Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Hello party people, it’s time for another team check-in! This week, new dramas rolled in, which I was eager to check out, while older dramas stepped it up and got more interesting, so overall I was left with a pretty happy feeling in my little corner of dramaland. Of course, some shows gave higher highs than others, but I find that the good thing about dramaland is that goodwill from one show can often spill over and make me feel happier about the others — or at least, dull the negatives. I hope your week was equally cheer-inducing… but if not, that’s okay, tea and sympathy is what we’re good for. –javabeans



Currently recapping: Moonlight Drawn By Clouds

Fantastic: I’m eager for the cancer secret to be out so the couple can start enjoying some quality time together while they can, because while petty jealous is funny, I like that they bring out the best in each other when they’re on the same side. And as much as I hate Park Shi-yeon’s in-laws, I actually think this is the best way to do drama villains: They’re suuuper easy to hate, and you know she’s going to get her comeuppance eventually so there’s a grim satisfaction in watching them abuse her now with the anticipation of their eventual downfall. (It had better be epic.) It sounds like everyone’s committed to Ji-soo keeping his ultimate storyline intact, and I couldn’t be gladder, since I’m dying for Park Shi-yeon’s comeback arc and his place in it.

Cinderella and the Four Knights: I’d found it really hard (I mean, really hard) to keep going with this show for weeks, but I finally got past the hump (Episode 6) and it felt like it turned a corner; I proceeded to binge-watch the rest and am actively looking forward to new episodes. The show is silly, no doubt, but it’s not without its light-hearted charms, and at some point the relationships finally started grabbing my interest. Probably about the time Jung Il-woo got over his sulking and started smiling.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: This show can at times be so exciting and compelling that it’s jarring when it abruptly shifts gears and loses its focus with all those other characters I don’t care about, who take up so much time. I don’t know why, when the Su and So show is so frequently electric — although I will admit that my opinion on IU (as generally fine) did take a hit when I saw this come along to show us what-if. I’m wistful over what could have been if this drama had a director who had a better handle on its material and tone. And knew to take a goddamned master shot every once in a while.

Drinking Solo: I love Park Ha-sun; she’s adorable and shameless and unembarrassable, which sure comes in handy when you’re a rom-com heroine. I’m already feeling pangs for Gong Myung’s noona-crush, but am determined to at least enjoy his cheerful puppyness while it lasts. And the two gosiwon fools are turning into a scene-stealing Odd Couple to remember, which is always good for at least one laugh that pops up out of nowhere.

Shopping King Louis: I spent the first half of the show wondering, “What the heck?” But it helps to recalibrate expectations from “standard contemporary rom-com” to “absurdist fantasy comedy that takes place in a parallel world where people react differently to everything.” It reminds me of Modern Farmer (with way less toilet humor), in that it does require a full buy-in of the world and its unrealistic tone, but can be quirky and fun once you accept it.

On the Way to the Airport: I thought the premiere was well-done, and I like that the tone is thoughtful without being overly melodramatic. I was on the fence about watching the show because the premise alone didn’t grab me, but the show was executed well enough to keep me going for now. I do find it odd that the director keeps insisting it’s not an adultery drama, though — ‘cause technically speaking, married people falling in love with people who aren’t their spouses is the textbook definition of adultery. I mean, I want Kim Haneul and Lee Sang-yoon to leave their weirdly terrible spouses and be happy together too, but let’s not ignore the meaning of words here.



Cinderella and the Four Knights: I’m still not sure I believe the “why” behind anything in this drama, but there’s a sweet underdog charm to this show, plus now I’m at the cute part, and I’d be stupid to quit when I’ve finally gotten to the cute part!

Drinking Solo: Sometimes the heroine frustrates me when she doesn’t stand up for herself, but she’s just so endearing, and the show always manages to put a smile on my face with its relatable, everyday comedy. I can’t wait until Ha Suk-jin is stewing in jealousy at the puppy romance. But most importantly, I want a Gong Myung for me.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: I feel an angsty turn coming ‘round the bend, so I’m going to bask in the swoon for as long as humanly possible, and then wait until javabeans tells me it’s safe before I watch the next episode.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: It took four weeks, but I’m finally interested in something—the heroine having visions of Wang So’s future as King Gwangjong, and being conflicted about it. I just wish she’d do something smart with her limited knowledge of history instead of flailing all the time.

Jealousy Incarnate: I love Jo Jung-seok in love. It makes my insides all gooey. He’s still a petty fool, but now he’s a petty fool in love, and he’s totally won me over. True to its promise, Jealousy Incarnate is doing jealousy in every incarnation possible—petty, embarrassing, funny, angsty—and now in the moving way that tugs at all the right heartstrings.

