Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 22-28, 2016

There were oodles of new premieres this week, which certainly seems to make up for all the pre-emptions we’ve been suffering through lately. At the top of the week, we started with the much anticipated sageuk Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, which drew in decent starting numbers. Doctors’s double header on Monday certainly didn’t make for an easy foe, that’s for sure.

For its final episode this week, Doctors netted an impressive 20.2% to cap off a highly successful run. Over in the middle of the week, Jealousy Incarnate premiered in the spot Wanted left behind, and pulled in considerably higher numbers than its predecessor, even rising a point for its second episode. W—Two Worlds still has the lead though, so it’ll be interesting to see if Jealousy will be able to catch up.

The lauded (and deservedly so) JTBC drama Age of Youth finished its run over the weekend, netting an impressive 2.5%, considering the kind of numbers it had been pulling in during its run. You go, show! The Good Wife also came to an end, netting 6.2% for its finale, again capping off a very, very successful run. I’m sure the executives at tvN are quite happy. The question is, can their follow-up drama match the successes they’ve had throughout the year?

And last but not least, we have a few new kids on the weekend block, with some mixed results. Laurel Tree Tailors, which took over the spot vacated by ratings hit Five Kids, got off to an incredibly strong start at 22.4%. Flower in Prison continues to follow close behind, while the rest of the weekend offerings are left in the single digits—all save for the new premiere Blow Breeze, which started off at 10.4%. It’ll be fun to see how all these numbers shake out as all these new shows start to find their footing.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 22-28, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, Aug. 22
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds 1 KBS 8.3%
Monster 40 MBC 8.9%
Doctors 18 SBS 17.8%
Doctors 19 SBS 19.5%
Bring It On, Ghost 13 tvN 2.1%
Tuesday, Aug. 23
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds 2 KBS 8.5%
Monster 41 MBC 9.7%
Doctors 20 SBS 20.2%
Bring It On, Ghost 14 tvN 3.5%
Wednesday, Aug. 24
Uncontrollably Fond 15 KBS 8.0%
W—Two Worlds 10 MBC 12.3%
Jealousy Incarnate 1 SBS 7.3%
Thursday, Aug. 25
Uncontrollably Fond 16 KBS 7.7%
W—Two Worlds 11 MBC 12.2%
Jealousy Incarnate 2 SBS 8.3%
Friday, Aug. 26
Age of Youth 11 JTBC 2.5%
The Good Wife 15 tvN 5.9%
Cinderella and the Four Knights 5 tvN 3.0%
Saturday, Aug. 27
Laurel Tree Tailors 1 KBS 22.4%
Blow Breeze 1 MBC 10.4%
Flower in Prison 30 MBC 18.5%
Our Gap-soon 1 SBS 6.8%
Second to Last Love 6 SBS 7.8%
Age of Youth 12 JTBC 2.1%
The Good Wife 16 tvN 6.2%
Cinderella and the Four Knights 6 tvN 3.9%
Sunday, Aug. 28
Laurel Tree Tailors 2 KBS 28.1%
Blow Breeze 2 MBC 11.6%
Flower in Prison 31 MBC 19.9%
Our Gap-soon 2 SBS 8.4%
Second to Last Love 7 SBS 8.9%




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Doctors was nothing great but an average show which was very easy to watch.
Congratulations to the team of Doctors for a successful run throughout.


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I'm catching up on Doctors now and I didn't realize it's getting such high ratings. And my first thought when I saw the numbers was, "Really?"


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It's a mystery I tell you! But, I'm glad it ended its run smoothly and with great success - the actors deserve it.


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I think part of it was a Korean script writer that understood the type of show most Koreans would enjoy watching during summertime.


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Yup, the top three over-rated k-dramas are: DOTS, Doctors, and Heirs


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Can you really call it overrated if you see mostly negative feedback from it? Yes, it may be popular in Korea, but that doesn't mean it has that much credit internationally, especially since Heirs is pretty notorious for being awful.

If anything it seems like W might be "overrated" based on all the buzz surrounding it. I say "might" because I haven't watched it yet, but judging from all the talk in plenty of kdrama-based sites it seems like the constant hype is what's carrying the fanbase rather than the actual show.

Once again, it's my opinion. Plenty of people have proved to me that Doctors and Heirs aren't that overrated (haven't seen that much negative feedback for DOTS, so I don't have a say - probably should watch it though to see) so I feel the term may not really apply.


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I just don't understand the need to always bring up "W" whenever any other show is mentioned, especially "Doctors". They don't even air on the same days or times. Also I will suggest that you checkout "W" first, since you said you haven't watched it yet, before you jump to conclusions :)


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I wanted to add, since I can't edit my above post: Who knows you might enjoy "W", and see what many others see :D
Even if you don't end up enjoying it as much, I think that at the very least this show is entertaining, unique (especially compared to other k-dramas), and creative.


Because W just happens to be the most popular drama internationally right now? Hell, I've seen W fans complain about Doctors' ratings in previous threads before. Anyways, I could've talked about any popular drama, like Healer (though I don't know how popular it is outside of DB). W just struck my mind first because it's the most current.

I've read the recaps as well as the comments about W, thank you very much. I've said before that I plan on waiting until it finishes to decide if I want to marathon it. Things can happen, hype can be too much.


Replying to your extra since I just saw it - yes, the premise is pretty unique, which is why I'm looking at the recaps to determine if I want to watch it or not. But if I don't enjoy it as much or decide to not watch it then that does give way for me to think it's overrated, does it not? You're fine enjoying whatever, just I'd rather have my opinions regarding the drama be determined by my own two eyes.


Yes you should form your own opinion concerning the drama, that is why I suggested that you check it out. If you want to wait until it finishes, that is fine. Then you can make your own decision.

I mean the drama might still fall apart, since we have 5 more eps to go (despite this writer's solid track record), so even I am not sure despite my love for it. However so far, it is my number 1 favorite k-drama.


No need to recommend it when so many people here have already through posts. Everyone saying "You have to watch it!" gets tiresome even when you plan on watching it, you know?

Plus, I've seen comments of irritation towards W that already make me think it might be falling apart. But like you said, there's five episodes left - anything can happen.


OMG can someone teach/help me how to raise viewership on a korean drama?? I try to search on google but doesnt help..... Like which website can u go to raise viewership? Or must watch through TV? Only applicable for koreans? How???


Also when I say over-rated I mean in S.K., since this thread is discussing S.K. viewer ratings. I read these numbers posted here, and it is just fascinating to me how shows I find very boring or bad (that I ended up dropping them after the first few eps) get ratings like that in S.K. I guess there is a difference between the tastes of international audiences, and S.K. viewers sometimes.


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Surprisingly, during my time in Korea, I've heard some passerbys talk about how they dropped Doctors since it wasn't their style. If I recall correctly, the ratings are judged through a certain sample size in Korea, so I do wonder where they get the sample size from.


Interesting observation Andee, thanks for sharing


aka dramas that some don't like because they had higher ratings than the dramas they do like. There are valid reasons to dislike all there, but there are also valid reasons to dislike the dramas you didn't drop and love, and that people don't watch.

Fact is no everyone likes what you like (shocking I know!) Therefore ratings might be different than what you imagine. All three of those dramas you mentioned were also very popular internationally (Heirs and DoTS especially), so no it's not really Korean audience vs. international. It's just your personal opinion.



Agreed and we seems to be harping on Korean viewer's tastes and over-rated dramas etc when it's almost the same way in our own countries.


I don't think W could ever be considered "over-rated", simply by nature of its place in the market.

It's a unique concept, yes, and its in-depth exploration of existentialist themes gives it the weight it needs to carry the show past it's unique concept. But more importantly: it's a brand new kind of televisual storytelling.

What other TV show out there tells a story while simultaneously deconstructing its own storytelling? W is a romantic thriller narrative, and at the same, it's a story about WRITING a romantic thriller narrative. As we watch Kang Chul and Yeon Joo struggle against antagonistic forces, we are also watching them literally writing their story for us. They dissect their own story choices, and encourage us to do the same through their dissection. I don't think I've ever seen a show that encourages its audience to actively participate in its writing process like this.

It reminds me of when people saw Star Wars for the first time. It blew up the market because no one had ever seen a sci-fi movie executed that way. It was exciting. W has a more inventive and clever story than Star Wars' by-rote Hero's Journey, but at the end of the day, its existence on TV serves the same purpose.

W is not a perfect show. It has its flaws (the story is so jam-packed, I think 20 or 30 episodes would've served its character development better than than 16). But whether W delivers a fantastic finale or not, whether you personally enjoy the show or not, is irrelevant to its significance.

It's a story that's never been told on Korean television before. And it's telling that story in a way that's never been told on ANY television screen, around the globe, before. It just invented a whole new genre of non-parodic, self-aware storytelling.

That in itself is something to be lauded. And it is, rightly so, being lauded. :)


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I did put the overrated term in quotations since I do acknowledge I'm treading on water when saying it. I will say that I do appreciate the concept and how it differs from other kdramas, so kudos to W for that. But in a way it does feel like something I've seen quite often in shows and stories from other countries. I may still watch it, but there could be other shows that show the same concept.

It's most likely just me who thinks this, though. Some people did mention that judging what's overrated is subjective.


Metafiction is definitely not new. I'm not sure I've seen an entire show built around it, but you can find self-aware, self-referential experimentation with narrative and genre everywhere, for example in American staples like Family Guy and South Park, pretty much everything Joss Whedon has ever written (Firefly is particularly guilty of it), Arrested Development, heck even episodes of Star Trek and Doctor Who dating back to the 60s. I'm not really sure we should be celebrating it at this point, either--if we were looking for real, meaningful insight there would be no need for meta anyway, since it's basically become reductive, masturbatory excess brought on by a world that always has to feel cleverer than whatever it's consuming, and responds to sincerity with cynicism.

Sorry, /rant. As you probably can tell, I feel very strongly about this topic, probably because my entire generation seems to disagree with me.


Very well said "W" is different and has perhaps created a whole new way of telling a story, the trick is you have to hella talented to write a story the way "W" is written, and visually it is a feast the colors and sets are amazing, as well as the comic rendition of the characters. I think it is so worth watching for the experience alone.


