Chun Woo-hee considers solving a murder mystery in OCN’s The Voice

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Most famous for her emotive performances on film, Chun Woo-hee (The Wailing, Han Gong-ju) is looking to expand her acting experiences by taking on a lead role in crime-thriller drama The Voice. She has received the offer and is considering the script positively, as is Jang Hyuk (Beautiful Mind), who has been offered the role for the main male lead. OCN’s The Voice is set at a 112 emergency police dispatch center, where a policeman and policewoman become embroiled in a serial murder case that changes their lives.

Chun Woo-hee’s character is a talented, ambitious young cop with a sweet appearance but top-rate martial arts skills. With her Hapkido and Taekwondo, she can fell most guys with a well-placed blow. With a police sergeant for a father, cop blood flows in her veins, and she graduates with top marks at the academy. She then goes on to be stationed at the Seoul 112 dispatch center, where she dreams of becoming the first female chief police commissioner of Korea.

However, because of one mistake she makes on a call, she becomes involved in a gruesome murder case, and she is forced to listen on the phone while her father is brutally assaulted. After that traumatic experience, she goes to America to study abroad. When she comes back, she is stationed at the Incheon 112 center, where she starts pursuing the remaining traces of the serial murderer alongside Jang Hyuk’s character.

Chun Woo-hee’s last television project was MBN’s 2012 sitcom Vampire Idol (where you can also see pre-famous Kim Woo-bin and Lee Soo-hyuk), and she has made a name for herself in the film industry since. The offer for the female lead in The Voice was originally given to Bae Doo-na, who turned it down. But the fact that they then asked Chun Woo-hee shows that they’re going for strong film actresses, which hopefully means that the character is layered and complex, and worth coming back to television for.

The Voice will be broadcast in the earlier half of next year.

Via Chosun Sports


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Oooh, yes please! I'm glad the production is going for strong acting talent, and I'd love to see this pairing! Chun Woo-hee's character sounds pretty kick-ass as well, and I hope the character gets to show off some nifty moves.

*fingers crossed for both Jang Hyuk and Chun Woo-hee to accept*


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Everything you said!
Oh if this happens I'm so in. Even if it does sound a bit scary. (No watching at night anymore!)


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Oddly enough, i just saw The Wailing today and Woo-hee definitely has a strong prescence. She also looks really beautiful on screen. I don't think pictures do her justice. I hope she accepts this role


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I was just going to say wasn't Bae Doo-na going to be the main female lead? But ah well, Chun Woo-hee is still a good choice. I still remember her as the antagonist in Sunny, she's come so far. This new casting really does show they're looking to lure in some good actors.

Hope more Chungmuro actors return to the small screen please so we can have more feasts to our eyes.


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Oh yes! I love her!


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Looking forward to see some action and fighting scenes! I miss Jang Hyuk's action scenes so much!


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I am pleased with the casting. Hope both accept the roles, especially Chun Woo- hee. If they are looking for a strong movie actress then I hope the script is worthy.


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Sounds promising. I hope it is well written.


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Oooh, Chun Woo Hee! I'd love to see her do a drama again. Hopefully she signs on.


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I absolutely adore Chun Woohee! Here's hoping she'd confirm soon.


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I prefer her to carry her own show than becoming the secondary main character. She won the Blue Dragon Award so she should be capable of doing that. In the other hand, I felt that Jang Hyuk's luck in picking up good script with strong ratings at the same time has been pretty terrible lately.


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So it does seem like it's a two gender pairing. Yay for equality! Hope the story maintains it.

Can I just ask what a police officer studies when they go abroad? Like did she take a break from cop work or did she study more about being a cop? Why America? Our cops aren't renowned.


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Ha... that is true. But where in the world has the best cops? The writers often use the "go to America" as a plot device to show character growth that i didn't notice that it didnt make sense..


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The person in charge of casting for this show seems hellbent on getting a good actress for it. :D


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