
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 18 (Final)

We’re at the end of the line, and that means it’s time to resolve conflicts, wrap up loose ends, answer our questions, give us a satisfying resolution, and leave us with a uplifting feeling of hope that while the drama is over, the characters live on, in that we can be happy with even when we don’t get to witness it ourselves. That’s a fairly tall order, and the big question is whether the drama managed to pull all that off in its final hour. There’s no way to answer that without spoiling everything up front, so let’s just get right to the point, shall we?


EPISODE 18: “Moonlight drawn by clouds”

Late at night at Teacher Dasan’s home, Byung-yeon prepares to leave and peers inside to see Ra-on alone, dozing. He sets off, thinking, “It may be a long journey. But I promise you: I will return to you and the prince.”

Ra-on’s sleep turns fitful as she dreams of that night she’d held a knife to Yeong, which he’d used to cut off his bracelet.

In the palace, Yeong drinks his tonic and thinks of that same moment, when his bracelet fell apart and scattered. The poison hits him, and he falls over.

Ra-on calls out to Yeong in her sleep, and wakes feeling heavy-hearted. She chooses to consider the dream as a happy one, just as she’d once described dreaming of losing her mother: “Because at least I could see you.”

A frantic pounding sounds at the front gate, and it’s Young Master Jung with an urgent summons to bring Teacher Dasan to the palace. Ra-on hears that Yeong has been poisoned and falls to the ground, overcome.

Teacher Dasan and Ra-on (disguised as his assistant) hurry to the palace, where the gate guard asks Ra-on to remove her face mask. She’s saved from discovery by Eunuch Jang, who arrives in a panic to usher them in.

They’re taken to the prince’s chamber, where Yeong lies unconscious, looking like death. Ra-on kneels at his bedside and reaches for his hand, the sight of him bringing her to tears.

Teacher Dasan gets to work and spoons medicine into Yeong’s mouth. Perhaps it works, because Yeong’s eyes flutter open soon thereafter, and they breathe a sigh to see that he’s regained consciousness.

Through his tired eyes, Yeong just barely makes out the blurry image of Ra-on hovering above.

Just then, Ha-yeon is announced, and Ra-on quickly steps aside. Ha-yeon looks at her curiously, but she’s more concerned with the prince’s condition at the moment and hurries to his bedside.

Yeong’s blurry vision sharpens into focus as he makes out Ha-yeon’s face, and is that disappointment on his face? From a distance, Ra-on watches the two of them with sad eyes, and then the door closes in her face, leaving her on the outside.

The queen is worrying over having her baby daughter in Ha-yeon’s care when a court lady informs her that the prince has collapsed from poisoning. Her shock suggests she was unaware of the plan.

Teacher Dasan informs Yeong that the tonic he drank wasn’t poisoned, which is why the court lady who tasted it didn’t fall ill. Instead, the poison had been applied to the surface of the bowl, which is why the princess’s silver ring darkened upon contact. Because Yeong only drank a small amount, he should be able to recover fully. Yeong asks Teacher Dasan to keep his recovery a secret—he looks forward to seeing how happy people will be at his return from the brink.

The tactic has the desired effect, because Eunuch Sung reports to Prime Minister Kim that the palace is swirling with rumors that the prince is dying by the minute.

Ha-yeon thinks back to the masked aide attending to Yeong, unable to shake the suspicion that it was Ra-on. She tells herself that it can’t be, but without much conviction.

Ra-on tends to Yeong as he sleeps, and just as she moves away, his hand reaches out to pull her back. He reaches up to pull off her mask, then smiles to see her face, saying, “So I didn’t see wrong.”

She starts to explain why she’s here, but he just says, “When I opened my eyes, do you know how much I worried that it would not be you here? When I grabbed you, I hesitated for a long while, in case it might not be you.”

Ra-on tells him that she promised Teacher Dasan that she would only stay a few days, and take utmost care to not be recognized, not even by the prince. So now, she requests that he pretend not to know her for just a little while.

Yeong reaches for her hand and draws her sleeve back—revealing that she wears his bracelet, put back together. It makes him smile and hold on tighter, and he agrees, “I will pretend not to know you for a long, long while, so stay by my side. Even if it is just until I am recovered.”

He grasps her hand in his, and reaches up with the other to cradle her face.

And that’s the scene Ha-yeon witnesses from the door, which she quietly closes while holding back tears.

Yeong receives a visit from little Princess Yeongeun and her mother, Royal Consort Park. He asks if Consort Park recalls the day his mother died, recalling how she’d collapsed after taking her medicine, but no poison had been found in it. The incident was suspicious, but ultimately buried.

Yeong finds his poisoning similar to his mother’s death, and believes the same culprit to be behind both incidents. He views this incident as a good opportunity to get to the bottom of his mother’s death, though he sighs that he doesn’t have any proof.

At that, little Yeongeun flicks up her eyes nervously, looking conflicted. (Yasssssss.)

The queen orders Eunuch Sung to sneak her (discarded) baby back to her, and then she accompanies him to hand off the baby to a henchman. The queen warns the eunuch to do a proper job of it this time (as in, disposing of the child).

And then, Yeong’s voice orders them to halt. He turns scathing eyes on the queen, asking if she has ordered the child killed, and orders them to set the baby down, saying that even criminals are full of defenses and protests when accused of crimes. The least they can do is to let the baby do the only thing it knows how to do, cry, before it dies: “In front of the mother who is trying to get rid of her in such a terrible way.”

The queen looks conflicted, but steels herself and tells him to do as he wishes. Yeong warns that this is the last chance he will give her—that it’s the one way that everyone will be able to live.

He asks her to reveal that truth that this is her child, rather than the boy she has claimed. The queen’s face twists with emotion, but she smooths it out before facing the prince, lying, “I have no idea what you are saying.”

Yeong looks shocked at her coldness as she just walks away. But the baby begins to cry, and the queen struggles with herself, trying to ignore the cries.

Princess Yeongeun thinks back to that traumatizing day when she’d seen the court lady killed, and recalls seeing an envelope in the woman’s hands. Ra-on comes upon her and pauses in concern to see her looking distressed.

Ra-on quietly identifies herself, and Yeongeun writes a note asking if Ra-on is here as a doctor’s aide because of the sick prince. Ra-on says she will stay until the prince recovers, and asks if the princess is struggling with something.

Yeongeun asks for a favor, then leads Ra-on to that room where she’d once hidden, now dusty with disuse. She starts looking around for something, remembering that the lady stuffed the envelope underneath the a loose floorboard moments before being killed.

The memory makes Yeongeun tremble and cry, but she forces herself to point a finger toward the floor and eke out a word: “T-there…”

Ra-on feels for the loose floorboard, and finds that long-forgotten letter tucked underneath it. Behind them, a pair of feet quietly leave. Uh-oh.

It’s the prime minister’s underling, who reports back that he saw Ra-on fetching something from underneath the floor. The prime minister orders him to bring Ra-on, dead or alive, and at that, Yoon-sung offers himself for the task.

The prime minister points out that he can’t trust Yoon-sung when he knows he cares for the girl, but Yoon-sung replies that he’d like to test himself and see how strong his feelings are. He admits to feeling upset about her remaining close to the prince, and says that the clan must be powerful in order for him to have what he wants. Please tell me you’re just making the argument your grandfather wants to hear—because on that score, it works, and the prime minister agrees to let Yoon-sung bring her in.

Yeong delivers the old letter to the king, explaining Ra-on’s part in its recovery. The king recognizes the handkerchief inside, stained with blood, and reads the letter before showing it to Yeong.

The letter is from Yeong’s mother, addressed to him, and it sounds as though she expects to die; she tells Yeong that she hopes he will have overcome his sadness when he reads the letter. She also writes, “I have staked my life to protect your seat, not for my son’s power, but for the hope of Joseon—do not forget that.”

Ra-on returns to her old building late that night, and Yoon-sung finds her there. He looks at her with cold eyes and says she must come with him, just as he’s joined by masked assassins. Ra-on registers the threat, but they grab her before she can do anything.

Yoon-sung keeps his face stony, though it flickers when he hears Ra-on cry out in pain. At that, he draws his sword and holds it up to Ra-on’s scared face… and then whirls on his masked assassins.

He grabs Ra-on protectively and turns on his grandfather’s men, dispatching several in quick succession, not stopping even when he’s slashed across the abdomen. Then Ra-on sees that he’s in the direct line of danger, and darts in to block his body with hers.

But Yoon-sung can’t have her hurt, so he whirls them around, keeping Ra-on out of harm’s way… and getting stabbed in the chest instead. He spits up a mouthful of blood.

Still, he has enough strength to resume fighting when the remaining assassins charge him. One aims for Ra-on, and Yoon-sung blocks the sword’s path—by placing his body directly in its path.

The sword digs into his shoulder, and then Yoon-sung grabs the blade with his bare hand and slides his body along the length of the blade, toward the hilt, until he can knock the sword away. Goddamn it Yoon-sung, you’re a badass mofo but you’re hard to watch.

Yoon-sung takes down the last assassin, but by now his body has been battered with multiple injuries, and he collapses. Ra-on rushes to his side and cradles his head in her lap, scared to see that he’s seeping blood at an alarming rate.

Yoon-sung manages to smile as he tells her not to cry: “I do not wish to be remembered as a small man who would make a woman cry.” She can’t believe he’d joke at a time like this, but he continues, “Do not be sad, either.”

She sobs that she’s sorry for always hurting him when he always made her smile. He shakes his head and says, “You are the picture I always wanted to draw.” He says that it’s enough that she is happy in the moment he draws her, and urges her to be happy.

His eyes slowly close, and he falls limp. As the reality of his death sinks in, she sobs over his body.

The queen must have been moved by her crying child after all, because she admits everything to her father, subdued for once rather than agitated. She says she wanted to give birth to a boy, even if through faking it, and had a reason other than the obvious one of providing an heir: She wanted her father’s acknowledgement.

“Even if you weren’t satisfied with me, I am still your blood kin,” she says.

She asks if he ever thought of her as his child, to which he replies that she’s in no place to ask that after trying to kill her own child to protect her position.

She can only laugh at that: “Yes, hearing that, we are indeed related. Able to throw away anyone who becomes a hindrance, or kill. I am just like you.”

The prime minister says coolly that her desire for his approval is not within her reach, as the lowly child of a gisaeng—she ought to just be content with the queen’s seat he created for her. Her face falls, disappointed once more.

Without warning, her doors fly open and the king walks in, followed by Yeong and several soldiers. The king faces the prime minister and demands to know if everything is true. The queen hangs her head, thinking they’re speaking of her baby—but Yeong holds out the recently discovered letter, and the prime minister recognizes it.

A flashback takes us back ten years: The previous queen, Yeong’s mother, faces the prime minister, who warns her of the dangers of being too interested in Western learning. He confronts her with a book that he calls dangerous and heretical, which the queen says she read purely out of curiosity.

The prime minister accuses her of teaching the prince about ruling without accounting for class and rank. She argues that she was merely instructing him to regard every one of his citizens as important, but the prime minister is clearly capable of twisting that around to make it seem she’s inciting an upheaval of social order. So he gives her the choice: be dethroned and make the crown prince the son of a criminal, or to remain blameless and step down of her own accord.

This must all be in the queen’s letter, which the prime minister now reads. But then, a eunuch bursts in with terrible news of Yoon-sung.

A short time later, the prime minister is brought before the court as a criminal. Yeong reads the charges: contempt of royalty in falsifying the queen’s identity, poisoning the prince, and assassinating the former queen and covering it up. He is sentenced, along with the other two Kim ministers, to execution by beheading. The queen, meanwhile, is dethroned for passing off another child as the prince.

As the prime minister is escorted out of his home to meet his fate, he requests one last look at Yoon-sung’s room. As he sits in the empty room, he flashes back to that day long ago, when Yoon-sung and Yeong were boys. He’d watched as they changed back after trading clothes and Yoon-sung had asked if wearing the prince’s robes would make him the prince.

Little Yeong, now wearing the egret-adorned hat, replies no—but it allows them to understand each other better. Little Yoon-sung asks Yeong how he’d felt wearing his clothes, and Yeong says that his friend’s clothes had felt just as heavy as his own. So it was Yoon-sung who would die young all along, and Yeong who bore the traits of a good king.

The prime minister finds a pistol among Yoon-sung’s things. Moments later, a gunshot rings out.

Yeong carries his mother’s handkerchief out to the field, remembering how she had wished for him to see the people in lower classes, and to protect each and every citizen as his own. She’d asked him then to promise to be that kind of king, and he reaffirms that vow now.

Next, it’s Ra-on who is brought before the court as a criminal, kneeling before Yeong as he reads out her charge—which he follows by acknowledging her contribution to restoring honor to the royal family. He pardons her for all of her crimes.

Ha-yeon makes a request of the king, which he finds difficult to understand: She wishes to step down as crown princess, even if, according to law, she is prohibited from marrying for the rest of her life. Ha-yeon explains that she knew Yeong didn’t care for her, but had hoped he might open his heart to her eventually.

“However, I was unable to offer the least bit of comfort to the prince’s weary heart,” she says, “and I blamed myself and hated myself for it. I realized how foolish I had been. Rather than being a foolish princess who is a burden to the prince, so that I may live alone but honestly, please grant your permission.”

A short while later, Ha-yeon makes her way through the city streets, on her way to the ferry. She flings off her head covering and breathes in the air.

We hear the king’s voice delivering his decision: He will revoke the entire princess selection, thereby freeing her of the requirement to remain unmarried for the rest of her life. He hopes she will find a man who will treasure her and urges her to live happily.

One year later.

The king is announced, and a red-robed figure makes his way into the throne room—Yeong, now king, taking his position before his council. Among the lesser officials is Young Master Jung, while Teacher Dasan is there in minister’s robes.

Yeong makes his way to the throne, but pauses in front of the lofty seat. Changing his mind, he turns and sits down right on the top step, in front of the throne, butt on floor. The ministers murmur amongst themselves and Teacher Dasan asks why he is sitting there.

Yeong replies that he will continue to do so: “The highs and lows between me and my people, the distance between me and you—I hope that you will understand my wish to be one step closer.”

Eunuch Jang beams with pride, Teacher Dasan quirks up a smile, and the rest of the ministers bow a bit uncertainly.

Over in the eunuch department, Head Eunuch Jang delivers the speech about responsibility and honor to the newest class of rookies. Do Ki and Sung-yeol observe the new faces… and take a closer look at one of the rookies. Wait, is that…?

Pwahaha, it’s Kim Seul-gi, looking suspiciously pretty and delicate-featured in the sea of male faces. (Best cameo reference ever.) They both feel that strange sense of déjà vu, and then Kim Seul-gi looks over and shoots them a wink.

As Princess Myeongeun takes a walk, a eunuch hands her a red rose, which she takes with some confusion. More eunuchs line her path, as do court ladies, each holding out a rose.

