Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 19
by LollyPip
The reality of Joon-young’s illness lands hard for everyone, and they all struggle to deal with their feelings in different ways. To some, that means pulling him closer while they can, while others try to distance themselves from their grief. But while his looming loss may be painful, the ripples he leaves behind could change them all in the most unexpected ways.
The country is buzzing with the news that Shin Joon-young is dying of an aggressive brain tumor, and Joon-young watches the news with interest, wondering if the people have always loved him this much. Gook-young says that at least he’s been cleared of the drug use accusations.
He protests when Joon-young asks him to care for Pororo, saying that he sounds like he’s planning on dying soon, and Joon-young reminds him, “I will die soon.” Gook-young bites his lip, having used the common phrase without thinking.
Then he apologizes for calling Joon-young ugly names, explaining that he didn’t know that Joon-young was sick and not in his right mind.
Gook-young goes outside to collect his emotions, and finds Man-ok and President Namgoong crying on Joon-young’s doorstep. They accuse Gook-young of crying too, and warn him not to go cry in front of Joon-young. Gook-young wails at the unfairness of Joon-young dying so young, which sets all three of them off again.
Eul calls Joon-young and asks him to meet, and he finds her waiting for him on a bench under the cherry trees. He stops for a moment, feeling the breeze on his face, and suddenly his face goes blank as he closes his eyes. When he opens them again, there’s a certain innocence in his expression that wasn’t there before.
He takes off the scarf hiding his face, and a little girl approaches him to ask if he’s top star Shin Joon-young. Confused, Joon-young says that he’s just a student, and though he knows he’s very handsome, he’s no star.
He spots Eul and remembers her pretending to be his girlfriend to get rid of a clingy coed, which was just a little while ago in his mind. He does the same thing he did back in school, and approaches Eul with a mischievous grin. He says that the girl really did believe Eul was his girlfriend, and plunks his head in her lap for a short nap.
Eul watches Joon-young sleep, all the pain and worry he’s been through lately gone from his face, leaving only youthful peace. The little girl brings her friend back to prove that she saw Shin Joon-young, and they tell Eul that he lied that he was just a student.
She tells the children that he’s really not a star, and the kids decide it must not be him after all. A cherry blossom lands on Joon-young’s cheek, and Eul softly plucks it off and shields him from the flowery spring flurry.
Assemblyman Choi is stunned by the news of Joon-young’s terminal illness, not to mention Ji-tae’s car accident. Ji-tae is badly injured but he’s out of the woods, and his mother and Haru keep watch at his bedside. Their mother tells a weepy Haru that Ji-tae was speeding and ran a red light, but Haru argues that he’s the safest driver she knows.
Assemblyman Choi arrives and asks to be alone with Ji-tae, and he stands over his unconscious son, remembering Ji-tae asking if there was no way to stop his parents’ behavior. We see the rest of the conversation, when Ji-tae had told Assemblyman Choi that he’d wanted to be a good son to him even though he wasn’t his biological child.
He’d said that he even did terrible things that he knew were wrong, all so his stepfather would like him. He’d thought that if he didn’t, Choi would abandon him and his mother, “Just like my biological father.” But he’d seen that he should have stood up and said those things were wrong, and he’d tearfully asked Choi to keep his promise not to leave his mother because of Ji-tae’s rebellion.
“Because the one disobeying you isn’t Mother,” he said. “It’s me. So throw away only me.”
Back in the hospital room, Assemblyman Choi answers his wife’s phone when her secretary calls. The secretary doesn’t wait for a greeting and says that they’ve destroyed the black box in Ji-tae’s car, but a black box from another car near the accident recorded everything.
Choi shakes in horror, and hands his wife the phone when she re-enters the room. He watches with narrowed eyes as she receives the message, and she knows that she’s been found out. She admits that she’s the one who stopped Ji-tae (by somehow ordering the accident) in order to protect her husband, and Choi looks at her like she’s a monster.
As he sleeps in Eul’s lap, Joon-young dreams about all of his and Eul’s important and romantic moments. When he wakes, Eul plays along with his delusion of being back in school, not noticing Joon-young’s wary expression. He eventually asks if the documentary will air in two days, and Eul realizes that he’s back to himself.
Joon-young says that Eul needs to air everything she recorded between him and Jung-eun, even if people try to stop her. He says that he’ll be gone soon, but she’ll need to go on living, and build a world she believes in. Joon-young tells Eul earnestly not to live in despair, or blame others, and to not make excuses.
Having said what he came to say, Joon-young stands to leave. But Eul reminds him that she called him, and she also has something to say. She looks him in the eye, and says, “It’s not your fault, Joon-young-ah.” She says that she’s thought about it, and she thinks her accident is just something that happened, and the two of them just happened to be there. So it’s not his fault.
Joon-young stares at her intently. They both cry a little, but no more words are needed.
Joon-young’s fans have been leaving supportive messages on the wall of his mother’s restaurant, and Joon-young finds Ajusshi taping up any messages that have fallen. Joon-young makes jokes about one note that’s badly misspelled, then both men get a bit choked up, so Joon-young goes looking for his mother.
Mom is in the kitchen peeling onions in a swim mask, and Joon-young sits with her and removes the mask. He tries to stay cheerful, but when he sees his mother crying, his own face falls. Mom blames the onions for her tears and goes to yell at Young-deok, but everyone knows that her wracking sobs aren’t about the onions.
She decides to go home and asks Ajusshi to close up later, leaving Joon-young still sitting in the kitchen. He cries to himself, his mother’s pain nearly unbearable for him to witness.
Eul walks home to Na-ri’s place, and thinks about Joon-young’s wish for her to build a world she can live in. She finds Assemblyman Yoon’s driver waiting to take her to see him, and she knows that he plans to threaten her if she airs the video of Jung-eun confessing.
She’s saved from having to think of an escape by Assemblyman Choi’s arrival, and though she’s not thrilled to see him, he’s better than the alternative. She accompanies him to his office, and tells him that the video contains Jung-eun’s confession for killing her father.