All the things you said - existentialist themes, deconstructing its own storytelling - were applicable just for the first 6-7 episodes. before the memory reboot. Now it has devolved into a random, inexplicable mess. So i don't think @andee is too far off the mark when he/she says that it is the hype that is carrying the show now rather than the other way around. But saying it is something never done, around the GLOBE? Sorry but that is just a gross exaggeration


*wipes tear* Bless you for this Beanie. I totally agree and this is how I feel about it. and why I love it so much tbh.
I can def think of movies and books that have tackled similar ideas/concepts but not any tv shows come to mind (korean OR otherwise) and I watch...alot of stuff. from more than just the US. I feel like people that can appreciate it on both fronts will enjoy the drama the most, than those that can only see it as one or the other.

and I know it wont be everyone's cup of tea but it's just weird to see backlash from people who either havent watched it or barely have. cuz of how popular it is. like....not everything popular/highly praised = bad. and not everything with low ratings or low audience enthusiasm = underrated/good. ya know? and i see this as an issue not just specific to doctors/w/beautiful mind etc but almost every drama season, there will be something like this going on and i just do NOT get it.


@junpier -- "Metafiction" the way you're defining it (as a tool for comedy or self-referential witticisms) certainly isn't new, but I wouldn't say W's brand of self-awareness is the same as, say, a Joss Whedon quip. The point of that kind of meta is to acknowledge the genre tropes in a winky, "we don't take this too seriously" way. It's used to diffuse some of the melodrama and take it down a notch when the stakes get too high for our postmodern, self-conscious, emotionphobic society.

W uses meta to INCREASE its stakes -- to generate a serious dissection its own writing -- not to parody something else, or wink at the audience. Another show may hang a lampshade on its own flaws so it doesn't have to actually fix the bulb. W points out its own flaws (some of which are intentional) and then tries (and sometimes fails) to make a better lamp.

For the characters in W, telling the story is just as life-or-death as the life-or-death story they're telling. It's a show where an episode's shift in genre (from romcom to tragedy, action-thriller to horror) is a clue to the emotional state of the characters participating. A plot hole or a retcon is as devastating to the characters as it is to the audience. It's this huge Nesting Doll of a show, where the manwha directly comments on the real world, which directly comments on the drama itself, which directly comments on the craft of storytelling as a whole. ("It Was All A Dream is a copout to dealing with story conflict and doesn't lead to a satisfying ending"; "Characters who only exist as vehicles for plot vanish from the audience's memory as soon as they fulfill their function.")

I don't know any other TV show that's tried to use meta the way W uses it. I'm still kind of shocked W's managed to pull it off so far without breaking my suspension of disbelief, honestly.

Haha, I'm sorry. I can never shut up. XD

Listen, all that aside, you don't HAVE to like W. You don't even have to watch it! It's not certainly everyone's cup of tea, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! If you have no interest, or you started to watch it and dropped it: totally A-OK, and good for you for staying true to what you like and not wasting your time. I'm not sitting here saying it's the greatest drama in the history of ever. :)

But W's nesting-doll storytelling truly is something new, and comparing it to shows like Buffy or Family Guy is doing it a disservice.



I really disagree with your statement, and I'm sure I'm not alone and I'm sure also that if I had the energy I could give you a good breakdown as to why your statement represents a poor understanding of what groundwork has been laid prior to the recent eps (that is NOTa dig at your IQ btw, just want that to be clear.)
But at the end of the day, everyone has their own opinions/feelings you know? I don't think Andee's rant becomes more legitimate just cause you dislike where the show went or see the recent developments as nonsensical. (which isnt me saying she cant feel that way ofc, just that two ppl can be wrong at the same time lol)
imo the events make sense to me, albeit YES there is some shift in focus in the recent eps but not in the actual theme.

But I've also feltl that people who say the ending to QIHM made no sense/came out of nowhere were also off the mark. So this writer's style definitely doesnt appeal to everyone but in both cases, I would argue there IS a textual and subtextual explanation for all the events that have happened. whether that explanation however is sufficient/acceptable to you is ofc purely subjective. but to say one doesnt exist at all and its all arbitrary makes me wonder if we are watching the same thing at all. (QIHM is put there to emphasize my point but idk ur feelings on it ofc)


@bips99 I have to disagree with you.

In chapter 7, we dealt with genre change and sequel writing. In Epsiode 8, we have the character pre-setting as their purpose of living and the way of resetting the reality is a method that is so meta we have seen it a lot in comics and tv/movies, where the audience think the event is real but later it turns out to be just illusions or dreams.

This drama is centered around KC's happiness. So starting from episode 9, it's about how to make a happy and logical ending for bad tropes of choice at the beginning aka giving the black hooded a ID that both KC and the comic readers believe.

During completing the task above, the storty is abducted by the villain so then we are seeing a storing telling when the villains are the main characters.

Therefore, if you don't think it's centered around story-writing from episode 7-11, I might tend to believe we are watching different shows.


@beanie re: ur response to Juniper

I don;t like preaching to the choir so I'll keep this brief but again thanks for saying what I want to say but clearer than I ever could!
and yeah being meta isnt new at all, Community is another show where that was a big part of the plot and is imo a better example of metafiction and examining narrative tropes than Buffy or Family Guy ever could be, (but I also strongly dislike both Joss Whedon and Self Macfarlane anyway. "too clever by half" is a phrase that suits them both well) Alot of recent IFC shows would also be a good example of well done meta/satire. (and i wont even start going into films cuz yikes when will i be done then?)

but W is different because it is 1. not a satire/parody or comedy and 2. the characters are fictional in a drama that is ofc also fictional. its a very different dynamic! Plus what I like is that writer jung isnt just making points about storytelling but alot of it is also about like LIFE itself? basically in W: Art imitates life, Life imitates Art and Art comes to life in this drama.
but I guess how much this drama appeals to someone depends on how strong their feelings are about fictional narratives to begin with lol. (and how much of their day is spent wishing you could physically fight Nietzsche becuz honestly fuck that guy...this got away from me)


Too much typo. Revised. Please ignore the comment of mine above.

@bips99 I have to disagree with you.

In episode 7, we dealt with genre change and sequel writing. In Epsiode 8, we have the character pre-setting as their purpose of living and the way of resetting the reality is a method that is so meta we have seen it a lot in comics and tv/movies, where the audience think the event is real but later it turns out to be just illusions or dreams.

This whole drama is centered around KC’s happy ending. So starting from episode 9, we start to really tackle this matter and it’s about how to make a happy and logical ending for bad tropes of choice at the beginning aka giving the black hooded a ID that both KC and the comic readers believe.

During completing the task above, the storty is abducted by the villain so then we are seeing a storing telling when the villains are the main characters.

Therefore, if you don’t think it’s centered around story-writing from episode 7-11, I might tend to believe we are watching different shows.


@Tai -- Haha oh my goodness, thank you for those lovely replies! I have to admit I sometimes feel like I'm being really rambly and annoying with all my comments-that-somehow-become-essays. I agree with what you've said, as well!

(So true about Neitsche. I feel like Writer Song has read Heidegger and Sartre, too... their fingerprints are all over this drama.)


@beanie. I'm glad you're getting that much out of the show. I'm not trying to knock it out of spite or tell people that if they can't enjoy it. I just have a dissenting opinion, however unpopular it may be lol. I'm glad we're able to discuss and disagree civilly :)

I'll admit I dropped W after 4-5 episodes (mostly because of elements besides the writing, although I was not into the conceit that authors can wrong their creations, which was a bizarre mischaracterization of the cathartic relationship between people/fiction). However, from what I saw it wasn't really doing anything revolutionary, so much as deconstructing basic storytelling tools/tropes/cliches and turning them into dramatic vehicles, all the while using them as an excuse to unironically indulge in those self-same tools/cliches/tropes, without any critical engagement. The micro level actively undermines the macro. For instance, *SPOILERS FOR W* when Yeon-joo had to "end" episodes by doing something shocking in the show/manhwa-within-the-show, we were treated to an amusing litany of makjang-cliffhangers-in-action (slapping, flashing, kissing, etc). However, the show itself milked The Kiss in textbook fanservice fashion (slo mo, swelling music, multiple camera angles), without commenting on it. Similarly, they make fun of Kang Cheol's male lead-ness (improbable combo of wealth, good looks, success, personal tragedy) to great effect, but in his first couple of meetings with HHJ he's a walking, talking stereotype in ways of which the show is seemingly unaware (in just a couple scenes, blissfully free of commentary, he requires her to tend to his wounds, gives her a makeover complete with shockingly expensive designer clothes, shows his interest in her by insisting she's ugly and crazy, carries her, etc). Admittedly the writer isn't getting any help selling this stuff (LJS and HHJ aren't exactly trying to portray real human beings and the PD just swings between Rom Com Mode and Thriller Mode), but the material can't support itself.

Anyway, not only have I seen this done before, but it is not exactly something I take much joy in anymore, especially since the show seems happy just to play in its narrative sandbox. The most obvious comparison would be Inception, which deconstructed the heist genre into dynamic building blocks the characters used to construct their job (ie, the story), only to throw them into the world they had created, where little goes according to plan and everyone’s existence hangs by a narrative thread (yay, terrible puns). But if we go back to the examples I used before… I'd say that Joss Whedon for instance in his (less obnoxious) Buffy days did the same thing with mixed results, sure, but to much greater purpose thematically as well. Look beyond the quips and examine how he was able to deconstruct horror canon, and turn its sexist toolbox into vehicles for feminist counternarratives…all while unironically sewing the seeds for Twlight. Hence,...


...mixed results. Damn you word limit :P


Enjoyed your take, beanie.

imo W should not be compared to DOTS, Doctors, Heirs etc because it is not that kind of drama.

Th comment threads for W are incredibly long because it is not a drama that simply aims for the emotional. Its like a puzzle, a what happens next narrative, a girl's adventure. the pleasure of the aesthetics of W manhwa and W real world etc. At the same time it arouses curiosity regarding what lies behind the drama and characters and what they symbolise and what the writer wants to say through it - which I think beanie's posts address. One can think it overrated of course but it has to be in the context of discussing its forbears - e.g. the discussion on metafiction and how exactly does W differ - and not just any other drama?

Personally it piqued my interest and grey cells enough to live watch and plan a binge watch even though I never rewatch dramas.

PS: Given the nature of the show its more cult or hip than popular I think, hence the long discussions and average ratings.


@ juniper -- Thank YOU for your equally civil response! I love these kinds of discussions. :)

Ah, see, you dropped it before they opened the nesting doll. Episodes 1 through 6 are mostly set-up to the main conflict. They're more existential than anything else -- yes, there's meta, but the story doesn't revolve around "telling the story" the way it does in ep 7 onward.

