Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 15

It’s an emotion-filled episode all around, as stakes continue to rise and the story grows more serious. There are upsides and downsides to all that emotion (and teaaars), and while that often means heartbreak and longing for the characters, the show does often excel at finding ways to make its angst meaningful, and sometimes even gratifying. Well, most of the time. Not, unfortunately, all of the time.


EPISODE 15: “All those lies that seemed like truth”

Yeong walks into his room and finds a letter on his desk. His expression grows grave as he reads it, while Ra-on receives a letter of her own while in hiding. Hers is from Head Eunuch Han, who says he has more to tell her about her father and asks to meet, requesting that she name the time and place.

Yeong considers the letter for a long while, and finally makes his way out late that night.

And that’s how he ends up in that secluded building, where he faces a stunned Ra-on with a hard expression on his face and vows not to forgive her. Then he grabs her close and embraces her tightly.

At the same time, royal soldiers mobilize outside a house looking just like the one Yeong and Ra-on are in. The younger Minister Kim steps up in front and leads the charge as they move in on the building…

Yeong pulls away from Ra-on, and tells her, “I will only listen to your words. Even if you speak lies, I will believe you. Everything you showed me—was it all true?”

Ra-on lowers her eyes, seeming torn on how to respond, and then apologizes. Looking stricken, Yeong grasps her arms and looks at her intently… and then a sound from outside grabs their attention.

Oh thank goodness, it’s Byung-yeon, who bursts inside and warns that Yeong had guessed correctly and that they must escape.

So when the soldiers do finally charge the building, swords drawn, it’s only Yeong that they find inside, with his back to the door. Moments later, more soldiers join the fray—but this second group challenges the first, protecting the prince.

Minister Kim looks shocked when Yeong turns to face them; clearly this isn’t what he’d been expecting. Outside, Byung-yeon swiftly dispatches several soldiers, then leads Ra-on away.

Minister Kim averts his eyes, starting to sweat now as Yeong asks what he’s doing here. Yeong says he’d been curious to see who sent him a false letter hoping to catch him in a trap, lip curling as he concludes, “It was you?”

Minister Kim says nervously that he is merely acting on a report of a secret meeting with a traitor. Yeong fumes at the idea that someone would dare frame the crown prince for treason and orders Minister Kim to capture the culprit: “That is your only way to live. Do you understand?!”

The next day, Byung-yeon informs the prince that Ra-on is fine and will soon be relocated to a safer place. Yeong supposes that he ought not ask where that is, and Byung-yeon replies that it would only make things harder on Ra-on.

Yeong wonders, “How is it that I became the person who makes this most difficult for Ra-on?” He assures Byung-yeon that he won’t ask anything.

Flashing back to the previous night, we see how they’d escaped. After receiving the warning to flee, Yeong urges Ra-on to leave quickly with Byung-yeon. Before she does, she tells Yeong not to wonder where she is: “And even if you hear news of me, do not be shaken. I will do so, too.”

With a bow, she starts to leave. Yeong reaches out to grab her wrist with the hand that still wears his bracelet, and they stare for a long moment into each other’s pained eyes. Yeong holds Ra-on’s hand tightly, loath to let go, but Ra-on slowly pulls hers free, leaving him empty-handed. He stares down at her, brokenhearted, while she averts her eyes and leaves.

The queen meets with Ha-yeon, who is now living at the palace and being trained to be the crown princess. She seems to enjoy telling Ha-yeon that the prince continues to resist the marriage and asks if Ha-yeon is curious why.

Ha-yeon doesn’t rise to the bait, answering that the prince must have his reasons. The queen says with mock concern that the prince has been devastated following the disappearance of a eunuch he used to take everywhere with him, and asks Ha-yeon to comfort him. Having planted that seed of suspicion in Ha-yeon’s mind, the queen smirks to herself.

Byung-yeon reports to his rebel group about the previous night’s events, but tells them that he doesn’t know where Ra-on is, because she was gone when he’d arrived to warn the prince. Head Eunuch Han is gravely concerned by the fact that someone forged a letter from him, and deduces that they have an insider working against them. He vows that if a traitor is discovered in their midst, he will be punished.

That night, Ra-on’s mother asks if she resents her father for the difficulties Ra-on and her mother have had to endure because of his actions. Ra-on reminds Mom that she’d said he was doing important and necessary work.

Mom concedes that that’s true, but still didn’t like that it was her husband doing that work: “Rather than someone doing important work, I needed someone to be family who would eat, sleep, cry, and laugh with me.” So naturally she hated him for it, too.

Ra-on says that those words sound like “I miss you” to her ears, and Mom has to laugh. Then when Ra-on steps outside, she notices a bundle just outside the door.

A terrified court lady cowers before Yeong, who confirms that she delivered the forged letter to his desk. He prods her to describe who sent her on the errand, and she says that he was an unfamiliar face, and one she recalls clearly.

A man wearing a black bamboo hat makes his way to the Kims’ inner circle… and it’s Byung-yeon’s direct boss in the rebel group. Prime Minister Kim notes that there’s no guarantee that a traitor to the rebel group wouldn’t also backstab him. Black Hat replies that he’s trusting in the power of money, not Prime Minister Kim himself: “You can buy only what you need to buy, and I will sell only what I can sell.”

That answer satisfies the Kims, who hand over an envelope. Black Hat is ordered to deliver Ra-on immediately.

Yoon-sung cradles a baby, and a flashback informs us that this is the discarded princess, born to the queen and swapped for the court lady’s boy. Shortly after the queen’s eunuch had smuggled the princess away, Yoon-sung had knocked out the man taking her away.

Yoon-sung has entrusted the baby to a gibang matron, who assures him that the gisaengs adore the child. She’s curious about the baby’s background, and Yoon-sung explains that she was orphaned and has no place to go. The woman is moved by that plight and vows to raise her with the utmost care.

That night, Ra-on enjoys some air outside the house and assures her mother she’ll be in shortly. All of a sudden, she’s grabbed from behind by a masked intruder, while a second one knocks her mother out cold. She struggles against her captor, but is no match for them and gets dragged off.

But seconds later, Byung-yeon leaps into the fray and cuts down one intruder, takes down a second, and then faces the remaining one—his rebel boss Black Hat, although Byung-yeon doesn’t know it yet, with the mask covering the man’s face. They come together in a fierce clash of swords, and Byung-yeon gains the upper hand, sending down his boss down on one knee and knocking away his sword.

They lock eyes for a long beat—does Byung-yeon recognize him? Is there something there?—and then Black Hat runs away. Byung-yeon remains behind, while Ra-on rushes to her unconscious mother’s side.

The prime minister visits the queen to see her newborn baby, and she brightens at his praise of the child. The queen adds that she feels lighthearted to have borne a prince—words that make Yoon-sung’s face even stonier. He asks if she is happy, and there’s something to the way he presses her on it that makes the prime minister and queen look at him more closely, wondering what he could be driving at.

Black Hat makes his way back to the Kims… and this time, around the corner we see that Byung-yeon has followed him here. He seizes the opening to attack his boss from behind, then holds a blade to the man’s throat, deducing that Black Hat sold out the rebels to work for the Kim family.

“So?” his boss asks, shocking Byung-yeon. If Black Hat is outed, the covers will be blown for both Head Eunuch Han and Byung-yeon, who have been undercover for years at the palace.

Furious, Byung-yeon drops his sword and punches Black Hat in the face and gets in several solid hits. But then a halt is called as they are surrounded by royal soldiers, who recognize Byung-yeon. Holding up a drawing resembling Black Hat (which must have been based on the court lady’s description), the lead officer informs him that they’ve come to arrest the man. For the moment, there’s nothing Byung-yeon can do.

Yeong announces to his court that the culprit who tried to frame him for treason has been captured. Ministers Dumb and Dumber tense, and Yeong shoots a look over at Prime Minister Kim as he says that the man admitted to taking orders from someone.

Minister Dumber blusters that he’ll have the criminal interrogated by the tribunal, but Yeong adds that the man has already volunteered for a special interrogation before the king and the court where he will reveal all he knows. The Kims quake a bit in their shoes.

Dumb and Dumber confer privately to figure out what to do, nervous that Black Hat will spill the beans on their involvement.

Ra-on is surprised by a visit from Head Eunuch Han, whom she has deduced was a friend of her father’s involved in the same work. Eunuch Han confirms it, saying that he wanted to enlist her to join in her father’s cause, but Ra-on is firm in her denial.

He guesses that it’s because of Yeong and explains that the prince is pushing back the wedding, and is not eating or sleeping well. He tells her that pulling on entangled threads only tightens the knot and renders it impossible to untangle: “When that happens, you must cut it loose without regrets.” That, he explains, is the path that’s best for the prince.

Eunuch Han says that he’s sorry and tells Ra-on to take care of herself as he leaves. She’s left shaken and heartsick.

Dumb and Dumber slip into the prison with a royal doctor, who carries needles hidden in his sleeve. Poisoned, perhaps? The doctor starts to enter the cell where Black Hat sleeps, only to have a voice call out to the group—Yeong, who wonders at their late-night visit.

Minister Dumb lies that he was merely checking on the status of the criminal, indicating the man inside the cell. Yeong narrows his eyes and asks how he knew that was the criminal in question. Aha! Yeong points out that he’d never disclosed the man’s identity, and the ministers gulp to be caught in their lie.

To make his point clear, Yeong asks the head prison guard if he knows the man’s name or crime, and the guard replies no. With that, Yeong orders the criminal roused, so they can ask who he is taking his orders from.

But when the guard goes over to Black Hat, the body just lies there limply—he’s already dead. Oh noooooooo. Fuming, Yeong accuses Minister Kim of interfering before the interrogation.

The next day as Yeong holds court with his ministers, the prime minister makes a late entrance. He’s notably dressed out of his red ministerial robes, which are set down before the prince.

He explains that despite his faithful service, he is suspected of criminal acts, and will resign his post in turn his efforts to clearing his name. Yeong tells him to clear his name using different methods, but at the cries of the court to accept the dismissal, he finds himself outnumbered. (Ex-)Prime Minister Kim promises to capture all the rebels and deliver them to the prince.

A notice is posted in the city with Ra-on’s name and picture, identifying herself as a traitor and leading participant on the attack on the prince. Soon after it’s posted, an unseen man rips it down.

Byung-yeon brings one of the posters to Yeong and warns that it won’t be safe for Ra-on to remain in the city. The idea is a blow to Yeong, who asks, “You mean she will be leaving soon, don’t you?”

Ra-on mulls over Head Eunuch Han’s advice to cut the knot free, crying to herself at the thought.

Bitterly, Yeong asks, “Does she really not have anything she wants to ask me, or hear from me? Or argue with me, or request of me? Does she not even wonder about me, or miss me?” He looks up at the moon with tears pooling in his eyes, asking, “Is she even alive?”

Then he faces Byung-yeon earnestly to say, “My words about not asking anything—forget them. Once, even just once, could you have me meet her?”

Ra-on and her mother both lie awake in bed that night, and Ra-on’s mother seems to sense her mood and suggests moving far away. Ra-on’s face crumples, but she forces a smile when she turns to face Mom and agrees to leave.

“But before that,” Ra-on says, “there’s something I have to do.” Her mother asks what that is, and she replies, “Sending [him] away. So that he can live well without me. So that if someone were to come and take my place…”

Mom asks if she means to make it so Yeong won’t carry lingering feelings for her, but she replies no: “So he won’t be sorry to me.”

Mom sighs and pulls Ra-on close, patting her comfortingly while shedding tears of her own. Ra-on cries quietly in her mother’s arms.

Prime Minister Kim sits Yoon-sung down, looking at the wanted poster of Ra-on as well as the portraits Yoon-sung had painted of her in her female guise. The prime minister sneers in disgust at the idea of Yoon-sung falling for a rebel’s daughter and barks that he could have called any number of gisaengs if he wanted a woman to draw or hold.

“Like you, Grandfather?” Yoon-sung asks pointedly. “Is it fine to hold them for one night and then abandon them?” He asks if it’s their family tradition to embrace people, including children, when needed and discard them when not.

“What is it you hate so much?” his grandfather asks. Yoon-sung replies, “The picture that you have drawn. That big picture you have carefully prepared with me in mind.”

His grandfather asks if he really opposes their family’s long tradition and his grand future. Yoon-sung says, “Yes. Even if it is low and crude, I will live the painting that I draw for myself.”

Late that night, Yeong waits alone in a building, and breaks into a smile when Ra-on comes into view. It fades a little when she keeps her eyes averted and asks why he wanted to see her, and he registers her stiffness.

Yeong asks why she’s keeping him at a distance, worrying that that his request put her in danger. Ra-on clenches a fist and looks up at him, saying, “Being next to you right now is the most dangerous time.” Her voice hardens as she adds, “At one order from you, could I not be dragged off at any moment?”

Hurt at that thought, Yeong calls her name and starts to step toward her, but Ra-on suddenly pulls out a small dagger and brandishes it at him. What are you doooooing.

Her hands shake and she breathes unsteadily, and Yeong tells her to put down the weapon, declaring that he would never order her killed. “Do I have to say these unbelievable words?” he asks incredulously.

Ra-on tells him that things are different now from the time when he knew nothing about her. She has heard that the king is unwell, much like how he suffered ten years ago because of her father’s actions.

Yeong tells her she’ll hurt herself and slowly reaches up to take the knife, but pauses when she brandishes it with more vigor.

“You must have many resentments yourself,” Ra-on tells him, raising her voice. “But I am the same. Who is it who made my father a traitor and made him die?!”

Yeong takes a step toward her anyway, and then another. With one firm movement he grabs her hands in both of his. And then, slowly, he angles the dagger’s tip inside the loop of his eternity bracelet. With a twist, he cuts the cord, sending its beads scattering. Nooooo. The dagger clatters to the floor.

Ra-on looks up in shock. In a pained voice, Yeong reminds her, “No matter what, I said I would believe everything. Your lies. I understand, so go on. We will not meet again.”

Ra-on stares at him for long, heartbroken moments, tears spilling from her eyes, matching the ones in his.

And now, finally, the royal wedding.

The palace is prepared for the ceremony, and Yeong and Ha-yeon are dressed in their wedding finery. He looks dead-eyed through his preparations, while she looks both nervous and sad.

Ha-yeon’s father joins her for some emotional final words, momentarily taking her aback with his newly formal address (as a princess, she outranks him). He warns her that she may find palace life very difficult, but Ha-yeon assures him not to worry, and for a brief moment he drops the formalities to call her by name for the last time. He entreats her to be healthy and safe, and Ha-yeon sheds a few tears as she hugs her father.

Eunuch Jang finishes dressing Yeong and gets emotional himself, reminiscing on how much Yeong has grown from boyhood, wishing him happiness and health. He places the hat on Yeong’s head, and Yeong flashes back to Ra-on doing that for him in her eunuch days, and how he’d playfully tiptoed out of reach.

Today, though, Yeong’s face remains bleak and sad.

From a faraway hill, Ra-on looks over toward the palace, knowing that the ceremony is unfolding today.

(Park Bo-gum sings this ballad, “My Person,” whose lyrics tell us: “You’re my everything, you’re my person / As much as my heart hurts, this love that cannot be erased / this love that cannot be stopped even if the world freezes / I would rather that I hurt more / Do not worry about me, even if it hurts and hurts, it’s love / I’m happy because you are forever my person”)

Wearing a grim expression, Yeong walks out of his palace to head for the ceremony.

On her walk back home, Ra-on sees a troop of soldiers marching through and ducks out of sight. Luckily, she’s not spotted.

Meanwhile, her mother waits for her at home, but stiffens when someone else arrives: a man wearing a bamboo hat, who slowly reveals his face. Mom’s eyes widen in shock. Is that… who I think it is?

At the palace, an officer bursts in to deliver unfortunate news to the king.

Ra-on arrives home to find her place ransacked, and her mother sits in a daze.

Just as Yeong is about to step into his palanquin, Eunuch Jang comes running up with bad news: The king has collapsed, in response to news that Hong Kyung-rae has been arrested.


All right, I’ll just come out and say it: This was the first episode I was actively dissatisfied with, as the story went from reasonably angsty to frustratingly so. I’m sure we all have different tolerance levels for how much plot complication and angst we can take before our enjoyment of an overall show starts to wane, but for me, I can generally hang in there as long as I find the story and characters credible—if it still makes sense to my head or my heart, I’m usually somewhat appeased.

This dissatisfaction isn’t purely because our couple is still apart, or because one is lying to the other (although that certainly doesn’t make me happy), but because (1) the plot spent more time away from the main couple, and (2) the underlying logic failed me for the first time. The romantic relationship doesn’t have to be in an happy, cute phase for me to find it rewarding, but shifting away from it for long periods of time had my interest flagging at points. Previous episodes tugged at my heart despite the painful goodbyes and longing heartbreak, because I was there with both characters, understanding the need for their present circumstances and feeling the dilemma as they lived through it. I understood, and even agreed with, Ra-on pushing away Yeong and running away and leaving behind the bracelet, and when she grieved her lost love privately, I felt that pain with her.

But today, she pulled the noble idiot card—a trap this drama has been so good as to avoid till now—and employed that logic I abhor and have never found compelling, where you essentially say, “I don’t want him to hurt, so I’ll prevent him from being hurt in the future by hurting him right now.” Oh gee, that’s so considerate.

I’m sure there are ways we can rationalize Ra-on’s behavior with elaborate character analysis and argued defenses, and because I love this show I recognize a knee-jerk compulsion to think up explanations on behalf of the show. And to a small extent I think that’s fair, that when a show has built up a bank of goodwill by consistently exceeding expectations and delivering awesomely, that it’s allowed a bit of a grace—but for me, it’s only a very small bit of leniency. Because as fans, we can love a thing beyond what it delivered but we can’t conjure up something it didn’t do, or argue something it didn’t argue itself.

All that said, there were moments that did touch me, such as the motif of lying and truth, as reflected in the episode title. Going back an episode, it seems the straight reading of “lies that seemed true” is Yeong doubting that Ra-on was sincere in her love of him. But I loved that the prince subverted that expectation, giving her permission to “lie” and accepting her answer no matter what. That’s why it particularly hurt my heart when she pulled her knife on him (which I’m still angry about) and tried to turn him away by making it seem she resented him, because she inflicted pain intentionally when it wasn’t even necessary, when he would have accepted her answer without her needing to invent false logic.

