Jealousy Incarnate: Episode 13

The cat’s out of the bag, and Na-ri is doing everything she can to avoid confrontation. But there’s more to confront than her love life, as she’s faced with obstacles of pursuing her dreams of becoming a news anchor. It’s a rough calling to face ultimatums that will determine your future career and relationship, but no pressure.


Na-ri freezes at the sight at Hwa-shin’s wall, covered with Beom’s drawings of Na-ri and the words “I love you, Pyo Na-ri.” She focuses on one particular drawing that has those words written in Hwa-shin’s handwriting and begins to suspect that maybe… he likes her?

Meanwhile, Hwa-shin is having a grand time with Jung-won at her roof and notices that his lights were left on. He decides to head over to check his lights and change his clothes while he’s at it, leaving Jung-won alone to stare off at Na-ri’s hanging laundry. He notices her bras and immediately turn away to stare off in another direction.

When Hwa-shin arrives at his rooftop, he finds that the lights turned off now and wonders what’s going on. He enters his room, which Na-ri and Beom managed to escape out of without getting caught. As they walk back to their building, Na-ri notices Jung-won waiting for her at the rooftop and pulls Beom aside to promise not to tell anyone about today. Looking back at Jung-won, she explains that there’s someone in particular who can’t know about this.

Madam Kim meets with Soo-jung to give her a few tips to prepare for Jung-won’s birthday. She assures Soo-jung that Jung-won and Na-ri are just close friends, and Soo-jung feigns ignorance. When Madam Kim mentions Na-ri’s anchor application, Soo-jung tells her that Na-ri has the experience and skills for the job. Madam Kim nods and says that surely she’ll judge based on skill, though this whole dialogue seems encrypted to mean the exact opposite.

After Soo-jung leaves, Madam Kim asks Secretary Cha about when Na-ri’s weather segment airs (8:00 a.m.) and calls Ja-young to request a change in the audition schedule to accommodate her nonexistent flight. She asks to change that schedule to begin at 8:00 a.m. and bribes Ja-young with a station advertisement that would feature her. It was that easy.

The couple and the third wheel celebrate Jung-won’s birthday, and Na-ri keeps glancing at Hwa-shin. As they sing to Jung-won, Na-ri overcompensates with all versions of arm, hand, and finger hearts to make it obvious to Hwa-shin that she loves Jung-won. It works because Hwa-shin looks at her with bottled-up jealousy in his eyes.

Na-ri gives Jung-won seaweed soup and kind of throws the bowl at Hwa-shin, who immediately reacts by saying it’s salty. Jung-won agrees, so Na-ri suggests that they try the japchae. Hwa-shin says that it’s really salty, and Jung-won gives her the nicer version and says it’s just salty. Na-ri apologizes and accusingly looks at Hwa-shin as she says that everything has been a mess today. Jung-won suggests that they go out for tea, and Hwa-shin takes that cue to head home.

In his bedroom, Hwa-shin looks at his wall of “I love you, Pyo Na-ri” drawings and thinks back to Na-ri’s hearts for Jung-won. He takes that to heart and begins to take down all the drawings.

Jung-won smiles with drunken glee as Secretary Cha drives him home and notices Secretary Cha’s anxious glance. Secretary Cha discloses Madam Kim’s strategy to eliminate Na-ri from the audition pool by making it impossible for her to go from her morning weather broadcast to the audition camera test. Jung-won says that she’s too much and wishes that she would just make him seaweed soup on his birthday, even if it’s salty. Aww.

Na-ri’s evening continues to be a mess as she breaks a bowl while doing the dishes. Chi-yeol walks in just as it happens and escorts his noona outside. He takes her gloves and orders her to rest. She paces on the rooftop, in a dilemma about Hwa-shin’s potential crush.

At the same time, Hwa-shin walks out with his pile of drawings and throws them on the ground out of sight when he notices Na-ri. She calls out to him multiple times, each time, imagining all the possible confrontations about the drawings on the wall.

In the imagined situations, she asks, “Do you love me?” Hwa-shin answers with nonchalant excuses and a reluctant confession, in the next version, he answers melodramatic honesty, then in total makjang, and then with a total bad boy image. It’s hilarious.

Hwa-shin seems annoyed that Na-ri keeps stalling with what she wants to say, and he asks her to throw the lighter that he left behind for the birthday candles. She throws it at him, and he asks what she wants to say again. Just as he’s about to light his cigarette, she tells him to quit smoking, instead of asking what she intended.

He refuses to do as told, so she tells him to smoke, to which he rebels again. She tells him to do whatever he wants, and he refuses. He explains, “Why do I have to do what you tell me? I don’t want to do anything you tell me to do.” Then, we see one of Beom’s drawings flying away in the wind.

Later that night, Hwa-shin looks through the drawings and lights them on fire in a bucket. As he burns them one by one, Na-ri tosses and turns in bed as she thinks about Hwa-shin’s drunken confession that she wrote off as a joke. Restless from her thoughts, she eventually gets up and sits in bed.

Early the next morning, Hwa-shin rolls up in his car and greets Na-ri, who’s waiting for a ride to the station from Jung-won. After a slight hesitation, Na-ri runs after Hwa-shin’s car and gets into the passenger seat, saying that they need to talk. Then, Jung-won rolls up in his car, and Na-ri immediately ducks. Hwa-shin looks confused, but he passes Jung-won as if everything is normal. As they pass, Jung-won’s car launches a stray “I love you, Pyo Na-ri” drawing in the air.

Hwa-shin finds Na-ri’s behavior suspicious and even more so when she lies over the phone, telling Jung-won that she had an early assignment last minute. Jung-won accepts her lie as fact and turns back to his car, where he finds the drawing on his windshield. He looks at it and smiles.

Hwa-shin teases Na-ri for playing games with Jung-won and wonders if she doesn’t know how to receive love after holding a one-sided crush for so long. Na-ri tells him to mind his own business and beats him up in the car, causing him to swerve on the road and eventually pull over.

Na-ri asks him seriously, “Do you like me? You don’t like me, right?” After a brief moment, Hwa-shin confirms that he doesn’t like her, and double-confirms that he meant what he said. She tells him to carry on, so he drives them to work.

Chef makes Ja-young and Sung-sook breakfast at the restaurant, and he’s invited them both to propose something. He tells both of them, “Let’s date.” They each take his offer personally, but he clarifies that his proposal.

Their relationship is up to the two women because he doesn’t have a physical attraction to them — he’s asexual. He wants to have a relationship in which they share conversation. Both women seem frazzled at this confession and spit their water out when he specifies the obvious point that he’ll still be asexual in marriage.

