Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 8-14, 2016

The Olympic pre-emptions continued this week, wreaking schedule havoc not only on the weekend circuit, but in the primetime slots as well. The absence of competition from KBS at the beginning of the week seems to have only helped Doctors, which finally managed to break that coveted 20% mark. Not that Beautiful Mind took a lot of percentage points away in the first place—it’s more likely that Doctors is just that popular.

Bring it On, Ghost seems to be coming back from the slight dip its been experiencing in recent weeks, bringing in 3.6% for its even-numbered episode, while Uncontrollably Fond was able to take advantage of being the only show to not be pre-empted on both Wednesday and Thursday, which gave it a chance to reach 9.9%. It’s likely that it’ll drop again once W—Two Worlds comes back in full force, but with the schedule going the way it is, who knows what’ll air this coming week. (It’s not as if the networks had, oh, four years to prepare for this.)

The new kid on the block, Cinderella and the Four Knights, premiered to a very strong 3.5% on cable network tvN, but dropped considerably for its second episode. Age of Youth seems to be holding steady at just above the 1% mark, which is good news for fans of the show who appreciate its slice of life sensibilities. This is a great drama crop overall, isn’t it?

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 8-14, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, Aug. 8
Monster 39 MBC Pre-empted
Doctors 15 SBS 21.3%
Bring It On, Ghost 9 tvN 2.8%
Tuesday, Aug. 9
Monster 39 MBC 9.8%
Doctors 16 SBS 20.6%
Bring It On, Ghost 10 tvN 3.6%
Wednesday, Aug. 10
Uncontrollably Fond 11 KBS 7.9%
W—Two Worlds 7 MBC 13.8%
Wanted 15 SBS Pre-empted
Thursday, Aug. 11
Uncontrollably Fond 12 KBS 9.9%
W—Two Worlds 8 MBC Pre-empted
Wanted 16 SBS Pre-empted
Friday, Aug. 12
Age of Youth 7 JTBC 1.4%
The Good Wife 11 tvN 4.5%
Cinderella and the Four Knights 1 tvN 3.5%
Saturday, Aug. 13
Five Kids 51 KBS 24.1%
All’s Well With a Happy Home 48 MBC 20.4%
Flower in Prison 29 MBC Pre-empted
Second to Last Love 4 SBS Pre-empted
Yes, That’s How It Is 52 SBS Pre-empted
Age of Youth 8 JTBC 1.4%
The Good Wife 12 tvN 4.2%
Cinderella and the Four Knights 2 tvN 1.8%
Sunday, Aug. 14
Five Kids 52 KBS 28.6%
All’s Well With a Happy Home 49 MBC 17.6%
Flower in Prison 30 MBC Pre-empted
Second to Last Love 4 SBS 11.8%
Yes, That’s How It Is 52 SBS 9.7%




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Daebak DOCTORS!! Cnt wait ep 17.. much tense for ths episode~ ughh..
I hope they increasing scene for leading actor and actresses rather than sae wo's appuchi...


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I know people will disagree, but Doctors should have been a 12 episode drama. The plot is so thin, and the drama is succeeding off the initial episode hype. I know, that yes I was one of those who hyped it up in the beginning (*my bad*), but since then the drama has stalled and now I can barely continue watching.

The boardroom fights are boring and so amateurishly written that it's clear they exist as filler. Once again another Korean drama that depicts its doctors as egotistical, and not caring about putting patients lives at risk.

The romance is/was cute, but they got together so early on that it deflated the anticipation. The second female lead character is downright annoying, the cases are run of the mill, etc. All in all, the drama is a very average.


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I agree with you totally. Tbh the teacher/student relationship spoiled it for me too. I just don't see the chemistry. I keep watching hoping for something more interesting besides the typical cases.


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I thought I was the only one who wasn't feeling their chemistry even though most people enjoy it. The story was much more interesting in the beginning but now it just feels draggy to me. I tried pushing through ep 14 thinking since I've already made it past more than half of the drama, but decided just to drop it now that I've jumped on the W bandwagon. Oh well, I guess it just depends on your drama preferences.


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I lovee the male lead actor (forgot his name). But now i barely can watch Doctors bcause PSH is soo boriiing!


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I cringe whenever I have to listen to the promos for "Doctors" and UF on DF - the lines they say are so incredibly tacky/cheesy.


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I strongly agree! I had been sooo excited for this drama. But perhaps my taste has changed - despite the story being good, I'm quite disappointed. My drama list until last week was first watch Beautiful Mind, then Bring It on Ghost and then finally Doctors. I don't feel excited at all. I only enjoy the bickering between Dr Yoon Doo and the uncle and aunt. =D


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I so agree with you, i waited for this drama,so disappointing. after few episodes its was getting dull and boring.KR role have no challenge for a very talented actor. Had enough of PS old antics, I don't think she has change/ matured at all from her HS roles (Heirs). the only difference is that here she's a fashionista wears high heel shoes, the way she walks and sway her hair whats new?cant wait till this drama end cant stand it anymore, I' so excited to see SG & the 7 prince.


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I've watched Cinderella and can totally understand the drop from ep 1 to ep 2. I was actually thinking of dropping it after I watched the first episode, you'll understand why after you've seen it.


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Was it that bad? I haven't seen it, but was hoping for Park So-dam's "follow-up" drama to do well since I liked her in Beautiful Mind.


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It's kinda in the territory of "meh".


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Considering that the show is premade... I'd frankly put it below "meh" . *cryingforJIW


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Oh dear. *feels sorry for Park So-dam* Maybe week 2 will be better?


Sadly, pre-production is no guarantee of quality (see: D-Day, Uncontrollably Fond)


Sadly, pre-production is no guarantee of quality (see: D-Day, Uncontrollably Fond)

Cheese in the Trap... Yeah, lots of things can still go wrong.


I originally thought that pre-producing dramas is better than live-shooting because boy did we see dramas that went downhill because of the insane schedule (not to mention dead-tired actors). However, I've come to realize that both have plus and minus points. One point of interest is the opportunity to change certain aspects. Pre-producing a drama means no room for change once it airs unless they are willing to spend money to re-do some scenes/episodes. Doing live-shooting provides more flexibility. I think this difference is especially crucial once viewers' reactions or feedback come in.

In an interview, LJS seems to not be a huge fan of pre-production because he said he wants to know the feedback of the viewers so he can improve or change in the succeeding scenes. In addition, he said that viewers' positive feedback provides motivation for the cast and crew.

Both pre-producing and live-shooting can either be a hit or miss. Meeting halfway could be an option like what W did with EP 1-8 being done before it aired its first episode. If I remember correctly Flower Boy Ramyun Shop was sort of like this too (or was it the script that was finished halfway the entire series... not sure).

How kdramas work is really fascinating. That's my take-away from this conundrum. hehe!


I've seen both episodes. Park So Dam is great, but the rest - not so much. It started off super cringey and without much substance, but it somehow got better? I can't explain it.
Overall, it seems like something fluffy and glittery, to be watched without much analysis. It contains a lot of overused tropes, but maybe it'll take us somewhere new?
I just sincerely hope they don't squash/dull So Dam's characters into a helpless whiny damsel in distress.


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I liked it ... its sort of the shows that are so bad that they are good :) ..

its kind of fun to watch. I'm actually liking AJH in it too. I have heard he is a terrible actor. But here he is just going with the flow and being so OTT that its fun.

Sadly i think JIW is a complete misfit here because he is playing the role so seriously when everything else is so campy and cheesy. i always get exited for his shows but he really has the worst script sense in the world


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I also think same thing. I like the actor but I also think he was miscasted... idk maybe it's character or something. Whatever it is I ain't feeling


@bips99 Exactly! I mean JIW has this 'look' on his face as if he's trying to tell how heavy his burden is, while I kept thinking that people are living in the fear of death in other parts of the world and here the chaebol heroes act like the sky is falling on their head tsk tsk. His expressions are little too serious and at times I don't even want to consider his pain when it's PSD's character who has much to deal with.At least his harabuji is willing to take his share of pain but he has this 'who cares' look on his face, huff. Emotional baggage is fun, but the plot trope is overused, yeah.


I actually enjoyed it too ???AJH also improved a lot from his previous drama..i don't think the drama is that bad ?


It's cheesy as hell, but funny. After watching plot heavy dramas for the last few months, it was weirdly refreshing watching.


Yes, agreed with you.

The show somehow feel patchy and all the characters except Park So Dam were like so one-dimensional. The plot seems predictable but it is okay for me to watch since the show is easy on my eyes. Lol.

One thing though, JIW's hair looked very dry and fried?


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why wouldn't you want to watch W!? its a complete different theme and i dont know but if the drama finishes maybe you could watch it :I i highly recommend :)


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I agree about the "too much too soon" bit. After 7 weeks of seeing Park So-dam with Jang Hyuk, I can't quite see her yet with Jung Il-woo or the other guys in Cinderella.


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I seen both episodes and overall show brings nothing new so far in terms of plot but its oddly addicting in that it's so cheesy bad but still enjoyable kinda way... at least for me anyways... and I am not even interested in main couple. So I guess u will have to watch and see for urself.


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Cinderella is actually good. If you like Goong, Coffee Prince or even My Girl, Cinderella is you kind of drama.

I can't wait for the next episode.