I don't know if you're planning to pick it back up again, so just in case: SPOILERS AHOY.

When Yeon Joo asks Kang Chul to write a sequel together, I started to notice the storytelling-as-story thing. The genre of the show suddenly changes, and the shift is jarring (even if the romance is adorable). And it's jarring on purpose: not only does it highlight the fact that their fluffy romance novel is an attempt to hide from the reality of their situation, the jarring shift also decries their poor writing (ignoring their unresolved story threads in favor of "writing a sequel"). The drama's narrative punishes them for that. The genre change lasts until the "prequel" rudely butts its head in, at which point, it shifts back into the melodrama it was before, because that story wasn't finished. From then onward, they attempt to rewrite, fix, and take control of the narrative -- and the genre within which those attempts are presented depends heavily on who's writing the story. It's a horror story when the villain is writing it. It's a thriller when Kang Chul and Yeon Joo manage to wrestle a tiny bit of control back. It's a melancholic romance when their joint subplot forcibly reasserts itself within the new narrative.

That's why some people are finding it confusing or "messy" -- it all makes internal sense within the established logic of the drama, but there are elements that are written to act outside of the logic of the titular two worlds.

Anyway. Genre is just one element they play with, but it's an example of the storytelling-as-story thing I'm talking about. It's less deconstructing tropes and more deconstructing the writing process itself. I don't know if I'm explaining this well. We're watching a story, and we're watching the characters write it; but we're also made to be aware of how Song Jae Jung is writing us the story through the way its told. (Inception is a good cousin to this show, but not quite in the same vein.)

(Also I disagree that a creator wronging their creation is a mischaracterization of the writer/fiction relationship. As a writer myself and an avid consumer of stories, I very much agree with Song Jae Jung that a writer has a duty to do justice to her characters--especially when she's sharing that story with a broader audience. There's an unspoken promise a writer makes to her audience to take them to a cathartic end, and it's the writer's job to do their homework on how to get there. But that's my personal opinion, of course.)

(Also also, love Buffy! And I agree its thematic purpose was much more grand than W's...


...fun experimentation. Is the end of that sentence.

Goodness, but I talk too much.


I agree with juniper and bips99. Some of their criticisms are spot-on. It's nice to see such a detailed discussion about the show. Maybe I need to visit other forums, but I have been a bit disappointed in the lack of criticism directed at W. It's the sort of show that can't really be judged until the end, but I get frustrated with some of the unequivocal praise I read after each episode. Yes, the concept is interesting, but I think the series could do so much more with it.

I'm also not sure why so much time is wasted on romantic cliches and silly twists that only seem clever because viewers have not been given enough information to anticipate them. The main characters spend their time either play-acting some contrived dating/domestic scenario or deciphering the arbitrary rules of the two dimensions. What little substance the show has is carefully distributed over 16 episodes and padded with filler and fluff. Will W actually have something interesting to say in the end?


Should be more like "not deserving of their popularity" (altho not nearly as popular as other soap-oriented dramas w/ major stars) rather than "over-rated" as critics and more discerning viewers haven't looked upon them kindly.


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Don't take cheap shots at a show you haven't watched. When you do get around to watching "W", and if you do it w/ an open mind, you will understand why it has gotten all the positive buzz. It is really unique, and comparing it to DOCTORS is like comparing apples and oranges.


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Whoa, kid, no need to get too snappy now. I've had quite a bit of exposure to W through recaps and spoilers. It might not be the same as watching it, that's true, but it is important in determining whether it actually is worth watching or not for me. Please don't assume I'm narrow-minded just because I haven't watched it yet.

As for the comparisons, this is talking about ratings. Of course the shows are different, that's a no-brainer. I brought it up because it happens to be the most buzzed kdrama right now.


Don't be too sensitive. People have different take on each show. I don't like W. Because it's ridiculous in my opinion. Yes, it's UNIQUE. But does that equate good story? But then again it's your opinion.

I'm not really surprised that it's not progressing when it comes to ratings. And i project that it will go down next week because of GHJ new drama. And i will not be surprised that there will be more mess and inconsistensies in the future episodes.


Hi there!

Not to interrupt anything but saying dramas are overrated is subjective to individuals. I agree and disagree.. somewhat.

I enjoyed watching Doctors! It reminded me a lot of Grey's Anatomy with less character deaths and particularly because I enjoy KRW and PSH electric chemistry. Another set of friends said Doctors is just meh, A Beautiful Mind deserves better in the ranks (in medical drama), which ok, probably yes from the looks of the synopsis. I'm planning on watching that.

Heirs? It was horrible like yesterday's stale biscuit with bad tea. I cringe whenever a friend says "PSH and LMH's kiss! OMG!" Oh god, no. I still cannot move on from Choi Young Do aka god. I look forward to future projects with Woobin and PSH as leads.

DOTS... I don't understand the hype because I couldn't feel it. Dumped the show after the 7th episode? Maybe because I was watching Shadowhunters and The IT Crowd on Netflix. Maybe I'll get back to it but imho Doctors >>> DOTS forever.

I'm back to binge watching KDramas again. MDBC, JI, C4, and Moon Lovers. Man... this month, next and Oct will be fun.


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I pretty much agree on almost everything that you said, especially on Choi Young Do as god, LOL. It's unfortunate that UF did not turn out well for our Woo Bin, sigh. Hopefully he experiments more in future drama roles, as he seems to be getting better movie roles. I actually think he can do Healer type of roles and even slick conman types.

I tried watching Doctors and DOTS as well and while I understand why many loved it, I had to drop them after episodes 3 or 4 as they were not my cup of tea.

I'm actually looking forward to K2 as the story seems to be good and I like the cast.


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Here's my opinion as to why I will never vote DOTS as being overrated and it's not because I'm a fan.

DOTS legitimately had well acted, and well filmed action scenes that genuinely appealed to the male demographic, hence its growing high ratings. Those high ratings could not be attributed to Ahjmmas and High School girls alone.

I know a lot of viewers would like to dismiss DOTS as "romantic fluff" but that does a disservice to the drama and ignores some underlying themes of the show like patriotism, volunteering in international organizations luck Doctors Without Borders, and the risks such personnel face when working in war torn zones. It also highlights some of the sacrifices military personnel face, in defense of their country.

Plus they had a realistic depiction of a natural disaster and the challenges faced with disaster recovery.

I think that some people are automatically turned off from any dramas with high ratings without exploring whether or not such high ratings are justified. It isn't hip to just like lower rated dramas and diss highly rated ones. The public isn't always wrong.


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yeah right :') dont know why people like those dramas too much, i mean it is fun but logicqally looks unreal nand cliche.. prefered lucky romance, please come back mister, scarlet heart ryeo, lets fight ghost more


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So glad Age of Youth got it's deserving rise in ratings :)


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I was also glad to see it get a boost in final week :)


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Me, too! Aww, Age of Youth <3


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I hope it gets a season 2


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I'm so happy too! Considering AoY's ratings started so low, I've just been gratified to see the consistent rise in recent weeks, but this makes me ecstatic! This show has been pretty popular in the online community (even domestically) so it's nice to see it reflected in the ratings of it's final episodes.


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Yeah, really glad that it hit and passed the 2.0 ratings mark.

Maybe that will be impetus for JTBC to do a sequel or a recurring series with diff. characters (along w/ cameos by previous characters).


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I started and finished Age of Youth this weekend. It is so...I don't even know how to really think through it. But it is a show I will watch again and again. And I never do that with dramas. Something about this show's pacing, the way we didn't need acrobatic writing/performances. Just the nuanced way we live lives as young women...idk. But such a good show. Brava to all the actors.


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Moonlight drawn by clouds fighting!!!! Good start and amazing acting. Already shipping 2nd lead and yoo jung. Awaiting for bo gum and yoo jung chemistry. They look so good together. Yoo jung and bo gum. Too much beauty.


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happy that cinderella is getting more viewers. just watched eps 5 & 6, and liked them way better than the previous ones.


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Like you, I'm also enjoying the cheesiness and cuteness of C&4K. So happy for their rise in the ratings. Hope the numbers continue to rise.


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For a cable show with a weekend schedule, these ratings are pretty decent. Keep up the pace, Cinderella and the four knights!


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Happy for Park So-dam that Cinderella's ratings are on the up :)


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I really like Cinderella .... as long as it remains cheesy and fun. Whenever it goes into the serious territory, it loses it appeal. So my reaction to ep 5 and 6 was the opposite, I'm losing interest.


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im the opposite of you, i do like the cheeseyness and fun but not constantly, i like things more when they have more emotional depth, angst, intensity, im not to much into the fluff, it gets boring for me


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Same Here. Ep 1-2 bad then 3-4 interesting and then 5-6 below average.

Also Writer is spilling too much cheese everywhere and it feels like 1 or more character gonna fall now or then.


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I thought 5 was ok, I appreciated we got to see Ji Woon and Ha Won actually interact and be cute together FINALLY. but ep 6 was a miserable slog. and offensively stupid to boot
i'm ok with some level of cliche nonsensical happenings in this kind of drama, but there was nearly zero laughs or cuteness or fun in ep 6 and p much 99% of the conflict taht happened was the result of super lazy writing. Not to mention how NOTHING happened until 50 mins in!.

I'm not asking alot, Im just asking to have a good time. I really really could do less with one note evil stepmom/stepsister and random bully school girls.
Also apparently the show forgot that Ha Won knows how to defend herself physically and verbally cuz she did neither (barely attempted it?) in ep 6. all so Ji Woon and Hyun Min can save her (its not like she coulda fought off the entire group of school boys outside the door herself, so he coulda easily showed up THEN and "saved" the day or w/e but nooooo. *throws up hands in digust*)


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can we talk about the repetitive scene they kept on replaying during each character's POV? I mean, the replay scene happened just 20 mins ago I would've remembered it jfc.

episode 7-8 is gonna be mental. the other girl's jealousy will drive her maaaaaddd. (moulin rouge reference haha) - i love ahn jaehyun and he's amazing... goo hye sun is lucky to have him!

Based from my experience, good shipper episode would be the 8th episode. I've been counting and the tally agrees with me. xD

Does anyone do this too? Guessing game on when the leads would initiate something solid?


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Terrible flasbacks are necessity of kdramas. 20minutes is too much. i have seen same scene replyed as flashback 2 minutes later in the show and it happened in many recent shows.