Eul calmly says that Jung-eun must have told her father about the video, and that she expects Assemblyman Yoon to try to block it from being aired. She gives Assemblyman Choi the USB and tells him to watch it before its broadcast, just to make sure there are no errors.
She informs Choi that the USB is the original, and that there are no other copies. She asks him to return it in time for airing, and Choi looks taken aback that she’d entrust him with it.
Ji-tae finally wakes, and although his relieved mother is at his bedside, the first thing he does is ask his assistant about Joon-young. He breathes a sigh of relief to hear that the drug charges against him were dropped, then winces when he’s told that it’s because his terminal illness was made public. He asks how Joon-young is doing, ignoring his mother, who deflates at his treatment.
Joon-young arrives home that night to find Eul sitting on his couch (aww, he changed his code back to 0000), and she says that she’s hiding from all the people who want to talk to her. She even brought her suitcase and asks if she can stay until things die down. Joon-young just walks out of the room, then comes back and tosses his car key at her head, ha. He asks if she can drive, because he wants to make up for a broken promise.
Assemblyman Choi watches Eul’s recording of Joon-young and Jung-eun, and he chokes up when Joon-young talks about how much he wanted to be a prosecutor like his father. Choi has to pause the video, on the verge of tears, and he takes out a cigarette with shaking hands.
He gets a call, and it’s Joon-young’s mom on the other end. They meet in a park, and Mom asks if Choi can’t save Joon-young. She knows that he must know a lot of prestigious doctors, and promises to do anything if only he’ll save Joon-young.
Assemblyman Choi puts a hand on her shoulder, but she pushes it off. She says that she always told their son to grow up like Choi Hyun-joon — to help people in need, people who are weak and powerless. She cries that she told Joon-young to grow up like his father, and wails that she taught him wrong.
She blames herself for raising Joon-young badly, and she believes that Joon-young is paying for his parents’ sins. Her eyes plead with Assemblyman Choi to do something, but he’s as helpless as she is.
Eul and Joon-young drive out to the country, to a beautiful wood and glass cabin in the trees. Joon-young says matter-of-factly that he built this house for the two of them, and Eul says with a smile that they should live here for five hundred years.
The visit a local fish market, where they spend the afternoon laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Eul tries to haggle one vendor down on the price of an octopus, pulling out her terrible aegyo and embarrassing Joon-young so much that he pays more than the vendor is asking, just to get them out of there, ha.
They walk past a group of local ajummas playing Go Stop, and Eul sits down to nosily tell them that they’re playing all wrong—one of them is taking advantage of the other two. Joon-young gets a call, and steps away to answer.
He goes quiet at the sound of Assemblyman Choi’s voice, then he eagerly agrees to go meet with him right away. As Eul watches, Joon-young fixes his hair and jumps into a taxi, having completely forgotten about her. Oh no, he’s in the past again, isn’t he?
Assemblyman Choi is chilly towards his wife as he gets ready to meet with Joon-young, and she asks if he’s angry with her. He asks, “Do I have that right?” He says that Ji-tae probably thinks that he caused his accident, and says stonily that they should keep it that way.
They’re interrupted by an unexpected visit from Assemblyman Yoon, who brings a gift of wild ginseng for Ji-tae. He suggests that they forget about their past history, and tells Assemblyman Choi that he’s recommended him again for the secretary general position.
He mentions that he has a nephew around Haru’s age, and proposes that they send the two on a blind date. Ji-tae’s mother is thankful, though she worries that Haru isn’t very presentable, while Choi stoically ignores the entire conversation.
Joon-young arrives, and he looks around Assemblyman Choi’s office with wide eyes, and Choi can tell that something isn’t quite right. Joon-young mentions Choi’s decision to run for public office, which was many years ago, and Choi asks him what today’s date is.
Joon-young says that he’s making good on his promise to visit again when he passes the initial bar exam, and Assemblyman Choi’s eyes fill up with tears. Joon-young innocently wishes that Choi will win his election and make the country a better place, and Choi starts to cry in earnest. Joon-young is confused, but Choi says that he’s just tired, so Joon-young leaves.
On his way out, Joon-young’s phone alerts him that today is Ajusshi’s birthday, and a passerby jostles his shoulder. It shakes Joon-young just enough that he wakes up to the correct day, though he doesn’t remember that he left Eul alone at their cabin.
She’s still there waiting for him that night when the local ajummas come to see her, asking her to teach them to play cards correctly. They ask where her husband went, and Eul says that he’ll be back soon. For a moment she seems to be in pain and clutches her stomach, but she shakes it off and invites the ladies in.
Gook-young answers Joon-young’s phone when Eul calls, since he’s at Joon-young’s place getting ready for his father’s birthday party. President Namgoong snatches the phone and yells at Eul to bring in the most recently filmed video so they can edit it, and Eul fibs that Joon-young was too sick to film anything that day.
Gook-young takes the phone back and tells Eul that Joon-young is busy throwing a party, and promises to tell Joon-young that she called. President Namgoong barks that Joon-young hasn’t got time to talk to her, and hangs up the phone. Eul has another bout of stomach pain, and this time it doubles her over for a minute.
Awww, both Ajusshi and Man-ok are wearing sunglasses to hide their swollen eyes, and Joon-young pretends not to notice as he puts the candles on the birthday cake. He does say something when he sees Ajusshi pinching his leg to keep from crying, and Ajusshi is all, I’m a man, I don’t cry! *chinwobble*
Gook-young and President Namgoong join them, also wearing sunglasses, so Joon-young pulls out his sunglasses as well. Joon-young falters a bit when Ajusshi says that his mother was too busy to come tonight, but he plasters on a smile.
President Namgoong loudly calls her a strange mother, not showing up when her son hasn’t much time left, then realizes what he just said. But Joon-young agrees that his mom is odd, and brightly gets the party started.
He lights the candles, and softly asks Ajusshi if he can make a wish, too. “Please take good care of my mom.” He asks Ajusshi not to let his mother suffer or be lonely, and to stay at her side. Ajusshi promises to take care of Joon-young’s mother with his life, and Joon-young says that he can leave her now without worrying. By now, the whole table is crying, even Joon-young.