On the Way to the Airport: I checked out the first two episodes, mostly because of my stubbornly unending crush on Lee Sang-yoon post-Liar Game. It’s a beautiful show that piques my curiosity (namely, why is Jang Hee-jin such a terrible mom?), and lingers on the emotional beats in a good way. It’s a solid contemporary melodrama, though I can’t promise I’ll still be here if it ever turns into a tearfest.

Shopping King Louis: I almost wish I’d seen the ever-so-slightly-saner second episode first, without seeing the first one. This show starts out really crazy and weird, but by the second episode the leads meet and there’s a cheery, easygoing dynamic there that I want to come back for. It’s still a show I find hard to take seriously, but Seo In-gook is awfully adorable as a lost puppy, even one that seems a few marbles shy of a full set.



Currently recapping: Cinderella and the Four Knights

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: This was the week I learned about the two different cuts floating around…and urgh! I was not pleased to say the least. However, I still look forward to this show every week, and after I finish both episodes, I scramble to YouTube to watch any and all behind the scenes footage. I love me some bloopers!


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Dropping SC heart after ep 9! So tired of the mess this drama is in!! No current dramas can really hold my attention so maybe I'll temporarily switch to American series for awhile!! Any recommendations what's good?? Thanks in advance! ?


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I am joining @Kaybee in her run, I kind of feel like I am taking that train to Busan. Let's see if I come out alive at the end of it.

As @maryxiah said, there's no reason why you can't enjoy a bad drama, so I continued to watch Moon Lovers. I thought I would drop it after last week but like some morbid interest in looking at a train wreck, I couldn't turn away.

First, let's talk about IU. This girl gets so much hate, it's unbelievable. I am not saying she is delivering some Daesang worthy performance but the fault lies more in how her character is written and directed.

Yes, I watched The Video that javabeans post and it was awesome. Seo Hyun Jin is born not just to act in saeguk, she's just born to act. But if I could change, I'd rather change the PD and editor. Throw in the writer as a bonus. But would Seo Hyun Jin want to act with Lee Jun Ki?
Before you bite off my head, I actually read something to this effect on another blog.

There were these fans of Lee Jun Ki who said that A-listed actresses do not want to act opposite LJK because they are afraid he would steal their thunder. Hence, he had always ended up being paired with lousy co-stars, the latest being IU. I don't know if Seo Hyun Jin is a A-lister or not but that suggestion bugged me. If actors do really think this way, we'll never get pairings of compatible standard, would we?

I also thought it was quite presumptuous of those fans. Is Lee Jun Ki the only actor with such a problem? Obviously, I don't follow many actors. I have no idea if this kind of talk is very prevalent among die hard fans.

Back to Moon Lovers, did anyone question why the people could treat Wang So worse than dirt just because he has a scar? He may be scarred but he is still a Prince! I guess they could protest in front of the palace gate or cry out to the King their objections. But plummet him with mud or worse faeces and get away with it? The second time he appeared with the scar concealed, the people's reaction reminded me of babies. Have you tried putting on a ugly or scary mask in front of a baby? The baby might cry but when you remove it, she will immediately stop or even smile.

My issue with the forced kiss isn't whether Wang So should or not. Neither do I question Soo's reaction. I dislike simply because I think the writer and/or PD intended it to be romantic. It is the same issue I brought up in OT. You have this hot blooded handsome guy who's got lots of pent up frustrations and huge hurt inside. He comes and tells you that you belong to him, force kisses you to stamp his ownership and we are supposed to see it as romantic. Whatever problems we have with this kiss, many more want to be in Soo's position.

I don't know why but Soo's premonitions gave me flashbacks to The Shining. It's a really old show starring Jack Nicholson. His character goes increasingly erratic and finally murderous. His young son is psychic and was able to see the terrible...


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forebodings. The movie was good but I can’t say the same of Soo’s premonitions. I think the writer chose this as shortcut instead of making Soo more and more wary or afraid of So’s intentions and actions. It would have been better if they continue to develop their friendship, start romance even and all these signs of a blood thirsty tyrant in the making start creeping in. Now, we just have a terrified little rabbit of Soo and an angry confused So. Not that I blame him at all.
The show continues to focus on delivering fanservice first, story and characters as an afterthought. Just take Seohyun’s scene in the forest. Good lord, why would I want to spend precious minutes watching her twirl round and round with too perfect makeup and too fake swords? But then, I am not the targeted SNSD fan. Why not spend more time on her and Baekah? Scratch that, I don’t even need her.
This show is not without merits. The biggest draw isn’t Lee Jun Ki or IU or KHN. It is the premise of travelling back in time, facing temptations to change history and fate of people you’ve grown to care for and surviving it all.
MDBC – I was completely enthralled by the child actress who played the little princess. Who says you can’t act with big eyes wide open? Of course, the PD and camerawork are also of a totally different level from Moon Lovers. I liked how they shot the scene of her hiding in the cupboard. There’s a side view of her frightened expressions as she witnessed the murder. If it’s Moon Lover’s PD, I am sure we would only get to see her pupils.
I picked up Drinking Solo again and while I couldn’t stomach Park Ha Sun in the first episode, I quite enjoy her now. Kudos to her pulling off those expressions without vanity. I always have a weakness for actors who don’t care about looking pretty or handsome in front of the camera. And boy! Who is this idol actor, Key? He is hilarious and he can act. I am not sure if he’s good all round but we already know some idol actors can’t do comedy either.