As they ride up the elevator at the station, Na-ri apologizes to Hwa-shin. He advises her to either resign or drop the audition, since it’ll look bad if she returns to her weathercaster position after failing the audition. Na-ri seems offended at his assumption that she’ll fail and says that she doesn’t need his advice. He mumbles under his breath that she should pass the audition then, and walks out of the elevator.

Back to the awkward breakfast conversation, Chef continues to persuade the women that love is about the heart, not the body. Sung-sook asks if only winks are allowed, so Chef shows them the supplements he’s been taking and explains that the winks were merely side effects. He’s a proponent of platonic love over erotic love, and he tells the women to carefully decide between them, instead of fighting over him like they do with Pal-gang.

As they leave the restaurant, both women encourage the other to go for Chef Rak. They can’t believe that he has no sexual drive or physical attraction to women. They bond over their disbelief and walk off to work together.

Hwa-shin talks to PD Oh about their recent oil spill, and they plan to send a helicopter to Busan for a report. Sung-sook watches Hwa-shin leaves and remembers how she enjoyed drunken Hwa-shin’s quick peck on the cheek. She can’t imagine herself in a platonic relationship, and she ignores PD Oh’s constant nagging for their meeting. He has to yell to get her attention, and Sung-sook yells back at him, confirming that she heard everything he said but chose to ignore him because she had more important things to think about. Ha.

Na-ri looks torn when she reads the reminder text about their audition time, and Joo-hee comes over to make it clear that Na-ri’s audition will be impossible with her weathercaster broadcast time.

Jung-won approaches his mother — the person who purposely cause this time conflict — and tells her to change the schedule. She offers him a deal: that he set up a formal meeting for the parents of his arranged marriage, and in exchange, she’ll help his weathercaster girlfriend become an anchor.

Jung-won asks if she knows it’s his birthday, and she gives him degrading pats on his cheeks. She finds it cute that he’s rebelling on his birthday and coos, asking what he wants for his birthday.

Hwa-shin arrives at his rooftop house and finds his mother crying. He sits next to her and asks what’s going on, and she admits to knowing about his breast cancer. Through her tears, she tells him to live however he wants, like he did before Hyung lost his business.

Hwa-shin tells Mom to get checked for breast cancer, since it’s likely inherited, but she cries that she should have gotten breast cancer instead of him. Hwa-shin hugs his crying mother, who continues to tell him to live however he wants, but he says that he can’t do that anymore.

Mom cooks up a meal for him and asks if he’s dating anyone. She shows him the little toy that she found in his room and suspects that his girlfriend left it there. Hwa-shin recognizes the toy and takes it to little Beom sitting outside the convenience store. He asks Beom if he entered his house, and Beom immediately says that it’s a secret he promised to keep with Na-ri.

At the station, Na-ri times her run through her route to the audition building, navigating the elevators and obstacles as if she’s in a video game. She runs outside, past Hwa-shin, but on her way to the next building, time runs out. The video game in parallel to her running shows a “Mission Failed” graphic, and she heads back up to try again.

Hwa-shin enters the meeting room to report to PD Oh that updated reports about the oil spill don’t require him to be in Busan and lingers to hear the conversation. Ja-young argues that they should keep their weather report in the studio instead of out in a flower field because it would be unfair for Na-ri, who has to attend the anchor audition. Sung-sook doesn’t seem to care, but their current set-up would imply that they’re impeding Na-ri’s efforts. Hwa-shin resolves their dilemma by putting the decision on Na-ri — she has to go all in for one position.

Secretary Cha updates Jung-won on the current situation — that Na-ri wouldn’t be able to make the audition anyway due to her field assignment — and tries to convince him to comply with his mother’s orders. Jung-won doesn’t plan on it and finds Na-ri mid-run to take her out for his birthday.

They go get jjajangmyun because Jung-won continues to fake that he likes it and invite Secretary Cha to join them. Jung-won asks Na-ri if she really wants to become an anchor, and she nods.

Hye-won reports to Ja-young that the camera test for the anchor auditions will be held at 8:00 a.m., and Soo-jung smiles knowingly at this news. Ja-young looks conflicted, thinking back to Na-ri’s plea for a fair chance.

Her thoughts are interrupted by a call from Chef Rak, but she immediately hangs up after making the excuse that she’s in her radio broadcast. He then calls Ja-young, who doesn’t even pick up and rejects his call. He looks confused at the rejections and totally unaware of the all the customers taking pictures of him. To hammer in the point, the restaurant electricity also goes out.

Na-ri meets with PD Oh, who makes her decide between keeping her weathercaster job and auditioning for the anchor position. She knows that it’s selfish of her to want both, and he persuades her to keep her weathercasting position because that’s the role they need from her.

Dejected, Na-ri runs out of the meeting room, and Hwa-shin watches her scurry out to the bathroom. She sobs uncontrollably in a stall, devastated by this hindered opportunity.

After a good cry, Na-ri waits for an elevator and seems reluctant to board when she spots Hwa-shin inside. She goes inside anyway, and Hwa-shin breaks the long silence by asking if she saw the drawings. She says that she’s not interested and leaves the elevator. But Hwa-shin drags her back into the elevator, and the elevator tracker shows that they’re headed up and into “??”

Jung-won brainstorms with Secretary Cha about how he could help Na-ri make her audition. Secretary Cha throws out nonsense ideas like stopping the flowers from blooming so that Na-ri won’t need to report from there (lol), but Jung-won seems to have a plausible idea to change the time element of this problem.

We don’t know what happened between Na-ri and Hwa-shin, but we jump back to Na-ri, who’s called a deliveryman to ask if she could be “delivered” from the field to the station. She doesn’t want to give up without trying and asks the deliveryman to grant her this favor. He doesn’t look too convinced at the prospects, and Jung-won watches this interaction from outside the room.

Hwa-shin brings PD Oh an updated report about the oil spill in Busan, and this time, they’ve found a dead dolphin that was killed from the oil contamination. So Hwa-shin gets approval to take the helicopter down to Busan.

The station prepares for the anchor auditions while Na-ri reports the weather from the cosmos flower fields in Jamsil. But she may still have a chance, seeing that suspicious black cars begin to follow Madam Kim’s car, which is headed to the station for the auditions. The black cars purposely surround Madam Kim’s car and block it from going faster, and an enraged Madam Kim rolls down the windows to swear at the drivers.

A driver rolls down the window, and it’s none other than Jung-won. He warns his mother that he’ll keep blocking her path if she continues to play against the rules, and she’s annoyed out of her mind that he would do such a thing. On the other side, Secretary Cha rolls down his window to unapologetically apologize to her, and above them, Hwa-shin’s helicopter heads toward Busan.

