
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 18 (Final)

We’re at the end of the line, and that means it’s time to resolve conflicts, wrap up loose ends, answer our questions, give us a satisfying resolution, and leave us with a uplifting feeling of hope that while the drama is over, the characters live on, in that we can be happy with even when we don’t get to witness it ourselves. That’s a fairly tall order, and the big question is whether the drama managed to pull all that off in its final hour. There’s no way to answer that without spoiling everything up front, so let’s just get right to the point, shall we?


EPISODE 18: “Moonlight drawn by clouds”

Late at night at Teacher Dasan’s home, Byung-yeon prepares to leave and peers inside to see Ra-on alone, dozing. He sets off, thinking, “It may be a long journey. But I promise you: I will return to you and the prince.”

Ra-on’s sleep turns fitful as she dreams of that night she’d held a knife to Yeong, which he’d used to cut off his bracelet.

In the palace, Yeong drinks his tonic and thinks of that same moment, when his bracelet fell apart and scattered. The poison hits him, and he falls over.

Ra-on calls out to Yeong in her sleep, and wakes feeling heavy-hearted. She chooses to consider the dream as a happy one, just as she’d once described dreaming of losing her mother: “Because at least I could see you.”

A frantic pounding sounds at the front gate, and it’s Young Master Jung with an urgent summons to bring Teacher Dasan to the palace. Ra-on hears that Yeong has been poisoned and falls to the ground, overcome.

Teacher Dasan and Ra-on (disguised as his assistant) hurry to the palace, where the gate guard asks Ra-on to remove her face mask. She’s saved from discovery by Eunuch Jang, who arrives in a panic to usher them in.

They’re taken to the prince’s chamber, where Yeong lies unconscious, looking like death. Ra-on kneels at his bedside and reaches for his hand, the sight of him bringing her to tears.

Teacher Dasan gets to work and spoons medicine into Yeong’s mouth. Perhaps it works, because Yeong’s eyes flutter open soon thereafter, and they breathe a sigh to see that he’s regained consciousness.

Through his tired eyes, Yeong just barely makes out the blurry image of Ra-on hovering above.

Just then, Ha-yeon is announced, and Ra-on quickly steps aside. Ha-yeon looks at her curiously, but she’s more concerned with the prince’s condition at the moment and hurries to his bedside.

Yeong’s blurry vision sharpens into focus as he makes out Ha-yeon’s face, and is that disappointment on his face? From a distance, Ra-on watches the two of them with sad eyes, and then the door closes in her face, leaving her on the outside.

The queen is worrying over having her baby daughter in Ha-yeon’s care when a court lady informs her that the prince has collapsed from poisoning. Her shock suggests she was unaware of the plan.

Teacher Dasan informs Yeong that the tonic he drank wasn’t poisoned, which is why the court lady who tasted it didn’t fall ill. Instead, the poison had been applied to the surface of the bowl, which is why the princess’s silver ring darkened upon contact. Because Yeong only drank a small amount, he should be able to recover fully. Yeong asks Teacher Dasan to keep his recovery a secret—he looks forward to seeing how happy people will be at his return from the brink.

The tactic has the desired effect, because Eunuch Sung reports to Prime Minister Kim that the palace is swirling with rumors that the prince is dying by the minute.

Ha-yeon thinks back to the masked aide attending to Yeong, unable to shake the suspicion that it was Ra-on. She tells herself that it can’t be, but without much conviction.

Ra-on tends to Yeong as he sleeps, and just as she moves away, his hand reaches out to pull her back. He reaches up to pull off her mask, then smiles to see her face, saying, “So I didn’t see wrong.”

She starts to explain why she’s here, but he just says, “When I opened my eyes, do you know how much I worried that it would not be you here? When I grabbed you, I hesitated for a long while, in case it might not be you.”

Ra-on tells him that she promised Teacher Dasan that she would only stay a few days, and take utmost care to not be recognized, not even by the prince. So now, she requests that he pretend not to know her for just a little while.

Yeong reaches for her hand and draws her sleeve back—revealing that she wears his bracelet, put back together. It makes him smile and hold on tighter, and he agrees, “I will pretend not to know you for a long, long while, so stay by my side. Even if it is just until I am recovered.”

He grasps her hand in his, and reaches up with the other to cradle her face.

And that’s the scene Ha-yeon witnesses from the door, which she quietly closes while holding back tears.

Yeong receives a visit from little Princess Yeongeun and her mother, Royal Consort Park. He asks if Consort Park recalls the day his mother died, recalling how she’d collapsed after taking her medicine, but no poison had been found in it. The incident was suspicious, but ultimately buried.

Yeong finds his poisoning similar to his mother’s death, and believes the same culprit to be behind both incidents. He views this incident as a good opportunity to get to the bottom of his mother’s death, though he sighs that he doesn’t have any proof.

At that, little Yeongeun flicks up her eyes nervously, looking conflicted. (Yasssssss.)

The queen orders Eunuch Sung to sneak her (discarded) baby back to her, and then she accompanies him to hand off the baby to a henchman. The queen warns the eunuch to do a proper job of it this time (as in, disposing of the child).

And then, Yeong’s voice orders them to halt. He turns scathing eyes on the queen, asking if she has ordered the child killed, and orders them to set the baby down, saying that even criminals are full of defenses and protests when accused of crimes. The least they can do is to let the baby do the only thing it knows how to do, cry, before it dies: “In front of the mother who is trying to get rid of her in such a terrible way.”

The queen looks conflicted, but steels herself and tells him to do as he wishes. Yeong warns that this is the last chance he will give her—that it’s the one way that everyone will be able to live.

He asks her to reveal that truth that this is her child, rather than the boy she has claimed. The queen’s face twists with emotion, but she smooths it out before facing the prince, lying, “I have no idea what you are saying.”

Yeong looks shocked at her coldness as she just walks away. But the baby begins to cry, and the queen struggles with herself, trying to ignore the cries.

Princess Yeongeun thinks back to that traumatizing day when she’d seen the court lady killed, and recalls seeing an envelope in the woman’s hands. Ra-on comes upon her and pauses in concern to see her looking distressed.

Ra-on quietly identifies herself, and Yeongeun writes a note asking if Ra-on is here as a doctor’s aide because of the sick prince. Ra-on says she will stay until the prince recovers, and asks if the princess is struggling with something.

Yeongeun asks for a favor, then leads Ra-on to that room where she’d once hidden, now dusty with disuse. She starts looking around for something, remembering that the lady stuffed the envelope underneath the a loose floorboard moments before being killed.

The memory makes Yeongeun tremble and cry, but she forces herself to point a finger toward the floor and eke out a word: “T-there…”

Ra-on feels for the loose floorboard, and finds that long-forgotten letter tucked underneath it. Behind them, a pair of feet quietly leave. Uh-oh.

It’s the prime minister’s underling, who reports back that he saw Ra-on fetching something from underneath the floor. The prime minister orders him to bring Ra-on, dead or alive, and at that, Yoon-sung offers himself for the task.

The prime minister points out that he can’t trust Yoon-sung when he knows he cares for the girl, but Yoon-sung replies that he’d like to test himself and see how strong his feelings are. He admits to feeling upset about her remaining close to the prince, and says that the clan must be powerful in order for him to have what he wants. Please tell me you’re just making the argument your grandfather wants to hear—because on that score, it works, and the prime minister agrees to let Yoon-sung bring her in.

Yeong delivers the old letter to the king, explaining Ra-on’s part in its recovery. The king recognizes the handkerchief inside, stained with blood, and reads the letter before showing it to Yeong.

The letter is from Yeong’s mother, addressed to him, and it sounds as though she expects to die; she tells Yeong that she hopes he will have overcome his sadness when he reads the letter. She also writes, “I have staked my life to protect your seat, not for my son’s power, but for the hope of Joseon—do not forget that.”

Ra-on returns to her old building late that night, and Yoon-sung finds her there. He looks at her with cold eyes and says she must come with him, just as he’s joined by masked assassins. Ra-on registers the threat, but they grab her before she can do anything.

Yoon-sung keeps his face stony, though it flickers when he hears Ra-on cry out in pain. At that, he draws his sword and holds it up to Ra-on’s scared face… and then whirls on his masked assassins.

He grabs Ra-on protectively and turns on his grandfather’s men, dispatching several in quick succession, not stopping even when he’s slashed across the abdomen. Then Ra-on sees that he’s in the direct line of danger, and darts in to block his body with hers.

But Yoon-sung can’t have her hurt, so he whirls them around, keeping Ra-on out of harm’s way… and getting stabbed in the chest instead. He spits up a mouthful of blood.

Still, he has enough strength to resume fighting when the remaining assassins charge him. One aims for Ra-on, and Yoon-sung blocks the sword’s path—by placing his body directly in its path.

The sword digs into his shoulder, and then Yoon-sung grabs the blade with his bare hand and slides his body along the length of the blade, toward the hilt, until he can knock the sword away. Goddamn it Yoon-sung, you’re a badass mofo but you’re hard to watch.

Yoon-sung takes down the last assassin, but by now his body has been battered with multiple injuries, and he collapses. Ra-on rushes to his side and cradles his head in her lap, scared to see that he’s seeping blood at an alarming rate.

Yoon-sung manages to smile as he tells her not to cry: “I do not wish to be remembered as a small man who would make a woman cry.” She can’t believe he’d joke at a time like this, but he continues, “Do not be sad, either.”

She sobs that she’s sorry for always hurting him when he always made her smile. He shakes his head and says, “You are the picture I always wanted to draw.” He says that it’s enough that she is happy in the moment he draws her, and urges her to be happy.

His eyes slowly close, and he falls limp. As the reality of his death sinks in, she sobs over his body.

The queen must have been moved by her crying child after all, because she admits everything to her father, subdued for once rather than agitated. She says she wanted to give birth to a boy, even if through faking it, and had a reason other than the obvious one of providing an heir: She wanted her father’s acknowledgement.

“Even if you weren’t satisfied with me, I am still your blood kin,” she says.

She asks if he ever thought of her as his child, to which he replies that she’s in no place to ask that after trying to kill her own child to protect her position.

She can only laugh at that: “Yes, hearing that, we are indeed related. Able to throw away anyone who becomes a hindrance, or kill. I am just like you.”

The prime minister says coolly that her desire for his approval is not within her reach, as the lowly child of a gisaeng—she ought to just be content with the queen’s seat he created for her. Her face falls, disappointed once more.

Without warning, her doors fly open and the king walks in, followed by Yeong and several soldiers. The king faces the prime minister and demands to know if everything is true. The queen hangs her head, thinking they’re speaking of her baby—but Yeong holds out the recently discovered letter, and the prime minister recognizes it.

A flashback takes us back ten years: The previous queen, Yeong’s mother, faces the prime minister, who warns her of the dangers of being too interested in Western learning. He confronts her with a book that he calls dangerous and heretical, which the queen says she read purely out of curiosity.

The prime minister accuses her of teaching the prince about ruling without accounting for class and rank. She argues that she was merely instructing him to regard every one of his citizens as important, but the prime minister is clearly capable of twisting that around to make it seem she’s inciting an upheaval of social order. So he gives her the choice: be dethroned and make the crown prince the son of a criminal, or to remain blameless and step down of her own accord.

This must all be in the queen’s letter, which the prime minister now reads. But then, a eunuch bursts in with terrible news of Yoon-sung.

A short time later, the prime minister is brought before the court as a criminal. Yeong reads the charges: contempt of royalty in falsifying the queen’s identity, poisoning the prince, and assassinating the former queen and covering it up. He is sentenced, along with the other two Kim ministers, to execution by beheading. The queen, meanwhile, is dethroned for passing off another child as the prince.

As the prime minister is escorted out of his home to meet his fate, he requests one last look at Yoon-sung’s room. As he sits in the empty room, he flashes back to that day long ago, when Yoon-sung and Yeong were boys. He’d watched as they changed back after trading clothes and Yoon-sung had asked if wearing the prince’s robes would make him the prince.

Little Yeong, now wearing the egret-adorned hat, replies no—but it allows them to understand each other better. Little Yoon-sung asks Yeong how he’d felt wearing his clothes, and Yeong says that his friend’s clothes had felt just as heavy as his own. So it was Yoon-sung who would die young all along, and Yeong who bore the traits of a good king.

The prime minister finds a pistol among Yoon-sung’s things. Moments later, a gunshot rings out.

Yeong carries his mother’s handkerchief out to the field, remembering how she had wished for him to see the people in lower classes, and to protect each and every citizen as his own. She’d asked him then to promise to be that kind of king, and he reaffirms that vow now.

Next, it’s Ra-on who is brought before the court as a criminal, kneeling before Yeong as he reads out her charge—which he follows by acknowledging her contribution to restoring honor to the royal family. He pardons her for all of her crimes.

Ha-yeon makes a request of the king, which he finds difficult to understand: She wishes to step down as crown princess, even if, according to law, she is prohibited from marrying for the rest of her life. Ha-yeon explains that she knew Yeong didn’t care for her, but had hoped he might open his heart to her eventually.

“However, I was unable to offer the least bit of comfort to the prince’s weary heart,” she says, “and I blamed myself and hated myself for it. I realized how foolish I had been. Rather than being a foolish princess who is a burden to the prince, so that I may live alone but honestly, please grant your permission.”

A short while later, Ha-yeon makes her way through the city streets, on her way to the ferry. She flings off her head covering and breathes in the air.

We hear the king’s voice delivering his decision: He will revoke the entire princess selection, thereby freeing her of the requirement to remain unmarried for the rest of her life. He hopes she will find a man who will treasure her and urges her to live happily.

One year later.

The king is announced, and a red-robed figure makes his way into the throne room—Yeong, now king, taking his position before his council. Among the lesser officials is Young Master Jung, while Teacher Dasan is there in minister’s robes.

Yeong makes his way to the throne, but pauses in front of the lofty seat. Changing his mind, he turns and sits down right on the top step, in front of the throne, butt on floor. The ministers murmur amongst themselves and Teacher Dasan asks why he is sitting there.

Yeong replies that he will continue to do so: “The highs and lows between me and my people, the distance between me and you—I hope that you will understand my wish to be one step closer.”

Eunuch Jang beams with pride, Teacher Dasan quirks up a smile, and the rest of the ministers bow a bit uncertainly.

Over in the eunuch department, Head Eunuch Jang delivers the speech about responsibility and honor to the newest class of rookies. Do Ki and Sung-yeol observe the new faces… and take a closer look at one of the rookies. Wait, is that…?

Pwahaha, it’s Kim Seul-gi, looking suspiciously pretty and delicate-featured in the sea of male faces. (Best cameo reference ever.) They both feel that strange sense of déjà vu, and then Kim Seul-gi looks over and shoots them a wink.

As Princess Myeongeun takes a walk, a eunuch hands her a red rose, which she takes with some confusion. More eunuchs line her path, as do court ladies, each holding out a rose.

Once she’s amassed a large bouquet, she comes to Young Master Jung at the end of the line, who kneels before her and starts to say that she now has ninety-nine flowers. Myeongeun cuts him off to get to the punchline first, that she’s the last flower. Aw, Young Master Jung drops the rose he’d been holding behind his back—his punchline had been different—and tells her she’s right, and asks her to marry him.

