt like an extension of logic and not like a late-game attempt to make everything end happily.

I’m fine with having Yoon-sung die at the end, and if he had to go, then it makes sense that he would go down to protect Ra-on. I appreciate that his good nature won out—perhaps he was lying to his grandfather about testing his feelings, or perhaps he really was testing himself, but in either scenario Yoon-sung was true to himself and died fighting for his convictions, which eases the sting a bit. It was also the least the show could do to have him die in Ra-on’s arms, able to confess a bit of his heart while wishing her well.

It’s just, that stupid fight. That stupid, needless fight that didn’t have to happen, that didn’t make sense in the context of the plot, that felt like it was choreographed and shot and edited before it was properly written. COME ON, those men are under his command! Even if they wouldn’t have acted against the prime minister’s orders, there were a gajillion ways Yoon-sung could have taken advantage of the situation, could have sent them away, could have thwarted them on a goose chase, could have brought a horse and run away with Ra-on, could have warned her ahead of time, et ceteraaaa. And that was the best you could do? The last time I saw a death that pointless was when that dude in Moon/Sun literally threw himself in the path of an incoming spear because of fate or whatever. I get that narratively, the death makes sense, and may even be a necessity. I just really wish the writing had actually done that necessity justice. I thought Yoon-sung deserved better.

But as for things I loved: While it was convenient for Ha-yeon to be the one to bow out of the marriage and free Yeong without making anybody a bad guy, I appreciate that she wasn’t shown to be doing it out of a broken heart, or a sense of selflessness or martyrdom. Ultimately it was a choice to honor herself above a one-sided love that she saw was never going to be returned, to allow herself to live with a freer heart, even if that would limit the life she could lead as an unmarriageable young woman. Heck, at least it would be better than being locked into a miserable life as an unhappy married woman, to be able to choose herself. Kelly Taylor would approve. Of course, this show does love to have cakes and eat them too, so she ended up even freer than she’d hoped, with the king releasing her from the princess trappings entirely.

Also: Yeong became king! Obviously we’re in total fantasyland by this point, because he never made it to kinghood in real life, but it’s gratifying to see him actually rule, because the great tragedy was that we knew he’d be an awesome ruler but wouldn’t get the chance. I’m presuming that the whole “fake his death to live with Ra-on while history believes the prince dead” plotline was a popular speculation for the finale, and I was half-expecting to see it in play here—but what would have disappointed about that ending is that Yeong would have had to give up his hopes of being a good king and treasuring his people and turning around Joseon from its path of puppet kings and corrupt puppetmasters. And that idealism and integrity was such a huge part of his character that I didn’t quite want that to be the solution.

Truth be told, I can’t shake my niggling sense of disappointment that the show so thoroughly ignored history, even as I’m glad for the characters’ sake that everything worked out well for them. It’s not enough to anger me or sour my opinion of the show, but it is a distinct disappointment to have the show take all this care to establish the historical basis, work in real-life figures, and then just kind of shrug and say, “Never mind, none of the rest happens in this world.” I’m certainly fine with fantasy sageuks taking liberties with trufax, and don’t expect—or even want—them to be completely accurate. But one of the huge draws of watching sageuks is understanding the broad strokes of history and knowing that there are certain constraints we have to work with—so as we watch the show, it becomes a source of enjoyable angst to worry about how a show will manage to pull out a satisfactory solution when we already know the punchline.

I wanted this show to pull out a clever twist to show us how historical record came to be, while still delivering a happy ending. One way to do that is to fake his death, but they could have also played with the swapped-babies theme and made Yoon-sung the real prince. Or something cleverer that I was hoping really hard the show could figure out. Part of my excitement about this drama was the anticipation about how the drama would accomplish this feat—and then we got there and the drama just decided that the constraint of reality didn’t matter anymore. Maybe that’s my fault for getting my hopes up, but the show was so winning and compelling that I really did believe it had that answer. If they were going to go with this ending, I wish they’d have invented an entirely fictional world from the start, the way The Moon That Embraces the Sun did, because in that case there are no expectations of boundaries, and no disappointments.

But I expect that this will bother different people to differing extents, and some people not at all. If delivering a happy resolution was the main concern, then Moonlight Drawn By Clouds delivered that, and left off at a nice place in the story—there are some open ends, but I feel confident that everyone I care about (except Yoon-sung, sniff) is in a good place and on a good trajectory, so that we can step out of this world feeling contented and hopeful. I don’t have to see Yeong and Ra-on married, for instance, because it’s enough that they’ve cleared out all their obstacles and are in a place where they can openly love. And with Yeong on the throne, we can rest easy that there may never be another peasant’s rebellion, especially with Byung-yeon and Hong Kyung-rae leading the rebels and believing in him to make a better nation.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds wasn’t a perfect drama, but what I felt at the outset still stands: that this drama was elevated by every one of its parts to feel truly special, even if each of the individual parts might not feel quite as special on their own. Park Bo-gum was one of its biggest assets—and Kim Yoo-jung, of course, because their connection sold that romance, although I do really think Park Bo-gum gave it an extra magic, inhabiting the prince from head to toe and never wasting a moment onscreen. He’s always been a good actor, but he was so consistently and relentlessly wonderful in this show that he’s bound for superstardom now, deservedly.

I’m most grateful to the director for having such a cohesive, well-thought-out approach and knowing how to build emotion through both content and style—this drama was really enhanced by all of its tools, whether it was a well-placed OST track or a beautifully shot scene or a sense of pacing that somehow always knew when to grab my heart, and when to let it breathe again. (I did think it flagged a bit in that last regard toward the end, but its best scenes were so well-crafted that even now they make my breath catch in the same places, every time.) Dramas like this feel like an experience, more than just an entertaining story, and it’s always a joy to come across those, so we can hug them a little tighter while we have them, then let them go feeling full-hearted and contented.


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Jinyoung and Kwak Dong-yeon are also having their post-drama interviews today!

*eagerly waits for translations*


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Ooooo, they'll be appearing on Happy Together soon! Can't wait! It's a shame that Yoo-jung and Bo-gum weren't invited together, or maybe they did but couldn't make it.


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Bogum looks much, much better in today's press junket. So handsome *swoon*

PBG interview pics 10/27: https://www.instagram.com/vstar09/

Other notes on today's interviews, based on Soompi/pearl0024 translations:

-Jinyoung wants his band to collaborate with PBG on an album, saying PBG plays the piano very well.
-PBG sent a thank you message to the PD of Reply 88, saying
-KDY says he, PBG and KYJ liked listening to music, esp the OSTs, while filming. They would often end up laughing in the midst of filming scenes, leading to lots of NGs.


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-KDY says he and the other two guys connected through music. "We want to try to become one team." I AM SO IN FOR AN MDBC BOYBAND PLEASE AND THANK YOU


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I am so in for MDBC band too! Please include Yoo-jung, she loves music too and she can sing!


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They can be like ANJell from You're Beautiful, except there's no crossdressing.


Or they can be, because she was a crossdressing eunuch!


I can be game for crossdressing, so long as they perform in costume.


True, the sweater looks thicker so it doesn't show much of his skinny body.

Park Bo-gum and his never ending sweet charm, why so perfect?


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He looks well rested, too. His hair and makeup are better today as well.


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And now he's wearing a jean jacket. *swoons and dies*



And now his hair is gelled up and he's in a red-and-black plaid sweater. Wow he looks really, really good. It's obvious that he lost weight, but he looks really attractive.