Alone in her house, Joon-young’s mother sits on her bed, and sobs out her pain and grief.
Joon-young’s doorbell rings and Gook-young jumps up, thinking it might be Mom. But it’s Jik, here to apologize on Na-ri’s behalf, though Na-ri is too sad to come inside. Jik says that Na-ri feels partly responsible for their breakup back in high school, because she cheated on Joon-young with another guy.
Jik elaborates that Na-ri was so pretty that she looked at guys like bags of chips, available whenever she wanted them. Joon-young laughs and jokes that Na-ri is so dead, but Jik grows serious.
He tells Joon-young that he was once Jik’s hero, “…but now you’re just a jerk.” He says that if Joon-young wants to be his hero again, then he’ll find a way to beat this cancer and live. He says that his dad once said that people die because they’re lazy, because they didn’t exercise their breathing, and Joon-young promises to do his best to keep breathing.
Jik asks where his sister is, but Joon-young is confused by the question. Jik says that earlier, Eul told him she was with Joon-young, and suddenly Joon-young remembers going to the cabin with her. He jumps up, calling himself crazy.
Jung-eun visits Ji-tae in the hospital, and tells him that she’s going to the U.S. with the son of a politician — if things go well, she’ll marry him. She says that while he was lying near death, KJ Group reported Ji-tae for embezzlement and malpractice, which he’ll have to face once he’s recovered. She asks why he persisted on his path when even his parents abandoned him, but Ji-tae doesn’t answer.
Jung-eun turns to go, and Ji-tae apologizes to her. He says that he shouldn’t have just despised her after her hit-and-run, and he shouldn’t have kept silent, but persuaded her to turn herself in. He continues that she’s getting away with it this time, but one day she’ll realize how wrong she was, and he hopes she’ll punish herself then. “You’ve lived your life very wrongly,” he says.
Assemblyman Choi thinks back to the one and only time that Joon-young called him “Father,” and how he’d said he would be ashamed and embarrassed until the day he died. Recalling the near hero-worship on Joon-young’s face earlier today, and Joon-young’s confession on film that he killed his girlfriend to protect his father, he makes a call to Eul.
He asks her why she gave him the video, and Eul says that she wanted him to be the first to see it. Choi asks how she trusts him when she knows what kind of person he is, and Eul says that she just does: “You’re Joon-young’s father.” Her simple words strike a chord, and Assemblyman Choi cries all over again. He gathers himself and calls his assistant.
Joon-young takes a cab all the way back to the cabin and searches the house for Eul. He calls her phone when he doesn’t find her, and follows her ringtone to the second floor balcony. She’s sitting there hunched against the wall, and she doesn’t look up when Joon-young calls her name.
He assumes she’s angry so he apologizes, but she still doesn’t look at him. Joon-young crouches down and angles Eul’s face to his, and he sees that she’s pale and sweating. He’s instantly worried and asks why she didn’t call him, and starts to call an ambulance.
Eul takes his phone away, refusing to go to the hospital. Joon-young argues that she might die, but Eul shakes her head, saying that she doesn’t care. Joon-young asks softly if she wants to die with him, and Eul finally looks at him and asks why she can’t do exactly that.
Joon-young nods that yes, she can — they can die together. Then he scoops her up in his arms, and carries her inside.
I’m so happy that Joon-young got to hear the one thing he needed to hear most before he dies — that Eul doesn’t blame him for her accident. He’s spent so many years punishing himself for almost killing her, but she’s right when she tells him that it was just an accident and nothing more. Such a simple realization, but Joon-young has never been able to forgive himself, and he needed that absolution from Eul herself in order to finally believe it. It makes me wish he’d just talked to Eul sooner, and let her forgive him so they could have had more time together. But at least now they’re able to move past their pain and love each other, even if it’s only for a short time.
Eul has been a difficult character to understand (and yes, much of that is due to the acting), but I really like her new spine of steel. She’s been through so much in her life, but she’s finally learning to stand on her own and go for what she wants. Maybe, in a way, it’s been a good thing for her that Joon-young didn’t let her get too close, because it’s forced her to find her own strength and confidence in herself. Joon-young will be gone soon and as he says, Eul will need to create a world that she can live in.
She’ll have to do that alone, and Joon-young’s distancing himself from her has turned her into the kind of woman who can do just that. Joon-young is going to die, and Eul will have to find her own way in a world full of people like Assemblyman Choi and his wife, who will use their money and power to keep Eul under their thumbs. While we as viewers may be disappointed that Joon-young and Eul don’t have much time to love each other, Joon-young is leaving Eul with a gift of strength that will carry her as she has to go on alone, without him.
In fact, it’s interesting that it’s not Joon-young’s anger and attempts to make everyone pay for their mistakes, but his regression into his past that’s effecting the most change. It’s not until Assemblyman Choi sees Joon-young living his idealistic college days again that it truly hits him that this is his son, and that he’s lost him forever. Seeing that admiration in his son’s eyes, I think that Choi finally understood what he lost by giving up Joon-young before he was born, and I believe that he truly regrets the decision he made back then. I think that Assemblyman Choi has been one of the more fascinating characters in this show, and I’ve swung back and forth between hating his guts and wanting him to suffer, and wanting him to be the man that a younger Joon-young believed him to be. I hope and I believe that it’s still possible, that Joon-young’s life and death can change him. He can still become a better man for the son and daughter he has left.
If I were Eul, I would envy Joon-young his fading memory, because if there’s one blessing in his illness, it’s that his regression is allowing him to let go of the pain and anger that he’s felt for most of his life. He’ll die aware only of the people surrounding him, knowing that Eul and his mother love him, and never remembering that they were ever separated. If he has to die, then at least he’ll go feeling happy and secure that those he loves, love him in return. And in the end, that’s more important than any guilt or revenge.
