Eccentrics and noona-lovers for cheery romance Fantastic

Hot on the heels of the main leads, the second leads of JTBC’s upbeat human/romance drama Fantastic have their own character posters now, bringing the total count up to five. The initial posters featured series stars Kim Hyun-joo playing a drama writer with a terminal illness and Joo Sang-wook as the terrible actor who falls in love with her.

First up, we have Park Shi-yeon (Greatest Marriage) playing Baek Seol, who married into a prominent political family. The character starts out as “cosplaying a good wife and mother,” which I take to mean she’s playing the part on the surface, but lacking sincerity inside. In her school days she was something of a tough girl, riding around on motorcycles and displaying a hot temper, but now she keeps that temper under wraps, hiding her true nature to appear calm and modest. However, as the drama progresses, she finds true friendship and love. Her poster reads, “I thought life was about holding back and enduring.”

Kim Tae-hoon (One More Happy Ending) takes a departure from his previous roles to play eccentric “fourth-dimension” doctor Hong Joon-ki; he treats the heroine for her terminal illness, and is himself a fifth-year cancer survivor. Described as the most positive person in the universe, he’s the living, breathing example of the concept of “well-dying” (the counterpart to well-being), having laughed even in the face of death when he was unable to treat his illness with chemotherapy or any other anti-cancer methods. His poster reads, “Life? We’re all terminal patients anyway.” With his warmth and cheerfulness, he’ll form a “special love triangle” with Kim Hyun-joo and Joo Sang-wook.

Last but not least, we have Ji-soo (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Goryeo), whose poster literally reads, “Noona-sshi, what does age matter?” Well, they sure pegged their audience — it’s like they know us so well! I mean, in the drama he’s talking about Park Shi-yeon, but really, I’m pretty sure that line is directed at all of us. (I particularly love the noona-sshi, which pairs the formality and distance of sshi with the familiarity of noona, like he’s trying to sneak past the social boundaries to inch his way closer, not that he has to try very hard at all.) Ji-soo plays a young lawyer with looks and brains who turns innocent and boyish in the face of love. He’ll have a noona romance with Park Shi-yeon in the drama.

Fantastic will take up the Friday-Saturday JTBC timeslot from Age of Youth, and premieres on September 2.

Via Sports Donga


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From knowing nothing about the drama to can't-wait-to-watch in under 1 minute!


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I'm the opposite. The terminal illness cliche was off putting but then reading about Park Shi-yeon's character ended my interest.

Since when was holding back a temper for being calm and modest considered a bad thing? Also her character is married but they say she finds true love with the younger guy.......nope, I'm not interested in dramas that glorify affairs, even emotional affairs.

Its funny how everyone seems excited for the noona loving Ji-soo because he is handsome..........but its still an affair. People always seem to root for cheaters, especially if they're hot, but I bet they wouldn't be so thrilled if their real life partner was having an affair.


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Speaking as someone who was cheated on, I'd say keep the upholding of morals to your own life and let fiction tell its own story, but what do I know?

We watch and read fiction about criminals, scammers, murderers and people acting outside the law as sympathetic figures (Ocean's Eleven, Bad Guys, Kill Bill, way too many to name) - is adultery worse than those, to the point where you cast moral judgements on those who watch stories about it?

I don't love Police Unit 38 any less just because I'd hate for someone to scam me out of money in real life. This is no different - I simply don't feel the need to project.


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that's almost too reasonable mate.

People can get a bit lost in fiction.
Fiction is great, it's where I go to escape too, but it's just a story. I am not too concerned about the theme, just the actual depiction... how good is the story is what matters



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Gotta agree with logo. Please keep those kinds of judgments to yourself. Are you suggesting that no one should watch anything immoral? Then, what is there to watch when most dramas would have some element of wrongdoings? It's fiction and is not grounds on whether viewers have a moral compass for their own lives.