He looks good in everything actually. And to top it off, he has an angelic nature, everyone can't seem to get enough of him. I prefer him with a little meat though, he has gotten so skinny. >_<


True. He looked haggard yesterday though, but I'm chalking that up to post-vacation tiredness and poor styling.

I hope they have buffets in whatever CF shoots he's in. Boy needs his meals and 8 hours of sleep per night for the foreseeable future.


I can't keep up with all their interviews, lol. Too much. I just read whatever fans posted on twitter. Poor kids are being saddled with so much interview all at once. And I LOL-ed so hard seeing Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung in the same chair for almost all their interviews yesterday, could they be in the same place?! *gasps* My BoYoo couple!


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They were!

But all four are in different places today though :(


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@Elle. thanks for all the PBG articles. Best pep me up at just the right time when I was starting to go on the low.

PBG said "I admit that ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ is one of its kind, but the focal point of this series was on the beauty of our traditional robes."

Aww. what a gorgeous parade of traditional robes indeed!

It made me want to own one to wear... ..LOL I not Korean, so should just own to collect but not wear for no reason, least my family think I have gone batty.

Thanks all for keeping our withdrawal therapy still in session. I feel well and kicking and laughing in the Moonlight. LOL?


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Blu! In case you missed it in this sea of comments, I'm going to post up a fanfic of Moonlight on my blog tomorrow. It's more of a fill in the blank chapter. Check it out if you've got time, I hope it helps ease up on the withdrawal. :D

Oh and click on my username, it should link you up to my blog.


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So looking forward to it! I'll read it while (hopefully) listening to the complete instrumental OST.


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Lol, I'm still in the middle of writing, hopefully I can get it done by tonight and post it up tomorrow, am waiting for the instrumental OST too. Very impatiently. *twiddles thumb impatiently*


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❤️️ Thanks. Will check it out.


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❤️️ Thanks. Will check it out.


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❤️️ Thousand thanks. Will definitely check it out.


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❤️️ Thousand thanks. Will definitely check it out. I made big blunders below try to reply to you, @maryxiah. My apologies to all.


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Aww blu. Lol. ❤


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lol the hanbok I rented for my palace tour in Korea costs 300k won to buy (262 USD). It was sageuk-worthy beautiful though so the price is justified. It cost me 25k won to rent for 4 hours, and it was really worth it to walk around Changdeokgung looking very much like an agasshi in Joseon.


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i have a big smile on my face when i read this article:

Park Bo-geom has always been a 'good boy'. He calls himself, 'boring' and 'not fun'. However, he says he had the best time of his life in Cebu.

"It was a package trip so we had assigned places to eat. Kwak Dong-yeon, Jin Young, Kim Yoo-jeong and I ran away from the group. I was the master plan of it. I wanted to do something wild. They were all thankful".


me like: bogummieeeee pics/videos or it didnt happen! lol
it would be like a scenes in a fun adventure youth movie about friendship and love... le sigh

on a side note im so so glad they were having so much fun there... my babies...


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That was very Yeong of him!

*thinks of an AU where Yoon-sung is alive and the foursome go on incognito food trips around Hanyang*


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Omigosh! T_T Why didn't we get such scene in the drama? I'd love to see the foursome together, like the Sungkyunkwan quartet.

Park Bo-gum is such a sweetheart, so kind and gentle to everyone.


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This just warms my heart! I just hope that all the negative things that surround a star's shot to fame does not harm him. He's one of a kind in the entertainment world. I don't think I can come up with another actor who is as pure and genuine as he is.


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so hard to say goodbye to this wonderful drama. I sought my solace here in reading all 1k odd comments from fellow beanies who are also suffering from MDBC and PBG withdrawal pains.

my sis and I love MDBC so much that we dropped everything and flew to Cebu hoping to catch a glimpse of the cast. 2 crazy mummies but well its never too old to be a fangirl! we had more than we hoped for and it was all worthwhile.

the cast seemed to have enjoyed themselves and its quite interesting to see them in real life, some seemed the total opposite of their onscreen character. in short, I just want to say they all look gorgeous.


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You're so lucky, porcupine. If I could, I'd have fly over to Cebu. T_T Not just to see Bo-gum but also for Yoo-jungie.


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If I had enough money, I'd fly straight to Cebu after my Seoul trip and continue the stalking. But as it was, in Manila I had to remain. My only consolation was that I was in the same country as PBG for over a week.


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hi elle!

our original plan was to go to the fansign in seoul but realised it would most likely be a futile trip so went to Cebu instead.

but you must have enjoyed yourself with the fantastic shopping and food in seoul. how I miss it!


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yes maryxiah, we did luck out!

we managed to guess correctly the resort they were staying in, so managed to see them everyday. Yoojung / soobin / hyesung / sooyeon are all so slim and pretty! their skin literally glows.

the guys seemed to have more fun. esp dongyeon who kept smiling and waving to the fans and resort staff. I was also lucky enough to have a 1 way conversation with jinyoung. lol it was funny.

we went home with unforgettable memories and some precious photos we managed to take with some of the cast.

its a one off crazy trip and we doubt we would have the chance to do it again.


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Omo please share the pics? (But it's ok if you don't want to)

The post-fansign depression was so real, my friend and I headed to Dongdaemun to do some retail therapy lol


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Ok. So from Jinyoung's interview, he wanted Yoonsung to die because had he lived, he'd be wandering feeling sad and lonely with a heavy heart. Him dying was a way for him to let go and to give him peace. I guess that makes me feel better about his death in the drama.


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I thought it was apt that he died, other than fulfilling the prophecy, he died an honorable death by protecting both his family and Ra-on, the love of his life. I was just sad that I barely mourn for his death.


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Jinyoung had been calling for Yoon-sung's death since early on in the show lol

Had he lived, I think Yoon-sung would have lived a pretty bleak life. He and Ha-yeon both had no hope with the people they loved, but she had her family to lean on while his was in tatters. He'd want to stay away from Ra-on, but he wouldn't be able to rely on Byeong-yeon and Yeong for friendship. (What with BY being away and Yeong being his love rival/the person who rightfully brought about the Kims' ruin.) His sense of honor would prevent him from staying in court, and his filial piety would prevent him from benefiting from his family's downfall.

So yeah... I'd have to agree with Jinyoung on this one. Yoon-sung's life would have been a sad one had he lived.


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@Elle. Well said. My thought exactly.

Just wished we had been shown a glimpse of when and what started the strains on their friendship besides Yoon-sung being a Kim.


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Right? I always thought Yeong acting so cold toward Yoon-sung seemed out of character for him. Especially when Yoon-sung was always trying to be friendly or make peace. And just look at how much Yeong trusted Byung-yeon unconditionally, despite his suspicious acts. He must have had very good reasons to turn his back against Yoon-sung. Too bad we were shown 3 close knit kids, then 3 awkwardly cold young adults, with no other flashbacks to connect the dots on what happened.