I completely agree with Tai. Cliche and tropes are ok but all over inconsistency in story and characters +Idiotic things keep happening just ruins the mood.


LOL YES EXACTLY. constantly repeating scenes we like JUST saw?? and omg dont even get me started on the super loud and needless music or sound cues. (and then random slow mo!) Like that scene in the shower (in ep 5) with ji woon and ha won was ALMOST hot and then they damn ruined it with their effing SOUND CUES!!! (i wonder if i'm maybe too old to appreciate this kind of drama ne more....but i mean i watched To the Beautiful You! and thought it was p cute. it can be done dammit!)

This drama would severely benefit from 15-20 mins shaved off his runtime tbh.


I'm with you re. the kidnapping scene. When I was watching it I thought: Well, it's okay to expect that Ha Won may not stand a chance at beating all those boys because she's one against many, but inside that room even before the bullying girls draw the scissors where did her martial art skills go? She could tackle them as easily as a piece of cake. Lol.


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haha yes, at least this drama is established cheesy, they will pull it for the opportunity of OTP bonding moment, but that's actually why I cherish hyun min and ha won a lot more,
like they need each other, ha won can be kickass and hyun min will not take that belt from her or even compete, even when he may a have chance,
but with ji won, she became damsel in distress, even just by the general characterisation , that sort of story is implied.
Idk my imagination run wild .


I also really liked ep5 - I think the deciding factor definitely was the decrease in duchebag behaviour from our lead knight, who started falling for Park So Dam. It's fascinating how ALL of them have mommy and daddy issues, though the singer and secretary seem to be better at dealing with it.


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Cinderella is like a Soda, you know you won't get much benefit from drinking it but it feels good and even if you didn't like a lot of it, you still like it on small amount.

*cough Ha-Hyun *cough Won-Min


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@sancheezy..Yes I realized I am just here for hyun min.It's sad that we know who's with who,but I actually fell for the story that someone suggested on this other site. So according to the poster, kang ji won is actually long lost brother of ha won, sooo ultimately ha won is gonna end up with hyun min...or the secretary. May be I could keep watching just on this hope solely...lol.


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Wait, if Ha Won's the long lost sister of Ji Won in that story, doesn't that make her Hyun Min's cousin? Oh dear... At least she can find love with the secretary~


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my prediction is ha won being one of the cousin and ji won wasn't, so it easily to make a pair
but still , I standing in a very line thread

stil coughing ha-hyun ... .won-min..
how can I get the cured for this cough


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Im also here mostly for the fun of watching Hyunmin. He still shines the best this week. Ive never watched AJH in anything (blood, that seunggi and ara's drama and yep even MLFTS) but sure heard about his rumored stiff and robot acting. Came to this show without thinking much and turned out to be very delightedly surprised by his ability to blow soul and life into Hyunmin's character. I found no fault with his portrayal: in fact imo he emoted really well in the confrontation scene with HW ( his eyes were expressive and his tone was goood). I also really like the way he delivered his lines in the ending scene of ep 6. I expect to see lots of angst for him in future episodes but rather than scared I'm now looking forward to how AJH's going to act out those emotions. Yep I like to see my man child beautifully brooding too hehe.


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Cinderella is doing great. I love it just like how the rating goes.


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Credits to Doctors actors and crew for making the show worth my time.


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Congrates doctors team! They deserve the rating well... can forget my jihong song saeng (auwww he is so charming!) And dr. Yoo hyejung (she dfnitly dffernt from other female heroine. I love her stubborness & cuteness)

I watched jealousy incarnation and lolll!! Cant stop laughing whn rmmber the kaseumi scene..?
Waiting next eps!


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*cant forget! (Im upset with my fingers. ? Mianhaeyeo ... hong hong hong!)


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I'm happy for everyone involved with Doctor's, but for me, I was so happy it ended as it had totally lost steam.

On the other hand, Age of Youth left me wanting more, and I would think that is actually how it is supposed to be.


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@sorrynotsorry Yep i agree, Doctors should have just been a 12 episode drama. In fact, i would have enjoyed it more if that had been the case.


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never can understand why series like doctor or heirs being so over ratted,accept for the beauty power.other thing ????


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I think Scarlet heart will definitely premiere with high ratings next week, given the hype and the fact that Doctors ended the slot with such high ratings. Also glad that moonlight is drawing in decent numbers (really want this show to do well for Bogummy's sake!)

In terms of wed-thurs, can't believe jealousy has already taken over UF in just over 2 eps! KBS's plan to make it the next DoTs completely failed! (show just doesn't do it for me either). On another note, i really wished W's ratings would go up, but i guess that's probably not gonna happen given theres one 5 eps left:(


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W is doing amazing in terms of online interest and reactions go. there is a sizeable and enthusiastic audience for the show, they just arent watching it live as it airs on tv and i get it tbh. this is a show where having a Rewind and Pause feature is imperative, (esp if ppl live with roommates or family, the noise generated in such shared living spaces is a death knell to any serious viewing). Seriously after each ep airs, it ends up trending like crazy on naver, and twitter and other social media sites that koreans use.

As for UF, im surprised its ratings arent even lower tbh. I have no beef with the cast or crew or wish them ill at all. But it is such a dour miserable watch with poor writing to boot. It's a complete waste and I can barely muster enough interest to read the recaps to see what happens next and I stopped watching it after ep 6. Nice Guy was /very/ flawed in alot of ways but it still had some good things going for it, and I actually managed to finish it. but I've yet to find any such thing for UF (and what little it had to begin with has long since vanished).


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Agree with you Tai.

In terms of being overrated, Uncontrollably Fond takes the prize.


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@Tai, Thanks for the insight:) glad to know that it's doing well online, just hoping this show will at least set a precedent for future shows on the major networks so that we can hopefully get more unique shows like W in the future.


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I wonder about Scarlet Heart. I don't expect it to get more than 10% despite Doctors ending. It's like after DoTS ended at 38% ratings, the audience did not stick around for the next drama. Monster and Bogum's drama already will built in audience (Moonlight not so much, but it had good feedback) it'll be hard for it to do more than 10%. Though, I wonder if Moonlight will appear childish next to the more dramatic Scarlet Heart.

I was totally not interested Scarlet Heart it at all, but the long preview really made me excited for it. It really needs the first two episodes to be good to move people over to it.

UF is tedious to watch. Totally not a show for the summer and too dated and melodramatic. Not surprised it's dropping.


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My guess is around 12.5%-15% for pilot episode.


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Wow that sounds really high. Even DoTS didn't break 15% first episode and it didn't have much competition. SH has Moonlight and Monster both near or breaking double digits already. I'll go with 8-10%


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Well this show has a zillion of popular actors who are gonna bring their own fan bases to at least check the pilot episode... That's why I'm quite generous with my prediction...


I'd stick with the low numbers (below 10%) till it's out. It would be so embarrassing if they can't manage to beat the underdog Moonlight Dawn.


But I really wonder if Moonlight is really the underdog, especially to the Korean audience? I was following both dramas' updates on Naver & Daum before they aired, and I was surprised to see how much love there was for Moonlight. At one point in time, Moonlight had more than 6k "loves" vs Scarlet's 3k "loves", and on Daum, the internet users' ratings were mostly 10/10 for Moonlight, whereas for Scarlet, there were a lot of 0/10. And this was before either show started airing!

I think the international audience does not seem to realize that the Korean audience actually loves KYJ and PBG very much. KYJ is like a national treasure and PBG is a very popular trending actor nowadays, more than any of the other actors in Scarlet.


@nchoe, I don't think the many popular actors/idols fan bases can really help because they are probably from the younger demographic and are more likely to watch online. I believe that for a show to have high ratings, it needs to appeal to a broad spectrum of audience, from the young to the old. This may be why the highest rated dramas are usually the family dramas and the rom-coms.


Just because we are international fans doesn't mean we are clueless when it comes to Korean people's taste and ratings. We have seen enough dramas and follow ratings throughout the years to have some idea.
I have been following Kim Yoo-jung's career for a very long time. Yes she is well loved in the industry. She is very talented, mature etc with a clean image but that doesn't make every sageuk that she is in a guaranteed hit.
Park Bo-gum is very popular and a great actor based on the raves by many of his fans but that doesn't mean that every drama that he is in is going to be a hit.

Based on the length of the promotions, overseas hype, huge budget, pre-production etc. SH was ahead.
I find it hard to believe the Korean viewers would be expecting more from a smaller scale youth sageuk.

People who makes noises over the internet are probably the ones who are watching the shows on the internet which doesn't contribute to the ratings that counts.

Now that the ratings are out, some are singing a different tune...which I find rather interesting than the ratings itself lol.


Scarlet heart get lower rating thn moonlight >>7-9% for ep 1&2. Thts mean doctors were not influencing other drama's rating.

I thnk doctors fans more quite so tht we believe ifans not loves ths drama (hate is everywhere). But whn we look at other country's premier of doctors, they also gt the higher rating. The conclusion is, anti fans more hype thn doctors's fans.. LOL..

I love scarlet heart, iu acting is okay... i will follow this series. Moonlight, i cant forget park bogum + hyeri yet.. taek is deokson's husband! So i'll watched it after my shipping heart already ready. XD


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Lol at those young_hot_ hallu_ stars who can’t even get 15% rating.


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Who are you talking about?

It takes more than one actor to make a drama successful in ratings.


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Have you watched doctors or Dots?


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Doctors : it will be unfair if the most credit to be given to PSH for high rating even I do think it could be more than 50% because of her, for the high rating. But I do think for Doctors even the plot became boring after epi 6, the story is still watchable. It could be factor to high rating too.

DOTS : the top stars + top writer + war-soldier theme+ oversea filming. I think these factors contributed equally for the success.

I do think hallyu stars is one of the factors for the high rating but not in every case. UF is one of the examples with hallyu stars but just average rating.


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I just remembered Remember War of Son, achieved high rating (if I'm not mistaken they achieved 20% on final episode). I don't know if the rating by popularity of YSH alone ( not sure his status though. if he is considered as one of hallyu star).

I think for this drama. the high rating could be because of ppl want to watch the story more than the actors.


Park Shin-hye has the most influence in the ratings out of all the stars in Doctors. I think Doctors hit the right spot/mood
for most viewers at that time slot.

We are just as surprised as the casts and crews of Doctors that the rating was that high.


Yes and your point?