Once she’s amassed a large bouquet, she comes to Young Master Jung at the end of the line, who kneels before her and starts to say that she now has ninety-nine flowers. Myeongeun cuts him off to get to the punchline first, that she’s the last flower. Aw, Young Master Jung drops the rose he’d been holding behind his back—his punchline had been different—and tells her she’s right, and asks her to marry him.

She’s touched, but concerned that marrying her would prevent his career from reaching its full heights (a princess’s husband would find himself restricted in many ways). He tells her that walking with her would make every path flower-lined, and outshining any path to career success.

“All I need is you,” he says, “Myeongeun-ah.” He kisses her, and their audience cheers.

Out in the city, Byung-yeon and Hong Kyung-rae watch from a distance as Yeong, disguised as a simple nobleman, walks among the people and gets invited to play a game.

Byung-yeon references a saying about drawing clouds to make the moonlight shine, and smiles as he watches Yeong among his people. He says, “Rather than a sun that shines alone, he’s a ruler who shines brightly when among his people, like the moonlight—I believe the king is that kind of person.”

Hong Kyung-rae notes, “So you will remain as a cloud, on behalf of the king. Is that what you mean?” They smile.

In a bookshop, Ra-on puts out a new book on display: The cover bears a face that looks like Yeong, and the title is “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds.” It’s snatched off its perch immediately, and Yeong sighs that she’s been so busy writing her supposed masterpiece that he’s barely seen her.

She’s a bit sheepish about putting his face on the cover, but asks for his understanding, since a book’s cover can affect its sales. Yeong leans down to meet her at eye level, and warns that he’ll be seeking repayment, and Ra-on shyly covers her lips with her hands and asks, “Here?” Hee.

He laughs at her assumption, saying that he meant a percentage of the sale price. Ha.

Holding hands as they walk through a field of flowers, Yeong asks what the book is about. Ra-on describes a prince of a far-off land, with beautiful looks and a bad temper. He pouts at that, but she continues that the prince undergoes all sorts of trials to emerge as a good king.

“Have you written of your hopes?” he asks. Ra-on shakes her head, saying, “No. I have merely taken a peek at the world you are making.”

He takes her hands, and asks, “Then who are you?” Ra-on guesses, “In the nation you will make, that first citizen?” Yeong shakes his head; that’s not what he’s thinking of.

Ra-on thinks again. “The one who came to you in the appearance of a eunuch, your first sweetheart?” That’s not it either, so she asks, “Then who am I?”

He replies, “You are the Ra-on who filled my world to the brim.”

She smiles happily, and he swoops in to kiss her.


Ahh, so we get our happy ending after all, and everything worked out, more or less, with ends tied neatly and history blatantly flouted. (That giant disclaimer at the top of the episode about this show being different from history was a pretty big tip-off that the ending would be upbeat, but I wasn’t expecting a tragedy, so I didn’t mind not having that element of surprise.) Not everything was happy, of course, considering how Yoon-sung died, but on the whole the episode fulfilled its role as a finale and provided closure to most of the big plot conflicts. It even managed to tie in points from early episodes, which contributed to the feeling of an ending that had been set up well in advance, so that it felt like an extension of logic and not like a late-game attempt to make everything end happily.

I’m fine with having Yoon-sung die at the end, and if he had to go, then it makes sense that he would go down to protect Ra-on. I appreciate that his good nature won out—perhaps he was lying to his grandfather about testing his feelings, or perhaps he really was testing himself, but in either scenario Yoon-sung was true to himself and died fighting for his convictions, which eases the sting a bit. It was also the least the show could do to have him die in Ra-on’s arms, able to confess a bit of his heart while wishing her well.

It’s just, that stupid fight. That stupid, needless fight that didn’t have to happen, that didn’t make sense in the context of the plot, that felt like it was choreographed and shot and edited before it was properly written. COME ON, those men are under his command! Even if they wouldn’t have acted against the prime minister’s orders, there were a gajillion ways Yoon-sung could have taken advantage of the situation, could have sent them away, could have thwarted them on a goose chase, could have brought a horse and run away with Ra-on, could have warned her ahead of time, et ceteraaaa. And that was the best you could do? The last time I saw a death that pointless was when that dude in Moon/Sun literally threw himself in the path of an incoming spear because of fate or whatever. I get that narratively, the death makes sense, and may even be a necessity. I just really wish the writing had actually done that necessity justice. I thought Yoon-sung deserved better.

But as for things I loved: While it was convenient for Ha-yeon to be the one to bow out of the marriage and free Yeong without making anybody a bad guy, I appreciate that she wasn’t shown to be doing it out of a broken heart, or a sense of selflessness or martyrdom. Ultimately it was a choice to honor herself above a one-sided love that she saw was never going to be returned, to allow herself to live with a freer heart, even if that would limit the life she could lead as an unmarriageable young woman. Heck, at least it would be better than being locked into a miserable life as an unhappy married woman, to be able to choose herself. Kelly Taylor would approve. Of course, this show does love to have cakes and eat them too, so she ended up even freer than she’d hoped, with the king releasing her from the princess trappings entirely.

Also: Yeong became king! Obviously we’re in total fantasyland by this point, because he never made it to kinghood in real life, but it’s gratifying to see him actually rule, because the great tragedy was that we knew he’d be an awesome ruler but wouldn’t get the chance. I’m presuming that the whole “fake his death to live with Ra-on while history believes the prince dead” plotline was a popular speculation for the finale, and I was half-expecting to see it in play here—but what would have disappointed about that ending is that Yeong would have had to give up his hopes of being a good king and treasuring his people and turning around Joseon from its path of puppet kings and corrupt puppetmasters. And that idealism and integrity was such a huge part of his character that I didn’t quite want that to be the solution.

Truth be told, I can’t shake my niggling sense of disappointment that the show so thoroughly ignored history, even as I’m glad for the characters’ sake that everything worked out well for them. It’s not enough to anger me or sour my opinion of the show, but it is a distinct disappointment to have the show take all this care to establish the historical basis, work in real-life figures, and then just kind of shrug and say, “Never mind, none of the rest happens in this world.” I’m certainly fine with fantasy sageuks taking liberties with trufax, and don’t expect—or even want—them to be completely accurate. But one of the huge draws of watching sageuks is understanding the broad strokes of history and knowing that there are certain constraints we have to work with—so as we watch the show, it becomes a source of enjoyable angst to worry about how a show will manage to pull out a satisfactory solution when we already know the punchline.

I wanted this show to pull out a clever twist to show us how historical record came to be, while still delivering a happy ending. One way to do that is to fake his death, but they could have also played with the swapped-babies theme and made Yoon-sung the real prince. Or something cleverer that I was hoping really hard the show could figure out. Part of my excitement about this drama was the anticipation about how the drama would accomplish this feat—and then we got there and the drama just decided that the constraint of reality didn’t matter anymore. Maybe that’s my fault for getting my hopes up, but the show was so winning and compelling that I really did believe it had that answer. If they were going to go with this ending, I wish they’d have invented an entirely fictional world from the start, the way The Moon That Embraces the Sun did, because in that case there are no expectations of boundaries, and no disappointments.

But I expect that this will bother different people to differing extents, and some people not at all. If delivering a happy resolution was the main concern, then Moonlight Drawn By Clouds delivered that, and left off at a nice place in the story—there are some open ends, but I feel confident that everyone I care about (except Yoon-sung, sniff) is in a good place and on a good trajectory, so that we can step out of this world feeling contented and hopeful. I don’t have to see Yeong and Ra-on married, for instance, because it’s enough that they’ve cleared out all their obstacles and are in a place where they can openly love. And with Yeong on the throne, we can rest easy that there may never be another peasant’s rebellion, especially with Byung-yeon and Hong Kyung-rae leading the rebels and believing in him to make a better nation.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds wasn’t a perfect drama, but what I felt at the outset still stands: that this drama was elevated by every one of its parts to feel truly special, even if each of the individual parts might not feel quite as special on their own. Park Bo-gum was one of its biggest assets—and Kim Yoo-jung, of course, because their connection sold that romance, although I do really think Park Bo-gum gave it an extra magic, inhabiting the prince from head to toe and never wasting a moment onscreen. He’s always been a good actor, but he was so consistently and relentlessly wonderful in this show that he’s bound for superstardom now, deservedly.

I’m most grateful to the director for having such a cohesive, well-thought-out approach and knowing how to build emotion through both content and style—this drama was really enhanced by all of its tools, whether it was a well-placed OST track or a beautifully shot scene or a sense of pacing that somehow always knew when to grab my heart, and when to let it breathe again. (I did think it flagged a bit in that last regard toward the end, but its best scenes were so well-crafted that even now they make my breath catch in the same places, every time.) Dramas like this feel like an experience, more than just an entertaining story, and it’s always a joy to come across those, so we can hug them a little tighter while we have them, then let them go feeling full-hearted and contented.


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I'm a little late for thoughts on the final episode. Everything else has been covered extensively by our beanies already. Thank you javabeans and beloved Moonlighters for this awesome ride!

The unsung hero of the day was the young princess. She gave us the last piece of the puzzle to destroy the head of the Kim Inc tiger. I was looking forward to her comeback, and was slightly disappointed that Ra On got most of the credit for it, but I also understood the reason for it.

We've known about the princess's secret for a while, but the show still saved some details hidden from us until now. Finally all the previous clues and hints surrounding the late Queen's death are brought to light. We got to learn so much more about her sacrifice, ambition, faith and love for Yeong and for Joseon.

Having Ra On help the princess face her worst memory rounded out Ra On's character arc nicely. She once again delivered a letter of love to its destined recipient, the job she excelled at all along. Turned out Yeong is not the only one who can help families unite around here. Ra On did a great job helping Yeong "meet" his deceased mother too: in spirits through her water dance, by pointing out his mom's charisma lived on within him, and now by delivering the late Queen's own words. In a way, she's returned Yeong's favor for finding her Mom and letting her meet her Dad.

I love that about the YeongOn relationship, they're already each other's family, so supportive of each other's struggles and dreams, and always so bickeringly cute to top.


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This went up to m favorite historical, after Sungkyukwan Scandal..

I love all their lines, eso in ep 17 & 18.. The OST too...
I just can't feel the romance between the crown prince and the eunuch... I heard she's still young, and I was shocked that kissings scenes were allowed in SK at that age... But I love the bromance, and that PM grandson, love his role... and smart too, he even produced and composed "Misty Fog" by Ben (singer from Healer & Another Oh Hae Young) then played when he died on the scene.. Super love it!! So alll of my faves are from KBS: Healer, Sunkyukwan Scandal and Moonlight Drawn by Clouds..

Anyway, still love it!!..


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Censorship Ruling On Controversial “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” Scenes Announced


So from the article, it seems like the chest binding scene and kiss scenes might be altered. Gah, such a shame but I can understand their decision.


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how bout kim soo hyun kisses scenes with teacyeon?

“The biggest problem is whether a minor can play an adult role. One might say that since the standards are ambiguous anyway"

RaOn is 18 year old in drama, wtf KCSC?


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lmao, i mean kim so hyun not kim soo hyun....


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Kim So-hyun's Let's Fight Ghost was on cable tv, Moonlight was on public channel, viewer demographic is larger on public channel, so they have to be more strict on the censorship standard.


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No. If there is a rule then it should be transparent and uniform across all platforms. There are no distinctions between the regulation for public and cable channels anyway. They are both subject to the same regulations.

Apparently the reason KCSC took action was because ONE single person complained. They obviously decided to use MDBC as an example due to it's immense popularity. The whole thing is ludicrous and very unfair. I hope Yoo Jung is OK and doesn't let this sour her feelings on 'Moonlight'. She was so happy and proud of the show :-(


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:( I hope so too, Yoo-jung did really great in this role.


Utter nonsense. Their reasoning is ridiculous. There was nothing titillating about the chest binding scene. It was subtle and sad and an important visual way to highlight the constraints of Ra On's life. Despite PBG and KYJ's incredible chemistry they kept the kisses acceptably chaste. And Ra On is 18 years old in the story so I fail to see what the issue is considering KYJ was 17-18 (Korean age) whilst filming.

How come they had nothing to say when similar scenes happened with other actors and actresses before with much larger and disturbing age gaps? Or their recent instance of allowing of blatant dating violence in another drama? This smacks of tall poppy syndrome because the show has been so successful.


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actually, the "harm has been done" already...
Well, with KBS do they know the rules & regulations about casting a minor?... That's kinda "abusive" of their powers... They could've done a CAMERA TRICK for a kissing scenes... pretending to be kissing but no lip touching... Cause in other countries, with a minor who has an adult role with romance scene they just do some "pretending kiss" BUT in reality NO, it's a trick...
With that KCSC, aren't they reviewing the scenes BEFORE it airs??
With Kim Ji Young (the lead actress), does she have a parent/or guardian to regulate this matter??...


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The lead actress' name is Kim Yoojung and yes her mother was on set.


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They could have done away with the binding scene in my opinion. I just love how angered the Korean viewers are and went all out defending Moonlight and KYJ. Like they listed all other things that the KCSC should look into instead of this (ex. the provocative acts of young girl groups). Also how KCSC works is quite interesting because they did not see anything wrong with the kiss assault in one public station drama. Could that be because they're both adults so it is deemed okay? Err... LOL Anyway, the show is done now.

I still think KYJ is best suited for Raon's role. Character description alone, she truly fits it (even the novel drawings look like her lol). I wouldn't mind if there were no kiss scenes because they were selling the romance even before the kiss happened. It would be a shame but I'd have been fine by it.

And I do agree about casting young actresses for romance roles. I think they should just put a stop to that altogether because I notice a lot of really young actresses get casted these days.

Since it's just a warning, my question now is, what do they want the production team to do now that the drama is done? Re-shoot those scenes for the DVD? I think the DVD is already in production though.


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Everyone is on Moonlight crack, so of course they'd jump in to protect Moonlight, especially Yoo-jung who is in the centre of the controversial scene is the much beloved nation's sister. They might have to cut the scenes altogether for the DVD, which would take away a HUGE part of the story, because 2 of the kiss scenes are crucial in story-telling, the kiss in Ep.7 & 13.

I also agree with their reasoning though, if they allowed it this time, what will happen if the same thing repeats in the future? They'd be forced to oblige. I don't mind the casting of young actresses for romance, because they always sell childhood romance on k-drama anyway, they just have to be cautious with the way they presented the actresses. I also do think some of the scenes in Moonlight were inappropriate for Yoo-jung, but not the kisses, it was when Park Bo-gum lifted Yoo-jung up and sat her on his lap, now THAT is suggestive, and the part where they were on bed together, funny how they find the other scenes disturbing, but not those.


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Young actresses for younger love stories without any of those physical intimacies would be fine. Otherwise, please don't cast young actresses as main leads of romance dramas.