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The show continues to focus on delivering fanservice first, story and characters as an afterthought. Just take Seohyun’s scene in the forest. Good lord, why would I want to spend precious minutes watching her twirl round and round with too perfect makeup and too fake swords? But then, I am not the targeted SNSD fan. Why not spend more time on her and Baekah? Scratch that, I don’t even need her. This show is not without merits. The biggest draw isn’t Lee Jun Ki or IU or KHN. It is the premise of travelling back in time, facing temptations to change history and fate of people you’ve grown to care for and surviving it all.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I think they wasted my whole minute there, and I was left wondering do we need this scene at all? I don't even want to talk about the forced kiss because everyone probably wrote enough to make a book out of it, but I sure hate it. It's a shame they have a great plot to work with here but they wasted it all on fanservice.


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1st thanks you for the praise for Key or Kim Kibum, a SHINee's member, the group that has Onew as the only doctor who got PTSD in DOTS, and Minho who's been around more in drama-land,

I am the resident in SHINee's World so thank you for appreciating Key,

and I also really like the child actor in MDBC, that girl has no line and I completely gets her emotion,
my favourite probably when she is hiding , her eyes move and speaks,

---This show is not without merits. The biggest draw isn’t Lee Jun Ki or IU or KHN. It is the premise of travelling back in time, facing temptations to change history and fate of people you’ve grown to care for and surviving it all.----

yeah I want to see how the story ends cause I feel like I should know but the execution is just not good,
it's not just about the acting and directing or many things, I think they never really touched the things that need or saying the word to make something clear,
like when did HS and Wook is officially dating? or what wang so think or anything,
I can't predict it all without they asked me too, I am not that interested in them, I just want to know how it solved

and I realised I should have edited that I think –some– female watchers dig the possessiveness in OT yesterday,
I think it because it's the fantasy like you said, the fanfiction, that's how some watchers like the feeling to be dominate by a perfect person to do it cause it (super) rarely to happen,
most often people get dominated by the person who is greedy and not a good person for them (which happen in reality ), so at least the fiction gives the escape route when the dominant male is somehow doing it for the better fate of both, because watchers have the faith in the story that most likely will never lied about OTP ----kinda like that imo,


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The guy is a natural. I've seen only Minho in other dramas and some impression of Onew. All I can say is Key has zero awkwardness or at least none that I noticed :D

I am with you on Moon Lovers. Besides the morbid interest, maybe I just want to know how it ends. The history is certainly rich with stories but the drama touches on so many things and very superficial at that. The thing they emphasized on which is So's physical and emotional scar is fiction. It's not easy of course to do a good saeguk in 20 eps. In Six Flying Dragons, we got to see the writer's interpretation of how Yi Bang Won became King Taejong. Moon Lovers should have thought how best to bring to the viewers So's inner feelings, grievances, perspectives and ambitions. Instead they squandered precious time on other meaningless things.


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I was shocked at Park Ha Sun too. Mind you, the last time I saw her was as a composed queen in Dongyi lol so this is like a 180degree change for me. I do settle on the fact that she's just a quirky character by episode 2 too. (In fact, everyone on the show is a bit weird lol)


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@ET: I have problem with that dancing scene too. It's so obvious that Seohyun was looking straight at the camera while she was supposed to be alone in the woods, as if she was dancing for the cameraman, than to the music and for herself. It was distracting to me to watch that scene. For me dance scenes would be best done if the dancer, even if looking straight, would not make it obvious that they are dancing for the camera.

So far the side characters' stories still feel a little bit loosely attached to the skeleton of the drama. I hope once we're getting to the meatier part the PD would feel less inclined to send every single supporting actors and actresses on his so-called Hallyu ride. I thought he must have known that a single drama cannot elevate every participating young actors and actresses to stardom. If one or two can make a breakout in a drama that is already a feat in itself so why be so greedy and thus compromising the quality of the show?


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@Hye Mi

This is why I concluded last week that at its worst, Moon Lovers may be no more than a hotchpotch of major fanservices.