So she disappointed me, because this “I did it for your own good” logic frequently ignores the other person’s agency in a situation by denying them the opportunity to react. You’ve decided that in order for that other person to do as you want, you must control (or manipulate) the information they have at hand, and ultimately it signals a lack of faith. I don’t condemn Ra-on for it; she’s human and young and in an impossible situation, and in any other show I would probably just accept it. It’s just, this show has been so great about writing characters who rise to the challenge, and I don’t think she did today. I feel that he, on the other hand, did: It’s bittersweet and touching to see that ultimately he accepts her choice without agreeing with it or necessarily even believing it; it’s the fact that she made a choice at all that compels him to respect it.

As for the rebel plotline, well, I’ve watched a lot of sageuk dramas so it’s no surprise that this drama is starting to feel the drag of going shifting to external conflicts like political machinations and rebellion plots. Really, I was expecting it to come sooner, so on the upside I have to commend this show for making it Episode 15 before I felt we’d hit that drag. It seems like standard sageuk procedure to get to this point a few weeks earlier and spend more time in it, so I’m relieved that we’re not really in very much danger at all, given that we’re so close to the end. That said, being ahead of the curve compared to other dramas is fine and all, but Moonlight has been a remarkable experience by consistently hitting high levels of heart, fun, and warmth, and today I thought it fell short of its own standard.

But to leave on a happy note: Who else laughed when me made it through yet another episode without a royal wedding? This show is determined to keep our crown prince unattached and monogamous, history be damned, and you know, I’m really okay with flouting historical record on this one.


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Kim huyng appearance! at least CP can still think straight and see through lies

Hwang chi yeol ver of Because I miss you!!! AND Bogum My Person playing during the wedding prep, the lyrics just killed me!!! “My love won’t stop, I will embrace all the pain, don’t worry about me, no matter how much it hurts, it’s still love, I’m still happy, you’re forever my person” <3 <3 <3

AND wtf? Hong gyeong nae is alive?? Seriously, this drama really put twist to our assumption like when we thought the mother was dead. Perhaps papa Hong didn’t want Raon to be sad so he disrupt the wedding? kekeke

At least that disrupt the wedding, but gosh, now there’re more complicated issues.

And eunuch Han advice to Raon is complete opposite of RO promise to Yeong, when it seem impossible, never let me go vs cut it clean

And Yeong sees through Raon lies, when she said she resent and he knew she was trying to cut tie with him, then he cut the bracelet, and he said he would trust her lies, no matter what she says, damn FEELS

Side character wise though, now we know Yoonsung will stand up for his own moral and belief, instead of being passively involved in his grandfather big dream. He was similar to Yeong, unwilling to let other paint his future, he wants to create his own future. And he asked if queen Kim was happy seeing the fake prince lolz

Hayeon probably finally hit with reality, that she will be super lonely if the wedding is through, that her father cannot address her by her name anymore but address her as Crown Princess. And she also knows that Yeong doesn’t spare any warm feeling for her so she wasn’t excited or kinda looking forward to the wedding anymore. It was more like, it was too far in to pull out and she just needs to go through it.

THIS EPISODE is angst and more angst…. Hopefully in tomorrow episode, more plans, actions and alliance to flesh out to bring our 2 puppies back together. Im still waiting for our 3 musketeer team.

AND the preview, omg!!!

P.S: apparently the staffs vacation is 5 days 4 nights Cebu, departing 21/10, most cast members will go incl PBG, KDY, KYJ but not sure about CSB.
The special episode is 85min air 18/10, incl interview with 5 main leads, unreleased scenes, NG and BTS.


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I am probably in the mood but I love the angst, finally they aren't the perfect kid,
Finally the couple quarrel and finally Byeong Yeon punch with fist,

I hope they want to have a separation but they are so young that it doesn't come off as peace solution,
learn to let it go . . . .
just let it go for a while


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"Finally the couple quarrel"

Since you put it that way, I'm now kind of a teeny tiny but less angry at Raon. Lovers' quarrel has been a long time coming, I guess. LOL


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Lovers Quarrel? I love lovers quarrel, but why does this feel like somethings else? This is more like giving up than a fight, or the fight is one sided so its just sad


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Yup, this doesn't seem like lovers quarrel to me either. More like noble idiocy on both sides, I get that Ra-on pulled it first by asking Yeong not to find her and mock-blame the king for her father's death, but when Yeong decided to let go too, bah, I'm all the more upset. >:(


Though it's not a lovers quarrel for me, I felt that their decision are not too out of context, it may be noble idiocy, but what can you really do in those situations, I was thinking if it were me? I think that I'll just put all my trust to the creators of this wonderful drama,


I wanted to put my hand through the screen and slap Ra-On left right and center. That's idiocy at it's highest.


I should explained more than,
imo it's likes the 1st time they can't meet the neutral ground even when they both did it for their love
and isn't they still a couple just until the bracelet broke??


I was surprised myself when Raon pulled a knife on CP. It was shocking it was her idea of a "proper" goodbye, but the more i think of it, the more i empathize with Ra-on and see that she has few choices. From the beginning up until that point it has always been the CP who readily displayed affection toward Raon, in nearly every scene , she shied away from his touch and his advancement with the exception of that last day before she escaped from the palace. He has been persistent and almost unreasonable in believing that somehow their differences in class, and her being a daughter of a traitor could be overlooked. Ra-on has walked away from him many times without success. She is more realistic than he in understanding that there are things in life that are off limits even for a CP. She seems to have a better the grasp of the consequences of their staying together.

From the CP perspective of this scene. He didnt buy for a second that she would harm him, although she made a good attempt to put up an act. As she brandished the knife before him, he walked straight into it, forcing Raon to step back. He was testing her will and her words. It wasnt a one sided fight.

I found this scene painful and so beautiful at the same time. It broke my heart when CP said " I will believe your lies, i understand now, so please stop."


I'm fine with angst, but it should be reasonable and touching, not frustrating

Like when Yeong was going through the wedding prep scene, that touched me


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Yay for vacation reward, they deserve it lots! I'm happy Yoo-jung is going on it too, because I don't think she ever been to one, right? Can't wait for the special too~! >_<


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the CP is coming to my country!

so sorry for the squee slip up


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Lucky you T_T


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ha ha ha ha, welcome him well


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He will be where I live. Wish I can get an idea which resort are they staying...coz, you know I might just visit it to just get a glimpse of the cast.


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Umm...calex, this is awkward since it's our first time talking and all, but umm...when they do get there, can I stay over your house and stalk, ahem visit, them with you?


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Most of the time, Korean artists go to Imperial Palace resort which is now known as JPark Island. Maybe they're going there?


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Oohhh, my friend and I squee-ed too that they will be coming here to the PH! Too bad we're not in Cebu! But hooray for their well-deserved break too. Their shooting schedule seems so exhausting.


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I wish I could fly to Cebu right now! PBG! Get some dried mangoes!


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Thanks for the update Ahn!!!
Wooooot! Any Cebuanos in the house?
Lol even though I left Cebu for a while now I'm still very much Cebuano at heart. I hope the cast and crew wouldn't worry too much about the bad press the president/country is getting. As long as they get good guides and coordinate their activities well there shouldn't be a problem at all. Cebu is still very much a tourist hotspot. Ahhhh PBG in Cebu (hyperventilates at the thought of this again).
I hope they love it there! Enjoy MDBC team! Thank you for all your hardwork and dedication. Most of all, thank you for making this show!


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I hope I can booked an air asia ticket from Jakarta to Cebu to find them, meet Captain Park or Soo Ah or maybe Do Woo On the way to airport and then meet Park Bo Gum n the gang.

Hahaha... *noona fantasized


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I'd follow them around, by foot if I have to, if I were still in Cebu, and I would fantasize too about getting an air ticket from here in Canada all the the way to Cebu right now just to meet/see/be in the same space as them. But my bank account is just that much of a buzzkill.


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Hi there! I'm from Iloilo! My cousin and I are planning to fly to Cebu from Iloilo for a slim chance of seeing PBG and the rest of the cast. But I'm not sure if this has been confirmed by KBS already. Can anyone check?


You are very right.id love to meet PBG on the way to airport SA and DW would be a great bonus to meet by a chance lol


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I've made inquiries already on where they could possibly be staying here in Cebu.

So far, I haven't gotten any information yet.


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Its good they will visit cebu all i know only speculations which hotel they gonna be. but i need company huhuhu.at least they will give at least 10 minutes of there spare time to meet the fans at least in the mall it will be accessible for all their fans?BOOTAK JOM MOOLUHBODUDWEHYO ? JEBAL....


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MDBC cast will give their spare time in Cebu at least 5-10 minutes please hopefully KBS will read this one! Kamsahamnida


Has KBS or drama reps confirmed the reward vacation? Last I heard, were they not deciding between phuket, thailand and cebu?

Also, I thought that special episode will only be 10 mins long? But I really hope they make it 85 mins, or even 2 episodes long. We wouldn't mind, would we?


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85 minutes with BTS, interviews and best scenes... cmiiw

i want never before seen scenes tho


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the vacation is confirmed today

The 85 min is 1 episode, airing right after episode 18


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Just when the cast decides to go to Cebu, to the land I've lived all throughout my life, I have to fly to Manila for a short vacation. My heart is crushed.

*off to take the exam. Laters Moonlighters ;)


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neener! I'm gonna smack your head! Told you to stay away for the time being, lol.


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Sorry! I just have to. No matter how angsty the episode will be, I'll be here. xD


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Noooo~ No, show, no! Why did you go and do that?! Do we really Hong Kyung-rae in the picture right now, this late into the game? Why?! For what? Isn’t it bad enough that Ra-on impersonated man/eunuch and a traitor’s daugher, now her father is alive too? Do we really need this much conflict all at once? Some people have been speculating that they might turn Hong Kyung-rae innocent of his part in the riot 10 years ago, and I feel conflicted about that. I don’t mind this show tweaking history to ensure our OTP’s happy ending, but I’m not so sure about messing with the history of Hong Kyung-rae, and it’s the only one thing I wish remain untouched in this show. Sure it’d be hard to clear Ra-on’s family name of capital crime, but why undo something that’s so greatly established for 14 episodes long?

And here I thought angst ended last week, I should’ve known that angst doesn’t stop simply because they met. I know I said I don’t care much about the symbolism of the bracelet as long as Yeong holds onto his faith, but my dam of tears broke when he cut off the bracelet and told Ra-on he’d believe all of her lies (meaning: I understand that you’re being mean to let me go). When that bracelet broke, my heart shattered along with them. I know their love wouldn’t end simply because the goddamn bracelet broke, but the resolution coming from the broken bracelet seems more final than Ra-on leaving behind her bracelet. For once, I didn't mind Baek Ji-young's "Love is Over" in the background, because it really felt that way for me, especially with their tear-stricken faces. And oof, the look of heartbreak on Yeong's face when Ra-on took out the knife and said all of those lies, that killed me. I was half expecting Yeong to take Ra-on’s hand and stab himself in the gut, because that’s what she’s been doing to me all episode long. Surely an inflicted wound would be better than a gaping hole in our crown prince’s heart?

Don’t get me wrong, I understand perfectly well why this would be the wrong time for our OTP to be together, the stakes are too high and we’re treading on dangerous territory, especially when everyone is constantly out to get Ra-on, and the main conflict still remain. But I wish all the brains we have in this show (just the 3 musketeers really) could come together and do something about this giant elephant (brokenhearted OTP) in the room. Why is Yeong the only one slaying with his brain? Why is Yoon-sung, the man with the most infos, not out there kicking ass? I mean if he really loves Ra-on, he should think of her happiness first, no? I guess this is why Yoon-sung loses out to Yeong. Yoon-sung did everything he THINK was best for Ra-on, but Yeong did everything FOR Ra-on (point in case: letting her go even though it pained him). Kim Hyung is definitely my hero in today’s episode, other than kicking ass left and right, he helped our OTP to meet and proved his loyalty stands with Yeong.


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I love how openly they addressed Ra-on by her real name, meaning the secret is out so they have nothing to hide, sure they’re still withholding info from each other, but it’s a step in faith for our crown prince. Thanks show, for giving Kim Hyung more screen time, who knew a sewing master knows the way to a girl’s heart, mine at least.

As for the royal wedding, I was dreading it really. But then it got hold up again, and I found myself getting frustrated. Are you going to let them get married or what, show? Make up your mind! On another note, I wonder if Ha-yeon knows now that Ra-on is a girl, and the girl that Yeong is in love with. Isn’t it obvious from the way the queen was hinting? Plus the bracelet Ra-on wore was a dead giveaway. I wish she’d find out before the wedding, because while the revelation itself might not change much since we’re proceeding with the wedding anyway, but the knowledge of it could possibly save her from more heartache. I guess I just want her to realize Ra-on loves Yeong as much as she does, maybe even more, Ra-on did let her meet Yeong even though it’d hurt to be in that position. Wouldn't it be easier to give up when you meet a more worthy rival?

And OMG, is Minister Kim plotting a treason of his own? Because the big picture Yoon-sung was hinting at sounded like he wanted to put his grandson on the throne. It could be that he wanted to eliminate Yeong, and use the newborn prince as a tool to put his own grandson to the throne. The prophecy did mention that Yoon-sung would be a great king, maybe that's what moved Minister Kim to put him on the throne? I have a bad feeling with where they're heading with the story. I don't want Yoon-sung to die.

Anyone else cried like a baby when Hwang Chi-yeol’s voice came out? I thought we were only going to hear Park Bo-gum’s OST, so I was pleasantly surprised, thrilled in fact, to hear his voice! Oof, he sang out Ra-on’s longing for Yeong so perfectly, I was wailing in the background.

I guess it’s only right to complement all the cute we had in the past episodes with more angst and threats before we head into our finale week. But can’t our seja jeoha (and us) get a break? He’s still nursing his wound from having had to give up on Ra-on, for goodness sake! How much I love it that they used Park Bo-gum's song after the breakup, and the lyrics reflect on his true feelings: “As much as my heart hurts, it’s a love I can never erase. Even if the world is frozen, this love will never stop. I’d rather bear all the pain. Don’t worry about me, even though it hurts, it’s still love. I’m happy. Forever you are, my person, I love you.”

Now excuse me, I’ve got a pond to fill with my tears.

PS: Damn Ahn, you're so fast, lol.


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PS 2: Damn Ahn, you are fast, god byeong yeon would feel challenge

I think it painful because of the length,
little bit editing things,
a scene that happen with much more cut that emphasised a failure as in Yeong's failure to convince Ra-On will have more impact when it longer than the try acting,

like when he pursue her, the pace is normal just like when they hug in the 1st scene but the failure scene as in letting ra-on' hands go in the flashback ia played longer and has no dialog,
it's the despair, it's when a drama play with their pace that the happy go lucky pursue will pay out as it is but the pain actually play out longer so we seen and feel how sad it is,

and why this drama become so sad is because of the editing, the story for me is quite normal, they had reason but all pursuing scene, like looking for her the 2nd time,
asking byeong yeon reach climax faster than the long scene when the bracelet break or the scene when yeong wears his wedding attire,

just my 2 cent


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The painful experiences are realistic, in that they seem to have their own rules of time lapsing in super-slow-motion. At least, that's how I remember sad or painful happenings. But maybe I'm a weird duck. Nice observation!


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a little bit I realised is the close up in kdrama is often blurred the background,
when they used it in white/one tone, it feels flat,

but when they used it something like palace with many detail background, even if it blurred, it give a little bit space,
also sometimes in other drama,
the camera zoom to the actor faster but in moonlight, some actor moves towards the camera for the zoom effect (mostly did by byeong yeon and don't asked me how I knew it, lol), and it makes a movement and the place looked bigger,

also some scene like when yeong crying in the desk and ra-on thinking in a barn (barn??) is filming in angle that looked like we peek on them, they left some black space in the screen to show that our body and our eyes didn't open in the same direction, the side shot

also sometimes when they did the zoom, they also do the half zoom before the face so we can see some little detail like the hairpin, their shoulder, the environment and it just noticable,

haha sorry if this kinda like rambling but I really like the way it shot but I think they don't have enough time sometimes


haha, beat the queue because I was refreshing the page like crazy since this ep killed my heart

I was hoping that Raon would tell the truth and separate, but her version of "proper goodbye" frustrated me but Im way too into this drama to let that scene ruin the rest. I guess the show has to use the cliche trope since the crew is pressed on time to think of clever twists that satisfy us

I've been suspecting PM Kim plotting treason, since he already control the court, why not let his clan be the royal instead of having puppet Lee clan that sometimes disobey and bite back

With this, Im not sure if drama gona keep Yoonsung alive till the end TT.TT I feel like he will somehow sacrifice his life either to protect yeong/raon or sacrifice his life to disclose all the evil plans of the Kim clan


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I know Minister Kim is supposed to be the ultimate bad guy, but I still feel like I can't fully read his intentions. Yes he wants power, he manipulates the damn entire palace, but what I can't tell for sure is does he still have a sliver of heart left for his grandson? Does it get to his conscience at all, that his grandson wants out of this picture he spent so much effort painting?

Yeong's two best friends sure had me worry for their lives this episode. Kim hyung was constantly in trouble, I almost didn't pay attention to all the risks he's in anymore, but this episode, when he faced the rebel traitor, the danger of his position felt real. And heartbreaking, like he was used as a dog his entire life too, by this poor excuse of a lost cause no less. And Yoon Sung, the one time he should have pretended not to know, he slipped up way too much, in front of the two most observant antagonists. What will they do with him?

I hope hope hope that the uncertainty of our three musketeers' situations right now will make them gravitate closer together and start leaning on one another. I'm not even worried about Ra On anymore. Though the entire story meant to make us think Ra On is always in some grave danger her entire life, I'm not buying it anymore. Yes she gets in trouble, but the next scene or two she'll just get saved. She could even go back to the oh so dangerous Repentance Hall to meet the Crown Prince. I'm sure she'll be just fine. Unless I didn't jinx it all just now, lol.


