Jealousy Incarnate: Episode 3

I’m liking this show a lot more (and I’m a lot less confused!) now that the character introductions are clarified, and the plot is finally kicking in. Strangely, that plot isn’t at all what I expected — it’s a lot more serious and grounded than anticipated. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because while I’m missing the cute rollicking rom-com I was looking forward to, I’m really enjoying the more somber, thoughtful show I’m being served.


After Hwa-shin confronts Na-ri about making his heart flutter with worry over he broadcast, Na-ri tells him that she’s no longer interested in his chest or him. She walks out, saying that this was her last broadcast. Hwa-shin stands shamefaced for a minute, then storms out of the room. But he doesn’t go after Na-ri — he walks right past her, and continues into a nearby office.

Na-ri runs into Jung-won, who looks pleased to see her. But before either of them can say anything, perky newscaster GEUM SOO-JONG pops up to thank Jung-won for the suit she’s wearing, which his store donated to the station. Soo-jong happens to be one of the girls who was hired when Na-ri interviewed, and she and Jung-won were previously set up on a blind date.

Jung-won watches Na-ri leave while Secretary Cha gushes that Jung-won is Soo-jong’s fan, and Na-ri grumbles to hear it. Jung-won wants to follow Na-ri, but Soo-jong invites him to watch her broadcast from the control room. Secretary Cha coos that he’d looove to, earning a death glare from Jung-won, heh.

Na-ri stops outside to watch the three talking, and from her perspective, Soo-jong and Jung-won look awfully cozy. She sighs that she wouldn’t have been fired if she’d been wearing Soo-jong’s outfit.

Hwa-shin stomps all the way to the newcasters’ office suite, and prints something out from one of the computers. He asks PD Oh why he fired Na-ri, and everyone on the office stops to watch their confrontation.

Hwa-shin says that PD Oh has always favored ratings above everything else, and loves any newscasters who bring in the highest numbers. He shoves the printout at PD Oh, asking why he didn’t award Na-ri, and PD Oh’s mouth drops open when he sees there was a massive spike in ratings when Na-ri was on the air tonight.

Sung-sook and Ja-young go on the defensive, saying that the weather isn’t news, and Na-ri isn’t a real reporter. Hwa-shin barks back that at least Na-ri doesn’t just read news that someone else writes — she researches the weather herself, and writes her own reports.

Na-ri stops at a pojongmacha to drink, and she ignores a call from her “Complainer.” She doesn’t see Jung-won standing nearby, and when she doesn’t answer he approaches her table. She tells him to sit somewhere else, then grouchily asks if he’s a fan of every woman on TV.

Jung-won asks if that’s wrong, which throws Na-ri off-balance, and she wonders if it is wrong. Jung-won says that he hasn’t done anything wrong to her today, and asks why she’s arguing with him.

Na-ri asks if he’ll sponsor her with his clothes, then takes it right back when he doesn’t immediately respond. Jung-won says that he’s a businessman, so he doesn’t take losses unless it’s for a friend or a girlfriend. He asks what she’ll do for him if he sponsors her.

Na-ri considers her choices while Jung-won waits patiently. She gets the embarrassed giggles and says that he probably doesn’t need any more friends or girlfriends, while she needs both friends and a boyfriend. She waves him on about his business, and he goes after telling her that she did well today.

Pal-gang isn’t eating or sleeping from worry over her father’s condition, and Chi-yeol and Dae-goo are growing concerned. They follow her around like sad little puppies, and watch as she falls asleep sitting up on a bench.

Ja-young interrupts Sung-sook as she rehearses her broadcast, asking if she knows where Pal-gang lives and whether she’s seeing her secretly. Sung-sook reminds Ja-young that she invited her to her wedding to Pal-gang’s father, though Ja-young pouts that no sane ex-wife would have actually attended.

She says that even Sung-sook’s overly generous monetary gift was scary, but Sung-sook says that she gave that money so Ja-young would use it to take care of Pal-gang. Ja-young used it to buy herself a designer bag instead, but she defends that she spent even more of her own money feeding and clothing Pal-gang. In her mind, that makes her more of a mother than Sung-sook, who only threw money. Sung-sook ignores this, and says that she’s decided to find her daughter and raise her.

Hwa-shin sees Na-ri sitting on the sidewalk after failing to hail a taxi, and pulls up next to her. She hilariously hops in the backseat and directs him to her place, thinking he’s a cab driver, and Hwa-shin doesn’t correct her.

She’s pink-cheeked and chatty after several beers, and Hwa-shin steams over the fact that she doesn’t recognize him. Feeling petty, he takes corners too hard just to tip her over, and tells her that she’ll have to pay for it if she barfs in his car. Finally Na-ri admits that she knows this isn’t a taxi, ha.

They get out to walk so that the night air can sober up Na-ri, and Hwa-shin asks if she knew he wasn’t a taxi when she got in his car. She points out that he wouldn’t have given her a ride if she just asked, and he can’t even say she’s wrong.

She asks Hwa-shin why men never offer her a ride without her having to ask, and why she always has to ask a man to be her friend or boyfriend. He doesn’t answer that either, nor does he want to know who Na-ri was drinking with, and she grouches that he’s not curious about her at all. Hwa-shin gives Na-ri his jacket when he sees her shivering in her skimpy outfit.

Chef Rak helps the boys carry the sleeping Pal-gang home, and Chi-yeol is surprised to see Na-ri walking towards their building with a man. Chef Rak gets a little angry, and wants to get a better look at a guy who would get Na-ri drunk while he stays sober, but Dae-goo stops them both.

Na-ri wonders out loud what she’ll do starting tomorrow, and Hwa-shin tells her to go on some blind dates and get married. Na-ri’s silence speaks volumes, and Hwa-shin says that she should find someone better than him and rub it in his face.