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Doctors ended with flying colors and I am so happy that they got 20% ratings.The drama is not the best drama of all time and it has many flaws and loops and slow paced but the viewers stiill sticked to it because primarily of the actors involve.The reason why the show is popular because of Kim Rae Won and Park Shin Hye role.Their chemistry was amazing and they want to see what happen with their love story..Teacher student relationship, age gap and its a healing drama, heartwarming maybe for others they dont like it but some they like.It depends what your taste for a drama.


Are you aware that ratings for weekday prime time dramas have been on the downslide since early 2014, to the point where double digits are the new 15%?

Doctors and DotS are the very rare exceptions to that rule.


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Not only the primetime, I think for weekend drama nowadays also hard to get 20%, exception to one or two drama. Nowadays, for weekend drama if can achieve 20% already good enough. I wonder maybe ahjummas also don't really watch TV anymore, maybe they are also watch it online??

For primetime weekdays drama, with the competition from cable drama as well, 10% already good enough. DOTS and Doctors are just rare cases. I wonder about the JJH and LMH comeback drama, I predict they can pass 20%.


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I'm curious where the remaining ratings go.

For example, W + UF + Jealousy is just a total of around 30%. So where do the remaining 70% of monitored TV sets tune in? Is it spread out among other shows or do people simply stop turning the TV on?

Because if people watch less "live" TV now than they did a decade ago, then stations should focus not on fighting other stations, but on improving themselves.


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I assume they watch stuff like news, sports etc? But yeah, the remaining 70 percent is a mystery!


Some of the sample households just do not turn on the TV.


IKR, 70% is huge number. Maybe because many other sources to watch. I also don't watch TV so much, busy working during daytime, and at night want to rest. With the online sources, maybe I should just sell my TV. LOL


I don't think the goalposts have shifted much for the weekend dramas, considering the KBS and MBC dramas frequently crack 30 percent even fairly recently- they seem to be for an older audience so they're practically guaranteed that, but I definitely think weekend dramas with higher online ratings/buzz are considered more successful than the ones that don't have that but get higher conventional ratings.


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Ratings have changed, it's also not impossible to do as some imagine. Ratings for dramas have also been up this year. There have been a lot of dramas with good ratings this years. So yes, it's slightly amusing something like Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul Ho or Doctors can beat the hottest hallyu oppas.


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There are maybe three weekday dramas a year that cross 15 percent now, so it's not impossible but it's certainly difficult.

And I enjoy a good sleeper hit myself.


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It's really not that surprising. Kim Raewon and Park Shinyang have never had a failed drama, they're ahjumma catnip. I don't know about anyone else, but I knew Jo Deul Ho and Doctors would get high ratings even before they aired. Especially Jo Deul Ho since it was Park Shinyang's return.


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Well, that's cool but people should stop with the excuses and stop trying to explain how random drama is really more popular than it appears(along with insulting the Korean audience as a whole and questioning ratings method) despite it's mediocre ratings. Dramas DO get high ratings, and are popular both online and offline and do break 15%, 20% and even 30%. Some dramas. Not every drama, and that's all right. The ratings shouldn't actually have anything to do with your enjoyment of a drama anyway.



"along with insulting the Korean audience as a whole and questioning ratings method"

Korean people do this too though. They question and reason over ratings too. And they know that dramas that can appeal to a much older demographic will get higher ratings, they discuss it. And they can also dislike some popular dramas and find them boring and overrated.

It's just a discussion, I don't see what the big deal is.



Well, I think Korean people "insulting" themselves is a bit different from ifans here saying Korean audiences are lacking something for not liking their favorite drama. Sure, knetz wonder why this or that drama is not getting ratings, but how it comes across here sometimes is Korean audiences are full of old women who like unsophisticated dramas and have no taste. Or suggesting something is wrong with their taste for not liking your favorite drama. Not everyone is going to like everything you like.

Questioning if they should do something to reflected VOD and online viewing is different from I mean as well. People are freaking unskewing the ratings, and suggesting the samples are flawed. The ratings people do know what they are doing.

And it's not serious, but these drama ratings threads are hot lately aren't they lol



I'm assuming you're speaking hyperbole because I wouldn't say people are "insulting" the Korean people by asking why less innovative shows are the ones getting crazy high ratings. When we all know less innovative shows have gotten high ratings around the world since the dawn of time, the reason being they follow a more familiar format that is easier to cater to the masses.

"how it comes across here sometimes is Korean audiences are full of old women who like unsophisticated dramas and have no taste" -- Knetizens say this blatantly all the time, international comments are being nicer about it. Koreans know the ahjummas dictate ratings more. Weekend family dramas prove it every week by getting 20-40% ratings all year round like it's nothing, where getting below 30% is considered mediocre. There's a reason why dramas like Signal and Misaeng couldn't get a spot at the Big 3, the stations weren't willing to gamble on it because it didn't follow a set format they believed would appeal to the audience-- which is predominantly women, predominantly older women, speaking shortly ahjummas.

"The ratings people do know what they are doing." That's another thing because I do believe Nielsen is outdated not just in South Korea but in America, people and professionals have had a lot to say about it for many years. But I won't get into that. I'm assuming you're speaking of W because what you said about questioning ratings is directly aimed at them instead of the veiled 'random dramas' you imply. People were wondering because the gap of real-time ratings for W differ from Nielsen so much more compared to other dramas's gaps, they don't realize some ratings systems skew younger than Nielsen. I don't think there's anything fishy about Nielsen, just outdated.

On a sidenote, when I say ahjummas help ratings, I'm not saying they're the only ones watching. For example, I'm not saying the younger generation didn't watch Doctors. I think Doctors is popular. What I'm saying is the combo of younger and elder generation is the reason why Doctors can pass 20%. If only the younger generation was watching Doctors, it would not get that high and that goes for all 20%+ dramas (that's why along with overall ratings, companies tally up the desired 19-40 age group too since that's what advertisers look for). But to have the elder hooked, you have to follow a format that is easy to follow. W is a much harder thing to follow and it's more complicated from other fantasy dramas like YWCFTS and IHYV that follows the standard romcom format that any age group can understand, the elder might not understand W or the premise just might not appeal to them in any way. W can't rely on the elder to boost its ratings and therefore I never believed it could pass 20%. But that doesn't mean it's not popular. You might think the 12% ratings for W is mediocre, but I think it's high for something so new and ambitious and the Korean public...


*and the Korean public and media does consider W popular. I wish ratings rewarded creativity more, but alas it doesn't. What I'm glad about is that W is getting so much love and praise. I hope there will be more creative choices like it in the Big 3 even if it brings 'mediocre ratings'.


Lol but those hallyu stars are not for ratings anyway so.... From what I have heard hallyu stars are not an attempt to garner high ratings. Putting hallyu stars (idols especially) in dramas is because they appeal to international fans (thus the hallyu title) and the series can sell for big money overseas.

Scarlet Heart imo would be much more interesting with some older actors in some lead roles but why do you think its filled with young and pretty people?


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Hallyu is about China and overseas sales. In that sense, Scarlet Heart is already a success as it sold for $400,000 per episode. The same is true for UF which sold for big bucks to China and seems to have done well there. It is not competing with W there I assume since W isn't pre-produced and hasn't gone through the censors.

Where Korean ratings hurt the actors is CF and other acting opportunities though I don't think they always take the biggest hit when a drama doesn't do well. Well, and who wants to work that hard and not have an audience for your hard work. I mean it is just a bummer which is why I never wish bad on any drama. These production teams and actors have a brutal work schedule though I hope pre-producing has taken some of that away.


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Totally get it. We know ratings don't determine quality, but it does matter to actors and actresses (as well as other factors like bad script and poor characters) for many, many reasons.

I was just responding to OP who irked me with the way the original comment was phrased. Imo, "domestic ratings" and "hallyu star" doesn't have to necessarily have to coincide, so there's nothing to laugh about a hallyu star's rating anyway. Those series you mentioned have already done well for its purpose of making money.


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Scarlet Heart does not require older actors, have you seen the Chinese version or not?? It requires seasoned actors for select parts and decent actors who can deliver for the rest. The Chinese drama were filled with handsome and talented actors as well but the Qing Dynasty is vastly different from the Goryeo era. My main problem with Scarlet heart is the ultra-modern soundtrack so far, Three inches of Heaven and the theme song is still stuck in my head and had that wonderful melancholy and romantic feel to it. IU's windflower was wonderful type of Saguek soundtrack, I hope we get something like that in Moon Lovers. So far, not impressed with the music, its just ordinary. Also IU seems to bringing a lot more of her vocabulary and modern antics into the Goreyo world which felt weird. The fighting, free hugs for Maknae prince, I am bugged about those. This version maybe forcing cultural difference a bit more strongly than the Chinese one but maybe that won't be a bad thing, who knows. I just hope they don't screw up, they must not screw up. I hold original Scarlet Heart very close to my heart, it was excellent. And it made me familiar with Liu Shi She and Nicky Wu and Annie Liu and lots more.


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@Gem Lol yes I've seen the Chinese version and it's among my favorite Chinese series of all time. I only said some older actors in some lead roles as in Nicky Wu and Kevin's roles (both of them are definitely both older and seasoned actors, although I read that some people were doubtful of Kevin at first). Their charisma and screen presence was so powerful and so memorable, that's why I said it. Though I gotta admit that Lee Jun Ki and Kang Ha Neul are actually the least of my worries about the Korean cast so in the context of all things they should be fine.

I will sort of agree with you on the soundtrack, using "sort of" because I haven't heard the modern Korean osts that some people seem to dislike and that bit of news already disappoints me since the BBJX osts are gems.


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as a person who loves that particular exo ost I just have to agree that it doesn't fit the drama,
I like the song and the sole reason for liking the song is because I like the song, doesn't related to the drama,
I prefer ost like the Lyn one from moon that embracing the sun or the one from lee junki movies, king and the clown, if I leave -jo sumi, I think the Exo guys can pull of that genre if needed, or just someone.


Well, a little bit differences won't hurt. Why would I watch the exact same show twice?