I agree with the scenes you said. I too felt those were way more intimate than the kiss, but I guess they go for the obvious ones.

I understand the reasoning too which is why I think they should just put an age limit. Be very clear about the boundaries than make it a case to case basis because people will always find the precedent and will protest.


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There is an age limit, the articles says the appropriate age is 19, so Yoo-jung is considered a minor. Sad. But I really think she's suitable for the role of Ra-on.


I meant there should be a strict rule in casting female leads in dramas that no one under the age of 20 should be in a romance drama that will have romantic scenes like kissing even if it is chaste and I think it should be applicable both to public and cable channels.


That'd suck so bad because there are so many potential child actresses for female leads, especially for youth drama!

I find it crazy that South Korea age of consent is 13 years old, but they are conservative enough concerning a 16 years old having kiss scene on tv?


Han Soo Yun's acting as evil Queen is the second best I've seen (that I can recall) since Ko Hyun Jung's Mishil. Sooyun was great! Her expressions and emotions were on point!


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Yes! Han Soo Yun was so good as the evil Queen. She was excellent especially in the later episodes where she was given more nuance and inspired some pathos (IMO). I hope she gets some recognition and I'd like to see her in more roles.

The casting director for this drama truly did a fantastic job. PBG and KYJ were absolutely perfect as the leads and every single supporting character without exception was perfectly cast. I can't think of a single actor who felt out of place. Yet another aspect of this production that made it exceptional.


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I loved her portrayal of the Queen. Everything with her acting was delivered well. Uhm everyone did very well. hehe!


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OMG I leave for 1 day and *boom* 900+ comments! haha.

So here I am adding to the count to bring it closer to 1000. lol. Is anyone still here reading this? XD

Finally got my post up of my Top 10 most adorable OTP gifs!!
(Real Life has been insane!) But this helped with the withdrawal, maybe it will help some of you Beanies too! :)



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@suegarbaby- hope you will see this:

I added all the links to all the Moonlight gifs in this post (at the end) so you can just bookmark this one XD Enjoy!


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I SEE ITTTTTTT~~~!!! THANK YOU!!! *muaks*

You're such a start, Michkdrama, what would we all do without you here spazzing with us and making so many gifs for us!


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❤️ It's been an unforgettable experience for me too! I haven't counted but my first gif ever was sleepy PBG in episode 4, and since then I've done what feels like a hundred (ok maybe this is an slight exaggeration) gifs, most of which are of the Moonlight cast. And it's been an absolute blast!


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LOL! From reading comments here on DB, many Beanies here experience a lot of 'firsts' thanks to Moonlight! I'm no exception myself - Moonlight is my 1st live-watch and my 1st time commenting on DB!

Am so glad that it prompted you to make your first gif, and my goodness, woman, what a 1st gif to make! PBG doing that moony bedroom eye thingy is the stuff of dreams, and I don't know how you managed to stop yourself from drooling and swooning all over your keyboard when making it (or maybe you didn't? LOL!).

Again, thank you so much for 'practicing' your gif-making skills on Moonlight! Please do continue to 'practice' more! ^^


I guess this is a testament to how much we all loathe to leave Moonlight, some of us keep coming back, lol.


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Haha. I feel sad because I have nothing to look forward to next week Tuesday. ?
We should all come here around the time the post usually comes up just to say hi and have rehab for Moonlight withdrawals together ?


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Maybe we should! We can invent new episodes, like Fantasyland Drawn by Moonlight. :D


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We seriously need a support group! hahaha! My withdrawal will kick in for sure next week when I open DB and know that nothing will be posted... /cries


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Michy, you really deliver just like how Moonlight delivers! Thank you!


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❤️ Thanks Celine!


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Thank you for the gifs. Bookmark for future use whenever I need a smile. I can't stop smiling after seeing all your gifs. You're awesome!! <3


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Haha yes I couldn't help but smile at the gifs because they really are adorable!!! Glad you enjoy them! ❤️


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Same here, I just left to write my 1500 words essay, comeback and it's 900+ comments...

Thanks for the GIF


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Haha yeah it's very daunting all the comments, I don't think I can read them all! You are welcome, I really had a lot of fun with the gifs ❤️ It's not tiring at all if it's staring at PBG being cute over and over again! ?


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You're gifs are a Godsend! Thank you for taking the time to do this for us!


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Glad you enjoyed them! I had a lot of fun doing them. And like I told @Anh, it's really fun since it's basically staring at PBG and swooning over and over again. ?


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I am very, very late to the farewell party!

Wow 933 comments already.

So let just want to bid my farewell with thousand thanks.

Thank you Moonlighters for being the best love counsellors. You filled my Moonlight experience to the brim.

Thank you to the cast and crew for making magic, from beginning to end. What a magical ride for me. You made me experience what obsession is.

Thank you Park Bo Gum for creating Lee Yeong who is so precious and adorkable. The cuteness, the sweetness, the feels, PBG makes Lee Young a full package of pure awesomeness. Park Bo Gum is Lee Yong and Lee Young is Park Bo Gum. He nailed this role and deserves every once of praise.

I am with @pieryrose who writes:
Park Bogum, is THE BEST CROWN PRINCE, and his portrayal of such Crown Prince, has stolen my heart."

I could not joined the party earlier because work finally caught up with me after being unproductive because of Moonlight and the “Bo Gum magic.” I slacked off at work and I pulled many an all-nighter most days of the week for the last two months because this drama. This has never happened before where a drama is stealing my time, my mind and my heart.

But what a payback I get in return. Every precious moments of Moonlight was worth it. It is truly unforgettable and heartfelt experience. I learn to feel what it is like to be in-love again and recognise how to love like Lee Yeong loves. For me Moonlight is just pure magic.

I dread the day when the withdrawal sets in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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ahhh @Blu, I relate to every word you wrote from slacking off at work to being in love again. The gamut of emotions this drama drew out was so profound that I think many of us will be lurking around for a while.


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@Helen, you are so right. For sure I will be lurking around as I was not around for a few days to visit Dramabeans. I started and now only completed page 1, two more pages to go cos I cheated and read through page 4.

@michykdrama, your post up of Top 10 most adorable OTP gifs!! are wonderfully amazing and amusing. When the scenes are zoomed-in like you did, they really show how good they are. Like you said:

"this adorable couple caught (our) imagination and lit up the screen with their cuteness in the first part of this drama."

"the effervescence they exuded together show their eyes lighting up, the teasing smirks, and adorable chemistry between them."

Thanks, it was a joy to watch your top 10.


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Thanks so much @blu! I can relate to how compelling Moonlight is because I also ignored many many things I should have done, and watched and did gifs for Moonlight instead. Now it's payback time for me too. ?

But yes, I agree 100% with you about the Magic of Moonlight and PBG. ❤️️ Was worth every second!


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I've been busy catching up on workload as well, been very unproductive because of Moonlight, I ended up pulling all-nighters to finish my work too. T_T


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I thought your all-nighters were spent on camping and commenting on the Moonlight recap sections? :-P


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I keep getting back and forth, that's why I'm still pulling all-nighters, and now replying to you. Hahahaha.


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ROFL!!! @maryxiah, you make me want to give you a big big hug!

*shoos you back to work* LOL!


Aww. I want to hang out here too, lol.


I think it's safe to say that real life was put on hold one way or another for all of us because of Moonlight. hahaha! Now that it's done, we have no choice but to go back to reality. I don't wanna though...


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can't wait for the KBS year-end drama awards! Neighborhood Lawyer, Descendants, and now this!


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Imagine BoYoo and SongSong couple in one stage, special stage perhaps, wishful thinking...

Descendants of the MoonSun ?


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I hope BoYoo couple sing a song in the award shows. :)


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How bout Bogum singing and YooJung dancing?

I want to see her beautiful dance in episode 4 again ?


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How about they dance and sing together? I know Yoo-jung can sing, so I definitely want to hear their duet, love's duet.



Yoojung sings too? Wow! So much talent.


김유정 (Kim Yoo Jung) - 행복합니다 (Happy) MV



She isn't exactly a fantastic singer, but she could hold a tune for sure.

Here's a video of her singing Lyn's Back in Time, for her role in The Moon Embracing the Sun, she sounded great!




ooohhh she sounds good. Very talented lady.


Both of them are so talented, I feel like a proud sister ☺️


I have a very good feeling that YeongOn will win couple award and more for the drama and other cast members. And that's not only because Moonlight was such a ratings hit, but it was genuinely a drama that delivered.


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I want Excellent actor and actress awards for BoYoo.

Please KBS don't give YooJung a new actress award. She deserves excellent actress.

SongSong couple will get daesang or Top Excellent Actor/Actress i guess.


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I'm sure they will win couple award, since couple awards are multiple, I think max limit is 5 couple awards per year?


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I remembered in one episode of KBS entertainment weekly(?) BoGum wants them to win couple awards hehehe


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With mdbc sanction, I think we won't see YooJung kissing her future co star till her next birthday.

I so want her to be the next reply daughter...


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2 more years, grrr. Well, if she can find a co-star with electrifying chemistry like Park Bo-gum, she could do without kiss scene.

I would like to see her in School series though, preferably with Kwak Dong-yeon.


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At first I want her in school series too.
But then I realized sohyun was school alumni, and people will start comparing them... again and again


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Yeah. They will be compared yet again. Actually, until they grow old, for sure Yoojung and Sohyun will still be compared. I think they have their own charms.


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It's inevitable. They're both really great child actresses who grew up on set, plus they're beautiful too. I've always been partial to Kim So-hyun because she's often in drama I've watched, while Kim Yoo-jung focused on sageuk which I barely watch. Now that I've finished Moonlight, I'm crazy about Kim Yoo-jung. I find it sad when I stalk her instagram, she was liking Kim So-hyun's picture, but Kim So-hyun didn't like hers back. :(


I am hoping and praying that Kim Sohyun will work with Bogum next. They're already friends anyway. I hope for a youth drama set in school to fulfill PBG's wish to wear uniform and date girls in high school. No skinship though (unless it's cable which the committee seems to ignore). I think they'd make a wonderful pair. Sohyun seems to fit contemporary drama more than sageuk.


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They are? I can't watch Park Bo-gum in any romantic scenes in the near future, my heart is not ready yet. But I don't want Park Bo-gum to get paired without another actress too young for him. Maybe someone closer to Chae Soo-bin's age?


Yeah. Sohyun invited PBG to her movie premiere. I guess they got close through last year's KBS Drama Award where they were both MCs.

I want PBG to be paired with a good actress and Sohyun is one of those who's really good. It would be a shame if he gets paired with someone who is not good or has nothing to offer to the pairing and the story especially if it is a love story. They need to sell the romance.

I am re-watching Reply 1988 again. hihi I think the reason why I have no problem seeing PBG with different leading ladies (even if Moonlight just ended and I am still on YeongOn high) is because the characters are really different, so I like both YeongOn and TaekSun. I don't see PBG, but I see the characters instead.


"But I don’t want Park Bo-gum to get paired without another actress too young for him."

Bahaha! I meant with* another actress too young for him.

I realized they are just characters, but it's hard not to be reminded of Yeong when I see Taek, I thought I could so I tried marathoning Reply 1988 when I was watching Moonlight, couldn't get pass my system when I see how Taek looked at Deok-sun, lol.


ohh interesting thought... Yoojung in Reply. However I don't think they will cast someone already popular for the series. It'll be interesting though.


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Yeah, I guess they won't cast a popular actress for reply...

The actor who played reply father wants YooJung to be her future daughter in law, I forgot his name. Lol ? and somehow I think what if he recommends her to be his next daughter in reply series.

Sorry guys my English isn't good.
I hope you guys understand what I'm saying. Hehe
I couldn't move on from this drama and this thread yet...


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Song Dong-il! Lol. I hope so too, though I can't imagine Yoo-jung in that role, they tend to make the female leads ugly on Reply, maybe it's for the dated look.


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Anyone following "bogum.park930616" on Instagram? The translation isn't too good. I was wondering if those recent posts are from the trip they are on right now.


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Not following that account, but I checked, must be a fan account. Park Bo-gum doesn't have an instagram, only twitter. I saw on twitter that fans got too wild in the Philippines so they had to post on SNS to ask fans keep calm and stop touching and harassing Park Bo-gum, lol.


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LOL I think the airport and the hotel resort underestimated the cast and crew and their popularity. Good thing that it seems everyone's already enjoying. Saw some posts of the crew with PBG and ohmygoodness he looks glorious with aviators on! I'm glad to see that everyone is happy and relaxing. I hope they don't get bothered by fans too much.


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PBG looks amazing, and the bromance with KDY is real haha.
I'm worried fans will keep hovering :(

Some photos from the PH fan club on Twitter ICYMI
Park Bo Gum 박보검 PH (@officialbogumph): https://twitter.com/officialbogumph?s=09
He looks pretty cheerful and happy to receive the love as always but this is only day 1. I hope they have other activities planned out and maybe go around Cebu as well. If no one outside their group knows their plans then fans won't be able to keep track as much. We were all aware of the Cebu arrival date very early on so fans were able to plan on getting together at the airport, but I don't think majority of the city, or the province even, know about Moonlight yet or PBG 'cause our local network has yet to dub and broadcast it. So if they leave the hotel and go around places it won't be as bad. I think. I hope. I pray. Plus it would be a shame if they only enjoy the hotel pools and that part of Cebu without checking out the really good beaches in other places.
Enjoy MDBC team!


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Does anyone know when Yoo-jung and Jin-young will be joining them? I'm sad they didn't board the plane together. Plus Yoo-jung is busy promoting her new film.

Park Bo-gum sticks to Kwak Dong-yeon like a glue, the bromance is real.

*oogles Park Bo-gum's chest in the meantime*


@maryxiah Jinyoung and Yoojung left Korea this morning. No Soobin though which makes me sad. I still hope she'd make it. The entire cast and crew some to be having so much fun. I saw that some older cast members even brought their family with them.


They boarded the plane together?! What is King Yeong doing leaving his lady behind with his love rival?

I'm kind of sad Yoo-jung is a minor because I want to ship them in real life too.



LOL but his rival is dead already. I read that Yoojung had school stuff yesterday and Jinyoung had B1A4 stuff.


I was watching the fansign event the other day and noticed Park Bo-gum walking far ahead, leaving behind Yoo-jung and the others, I was like "No, prince! That is not gentleman at all!" And Kwak Dong-yeon was the one helping Yoo-jung with her hanbok getting caught when they went down the stairs. And I got sad when I saw Yoo-jung wearing her eternity bracelet to the wrap up party, but Park Bo-gum didn't. And and and...in one fancam shot, Park Bo-gum was sitting next to Chae So-bin! >_<

I'm crazy, I still see them as YeongOn.


DOn't think Soo Bin will go, she has her musical(?) Blackbird


I saw his photo on twitter. He looks scared, poor boy. Guess they didn't expect mdbc popularity will be this big outside Korea because they already read some comments that said mdbc only popular in Korea?