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I'm more worried for Kim Hyung than I am for Yoon-sung. I've always believe that Minister Kim, despite his evil nature, truly care for Yoon-sung and want a bright future for him. Kim Hyung, on the other hand, is more exposed to danger by being a spy and a member of the White Cloud Society (rebel). I think Yeong already confirmed this, only he didn't care because he knew Kim Hyung's on his side, but I couldn't help thinking, having two rebel-related persons by his side will not look good for Yeong at all.


I was refreshing like crazy this morning too, and when this recap showed up, no comment. When I clicked to comment, 1 comment was up, lol.

I guess at this point, the truth would be irrelevant, because while Yeong is still a little doubtful, he has chose to trust in Ra-on, so I guess there's nothing for her to explain. Though I'd have love it if she properly say goodbye too. Like "This is hurting both of us, but now is not the time for us to be together, if it's meant to be, if you believe we are fated to be, maybe some day we'll be reunited. Just because I'm away, doesn't mean my love for you will ever cease to exist. I love you, jeoha." See, that wasn't so hard right?

I'm sure Yoon-sung will live. I believe he would. I'm more worried for Kim Hyung actually.


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That's exactly what I was hoping for Raon to say to Yeong. Although knowing Yeong, it will take a great deal of convincing. The Raon Love Potion is real! hahahaha! I'm thinking, Raon should have went for this approach first and if that did not work, then go for the knife. lol


This show has been doing so well so far but is anyone else scared that they are cramming so many plot twists towards the end that resolutions are going to come as a result of major hand-waving? Crossing fingers!


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Yeah, I'm nervous with the way they're unfolding things right now. I just hope everything ends well, in a totally credible way.


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I agree. What's the use? To haver RO's father appear out of nowhere ... just to find resolution to Ra-On's identity?

Is he going to be the one to put the pieces of the puzzle together? I think other characters can do that already.

Nicely put comments, Anh. :)


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Idk if this happen to other drama but in Nirvana in Fire, they talked about how rebellion is better ended by the kings that claim the rebellion, the one who give the punishment is the one that need to lift it up

why? because in the past, they don't have something like legitimate prove or hard evidence but they believed the kings, so if the original player solved their problem, then it's solved,

when it solved by the kings after, it become suspicion and can be misconduct cause the order that make them a convict happen in the previous kings,


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Umm, did you reply to the wrong comment, lol? I'm not Anh.


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Sorry Maryxiah... don't know where my head is today... meant to write your name.



Exactly how I felt about "Love is over" this episode, this is the first time I felt we needed it to play to get that heartache, I was crying so bad! Yeong cutting the bracelet, is Yeong accepting that this it, it's over. He was holding on to the belief that the fate will bring them together but when the beads fell and scattered it felt like he was giving up and he realized it was a false belief he was trying to hold on to!


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I know! For a song that's been driving me mad crazy for the past weeks, it's the first time I kinda accepted it. Not because I'm over them, but I felt that the moment Yeong accepted defeat, it's over for him, and the song described the moment so well. I was crying damn hard when he shed a tear.


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@Anh @maryxiah thank you for your posts (more specifically those that mention Hwang Chi Yeul :) Yes, maryxiah - I was overjoyed to hear his voice (didn't expect to hear it in Ep 15) and teared during that touching scene. Hopefully the rest of his song will be heard soon, I'd love to hear how he interprets the song that Beige sang so hauntingly. I am sure Chi Yeul will stamp his own personal touch on "Because I Miss You".


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Finally a kindred spirit! I was getting sad no one mentioned him at all. The moment I heard his voice, I got goosebumps all over, he nailed the song so perfectly, I was over the moon to hear his voice.


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It is truly sad that HCY hardly gets mentioned on DB, so it's a joy to read your eloquent posts about him. I am grateful that he was chosen to join some OST greats for this drama. Hopefully it will win him more fans, both in and outside South Korea. Chi Yeul has many fans in China as well as countries in Asia, US, Australia (he's on a short two-day break in Sydney), Canada etc. Hopefully he'll become more treasured and appreciated in his own country. He is such an excellent role model, and unofficial ambassador for South Korea.

One of the most outstanding things about Hwang Chi Yeul is that he has gained many fans - usually the more mature people :) - who never in their wildest dreams imagined they'd become devoted fans of a K-pop singer. I am in my sixties and am one of those people. HCY fighting!


Oh wow, sixties. You sound younger in your posts, lol. I love Hwang Chi-yeol since his first appearance in I Can See Your Voice, and his regular appearance on Immortal Songs 2. I love his voice and the husky tinge, it makes any ballad he sings sound sorrowful.


My sis was channel-surfing on 29 January 2016, and she happened to turn to a local cable station (Singapore) that was showing the third round of "I Am A Singer' China. I sat down to watch the show and was intrigued when I saw the slim young singer from South Korea. "Hwang Chi Yeul? Never heard of him. Must be a flower boy!" Forgive me, dear Chi Yeul.

When he opened his mouth to sing "Yi Lu Shan You Ni" ... I became his fan, and this love for him was cemented a few days later when I watched a Youtube video of his phenomenal performance as the main guest on the Chinese variety show "Day Day Up". There he was, in a foreign country, where people around him were speaking in a language that he had very basic knowledge of, and he proved to be so charming, likeable and seemingly so at ease.


You should totally watch I Can See Your Voice, that show is what rose him to fame, and gotten him into China market. I was mesmerized by him on that show, he's been in the music industry for 7 years prior to his appearance on the show, I don't understand how he could stay under the radar with a face and a hot body like his, but I guess he is a little old to be an idol so that's why he wasn't discovered by any agency.


Well, all of you did it to me - as so often happens when reading DB comments. I had NO idea who Hwang Chi-yeol was and had to stop everything and go look for him on YouTube. OH. MY. GOD. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so so so so much for talking about this amazing young man. He now has a new fan in America and I'm going to make two of my friends listen to him today as well. I LOVE discovering and loving new singers. Thank you!!


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@lunatic4kd - LOVE your post. Hwang Chi Yeul is not just a great singer, he's an excellent dancer, and excels at variety shows. He is so funny and dorky.

But what many of his fans love him for is his personality - so respectful, humble, down-to-earth (he still does his own laundry). He loves his fans and they love him back. What other celebrity holds informal airport chats (sort of mini-fan meetings) with his fans (in this case, Korean fans)? Hwang Chi Yeul does. He made many appearances on a TV reality show called "I Live Alone"- this made many people love him even more (for his personality, not just his talent). Sorry for going on and going, but he deserves it :)


@maryxiah I managed to watch the ICSYV episode where HCY first appeared, and also the final episode of Season 1 - maybe we should thank Lena Park for thinking he was tone-deaf? :) @lunatic4kd, one more thing - an awesome Korean fan of HCY updates his Wikipedia entry very promptly - it tells in a nutshell the story of Hwang Chi Yeul, the nine-year-rookie: highly recommended reading.



Dad is indeed alive. Kinda had the feeling they'd go that route when Mom turned out to be alive. Dad being alive is kinda convenient for me, however, given that there is really no way for YeongOn to be together if she remains to be the daughter of a "traitor", this is something I accept.

With Dad being alive, he can prove his innocence or at least defend his actions (to some extent). Yes he was a rebel, but he was doing it for the people, so essentially he's not a bad guy (at least in my book). Since the first episode that it was introduced that the King is sick due to what happened 10 years ago, I had the feeling that even HGN was probably framed. There's something amiss there. The show alluded to something more with what happened 10 years ago, so now we will learn more.

I understand that he did not appear in the first 14 episodes because he went into hiding after being labeled as a "traitor. There was no reason for him to appear before his wife and child. He left them when he became a rebel. However, now he has the very reason to appear because his daughter is being accused of high treason.

Now my question is how in the world did they catch him so suddenly? Did he turn himself in? Ughh I need answers tomorrow.

Essentially we now have 2.75 episodes of angst. LOL I was hoping for only one, but here it is... oh well. BUT thank goodness for the wedding being pushed back ONCE. AGAIN. HELL. YEAH. Yeong will remain unattached and monogamous forevaaaa if it is not Raon! LMAO


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Well, with papa Hong in the scene, I guess our happy ending is secured because he will be cleared of treason in upcoming episodes, right? finger-crossed

I agreed that dad had no reason to make appearance for 14 eps, because he wanted his family to survive, he cut all ties with his wife and daughter. I suspect he was the one that ripped off the wanted poster of Raon, after realising that his daughter is in danger because of him.

For his capture though, maybe it was Kim clan that lurking and waiting for his appearance, since they used raon as bait.


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I don't know how they're going to twist the story on Hong Kyung-rae but I'm not satisfied that they've chosen to take this route. We don't need papa Hong because he's known to be a rebel, and showing up right now won't change that fact. I'm aware the king is traumatized by something that happened in the palace 10 years ago, and it might or might not be Hong Kyung-rae's fault, but leading the farmer against the gov, he's definitely guilty for that. On the other hand, I guess he's appearance is what will get our OTP to meet up again, I guess even without the goddamn bracelet, they're still bind to the fate and will meet up no matter what, so I guess that's that.


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I'm not a fan of the appearance as well, but I've been racking my brain for a legit reason for YeongOn to be together in the end if nothing will change with their current situation (he is the crown prince and she is a commoner and the daughter of HG) and I've got nothing. They really cannot be together. The only thing I can think of is running away together. However, even that is not easy because Yeong would be running away with someone accused of high treason. They could both end up just tirelessly running away from the law. Hence, something must happen to clear things up for Raon for OTP to be truly together in the end and I guess this is it (unless more information will turn up in the coming episodes).

As for twisting history, they've twisted/ strayed far from history too much already, so it's nothing new. I'm not hoping for them to remain loyal to some or just one historical event/s because it opens the door to the question of "which part of history are we going to keep" and it will lead to arguments of "because that's what is in history" or "wait, they followed this part in history, why did they change that part then?" I'd rather they take liberty altogether to make the drama truly a separate story both from the novel and history.


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I'm well aware they deviated too far from history, but I truly felt that it was a nice twist that Ra-on is the daughter of Hong Kyung-rae, it's definitely threatening enough to warrant their temporary separation. Also, I love the fact that Hong Kyung-rae is a man fighting for justice and led the people to overthrone the king for a better future, the director did say Hong Kyung-rae and Yeong's dream are the same, which is why I want him to remain guilty of rebellion, because it's a great setup! Wouldn't it defeat the purpose to setup a grandiose conflict, only to unravel it in the end by saying actually it isn't so, I feel like I'm being pwned. Why did we even go through that angst if this is going to be the solution? We could've had papa Hong showed up much earlier and save us from this stupid heartache!


I wouldn't want for Dad to be suddenly acquitted. I'm not hoping he did not actually lead the rebellion or he was not a rebel. He can remain a rebel and have done things in the past. However, I'm hoping something else might have happened for things to truly go amiss during the rebellion. Something that even HGN did not want to happen. We still don't know. The last thing I want is for everything that HGN did to suddenly be erased because i hate that in dramas. But there must be something else. I've always had the feeling that there is something more to the story of the rebellion than what was shown. Again, not following the historical events, the drama must have tweaked the rebellion story as well.

If Dad did not appear, I was actually hoping that the three musketeers get to dig deeper on what truly happened in the past. I'd go for this rather than Dad appearing. However, with Dad appearing, I guess it is more dramatic for the story and there will be some sort of closure between the King and him. And this could be the key to truly tie down the Kims for their bad deeds because I have a feeling that the Kims had a hand in what happened in the past. The Kims are obviously the bad guys, but I understand that it is hard for Yeong to pin them down because he does not have concrete evidence.

As for Dad's appearance, if he appeared early, there won't be a story. There will be no angst and that is not possible in dramaland. lol It is actually quite convincing that he appeared only now. He cut his ties with his family. He was public enemy. People thought he was dead. There was no reason for him to show up except now that his daughter is being accused of high treason.

I'm just curious, what do you see as a possible solution for YeongOn to be together in the end if nothing will change about Raon's identity/past? Because I cannot see it as possible. You want Raon to stay the same, the daughter of HGN and you don't want him alive too, what do you have in mind as a resolution?


Ok, this is gonna be a one long ass post.

I mentioned this before in one of my post, we were all wondering what the genius plan Teacher Dasan had for Ra-on, but we were really tricked into thinking the plan was to make Ra-on Yeong's woman (official wife, in this case), but when Teacher Dasan showed up, he didn't know Yeong was in love with Ra-on and had asked why he cared enough to find her parents and wanted to build a house for a mere eunuch, it was only then that Yeong revealed Ra-on to be his lover. So the super genius plan was never to make Ra-on his woman, but to make Ra-on start living as a woman, because she told him she never lived as one.

Ok, now onto the connection, Yeong never had a plan to keep Ra-on by his side officially as his woman, at least not yet. He knew perfectly well that her disguise prevented that, and they needed a way out, but not in the near future anyway. So that's why Yeong told Ra-on, he wanted a world where woman can live as a woman, and she'd be his person, and he'd asked her to wait for that day to come. Meaning, he intended to inherit the throne and THEN find a way to keep her by his side, as his queen. I'm sure when she was just a masquerading eunuch, it's still pardonable, hence why Yeong had so much confidence in them. But now that she's proven to be a traitor's daughter, here comes the tricky part. It was hard then, but it's harder now. How to un-traitor a traitor's daughter?

For now, none. We weren't supposed to gloss over the issue by pretending she isn't who she is. And while it's a capital crime what he father did, the people didn't seem to think so, only the monarch did. If Yeong takes over the throne, he could've taken step by step measure to ensure the pardon for all those who've taken part in the rebellion. He could've reform his whole court, start a better tax system and eventually award the pardon as a way to appease his people for all the weaknesses of his father during his ruling. It's all in the excuses he makes. It's not a flawless plan, but it's a start in my head. And he'd kill two bird with one stone. Doing so will not only put the people's faith in him, but also saved 2 key people (Kim Hyung and Ra-on).

But now that Hong Kyung-rae's in the picture, I don't see how they can do that, since he's the icon of rebellion itself. If he was dead, people could put it past them. But now that the people's icon is back, it's a crisis for the monarch, as well as our OTP.

Am I making sense?


I see. I have thought of something along those lines too, but in order for that scenario to play out it needs an awful lot of time which is why I didn't think much of it as a possibility for the show. And I don't think we are even going to see Yeong become king (kinda sad about that). If we had more episodes, it could go that way.

I just thought that for this scenario to happen Yeong cannot marry Hayeon now because what is he going to do about her in the future? Unless she dies, she will remain the Queen. I'd like Raon to be the official partner of Yeong as the Queen and not a concubine and for the heir to be Raon's son.


True, Ha-yeon is the only one that doesn't fit into the puzzle. Even though we might be going against earlier premise where Ha-yeon is identified as crown princess, I wish we don't go through with the wedding after all. I want Ra-on to be Yeong's queen and the mother of his children, she may have been a low-born, but according to her father's social status, she's still a nobleman's daughter, only of low class, almost normal citizen. I want King Yeong and Queen Ra-on for ending.


I keep thinking that in order to stay true to history (the CP marries the CPcess and they have a daughter) the birth of the daughter the Queen threw away works perfectly for the story because the CP can "adopt" the child as his own and he won't ever have to consummate the marriage to the Princess...which leaves him free to also marry Ra-on. Just a thought.


Really show really? They must be determined to turn every piece of history upside down. Why did they resurrect him from the dead when there is only 3 eps left? How on earth would he justify killing many government officials? Do we really need to see him die twice?

They better not let Yeong die then since those who died in history can come to life in this drama.

I do feel for Ha-yeon. She was important and they could at least treat her character with a bit of respect.


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I know right, I was so ready to declare this episode perfect until he showed up, and I'm baffled! Why? Why?

I don't care much for Ha-yeon in the beginning because she's irrelevant to my OTP and I tend to dismiss unimportant character, but she grew on me and I didn't want her to get hurt. I was so touched by her father's sending off, it was bittersweet. At this point, I'm hoping the wedding gets called off because obviously most of us want Yeong to stay monogamous.


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one hell of an episode,
I really like that LY and RO complimented each other when together and hard to achieve the purpose when they aren't on term, that just how people are and that's how important adult figure is

Lee young is the sweetheart but he actually quite stubborn and emotionally easy to read when it's about Ra-on, on the other side Ra-on is realistic and more likely think about the future goal.
I've been thinking that people would scratch their head on the reason why Ra-on still chooses to leave when I myself asking, why Yeong is so persistent? Did he already has solution other than hiding her?

Everyone around ra-on has their agenda for him, eunuch jang for the rebels spirit, mum for the quiet life, yoon sung for the small hope, prime minister to tackle yeong and yeong for his love. Then what about her? It's clear that she doesn't want to become yeong's poison. Byung Yeon and Yoon Sung also displayed the same attitude towards Ra-on to the crown prince, they want him to slow down and back up for a while.

I like the romance and I want them to be together but for Ra-on to be his mistress and under the fears all the time just for the young love while she is the arrow that already launched for him is too much.
In the moon that embracing the sun, at least the Yeol had some secret going on, Ra-on doesn't so her choice is the safest.
And I read this from Soompi last night that Yeong and Ra-on have a different concept of separation. For Ra-on ,we need to sacrifice the heart if it means that we both can live and it still doesn't mean the love is withered (not gonna used BJY's song, lol) but Yeong afraid that separation will make anything grow further and forgotten.
Ra-on waits for her mum and still loved her as ever even if she doesn't know why her mum leaves in the 1st place and yeong drifted further away from his dad when his dad stopped his investigation for his mum and didn't pay attention to him.
Love is nice and all but to see yeong marries someone else but still said he loves ra-on is hard to take, especially since ra-on is officially a traitor with her face all over the kingdom.

other things I like
1) King's mental attack, fainted upon Hong Gyung Nae is the Cupid intersection for all Gurumi fans that been glaring at the wedding idea
2) The moon is half-moon the entire show
3) God Byeong yeon is badass at the fight scene,
4) I heard Because I miss you by Hwang Chi Yeol
5) Park Bo Gum sings and I think he got potential,
6) Ha Yeon and the dad scene is touching
7) What a preview!
8) Then I am not hallucinating in ep when the Dumb Minister talks about Hong Gyung Nae's hiding place, he's alive and make the king's paranoid
9) So the bracelet cut and even though my previous scene about secret letter didn't happen, I think Ra-on will gather the bracelet pieces into one and she'll give it to him later,
see they still have each other bracelet, there's no rule that pink is only for woman!!