Well I am not probably amongst the majority as the current dramas that work for me are CF, Second to Last Love and Cinderella. I dropped W & Doctors. It is not I don't like these two but these dramas I could afford to watch later.


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I watched both episodes of Cinderella and I would not place it in the same category as Coffee Prince at all. Instead, it gave me a Boys Over Flowers vibes.


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It may have a little BOF vibe, may be. But BOF has too much of High School Vibe which I don't feel with Cinderella. Somehow it reminds me of Coffee Prince & Goong.


I'm curious about what about Cinderella reminds you of Coffee Prince?


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My thoughts are pretty similar! I think it has an older campy classic drama feeling to it. Like the same time period of BOF, Coffee prince and Goong, some of my best drama watching life exist there. I really miss those days so when watching Cinderella, it gives me the nostalgic feeling. I really have enjoyed it! It was a mistake to start it before finishing though because now I have to wait and sometimes I think watching a drama real time slowly reveals flaws to me.

I feel like some shows these days are really complicated or the plot lines are not how I imagined, so I tend to drop a lot as well. Sometimes even the more popular ones.


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"Goong" and "My Girl" are totally different from "Coffee Prince."

CP is actually a very well written romcom and not "soapy" at all - where all the characters have depth unlike Goong and MG which are typical romance-geared fluff.


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Well, I watched the first two episodes to support PSD after BM and it is in my opinion not that good, but an easy watch. I think the main thing is that it seems outdated. The lavish mansion, the overly rich boys, the poor female working 10 part time jobs..etc. I did not watch BOF but Hana Yori Dango and it does have the feel of HYD. But, all this overacting, overkilling the characters to establish the story is a bit much, as in so out there you just have to go along that ok this is happening and move along. I think the issue with shows like these is always how do you get the story going without having to make everyone so extreme? Especially when it's supposed to be fairytale like as in not real so how do you make it relatable? Ok we understand stepmom is supposed to be evil, does she need to be that bad? It takes it to the extreme that it's hard to relate to the characters as they are just so out there. JIL pretty much had one expression the whole time, we get it, no need to overkill. I think my favorite character so far is HJA, at least he is more nuanced. Anyways, hopefully the next episodes will be better!


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I might be wrong, but I think the gross exaggerations such as 10 jobs, and super-jerk chaebol princes is meant to be a parody on similar shows of the past. For me it is a fun show to watch and a cute break from the more serious shows.


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I liked the first two episodes of Cinderella. It's a classic Cinderella storyline, and I am always a sucker for those.


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Yup, I agree. Usually it's not uncommon for Fri-Sa shows that the ratings for Saturday drop a bit because of the weekend family dramas but since afaik Cinderella doesn't have competition in its timeslot this was definitely not the reason.
If the beanies haven't been saying in the "What we're watching" comments that it's definitely getting better with ep.2 I'd drop it as well but now I'll give it another chance after I finished the other weekend shows, no drama comes before AoY and TGW. ?


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True. I have put TGW on hold for now but AoY is something I look forward to every weekend. ?


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OK, now I think something's wrong with me, because I really liked Cinderella, both episodes. Hmm. Time to get my spidey-drama-sense checked, I guess?


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Nothing is wrong. I have seen my fair of dramas... almost 300 dramas. I became more picky with dramas I watch but every once in a while I enjoy cheesy drama. It's all about enjoyment.

Think of it like guilt pleasure... like it eating chocolate cake in middle of night.


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Same here - I have pretty much watched or tried to watch (and dropped) almost every single k-drama since 2008. Cinderella is a fun over the top parody take on the classic story.


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Don't worry, you are not alone. I also like Cinderella very much together with Second To Last Love. I can't wait for the next episode. A week of wait is too long.


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It has that indescribable addictive quality, even as it is probably objectively cheesy and messy lol I saw one of the netizenbuzz's translated comments saying that they complained while watching but somehow found themselves watching the entire episode - and that was me!! It has that super old school cliche kdrama classic feel, also taking on the Cinderella elements veeeeryyyy literally. My two constant thoughts during both episodes of the show: why is Jung Il Woo so bad at choosing dramas, and why am I still watching this show? Both unanswerable questions, imo :D


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Dear nothing is wrong with you. Cinderella is not my taste but surpirisngly I am enjoying it. Maybe because I like Park So Dam and Jung II Woo? ? Cinderella is type of drama that I'll watch regardless of the plot if I like the casts. For this type of drama, we don't have to use our brain so much. Just follow the flow and enjoy the show ?


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Nope. You're not alone. Sometime I need some fluff in between midst of heavyweight dramas these days and Cinderella came out right when I need it. It will be something I would watch on Mondays for obvious reasons. I sort of understand why the digits dropped a lot on weekend.


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But but but.... I liked it too! Lol.

It's actually doesn't take itself too seriously and has lots of funny deadpan tongue-in-cheek moments which I like!

As long as the focus is on park so dam's character I'm sold. She is kick-butt awesome at the moment. I hope she doesn't get all boring once she falls in love. I'm 100% ok with her not ending up with any of the "Knights" and just wanting to see her grow as a character and kick some chaebol ass! ?


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I so agree! I really like her character now, it is so cool and her as an actress!
It's enjoyable if you can ignore some exaggerations.


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Cinderella & 4 Knights is actually good. If you like, Goong or Coffee Prince or My Girl, Cinderella is the kind of drama.


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It's CHEESY. Plain and simple. BUT... sometimes you need to escape away from it all with some cheese (preferably with a side of crackers and wine). So after a hard week at work I watched the first episode on Friday night and liked it enough to come back on Saturday. Is it a good drama?. No. But it is harmless and sometimes harmless can be good because you enjoy it for what it is without any expectations. W, on the other hand, makes me anxious because I like it so much. My expectations are high so I will not be happy if those expectations are not met. This drama, however, is a breeze.


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I agree which is why I'll have a look at Cinderella as well! And I super agree with what you said about W. My anxiety for this show is overwhelming. hahaha!


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It is cheesy and campy. But it's my kind of light, easy to watch drama, so I'm watching it. Especially when the other drama I'm watching is UF, and after watching Signal and Healer. :)


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There were many moments in Ep 1 where I rolled my eyes and went like, "Seriously?!" But honestly, the 2nd episode is still much better than the first.
I think the PD and writer went too far in Episode 1 trying to show us how the the 3 knights were 'prince-like'.

I like it overall. I'm willing to give it a go for Park So Dam =)


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watching scond to last love ep 1&2 on sOne and ths drama chaemitta.. funny. I will follow ths drama!

W 2 W - how will kangcul fight with faceless? And chukahamnida for the rating. It will break 15% lets hope. But didnt want UF drop either ~ just like Doctors + monster, monster manage to gt 10++ viewrship. Im dropping monster since i watch doctors. Will catch up later.

Tryin to watch Good Wife, seems the rating is quite high since ths is TVN drama~


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@Rin9o,me too.I watch Second to last love,until now is so funny.will continue follow it.can't wait to watch "Scarlet".cause I have watch the òriginal,and that series is Daebak.but I wish korean version won't make it worst,cause the original,they use mature actor,so their acting is amazing.


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Scarlet heart vs moonlight lover right?
Why kbs n sbs put the history drama together? Ths remind me of doctors and beautiful mind -neurosurgeon. Or am i wrong.. keke.

Oh i just love JJH (hero scond to last love) on I Have a Lover. U should watch it... ?


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@Rin90, yes! You should continue watching The Good Wife simply because it is good! :D

I like that TGW is pretty easy to absorb, despite being a legal and political drama. I don't watch dramas of this genre but if I were to compare TGW with Punch, then I will choose the former anytime. I dropped Punch after a few episodes because it was too heavy for my pea brain.

Have fun with TGW as all the actors cast are really good :D


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I wish Ahn JAe Hoon for the lead rather than JIW, as he shines more in his bad boy suit. Also may be it's because eyes want to see something different or new in shows, so it's refreshing always to see new pairs- different take on acting each time around. I feel like JIW has already done it for several times. He definitely needs to take roles like 49 days again to show his acting range.


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Ah Jae Hoon is the worst actor in korea, are you in insane or something.


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Ahn Jae Hyun


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If you see the show, you will understand why @sky is saying it.

AJH may be horrid ... i have just seen him in MLFAS but heard alot about the infamous 'blood' ...

but in the show he is really shining. The show is campy, cheesy, cringy, ott but still a lot of fun and AJH is really having a ball. Plus his chemistry with PSD is insane. JIW feels like he walked in from another show


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Im enjoying BLood tough im not ajh fans.

I love jiw in my fair lady aso.
But weirdly ths cinderella story not turn me on to watch ep 1.
Mybe cz i have so many drama to watch...


If I haven't read any back story or trailer for the show, I would think AJH is the main lead, mainly because of his chemistry with PSD. I haven't seen Blood but I've read a lot of negative reviews about it, so I can't judge AJH for it. He's not so bad here in Cinderella though. And although I love JIW, especially in his role in FBRS, his character here feels off for me.


I also think the same... I didn't want to say it cause I like JIW but his character is meh. When it's other characters, I am enjoying campey and cheesy scenes but when he rolls in, the character feels like it belongs in a melodrama. I hate to say it but I also wish main guy was AJW character


Totally agree with Ahn Jae-hyun not being a great actor, but he fits in well with the cheesyness of the drama.