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 18
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 17
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 16
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 15
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 14
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 13
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 12
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 11
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 10
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 9
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 8
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 7
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 6
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 5
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 4
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 3
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 2
- Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 1
Tags: featured, Im Joo-eun, Im Joo-hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy, Uncontrollably Fond
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1 heavensent03
September 7, 2016 at 8:58 PM
Ji Tae's mother is pure evil and selfish. I hope more than Jung Eun and Choi Hyun Joon she get's punished and lose everything she's ever had. It was a major slap in her face the moment Ji Tae woke up and asked about Joon Young instead, as if she never existed in that hospital room.
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September 8, 2016 at 8:37 PM
Jitae's momster is not a human. She's something else..
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2 kaya
September 7, 2016 at 9:05 PM
I don't think this show is getting better, it is actually getting worse. I'm so disappointed with the writer, LKH, as the same as Hong sisters in last year.
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3 Carmelia Jayne
September 7, 2016 at 9:14 PM
This is a very touching and emotional at the same time. The memory loss and the moment at the cherry tree.
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4 Holly
September 7, 2016 at 9:14 PM
I feel really sad that this drama has gotten as much hate as it has. While this is not my normal thing (I am more of an adventure/action kind of gal), I have to say I have enjoyed this very much. Kim Woo Bin has just been amazing, and I have even forgotten about Suzy's acting in the last half of the show! Thank you for the really quick recaps, because I enjoy them almost as much as I enjoy watching the actual drama. I hope there won't be any last minute recovery for Joon Young because that would really spoil the entire ending for me, and I really want to see how KWB does with that. Please tell me No Eul isn't going to have last minute appendicitis!
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September 8, 2016 at 5:19 AM
Compared to other Melos that I have scene, Uncontrollably Fond has been more steady with both plot and characters. Yes, the events are heartbreaking, but for understandable reasons. Yes, many of the characters are terrible, horrible people, but they are also complicated and make choices based on complex reasons rather than just because they are bad.
Oftentimes in Melos, the characters motivations are very flat (the good characters are really good while the bad characters are really bad). I liked that Shin Joon Young and No Eul were both characters who could sometimes do the wrong thing for the wrong reason. They both were forced to struggle with the repercussions for their actions. It was also refreshing that the bad characters acted terribly for understandable reasons (though Mrs. Choir and Jung Eun's Dad were pretty reprehensible) - they were greedy, selfish, power-mad, and harmed everyone around them. However, there is hope that the bad characters will regret and pay for their actions before the end of the show.
The plot has been very heavy, but Melos ALWAYS pour on the unrelenting frustration and sadness. The goal is to put the audience through the emotional wringer. Sometimes, however, the plot goes from sad to WHAT? and loses any touch point with reality. While Uncontrollably Fond has definitely had some WHAT? moments (truck of doom - I'm looking at you), for the most part, the plot has been grounded in the actions of the characters whose choices are grounded in reasons that make sense to them (even if I don't quite get it). My biggest disappointment, though, is that Shin Joon Young and No Eul did not get to spend much time onscreen together. Looking back at the first few episodes, I think that the idea that they really loved each other should have been established more clearly so that the tragic love they had then could have sustained the tragedy of finding and losing each other again as adults. Since they spent so little time together, the idea of their love was weakened for me.
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September 8, 2016 at 5:58 AM
You shoul see all the post it viewers put on their Instagram! They love UF so much..
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September 8, 2016 at 5:59 AM
Sorry typo *should
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5 Nesma Kazem
September 7, 2016 at 9:19 PM
Now I'm crying again for your recap i loved this ep so far and woo bin did a great job i keep repeating them he's such Pathetic character
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6 Melleit
September 7, 2016 at 9:21 PM
Kim Woo Bin is killing me..... I knew he was a good actor but geez.... He is ripping my heart out. I have loved this drama, I know it has weak spots, but it has a lot of heart.
I think the cast has done an excellent job portraying their mercurial characters.
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Rooting for this drama
September 7, 2016 at 10:22 PM
***Passes on shades to fellow audience members who have cried this episode.
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September 8, 2016 at 12:00 AM
I'll take one, please.
Cried during the whole episode so much that my eyes hurt, I don't think I can handle the finale tomorrow.
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7 toast
September 7, 2016 at 9:29 PM
"Eul has been a difficult character to understand "
Why can't it be that the Eul's character is difficult to understand because that's the way she is being written?
You may not agree Eul's timidity and materialistic behaviour shown in the earlier episodes but for someone who has been through so much, it is possible that one can become jaded. That is how some people cope with harsh realities of life. But I don't think it is fair to say that Eul's character is difficult to understand because of the acting.
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September 8, 2016 at 12:05 AM
Exactly, I don't understand why OP blaming it on the acting when to me it's clearly the character who was written that way (like a "difficult character to understand").
And also, if Joon Young didn't have all his monologues, his character would have been enough difficult to understand as well, but his monologues greatly helped imo, through his monologues it was easier to understand some of his actions and its attention.
While Noh Eul didn't monologues except some towards the end of the drama.
And I'm not sure but it seems LKH usually like to write complicated/complex and imperfect characters.
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September 8, 2016 at 1:19 AM
Me too.. I agree with you. I also think it isn't fair to say that Eul's character is difficult to understand because of the acting.. Honestly , I also confused and don't understand about SJY's character. I prefer can understand Jitae's character than SJY .
I started can understand SJY's character step by step from SJY's monologues. While , Eul just a little bit did monologues.
Anyway , I really love this episode . I cried a lot. Keep fighting UF team . I really love this drama . I'm gonna miss this drama so much.
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September 8, 2016 at 5:39 AM
The scene where Jik confronted No Eul about the truth of their father's death really showed a lot of her character's depth. She had to keep her own emotions under control for Jik's sake even when events were spiraling out of control. She was able to endure all of the hardship and pain as long as it was for her brother, so that he did not have to carry that burden, too. While she showed signs of how much she loved him (making sure he was eating well and going to school), those were the actions that any doting sister would take. When she told Jik that she did not want his life to be ruined by knowing the truth behind their father's death, it showed just how tightly she held her emotions (and pride/self-worth) inside. It explained why she was fine with just taking any money that came her way and never let herself be beaten down by circumstances.