It's not the only drama that does it. Many do too, to a certain extent. But like you said, Moon Lovers needing to send every of its cast to hallyu fame is exacerbated by the fact that they have so many of them The number in itself is not the problem. It's their mindset. BBJX strove to tell a story but Moon Lovers chose fanservice.


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I heard someone say that Acting is about reaction. So having a good acting partner is essential in producing spectacular performance. It's actually frustrating for one actor to act opposite an another actor who's bad at acting.

I am a Kim Sun Ah fan because I find her as such an amazing actress. I thought she is an A-lister. In one of her interviews, he named Lee Joon Ki as someone she wants to work with.


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*She named*


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Moon Lovers: I keep on fast forwarding on this one this week. Thank god for DB and I just read the recap if I missed something major out of the fast forwarding that I did. Up until now, I still think Hae Soo is just Goryeo version Candy. And please drama editors, stop zooming in on IU's wide-eyed expression/(less)! But I'm still holding on because I'm actually really curious how 4th prince is going to kill all his brothers and the reasons why.

Sukina Hito ga Iru Koto: My first reason for watching this was Yamazaki Kento. He's still on his usual tsundere character which is kinda boring already. The best part of this show for me was the bond between the brothers. I liked their open communication with each other. The romance part was meh. I stuck to this one till the end because of the pretty and because it only has 11 episodes.

Shopping King Lois: Watching episode 1 as I am typing this. Guess I couldn't say no to SIG even if I find the plot ridiculous when I first read it.

Stopped watching MDBC because the romance is too highschool-y for me. And maybe because I've watched way to many gender bender shows that's why this one's not really clinging to me. But because I looooove PBG and KYJ, I might just pick it up later on.

I'm planning watch K2, is DB recapping that?


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Just had to pop in here to say, I'm (finally!) happily watching School 2013 and it is great! Filling up the W shaped hole left behind and keeping me entertained till Mo(o)nday Moonlight. ❤️


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I think moonlight is drama that will be your crack when you want to root for the character but I also get why people find it safe cause we have people that already good as character that doesn't really need some "magic or tragic" to find their mean,
all of them is ready as we want to face the danger and I think the plot is fast cause we have themes for every episode and that theme describes the whole episode,
I like it because they just really good at showing the new world they've been build, with the young spirit and good means,
Moonlight also tell the story is means that the viewer can understand without much asking, except if we have different subbed version, so there's not much left to actually discussed than liked the execution,
They also have the feeling of satisfaction when people who watched come for something light and get excited, the episode ends with conclusion and also some thought on what would happen but we didn't really need to guess cause it feels like it can end that way then they can lived happily ever after, except ep 10 perhaps,

Moon Lovers, I get why people spazzing over this cause they have the textbook definition of everything we can spazz about, just be honest, a reverse harem with many handsome males and one female, love triangle by guy with different personality, I mean BOF, Twilight, Heirs....?
Then we have this underline story that could be epic, seriously, as example BBJX and Shine and go Crazy plot with good part and this whole history and premonition,
my disappointment is still because they never really showed it, the show never brings up the topic and always talk likes the plot is a secret and our character knew what they did in the plot without telling anyone/the viewer, so we need to guess whole lot of things, this isn't a detective show and been watching BBJX and read the summary of Wang So, I think the show just used the bet liberty they have with the history, there's no linked things or confirmed thing with real character that didn't get altered in the story t back up the history,
They also have the grand things and very ambiguous cliffhanger that ride mostly on shipper feeling,
so when you get attached, you probably will see it till the ends

this is my observation for both show,
I probably like Moon Lovers more if I am marathoning it then weekly seeing it, so I don't need to think that hard why this happen in this episode and I recall nothing about this in the previous episode,
but Moonlight is better when you watch it weekly so you can appreciate the small moment and the little things they emphasised by re-used the scene than make it big and grand, when you can appreciate the small moment between master jung and the princess.


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+1000000 points regarding your thoughts about Moonlight. This drama works for me as well because of its execution. The PD knows what he is doing. It has a simple plot. PD knows it, the writer knows it, we know it. That's why they made that decision to give us viewers better lighting, variety of beautiful close-ups and wide shots, and wonderful way of not using music to convey emotions. PD also knows that his two leads can bring lots of emotions on screen. So, he took advantage of it by making sure the camera stays on them as long as the actors can. And then make sure those cuts are included in the final cut.

A few of my favorite scenes:
-- The Dance.
-- The sunset during that rescue
-- The lantern festival
-- The puppet show and its meaning
-- When she closed her eyes for the kiss
-- Ra on-ah
-- The sign language
-- The bodyguard standing on a hill with the sunset behind him. Gorgeous.