Also, personally speaking, I am excited to see Jisoo because his role is totally different than his previous ones. It's a mature, adult role instead of a high school boy. It's expanding his repertoire, and in turn, honing his acting skills. In no way am I condoning an affair and whether or not he's handsome/hot has nothing to do with watching this show. I like Jisoo and wanna check out all his projects to support his endeavours. But that doesn't mean I'll always automatically love everything that he signs up for. I'll watch it like other dramas I watch to see if I like the acting, writing, directing, etc. of the cast and crew.


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I don't find escapism in affair story lines either. It opens the gate on me not respecting the characters, with nothing to go up from.


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hmm if you can't separate what's real, what's fiction then better not watching at all, but not go judge others who could. Personally I LOVE criminal series, shows, especially about serial killers, are you going to 'judge' me for 'supporting' it? you shouldn't generalize just because some people get influenced by the media.
Back to the drama, PSY character says she's married but where is it you read 'affair'? i mean Jisoo may develop feeling for her but she may not reciprocate! at least at first, then who knows what happen next? she can get a divorce, start a new life, get an open ending, etc I mean you still know nothing about them/their story arc; yet you throw your moral here and push your thought about people to fit in your judgement, like what.


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How do you this "glorifies" affairs?

Do shows about crime or even murder glorify them?

Affairs happen in real life - so it's not like a topic that shouldn't be covered.

And affairs happen for many different reasons - and while not all affairs bring up to the surface deep, complex human emotions, some do - which makes them interesting TV fodder.


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Came here after watching the first two episodes (just to see what the lead up to the drama was like on DB)... and having seen PSY's sad life because of a whole number of complicated reasons, if she were to find love with JS, more power to them!


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+2 Park Shi Hyeon's character description intrigues me...with the caveat on how they write out this "I thought i had to endure" scenario. I kind of like the idea of watching someone who had maybe too much fire and has now gone to the opposite side of the spectrum (potentially) emerge into a truer self from both experiences. It could be an emotionally charged character.

And Ji Soo's poster just...ungh.


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I saw Taehoon's poster 4 times and I'm still swooning he's adorable and I want to smoosh his cute face

On a side note: Noooooooo, my Innocent Man OTP is dead ;w;


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totally!! the once innocent man ship!


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Me, too! I was pretty excited for PSY to be paired up with KTH here. So *sheds a tear*. But I'm intrigued by PSY's character description so I'm still pretty excited for this to start. Just happy to see her back on screen again.


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Oh, Ji Soo. You had me since you had your nuts cracked while pole-vaulting in Page Turner.



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OMO, I just shrieked at work thanks to your comment. THANK YOU!!!! HAHAHAHA


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Lol, thank you. I aim to entertain. XD


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OK, now I need to watch Page Turner.


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You should. Ji Soo was totally adorable there.

Darn. I should start watching Angry Mom.


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Bokdongie love!! He definitely garnered attention in Angry Mom and how I first noticed him. ^^ I initially watched that show for Kim Hee Sun, Ji Hyun Woo, and Kim Yoo Jung.


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Ok. I have officially become a fan of Ji Hyun Woo. O.O watching Awl after Angry Mom.


Duh! You gotta watch Angry Mom! That's where all us loyal fans began our love for JiSoo. After that, we must now keep up with everything he has done even if it means busting his nut! Geez! That kills me.
He totally shines in his roles no matter how small. And I love how he is everywhere! Not tired of him yet! ^^


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I'm chuckling as I type this while thinking of that slo-mo descent.... Crack!


OK, so I have plenty to tide me over before W. There's Squad 38, Signal and Angry Mom. Lol.


Holy crap. I had no idea Angry Mom would be such heavy stuff. And Kim Tae Hoon here is so greasy. Damn, I never would have believed he's be capable of playing his role in One More Happy Ending.


You should definitely check it out! He plays such a dorky, cheery character in Page Turner! ^^ All three leads are amazing young talents and only 3 ep's!


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You should! I really liked it. It was uplifting and cute.


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Haha! Thanks, JB! Was waiting for this Fantastic update cuz I already saw the new posters.

I totally agree about Jisoo's noona-ssi tag line!!! And it's funny cuz his agency posted this and the Scarlet Heart posters together and wrote: Noona-ssi, please be careful of your hearts. ROFL Yep, they know us well!!