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"For Ra-on ,we need to sacrifice the heart if it means that we both can live and it still doesn’t mean the love is withered"

She could have said those to him instead of pointing a knife at him! This is exactly why I am frustrated that she went with lies instead. And her lies are terrible too. Quoting what JB said in her comments, "...she pulled her knife on him (which I’m still angry about) and tried to turn him away by making it seem she resented him, because she inflicted pain intentionally when it wasn’t even necessary, when he would have accepted her answer without her needing to invent false logic. "

She could have said that she cherished their times together, but she is being realistic. They cannot be together because of her identity and now that she is being hunted, she needs to leave or else she'll die. Yeong was going to believe her whatever she says anyway.


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yeah she should, she better said that she cherished the moment but will be more devastated when he is died,

actually I get that statement from Ruoxi/Scarlet Heart when the 4th prince asked her why she didn't angry at the separation stage or resent him,
then she said that it always better that they both lived for her than just "die foolishly", chance will coming if they didn't die,

I think Ra-on can't thinking that far, she is young, I m way older and watch many drama, ...lol

sometimes all the things I watched in Scarlet Heart is applicable in this drama to see the other side,
I just hope the team had realised that small statement about honesty even if sounds kinda coward than the "love power!!" is needed ^^


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"I’ve been thinking that people would scratch their head on the reason why Ra-on still chooses to leave when I myself asking, why Yeong is so persistent? Did he already has solution other than hiding her?"

Rather than being persistent, I though Yeong wanted a proper talk with Ra-on before she leaves. Yeong do realize that being together will pose more danger, which is why he told Byung-yeon he wouldn't ask questions anymore. But when faced with the fact that Ra-on might flee Joseon, I get Yeong's desperation to see her one last time. This too, could be his chance at proper goodbye. But Ra-on shattered that by pulling the knife stunt. Sure Yeong hasn't been the most level-headed and rational when it comes to Ra-on, but I believe with a proper talk and a proper goodbye, they could've ended on a good term. Ra-on didn't have to send him off with a heartbreak.


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>> Rather than being persistent, I though Yeong wanted a proper talk with Ra-on before she leaves <<

the one that makes me think he is so persistent is the way he keeps asking her to lie,
they both know and realised the truth but he can't bear the separation and why asking her to lie?
what truth he wants to hear?
what the used of saying the lie?
to save his heart but will that save her?
it's like keep saying he loves ra-on only and really married hayeon, isn't saying that he'll marry hayeon and asked her to wait is better? but he didn't said that, then what she should say?
ra-on can't say the lie cause it's hurt when they knew it's not what happen in the reality, it's running away ffrom the reality

this separation just showed how different they are as individual, they just different.
Ra-on used to not have it all, to let go when the time asked and trying later but yeong doesn't. Just like his mum's story, he didn't let go of people easily cause he is afraid and he thought that distance will make everything worse,

Ra-on on the other side doesn't afraid of separation if it needed, she believes that love stayed whether there's a distance or not,


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When CP said I will believe your words, even if they're lies....I thought that to mean (the first time they met after RO left) that he wanted her to tell him she loved him, that she didn't approach him with a hidden agenda (id., that she was in fact working for the white clouds) - even if they are lies.


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And here's some FMV


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god sorry, everybody is so fast
- [Park Bo Gum X Kim Yoo Jung] - Memory's secret

- Park Bo Gum/김유정 Kim Yoo Jung Micro films《Love Song》(fanart)

- Chiyeol Because I miss You, the small part

KBS news -version :


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I wish I could understand all the lyrics to PBG's You're My Person song.


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and here's the lyric
https : //pbs .twimg.com/ media/ Cua4hXZUEAEzsEC .jpg

remove the space


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Thank you!


@Sancheezy thank you so much for linking to Chiyeul's "Because I Miss You" .. wasn't expecting it to be played. Love it, can't wait to hear the rest, hopefully in today's episode.


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I hate the song " Love is over". I get so mad whenever i hear it, cause it means CP is about to get his heart broken again.


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I know! I was like, 'okay that was unnecessary, Baek Ji Young' when her high notes came and the scene cuts


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I think I got awaiting for moderation

well just search in youtube, probably already saw it
– [Park Bo Gum X Kim Yoo Jung] – Memory’s secret
– Park Bo Gum/김유정 Kim Yoo Jung Micro films《Love Song》(fanart)
- 그리워 그리워서 (구르미 그린 달빛 OST) 맛보기 _ 황치열 黄致列

chiyeol small part of the song


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Thank you for the videos, Sancheezy! <3


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I must be the only one who wants to slap Ra On for breaking my Crown Prince's heart again.


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No you are not. I was so angry at RO in this episode. JESUS GIRL!!! WTH is up with that, are you trying to pulverize Yeong's already bleeding heart??? How dare you!!!


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IKR! I feel so bad for CP. He fights so hard for them... so they somehow can be together someday... yet, Ra On is like... Oh... let me dissappear like bubble. If you love him then fight with him instead of running away as a noble idiot.


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@ Ah In and @nchoe he does fight so passionately hard for their love. But Ra On is selfish is all I can say. If she wants to break up with him, then just do it cleanly and don’t play games with his feelings anymore. This tiresome game of “I love you but I don’t love you five minutes later, you never meant anything to me but I get mad when Yoon Sung doesn’t give me updates on you, I’m a pretender but my eyes swell up at the thought of you under the moonlight” is getting old. And her dramatic violent outburst with a itty bitty little knife that can barely scoop up butter for my croissant….I swear if she would had cut my Crown Prince it would have over for Ra On. I’m glad he did cut off ties with her. But being heartbroken does take time to mend, if ever. They will probably reunite and she will eventually confess her true feelings. But girl, you only have two more years left with this hot stud CP of mine.


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*** typo....It would had been over for Ra On.


tbh kinda like if they kinda have a physical fight to emphasize that what happen in heart also can be feel in the skin,

I totally hope Ra-on to pushed yeong and failed, then Yeong refused to help her to back up ,
end up with them lowering their head, realised that it painfully hurt them both because they don't meet the middle ground and no one want to back up,
shouting what they want and have been hidden in their heart, then leaves,
RO said at the end : "I never regret meeting you. seja joha, farewell"
Yeong replied by waving his hand, the hand that no longer had the bracelet

but then this is joseon, for a woman like Ra-on that born poor,raised poor, without status and labelled as rebellion make her as the lowest of the lowest,


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dem you Joseon...

ok me so hurt rite now...


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Yes dem you Joseon… whew that feels so good to say


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joseon, breaking the couple's heart since the gat appears in the screen

but at least Saeguk is no Wuxia . . .


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No, no.. count me in. LOL! But I can't really cos her face is too cute.

But that look the CP gave her screams 'how can you do this to me when you've given me your word that you won't let go of me!'

I feel for you CP and I do applaud you for taking that brave step to cut off ties literally because I think she deserves that to make her reflect on her action.

Whyyyy RaOn whyyyyyyy???!!!

Sancheezy, I need your table flippin emoji pronto!


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hope this helps

(ヘ・_・)ヘ┳━┳ ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

ミ(ノ ̄^ ̄)ノ≡≡≡≡≡━┳━☆() ̄□ ̄)/


*3rd person appeared
┬──┬ ( ゜-゜)┬──┬

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


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LOL at the 3rd person!

Thanks Sancheezy! That makes me feel a whole lot better. Now I can get back to work :-p


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These are the best thing ever. I need to figure out how to communicate via emojis only. You are a master! Thanks for helping me cope!


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the easy way is to used Japanese keyboard, they had the extension
and many character used Japanese's word (katakana, hiragana, kanji)

but the easiest one is to google it,
- Japanese emoji/kaomoji
- text faces

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ <--- they even had butterfly


Thank you for this! /flips all the table I'll see today to vent this raging anger I have for Raon. lol


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Cool!!!!!! Love this!!!!!!!


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"I feel for you CP and I do applaud you for taking that brave step to cut off ties literally because I think she deserves that to make her reflect on her action."

Now I'm waiting to see how they can get back together after severing ties like that. So tired.


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"Now I’m waiting to see how they can get back together after severing ties like that. So tired."

ME TOO! I hope Yeong does not make it easy for Raon. LOL I want Raon to be the one to go to him this time. However, knowing our lovebirds' personalities, Yeong will be the first one to run to the other.


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"ME TOO! I hope Yeong does not make it easy for Raon. LOL I want Raon to be the one to go to him this time."


"However, knowing our lovebirds’ personalities, Yeong will be the first one to run to the other."

Have to agree on this one too. He'll probably punish her but we all know the kind of punishment CP would give to his ladylove


Amen, sister. I want him to make it hard on her because that's what she's been doing to him since the beginning when Yeong actively tried to please her and treasure her. I want Ra-on to learn to treasure Yeong this time around, and make him feel loved, because he's a rare species and she's been making him cry for a few episodes now, I'm so upset beyond words.


No, I don't want to slap her, but I was very angry at her. I'm sure she thought making him hate her would have been easier for him to live on without her, but we're talking about love expert right? Wouldn't it be better to have the memory of someone you love, instead of the person you hate? I think she was only trying to push Yeong into accepting the royal wedding, but she should have just asked, he did say he'd do everything she asked. Gah, Ra-on ah, unnie is so upset with you!


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"Wouldn’t it be better to have the memory of someone you love, instead of the person you hate?"

She stopped being a love expert which is probably why her knowledge is getting rusty.

What I really truly hated was she felt the need to make something up and even point a knife at him. He already told her she'd believe whatever she says. She should have just told him that the best for the both of them is to not be together though she loves him. He would believe that. Ughhhh Grrrr


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aah sometimes telling people what to do is easier than do it,
and feeling can't be translated properly with the right action,

this give me spirit to limited my soda intake,


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yeah! kind a miss raon from episode 1.. full of mischieveness full of brain to solve problem and to avoid a tough situation. but after she meet crown prince all she is do is crying and crying a lot.


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Isn't that what men do to woman? :-)


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Haha, true. Many viewers are angry at RO, but that's because a lot of us impose what we think women should/could act based on our own reality. I'm not sure I could do anything better than RO given the same situation. I'd be scared, and shocked, and very confused.


no, you aren't ToT


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Ra ON, you made me tired this episode girl. I dont know how to root for someone who has given up without a hint of a struggle or much hesitance


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That's how I feel. Having loved the main OTP throughout the run of the show so far, Ra On's character has become increasingly frustrating with every promise that she reneges (to hold his hand even when a situation becomes difficult or impossible; to not disappear without his permission) and then this noble act of idiocy, with a knife!

I'm finding it easier to root for Ha Yeon to be with the CP, because she, like the CP, has shown herself to love fully, whatever the cost, and again will pursue that love whatever the cost to herself.


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@amandes I agree about the comment of CP and Ha Yeon. She is bravely loving someone who doesn't love her wholeheartedly.


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No not just you, but not slap just to shake some sense into her.


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me too ,i'm so pissed off at raon .does she need to perform all that drama ?.just run far away and cut him loose .no need to rip his hurting heart into a zillion pieces.


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Nope. Me too. Ugh. That was so unnecessary. Sending him off did not need her to point a knife at him and say those hurtful words.

On the good side, I never thought I'd love Yeong more than I already do, but damn in this episode, he was even more considerate and loving only to be faced with a knife. -_-

Yeong is really at it at making me love him even more. There's no list of leading man for me anymore. It's only Lee Yeong now. His love and dedication is just ughhh my heart.


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Ugh, when Yeong said, "I would never hurt you. Do I have to say these unbelievable words?” I was nodding along too. Do you really need to hurt this unbelievably kind and gentleman with stupid accusation? You know he'd let you go out of love if you just ask, Ra-on!


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ohgod when he said those words I was like "gurllll can't you see?!" LOL The way Yeong loves is just too much for my heart. I'm sure such men still exist, but they sure are rare.

However, Elle in Comment 19 wrote a rather compelling reason for Raon's action. I'm still against her actions, but Elle's comment somehow shed light to what could be running through her head that led to her action.


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I was shaking my head the whole time I was watching that knife-pointing scene. Ggrrrr!!! Stop breaking the Crown Prince's heart!! For the first time, I'm very reluctant in watching this episode with subs. Too disappointed with Raon.


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@ghaylet That juvenile violent outburst was totally uncalled for by Ra On. Poor CP was in disbelief at what he was witnessing.


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Trust me you not the only one. I was so mad, and crying at the same time CP was crying. Never been so invested in a drama like this.


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And that's the main reason why I wanted to slap her because I couldn't bear to see our CP cry. :('''


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I can't even begin to say what a wonderful drama this is- the actors are all top notch, the screenwriting is beautiful and the directing is brilliant. It will be a long time before I will love a drama as much as I do for MDBC.
I will miss the laugh, the cute smirks, the longing loving looks, the intimate scenes without any kisses( although the few that were done, they were done beautifully and tasteful), and all those tears!!!!
Thank you to everyone from MDBC and for JB for recapping for us to relive each precious moments as we read it.


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Ra-on ah~~~ poor girl...

I'm torn in between wanna watch this to end; but I'm not sure if my heart can take it. There's just too much tension strewn together, !$$$##%% (incomprehensible babble)

*I died*


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Can the show stop leaving me in a sad puddle on the floor? It's been two weeks already! I know that events have to get worse before they get better, but still.

Just some thoughts:

1. When Byung Yeon was mocked by the traitor because he fears losing the Crown Prince's friendship, I realized how worried I am that BY will have to lose his life in order for CP to realize that BY loved him all along. In that same vein, I am scared for Yoon Sung because he knows so much and technically, the Kim clan now has a male heir.

2. I like that with a few scenes, we see how in over her head Ha Yeon is. I get the sense that her parents nurtured her innate spunk and intellect, and when her father saw her in her wedding clothes he was grieving instead of being proud of such a social and political match. If this were "Pride and Prejudice" HY could very well be Elizabeth Bennett and Minister Jo would be Mr. Bennett, knowing that his precious daughter deserves much more than this. HY looked beautiful in her gown and headpiece but the mood was funereal knowing that she may never be loved in return for the life she is giving up. (This was suggested in the comments last week, but in a different show where Ra-On was not endgame, I would totally watch the hell out of a show where HY eventually wins over a broken hearted CP years into the marriage. But this is not that show, Show).

3. I know it allows for danger and conflict to occur but I really wish that RO just had a leeetttle bit of skepticism in her. She lived in the palace for many months and was privy to its machinations and almost got caught with the Prince at the beginning of this episode, but when a mysterious package appeared in her yard, she lingered all while her mom is freely calling her real name. (I'd also fear less for their safety if they had moved further than the gated community 3 blocks from the palace). That being said...

4. I was strangely pleased with RO taking the reins with the noble idiocy when she threatened to shank CP. I thought the show would go for standard-issue noble idiocy but then they both went all in lying and crying, and I was floored. Using the knife to cut the bracelet felt so final and they knew it. (And once "Love is over" started playing I'm pretty sure I could hear Maryxiah saying "Oh hell no" and trying to scoop up all the beads).


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OMG Kayak, how did you know I was mentally picking up the beads? LOL. No, I didn't mind the song that much today, but I was definitely crying over the fallen beads.


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Haha I feel like we all feel like the bracelets serve as talismans but just to mess with us they cut the bracelet and sang the song...and if you read the comments enough, we know what the song does to you. :)


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Lol, I know, I have a knee-jerk reaction to that song, so I was bracing myself in case it comes out again. I was practically telling myself "breath in, breath out, everything will be alright and love is definitely not over." But then, BAM, Yeong's tears made me believe it was really overrrrrr.


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well she has his own part of the bracelet and he has hers so its even a tighter bond now. bet she'll pick them up and keep it .hell yeah, love is not over its just chilling .


in a different show where Ra-On was not endgame, I would totally watch the hell out of a show where HY eventually wins over a broken hearted CP years into the marriage.

I would totally dig that - it'd be like the sageuk version of Goong.


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Same! I love this OTP to bits and all, but AUs and what-might-have-been's really fascinate me. Maybe in this alternate storyline Yoon Sung makes good on following his own path, leaves his clan, goes with Ra On, and they become closer friends, and some day that affection might grow into something more? Haha I'm getting ahead of myself - and I don't even have Second Lead Syndrome! xD


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I thought I was weird for thinking that. I love Ra-On and I definitely ship Yeong-On, but I can't bring myself to hate Ha-Yeon. Sometimes I even think that if the CP never met Ra-On, maybe he will be happy with Ha-Yeon. She's really attractive in her own way.


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FINALLY some second leads that aren't horrible characters. And even other shows are having nice second leads. Wow! Isn't this a nice time to be a fan?


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It's the second female lead syndrome (which is quite rare)


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Yeah. i give the show credit for avoiding the trap of bitchy/screechy second lead female.


maybe because 2nd male lead is usually extremely nice and attentive while the 2nd female lead is manipulative and evil.


As long as it doesn't go down the melo rabbit hole that was the second half of Goong, but I digress :) I would totally watch it too. Moondays have put me in the mood for even more sageuk!

But this is not that show, Show

As if any of us needs that reminder ;) I cannot wait for the happy reunions to happen for our lovebirds. It's gotta be coming, right???

And please please please have the bromance be part of it too. Now I'm all worried...


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Yes, I think It's coming. I still have a strong feeling that this show is gonna end with happy ending.

The only thing I'm worried about is whether that happy ending is gonna be satisfying?


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I was thinking the same thing. I would love that alternate universe of Hayeon and Yeong. Yep. I'm so in that drama. lol


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there's many alternative story here

Yeong x Hayeon ; when time showed that togetherness last longer . . .

Yoon Sung x Raon ; the redemption ark of the kim's family

hayeon x yoon sung ; overthrown the kings part III

byeong yeon x ra on ; i protect you for him but I unknowingly fall for you

byeong yeon x yeong x yoon sung ; the quest of 3 friends

the baby princess x switched baby prince ; I am him and he is me

Yoon sung x baby princess ; the little princess finding her original path as ruler

Ra-on X baby princess ; if my fate with yeong's ends here, then I'll help your fate to blossom


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YeongxHayeon: would totally root for them in alternative drama

HayeonxYoonsung: that's sound interesting, a new dynasty found

the switched babies is too common though

and I would dread for that 3way bromance drama, strictly bromance would be awesome


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I must be the only one, despite feeling bad for Ha-yeon and Yoon-sung, do not want an alternate universe of them with the main OTP, mainly because I'm super secured on YeongOn ship (despite the recent hiccup). I can't even think of them with other people, even if it's in an alternate universe.