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Moonlight works for me because everyone involved in the drama clearly took great care to make something beautiful and meaningful from a simple setup. It appeals to both my inner prince-charming-loving little-girl self and my current drama-fangirl self. It's a drama of small, heartfelt moments and subtle character beats set in a world where big things are happening. It was never advertised to be this epic sageuk, but rather as a refreshing late summer youth romance. So far, it delivers what it advertised and more. I never expected to be this emotionally involved and obsessed, and I'm enjoying every moment of the ride. I will live-watch every episode until it ends even if I have to do this discreetly at work, with my boss sitting across my desk.


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I concur. I'm actually nervous for every new episode of Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, I keep thinking will they deliver this week as well? Or will I be disappointed? But every time I tune in, they manage to pull through and make every scene looks beautiful in itself. And I sit here wondering, how can such a simple moment be so wonderfully beautiful? Even the scene where Yeong was simply calling Ra-on by her name moved me. I watch this show live (almost, because I couldn't stream live, had to wait an hour after broadcast) every Monday-Tuesday, but I just couldn't get enough of it, sometimes I just read recap and comment on here, even when my boss is sitting just right beside me. The things I do for my fav drama.


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"Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: I feel an angsty turn coming ‘round the bend, so I’m going to bask in the swoon for as long as humanly possible, and then wait until javabeans tells me it’s safe before I watch the next episode"-GF

Same here GF.. I don't think I can bear the heart ache next episode, so I'll just wait for the recap on DB instead of watching it online the night it airs?


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Will forever be in love with Jo Jung-seok and his acting. Gong Hyo-jin is endearing and Go Kyung-pyo is doing wonderfully but Jealousy Incarnate is the Jo Jung-seok Show through and through. Damn, that man is a beast in his craft. I can't imagine another actor playing Hwa-shin any better.


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SH:R - So I tried and didn't like it much. The execution is horrible and I hate the way they changed the girl's character so much from the original. Bu Bu Jing Xin was so beautifully shot that its so sad to see this version. The other thing is BBJX had 50 episodes to show so many character's arc but here it just seems time rushed and I don't care enough about most characters yet to give a damn.
@Javabeans that video oh my god! I want to see SHJ back in Sageuk and preferably with Lee Jun Ki and an able PD and good writer.

Shopping King..... - Some parts were unnecessarily lagging, the use of English songs and pop-culture were kind of funny. But NJH as the sweet country bumpkin and SIG as the cutest puppy alive are good enough to make it watchable.

Jealousy Incarnate - The scene where Hwa-shin was going to pick up GHJ and constantly babbling the whole way, man that tugged my heart. Its not a great show but its definitely a good one with engaging characters and great acting.

Cinderella.... - Its the cute stage and I'm still enjoying it but seems like agnst is up for an attendance from next week.

Drinking Solo - This is the show I'm enjoying most right now, with its quirky side characters, adorable endearing PHS and puppy Gong myung, I'm in love.


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K2: Its no healer.


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Moon Lovers is not a remake of the c-version but rather an adaptation of the book and which both both versions were adapted from. So k-version can employ its own creativity in the drama which I like. The production also has the liberty to create characters according to their own interpretation of which I like the character Wang So the best.

One example of remake I think is 'Boys Over Flowers'. That is why main characters are exactly the same as the Taiwanese version.


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I think ML is not about who.adapted who but because the executions is bad meanwhile they had another adaptation that is executed good years before.


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In your perpective is probably bad. For me, the drama is amazing. There are maybe rooms for improvement but it is definitely far from being bad.

Besides, I respect the creative styles of the actors, writers, directors, producers and whoever is involved in this amazing production.


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My God! I just realized I'm currently watching the combination of ALL javabeans and girlfriday's choices plus one family drama! Wow! I have too much on my hands. Just one objection. I never liked What Ifs and conditional in grammar. It's a bit unfair and self-contradicting. Who'd put big money for a blockbuster drama with Seo Hyun-Jin in the leading role? Or Lim Ji-Yeon? Or the two talented Suzy-alikes? Or any of the 17-year-olds who super talented? IU was promoted as the grand daughter of Korea. Though I never understood why grandmas didn't even watch her family drama... Hm... Don't get me wrong. I love Seo Hyun-Jin from Duo and her everyday saeguk and the Goddess and Three Musketeers and Let's Eat 2 and of course Another Miss Oh.


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Moon Lovers: The video is nice and the actress seems good but somehow I have already come to care for Su in the person of IU. Her acting doesnt bother me much and I like her bright personality. The actress in the video has a gloomy look so I think the drama would look more serious with her on it, not sure though if that would be better. I haven't seen the actress in a drama yet.

I'm not a big fan of any of the actors/actress in Moon Lovers so I didn't hop in because of them. Neither do I have any idea about the story or the original BBJX. I ony started watching since Moonlight put me into the sageuk mode and thought of checking out ML.