I'm really looking forward to this cuz Jisoo is playing a different kind of role and no longer a school boy. The main leads plus PSY and KTH all seem great and I'm excited to see them in these roles. =)


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I totally agree about Jisoo’s noona-ssi tag line!!! And it’s funny cuz his agency posted this and the Scarlet Heart posters together and wrote: Noona-ssi, please be careful of your hearts. ROFL Yep, they know us well!!

Hello Lisa :)
Why did I always have the very exact same thought with you. I laughed at Prain TPC official IG's caption too LOL. They really understand us LOL, Jisoo's noona fans.

Even though I also a bit shocked about Jisoo's character who will have an affair. But I also very excited with this new role for Jisoo.

They also already released relationship chart and it shows that Jisoo and PSY character will love each other. When I tweeted about it yesterday, so many reactions like "omg finally etc" something like that, although they know it's an affair thing. So, the thirst for Jisoo get a love line in drama is real. LOL


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Hello!! Good to see you here!! ^^

Hahaha!! Must be because we're on the same wavelength. XD I follow his agency's Facebook and Instagram. They usually make longer post on FB and I just LOLed when I saw that line. They probably know they have a hot rising star on their hands! Jisoo went to Hong Kong recently for a fanmeeting. Did you see pics/vids from that? =)

Oh yes, I saw the character chart. Haha!! Yes, thirst for any loveline is real. XD I think as an actor, one should always attempt different roles. That's how you can prevent being typecasted and how you improve your acting. If you can play good guy and bad guy and be believable, then wow, you're really good. If you can only do one sort of role over and over again, it doesn't really showcase that you are a good actor cuz you can't break out of the mould.


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Hi Lisa, sorry, I just read your reply to my comments on latest Fantastic article.
about Jisoo;s interview. my friend on twitter translated some of his (and LWG :p) post SGG interviews, and yes he really said that. Journalist stated that GBD and SHJ are similar and asked what are the differences. Jisoo admitted that statement and answered (in a bit joking way I think). GBD is poor and SHJ is wealthy lol. And the big difference is GBD doesn;t have any friend while SHJ had BFF, Kim Yeol..something like that. Oh, and I always love read his interviews, he is very thoughtful..


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Haha, glad your friend translated those tidbits for you. I find it hard to understand what's going on at times with no subs or translations, but still happy to see his clips and read up on news.

He's definitely a thoughtful guy... I think that's one aspect of how he studies his characters and tries to bring something different to the table despite similar characteristics or situations.


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Two posters of Ji Soo in one day. Omo. And both diametrically opposite. Looking totally handsome in the formal attire.


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Lol, Ji-soo ah, if you're trying to come even closer to this noona we're in PG17 territory then. ?


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Lol! Jisoo looks so handsome. I've always liked him as a puppy but its the first time I'm seeing him and going 'handsome!' . Loved that they tried something diff with his hair from what i can see with my phone's poor image quality.
I'm also really excited about Park Shi Yeon, want to see her in more things. I'm currently watching Coffee House,still at ep 6. She's so beautiful.


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Coffee House was when my love for PSY started, she was so lovely ^^


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PSY is resplendent in Coffee House, I love her so much in it. <3


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Ahhhh Park Si Yeon in Coffee House was love love love! ❤


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Kim Hyun-joo and Park Shi-yeon <3. This is not my type of show but I hope it'll do well.


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I hope there will be a friendship between these two ladies. Glad that these two will not involve in any love triangle.❤


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Yasss I'm glad, too! :D


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I'm glad it won't be a love triangle because I like both actresses so I really want to like both their characters, too, and not have to choose one over the other.


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I'm glad that they're not in a love triangle! I might give it a shot for the two of them, but I have a hard time with terminal illness story lines unless they're super well-done.


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haha first lee won geun is a lawyer and now ji soo


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Bromance Forever! From drama-to-drama and beyond!
Does that mean we'll soon be seeing Lee Won Geun in a seguek too? Kinda curious bout what he'll look with his crinkly eyes smile.