Na-ri says that he’s already out of her league, but she’d like to find someone better and love him with all of her heart. Hwa-shin notices that she becomes more open when she’s drunk.

He drops her off at her building, and Na-ri finally thinks to ask why he called her earlier. Hwa-shin lies that he mis-dialed, and they both nervously agree that he has no reason to call her. They linger there for a moment, then Hwa-shin reluctantly goes.

He passes by Chef Rak and the kids, and Pal-bong, who’s now awake, hides her face from her uncle. She remembers back to three years ago, when she’d picketed Hwa-shin’s station with a sign saying that her father is not a swindler. Hwa-shin had run out to her, looking stricken, and both Ja-young and Sung-sook had joined them.

Hwa-shin’s mother had pleaded with Pal-gang to let this go, because nothing she does will effect Hwa-shin. She’d said that she no longer considered Hwa-shin her son, so he’s not Pal-gang’s uncle anymore either. She’d finally pulled Pal-gang away, leaving Hwa-shin alone on the sidewalk.

Na-ri washes off her makeup and pulls her station ID out of her purse to look at it. Chi-yeol comes home and asks if she’s got something to tell him, and when Na-ri asks if she should do something else, Chi-yeol reminds her that she wanted to apply to be an announcer. He tells her not to quit, and that he’s proud of her.

He asks if she really wants to be an announcer, and Na-ri says that she does. She tells her brother that the strap on her station ID is red because weathercasters never know when they may be fired — newscasters have blue straps, which are only for permanent employees. Na-ri gives a dry laugh, and says that she doesn’t even wonder what kind of people work at the station, that she only sees the color of their straps.

She bemoans the fact that she studied so hard, but she only made weathercaster, and now she doesn’t even know if she’s capable of doing any better. But her dream is to be a newscaster, with the job security that comes with the position.

Chi-yeol and Dae-goo take Pal-gang to Chef Rak’s restaurant, but she still refuses to eat even when Dae-goo tries to feed her himself. Chi-yeol grows annoyed with her stubbornness, so Pal-gang asks for a favor, and says that if they’ll eat, she’ll eat.

We see Hwa-shin’s appointment with the OB/GYN doctor in flashback, and at first he’s flustered when he realizes that DR. GEUM is a woman. Dr. Geum explains that since he’s a man (and therefore an unusual case), they’d wanted to get him in as soon as possible.

At Hwa-shin’s obvious discomfort, NURSE OH looks into a male doctor for him, but none of them are available for several months. Pfft, Hwa-shin starts unbuttoning his shirt right there, and Dr. Geum has to ask him to change in the dressing room.

An ultrasound finds a white mass in the exact location that had concerned Na-ri, and the doctor decides to do a biopsy right away. Then Hwa-shin suffers through a mammogram, which is painful considering his marked lack of breast tissue. His bellow of pain echoes through the entire office, and the technician just deadpans that that’s nothing compared to childbirth.

After it’s all over, he heads to an empty stairwell, which is when he tries to call Na-ri and she hangs up on him.

Jung-won has a beer and thinks about Na-ri, and how she’d gotten nervous when he’d asked what she would do for him if he sponsored her clothing. He calls Hwa-shin, noting that his phone doesn’t alert him that it’s an overseas call (Secretary Cha previously lied that Hwa-shin was still in Thailand). He invites Hwa-shin over and the two play virtual reality video games — which is absolutely hilarious — then Jung-won invites Hwa-shin to stay the night.

Jung-won pouts at Hwa-shin not to leave the country again, because he’s been bored without him. Jung-won mentions an old girlfriend of his who’s getting married, and the two friends realize that she was both of their first kiss. Ew, lol. Hwa-shin wonders if she liked them both equally, and Jung-won wonders if they should go to her wedding and ask. HA.

Hwa-shin decides not to stay over, and on his way out, he starts to tell Jung-won about the lump on his chest. But he changes his mind, and pretends it was nothing.

In the morning, Chi-yeol sees a text reminder on Na-ri’s phone regarding an appointment with Dr. Geum. Ah, so Hwa-shin did go to her doctor. Chi-yeol drops the phone on the bed where she’s trying not to wake yet, and she groggily answers a call when it rings.

It’s Jung-won, calling for his promised personal weather forecast, and is he doing yoga on his desk? Weirdo. Na-ri quickly wakes when she sees that it’s her “complainer,” and she tells him that she got fired. She asks for a minute to get prepared, and runs outside in her pajamas (and HA, the look on her brother’s face).

She asks what he’s planning to do today, and Jung-won says that depends on her forecast. Na-ri figures he has a date planned today, so by the feel of the weather conditions this morning, she says that he could go just about anywhere. Further, there are no clouds, so she advises him to go stargazing tonight.

Jung-won finds this all highly amusing, and says that he’ll pick her up this afternoon. It takes Na-ri a second to realize he’s asking her out, then she backpedals and says that she’s super busy and hangs up (she doesn’t know her complainer is Jung-won).

Na-ri grumbles that his voice sounds very familiar, and Chi-yeol demands to know if she was talking to the guy who walked her home last night. He’s all worked up at the thought, and neither Na-ri nor Chef Rak, who overheard the last bit, understand why.

Awww, Jung-won had ordered some dresses brought to his office for Na-ri to choose from, but he tells his assistant to take the dresses back because the lady is too busy.

Hwa-shin spends the morning drinking beer after beer, and looking up information on breast lumps online. Yikes, never do that!

Ja-young soaks in a luxurious bubble bath, and gets a call from someone claiming to be an investigator at the Seoul District Court. She’s not at all concerned, assuming it’s a voice phisher, and hangs up on him.

Sung-sook also takes a call from someone telling her about a man who was recently arrested for was stealing identities. She also thinks this is a scam, and hangs up.