I liked it, Hae Su's spunk and Wang So mysterious character drew me in. I'm not Korean so I'm note affected by their delivery of lines. I'm not bothered by the closeups either, the raps are kinda distracting but not enough to turn me off. The side characters and their stories seem pointless at first since they steal time away from the leads, however, with how the drama is unfolding it seems like their scenes will tie up with upcoming events in the story.

Yes, having two versions sucks. Maybe they should have just made it 24-30 episodes for better storytelling.

The short of it is that I love the show despite the many complaints and I really find the story interesting. Maybe having very few So-Su moments subconsciously hooked me more like a pet awaiting treats, maybe I started with not much expectations, or maybe I'm just so easy to please :-)

I just hope the show and the story continue to get better and end well.


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Drinking Solo: ahh, this show. This just reminds me of all the good times of rom-coms, when the pacing was steady but sure, the leads are petty to the max, the inevitably cute Second Lead Syndrome and an uplifting underdog thread within the story. I'm fully invested in everyone's storyline - Key is especially working his comedic chops well for me! I always laugh at this "di-do-di" tune. Also, when is Ha Suk-jin going to be jealous at his own brother? Gimme, Show, gimme!

Fantastic: am I the only one who ships Joon Ki with So Hye? It seems like everyone jumped ship to Hae Sung-So Hye! Don't leave me behind, guys! The cancer-buddies thingy really tugged at my heartstrings, and I find it strange how quickly our heroine turned hearts towards Hae Sung when an episode or two ago she was JUST mooning over Joon Ki. I want it to be drawn out longer, but then again, So Hye is on a ticking time bomb here. (Probably not the best analogy out there. Sorry! I'm running on 5 hours of sleep instead of my usual luxurious 9.)

Bring It On, Ghost: *throws salt towards creepy Professor* *chants a prayer* Kwon Yul is seriously killing it! (Pun fully intended. Ha-ha.) I never knew he could be so intense and chilling, yet everytime his character appears onscreen, it's even scarier than the ghosts'! Meanwhile, my Bong-Ji ship is sinking (gah, Monk Myung-chul, you homewrecker!) and I can't do anything about it although I want to throw them an anchor and tell Hyun Ji to stop being such a Noble Idiotic Person. Oops, I meant Noble Idiotic Ghost. If that's what she even is.

The Good Wife: what is it about shows like these that make me question my morals in life? I'm happy for Yoo Ji-tae to land another huge role (after his awesome one in Healer), and while he's absolutely working his suave charm, I'm also left wondering if it's OK to like a baddie. Is this a rule-breaking thing? Could I go to jail over this? No worries - even if I do, I can always call on the ever-classy and respectably badass Hye-Gyeong to save me.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo: so far, this sorta reminds me of a rom-com but waaay back in Goryeo era, where the main heroine gets entangled into more than one love lines and issues seem to be resolved pretty quickly. However, I was pretty pleased at Soo's recent vision of So as King Gwangjong - it gave me shivers! It really upped the dark aspect of the show and I look forward to how that plays out. Meanwhile, can you all fund me some money so I could go to Korea and teach the director some new ways to shoot a k-drama? It doesn't always have to be (super-awkward) close-ups, y'know! Especially since 98% of IU's expression is a real-life version of the ":0" emoji.

Doctors: I...am deeply ashamed of continuing this. But it's for Yoon Kyun-sang! And he's worth 20 boring, fluff-filled episodes between a teacher and a former student! Well, OK, I'll give this show some creds - episode 1, 2 and 3 were pretty badass and...


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Officially dropped Moon Lovers/Scarlet Heart. I don't know..I'm just not into it. The story is definitely getting somewhere though but the execution and directing still annoys me. So nah. I don't feel like continuing on. Sorry. But I'll still be reading recaps.

The only show I'm watching and enjoying right now is Moonlight Drawn by Clouds. But oh no, the angst is coming isn't it? But since it's Park Bogum and Kim Yoojung who will be acting out the angst, it's gonna be freaking amazing. Can't wait.


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Moon lovers - its my crack. For me the standout scene was when WS was all happy and light. It was bittersweet because it showed what he could have been had he not been treated like a monster. i don't think the kiss was supposed to be romantic. it was just a reminder that despite all the injured puppy feels that WS has been giving lately, he can easily cross the line especially when he feels hurt. He is the anti hero at best and the villain at his worst. come soon monday!

ice fantasy - i. just. can't. breathe. What is this ? its so so so bad that i burned through 5 episodes at top speed out of sheer horror. Then finally sanity prevailed and i stopped. phew!

at the urging of beanies, i picked up 2 shows that i dropped ->

JI - I still feel like i'm missing the inside joke when i see this show. Or like i missed some vital part of the dialogues. So i don't get why anyone is attracted to anyone because the conversations are not giving me anything. And the funny instances i didn't really find funny. Him dancing/singing drunk for her, the impotency medicine etc ...

moonlight - the hero is nice. the heroine is nice. the second lead is nice. the sidekick is nice. the eunuchs are nice. Everyone is nice, nice, nice. Not so nice things happen to these nice people but fear not, no lasting damage done because everyone is nice. Its a completely flat show.