I am glad that her determination and strength is being channeled in a more positive direction now. When she gave Assembleyman Choi the evidence, she showed her inner character and strength. She will be OK if the truth is revealed or if it is not. She has been through tough times and made some terrible choices, but, at her core, she has not become twisted. That it why she was able to recognize that Shin Joon Young was not to blame for the accident and made sure to tell him.
Overall, Suzy has captured No Eul's complexity for me. While Kim Woo Bin was able to express the range of Shin Joon Young's emotions, Suzy was playing a character who kept her emotions under control, which often made her seem blank or flat. Now, I am not sure if Suzy would have had the ability to show nuanced emotion (the loud crying and yelling was pretty bad), but she really came through for me in the few scenes where she needed to show No Eul's depth. Definitely not perfect by any means, but her performance made me respect No Eul and I think that was the way the character was written.
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8 Connie
September 7, 2016 at 9:39 PM
Hey fellow beanies! I was just wondering how Korean viewership/ratings work? I just started Uncontrollably Fond and was shocked at how low the ratings were. :/ Which of those ratings count? I'm looking at Dramawiki and there are two sets of ratings (one that is TNmS and the other from AGB). Thanks!
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9 Rachelle
September 7, 2016 at 9:46 PM
The writing for this show is SO BAD!!! It's like a train wreck I can't look away from.
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10 striving8
September 7, 2016 at 9:47 PM
Joon Youngs flickering memories really made me feel bad but at the same time the show is getting worse. I sat through almost fifteen episodes and now I just can't do it. I read the recap felt bad for Joon Young. But sitting through that for an hour where the developments are so slow, I can't do it anymore.
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11 moosie
September 7, 2016 at 9:55 PM
This show was a bucket full of misery, but props to KWB for acting the hell out of this character. He carried this show and has sold me on his talent. And while I think a stronger actress would've been nice, I do think Suzy improved over the episodes and I didn't find myself minding her at all by the end.
I wish the characters could've had more happiness before this point, but despite the excessive angst, I can honestly say I enjoyed this drama.
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12 jessanno
September 7, 2016 at 10:01 PM
I knew that one of Ji-tae's parents had something to do with his accident but to have it confirmed??!! His mother is pure evil. I can't wait for her to finally get what she deserves!
I probably say this every recap but if it wasn't for Kim Woo Bin, I would have gave up on this ages ago. He has really gone over and beyond for his portrayal of Joon-young! I can't wait for his next project!
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Rooting for this drama
September 7, 2016 at 10:38 PM
Did she really say she did it for CHJ? That is like, I actually think she would have killed Eul and Jik had Joon Young not have stolen that USB that day. Her reasoning: Eul ruined her life, if CHJ was ruined at that time because of that. So Eul saying that it is not Joon Young's fault, looks more now like if he hadn't done that she would have been dead anyway.
KWB and his next drama, it will be good no matter the ratings or what the critics say!!!!
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September 8, 2016 at 6:36 AM
Yes - she said she did it for CHJ. That woman is not a mom -- she put someone else before her child. I want to see her get what she deserves in ep 20.
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September 7, 2016 at 10:47 PM
Don't forget Im Joo Hwan, His acting is good here... even at times more nuance than kim woo bin. all his expression is just so geniune...
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September 7, 2016 at 11:30 PM
You are right, Im Joo Hwan has done an excellent job as well. I didnt care for him in the other things i have seen him in, but now i will start having to like him!
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September 8, 2016 at 7:18 AM
Ji Tae's mother is the kind of beast that would eat her young. I don't like Ha Ru but someone needs to take that child far away from this horror story of a woman.
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September 8, 2016 at 4:27 PM
She's a horrible mom but I find beanies' creative description of her so funny XD
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13 Barbrey
September 7, 2016 at 10:01 PM
I am watching the show right through to the bitter (literally) end because I had invested too much time into it to quit when I realized just how much I disliked the writing.
That said, this episode made me cry for the first time in this series, and that was due to KWB. He did an excellent job. So props to him.
And is it me, but does pink look particularly good on him?
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Rooting for this drama
September 7, 2016 at 10:13 PM
No. It is not really the color he wears. Although the last time he looked particularly guilty-innocent, was in 'White Christmas'.
That is his best role. No teen angst, just cast him where he makes you believe his character is innocent no matter how bad it looks! Lol!!!!
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14 Pei
September 7, 2016 at 10:04 PM
Oh wow, recap a day after airing! YAY!!
CJT mother is totally ubelievable! A totally B****!! o_O"
I do hope that on the finale episode CHJ finally can get his chance to redeem his wrong doing in the past.
I need more SJY & NE dating scenes!!
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15 Rooting for this drama
September 7, 2016 at 10:09 PM
Poor Pororo, he didn't get invited to Ajusshi Jeong Sik's party.
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16 sancheezy
September 7, 2016 at 10:13 PM
it's the payback,
the drama doesn't give the payback I want,
I think that's why I keep getting disappointed in every turn
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September 7, 2016 at 10:20 PM
Yes. I don't care much for the others. But I need to see joon youngs mom acknowledge how terribly she treated her son all those years without a valid reason. I don't need her to martyr herself over it but I need her to say it.
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September 7, 2016 at 10:32 PM
I've also been waiting for her to say "I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, I'm sorry son" the entire episode. Although I pity her, it would have been better if she spends time with SJY and create precious memories with the remaining days/ weeks he has left. Instead she leaves not acknowledging her son's presence and blames the bloody onion for making her cry. I get that she is still in denial with this whole terminally ill thing but whatever.
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17 rookie
September 7, 2016 at 10:14 PM
I know even Joon Young hasn't been spared the hate the characters in this dramas seem to have got. I don't have issues with his character and its probably because Kim woo bin's acting is so raw. Honestly I could have watched a whole series of just Kim woo bin breaking down and Kim woo bin fighting to stay alive, even if that sounds sadistic of me.
Joon Young's mom and dad. I tried to be sad for you when I saw your tears but I couldn't.
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18 abcde
September 7, 2016 at 10:17 PM
The reason why this drama is having a bad viewership is because this is a melodrama that will emotionally tiring for the viewer while the other drama on the same slot is in adventure, comedy, and thriller genre. I personally think that this drama is really good and for Suzy, she done her part really well so why the hate?