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It's been a couple years but he was in Moon Embracing the Sun, playing SJR's younger version. :-)


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Whoa Moon/Sun had SJR? That drama had everyone playing someone's younger counterpart. Wanted to check it out for KSH but have been hearing terrible things about it plus cheezy metaphors that were hammered. Nothing against cheezy metaphors but be subtle about it.


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The first 6 episodes (or however long the childhood part was) were absolutely breathtaking and I know a lot people hated the adult part but I actually liked it? ?
Maybe watch it with the FF button on hand? ? I could handle the cheezy and thin plot, was probably too distracted by staring at KSH, but gawd he was one sexy king lol. Though I agree with the overall sentiment that HGI sticked out like a sore thumb, she was incredibly bad.
Maybe I was a lot more forgiving back then since I've only watched a couple kdramas at that time. But I admit that I didn't dare to re-watch it ever since because I don't want to ruin my good impression of it (like I did with an Autumn in My Heart re-watch which wasn't a cryfest anymore but rather a cringefest with lots of eyerolling over 10 years later. ?)



Warrior Namja Song Jae-rim.
Scary eyes like sonic beams.
Caught between his friend and King,
mary's namja Song Jae-rim.


OMG mary. I died laffing.



I hope you're up for performing some last rites, mary, because i just died of laughter reading that poem.


I hope we get to see more of him in this drama than we did of Lee Won-geun in The Good Wife, though.

Now I want them to have a lawyer bromance, the way they had their high school bromance in Sassy Go Go.


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Does anyone remember jisoo's adorable ajjumma crush in angry mom ? ... now he has a crush on noonas. he steals my heart everytime


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Remember? I will never forget that. He had me at the shoe-tying. He's been my #1 noona-killer ever since.


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I knew my place as a noona was cemented when I watched that drama. He slayed me with his adorableness like legit I'm still dead - just reaching over from the other side to emphasize how big this noona's crush is. Ugh just look at that adorable boy and his beautiful suit. *happy sigh*


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Who can forget when it's his breakout role? This noona got slayed... XD


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Dang Ji Soo is EVERYWHERE. He's one hardworking young man ;)


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Ji-Soo is the official Noona Killer of dramaland. I call it and no one should deny that title from him.


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I believe that title belongs to Lee Jong Suk or Seo In Guk. But I might be wrong. I'm a dongsaeng to all three.


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I never thought of Seo In Guk as a noona killer even though I adore him. Lee Jong Suk is losing it as he's playing more mature characters, so Ji Soo is definitely slaying this noona... Er , ajumma.


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Oooh. Definitely Lee Jong Suk and Yoo Ah In. O.O


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Yoo Ah In in Secret Love Affair is 대박!!!! :D


I believe that accolade should be awarded to either him or Park Bo Gum: Ji Soo on account of his roles, and Park Bo Gum for just being Park Bo Gum. Both 93-ers possess enough moxie to slay noonas left and right. lol.


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Agree with you 110%!!!!!


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Honorable mentions: two other 93ers Seo Kang Joon and Lee Tae Hwan. Although the latter seriously needs more air time. Or will he end up as another Yoon Kyun Sang? T_T


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Argh! I totally forgot the ultimate noona slayer. Like, maybe some of the kids here calling the other candidates oppa are prolly his noonas.



Haha! Agree with you again. I quite like SKJ and only recently got to know LTH while watching W. The 93-ers have quite a lot of young talent. =)

YJG... Gosh, he's like a baby that I've watched growing up. LOL


You didn't watch Come Back, Ahjussi? O.O


Also, it was Yeo Jin Goo's birthday yesterday. Just saying. Lol.


I wished Jisoo will be given a lead role after this. He's handsome and talented.


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But hey, at least he'll get a romance line where (hopefully) his puppy heart won"t be stomped flat.

Right? RIGHT????


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Let's hope the drama gods will be kind to him and to us who would be itching to console him once his hopes are dashed. T-T


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Dear Drama Gods:
Stop stomping on Ji Soo's heart! We can hear you laughing up there. We're getting more and more suspicious of your sadistic tendencies.