The show hinted that Yoon-sung would have been just as qualified to rule, and would be in some sort of rivalry with Yeong, but I didn't buy that. Did Jinyoung play him too soft or too friendly maybe? I didn't feel the rivalry at all (even when it came to Ra-on, lol, sorry Yoon-sung, you had no chance with her, but you're still badass otherwise). I only saw a poor lonesome guy longing for his friends again whenever he was around Yeong and Byung-yeon. Yeong vs. PM Kim, now that's a level fight. Interesting how Yeong & Teacher Dasan referred to Kim Inc as a tiger near the end of the series, while PM Kim referred to Yoon-sung as a declawed baby tiger earlier on. He's so not in the same league with Yeong in terms of politics. Why couldn't they just be friends, lol.


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I think the show could have done a better job of showing it, but it was made obvious that YS's family was THE reason. Yeong acknowledged it himself: he'd stopped seeing YS on his own merits and couldn't look past his family. It wasn't a sudden break but a gradual growing apart as Yeong's anger against the Kims grew. Yoon-sung couldn't side against his family so I understand why Yeong would want to dissociate himself from him. They were both so young when the resentment started so it became more natural for adult!Yeong to be cold.

Byeong-yeon, on the other hand, had been Yeong's right-hand man and bodyguard for some years when the story starts. They shared a bond that Yoon-sung could never have had, having been shut out so early.

I didn't buy the political rival thing simply because it wasn't Yoon-sung's personality. The face reader had positive things to say (i.e., that he can be quite bold, which he was when he felt the need to be) but it now strikes me that the man was only paying lip service because he thought he was reading the face of the crown prince. His reading of Yeong's face (who he thought was Yoon-sung) was much more decisive.

There were moments in the show where I felt the four of them could have worked together (i.e., the king's "poisoning" attempt), but I was pretty satisfied with the resolution of Yeong/Yoon-sung. They regretted their lost friendship but stood firm on who they were. Even if they could never recapture the bromance, I'm glad that they ended with a feeling of mutual respect and trust.


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Agreed with you 100%. I feel it, so the show was successful in conveying it. I like they way you explained it best:

"It wasn’t a sudden break but a gradual growing apart as Yeong’s anger against the Kims grew. Yoon-sung couldn’t side against his family so I understand why Yeong would want to dissociate himself from him. They were both so young when the resentment started so it became more natural for adult!Yeong to be cold.


All I can say at the end of the show is Park Bo Gum...*applause*
Was he even acting???
There are some actors who act and you know they are acting but there are others who do it and when they do you almost feel as though you're peeking into their private lives.
The man is simply that good
I came here because he won me in 'I remember you' and with the comments I read of him elsewhere and I haven't been disappointed that I got to see him once again. Hope he continues to get the recognition he truly deserves.
Everyone else did an awesome job
This is the 3rd complete OST I've come to love since Coffee Prince and Healer
I'm still looking for that perfect song that catches my heart in any scene its featured in like the instrumental piece in healer and 'again' in DOTS
Wonderful show.
Looking forward to what's up next for Bo Gum
*clasping hands together in anticipation*


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These two are so stinkin' cute!!!

The Final Kiss - zoomed in and extended. Enjoy!!!



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i keep replaying that video...
lmao, *pervert mode activated*

beautiful kiss is beautiful...


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LMAO!!! And we absolutely love our OTP!


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Fanfic update:

Umm, I know I said Friday, but I'm sorry to report I haven't been able to finish up my first chapter! *cries*

Actually, I did, but when I re-read, I decided the story wasn't very much in characters for both Yeong and Ra-on, so I scratched some and decided to write again. I don't know when I'll be able to finish because I have work in between so the fanfic might not be my priority at the moment, I guess between Saturday and Sunday?

So... to make up for the extra wait, here's another teaser?

Yeong shook his head gently, his voice deceptively calm as he replied, “Ra-on ah, do you know what was the last thing on my mind the day I collapsed from the poisoning? It was your tear stricken face when I cut off the eternity bracelet. I thought I didn't want to die leaving that kind of memory to you. I'd hate myself if our separation is the last memory you have of me. So give me a chance to do my best, even if everything else fails, my love won't fail." Yeong cradled Ra-on's face softly as he continued, "Because you are forever my person.”


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kyaaa! another teaser!


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Does anyone else feel a pang of sadness looking at the Moonlight square below and seeing it being pushed back as other dramas end? Soon, enough dramas will have ended and Moonlight's square will disappear into the recesses of DB, and it will be just one of the many, many shows DB has finished recapping over the years.


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Because I made myself sad typing this, I had a quick look at Gmarket to see if it's cheaper buying the OST and photo essay from there. AND IT IS!!!! I'm also buying the YeongOn bracelet for myself, and it still costs less than my budget for Interpark (including shipping fees and stuff).

Moonlight retail therapy is like chicken soup for the Moonlighter's soul lol


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Last time I checked, they didn't have it in G-Market. I might buy the album and the photo essay but I wanted to hear the instrumental first, no one is uploading, lol. No bracelet for me, I might cry holding it, lol.


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People are uploading the insides of the OST and omo a new picture of PBG with bedroom eyes!


That OST is worth its price for that alone, but there are pictures of Yeong playing the gayageum at the feast. And there's a calendar.


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Lol bedroom eyes. I wanna buy it!


Here are all the Moonlight related items on Gmarket.


It's a good omen that the site opens with PBG and KYJ's faces lol


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Thank you for the link, Elle!



After seeing this, Elle, I think I'm gonna have to get my hands on the CDs, lol.


Thanks for the link My Friend!
I just purchased the album set/photo essay set. The shipping to the US costs more than the products! I can't wait (though it might take a while LOL!)!!!


I do, but I don't worry too much about it since I bookmarked this page, lol.

What makes me sad is the amount of people who came back, like where's my Moonlighters at? I miss them. *sniffle*


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It warms my heart that people do come back. There may only be a handful of us now, but we're still here. I do dread the day when we'll all stop.


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I don't ever want to stop! Lol. But I'm nervous making this recap thread longer than necessary. Aww, people might not get to read my fanfic now that they stopped coming and I haven't even posted the first chapter. I really need to hurry up and finish the first chapter.


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I also don't ever want to stop!

Though I am swamped with work, not much time to write, dropping by to check on you all is the first thing I look forward to when I turn on my computer.

I see solace here. I too dread the day when we’ll all stop.


There's still a lot of us coming back. We might not be actively commenting but we're here :)


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well I keep reading actually but I don't know how to respond, literally just smile reading it an seeing Gmarket here and there,


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same here, bookmarked on my phone and my pc @ office... lmao


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You guys don't know how happy I was when I peeked into this page this morning! Hello! Hello! I'll be around for a while. I never would have thought that I would be this emotionally invested in MDBC and PBG but I am!

I really appreciate all the retail links, interview links and picture links. Please keep them coming!!!


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Tell me about it, I can't get out of this Moonlight craze. It's crazy I still see Moonlight casts as their characters, more than see them as themselves, lol.


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Guys, I noticed the Moon Lovers fans have been hanging out in hangout chat, how about we set one up? And how do we set that up? It'd be easier to talk to each other and spazz in the chat room, than leaving messages or comments like this. Heh.


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Below are extracts from October 26 interview with Yonhap News:

During the interview Park Bo Gum was asked if he felt burdened by the nickname “fairy of endings,” which he was dubbed for his acting during episode cliffhangers.

“I didn’t feel burdened,” he says, and adds with a laugh, “The viewership rating always rose during endings so I felt good about it.”

He goes on to say, “Whenever I received the script, I always thought, ‘What kind of ending will it be today?’ and got very curious, nervous, and excited. But these cool scenes have to be acted out sincerely, so I put in a lot of effort.”