The helicopter pilot notices the traffic down below, and Hwa-shin makes a spontaneous request to make a pit stop before heading to Busan. The pilots think he’s ridiculous, but Hwa-shin is serious about his request, even offering to pay extra for the gas and the ticket for unlicensed parking.

He explains, “For three years, I was self-important and received everything she gave. It only takes three minutes from Jamsil to the station, so please help me. This woman, who gave me three years — her life depends on it. Let me give her those three minutes.”

Na-ri checks with the deliveryman and heads into her last weather forecast of the hour. As soon as she concludes her section, she runs off to board the motorcycle with fifteen minutes to get to the station. The helicopter flies onto the field, and Hwa-shin jumps out, just in time to intercept them. He grabs Na-ri’s hand and tells her, “Let’s go.”

Na-ri looks stunned, and we flash back to the elevator. Hwa-shin pulls Na-ri into the elevator and confronts her about the drawings. Her silence confirms his suspicious, and he asks, “What if I told you these words three years ago?” Na-ri tells him not to say anything because he’s too late.

Hwa-shin thinks in his head, “I like you.” As if answering, Na-ri tells him not to like her. In his head he thinks, “I love you.” Again as if answering him, Na-ri says that she loves someone else, his friend, in fact. Then he says out loud, “I’m sorry for realizing too late.” Na-ri tells him to get rid of his feelings and turns away from him. Ouch.

Back in the present, Hwa-shin grabs Na-ri’s hand and runs towards the helicopter, ignoring her protests. As they run and board the helicopter, we hear Hwa-shin think back to the final words he got out in the elevator: “What if I told you these words three years ago? I’m sorry for realizing too late.”


Hwa-shin’s unrequited love is painful and so good at the same time. There’s a maturity to Hwa-shin in his bottled-up crushing that really debunks all my claims of petty in the previous episodes, and I love that it’s making Na-ri question how she really feels. He’s impressively walking that line to balance friendship and love, and now that Na-ri knows his true feelings, that makes one more reason to be sympathetic to his struggle, though she’s surely not showing much sympathy for him now.

There’s a sense of betrayal in receiving a belated confession, especially after three years of serious crushing that resulted in heartbreak. Asshole Hwa-shin was a merciless being with no regard for Na-ri as a person, let alone a woman, and it definitely calloused her. The initial rage and utter confusion after discovering Hwa-shin’s true feelings makes complete sense because he’s treated her so poorly. She’s over him because she knows that she deserves better than the intended heartbreak that he inflicted. And now, when Hwa-shin comes out with an implicit confession in his apology, he’s just reopening a wound that she healed by forging a different relationship him.

But there’s an inevitable intimacy between the two of them because their current relationship revolves around a secret shared between just them. Na-ri’s comfort in that intimacy is now shaken, and she’s now forced to redefine their relationship yet again.

The secret is no longer theirs to share because now Mom knows, and thank goodness she does. Hwa-shin is already self-destructive with Na-ri at his side, and now that they’re rapport is ruined, there’s no one to keep him in check. The scene with Mom and Hwa-shin was strategic though, because it juxtaposed the two mothers and their relationships to their sons. The contrast was apparent, seeing how manipulative Madam Kim was with Jung-won and how genuine Mom was with Hwa-shin. While they’re best friends who love the same woman, those scenes made me question how Hwa-shin and Jung-won’s reasons for loving Na-ri would differ, given their very different upbringings.

The symbolism in this show — though at times, cheesy — enhances the storytelling because the directing is able to capture the heart of this show. Whether it’s heartbreaking or heartwarming, the story is told with clever subtext in the dialogue that allows room for multiple interpretations. It also helps that our leads have the ability to tell stories with the facial expressions alone. How does one look regretful, hopeless, comforted, and lovesick at the same time? How does he do it?


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Asexual Chef is my idol. I think this is my first time encountering an asexual character in a Kdrama. Everything he said to those women rings so pure. I am enlightened.


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I posted a longer comment at *15, but yes to every word you said! I was so happy during that scene, I did not even pay attention to the rest of the episode. :p


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First time commenter, delurking to say that as an asexual, I'm also very glad to see some representation. Although I have to note that a good number of us don't have lofty reasons like 'purity' or any reason at all. It just is. The notion of sex doesn't make me uncomfortable, or repulse me; it just happens to be an activity I've never been interested in trying. Similarly, I'm also personally an aromantic, but I love hearing friends discuss their love lives and watching kdrama rom com! What does make me uncomfortable is when people try to assign moral motives to my virginity or use my supposed purity to denigrate others, particularly women, who are open about claiming their sexuality and enjoying sex. But, again, like I said, I was startled and happy to see a somewhat nonjudgmental representation in strongly heteronormative medium of kdrama, of all places! The sheer bafflement and inability of the two ladies to wrap their heads around his asexuality rang sooo true to life. I don't know if a relationship between an asexual romantic and a heterosexual woman with a nice, healthy sex drive would be sustainable in the long term, but I'm rooting for your happiness, Chef ?


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Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences on this with us. It's an interesting subject, which, yet again, kinda makes me wish there was a spin-off show for the other characters who can't have as much screen time as our leads. I think their motivations and foibles and relationships deserve further exploration.


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Random scattered thoughts:

1. Jo Jung Suk is ridiculous. The sheer power of his acting skillz probably has enough thrust to launch a space missile. I'm pretty sure I'd dislike Hwa Shin if a less talented actor took on the part.

2. Best use of dolphins as an excuse to bring out the chopper. Sorry the poor creatures had to die, but omg "actually that dolphin died from old age, not from an oil spill" had me laughing for ages. God this show.

3. After truckloads of kdrama wrist grabs, that holding of hands at the end was so lushly romantic. Such a perfect pairing of "soft" with "hard", power and tenderness. Given the drama and urgency and stress of the situation, a firm grab of the hand just seems to sweet.


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Ha ha..I agree with all your points. Everybody does a good job, but jo jung seok is just excellent.

I laughed hard at the dolphin joke as well as na ri's hilarious imaginary confrontations.

I didn't think about the hand holding instead of wrist grab until you mentioned it, adds a lovely touch.

This is one drama that I completely enjoy!


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There's something about Jo Jung Seok's eyes that just convey so much emotions. He doesn't even have to talk to tell me how he feels. I just need to his face and then BAM! Ok, I know and I understand what you're going through.


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Yes, he's very expressive but doesn't overdo it. There's a nice balance and it's mesmerising to watch. I'm loving everything he's doing with Hwa-shin, and I'm pretty much watching this drama just for him.


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I really think Jo Jung-seok is the actor to beat for me this year. There have been many impressive performances so far, but this laughing-while-crying phenomenon he causes + his facial expressions that sell such a variety of emotions at once...I just can't think of many who impress me with talents that feel so uniquely their own, like he does.