She’s touched, but concerned that marrying her would prevent his career from reaching its full heights (a princess’s husband would find himself restricted in many ways). He tells her that walking with her would make every path flower-lined, and outshining any path to career success.

“All I need is you,” he says, “Myeongeun-ah.” He kisses her, and their audience cheers.

Out in the city, Byung-yeon and Hong Kyung-rae watch from a distance as Yeong, disguised as a simple nobleman, walks among the people and gets invited to play a game.

Byung-yeon references a saying about drawing clouds to make the moonlight shine, and smiles as he watches Yeong among his people. He says, “Rather than a sun that shines alone, he’s a ruler who shines brightly when among his people, like the moonlight—I believe the king is that kind of person.”

Hong Kyung-rae notes, “So you will remain as a cloud, on behalf of the king. Is that what you mean?” They smile.

In a bookshop, Ra-on puts out a new book on display: The cover bears a face that looks like Yeong, and the title is “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds.” It’s snatched off its perch immediately, and Yeong sighs that she’s been so busy writing her supposed masterpiece that he’s barely seen her.

She’s a bit sheepish about putting his face on the cover, but asks for his understanding, since a book’s cover can affect its sales. Yeong leans down to meet her at eye level, and warns that he’ll be seeking repayment, and Ra-on shyly covers her lips with her hands and asks, “Here?” Hee.

He laughs at her assumption, saying that he meant a percentage of the sale price. Ha.

Holding hands as they walk through a field of flowers, Yeong asks what the book is about. Ra-on describes a prince of a far-off land, with beautiful looks and a bad temper. He pouts at that, but she continues that the prince undergoes all sorts of trials to emerge as a good king.

“Have you written of your hopes?” he asks. Ra-on shakes her head, saying, “No. I have merely taken a peek at the world you are making.”

He takes her hands, and asks, “Then who are you?” Ra-on guesses, “In the nation you will make, that first citizen?” Yeong shakes his head; that’s not what he’s thinking of.

Ra-on thinks again. “The one who came to you in the appearance of a eunuch, your first sweetheart?” That’s not it either, so she asks, “Then who am I?”

He replies, “You are the Ra-on who filled my world to the brim.”

She smiles happily, and he swoops in to kiss her.


Ahh, so we get our happy ending after all, and everything worked out, more or less, with ends tied neatly and history blatantly flouted. (That giant disclaimer at the top of the episode about this show being different from history was a pretty big tip-off that the ending would be upbeat, but I wasn’t expecting a tragedy, so I didn’t mind not having that element of surprise.) Not everything was happy, of course, considering how Yoon-sung died, but on the whole the episode fulfilled its role as a finale and provided closure to most of the big plot conflicts. It even managed to tie in points from early episodes, which contributed to the feeling of an ending that had been set up well in advance, so that it felt like an extension of logic and not like a late-game attempt to make everything end happily.

I’m fine with having Yoon-sung die at the end, and if he had to go, then it makes sense that he would go down to protect Ra-on. I appreciate that his good nature won out—perhaps he was lying to his grandfather about testing his feelings, or perhaps he really was testing himself, but in either scenario Yoon-sung was true to himself and died fighting for his convictions, which eases the sting a bit. It was also the least the show could do to have him die in Ra-on’s arms, able to confess a bit of his heart while wishing her well.

It’s just, that stupid fight. That stupid, needless fight that didn’t have to happen, that didn’t make sense in the context of the plot, that felt like it was choreographed and shot and edited before it was properly written. COME ON, those men are under his command! Even if they wouldn’t have acted against the prime minister’s orders, there were a gajillion ways Yoon-sung could have taken advantage of the situation, could have sent them away, could have thwarted them on a goose chase, could have brought a horse and run away with Ra-on, could have warned her ahead of time, et ceteraaaa. And that was the best you could do? The last time I saw a death that pointless was when that dude in Moon/Sun literally threw himself in the path of an incoming spear because of fate or whatever. I get that narratively, the death makes sense, and may even be a necessity. I just really wish the writing had actually done that necessity justice. I thought Yoon-sung deserved better.

But as for things I loved: While it was convenient for Ha-yeon to be the one to bow out of the marriage and free Yeong without making anybody a bad guy, I appreciate that she wasn’t shown to be doing it out of a broken heart, or a sense of selflessness or martyrdom. Ultimately it was a choice to honor herself above a one-sided love that she saw was never going to be returned, to allow herself to live with a freer heart, even if that would limit the life she could lead as an unmarriageable young woman. Heck, at least it would be better than being locked into a miserable life as an unhappy married woman, to be able to choose herself. Kelly Taylor would approve. Of course, this show does love to have cakes and eat them too, so she ended up even freer than she’d hoped, with the king releasing her from the princess trappings entirely.

Also: Yeong became king! Obviously we’re in total fantasyland by this point, because he never made it to kinghood in real life, but it’s gratifying to see him actually rule, because the great tragedy was that we knew he’d be an awesome ruler but wouldn’t get the chance. I’m presuming that the whole “fake his death to live with Ra-on while history believes the prince dead” plotline was a popular speculation for the finale, and I was half-expecting to see it in play here—but what would have disappointed about that ending is that Yeong would have had to give up his hopes of being a good king and treasuring his people and turning around Joseon from its path of puppet kings and corrupt puppetmasters. And that idealism and integrity was such a huge part of his character that I didn’t quite want that to be the solution.

Truth be told, I can’t shake my niggling sense of disappointment that the show so thoroughly ignored history, even as I’m glad for the characters’ sake that everything worked out well for them. It’s not enough to anger me or sour my opinion of the show, but it is a distinct disappointment to have the show take all this care to establish the historical basis, work in real-life figures, and then just kind of shrug and say, “Never mind, none of the rest happens in this world.” I’m certainly fine with fantasy sageuks taking liberties with trufax, and don’t expect—or even want—them to be completely accurate. But one of the huge draws of watching sageuks is understanding the broad strokes of history and knowing that there are certain constraints we have to work with—so as we watch the show, it becomes a source of enjoyable angst to worry about how a show will manage to pull out a satisfactory solution when we already know the punchline.

I wanted this show to pull out a clever twist to show us how historical record came to be, while still delivering a happy ending. One way to do that is to fake his death, but they could have also played with the swapped-babies theme and made Yoon-sung the real prince. Or something cleverer that I was hoping really hard the show could figure out. Part of my excitement about this drama was the anticipation about how the drama would accomplish this feat—and then we got there and the drama just decided that the constraint of reality didn’t matter anymore. Maybe that’s my fault for getting my hopes up, but the show was so winning and compelling that I really did believe it had that answer. If they were going to go with this ending, I wish they’d have invented an entirely fictional world from the start, the way The Moon That Embraces the Sun did, because in that case there are no expectations of boundaries, and no disappointments.

But I expect that this will bother different people to differing extents, and some people not at all. If delivering a happy resolution was the main concern, then Moonlight Drawn By Clouds delivered that, and left off at a nice place in the story—there are some open ends, but I feel confident that everyone I care about (except Yoon-sung, sniff) is in a good place and on a good trajectory, so that we can step out of this world feeling contented and hopeful. I don’t have to see Yeong and Ra-on married, for instance, because it’s enough that they’ve cleared out all their obstacles and are in a place where they can openly love. And with Yeong on the throne, we can rest easy that there may never be another peasant’s rebellion, especially with Byung-yeon and Hong Kyung-rae leading the rebels and believing in him to make a better nation.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds wasn’t a perfect drama, but what I felt at the outset still stands: that this drama was elevated by every one of its parts to feel truly special, even if each of the individual parts might not feel quite as special on their own. Park Bo-gum was one of its biggest assets—and Kim Yoo-jung, of course, because their connection sold that romance, although I do really think Park Bo-gum gave it an extra magic, inhabiting the prince from head to toe and never wasting a moment onscreen. He’s always been a good actor, but he was so consistently and relentlessly wonderful in this show that he’s bound for superstardom now, deservedly.

I’m most grateful to the director for having such a cohesive, well-thought-out approach and knowing how to build emotion through both content and style—this drama was really enhanced by all of its tools, whether it was a well-placed OST track or a beautifully shot scene or a sense of pacing that somehow always knew when to grab my heart, and when to let it breathe again. (I did think it flagged a bit in that last regard toward the end, but its best scenes were so well-crafted that even now they make my breath catch in the same places, every time.) Dramas like this feel like an experience, more than just an entertaining story, and it’s always a joy to come across those, so we can hug them a little tighter while we have them, then let them go feeling full-hearted and contented.


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Kim Seoul Gi!!! Girlfriday, you got part of your wish to have her in the show, amazing!

Dear Moonlight, you weren't prefect but it's been one heck of a ride :) now I'm sad it's over, Mondays and Tuesdays won't be the same anymore.


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WHY YOON SUNG. CRIES. He's supposed to help King Yeong become a good king. It is something he'd do I think. Once again I'd like to give the actor a big pat on the back for a job well done! I hope he gets more opportunities to act and become an even better actor! I read somewhere that he composes songs too. Multi-talented yay!

Not sure if someone else mentioned this already, but! Note to everyone squeeing over Guard Kim, y'all should watch him in this drama called "Modern Farmer", which stars Lee Hong Ki and Honey Lee. He gets his own loveline there with the actress who was supposed to play opposite Joo Won in the "My Sassy Girl" saeguk remake. He's absolutely HILARIOUS in that drama and his coupling with the actress in that drama is just too cute. WATCH IT! It was recapped on Dramabeans too.

I agree with what someone said earlier in the comments about Kim Yoo Jung acting out the romance scenes and the similarity with Kim Sae Ron. Kim Yoo Jung is brilliant of course, but I don't feel she has enough gravitas in the romance scenes. It only gives me the feels because she has such good chemistry with Park Bo Gum and she is a good actress. But no romantic epicness yet. However! I believe this comes with experience and she'll definitely get better. She did her best.

Now i hope that the cast and crew get a good rest. Thank you for bringing us such a memorable drama!


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Oh yes, I forgot to squee about this. KIM SEUL GIIIIIII!!!!! CAN WE BE FRIENDS.


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JinYoung composed Ben's Misty Road (the one playing when he is dying on RO's lap) I love that song! (actually all the OST) But I'm loving it even more when JinYoung sing it. It has a female pitch and him trying to sing it without entirely changing the pitch (just a little maybe) makes me fall for him.


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I love Misty Road so much. I want to hear a legit track with Jinyoung singing it.


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I really hope they put this line for the Prime Minister voice over about Yoon Sung

"I fight this long for you yoon sung, my bloodline, my hope"

I think the significance for YS death is to put the end of the Kims and he would be getting the same punishment if he didn't

but that just my speculation, I really hope they puts something to emphasize that YS death is the real mental shock for PM


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Lol. I think the PM was a sociopath with too much of an ego to ever admit his feelings for Yoonsung until his final moments, even to himself, which was shown perfectly, imo ?


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wait . . .so the bullet symbolize that Yoon Sung is the one that ended The Prime Minister??


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No, because our beautiful and good Yoonsung probably wouldnt have ended his grandfathers life with his own hands.

But I believe Premier Kims evil actions and intentions overall, including his elaborate plans to bring Yoonsung to power, were ironically what killed his own grandson (in his attempt to protect his beloved from the men PM Kim hired), which in turn killed him. PM's Kim's grand ambitions for his grandson killed him, in turn burying his own plans and schemes and burying the only person he may have loved up until the end. Which is why I, and so many other who mentioned this, believe that it was symbolic because it was fitting to have the Premier Kim kill himself with Yoonsung's bullet, since Yoonsung was Premier Kim's biggest failure ?


I love it! Compared to its kin Sungkyungkwan Scandal, I enjoyed this more. The television ending was satisfying, especially since the historical ending (dead at 20) is too tragic and the novel ending (lives outside the palace with Raon) doesn't blend well with Yeong's characterization in this drama.

I got what I want. Yeong being a great King and Raon living freely as a woman.


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I love the last line. "You are the Raon filling up my world." Twas made even better since "Raon" means enjoyment.


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Such wonderful sweet and genuine words.


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This drama made me so happy. Thank you, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds cast and crew ♡

While I do love all our five characters, I'm very fond of Lee Yeong. He's now my favorite male character. There's just something incredibly nice about him from beginning 'til end. He is such an unwavering character that you can't help but root for. I wondered for a long time what it is about him that makes him so endearing and the biggest reason I think is because he's just so SINCERE. His sincerity echoes from episode one 'til the very end and I've never seen a character like that since Sam Dong in Dream High. Add to that his intelligence and compassion, he's perfect.

While I think it's great to receive a love like Lee Yeong's love for Raon, loving someone the way Yeong loves is great too. Maybe even better. What a beautiful world to live in, if we all learn to live and love like Yeong!

And lastly, that ending! While it was moving and the dialogue was beautiful, I couldn't help but think of the PD's previous drama, Discovery of Romance, and how similar their endings were shot. Not a bad thing, both have pretty endings, but it did weird me out that I was thinking of a contemporary drama while watching a saeguk.


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It's a fusion sageuk afterall, not traditional sageuk. Have you seen the opening theme? very modernise and include modern items too lolz


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@Royal, I love this drama 110% because of Yeong too. When he was describing his mother to RO in the ep where he first visited her grave, RO said he was very much like his mother, until the part where he said she was warm-hearted and very wise. Then RO just looked up at him, smiling. In that moment, I think she was realising he was like that too, and he definitely grew though all the trials and challenges into a full rendering of that description.

Just one thing I find silly about our Yeong -- he litters a lot (swords, mostly). ^_^

As for the modern sensibility, everytime the swooping sound effect is used, whenever Yeong does something swoonworthy, I am reminded of the Eudora Mail sound effect. Um, those who knew a time before the Internet will know what I'm talking about.


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Oh! Forgot to add… what I really hoped was thanks head RO call Yeong by his name … but perhaps that will have to wait till the new Joseon.


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hahahaha, he did litter swords. Saying his name would have been swoon-worthy! We did get that montage of people calling him by his titles but never his name. And one of my favorite scenes was the "It's Lee Yeong. My name." It seems like such a big deal for Yeong, like how it's such a big deal for Raon to hear him call her by her real name. But I suppose it's more meaningful for Raon, who lived as a man for years.


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I believe the only person who called Yeong by his own name was his own father, the King.

Nobody else could do or would be allowed to do it because of Yeong's position. It was just too high and it would be the greatest dis-respect and presumption for anyone else to directly address him by name.

Having said that though, I'm with you in that I also would have liked to have Ra On at least once shyly called Yeong by his name (at his persistent insistence, of course, because she would never voluntarily do it herself). It would have been such a nice ending flourish alongside that final kiss scene because it speaks about a closeness and an intimacy in their relationship which no other act could possibly do.