So my original verdict holds. These are not the shows for me. dropped again.

Excited about - K2 - the Healer returns! Yes!!!!


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I can agree that moonlight is safe but flat?? just because they are nice?
they have plot, conspiracy, the bad guy, he underdog hero and heroine, the past conspiracy, the mole we didn't knew,
if you focus on romance then it solve because they already together? but it's not and moonlight is flat??
Flat means nothing happen .. when yeong become regent, the gender bender solve, the missing child solved, the charactrr growth, the force inside and outside is coming out, ...

I knew it's not for you but flat is reaching objectively said


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Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - Current crack drama, and first crack drama since Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I must have a thing for youth sageuks. This show is speaks to me. It appeals more to my emotions than by intellect (because yeah, plot is rather trite) but holy moly does it move me. I'm with you show, until the very end.

W - I thought that last scene and narration was a poignant way to end the show. Chul and Yeon-joo are able to live in peace but at a great cost. I was able to follow its logic from beginning to end so I'm good with the overall world building. I love how it invoked the "death of the author" trope in the literal, metaphorical, and metafictional sense. I know the last episode disappointed a lot of people, but I love it.

Han Hyo-joo did fall short on the acting front, though. I thought the crying was overwrought to the point of being artificial.

I also wonder if W would've been better off had it aired on TvN. As much as I love Chul and Yeon-joo, I felt that the show made a concession to big 3 drama norms by including too much romance. I mean, it WAS advertised as a romance, but the actual show would have benefitted by being more like Nine (which was primarly a time travel drama with a dash of romance).

The Good Wife - It's a wonderful show, but I've stalled at episode 12. I mean, that kiss was hot but I really don't want to see Tae-joon doing his best to wreck Joong-won and force Hye-kyung to submit to his whims. Maybe one day...

Moon Lovers - Stalled at episode 4, will wait until the SBS episodes are completed and subs for those are out. I want to like this, and sometimes I do. It's just that something (the directing, the editing, the music, and sometimes the acting) pulls me out of the story just as I'm getting into it. I want to watch the best version there is, because I don't want to give up on this show after giving up on Joseon Gunman and Scholar Who Walks the Night.

I'm looking forward to The K2. I wasn't really sold on Healer (don't shoot me, guys!) but I was amazed at the visuals when I did a quick scan of The K2's pilot. Hope it keeps up!


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On The Way To The Airport - among all the dramas, it's good and well done. I'll say this one tops.

Shopping King Louie - quirky, funny, slapstick like but hilarious. Seo In Guk is versatile actor who deserves more recognition. He is really good actor no matter what character he does.

I haven't gotten around to watching K2 so I have no opinion as of yet.


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Scarlet Heart
I am a huge fan of the Chinese drama. It was the 1st time I actually searched for the online novel & read it (hadn't read Chinese in 15years!), then went out & bought the book too. The drama production was just the icing on the cake. But I always wondered if the Koreans would be able to recreate it better.

I love IU, Lee Jooki & Kanh Haneul. I watched their previous shows & was positive they could act. And I love sageuk so I was looking forward to scarlet heart so much.

But I was so disappointed in Ep 1. The producers decided to remake the show without even understanding the basic premise of the original version & which is where the Chinese title (步步惊心) comes from.

I shouldered on thinking hey my beloved version was a Chinese girl going back in Chinese history. This is different...different girl, different history...so no comparisons but...the writer has a tendency to take the major scenes in the Chinese version & surplant them into the Korean version which not only reminds viewers of the original, its also done in a different context which makes the story jarring. Add the weird directing + editing + ost = a (near) disaster.

I understand that the Chinese version was also shown in Korea & it was a hit. Perhaps that explains the ratings?


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tbh I think the rating in the 1st week is okay, nowadays kdrama tends to pick up after second week cause many people also wait fot a review,

but the pilot just so underwhelmed and people move on, but the rating is a bit increasinb for this week so people may tend to take another chance too...

and I completely understand how hard it is to removed the chinese drama vibe+memory when the korean version showed the same exact scene but I just want to said "it wasn't about that.., you at least have watch BBJX right?"

but don't you think it resemble goong-palace, jade of lockhart??


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Sorry for the late reply I cant seem to find my posts on my mobile & usually wait till am back on a desktop in the office.