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I can completely relate. The music and the scenes that you mention also irk me as well. For one thing, the music doesn't seem to fit well with the historical setting, even though the songs sound lovely on their own. For another, I don't like the writer's too liberal approach to the narrative. As a learner of second languages myself and a student of applied linguistics, I find the modern vocabulary teaching/ using very forced. I hardly find anyone saying 'Okay' to a toast, even non-native English speakers, but maybe I haven't met enough people so I'll give it a pass. What bugs me the most is the fighting scene where IU says 'hwaiting' and Jisoo's character follows suit, without even asking what her gesture and utterance means in the first place. The context doesn't provide any grounds for the possibility that his imitation of her speech and action may be an appropriate response. Haesoo, coming from the future, may know that it's expected for her interlocutor to say 'Hwaiting' in return, but how can a prince from more than 1,000 years ago know? Using common sense, a typical person not familiar with the new term or language would ask for its meaning first before attempting at a response of any kind. In C-BBJX, at least the writer is more realistic because in both scenes where Rouxi said 'Okay' (to 13th) and 'let's keep up the good work' (to the maids in the tent) both 13th and the maids' reactions were kept very reasonable: they asked for the meaning first, and only 13th used the 'OK' sign later, and very tentatively as if he was not 100% sure the use would be appropriate in that context, even when Rouxi had explained to him both what it meant by 'Okay' and the hand sign.
What I also like about the C-version is that despite the fun elements the writer and actors take their characters seriously. Even if 10th is comical at times none of the prince tries to act 'cute' or like a puppy. They maintain their composure well and that is coherent with people's early maturity at that time. Maybe that resonates with me more given my personality, preference, and age.
I'm therefore still cautiously looking forward to SH, but from the trailer I think I'll enjoy the drama more with the main leads rather than the younger princes.


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"I’m therefore still cautiously looking forward to SH, but from the trailer I think I’ll enjoy the drama more with the main leads rather than the younger princes."
This, the young princes weren't just there to bat their eye-lashes and hover around Rouxi although it did start a bit like that. There were 2 clear camps and they were serious where politics was concerned. Here, I don't know, lets see. But I have the same feeling like you. Also, I am really curious how they will make Hae-Soo mature up like Rouxi, for Rouxi it was once she stepped into the Forbidden City, what will it be for Hae-Soo?? And she had a very dynamic relation with the Emperor, how will they compensate that here is my question??


I’m personally just happy for Park Shin Hye and her success. You go girl :-)


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looking forward to ryeo! but i love moonlight drawn by clouds too..


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Wow, Jealousy Incarnate really tanked whatever was left of UF's ratings. On the other hand, I don't see what Doctors had that UF doesn't. Seriously what's with the ratings Doctors got, I tried to watch an episode, and I couldn't even get through 15mins of it. Not that UF's any better, but that's just my point! Ratings are so confusing.. Sigh.


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Doctors is kinda popular in my country. I thought that people watch it only for Park Shin Hye, but I was suprised that some of them watch it also because of Kim Rae Won. Kim Rae Won is not considered a hallyu star or popular internationally, so I'm glad to know that he has many fans outside Korea.
I know people say that Doctors is overrated for a drama with many flaws and got such high ratings. This kind of drama is easy to watch which explains its popularity and high ratings. A male friend of mine likes Doctors more than W. I told him that this is the first time I heard a viewer said Doctors is better than W. He doesnt like W because it is too fantasy. He is a male, I actually expect a male viewer to like W more than a love story like Doctors.
So it is all based on one's preference. I just hope people will stop putting down Doctors just because other better dramas don't get high ratings.


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Awwww, that's so nice to hear. I'm not watching any of the currently airing dramas right now( I'm a marathon watcha) but I'm glad to hear that Doctors did well. I'm not a fan of any of the actors( only curious to see Lee Sung Kyun) but I remember people not expecting much from the series in terms of ratings, especially with that uninspired title but it was a success and I'm glad. I don't even know why: have only seen Park Shin Hye in You are Beautiful(bailed really fast by the 4 or 5th ep,not a fan of dumb clumsiness),seen Kim Rae Won in Plum Blossom( nice butt) and that's about it. So cheers for them!!


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Actually I was expecting Doctors to flop. LOL. I have never been a fan of Park Shin Hye's acting before. While others say that Park Shin Hye's character in Doctors is disappointing and totally downgraded from her previous role in Pinochio, surprisingly it is her character that has drawn me to watch Doctors.

I bet SBS didnt expect Doctors to get high ratings. Viewers said that SBS rarely promoted it even when the drama itself was going to end. SBS focus more on other dramas such Scarlet Heart, Lee Young Ae's and Lee Min Ho-Jung Jihyun's drama. So yeah, kudos to team Doctors!


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The PD of doctors said he wasn't expecting such high number, Kim Rae Won said the same but yet they got it. Primarily cause of the pairing and it was an easy watch. It won't go down as a classic Korean drama must watch but you can watch it once, be somewhat content and not be unhappy about anything in particular and smile at the mature leads being totally in love with each otehr. Also the chemistry worked for the main lead despite the amount of shade thrown at the age gap initially when it was announced. Also, as I read the post drama interview, the more I realize how much the drama really benefited from the seasoned actor like Kim Rae Won handling the role of Ji Hong. Multiple scenes were altered after his request which turned out great. so its a win-win for all.


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Kim Rae Won is legit ahjussi famous in Malaysia. We all knew him from All About Eve, that was like wayyyy back when Korean dramas just entered Malaysia. Then there's Which Star Did You Come From and a couple of others.

Imagine my excited face reading the synopsis when Doctors was first announced. I cringed at the age gap too initially but then wow wow amaze me pls.

Doctors is the kind of drama where you don't have to be stressed to continue watching. I think that's why I enjoyed it so much. He played Ji Hong very very well.


@iruka, KRW maybe a bit popular in Malaysia esp among the older generations and I think he was famous because of Love Story in Harvard. Popularity of DOTS and Doctors in Malaysia are no joke. But the ppl I met, majority agreed that Doctor kinda boring especially after half episodes. They are only impressed with the procedures in the drama who were quite accurate especially among medical practitioner.


W is also very much a love story tho. js. (it can be two things!)


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One more thing, people praised Doctors for having the real surgeon to teach and train the actors for the medical terms and surgeries. I know that other medical dramas such as DOTS also did the same. The actors in Doctors have to practise 5-6 hours for the surgery. Kim Rae Won even said they stayed up all night long to practise the surgery before shooting it. Having 5-6 hours practice for a scene which is only less than 10 minutes, I would say they deserve the ratings for their hard work. Anyway I doubt that the drama would get such high ratings if the leads are not Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won.


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oh? That's really interesting and cool. Yes the surgical set up was remarkably accurate- in terms of equipment and props and the surgeries themselves- Looks really similar to the real thing I see! I was impressed as Doctors and Beautiful Mind were both my first medical Kdramas. Kudos to the actors and the props/production team for the hard work then!


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Initially I thought that they used double actor for the surgeries scene. LOL. So I was surprised when I found out that the actors themselves actually practised for that. I was thinking that "there is no way Park Shin Hye herself did the suturing on the patient's head". But it turned out to be true. The surgeon taught her to suture and praised her as she is a quick learner.


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Oh. I always thought that actors played all the scenes. i.e. all the medical/surgery scenes too.

I remember that in Emergency Couple, people in DramaFever commented how fake the medical scenes looked, pointing how obvious was that in the surgery scenes they were using dolls/mannequins.

Or did the actors in Doctors use real people for the surgery scenes? :O
Like, how do the dramas simulate those scenes?
Because people were pointing only the dolls stuff out, I assumed that the actors were the ones "performing" the surgeries. Like, there was no one who said "Oh, how the actor took that medical tool looked so fake" or something like that. Besides, in all the Behind the scenes of medical dramas, they always show the actors "performing the surgeries".


Doctors was fun and easy to watch, good acting, nice and effortless chemistry and good character growth. I believe that other actors couldn't probably have pulled those characters out, so the drama was well casted.
I think that it would have been better for UF to be released in autumn/winter time because it's so gloomy, and even then the plot is too outdated...


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I don't find Doctors was good, it is just average medical drama. I think I will like it if is just 12 or 16 episodes. But if I want to choose Doctors or UF, personally Doctors will win for me. At least acting is better and the second leads got better development than UF.


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I dropped Doctors but I can't drop UF so i get your point. For me, KWB acted better than the leads in doctors. But then again I am completely biased because i love the man.

But overall I think in Doctors everyone acted good, and it was a feel good show. UF's main problem is that it is way too sad, even for a melo. There has to be a balance, some sort of payoff for the viewer for putting them through a wringer. But there is none. Doctors in contrast is breezy & happy.

So if doctors suffered from no good conflict, UF suffers from having only conflict after conflict.

(PS- Not saying he is a better actor than KRW. No. Not at all. But here his role has a lot more range)


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I dropped both but still watching some scenes for the sake to watch particular actors. For Doctors, I watched SeoWoo's scenes because the actress never disappointed me before with her acting. And I am completely understand why you cannot drop UF as I do watching KWB's scenes. His acting getting much better and left Suzy behind. TBH I'm glad that the writer made him with terminal illness not the other way around. I don't know, but I do wish KWB will be paired with Uee in the future. Uee changed my mind a lot after Marriage Contract, and KWB also deserve praises for his acting.


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I actually want to see Kim woo-bin with Lee Sung-kyung (Seo-woo) now. They'd make a gorgeous couple, and I think, based on their acting styles, they'd have great chemistry too.


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I can see LSK playing kind of sassy girl. Not saying she can be like JJH, in fact Jeon Ji Hyun is very hard to replace, but LSK (I also think of Oh Yeon Seo) give me the similar vibes with JJH.

Give these two rom-com, please! I don;t want to see Woobie with bad boy image, maybe give him innocent and naive role for the change.


I totally see where you're going regarding the actors. I feel like if the leads in Doctors and UF were played by other actors instead of PSH, KWB, etc. I wouldn't be as attached or even would have dropped them. PSH's effort she puts in the drama really shines through her acting, KRW brought so much charm through his character, and KWB's acting was very effective in bringing the emotions necessary for each scene. (Even though I did chuckle a bit whenever he yelled really loudly - I don't know why, maybe even his yells are charming?) Suzy's acting was also a delight to watch (but I haven't watched Dream High or Big so what would I know?)

Both dramas might not have quality scripts, but they do have quality actors and acting to take me in long enough for me to finish them.


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I do acknowledge PSH's efforts for Doctors. It is just the drama became so boring that I dropped it. KRW on the other hand is my favourite but his character is boring for me, as well.

I saw some clips of Suzy too - because I need to prove to myself if she becomes better.


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Doctors and UF are polar opposites though. Doctors aimed to be an uplifting show while UF aimed to be all misery. It just depends on what people wanted to feel lol.