I like Yeong too, he just so nice , understanding and he learns from his mistake,
he had flaw, a lot imo but he is willing to learn and listen to other people,
he changed from idealistic man into someone who realised that he is not the only one who has wisdom and knowledge,
even Ra-on can give him enough advise,
master jung who he questioned based on letter is a capable person,
teacher dasan and eunuch han, even hong gyung nae have their own idea and he is willing to knew that


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yes~ I like that he listens to others and takes their advice when he knows they're right. He listens and ultimately makes good choices. That's why it was so poignant when he sat on the stairs rather than on his throne because he carried the same good qualities when he was a Crown Prince to becoming a King. His mother would be very proud, her death was not in vain. Unfair death but never in vain.


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I love all the leads and the other good guys in this drama. However, if I were to choose one character as my favorite, it would be Lee Yeong. He's just wonderfully written and such character is hard to come by in dramaland. Like you, I absolutely love his sincerity in all things he does. He's someone you'd root for, for his dreams to come true even if he seem to be an idealist. He may be a dreamer/idealist, but he does not just sit and wait for his dreams to come true. He takes charge in order to make them happen.

And to have PBG play him makes the character a full package of pure awesomeness. You know an actor is embodying a character when you don't see the actor, but you see the character coming to life through the actor. And Yeong definitely came to life in this drama.

I read a comment by Korean viewers wondering how their society would be if Yeong (the real historical figure) lived to become a king because he was just like Yeong in the drama, full of dreams about the nation.


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The thing with Yeong is that with his dreams and ideals, he does something to make it happen rather than leave it to fate and other people's hands. I love that he's all talk AND action.

Park Bogum is amazing~! I remember watching the TVN Awards when he won (for Reply 1988) and they had to live stream, he was wearing his Crown Prince robes. Yet it felt like he was TAEK of Reply 1988 at that moment, not Lee Yeong. I thought that was pretty cute... and a little disconcerting. HAHA.


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You're right, I think it's his unwavering character that makes me root for him so hard, I'm glad he gets everything he strives for in the end because he totally deserves it! He isn't just sincere, he's so kind to everyone and willing to hear, I find it hard not to swoon at everything he says. Lol.


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He delivered wonderful and powerful speeches!


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Sighs... I was hoping for him to say, "You're my Queen for my new country." But, this happy ending is good too.

I half want Park Bogum to rest but I also want him to be in a new drama soon.


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I know it would be romantic but when you think about it, that "You are my Queen" line doesn't jive well with Yeong's vision of a more democratic Joseon, where social status is being blurred.


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I, too, was expecting for Raon to say that she is the mother of the nation hence hinting at her being the Queen. However, I still love this ending. They're really as good as married by now. For sure Yeong will be working on making her his Queen.


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I think they halt back onto the future or time skip cause yoo jung is young and it's hard to make her looked older,
or she just young


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The kiss scenes are great. The first one was in a secret garden and the last one was out in the open with Raon in a beautiful hanbok. It's shows the growth of their relationship in a visually and symbolically appealing way. Nice!


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I really like your comment Kim, good point. It sure is symbolical. I didn't see that until you mentioned it. This show do love symbolism (Eternity Bracelets!) And it was really a beautiful ending! :)


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Indeed!!! So beautiful. I like both settings and what it symbolize. Damn this show does this so well!


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Oh I love the symbolism. in accordance to one of the comments i've read here before "we noticed how their puppy love transform into a mature one"
Anyway, does that kind of place truly exist in korea? It is a paradise! The color of the flower-filled field suits RO & Yeong's pastel hanbok. Very soothing to the eyes.


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The place is real. It's very pretty! And yes, their hanboks and that beautiful flower field together is just a feast for the eyes. I also like that their hanboks are kinda matchy-matchy. hihi! Both pastel colored with beautiful detailing.


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Can't believe that place is real! Hope to be there once in my life (or even some place close to that)

That couple hanbok! I only got to see the details of it in their fan sign event (thank goodness to the HD pics) and I commend the designer for making it couple-like in a subtle way. I have this weird obsession over hanboks and those two is on top of my list for being elegant but at the same time simple because it is worn by adorable people who despite being grand, humbleness in their hearts never wary. ( be it with Ra-on or Yoo Jung and Yeong or Bo Gum)


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+10 on this one!


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oh right,
they become a person they wants, not the perfect one but the person they always want to be


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I concur! When they started out this relationship, it could only be in secret and she couldn't openly be a woman, but now that they've weathered the storm, they can finally be out in the open and grow into a couple we root so much for.


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I was waiting for him to say "You are my Queen" but with Yeong's vision of a new Joseon where the social hierarchy is being dismantled, him saying he's just his Raon is perfect. He wasn't the King in that beautiful field, he is just a man in front of a woman he loves.


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I thought so too that him saying she filled his world was perfect for and ending. Because through out the whole show I feel his loves for her endlessly.


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A big thank you to Javabeans for always fast, entertaining recaps! On top of running the site. Looking forward to your next drama!


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Now what am I gonna look forward to on Mondays??


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Me too! *cries*


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Re-watch all the episodes! and then TRY to move on. :'(


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The eternal question /cries


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Yup, so sad :'(


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I sooooooo love the ending! We get to see our OTP together!
For me, we have perfect closures (though it saddens me that the show had to kill Yoon Song, really)

My heart is on top of my head and I can barely hide my squees and smiles here!

This Show is the best! Everything is awesome, even until the very end. CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done! Hope to see you guys in Cebu!

Thanks a lot for this awesome recap and for all the Beanies here! I so love reading all your comments and share our squees and agonies here. Hope to meet you all again on the next drama thread!

PS: can we have a show where Hayeon find someone who will love her? She really deserves someone like that.


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we badly need some special,

1) Yoon sung is not dead like the novel
2) ha yeon meet someone, someone from warrior baek dong soo??


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I will remember this drama for a long long time. So much feels and of course PBG and KYJ. My happy pills every week.


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Thanks for the awesometastic review.

This ending was indeed very satisfying. I sigh with happiness even as I think about it now.

I have to admit I was hoping for the same, that this drama would somehow cleverly remain true to major historical events...and more or less have him live a happy life whilst faking his death. But one upside to this "screw history" ending is that in my head, I now think of it as an alternate ending to what historical events could have been, should have been, had it favoured the good guys. In my head, this is the fanfiction perfect ending to the grim events in history. Idk, I think thats my head manipulating the logic and telling me its okay since I am SO FRKN HAPPY TO SEE YEONG SMILING IN PURPLE IN A FEILD OF PURPLE FLOWERS AND KISSING RAON. Like I don't even care what I wished for before because the drama executed this suger-coated ending so beautifully and made us want it so bad throughout 18 episodes that like I am totally satisfied. Siiiighhh.

In regards to Yoon sung's death...I was very surprised by it myself...and before I could even question the logic of why he started fighting his own men, Yoon sung was dying before my eyes and Misty Road started playing in the background and my brain went all fuzzy with sadness and mush. Like you, I dont question his death. And in fact commend the writers and directors for making it so that his death was especially pitiful, given that if Raon hadnt been there, his death would resonate with no one as given his circumstances he had never been loved or loved anyone enough for his death to be soul-crushing.

But I see your point. So if I try to reason it out, it could be that Premier Kim ordered the men to bring Raon prisoner at all costs, since Yoon sung's cooperation was to be doubted. I think the men just followed orders and would have forcibly taken Raon while subduing Yoon sung, but because they were a special breed of stupid that even though Yoon sung was their master, they didnt just fight back in self-defense, but killed him in panic. I mean if we assume hired assassins in movies, with Joseon assassins being no exception, are generally sluggish and stupid, then it could make sense. It concurs with past events in this drama, since the assassins who were hired to "scare" Yeong as per Dumb and Dumber's instructions during episode 12 ended up fatally stabbing him? I hadnt expected those silly assassins to sent a killing blow to Yeong either at that time, but alas they did.


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But here are a few things in this episode and the show overall which stood out to me (which are too numerous to mention all here):

I want to reiterate how beautiful some scenes were due to the beautiful editing and background music: That scene with Raon tending to Yeong and Yeong catching her with the bracelet? H.e.a.r.t.a.t.t.a.c.k. Not to mention Misty Road playing in the background as Yoon Sung died ?

Park bo gum's acting! I know everyone has had extensive discussion about this and thats a large part of why people love him and some even joke about university courses just studying PBG's facial expressions, but like seeeriously...I am so impressed! I feel it would actually take up a full semester course just to talk about how his subtle facial expressions amplified every scene in this drama, even ones I didnt notice the first time around before going back and rewatching, or registered subconsciously but really only understood the second time around. I mean my goodness, it makes me think this guy is literally feeling EVERY frkn emotion he is portraying on screen...I've never seen an actor make it feel so real for me. If super hyped popularity and stardom is in his course after this drama, then indeed I concur, it is so well-deserved ?. I have so much respect and awe for his talents and hard work.

Teehee this drama has been so satisfying. I'm glad to have been able to share my wonderfully satisfying obsession with you guys here. ?✌?️


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I also think that Yoon sung can be explained but not explained,

imo it's to put the Prime Minister hope for the Kim's clan to end, like everything is over now,

and I think ep 17 is Yeong's goodbye to Yoon Sung, no need to feel sorry to each other speech


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Omgsh you're right, ep 17 WAS Yeong's goodbye to Yoonsung *wails*

It was so sad, so pitiful. I dont have the energy to go back and comment there, but maryxiah in one of her earlier comments mentioned that she hadnt felt as sad or invested in Yoonsung's death as she had for Byungyeon. I totally felt that too. I think the show made it so that everyone felt that way, and it was beautifully executed (I can't say that enough for this show!) and added extra meaning to Yoonsung's character: that just like the novel's author mentioned, Yoonsung was so pitiful. Even in his honourable death, no one was there to care for him but Raon. And there's no better person than Raon's arms for him to die in as he hadnt loved anyone like her. He could have loved Yeong as much, but never got to develop his relationship with him any further due to his unfortunate ties with the Kims AND the two brothers decidedly keeping their agendas straight and emotions separate in their last moments together in episode 17...waaaahhh so sad ?

And yes I refer to people I wish were/are close as siblings aka brother/sister


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And the audience not feeling as sad for Yoonsung was ironic and symbolic too.

Byungyeon, who lost everything at a young age, garnered the audience's love and adoration, just like everyone else in the show (i.e. Yeong, Raon, Eunuch Han, the swooning ladies at the palace) due to his stoic but fiercely loyal personality (which = swoonworthy), a personality which reflected his pitiful state and recurrent wishes to be loved by the only person he cared for like family, Yeong

Yoonsung, on the other hand, had had everything: money, power, beauty, even a good and pure heart...but all of that wasnt enough to atone for his loneliness and empty life. He died as such too, if only but to die in the arms of the girl he loved. Which all portrayed what the author of the novel mentioned in her interview about Yoonsung, that he was always so pitiful and lonely


"And the audience not feeling as sad for Yoonsung was ironic and symbolic too"

Actually, I may be one of the very few odd ones out, but I felt a lot sadder at Yoon Sung's death scene than at Byung Yun's. I've always had a soft spot for Yoon Sung - he ranks right after Yeong and Ra On in my Moonlight heart - and so his sacrificial death was a serious big deal for me. I was very very upset, for lack of a better word, lol!

I don't know... I've always felt that Byung Yun was the one with everything because even if he didn't have a family (since they were killed as part of the rebellion), he had the love and the companionship of the people whom he loved and cared for. In my book, that far out-weighs any lack he has in terms of money or status or power.

Yoon Sung, on the other hand, was always the outsider looking in. He was always the one who longed for friendship with Yeong and Byung Yun, but was kept at arm's length, through no real fault of his own save that his surname was Kim. The love he had for Ra On was also not requited. This poor boy may seem to have the trappings of wealth, power and status but he is so pitifully poor in terms of the things that are really important to life - friendship and love.

Out of all the characters after Yeong and Ra On, Yoon Sung was the one I wanted the most to have a happy ending. And it gutted me to the core that he didn't... *sob*


Also Sancheezy, I agree. I commented on this in one of your earlier comments on this page.

I think the show very subtly explained the added significance of Yoonsung's death by making the PM die in his grandson's room with his grandson's gun, which i admired not only because they had limited time left on the show, but the subtility was not missed as it drew such wonderful and sad parallels to earlier episodes. And I further admire the subtle way of showing the PM's feelings for Yoonsung, as mentioned in my earlier comment to you on this page, because I felt the PM was a sociopath with too much of an ego to admit his feelings for Yoonsung, even to himself, until his very last moments.


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Or at least, if according to my imaginashuns, the PM haboured any feelings for his grandson, that is...


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I feel it's fitting that they used Misty Road as a background song for Yoon-sung's death scene, because the song echoes his hope to walk on the moonlight path with Ra-on and if only he could turn back the time and redo his fate with Ra-on, though ultimately he's only searching for her in the misty road but never get to reach to her.


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Truee. ?


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Park Bo-gum strutting the King's robe. *squeals*


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I literally squealed and screamed "Soooo freakin' handsome King!!!!!" LOL It suits him! And yey for Head Eunuch Jang!!! Such a proud mama! Me too! I was so proud when Yeong was strutting as he entered the throne room.


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I'm not ashamed to admit I started sobbing like a baby because I was so afraid our Yeong would abdicate the throne he worked so hard to protect, and not only protect, but make relevant and good and for the people again!


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Now that the drama is done, I think we can share things that happened in the novel now. Anyone who knows more about what happened in the novel or point the direction where to find some details on the story of the original material? I'm just curious and will definitely not compare the drama with the novel. Thanks in advance!


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I want to know too, but sadly, there's no translation of the novel as of yet. So I stalked the novel IG, to look at those beautiful illustration and damn, I wish we could have some of the very intimate scenes *cough* (bed scene, bath scene and many kiss scenes)


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We could always write fanfic for the bed scenes, lol.


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If you have the time and patience, the lovely, dedicated guys at Soompi forums have translated some parts and discussed other parts in length. Again, that would require you to scroll through pages and pages of excited fan forum discussion, but some of it is really funny and interesting to run by


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Thanks! I am planning to but omg 1300+ pages to go through. I also want to see fan arts. sigh when I have the time, I'll do it from page 1 to eternity lol


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@Celine - re Soompi thread dedicated to MDBC: it is simply awesome! Well worth checking out - standouts are some brilliant & insightful posts and above all, hilarious & creative posts and comic strips.


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Gathering from what I've read and heard, Yeong gave up the throne for Ra-on and lived quietly with Ra-on and their twins. I heard Yoon-sung died in the novel as well.


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That I know. I wonder if the wedding happened between Hayeon and Yeong and at what point did he leave the palace. I really like that the drama is different from the novel especially in how we got our happy ending.


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I don't think there was Hayeon in the novel


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Twins? Wow.. so sad they didnot put that scene in the epilogue.


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If Yeong run away from the palace, did his father reign? who reign after his father then? Did the Kim's Clan also washed out? I wanted to know how far the webtoon is with the drama.
How to get to soompi discussion by the way?


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you can just read the soompi forum, it's free but need to have account to post,
if you asked, they probably can compile the list, from the early episode,


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yoonsoon didnt die in the novel .he almost did but was saved by some strange girl whom he now falls in love with


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Really? Why they didnot make it like in the novel. I really want a happy ending for yoon sung too.