@deathbychocolate yea if I didn't know the drama info before it aired, I would also assume they are the leads cause their insane chemistry.


I too feel that JIW doesn't suit the drama. He is too ... maybe serious, stern for this light comedy. I don't know exactly what but something doesn't work for him here.

I was also surprised by AJH surprisingly appropriate acting. But I remember I long believed that Park Shin Hye was a consistency poor actress as well. Now, thanks to Pinocchio and Doctors, I have accepted that she was not entirely responsable for her past decade of embarrassing acting. The characters she had to portray may not have been the most inspirational and maybe AJH is pulling a PSH?

As for the plot itself, I almost quitted at the beginning, during the intolerably cliché scene between Cinderella, her stepmother and her fake sister. I stayed because the drama reminds me Atashinchi no Danshi with Maki Horikita and I finally got entertained. I want something not too sadly deeply emotionally involving and for now it fulfills my needs


@bips99 Thanks for explaining and sharing my feelings lol.

@Rio Yeah please watch the drama...AJH is actually nailing his role,at least for me. With the cheesiness of the show his mood and vibe bode quite well. Also he and PSD's scenes together are funny and offbeat, it's a shame that the drama is being pre produced or else I would have totally been a fan of the show if it was PSD-AJH.. There had been so many different take on the cinderella story so far, so it would not have hurt if for once a bad boy-prince gets the girl. We have had too many nice prince in fairyland,also it's AJH's character who got the shoes from cinderella lol, and at the same time he picked her out from the lot in the pub. May be I saw some similarities a little too quickly and chose a side. But anyway I'd stick for two or more episodes to see how it goes, might drop it later on.


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We could be surprised you know. As you said, many different versions of Cinderella have been made, and we could get another one here.

After all, it's a TVN's drama. To fulfill their content trend leader reputation, an unexpected prince could get the girl.
Maybe the secretary ? Anybody but JIW please.



I'm so glad that there's another person apart from me actively shipping AJH with PSD in the Show. I've never seen him in other dramas but he's such an adorable idiot here. I mean, he looks model-perfect and then he opens his mouth with Ha-Won and says all sorts of incredibly funny and stupid stuff.

Like, when he was talking about being so great and having goosebumps. "Do you see my goosebumps?"

And thanks to the comments, I realized that JIW does feel lilke he's acting in a melodrama. Which is not suited at all for the show right now.

I love how people are calling it cheesy and campy cuz that's what it is. I'm in the minority I guess but even though I know how silly Show is, I still love it.



@deedee yes anyone but JIW :S. I don't mind the secretary or even the third brother he seems like falling for the damsel in distress too. Sadly when we know who's gonna be with who, the fun portion fizzles a little. For that single reason I'm always a fan of reply series.There's equal chance for every candidate in line .
@Mawu haha glad to be on the minority team. Also yes it's funny how he tries to woo ha won but every time she is oblivious to his charm.


I don't understand the stigma of preproduced shiws. I know that it's not the norm in Korea, but how is that something to look down on???


I'm not sure if AJH is shining but he is at watcheable so far. Maybe because the image of playboy so it is easy yo captivate eyes? I don't know what happen with JIW, his role choice kinda meh.


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Age of Youth is ♥


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I second that.

Patiently waiting for the recap...


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(joining the campout for the recap!)


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Age of Youth gained few points and Cinderella and The Four Knights hasn't generated much of k-netizens praise. JTBC's low budget original show touch the strings of heart and TVN's the glamorous channel's high budget show kind of flopped in it's 1st week.

TVN should be the one taking risks and bring forward innovative content. Instead that space of taken by JTBC.

W - Two Worlds will eat UF alive. This is what i wish for.


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Actually Cinderella and The Four Knights was pre-produced without a broadcaster. Even after they finished filming, no station was willing to take it. Then tvN took the drama and make a new timeslot for it. It's kind of like they are just betting on it. If the drama gets a good rating, then it's great. If not, they have nothing to lose either. In fact, i think it created quite a buzz on the internet because, well, no matter how cheesy the plot is, Cinderella stories never get old.


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Who wanted to burn money on this kind of script? TVN must have paid something to get the rights to air it. Why would you produce a drama when you haven't planned or made a contract with any broadcast station?

This actually feels like a technique used to erase any proof of black money. It happens much in highly corrupt countries.

As most commentators have said the 1st 2 episodes lacked concept and felt like different scenarios put together to make something coherent.

It looks like a High-Budget show. Direction Promotion of Luxury goods and brands but i will keep watch it for Modern Cinderella's up and downs with 3 Knights.

Kang Ji Woon just flips every table in the show. Writer was thoroughly confused how to create a proper character and result is in front of audience.


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I am thinking W would have the same direction as A Thousand Years of Love.


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People can keep hating on Doctors it keeps slaying and is the highest rating on this time slot for a while
And KBS got higher rating for Olympics than it had for BM so Doctors increased rating has nothing to do with BM...


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I don't hate Doctors - it just bores me to tears with it's all too predictable formula plot and cliches, to the point where I quit watching around halfway through.


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How is it predictable besides the fact the main leads will end up together like almost all the dramas our there?
Slide of life show on humanity is not for everyone especially ifans. In fact it's hardly the kind of drama that popular. I'm not surprised you find it boring. I'm sure many people think thr same way
But don't call it's boring and cliche to justify it. The drama is character driven and the characters is nothing like your typical lead characters. The actors also bring A game with their acting.


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Doctors is slice of life? Really? In which universe?


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Guess some people can't accept the fact that "Doctors" is a night-time soap.


So it's not? Everyone watch it should have be aware of it by now
But I guess you aren't even watching when they call it night time soap
This night time soap keep slaying when your favorite drama might not.


This universe, to some of the audience. I agree it's Slice of Life. I realized that with episode 15. We are just living the doctors lives. Slice of Life is my favorite genre so I'm enjoying it. The grandma arc, not so much.


Surgically-enhanced slice of life? Ahhh...


Same. At first I was one of the ones defending it, but then I noticed I lost all interest in watching. It is boring, stale and nothing happens. There is no attachment to any of the characters, not even the leads.

There is no character development, it's almost like listening to an audio book, non of the characters feel "real".


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Doctors? I've dropped it on its 1st ep. I kept asking to myself why i lost the interest:

Is it the character? Probably. Why would u create a rebel-arogant-strong female if then u will put her in a series of unfortunate event when she's bcame an usual melo helpless girl who needs a lead male to save her?

Is it the actor? Maybe. I've seen many PSH's dramas and she almost always playing the same type of character. Kinda boring for me.


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Maybe she is only offered those types of roles? Or maybe character growth is a thing and a strong girl crying her sorrow doesn't make her any weaker? And where did a male save her this time? Lmao people just can't seem to get over a show that shall not be named, and where the female lead wasn't even the worse (a hint: the male leads (2) were even worse, but oppar worshipers are too damn blinded)


Age of Youth now increase, but with super slow speed.
I'm so sad that The Good Wife contine to down, maybe this drama not suitable for Korean people.
Five Children become more makjang and stupid after ep 30~. Script make me feel annoying.
Hope Wanted will do their best in final week, so sad that they stills not done fliming.


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Good Wife is doing good in ratings. It drops every Saturday due to more competition from popular family dramas. Five Kids and Happy Home are both in the 20% range.


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LOL Five Kids is the farthest thing from a makjang. It's incredibly well-written, well thought-out, and well-portrayed. It's not the drama's fault you lost interest.


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yay for the team of Doctors...finally 20%


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I really enjoyed the first two episodes of Cinderella and the Four Knights! I appreciate that the lead lady is kind of a badass about her life which is a nice change of pace for usual Cinderella romcoms.

As always I'm ADDICTED to Let's Fight Ghost and Doctors! I'm so stoked to see where they're going and also sad to know they'll be ending soon.


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It is an actual Cinderella Story complete with wicked stepmother and stepsister, but you're right it's really nice that the main woman on this show can kick the ass of the obnoxious guys she's going to be living with. Honestly at this point I like the fourth guy, the assistant to the chairman, much better than his actual three grandsons. It's fluff but I enjoyed it. Now that she's out of the obnoxious house I think it'll be a more pleasant show to watch. And I actually think that you know who's acting was a little bit better perhaps because he got coaching from his wife.


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Cinderella is now a confirmed FLOP, the ratings go down in the second one........


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Confirmed flop???

Don't you think it's a little too early to call that based on only two episodes?


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Uhm.. no it isn't. It is one of the latest airing shows on TV right now - it does not start until almost midnight, so I would say that the ratings are actually pretty good for that time slot.


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Glad Doctors finally broke the 20% mark.

Not surprised UF went up since there was no competition on Thur. I expect W to be back in top spot when it returns.

I don't mind Cinderella and the Four Knights so much. I like the cast and knew the familiar troupe wasn't gonna break any ratings records. I'm just watching cuz it's easy-breezy and not much of brain work involved. XD


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W is the best kdrama I've seen since Healer. Quite similar in a number of aspects:

1) Both "crack" dramas where it's soooo easy to get addicted to and yearn for more (no idea what will happen next).

2) Didn't reach domestic success (similar ratings) but have a fervent and passionate following here on DB :p (recaps need to surpass 1,000 soon).