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I wept watching that scene of Hwashin and his mom! I am so so so glad that his mom knows now, and we have one extra person to take care of him. It's just so touching, he even suggested his mom to get tested.


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Just a couple of things:

- The actress playing Hwashin's mother is doing such an amazing job, especially that crying scene. It was so sincere and real, I almost cried. I know she's a veteran actress but she really outdid herself in this role.

- I agree with Sylvia in the above post. I love all the characters and Gong Hyo Jin is definitely pulling her weight, but somehow Jo Jung Seok really makes this whole drama come to life. As the Koreans say - he's "hard-carry"ing this drama. Sometimes even, his genius acting abilities outshines all his co-stars (even GHJ). This drama is doing everything right from the writing, directing, music (!!), character building, etc, but without JJS, this drama wouldn't be nearly as good. I'm such a HUGE FAN now.. OPPAA!!!!

- That being said, we didn't get enough side character scenes this time!! I did miss them..

- And yes, that hand hold and not wrist grab. Just ugh. This drama doing everything right.

- Are helicopters in dramas the thing this year? I've seen it in 3 dramas now: DOTS, Doctors, and now here.

- And guise, it's Quiznos going for the takedown. Bai Subway. You are so last season, ugh.


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Yes! Agree with all you said.
The musics, omg! Even the sound effect when chef reveal his secret... "No...! No.. No.. No.." all complete with the off key! Genius composition...
Thoroughly enjoying the show!!


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You said it! The music is so on point:

Chef: I'm impotent.
Background singing: No no...no, no, no, no, noooo!


Then the change in music, back and forth, as he waxes sincere about platonic love and the women react...lol...just love the little details!

This show is comedic gold but there are also so many beautiful moments to appreciate and unpack--Hwa Shin and his eoma, Hwa Shin's non-confessions, and so on--that I have to say, for the umpteenth time, this drama is a real treat!


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What does "waxes sincere" mean?


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Here "wax" is an intransitive verb meaning
-- to grow or become, or
-- to increase in extent, quantity, intensity, power, etc.

You might be more familiar with using "wax" as an intransitive verb to refer to the moon's increasing its illuminated portion before becoming full (as opposed to "wane").


Anyone know where the No no…no, no, no, no, noooo! song come from? I am literally searching for it because i love it so much . :(


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Me too! I need that song. The song alone is pure comedy gold. I can't even find a YouTube clip of it to download ?


Agree with you on JJS even outshining GHJ at times, the reason why I never had SLS in this show. And props to an actually good use of a helicopter that moves the plot. The ones in DOTS & Doctors were pretty useless and for unnecessary show off. Here it was used for a purpose that had a meaning later.

The music is perhaps one of the best i've seen in kdramas and so appropriately put. Every ost and instrumental fits right into the scene and enhances its feel. I was a little surprised when Javabeans talked about not having good music/osts in recent dramas in the podcast, later realizing that she's not watching JI to know how good the music here is.


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Agree with what you said about the music. It is so on point with the action that it enhances what I am seeing on screen so much more. It matches the off-beat/quirky tone of the drama with random but appropriate insertion of music, like the Hawaii 50 theme song for Nari's practice dash for her audition. That made me lol.


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The drama is so fortunate to have JJS on board. I don't think they've imaging that JJS would bring alive this HS on t.v. I mean, no matter how good the writer has created HS on script, it's up to the actor to create and bring life to the character and I strongly believe JJS has upped the scripted HS to the living HS 1000x.

and I strongly agree how everything is coming SO NICELY together in this drama... it's almost like... a deviation from this Good or a crappy ending will not happen (which has happened to many many dramas thus far).

Keep it up JI! U may be my favorite drama of all time!

And dramallama, thank you so so so much for choosing to recap JI. <3


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yes! Quizno's is so in..


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Episode 13 was an earthquake...episode 14 was one aftershock after another.

This show could not get any better.


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It was so yummy to the point of getting indigestion from so much swoon.


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The sooner the re-cap comes up the better. I need to talk about episode 14! Now!


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I had broken quite a few of the replay button already with the last 5 minutes of ep 14! XD


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This is great because I am watching it raw then with sub and again with sub and waiting for your recap and all the comments. OST is great too


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The animated aliens at the end of the episode are hilarious. Did anyone see how they played with weather based on the characters emotions? That was super funny!


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it's korean cartoon tittled Capsule if im not mistaken. they're quite funny *giggles


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I didn't like the animated aliens in the starting episode. but after that I started thinking they are cute and lookout for them every episode, they always enact a scene from that episode. But didn't see them playing with the weather?


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it got cut out if you watch from kdrama situs

you can check it here hahaha Kao is the one who messed up the weather (creating thunderbolt) when Hwasin witnessing Nari-Jungwon's kiss


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@Gomie - thank you for posting this link!!!!!!! Gah - I love this drama so so so much. It is my emotional crack these days. Just can't get enough...and Jo Jung Seok: simply WOW!!!


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Thank you for this link, gomie! :)


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Awww~ Thanks for the linK! That's so cute!!!!


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That was fun. Thanks for sharing.


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I'm so in love with whatever Jo Jung Seok is doing in this drama right now. He looks so hot in every scene he's on. And his puppy eyes! *poke the screen*


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Yes ! His acting is top notch in this drama i just can't help but fall for him the more i watch him on my screen ❤


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I'm so in love with him too! He's such a great actor.


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I just now realized that there is a love triangle between na ri and her two job designations - weather forecaster or announcer. ;) also, pd oh telling her to choose one, could it also be taken as a metaphor for choosing one among the men? I think hwa shin is weather forecaster, something she is comfortable with and enjoys doing and announcer is jung won, like its her dream to be one and he is perfectly dreamy. Lol, I blame this show for making me find metaphors and triangles in places they probably didn't even intend to.

Jo jung seok's I like you and I love you were really beautiful to hear. So deep and affecting.


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I also tried to decide which man is which. I actually think weather forecaster is Jung Won and announcer is Hwa Shin. Only because I think Jung Won likes her more as weather girl and Hwa Shin wants to present with her.


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Oh, I guess we can take it that way too. I matched it based on the similar qualities. But, considering hwa shin is end game also I want na ri to become announcer. So, maybe that suits better.


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I think Hwashin is annoucer which nari always dreamt of and Jungwon is the weather forecaster, which she is assigned and like. She applied for audition as announcer but doesn't have the gut to let go her weather forecaster job because she is affraid she will fail again, despite she likes it too. at the end like what her boss said she should choose one and she's conflicted


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Ohhh you brought up an interesting point! I never thought that Nari's announcer dream and her love for her current job could be a love triangle too... Interesting point, although I think metaphorically comparing this love triangle to the love triangle between Nari, Hwashin and Jungwon is a bit of stretch.