I just finished re-watching 7 episodes of "fairy endings" and eleven more more to go.

How I wished I had Michykdrama's talent....and time to do "fairy endings" gifs similar to her Top 10 Adorable OTP Moments. Are you still dropping by here Michykdrama?

@Michykdrama, you wrote some time back:

Real life is beckoning but have gotten some of the gifs up! (Final episode! ? Cries ugly tears)

Also, if anyone has gif requests, now is the time to tell me! Will be back later to read, comment and gif ?

Are you still entertaining requests? How about the "fairy endings" gifs? Is it doable??
Seeking solace in "fairy endings" ?


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Except for the last few episodes, I loved every ending Moonlight had! They focused more on closure and payoff and kept me going for weeks on cloud nine. That might explain why I'm loving this drama too much to let go, lol.


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Same here. Copy and paste what you just said?


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LOL Moonlight, even our Park Bo Gum has nice things to say about Moonlight and Lee Young.

PBG said, “The support was so passionate that I often wondered if it was possible to receive love like this. Every scene came out so beautifully that it was like a magazine photo shoot. My character was very unique as well.”



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I think he deserves all the love on his own, he's totally a charming guy and everyone seems to think so. I hope he'll continue to be loved in the future and do more outstanding project, but let him have his high school drama first, lol.


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Full OST album up on k2nblog!


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The BGM makes me v emotional.

The opening credits theme is titled "Destiny of Light" accdg to Wikipedia.


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Me too! Gah, so much feels just from listening to the background music, all the scenes coming back to me right now.


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Oooooo!!!!! They have the humming version of Beige's song!!!! Gah!!! I'm in seventh heaven!!!!


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I'm listening to to the bgm right now, and it doesn't seem to be the complete score. I can tell which ones are missing (the very last bgm as YeongOn walked on the field of flowers, the climax of episode 14 as one of the younger Ministers Kim approached that house), but I'm very happy with this selection. I love how they organized the music into Second Moon/the lighter earlier episodes/the more somber later episodes/music that evokes a happy ending. The opening credits music is the very last piece.

I wonder why they weren't able to include the female version of Melting. Perhaps there was a problem with the artist's agency?


You know what, for someone who watched Moonlight for so many times on repeat, I failed to notice all the musical scores in the drama. I didn't even notice the female version of Melting until my sister pointed out it. Maybe they were planning on having Byul singing that song, but gave it to K.Will instead? I shall re-watch that scene later and hear what background music you mean.


@Elle I am so impressed by your memory! I'll have to check out those scenes and BGM when I rewatch!


Soooo emotional right now listening to the instrumentals. I want Moonlight back! /cries

The instrumentals are just absolutely wonderful. Brings back memories though I am finding it difficult to pinpoint some scenes where I've heard the music. haha! I am sad though that not all instrumentals made it in the album. I mean, why???!!! Why did they keep those scores to themselves.


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I love how wittily they named all the instrumental scores, the titles themselves are telling which scenes they came from. Right now I'm listening to "I Won't Allow It" in repeat, lol. I keep remembering Yeong telling Yoon-sung, he won't allow Ra-on to follow him because she's his person.


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Tell me about it! My daily work has never felt so emotional and/or suspenseful, depending on the track playing on my headphones lol


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Thanks for the update, Elle! *skipping off to download*


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This must be a digital release as the album art is slightly different (looks like the print on the actual CD instead of the album cover) and there are no scans of the physical OST goodies.


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Yeah, I think so too. They must have released both since not everyone needs a hard copy anwyay.


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Have you seen this?


Gmarket knows their buyers lol


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I'm avoiding G-Market right now, I wanted to buy everything they endorsed, lol.


I'm so tempted to buy that red ginseng serum PBG is endorsing! It's the one that shows up at the start of each episode.

I swear Gmarket is terrible for my wallet.


Just read more of Jinyoung's interview and I am so amused that his opinion is the complete opposite of what viewers wanted. First, he was on board Yoonsung's death and now he said he was okay with how quick his exit was. He knew that viewers wanted more like a mourning period for him and wanted extension because the ending felt rushed, but he believed his death was handled well. He also said he feels 18 episodes were enough.


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I'm still in awe at how talented Jinyoung is for producing that beautiful song. He's 24 and already has so much accomplished. This cast is packed with greatness!


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so I draw this on some free time,
hope you like it, it's not that good tbh and I loose my eraser


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Hmm, I couldn't open the link Sancheezy. :(


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how about this?

but if you can't open imgur, probably because some country blocked imgur,


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Fanfic update: So...I finally finished my first chapter! Phew. *wipe sweats* I'm all rusty in writing fan fiction, hopefully you guys can find the time to read and let me know your thoughts. Link is below.



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Thank you! I need this right now!


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I read it and left a comment but it did not get published. Are the comments in your blog being moderated?


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Celine, I'm new to wordpress despite having the account for the longest time, so I didn't edit any setting, haha. Your comment was moderated, I had to googled how to remove the moderation. It's up now and I replied there. And thank you for taking time to read and respond! *hugs*


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Yey!! ^^


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@maryxiah, you got me at the title!


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Did you read it, Helen? Lol.


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squeeee.... they spend the night together...
next chapter pleaseeee XD


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Been replaying the OST because it's just so wonderful. I thought Yeong's Waltz is the one played when he walked in his court as a King. I do like what turned out to be the music of Yeong's Waltz. Raon's Song is so so beautiful. And Destiny of Light is just loveeee. The feels omg just by listening to the music with my headphones in full blast brings back all the wonderful scenes of Moonlight and all the things I felt when I watched each episode.

I think I need that Season 2 that KDY is asking for. hahahaha! Cannot let go.


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I thought so too! That the waltz would be his kingly entrance background music, but nope, it was destiny, lol. Don't you think they were witty with the title? I love ALL the instrumental scores. I kept listening to them all day long!

I need second season too, I need to see YeongOn's twins!


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I need an adaptation of Yoon Yi-soo's other novels. There's a promising one about a prince and a girl who can see the future. I forgot the title, but I know I need it. Then it will form a royal romance anthology with Moonlight.


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And you know what, they should totally have Yoon Doo-joon and Kim Seul-gi played the part. Ah, I can already imagine all of Kim Seul-gi's comical antics in the form of a girl who can see the future!


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I'm thinking Yeo Jin-goo (in another Crown Prince role, but he does it so well!) and Kim So-hyun, but I'd like to see a YDJ/KSG reunion as well.


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I miss Yeo Jin-gu in sageuk, I wanted to watch him in Jackpot but I just couldn't get around watching that drama, I don't know why, maybe I lost interest at the word gambler.

I'd love to see Kim Yoo-jung gets paired up with Yeo Jin-gu, I really ship them so hard in The Moon Embracing the Sun, I don't care much for their adult counterpart, except for Kim So-hyun, but I totally love the kids in that drama.


Jackpot is awful. Even the amazing performances of the male leads and Choi Min-soo couldn't save it.

TMETS pretty much sank during the adult part, but the childhood part was amazing. I want a KYJ/YJG reunion as well, but I want a modern setting for them. (BUT I want KYJ and PBG in a modern setting too! I'm torn!)


They all can be in the same drama together! I'd totally watch Yeo Jin-gu and Park Bo-gum vying for Yoo-jung's attention and get into love triangle, oohhh, just the thought of it makes me giddy with excitement!