Hwa-shin receives a similar call, and he’s told that the man had two different bank accounts under Hwa-shin’s name. The accounts were used to carry out fraud, and the victims are now suing Hwa-shin. Hwa-shin asks what he should do, and he follows the caller’s directions, logging onto his bank account.

Na-ri’s young stepmother, Hong-dan, attempts to go to Na-ri’s appointment with her, but Na-ri prefers to go alone. She tells little Beom (and I suppose this makes him her half-brother) that he’ll have to get a huge shot in his hiney if he goes to the hospital, scaring the little guy until he cries so that Hong-dan is forced to stay home.

Ja-young surreptitiously watches Hwa-shin’s place until he leaves, then lets herself in, since the passcode hasn’t been changed since the last time she was here.

Hwa-shin goes to the station and takes PD Oh and Dong-gi out to lunch. He informs them that he plans to audition for the anchor position, and Dong-gi warns him that Sung-sook plans to also audition for the job. Hwa-shin breezily says that the competition will only make him look better.

He’s not asking PD Oh and Dong-gi’s help — he’s only asking them not to stand in his way. Hwa-shin goes a bit stiff when he’s reminded that he’ll have to turn in a copy of his medical records.

At her exam, Na-ri learns that she needs surgery — she has a new lump in her breast, and while it’s not cancer, it still might cause complications. Na-ri quips that her breasts are small enough without removing even more, and Dr. Geum reminds her that this is good news.

Hwa-shin also goes in for his test results, and unfortunately, he’s not as lucky as Na-ri. He has breast cancer, and Dr. Geum reassures him that this is rare, but it does happen to men.

Hwa-shin’s instinct is to deny it, but the doctor tells him that he’s young, and the cancer is only in Stage One. She says that being a man makes his cancer no harder to treat or cure, and that with surgery and treatment, he’ll be fine.

Hwa-shin says disbelievingly that he can’t have cancer now — he’s got an audition in a month. He asks Dr. Geum to get him well by then, and adds that nobody can know about this. It finally hits Hwa-shin that he has cancer, and his voice quivers as he asks the doctor why this is happening to him.

Dr. Geum tells Hwa-shin again that the cancer is in a very early stage, and very treatable. She says that they can just surgically remove the cancer itself, or do a full mastectomy, which she recommends. His eyes go wide at that, and he asks how he could do things like swim, or even look normal in the nice shirts he likes to wear, with only half a chest.

He accuses the doctor of not caring because he’s a man, saying that men’s chests are important, too. Dr. Geum tells him that if he chooses not to have a mastectomy, he’ll have to undergo radiation every day for six weeks, but to Hwa-shin there’s only one choice.

He asks about scars, begging the doctor to please be as careful with him as she is with her female patients. She says that there’s no way to avoid some scarring, but that they’ll fade with time. Hwa-shin suggests that she cut at the edge of the areola so that the scars are less visible, and Dr. Geum replies that she’ll do her best.

Pal-gang’s father is breathing on his own now, and seems to be improving. Pal-gang puts earbuds in his ears so that he can listen to music, and he hallucinates that his mother arrives to see him. Sung-sook and Ja-young also enter to bring him flowers, then Chef Rak, Chi-yeol, Dae-goo, and even Jung-won all show up and cover his bed in bouquets.

Na-ri and Hwa-shin also come, and they all stand around the bed, smiling down at him. They push his bed out of the room and down the hall, and into a bright white light. They all dance around the bed while Pal-gang’s dad nods and smiles at them, then they pull him up to spin and dance with them. He floats back to the bed and into reality, and Pal-gang (the real one) takes some pictures of the tiny smile on her father’s face.

Na-ri arrives at the hospital for her surgery, and though the other bed in her room has the curtains drawn tight around it, nobody answers when she says hello. She notices a pair of slippers peeking out from under the curtain, so she tries to be quiet as she unpacks her bag.

She asks if the other patient minds her turning on the TV, and still there’s no reply. She undresses, which we just see as a silhouette through the sheer hospital curtain, and there’s a cough from the other bed as Na-ri is stepping into her hospital-issued pajamas.

The television is tunes to the SBC news, and Na-ri grouches to see that the station is getting along just fine without her. She starts to change the channel, but a voice from the next bed asks her to leave it. It’s a male voice, and Na-ri falls off the bed in surprise, ha.

She pulls herself up to peek over the edge of the mattress, just as the curtain around the other bed is pulled aside. There, wearing the same pretty pink flowered hospital jammies as Na-ri, is Hwa-shin.


I’m surprised at the direction this show is taking — call me crazy, but I was expecting a lighter drama about jealous newsroom antics, and fewer breast cancer scares. That’s not to say that I’m disappointed, not at all. In fact, I appreciate the show tackling the unusual topic of a man with breast cancer, and the lighter moments are still fun without being bogged down in the more serious topics. And Jo Jung-seok is doing a fantastic job as Hwa-shin, who’s such an enigma and holds his feelings so close to the vest. But he betrays these small glimpses of vulnerability and loneliness that just kill me, and the more I learn about him the more I realize that his bad behavior is more a defense mechanism than who he truly is inside.

I was really surprised at Hwa-shin in this episode, and the way he championed Na-ri when she was fired. I’m still not entirely sure what made his attitude change from one of detached disinterest to such passionate vehemence on her behalf, but I like it on him. It feels as though Na-ri’s past crush on him was a bit of an ego boost for Hwa-shin, and now that she’s told him she doesn’t like him anymore, he’s realizing that possibly, he liked the attention a bit more than he realized. Then he spent three years isolated from his family, who all hate him for ruining his hyung’s business. To be alone for so long, without anyone to care for you, then return and find someone who cares so much about your well-being, must have left a strong impression on Hwa-shin.