The way I see it, Nari is just acting based on what is best for herself. Her decision to apply for a full time position while holding onto a current job is entirely normal even in real life.

I can relate because I am in the exact same position.
No matter how much insecurity a temp job gives, it is still a proper job, and is better than having no job at all. What's more, weather forecasting is a job that Nari enjoys doing. There is no guarantee that she will pass the audition. What if she quits AND fails the audition? Then she would end up losing both her announcer dream and her beloved job. Not only will she fail to support her family financially, it will also crush her confidence- for losing her entire career.

I suppose what I can gather from this show is that it is human nature to be greedy and to want the best of both worlds for ourselves. But life is not like that. In order to gain something, we must sacrifice another thing. Just like how in this show, Hwashin had to give up pursuing Nari romantically in order to maintain his friendship with Jungwon. Or how Jungwon had to sacrifice his loving relationship with his mother in order to date the girl he likes. Or how Ppal Gang wanted the attention of both boys by kissing them each but ended up earning Chiyeol's annoyance.


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This drama is fantastic..
The music is wonderful the acting is spot on ..the directing ..all the characters ..I am so glad I a watching it


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Dramallama made a great point in comparing the mother-son relationship of both Hwa Shin and Jung Won. It speaks volumes on how each of them might have a different approach on relationships in general, based on their upbringing and the compassion received from their moms. So while both guys have the same taste in women, fashion and sports, they differ so much in terms of maturity, intuition, reliability and dependency. And we'll get to see more of this (hopefully) in the upcoming episodes.


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I agree, I didn't think of that until dramallama mentioned it. Jung won's mom is the only unlikeable character for me in this drama. But, I am hoping the drama proves me wrong and shows some good thing about her the way it has did for all the otger characters. Also, another person I don't find believable as a person is soo jung. I thought she would throw a tantrum or something when jung won told he didn't like her (especially as it was broadcasted in tv and all), but she was so cool then. But now she still seems to be harbouring some interest for him and plotting with his mother.


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@dramallama Small correction: "Her thoughts are interrupted by a call from Chef Rak, but she immediately hangs up after making the excuse that she’s in her radio broadcast. He then calls Ja-young, who doesn’t even pick up and rejects his call."

It should be "He then calls Sung-sook" here; he doesn't call Ja-young twice in a row, after all.


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While I respect Chef's asexuality, I also respect the women that don't want a sexless relationship. I found it really bizarre that he thought they would fight over him (perhaps this joke fell flat with me)? Was he playing it confident or was he really that confident?

Loved the Moms reactions outside the restaurant!

This is one of the few drama's where I'm not dying to get to the end couple resolution part. I understand where we are going but I love Jung Won/Nari, Jung Won/Hwa Shin, Hwa Shin/Nari dynamics so much I don't want it to end.

Glad we had a scene with Nari and her brother! Also glad we were light on the Ppal Gang angst.

Love this show, so much more than I ever expected.


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Maybe because he's asexual and he really thinks that "This is what's important in a relationship," failing to see the other person's POV that she wants sex/physical intimacy too.

It's like offering someone a cake because you love cakes and think they're the bestest thing, but not knowing that the other person hates cakes and prefers ice cream.


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That is a great example, mary. :) I understand his reaction better now too.


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Chef Rak. is. asexual.

Can I give him a hug (or no, the actor playing him, since Chef Rak does not like to hug) for representing me and other asexuals in K-dramas ?!

I like how Chef Rak gave Ja-young and Sung-Sook time to process the news, because they will need time to come around, if you consider the importance of sex in our society. I did not like how they went from fighting over him to willingly handing him over to each other, as if his asexuality made him no longer eligible.

Sung-Sook pointed out that she is a woman with needs, and Chef Rak’s sister worried about him being impotent and not settling down in a previous episode. I have heard these and many other arguments before, so I do understand where they are coming from, and I am glad that the show tackles their concerns. I hope it enables the audience to learn about asexuality along with them.

I assume that Chef Rak was merely listing his personal preferences (dating multiple women, not touching them), since asexual people are generally able to experience all kinds of love and skinship (except the sexual/erotic kind) just like everybody else does.

Chef Rak already showed us that love, by being Dae-Gu’s guardian and taking care of the other flat residents. He already is the father figure of our flat family, he does not need a woman (or two) to settle down with.

Of course, there is still that swoon inducing look he gave Sung-Sook during the college consultation to consider…

Can we just ship him with the audience? We can appreciate him from afar in exchange for good food and many of those swoon inducing looks! ;)

Team Chef Rak fighting!


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I'd like to give him a hearty handshake. I'm too busy to watch this show but have been keeping up through recaps; and when I read that sentence I squealed.


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I am so in love with this drama like my love for it is so Real !
Hwa-shin-Ahh !! what are you doing to my heart...His scene with his mum at his house was so heartbreaking, couldn't stop crying...Fantastic acting by both of them !!


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I watched this episode on the day of my mom's 11th death anniversary, and I burst into tears in the scene with hwashin and his mom.
It just reminded me of how great moms are. Some times when you do something really bad and even worth punishing, if she does punish you, she will blame herself like she did the bad thing and then she will even apologize!!!
To those who have the blessing of having their parents in their life: cherish every moment with them and do your best to keep them happy.
Thank you drama for reminding me of such a great treasure in my life.


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Jung Won ..... jiayou!


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Jung Won .... ganbatte!


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Everything about this show is just unbelievable. It's one of those rare perfect shows where everything from the direction to the story to the actors and OST enhance each other. In the hands of lesser actors, this wouldn't have the range of subtext and emotionality that it does, but in the hands of a lesser writer or director, this would just be a decent drama with great actors, instead of the masterpiece that it is. A strange thing that I love about Hwashin is that every time I expect him to lose his temper and shout...he doesn't. All those times Nari touched his chest when he thought she was just hitting on him, or in this episode when she started hitting him in the car and caused him to swerve dangerously. There's something about Jo Jung Seok's interpretation of his character that is greater than the sum of his parts. What brilliance, I swear.


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Right? Oh Zoe, you are so eloquent. I have seen you comment elsewhere on other dramas (I hope it’s the same Zoe) and and I think you have a way with words. And some impressive critical thinking skills. Every time I read an awesome comment of yours I feel like sending you some flowers or something ha ha.. You should apply to be a writer on db. Or start your own blog analyzing Kdramas. You are seriously awe-inspiring.

I am with you on Hwa Shin’s temper thing. I felt that on occasions too. Like in one ep. when Na Ri jumped into his car with ice-cream to take him to the hospital, and was being cute and all - I had a feeling he would be annoyed and would lash out at her to get out of the car, but instead JJS surprised me by looking at her tenderly and asking her to get off in a soft, almost pleading tone.