3) Hot chemistry between OTP. Show can really turn on the cute factor and light fluffy humour, not just the enthralling and engaging suspense.


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W's ratings are in no way similar to Healer's - it's been topping the time slot from it's second week onwards, and is most definitely a domestic success. Healer never broke double digits through the entirety of its run, nor did it score the ratings top spot.


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Do you have something against Healer? I know ratings of both dramas can't be compared but you don't have to be rude about it. It's true both shows can't be compared as the lead of Healer is better in terms of acting than the lead of W. JCW can show better range of emotions. I love LJS though


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What is she being rude about? I'm confused. She is only pointing out the difference in ratings.


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Yeah, Ji Changwook's acting skill is way better than Lee Jongsuk tbh. But the shows can't be compared coz W's genre is fantasy while Healer's is action+thriller.

Anyway, Healer once did score #1 on ratings battle fyi, @pogo


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I find LJS damn gud actor. He has been appreciate for his acting skill in every of his drama. So, to make JCW look awesome, you don't need to bring LJS down. I personally found KC's character amazing..
It's a humble request not to insult one actor who is actually good to appreciate your favourite and well it is a fact that W is one 1 in it's slot..

PS- I am not insulting Healer, I liked that show as well


Why do people overreact. Pogo stated facts, how is she being rude?? Its a fact that although Healer had a spectacular run for most part story wise minus the last two episodes, it didn't quite deliver in terms of ratings. That does not nullify the fact that it was a good, addictive show.


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Because the way she said it looked like Healer was not a good show. I cannot know her intentions through words, so I could be wrong. Sorry if it looked like I over reacted


I think pogo is just stating a fact. It's not being rude.


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Pogo wasn't being rude. I like Healer but Pogo was right, Healer and W do not have similar domestic success nor ratings so far. W is performing better than Healer ever did.

Though Healer and W have similar international buzz and love.


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Please understand @pogo's sentences line by line before you get too emotional on whose acting is better. She just stated the facts on the rating and none of her sentence comparing who is better actor.

I hope you can read several times before replying emotionally. That was you who started to compare the actors.


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Like everyone else said, literally all I did was point out the ratings, since the comment I was responding to compared the ratings/success of the two dramas.

Not sure what's rude about that, or why the actors' abilities come into the picture.


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Sorry I called you rude.


I find LJS damn gud actor. He has been appreciate for his acting skill in every of his drama. So, to make JCW look awesome, you don’t need to bring LJS down. I personally found KC’s character amazing..
It’s a humble request not to insult one actor who is actually good to appreciate your favourite and well it is a fact that W is one 1 in it’s slot..

PS- I am not insulting Healer, I liked that show as well


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I thought Healer did crack double digits a few times, but it could be just Seoul instead of total population. I know they have multiple ratings going on. I think it also went up against Punch, which was hugely popular but my recall is not perfect so could be wrong.

All I know is I enjoyed Healer so it's all good. I take Korean ratings with a dash of salt. I enjoy Doctors, I really do but there is not a lot of there there in its plot. It's just fun to watch (I skip the hospital politics stuff) and yet it gets 20%. Good for them, but I can't claim to understand why. The power of KRW perhaps.


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Yeah, content of the show cannot be judged by its ratings. Healer was a great show despite its ratings and 8-10% isn't so bad.


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Yep. Healer was up against Punch in that timeslot. I remember live watching both and loving both Punch and Healer for different reasons. But just for accuracy/record-keeping purposes, Punch was the first in that spot while they were airing. I think this is what the replies are referring to when they correct the (2) in the original comment.

Anyway, even if I want my shows to get higher rating, I also don't mind them being low (see Age of Youth) as long as there's community like here in DB to spazz/chat with.


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For all the time you sneakily insert Age of Youth related comment, i am in love Mary ? LOL


In reply to sorrynotsorry,
yes you are right. Healer went up against Punch at that time which also has KRW as the lead. I didnt watch the whole story of both dramas, but all I know is that both Healer and Punch were well received based on comments from korean netizens.

I only watched few parts of Punch, the rest I just read dramabeans recaps. surprisingly I was crying while reading Punch recaps. It is quite amazing that a heavy plot drama like Punch has higher ratings and well received since people always say korean viewers always prefer light drama over a heavy one. As some people always say Beautiful Mind was doing poor due to its heavy plot as compared to Doctors. It might be true, but I dont think so because a heavy drama like Punch with no romance things at all won against Healer which international viewers always praise and love for the romance and chemistry of the leads.

I think is it all based on korean viewers' preference.


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Healer is nothing like W. Despite less buzz comparatively before broadcast, it able to surpass UF in rating. It has high CPI rating above doctors, the most talked about drama and the most downloadable. Healer has never achieved all these feats despite gaining massive popularity in this website.


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I agree, but as I said the acting matters too. LJS acts really well but when it comes to show pain and anger, JCW is much better. Healer wasn't popular only in this website, it was a huge hit in China too.


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Nobody brought up acting range, they're talking about ratings in a ratings post. This steering just makes you sound bitter so you're willing to grasp at anything. They're bringing up facts backed up by data while your opinion is subjective.


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I didn't deny that W is better in terms of ratings, did I? Comparison isn't only done through ratings, there are other aspects too. I just didn't like the fact that only because of ratings some people like to push Healer down.



Nobody put down Healer as a show, the people replying that you got mad at were purely talking about ratings which is the whole point of a ratings post.

And like I said, everything else you mention is subjective. You think Ji Changwook is a better actor, that's fine. Personally, Ji Changwook's acting gets a bit too theatrical to pull much emotion from me besides the occasional swooning. When you say hurt and anger, I've never seen him manage to show something as genuine and raw as Jongsuk did at the end of W's episode 5. I don't know about anything else, but Jongsuk's strong point has always been the ability to evoke empathy so his hurt and anger speaks more to me.

See? It's all subjective and neither of us are wrong but it's a bit meaningless in a ratings post. And it's even more embarrassing to argue about because I think both Jongsuk and Changwook have a long way to go anyway, neither are Oscar-worthy.


I am sorry for bringing up actors' acting skills, but I thought an actor's acting also helps with the ratings.


Since you brought up the issue of who is better at acting, in my opinion LJS has better range than JCW but you agree to disagree right?


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Since I saw you bring up Pinocchio in the comments below and seem to like to compare them, I have to point out the total viewing of Pinocchio on its officially licensed site in China is 1.84 billion while that for Healer is 0.6 billion.

They were released around almost the same time, so....


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I find LJS better actor than JCW. He also has won many award for his brilliant acting. He is also the youngest actor to get Grimae Awards, which is one of the most prestigious award (producers and experts of industry award), then he also won Baeksang Arts Awards, which by the way was popular award and his fans all over the world voted for him. So, I guess LJS has already proven his acting mettle as well as popularity and so bringing him down and saying he cannot emote well is not good.


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I don' want to fight or anything, and I accept that W has better domestic success, but I was only talking about better acting, that's all.


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By saying domestic success you mean in Korea right? Then no. 2 is not quite true because so far W is the current no. 1 in its time slot since its second week and it is a really talked about drama in Korea now. Healer, on the other hand, was more successful internationally than in Korea. Its ratings were okay averaging in on 8% and it did reach 10% once.

Here in DB, Healer was on a whole new level. The following here was insane. I am not sure if W will reach that, but so far it is the most talked about here.

Since W is yet to reach its halfway mark, its current success is not guaranteed yet. Things can change, but so far it is doing really well.

I do agree with your no. 1 and no. 3.


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I thnk im wrong but i remmbr a bit , healer compete with pinocchio back thn. Pinocchio gt the spot 13++ rate. Irony pinocchio's leading man is lee jong suk (W leading man) which being compared with Healer here. (Im sorry if i was wrong)

And i watched Healer later after Pinocchio and i was completely love Healer. ?


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Healer never completed with Pinocchio lol
Yet healers fans keeps bashing on Pinocchio sonce it had better rating.
Get your fact straight. It competed with Punch. 3 main leads were nominated for Daeksang. If you want to talk about acting, ljs or jcw aren't at their levels


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I enjoyed Healer and am enjoying W although I definitely don't think Healer was the best kdrama and the jury is still out on W. Let's assume W doesn't derail like crazy and plateaus for the rest of the run, I think it will still qualify as a fresh and more exciting story than Healer.

The thing that Healer had going for it for the romance. Hopefully, W is getting there but I am not that sure.

In terms of AGB nationwide ratings, W easily beats Healer which didn't surpass 10% except for one episode and average 8.6% for the whole series. Average for Seoul wasn't far off with 9.2%

JCW and LJS both do well if cast in the right roles and have their own charms. But I wouldn't say JCW can show a better range of emotions. I have watched at least 3 dramas of each actor, LJS does hit me in the gut when it comes to emotional scenes more than JCW but then it could just be a personal preference.


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I agree that W is better when it comes to ratings, but the story isn't something new although they are executing it beautifully. Also, good ratings isn't the only thing to measure success.
But I don't want anyone to argue anymore. So yeah, W is better than Healer in every aspect be it the storyline, actors or ratings.


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W's story isn't something new? Compared to what? I'm sorry but I have to disagree to that. The storyline is quite original and fresh in my point of view.

And saying that W is much better than Healer in all aspect just to avoid arguing? I love both shows but it didn't came to mind to compare both of them, besides with what standards?These two shots have different genre too and W is still airing.