I initially agreed with Saya regarding Jung-won, and how he just seemed to be this one-note, boring character. I know it’s not due to any lack of acting ability on Go Kyung-pyo’s part, because I’ve seen him playing engaging, dynamic characters on more than one occasion. I think that Jung-won is just that kind of guy — his life isn’t that exciting so he’s just sort of coasting along, because his looks and money don’t require him to be any more interesting than that. But then we saw him with Hwa-shin just hanging out and being buddies, and he really relaxed into himself. He let his guard down around his friend and suddenly I found myself caring about him for the first time. I think that as Jung-won gets to know Na-ri, we’ll see him open up and become even more compelling.

I was even more pleased at the change in Hwa-shin around his old friend. He was laughing and making goofy jokes, and seemed more comfortable in his own skin than we’ve seen him to date. It’s clear that these two men are very close, and have been for a long time, to the point that they’re probably each the only person they can really be themselves around. I was especially touched by the moment when Hwa-shin nearly told Jung-won that he may have breast cancer, in that small beat when he changed his mind. You could see his longing to open up to someone and share his fears, warring with a reluctance to have his oldest and closest friend see him differently. I don’t blame Hwa-shin for not telling Jung-won quite yet, and wanting to preserve their relationship the way it is for just a little while longer.

I’m pleased to see Jealousy Incarnate settling into itself this week, because the premiere episode was… well, let’s just say it was rough. The character introductions were confusing and vague, and thank goodness Episode 2 came along to clear up a lot of questions. This episode did an even better clarifying and setting up the central conflict, and while I do wish we’d gotten more cute moments between Na=ri and Hwa-shin, I feel like we’ll be getting plenty of that very soon. I’m glad I hung in there, because the show is slowly but surely finding its footing, and I think that if it can keep the audience interested long enough to hook us in, the show could end up being quite wonderful.


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Loved the breast examination scene, the walnuts and tomatoes


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That scene is gold.


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I was screaming right along side with him. LOL


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I almost could feel the same real pain on my chest. Ouch!


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I was cringing so much for the poor guy.


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I will say the acting was superb and I am very grateful I don't have to do it regularly.


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I'm very optimistic about this show right now. Plenty of rom-coms start out with ridiculous and confusing first episodes (Sam-Soon may be the best example) and don't hit their stride until later. I think this show is trending in a better direction tho I'm still skeptical about the 24 episode length.


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Omo, yes! I was so confused when I watched the first ep 1 of Sam Soon. I decided after over 3 years of drama watching, it was time for that classic. And I started wondering why it was so beloved, even considered dropping it. But I'm glad I finished it out.


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thats it! That's what this felt like. You're dropped in the middle and it's all swirling around you like a well built novel. The show then spends weeks unpacking the themes and layered subplots. Oooo I am so hoping for the best!


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I thought I would drop this show after the second episode, but I gave this a try... Episode 3 surely is good, less confusing, and 'on track'.


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I was ready to drop this drama from the first episode but the more I watch the more I can't get enough of it.
Initially thought it was weird to cast GKP opposite JJS, but the more I watch, the more I feel like it's a good match.


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The same !!! But I think if not for the exceptionnal acting of our main characters this drama would not hold itself. I do not know how they do it but they made us care about them although looking at the all picture this drama is not engaging! They give sense to a drama that does not make much of it.
Anyway I am up for the ride!
But truthfully I could do without the all ahjumma antics. It just gets on my nerves and makes me cringe...


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Couldn't agree more...


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still don't get the joke but I'm willing to wait,
besides, I really invested with the high school trio
I really like how they are all differrent, I think the short one doesn't like ppal gang and just comfortable to her, ppal gang kinda like him and the tall one likes ppal gang, go kyung po also shines in the screen

this drama reminds me of Weekend drama, even if I don't get the MC ( not bad, great acting, I just don't know where they'll go and why I need to care) ,
the side character and 2nd lead is enough to tune in and let the show accompany my dinner time.


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You think? I thought both boys liked her, but I would be happy if the shorter one doesn't because I love the friendship that the three have and I don't want it to be broken. I feel like Ppal Gang is not really that into either boy but is happy to kind of bask in their attention (she constantly on the edge of crossing that fine line between friendship and romance).


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I think my comment probably my feeling until ep 4, I forget this was ep 3 since in many scene,
ppal gang like asked something from the short guy, he sometimes just didn't know what to do and what to react,
ppal gang may have crush/well liked/those familiar feels,

but I probably thinking a lot cause I really like seeing them in a screen being so bright and all , it looked so high-schooler


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Mammograms are tough as it is, I cannot imagine how ridiculously painful it would be with his super tight and muscley chest! I don't think he screamed enough.


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Even though they tried to show that scene in a comical light, it was quite scary to me. It looked really painful and I wondered whether it is more painful than having breast cancer.


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Yes, actually, it is quite painful. I always HATED getting mammograms - until 2012 when they found something and I ended up with a double mastectomy and two years of treatment and am now 100% clear. The pain of mammograms is totally worth it!! I loved the accuracy of the post-op scenes with them all woozy and using the lung inhalers...so important! I hated that thing. It's tough to conquer. I'm loving this drama on so many levels!!!


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Congratulations @ lunatic4kd. It takes Immeasurable strength to go through all that and come out even stronger. You are an inspiration to people to stay strong and I have a phobia of all things hospital related so, I can't even imagine.


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Lol at the inhaler - I hated that thing!

Congrats on being a survivor! I'm one too.


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The smaller you are and the more firm your breasts are the harder it is. If you are bigger and they are softer, it's not really a big deal. There is some awkwardness as you are put into position. They did play things up on there for laughs and it would have been hard for him since his chest is so small and firm.


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I think the discomfort depends on the size. I am a larger ajhumma so it doesn't really hurt - it is just really tight and uncomfortable. I've been getting mammograms for over 20 years - I was diagnosed w/breast cancer in my 20's. The pain of mammograms are nothing compared to the pain (physical, mental, and emotional) of breast cancer. So don't let concerns over whether it will hurt stop you from getting one when it is time!