You are also spot on about the director/ writer/ editor/ music/ cast - all coming together to create a masterpiece drama. I still can’t believe that I almost dropped this drama after episode 1. I would have missed such an outstanding work. Thank you Drama Gods for bringing me back to all this awesomeness. I seriously owe you one! :)


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OH @ZOE - you are amazing in your expressive comments. You absolutely nailed what I've been trying to define...Jo Jung Seok's containment of his emotions. It's as if he has radiating and pulsing lines of energy wrapped around his body that we can all see...like an electric aura...yet he walks calmly within them. Just absolutely amazing in his repressed energy. And when he does let loose - WOW!!! Like his fir earlier in the corridor when Jung Won kept insisting he go to the dinner with them. I admire, appreciate and love many k-drama and k-film actors but this good man somehow is stealing all the thunder from all of them, wrapping himself in his pure talent and presenting it to us in every scene. I feel like I'm opening the best, most surprising Christmas present ever when I watch him. Simply out-of-this-world astonishing talent. We are all so lucky to be watching this!!


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I meant 'fit' instead of *fir*...must learn to slow down and re-read my comments in my excitement!


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Love to read your comments, zoe. I enjoy this drama so much.
This is like the first adult kdrama for me. I like that how this show shows concepts like breast cancer in men, asexuality, How media women are objectified and how hard it is to come up through hard work alone for women etc. Though most things in this drama seems petty, the full picture about them isn't petty at all.

The music is amazing. I think there were 2 new OSTs in this episode and the one that played at the end was awesome.

Also, I think considerable people have dropped this show from what I read in OT as well as the number of comments has got reduced too. Or maybe people are just not commenting. But I hope korean audience are still watching it because I want it to Finish its run as planned. Because I want more shows to come like this. This is kind of experimenting with all concepts maybe the shows that follows it footsteps will be able to tell a focused story but I don't know whether I ll enjoy them as much as I do this.


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I can't wait until they release the OST at the end.

After the first week, about 50% of the response to JI on Open Thread was "Meh, nothing special, not that funny, etc." So it's true that a lot of people dropped it immediately. I admit it's one of those dramas that now has me wanting to shout at people, "It is SO something special & you are all missing out!"

Even if you go back to the first episodes, there were little signs of greatness. It just wasn't until the 2nd week that the show started finding it's rhythm.

But this show is leading in the ratings for its timeslot so it definitely isn't in danger of getting cut.


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one of my friend said the show is meh when she watched the first (two) episode but she's addicted to the show afterward.. I understand the problem since after the first ep I also didn't think I would stay if not for Jo Jung Suk (love him in OMG) and another friend told me that this show's wit is my cup a tea.. hahahahah my friend is totally right and this show is driving me crazy rn...


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Also, I realised I kinda miss them makjang dramas when I watched Na Ri's hilarious imagination sequence. That full-on leg grabbing! And that music! If JI was a makjang, I'd watch it. For Hwa Shin mostly, but I can imagine the premise and characters working sooo well as a makjang. Ratings would probably be through the roof.


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I love all of Na Ri's imagination of Hwa Sin confessing to her. But to have it in Makjang version might be a bit hard to stomach. The bitter sweet irony and hilarity the show has is quite balance.. Just imho...


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True, the show is perfect as is and I wouldn't change it for the world (maybe Ppal Gang). It's just so awesome seeing Jo Jung Suk and his range. My favourite version is the last one with the cigarette. It feels so old school for some reason. Actually, the drama feels a little old school. I can't put my finger on the reason why, but it feels that way.


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There definitely IS an old school kind of feel to this drama. I hadn't quite put my finger on what I liked so much about this drama so thank you for putting it into words! The only thing is, that it feels fresh instead of dated.


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Teal is SO JJS's colour! He looked adorable in that teal shirt during the birthday celebration on Na Ri's rooftop. And also in another scene where he is having breakfast with family and his sis-in-laws call him 'baby'. He looked extra-radiant in those shirts.


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After this ep & ep 14, I am preparing my heart for my SLS heartbreak... So sad already for JW.
I really wish, JW would also has someone who trully loves her, but please don't pair him with that nasty b**ch Soo Jung...


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I'm with you on this. I don't normally feel too broken up over the second lead not getting the girl, but I'm already feeling the sadness for JW. I totally need to see Go Kyung Pyo in a lead role getting the girl. He has the intense stare and swoony mannerisms to make it memorable.


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That moment when his mom found out had me in tears! This show is awesome sauce.


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As one who is a cancer survivor, the writing and acting of mom's reaction was spot on. I can remember the phone call I had to make to my mom telling her of my diagnosis and her response was so very similar.

Gah, this show! Practically perfect in every way...


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I'm sorry you had to make that call and hope you are doing much better now! =)


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Thanks Kay - I am! 20+ years cancer free. :)


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Yes, JJS is so HOT esp in Ep 14. The man's sexy stare could fry up any woman's brain. When he steps right up and stares into their eyes...be it man or woman...how can anyone resist. His acting is up there in the stratosphere.

Excuse me while I go and repeat some certain scenes of the Hot Rat. Hehehe, you'll know what I mean if you've watched Ep 14.


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He he .. Me too,Small Birdy, me too.
I have rewatched that scene more times than I care to admit. :) :">


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I can't with this soap.

Just two episodes ago, HS didn't want NR's pity, but now he is happy with her gratitude?

All of a sudden, HS has "matured," but he is still making selfish, reckless moves. He couldn't respect his friend's relationship less if he tried.

HS's gestures were nice, but they were manipulative. He wanted NR to feel indebted to him -- and she does.

NR seems incapable of forming boundaries with HS -- like requiring that he not make nice gestures (such as helping her with the audition) romantic. I find that it makes me dislike her and decreases my ability to find any relationship that she forms with HS to be healthy.

I also don't understand why JW has such horrible people in his life -- from his mother, to his friend, to his girlfriend! No one cares for him in a way that actually requires them to value and consider him.

But must of all, I am disappointed that this soap is not subverting the idea that the flashy, "bad" guy who is emotionally ambivalent towards you is a catch. Despite all of JJS's charm and acting chops, HS is not and will never be my dream male lead. I am too into respect, reciprocity, and maturity.


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"I also don’t understand why JW has such horrible people in his life — from his mother, to his friend, to his girlfriend! No one cares for him in a way that actually requires them to value and consider him."

So agree with you!! That scene, where he came early in the morning (despite his busy schedule) to pick Nari AND SHE STOOD HIM UP and went with HS instead!!! That is so cruel!!