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I think in the end it comes down to the merits of the two dramas - Doctors started off really strong on the story and acting fronts, UF in contrast did not and on top of it it was miserable and depressing, so people started tuning out once something else came along. I'm still slightly amazed that a drama presented with as much hype as UF, has tanked so completely now - last place in ratings!

And to add insult to injury, it's against a drama KBS was planning to air at first. Someone at KBS must be kicking themselves right now.


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They deserve it. The way treated they cut episodes of a good drama they had to pay for it.

@bips99 I dropped doctors at ep 3 and actually liked Park Shin Hye more in Pinocchio and i'm still watching UF. Woo Bin has done a good job in last 6 episodes.


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UF would have worked if they had realize one simple fact, even melo requires the actual leads of the drama to spend some meaningful time together, develop a bond for the viewers and have more chemistry. There is just unusual importance on the revenge plot and plain crazy characters get more importance than they should. Secret is a truly memorable melodrama in this respect. The leads worked like magic and that show was borderline sadist-masochist relationship yet it worked. Because the actual leads had the space and time to make a connection, a coherent connection with the viewers individually and as a couple. I am more frustrated and plain angry at both our leads and almost praying everyday that Eul freaking runs away from the two idiots as fast as she can, that's not how you are supposed to feel watching a show as a viewer. You could say, I could cut Kim Woo Bin some slack as he is killing it but I don't feel for his character that much sympathy. He is way too stubborn for me even when he is headed for doom. Ji Tae is an ass-hole, the mom gets my sympathy slightly even she has issues. I have enough frustrations in my real life, when I see them altogether, I feel like I don't need headache for fictional characters at the end of the day so I have decided to drop it so close to the end. I'll just read recaps from now on.


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"even melo requires the actual leads of the drama to spend some meaningful time together, develop a bond for the viewers and have more chemistry"

nailed it. Secret kind of reminds me of Que Sera Sera in that regard? Super melo and ridic but the leads had slammin chemistry and U wanna keep watching just for that even when ur yelling at the tv/computer screen haha. Altho ngl, I generally prefer Ji Sung over Eric (tho I like both dudes, but I think JS has some more range. and I'm factoring in the Eric of today too not the Eric of almost a decade ago) I like Jung Yumi and Hwang Jung Eum almost equally tho.
But yeah like they barely were together in their flashback scenes that are the basis for their Great Love? and then they are barely together for 5 whole mins before ridic events and even more ridic character actions conspire to keep them apart. like....? (im tired of everyone in the drama's DETERMINATION to be as miserable as possible cuz that's the only way to explain why everyone is behaving the way they are)


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even melo requires the actual leads of the drama to spend some meaningful time together, develop a bond for the viewers and have more chemistry.

I couldn't agree more - one of the reasons I dumped it as fast as I did was because the romance and its setup felt so forced/something didn't click.

Though I don't know if that's entirely down to the writing - Nice Guy also had some utterly ridiculous and contrived situations shoehorned in (selling the heroine to human traffickers? WUT), and somehow I bought that one hook, line and sinker, amnesia, threatening terminal illness and all. I'm willing to admit that's because Song Joong-ki and Moon Chae-won sold it really well.


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Truer words have never been spoken.
I got so frustrated at our leads I want to scream and smash my laptop screen *Hulk mode*.
I wonder what the eff the writer got in her head that she doesn't even care to give us some romantic moments, only in flashback or dream. I've never watched any drama before UF when the leads actively dislike/avoid each other and never ever try to get back together. Even the last scene in ep 16 fails to move me.

Honestly I watched my fair share of melodramas, from classic Winter Sonata, to LKH's Nice Guy, WHIB, Secret, Mask, Full Sun, etc. At least when the plot goes south I could still watch for the chemistry and the developing romance between the leads. In UF there's nothing, just nothing meaningful between the leads.


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Yes I guess that's the problem with UF. The male lead even kissed the bitchy second female lead which is kind of a big no no in KDramaland.

People are more into cheesy romance these days. Even DoTS which had zero plot were successful. I didn't watch Doctors but I heard it was also cheesy.

As for myself, I'm not in the mood for cheesy romance right now. Probably that's why I can survive UF. Heck even when YJ and KC started being cheesy in W I was annoyed... like... oh c'mon... I'm bored to death, bring back the thriller...!


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You're wrong. UF is just extremely poorly written, pre-produced so no way out of the mess either. If we take the acting, except for Kim Woo Bin and now new improved Suzy, the first few episodes weren't groundbreaking to make you root for them. None of the characters are endearing to the level it should be. That's it. Lets see what UF is fighting against, W and now Jealousy Incarnate, both are well written shows. Yes, cheesy shows are easier watch but comparing shows in different time-slots paints a wrong picture. The male lead kissing the murderer is not the issue, at this point with what 4 more episodes to go it was unnecessary complexity the story does not require. I am supposed to root for epic love between Suzy and Kim Woo Bin's character, not enough material was give to either of them to establish that epic love. That is where it has failed completely and miserably. Good luck to both of them for the next time, they should have both said no to this sob-fest.


The romance doesn't have to be cheesy, but UF romance is not even something people care about. People have to CARE one way or the other in romance. Nice Guy was not better written than UF frankly, but people cared about the romance because SJK and MCW sold it well enough. That's something that is missing in UF. Suzy and KWB are not some epic love story that everyone has to watch even if it's going to end in tragedy. Nobody really cares about their story or their characters, and that's the problem.


@Gem I didn't know that there's even right or wrong in this matter. LOL. I guess different things work differently on different people. What has failed you works for me. But let's just say you're right and It's just a bad taste of mine.

@lemondoodle but nice guy was a show from a long time ago (2012... if I'm not mistaken). I like nice guy, but If it had been aired right know I don't think It'd have been as successful as it did.


@nchoe Nice Guy being successful was not only because it got released 4 years back, even now it's a better drama because of the cast.


@pigsnout I do agree the casts were great. I won't argue that. But story-wise, would it still attract viewers nowadays?


@nchoe - I think if the actors in Nice Guy were less great, people might find it also to be random and makjang like they find UF now.

But also Nice Guy was never totally miserable like UF, at least we got some thriller-like scenes, some sweet couple scenes, and all that. Compare NG ep 16 to UF16, there's a difference in feel because even though NG 4 years old drama, the story still feels more modern than UF . The difference between wondering if a guy will die, and knowing that that guy will definitely die.


Honestly, I expected UF will not achieve high rating from the very beginning because of the weak main leads (although I do think Woobie improving a lot). And it really happened. To add more, the plot is not helping either. With the acting + plot , what more can we ask.


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may as well speak honestly here, since there'd be a flurry of angry defensive comments if you said that in the drama recap thread itself.

I thought Lee Kyung-hee would pull a miracle out of somewhere and actually find a way to make this pairing work, but it looks like a lot of her magic lies in the casting of her OTPs in the first place.


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I even concluded, she might not happy / agreed fully in the castings. But that just my assumption.


I dont like doctors and found it boring but as someone who saw eps of both UF and Doctors. I can tell u that Doctors is a far breezier less emotionally draining watch. Its a rom com in a hospital. Hell even my main issue with it was just not being invested in the OTP enough and finding their handling of the secondary girl downright infuriating. but both of these are worse (and then some) in UF. not to mention how unpleasant it is to watch and its not like its unpleasant cuz its a heavy subject matter or cuz of the genre. its just badly written, and the character motivations make little sense and honestly idg why ppl are so offended by doctors high ratings? its light popcorn fare for the summer. same with DOTS (which i actually DID like). UF has crap writing like BOF and Heirs but without the cracky bits and the amusing shenanigans of the supporting characters. (plus Woo Bin didnt get to have fun chewing the scenery here like he did in Heirs lol)


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UF and Doctors aren't even in the same genre, so why are you comparing them like that? UF is dated and not fun to watch. Go read the netizen comments about why they don't like it. Too much suffering, old stale plot lines, the actors aren't the best, the romance doesn't have any bright spots, nobody is happy... It goes on and on. Doctors is an uplifting drama with a nice couple that people like. It's not hard to figure out why it did well.


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Yay for the ratings for Age of Youth in it's final week! I'm so sad that it's over. I'm already missing everything about this show :(.
Han Ye-ri, Park Eun-bin and writer Park Yeon-sun were the main reason I wanted to watch it and none of them disappoint. Park worked her script magic again with the rest of the cast and make them shine.

I'm also glad that The Good Wife hits 6% on it's final week . What a powerful cast led by Jeon Do-Yeon. I'm really going to miss Kim Hye-kyung and the rest of the women in the show.
Yoon Kye-sang and Yoo Ji-tae were great too. I wasn't a fan of Yoo Ji-tae even in movies but I liked him a lot in this series. He should do more dramas with his fellow film actors

Moonlight is where it's expected to be. It should increase tomorrow with Doctors out of the way. Kim Yoo-jung <3.....


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Doctors out of the way...but look who's here! Moon Lovers!


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Which is still yet to be seen and it's not expected to start at 20%.
Currently, Flower in Prison is the ajumma's kind of sageuk so it's hard to figure out where Scarlet Heart is going to be at.


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I still cannot say good bye to beloved girls in AOY???? But happy the rating was increasing. The team deserves it.

It is about time for me to marathon The Good Wife. ??


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I think you'll like The Good Wife Sera. The women rocks!


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I think so too! Waiting for next weekend to marathon. ?


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I just started Age of Youth and now on episode 2 - I was DYING at the 'ghost' freakout lol. I think I love it already.


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It's about time pogo :).


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also, Ryu Hwa-young is so beautiful, I think I spend almost every scene she's in just staring at her. She's every bit as gorgeous as the Suzys of the world, only she can act. (it's not just me who thinks she looks like a more striking version of Park Shin-hye, right?)


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She is gorgeous. I feel like she is combination of Suzy and Park Shin Hye in term of looks. Personally, in acting I prefer Hwayoung over the other two. I am curious about her next damage, I hope she will try some sageuk too. I want to see her in hanbok.


oops big mistake. not damage, but projects. LOL what happened with me?


Contrary to what some others have thought, RHY is better looking than PSH (and better physique as well) and is already well ahead in terms of acting ability.

Also wanted to add that as a relative "newbie," Park Hye-soo did a good job as well.

AoY should be the "spring-board" for RHY and PHS to get increasing offers for roles from writers/PDs; and would even add PEB despite her long career as a child actress (establishing her more-so for adult roles).