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It definitely isn't. My mum was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and she's going through hell. Surgery and cancer treatment can be a very difficult and painful process to put it mildly. In the U.K. women over 50 (sometimes earlier) have routine mammograms every 3 years - it's really nothing compared to having to go through cancer.

A lot of women don't go for their mammograms because they're scared of how uncomfortable they are. But all women should definitely go and get themselves checked out regardless. It is worth it and very important to detect potential malignancy as early as possible.


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Thank you @ beenthere, dramamama and yuju for sharing your experience and now I feel like an negligent idiot to have thought like that. And congrats dramamama for defeating cancer. Hope things get better for your mother yuju. Fighting!


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I want to come and wave the flag ???for mammograms in case anyone is scared by what they just saw! Everyone has different pain thresholds and even different technicians can make it worse or better but pain from getting mammograms is temporary! You won't remember it by the time you leave the room and it won't even leave a bruise. Please don't let this scene keep you or anyone you love from monitoring their health as best you can ❤️
But it sure was funny.


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I really love this drama, it's a great watch after having to watch W which gives me massive stress. Jo Jong Suk and Gong Hyo Jin are really doing a great job (and why should I be surprised about that?) I have great faith in this drama, I believe it could come in first in ratings once W ends its run.

Jung-won's Secretary Cha is meddling with JW's business way too much than he should for a secretary. Lying to his friend that he is away, trying to play cupid in his relationship and tell him what to do. His attitude makes him seem less of a professional than he should be, and it makes his character really unappealing.

The dance scene was HwaShin's brother slightly ruined the momentum and I felt was unnecessary. That aside, Hwa Shin has alot going on for his character with potential development. Why is he such a grumpy pants when he is a ball of fun with his best friend, whether he had a reason for reporting on his brother's business. HwaShin's character is at time annoying yet relatable.

For Nari so far, she just seems like your typical poor female lead, trying to make ends meet and seeing no prospects in her job. However, we're only 4 episodes in so there's plenty of room for her character develop which I await. Got to say, I love her work attitude though.

For Nari so far, she just seems like your typical poor female lead, trying to make ends meet and seeing no prospects in her job. However, we're only 4 episodes in so there's plenty of room for her character develop which I await. Got to say, it's Gong Hyo Jin so she's probably going to pull something out of the bag


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I believe it could come in first in ratings once W ends its run.

The breast cancer plot is already interesting viewers who are currently invested in W. In the Korean portal sites/forums, there are already highly upvoted comments about promises to watch Jealousy Incarnate once W ends. No idea how that'll play out once Seo InGuk comes on screen though.


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SIG hasn't had the best of luck in terms of his public drama ratings, but I hope this is his turning point especially after the recent success of Squad 38. However, amnesia and chaebol plots are rather overused


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"SIG hasn’t had the best of luck in terms of his public drama ratings, but I hope this is his turning point especially after the recent success of Squad 38."
Agreed! SIG is so talented and enjoyable to watch, I'm always really sad when his projects aren't as popular as they should be.

I'll be so torn between Jealousy Incarnate and SIG's new drama once it comes out:( if only they had different timeslots!


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They aren't unpopular just not quite there. He deserves better but what can you do?


I am lucky I watch online because if I had to contribute to live audience I'd have to get two screens...


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The secretary is annoying me to no end. At one point, I yelled at my screen "Are you the boss, or is it me?" Needless to say, I got some looks concerned about my mental well being.

He would have been fired last year if it was me.


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I know. I spent the episode wondering how in the world this pushy bastard got so far. Where is the suave? If you can't finesse the boss and act like that you will get fired!


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I have the same thoughts regarding Jung Won's secretary.
How dare he intercept his boss's phone calls!
What personal secretary is loyal to someone besides the boss whom he serves? Worst of all, he is loyal to the person who wants to control his boss! Shouldn't he be helping his boss to pull wool over Mommy's eyes? He needs to be fired asap.

I'm hoping that SIG's new drama will have a better script than this one.


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I was considering dropping this show, but boy, am i glad that i decided to watch two more episodes and decide. Because this week's episodes were really fun and enjoyable. Now that i could see what this show really could be, i don't want it to go back to what it was. If this is what i ll get for the next 20 episodes, I am more than happy to watch. I have started to like all the characters including the doctor and the cute nurse except maybe the two ex sister in laws but i am willing to give them a chance. So, I have officially started rooting for you, show, please don't let me down.


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That trippy disco scene was the only thing wrong with this episode.


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Yup that got me confused. I thought I was watching another show


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Yeah, when they got to the disco I figured it was a different scene, but I saw all the characters, and I was like, 'Oh, we're still in this fantasy, okay...'


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Yeah, agree that it is not necessary, or is it trying to add an element of musical film genre? Just like the cartoon insert in ep1, it sort of feels out of place.


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More like a layer of dark comedy which I think is part of the mix of this show. That's hard to pull off because viewers may not necessarily capture the reason, so scenes like this have to be executed seamlessly or it'll end up confusing the viewers...which is exactly what happened in this particular scene.

But I like how this show transcends and how they backtrack on each of the characters storyline. Its not done abruptly neither is it forced. The pacing hopefully will improve and make the story embrace its characters so its not like 6 stories that make up 1 show.


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I guess they put it in to show Jo Jung Suk's dance moves. hahaha


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On top of that I don't see y they put Go Kyung Pyo there....

How is he related to ppal gang's father???? Could not understand why he was there......


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Isn't JJS the coma guy's brother? I figured coma guy would know GKP because GKP is coma guy's brother's best friend?

If I have the relationships right...


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DramaMama, I thought the same with Jung-Won and Ppal-gang's appa. He's probably known Jung-Won since he was a teenager because he's Hwa-Shin's best friend.