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It was mean! And they are at such an early stage in their relationship that I don't understand why NR can't be honest about her lack of or change in feelings.


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I dont think hwa shin did that to manipulate na ri into liking him or to make her feel indebted to him. Instead, I think he wanted to pay off his debt to her. This was made clear when he told that he wanted to atleast give this 3 minutes for her 3 years.

Also I totally think he respects his friend's relationship. Otherwise, instead of telling jung won about liking na ri. He could have told na ri herself. Even when he realized she saw the drawings, he could have totally told out loud that he likes and loves her. But he didn't. He only said sorry for realizing it too late.

I do agree that jung won doesn't deserve any of this. I don't think they both wanted to hurt him. But its hard to be always in control of your emotions. Also na ri incapable of drawing boundaries with hwa shin probably started after they shared that hospital room together. And its hard to tell someone not to make nice gestures especially if it helps you get a little closer to a dream that you wanted to happen for so long. But I think she told him not to help her anymore in the starting of the next episode.


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Also, I agree hwa shin is not the dream male lead. Jung won is the dream male lead. But, sometimes, we find that an imperfect person may be perfect for us. I never thought hwa shin was a bad guy. Egoistic, yes. But behind all his jerk like reactions, he actually had good intentions. For example, Even If he didn't reciprocate na ri's crush 3 years back, at least he didn't lead her on and use her.


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I thought the debt language was weird. While I think that HS should have let NR down in a more thoughtful way, I don't think he "owed" her for her crush. I think crushes are more about the person with the crush anyway -- as the object of one's affection is often a projection of fantasies rather than a real person. But, if HS wanted to repay NR for something, then I would have picked her kindness during the beginning stages his illness even though they were not really friends at the time and later he was mean to her.

So, I think linking the debt to how responsive someone should be to your romantic feelings as manipulative. She didn't owe HS a chance to make it right or forgive himself for missing out. She just needed a friend to help her out. But all of HS's actions were layered with romantic gestures -- grabbing her hands, her face, intimating that her place was at his side -- that NR had asked him not to put on the table. So I think that it would be hard for NR not to interpret that HS having romantic interest in her. And, really, that he was making a play for her by using their shared ambition -- an ambition that a few episodes he believed her incapable of having.

I think my issue with HS is not just that he is not JW :), but that I would always have doubts about a person's true attraction to me if they overlooked me consistently for years. And I wonder about what type of relationship the two will have once HS wins. They way they interact, for me, is too fueled by HS's desires. What will happen when they are at odds?

I think if HS was going to be a real friend to JW,


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Please disregard the last time, I forgot to erase it. :)


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I think the problem is the heart loves whom the heart loves. I actually like that all of the characters in this show are actual humans with warts and all. We all make bad choices at times, totally selfish ones that hurt the ones we love the most. Who hasn't let emotions get the better of them at one time or another?

Hwa-Shin is not always a nice guy but we've seen glimpses of him as a man with a caring heart. He just has a big ego and is blunt to a fault.

Na-Ri has had feelings for Hwa-Shin for a long time. So it isn't unexpected for her to fall back into her pattern of longing when he finally shows some interest in her. I still think he was interested in her all along but wrote her off for whatever reason - maybe because she was "just" a weather girl? Or maybe because his ego really liked having a girl crushing on him close by.

And I agree with you about poor JW - he is surrounded by lousy people. But Hwa-Shin seems to have been a very close and trustworthy friend up until now. I'm interested to see how the friendship plays out as the love triangle heats up.


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Oops - this was supposed to be a reply to @hiphiphooray above


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I get what you are saying. I think, though, I am missing the consequences piece to the story. HS is within his right to pursue a relationship with whomever he wants, but I think it is unrealistic for him to choose his best friend's girl and for him to still be viewed as a friend. I think NR to be confused about who she wants, but it makes her look cruel not to let JW know -- especially when he keeps asking her for affirmation that he is the one he wants to be with. So, I wish that the show would let HS and NR go without JW's affection and have others around them critique their actions (not that this would necessarily induce the characters to do something different).

I also was interested in the show maybe exploring that sometimes you don't really want what you go after. Because, even though I agree that the heart wants what it wants, sometimes the heart is wrong. And, I think this would be a nice twist to the I've-pined-for-you-forever trope.


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Totally agree with you about needing to see some consequences. While HS might not be able to help falling for NR, he certainly is in complete control over how he chooses to behave in light of these feelings. Should he choose wrong, he deserves any negative consequences that come his way.


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I really liked that Na-ri was going to solve her dilemma and try her best (running or with delivery service). I really liked that Jung-won tried to help her without flaunting it in her face. But I don't like that he resorted to a petty power struggle (compared to his mom's machinations, his brute power driving thing was so inelegant). But still, he tried to help her without taking credit for it. Was that stupid or smart of him?

I don't like how the drama went to have Hwashin arbritrarily pull her off the motorbike. She could have made it on her own!! (Though in the next episode, it has better reasons and furthers plot development because he did -- so I'll accept it for now).

Jo Jung Seok is gold in this drama, and you brought up super interesting comparison between the moms. Hadn't connected the way the mothers accept Jung-won (all sugar words, but no real control over his life) vs. Hwa-shin (lots of anger and hurt from the past, but still love and accepting when it really comes down to it).

Editing is still soooo weird, sometime it really does feel like a weekend-drama. Splashes of makjang (like all those splices of Na-ri's hearts and her imaginations of confroting Hwa shin), but the main story is being carried by the main triangle, and I still really look forward to this drama each week.


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I also liked that NR tried to solve her problem and I loved the way JW tried to help without taking the glory. I wish that NR would have been allowed to be her own shero in the moment. I keep thinking she is a lead, but moments like that really reduce her to the girlfriend role. I also think that it took some of the agency out of her choice latter in this episode and the next as it seemed to be a reaction to the cost of HS's gesture.

I agree that the two moms are day and night and a part of me thinks that is to make HS look more attractive since JW's mom is a thorn in their side.

I forgot to say earlier, I really liked the reaction of the two mom's reaction to the pasta chef's offer. That was gold!


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In defense of the show tho, I believe HS intervened with the helicopter pick-up only 'cause the helicopter pilots noted the horrible traffic below them between where NR was and the SBC building. HS heard that and knew NR would be devastated in missing the audition. NR would not have made it with the motorcycle and JW's plan to slow his mom down.

If we're talking about NR really taking full agency, I think she should have quit her weathercaster job and go full commitment with the audition like HS mentioned.