That'd explain why I wasn't keen on watching Jackpot, I guess the title jinxed it, lol.


But-but-but one of them wouldn't get the girl. I don't think I can bear it for either of them. T_T


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Ooops! Sorry for the mistake,


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Thank you for the link, Blu. I feel sad today, knowing tomorrow is Monday and no Moonlight. It's been a week and I still can't get over Moonlight or start watching another show. :(


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Thank you for sharing these links. I rely so much on you guys to keep us in the know and you all always come through!


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thank you for the link ^^


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Been missing Yoo-jung so much, I read a couple of her interviews, and she keeps saying she couldn't believe Moonlight has ended too, that she feels more sad than relieved that it ended, she's suffering withdrawal just like me. *cries* And in almost all interviews, she picks Yeong over Yoon-sung because she feels Ra-on has deeper feelings for Yeong, not that we don't know, but I feel touched reading her thoughts on it. And she also said she feels lacking as an actress and wishes to do better in the future (humble too). Ugh, I love her so much.


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According to Yoo-jung, she was most touched by the scene where Ra-on asked what kind of nation Yeong dreamed of? And he answered her: A nation where children can live as children, and women can live as women. And in that new Joseon he'll make, she'll be his first person.


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Hi! I am also a fan and I always like your comments here on DB :D I read all her translated interview from forums and twitter and I am so much in awe in all of her wonderful answers. I read in her Elle interview that she doesn't want to be mature yet but girl you already are hahaha. I was also reminded that honesty and being a straight forward girl was some of her best traits when she joke about why she didn't contribute to the drama OST and her wish to act again with PBG but in a modern drama with their situations reversed :))

Btw, I read your fanfiction and it is so beautiful and swoon-worthy as the drama itself :"> I also like how you wrote in RO's POV since as you said she is the level-headed one in their relationship. If it was in CP's POV dang how passionate must his POV be when it comes to RO lol. I'll follow your fanfic till the end so please don't stop writing until you finish it :3


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Aww, thank you, Ponyo. I like your username, it's Yoo-jung's favorite cartoon character and she carries the plush doll everywhere. I read all of Park Bo-gum and Yoo-jung's translated interview on twitter too, some I read in Korean, I think with the mountains of interviews they have, I bound to miss some, I'll spend some time later and look them up on Naver and other Korean sites to read them up.

I find Yoo-jung funny and witty in her interviews too, you could see she doesn't like giving the conventional answer and tend to joke around, I'd totally watch a drama where their situation reversed, though I'm not so sure if Park Bo-gum is game for re-uniting with Yoo-jung, he said in his interview that he'd consider re-unite with Moonlight casts if the script is good, he didn't mention Yoo-jung. *sad face*

Aww, thank you so much for the comment about my fan fiction. I saw the views on my blog, but no much comment, so I thought people might not be liking the story, it kind of put me in a damper. I'll continue writing even if it's just you and Celine who read, lol. Thank you! *hugs*


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As I'm rewatching MDBC (I lost count on how many times it is now!) something from ep 11 still leaves me a little baffled.

From JB's recap of Episode 11:

Yeong mulls over the conversation he had earlier with Teacher Dasan, where he had confided that Ra-on was the woman he had wanted to be with. Teacher Dasan had asked why he would go to such lengths over a mere eunuch. Yeong had replied that she was his beloved, who just happened to be in the guise of a eunuch.

Yeong had asked for his help overcoming their status difference and their crossed fates. But Teacher Dasan had told him, “The person she needs is not you.”

If not Yeong, then who? Who is the person Teacher Dasan is referring to?


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I think Teacher Dasan was hinting that though Yeong might want to build a future with Ra-on, what Ra-on wanted and needed at the moment was not him, rather her mother who was separated from her. However, Teacher Dasan did hold back on Ra-on's mother's info, maybe to give the lovebirds time? Knowing they'd be separated if they come to know the truth. At least, that's what I get from the scene.


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Curious indeed. And what about that master plan Teacher Dasan had, to keep YeongOn together, from before he knew who the lady in question was?

I think Teacher Dasan held back information about Ra On's mom because it was not his secret to tell. Or maybe he hadn't had enough time to think of a plan to deal with the consequences of the truth being out yet. Kinda cruel to Ra On's mom whose he's seen regularly, not that telling her would help much. Though he probably knew that fate was already playing itself out, so it would only be a matter of time till everyone would find out.

Yeong, on the other hand, had already made it a personal resolution to unite Ra On with her mom, regardless of the looming unknown danger. One promise from her was all he needed to happily make her wish come true right away.


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He added, “Yoo Jung has always been lovely and cute so I was able to film happily” and “Yoo Jung will guide me on what I miss and give me advice, even in that moment (while filming) Yoo Jung is Ra On and I am Lee Yeong, we liked each other and were filled with love for each other”.

D'aww, they were in love! In characters, of course. But still, aww...

Q. In a recent interview with the media, Kim Yoo Jung mentioned that if she could work with you in another project, she hopes that she will be in the upper class, and Park Bo Gum could be a corner store boy (son of corner store owner).

(Laughs) If there is such a witty and lively project, I want to try it no matter what. I hope that I have the chance to work with the Moonlight Drawn by Clouds actors again.

Make it happen, dramaland! High school series where they are age appropriate, for Yoo-jung at least.

Also, I finally spend some quality time listening to "Love is Over', I think this song is meant for me, now that the show is over, I kept thinking "Show is Over" and cried a little, lol. Gah, am I crazy?


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why do i feel they discussed their interviews together... hahaha

and awwww at the news about BG visited YJ during her post drama interview....


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More like they feel the same way about each other. *wink wink nudge nudge*

He didn't visit her, I read that they were in the same place so he came over to say hi. I'm so happy that among his co-stars, he seems to be closest to Yoo-jung, he even texted her when they scored 20% ratings.


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Re-watching Moonlight from the start again, now at the riot flashback and I noticed Daddy Hong already made an appearance in Ep.1. I didn't pay much attention before, but it's clearly him leading the rebels, breaking into the palace, and holding a sword against the king. Wow, no wonder the king was so traumatized at the mere mention of Hong Kyung-rae's name. My guess is the palace guards managed to come in time and stopped the king from being killed, Hong Kyung-rae was taken into prison, where Eunuch Han faked his death and freed him from the palace, so everyone believed Hong Kyung-rae died after the riot, including the king.


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I can't believe this thread is still active and that some of you girls are still hanging out here! Wowzers! *amazed* Nice to see and read how everyone's been doing and coping (or not, as it were, lol).

@maryxiah - I somehow managed to come across your little shoutout in one of DB's threads about your MDBC fan fiction and thank you very much for that because I have now managed to read it! I have left my review and feedback on your blog (apologies, it is a rather long feedback, not that you should be surprised given my penchant for being long-winded, haha!), so do check it out. I thought it was well-written, overall, and would like to encourage you to keep going if you have the time. I know it is not easy writing good fan fiction, especially when one wants to be true to the characters and to the setting. Yours is a very good attempt and a good start so be encouraged.


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No no, no apology needed, I love reading your thoughts. I've checked and replied. Kindly check it back and let me know, haha. Thank you for the encouragement, very much needed.


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I'm rewatching, of course, and I came to realize the significance of hats/headwear in YeongOn's relationship, lol.