Anyway, the people above are just trying to explain that to you a.) Ratings are hard fact. Very objective b.) Actor's preferences are highly subjective. You made a mistake in your 2nd point that's why pogo corrected you and instead of thanking pogo, you called pogo rude. And then you started comparing actors and clearly prefers one of them, that's fine because that's your preference but don't expect others to agree with you as well. Some might, some might not.


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That comment was not made by me, fyi. I remember someone in the OT said that there is a Japanese drama with similar plot, so that is why I said that it isn't something new. I know W's ratings are better than Healer's. I never said anything about ratings, I just didn't like the way pogo had put it. I was wrong to call her rude, I am sorry


and an actor's acting is always essential when it comes ratings, so that is why I pointed it out.


"You made a mistake in your 2nd point.."

Please disregard this sentence. It was not your comment. I'm sorry.


Like everyone is trying to tell you, acting is subjective because not every two persons are gonna have the same opinion as each other in regards to who is the better actor! So NO acting does not effect ratings, otherwise shows like HEIRS would not have gotten such good ratings mind you, when it lacked so much in both acting and story. Lots of shows with poor acting get great ratings all the time. Fact!

And Pogo was just stating facts, and it's a fact of the matter that W is an original concept first time used in Korea, so don't go pulling up random facts about how you read 'one comment somewhere once' about it being used in a Japanese drama somewhere.


I don't see how JCW acting is anything to rant home about. He's average at best, and where he's shined it's been because he was with superior actors like Ha Ji Won to carry the chemistry or the story significantly helped in making him shine like Healer. Give him a leading lady like Jin Se Yeon, and THEN we can talk about whether his acting can be compared to others or not! Just because one person feels he's the height of good emotional acting, doesn't necessitate that others have to agree with you.


Yes, W's plot is considered fresh even to Korean viewers in kdramaland wherein similar story lines run abundant.

@Loren omg @ Jin Seyeon reference haha! But I agree. I just re-watched Doctor Stranger yesterday (only LJS scenes and LJS-Sora scenes) and LJS carried the love story and was pretty much keeping the original love line alive all by himself.


Actor preference is subjective indeed.

I originally did not understand the love for LJS and the rave both in Korea and internationally about his acting, but when I watched him for the first time, I got it. haha! I have yet to see another actor who can do what he does in emotional scenes except maybe for Yoo Ah-in.

JCW is promising, but I have yet to see him truly explore the different aspects of acting. His memorable performances on the small screen for me were really in Empress Ki and Healer only. He has yet to really breakout. He did great in Healer, but I think he can do so much more and I cannot wait for him to reach the same heights as KSH, LJS, and LMH who are recognized Hallyu stars locally and internationally.

I cannot wait for his new drama K2 with Yoona!


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If you like LJS's emotional spectrum, you should definitely check out Yoon Shi Yoon. (And none of his recent stuff, cause lately he's been taking all the wrong roles. But his classics are all top notch!) His emotional acting and LJS's are really my style!!! They both know how to speak such volume and feeling with their intense scenes! Whereas others always seem to fall just that teensy bit short, like they haven't completely emersed themselves in the character like YSY&LJS seem to. I like Yoo Ah In too.


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You should watch Baker King, Kim Tak Gu & Flower Boy Next Door. And agree, LJS carried Doctor Stranger entirely on his own and all of his senior co-actors ageee about his acting skills being beyond his years. Maybe people have come to expect really high standards for his acting capabilities, which is why people seem to talk him down. BUT then again maybe acting preference is subjective like everyone's been trying to say all along and some people just can't seem to grasp that concept!!


@Loren oohhh I love YSY!!! I agree! Man, I cannot believe I forgot him. haha! I just love him in Flower Boy Next Door. I liked his most recent work Mirror of the Witch. I cannot wait for him to do another modern-day/contemporary drama even though I love seeing him in sageuk.

I was really impressed after watching LJS for the first time. He's really something else considering he started out as a model.


Have you seen his latest drama "The Whirlwind girl 2"? JCW outshone the other chinese actors in that drama with his natural acting skills and the eyes that speak tales of despair and love. He is the pride of south korea and Prince of dramabeans. If you will see WWG2 (if only you can restrain yourself from swooning over his GOD like face ) then you'll get enlightened that his acting skills are no joke. And Healer , the most sacred drama in the dramaland was a blockbuster internationally because of its content,music, action ,romance and great acting skills by JCW.and There will be no other drama like Healer,even DB owes their existence to healer.

Even though LJS is a great actor, IMO Jcw is slightly more expressive than him.


@SoDamn @Loren JCW has done and is still doing theatre. Theatre acting requires a lot of experience and good skills I think, and critics who watched his play even said that he is an actor with thousand faces. But as you said this is all subjective, I was just stating what acting critics said. But don't give the credit of someone's nice work to senior actors.
He acted so perfectly because he knows how to not because of senior actors. What if you did something well and all credit was given to someone who just advised you? How would you feel? If LJS became a hallyu because of acting then Ji Sung should have been one too because he acts better than LJS.


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Ji sung is better than LJS is only my opinion and I don't want anyone to agree, but I think many people thinks the same.
I don't see how LJS has explored different aspects of acting? He has also played average roles except 1 or 2 like JCW.


I don't know why some people are trying to prove me wrong when I had already accepted my mistake.
But I can't accept the fact the JCW shined because of his seniors, I mean really? As Taylor Swift said we all achieve we do because of our hard work not someone else's. Do you all really think it was right to say that? Not only for JCW but it applies to everyone who has worked hard to achieve something and someone else got credit.


@Riri yeah sure, I don't have anything against saying that JS is a superior actor to LJS, because only he has done a role where he plays 6 different characters in the same show! Obviously that requires a great amount of talent. What exactly has JCW done along those lines that is not run of the mil-ish type stuff, which didn't have better script and actors to make him shine! And I don't mean scarce theatre roles, that nobody here on DB has heard of. Since you want to bring every actor under the sun into the argument of what a BAD actor LJS is in comparison, the same can be applied to JCW. Infact even in Empress Ki, Jo Jin Mo and Ha Ji Won were on a whole other level compared to JCW. He is only a rookie actor, he has it in him to improve with each role he takes but right now he's nothing special. Even in Korea he is considered a B-list actor material.

But whatever, no use arguing since you already agreed that W is better than Healer in terms of storyline, actors or rating. Lol


@Loren Tell me how did a B- list actor broke Tvn's salary record? He got more than Good Wife's female lead lol yeah no one is looking for him in Korea. He comes under the highest paid actors too.
Even if he is a B list actor, so what? Not everyone is 1st in life. Sometimes being 2nd is good too. JCW is internationally popular, I don't think a B list actor should be popular overseas.




Seriously? Just to prove your point, you will bring every actor in the world and compare him to LJS? I am so happy you compared Ji Sung to LJS, this just shows that you consider LJS good enough to be compared to such a senior and talented actor. Coming to highest paid salary, then LJS is paid more than JCW.
Coming to International fans, then he has fans all over the world. I like JCW, but you continuously insulting LJS for God knows what, in a thread,which BTW is about W and not Healer just shows how insecure you are..

PSS- You find JCW better and I find LJS better. So, don't force your opinion on others and stop insulting LJS


Got up to halfway of Doctors but stopped.

Just got bored of it. Show started quite promisingly but dragged and slowed down a lot.

The hospital politics and the lack of real and interesting conflict kinda put me off.

But I like PSH so...


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I dropped doctors from ep 10 onward. I will have to thank to pdnim and chakkanim for ep 1-5. I was really hooked by the show until they seem to autopiloting the show. I mean c' mon, are they the same person who produce and write ep1-5? Because they were so good back then. The chemistry between KRW and PSH was real good until on ep 6 onward seem so lame ....


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Is it because of episode 6's ending? If so, it does get better in due time. 9 and 10 didn't catch my eye but 12 is where things do get intense.

Also I wonder where the opposite reactions towards the chemistry come from? Some say that it's beyond adorable while others say it's not even there. I'm not sure what constitutes good chemistry so sue me if I happen to find the couple cute.


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I think "autopilot" is a good description of how I feel about Doctors - I dropped it for many of the same reasons.


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My friends who are watching Doctors say it's like every day happiness-no climax but just daily feel good-ness. So if that sounds like your kind of thing then go for it!

Personally I prefer my plots fast going and romance angsty with higher stakes. Girlfriday said it Perfectly when describing W's OTP: "The romance is all the sweeter when there’s death and mayhem constantly clipping at their heels, and every happy moment feels all the more precious because it’s slipping from their grasp even as they’re enjoying it in the present."

I live for the heart wrenching angsty bits, as long as the ending is happy! (It must to make it worth it!)
Perhaps I'm just a closet masochist at heart. Lol.


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Same with me! I really like angsty but it has to be happy ended (bcz life has so much sadness why i should watch sad-ended-shows) and sometimes i worry about W bcz netizens speculating that kang chul will die :(


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I think i will love cinderella..(i have not watch it)
I watch this kind story more than enough for me to know that. My first love of asian drama series is meteor garden ( Taiwan) and i also like OC, Gosipp girl(westrend) and all the plot kind of the same, i don't know why but i do like it.
I will watch doctor.UF, Good wife,W,cinderla when it compleate.
This month my schedule are watch my he yong and oh my gost.