I'm still amazed with all those comments tho.


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He looks embarrassed by all the attention and absolutely scared!! Poor boy. This is only the beginning. I can't help but think how he probably had no idea what he was getting himself into (in terms of popularity, media attention). Hope he doesn't get a mental breakdown by this sudden shot to superstellar stardom.


He trended on Twitter (PH list) for a while
People got really excited, and frustrated knowing he's in the country but still not near enough for them to go see haha.

I hope KYJ and JY and maybe CSB can join them soon too but I know they're busy. I don't know it's just that after this, and maybe some interviews when they get back, then it'll really be over. Waaaa ?


I think he was surprised at the same time kind of scared lol He probably did not think he'd be getting so much attention. Judging from the videos, the fans went crazy when he showed up. They seem to be too passionate lol too excited to see him.


Wow over 1000 comments already!! The drama has ended but the after party here is still going strong :)


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Ha, ha, ha. Told myself that I would just take a peek. Low and behold, there are still Moonlighters not ready to let go!

I am not so ready to let go of the Moonlight and the YeongOn Bo Gum Magic. I'll hang on, as long as I can, untill the Moonlight disappears in the clouds.


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I know right, im missing the drama and decided to read javabeans recap again on the final episode and guess what, wow indeed with the comments reaching 1000. Happy to know im not the only one feeling the separation anxiety from this drama.?


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....I am still enchanted! Wonderful to know we have company too. Next step, worst case withdrawl, probably re-watch the entire drama.


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Actually, Im trying to avoid visiting viki and dramafire coz i know once i open the page i will need a lot of strength not to tap the 1st episode button. Lol, i guess u can say im on the verge of worst case withdrawal. Not to mention im stalking the web right now with our OTP's current whereabouts.??


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LOL. We are two peas in a pod with regards to withdrawal behaviour.


I think most of us are having serious case of withdrawal right now, hence the 1k comment, we've never hit this number before, lol. I have been re-watching Moonlight over and over, despite my busy schedule, had to squeeze it in because I just couldn't believe it's over. I'm half expecting we will have another recap next week, lol. *cries*


my only immediate solace other than re-watching the entire series is playing the ost ON. REPEAT.

good luck with the withdrawals guys.


@whimsicalfairy I've been listening to the OST instrumental on loop for days. Gosh, I'm starting to feel the withdrawal setting in.


@whimsicalfairy.. i do too, surfing the internet with current news bout them while OST playing on Repeat as BGM?


@maryxiah u beat us with regards to rewatching the drama. And i noticed just now with all the 1,000 comments almost like 1/4 of it belongs to u. I can see ur comments everywhere. Thanks to the links u posted and also for sharing the news about them. If ever we will have an official Moonlight fans club, I will nominate u as our president. ???


@Christina I'm embarrassed! Lol. Every time someone mentioned something about the drama, I had to go back and re-watch the scene. And I kinda miss YeongOn on my screen so I had to go back and re-watch their scenes, even the heartbreaking ones. I comment everywhere because I can't stop coming back! Lol. *dies from exhaustion*


@ maryxiah Lol, don't be embarassed about it. Im quite sure by monday when we visit dramabeans, and reality sets in that there will be no more recap...majority of us will manifest withdrawal symptoms u can't even think of. And that includes rewatching and rewinding our fave scenes.


Read some snippets about the web novel and found out that Yeong and Hayeon got married in the novel and it was Raon who helped dress up Yeong for his wedding. OUCH. Thank goodness we didn't go through that, although it would have been such wonderful compelling angst.

This goes to show further that this drama really followed modern sensibilities. It made to sure to preserve Yeong's single status for his happy ending with Raon, which further reinforces that should the drama have gone as far as showing a married Yeong, he'd definitely marry only Raon.


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Oh my, thank God we didn't go through with that. I've always hated it when female lead push the male lead to the second female lead, like why would you hurt yourself like that? I would have flip my real table if they went there. Should we thank Ra-on for running away before she had the chance to dress him for his wedding?

I do think Ra-on is his endgame anyway, there's no chance he went through all that hell and NOT end up with her. Gosh, I'm dying for a fanfic right now, lol.


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hahaha...,guys this is insane, MDBC is over yet comments still keep coming and now even passed 1000 comments. The show must really touch our heart that much that we are so so heavy and reluctant to move on... But the show is truly spectacular, sooo much love introduced in the show, not only a romantic love, but friendship, love of the nation, sacrifaction, and many..... I think we all got a very good experience by watching this show and how it warmed our heart to the level that make me truly feel and want to love sincerely and unconditionally like what shown in the show.

For whom who have not watched R1988, please do watch, this is another PBG'smasterpiece. He was sooo soo good and will make you could not avoid but to love this boy...


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No, I can't watch Reply 1988 right now, not right away. My heart can't take a non-YeongOn pairing as of now. I shall re-watch I Remember You for Park Bo-gum's bromance with Seo In-guk.


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I agree, Im marathoning I Remember You again just for the bromance at the moment (even though I finished it like 2 weeks ago)


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I'm rewatching Moonlight now. I'm at episode 12.
So hesitant as ep 13 is coming near, not to mention 14 thru 16. These are so hard. I've also been surfing youtube for the BTS videos as well.

Hoping to be ready to watch Reply 1988 soon. I feel the same way @maryxiah does about seeing PBG with someone other than KYJ right now. May need someone to hold my hand when I'm ready. @lin?


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In R1988, PBG was so so innocent and pure there, playing as Choi Taek who is a baduk jenius. It was a totally different character of PBG but he really immersed into his character and nailed it very well. The story is simply about friendship, family and love with 1988 background. It really warmed my heart in different ways watching both shows and this boy has surely made his way to stardom and will become the next hallyu star. The show was shown on TVn with rating wise was crazy and reached upto 19% which i think the first time for a TVcable to achive such rating. The show even got so many awards that are well deserved and they had their fansigning meeting held in Seoul as well ...

Dramabeans has the recap so you can go and check it.

When you are ready to let go then go for it beannies....and @helen i surely will let u lend my hand and hold you when u r ready lol...


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@maryxiah, understand your feeling hahaha...

One more thing, during the bracelet scene, CP expression was like .. i knew it that you love me sooooo much that you won't be able to let go of me hahaha... soo touching and satisfying....

I think i also couldn't let go of this show at the moment.-sigh-


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Gosh, I really love that scene so.damn.much. And the way his face lights up when he confirmed it was her, I cried. The bracelet is a bonus because it confirms us that she didn't give up as she intended and she held onto him as she had promised in Ep.11. >_< Damn feels coming back to me now.


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Aaaah, sooo sweet! PBG and Kim Yoo-jung, both have their bracelets on at Moonlight fan signing event. So well-dressed in character - swoooon,


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I know! Celine mentioned it and showed their pictures to me! Haha. So cute.


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Kim Yoo-jung arrived in Cebu!

Park Bo-gum replaced Cha Tae-hyun, lol.

Lee Yeong with Ra-on's book.

Look at that chest. Yum.


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Its interesting that they twisted the ending where Yi Yeoung survived and get to be with Ra On?, but one thing that made me insanely obsessed; the instrumental background!!!!

Does anyone know the background music where Yi Yeoung's became king?

I need to hear the background music so badly!!! =='


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I wish I can help you, but I have no idea either, I thought it was "Moonlight Flow" by The Second Moon, but when I listened to it, I realized I was wrong. That song was used on the opening trailer, must be from The Second Moon too, only not released. Might be available on the CDs.


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All instrumental tracks will be released on CD (part 2 since part 1 is vocal OST)


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I read somewhere that the full OST will be released at the end of this month.


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Yes, on 28 Oct


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So it is Oct. 28! hehe! I remember reading the news about the release somewhere, but I was not sure so I did not include it in my comment above. Thanks for confirming! One week of waiting for the full OST! I am so excited!


I was re-watching Ep.2 earlier, and came to the scene where Ra-on fell from the roof and into Yoon-sung's arms, did anyone noticed the background song was K.Will's Melting, only a girl was singing it instead? I desperately want to know who.


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Read on soompi the singer is Byul?

Haha's wife?


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Ah! Thank you for letting me know, Luna!


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Wrap up party interview of Kim Yoo-jung and Park Bo-gum, no subs.


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Omo you guys! You guys probably knew it already but this is new to me. Eunuch Proud-Mama-Hen's instagram is like the best thing ever! https://www.instagram.com/ljunhyeok/


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To all Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Beanies! In tribute to this magical drama which has captured our hearts, here’s a compilation of MDBC quotes, for your reading pleasure!

There are so many wonderful ones so here goes…

MDBC Quote List Part 1
“Nice to see you again, Mung-mung [bow-wow].” – ep1

“It’s not right to hit a puppy. You’ve got to soothe it softly and play with it.” – ep2

“Even if she had been wearing armor rather than robes, do you think I would not be able to recognize a woman’s body?” – ep2

“It really fell. A bolt of lightning.” – ep2

“Your stomach may never have been hungry, but it seems your heart may have been hungry often.” – ep2

“I’ve never had a home to call my own. Now that I think about it, I’ve never even said the words ‘my home’ before.” – ep3

“No one likes the palace. It’s only when you come to like someone in the palace that it becomes a livable place.” – ep3

“Yes. I had no choice in becoming crown prince. But is it not my choice what kind of crown prince I become?” – ep3

“Even if it changed nothing to come forward, even if it were a futile endeavor, you should have done something instead of hiding in here, trembling! Because you… are the king of this nation of Joseon,” – ep3

“I only came to know it now—that before he is the king wearing the crown, he is a husband to the wife he loves, and my only father.” – ep3

“When I become weak and scared, I need a father I can lean on.” – ep3

“It’s Yi Yeong. My name.” – ep3

“Kill you, or save you—are those my only two options… even though we’re friends?” – ep4

“Why would you need poison when you could kill with sweet honey?” – ep4

“You feel that your secret has been exposed, don’t you? Can you not think of it as me sharing your secret? Can you not believe that it’s a reassuring thing?” – ep5

“It was a happy dream. At least I could see my mother again that way.” – ep5

“Yes. Asking for your wish to be fulfilled is my wish.” – ep5

“I know this is absurd, but I don’t know why I keep seeing someone else in you. A woman.” – ep5

“I disallow it. (S)he’s my person.” – ep5

“Who are you—who are you to make me so angry?” – ep6

“You must hold back. Not for me, but because you are the prince of this nation’s people.” – ep6

“I was scared too. That I would be late.” – ep6

“Looking at you, I get angry. But it won’t do. Not seeing you—that makes me angrier, like I’ll go crazy.” – ep6

“Yes. Please make it so I don’t worry again. You’re a very special person to me.” – ep7

“One doesn’t not reach out a hand to the sky thinking it will touch it. I know that it is no use, but how can you control liking someone? Even though nothing will change, I would like my feelings to be understood.” – ep7

“Is it not possible to confess to someone who cannot be? The memory of having received love could become a lifelong source of strength.” – ep7


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Expressing how I feel about you only in words can't satisfy my yearning for you. Ep.1

I only see you with my eyes. Ep.1

When you get teary, just cry. Ep.1

How can you stop your feelings just because you're not allowed to love each other? Ep.1

Let's forget all the biases in this world today, and make a memory that we'll remember forever. Ep.1

What's rude is the sunlight. It's so strong that I'm concerned it might damage a beautiful face. Ep.1

My body doesn't go where my heart doesn't lead. Ep.2

Isn’t it against the rules for a eunuch to be so beautiful? Ep.2

There's no cure for lovesickness. This isn't the time to overcome the feelings. You have to endure the pain. Instead of thinking you loved someone you can't have, try to think that you made good memories that you can cherish for a long time. Ep.2

Ra-on: Do you know what the Crown Prince's nickname is?
Yeong: My gosh. What is it? Flower prince?
Byung-yeon: Dung prince.
Ra-on: See? Everyone does know. What about the other one?
Byung-yeon: Half-breed.
Ra-on: That's right. They say half of the Crown Prince's blood is that of beast and the other half human. And he doesn't know when he should or shouldn't bark like a mad dog.
Yeong: Shut it! Eat this. Ep.2

Yeong: Since when did you and I become friends?
Ra-on: Well, if we aren't friends, then what are we?
Yeong: Owner and dog! Ep.3

Will the both of you be content with simply staring at each other's backs? Ep.3

When it’s just the two of us, you can treat me as a friend. No, you have to. Understand? Ep.4

Do you know what is the thing that a cold and longing have in common? It is that you can't hide it. Another thing is they both hurt. Ep.5

I came as a friend. Do you have to treat me as a stranger. Ep.6

Just promise me one thing. No matter what happens, you will not hold back for anyone. Even more so if it is for me. Ep.6

I never have had anything stolen from me. So I'm greatly annoyed. Ep.6

How can the heart, which you can't control, be right or wrong? Ep.7

Kim Hyung, you once said that there is no one who likes the palace, right? You said that when you start to like someone in the palace, the palace simply becomes bearable. Kim Hyung, you know, I'm worried I might like the palace more than I do now. Ep.7

Although I know it is futile, what can I do if the feelings keep growing? Even if nothing changes, I just wish my feelings can be conveyed. Ep.7

A proper farewell is as warm as feelings of love, isn't it? Ep.7

You are my person. Who else is going to determine the distance between us? Ep.7


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Consort Park: A man's courage is also being able to cry when sad. (Ep. 3)

Yoon-sung: Skipping your duty feels best when you enjoy it knowing it won't be enough time. (Ep. 3)


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MDBC Quote List Part 2
“I lied to you. When I told you to stay by my side, I did not mean as a eunuch. Then why do you think I said those words to you?
To put to bed this impossible chaos, every night I have asked myself countlessly, and found that answer. Before I am the crown prince, I am a person, and a man. That I love you—that is my answer.” – ep7

“Do not tell me that my heart is wrong,” – ep7

“I know. However, I mean to give it a try, that bad love.” – ep7

“These are my feelings that I tried to cover up, so that no one would ever know them. In order to keep you by my side, I thought I could not let them be revealed. At your words, I will find the courage. Though I could be put in danger, or lose you with this confession.” – ep8

“Words that are declared should not be taken back. One should take responsibility.” – ep8

“If it is someone who must be fought, should you not fight with all your strength? And if that does not work, one must adapt to the flow.” – ep8

“If there were exactly one person in the world I had to trust, it’s you. You know that, don’t you?” – ep8

“I couldn’t protect [my mother]. That’s when I realized that to protect loved ones, I had to become strong.” – ep8

“Many times in one day, I feel happy, and angry, and pained, and it has been difficult. I don’t know what feelings you have toward me—am I not able to ask? Even though I may be a eunuch in the palace of the crown prince, you do not own my heart.” – ep8

“I told you there was one—the woman I love right now. Right in front of me.” – ep8