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Yeong just wanted royalties, Raon!!! Don't assume things! LOL.


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ohgod I was drinking water when I read this! LMAO! Gotta clean up the mess I made now.


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Pfft! I don't know about you, but I read lust in his eyes when he scoffed! LOL


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is it so wrong for us to want just a little bit more???
a tighter hug. a harder kiss. his fingers in her hair. SIGH!!!


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This pun needs a thousand upvotes. Genius + thirsty.


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I had hoped for Yeong to say, "You are the Queen of my new country." But his answer is satisfactory too. Loved the book and the drama.

Hopefully PBG is coming out soon enough? Can't wait to fall for his character(s) again.


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When your computer glitches and posts one paragraph into two different posts. Sighs.


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Hehee mee too! I was hoping for him to mention her Queen-hood or impending. But his cheesy answer satisfied me too...*goofysmile*


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His answer "You are the Ra-on that filled up my entire world" is all cheesy. It brings is back to the fluffy days of their love. Like telling us to go back there and fall in love again


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*brings us


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While Moonlight Drawn By The Clouds had a few mishaps it didn't negate my love and enjoyment of this show. I also want to give praise to Kim Yoo Jung, I realized that everyone wants to swoon over Park Bo Gum but to be a female lead at 17(18 by Korean age) is a deal thing and she did a great job in my eyes. I only see bigger and better things for her in the years to come.


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Me too! The missteps are nothing when we look at the whole and how much this drama delivered so well in all fronts and it did so with a lot of heart.

I just love our leads. And without Yoojung's great performance, I don't think we'd get such a wonderful YeongOn couple. It's so wonderful to see such young actors do so well beyond their years. They complemented each other in their acting. I've got nothing but praises for them. They deserve all the love and praise they are receiving right now.

I just opened Gmarket this morning and I was greeted by Bogum and Yoojung website banner. hihi! I look forward to their continuous growth as actors and their future projects. May they work together one again in the future.

Oh and I just saw pictures from the fansign event, wow! so many people came!


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Please share links from fansign event and others if you can. I think I'm going to need a daily dose of PBG and KYJ for a while!
Thank you!!!


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Many thanks @Celine! You always come thru for me!


Sharing is caring! You're welcome. :)


I think Yoojung did very well,
I think the character limited her to do better, or showing more enthusiasm in romantic aspect
but she always do good,


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She did a great job in my eyes too, wouldn't trade her for anyone else as Ra-on, if anything I blame the writer for being half-hearted with her character and focused too much on developing Yeong's character, but Moonlight's focus has always been on Yeong so I get that we need to see his growth the most, but I thought Yoo-jung deserves better.


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I was really impressed by her when I first saw her in METS but then in MDBC, she was just so layered and pure and true, and the perfect complement for PBG, just as PBG is the perfect complement for her. She seems very proper in interviews but it was so lovely to see the lighthearted side of her laughing and making jokes!


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As much as I am a lover of history, I'm not particularly bothered by the show changing events and have Yeong rule. I wholeheartedly agree with Javabeans that it IS a tragedy knowing the prince (in this show at least) and all his ideals and his not getting to make use of all of that to rule.

Having said that, while I am SO happy that Yeong and Ra On lived happily ever after (sort of), Yoon Sung's death was just... I knew he was going to die, but like JB I felt that the fight was pretty useless. Those men answer to him. At the very least I wanted a bit of a flashback during the fight with the Prime Minister telling the men to get Ra On REGARDLESS of who tries to stop them -- meaning he's ready to sacrifice Yoon Sung. I mean, something, right?

But all in all, I'm pretty happy with the show. I've mentioned before that we have our hopes up because the show has constantly been meeting and exceeding our expectations. This can only mean good things because now the show has conditioned us to expect VERY good things in the future.

I didn't know who PBG was before this show. I was more of a Song Joong Ki fan and saw PBG with him in that Domino's ad. I just thought, "Hmmm. Pretty boy," and dismissed him. When I saw the cheesetastic (to borrow Dramabeans' word, trailer, I got curious and tracked his shows (saw Reply 1988, knew he was going to be great). But now... Whoever else you will play in the future, PBG, and I'm sure you will have many roles offered to you after this, you will always bee Crown Prince Lee Yeong, Silver Soon, Flower Prince to me.


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Add Prince Dung and Half-breed to his names hihi! He is now my official favorite Crown Prince/King. He is just a wonderful character through and through and wonderfully played by Bogum.


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I'm going to miss this show so much.

Now, I no longer have an excuse to work from home every Tuesday and Wednesday. ;)


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I also like history but since they alter the Prince birth mum since episode one, it doesn't so feels wrong,
and honestly we didn't even knew if he makes it alive,
the real Crown Prince supposedly died at the aged of 20,
Yeong in the drama is only 19 at most, so they didn't alter the history regarding the prince live imo


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I'm all for historical accuracy as well, but not in this drama. I love Yeong too much to see him let go of all his dreams of ruling the nation with wisdom and sincerity. Park Bo-gum engraved Yeong deeply in me, I will never forget this role.


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I adore history to bits but the BEST stories are when people take what's happened in history and turn it on its head, which is why I am so down with Moonlight.

Now that I've had a few hours to think about it, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that YS's men were really his men...they were really PM Kim's men sent to accompany YS and make sure that YS brought Ra On in. I don't think PM Kim asked his men to kill YS if ever YS didn't do as ordered, but yeah, the men would probably still fight him because they were ordered, first and foremost, to take Ra On. In my opinion, he could have survived if they'd gotten medical help instantly.

Yes, I think it's safe to say that CP Yeong will always be the most special PBG character in my heart, whatever other character he will play.


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Re: the men with Yoon Sung
I'm with you, I also thought that they were not so much Yoon Sung's men but PM Kim's, and that PM Kim had sent them clear instructions to bring in Ra On under Yoon Sung. When Yoon Sung turned on them, one of them said something to the effect of "If PM Kim were to find out..." which indicated that they were under instructions from PM Kim. If Yoon Sung wanted to free Ra On, he would have to fight through the lot of them, there was really no choice.

I only wondered why Yoon Sung had to pull that front of pretending to bring Ra On in and then turning on them at the last minute. That was a bit strange as if he wanted to stop them, he could have done so on the way there or something without having to put Ra On in danger.

Maybe he knew that he would be out-numbered and wanted to die protecting Ra On and hopefully with Ra On by his side on Repentance Hall premises where so many of his memories and feelings have been attached to, instead of by some lonely alleyway or road?

Or maybe he was still struggling within himself about the whole thing, family loyalties vs love for Ra On battling inside him and only coming to a head when he heard Ra On stumble and cry out as the guards were man-handling her?

This is one scene I am still trying to rationalise... my emotions here do not really help because this scene kills me. T_T


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It's new k drama rule, give Bo Gum whatever he wants:
- IRY, we expected Min to be dead or least in jail. No one would complain because he accepted sad ending for himself. But who wasn't happy seeing him safe and sound?
- R 88, Taek developed to be mature and attractive man before our eyes. He looked like he moved on while upgrading his carrier. But then his love was returned too.
- MDBC, well history has changed :D
It must be Bo Gum magic in a way. Safe to say fans can be greedy from now on.


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What do I do with my life now? Bo-gum ah, the hero to my own noona romance.


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It's a saeguk fairy tale ending... Almost perfect for everybody except for YS. Ooh i felt suffocated watching him catching his final breath on RO's lap. But i understand why they have to kill YS character. Otherwise he will live a very lonely life with no one at his side, Kim's clan being brought down and RO with live happily with the CP. It also stays true to his character, a brave and upright man who will always protect the person he loved dearly. We will always remember him that way right?

CP rocks in his King's wardrobe. He is the moonlight that shines at his brightest with his people.

HY, you go girl and find your own happiness and fall i love with a man that only has eyes for you, that is really a brave and wise decision of yours.

I also thanks all the beanies for the sharing of thoughts and comments, it's been a joyful ride with all of you knowing that i am not alone during the painful separation of our OTP.

Lastly, PBG and KYJ, they surely are on their way to the stardom now. Their acting abilities truly amazing. I couldn't imagine any other actors play the CP and RO they way they delivered, really excellent performance. All other actors were playing their roles perfectly too but it's them that really caught my attention. I hope both of them will have many more good projects ahead and we'll be able to see them again soon...


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"“Fake his death to live with Ra-on while history believes the prince dead” plotline"....that was totally my theory since early on in the show (probably episode 5)!!! I was really hoping for some clever way to see how the PDs will make Yeong leave the throne willingly so he can be with Ra-On as a normal citizen. However, this alternate that they ended up using works so I ain't complaining.

One thing that I'm unsatisfied with is how pointless the fight was that led to Yoon Sung's death! Totally pointless! Why would hired man kill his own master's grandkid? If Yoon Sung must die, I wish there was a more reasonable way for him to die, in Ra-On's arm, sure.


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I will take some of the insight of other beanies here that the assasins not totally aiming to kill YS but they need to fight back. His severe stabs came from those when he tried to block it for RO. (Premier Kim clearly order the assasins that they bring RO and if needed, kill her). I doubt that telling the assasins to leave RO with him is of use, RO is will still be in danger. Perhaps killing those who tries to harm RO is what YS wants all the way. (Let us just exclude his grand father of course)


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I think the death is really accident,
Ra-on tried ti shield the fatal blow and he turn it and when he accepted to go with the assassin,
the grandfather already warns him that this night is the end of Ra-on,

plot wise I think they need to make a complete new sequence of it,
like Yoon Sung is the real reason Prime minister finally surrender and how yoon sung can't escape the death that night, based on fate, decision and his choice,
just film it again and put it the OST DVD , come on,

but it already happen and my take is
1) I can see the impact of it on PM and circumstances
2) he probably didn't die
3) the team better pre-produced, this production team is great


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I have been trying to count Yeongs´ different outfits but there is no end to them. That seamstress must have had a Bogummy Fetish or something, she couldn t stop making hanboks.

the ending was seet, literally. at least Yeong is back to his cheekiness.


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A Bogummie Fetish!

Lol! Don't we all ?


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If I was the seamstress, I would have made a hanbok per scene and insist on taking his measurement EVERY time in case his weight might increase or fluctuate considering the super draining live shooting and all.


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yeah and claim that you have to also take measurements for each of his fingers for gloves to wear in winter, and his legs, and toes, and um...what else... nose? the length of his hair?


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This makes me wish we got to see all four seasons in Moonlight. I'd love to see the palace filled with snow and their costumes for winter too. The novel had scenes in winter and the drawings looked really beautiful.


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Yup, that's one thing PD Kim feel pity for Moonlight and envy of ML, he wished he could have filmed all four seasons
Gosh, how beautiful would that be? I can imagine, since this crew is so amazing at their jobs


@Anh Makes me wish that MDBC was pre-produced because the team can be trusted. This is almost the same team as DOTS. I may not be a fan of that drama, but I acknowledge that it had magic and it was absolutely wonderfully shot. hihi But I am happy with what we have because for most of the time it didn't feel like we're on live shooting.


then, we need to demand Season 2 for the sake of the costume artist. Really honestly


the ending was *sweet, I meant.

also, that Shunji-ending for Minister Kim! I had a total Gaksital-deja-vu


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Thank You Javabeans! I've been here since episode 1, silently reading your comments and others too. You are all amazing in writing your thoughts that it defines mine as well, but i will try to express my opinions for the first time. I learned alot from you guys, thank you!

I would like to summarize my thoughts into points, my heart is in chaos but i hope I'll make it.

1. THE BRACELET- (That bracelet never leave me at ease) My heart melted the moment I saw it. It is so random (atleast for me haha) when CP held her wrist, I thought he will let her lean to his chest, but then.. *awwwwwww*
Someone commented here that it would be awesome if RO put it together, it happened!

2. Yoon Sung's Death - My eyes is a river of tears. Why do this to my Yoon Sung?!
Why a talented, nice & capable of ruling man have to face such a terrible fate of loving someone he can't have, belong to a family whose ambitions is way far from what he believes & then die without much rational cause (as to what javabeans commented)
*Sigh* Indeed, he is a pitiful character.

They used JinYoung's composition Misty Road by Ben as his last moments' BGM. I didn't hear it for a while now, I'm happy that they got to use it again. I'm in the minority but I also got so many feels to that song.

I know I have to say this, he did that again! sliding his hand to the sword. I find it real cool that even he is dying, I'm shouting like THAT'S OUR YOON SUNG! GO GET HIM!
and to Writer-nim, I did not buy that moment when Yoon-Sung is about to get Ra-On. Apart from it is the last episode, You built his character that good that I know his convictions & heart is immovable.

3. HA-YEON - Although my heart is breaking for her, I feel relieve knowing that she is a brave woman who can overcome it. Thanks to the king who knows what to decide this time! (Writer-Nim did it right again building Ha-Yeon's character toward this believable resolution)

4.Yeong's Mother - Uhm, so Catholic teachings are forbidden before because it opens the mind of the people that everyone should be treated fair & equally. It is anew knowledge about Joseon for me. Your highness, thank you for raising a wise & humble king like Yeong.

5. MDBC'S Cuteness

I'm glad that this drama's humor & fluffiness, its main strength that made us love it, came back. That cameo of Kim Seul Gi cracks me up, I know there will be a girl in those Eunuch Applicants, I thought it will be just some random girl but really?! Perhaps they are aware of some little comparison with splash splash love. I forgot to say, that bad ass stand lout lipstick of Seul-Gi, you go girl! and make another CP fall inlove with his Eunuch!

The Princess & the scholar's love story is heart heart heart.
K will's Melting is perfect BGM to it. I also got attached with these two that even it is just a side story, It grows in my heart as deep as our RO & CP. Their story has become the open door for our main couple.

6. OUR...


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Lee Young being himself when he seats on the stairs instead on the throne. I laughed because Park Bo Gum's Micro expression is always on point even on the book store scene where he is asking for the "payment". PBG is one rare gem. Will positively look forward to his future projects. SHINE SHINE SHINE!

And of course, our beautiful Ra-On ah, Although her character is a little off this past few episodes. It started when she got to know who she really is which is for me, acceptable. how will you not be swayed if shocking facts just came one day & at the most crucial time of your life.
But she's back! She got to wear a beautiful hanbok and her hair, I love it that way. Not athe typical joseon braid but a simple low ponytail in a big-curl paired with a girly small hair pin. It somehow, reflects her character.

I may or may not be in the minority but the resolution with Ra-On's character is PERFECT. She's back doing what she loves but this time, not as a man. I will assume that she's the nation's queen running a bookstore outside because there's no way Yeong will marry someone else and have his heir not from Ra-On. I'm glad that these carefree King & Queen got to wander outside the palace and interact with their people. It is a good choice that they end it beyond the palace's high walls, not on the elegant royal robes. Which justifies the meaning of this episode's (and the drama itself) title.