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Slice of life shows especially on human growth are definitely not for everyone.
But there are many reasons it's doing well in ratings and Koreans appreciate it


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You mean DOCTORS right? Keke. Doctors in my country got really high rating surpass DoTs. Not korean only loves this drama~ ??


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I don't think the problem is with the slice of life genre. The thing is, Doctors is a lame and boring approach to slice of life!
the most genre I love is this, but I can tell that Doctors problem is not their genre rather, the way they executed it.


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I watched cinderella, episode 1 was tolerable but episode 2 was really bad. AJH still can't act probably slightly better than before but the story and the directing is a mess. Sorry JIW you are a good actor.. please choose wisely next time.


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the cringe of AJH.. (well for me)


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Looking forward to Jealousy Incarnate!


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I loved Cinderella. I am always amazed at how different people perceive the same drama. I had no interest in doctors so never watched, can take or leave W, but thought beautiful mind was brilliant. I think Cinderella has a good mixture of fun, romance, and self reflection . Of course JIW character is a little heavy but most dramas have one. I am enjoying it and will watch it as my weekend treat.


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O.O This is literally what I think!


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Cinderella seems to be one of those shows you love or hate, not much middle ground. I like it for the same reasons that some seem to dislike it - it is OTT cheesy, grossly over-acted, and fun to watch without having to be serious about it.


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I like JIW and I think he is a good actor. While I'm also thinking that he seems to be not good in picking projects, I can't help but think that what if he doesn't have that many scripts to choose from to begin with...

I think some actors are presented with good scripts and have the luxury of being picked by writers or producers from the very beginning (e.g. LMH in his upcoming drama), while others do not necessarily enjoy such privilege. I'm not putting down JIW because I adore him, but he can't be this bad in picking projects, right? So maybe there are other factors to his growing list of lackluster projects.

Anyway, I will still give Cinderella a try though the comments are making me nervous. Even Korean viewers are commenting the same things that others have commented above.


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I agree. All the time people are saying so and so doesn't know how to pick good scripts. I imagine the same 5 or so actors get picks of about every drama and the rest are 2nd, 3rd, 4th down the way. A Hollywood actress even mentioned this happens there...she would get a script and it would have already been through several actresses...usually the same ones before she'd get it.

Cindrella is everything I thought it would be; cheesy yet addictive but it actually does have some potential so we'll see. I do feel JIL is kind of playing the same type character all the time, and I hope he has the opportunity to do more before he goes into military srv.


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I love JIW too ever since I've watched Flower Boy Ramyun Shop and I think you're maybe right about the lack of option here. I just feel bad for him though. :(


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Thanks for pointing this out. Actually I do agree. Not every actors have the luxury to choose the script they want, similarly in the case of JIW. While ppl complaining about his choices (including me), we may not realize he has lack of option to choose.Not everyone is in the status of hallyu stars and A-lister, and can have many options. What is sad is those are talented ones, but because of lack of choices, they cannot show their real capability. That is why some talented actors have been stucked doing supporting roles for years /
or typecasted.


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I think you raised a very good point which probably explains his bad choice in scripts. As much as I love JIW, he's nowhere near KSH, LMH, LJS level of popularity where he gets love calls from directors for the best scripts. Nor is he willing to take the second lead role in innovative but off-beat roles which would at least stretch his acting range and give him more exposure like Kim Bum, Namgoong Min, Song Jae rim or Lee Soo Hyuk does, so he's stuck in lead roles for B-list or C-list rom com dramas which never happen to be very good. I think he's also typecast.

I have often wished he'd pull a SIG and do other dramas other than rom coms. But, not every actor can do what SIG does. He's not insanely popular but he works with what he has and does deliver. In the end, it's all about choices...


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I agree, I think there is a issue with lead actors going into smaller roles but if the role is worth it re: new challenges, great script, I think they should do it.

The only role I remember (in recent history) that JIW turned down was the lead in Blood and given how that went down, it was probably a good thing. Now he and the lead from Blood are working together - small kdrama world that it is!


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I haven't watched many of his things so I don't know how he fares in roles, but if he doesn't want to take supporting roles in dramas then maybe he should try taking supporting roles in films instead, plenty of leads take smaller roles in chungmuro and there's no stigma. Lee Jongsuk's being offered a possible non-lead role (or maybe it's a trio-lead like New World) for Park Hoon Jung's next film and I think he'd be dumb to pass it up, even if it were a supporting role it'd open doors to more prestigious films. Like that, maybe if Jung Ilwoo does well in supporting roles for films and builds a reputation, he'd get better offers later on for both dramas and films. Because it's just going to keep going downhill unless he reinvents himself now, there's already a crop of rising 23 year olds that'll likely take over the roles targeted towards teens like Cinderella and the Four Knights.


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I hope he realizes that taking second-lead roles could be a good thing as what we've seen in some actors who started out with smaller, supporting roles. It does seem like he's stuck in lead roles of B/C dramas. Cinderella was not picked by any station until late in the game and that kinda hurt. I /really/ hope he'll get a good one before he enlists or is this it? I dunno know when he'll go...


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Idk but imo, the second Cinderella episode was better than the first. The first was the one that was overly cheesy in my opinion and just seemed like other Cinderella type stories and while I thought it was cute and pretty to look at nothing really grabbed at me. The second episode however did what the first failed to do and made the heroine one to root for. The moment she pushed JIW's character up against a wall after he had threatened her and told him the next time he touched her would be the day he died I found myself whooping and clapping like yes girl! Idc that he's the "hero" or JIW. He shouldn't be treating her like that. And the final scene with her father cemented it. She actually has a legitimate, realistic decision to leave her house, and a valid reason to accept the grandpa's offer. *Much* better than oh can you fix my grandson's personalities because I ask you to and you need the money? That being said, not surprised the ratings dropped, however while the first episode was indeed that cheesy and nothing we hadn't seen before, it's always a bit disappointing when a better ep of a show gets worse ratings than a worse one. I'll be watching, it'll be a cute watch and I have no other shows to watch on Fridays & Saturdays lol. Wish JIW had picked a better project though. He's very talented. I like PSD in this role though. Kudos to her for making the heroine so likeable and engaging!


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The 2nd episode aired at something like 23:30 on a Saturday night. Considering the time slot I thought it did pretty good. For me the "Knights" are just props for her to become a total heroine. I just hope they don't do that all too common k-drama thing and make into some damsel in distress lady - if she keeps up her bad-ass attitude I think the show will do OK.


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I agree. The second episode was what actually sold me to the show. The first was terribly cheesy.


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Ack, I didn't expect Cinderella to get some flack in its debut week... Curses, it's like every drama I watch nowadays becomes hated by everyone else. The problems of watching it live...

Speaking of which, Uncontrollably Fond has been picking up in terms of the story these last few weeks. I was hoping it would catch up since I heard about W's hiatus, but it seems like the next episode is happening this week? At least MBC isn't too stumped by the Olympics.


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Actually if you read through the comments, a lot of us actually like Cinderella. I think the only k-drama I actually truly HATED was Heirs - some, like sageuks, I simply don't watch because they usually bore me to death.


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@Andee, yes, a good number of us enjoyed Cinderella so don't worry! We'll be watching happily together.

It was like watching a B movie but I was having so much fun. I was cackling like a witch especially when the butler was showing the video of the 3 grandsons to PSD. Like, how did they shoot that thing? Hilarious!

I usually watch kdramas during my breaktime and I stopped watching Doctors while eating (cuz they're always cracking brains). But Cinderella is a perfect break from work and life!


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Nope, not everyone hated Cinderella. I for one enjoyed it! Haha. I loved Park So Dam kicking butt and I LOVED her line to Grandpa: *spoiler?*

"Whoa, I thought that rich boys weren’t given decorum lessons on purpose. In case they grew up to be too good and donate all their money. So I thought they were raised to be people with terrible personalities who only care about money, on purpose!"

I was laughing so hard. I love humour like this that's tongue in cheek and poking fun at all bratty drama chaebols.

Besides, who cares whether it's "popular" or not, it only matters if you liked it. And on Dramabeans you can be sure there will be others here willing to squee with you. ?


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LOL! Yeah - I thought that was one of the greatest lines in the episode.


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Same here with Doctors - Korean audiences seem to be much more taken with it than international ones. I suppose part of it is the "star" factor - PSH etc., which is not as much of a factor outside Korea.

Korea has a lot of crossover - various idols turning actor (not always with good results) - that you don't see near as much of in Western dramas.


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" I suppose part of it is the “star” factor – PSH etc., which is not as much of a factor outside Korea."
Based on the comments on this site and some complaints online?
Doctors is still number 1 show on both Dramafever and viki where they had exclusive for UF and W.
Despites all the lost of interest and complaints it seems to do better than your favorite shows in both korea and online.


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"Doctors is still number 1 show on both Dramafever and viki where they had exclusive for UF and W."

Yes, Doctors is No.1 and W is No.2 on viki, but you have to consider the fact that W is viki pass exclusive while Doctors is not. And Dramafever does not even have W. So I don't think it's fair to say Doctors is doing the best online now. At least not for certain, you know.