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Ikr! Am definitely not part of that ship. Or at least if you wanna ship Yeong and Hayeon... the cast gotta change. LOL!


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Heartbroken when HIS bracelet broke. But HERS is still whole..... Not... giving... up!

Sorry. too crazy about these two.


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Me watching the last 10 minutes of MDBC:

Me: nuuuuuuu......not the bracelet *sobs sobs*
Me: what?! royal wedding?! Argh....*pulls hair*
Me: but...ummm....PBG looks so hot in his wedding garb *swoon*

Fangirl's mind works in such a mysterious way...><;


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this was me last night, lmao


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PBG is rockin' his wedding garb. I love the dark blue shade of it. So so gorgeous except his expression looked so defeated. It breaks my heart.

I witnessed the saddest wedding preparation ever on dramaland. lol The bride and groom are both in a very unhappy place.


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He makes a dashing groom, even in his gloomy mood.


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please dont make our crown prince and ra on cry anymore.. :(


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i second this...
But both of them were crying beautifully tho...


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yoonsung... I'm so scared for him.. T___T

on the other hand I'm happy that jinyoung getting praise for his acting.. people even couldn't believe he's and idol.. they thought he's a rookie actor.. im so proud jinyoung!!!


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YES! Both Yoon-sung and Kim-hyung are really pushing their luck. I'm so scared for them both!


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I would go berserk if anything bad happens to either of them. Well, except for the old farts and the queen (and occasionnally the ineffectual king), I wish no harm to anyone.


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He's damn good! Everyone is! I did a fist pump and whooped each time he stood against his family's evil doings. Good for you!

And we can't leave out the rest of the trio. They're fantastic; everyone's just lovely to watch! Okay, need to form coherent thoughts now. Off to watch this episode again!


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...And to composed a song for the soundtrack too.. what a talented young man. His composition is my fave in the OST


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I was watching it unsubbed last night and trawling Soompi and social media to make sense of everything... Never had so many thousands of people prayed for and plotted ways for the wedding to get disrupted. d=

I was struggling so much with all the angst in this episode, but that last-minute save really renewed my faith in the writer. *phew*


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I was so concentrated on watching I didn't check any social media, went to bed soon after because my eyes were all puffy from crying. But good to know we have thousands of people rooting for our OTP.


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Those wedding send offs though. The emotions are so real. Finally there's a good dad amongst all the terrible adults in this show. At least Ha Yeon's got that going for her, when nothing else is, really. And the Crown Prince's eunuch, I could feel his tender giddiness that his boy is all grown up. The one parental figure left in the palace who truly cared for Yeong's wellbeing.

This show, even the side characters can make you fall so much for them. *happy teary smiles*

So many feels, but words are escaping me!


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Seriously! I was really surprised at tearing up when Ha Yeon's father called her name.


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I cried at the scene between Minister Jo and Hayeon. It was lovely, especially when he said her name for the last time. /cries


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May not be the last time because her wedding with the CP might not materialize. ☺


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That's why I really love papa Jo when he took Yeong's side in the court, it proves how much he's considering for Ha-yeon. He couldn't stop her from following her heart, but he sure does make sure she knows what she's going for ahead of her.


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this episode makes me mad... what a (lil) mess.
wtf with the plot and laughable twist?
im going insane....
no wonder ratings keep decreasing...

geez, writer-nim and PD nim 3 episode left, get your sh** together, pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeee ToT


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Guys, check this Park Bo Gum - My Person.
Vocal only.....

its sooooo good



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His voiceeeeee


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currently abusing the replay button...
lmao at my officemates... i keep repeating My Person, hope they won't get bored with this song, lols


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Well, all the dramas took a deep in ratings and Moonlight wasn't the biggest loser of the night so...


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The ratings don't bother me much. As long as they stay in double digit, they're doing fine. They are a certified hit already. If they suddenly go back to below 10% then that's what is truly sad.

I do think these angsty episodes since last week had a hand in the ratings dip. The Korean public loves YeongOn so much. And the angst has reached 2.75 episodes already and if we get another one, it's too much.


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yes, the angst must go away....

and the rating, le sigh i feel bad for all the actors, staff and the whole production team. the live shooting really caught them...

But from the beginning it wasn't expected to hit high in ratings, hehehe... lets pray they stay above 15%...


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true, but i just cant help but feel sad... sorry :(


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The dip in rating is disappointing, but totally understandable. I wish they can get it up again before ending. It'd be a shame to go out without a flame.


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I saw on Soompi a post that said k-netizens were saying ratings might have been decreasing due to baseball game and midterm exams. (And I think ratings were going down for the other shows too? Which makes sense in this light). For the latter reason, I have to say they have very good self-restraint - I got a crapload of stuff due for my uni classes and I still dropped everything to watch this episode. xD


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You have an amazing amount of control, too! While sometimes I wish for my youth again, I come across those of you going to school and trying to handle your k-ddiction; then I'm glad that I don't have to worry about classes anymore. I'm so glad I caught the k-bug now instead of in my youth! I'd never have made it through school! Hats off to you, and good luck! ?


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Thanks rentenmann! :3 I guess the good(?) thing is MDBC's final episodes are next week, so I'll get back to being productive on Mondays and Tuesdays again. xD But the bad thing is I won't have anything to look forward to on Mondays and Tuesdays. (T_T)


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I feel you. I cannot wait for MDBC to end so I can go back to being productive. My life took a serious lag because of this drama.


Me too. I'm always unproductive at work on Tuesday and Wednesday because of Moonlight.


I think about that too! I'm decades away from school and actually retired now. Discovering k-dramas then would have ruined me in school or for a job. It's all I want to do these days....so I applaud all of you for having a firm grip on the need to balance the real word with the k-world. You all inspire me!


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Same here ill be in a big trouble if i were....if i love the drama im all over the place which means i have to wait for the live stream then chatting fellow viewers take a nap.after two hours check different websites who uploaded for the raw episode then sleep a little bit then then ill go to the website who downloaded with sub first ...sounds like am fan of kdrma lol.


I got really emotional at the scene between Ha-Yeon and her father. They were shown for a really short time, but I find myself tearing up at these two. They just looked incredibly sad and pained. Ha-Yeon will marry the man she loves and her father will have more power, but it looked like all they need is each other. It was really heartbreaking to watch.


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That scene pained me too, like if only she could back out and live a normal life

He was the most reasonable father/adult in the drama. He loves his daughter, and feels that she would have a much happier life outside palace, but he respected her wish to be with CP.

and heartbreaking that he could no longer address her dearly, as his daughter, but always have to address her as his superior instead.


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When they showed Hayeon alone in her room with her wedding costume on, I had this strange thought that she was probably second guessing marrying Yeong because she looked like she's going to a funeral or something than a wedding ceremony lol Or I was just so desperate for the wedding not to happen.


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And I thought I was the only one that think during the wedding scene, not only Yeong looked dead but hayeon also looked deflated, like she just realised this might be not what she wanted after all


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She had a slight smile before her dad came in. It was that interaction with dad that made the *lifelong* commitment real for her. I don't think she would back out, because what other alternative does she have? But it's finally sunk in, the weight of her self sacrifice.


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Yeah, she looked sad to me too. For someone marrying the guy of her dream, she doesn't seem excited enough. Maybe because she guessed Yeong is in love with his eunuch?


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The evil queen TELLS Hayeon that the prince is in love with his eunuch, which make Ha Yeon realize her beloved prince is gay and she'll never really have a chance at a real marriage with him. I think she was hoping that her love and support for him and just staying be his side would sway him into loving her back. I love the irony of this.


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This show is killing me! It's so good! And then I had to hear PBG singing at the end. GAH. I need time out from the feels. But then what'll happen tomorrow?

Nevermind, let the feels come. This show!!!


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Ugh. Park Bo Gum and his lovely voice. That song. ?

Every Byung-yeon scene made me happier and waaay more excited than usual. It's been really sad and angsty that any scene with BY was refreshing to me. Like a sip of water in this really bad drought. Has the balance gone off? I'd like to think not. I mean, we got what we wanted. Crown Prince continues to outsmart dumb, dumber and dumbest. Wedding's canceled (this is me insisting lol). I just think the light at the end of our tunnel of happily ever after's getting dimmer and dimmer and it's really taking a toll on these episodes. I felt like every episode pre-separation was able to punch me in the gut but give me hope still. For the first time I felt like I was a fool to think any kind of ending where Ra On and Yeong live on happily together would ever be possible. Because...how? Magical kdrama ending logic? (Don't do it show)

She let go! I cannot believe she brought a literal knife to cut her 'impossible to untangle mess' loose. Then Yeong does it for her. He can't even make her completely break her promise herself. I did not know this is how 'proper goodbyes' were done.

I cried. But only during the earlier part where Yeong stops Ra On before fleeing with BY and he looks at her with pleading eyes. Good luck getting that look out of your mind, Ra On.
I mean. Our girl's better than just choosing to run away right? The Ra On I love has got to show up next episode.

I wish there was more bromance. Are we gonna get that in the last three episodes? I won't expect too much :(
We did get Hong Kyung-rae back this episode, surely it'll be about the rebel group vs. the palace until the end now.
The Yoon Sung speech makes me hopeful though. Can't go wrong with an epic bromance, show. Think about it.
The ratings slipped again for this ep, anyone know exactly why? Is there a game of some sort that people watched instead? Otherwise I don't know how anyone who's been watching could let go when we're so close to the end! Maybe it's too painful to see OTP apart. Or they've anticipated the drag and tuned out.
Many thanks for the recap JB!


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I checked and there was actually a baseball game yesterday. Thus the ratings drop for all the 3 dramas that aired yesterday night.


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Thank you!


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I am going against the grain for this, but I can't be the only one to think the plot lacks intelligence or cleverness. Every time there is a scene where I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to view as a twist, or a dramatic occurrence at the least, I can't help but feel slightly underwhelmed by it all. The music crescendo, the long dragging out of scenes makes me anticipate at least an 8 or 9 on the feels-thrill scale, but I keep feeling 3-5.

In the end, I still consider Moonlight a well-acted, and better than average executed drama in moments, but it lost the stellar quality I felt from it in the beginning.


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I understand a bit of what you mean. Everything in this drama makes sense. Which makes me understand why the characters feel what they feel, why they can't do this or that, or why this or that happens. But I don't feel excited by much of it all. I can't say I enjoy the lethargic vibe of the past few episodes.


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Lethargic was the word me was looking for! I don't really like how everyone acts like they don't have any energy left. Either moping around, or being slugging, even when they talk.
there's many things this drama could do better, but if there's one thing that I will find special about this drama, is that none of the 4 leads are unlikable. in fact, the 2nd leads are downright angelic, and not even boring. sometimes, I feel like their plot-threads is more exciting. lol


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i blame the live shooting...


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I hate to agree with you, but this episode doesn't live up to my expectation as well, I guess with the way they've been delivering each week, I'm sure we expected it to up its ante, but they're in favor of angst more than intelligence. I wanted to feel more threaten by the ministers machinations, sure I'd like to see our prince outwit his enemy everytime, but it's more gratifying to see him fall and in need of help too. It's a shame but it doesn't mean I love Moonlight less.


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it's the time . time ate everything ... no one can have their perfect moment together,
that's why I'll like this team do pre produced drama since they seem to know what to do, ,
drama that lowkey then become succeed will get many involvement in the middle cause they still shooting it and get too many pressure,
probably they never aiming too big or too grand but the viewer feel it and they can't revised or doing anything faster

at least this one is saeguk so we'll didn't need to deal with many familiar food cameo


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I can put up with a less than stellar plot if the romance was a bit more exciting.

Someone commented that all 4 leads were likable. But I wished Raon was little more of anything. Even bad. She had a certain liveliness in the beginning which prevented her from being bland, but all that is gone now. The romance is everything that it should be on paper. Everyone is considerate, thoughtful, blah blah blah. It's not dry, but it's not sparkling either. Kind of vanilla? But worse, since vanilla is actually yummy for me. Kkkk. Maybe milk?


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I shouldn't laugh since it's making me sad how this drama has gone the past few ep but I burst out laughing at your milk comment. lmao.

I completely relate to what you said about the romance. All the right lines are being uttered. Everyone have the right romantic thoughts. Sure, it's romantic, but it stopped being heart-fluttering or exciting to hear those thoughts since I don't know when, especially when Raon expresses them. Not sure why. The writing is not bad, and KYJ is a good actress, so I hesitate to blame it on delivery either. Meolla.

I used to find it so exciting to find a romance in a drama where the leads were saying everything right. But now, 15 episodes in, and all I hear is noise. Maybe it's me.


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Oh, Kim Yoo Jung is definitely a good actress, but she's lacking compared to the best to make the character Raon interesting. I've been thinking about this for a bit, wondering why I found Raon more boring than other equally too-good-to-be-true characters like CP, Hayeon, or YS. And I think I found my answer. All the other ones have a certain edge in their acting, or a certain steel in their characters that keep them from being too bland. Raon is just soft, fluffy, with no sharpness. I blame mainly the writing, but a better actress might have given the bland character a bit more nuance. Funnily enough, I didn't find Raon bland in the beginning, when she was doing more bad things and acting on her own volition. Now, she's just reacting to circumstances instead of being proactive. Makes it worse.


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I notice what you pointed out in ur comment subconsciously. Never realized what it was. Hmmm. You might be on to something. I noticed that even during scenes where Raon was threatening, and Yeong was being sweet and earnest, I still felt more from PBG's perf than Raon. I'm not even sure it's because KYJ is a sweet person. I'm watching Louis right now, and Bok sil is sweet too, but I don't find her boring. Can't pinpoint on what is the difference. Maybe it's just that KYJ looks like a fluffy bunny or a deer caught in the headlight so she can't look angry or threatening. hahaha.


come on theres nothing wrong with kim yoo jungs acting . as raona she's just been doing disappointing stuff and not really standing up for her love but remember in those times the accusations against her were life and death issues. pretty pissed of myself at some of her actions but i think w might be falling into the trap of always wanting female lead characters to be written as super heros or super villians


As a guy, finding a sweet girl like Raon is my dream. I want my girlfriend to be like her. Someone who couldn't be bad even if she tried. Who couldn't harm a fly.
As a viewer, her character's inability to be effective at anything frustrates me so much.


Hmm...I can't pinpoint what, but she feels lacking in today's episode. I guess when I expected her to burst into tears (I sure did), she held herself up and simply...refrained? I understand she's putting up a front for everyone, but at this point, I wanted a burst of emotion from her, like when she cried her eyes out in front of Yoon-sung by the lake.


Its the roles, characters they have to portray. They are just following the directors lead. Yoo jung is a good actress. She's only 17. I give her credit for being able to show so much emotion with her eyes. Shes way better than her noonas


but I love Milk . . ..
can we used other comparison?
like Melon??


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But I like melon!

Maybe apple? Or water. lol


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But plain water is refreshing!

How bout tofu? Or are we sticking to drinks here?


This thread is making me hungry for some reason.

I vote for plain tofu. Like it the most out of the suggestions. :D


I need a bit of spice to get through the angst. But a bit frustrated it is too PG 13 now. Bogum is capable for more than that.


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I do feel a tiny bit frustrated that we won't get more action with the OTP, especially since damn Bogum is such a good kisser. However, I will not trade KYJ for an older actress. They have an explosive chemistry, so I'm okay with PG. hihi


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I still love Moonlight, but I have to say that the last three episodes are probably my least favorite. And out of the three, this episode 15 is the very least. I'm still very much excited for each episode, but it waned a little bit and that's because of the past three episodes being full of angst.

I give props to the show for waiting 15 episodes before using the noble idiot card and like what JB said, I also give props to it for waiting this much before the political machinations are in full force. I expected it to come sooner which could have been really bad. At least now, we are only left with 3 episodes. That being said, Moonlight is still delivering in my book.


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That's exactly what I feel about Moonlight, I enjoyed it so much in the beginning but I felt like the fun is beginning to wane in recent episodes. It's not that I love Moonlight any less, but I just hope for the best for the crews because they deserve every praise for the effort they put forth, Moonlight has been amazing for me, and it's a shame that we're beginning to see some crack in it.


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I share your sentiments. However, I wished that they did not even have to go noble idiocy on us at all. Guess it would be too much to ask for a drama where the main leads talk things out and agree to a mutual course of action, even if it's going to hurt.

... I'm giving Ra On all sorts of excuses and trying to rationalise her actions so that it sits better with me, and I don't like that I have to do that! >_<


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"A mutual course of action" was what I was hoping for. I hoped that happened before Raon left the palace. Instead of only making/collecting memories with Yeong, she had the chance to tell him the truth and they could have discussed where to go from there.


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I STRONGLY AND VEHEMENTLY disagree with the assessment that Ra-on was being a noble idiot, and that her action smacks of noble idiocy. She knew perfectly well the danger Yeong had put himself in when he came to that hut to see her, and she witnessed first hand how the bad guys almost caught them. And then she heard from Eunuch Han how the poor guy wasn't sleeping or eating properly.

I knew she had to cut the cord. And honestly? I agreed with her. Yeong had no solution for their predicament. She knew he was harming himself, pining away for her when they had no hope. And then when he asked to meet, I suppose that must have been the last straw. They were nearly caught last time! He was actively putting himself - and everything he stood for - at risk.

And so she had to be harsh.

And so she put on an act, an act that hurt him. It hurt, even though he didn't believe a word of it. And to me, this - THIS - is a mark of how much the OTP knew each other. She knew he would not let go and keep on putting himself in danger if he had any hope, and so she sought to crush it out. He saw through this immediately and played along, knowing that it would ease her mind.

If anything, Ra-on was being smart. And it took seeing her go these lengths to push him away for Yeong to finally, FINALLY be on the same page. She understood him, which was why she did what she did. He understood why she did it. And the most wonderful thing? They both knew that.

These two. They hurt me, but they hurt me good.