In episode 3, he avoided answering her question about his name by putting he hat back on her head and changing the subject.

In episode 4, once she realized his identity, she got on her knee and her hat fell off. He put it back, telling her to keep being his friend.

(This is as far as I got on my slowww rewatch, so I'll probably miss our mix up some later details.)

Which episode is it when she's helping him dress, and he stands on his tip toes to mess with her? She tripped and voila, forced skinship.

Then there's the first swoony kiss, when her hat conveniently fell off of her head.

Then the giddy in the morning scene when the lovebirds couldn't wait to be next to each other. This time he lowered himself so she could put the hat on his head.

When they were separated, and he was getting ready for the royal wedding, those memories rushed back as he was getting his wedding hat put on.

Do we count the scene when she was hiding under her raincoat? Or her face mask in the dance? I suppose that's a little farfetched.

But this definitely counts: the most intimate hat scene of them all, untying her gat string after running in the rain...

So? Why hats? Lol. Is there a cultural reference behind that? Maybe hats are just safe enough to keep these electrifying scenes chaste? For me, it goes to show the level of attention to details in props and costumes in this precious show. All thanks to @Celine and you all for bringing my attention to the beautiful wardrobe on our cast, down to the smallest accessories!


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hehehe! Spreading the Moonlight hanbok love. Ugh Seriously, I just love staring at their costumes sometimes. I hope we get full pictures like a photo shoot. I'm not counting on it though. hehe!

And I do love your observation about the head-pieces and how they symbolize certain aspects of YeongOn couple. I have been re-watching too but not from start to finish without fast-forwarding. I plan to do it some time but for now I stick to my favorite scenes first. hehe!


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Me too. I couldn't get through watching all the other characters, so I just make a point of watching only YeongOn's scenes, especially the sad parts, lol. I can't believe I cry every time I watch their separate crying scenes, Ra-on by the lake, and Yeong in his room, and the symbolism of that scene, because she told him previously that she played in big lake, while his whole world centered around the palace. Gosh, I bawled so hard everytime I see that.


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The scene where he stands on tip toes is in Ep. 4, minute 13:35, lol. I didn't think much of the hats/headgears, but I do think the show made a point of emphasis on a lot of the hats/headgears scene, i.e. scenes of YeongOn, and Yoon-sung and Yeong's switched headgears, even when they concealed the face of the traitor from White Cloud society. So there's got to be something there? I just couldn't figure out what. Maybe the writer has hat fetish? Lol.


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There was one more hat scene in episode 4. After Ra On had to "work hard all night" to record dance moves, and ended up falling asleep in the Crown Prince's room, she dropped her hat when she woke up and was trying to quietly leave. Picking up the hat put her in a convenient position to admire a sleeping Yeong. Was that when she realized she cared for him?


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Bogum and Yoojung will be attending Asia Artist Award! I hope our puppies win! They're doing really well in the online voting.


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Please tell me how I can vote! Thx!!!


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Last time I check, Yoo-jung was in third place. *pouts* And Park Bo-gum is battling it out with Baek-hyun. I voted but I need to keep collecting points and that kind of annoyed me, lol. I hope they win as well. When is the award?


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only 0.02% is keeping PBG in 2nd place!!! I need to hurry and download the app to vote. We have only till 11/2?


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Their switch of place is constantly changing, you'd see Park Bo-gum in the first place today, and it'd switch to Baek-hyun tomorrow, it's crazy! I think Exo fans are really amazing.


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i think yoona and baek hyun will win the popularity awards for actress/actor ^^

i wish our beloved puppies at least gets best couple award XD


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Kim confided that she waited long for a scene where she can radiate her beautiful charms as an actress.

"At an early stage, the director said 'Don't worry because you would have more chances to act as a woman in the latter part.' So I waited and waited but there was no such a scene," she said.

She said the ending scene -- where Ra-on reunites with Lee Yeong at in a flower garden after he becomes king -- was so beautiful that she had no more thirst to unleash her feminine charms in the series.

She also showed the maturity of saying that she is fine although her character doesn't look pretty if this can contribute to the show.

Aww, Yoo-jung wanted to unleash her feminine charms, lol. I guess Yoo-jung feels what the audiences feel, that it's a shame she didn't get to have more scenes as a woman. I do think they shifted focus too heavily on Park Bo-gum, even the media is all over Park Bo-gum right now.


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“Through ’Moonlight Drawn By Clouds’, I have received much love. They say it’s ’the weight of the crown’, but if I said that the crown wasn’t heavy, that would probably be a lie. Rather than when we were shooting, it was at the fan signing at Gyeongbok Palace and when I went on the award trip to Cebu in the Philippines that I felt the responsibility of their interest. Especially at Gyeongbok Palace, I didn’t know that so many people would attend. I thought only 200 people (who got autographs) would be there, but enough people came to completely fill the palace grounds. It’s because of the fans that I am able to do what I do. But misunderstandings could arise, so I’m concerned. That day (of the fan signing), if I greeted them, many more people trying to see better kept pressing in closely. That’s when I realized. Ahh… with a movement of my hand, with one word, an accident could happen that harms a staff member or another person.”

Calling it “a double edged sword,” as his fame rises, he is more aware that his actions will require him to be more careful.

“I feel that’s sad. It’s strange. Fan love is something that I can use as a source of strength, but that I can’t express the gratitude that I feel just any way I want to has become the reality now. I’ve become more careful in my actions. It’s also a little sad with respect to my personal life. Before I am an actor, I am also a person… I don’t really want it, but a lot of people are curious about my personal life. They say it can’t be helped, but the wish that is in a little corner of my heart is that since everyone has a personal life and things that they don’t want to reveal, that people won’t keep trying to dig things up.”

Park Bo-gum is such a thoughtful person, even his comments are well thought out and respectful. I can understand his concerns to a certain degree, because when I was DBSK fans, I've heard a lot of sasaeng fans stories and I think celebrities really do need their spaces. Being public figure does not mean they have to be completely open about everything. Poor boy, now he can't take subway which he loves so much. And he even have to attend classes soon. Hmm, I wonder where his school is at, I want to stalk him. Haha, j/k. Or maybe not. :D


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Thanks for sharing these. It's quite sad. It's the price he has to pay for being so popular (just like any other celebrity around the world). However, even though I do believe that that statement is true, I think there is only a certain level at which a celebrity's personal life is revealed to the public. Even though someone is a celebrity, they still need privacy in certain aspects of their lives. Bogum seems to be a very private person and enjoys being a regular guy. He is right that his fame is like a double-edged sword. I do hope he does not crumble amidst all the attention given to him.

He is very thoughtful about thinking of fans and how his little actions can cause chaos. I remember seeing Joowon film 2D&1N at my university a few years ago and everyone gathered around him. Just a small wave or smile or even simply taking his jacket off, the fans around went wild and started to push forward.


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I felt sad too. And unlike Yoojung, I'm not contented even though the last scene in the cosmos field is so beautiful. Yoojung looks super beautiful in hanbok, like hanboks are made for her and we didn't get to see more of those. I am still pressed that they wasted like 2-3 hanboks only for poster shoot.

I hope we get to see more feminine Raon in your story to make up for the lack of it in the drama. /wink hihi Living as a woman was something she never got to do her whole life. Would love to see her finally be herself.