Jung-Won would be closer to appa than the Rak Villa team.


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I liked it but then it went on forever. Too long. While the video-gaming scene was too short. I could have watched that for 60 minutes, so funny.


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OMG that gaming scene was hysterical. It was cut perfectly with the back and forth from the intense, very loud and noisy in-game scenes to the quiet click click click of the two guys' toy guns and ridiculous poses as they played. Sooo funny. ???


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I confess I made liberal use of the FF button.

It was so obviously the kind of scene that if this drama weren't 24 episodes, they would have cut right away. Other than feeling out of place and silly, it also felt like they were trying to fill time (which is never a good thing).

Maybe if the editing of this show were better it could have worked, but I found it just awkward/boring.


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I always think necessary (intentional and sometimes failed) comical scenes are kept to fill the time because this has 24 episodes! I skipped many bickering between side characters which i felt they're too long. And i never think I miss anything.


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<I skipped many bickering between side characters which i felt they’re too long.

Me too.... that overly long fight over the promotional video and the first wife preaching about how she's the most important person... half of her lecture would have still been too long.


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Loving this show! By episode 4 things definitely heated up.


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The whole mammography scene and all his trials pursuant constitute one of the funniest episodes of kdrama I have yet seen. I'm a breast cancer survivor myself and have been through that pain - I had no idea the drama would take this direction, but what an original idea. This was just a brilliant episode all -round including the brother's drug induced dance hallucination. Random for sure, distracting maybe, but it worked wonderfully for me. Also love how Na Ri's getting some chutzpah - I honestly couldn't stand her in episode 1 and almost gave up on this drama. So glad I continued. I've seen episode 4 and it's not as hilarious but feel like it's setting us up for another gem in the episodes to come. This drama is definitely different from usual kdrama but in a good way. Some risks are being taken, and if this episode is anything to go by, they're going to pay off.


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Congratulations on beating the breast cancer beast! I'm a breast cancer survivor as well. That mammogram scene had me rolling with laughter. They got those details down, including the tech turning the screw just a little bit more, and then having to hold your breath...just too much fun! ;)

Cheers to being cancer free!


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My poor husband - my laugh was so unexpected I spewed orange crush all over his shirt. Luckily he was laughing too! Congrats to you too!


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Congrats to both @Barbrey and @DramaMama for surviving breast cancer!! Usually people who went through such life changing experience started to see things in a new light. Getting cancer is like the opposite of winning the lottery, anyone can get it anytime, the unpredictability of it feels like it arises by pure chance through a stroke of ill luck, sigh.

However, the hospital experience portrayed in the kdramas be it medical or rom-com, is often quite unrealistic, doctors in real life are too busy to care about the emotional impact on patients, who are left high and dry to deal with their own fear and anxiety.


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Thanks Pebble. I was stage one, too, so relatively easy and fingers crossed it doesn't return. All you girls on here - get your check-ups regularly! I hope when you have your next mammogram, you remember this scene from the drama to distract you from the discomfort!


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Stay strong @barbey and @dramamama ???

Glad you beat that beast! Fighting!


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Love both GHJ and JJS. Nari's conversation with Hwa shin inside the "taxi" was so funny! Hwa Shin has already started to feign nonchalance which is an indication that he has started to fall for Nari unbeknown to himself.


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The clincher was that it turned out she knew it was his car, not a taxi the whole time. I like that they ultimately have a good sense of humor together despite all the awkwardness of her previous crush and his arrogant ego. The scene in Thailand where she plays out the game of coming back in the door in the different roles of make up artist, hair dresser and stylist, they both shared a laugh.


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I like this show, it isn't what I was expecting but it's good. A little weird and quirky but in a good way, I'll be sticking with it I guess!

Thanks for the recap.


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Totally on the same page with you, Lollypop.

Shaky First Episode but each subsequent better than the earlier ones. Not the romcom one would usually expect but you start to care for these characters one by one as the layers of their back story get peeled off. And of course both JJS and GHJ don't disappoint. Awaiting Ep 5 fervently!


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All singles take note! Latest pick up lines trending in kdrama land adapted from conversation between NR and JW, which could be put to practical use. lol

Guy: I only do this for friends and girlfriends, which you want to be?

Gal: I always need friends and boyfriends, but I think you have plenty of those right?


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Ha ha.. nice one.. :)


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Thank you, LollyPip. I love what you said about Hwa-shin's bad behavior. On the topic of how he stood up for Na-ri when she was fired, I think we got a glimpse of that when she got her "rude phone call" and his exposé on his brother. He highly values the news team. I think it helps us in shipping them, but it seems to fit his character to question the decision of a ratings based producer. I didn't see that as much as a moment for our OTP but for him as a person.

I really don't understand Na-ri as a weather girl vs weather caster/meteorologist. Does she know the science of weather (yeah, I don't know what that means either)? Or is she literally just guessing? Like bruh, I can look outside and guess. I don't get why she was always wrong. That's the one part of the story that really bugs me.

Otherwise, I felt like I was hallucinating with dad. I also thought they were all wearing white because he was dying and going towards the light. I'm glad it was the opposite and he seems to be still recovering.
I'm fascinated with the young stepmother. I'm wondering if she fell put of love after getting married.

The hospital room was a bit cliché, even if it was new to me. But I love forced cohabitation so I won't look this gift horse in the mouth.
Hwa-shin & Jung-won are so cute and I wish Hwa-shin would have confided in his bestie. But I don't confide in mine all the time so I understand.

I like how Hwa-shin stood up for Na-ri because it wasn't just "I'm the male lead. I'm right." But her hard work was the point. And he has been paying attention to it all these years. Even though we don't know their past, there are hints that she wasn't the only one attached to the (non romantic) relationship they had before he went to Thailand. I get standing up for a ratings hit colleague on her first (real) mistake. But why did he know Na-ri's influence on the ratings? Could it be that he's been following this girl's career simply because of the ego boost her crush gave him?