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I agree with your opinion Elle. You've articulated what I felt better than what I was about to write haha. I think I'll delete my comment. xD

I do also understand where Javabeans and the majority are coming from though, but I can't find it in myself to take that position. Maybe it's because I'm partial to this drama, but this is what my line of thought has been for that scene, and it seems reasonable (albeit in a heart-wrenching way). For me, at least.


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I get the instinct to label Ra-on's actions as noble idiocy, but the drama has done a great job of showing how dire the situation was for everyone. I agree that she wasn't being fair to Yeong, but apparently being fair to him meant he would cling on. It simply wouldn't do.


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Yes, Yeong is understandably stubborn and I think even if they did discuss the situation without Ra On taking drastic measures, he would have still refused to let her go. He certainly knew the dangers for himself and Ra On, but his love for her took priority over his sense of preservation - how he still wants to see her even though he knew he shouldn't. I can see why Ra On took this path (she knows him as well as he knows her), because nothing short of a Deus Ex Machina can save them from this incredibly sticky situation. Was it agonizing? Yes. But I can't condemn her for it.


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I also see that yeong's stubborn on his love journey, he has no solution at this moment,
and keep asking her even if knowing what her reason is,
yoon sung said he didn't need to know
he stated to yoon sung that it better to him to not knowing and byung yeon said he need to a bit patient,
and ra-on said to not asking,

this kinda reminds of the 4th prince in BBJX/Scarlet Heart when he said
"it has nothing to do with me" regarding the trap question fom the emperor,
(I can't explain much cause of spoilers)


Yeong is already in danger with or without Ra On. What I don't understand is why yeong had to cut the bracelet. Isn't he working on a plan so they can be together? He can pretended to let her go so she will not worry about him. Remember the episode with Chinese ambassador . He pretended to let her go but rescued her at the end. Cuttjng the bracelet and agreed to the marriage are too extreme. If he understands her than he should know she did it because of him. She cannot do anything. He is the only one can turn things around. He should find a way to protect her so no one can hurt her. However, his actions end up hurt her the most.


But being with Ra-on, a traitor's daughter, can give (and has already given) the opposing side more ammunition against Yeong. They literally used her against him. Yeong had always been in danger from them, but her proximity's making the whole thing worse.

Yeong had to cut the bracelet to express finality. The relationship is over on his side as well so she could go her way without worrying if he's missing her (and not eating or sleeping properly). They both understood that they're still very deeply in love with each other, but they must now go their separate ways. Yeong can't turn this around without directly opposing his father, a crime which can (a) dethrone him, (b) send him away in exile, and (c) have him killed. He's pretty much stuck with this one, too.

The Chinese Ambassador dilemma paled in comparison to the traitor's daughter situation. There's no way out of this, unless there's a deus ex machina.


By cutting the bracelet, Yeong shows Raon that he's defeated, he will let go of her, just like what she wanted from those lies that she told him. He knows that she did it for him, so he gave up on pursuing her.

The end game was separation. and they both know that.

The wedding was inevitable, he has been putting off for too long


Thank you for articulating your thoughts, Elle, and I can understand your points perfectly. I agree it would take something quite drastic for Yeong to let go of Ra On, and that she knew it. But honestly, she could have also done it in a different way if she wanted to, or maybe thought things through better.

She could have told him that SHE herself was the one in danger. That being close to him and being his point of weakness made her a target for others and is putting her life, and her mother's life at risk. She could have told him that if he loved her and wanted her to live a life in safety and in security, he would have to let her go to some remote place far away with her mother.

As much as Yeong loved Ra On and wanted to keep her by his side regardless of the dangers to his own person, that same deep love would have also compelled him to let her go if he could see that her being close to him, and being associated with him, was going to put her life, and her mother's life, in danger. And I am sure if anything happened to either of them, he knew he would regret it for the rest of his life. And he loved her enough to not want her to suffer being hunted like an animal and having to live a life always looking over her shoulder.

When you love someone that much, you don't want to see them having to suffer as a result of that love, especially if that person told that to you to your face.

Unfortunately, the way Ra On went about, I felt, was quite cruel. I understand the "got to be cruel to be kind" maxim but in this case, I can't help but think that she could have cut ties with him in a better, less hurtful, way. Yeong understanding her motives and understanding her actions does not mitigate the cruelness in which she went about it, imho.


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"Unfortunately, the way Ra On went about, I felt, was quite cruel. I understand the “got to be cruel to be kind” maxim but in this case, I can’t help but think that she could have cut ties with him in a better, less hurtful, way. Yeong understanding her motives and understanding her actions does not mitigate the cruelness in which she went about it, imho."

Exactly. She could've done it differently, being cruel wasn't the only option. And for someone who loves her dearly, I believe Yeong would have understand her point, without her resorting to such conclusion. I'm hurt that she'd do that, because as much as I'd like to excuse her behavior, it felt like she went a little too far.


But that method would've been even more cruel, don't you think? Her aim was to break up cleanly with him. By framing it that way, she would have put the guilt squarely on Yeong's shoulders (and involving her mom, no less!). And when you love someone, you don't do that. It wouldn't lead to a clean break at all. She kept the conversation focused where it matters: between the two of them.

Besides, she wasn't really going to knife him. It was just a pathetic attempt at shocking him, and they both knew that.


@ Elle

I don't know, Elle, I think we may have to agree to disagree here. In my opinion, if you love someone however deeply and intensely, you will always consider their feelings and their situation and sufferings first and foremost over your own.

The fact is, it is absolutely true that by being close to and by being associated with the Crown Prince, both Ra On and her mother are in serious danger. People want to use them for their own gains whether it is the Kims or the White Cloud Society or whatever. And from what we have seen in this episode, it really has brought real danger to them - Ra On's mother was almost injured along with Ra On herself if Byung Yun did not turn up in time. They cannot keep living like this.

And by telling Yeong the facts of their reality, and the fact that they will continue to suffer if he does not let them go, is not guilt-tripping. It is being real. No fairytales here, no fancied bogeymen. This is currently the reality for both Ra On and her mother.

And if Yeong truly loved Ra On and wanted her to be able to live in safety and security, he would have let her go based on that reason, which is undeniable fact which he needs to also accept.

Ra On pulling that knife and opening old wounds and using resentment as a reason to separate feels unnecessarily hurtful and cruel to me when other methods could have been employed which would have yielded a similar outcome, but with greater understanding between the two parties and with less pain.

I don't know... I'm not a fan of hurting the person you love. I always feel that there are other ways you can parse the argument or the separation without resorting to deliberately inflicting pain.


Unfortunately, Ra-on didn't have the luxury to worry about Yeong's feelings when his future was in jeopardy. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

The thing is, Yeong knew all of this. He knew how close Ra-on was to danger when they met at the hut. He even mused about making life difficult for her. And yet he chose to meet her again so soon. It was romantic of him, but honestly quite stupid as well. And he greeted her like they were on going on some date. It struck me as pretty callous, although he clearly meant well. But I like that it took a disheveled, hysterical knife-wielding Ra-on to make that sink in.


Ra On had time to think and reflect on her course of action before the knife-wielding scene because we can see her sitting down reflecting on Eunuch Han's words in her quiet space. So she did have a little bit of luxury to think things through and decide how she wants to play the whole thing out. Which is probably why I am unhappy with how she carried it out all the more.

If she had zero time to reflect and could only react when things around them were falling apart, I would have been more forgiving of her actions and seen then as impulsive and unfortunate.

And yes, perhaps Yeong had a fair idea of the dangers Ra On and her mother faced, but in the typical fashion of a person in love, you hope that they are able to bear up under it and weather through the difficulties. It is another thing altogether when your loved one confronts you face-to-face and tells you that by enduring a life beside you, she is also suffering badly and is close to breaking point.

As you pointed out in an earlier point, it took Yeong to see how distraught Ra On was during the knife scene, for him to recognise that his lover was suffering badly. The same falls true here. If Ra On had told him that she is unable to endure her situation, that is is hurting her and that she is suffering badly because if it, it would have a similar impact because who wants to see the person you love suffer?

Ra On looking distraught and close to breaking-point is understandable and acceptable to me. But that knife-wielding, using resentment and ripping open old wounds as a vehicle for inflicting hurt was needless, in my opinion.

And as I said, Yeong understanding her motives and her actions does not excuse or mitigate the cruelness of it. I hate to use this analogy but it is like a person using his fists against another. The one being hit might understand the motivation and the reason why the person is angry, but it doesn't excuse the fact that the action is still wrong.


Agree to disagree, then. I understand your points, but I felt the episode had been building up to that moment. I was with Ra-on all the way and understood what she was trying to accomplish. She meant to be cruel, but the effort came off as half-hearted and forced. Yeong wasn't even upset at her words or actions so much as that the fact that she felt she had to say/do them. I found her pitiful. I couldn't bring myself to be angry with her, even as I winced and cried at that scene.

Emotional engagement with the character might be key here. Again, we'll just have to agree to disagree.


Other notes on the episode:

-I'm still not feeling the drag, but that's maybe because I've watched many a sageuk that really did drag so this really pales in comparison.

-Guardian Angel Kim Hyung!!!!

-Protective Uncle Yoon-sung!!!! Oh wait that baby is his cousin. It's been a long time coming, but I love how he stood up against Grandpa Kim. The scene mirrors their first scene in episode 2, and I love how differently this played out now.

-I do wonder how strong the Jo clan is. Minister Jo doesn't seem to have many supporters in court. Perhaps his power base is on the provincial level?

-I am not sure what to feel about HGN being alive, but I do hope he does not survive the show. I think this is the part of the episode that fell a bit flat for me especially since they already pulled out the missing-parent card, but I think Ra-on's mom being a bit catatonic sold it for me. A bit.

-NO WEDDING. I am simultaneously overjoyed and amused. But since we're making a complete departure from history and into fiction-land, perhaps Ha-yeon can step aside? She looked quite miserable in her wedding robes. The costume porn was no joke, though. Yeong looked very, very handsome in his robes. Although the swinging beads made me chuckle a little.

-MY PERSON. Oh my God, how talented is PBG? Also, ALL KILL in the charts! Kudos!

-The ratings. I expected a dip because of the preview, but it may not have been completely because of the somber tone of the episode after all. Ratings fell for all dramas due to a bad combo of baseball game/midterms season (according to k-netizens!). I'm still happy with it, and I hope they recoup their audience in the coming episodes. The preview for tonight's episode gives me hope!


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Agree with what you said! Especially about Ra On and Prince Yeong knowing each other and thats why the scene worked and was so touching.

It wasn't the "noble idiocy" bit that got to me... but more that I don't really like how the plot feels like it is going in circles.

I will happily not have the wedding, but it HAS BEEN threatening to happen since... many episode ago.

Also, I don't really like how Ra On's dad appeared- she suddenly isn't orphaned? And after being hidden for 10 years, he reveals himself to his wife and then... is caught immediately? *scratch head*

And everyone who knows that Dumb and Dumber are evil, somehow dies without blurting out the truth. It happened once and then now again? Why do the Kim do so many stupid things, and never get caught? Starting to not make sense, or at least, feel a little old.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the show, but I do Do DO hope the plot will support the fantastic acting and the last 3 episodes will be awesome and satisfying.


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My theory is that HGN let himself be caught.

I'm not a fan of the HGN returns plot point mostly because mom already returned, but I'll wait for tomorrow's execution before making my final verdict. I think I'd have been happier with this if mom turned out dead and HGN returned to his daughter so they can grieve together.

On the other hand, it does fulfill one of the requirements for Crown Princess-ship (that both parents have to be alive). Oh you mean it's still impossible? *lalalalcan'thearyou*

I do feel that some of the evidences against the Kims should be coming to light by now. The mystery behind Queen Yoon's murder in particular should have started to unravel in this episode.

I still really like this episode, and I feel that the knife scene stands above other displays of the break-his-heart-to-save-him trope. 15 is a lesser quality episode for the reasons you stated, but the knife scene is already one of my favorite OTP scenes.


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haha, I think they will end up together. I really do. *ignores any incredulous stares sent my way*

Yes I hope the Kim unravelling happens SOONER rather than later... because I don't know if I would be satisfied with a open ending kind of end... where Ra on and Prince Yeong get together at the last minute possible, and then we get a time jump or something.

I want happy times for them both! and for more than just 1/4 of the final episode!


as I remember, the prime minister wants to used Ra-on to lured Hong gyung nae in the earlier ep,
the dumb minister talks about this,
so HGN probably realised this and give himself to let RO lives


No, don't jinx it!

I do hope the OTP remain in each other's orbit in the last 3 episodes, even if they're in a dark situation.


I agree. the last couple episodes begins to drag on for me. I like this drama in the beginning because of the straight to the point love story. I really impressed to see how the Crown Prince didn't care about anybody else opinions or threats. Even in the beginning he wasn't even sure about her he's still there to protect her. It doesn't matter if the person hurt her is the ambassador or the queen. Ra on's love is all that matter to him. He always there to protect her knowing that she can't do anything with her position. But now the drama begins going to circle like other typical dramas. The hestitation. The doubts. Especially the marriage. It showed that he gave up on their love. He knew she left because of him. Because she's afraid to put him in danger and there is nothing she can do to help him. But by agree to marry someone esle, he decided to cut off all the ties with her. Even later on, after he got rid of the evil prime minister, then what? He and ra on cannot be together since he is already married. This kinda ruined his image in my head. i was expected to see how he will overcome all the obstacles throught his cleverness so they can live happily ever after like he has promsed her. I am so dissapointed as the events unfold.


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He respected her wishes. I think that's very romantic. Also, he's still not married. It was halted, remember? The marriage was necessary. He knew this perfectly well, even if it he disagreed with it on principle.

Thing is, this problem with Ra-on isn't like the ones before that can be solved by a single episode. It's the series-long arc, not a problem-of-the-week. Yeong is determined, but there's little he can do when Ra-on can be killed/sold to slavery merely by being caught. He needs help from Yoon-sung and Kim Hyung to outsmart his enemies, but those two aren't quite ready to throw away lifelong allegiances (to family/rebel group) just yet. Even though I do wish the downfall of the Kims would go on faster (have Master Jung investigate them on the side!) I think the Ra-on problem is progressing just fine.

Seeing Ra-on like that, out of sorts and desperate, shocked him into finally giving in. Ending the relationship was what they both needed.


I do think Hong Kyung-rae let himself be caught. He knew the officials are onto his daughter, so the only way to deflect that attention is to put the attention on him himself.


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Haha I just livestreamed episode 16!!!! *resists temptation to gush/rant/flail*


I agree about the "costume porn". On the one hand this episode was heart-wrenching, on the other hand everyone is looking gorgeous.


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Moonlight has major costume porn especially for the three musketeers. I always look forward to see new hanbok every episode.


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"And to me, this – THIS – is a mark of how much the OTP knew each other. She knew he would not let go and keep on putting himself in danger if he had any hope, and so she sought to crush it out. He saw through this immediately and played along, knowing that it would ease her mind."

When Ra On tells her mom that she isn't sending him away to make him hate her/forget his feelings but to keep him from feeling sorry to her, I thought, how nice that our OTP know each other so well. Even when apart they're in sync. Yeong wonders regretfully at the beginning of the episode how it came to be that he's the one to cause Ra On all this trouble, and that's precisely what Ra On wants Yeong to stop thinking or feeling.
I did feel like they were having this mental conversation at the end there when Yeong says stop and that they won't meet again. I just didn't think I could make total sense of it like you did. Thanks Elle!


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It's obvious to Ra-on that she was convincing Yeong, anyway. I felt that the scene ended with a mutual understanding, which has always been one of the strengths of this OTP.


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'Mental conversation' and 'Mutual understanding' - yes, that's exactly why this is one of my favorite scenes for this OTP. I didn't want to mention that seeing how many people dislike it, but gosh darn it, I thought it was executed well.

Thanks again for posting these comments, guys. I had no idea how to articulate this at all lol.


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I find that I'm more articulate when I'm in a defensive mood. #raonprotectionsquad

There's a difference between being viscerally pained/disappointed by Ra-on's actions and labelling it as "idiocy." It was anything but that.


Yes, I'm with you. I haven't watched the episode, and just know some scenes from soompi last night.. But regarding RO holding the knife towards CP, i feel like thats the most quick, effective way she can do to make CP understand. In that dire, dangerous situation, is there time for begging, explanation, discussion, comfort? I agree with you that they both understand each other, so thats why RO did that.


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Their relationship had to be completely broken, and I don't see how she could have done it in a better way.


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Everyone seems to love Yeong. But somehow, I ended up feeling sorry for Ra On more than anyone in this drama. The poor girl has so many misfortunes in her life. She had to live her life as a boy. Lost both parents at young age. Sold off as an eunuch to pay off a debt. But she never let life drags her down. Aways smiling. She loved her prince but never dared to ask for anything. In order to keep him safe, she either tried to leave him or tried to set him up with someone else(hayeon) that can help him. She stayed at the palace, risking her life because of him. she left him because she's afraid that she will end up hurting him especcially when she found out she's traitor's daughter. Even when she is being hunted as a criminal, she still worried about him. Her threatening him is only out of love for him. To make sure he's moving on, to keep him safe. Her life is in danger. Her heart is broken. The love of her life is marrying soneone elae. her father is in jail. It breaks my heart to see Ra on goes through this. I wish this drama will have a happy ending. I want to see my puppy happy again.


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(I love them both very much, it hurts sometimes!)


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JB said: "I’m sure there are ways we can rationalize Ra-on’s behavior with elaborate character analysis and argued defenses"

Here it is! You explained a compelling reason for Raon's actions. I am one of those who did not like what she did and thought she could have done something else to let him go. After reading your comment, I accept it too. However, I'm looking at it both sides though I am still leaning towards the "why, Raon?" argument. lol Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciated her actions in this episode a little bit.


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Yes I agree! Excellent analysis, Elle. I agree with Celine though. Your analysis is highly compelling but I'm way too heartbroken and my only coping mechanism is to wail "Whyyyy, Ra-on" and cry silently until the next ep rolls around.


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This was actually me last night when I livestreamed the episode, but Ra-on's actions made complete sense to me. Honestly, what else could she have done? She tried to sending him off gently at the beginning of the episode but he wouldn't let go. The harshness was warranted.


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I couldn't guess how she was going to release him from his guilt, so the knife was a surprise for me, but also made total sense to me. You've explained it better than I ever could.