“From now on, I will treat you as the most beautiful woman in the world. May I do that?” – ep8

“But I have never thought of you lightly. At first I was shocked, and then I was joyful. And after that, I could not speak. When I sat comfortably in a palanquin, you walked, and when I walked, you had to carry an umbrella. While I sat on silk and you sat on a dirt-stained seat, how could I say that I treasured you as a woman?” – ep9

“I’ll block the wind, and cover you from the sun, and cherish you. May I do that?” – ep9

“Yes, I am a woman. But I have never lived as a woman.” – ep9

“If you open the road, you must also open the gate at the end of the road.” – ep9

“Don’t you know? I’m hoping that you, not as a eunuch, but as yourself, will take one step closer to me.” – ep9

“Do you not know, either? I have flouted palace law in impersonating a man—other than as a eunuch, how could I stay at your side?” – ep9

“I don’t know what it is about, but I think I understand a little how you’re feeling. Because I am still trapped too. I’m hiding against my will, and, thinking that someone may open the door and find me out, I shake in fear. When do you think will we be able to open the door with our own hands and walk out?” – ep9

“But what about me? Do you think I would be at peace without you?” – ep9


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Ra-on: I don't want to leave. Isn't it strange? No matter how much I think about it, my feelings remain the same. I want to stay here a little longer. I'm sorry, my Lord.
Yoon-sung: I'm quite curious. What has a hold of your heart that it's worth putting yourself in danger? Ep.8

How can such small hands be so rough? That's right. Your eyes, nose and lips are unfailingly those of a man also. It’s that toughness I fell for! Ep.8

Yeong: What about you? Don't you have anything you want to tell me?
Ra-on: No. Because I believe you will do well. Ep.8

You're right, it's the best medicine. I'm talking about you. Ep.8

Byung-yeong: Why didn't you ask me?
Yeong: Who you're being chased by, you mean? If it's something you could tell me, you wouldn't have concealed it. Ep.8

Did you worry a lot because I disappeared without a word? You don't have to say a word. Even just standing still like this, aren't you my tonic? Ep.8

You don't want to be even a step away from me, is that it? Ep.8

They say that if you wear that bracelet, you'll have the fate of meeting again even if you part. Ep.9

Is that really what you want? There are hundreds, thousands of things I can do for you, that I want to do for you. Is that the only you want from me? You would hide and run away and not see me—is that the first and last thing you would ask of me? Ep.9

I regret it. I should have pretended not to know. If I'd known you would run away at the first sign of the truth. I would not have deliberated over whether you were a eunuch or a woman, but over how to keep you with me just a little longer. That I could not more deeply understand you—I am sorry. But even despite all that, can you not endure it? Not anywhere else, but here. At my side. Ep.9

I… like… you. No—love you. So please…don’t leave, stay by my side. Ep.9

Mom, I’m fine now, aren’t I? In the ten years without you, I’ve been brave and grown on my own, so I can protect myself. Ep.9

Yeong: What would you like me to call you?
Ra-on: I am Hong Ra-on, your highness.
Yeong: Hong. Ra. On. Ra-on-ah. Ep.9


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MDBC Quote List Part 3
“All that time that I could not call your name, I will make up for abundantly now.” – ep10

“I cannot ignore the mud under my feet just to stand in the shade.” – ep10

“Don’t get hurt. That’s an order. And in front of other people, hold back your laughs. That’s an order too.” – ep10

“I will gather my people using my methods.” – ep10

“Be as sad as you wish. Cry your fill, feel all your hurt, and then you can come to me.” – ep10

“A bowstring that has been strung too tight will snap under the strain.” – ep10

“Why did you pretend not to know? No, why are you pretending that you’re fine?” – ep10

“I don’t like the story you’ve told me. I will change that story. Those two lived happily together for a long, long time. Like us.” – ep10

“If it is true that a ten-year-old child has learned to be a spy before learning to read, then the people who deserve stern rebukes are myself and you all.” – ep11

“A sad heart makes you doubt everything.” – ep11

“When you like someone, is it not natural to be greedy for more?” – ep11

“Just because I cannot be by your side as a woman, my love will not disappear.” – p11

“I would like for children to live as children, and for women to be able to live happily as women. Until I make that kind of nation for you—can you wait? In the new Joseon that I make, you will be my first person.” – ep11

“If, in a difficult moment, you must let something go… that must not be me. Can you promise me that?” – ep11

“Is fate something you can meet just by wanting to, or avoid just by wanting to?” – ep12

“I’m scared. Because I’m so happy. What if happiness meant for someone else has come to me? And what if it will be stolen away again?” – ep12

“If you’re happy, I’m happy too.” – ep12

“If one does not mean to act, there was no need to have hidden.” – ep12

“Is it you, Byung-yeon-ie?” – ep12

“When you collapsed, I was so scared. I thought, ‘In the end, my happiness is being taken back.’ Please do not ever let go of my hand. I will not let go, either.” – ep12

“How impertinent. Without my approval, there will be no one who can steal away your happiness. So, do not cry. Because I will not ever let go of this hand.” – ep12

“You should have kept me from knowing through the end. No, you should have told me sooner.” – ep13

“He’s waiting. He doesn’t know anything.” – ep13

“If you wanted me all to yourself so badly, I’ll allow it.” – ep13

“It’s now my turn. Is your heart prepared? …
Do not make requests. I will do whatever you say.” – ep13

“That reason is not wrong. However, seeing you take the sword headed for me with your bare hand—I was sorry.” – ep13

“It’s when one has tried their hardest that one can resign.” – ep13

“I will become your nest. In order to flap your wings and take on grand ambitions, please use me and my family.” – ep13


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A love with the crown prince—is that not what all women dream of? Ep.10

Yeong: Why are you so light like a feather?
Ra-on: Do you mean it? You arms seem to be trembling a bit. Ep.10

Yeong: The story about the mermaid you told me before, so in the end, what happens to the two of them?
Ra-on: You fell asleep and did not hear the end, did you?
Yeong: That's right.
Ra-on: The prince didn’t recognize the mermaid’s feelings and married another woman, making the mermaid disappear into bubbles.
Yeong: It’s a sad story. Ep.10

Ra-on: Your highness, we are almost at Jahyeondang, so please let me down.
Yeong: No. Let us return to Dongungjeon.
Ra-on: What? Your highness, you must let me down there, okay?
Yeong: No. We will return to Jahyeondang. Ep.10

It is my heart. I've marked you [had my eyes on you] for a long time. Like that. Ep.11

I would like it if the crown prince becomes a king with bright eyes. If you are in too high a position, you end up not being able to see the people who are lower than you. I would like it if you weren't hard of hearing. You shouldn't just listen to the people shouting loudly in front of you. Please take care of each person as if they are each the only one of your people. Will you promise your mother that you will definitely become that kind of king? Ep.11

Then, I need you. Take away my doubtfullness with happiness. Ep.11

I am only trying to keep a precious person next to me. Why do regretful things keep happening? Ep.11

Even when you close your eyes, do you see me? You were smiling so much in your sleep. Ep.12

As long as the two of you are together, you are in danger too. Ep.12

Yeong: When are you coming back?
Ra-on: Before they ring the curfew bell--
Yeong: You can't. Come back before sunset. No matter what happens, you have to be in my sight before sunset. Ep.12

Have you been waiting long, your highness? Ep.12

I have a favor to ask. Can I send the whole day being no more than a step away from you? Can I lean on your shoulder and nap on your knee? I'm going to nag you to look at me instead of your books. Ep.13

Ra-on: Your highness, I wish to stay like this for a while.
Yeong: We can stay like this for a long, long time. Ep.13

But, one day, even if you were to learn that I am the daughter of a traitor, will you not regret having met me? Right now, this moment—will you long for it just once? Ep.13


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MDBC Quote List Part 4
“I’m angry with myself for always being a step late. But this time, I must not be late. Not for me, but for you.” - ep13

“Things we always see and always do—there are times when they suddenly feel precious, are there not?”
“That’s true, when you think they are the last time.”
“Yes. When yesterday seems like today and today seems like yesterday, even the smallest things become very special if you think of it as the last time.” – ep13

“Did I not tell you? Even if we turn and turn, we are fated to meet again.” – ep13

“Ra-on-ah. Whether we’re seeing it from the palace or from Banchon, is not the moon just the moon? I’m the prince, and whoever you are—wherever and whenever, if only our hearts are the same, that is enough. Like that moon.” – ep14

“Do not enter this place again. Ever.” – ep14

“I must forget, I must not know, but I keep wanting to know. Whether he’s eating, whether he sleeps well, whether he’s healthy. You are so good to me that I hate myself for wanting to ask you these things. So please do not come.” – ep14

“Cry. I won’t hope or expect anything.” – ep14

“I will never forgive you.” – ep14

“I will only listen to your words. Even if you speak lies, I will believe you.” – ep15

“Rather than someone doing important work, I needed someone to be family who would eat, sleep, cry, and laugh with me.” – ep15

“Pulling on entangled threads only tightens the knot and renders it impossible to untangle. When that happens, you must cut it loose without regrets.” – ep15

“Does she really not have anything she wants to ask me, or hear from me? Or argue with me, or request of me? Does she not even wonder about me, or miss me? My words about not asking anything—forget them. Once, even just once, could you have me meet her?” – ep15

“There’s something I have to do. Sending [him] away. So that he can live well without me. So that if someone were to come and take my place…”
“Do you want him not to carry lingering feelings for you?”
“No. It’s so he won’t be sorry to me.” – ep15

“What is it you hate so much?”
“The picture that you have drawn. That big picture you have carefully prepared with me in mind. Even if it is low and crude, I will live the painting that I draw for myself.” – ep15

“No matter what, I said I would believe everything. Your lies. I understand, so go on. We will not meet again.” – ep15

“A leader who is for the people is not put there by the heavens. A leader who is for the people should be put there by the people themselves.” – ep16

“People you miss should be met,” – ep16

“It is probably because they understand the hearts of people who know it is a lie but wish to believe it anyway.” – ep16

“Even if the world did not change, as my father by my side, you could have been a great strength to me.”
“I wanted to change it into a world that was just a little better for you to live in.” – ep16


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*gasps* Oh dear... can a mod kindly format my post please? Just "bold" the headline? Thank you and sorry for the trouble and inconvenience!


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MDBC Quote List Part 5
“Before you and I knew even each other, our fates had already been entangled. So do not be sorry, or hurt.” - ep16

“Several times a day, I imagine what might have been if we had met in different circumstances. At least while we are here right now, where nobody knows, let’s look at each other without thinking about it. Ra-on-ah.” – ep16

“Tonight, I think I will sleep deeply for the first time in a long while.” – ep16

“The world I dream of and the world you dream of are not different. The only thing is how far we are from it now. I will come see you after the interrogation. It’s possible we may be able to find it without shedding blood—that path where we match our steps, heading toward the world we both dream of.” – ep16

“From this moment, do not love me. Please remember me only as a traitor’s daughter. I do not wish to leave you with the terrible anguish of not being able to protect the woman you love.” – ep16

“Byung-yeon-ah,” – ep16

“The world that Baekwoonhwe hopes for and the Joseon that you dream of—I believe that they are not different. Over that wall between you and your people, the nation you will make—I wish to see it.” – ep17

“Do not forget. If I only had one person in the world that I could trust, it would still be you.”
“Thank you for trusting me.” – ep17

“A target with an overly large body would be difficult to capture all at once. First the right arm, and then the left. Until you can cut off the head, you must not let down your guard.” – ep17

“You protected me and the woman I love. More than anything, I thank you for returning to us.” – ep17

“I will do what I must do.”
“Yes. Do what you believe is right.”
“But, I worry that you may be hurt.”
“I worry too—that I may want to protect my family. But no matter what happens, there will be no reason to feel sorry—either for you, or for me.” – ep17

“When I opened my eyes, do you know how much I worried that it would not be you here? When I grabbed you, I hesitated for a long while, in case it might not be you.” – ep18

“I will pretend not to know you for a long, long while, so stay by my side. Even if it is just until I am recovered.” – ep18

“I have staked my life to protect your seat, not for my son’s power, but for the hope of Joseon—do not forget that.” – ep18

“I do not wish to be remembered as a small man who would make a woman cry. Do not be sad, either.”
“You are the picture I always wanted to draw.” – ep18

“The highs and lows between me and my people, the distance between me and you—I hope that you will understand my wish to be one step closer.” – ep18

“Rather than a sun that shines alone, he’s a ruler who shines brightly when among his people, like the moonlight—I believe the king is that kind of person.” – ep18


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I want to add

"In the last moment, that I may be only a friend" Ep 17


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Yoon-sung: Even if either of us know anything, you and I are in a relationship where we can't share anything. Thus, I'm not asking.
Yeong: Not me. Even if it is useless, I want to ask. If you know anything, whatever it is. Ep.14

So what I mean to say, is to not walk so weakly. And do not look as though you have lost everything in the world. The person you love will likely have said this, if she saw your face now. Ep.14

Ra-on: I must forget, I must not know, but I keep wanting to know. Whether he’s eating, whether he sleeps well, whether he’s healthy. You are so good to me that I hate myself for wanting to ask you these things. So please do not come.
Yoon-sung: It’s okay, because inside I think disgraceful thoughts each day. I wonder if by any chance, you'll give your heart to me after these hellish days pass. Ep.14

How is it that I became the person who makes this most difficult for Ra-on? Ep.15

Your highness, don't be curious about my whereabouts. And even if you hear news of me, do not be shaken. I will do so, too. Ep.15

I won't hurt you with my own mouth. Do I have to say these unbelievable words? Ep.15

Don't withdraw your sword. The moment you do, I will lose you. Ep.17

It must have been so hard for you to repress and hide yourself all this time. Is that why you're resting for so long? Fall might pass at this rate! You have to get up before all the leaves fall off the trees, okay? Kim Hyung, what the palace is like at the first snow of the year? When the snows fall on the big court yard at Jahyeondang and its low roof. It must be beautiful. Ep.17

It is beautiful. Very much. You are such a pain. Talking your head off still. Ep.17

When all preparations are complete, I will bring her back to my side. I will make it so she can be as before, laughing, chatting with me, and being happy. I am nearly there. When the time comes, shall the three of us go back again to Jahyeondang and have a drink? Ep.17

Even if that day never comes, I will be waiting. Ep.17 preview

Is that why we could only amount to this much? You, Byung-yeon, and me. Why is it that we cannot but fight? Ep.17

However, I was unable to offer the least bit of comfort to the prince’s weary heart, and I blamed myself and hated myself for it. I realized how foolish I had been. Rather than being a foolish princess who is a burden to the prince, so that I may live alone but honestly, please grant your permission. Ep.18

Yeong: I will get all of my payments.
Ra-on: Here? Ep.18

It's not a beauty that you can just use without permission. Ep.18


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MDBC Quote List Part 6
Finally, the clincher…

“Have you written of your hopes?”
“No. I have merely taken a peek at the world you are making.”
“Then who are you?”
“In the nation you will make, that first citizen?”
*shakes head*
“The one who came to you in the appearance of a eunuch, your first sweetheart?”
*shakes head*
“Then who am I?”
“You are the Ra-on-ie who filled my world to the brim.” – ep18

The End. And they both lived happily ever after. For a long long time.