All the Noona Beanies

P.S. And give him a lead role someday, too.


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Is it possible for Park Shi Yeon not to look sexy or sensual? Love the pic,so subtle and chic. I take it the guy in glasses is Kim Tae Hoom. Haven't seen him in anything but he looks cute and cheerful


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Oh God, Hoom! Hoon.


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Bless you, please love Taehoon he's my child


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If you saw OCN's Bad Guys, he's the antagonist. If you saw One More Happy Ending, he's the adorable male half of that couple on the brink of divorce. =)


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Omg! Thank you for reminding me of that role! I loved him there, lol. SO weird I was actually thinking about that show today but a completely different aspect of it.


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You could also watch Angry Mom for Jisoo AND Taehoon, two good looking men in 1 package uwu Taehoon was evil in it though but the delicious evil kind, like those annoying Subway PPLs that don't go away


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Oooh. That sounds as delicious as a Subway sandwich.

No irony there. I like Subway. Despite the flagrant, cringe-worthy product placements. XD


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Park Shi Yeon is still hot as ever. The lady has that sensual appeal. I think she, Kim Sarang and Lee Honey are the sexist korean celebs.


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I agree! They have that effortless subtle sexy thing going on. And all three happen to be ex-Miss Korea contestants, too.


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A Noona romance with 2 blazing hot people!! My kryptonite!!


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This means Ji Soo will be in both Scarlet Heart AND Fantastic on air at the same time? YES PLEASE!


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That was my initial reaction when I found out when Fantastic was gonna air. ^^V


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Plus My Ear's Candy, new reality show from tvN (and it was created by Reply 1988 PD!!) stars 18th Aug. So we will get triple doses of Jisoo every week!!

Mon-Tues : MLSHR
Thurs : MEC
Fri-Sat : FantastiC


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Yup yup!! I'm already hyped from My Ear's Candy's teaser pics and vids. Waiting for next week to start my new round of Jisoo since his stint on Doctors was so short. =P


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you know i wasnt gonna watch this cuz ewww terminal illness dramas but....then it said Ji Soo in a noona romance (with park shi yeon!) and it's like WELP GUESS I'M WATCHING IT NOW. i get a noona romance, ji soo finally gets a requited love. everyone is happy. except the one who is dying of cancer but uhh w/e rly.


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Park Shi-yeon's character doesn't sound interesting.

A tough girl, riding around on motorcycles and displaying a hot temper..............really? That makes someone a "tough" girl.

And then it makes it seem like becoming modest and calm is a bad thing..........why?

I hope it doesn't glorify an affair.


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Saw the Ji Soo poster ... don't even need to read what this is about...I'm in!!!



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yass *waves tiny cougar flags*


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I've a feeling I'm more of a saber-tooth than a cougar. T_T XD still, represent!


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Wow, Ji Soo is everywhere! I think the only time I was excited about Doctors was during his (adorable) cameo. <3


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No Jisoo, age doesn't matter. Take my hand and let's ride off into the sunset.


Park Shiyeon's character reminds me of Kim Minjung's character in the 2013 comedy Queen of the Night.


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It's Ji Soo... but I won't tune in for Park Shi Yeon. :/


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Huh. I didn't expect the Ji-soo, Park Shi-yeon pairing, but I love them both. I'm actually really excited for this! Obviously, whether I root for them depends on how their relationship is handled. I actually like PSY's character description, unlike some here, and I'm equally excited to see her back again.


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I'm actually going to avoid most descrips etc and go in blind in this one. I just really like all the actors so I'm hoping for best!


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I want this so badly...


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The Innocent man feels....