I admit I also giggled a little bit at the thought of Ra On trying to fight the very capable Yeong. Or would his bodyguard have to make an appearance? The scene was rather slow and dramatic, I had a lot of time for silly imaginations. Lol.

But then Yeong went along with Ra On's act and we all fell apart like his beads...


The intent was to shock him rather than actually fight him off. I think it worked, although perhaps in a different way than she imagined.


I'm on the "Why, Ra-on, why?" team. I tried to rationalize her action too, but when Yeong shed tears, I guess none of the arguments mattered anymore, she went too far and I felt bad for Yeong.


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The only thing I agreed with Ra-on on this episode is when she said, “There’s something I have to do. Sending [him] away. So that he can live well without me. So that if someone were to come and take my place…he won’t be sorry to me.” Sure, I agreed that she needed to do something to make Yeong move on because the current predicament doesn't help both of them. But when she pulled out the knife, let's just say I lost my respect for her right there right at the moment, because even though she didn't physically harmed him, she really did stick a knife to his heart by pulling that show. She could've think of something else to send him off well, and pulling a knife out is not a good option.


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And you don't feel bad for her? She has a price on her head. She needs to hightail it out of Hanyang and be safe. She's the one paying for the crime her father committed when she was a child. She's the one who constantly thinks about the dangers she will pose to him. She worries and worries and worries, because what use is their love if they're dead?

Do you not remember the conversation they had near the beginning of the episode? When she told him to not waver because of her? That was her sending him off gently but firmly. It didn't work.

The beauty of the knife scene was that Yeong gave up not because he believed her. He didn't. Not a word of it. He gave up because he finally understood her. He understood her fears, understood that she would never have any peace of mind until he lets her go and lives his life well. Not because she no longer loves him, but because she loves him too much to want him to be in danger because of her. And he loves her too much not to want her to be at peace.

I respect both of them all the more for that.


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I do feel for Ra-on and every part of her insecurity, that's why despite hating their separation so badly, I was able to come into terms with that fact and hoping in some ways they'd be reunited again. I understand she had to be cruel in order for him to let go, but I think they mishandled the knife part. Isn't this the same girl that said, "Sending someone away well shows as much of a warm heart as love does. The memory of having received love could become a lifelong source of strength.” Yeong already told her before, he'd believe any of her lies and he'd do anything for her, if she could just reason with this well, and talk it over in a nice way with Yeong, they didn't have to part ways in a such a painful way. Holding the knife out, and forcing the words out of him is not sending him off well. I get that she's making him feel better about possibly marrying Ha-yeon, but cutting through his heart (and hers in the process) is not the only option viable.


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My highlight went nuts. I meant to highlight the word "well"


Because reasoning with Yeong gives him hope, and giving him hope makes him cling on. He will continue to pine for her, to waste away even as he tries his best to fulfill his duties. He can't help it.

At least now, Yeong will try his best to live well, now that he's seen her so distraught over him.

And I disagree with the word "insecurities." This is Ra-on's reality. She's tainted, hunted, and persecuted. Escape is the only way out. If she is to go down, he shouldn't follow her. He shouldn't even be associated with her (too late for that!). Ra-on's reality was very different when she was playing matchmaker to Eunuch Ma and Wol-hee.

It's worth noting that Ra-on never told him her love was not real. She told him that circumstances changed (which they have) between them and that they could no longer be together. In a way, I think she was preserving their past while laying bare the stark hopelessness of their present. He made the decision not because of the words she spoke but those left unsaid. He understood her, and I think she understood that.

What she did was hurtful, but I got where she was coming from and I don't blame her one bit for making that choice. Yeong didn't either.

But I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. :)


this is bloody true Elle.

Until I came to your comment, I secretly felt like I was the only one who applauded (with SOOO MUCH TEARS in my eyes) how painfully brave our Raon and CP were when they exchanged their goodbyes with the "lies that seemed truth". They knew they both need to do what the other ought to do. They fully understand the situation theyre in and to what extent the other would go in the name of looooove even when it means letting each other go. The love they had was so so deep that theyve both grown to be such selfless souls. Im still crying.


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I'm sad Ra-on is getting so much criticism and hate for doing what she felt needs to be done.


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I must say you were the best commenter in this section. Love to see your comments in the last few episodes, too. :)


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*blushes shyly*

Thank you so much iamphoenixtears!


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@Elle - awesome comments re: Ra-on, thank you. So great to be able to read the insights of articulate people like you, maryxiah, Anh, Celine etc


Couldn't have said it better, thank you.
This was also a way to get back viewers' attention. At least it definitely got me sitting back upright in my seat again when she pulled out the dagger whereas before I was starting to zone out at another angst filled episode.

When CP asked BY to let him see her again I was like...really? Dude I love and understand you but you really gotta let her go and everyone is also telling you the same thing otherwise both of you will end dead. His stubbornness really can be a good and bad thing.

And narratively her behavior makes sense. She's realized that she really has no other choice and her conversation with mom was kind of foreshadowing to me that she's going to do something "stupid", I prefer using the word drastic in this case.
I blame it on the power of PBG that so many people saw this move of her as noble idiocy (but can it actually be seen as NI if the other person fully understands your intention? ?) because his portrayal of CP is just so good that people just don't want to see puppy get hurt any more. But I rather see a heartbroken than a dead or imprisoned puppy, just saying. ?


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Yeah, that was a huge gamble for Yeong to want to see her. Especially so soon after she was tracked down by bad guys and used to entrap him. I was moved by that scene, but at the back of my mind I was like dude hold it in! You're putting both her and yourself at risk!

And like us, Ra-on would rather see a heartbroken Yeong than a dethroned/imprisoned/exiled/dead Yeong. For her, breaking his heart was worth it.


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Thank you Elle for your assessment. I was so overwhelmed with pain for Yeong that I didn't think about Ra-on's intentions and why she had to go about it the way she did.

I'm hurting right there with you.


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You're welcome! :)


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As I read through the rest of the comments on your post, I whole-heartedly agree with those who commend you for putting the chain of events from this episode into perspective. I was thoroughly confused and had to watch the episode twice. I was so relieved when I saw javabeans recap and after reading your thoughts and the comments to your post, I am more at ease to continue. I don't feel so alone with the turmoil anymore.


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Thanks, Elle, for your considered opinion and insights. I was floored when Ra-On brandished her knife at Yeong, and can only consider it an act of desperation. Her "nuclear option," if you will. I like that a whole lot better than noble idiocy.

Ra-On realized that kid gloves weren't going to cut it. Tough love was called for.

Now I can't get Nick Lowe out of my head!

"Cruel To Be Kind" (Lyrics) ❤ NICK LOWE ❤ 1979


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I don't want to talk about it. I feel broken.

I better get some hope of happiness tomorrow.


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Sending you hot chocos to warm the breaking heart *huggles*


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Sending you those honey cakes, they fix everything I hear.


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Sending you Moonlight Drawn by Clouds with Silver Linings:

Wedding Interruptus bodes well for a One True Pairing HEA.

? No wedding -> no cry;
No wedding -> no cry;
Hey, little dongsaeng, don't shed no tears;
No wedding -> no cry. ?

Himne, Chandler!


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AW. You guys! This really made me feel better! Also, I went to see my newborn niece and she helped too :D

Thank god I have her because...I could accept Show separating my puppies and could have possibly even survived watching Show stabbing my puppies in the heart (royal wedding style). But noooo. Show had to be even crueler and have one of its puppies stab the other! I swear, there had better be an uplifting ending waiting for us at the end of the next episode.

On another note, I can't be the only dying to try those honey cakes, right?


Dying to have a taste of that honey cake too.


As a concession, I admit that I can be a bit of an unfeeling person. So maybe it's not the drama, it's just me finding it more difficult to feel moved.


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Hi Mary-- I'm not sure how long you've been posting on DB-- you may or may not be aware that there is another beanie named "mary" who is famous around here (and who moderates many of the comments). A lot of beanies refer to her as "Mary", so I think it'll be very confusing to have another user with the same name. I'd like to respectfully suggest that you alter your username in some way so that we can distinguish between and appreciate your unique "voices". Cheers!


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Or I can just end all my comments with applebutt?



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CRAAACK!! My heart... my senses... my OTP ... what is happening to you??

I cant believe I have to thank god for something like HGR (HGR REALLY SHOW? why? from where? could it be the same place RO's mother showed up from? And how come they never met in ten years?) showing up & getting himself arrested & interrupting that wedding that apparently NO ONE wants!! Enough of this, can we assume we have seen the end of that marriage plot?

This was me at YeongOn cracking under pressure:

when she pulled the knife on him

when he made her cut the bracelet

I need fiiiiiiiire to dry my tears


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Bahahaha! That's totally me too!


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Thanks @Javabeans for the great recap.

I agree with pulling the noble idiot card. Ra-On's character has been on point with staying steadfast that I don't get the logic of why she had to lash out at him and brandish a knife to boot.

Ok, granted it's for dramatic effect (or even just to remind the viewers of the reference to "The Little Mermaid" story (oh, how I hope our CP will do a marvelous job and re-write it not just for the cutesy ending but a really solid one at that).

Previously I thought that Ra-On wielded the knife in front of Yeong just because she was hanging on to knowing that he still has the secret to bear, not knowing that he already knows.

But then, it seemed trite for the story. They could have provided the dagger through words, a touch, a look... anything else but the "Don't come any closer. I have a knife," trope.

Still, I am hanging on and hoping that the next episode resuscitates this one.


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I really really wish the writer had avoid going through the noble idiot route but alas here it is. So dissapointed with Raon's action last night. I love that in the course of their relationship that they actually talk and communicate with each other. But here I think it is out of character for her to go to the extent of pulling a knife to the crown prince to make him forget her.Poor Yeong, so defeated.

I keep lamenting why did Raon still wear a man's clothes when everyone is searching for her as a man. She could have wore her mother's clothes for disguise.

Did Raon's and her mother still live in that house where some people knows her address. How did they able to sleep at night?

And the king, when he will rise to the occasion and be a good king for once. Just want to shake him.


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I dont understand.. In that dire, dangerous situation, is there time to communicate. Eventhough RO doesnt know about Kim's people outside, meeting CP is dangerous now. No?


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I think this is referring to their second secret meeting, where they do have some time to discuss their feeling and she pulled a knife stunt on him


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"I love that in the course of their relationship that they actually talk and communicate with each other."

My feels exactly. The separation is inevitable. What I did not like was how we got there. There was no proper communication. We ended up with shattered hearts when it could have been just a bittersweet goodbye.


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Despite the continued angst which... *sobs* but HURRAH! for the interrupted wedding!

I'd like to applaud this show for continuously giving the time for other characters to shine. It goes to show how important Kim hyung and Yoon-sung is to the CP and I'm waiting for that moment where they can spend time with each other in a bromantic way.

After this episode ended I can't help but worry whether they will have time to solve all the conflicts and reveal the secrets between PM Kim and little princess as well as CP's mom's death and bring back our OTP. Hopefully RaOn's dad will be the key to solve all the problems at once because I don't think I can't accept any more angsty moment


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I know right? Once again, we avoided the wedding! I was thinking, "Okay. This is it. It is happening." But then Dad showed up and I was like, "OMG Is the wedding not gonna happen after all???" It made me both laugh so hard and sigh in relief. Dad's timing is the best!


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was waiting for the beginning scene to understand who sent the letters. did anyone else wonder how the traitor knew where Ra On was hiding? i thought only Yoon Sung knew... and even if Byung Yeon knew, he feigned ignorance with the rebel group.


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was waiting for that too,
but it probably implied by the traitor who try to kidnap ra-on in prime minister's order

he knew it before hand by following byeong yeon cause he is the member of the white clouds and sends it to her


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Javabeans said everything I wanted to say really!
It was a conflicting episode for me... As much as it was full of feels and all... I was a bit confused about where the plot is going... I want my puppies to have a happy ending, but NOT at the expense of narrative sense.

The small moments were as great as the big ones.

I was unexpected touched by Ha yeon and her dad... such a small moment but poignant and beautiful in expressing his love for her, and their love for each other. I do hope she finds a way to be happy, I really do.

I also liked the scene between Yoon Jung and Premier Kim. It added a layer of understanding as to why Premier Kim treats his daughter terribly- her mother was never his wife, or girlfriend, just "another woman" he used to fulfil his "needs" and now he is using his daughter the same way. Will Yoon Sung be able to break free from him? I hope so.

And I too am glad we didn't have The Saddest Wedding Ever. It did not deserve to come to pass. Everyone (other than Eunuch Jang who is an Adorable Proud Mother Hen) looked like they were preparing for funeral rites.

But only 3 episodes more- we are nearing the end! Can we ppali ppali get to the part where I can have lots of ☀️??❤️️?? Please! (and make the story good too Show! I want my cake and to eat it too!!)


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Also, gifs are up.
there ain't no sunshine or rainbows though...


1. Bracelet cutting scene
2. Prince Yeong- "I told you, I would believe whatever you tell me. Even your lies. I see what you mean, so stop it."
3. Byung Yeon fighting Black Hat Rebel Traitor

But if you want a set of happier gifs, I did a few from the earlier episodes and put them up too. (from episode 10 and 2)


Until we get our puppies happy again, reliving older happier times is the best we can do :)


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Thanks @michy!

I have to say my favourite is this one:

Prince Yeong- “I told you, I would believe whatever you tell me. Even your lies. I see what you mean, so stop it.”

I can really feel how much it hurts inside. This to me, feels like the ultimate betrayal and PBG conveyed that emotion so effectively that it makes me want to tear up even if it is in GIF form.

And those tearss... if I were RaOn, I don't think I can hold back and just look at those heart-tearing tears.


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Yes... I really loved how they did that scene. Was the best way to do that kind of "noble idiocy" scene in my opinion.

And it leaves no room to doubt how deep Prince Yeong's love for Ra On is, so that I won't feel a disconnect when they eventually get back together... (I am holding out for a happy ending)

A lot of times I hate these scenes because one of them is self sabotaging the relationship, and I dont know if the other party actually understands why they did it in the first place. But in this case it is very clear- He knows she still loves him and is lying to hurt him. And he going to avoid her to stop her from hurting him and herself too. BEAUTIFULLY written.


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"A lot of times I hate these scenes because one of them is self sabotaging the relationship, and I dont know if the other party actually understands why they did it in the first place."

THIS! Most in dramaland, party A is confused with the actions of the party B because information is withheld by party B thinking it is for the benefit of party A.


That's the thing I love about them, even without proper communication in the past 3 episodes, YeongOn can still read each other like a book. I love this wordless connection they have each other because it transcends our understanding. When Ra-on was saying in Ep.13 how things can be so precious at times, and then Yeong continued by saying "Yeah, if you think of it like it's the last time." Ra-on (and I) was surprised, he totally read her mind without even trying to, so in a sense, I'm glad they have this connection because Yeong wouldn't have to suffer the confusion about her actions. He can doubt, but in the end of the day, he still choose to believe in her. That's why I was so mad at Ra-on for pulling the knife stunt. It was unnecessary and hurtful.


thanks...my favorite is really at 21.16 and 21.19 hahaha

but thank you to make the gif, it's BY fight scene


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Thank you for mentioning eunuch jang, he was really sweet in that scene. It showed how proud he was of yeong. If ra on had been the bride, he would have said thank you and smiled sweetly. *sigh*
That scene juxtaposed with ha yeon's scene with her father. Eunuch jang has probably been more like father figure to yeong than his own father.

I agree, that would have been the saddest wedding ever, the way both the bride and groom looked.


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haha preview is consider spoiler in this discussion so . . .
the preview seems good, and the link appears


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@Ahn...idk how my comment end up here


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maybe because my comment got deleted? lol


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I cried watching Bo gum cry watching Ra On cry. We just all cried together (yes, I'm part of the relationship too)... Also, I've been thinking this for awhile now, but I feel like Ra On has yet to contribute equally to the relationship. This entire time, she's been getting saved by everyone, spoiled and doted on by CP, and now she's pulled the noble idiot card and broke CP's heart. Dammit Ra On, you had ONE job and that was to love CP on behalf of all of us!!!

I suppose there's really not much that she can do, given her status and the setting of the drama. Still though, I wouldn't mind seeing a tad more effort from her...


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My one last request for this show is that in the last three episodes, Ra-on be given a chance to make that equal contribution to her relationship with Yeong. I would (maybe) forgive her for the noble idiocy then.


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Before the angst and separation, I believe YeongOn are contributing equally to their relationship. Yeong saved Raon a number of times, but Raon also saved Yeong a number of times too through her advice and encouragement in times of political distress. As for showing affection, both showed how much they love each other, but I guess it seems Yeong is doing more because he's just unabashedly sweet and swoony to begin with. lol

However, when the separation happened, whether Yeong is pulling more weight in their relationship or not will depend on how you see Raon's action. I'm not a fan of Raon's actions especially in this episode, so it feels to me that Yeong is doing much more. However, if we look at Raon's action as the ultimate show of love for Yeong, then I guess they're still both equals.

One thing is for sure, Yeong is seriously setting the bar way high. His love for Raon is so wonderfully intense that it hurts to see him hurt.


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"Yeong is doing more because he’s just unabashedly sweet and swoony to begin with."

Agreed, which is probably why everyone is so upset Ra-on hurt him, because he's like the sweetest guy ever and she did something so unimaginable to him and we feel the hurt for him. I do feel like Yeong has always pull the weight more, probably because as you said before, Yeong has more room to make the sacrifice than Ra-on, but I wish it doesn't have to be like that. Why couldn't they make Ra-on the brainy one, so Yeong can count on her instead? Lol.


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Why does almost (if not all) kdramas have bloody noble idiosyncrasy part?
Can't the OTP talk it out like mature adults?

I really don't get it why Ra On needs to brandish a knife at CP just to "protect" him and make him forget about her.
I don't get why Ra On had to push CP away in that manner. It was always Yeong that pursues her, endanger his life and status and declare his love for her.

I know that she is thinking that separation is the best option for them, but what the heck with the knife brandishing...


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noble idiosyncrasy is a NO NO


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I just keep on sighing.
I like the heart aching scenes and 병연 helping raon and the prince. But for the first time ever i feel a bit disappointed with the show. I usually rewatch every episodes until I've got all their lines memorized lmao but I just skipped this one after watching it once on tv. I was really nervous last night before the show started because I had a feeling that this episode would be mehh and I think I jinxed it ahaha.