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doctors is no 1..........still w is the most talked and viewed drama in korea


Why can't people just leave Doctors alone?. I'm not watching the drama but the jealousy the drama is getting about it's rating is way to much. It's not like it's their fault the drama is getting high ratings. W is actually doing well. It's increasing graudually. I'm sure before it finishes it's run,and if the story keeps it's freshness,then it'll most likely cross the 20% mark. Just be patient.just becos u don't find Doctors interesting doesn't mean other don't too. The time u use in typing your disappointment about the ratings,why not use it to appreciate the drama u love.


You have to consider the fact that Doctors aren't even exclusive in both viki and DF but it's #1 in both sites.
For a show that have no popular popular male lead it and keep getting hated on for winning rating in Korea it means something tight?


@diana most talked? Yes!

But most viewed? Are we talking about rating or their online views?
And Doctors won back #1 CPI last week too.


Doctors is wiki pass exclusive though in some parts of the world. It just started earlier than W so ofc it naturally has more following initially...


Lmao, star factor?? Or maybe just good acting and refreshing characters for a change and sweet and bold combination of romance and healing. Look at the star studded cast in UF, it still isn't doing as good despite the fact of having a hallyu god as its lead.


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Windsun I don't know if all these responses are to you or to me. It's interesting that I see a lot of over-reaction. No one compared W to Doctors (except ironically those trying to defend Doctors lol). I only mentioned Doctors in my post because this is a thread for discussing ratings, and I had tried to check it out only to find it a very over-rated show IMO. This is also the first time I mention it, since I really don't care for it. Anyways to each his/her own drama/show to enjoy.


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They're to Windsun. You can easily tell by looking at the commenting format or numbers.

As for the comparison between W and Doctors, while I haven't seen any here I have noticed some in other DB posts, and they happened to be from W fans who didn't understand the ratings of Doctors like this. Then again, this comparison is minor compared to the BM/Doctors fight weeks ago. Man, that really involved some name-calling...


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Slide of life show on humanity is not everyone's cup of tea, especially ifans. In fact, it’s hardly the kind of drama that popular since it's not fast-paced or action-packed or over dramatic.
I’m not surprised you find it boring. Many people would think the same way since it's not for everyone.
The drama is character-driven and the characters is nothing like your typical lead characters. That's why you feel there is no plot. It's the kind of drama you have to like the characters to enjoy it and clearly Korea has become to be attached with its characters.
Overall its a feel good show that has very meaningful messages about healing, growth and human relationship. The actors also bring A game with their acting.
But again it's not surprising that many ifans don't like or understand of its popularity. They usually said it must be the actor's power but look at UF. Star power and hype can take you go that far.


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I have started watching "Age of Youth" because several people were recommending it on this site. I am enjoying it so far, and it is a "slice of life" drama. I enjoy character driven shows, when they are good and interesting - just because a show is character driven, doesn't mean that it has to be boring. Also I found the first two eps of "Doctors" to have exaggerations and ridiculousness. However like I said each person has a different taste. So happy watching for whatever show you're following.


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Their subjects are different. Doctors is about humanity and growth. So it'd be a lot more slower and less fun than AOY, where it's about friendship and youth


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Not necessarily different.

Not my type of show at all, but its type has been quite popular in the US as well ("Grey's Anatomy" - basically a night-time soap set in a hospital setting).


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And yes, AoY is a "slice of life" show (and a very good one at that); "Doctors" is NOT a SoL show.


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By the way I didn't watch "Grey's Anatomy either.


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@bd5 It's strange. I expected to love AoY because it's SoL but it wasn't for me. I thought Doctors would be more romance than SoL but it's turned in the last few episodes.
Grey's Anatomy wasn't for me either because US goes places I don't want in my entertainment.

As @Sweet&Sour said above, people have different tastes. I'll give all SoL a chance but only stay with the ones that move me emotionally.


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Age of Youth is a total ❤❤
I just cannot get enough with this drama. I have been very loyal to jTBC this year and all are favourites. ?
The show is not finish yet but I'm already wanting a season 2 ?? lol

Love W as usual. The only two dramas that I really love right now.

Watched Cinderella too, nothing new with the plot but I'm enjoying Park So Dam as modern Cinderella. The 4 knight still not really captivating my eyes. ?


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Haha, pretty much me right now.

Just a huuuuuge Age of Youth & W fangirl right here. With these two recent gems, Park Yeon-seon and Song Jae-jung are each officially on their way to having 3 dramas on my all-time favorites list. It's so nice to have a few kdrama writers I can trust in :)


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I really hope W wold get more rating since it will encourage drama makers to get out of their comfortzone and try more. I won't say that doctor is overated. I guess many people enjoy this, and it deserved what it got. But W is so better and deserve more in my opinion.


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I also find W much more interesting than Doctors. Not the first show based on manwha/manga but the first that I have seen that actually breaks new ground.


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You don't even watch Doctors to know what the show is about to say W deserves better?
They aren't even in the same time slot. It's not Doctors' fault that W isn't get higher rating
After BM now people has to find other reasons to compare and drag the show. Doctors isn't your typical medical drama. That's why it's doing well in the time slot that had lower ratings


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This is really getting boring that when their fave doesn't get exactly the ratings they wish for it to have, they turn and blame or compare it to Doctors. I mean come on, seriously?? They're not even in the same time slot omg. First BM and now even W, I've seen somewhere even UF!


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i am falling for Cinderella especially because of PSD's character. this drama seems light and cheesy , but i am loving the script, it's funny and I wish I could say some of the words she said.
W is on top of my favourite drama list. The chemistry between the OTP is awesome.
lastly, Lets Fight, Ghost is a surprise fun to watch drama! romance, fighting/action, mystery, horror, melodrama... where else can we find these topics.. but treated lightly.


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I'm a fellow lover of Cinderella and her four Knights.❤️ I understand it's not to everyone's taste, but something about the production just pulls me in and keeps me addicted. Plus my 9 year old daughter is seriously vested in the show so it's a good family watch. I liked the first ep, and seriously loved ep 2. I'm in for the ride?!


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Ah, that explains why I like the show -- I have the drama taste of a 9-year-old. One of my favoritest shows ever was Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and that was after grad school.


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"I have the drama taste of a 9-year-old"

OMG! Sudden realization! Same here @blnmom

Not about Zack and Cody but I watch animes with my son and I love children's literature! So that's whyyyy.....


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Hey there fellow Disney lover!

Thanks to my pre-teen kids, I've developed a new appreciation for Disney's sitcoms?so I'll happily join the club...


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@blnmom Suite Life was my favorite. Can't decide between the original or the sequel.

@Mothwabit aka Mawu anime & late elementary/middle school literature are my main form of entertainment after kdramas.

@Adal Disney Channel forever. I don't know if it's being a child development major but I just can't let go. My favorite is Liv and Maddie but I like several other shows.


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anybody watching monster???


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I did for a while, but just so slow moving that will wait til it is done (50 episodes) and then catch the last two episodes to see how it ends. I did not find it particularly good, even for a weekend drama - something I fast forward a lot on, and gave up even on that about 10 episodes ago.


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1. 'Doctors' keeps surprising and amazing me every airing week. Despite no coherent plot or storyline present it keeps drawing that massive audience. And also for me the main pairing doesn't click at all. Though I gotta admit I'm still watching because I'm just a sucker for Park Shin Hye.

2. 'Cinderella and Four Knights' is cheesy and on top of that has a real lackluster cast who can't make the storyline charming instead of cringe worthy. Don't really believe the ratings will change for the better.

3. 'Uncontrollably Fond' has its core audience rooted now. If the leads were better actors it might have worked with the overly angsty plot. Suzy and Kim Woo Bin don't get me invested and understanding towards their plots. In a melo you should feel sad and sobby for the characters. If I get annoyed and eye rolling at the main pairing than that means the actors don't do their job right.

4.'The Good Wife' ratings are good I hope? It seems they have decided to make Tae Joon the ultimate antagonist now. Which could get very interesting to see how ruthless he gets now that Hye Kyung is with Joong Won.

Still I gotta say their elevator/hotel scene didn't get me hooked at all despite being so explicit. Yoon Kye Sang is doing the 0815 swooning smiles and longing looks acting. Not outstanding enough when acting besides Jeon Do Yeon. It seems like he's adapting to her acting instead of going toe to toe besides her. Their chemistry feels very flat

Yoo Ji Tae on the other side makes his presence known besides Jeon Do Yeon and is not afraid to go all in. Maybe that's why despite the writing pointing towards the other direction the chemistry is still so heavy.


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Doctors is characters driven not plot driven... nor slice of life show isn't for evertime again
But it seems you will never understand


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A slice-of-life story does not mean a coherent plot is nonexistent. Plot and characters must go hand-in-hand together. A slice-of-life story must still have conflict, a clear plot, and a climax. That's Writing 101.


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Cinderella, to me, is cheesy in the best way. Episode one had some questionably edits (the weird rapid-fire angles when So-Dam was crying, for one) and yes, the plot is hardly original, but I like that the show seems aware of it, in a way? Like, it knows it's got cliches and fluff and all that, but its just like, "Hell yeah, I'm a cheese fest and I love it!"

I just wish Jung Il Woo would pick that up, to be honest, since so far he's kind of turning on the melo. :/ Come one, Jung Il Woo! We've all seen FBRS! We know you've got comedy chops!

Ahn Jae Hyun has also surprised me. No, he's not a great actor, but his just SO full of himself. It's kind of hilarious.