Phew! Long long posts and compilations! Hope everyone enjoyed going through it. And please feel free to add more to those which I have missed out! This show is so full of quotable quotes, I'm sure I've not been able to cover all the bases.

Thanks for reading and may we all meet again over another awesome drama!


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PS: I initially posted these crazy long lists at "Team Dramabeans: What We Are Watching" where the DB Staff talked gave their views on the finale of MDBC, but thought I'd re-post them here so that they would not be lost in the bowels of the DB archives.

After all, who knows in future someone who may watch and read the MDBC recaps and check out the comment section may appreciate finding this rather comprehensive list at the end of a long and hopefully satisfying run.

Whoever you all are, I hope reading through this list brings a smile to your face, and a tear to your eye! God bless you, and thank you!



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Wow!! Thanks so much @sugarbaby!


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With each line cited, a moment was vividly re-lived.
Whether it brought on a smile, a tear, fear or a sigh.
All those words elicit memories many of us will hold dearly and cherish in our hearts for a ureee, ureee time.

Thank you @suegarbaby for putting in so much effort and for leaving us this generous gift. XOXOXOXO


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Thanks so much! Reading all the quotes makes me tear up.


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Thank you suegarbaby for the compilation! ❤ Decided not to reply to your post so it'll be easier for people to read in one go.


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Thanks for supplementing the gaps, maryxiah. I knew I could count on you! *big grin*


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@ suegarbaby. I bow to you Korean style. Where do you find the time? If I had your compilation earlier, I would have saved some time searching for the video clip where they talked about this line.

“It’s Yi Yeong. My name.” – ep3
The effect of delivering it as above, compared with this.
"My name is Yi Yeong."

PBG's tempo when delivering that line was just perfect..

Thank you. I'll treasure compilation of MDBC quotes.


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Anyone knows the instrumental music background played when Bo Gum announced as Jeonha? I do know that the instrumental background done by Second moon...

However i couldnt find the background music that i have been dying to hear!!! Which is so upsetting? =='

The first time the music background appeared was when Gong Ju intend to kill Sam Nom(Ra On) but Yi Yeong managed to stop it.

The second time was when Gong Ju stepped out of the palaquin and met Master Jung.

The third time was when head eunuch announced the new Jeonha in which Yi Yeong enters with the red dragon robe succeeding his father as Joseon's new king.

Anyone knows the name of the music backgroung or where i could find it?


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All instrumental track will be released on CD on 28 Oct with the release of vocal OST CD

As for name of instrumental tracks, it's all on korean wiki


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Anh, can you link me up? I want to see the track's title.


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4. 영의 왈츠
5. 불허한다
6. 그대와 내가 내리는 달빛 아래서 눈물을 흘릴때
7. 라온의 노래
8. 월광
9. 바라만 봅니다. 그래도 행복합니다
10. 저 구름 너머에 있는
11. 내 사람입니다
12. 아버지가 되어주십시오
13. 동무. 그리고 지금 우린...
14. 민란
15. 연등 축제에서 우리 두 사람
16. 운명의 빛

Base on the name, I think the track @Geey looking for is either number 4 or number 14


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My rough translation of the instrumental track names:
4. 영의 왈츠 (Yeong's waltz)
5. 불허한다 ([I] will not permit)
6. 그대와 내가 내리는 달빛 아래서 눈물을 흘릴때 (When you and I shed tears under moonlight)
7. 라온의 노래 (Raon's Song)
8. 월광 (moonlight or moonlight)
9. 바라만 봅니다. 그래도 행복합니다 (looking at [you]. [I'm] still happy)
10. 저 구름 너머에 있는 (beyond that cloud)
11. 내 사람입니다 (my person)
13. 동무. 그리고 지금 우린... (friend. And now, we...)
14. 민란 (civil commotion)
15. 연등 축제에서 우리 두 사람 (the two of us at lantern festival)
16. 운명의 빛 (light of doom)

@Geey, I think the track you looking for is either number 4 or 14, based on the name, since 4 is waltz of spirit(?) or Yeong's waltz and 14 is civil commotion lolz

@maryxiah https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B5%AC%EB%A5%B4%EB%AF%B8_%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%B0_%EB%8B%AC%EB%B9%9B_(%EB%93%9C%EB%9D%BC%EB%A7%88)


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correction, number 8 is moon or moonlight lolz

and number 7 can be Raon's song or joy's song? since raon mean joy?


Thanks Anh! I think it's probably Yeong's waltz since he waltzed into the court in his king's robe, lol.


I don't understand how the poison on the outside of the silver bowl didn't change the color of the bowl, but it reacted with the princess's ring?


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The bowl was not silver lolz


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I just re-watched episodes 14 & 15 and am confused about a few things.

at end of ep. 14:
CP says "I am never going to forgive you" (according to subtitles)

in ep. 15:
CP says "I will never NOT forgive you" (according to subtitles)

what did he say? not forgive her or forgive her?
him taking RO into his embrace, is that telling us he said the latter?

also, does anyone know what CP's letter says (at the top of ep. 15)? he walked to the meeting place as if he knew he was going to see RO.


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I will never forgive you

I think the site you watching has the sub wrong, because the site I watch has it right. And I can understand some korean so it is never forgive you.

the letter is in hanja, so I have no idea what it actually say (I doubt regular koreans know since they all use hangul now) but it probably saying when, where to meet and probably say that Raon want to meet or something along the line


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This meant to be a reply to above^


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The words are in Chinese, or rather Hanja in Korean, but the words don't make sense in Chinese. I think they were literally translating per word, or maybe this is the real Hanja. The only thing I could make out from both letters is, it is requesting to meet, something that could not be spoken in the palace.


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lol omg ditto to the whole analysis about yoon sung’s death. like, i cried like a baby when byung young “died” but i didn’t shed a year when yoon sung died BECUZ HIS DAETH MADE NO SENSE. like there were a bajillion ways it could be avoided, and it felt so unnecessary and forced lol
and dude whatever happened to the rebellion and ra on’s father in the last couple episodes? THAT STORY LINE WAS TOTALLY GLAZED OVER! its so weird though because that story line was driving the plot in episode 16+ and then ra on’s father mysteriously appears…then gets dramatically captured….then dramatically disappears again. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? LOL it was like because of her father that ra on separated from the prince for so many episodes at the end….and…i duno, i don’t think that story or plot line was neatly tied up..

and +10000 for the KSG cameo!!!!!!!!


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Exactly! Why would they feel the need to bring him back, only to make him such a useless character, who easily get caught and only said a few meaningful words to the OTP and did absolutely NOTHING to help their situations?


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I think this was Moonlight's most glaring writing flaw. HGN's purpose could have been served by Mom, Eunuch Han and/or Kim Hyung. But oh well.


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It's Sunday night and here I am wondering what am I to do tomorrow when there is no more Moonlight. Looking for different show but can't seem to get into anything.


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I feel you. What are we going to do now? *cries*


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Anyone suffering from withdrawal yet? I feel like crying that today is Monday and no Moonlight. I've been re-watching Moonlight and it doesn't ease the withdrawal. :( At least work is keeping me preoccupied for now, but I dread tonight when I go home and no more live streaming Moonlight.


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I am too @ maryxiah! I rewatched every episode and still feel the void. I laughed and cried harder than I did the first go round.

In the meantime, I started to organize all the youtube videos I save to "Watch Later" on my laptop, cell phone and work computer. There are a few hundred! I especially love all the BTS ones. They had so much fun. I bet they must be feeling some withdrawal too.

I don't want to speak too soon but I think I might be ready to start R1988 this weekend. @lin, where are you?


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hihihi Reply 1988 will feel the emptiness you have for PBG for sure. Just be ready though because each episode is freakin' 1 hr 30-40 min. Insane! Oh and you won't see PBG regularly. The drama is an ensemble cast, so the focus shifts every now and then. Some episodes you'll get tons of PBG, others not so much. The drama overall is really good. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it in "What we're Watching" thread. :)

I, for one, plans to continue my Signal saga. I have I Remember You ready, but I don't want to dig into it yet for some reason. lol I think I am waiting for all the press work of Moonlight cast (PBG and KYJ mainly) to finish. We will still get news from them in the coming weeks for sure. Once that's done and I see them busy with other works, then I think it really is the end of Moonlight. I still have this strange feeling that it is not yet done. lmao


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I expect PBG and KYJ will be doing some overseas promo work in the coming weeks as the show is sold to other countries. But I don't think Moonlight will be truly over for me. At least not for a while.

Anyway, we still have the full OST and photo book to look forward to, as well as cast/crew interviews. I'm also looking forward to a director's cut dvd. I will watch the hell out of that, even without subs.


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I have a feeling that Moonlight isn't done yet too, probably because it's only been a week and the kids were still enjoying their time in Cebu a couple of hours ago, now on their way home. I'm waiting for post drama interview, I saw that Yoo-jung agreed to appear on Guerrilla date, so I'm hoping we get to see her on it. I miss her so much, there's so much press coverage on Park Bo-gum but barely on her, also because she joined the Cebu trip late. Oh, Chae Soo-bin joined them!

I feel sad I haven't seen much interaction on Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung post drama, not even in their Cebu trip, and Yoo-jung spent most of her time with Jinyeong instead, lol. I'm not hoping for them to date forreals, but I'd love to see their playful interactions like the ones they had in the BTS. *pouts*

I can't wait for the full OST to come out. Are you guys getting the OST, photobook and the DVDs?


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I might not be able to get physical copies until I return to Korea next year *pouts*. But I'm definitely getting the OST and the photo essay.

To be fair, KYJ and PBG seemed friendly enough. They were on different tables but were talking to each other in that one vid, and they wore matching caps and similar-colored shirts at one point. There's a probably lot that went on that wasn't captured by camera, and thank goodness for that! God knows they deserve to relax away from prying eyes.


I'm debating over getting the OST and photo essay because I've never spend much money on CDs and such before, not even when I was crazy on idols fandom. On one hand I want to support them, on the other, I'm thinking... is this an investment I'm willing to make? Lol.

I agree they need to relax from prying eyes because I cringed watching all those fancam videos on twitter, they must have felt soooo uncomfortable and having had to react to the fans at every turn. I was half expecting a picture or two of Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung, but no such luck.


sorry. very needy today!

do you have a good site to purchase the OST, photobok and DVDs?


@maryxiah To be fair, these items are reasonably priced in Korea. It's the shipping fees/taxes that really hurt.


@Elle Also because of the currency rates, in Korea it might be at reasonable price, but when converted into my currency and plus the shipping fees, I have to pay a LOT!

@Helen I don't remember where I checked it out before. Gonna post link here when I find it, it is available on a couple of Korean website, buy you can use credit card to purchase it. I think for now, it's only pre-order, meaning you will only get the goods after they officially release in on the 28th Oct.


@maryxiah My friend recently bought the latest GOT7 album in Myeongdong, and it was reasonably priced even when exchanged to my currency (Philippine Peso) It was roughly 15 USD. I guess it depends?

Both the OST and the photo essay look like they're worth it though.


Okay I just checked this site: http://www.synnara.co.kr/sp/sp120Main.do?categoryId=&productId=P000391131#.WA4Swfl96Uk

The OST costs 25k krw or 22.06 USD. I think it's still a fair price.


@Elle 25,200KRW is only for the CDs, not including shipping, last time I checked, it's roughly 35USD for me, and that's a bit pricey for my taste.


Which is why both the OST and photo essay will have to wait until I return to Korea next year. That pesky shipping fee hurts.


I posted the links to both the CDs and photo essay, still waiting for moderation, again. I'm gonna wait til the OST are fully released before deciding whether to buy or not.


Thanks so much for the links! I checked the shipping fee to my country (the Philippines), and the fee for both items costs $14.98. So $54.93 in total for both items. I think I can handle that. It will be my Christmas gift to myself!

I'll wait until both the OST and the photo essay are out before making a final decision. I can always wait until October-November next year, but that's soooo far away!


Thanks so much for the links @maryxiah!
The shipping is the craziest but I might have to treat myself like @Elle! You've got the right idea! Merry Christmas to us!


LOL I just saw my typo above. "fill" not "feel". Sorry about that.

I am super excited for the OST on Friday!! Gimme my instrumentals! My preciousssss hihi


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Why does Friday seems so far away?


They also have the eternity bracelets. F*ck


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Oops meant to be a reply to maryxiah re: OST and photo essay


Lol, I have no one to wear it with, so I'm gonna pass on the eternity bracelet.


I should be trawling the net by now for pics/tidbits of the upcoming episodes. I feel so empty.

Meanwhile I've started rewatching all 18 episodes with the new, supposedly more accurate subs. This doesn't quite fill the void like Helen said above, but this cheers me up.


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@Elle, please share where you are getting more accurate subs.
Thank you!


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I got them from Avistaz/Asiatorrents. They're an edited combination of VIU/Viki subs using Joseon honorifics.


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Thanks so much @ Elle!


Me me me ??

First Monday without moonlight, I'm so saaaad you guys


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Moonlight should be the drama airing right now. It feels weird not livestreaming anything. We're all living in a post-Moonlight dramapocalypse.


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Ikr ?

And no JB recaps tomorrow...
No rating watch, lmao I used to check gurumi twitter update first thing in the morning...


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My Mondays and Tuesdays are a lot less special without Moonlight.


The first thing I used to check every Tues and Wed is also Moonlight news. LOL


I know this recap may not be the place for it, but I'm in desperate need of a post-Moonlight pick me up drama. Any recs to heal a poor Moonlighter's soul?


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I just stumbled upon a segment of Youth Over Flowers Africa with subs. Not that we all don't already know, Park Bo Gum is such a beautiful human being, inside and out.

If any Moonlighters out there know how to access episodes of Youth Over Flowers Africa with subs, please post how.

Many thanks in advance!


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Seconded! Yes, please, and thank you!


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Try this. http://ikshow.net/shows/youth-over-flowers-africa/

Or you can just google the title: Youth Over Flowers Africa


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You're so awesome @maryxiah! Always coming thru!


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Thanks so much! I'll try this when I get home.


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I have tons of dramas on my list to watch and finish, but I couldn't get myself to watch them. Nothing is catching my interest.

Some on my list:

Missing Noir M
Empress Ki
Age of Youth
Adolescence Medley (Kwak Dong-yeon is in it)
Angry Mom
Drinking Solo
1% of Anything Remake
Bag Guys
Task Force 38


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Signal is really good! I love it! I wasn't addicted to it, but it's objectively one of the best dramas I've ever seen.