It just that uncontrollably fond plot is nothing new. And I do expect the ending with both leads dying together. If anything to be blame about this, I think its story plot and the slow story pacing that bored the viewer.
If you wondering why DOTS, the drama within the same melodrama genre did really well while this one doesnt, i think its because of the background story. DOTS play within the soldier and doctor love story thing while this just about your-everyday-drama-makjang. Yeah eventhough DOTS really doesnt makes sense, its background thing is just so new while this one is just so-so.
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September 7, 2016 at 10:23 PM
But DOTS is nowhere near being a melodrama. To me its all unicorn and rainbow, pure cheese.
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September 8, 2016 at 6:38 AM
This description of DOTS made me laugh - but oh so true.
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September 7, 2016 at 10:27 PM
it’s the payback,
the drama doesn’t give the payback I want,
I think that’s why I keep getting disappointed in every turn
people appreciate sadness when happiness always come and waiting for happiness that never come in 10 episode can be tiresome and drove people away,
I don't blame the viewer or the competition,
the drama just doesn't do much
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September 7, 2016 at 10:32 PM
I agree that the reason this drama is getting low ratings is probably due to that it is a melodrama with so much angst and heartbreak that it hurts. As for DOTS, it's not a melodrama. I think part of the reason that it was so popular was due to the fact that it was Song Joong Ki's first project after his military duty. Plus, you have the very pretty and talented Song Hye Gyo. Just my two cents on it :)
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September 7, 2016 at 10:55 PM
I'm in the minority that this drama is really good... It might be not as good as the other quality drama. LKH is just not good write a politics shenaningan... And at times her logic doesn't make sense in real life work *like you can still look healthy despite already have 1-2 month to life. If it's real life, he is already in the state of already losing his balance due to his illness and other motoric function kkk*
But she is always writing a drama that it's just hit you to a t if you diq her writing deeper. Even Will it snow for christmas, that several people think this is one of her weakest drama, it's always makes me cried thinking that drama
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19 amy
September 7, 2016 at 10:40 PM
Thanks LollyPip for the recap as always \^0^/ I super love this episode although half of my time was spent watching it in between sobs huhu...Kim Woo Bin is definitely killing it as SJY, the guy can definitely act! The change in his eyes from being himself in the present to himself in the past is super great acting in my opinion. This guy definitely deserves an award for his acting in this drama. Looking forward for the last episode tonight. I know that I'll be a crying mess but at least I'll be a happy crying mess as I get to watch Kim Woo Bin at his finest :)
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September 7, 2016 at 10:44 PM
Ur \^0^/ remind me of Scarlet heard latest eppy!! lol
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September 7, 2016 at 10:56 PM
hihi, it was a tribute to Scarlet Heart which is also my fav sageuk to date :) It seems that both dramas which is giving me all the feels like UF and SH are not getting much love from the mass population but who cares, UF, SH, fighting!
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20 autowil
September 7, 2016 at 10:43 PM
Why this Jung-eun still never feel regret?? Still want to fly to USA and marry a man and never come back?? What is ths!!!
I hope Ji Tae's words awaken her!! If not i hope she die in a plane crash.. LOL
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September 7, 2016 at 11:01 PM
What's with USA? Why people in Kdramaland always run away to USA when thing gets hard?
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September 8, 2016 at 12:37 AM
LOL true
Cha Chi-soo is the only chaebol I remember who didn't want to go to USA (because he has difficulty ordering burger in English kekeke)
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Jamie Prado
September 8, 2016 at 7:27 AM
Which drama is that
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Rooting for this drama
September 8, 2016 at 8:29 AM
Flower Boy Ramyun Shop with il Jung Woo.
Rooting for this drama
September 8, 2016 at 8:37 AM
* jung il-woo,
Rooting for this drama
September 8, 2016 at 1:32 AM
That totally reminds me of that line:,
"...when it gets hard... " from 'A little Braver', ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
But it is always USA.
Perhaps Haru could join her to get away from Yoon's nephew.
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21 nchoe
September 7, 2016 at 10:59 PM
Omma get hold of yourself! Stop crying and be strong for Joon Young. You wasted 5 years of your precious time to shower your son with all the love you have... and now even though you know youre son is dying you're going to waste another time crying? At least if you can't hold it then just cry while hugging him. Say sorry for being such a dumbhead all this year and thank you to Joon Young for growing up to be the righteous man that she always taught him to be.
And Noh Eul... seriously you're a full grown woman. If you sick lift up your butt and go to hospital on your own. You're supposed to be the one who nurses Joon Young now. Be strong, stay healthy, don't be such a burden for Joon Young instead.
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22 Muffin
September 7, 2016 at 10:59 PM
I'm a sucker for melodrama ... I love melo .. but I hate UF seriously ... there's no word to describe how frustrating it is .. writer wring the life out of me (not just Joon Young life) ... The reason I am still watching is because of WB astounding performance. Though the rating is low but it's a good exposure for WB and JY character proved that WB is an A class actor.
He did not fail .. it's the plot that fail ... I am okay with the evil mother/dad/fiance .. okay with every negative people in this drama. It has every kind worst of the worst character ... I am ok with that ..
What make me not okay is when JY give up on life ... though he kept saying he want to live but he did nothing to save his own life ... even if the percentage of surviving after treatment is 0.0001% .. please . take the chances, value every chance give to you .. take the risk ... go for treatment .. unless of course there's nothing else that can be done ..
I think the JY is unfair to his mother for not telling her mother sooner ... so that she did not waste the time and remain angry at him .. life is precious .. time is precious ..
Yeah LKH can choose how she wants to write her story .. I can choose not to ever watch her work anymore .. it's life draining .. full of frustration and no pay back .. I get no satisfaction ... unless of course you like to cry for no reason .. she will wring you dry till the end .. she will show no mercy .. oh heck .. I was tricked into watching because of WB amazing performance ..
Well .. I swear not to ever watch any of LKH work anymore .. should learn by now .. IJUKSA MISA and now Thank you ... pfffffffffffffffffffttt
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September 8, 2016 at 1:35 AM
Couldn't agree more! Lol.