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Park Bo-gum sings this ballad, “My Person,” whose lyrics tell us: “You’re my everything, you’re my person / As much as my heart hurts, this love that cannot be erased / this love that cannot be stopped even if the world freezes / I would rather that I hurt more / Do not worry about me, even if it hurts and hurts, it’s love / I’m happy because you are forever my person”

i can't help but to feel sooo happy when you put this on the recap. lol. sorry, i'm such a proud noona of PBG! <3

Anyway, yes.. I'm also frustrated with this episode. Hope today's episode will be much better, and pleaseeee... a happy Yoonsung before the end! I want that boy to be happy so much.. TT__TT


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I am not hating on Ra On due to the fact that she needed Yeong to have a final disconnect for him and herself. She has become a target and no matter how much power Yeong says he has, they are in a precarious position just by still holding onto each other. Yes, it hurt when she held the knife against him & when he cut the bracelet. My heart broke for the both of them in that moment because even though they both love each very much they are stuck in a no-win situation.


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THIS. I can't see any way out of this tbh. Unless HGN turns out to not be a traitor, and I'm not sure I want that.


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Before anything else (my rants basically lol)....

Park Bogum got all kill on music charts with the release of his OST! Woooohooooo!!! Way to go!!!

His voice is just wonderful and so is the song!


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Yeah. He has got a nice voice. I knew it was him when he was singing. <3

Add that to the list of why PBG is swoony:

Nice Guy
Startlingly Good Looking
Humble and sweet
Actor with Microexpressions
(I am sure there are more...)

and now

Chart Topping Singer.

Darn it! Why so perfect PBG??


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I know, God mustve been in a super good mood when he created him. he's almost out of this world perfect. Ra mi ran in happy together once said that his only weakness is that he's too nice. How the hell that constitutes as weakness is beyond me. I guess even his flaw is awesome, LOL

Anyway, congrats to him. He has not only break the reply curse, but also even achieved another one of his dream. Is this a PBG year in korea or sth?


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I am just super duper happy for and proud of him!!! It has been his dream to sing an OST and yes, he's toying with the idea of releasing songs/album, and here is his first official song, and it reached no. 1 in the music charts! It is rare for actors who sing to get no. 1 in all music charts, but he did!! I like that his voice is not powerful, instead it's soothing.


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Woohoo! Kill em all noonas, Park Bo-gum. Bangya!


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I am completely with you javabeans in experiencing the first real disappointment at the drama, probably because I despise noble-idiocy and had hoped that the drama wont go that route given how good it has been so far. i can understand RO's decision to leave the yeong the first time, because there's uncertainty of Yeong's reaction to her family background and given what at stakes I can excuse that one. But this round I am kinda mad at RO for pulling such stunts, uttering such horrible accusation at Yeong. I wish RO has a bit more faith in Yeong and discuss what they can do to handle this situation instead of crushing his heart so cruelly. If they really need to separate, she could instead appeal to his rationality since Yeong, as a very smart man, for sure will understand. That whole scene felt like a gratuitous pain instead of a legitimate one.

Also, where's master dasan when we need him? Why Yeong didnt discuss this matter with him? He knows that the master knows about RO's background so there's no security reason for not doing so. Why RO's didnt discuss it with him? Where has he gone?!!

I hope tomorrow's episode will be better. Weave your magic show! That's the least you could do after making my puppies suffer.


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There's a plothole somewhere. I keep expecting Yeong to consult with teacher Dasan about Raon. Did he forget that they are connected or the writer forget that fact. CP did unify Raon and her mother through Dasan.

When will Kim PM and his cronies get their comeuppance. It is too long coming. Will the little princess be on hand with his downfall or the writer forgetting that fact again.

Another thing I want to know is the mystery of the lost hanbok gifted by Yoonsung to Raon. Did she return it back to Yoonsung.


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YES! I kept looking for Teacher Yoda and kept getting disappointed.

Why is Eunuch Han giving Ra On advice?? Where is Yoda when you need him to say something profound and important?


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I miss Yoda. CP has been actively seeking him before for advice and for this biggest crisis I am expecting him to be the voice of reason for both of them.
How did Teacher Dasan had no part here?


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MTE. But I'm guessing he'll play a pivotal role again soon, and they don't want him to always be the solution provider.


I was wondering about the same thing too.
Where is teacher Yoda? And why yeong didn't seek him out for advice?
Why is eunuch Han telling Ra On to cut all the ties with Yeong so Yeong can move on and marry Hayeon. Isn't eunich Han is also working on a plan to overthrown the king? Yeong/Hayeon Marriage will give Yeong more support. How is that gonna help him with his cause?


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My guess is Teacher Yoda is MIA because he's busy filming a daily drama. ?


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Yeah, I miss Teacher Dasan too. Surely he can knock some sense into the kids right? Teacher Dasan, the kids are breaking up. *cries*


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"I wish RO has a bit more faith in Yeong and discuss what they can do to handle this situation instead of crushing his heart so cruelly. If they really need to separate, she could instead appeal to his rationality since Yeong, as a very smart man, for sure will understand. That whole scene felt like a gratuitous pain instead of a legitimate one. "

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. You worded well the jumbled stuff in my head. Appealing to rationality and practicality and reality would have been way better than just crushing him with lies. I also agree that this seems more like making the angst way more than it should be to the point of it not feeling legitimately real. However, the pain in the eyes of our OTP are real. I truly felt Yeong's pain in that scene, especially since he was actually happy to see her again. He smiled. He worried for her because someone might have follower her, but then... knife.


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I have a mixed feeling about Yeong's wedding. I'm glad that the wedding was interrupted but... It feels like the wedding is being dragging on, I mean we're expecting the wedding (not in the good way), and then when the wedding happened, something's happened again.. I don't know how to say it, I was like "if this sad wedding supposed to be happen, then let it happens and dont drag it for too long". Haaa I don't know think my mind is kinda screwed up lol


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there has really been nothing draggy about the wedding . there was initial talk of marriage with cp trying to resist , then finally gave in after raon's painful but logical push, she is now crown princess and wedding was stalled for a very valid reason on wedding day .im not sure about what has been so draggy?
i really feel audiences these days want dramas tailor made to cater for every individual whim and caprice .every episode can not be super thrilling because its part of the drama to show both angst and happiness.......ok im rambling but u get my drift .


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I get you. However, after this episode, I'm beginning to question if we will indeed even get a YeongxHayeon wedding. We only have three episodes left. If YeongOn is the endgame, wouldn't it be weird to have the wedding only for Yeong to still end up with Raon? I'm ruling out Raon being Yeong's concubine. Given dramaland logic, it will not go there. So yeah, I'm thinking, they will not be even married at all. Like what JB said, this show is making sure Yeong remains unattached and untouched until he gets together with Raon.


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That's sort of what I meant to say x]
I mean in Hayeon's poster we see that she's wearing a queen's attribute and her hair's pulled up (indicating that she's a married woman) so I was led to think that she will marry Yeong (because who else? The baby prince? Wait, that's creepy XD) and when the wedding is interrupted I was thinking do we really will get the royal wedding or..? Because we have only 3 episodes left to solve several problems (not the mention that Raon's father is back). I don't say that I want to see Yeong's being heartbroken and marry with Hayeon (do you think I can watch him with his sad puppy eyes? I still have a heart lol) I just feel confused because some things lead me to think that we will get a royal wedding, that's all :)


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The poster could have been a trick! LOL I am holding on to the thought that we will not get there. If we will still get the wedding, then too bad for Hayeon, because Yeong will be with Raon. I hope. They will get back together, right? Now I am not so sure...


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Lol is that even possible?
But I do wish it's a trick! XD yeah I'm just hoping that the writter can wrap up the situation beautifully and Yeong can find his happiness with Raon. Because everytime I see Yeong's sad eyes, my heart breaks a little too! Lol, I think I got a Bogumsick too :(


I think that when they first started this drama, they decided yeong will marry ha yeon, hence the poster. But now that the drama is very popular and people want yeong to be with ra on alone because of our modern sensibilities, they may not go forward with the wedding. This is purely my guess. The production may have another plan to tie it up.


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"this show is making sure Yeong remains unattached and untouched until he gets together with Raon."

I'm pretty sure Ra-on already deflowered him. Lol.


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YeongOn = Joseon's Romeo & Juliet?????????

ummmm guys why do great love stories almost always have a tragic ending?

Because they will become popular and memorable...
Romeo & Juliet
Titanic (lols the romance)
Gone With The Wind
Love Story

MDBC? noooooooooooooooo


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Lmao ?


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I was very encouraged by the wedding getting interrupted. As jb said, it seems that Show "is determined to keep our crown prince unattached and monogamous, history be damned"-- which means that a Happily Ever After ending is looking mighty likely at this point. Personally, I'm willing to pay the price of enduring this ep's angst if it means the CP ends up with a Get Out of Jail (Marriage) Free card and the OTP gets their HEA.


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There were two parts on this episode in which I actually cried:

1) when Ra On was telling her mom that before going away she needed to see the CP one last time, so that he could move on and don't feel sorry towards her in the future. Omg that song in the background killed me. I could feel Ra On's complete and utter sadness.

2) when CP was getting dressed for his wedding and PARK BO GUM's voice started singing that gut-wrenching ballad. OMG, whoever wrote that song had that scene in mind and wanted to destroy the audience with feels. The lyrics were on point and the way PBG sung it, made me feel as if he were crying with all of us. His voice was so full of longing, sadness, and love!! ???


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1) LOVE that song because it's HWANG.CHI.YEUL :)

2) Park Bo Gum sang his OST beautifully - well done, young man! Fully deserving of an All-Kill on the charts.


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Thanks for the super fast recap.

Yes, the noble idiocy card was played but with good enough reason as both their lives were in danger. Usually noble idiocy comes with all sorts of contrived situations and one party always swallows the bait. Also, RO's intention was not to make him hate her but so that he would not feel sorry for her. Admittedly, she should have just directly stated that instead of blaming it on family resentment. However, in this case, CP saw through RO immediately and could tell that she was lying. He cut the bracelet to ease off on the lying and to stop prolonging the pain of separation. Like he said, when it came to her, he would believe her even if she lied. He even forgave her for not telling him that she was the rebel's daughter. I think , it's clear that there's very little that the CP would not do for his Ra On and nothing she says or even a royal wedding will change that.

I agree with javabeans on the draggy politics part. This is the first time I'm watching a sageuk and I'm getting quite a bit of deja-vu from my TVB drama days (condor hero and what-not). Same goes to Scarlet Heart (even more deja-vu there, ugh). The genre really has not evolved by much when it comes to palace politics etc and I'm not sure I'll venture to watch another sageuk any time soon after Moonlight ends.


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This was a whirlwind of an episode and I feel like our couple, who I really lauded for their honesty (to an extent) and communication are slowly falling back into the trope of noble idiocy/sacrifice... Which I keep trying to reason out with the setting and stakes of the story, however I can't seem to quite be able to rationalize. I think that Yeong and Ra on set the bar very high but now writer machinations are affecting the dynamic. Though I do love that Yeong called her out on her lie.

In other news, Kim Hyung needs to learn to keep a pokerface, he sometimes makes me nervous with how many secrets he's holding and how expressive he is... Lol


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Also seemed like editing was a bit off, with a lot more close-up reaction shots - Yeong's face! Minister Kim's face! Yeong's face! Others' faces! That didn't really seem to add to our understanding of their actual reaction... The sound/music was similarly heavy-handed in this episode compared to previous episodes. The actors do seem quite tired, from live shoot probably. Hope they are all taking care of themselves!

Just another thought that came to mind - I felt this deep sadness for Ha Yeon basically condemning herself into a loveless marriage within a rather hostile political environment. And her father recognizing that her personality would find it hard to live in the palace was especially poignant.


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The (only) downside to a show that has churned out fourteen consistently excellent episodes, is that we get an episode like this one, and the disappointment is magnified tenfold.

I can only hope that the writer has something sweet and gratifying up her sleeve for Episode 16 - the pattern seems to be that she writes these episodes in pairs so that whatever unfolds in the odd numbered episode is equally compensated for in the even numbered episode. (Fingers crossed!)


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Yeah, there seems to be a pattern every week. We always end each week with hope and happiness (somehow), so tonight's episode could be something good. I have not seen the preview though, so I'm not sure.


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I felt like an iceberg has smashed my heart. My heart was somewhere in between my throat and above lung.
I woke up few hours after I slept and my heart was sore, so sore. Ladies, i don't know how to describe but you know the feeling correct?

I am so glad I have this forum to express my feeling with so many soulmates. No one understands how we feel.


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It's called bogumsick.

Description: When you feel this burning sensation in your heart when you see a certain man come on the screen.

Symptoms: Heartburn, fangirling, heart attack, breathlessness, dizzyness, and temporary blindness caused by extreme beauty.

Cure: Watch more Bogum.
Warning about the cure: Possible side effects could occur and result in more bogumsick.


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LMAO OMG A legit illness right here.


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No wonder my doctor couldn't find what was wrong with me, he didn't have the right diagnosis! You're my hero, pinkfluff99.


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Hi, I'm slightly confused at the moment when Byung-yeon had a sword to Black Hat. I hope someone can help clarify...

With his life on the line, Black Hat says that Byung-yeon can't kill him because it'd reveal that Head Eunuch Han and Byung-yeon have been spies for all this time. How does this logic work? If Black Hat is dead and Byung-yeon flees the scene (this is before the palace guards came over), then no knows who killed Black Hat. But that's as far as it gets. How does Black Hat being dead threaten their covers being blown?? Did I miss something, like Black Hat telling Kim clan about who in the palace are spies (although they'd use that info against them regardless of if Black Hat is alive or not)? Generally, I'm just kind of confused!


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This confused me too.

But I think what they meant was that if the Prince/King caught Black Hat, then he would expose Byung Yeon and Eunuch Han as part of the Rebels.

However, it didn't make sense (to me) because Byung Yeon could have carted Black Hat off to Rebel Headquarters and exposed him to Eunuch Han... Instead of looking so angry and stuck...

After all Black Hat was a traitor to the rebels too.

All in all Eunuch Han seems quite... useless... as the head of the rebels.


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I think it because Byeong yeon will get interrogation regarding the murder of black hat

then they'll learn his past stories, then it gonna be hard to hide his past and he gonna lost yeong's faith


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Just another plot hole my friend... it makes me sad tbh


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I think he meant that Kim Hyung can't expose him as the rat because he'd risk the danger of exposing himself and Eunuch Han to the Kim clan. He could've killed him, but the Kim clan would look into it and eventually find the link between them. But when he died in the prison (possibly Eunuch Han's doing), the ministers didn't dare to do anything, in case it might implicate their liaison with the rebel.


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Gahhhh this show is going to be the death of me.

-When Ra On pulled the knife on Yeong, I yelped. What was the poor girl doing?! I was not expecting that AT ALL.
-After she pulled the knife on him, I thought: Scenario 1: Yeong was going to grab the blade with his bare hands (like YS did in the other episode) and ask her if she really means it.
Scenario 2: Yeong would grab her hand and guide her knife to his heart and tell her that if she really means the things she's saying to just stab him.
-I never in a million years thought he would use her knife to sever the bracelet. And then his line about believing all her lies. The writers are tooo good! Ahhh stab ME in the heart why don't they?! ??

-PBG and KYJ's crying skills are insane. I was crying silently into my blanket multiple times this episode. ??
First- when he asked her if she was sincere in all her interactions with him during their time together and she said "I'm sorry Your Highness"
Second- when she learned that he wasn't sleeping and eating well because of her
Third- when Yeong was talking to Kim Hyung about if she even missed him at all or thought about him
Fifth- when he was dressing for the wedding like his whole world was ending and he was resigned to it.

I can't even write anymore. This drama has wrecked me. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Thanks for reading my thoughts and thanks JB for the recap!


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Him trusting her is what Raon truly wants. And he continuously tries to assure her of his trust.

He's smart enough to realize her hidden intentions and trust her enough to walk towards the dagger in front of him. One may say he's stupid for doing such but I say that that showed the depth of his love for her.


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Yes. This. I'm loving this scene more and more now.


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I love the scene with Ra-on and her Mom. And also Ha-yeon and her Dad. I wish that I'm better with words to comment.

Loving the OTP even in their angst time.

Nothing tops PBG right now.


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Well Javabeans, I agree with you on every point (Raon's actions disappointing me, despite understanding she's human)... except for the part that the episode was not overall engaging. Idk I felt the show built up the secrets and angst and political stuff we want to know for so long and its so near the end and I also really like the other characters (Ha Yeon and Ra On's mother and Yoon Sung and Byung Yeon and heck even Master Han) that I didnt even mind their extended screentime...I was so hungry for information that even finding the answers to only some didnt drag for me.

But alas, there be smart people, stupid people, and generally smart people who do really really stupid things, and I couldnt agree with you more on how Ra on pulled one on us today. Its okay though, I forgive her. I hope our Crown Prince can one day do...*criessilentlywhilelisteningtoPBG'ssong*

Thank you for your review and opinions!


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Damn! It's only been an hour! Lol.

Anyway..couldn't bring myself to watch the episode..think the sparkle wore off a bit..well that or I just don't like seeing PBG hurt for long periods of time.. I'll probably start watching again when the otp is on screen together and not crying.


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What a bad break up for these two—my friend and I have taken to singing TS’ “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” because, my gosh, these two! When CP and RO cry, we cry with them because it’s just so painful that they cannot be and have to be harsh to each other to make them freely be. We’re wondering how they’ll ever get back together with so much angst and trouble between them.

Down to the last three episodes, and beginning to feel the separation anxiety. Haha! But before that, writer, we entrusted our hearts and feelings to you for this drama (we are so invested, it’s crazy, but that’s how good I feel the whole drama is—from the acting, production, writing, directing, music)—please don’t break it so much!


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"History be damned," indeed. According to history, the crown prince was born in 1809. The rebellion took place 1811-1812. So at the point of this story, Prince Yeong would be 13 years old. It's comforting to know that historical fact is disregarded from the very beginning of this story because there's less reason for them to follow history for the ending.


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According to the PD, we're not following the history.


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