7. The story behind the title "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" is a good thought.
It is common that kings are symbolized using the Sun ( and Queen as the moon. Just like in the Moon Embracing the Sun)
But in MDBC, The king is not the sun shining brightly unto his throne but a moon with clouds (his people) around him.
A moon that lights whenever his clouds are drawn. (whenever his people make way for him)
Oh. I'm loving this explanation, all credit to our mighty byeon yeon and his new hairstyle. A see-through bangs Gat ByeongYeon version ?

8. LAST SCENE - (Up until this point, I maybe over analyzing things but forgive me. The show makes me this way, they are good in giving the message in between the lines or making small acts matter.)

The moment Lee Young asks Ra-On "Who are you?" who else immediately remember TMETS "honeymoon" scene where King Lee Hwon asks Yeon U who she is? It just came to my mind. I got the same feels with what I feel in TMETS, Intimate & a romantic possesion.

EVERYONE, The last dialogue from this drama-- "You are the Ra-On that filled up my entire world"

Our Yeong right there being sweet and everything. It brings us back to those moments where our two adorable puppies are all youthful. Too cheesy but you can't help yourself from loving them. Please stay like that forever.

The last location is breath taking. A Paradise. Does it truly exist in korea? I wanted to be in a place like that. A grass field with purple flowers perfectly blending with Ra-On...


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K will’s Melting is perfect BGM =---- yeah I've listen to that song too . . . I love the song


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Congratulation Joy for making the first step to comment, don't be afraid to voice out your thoughts. Some of us do read, we might not comment because they are so many similar comments (great minds think alike), but we do read. :)


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*WAA*You recognized me! You & Suegarbaby always perfectly put into words what i really feel. You are so good in diging depth & giving insight every episode. I really wish to be able to read it again at some great dramas ahead. But just like you two, (Srsly, we REALLY have same thoughts) I might not do live watching soon.It indeed drains strength & focus but can't help it anyway because it gives me satisfaction & somehow, motivations every week


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Aww, you flattered me! I'm not that good. I hope we can meet in a good drama recap in the future.


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O_o, wow, thank you, @Joy, for the compliment. I'm horribly long-winded and wordy so thank you for taking the time to read my posts. I'm trying to go through everyone's postings here too, and agree with @maryxiah, that I may not comment on every one of them but it doesn't mean I don't read them. I also enjoy reading other's thoughts on characters and scenes and finding themes or motifs or parallelisms. They give so much depth and dimension to the show!

Thanks for sharing your own thoughts here, and am so glad you decided to express your opinions here for the first time! Moonlight is my first live-watch and also the first time I came out of lurking on Dramabeans to post, so here's to the pull of this great drama which draws us silent readers out of the woodwork, LOL! *cheers*


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@suegarbaby I like reading your thoughts even though they are long because you have a way with explaining things, you and @maryxiah @Ahn @C-chan and a lot more here. I'm not one to write super long posts like you guys because I tend to get lost in my own thoughts, so I happily read others and see whether we have the same thoughts or not and then comment form there. In short, I'm lazy. hahahaha!


Awww... thank you, you are too kind! I get told off at work for writing too-long emails - people do not have the time to go through them, lol! So I am actually quite pleased and appreciative when people here take the time to go through my block of text. I don't blame them for seeing it and deciding to skip it altogether, so thank you again for making the effort to read them. *hugs*


*happy dance*

I agree YS really didn't have to die that way. But there were signs all around. He didn't get his own wish on a lantern, he's part of such an unfortunate family, and because of that he couldn't even keep his friends even if he wanted to, he was never really given a chance to get the girl, and then he died pitifully too. I wonder if that was the point. Does the show hate him that much that it would only utilize him well when it serves their purpose, and in the end would only give him this kind of ending? :(
I had legit goosebumps though when RO was cradling him like that giving me Marius/Eponine feels. I didn't expect to have that scene hit me like that out of nowhere. It was wonderful. So just for that scene alone Yoon Sung (and now Jinyoung), I will never forget you. I'll think of this actor/artist fondly from now on too and will always wish him well.
I needed more BY too. BY and YS didn't even get to talk one last time, or at least we didn't get to see them talk. (deleted scenes pls!!)
KBS, I'm telling you I'll be pounding on your door until you release that box set.

In the end, I realize I do not like how HGN was utilized.

Yay for our girl Ha Yeon!

I want to adopt little Princess. She made my heart so unbelievably glad.

Thank you moonlight beanies and Javabeans for being just amazeballs.

PBG and KYJ. I will love you two angels forever.
It's gonna take me a while to move on from YeongOn. I might never actually move on lol!

MDBC, you rock. You stole my heart right from the start. This whole experience was a lot of fun. What a ride. Thank you. I love you.


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I didn't like Hong Kyung-rae's reappearance as well, I think it was unnecessary, but I guess they needed him to make the situation appear more dire and tragic?


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Me too! Like I get why he's alive, but I still think it was not necessary. Mom is okay too, but I also think it's okay if she wasn't alive as well. oh boy I sound so mean to Raon.


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Thank you Javabeans for your recaps and site. I depend on them to help me understand the intended meaning and some of the cultural elements; thanks for enhancing this American's viewing experience.

And I agree the execution of Y-S death didn't make sense; they were his subordinates!


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Again, as the other beanies commented, the lackeys are supposed to bring Ra-on, dead or alive, to the ministers, they can't help fighting back when Yoon-sung was slashing them, plus Yoon-sung threw himself in front of the sword to save Ra-on, it wasn't a senseless execution to me.


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with Ra-On and Yeong's pastel Hanbok, it is very soothing. My eyes have been blessed.

Park Bo Gum have his way of making a kiss passionate but not too much for Kim Yoo Jung. And darn those little pecks in between the head tilt. SRSLY, Did they intended it or they are just trying not to rob their lips too much that's why it look that way? but either of the two, it works! This is the kiss i waited that will wrap up this drama.

The OSTs of this drama are all great in a way that they let the emotions come out and fill the whole scene. Be it with the singer or the musical directing or the actors themselves. They are perfectly harmonizing.

What is the title of Gummy's song? After watching that ending it seems like the composer have that last scene in mind while writing the song, its perfectly with the lyrics "... But when you call out my love
I will have courage and look
On a frozen flower petal
I’ll place you
In the blowing wind
On the day you come to me"


It ended the way I (perhaps, we) wanted it to be.
Apart from Yoon Sung's death, this episode filled my heart with so much.. Love & Happiness.
I'm saying my warmest goodbye Moonlight Drawn By Clouds! To the awesome actors (All of them!) & all talented people behind this quality drama. Thank you for making my two months worthy. THIS WILL BE REMEMBERED. Enjoy your well-deserve vacation trip here in the Philippines!


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The title of Gummy song is the same as the last ep and the drama. It is "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds"


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love it....
isn't that mean the story already finished from the started??

the only song without MV is PBG ost because it is a sudden OST but others is already finished with the respective OST


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I think the writer already thought of a basic layout for how she want the drama to end, there only tweaks and minor changes in the middle? Like changes to the mean but still reaching the end


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I also feel that the writer had everything figured out, at least for the big things. Like, it was not a sudden decision that HGN is alive. He was in the earlier episode in the dream of the King and the actor was in the script reading too. I was wondering who the guy was. lol Now I know that it's Dad.

Also, the writer really waited for the finale before using the knowledge of Princess Yeongeun about Premier Kim as it ties well with the poisoning incident of Yeong which was similar to his late mother. So in this part of the story, you can say we've come full circle.


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I love it when he tilted his head for the kiss, and then changed sides! Lol. I was imaging the kiss lasted longer and was passionate, but they were too far from the screen to be seen.


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I love that they go for the head tilt and then zoom it out immediately. The production be like: there you go, that's enough! let your imaginations go from there.

Which upsets me with all this complaints of some group(?) regarding the kissing scene.
I see the effort of the staff not to make it too mature but still aims tet all the feels fill up the heart of the viewers. It is not Bo Gum & Yoo Jungs fault to have that intense chemistry on screen which oozes so much "lust". ( i don't know if it is the right word, I can't think of the perfect term. Beanies know what I mean there)


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Real life is beckoning but have gotten some of the gifs up! (Final episode! ? Cries ugly tears)

Also, if anyone has gif requests, now is the time to tell me! Will be back later to read, comment and gif ?

It's been a great ride with you all and I've loved every moment of it. Much love, hugs and kisses! ❤️️



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Gifs up are:

1. Yung Sung Sword Grab Badass mofo moment
2. 100 roses ?
3. Best Cameo Ever!
4. Prince Yeong's payment
5. Prince Yeong posing (we all knew Yeong was a poser at heart ?)

In the works is the bracelet scene (I loved it!) and I'm trying to do one with Byung Yeon.


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I was half expecting the CP to go to the market in a performance troupe dancer's costume. hehe.


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Kiss scene!


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*pounces on you*

THANK YOU, @Michykdrama! Your gifs are always <3 <3 <3.
I love looking at all of them because they draw out a scene so well, we get the chance to really appreciate the nuance and details of a scene when seen in small little repeated beats.

This is especially true for PBG's scenes because his expressions are just so subtle and fine, it takes time and repeated viewings to fully appreciate the whole performance.

Thank you so very much for all your hard work in doing all this! *muaks*


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"This is especially true for PBG's scenes because his expressions are just so subtle and fine, it takes time and repeated viewings to fully appreciate the whole performance."

So true hence the need to hit the replay button over and over because of the little movements on his face and neck. The first time you watch it, you see the fluid changes in expressions, but you don't get to really appreciate the subtle changes on their own.

I'd like to screencap PBG's face in each and every scene because I'm sure I'd end up with hundreds of different expressions, but of course I got no time for that. haha! I saw some posts on twitter way back of fans who screencapped some of his scenes. The scene lasted for like less than a minute but the expressions generated were tons. lol


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Screencap montages of PBG's shifting facial expressions are GOLD! I've not seen many of those floating around - it must be quite difficult and time-consuming to capture and compile. And I don't blame them... PBG has like, hundreds of various facial expressions, it is astounding.

I once did a write-up on one of the DB threads (not Moonlight) on PBG's ability in this area because I was just in so much awe and because I've not seen any other actor who came close to matching it, that I unfortunately drew some fire from offended fangirls who took exception to my comparing PBG's nuanced acting ability to their bias. LOL. I learnt and important lesson that day... But I have to say that to this day, I have yet to see any other actor match PBG in the facial expression department. None. Nada. Nil. This boy's truly exceptional.


Pssst, @Mickykdrama, I know you did put up links to all your other gif pages for Moonlight in an older page, but can I kindly ask you to also put those links in here in your final episode page? That way I can bookmark your lovely page and know where to go to see all of them whenever I want.

Apologies if it is too much trouble, I don't mind bookmarking 2 pages but it would be nicer if I only needed to do 1, hehehe! No worries if you can't! I'm too demanding, aren't I? >_<


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haha sure @sugarbaby! I'll do it tonight. sorry Real Life has been busy busy busy!! I JUST got round to posting up stuff so I'll do it later :)


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Thank you!


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Thank you for making gifs throughout the drama. Seeing these will ease up the withdrawal for me.


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definitely the bracelet scene and please, please please also the face holding. Something about the way he craddles her face with his hands that gets me each time. Many thanks!!!


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Thank you once again! This is post is your final gifs for Moonlight. /sniffs I will miss this bi-weekly posts.


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It was so nice to know that the entire crew gathered to watch ep 1 of moonlight together, how touching. <3 They're like family, and they seemed soo happy on set too


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The lantern scene, can't believe that instead of supporting/cameo actors, the staffs actually dressed as villagers and partake that scene. Now that scene is more meaningful to me, how touching


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How else can they get so many people at such a short time? Lol.


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I just saw the special too. Everyone worked really hard and it's nice to have such a wonderful work environment. I have to say that I truly loved the scenes in the pit and the underwater rescue. Those seem to be the hardest for PBG and KYJ, but the results were spectacular. The underwater scene has to be the best rescue scene I have seen. It helped that PBG and KYJ are both experienced swimmers.

Gathering to watch episode 1 must feel a bit weird since they probably felt shy with their acting. hihi! However, I'm watching PBG and he's just intently watching the episode. He had a great burden as the lead. He even said that he felt he didn't do enough or he should have done better. He may have been a bit lost in the beginning with how to portray Yeong but he eventually completely embodied the character.

I wish we got to see how they reacted after the first week when their ratings doubled. It's really rare to see ratings go up 2x. It's usually increasing gradually. They must have been so happy when that happened.

Loved the lantern scene with all staff members. It means so much more. I wonder if they also made real wishes for the drama to be successful.


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And I love the eye expressions both on Park Bo-gum and Kim Yoo-jung in the underwater scene, like how could you do eye acting in water? They nailed it so good.

Aww, I didn't see Yoo-jung in the gathering for Ep.1 watch, or was I too blinded by Park Bo-gum and Kwak Dong-yeon to see? Lol.


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The special was really special, too. I was waiting for there to be a chapter exclusively on the outfits, and Yeong's costumes in particular, but oh well.

When Bo Gum looked so damn touched during that first episode, I couldn't help shed a few tears, especially when he said in the interview after that he felt frustrated at himself for not doing a better job when he watched the first ep with the others. Bo Gum-ah! Why are you so hard on yourself?

The lantern scene really was beautiful, but I never realised just how much production staff they had! Wow, I can't even imagine the feelings those people felt when their efforts were rewarded after the first few episodes!


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There were literally fits of giggles and laughter on set, I think they really enjoyed the filming, and it warms my heart to see them like a family.


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Didn't PBG say that they were scolded by the director for being too noisy sometimes? LOL Kids!


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My commenting will not be complete without me raving about the hanboks! I love the almost couple-y hanboks that YeongOn wore in the last scene made especially even more beautiful with the flower field. And Yeong's King robe which is of deeper but also brighter red. He looks so regal. I cannot believe that I will come to love the red robe because I've always been partial to the blue and silver one.

This blog is a wonderful blog and it updates the costume of the characters. You can click on fashion on the side menu to see Yoonsung's and Raon's. For now, here is Yeong's because he wore tons and each one was really just gorgeous! I think I want PBG to stay in sageuk now and be a model. lol

I find that when I post a link from this website my comment does not go through, so just remove the parenthesis between wordpress and com to check the website. @suegarbaby here it is. I'm not sure if it is the same site you go to. This one has details even on Yeong's hair pieces and accessories.



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True! I still love the maroon hanbok during the first rescue scene worn by CP and the peach and white hanbok YS bought for RO at the market.

PBG and KYJ really do justice to the hanboks.

For YS, I love all his hanboks! He can really carry those well too!

As for BY, he is as dashing and dapper as any man in a black tux and top hat. Do you agree?


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The maroon hanbok during the rescue from the envoy used to be my favorite too, but now, I just really like them all. haha! He just looks good in anything. I preferred it when Yeong wears hanboks that accentuate his waste compared to his royal blue (and now red) robe because I find them to be too flowy lol, but now I just love them all and I cannot pick just one.

Yoonsung wore such pretty hanboks too. I love that his dark-colored hanboks have different emroidery/detailing than Yeong. Yeong's tend to be more subtle.

Of course Kim Hyung looks good even though we only got to see him in either black or dark blue. It must be the hair.