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Is it me or Jisoo is just everywhere? not complaining though xD Anyway, i remember to be quiet excited hearing PSY back to dramaland, didn't know it's this one. Now we have Jisoo, AND noona romance? it's like my guilty pleasure in drama tropes lol so double yay!! but reading the story, her character will be married? hmm, just hope their relationship will have proper development so i can get behind and support it.
Btw, i like Kim Taehoon character already, in a drama where the heroine is with terminal illness, you'll need much of such optimism and cheerfulness ^^


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PARK SHI YEON AND JI SOO?? LITERALLY TWO OF MY MOST FAVORITE ACTORS EVER? IS THIS REAL LIFE?. Also, this look is almost sinfully good on Ji soo. Welcome to the profession <3


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Park Shi-yeon was one of the pillars of Nice Guy, she's just so good. And she makes for a great noona to romance, ha.

I'm also rather pleased that Ji-soo's first 'adult' role involves him being apart of my profession, ha. He's young but most of my classmates finished law school at his age, so he looks believable to me :)


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I actually shipped Song Joonki and Park Shi Yeon way more than I did the lead couple in Nice Guy, because they seemed to have such great chemistry (and one adorable BTS, haha.)

I like lawyer!Jisoo and I finished law school at his age as well, so he's definitely believable to me too ^^


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LOL, looks like that person who was practically praying for Ji Soo in a noona romance in the last post for this drama got their prayers answered.

The Drama Gods are feeling generous, I see.

I'm really intrigued by the pairing especially since I see Park Shi Yeon as a sort of femme fatale and am wondering if Ji Soo will be able to handle it and match? Though they'll probably go for something cute instead of sexy, I'll hope for some sexy too.

TAE HOON! So excited to see him smiling but nooo at being a leg of a love triangle. Arggghhh, I want him to play a character who gets loved in return in his next drama. I know he does broken-hearted extremely well but also I don't want to see him sad (again!)!

So looks like the show is looking even better, I even liked the longer teasers I saw of the main couple (and Joo Sang Wook looks soooo good!).


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Park Shi Yeon is one lucky noona!
She has romanced Song Joong Ki and now Ji Soo.
What a life!
Oh, and she actually has romanced Eric Mun in real life.
Envy envy envy.


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Nice Guy reunion KTH-PSY yaaaaaay!

Anw, PSY is the ultimate dongsaeng killer.
She 'killed' Kang Maru a.k.a. Song Joong Ki, and now Ji Soo too?

Still, looking forward for the pairing.

Hail to the queen...


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I just love that an obvious sexy actress whose also called a femme fatale is allowed to be potrayed as a person other than the evil second female lead with eyeliner


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Kim Tae Hoon is such a sexy ahjusshi. I've only seen him in antagonistic roles (Angry Mom and Nice Guy), so I'm so excited to see him doing a brighter role here!

This is a fantastic cast! See what I did there? :P

Looking forward to this!


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i feel like i'm seeing jisoo everywhere, though really i've only seen him in doctors and then there's that drama with lee jun-ki.

but i don't like seeing so much of him in bit parts here and there. it feels like he should have latched onto his popularity and grabbed a lead role somewhere somehow.


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If you've only seen him in Doctors, then yeah, that was just a bit part. ^^ When he broke out in Angry Mom, you could see his initial small role was steadily increased through the course of the show to become one of the significant characters. He's already been lead in Page Turner and Glory Day movie plus second lead in Sassy Go Go. =) I don't know what kind of offers he gets for roles, but if it's a high school/college type show, he'd probably be in contention with idols from bigger companies that productions always wanna cast to "guarantee" viewership. So, I don't quite mind him doing smaller parts in the company of veterans or popular stars so that he can continue to put his name out there for people to take notice of him.


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Honestly, he's in a good place with his current work - he can take the time to learn from his seniors and hone his skills for that eventual move to lead roles, instead of going into them straightaway and possibly biting off more than he can chew.

and Angry Mom wasn't the only time he got steadily increasing amounts of screen time because viewer response was so positive - I would bet money the same thing happened in Sassy Go Go (he wasn't promoted as a second lead at all, not until they were into their third week of airing and everyone went nuts for him just like in Angry Mom).

They can't do that with Scarlet Heart since it's pre-produced, but it's been interesting to see the live shoot system actually benefit surprise scene-stealers like him and Yoon Kyun-sang (Pinocchio). And funnily, both are in Doctors!