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i second this, lots of pretty hanbok in your ff pleaseee....

the last scenes is my favorite, and her hanbok looks so expensive. lol her book store really did daebak i guess...
or perhaps yeong gave that hanbok to her XD


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how many times RaOn wears woman hanbok?


dancing scenes...
that hanbok YS had given to her...
ra on ~ ah scenes...
as a nurse *lol
finale kiss *favorite*


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"Love in the moonlight" End of the series party interview [Entertainment Weekly / 2016.10.24]"


I actually find the evil minister's beard cute, lol. Funny how everyone wants to pull it out, or burn it because they couldn;t stand his character.


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What seems to set PBG apart from other actors in kdramas(however few I've seen) is his acting style...the way he delivers the lines is very natural, mellow tempered. His voice is not screeching, not screaming, not barking, not constantly shouting. The messages are not constantly prickly, if that makes sense.
In MDBC, his tone is soft spoken so that we pay attention to the content of each line. Only once in a while does he deliver his lines in a thunderous voice...when the storyline calls for it. I appreciate that the most.
It might be the director's instructions since that seems to be a unique quality in a lot of the actors in MDBC, especially the male actors. It's what brings out the character's quality: wit, evil, joy, shock, spite, shyness, confusion, etc. Not sure if I'm explaining it clearly. I tried watching TMETS and I couldn't get over the constant "barking" of lines by the empowered characters. On the opposite end of that spectrum is the female lead being so monotone. After seeing both, MDBC seems to highlight a contrast that makes it so enjoyable next to other shows. Just wanted to share that.


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I agree with your observations, he delivered his lines in collected manners, not too overblown or exaggerated. But I do think the director played a huge part in the direction of their acting. Park Bo-gum said so in his interviews that he consulted with Kim PD how he should delivered Yeong's character, and Kwak Dong-yeon mentioned that in his death scene, the director told him not to cry to much, because he wanted the scene to deliver more emotion without too much tears, I feel like he really carried the entire show well with great executions all around. Props to Director Kim Sung-yoon, I will definitely check for his future projects as well.


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I'm a newbie in the kdrama world but I absolutely agree that there is some quality acting in MDBC. Aside from PBG being so beautiful and we got our happy ending, MDBC had their A-game on from actors, music to hanbok and scenery.


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I agree about how PBG delivered his lines. It's so natural that the words seemed to just roll out his tongue perfectly. And what is even more amazing is this is his first sageuk. I've seen sageuks wherein the actors seemed they were on a stage play of a period piece and their delivery was so contemporary and it just sounded so wrong.

TMETS had potential but the leads were grossly imbalanced in acting. The female lead had no emotion whatsoever and was absolutely monotonous that I could not feel anything from her lines.


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2 weeks post Finale and there's still quite a few of us around. May I suggest we start a support group???


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Yes! Yes! A million yes! I'm waiting for one! How should we set one up?


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How about we use line? My ID is exactly my username.


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Popping up in here to say YES to this!

(On a side note, I have been seeing a few Elles running around DB who are not me. I am seriously considering changing my username)


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lmao me too... there are too many Luna.


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count me in.... *wink*


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PBG Asian Fan meet tour...
Who is lucky enough to be able to go see him?


I am no where near him though I'm curious as to what he's up to in LA. He attended a gala before Halloween.


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He's coming near me! Though not really near me, because I have to cross an ocean to get to him. But I can't go even though he's coming to my country! *cries a river*


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And btw Helen, what happened to the support group talk? How are we going to set it up?


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Let me do a little research on the support group. I'm sure it can happen. It's not everyday you find such a neat connection with people who mirror your emotions. I'm not letting you gals go!


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How about we use Kakaotalk? I remember PBG saying he and the R88 gang have their own group.


Kakaotalk works for me, or Line.


I'm good with either one. Both seem pretty similar so I'm open to your suggestions.


Just gona mention KDY interview

OMG, so the initial plan has Yeong-Yeon as a ship? And there was supposed to be a beautiful confession scene before BY has his near death scene.

It supposed to be a twist of the original scene in novel, where BY confess to RO, but in drama, it's BY to LY: "I love you with all my heart, so I don't regret anything. I've protected you with whole body so there's nothing to regret. I just want you to live happily, and that's enough."

I wish production team has gone through with this plan, gosh, I might jumpship to BYxLY. but I do understanding that it can be uncomfortable for Korean viewers, and production team wouldn't want to be flooded with critics and low rating.

But I still want to see that scene TT.TT PBG would have another bromance/loveline beside MinxHyun



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Haha. As much as I love their bromance, I know I'd be uncomfortable with that twist of event. I know Byung-yeon loves Yeong, but I want it to remain platonic. I was kind of hoping to see YeonOn ship though, their private times in Jahyeondang could provide us more scenes where Byung-yeon harbor secret feelings of love for Ra-on, and that'd be the reason why he risked his life to ensure her escape and woke up when he heard her voice talking to her in Teacher Dasan's house.


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And to be fair, Min didn't have a loveline in I Remember You, so it was easy to pair him up with Hyun. But in Moonlight where he had a main ship, I'd be reluctant to ship him with anyone else.


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I would rather Yeon being loyal to Yeong like in the drama than having BY fall for RO. I just can't handle with multiple guys fall for 1 girls or multiple girls fall for 1 guy. There's plenty of fishes in the sea, a love triangle is good enough for me.


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He could still be loyal while harboring feelings for Ra-on. We already know he's the kind that treasures loyalty and friendship above everything, which is evident when he asked Yoon-sung to keep his feelings for Ra-on to himself. But I had this feeling that Byung-yeon could be harboring feelings for Ra-on because he said that he'd return to her and the crown prince one day, after he made his trip.


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Have been lurking on both soompi n DB forums....totally addicted to this drama and can't seem to let it go...
Just dropping a note to say that I totally enjoyed the fan fiction..@maryxiah...
Really sweet and like the references to previous conversations between the two...
Looking forward to your new instalments....
All the best and know that you have a very appreciative audience....probably quite a few semi quiet lurkers like me...
Me....totally a YeongOn shipper...still having issues weaning off...lolz


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Thank you for the comment, #mushforbrains. As you can see from my comments and fan fiction, obviously I can't get over our YeongOn couple as well. I don't know when the next chapter is coming out, I'm still in the process of churning out new chapter, lol. Been busy with life and a friend's wedding is right around the corner. I hope I don't keep you guys waiting for too long though, heh. *sweats*


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I'm rooting for you @maryxiah!


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Guys, let's do kakaotalk group for the support group. Here's the link. https://open.kakao.com/o/gxUBqgp


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Joined! See you guys there!


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Just joined! Chatting away!!!


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Even if you have to install the app to join the group like I did, it's totally worth it! Think YeongOn stickers!!! lol


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Hi do you mind if I upload your fanfic on the moonlight shippers forum.
Think it's really good...


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I think @maryxiah would love for her story to reach a greater audience. We talked about posting it on Soompi but we are not members. Do spread the Moonlight fever. Maryxiah loves to hear feedback from readers. :) lol @maryxiah I think I became your unofficial PR.


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Thank you for being my PR, Celine, lol. Come join us in the kakaotalk group! Link is on the post above. You and #Mushforbrains both!


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Loving chapter 2!!!
You are really good!!!
Will announce in soompi that your next instalment is up!


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Ahaha, I don't mind but I'm bad at updating, I hope I won't keep anyone waiting.