I kinda don't want the youngest trio to end with a couple. I'm barely convinced they are in love with each other. But they would make an epic platonic lifelong triangle. Could you imagine the significant others trying to get approved? Kekeke

On a more superficial note, am I the only person who loves Go Kyung Pyo's hair? It doesn't look like much in photos but in motion, he looks gorgeous.

Well, off to watch episode 4.


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I like his hair too. I know others have expressed the opposite opinions but I think it looks good on him.


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>>am I the only person who loves Go Kyung Pyo’s hair? <<

hahaha, me too,
the dude is gorgeous,
before I though the hairstyle doesn't suit him in picture but when I saw him on screen I just give up my explanation ,he is handsome


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His hair looks awesome! Very distinctive. I just wanna wrap my hands all up in it..


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I am in love with Go Kyung Pyo character. His hairdo is great, is personality is so sweet, he is so good looking... I am in love. I am rooting for him to get the girl!


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<Does she know the science of weather (yeah, I don’t know what that means either)? Or is she literally just guessing? Like bruh, I can look outside and guess. I don’t get why she was always wrong. That’s the one part of the story that really bugs me.

She researches it herself. She does consult with other meteorologists (see ep 4).

I wouldn't judge her for being wrong. Weather forecasts are difficult, it's not this precise science where you can predict everything accurately all the time. I doubt Na-ri is *always* wrong, she would not have lasted at the station for years if that were the case.

<But why did he know Na-ri’s influence on the ratings?

I think anyone could have guessed that that skimpy outfit would send the ratings sky-high....


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How does one gather the information themselves? Do you have to be a meteorologist? Is she a meteorologist? Because when Jung-Won called she just went outside - ignoring ep 4 due to spoilers.

I don't mind her being occasionally wrong. But when she met Jung-Won on the plane, his comment was that "she gets the weather wrong every day" and that's why he recognized her. She focused on the fact that he watched every day but did acknowledge his complaint. I don't know if that means she's been getting it wrong for a few months or all 4 years. But why does she get it wrong at the 19 hour? It seems like an important time slot.

As for the point about Hwa-shin's defense, thank you for the setting. I thought it was a rating based on the last 4 years of her working there. It said something about 1999-2010s or so I thought when I tried to pause it multiple times. I thought the peak in that timeslot throughout the years was at 19:58 or 7:58. I didn't realize it was just that day or understand that from the recap.


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<his comment was that “she gets the weather wrong every day”

I just don't buy that. To me, that's the writer exaggerating, but unless this drama operates in another universe, no weather announcer would be continuing to work for four years in a major time slot if that were true.

It could be Jun-won joking, flirting or her being self-demeaning (by agreeing).

The drama still needs to explain properly how the weather announcer job works, where they get their info from. Tbh, I actually find it surprising that it's the girls themselves who do the research & predictions, I'd normally expect a small team – that includes the weather reader – to gather and prepare the information. Like, someone who has a scientific background in meteorology and fact-checker (because even if Na-ri prepares the forecast herself, there should be a quality check in place!).


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I am giving the show a pass on the weather announcer thing. Clearly they have no clue how meteorology works.


This logic and logistics of her job confused me to to no end. I thought I was the only one. Phew.

When Hwa-shin defended her (according to what I understand from Viki's subs), he says that she doesn't just "announce" the weather but has to actually do research and compile a report.

Ok, sure.

Do the the other 4-5 weather girls do the same thing?
Individually? (Because it doesn't seem like they're a bundle of eager teamwork)
So 24/7 viewers of SBC might receive five different weather reports everyday?

This is so questionable from a drama-viewing perspective and downright inefficient if I resided in said dramaverse.

The only credential Na-ri has is 2 years of announcer academy attendance. So if she prepares her own weather reports, which just looks like they solely consist of her observing the skies and then making (educated?) guesses, then what is the point of a weather segment? Any Korean citizen can be his own weathercaster.

Does this have any semblance to how a major news network handles its weather reporting? I've so cofused...


I originally stayed with this drama because GHJ, like no matter how bad it would be I'll just stay for her. So knowing that actually the drama itself turn out to be promisingg, I am more than relieved. Especially after this week's episode I can see that this won't be a typical romcom drama out there, as much as they are light and warming, It still able to deliver well each of character's struggle and issue. Can't wait to dive into another's RAK house member story


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Looking up symptoms on the internet is something Hwashin and I both do. I recently found an explosion of freckles on my face, shoulders, and arms, so I looked up early signs of skin cancer and stuff. I ended up with the worst conclusion: I'm a dalmatian. Lol.


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I look up symptoms online all the time as well. And always come up with the worst diagnosis.


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After seeing episode 3 I decided dropped. I'm sorry Jo Jung Suk. I'll be waiting for you in a better drama.


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This show has surprised me with its serious tone. Not that I don't like it, I do, but why does it always have to be cancer? Why can't it be a different illness? I didn't follow Uncontrollably Fond because Kim Woo-bin's character was told he has cancer in the first ten minutes of the show. I'll stick with this show for now, because of Jo Jung-seok. He's killing it in this role, and I love the moments of unguarded vulnerability we get from him when he's alone or when no one is looking.

As for the dance sequence, I can totally understand that, and don't find it weird at all. When you're on the hospital, sick and under the influence of drugs, I think it makes perfect sense to hallucinate/dream of having all those you love or feel closest to come to see you. Every single person that Pal-gang's father "saw" are, I believe, people he loves. And the fact that Hwa-shin was there makes me think that he doesn't have the same ill-will towards his brother that his daughter, mother, and ex-wives do. And I hope I'm right because I think that that lack of animosity will play a huge role in bridging the gap between Hwa-shin and his family (hyung's exes included). And I just really want Hwa-shin and Pal-gang to meet. He obviously loves his niece and misses her and she just needs a big hug. Someone please give that girl a big hug and tell her it'll be okay. I hope her dad gets better.