LKH or whatever it name is... proved as lazy writer-nim. Overused story, plot, characterization and not so having creative idea. She/he reminds me of Oh Sang Moo the cartoonist in W.
Hope she/he ended just like Oh Sang Moo! Have remorse please!
Feels sorry for the actors & actresses tho.
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September 8, 2016 at 5:01 AM
I like melos too and I've watched early 2000s dramas without complaint, no matter how clichéd they seemed (like amnesia, birth secrets). Those kind of plots worked then and the skills and aura of those actors/actresses are something else, and at a level that the leads of UF can't quite achieve. Melo isn't exactly Suzy's or KWB's forte but this is where I have to say that I'd blame the script 65% and then acting 35%. Scenery and cinematography was on point, although the wintery gloom didn't really fit this season, but I blame KBS for timing...
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23 Iris
September 7, 2016 at 11:34 PM
Imo. Suzy's acting is just nice. We dont need more than 1 KWB in this drama. The reason NE 's character is not easy to understand is probably bcos she had to learn from young how to mask her feelings. To pretend... in order to survive n raise a young brother. Do u have any idea how people deal with loan sharks? They were so ready to sell the kids during their father's funeral.
Although i know by now some of my question wont be answered since the drama is running out of time, i am happy that JY n NE could move forward from that night's accident. Watching the preview i am glad that there is still some fighting spirit in JY. That alone is giving me some hope.
Having said all that.. i cried the whole episode!! It's perfect!! There's misery but also forgiveness, regrets n a whole human's feelings.
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24 Rose
September 7, 2016 at 11:44 PM
Reading your recap makes my eyes teary. I adore kim woo bin acting in this drama. Touch my heart
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25 lookingvacant
September 8, 2016 at 12:53 AM
Love the birthday dinner scene, it was weird and funny and sad at the same time.
I have no words for how KWB managed to bring so much life to his character, like he really is the living, breathing SJY.
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26 Butterfly
September 8, 2016 at 1:51 AM
What really annoyed me while watching this show on air was the amount of hate ppl spread because of not getting what they want at the time they want it. and also not understanding this drama because they haven't experienced enough real life issues to feel close to this. smh.
This drama deserves way more credit. especially the cast and production crew. the acting especially from the male actors is just flawless. WB, LJH, ahjussi CHJ... even Suzy is not flawless but still much better than many of those great actresses who overact imo.
I don't care if i'm in the minority. i've enjoyed this way more than all those cheesy brain off dramas that ppl seem to love so much.
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27 toast
September 8, 2016 at 2:16 AM
Yeah! That's what I felt too. The writer-nim is lazy.
The idea behind the plot is good but she underestimated the audience these days. Plot of most kdrama are repetitive and re-used. Drama does well when the cliches are re-packaged and executed in a refreshing way.
UF also reminds me a lot of My Love from Another Stars. The way the plot flows with 3 months left and the guy trying to do something to save the girl, the dream scene and etc.
The way the plot is being handled by the writer is really questionable. I was thinking if it was really LKH who wrote the script for UF. Did she hire some assistance to help her while she oversees the project? Otherwise, it's because she has become complacent and had to pay the price through UF. However, KWB and Suzy, has to bear this burden of "failure" together with her which is totally devastating. These are 2 rising stars and she knows everyone is anticipating the drama, how could she not put in enough effort when writing the script?
Also for the ratings, UF didn't exactly sink so badly in terms of rating with a consistent 8% weekly. There are drama who did so bad, with rating as low as 4-5%. It's just the the expectations of viewers and everyone else waiting to bash KWB and Suzy are too high so when the drama doesn't get the no.1 rating, it was deemed as a failure.
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September 8, 2016 at 9:42 PM
No way it's lazy writing. It's good. Dare i said in terms of script, it's for me better than the innocent man? The innocent man doesn't make me cried bucket this much. Oh shin joon young ypu make me a crying mess
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28 kthln
September 8, 2016 at 3:34 AM
although i cried during the scenes with SJY, somehow the angst of the other characters just does not land with me. Maybe it is because there is not enough built up. the moment between Jik and SJY, when Jik tell SJY that he was his hero, and tells him to fight to stay alive, somehow I am not touched by it because there is no built up.
And the love between Noh Eul and SJY, maybe I want too much, but something is lacking. I can't pinpoint the reason why. Maybe I want them to say how much they have loved each other all these years and gaze at each other tenderly for a long time. I am not sure why I am feeling this way because they have said they love each other but...something is missing.
P.S. i thought it was the evil mother who knew the existence of SJY and hid it. that is why she keeps paying blackmail money to Assembyman's brother. And Assemblyman just said that it was he who told his brother to chase away young Ok, as a show of his commitment to his wife
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29 Lessa
September 8, 2016 at 3:41 AM
Yay, recap!
Okay so:
JY - I was also very happy he got to hear that from Eul! That it was not his fault! :) Eul had so much spine here, and so much strength, she is my hope that she will be the pillar of strength when JY eventually dies. (Yes, I am already expecting it) Im kindof ok with Suzy's acting here. I mean, it's not as WOW as KWB, but I think it was enough. I've always though Eul was difficult because she had to survive and hence had to always be happy or unreadable for her brother, for her friends, but mostly for herself.
Since I already said it. WOW KWB.
Mom - so heartbreaking scene when he asked Choi to save their son. I think some people may say why is she ignoring JY, but I think that is correct... she has to deal with herself first. It's not selfish, its actually kind of sad-beautiful, because she refuses to accept the fact that eventually she will have to bury her son.
I'm a little reminded of a patient I saw a couple of weeks ago, the grandmother seemed fine to me and my attending, (apart from being really old) , but her granddaughter was basically losing her mind, crying every second as if the patient was going to die. Relative/Caregiver grief/heartache/burnout is real, and actually very sad. I do hope that in the future I will always remember to counsel not just the patient but their family as well.
I had actually given up on Choi before, but this episode has me feeling a little hopeful. For his redemption.