'but don’t you think it resemble goong-palace, jade of lockhart??'

I always felt that palace was more of a remake of the F4 drama set in the Qing period...

there's tons of backstory to the BBJX / palace lockheart production. you should google to read about it...


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"The producers decided to remake the show without even understanding the basic premise of the original version & which is where the Chinese title (步步惊心) comes from."

I joined BBJX party really late and I didn't participate in any online discussion. So what's the meaning behind the title? I know it's literal meaning but is there more?

Now that you brought it up, there was actually plenty of 惊 in Moon Lovers last week :D


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The thing is, it is not a remake but an adaptation of the book or novel. Big difference there. Both versions are adaptation of the novel so they should hold their own interpretations.

For me hands dowm, I love the korean version particularly the interpretation og Wang So's character. It is just brilliant.


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Sorry for the late reply I cant seem to find my posts on my mobile & usually wait till am back on a desktop in the office.

I was scrolling back trying to look for someone's comment & discovered its yours! haha

'It is the premise of travelling back in time, facing temptations to change history and fate of people you’ve grown to care for and surviving it all.'

i think you've got the part on the literal translation - startling heart with every step...the lead character knew how history would end (was the only 1 in the story who knew the ending) and thus she was conscious of how her actions might affect everyone and/or history...and so every step she takes makes her fearful.

i am hoping that there will be alot more 惊 coming up cos in history So is the 4th king...so there's another 2 kings who die first...


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I don't see many comments on K2's premiere.

I am not sure what to make out of it. Maybe ep 2 should do the job.


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I start watching K2 since I've been annoyed with the execution of Moon Lovers, especially the writing for Hae-soo. I thought I would get used to it or it will get better somehow, but none seems to be the case. K2 ep 1 made me feel better. A bit too much actions for my taste, but it's intriguing enough. Definitely looking forward for more.


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Thanks for your inputs across the current dramas! I'm also waiting for the comeuppance for the villains in Fantastic. I agree, they are super easy to hate; there's no redeeming qualities yet.


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I dont understand why some are looking for healer in k2. Arent they different dramas. Its a completely different story. why should jcw choose sth like healer again i mean story wise repeat the same thing. I bet if it was like healer people would say its the same thing. I guess any drama deserves to be judged after a few episodes not particularly talking about k2 here but judging a drama after 1 or 2 episodes is not really right as it was the case with healer too. I still remember after the first 2 episodes the reviews were quite average but for many it changed afterwards. everyone has a different opinion. Not everyone is supposed to like everything. I appreciate people who at least give a drama a chance before ruining it for others even if they dont like it later after a few episodes. As i can see here many have not liked some dramas at first but they grew to like them after even 6 or more episodes. This is just a personal opinion and not addressing any particular member.


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Moonlight: Love love love this series and it's just hitting all the right emotional spots! From cute scenes to touching scenes to the impending angst, I'm in this till the end and there'd better be a happy ending for Yeong and Raon.

Moon Lovers: The pace is finally picking up amidst all the choppy editing and keep tracking of the two versions that are airing... More So-Su scenes and development please! Though I do see how IU falls short when you get a video like the one that's shared above.

My Wed-Thur slots are empty now that W has wrapped up and I'm not watching anything new on these days. Perfect time for me to catch up. Finally finished the last two ep's of Bring It On, Ghost and the rest of C-series Love O2O.

Cinderella: Still watching this since I like the fluff for weekends. XD Finally, there is an actual plot that looks like it's got some pending twists happening besides Hyeji's sob story. I just want to see Jiwoon and Hawon get through all the obstacles to be together.

Still gotta catch up on most of the Fantastic ep's. After that, I'm gonna see if I wanna watch the Doctors and Uncontrollably Fond ep's that I haven't seen yet, or start another series instead.


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Shopping King Louie and Scarlet Heart Ryeo are the only 2 current dramas that I followed at the moment. Reasons; SKL is nothing but cliches, but the cliches comes with a lot of heart, warm feeling and great acting skills from the two main leads, Seo In Gold and Nam Ji Hyun. SIG is nothing but the goodness all over, and anyone who is a true fan will understand what I mean by goodness; he was blessed with the unconventional looks, add on with that 15+ alpha crazy male hotness that can outrun just anyone, plus that acting skills of his, means that I am so gonna watch anything, any dramas that has SIG in it!
Scarlet Heart Ryeo; the only thing that makes me watch this drama is the sad and strong character of Wang So, because I want to see what fate has in store for him. IU is beautiful, but this drama PDnim really need to tone down that close-up shots, because it doesn't work very much for me. Really too much close-up shots just makes me feel dizzy, and IU wide-eyed character doesn't help much either. But I liked her way more that Bae Suzy, mianhee.


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