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I love this show more than DOTS or K2 or UF.
It has that feel fluffy good feeling at the end of every episode. JJS cant be praised enough, and his eyes..... poems need to be written on them.
I also am impressed with the music and the sound effect that this show implements. Like that "no, no..." effect, or the evil laugh sound, and the peppy instrumental music.... It just adds more effect.
A lot of symbolism is used in the drama, what I think is that the kids drawings are a symbol of "unrequited love". It has now moved on from Hwa Shin to JW, because NaRi's feelings have now started to change like when she went in HS's car instead of JW.


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This drama has great OSTs.


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Music is amazing in this drama. The OSTS and the sound effects too!!

A song about JJS and his "puss-in-boots" eyes!! Yes pleaseee!


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There's something about your summary statement that irks me really badly.

"Asshole Hwa-shin was a merciless being with no regard for Na-ri as a person, let alone a woman, and it definitely calloused her."

I would have to disagree with your really strong words against HS. Is it being an "a-hole" if you don't want to be nice to someone who has been pestering you... FOREVER... that they like you... even if you've communicated in a not so subtle way that you don't really like them?

Are they an "a-hole" because they don't want to reciprocate your liking for them? Then, are they an "a-hole" if they start being rude towards you because you just don't get that they don't like you and don't want to reciprocate your feelings for them?

The fault... in my honest opinion... lies on Na Ri who acted like a stalker. Smothering a guy (who barely knows her at a deeper level) with constant, non-stop affection. If that was in real life... Na Ri would be considered a Psycho.


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I don't think HS was being a A-hole in the 3 years she liked him. He never lead her on by taking advantage of her feelings for him. Rather, he tried his best to cause her to not like him by being honest and not giving her any hope.

In EP 12, when JW yelled at HS for not nipping NR's feelings for him rather leading her on was not true! HS never gave any room for NR to think that he liked her - and that is the KIND thing to do. It would have made him an A-hole if he had lead her on.

Also, HS feelings for NR was already seen in the beginning episodes. He said "don't get distracted" in the first episode and in the second he called her to say he "thought of her." As well as asking her why she made "his heart flutter." Also, when he was going to kiss her in EP 4, he stopped because he felt A-hole & he felt something for her! Thus, he already liked NR before JW started to go out with her.... only, like he said, he "realized it too late."

He pushed NR to JW bc he was unsure of his feelings for her & it was kinda a test to see if NR's feelings really changed for him. It was stupid of him to set them up, instead of telling NR about his feelings, but nobody's perfect.

I also like the fact he's the type that makes sure of his feelings before acting on them, which means he's far from being an A-hole. HS doesn't want to hurt NR and so for the 3 years, he didn't give way to her advances bc he knew he didn't like her. From the drama, you can surmise that he's the "all-in" type - he knows what he wants and goes for it wholeheartedly. If he isn't sure of his feelings, he doesn't make a move. That my friends is a sign of someone who isn't a player or an A-hole but rather one who is kind enough to take into consideration how his actions would affect others.

I know in EP 14, he disappoints... but still I just hope that it will work out so that NO ONE gets hurt!


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The ending of episode 14 was a disappointment because it's just wrong to do that to your best friend.


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I agree! I have a lot of problems with their constant "well NR liked HS for 3 years so he owes her for that" but... why does he? He didn't lead her on, he didn't promise anything to her, it was a one-sided crush. He doesn't owe anything to her for not liking her back.


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This drama is one of the best thing to happen this year. I'm so in love with everything about this drama. I'm looking forward to every Wednesday and Thursday, and always rush home from work to watch it in the early evening before anything else.

Jo Jung-seok is awesome. Go Kyung-pyo is awesome.Gong Hyo-jin is awesome. Best casts ever! It's my drug for the fall.


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Why did Hwa-shin have to do that?

I thought Na-ri could've have gotten herself to the audition just fine without him and with the help of Jung-won though she'll never know about that now. If he wants Na-ri to forget about him liking her than he should keep his distance with her, doing this grand gesture will make her feel indebted to him.

My heart aches for Jung-won, he's a good guy, he's trying his best with Na-ri but it feels like she's always keeping him at an arm's length if not further! She's still formal with him, and she avoids him at times when she needs to be honest with him. If she's having a change of heart or is wavered by finding out about Hwa-shin's feelings, then just call it quits with Jung-won, don't hurt the guy!

I just feel so frustrated after watching ep 14, it breaks my heart!

Thank you dramallama for the recap.


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On a different tangent, despite the marvelous music and sound effects which I've mentioned above, I'm falling in love with the wardrobe each cast is wearing. It gave the old school vibe which Tara spot on but as V said,
"The only thing is, that it feels fresh instead of dated."

The 2 moms exudes confidence, good taste, and badassery.
The 2 male leads are both handsome, clean, sleek, and total swoony with their shirt and suit.
Pyo Na Ri is like coming out of 80's or early 90's magazine and can pull it off effortlessly. Her earings with popping color and unique shape are super cute. Her blouse, sack dress, suits, their color, style, pattern, are all belongs to my chic-secretary mom in her golden years. (Yes, that yellow blouse with tie collar)

That's another award for the costume people behind the scenes.
While we already acknowledge the incredible work of the music director, writer-nim, director-nim, and many many many great people on the JI production team.


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Tq dramallama

The colors are shades of blue, turqoise and yellow.

Now that HS mom knew about her son sickness so it will spread like wild fire to family members that it can beat the 9pm news !

Since HS did not stay with his mom and was away for 3 years the mother and son scene was not so heart breaking or heart wrenching either that's how i felt I am not biased.

Out of the blue one of the ill fated drawings flew and landed on JW car, oh ! we going to witness the future heartbreaking news for JW .

I will cheer for your sadness JW !

Secretary Cha we know you will not let your kind boss down but yes with with PNR , so stick to your boss like a HYUNG but not like what HS said in to JW in episode 12.

So Jw was so shy to see PNR bra hanging , oh naughty you !


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Thanks for the recap dramallama.

Just as he’s about to light his cigarette, she tells him to quit smoking, instead of asking what she intended.

Did I miss something? I didn't realize that Hwa-Shin smoked/is a smoker or was this PPL from the tobacco industry? Quit smoking...good advice from Na-ri! Hwa-shin was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent surgery, and is undergoing chemotherapy.


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Na-Ri, good for you to ignore the naysayers and to define and fight for what and who you want to be. Its okay to weep/shed those tears in frustration. You did the right thing...forging ahead to pursue your career aspirations for advancement - from weather forecaster to announcer/anchor - when others in/with power were placing roadblocks in your path and telling you No.


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Wahahaha yup it's hard to hide that hidden in the closet feeling. Gives me the jeebs remembering my own encounters. Wahahaha.. Best ever music ? score all ost put in the right place at the right time. Nothing misses this drama


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I want to see more of the kids' love triangle. They've kinda fallen by wayside


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