And the heroine is just a badass. When *Spoiler?* JIW's character was being all macho-bully-lead-guy and she just flipped him round and was like, "Touch me again, you die." Like, what with Park Shin Hye's character over on Doctors and now this girl- I'm liking it. I really am. xD

So, no. Nothing extraordinary. No major shocks, plot-wise. But it's fluffy and fun and next week the cohabitation hijinks start, so... I'm definitely going to keep tuning in. ;)


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Wow. This has a lot of spelling mistakes and grammar errors. I think another coffee is in order.


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Here's your coffee, dear. That's for being a fellow Cinderella watcher. ;)


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i agree with you, so long as the show doesn't take itself too seriously, it should be all right and might even be reasonably entertaining in the long run. jung il-woo and park so-dam are fairly reliable actors, so worst case scenario it shouldn't get too unbearable on the acting front. looking at jung il-woo in this show also brings me back to high kick days. i don't know why i've been thinking about that sitcom so much lately!

overall, i just find it a little hilarious that there are people out there still making a show like this. i mean, this sort of thing was trendy about ten years ago with dramas like goong, and even then i think it was on the cusp of puttering out. i feel like 2007 with coffee prince sort of signaled a shift away from those sorts of shows... with the exception of BOF in 2009, and at least that was a remake.

if i'd had big expectations, i'd have been disappointed for sure. but i happen to be in the mood to be able to tolerate this sort of thing—cute, fluffy, pretty (but still with a basic amount of substance) so i'm content to tune in and not think too hard. i was mostly surprised by how fairly okay ahn jae-hyun's acting was!


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So many comments about Cinderella! Now, I really got to try the show. Wasn't planning to watch at all but if it is a parody of shows like Heirs and BOF, I would want to watch. I have a weakness for dramas who know how not to take itself seriously. That's when my tolerance for over the top cheesiness and shenanigans go up.

On the other hand, I can barely stand shows like Doctors. I get that fans enjoy the fluff and the characters/actors but there's no development, be it plot nor characters. Then again, there have been shows like this which were successful but had wafer thin plots and stunted characters so Doctors isn't the only nor the first.

The show that gets my heart every week is Age of Youth. Such a underrated gem.
*spoiler for ep 8* I was pondering over Eun Jae and her oppa's ice cream scene. Jong Yeol's lines were so cheesy. Normally, I would also find it kind of chauvinistic but strangely, I squealed at it all.
Is it the setting/context or acting or personal preference that I would lap up such cheesiness in one and find another totally disgusting?

I was really surprised that this drama does its kisses so well. I mean, they looked natural to me. I liked it even more than the one in last week's W. There's no need to eat each other's lips or set up some phone booth in the middle of nowhere. Just make it not looking like acting.


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The characters in Doctors have changed so much from the beginning.
I doubt that you guys are actually watching or pay attention.
I mean looking at people here enjoy show like Cinderella but hating on Doctors lol. Makes so much sense


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I think it's basically the phenomenon of loving the seemingly 'underrated' shows and hating the 'overrated'. In my opinion, Doctors is superior to most shows like Cinderella, etc. in terms of acting, characterization and character growth, which the whole drama is basically about. However people just seem to have different opinions on that fact alone so, better live by the motto 'live and let live'.

Critique is fine, but it seems that Doctors is getting far more harsher critique than your average k-drama, which is also fine but bit hypocritical in my opinion...


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Even though some people might not like what I'm going to say, I agree. I'm also getting kinda sick of the constant complaints Doctors has been getting the last 10 episodes - not because they're negative, but not only do they just say the same few words about the show some also happen to pick on people related to it, be it the fans or actors. And I definitely don't think it's perfect - the hospital politics are easily a turn-off. But hatebases need to chill.

I do wish Cinderella wasn't used for comparison though. Besides the kickass main girl, they don't really have any competition against each other. Though then again, since I love both shows it sucks to see them pitted against each other I guess ;_;


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Not really. It's just that the expectations for a drama like Doctors, Yong pal or CITT is much different (much higher) than from a drama like Cinderella (the name itself speaks volumes about what kind of drama it would be like). When people are disappointed, there is bound to be much harsher criticism than if there were no expectations at all. These criticisms might be especially painful for a lover of that drama to hear so I understand where you're coming from.

I was one of those who was very impressed by the first six episodes of Doctors, as time went on I became extremely disappointed by its wafer thin plot, but held in my opinions so that lovers of the drama could enjoy it in peace. I guess different people have different ways of dealing with their love for dramas, I might express my disappointment a few times and let it go, others might not, in hope that more discussion might bring some added clarity or a new perspective on the matter...


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That's what I kinda feel is the problem. It's good to see some perspectives outside your own for sure, but more often than not some of the people who constantly express their dislike like that seem to push their own opinions on those who like it instead. 'Course, some parts of this community are much more civil expressing their opinions and discussing their concerns, but I can recall some times where it was like "This other drama is soooo much better than the one you're watching! How could you not watch this drama and like this crap?" Yeah, it's hard to not feel bad for having your own perspective in this case...


the people who loved cinderella and hate doctor as you said may not be the same person,
there's not much discussing regarding cinderella since it only has 2 ep but the doctors gain a lot of comment and already b aired for 7 weeks?

so I don't think you need to low shade those people since it's 2 different topic,
you can angry at pear that taste like pear even when you prefer apple than pear


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edit :

you can't angry at pear that taste like pear even when you prefer apple than pear


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I thought Healer was the most loved kdrama on dramabeans? now,it's W. people are putting Healer down cos W is currently the IT drama at the moment. infact, all other kdramas are trash compared to W. (according to W's fans).but next 3 months,it's gonna be LMH/JJH's drama. that's when u'll see the same fans commenting LOTBS is better than W. it's fresh and all. that's when people start saying "W was overrated".kdrama fans are so difficult to relate to. lol.


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ikr? I thought people would support Healer but very less people said something good about it smh. But we can't deny the fact that it was an addictive show. Nothing will come from fighting over it when they're many fickle minded people here


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I don't find anyone brought down Healer. The first comparison is none on who is the better actor or which one is the better drama. Then someone started with the comparison between JCW and LJS, who is better than whom. Blame that person who brought it first.

In my opinion, stating the facts on the rating / popularity does not even indicating the quality of the show. It is just simply stating the facts. To be honest Me myself is in minority who found Healer was overrated in Dramabeans but I don't want to argue ppl's preference.I still thinking Healer still one of the favorite drama of beanies, but there is no reason not to love other drama. There can be many favorite dramas in DB right?


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I haven't even seen Healer yet. But I know I will one day because it's one of DB's most loved dramas. Many beanies who love W2W also love Healer and continue to mention it has one of the greatest stories. The fandoms overlsp. Most of the W2W fans are not trying to compare.

Omo, I don't think LotBS is going to be Healer and W2W level. And I've been counting down for months.


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Have you seen his latest drama "The Whirlwind girl 2"? JCW outshone the other chinese actors in that drama with his natural acting skills and the eyes that speak tales of despair and love. He is the pride of south korea and Prince of dramabeans. If you'll see WWG2 (if only you can restrain yourself from swooning over his GOD like face ) then you'll get enlightened that his acting skills are no joke. And Healer , the most sacred drama in the dramaland was a blockbuster internationally because of its content,music, action ,romance and great acting skills by JCW.; There will be no other drama like Healer,even DB owes their existence to healer.
Even though LJS is a great actor, IMO Jcw is slightly more expressive than him.


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all these discussions remind me how diverse we are. there are so many factors when it comes to question why do people like certain drama and why not. our culture, surroundings, upbringing, education, religious views, personal preferences… each and every one of us is unique and special that way. I might scratch my head why so many beanies adore a certain drama / actress / actor when they don't excite me in the least? and why is this drama described as boring when I find it anything but? and how is this story supposed to be a moving one when I find it so over the top and a total cliche? guess we all have those moments. and you know what? it's perfectly fine! we just need to respect that. and remember that when we get carried away a little bit. ;)


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+100 you're so right


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Agreed but sometimes I find some of our fangirly discussions amusing lol.


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Agree to the max! ?


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Reading this comment section section amused me. Only on this site Healer is the best drama and JCW is God *eye rolls*..when everywhere else he/his drama are just an average including Chinese Streaming portals. I could not finish healer stopped watching in the middle, I did not get the hype and I agree with korean rating, it never got double digit because it was just another plain drama ok I just checked dramawiki.

here http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Healer/Episode_Ratings

Actually I'm very much in-sync in korean rating except for yongpal, that drama beyond sux. City hunter is way better than Healer and I'm not even LMH fan. yup you don't need the best acting chop in order to success, LMH is a perfect example.


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also I just checked this chinese youku... pinocchio is no 1 followed by heirs and UF. Healer is nowhere to be found. LMAO!



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However, I'm scratching my head as to why UF out of all dramas is more viewed than for example I hear your voice or It's ok, it's love... I guess it shows us that people really have varying tastes...


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Easy answer: it's because I Hear Your Voice came out when the Chinese market was not yet such a big deal, and iirc it was never sold/promoted for Chinese streaming rights the way Heirs and UF have been.

IOIL was never geared to the Chinese market anyway, so that explains a lot.


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Doctors! 20+% ratings finally!!!


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