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Just posted the link....on shippers forum...
There is also a fanfic there but of the boyoo OTP
Their explosive chemistry is keeping the thirst alive.....
Need ....to.....get....back....to ....real life....lol


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Guys, if you guys do lurk and come back to read, join us in Kakaotalk group! Heh. There are 7 of us in there.



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Having issues installing kktalk on my desktop. My laptop is slowly dying I think. /cries


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Celine! We missed you! What about your phone? We install in on our phones. I couldn't install it on my desktop as well.


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For those who will watch Moonlight who may end up visiting this thread and for those who still lurk around here, I am sharing this wonderful post about the different styles of MDBC's directors. A huge part of what made MDBC truly special is how wonderfully made it was. The scenes are just breathtaking and it is interesting to note that the two directors differ greatly in style BUT they managed to make both styles work that I am amazed with how much they were able to work with their differences to show us a very coherent drama. The difference in style could have made MDBC disjointed but no. The styles made MDBC even more amazing. Anyway, here is the link


I am so obsessed with how MDBC was made. When re-watching the episodes, I will be paying even more attention after reading this article. I cannot pick which style I prefer. However, it seems I much prefer the earth tones and actions of Baek Sanghoon because Episode 6 ending really struck me. But then I love the beautiful romantic scenes that are attributed to Kim Seungyoon. I dunno... haha Good thing they both worked in this drama. I got both.


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I really love both tones, but I'm leaning towards Kim Seung-yoon, because I love the green tone and the whole romantic setup! Plus he's the main PD and carried the whole show so amazingly well!

I'm especially touched when I read Kim Yoo-jung's interview comment where she said the three of them: Kim PD, Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung went out for dinner, and he'd asked them to trust and rely on each other. I feel so touched that he decided to give the kids a pep talk to encourage them, knowing how big their pressures were, carrying the whole show as leads, and going against a big budget drama. I'm definitely looking out for this director's future works.

And Celine, when are you joining our Kakaotalk? You have to install it on the phone, lol.


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@maryxiah and fellow mdbc fans

Tried to install the kakaotalk but had some glitch...so decided to uninstall...also between lurking here and in soompi...my real life is taking a hit ..
So will just lurk in the forums and wait for your fanfiction....will set it to follow...so hopefully it'll update with your next instalment


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Aww, that sucks. What glitch was it? The kakaotalk support group has been heavenly and extremely comforting for the past week, for me at least, it helps us to cope with Moonlight's withdrawal, so I wanted to spread the love. Hopefully, you can join us one day. And I hope you feel well soon. Thank you for updating my blog on Soompi as well. *hugs*


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If any of you guys do come back to this thread, join us on Kakaotalk, we're still pretty much active there and waiting for Moonlighters to join us!

Here's the link: https://open.kakao.com/o/gxUBqgp

Oh, and a quick tutorial. Install Kakaotalk on your smartphone first, go to menu, find QR code, and then just scan the QR code from the link above. Voila! We get to be together again!


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LMAO oh so the QR code is the easier way to look for the group. Good to learn new things. :)


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I actually learnt about it after Nicholas and Elle explained it to me, lol.


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For those interested to join the Kakaotalk MDBC Support Group, do join us and discuss MDBC and whatnot. Just a warning, a lot of us discuss so much that your device will probably be ringing every second or if you leave it for a long time, you'll end up with 300+ unread chat messages.

Do note that the No. 1 House Rule after joining is to read @Maryxiah's fan fic. You will not be disappointed as it stayed very close to the drama and the characters. She is a good writer bursting with love for YeongOn couple. Her dedication is amazing that she's currently studying palace ground blueprints to get her descriptions right. She's also studying/brushing up on Joseon history. :D

Just a bit of background on her fic, the story takes place before the one year time jump when Yeong became King in the drama. And it will continue after the last scene in the final episode. Good stuff, right? It's like you're still watching MDBC! This is the link to her blog. So far, two chapters have been posted. Enjoy!



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300 unread chat messages??? O_O

Good grief...


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Chapter 2 is just amazing! It totally feels like the drama! Thanks for the beautiful work Maryxiah!!


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Finally I have a little time to lurk here.
So many unread message and links to check out later.
Gives me comfort. Thanks for making this page still alive.

I miss MDBG and miss you all.
@maryxiah I heard that PBG is coming to visit near you soon.
How nice.

Alas, I would not be able to be visible and active for a while. I am in and out of the hospital taking care of my mother


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Blu! You don't have to envy me, I can't go and see Park Bo-gu, heh. If you got the time, I hope you can join us on Kakaotalk, here's the link https://open.kakao.com/o/gxUBqgp. And I'm sorry to hear about your mother, hope she gets well soon and take care of yourself, Blu!


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I love almost everything about this drama. The storyline, the characters (especially the main characters) , how they -the characters- evolved and the climax was awesome. However, one thing that makes me tear up is Yoon Sung's death. He had already suffered enough hence deserved something better than a premature death. The family issues, failed friendship and the unrequited love he had was enough bad fate. Why did he have to die at such a young heart despite the heart of gold he possessed? The script writer should have considered all this before writing the story in a way that Yoon Sung dies.
For me, the ending had a near perfection. If not for Yoon Sung's death this final episode would have just been, to me, a synonym of perfection.


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Not a lot of people mentioned this, but I feel like they could have made a better ending for Yoonsung. I mean, I feel sorry for him. The woman he likes loves his former best friend, and he even watched her as she cried because she missed the prince. When the prince and Ra on were separated, She asked him please to stop seeing her because he made her want to ask questions about the prince. Then he gets killed trying to protect her.


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what i love in this story:
the friendship of the 3 boys.
yeong,byung yeon and kim joon. Specially the scene when BY needs to point his sword to the crown prince. OMG tear falls......



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I really, really loved this drama to the point where I had to do research about it, pore over all the minuscule details, watch behind the scenes clips, read different theories, and listen to all the beautiful OSTs after finishing it. This isn't the first drama I've watched & loved, but I don't think the love I had for the others were as intense as the feeling I have for MDBC. ;;

I'm pleased with how everything was wrapped up...everything, that is, except for Yoon Sung's death.
It's been a few days since I finished watching & I am still absolutely crushed & broken over it. QAQ
He was the one who saved everyone & put his life on the line for them, and yet, he can't even have his happy ending;;;
That really shatters me.
Man, I think I got a serious case of SLS hahahhahha.
I actually kinda wanted Ra On to accept his offer of living with him when he gave her the pretty clothes, but I digress.
I really hoped the ending would show him being friends with CP & BY again, and be one of CP's loyal subjects or something, but that hope was destroyed </3
When he died, I then at least hoped to see a mourning scene for him, but even that didn't happen. So my heart hurts extra much for him.

Watching the specials, reading the comments here & looking through Jinyoung's Instagram (where he posted pics of him, CP, RO, & BY together) somehow helped soothe my aching heart a bit...but truth be told, I won't be watching any other drama for a while. Aside from the amount of time spent watching instead of working, I think there's a void left by Moonlight that no other drama would be able to fill. I guess that's one way you can tell a drama really did well, haha.

It's mostly the same as what all the others said, but I still wanted to share my lil thoughts on this beautiful work of art that is Moonlight. I'll be going back to internally crying over the OSTs then//


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I was just about to ask if the conversation on MDBC was still going.
1,494 would suggest it is.


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저는이 영화가 좋아요.. <3 영원히


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