I seriously hope we get a close up and full body picture of each other the hanboks they wore. I will save them all.


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I just recently noticed that Yeong's CP robe & kings robe have different jade belt. Usually, the belt reaches up until above the butt but as PBG's costume, it is tied unto his waist. Perhaps it suits his body built?


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Yeah, it looks like that for me too. I like it more it it's closer to the waste and a bit tighter to show the waste rather than just something that seems to be hanging on nothing. lol


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How can I choose from Yeong's hanboks? Though Yoon Sung's was aesthetically beautiful, I personally don't like them because they're too rich in colour and patterns. I like the softer tones and colours, though.

Even the rescue hanbok, although deeply red, was made soft by the fabric. I need to make a photo collection of all of Yeong's gorgeous hanbok, so thank you for the link!


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Do you know what they're going to do with the hanboks? Going to KBS, the designer, or to the actors?

AND SAME! Now I want to watch PBG in nothing but hanboks from now on. They really suit him perfectly. He cuts such a beautiful and elegant pose.


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Not sure. I think KBS will probably have an exhibit or something. I think the costumes are still owned by the designer. I do wonder if the designer will give each character one hanbok as a present.


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Your love for hanboks is contagious! Can't thank you enough for sharing!


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Welcome! :) This is the first time I became so obsessed with hanboks/costumes in a drama. I wait every episode to see a new one. hihi!


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If you can, check out Pinterest too. There's a ton of great pictures (awesome quality) of everyone in their hanboks. I went on a pinning frenzy!


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*pounces on you*

THANK YOU! The costuming in this series has been first-class from start to finish (well, with maybe some minor gripes on Ra On's limited scenes in female hanbok cause I'd love to see more of that!).

*runs off to drown in the eye-candy*


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Welcome! Come back to the website after some time. I know the author is updating each costume page. :)


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"Truth be told, I can’t shake my niggling sense of disappointment that the show so thoroughly ignored history, even as I’m glad for the characters’ sake that everything worked out well for them"

Well I mean this WAS based off a webtoon after all. The original webtoon probably rewrote history for fantasy purposes, too.


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No, the webtoon actually followed the history. The disclaimer at the start of the drama should be any indication that we're heading in a totally different direction from history.


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what an awesome drama,am really proud of cast they are fantastic, can't wait to see they act together again well done guys all the best CONGRATULATION


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Yoon Sung! You're THE MAN!

This show, these men... They definitely know how to break our hearts and milk our eyes out of tears... I'll miss them terribly...


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The fansign is ongoing and her are some wonderful picture of our amazing leads without Chae Soobin though who couldn't make it :(

Fans waiting


The long lines (the fansign itself is only for the 200 people who were picked but I guess more came to see the actors)


Our Lovely YeonOn Couple <3


King Lee Yeong


The foursome (and their bodyguards hihi)


Everyone is looking gorgeous and happy. I love how YeongOn both have almost the same color and shade of hanboks that's on the lighter side than the dark costumes of Dongyeon and Jinyoung.

I cannot wait to see this in KBS Entertainment Weekly. For sure they covered the event.


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I wish I was at the fansign. :(


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This will help with the withdrawal syndrome.

I wish I could add you guys on Facebook.


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Here's a video of the fansign. Those hanboks are pretty!

And if you watch the video, it makes me cry that Yoon Sung is there all happy and smiles!

Kim Hyung did really go to a salon!


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PBG and KYJ wore their couple bracelet! hahaha! And I love that they wore the costume in the final scene. Love the pastel colors.


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I will repeat again and again how much I love those two hanboks at the end. And my heart was overwhelmed to find out they used it for the fansign event. Why because I got to see it in HD and the I feel like I got a glimpse of a happy epilogue with YS well and happy together with our fresh from salon BY. ❤


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Their hanboks were like the couple outfit in Joseon era. LOL


I read a Twitter update where it said that close to 5k people were there! So much love for the drama!


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Yeah but only 200 got a sign. The rest just watched them and the lines were insane. I'd probably do the same if I did not win but had the tme to go and see them.


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thank you!!
I hope KBS upload this on their youtube channel, KBS is generous with subbing their video


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Thanks for sharing this, celine! That's quite a lot of people. All four look lovely!


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Oooh... thank you for sharing! :3 (heart) idk how. :)


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This is the first sageuk drama I completed in my almost-15 years addiction to K-dramas so MDBC will always have a special place in my heart :)

Thanks Javabeans for the great recap!


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Whoa! First sageuk and you've been into kdrama for 15 years? You really avoided sageuk then to have MDBC as your first. MDBC is not strictly sageuk, but yeah it is wonderful and will hold a special place in my heart too.


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This drama is one of the best for me. From episode 1 till to the very end it captured my heart like no other. Thanks to the actors, director, screenwriter and everyone who made this drama a memorable one for me. From epic cinematography to cheesy but swoon worthy dialogues, it will be surely remembered for a very long time. And lastly, when will the box set of this drama be available online? Can't wait to see PBG's handsome face in my tv screen. Definitely going to abuse my pause and rewind button.?


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Thank you for the recap. Busy downloading it now to keep. Beautiful series. There are things which I wished were different... but overall, one of the best dramas I've seen so far. I mean plot wise ( didn't derail too much or too long), acting, chemistry and beautiful beautiful cinematography and music.

I am so happy for the cast and crew that the Korean public appreciated it and the ratings were good.

Nice sedate comments while in my heart am quietly swooning over how swoony the CP was in this drama.


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I've been swooning since episode 1! hihi! There's no stopping because Yeong is awesome!


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"Nice sedate comments while in my heart am quietly swooning over how swoony the CP was in this drama."

LOL. I know exactly what you mean! I too find it hard to sit down and pen my thoughts out so that they come across sensibly and coherently to others.

Honestly, it would have been a whole lot easier if people could understand my "asdjklqweuio SQUEE asdlkjrrue SPAZZ qweoitrnfur SQUEE vbeiejd,gru SPAZZ SPAZZ SPAZZ!!!" and know what I'm trying to say, hahaha!


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For my first ever sageuk experience, I have to say I loved MDBC.

I enjoyed the freshness and the vibe it gave off. It was fun, youthful, suspenseful and romantic.

For this final episode, I am loathe to say goodbye to it but acknowledge that it has opened my eyes to a nice genre of K-drama.

I loved the feel of this period drama. Being a young love story, I felt that it was really handled well, with just the right balance of sweetness, suspense, and angst.

The characters were given to act their age and the actors who portrayed them did not disappoint.

Park Bo Gum is really one to watch what with his myriad expressions, he shows that he not merely acts but really strives to give life to the character he is tasked to portray. As a prince he portrayed it with enough restraint to make it feel that he is really restricted as a prince but hungry enough to be able to want to give more. And you could feel that PBG could really give more, given the right material.

Kim You Jung got me curious after watching her in the first episode so I was fortunate enough to have one of her works shown on local TV, "The Dirge Singer" and I have to say, I liked her in that one too. As Ra-On, I missed her spunk when she started to fall in love with the prince but I am glad that she was there when it mattered to underscore her loyalty to her first love, and also to be there for the one who had to breathe his last because she was the only one who mattered to him. She was, I could say, Yun Sung's unfinished masterpiece. I could not help thinking though that I had wished I would see her getting married to Yeong.

Jinyoung as KS... I loved his character. Loyal, smart, loving, unwavering and brave to the very end. To have Ra-On be at his side as he took his last breath is but fitting. I just wish that Yeong would have repayed the sacrifice by giving him a proper burial.

Kwak Dong Yeon as Byung Yun is not only handsome and capable but able to hold his own. As sidekick and loyal friend, he fits the bill to a T. He hold great promise and I look forward to seeing him again.

The other characters in the cast were well chosen. All of them will have a special place in my heart. Though for one special mention, Minister Kim is one of my favorite villains now. He has remained poker-faced, calculating and merciless. Which is why in the game of cat and mouse, his last ace, his grandson too had to be sacrificed if only to leave him decapitated for life.

I've met helpful people here who were ever ready to answer questions and guide me into my first foray into Kdramaland.

I am thankful and would like to say "Thank you" to the people behind dramabeans, Michykdrama, Celine, Ahn, Rexfox, Maryxiah and others whose names escape me at the moment. I look forward to seeing you guys in the next drama thread.

Thank you MDBC for a wonderful sageuk experience.


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Thanks for the shoutout! :)

It has truly been a great first Saeguk for me too! Catch you on other threads in DB.

Oh and if you haven't seen Splish Splash Love, you should really watch it. Will help with the post Moonlight withdrawal I think ;)


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Thanks for the shout out! Hope to see you in another drama recap! Maybe in a PBG or KYJ new project!


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I LOVE Kim Yoo-jung in The Dirge Singer, I shall re-watch that for her.


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GUYS! I'm gonna have to bow out of comment section for now. Swamped with work! *cries* Be back later to read ALL of your comments.


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We'll be here! :)


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I came back from a long day at work and other activities at 10pm, and read the comment from #1 to this comment right here, guess what time it is? 2am in the morning! So many freakin comment to read, lol. I have to sleep now. Read you guys in the morning.


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@maryxiah & @Celine

I honestly don't know how you two do it... how do you two manage to stay so active and write so many comments for almost everything? There are several others who are equally proficient, like @Anh, I seriously stand in awe... I'm feeling I'm drowning just trying to keep track and keep up with the comments and responses, my eyes are all @_@...


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I'm on break right now, but I need to get back to the real world next week. hahaha! Perfect timing really for MDBC to end.


I keep coming back even when I'm at work, lol. And trust me, I couldn't get anything done because I keep reading comments over and over again and try to comment on all. I'm exhausted! Lol.


Thank you for all the recap, JB. I will miss our puppies and all the cast so much. Despite all of the flaws, MDBC was quite good and gave me so much happiness this past months. I quite like the happy ending except YS dead of course. Hope we can see BG and YJ in next project soon.


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I am just in love with Yeong being king. I would have hated the whole drama to bits if he didn't. Because aside from the love story, the series is about Yeong becoming a great monarch. Him running off with Raon in the end would have made everything futile. I'm satisfied.


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With the historical inaccuracy, I think of this drama as an alternate reality. An alternate ending for a great crown prince that didn't live to be a King in our time. It makes it more romantic, at least for me.


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Okay. So. My eyes are red and puffy because I've been ugly-crying for the last part of the episode...the first time I genuinely shed tears for this show because I only cry at happy endings. And what a happy ending it was.

When the last seconds petered out, and I'd squealed and giggled myself crazily into my pillow, I had a brief moment to wonder if I felt like the end had been rushed. Could they have maybe spread it out more in another episode? Looking back, I don't think so. The intrigues and plots of PM Kim and his goons, even the rebels and the Queen, had always been on the simpler side because what the show focused more on were the emotions that our Prince (now King! Ahhhh so happy) and Ra On and the rest of the good guys would feel about what happened and then focusing on how they responded. I've become tired of shows throwing in obstacle after obstacle, evil plot after evil plot without giving us a chance to really feel along with our characters before another problem arises.

I was incredibly, incredibly happy that Yeong became King. Seriously, that's when I started ugly-crying, when he walked down the length of the throne room with his new ministers in that regal, glorious way of his. He'd grown so much, and never once shown a hesitance to fight for what he believed in, and to fight for his people, that I just broke down. Any other ending, no matter how happy, would have left me painfully disappointed, especially after learning how his mother sacrificed her life to keep Yeong on the throne.

I don't even care if they departed completely from what really happened. They'd already given a respectful nod towards history with the poisoning, and even Yeong hiding his recovery from everyone else, making all of them think he was on the verge of death. And to be honest, I would have snorted in disgust if there had been another case of baby switching in this show. I wonder if a cleverer plot-twist could have been found to make Yeong King whilst still following history, but I doubt it. History has always been flexible, anyway, and usually written by whoever has ruled in this age.

There is a fanfic trope that happens to by favourite, that best describes what Moonlight did: canon divergence AU (alternate universe), wherein you take a single point of actual/official reference and change it. In this, it's 'What if Prince Lee Yeong had lived?' and we're just going backwards through the story until we reach that new alternative reality. So, that's really cool, because I love AUs, especially historical ones.


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(2) The only real problem I have is Yoon Sung. I pretty much expected him to die ever since that first time we learned about the face-reader's prediction, but I didn't think it would happen in such a pointless way. All of it could have been avoided if they didn't have their little moment at the end (although that really was a beautiful moment, with really gorgeous lines from both of them). For God's sake, Byeung Yeon managed to survive all of his wounds and quite a significant amount of time from 'dying' to being given proper treatment after Yoon Sung realised he was still alive. And I actually like that he was trying to test himself to see if he could hand over Ra On but decided that he couldn't because that's pretty much his entire character in the show: ambivalent, but ultimately good.

AND PM Kim being given time to look at Yoon Sung's room one last time without even just one escort to make sure that he doesn't try anything funny? This is the number one enemy of the country, more so than HGN, and uou leave him alone? I would have loved that scene better if he'd grappled with a guard for the gun and still managed to kill himself, but we can't have it all.


Princess and Master Jung: they are so, so, so adorable that even a cliched scene is refreshingly sweet, especially when Master Jung dropped his rose to make the Princess's words true. I really love Master Jung's scenes because although they might not amount to a lot of screen time, he's the one who's investigating events and helping Yeong find evidence against the enemy.

Princess Youngeun: how happy was I that she was given closure at the end, helping her older brother and, most importantly, herself and starting up on the road of recovery. How could someone so sweet and young be so brave to face her terrible demons? That little actress really manages to pack a punch and she'll be one to watch in the future.

Eunuch Jang: best mommy duck ever! I love him so much because not only is his role convincingly hilarious, but because you can really sense that he loves and honours the Prince he helped take care of since he was a baby, even if that Prince gives him constant headaches - and as a King, too, let's not forget that Yeong still sneaks out of the palace!

The Queen: man, what a chilling character, and one that's so full of depth and complexity, from her desperate need to be acknowledged by a father who only bothered to say he's her dad to keep himself in power to a cold-hearted mother who managed to step away from her not once, but twice! Her line to PM Kim is perfect because although PM Kim will never love her, she will still resign herself to find comfort in the truth that they are father and daughter because of their same ruthlessness. CHILLS!


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(3) The King: it made me so sad to think that in his haste to try and help Yeong, he made three people suffer: Ha Yeon, Ra On, and Yeong. But I can also sympathise because he has been through such profound trauma that it just made his natural incompetency and fear worse. In the end, the King did listen to Yeong because Ra On's crimes would have never been pardoned if he hadn't. The best thing the King did, in my opinion, was to make sure to make it like the Princess selection had never happened, not only for Ha Yeon, but for her father as well, because he stood by the Prince's side when no one else would. In that case, at least, the King managed to do something right.

The first Queen: what a wonderful, wonderful mum and a stark contrast to her husband. She gave Yeong all the tools to become a great King and a good person. Her brightness reminds me of Ra On, actually.