But MY GOLLY, MADAM LEE. ...ThAT is OnE cRAZy LADY! There is absolutely absolutely definitely definitely surely certainly NO HOPE FOR THAT EVIL MONSTER.
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30 Woobin
September 8, 2016 at 3:50 AM
I loved how ji tae just asked about "how joon young is doing" after waking *__* he's alive yayy! this episode made me cry a bucket as if JY is dying in real :| and I'm sad this drama is going to end :(
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31 Puni
September 8, 2016 at 4:21 AM
Tissues needed by the bulk.. This episode hurt. I don't know how I'm going to handle Ep 20. The scene with Kim Woo Bin wearing shades, a bday hat, asking uncle to take care of his Mom, and the one tear falling... it was a so beautifully tragic :(.... Kim Woo bin deserves so many accolades for this drama. He has been outstanding!
Papa Choi- also had me crying... roller coaster of emotions. Seeing glimpses of what love he could have had...his loss...
Oh, I do not want ep 20 to air.. and yet can't wait for it. I am going to really miss KWB and Suzy.
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Rooting for this drama
September 8, 2016 at 5:31 AM
Totally agree, I wish this series was 24 episodes long.
We deserve four days in the cabin house on the green field, SJY and Ajusshi, and Jik and Nari all deserve to be attendees at their moving in party. No tears please!!!
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September 8, 2016 at 2:21 PM
@Rooting for this drama Agree!! 4 more episodes of everyday happiness!! Ugh, going to see episode 20 now..
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32 Kristine
September 8, 2016 at 4:45 AM
Since its the last episode will be out in 2 hour...
I give my criticism now on their acting...
I don't think KIM WOO BIN was good enough on his acting ..
(if i grade him from 1-5 *****star
He just 2 star** for me)
Although Kim woo bin got my sympathy since his character SYJ have a terminal illness and his dying obviously from the beginning of the drama.
As of the second lead i don't think Choi Ji-Tae and Yoon Jeong-eun personality fit on the story lines of this drama. They're look so beautiful.
But I find Shin Joon-young and Yoon Jeong-eun good looking together episode 15. They should be the main lead.
and the writer should make Suzy younger sister of Kim woo bin on this story since they look-like a bit sibling.
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September 8, 2016 at 4:49 AM
And seriously, Im Joo Eun is an interesting actress. I'm sorry but I didn't find Suzy's and KWB's chemistry believable enough and I didn't like SJY character at all :(
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33 rainhana
September 8, 2016 at 4:50 AM
Madam Lee, JE and her father should be punished big time. they don't feel the tiniest bit of remorse, no redemption left for them.
CHJ, i knew he's not entirely evil, and here we are. Interesting how easily the writer turned him with only one word by NE "because you're JY's father.. " aww.
and JT asking about JY when waking up.. <3
I was wondering why aside from the memory loss JY is having none of those previous issues with his body but then I think i'm grateful, this is enough heart breaking without seeing him suffer.
words can't describe how much i've enjoyed the acting. Was it even acting??
getting ready for tonight and hoping for a satisfying closure. please, no open ending for heaven's sake
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September 8, 2016 at 8:38 AM
We shall see the next eppy how it end..
JE flying to USA to marry.. So i dunno will she change her mind? lol
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34 derpervition
September 8, 2016 at 6:03 AM
I have problem, with people criticizing UF for being "depressing". I'm all into "you can have your opinion" but bashing story for not fitting into "happy-tears-happy" seems so wrong to me. Because there is no rule, that every drama should mix things and have happy moments along with bitter ones. Some stories, along with people, have this subtitle happiness, but really hard and depressing lives, yet they're as Eul and for some extensions JY still fight and live over it.
I also think, that Suzy's acting was good. I never had problems with understanding Eul (and Suzy) and I appreciate the fact, that she never was one tone heroine, but constantly grew along with story.
KWB with extremely good. He acted his soul out and any criticism towards is groundless. He was believable, likable despite flaws of his character (not as writing, but the ones, that was specifically created, to make him conflicting") his line delivery one of the best (and I watch a lot of dramas and stan mostly very old and experienced actors), I was really surprised how good he is. With even better team of writers and ect. I believe he will shine even more. Guy has chops for action, drama and comedy, you also believe in his romance and, that he really likes girl, even if he shared a little time with her (proved not just in UF, but in his previous works).
I will watch and support his next drama with hope, that one day he will be able every appreciation, that he deserve and didn't get yet.
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35 Woobin
September 8, 2016 at 6:05 AM
Well In my opinion Kim woo bin did very well i really loved him.Ji tae and that girl(don't remember her name :P) were also good.I just didn't like Suzy.I feel like there should've been some other actress instead of her.I felt the same when I saw my lovely girl :| right now watching triangle drama and tbh its great but i'm shocked after reading a comment it literally broke my heart :'(
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36 Jamie Prado
September 8, 2016 at 7:52 AM
I am in awe of how his face changed from cold and distant to young and open in an instant. It was like he was two people. Before this show I had no idea he could actually act as any thing but arrogant. Go Kim Woo Bin
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37 lexyk
September 9, 2016 at 6:30 AM
I personally think that Suzy Bae did an amazing job playing Eul character. I have tried hard to understand why most ppl thought her acting was bad but i don't. I think both leads played the characters phenomenally. The main weakness I see is with the plot, and the way it unnecessarily dragged in the middle. For me that was the only disappointment.
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38 Potato
September 9, 2016 at 7:33 AM
I really love the beginning scene in this eps under cherry blossom tree when no eul picks up a petal from joonyoung face. That little moment and detail really touched me. This is why i love this drama despite all the flaw. It's really beautifully directed.
Joonyoung making me cutting onions the whole episode. Gah i really love kim woobin voice. His deep yet soft voice *weak knees*
Hands down he and suzy really have nice chemistry i wish they have more happy scene together :(((
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39 Louie
May 24, 2017 at 5:05 AM
Why is it the prosecutor was not punished when he created a false evidences and all he should be held liable as well like he will lose his position as assemblymen kinda weird it turns out as if he is the hero fixing all the mistakes
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