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I completely agree. And if he's dedicated to his art, this is how you go about your career. Keep observing, keep learning, keep improving. That's why I'm excited to see him in Fantastic--gonna be interacting with all these veterans, which would surely benefit him.

Yeah, it wasn't really second lead status till after the start of Sassy Go Go. People were thinking N might be the second lead, being the idol. So, that was a pleasant surprise and definitely no complaints there. I knew he'd steal the show. XD

So true! I liked YKS a lot in Pinocchio and funny enough, also liked his younger counterpart, Shin Jae Ha, who also happened to be in Sassy Go Go and Page Turner with Jisoo. ^^ I liked LJS's younger self, Nam Da Reum, as well. He's still really young, but he's been in so many dramas already. Can't wait for him to get lead one day like those teenage male and female stars are now as they grow up.

For Scarlet Heart, I know Jisoo doesn't have that big of a role compared to the other princes. But I'm just happy he got to be a part of it cuz sooo many people will watch and that will increase awareness of him. Again, I don't doubt he'll steal the scene as the cutie pie maknae. XD


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Exactly - looking at the publicity material, posters and amount of interaction with Eunji in the first four episodes, it really didn't seem like Ji-soo was the second lead at all. I love that he basically became a surprise second lead, which also had the unexpected bonus of keeping us guessing about whether he was, for a bit :D.

I love that Ji-soo, Shin Jae-ha and YKS have each starred in a Park Hae-ryun drama, now - I'd love to see her work with either of them again, because she writes fantastic roles for young actors and I loved that Page Turner was a departure from Ji-soo's previous two roles. (I wouldn't complain if that much-longed-for Ji-soo/Jung Eunji reunion as first leads was via one of hers).

But I'm still glad he's taking more varied roles, even if they're small for now. He's talented and especially good at making intensity seem really natural, but it's precisely because he made such a strong impression that he's in danger of being typecast as vulnerable and abused high school boys. It'd be good if these roles helped him tap into different sides of himself as an actor, and made him stronger for when he finally does make that leap.


@pogo Yeah, I clearly remember there wasn't much mention of him at the onset of the drama promos. Then as the series got started, he quickly ascended to second lead status. LOL It's Jisoo Magic.

Oh yes! Love PHR's work. That's why I was really looking forward to Page Turner besides the cast. I knew we'd get a good story. And Jisoo's role was so funny. Love the happy dorky puppy instead of the wounded angsty puppy. XD (Me neither. Those two would be great as leads.)

Right... He did such an amazing job that it's very easy to be stuck in the same kind of role. That's why I'm excited that's it's different this time. I want to be surprised!! =P I don't want him to get into anything that's too overwhelming for him at this point in time. Slow and steady is the climb. He's got so much potential and many years ahead for his career. I'm pretty much anticipating his development and growth in the next 10 years to see how far he gets. ^^


Kim Tae-hoon's character description melts my heart already, will be so glad that he will be the total opposite of his usual repressive/cold/eeeeevil roles. The vibe of the show seems to be uplifting and comedic, contrary to the terminal illness theme, am so on board of this premise.
Since Ms. Temper, JTBC's been owning my weekends, and seems it'll continue with Age of Youth, FantastiC & My Wife Have an Affair later on (but I still resent MOTW's ending!).


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This got me freaking the hell out in my office!

'Ji-soo plays a young lawyer with looks and brains who turns innocent and boyish in the face of love. He’ll have a noona romance with Park Shi-yeon in the drama'

Though I wish it was Kim Tae-Hoon that gets the love line with Park Shi-Yeon. I mean, thank God! he gets to play a warm-hearted man again because he was absolutely adorable in One More Happing Ending (with that dimpled smile of his) but...OH MA GAAAAA! Ji-soo and his Noona?!


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OMG!! Interviews and Photoshoot BTS revealed for all 5 main characters that they released posters for!!

Here's Jisoo's!! Sooooooooooooo cute!! XD

The others (KHJ, JSW, KTH, PSY) are on the same channel, being the latest vids uploaded.


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