Ha-Yeon: how glad am I that she voluntarily stepped down from her position? I know that she'd gotten some hate before because she hoped the CP would love her when the right times comes even when she kept on saying that she knew their marriage was nothing more than a transaction (which, really, was par for the course in that period), and how can you blame her? No one, and I mean, no one, in her position would hope differently. The thing I loved was that she did not compromise her honest, kind, and even selfless nature by forcing the CP to love her. Even when she was trying to woo him, she backed off when CP told her there was already someone else he loved. And in the end, when she chose to respect herself more instead of forcing herself where she wasn't wanted, I applauded her. The King said that she would be forever alone if she decided to leave the Palace, and Ha Yeon still left, because she knew that even if she stayed by Yeong's side, she would still be alone.

And I really, really, really expected her to bump into Byeong Yeon at the docks and live happily ever after!

Yoon Sung: his character didn't really resonate with me because sometimes I found him typically following that second lead thing of trying to make the girl fall in love with him, most notably when he expected her to cry for the Prince and then eventually fall in love with him instead. He was ambivalent, too, because he's morally good but most of the time still deferring to his family unless Ra On was in trouble. I thawed a bit when he saved the Prince's life in such a badass way, and he had such good character growth when he let Ra On cry and realised that she'd never look at him that way, and then comforted her as a friend instead. His story really is a sad, sad, sad one. He didn't get the girl, he didn't get his friendships back, his family sucks, and he died for no reason at all.


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oh my god c-chan, your words describing YS character sounds really pitiful and somehow it makes really sad until now remembering what he said and how he died on RO's arm. I think that's why the writer chose to kill the YS character, bc even if he alives, he will live an empty life, as quoting your words, he didn't get the girl, he didn't get his friendships, his family sucks. If he survives then he will also live the rest of his life carrying the burden as the traitor due to his kim's clan.

He being killed while protecting the person he loved is very consistent with his character since the beginning of the show where he would never hesitate to do anything to help the person he loved, not only RO but also during the attack of the CP where he without blinking an eye just grabbed the sword with his bare hand in order to protect the CP from being harmed.

This way, we will remember him as a brave and upright man that always true to himself and loyal to the person he loved..


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Darn, I didn't think about how miserable he would be if he survived after all. But still, it's tragic that he'd never really get the chance to be friends again with CP and BY, which he probably would have gotten if he'd lived and helped overthrow his family. Nothing's final, after all.


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It is indeed a tragic fate for YS. I couldn't imagine if he survived how much burden he had to bear. He would live the rest of his life carrying a traitor label due to his clan's betrayal, conspiracy and behind all the treasons happened during those years. There would be no way to redeem himself eventhough he was not involved in all those activities, not to mention the social punishment he would receive from the society. Looking at his character he would restrict himself to be friend with the CP and that had happened already between him and CP right? That's why his friendship with CP was not as warm as CP's friendship with BY as if there was always a clear line drawn between him and CP.

As you see as well with RO, the father was the one labelled as the clouds' society leader and rebel, but she was the one and had to live her childhood disguising herself as a man and was not being able to free herself. That's so much suffering all the years. That's why the story went with her given the credit who found the death letter from CP's mother so she could be released from all the charges, could live freely and be with the CP.

As for BY, he was actually protecting CP and RO during the investigative court but he himself too ashame to face the CP as he thought of betraying the CP and needed more time before going back to palace.

So i feel, this is the best for YS character. Again, it's a tragic fate but that way it would leave us to remember that he died protecting the person he loved and not living as a grandson of a nation's traitor, beinf outcasted and living alone.


Love your character essay! I also feel that Yoonsung's death could have been done better. I'd still say it's a notch or two better than the way Jung Il Woo's character died in TMETS because that one was just stupid.

I also felt so proud and excited when Yeong entered the hall in his red robe ahhhhh my wish came true! King Lee Yeong! I love that despite being a king, he's still the same smart and cheeky, yet kind and sweet person. With HGN and Kim Hyung looking over him, I just felt so proud. He truly understood what it means to be a King for the people.

Now I'm thinking, is it too much to ask for a Season 2? LOL Dongyeon wanted to have one. Can we grant his request and give him a nice girl this time? I just want to continue watching Yeong grow as a King and make changes in Joseon. I think there can still be enough material to flesh out for another round, but we need a really good writer. That is not to say that our writer here did poorly because despite my issues with some directions in the story, I still think the writer did well especially in the character development. Just the latter episode had some issues. I don't know. Maybe I just really want to see everyone on my screen again. I've fallen in love with all of them.


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My wish too! I've been so passionate in my previous comments that our Yeong would not give up the throne willingly and I was fully expecting that to happen but then it didn't! When Yeong strode in the room in his red robes...it was one of the best character payoffs ever!

Although I was surprised that HGN was still free, since he really did lead a rebellion to murder a king, no matter what the reason. I'd have expected exile, at least.

Oh yeah, I can see Yeong struggling against the remaining Kim clan in power, how he'd fight to have Ra On be his Queen, and maybe they'd even follow history by killing him in S2? Though I think all of us would revolt at that.

Yes, I miss them already. What am I going to do with my life now without Yeong and Ra On?


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The best thing the king did is to step down from the throne and let Yeong rule the nation, he's been incompetent for so long, his nation and people have to suffer because of him. I find it inconsistent with his character that he finally grew a backbone in the latter story, but as long as our plot is moving in the right direction, I guess... *shrug*

Yoon-sung's character didn't resonate much with me too, but not because he was trying to make Ra-on fall for him, because he was too perfect? Does that makes sense? Lol. During the crying scene by the lake, he actually told her to cry but he won't expect anything of her anymore. I get the sense that he was like Ha-yeon, who was waiting by the sideline in case our leads might have a change of heart and finally see them. It's the classic thing for most second leads, and I don't blame them really, is it wrong to hope? It'd be wrong if they try to change their mind, but Yoon-sung and Ha-yeon did nothing of the sort, in fact, they gently wait by their sides, hoping for the day to be noticed come. I feel bad for Yoon-sung, he's the most pitiful character because he didn't have anything, I thought it was sad that he and Yeong couldn't walk on the same path, but I find comfort for him when Yeong said he couldn't act for fear of hurting him, I think that's a big deal for Yoon-sung who has always craved for Yeong's friendship, Yeong was willing to admit he cared for his best friend, and that's really the thing that Yoon-sung needed to hear the most.


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For me, his actions towards Ha Yeon was more of a personal nature, like maybe a dad towards a daughter or daughter-in-law, or a dad to another dad, because here was this girl who only thought of supporting Yeong no matter the consequence, something he, as Yeong's actual father, couldn't do. Then the decision to step down and have Yeong take over was the more professional, Kingly side of him. I've been thinking about the King's character a lot, and though he frustrated me a lot, I'm not actually angry at his character because that's just the way he was meant to be. I think that the King, being so afraid to take action and so insecure about himself, waited to act until he had proof before confronting PM Kim, who definitely had so much impact on him that he almost seems like a lost kid without PM Kim. The submissive character hanging onto the dominant personality.

Yeah, I started to like him then, too. It was a different Yoon Sung who comforted Ra On when she first learned about CP's marriage than to the Yoon Sung who told Ra On to cry and he wouldn't let himself hope anymore. I actually like that Yoon Sung and Ha Yeon didn't do anything to actively make our leads fall in love with them. They were only trying to just be around the people they love and help them in some way.


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Me too, I never hated him, because I understood that he was weak in character and he had to, otherwise Yeong wouldn't have stepped up the plate and rule in his stead.


(4 oh my god really????)

That flashback scene where he and Yeong changed headgears again was really poignant: one, it really was a happier time between friends but already PM Kim was scheming even as he watched his grandson be carefree; two, when Yeong said that Yoon Sung's headgear was just as heavy as his royal one, it really drives home the fact that Yoon Sung's life has been tragic since the beginning, and the only bright spots (Yeong, Byeon Yeon, Ra On) are also the ones that hurt the most.

Byeong Yeon: to be honest, he and Yeong are my secondary OTP, and my love was justified because he looks so glad and relieved to be back with Yeong. And he was the cloud in the title! SO. Haha. But really, I admire Byeong Yeon because he saw most clearly how Ra On would be affected by their situation and set out to protect her at all cost, even betraying CP and the rebels. All Byeong Yeon wanted was to be friends with everyone, and how touching was that picture of the three of them at the beginning? I was confused as to why he left, too, I thought he had an errand for the Prince, but I think he left to go and probably heal emotionally and mentally from the ordeal he'd gone through. I wish that had been shown a little clearer, and that we'd seen him mourn for Yoon Sung, but it's obvious how happy and settled he was by the end, where I assume he's know the King's official bodyguard.

Ra On: oh man, Ra On risking her life (and others') by going back to the palace not once but twice! First for her dad, then for Yeong, and she even stops to help the little Princess. Say whatever you want about her, but that girl's heart is in the right place and her bravery runs deep. It was so clever how the show had her help the little Princess find the proof that CP needed to not only remove PM Kim but show that Ra On wasn't the enemy! Ra On already has a deep relationship with the little Princess, so it wasn't out of character for her to do. I still stand by my stand that Ra On has kept true to herself. She's still the clever, gutsy girl from the beginning and she's evolved throughout the show. There have been moments where she was just the foil for the big, strong guy to step in and save the day, but where Ra On really shines, where she really is amazing, is in showing us how human she is. How she loves, how she hurts, and how she touches the lives of those around her.

That scene where she tenderly wipes Yeong's face and hands took my breath away. Then Yeong woke up, and Ra On asked him to pretend, and the bracelet (OH MY GOD THE BRACELET), and Yeong agreed but true to form still held her close anyway. Just. My heart, okay, you really do have it.

Then, oh, then, their cuteness came back at the end. It was so short that I wanted more, wanted everything, but also so precious because you can really see how joyful they are when they're together that even their little happy, carefree mannerisms came back. God, I love Ra On and Yeong so much.


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(5 are you kidding me?)

Do I get to write about my beloved Yeong for an entire comment space? I guess so.

Yeong. Lee Yeong. YEEEEEEONG. God, how much do I love this boy? From the moment he graced us on the screen as a lazy, reckless, arrogant, rebellious Prince, my heart was his. He was funny, horrible at times, righteous, protective, kind, earnest. He grew up so much, and grew up so well! He really gave us a CP worthy to become a King. His dream was beautiful and perfect, and he loved Ra On enough to let go of her and try to do the right thing, but also loved her too much that he could not keep himself away forever. He was smart and outwitted his enemies. He faltered and made mistakes, and then he owned up to those mistakes and did better next time. He understood his father and accepted that his father will never be more than he is, and most importantly he stopped punishing his father for not meeting his expectations. In a way, Yeong was lucky that Consort Park showed kindness and warmth for him after his mother's death because his father was too much of a wreck by then.

Yeong had the best lines. Seriously. He listened to others and understood that he should be the one to bridge the gap between royalty and the people because he had the power to do so.

The writer really gave most justice to Yeong's character because it was lovingly developed. Then they brought Park Bo Gum in. Yeong was the one who introduced me to Park Bo Gum, was the reason I'm now a hard-cored fan of his. I think the ultimate proof that I really, genuinely love Yeong's character was that when I watched the episodes, I forgot that it was Park Bo Gum playing a role. I just watched Yeong be Yeong. Thank you, writer-nim and director-nim for never letting our CP stray, and thank you, PBG, because you portrayed our beloved Prince so perfectly, from the smallest micro-expression to the broadest gesture, down to the nuance and lilt of his voice.

Bo Gum was the jewel in this show, the one who brought something extra. Everyone really was amazing, but PBG just breathed life into his character that now I'll measure every other Prince against his. He's a superstar and I literally cannot wait for his next project. Really. I need to watch him all the time.

I was rooting for Yeong the whole way. I wanted him to be King more than I wanted him to be with Ra On, honestly, but thank God he got both.

When Yeong was teasing Ra On about the book, and Ra On looking unimpressed as usual, it made me smile so wide. They were back! Then Yeong said Ra On's name in the sweetest way possible as he chased after.

Then that last, beautiful scene. The backdrop was stunning, and they were hand-in-hand as they walked amidst the flowers in bloom, an apt symbolism of their renewed love. Their conversations always leave me melted and profoundly touched, and this was no exception. When Ra On said that she took a peek at the world Yeong was creating, I all but cried out loud.


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LOL I thought you were finished with 3 essays and I was kinda confused why I didn't see Raon or Yeong in your character essay, and then I scrolled down and voila! 3 more essays waiting for me to read them! hahahaha I love everything you wrote. Props for having the patience to write all these in detail.

If this is your first PBG drama, do watch his previous ones. You won't regret it. His characters are really diverse. You'll see a different side of his acting with each role. :)


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When Ra On said that she took a peek at the world Yeong was creating, I all but cried out loud

C-chan, you mother hen, lol. I feel you with everything you described of Yeong. I love it so much that he loves Ra-on so much not to give up on her, but also respect her decision, then again couldn't get himself to stay away from her either, that's really then kind of love I'd love to see in dramaland, and Yeong's love moved me a lot.

He understood his father and accepted that his father will never be more than he is, and most importantly he stopped punishing his father for not meeting his expectations.

I think all these good qualities of him came from his mother's upbringing, she was the one to set him straight and nurtured the loving nature in him from the start, so Yeong grew up to understand people even in their weakest point. His mother told him to have bright eyes and ears, not to be blind and deaf to the people's plight, which he also applied to the people around him, he could see through them and understand their pain. Just like how he understood Ra-on's pain not being able to live freely as a woman, so he wanted to change the world for her. And when he understood Byung-yeon's sacrifice, it was out of loyalty, and he never doubt it. Also he understood Yoon-sung and his internal conflicts, while he couldn't support Yoon-sung, he gave him comfort in their friendship talk. The list just goes on. I'm just happy he got his happy ending.


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I know! I just love our OTP so much, they're like puppies you wanna protect and take care of!

Oh definitely, his mother was so influential. If Yeong hadn't seen something of his mother in Ra On, then I don't think our romance would have been so meaningful. I really, really loved that aspect of their relationship established in the first half of the show, when Yeong saw his mother in Raon when she was dancing, and when Ra On saw her mother in Yeong during the lantern festival. That moved me so much.

One of the things I really adore about Yeong is that he has such good instincts! Even when he doubted his friends, he still gave them chances. He even gave the Queen a chance to take her daughter back, because he knows what it's like to grow up without a mother. That whole scene between CP and BY was just perfect. You could see how BY hated himself for doing what he had to do, and that tear falling from his eye when he asked for forgiveness. Then Yeong told him to keep the sword up because he didn't want to lose BY! They're so precious!

It was also really in character for BY not to have responded to CP when CP came to visit him, because like Teacher Dasan said, BY was probably strengthening his heart to face Yeong. Haha CP and BY are my 2nd OTP!


So true! Their love for one another spurred by their love for their mothers, familial love is essential in finding a mate, because you'd want to love your other half like a family, as in long-term, and not like you do with first love or infatuation or affection.


Yeong's love moved me a lot too. More than wishing to find someone who will love me the way Yeong loves Raon, I want to love like Yeong (not only romantically). I'm not the type to be expressive, but seeing how Yeong goes all out and never gives up and just wears his heart on his sleeves... it's beautiful.