Thanks for the recap!


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oh dang, Abbie. I came here to rant about that stupid white dance scene and how idiotic it is and now you went and made sense of it. In fact, I was hospitalized with a bad infection and full of drugs in the summer of 2012 when I saw Gangnam Style for the first time on CNN. When I saw it on YouTube two weeks later at home I realized I thought I had hallucinated it in the hospital. True story!?


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Do you guys think that maybe Hwa-shin did like Na-ri before he went away? Or just the attention? I think his reaction was a little too strong for someone who couldn't care less.


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Possibly but I'm not sure. When I was a young woman, late teens/early twenties, a number of guys liked me. Even though I didn't want them, if one lost interest, it put my nose out of joint a little, and actually made me more interested in them. Kind of a competitive thing, I think. I think he's always likely been attracted to her physically, has definitely noticed her work ethic, but has taken her interest for granted. Now that the worm's turning, his competitive instincts are going to kick in big time.


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I think he liked the fact that she liked him. I, too, found his reaction a little too strong but then maybe it was because she is the only person who welcomed him back home and cared for him and actually was worried for him and suggested that he gets himself checked-up.

I mean, she's the one he called in one of his most vulnerable moments, so yeah, maybe he liked her too!


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I would have thought he called her because she was the only one who knew about his breast lump (although she did not know it could be cancer). Remember that he was embarrassed about being caught in a gynae hospital and his breast situation, plus being estranged from his family, so that would make it difficult for him to confide in anyone who did not know about his situation from the start.


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I got that vibe when he saw her for the first time in Thailand. He was really nice to her. But I think it was a twisted kind where he liked her interest in him but couldn't entertain an interest in her because he couldn't quite get over the fact that by Korean social standing she's not 'good enough' for him.


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I agree. He is ambitious and very conscious of how he is perceived by others. She has nothing going for her except her work ethic, no connections, money or prestigious academic degrees. He is aware that it would not be to his credit to be linked openly with her despite how warming it is to be admired. I think his time in exile and his recent health scare has got him thinking about the balance between his commitment to work advancement and genuine personal connection.


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Nice summation. I hadn't really thought about class status. I particularly liked your last line, which nails it I think.


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Thank God I did not drop this one. Epi 1 was not very convincing to me, and the part when Nari Keeps touching Hwashin's chest without letting him at the very moment about what she thinks it is, so it leads to another misunderstanding (like any other K-drama which is full of misunderstandins) made me like "Ugh just fucking tell him!"
Anyway, this week's episodes is starting to make me think that I may stick with this.


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Ugh, I hated that chest touching. Kind of gross. Just fucking tell him is right. But really glad I stuck with it.


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Jung-won and Hwa-shin are adorable together. They found out that they had their first kiss with the same girl just by looking at each other's eyes.


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I think its great that they are showing mammograms and how frigging painful they are and talking about cancer treatment in general. But I don't really like their portrayal that a man who gets breast cancer is less of man for getting that type of cancer? Or he should be embarrassed of it? I dunno cancer is cancer. I think that kind of culture would make men less inclined to come forward if they did suspect symptoms. But maybe this drama will make more men come forward?

Other than that really enjoying it!!


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<But I don’t really like their portrayal that a man who gets breast cancer is less of man for getting that type of cancer? Or he should be embarrassed of it?

I think they are doing that to make precisely that point – because unfortunately there will be plenty of people that for some reason will think exactly that, even if that makes zero sense to you or I.

I just want Na-ri (or someone) to tell that any woman that rejects him for having a scar on his chest because of a bread cancer operation, is a woman that doesn't deserve him. But is Korea, plastic-surgery-central. There'll definitely be people hung up about these kind of things.


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I kind of thought the show was doing a good job with the male bc thing. JJS 's character is showing what I assume is a pretty normal reaction for most men diagnosed with what is considered a woman's disease. But then everyone around him just shoulder shrugs and says "why wouldn't a man get it?", basically saying it is rare but not a weird for a man to have it. I assume we will see JJS own it later as it gets outed at work or on air or in some other public way.


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Sorry - this was in reply to @imlikinthisshow's post 23 above.


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is cancer over done in dramas? Maybe, but considering most people's lives are touched by it maybe not. I have advanced metastatic breast cancer and there is no cure for that because it has spread. So when I realized where the show was going I thought oh no I don't want to see this. But actually, I think the show is doing a good job and my feeling regarding the shame of a man getting BC, well, I think that's how they do feel. Not right of course, but maybe the character will deal with it better later. God knows in real life it takes months to come to terms with the fact that your life is not going the way you thought it would.


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It bugged me they actually went the cancer bandwagon but I guess having Hwashin treated would help take down the whole 'im a macho male, i dont have breasts so I cant have breast cancer!' mentality and the 'well, I do have breast cancer but since its a women thing Ill keep it to myself and suffer alone' thing some men and women reinforce instead of worrying to seek treatment.

People are complaining about the disco scene but it was so random it makes sense because Hyung was hallucinating... More than that, it puzzled me why Hyung apparently wants to see his 'wives' again -they appeared next to all the people he cares about- even when they obviously dont care for anyone or are in good terms with him... I dont understand him wanting to see Hwashin either because -even when we didnt had bad intentions- he ruined him.. Maybe Hyung is the noble idiot type? Guess we'll have to wait and see


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Did no one notice that when Jung-won did his weird table yoga thing, he was deliberately imitating a photo (which went viral a while back) of Justin Trudeau? That cracked me up.


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I'm Canadian and almost sang the national anthem when he did yoga on the table, with the VERY obvious Justin Trudeau reference !! LoL


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Jo Jung Suk is a GREAT actor. Love this show.


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