But I feel you. I was thinking of watching Shopping King Louie because everyone's saying it's such a cute show, but I find myself dithering. I dunno. Everything in dramaland just seems so... bland. I blame Moonlight for ruining my drama taste buds.

I'm thinking of trying out Gogh, the Starry Night. It's only 4 episodes so it will be an easy, breezy watch at the very least. I don't think I'm ready to commit myself to a full-length series for at least another few weeks.


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What? I thought Gogh, the Starry Night is 20 episodes long? Because I checked it out on Kissasian before.

I blame Moonlight for ruining my drama taste buds too, now I can't settle for anything less, Moonlight was so charming, bubbly and exciting in the first half and I haven't seen anything in present that can equal to that.

I was thinking of watching Shopping King Louis for Seo In-guk too, so I caught up with a few episodes on tv, but meh, it's not catching my interest.

Too bad Yoo-jung played mostly side characters in her previous dramas, I desperately want to watch more of her. I want to watch Park Bo-gum too, but his loveline in the other drama is sending dangerous signal in my head, lol. I'll hold up Reply 1988 till next week.


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Haha. My comment gets moderated again and I don't want to wait. I'll post double.

What? I thought Gogh, the Starry Night is 20 episodes long? Because I checked it out on Kiss.asian before.

I blame Moonlight for ruining my drama taste buds too, now I can’t settle for anything less, Moonlight was so charming, bubbly and exciting in the first half and I haven’t seen anything in present that can equal to that.

I was thinking of watching Shopping King Louis for Seo In-guk too, so I caught up with a few episodes on tv, but meh, it’s not catching my interest.

Too bad Yoo-jung played mostly side characters in her previous dramas, I desperately want to watch more of her. I want to watch Park Bo-gum too, but his loveline in the other drama is sending dangerous signal in my head, lol. I’ll hold up Reply 1988 till next week.


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Gogh was originally released as a web drama consisting of 20 bite-sized episodes. SBS smushed those together into 4 full-length episodes.

Reply 88 will probably be on hold for a long while. I can't see PBG with anyone else!


Finally, a kindred spirit! I thought I was nuts for thinking I couldn't watch Park Bo-gum with anyone else post Moonlight, lol.

I might try Gogh after I get out of this Moonlight pit, lol. I'll add that to my mountain of list.


I'm fine with the news that he won't be choosing his next project until early next year. I'd be fully detoxed by then and ready to ship him with his next co-star.

I need something to bridge the gap between Moonlight and Legend of the Blue Sea/Hwarang/Tomorrow with You. I was really excited about those dramas before Moonlight, but now I'm just looking forward to them to help myself move on.


Me too! Also because I want him to rest before throwing himself into those wacky full-packed schedule, he lost so much weight.

I'm waiting for those dramas myself too, granted I wasn't really THAT looking forward to them, but I was piqued by Jun Ji-hyun, Park Seo-joon and Lee Je-hoon on my screen again.


Drinking Solo and Jealousy Incarnate are good...

Shopping King is cute...

Age of Youth was good too but dunno why I'm not so over the moon with this drama, all my twitter friends were loving this drama to bits


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Have not watch Drinking Solo, not in a hurry because the word drinking it not pulling me in. But might try it later for Ha Suk-jin.

I watched a bit of Jealousy Incarnate but I wasn't feeling the romance, or the whole plot, I might be stuck in Joseon because I'm feeling conservative seeing a girl playing two guys at the same time.

I heard so much rave on Shopping King Louis but I don't want to watch Nam Ji-hyun, lol. Stupid excuse but I can't help not being excited over her.


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I heard SKL is about to get angsty anyway so I'll have to wait until it's done.


I found the following in Facebook:

As per Naver article online dated Oct 22, 2016 #Parkbogum will go to Europe and America this November for photoshoot for his ads and endorsements next Month. Also his agency #blossoment were planning on holding an Asian Tour before this year end. Who's excited for this..?
Here is the official link for that article.

Does the article say where in Europe and America?


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*raises hand* MEMEMEMEMEME


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Omo, the PBG thirst is real. The top comment is already over 11k likes.


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Bogum magic


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Rewatching ep 1...

Going to pretend today is Aug 22nd...
yaaay premiere day...
lmao ?

I love Cha tae hyun, he's so funny.


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I'm doing the same thing! And everything still feels so fresh!


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Same here! Except I just finished marathoning Moonlight yesterday! Haha.


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Time to start over again, then!


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@Christina, remember you said:

"Actually, I'm trying to avoid visiting viki and dramafire coz i know once i open the page i will need a lot of strength not to tap the 1st episode button."

Is your will power not to tap Episode 1 still going strong?

My will power collapsed to-day. After lurking for news here there and everywhere, I started my re-watch of Moonlight.

My excuse was to re-watch the first three episodes (I ended up finishing 5 episodes LOL) to look closer into what producer, Kim Sung-yoon, was talking about when he said:
“It took two months for Park to get “impeccably adjusted to the role,” which made them re-take scenes in the first two episodes. He said PBG "grappled with the role of Prince Lee Young in the early stages of filming Moonlight."

For PBG who according Producer Kim, "at first seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, who had no idea about creating of voice tone of a royal family," he seamlessly nails the royal character as if he was born royal. From “the middle of nowhere,” PBG is absolutely hitting it out of the ball park in literally every areas.

The joy of re-watching Moonlight, I can see how perfectly PBG was expressing his character and he makes Yeong feel like a real person, and I find myself sucked into his character and his world again. In seventh heaven!


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Lol, my will power also crumbled to the ground bout 3 hours ago. As of the moment, i'm still watching ep 1 coz i can't help but pause and play the screen everytime PBG's regal face shows up. I still can't believe how he aced playing this character up to the point that it concerns me what kind of role he's going to portray next. Im not expecting it to top this one but at least it should better be good or else... lol.

Ive been stalking the internet like a hawk too these past few days. It eases my lonely and broken heart everytime i see or hear news about them. I'm not watching any other drama at this time until this Bogumsick will go away. But i think and i hope that the cure for this is a heavy dose of Vitamin SEA!!!! As in Legend of the Blue Sea. LMH is my other bias so this is the only drama im interested in.


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LOL. Bogumsick, perfect! Love it.

That's just describe this condition most of us in, post Moonlight. Nothing taste and feel the same for the time being.

Let's hope as you said, a heavy doze of Vitamin SEA will help ease us out of the pain of Bogumsick.


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Week 1 post Moonlight, but the after party here is still very much alive and kicking. Thanks for the company. Best withdrawal support group ever - the Moonlighters!


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I'm still trying to get back to my regular schedule pre-moonlight... it's so hard, I find myself spacing out during the time that I used to watch new ep of moonlight


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Lol, no chance of getting our lives back even after Moonlight ended, everything feels so empty, I can't focus. I find myself spacing out like Anh too, so I just busied myself looking for more news of them.


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I usually livestream Moonlight at work, but like Anh and maryxiah I find myself spacing out and just refreshing Soompi/the Gurumi tag in IG for more news. Like, WTF is wrong with me. I feel so despondent.

Is there any news about the DVD release? That's our best hope for getting new material. *sigh*


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I think DVD release of director come out at least a month later, the earliest. Because for other dramas, it takes around 1-2 months before they release director cut DVD of dramas.


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Yay for more Moonlight!

*reality sinks in that withdrawal syndrome will probably last for months*

*curls up and sobs*


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So... where is my MDBC episode 19? lol This is serious you guys. I need a cure.


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Ep. 19 would be backtracking to before the 1 year time jump, why Ra-on decided not to be queen for the time being, and her journey as a writer, while Yeong prepares himself to ascend the throne.


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I like this. hihi! And show what happened to HGN that he seemed to have been a free man after one year.


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Why am I still here? Yes, where is ep 19. lol.


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Episode 19 could be entirely about Yeong "punishing" Ra-on and vice versa. I totally wouldn't mind.


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I already have a fanfic framework in mind for that, rawr, lol.


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I will gladly read that fanfic lol


Lol, now I just need to find the motivation to type and a good editor, my grammar sucks.


Write it. hihi You'd be helping all of us who needs cure from Bogumsick and fill the moon-sized hole in our hearts.


I will try and post up the link when I'm done with the first chapter, lol.




My name is michykdrama and I am a Moonlight Addict
*waves hello!*

Yeah withdrawl sucks. And real life has been a b*tch so I've been so busy i can't even rewatch even if I want to! ?

Nice to see fellow "addicts" here!


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I've been sneaking Moonlight in throughout the day. I prepared a playlist on youtube of the music for my commute to work (via bluetooth). I also have DB open on my computer behind my work so I can hang out with you all. During lunch I would pull up episodes and go to my favorite scenes. Oh Boy....

Hi. My name is Helen and like @michykdrama, I'm a Moonlight addict too. Please help!!!


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It be a long while before I could bring myself to see PBG in pre-Moonlight roles with other female leads.

For the time bring, I'll be happy to just re-watch Moonlight when I miss our adorable puppies.


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Has anyone try to watch The man living in our house aka Sweet stranger and me? I see that it has pretty high rating for its ep 1 premiere (9%)


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No, I didn't feel like checking it out just yet, but I was surprised by Moon Lovers' rating, it shot up to 9.8% now that Moonlight is over, beating Woman with a Suitcase. If only we have more episodes of Moonlight. *sigh* Someone slap me, please.


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I guess Koreans are in the mood of sageuk loolz
I just watched Man living in our house, it's pretty good romcom

I dropped Moonlovers already, Im reading recap and ep 17 seem like no logic.


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I dropped Moon Lovers the moment Wook turned into possessive maniac for no apparent reason, I get that he loved Su, but I didn't get why there's no real transition in him, he just completely went from bad to worse. I don't even want to read the recap.

I'm actually in the mood for sageuk too, which is weird because I'm not a fan of sageuk, not even when I was on Splash Splash Love high.


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It's good that you dropped it early, because now So turned crazy/cruel for no apparent reason. Production team seem to like changing character personality/attitude 180 without explanation or actual progress.

I guess I just have to watch Moonlight again for the awesome character growth and relationship developemnt


It's a shame really, because I thought this story had potential if it could just focus. On top of being bad at directing, editing and music (which I could put up with), the stories are all over the place, and they expect you to fill in the blank and understand everything, don't get me started on the stupid use of time jump. I lost count of how many time jump they have in the drama. So much work for such a useless drama. And the romance isn't pulling me in. It doesn't help that I have zero interest in Lee Jun-ki, thought this drama would change that, but nope, still immune to him.


Don't even start on the time jump, every single episode since Mu become King has time jump, events happen, but there's no tension or build up. It just happen like matter of fact. So sad that it put a stigma to pre-production.

And really makes me pity Moonlight as Moonlight didn't get to be pre-produced. How awesome it would turn out, and we would get better scenes, plots and characters.

I find Jun-ki alright, his acting is good, but I haven;t finish anyway of his drama lolz. I watched some episodes of Arang, and scholar who walk the night but never finish them since the plots and acting just doesn't make the cut for me. I guess he just have bad luck with picking good script/project


True, but to be fair, no one was expecting Moonlight to hit it big, they were of smaller casts except for Park Bo-gum. Plus the story is too familiar of a concept, so everyone was just expecting a light watch, easy and breezy. I didn't even plan on live watching until I caught up a few episodes on TV and literally went crazy, lol. Something snapped in me.

I haven't finish any of Lee Jun-ki's drama either, he looks good in sageuk but he's never compelling enough as a character.


So I'm not the only one! I like LJK but I have never finished any of his dramas except for one of his earliest works "My Girl" with LDW and LDH when I was younger.

I'm not a huge fan of sageuk too. It will take good actors and good story (does not have to be completely original) and wonderful delivery for me to watch it. I wonder when I'll see another sageuk as beautiful as Moonlight in terms of visuals.


True, one of the reasons why I really loved watching Moonlight is because of its beautiful cinematography and handsome casts, never short of pretty and I could just stare at them for a whole day.


LMAO @maryxiah!

I just finished ep 1 of YOF Africa but I still need a dose of our Moonlight OTP before I go to bed. Why did Moonlight have to end? Why?????


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I read Youth Over Flowers Africa's recap last night, couldn't get the motivation to watch anything right now. I'm serious.


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I’m finding myself quite pleased with the ending. The logical part of my brain is fully aware that it did drag near the end, but the part that is filled with mad love for Park Bo Gum is happily blocking it out. Its just that the first part of that show was just so magical and enchanting that it completely makes up for it for me. I’m still quite obsessed and rewatching. I had the unique joy of marathoning it for the first time when episode 14 had already aired, so it still hasn’t lost its charm, but I’m sad its over. And here I am already having Park Bo Gum withdrawal.
So some advice please: I didn’t watch I Remember You (Hello Monster) when it aired. Is that worth watching just for a PBG fix? Or should I just wait for his next show and binge watch MLDBTC till then (which I will not mind doing at all, hehe). Help me please beanies.
And btw "Bogumsick!" is priceless!


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I Remember You is worth watching, I promised you. Just don't expect to see Bo-gum in the earlier episodes, he didn't show up until much later, I forgot which episode, he only had more scenes towards the end. His bromance with Seo In-guk killed it! I don't think I've ever cried so much for a bromance, well, maybe Byung-yeonie's death in recent episodes already top that, but still a good bromance drama.


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Thanks maryxiah! Will surely check it out :)


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He actually showed up pretty early on (around episodes 2-3) as he was involved in the first case. His screentime gradually increased as the show went on.


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Thanks for the clarification, Elle. I really ought to start re-watching all my dramas, but I'm so down in the dump I couldn't get starting to watch anything.


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I rewatched IRY in the middle of Moonlight's run so it's still pretty fresh lol.

I think I might rewatch my favorite American comedies (Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 9-9, and The Office). They're great palate cleansers.


I re-watched I Remember You during the middle of Moonlight too, but I only watched the part where Hyun finally clued in Lawyer Jung is Min and their tearful reunion. I like sappy dramas.


After W and Moonlight, I think I need a break from live watching, lol. I'm slowly rewatching Moonlight, whenever I have to do a chore like washing dishes. That's my way of combating kdrama guilt.

Ah, the joy of re-watching. You catch foreshadowing details and appreciate just how much effort the writer/director had put into this story to make everything come full circle. Like someone had pointed out in a previous recap comment, the actor playing Hong Kyung-rae appeared in the King's nightmare disguised as an eunuch in episode 2. Isn't that a giveaway of the Head Eunuch's role later on or what?

Yoon-sung's symbolic conversation with PM Kim about painting his own picture toward the end of the series? It's a continuation of the first time the two were introduced together in episode 2.

Yeong's trip out to catch "Master Jung" on behalf of his sister, the meeting that started it all in episode 1? The first time he witnessed the commoners' life outside of the palace as it was: from the simple joy of a delicious bowl of soup while surrounded by vulgar talk, to the resentment towards the rulers suppressed in a public performance.