I wasn't impressed with Ra-on's character in Ep. 15 & 16, they made her so helpless and turned her into a coward by running away, I get that she wanted to protect Yeong and all, but this girl has wit, why couldn't she use it to protect her loved ones, but I won't dwell with that. I was happy when she risked it by entering into the palace once again, this time for Yeong. This is really the part of her that I wanted to see the most, we've seen Yeong risking it all just to see her again, but Ra-on did nothing of the sort because she wanted to play safe, it's in line with her character, but it hurt me to see Yeong the one pushing for the relationship to work even in difficult time, she promised she wouldn't let go!

I was a goner when she entered into the room seeing the lifeless Yeong on his bed, gently took his hand and called him. Ugly crying came back to me in full force. I find it sad when Yeong said he was too scared to hold onto her in case she might be someone else and he only imagined her, so he hesitated for the longest time (when she was wiping him). Aww, why is it that Yeong always always hurts me so good with his words.

I have no words to describe it, this couple is simply magical when they're together. History be damned, I want them to be together for life!!


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(6 last one I SWEAR)

Then Yeong had to ruin us for any other Prince when he asked, sweetly, who Ra On was. It was such a meaningful question because the entire story has been based around Ra On's identity and the problems that came with it, and now he's asking because he knows who Ra On is, and most importantly, Ra On already knows who she is. She's the first who will live freely and happily in Yeong's Joseon. She's the eunuch who met the love of her life. THEN CUE MUSIC:

She's the one who filled our lonely Prince's world. HAPPY TEARS.

They really do fit so perfectly well together.

I cannot express my sheer love for this show. I rarely feel this way (unless you're cooking/baking competitions) but I could not stay away from Moonlight. It isn't perfect, of course not, but in my eyes, it's damn near there already. We've already talked over and over again about how amazing the music, editing, filming, directing, acting are and I'm not going back to that.

As I said before, I'm not into K-dramas but this show will be one of my favourites out of all the many, many, many shows I've watched. There's just something so special and heart-warming about this show. It made me feel so many things. I'm going to miss waiting for Mondays and Tuesdays so much!

And I'm so glad I stumbled onto this site when I was looking for Moonlight articles because I had so much fun reading the recaps and engaging in discussions with you guys! I hope you don't mind my Yeong fangirling and wordiness.

My heart feels so full and I'm just so happy, really.

(And how freaking awesome was that cameo by Kim Seul-gi? I adore Splash Splash Love to pieces and that was so brilliantly done! I'm doubly glad I watched SSL first because otherwise that cameo wouldn't have been as incredible!)


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The writer truly gave the best lines to Yeong and also Raon. However, there are lines of other characters that are also memorable. But when it comes to how my heart was tugged, the culprit is only Yeong. lol

You're not into kdramas? May I ask how you discovered MDBC then? I'm into kdramas but I am very picky, especially when it comes to sageuk. I need to be truly connected to the characters and the story in order for me to watch it from start to finish.

"My heart feels so full and I’m just so happy, really."

Me too. I'm just smiling and thinking of this simple yet wonderful story.


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Yeong tugged my heartstrings the most too, Ra-on came close at second.

I'm into k-drama too, but not sageuk, only picked this up because I adore Kim Yoo-jung, I was severely disappointed when she was dropped from Secret Door, so I had to check out Moonlight for her. I'm more of a OTP > plot person, but I guess in order to root for the OTP, I have to resonate with their characters, and they won me over in the beginning with all their cute banters. I kind of miss that in the latter part of the story. Yeong and Ra-on were cute together, even before they came to realize their feelings for one another.

I'm gonna miss this show a lot, my Mon-Tue will never be the same ever again.


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@Celine I was looking for something new because I'd just finished watching The Doctors, although I don't remember now why I started watching it in the first place but I loved it, so I wanted to see what new K-dramas were showing. I was trolling through mydramalist and since I love historical ANYTHING, I decided to watch Moon Lovers but I only lasted for half of the first episode. So I went back to mydramalist and saw the prettiest picture, the one of Yeong reaching for
Ra On, and decided that I should watch it instead and 18 episodes later, here I am!

Characters are the thing, for me. Usually I go watch something because of the plot and then I decide whether I stay or go for the characters. I usually love emotionally-focused dramas too, instead of convoluted plots, that's why Moonlight is just my perfect thing.

Oh yeah, I agree, the others had great lines, too. That scene between Yeong and Byeung-Yeun when BY was dying and then Yeong said that he was still the one he would trust the must...god, those lines. And Teacher Dasan was great, too! I even love that line by the King when he said that he'd lost all of his teachers and friends and the Queen, and I really felt for him because when you think about it, he's probably really lonely too, with just snakes for company for the past ten years.


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Me too! I am more characters > plot. I'd have to be emotionally invested with the characters or feel a connection with them. If the plot is good, but I did not feel a connection with the characters then I'd consider that drama as good but it won't be memorable for me. I will not re-watch it.

I originally did not intend to live watch MDBC because I thought the premise is all too familiar. I planned to wait for all episodes to finish. I planned to live watch ML but after episode one, I bowed out! LOL and ended up live watching this instead and loving it.


C-Chan, I never really mind reading your essays, they are all on point. How you analyze every character's depth gives me goosebumps. I understand each character deeply and widely thanks to your words! And how you connect our OTPs life, i never see it in that way until I read this. Those parts where Yeong see his mother through Ra-On as she dances with full of emotion in her eyes & when Ra-On sees her mother through Yeong wandering around looking for her.
Makes me want to watch the whole drama again with your essays on my mind.


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I finally got around to reading your thesis! I saw 6 huge blocks of text and knew that it would be a mighty read so I have been putting it off until I found the stamina to go through it, LOL.

Thanks very much for taking the time to write up all of this and for sharing your thoughts here. It has been an insightful and interesting read for me. I actually have much to add with regards to some of the things which you have written but each time I come across a sentence where I tell myself "ah hah, this is interesting, I'd like to also add my views on this", I find get distracted with the content of another sentence further down the line, gah.

I like how bulk of your comments are character-analysis, and seeing how you've responded to others' comments, you are big on characters in a drama, so that's no longer surprising. The thing about characters is that, in a well-fleshed out drama, they are multifaceted and have so many dimensions to them that reams and reams of words could be written about who they are, how they were shaped, how they react, what their motives are, what their thoughts could be, whether we like or dislike it, how we think they could be improved on or made different, etc. The list is endless!

So, getting a small snapshot of your views on the main characters has been interesting, and thanks for sharing. It was a lovely read. ^^


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Haha, so freakin long C-Chan! And I finally get here at 2am, gonna hold on this and sleep first. I'll be back to read later.


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I know right, I'm almost embarrassed. But the tears I couldn't shed somehow turned into words instead haha


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Thank you JB for the recaps! I love that the last 2 episodes went back to its roots and I thoroughly enjoy them so much save for Yoon-sung's death (so sad!) but was already predicted in the early part of the drama. It's really a show for the ages and one that I can recommend as an "entry level" sageuk drama.

No one expected the huge amount of buzz and ratings for this drama, but not surprising given the talented group of young actors plus casting veteran sageuk actors that made this drama so special, elevated by the production team working behind the scenes. I've convinced myself enough that I now have a better appreciation of sageuks after this show that I've started watching Six Flying Dragons, and loving it so far. I still trip when I see Chun Ho Jin as General Yi since I like him so much there, and he's so hatable as Prime Minister Kim on this drama!

Also - love, LOVE the Kim Seul-gi cameo! How cheeky, show. I have not watched Splish Splash Love yet so I guess that's next on my list now.


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Six Flying Dragons is an amazing drama, you won't regret watching it believe me, it's one of my all-time favorite sageuks!


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I am REALLY enjoying it so far! I'm only at episode 10 and liking the balance of politics, martial arts and funny. And I didn't realize that some of the casts from SFD are in Moonlight when I started watching, so it was a real treat!


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OMG, watch Splash Splash Love! It's so good, as good as Moonlight, and it has all the right essences of a good rom-com.


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I watched finish the show but can someone share with me abt BY in the end where he was talking with HGN? Did he go back to LY's side or he is still roaming?


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I think BY roamed during that one year time slip, and during that scene with HGN, I think he wants to return to Yeong side


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@Ahn, thanks for ur insight. I also want to think that. Since i like e friendship bromance of LY, BY and YS.

One more qn. I understand LY as moon and the people as clouds. But what does it mean drawn? As in drawing a picture? Still trying to understand the metaphor/title what it means. :)

I feel so lost after the finale. Withdrawal symptoms. Thanks for all the moonlighters and beannies for your fun company.


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It's not drawing a picture, but the cloud gathering around the moon, yet still let the moonlight shine through.
Which mean the people(clouds) surround Yeong(moon) and let him shine as the King that live for the people. His love and power shine through them and with them, as he thrive for a better Joseon, for equality and freedom


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Thanks @anh for explaining. So meaningful. :)


When you draw curtains open, you pull them apart to reveal the window. Sunlight can then shine through.

The clouds around the moon are drawn to reveal the moonlight. In the title's metaphor, the moonlight is the King's essence, or how he shines. The clouds are his subjects (or his closest allies) who surround him to protect him. They also pull back to reveal how his highness rules.

The moon itself waxes and wanes (sometimes it doesn't shine as bright). This was shown in an episode where the Prince was in distress and the moon was a half-moon.

The clouds move in and out to either protect or allow the moon to shine.

The beauty of the clouds moving through the moon is the king or the kingdom's reign as it waxes and wanes through time.


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I m back!
I finally watched Ep 17 early morning today. And watched Ep 18 minutes minutes ago inside the comfort of our conference room with my colleague. So sad! We missed Lee Yeong already ???


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Awww Linda, you found people to watch with? That's great! Lol. I'm so sad that this is all over now.


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I haven't commenting much on dramabeans lately but I've been reading comments/recaps here. Just wanted to say that despite the slower pace in the last few weeks, I still absolutely love this show! For me it's probably one of the best saeguks I've watched ❤❤❤ can't wait to see the cast in new project in the future, especially YooJung and Bogummy XD


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It's over! I can't believe it! This was one awesome journey and I enjoyed every single moment of it, all of it, ugly-crying included!

I was expecting that Yoon-sung would die but I was not ready for it, I fell for him a little later than most of you guys so I regret not loving him from the beginning. His character was sad and my heart breaks for him, I wanted to see him with Byung-yeon one last time, his friendship with Yeong has always been restricted because of their ranks but it wasn't like that with Byung-yeon, I loved seeing him talking with him freely and just being a friend. The only comfort to me is that he died in Ra-on's arms while trying to save her, she at least was there and that was enough for him, “You are the picture I always wanted to draw” that’s what brought tears to my eyes this episode!

Awww, she had the bracelet on! She collected the scattered beads and strung them together and even better she’s wearing it, I love her for doing that! It shows that she also wanted to believe that no matter what they were going through, no matter how separate their ways were and how far their paths will take them that fate will bring them together again, she held on that belief, YAY! And Yeong is king, that made me really happy, he deserves to be on that throne and make the world he dreams of, the people dream of, and when he sat on the steps, I had my hand on my heart, that’s how touched and proud I was of him!

I liked what Ha-yeon did, she made the right decision, rather than being trapped in a love-less marriage or in this case stuck in one-sided love and heartache she chose to be free, it will hurt in the beginning but she’ll get over it and might even love again.
Kim Seul-Gi, Best Cameo Ever!
Moonlighters, you guys are amazing! I loved reading all of your thoughts and opinions, I got excited every time I saw the comment count go up, I came back to the recaps dozen times a day just to read them even if I didn’t comment much myself, it was such a joy, Thank you!

And thank you javabeans, you’re awesome!


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Me too, I get excited when the comment count goes up, and I'd come looking and tracking for it like a mad woman, lol. Even if I don't reply, I want Moonlighters to know I'm committed in reading their thoughts, lol. It's part of my loyalty being a Moonlighter.


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Finally, its finale time. Time to let go of one the most beautiful korean dramas i have watched this year.

This show had the right balance of romance, politics, evil plottings , friendship, drama, tragedy etc.

The show lived up to the fortune teller/face reader's prophecy than what actually happened in history. It was good to bring out the twist in this episode about the exchange of robes between Yeong,and Yoon sung. No wonder, PM always looked so scared, and concerned, of what face reader said, and tried so hard to do everything with Yoon-Sung in his mind. The big picture in his mind was always to see Yoon-Sung as King, He did so many evil, cruel things to many people, but he really loved his grandson so much.

For me, i did not feel that much sad about Yoon-Sung's death, since he literally died in the arms of the person he ever loved in his life. He knows, she will never be his. But i was disappointed of not showing Yeong weeping out his heart, on yoon-Sung's death. I always loved their cold yet warm interactions between them. They may not be on good terms, but you could see they had some deep friendship going on since childhood.

I was hoping a bit of the gang reunion of Ra-On, Yeong, Byung Yun in somewhere, in palace, or anywhere. Their scenes are so magical, special and full of warmth.

Well, at the end everyone got its dues. Evil queen realized her mistake, and wanted nothing more, than gaining her father's acknowledgement. She got dethroned, PM, committing suicide , dumb and dumber being expelled etc.

It was sad to see that, the remaining bullet in Yoon-Sung's gun was used by his grandfather to shoot himself. Yoon-Sung saved that one, to anyone who tried to harm Ra on. It was symbolic, that the last bullet, was used by that one person, who continuously tried to harm Ra On.

So everyone was happy at the end. Yeong becoming the King, and my god, he looks dashing in that king's attire. It suits him. And he really became the KING OF PEOPLE. Princess getting her love, ha yeon, letting go of her love for Yeong, and moving on. The little princess speaking, Ra On living as a woman.

I just want to say, I loved this show, even though some parts were rushed a bit, and cramming and squeezing things in the finale. But this show will be very special.

I want to thank the directors, the writers, for keeping us engaged and making our hearts dance together, beat together, cry together. Loved all the actors.

Park Bogum, is THE BEST CROWN PRINCE, and his portrayal of such Crown Prince, has stolen my heart. Kim Yoo Jung, with her sweet innocent and smooth acting. i will miss her as Eunuch Hong. All the actors, from Cha soo bin, Jin yong, Kwak Do yeon. The senior actors too. The little princess.

Thank you javabeans for recapping this drama, and bringing us together to discuss about this beautiful show.


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He's the best king too


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For me too, PBG/Lee Yeong is the best Crown Prince/King.


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It's sad, even in his last breath, he was deprived of the friendship he yearned so much, I kind of wish to see Yeong mourn for him too, it's unfair that Byung-yeon got one, but Yoon-sung didn't. At least the love of his life mourned for him, and he got to say everything he wanted to her. His words were beautiful: You are the painting I wish to draw.


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I cried reading your comment. I've forgot about his love for drawing. Thank you! RIP Yoon-sung! :'(


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---- "Yoon-Sung saved that one, to anyone who tried to harm Ra on. It was symbolic, that the last bullet, was used by that one person, who continuously tried to harm Ra On."

This breaks my heart. Just add more feels to my sadness towards Yoon Sung's fate.


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