And every occasion Yeong, Byung Yeon, and Ra On appear together? Priceless!

Yep. I'm still deep in the Moonlight daze. Can't you tell?


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Haha, great observations Mehungie! I agree that you tend to pay more details knowing what's coming in the story, I discover a lot of things I didn't when I was live watching at first.

I also like the fact that in earlier episodes where we see a cheeky and spoiled side of Yeong, we get glimpses of his maturity too, like how protective he is of Myung-eun that he went to check out on Master Jung, and how he's shown to care for the king (coming to see him after his pit accident with Ra-on) despite knowing the king's weakness in protecting his family. He was affected when Eunuch Han asked him how long will he and his father stare at each other's back (be satisfied only longing for one another). Oof, I love when familial love is interwoven into the story, I want more than just fluffy light romance, because familial love is what gives you strength, which is why we all noted Ra-on and Yeong relationship was that of husband and wife, supportive and trusting.

I'm still in Moonlight pit myself. Where is the gukbap saeki that left me in it? Lol.


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Lmao.. the gukbap saeki is in the Philippines! ;)


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No, they actually went home last night, lol.


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BoYoo airport pics are all over twitter and ig yesterday...

even naver and daum released an articles about them... lol


and allkpop too... https://t.co/uibKoM9AfA lols


Lol, I saw that. Finally a picture of them together! *content sigh*



they are so cute...
le sigh... im not supposed to ship them in real life...

but here i am clicking boyoo hashtag on ig and twitter XD


I told myself the same thing, lol! "No, Mary, don't do that, don't go over the line." And then I found myself getting sad over no picture of BoYoo in Cebu, and I went on youtube desperately finding fan made videos of them, stalking their pictures or news on instagram and twitter too. *sigh*


lol, virtual high 5....


The magical scene that started it all for me and brought you all into my life!

Episode 9 - Confession in sign

No, I
love you.
So please...
Don't leave
Stay by my side.


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one of my favorite confession ever...
along side Love Actually confession ^^


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In case anyone is here still, I did a quick gif post on Lantern Wishes, to help with the withdrawals :)



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Thanks so much for finding some time to post some more gifs despite your hectic sched. My depressed and heavy heart definitely lightened up. That lantern scene was one of my favorites in the drama. How bout making our own imaginary lantern wishes moonlighters? Mine is:

" I wish PBG and KYJ will have another successful drama in the future but this time with more skinship and kissing scenes " lol?


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thats my wish too...

in 5 years perhaps, they will be reunite in modern movie or romcom...


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My wish is for your wish to come true. :D


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Oh. My. God. Yoo Jung was the little sister in Tamra the Island?! Am I the only one who never made that connection?! *mind getting blown in slow motion* All the more reason for me to go watch the director's cut of that gem! She played one kickass little sister!


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Hi Moonlighters! *waves hands*

So, I've decided to write a fanfic to ease up the withdrawal pain. I thought I wouldn't have much time or motivation to write, but I think I can squeeze in some writing time, and a lot of ideas have been going around in my head after Moonlight ended, it'd be a shame not to pen them out, right?

I'm still in early writing stage really, I have a few ideas with where I'm heading with the story, but they are incoherent, so I need time to sort out the story. Since the latter part of Moonlight seems quite rushed for most of us, I want to focus on filling in the blanks, and then the continuation from which the drama writers left off. I'm not a flawless or a good writer to begin with, so bear with me if the story might not be as detailed as a good fanfic should be.

I linked my blog on my username, just click on my username and it should link you to my blog. It's kinda empty because I never posted anything on it, now it found its purpose! :D

I'm putting up a teaser for now:

Yeong quickened his pace, feeling his footsteps as light as feathers, yet the distance didn't seem to close in. He never knew the distance from the court to his palace could be this far. His heart was about to burst from the excitement, he couldn't contain all the rushing emotions; a wave of pain, longing, giddy, and joy hit him all at once. Yeong burst into his room and found Ra-on sitting quietly in a corner, her eyes fixated on his desk. She turned her gaze to him, and they both broke into a genuine smile at the sight of each other, drinking in the presence of one another in the same room, uninterrupted. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the palace's rules, not their statuses, not their entangled fate, not the past nor the future. Only the two of them.

Ra-on looked beautiful as she always had been, breathtaking even in the maid's outfit. Yeong couldn't tear his gaze away. His chest tightened at the sight of her in his room once again. It seemed like a long time ago when they shared a lot of stolen moments in this very room. Now that she was back, a few feet away from him, everything in the world felt right again. Like pieces of puzzles finally fitting into a perfect picture.

“Jeoha,” Ra-on said, breaking off the silence.

"Ra-on ah..."

I haven't figure out the title for the fanfic, maybe you guys can offer some help? I'll post up the first chapter on Friday, the 28th!


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WHy Jeoha though? Is this before Yeong become king?
Because if Raon is addressing him as king, it should be jeonha (전하) not jeoha (저하)

Will be waiting for that chap1 fanfic :)


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Told you I'm filling in the blanks, lol. So he's still Jeoha. Hope I can finish up by Friday.


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omg, i cant wait to read....!!!

am so thirsty to anything related to moonlight... lol

p.s currently re-read all mdbc news on kkuljaem, hahaha


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I'm currently gorging on post-Moonlight interviews, and I laughed at KYJ's wish that she and Bogum work on a new drama set in modern times where she's rich and he's poor.


Bahaha! Link me up, Elle. I wanna read!


I posted links below, but the comment is awaiting moderation *pouts*

You can check out pearl0024's twitter account for YJ interviews. Here's one of PBG


I think it's part 2. The first one I linked below.


“A gleaming moon in the night sky would remind me of this drama. I hope many viewers will remember it like this as well.”



It might be a while before we see PBG in a period piece again. http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201610261828233918856_2


Thanks for all the links, Elle!

Aww, that's a shame, I really love him in sageuk.

I really hope to see him in School series since he wants to do school uniform drama so much, hopefully with Yoo-jung! ❤?



It can happen, so long as YJ gets to play the rich one in the OTP.



I looked up and saw the cresent moon earlier this morning and it dawned on me that it isn't just a star in the sky I will ever take for granted anymore. Moonlight brought on a newfound appreciation and newfound meaning for the moon's presence.


ooohhh bookmarked!! Thanks for sharing!

Speaking of PBG, he is seriously hinting on a high school first love drama that I have this mental image of writers typing like crazy now, creating a story with PBG in mind. LOL I have a feeling that's exactly his next role. I will not be surprised if he ends up doing School 2017. I know that relatively unknown get the role, but it's not a written rule. It just so happened that relatively newbies got the part. Besides, Sohyun is so not a rookie, but she still got the lead last year. I'm just excited for his next project.


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I think he's definitely gonna get a high school drama even if it might not be School series, but I hope the leading lady will be someone good because chemistry plays an important role in romance and I tend to focus on the romance part. But not with Kim So-hyun though, I want someone else, after seeing him with Kim Yoo-jung, I don't want him to be paired with another young actress. Maybe Kim Ji-won?


I'd prefer seeing him in a college drama rather than a high school drama. But I'll take PBG in anything, thank you very much.

But if I were to pick an actress, I'd pick Park Eun-bin. Girl is promising and needs a hit, stat. Or Park Bo-young. I'm trying to skew to actresses in the 21-22 range, but I'm coming up short on names.

Or we can have a noona romance, which opens up a lot of possibilities for actresses in their late 20s/early 30s.


I also think he will surely get a high school role next even if not School series. I also want to see him in a college setting drama too. He should be able to relate since he is an active student in between work.

I keep thinking of actresses in the range of 20s but I only recall few good actresses. Most are in 20s but older than PBG. Damn. I also like Park Boyoung. She may be older but she's so young looking and adorable.


One of the main reasons why PBG was paired with KYJ was that she looked younger than him. It's hard to find actresses in their 20s who look younger, so the actress should at most be 23/24 (his age) IRL. Unless we're going the noona romance route (which is fine by me!).

I'm not sure about KJW because I think she looks too mature to play a high school student now. Pocket-sized queen PBY can make it work though.

I'm also partial to Chae Soo-bin, but she might not want to return to high school so soon after playing a mean girl in SGG. Also, I'm not sure I want to see Yeong with Ha-yeon anytime soon so there's that.


Kim Ji-won played a high school girl in The Heirs, and she looked like one in it. It's tough to find a leading lady for Park Bo-gum because he has such a baby face, Park Bo-young sounds good too because she has a baby face, if she could romance Park Bo-gum on screen, I have hope to be with Park Bo-gum because she's my age! Hahahah...sorry everyone.

Since Park Bo-gum wants a high school drama so much, I think dramagod will make sure it happens, college love can wait. There's something so special about first love in high school that Park Bo-gum is dying to experience, lol.

Oh and no, I won't watch Park Eun-bi even if she's paired with Park Bo-gum.


Well, Heirs was three years ago and KJW has matured physically since then. I simply can't picture her returning to high school after playing a soldier/medic in DOTS.

It's a shame you don't like Park Eun-bi. She was commanding as the Crown Princess in Secret Door (one of the better parts of that show IMO) and adorably kooky as the weirdo in Age of Youth.

Ugh, I can't come up with legit actresses in the 20-23 range! I feel like I've watched some of them, but I can't remember their names! The ones I do remember are idol-actresses, and I can't bear to watch PBG act circles around an idol.


Wait I meant Park Eun-bin, not Park Eun-bi. *headdesks*


Gosh, time passed by so fast, I didn't realize The Heirs was from 3 years ago, I really adored Kim Ji-won when I was watching Descendants of the Sun.

Yeah, I couldn't warm up to Park Eun-bin because of her character in Empress Cheonchu and in Secret Door, where she stole Kim Yoo-jung's thunder, lol. I know Yoo-jung was too young then, but I was one of the people who were crazy upset she got replaced in the end. So that's that.

Maybe they could give other rookie actresses a chance? Hyeri was a rookie herself in Reply 1988 and she seemed to match Park Bo-gum so well.

Oh, Ryu Hyo-young or her twin, Ryu Hwa-young! She's the same age as Park Bo-gum and I totally loved her in School 2013, and her twin's cameo in Descendants of the Sun.


Ryu Hwa-young was very promising in Age of Youth. She could work!


You're such a special person @maryxiah!


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Aww ❤ I hope the fanfic won't disappoint.


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Omo....my chest is tightening at the prospect of reading this fanfic!!!
Thanks for keeping up this thread!


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Interviews are out:

PBG - http://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20161026000605#jyk (The only English article I can find)

Updates on KYJ's interview here: https://twitter.com/pearl0024

I'm waiting for the rest of the post-Moonlight interviews. I hope to hear more from the PD, the drama writer (though she had her interview last week) and the web novel writer.


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REPOSTED FROM SOOMPI, originally published by TenAsia via Naver:

Kim Yoo Jung "Envious of Park Bo Gum's Participation in OST....Expressing sadness to the Music Director"

On October 26th, Kim Yoo Jung expresses her envious feeling to Park Bo Gum who sing a song for Moonlight Drawn By Clouds’ OST

When asked why she didn’t participate for Moonlight’s OST she said, “They didn’t ask me to do so.” she then laughed.

“At the drama's wrap up party, I met the music director and said this shyly, 'I wanted to sing a song too', the director then said, 'Why you didn’t tell me beforehand?'... Next time, if there’s an opportunity, let’s do it together."

Kim Yoo Jung also commented on Park Bo Gum’s song, My Person, “Bogum-oppa is good at singing originally and has a lot interest in music too, so it fits him well. I received healing just by listening to that song.”


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Aww, lol. I was thinking why she didn't sing an OST too because I know she can sing! Turns out she wanted too, but wasn't asked to, lol. If only she ask for it sooner, then we would have two of them singing duet, probably.


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Ugh see now this is something that would be so nice to see. A duet of a beautiful love song for YeongOn and maybe an official music video of the two... now I'm not happy it did not happen. They can sing it in the year-end award ceremony. What a shame. I do think Bogum has a huge chance of singing his song in the ceremony.


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Me too~ It'd be nice to hear them singing love song together, it could be a very memorable OST, but at least we have Park Bo-gum's OST? Maybe they could sing "My Person" together at the year end award?


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More translations of KYJ's interviews: https://twitter.com/FoodielovesTOP


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Omo PBG looks like he lost so much weight in the interview photos. He shed some pounds during the drama's run, but he didn't look that thin during the fansigning and the Cebu trip. Those oversized sweaters are doing him no favors.

I do hope he gets to laze about and eat a lot after the post-drama interviews are over. He really needs a lot of rest. I admit I was relieved when I read that he and Dong-yeon pigged out on local food in Cebu. I want him to go on a food trip vacation where no fans can disturb him before he considers his next project.


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he looks so thin...
and correct me if im wrong, next month he will be busy with photoshoot and cf shooting plus he still has post drama interview today...


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I've noticed he lost weight in the latter half of Moonlight, his face was sharper, but to be fair, the oversized sweater didn't do him justice, so he appeared to be scrawny, I saw a couple of pictures of him in Cebu, his muscly chest is still in tact, lol.

I hope he gets plenty of rest before he choose his next role in 2017. It's good for him to be in CFs and photoshoot while he's hot in the oven, his income will be raking in and it's a good thing, I hope he gets to travel in the mean time too. Enjoy the popularity while it lasts.


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just read YJ news on NB...
pfffft what the duck with the hate on pann/nate?
but its pann so they'll find a reason to hate ANYTHING...

i'm so sad, hope YJ doesnt read all the hate comments there ToT

note to self: dont click NB link...


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Well, with all the love she's been receiving, there's bound to be some negativity in the mix, I find it funny that k-netz tend to be harsher on female celebrities, you rarely hear any complaints on male celebrities unless they get embroiled in scandals. I don't find anything offensive with her interview, in fact, I thought she was witty. But that's wording for you, everything can be interpreted differently by different people, just like how it is with us and dramas, not everyone view the same scene equally and unbiased. Don't worry, Luna. *pats back* We all still love her very much.


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True, k-netz love to hate actress and hate to hate male actors...
so they would protect their oppa's image...

Thank you Mary *chu*


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To be fair, Pann is pretty much a hate site and NB translates negative articles more often than not. Someone on Soompi translated a positive Naver article on the same topic, and it had more Knetz comments/upvotes than the Pann one.


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Saw her post drama interviews today, she looks so cute and adorable in pink sweater =)
guess those hate comments didnt affetct her that much.

Dunno why I feel more protective to YJ for some reason...


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I prefer kkuljaem. Everything seems more balanced there. They'll probably post their latest round of "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds News" after the interviews are over.

The statement itself isn't controversial. Pann seems to be the only outlet that viewed YJ's comments negatively, and haters jumped into bandwagon. The upvotes are pathetically low though.


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