@bd5 I won't comment who are better looking than whom, because it is subjective and ppl do have different taste. PSH gives more baby-face vibes while RHW is mature for her age. Both have its own advantage and disadvantage.

For the newcomers, Hwa Young and Park Hye Soo really left a very good impression. With good script and good future direction, they can go further. I'm afraid because the production and tv station tend to look more for idols than real actors, these talents will go wasted and being under radar. It happened a lot, sadly.



Looks are only subjective to a point.

Things like facial bone structure, symmetry, features, etc. can objectively be gauged.

There are female celebs that do little for me, but I can acknowledge that they have good facial features, etc.


@Sera I too wish production and tv stations would cast actors based on their acting skills instead of the fans' viewership they attract. Cable seems to be a better bet. Look at the 3 stations, they cast based on popularity than ability. Can't totally blame them either, look at the success of dramas like Heirs, Dots and Doctors. I just hope to discover more new talents or hidden ones through cable dramas.


So sad to say goodbye to the girls too! ? There's so many things in my mind right but I'll just ask this one question. Was there a jTBC drama that had a season 2??? Because there's just so many things to tackle after that ending! It can't possibly end there!


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jTBC doesn't do multiple season shows.

I love AOY and the girls but I don't wish for a Season 2 to be honest. I just wish it was a little bit longer. I'd rather have Park come back with something new to love then do a spin-off etc.


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Yes, a little longer would have been perfect. I just have this weird feeling about the ending that I can't quite understand. Maybe because I watched it while I was a little bit drunk (?) ?☺️


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I do understand how you feel. At first I want everyone to be happy etc but I don't think everything and everyone will have a closer. Some will be left open on purpose. They are still growing and making mistakes along the way. It's not the end for any of them. I think it's realistic that way but that's just me.


I love open ended endings but I think I just love the girls too much that I want to see more. ?


Our Gabsoon? I'm afraid what the plot will be, not that I am expecting much on the but I hope its rating will be rising, at least for the sake of Kim So Eun. I am not sure which drama it is competing with, but I hope it can get 2 digits soon. KSE's acting in epi 1 was as expected, she can carry the emotional scenes very well. I am Solim shipper, but I cannot say much about SongJaeRim's acting ( I really like him as a person, but not as actor)??. I hope throughout the 50 episodes of this drama, his acting will be improve especially on the emotional scenes.


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is Our Gabsoon so not worth a mention here? Personally I've never watched weekend dramas (not into 50 eps family makjang), but got curious about this one cos of SJR and KSE. I was wondering why dramabeans didn't report much on it eg. trailers, press con? Is it not worth picking up (I usually decide on what to watch based on the recommendations on this website)?


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TBH I was a little bit disappointed because none of articles on its trailer / or press con. But I won't blame DB team, they are trying as much a possible to provide us with many info, in which I really appreciate it. At least DB did published the articles on Our Gabsoon before. This is weekend drama, and just started. For those who are not really watching long and weekend dramas probably will get tired with the plot..I do watch many weekend dramas, so I will have no issue to watch this. Kim So Eun also my bias. I think there will be ppl start talk about it later, since this week only the first week of the drama.

Whether it is worthy or not, I'm not sure. As you said you are not really family drama, so maybe you will not like this. The plot is just ordinary family drama, so I understand why DB not really picking up on this. Maybe it is safe to say, this is a first adult role for SoEun and kind of different role for her.


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I've watched the first episode and read the recap for episode two Solim parts/ seen some of the raw cuts. And so far without giving away spoilers it's better than I expected.

Good points.
1. Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun have amazing chemistry and are super cute (note, I'm extremely biased)
2. Song Jae Rim's character is a jerk but SJR is playing it with lots of goofy so can't really hate him (it's like he speaks with no filter), I think he is very good in this role. (I really wasn't a fan of his recent pinning second lead roles).
3. Kim So Eun is playing a very self sacrificing girlfriend, lot's of emotional scenes sad/ angry etc, she's already cried a river. I felt very sorry for Gab Soon after episode one.
4. Story is about common folk and their problems (mostly seems to be financial/lack of jobs) nice change from chaebol genius stories.
5. There maybe a love triangle in store for So Eun's character.
6. Both KSE and SJR are playing their characters with lots of intensity I like it I thought it would be more fluffy.
7. The actor playing Gab Soon's brother seems interesting.

I don't really know what the definition of makjang is but so far the drama feels like a slice of life/ melo with shouty angry parents.


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This drama is just ordinary family drama, and I read some fans whining about the ordinary plot (and to be totally unfair, comparing with W,DOTS and etc). I do agree the chamistry is jjang. They don't feel awkward with each other. ❤

I think I will want to see a little separation between these two, for them to reflect about things. And SoEun's oppa is hot? LeeWan is KimTaeHee broher, it has been a long time from his last drama. I am wondering about his marriage and his wife though.


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Looking at the OGS clips on Naver it looks like for higher viewership/ ratings it might be in the interest of the production to have more scenes of them together.


But of course I would also like to see their characters fully developed as individuals as well as a couple.


I read, the highest rating for episode was the kissing scene. LOL.

This may give you some helps on makjang definition ;)


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Thanks for the link. I don't think Our Gab Soon is in makjang territory yet, I don't feel like the story line is outrageous. The problems are quite realistic and relatable so far, emotions are slightly exaggerated but not off putting/ sticking out since all the actors are doing it.

Yay for the increase in ratings but LOL the competition is tough!!!


It's a 50-episode weekend drama so I'm just lowkey watching for SoRim and ffw through the rest xD.

The Good: Song Jaerim and Kim Soeun being absolutely believable in their roles and their chemistry is hotter than a thousand suns. *fan self*

The Bad: If I have a dollar every time a character says something sexist and misogynistic, I'd be bathing in money three times a day. It's appalling that even young characters like Gabdol are so sexist.

The Weird: Gabsoon's hot oppa has one disinterested expression throughout. He looks so fine but his expression is so hysterically unimpressed. Lol.


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I think Song Jae Rim I doing a great job, he is proving he can play various kind of characters. Kim So Eun however always plays the same dumb character over and over and her acting is so plain and boring. Also she has the same hairstyle always...


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That's your opinion and I respect it. What do you mean KSE only do same role over and over again? I think she has different role from her previous drama like SWWTN (manipulative queen) and Liar Game ( naive character) although I do think she still yet to do various roles.
And lol, look at your personal hate towards her. Why picking up on her hair. ? I don't really say SJR is bad actor. It is just in my opinion he may need to work on some of his facial expressions esp on some emotional scenes.


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Song Jaerim is doing great but Kim Soeun is one of the strongest actresses in the Underrated Class. I couldn't care less about her same hairstyle because she's so believable as Gabsoon.


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I do think JR doing great too, maybe this is the first time I saw him comfortable in his roles.

And yeah I do agreed KSE is one of the strongest actresses in underrated categories

Among the actresses in my list : Kim So Eun, Park Eun Bin, Jeon Hye Bin and Kim Seul Gi. They are some others but these four are in the top. Mostly ppl knowing KSE for BOF only when she was already proved she was good actress in Empress Chun Chu & Horse Doctor, just these drama did not get so much attention from ppl.


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Seriously, Kim Soeun outshone the lead actress in Scholars Who Walks The Night.


KSE plays 'the same dumb character'? Surely you would not be saying that if you actually saw her dramas..


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I so agree with u @Sara. KSE always plays the same bubbly character. BOF,HD and now this but fans here are lenient with her but if it was some other actress,they would've eaten her alive with their comments.


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I know I shd post this in the What We're Watching thread but there's so many convos there that I just want to happily chatter here. I just finished Can We Get Married? yesterday and I'm very happy I did. Was it frustrating? Yes. In fact,there was a lot of hair pulling. The bickering Mother-in-laws,the fighting couples, the break ups, disagreements and all the times people wouldn't just lower their prides and apologize. At some point I didn't even care if the main couple reconciled or not, I just wanted it to be over, like MARRY AND BE DONE WITH! But when I finally reached the end ,I felt this joy and relief for the characters. I was so happy that they made it this far. The wedding brought smiles to my face, the mothers' relationship with their children was reconciled and I was happy. I now realized that I was on this journey with them. I thought I had given up on the characters and was just watching for finishing sake but my feels at it's conclusion shows me that I was rooting for them. The drama didn't have that glossy sheen to it that most modern dramas have, I actually thought it was older until I checked and saw that it was just in 2012. There were wealthy characters but it wasn't extravagant and shiny like today's shows( not that its a bad thing, I love the shine and pretty). There were no villains just deeply flawed humans that had to grow up, fall down,pick them selves up,learn their from their mistakes and some kept on going down the path of self destruction. The characters felt sooo real and spoke like real people that some achs really hit home. Plus a standing ovation for the realistic portrayal of a couple going through divorce. Thank God her ex didn't become an annoying character that wouldn't move on and kept on getting in the way. He was a capable lawyer and I enjoyed it so much anytime he threw a dig at the older sister's husband then walked away with that deliberately infuriating loud and hearty laughter. Can We Get Married? is not a perfect series but it has left me with good memories and wonderful real characters that will stay with me the low-key and simple way the drama was. I loved Sung Joon here, he's portrayal of a nerdy and dorky character gave me Nick Cannon vibes in Love Don't Cost A Thing. Wonderful Show,cheers!!!!!


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Pros: I did enjoy so many parts of the show. The wonderful ensemble cast was definitely a highlight (How can you resist the adorable beagles, huskies and other puppies?). Kim Rae Won seems like I friend that I never knew I always wanted.
The character development was good (mature and grownup in the best kind of way) and Namgong Min's cameo was amazing!

Cons: The overarching story was just not very entertaining. People watch Kdramas for different reasons, and for me, It's mostly about the story and format. I love how Kdramas play out like a book's narrative with a beginning, climax and end. However, this narrative just wasn't very interesting.


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W's online buzz is insane. Last week the recap article after episode 9 aired has 18k upvotes and this week it is 16k. And news about it always make it to the mosted read or mosted replied list on naver.

And this week it tops the chart of naver VOD downloading for the sixth week.


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I totally get why people would download W to watch though - there is just so many nuances that you only pick up after watching time and time again, and you would want to piece together everything to string along a theory to join in with all the speculative discussions.

I hope MBC promotes it more though? I don't know why (maybe I watch more KBS and SBS varieties..) but KBS and SBS dramas always have their actors guest in their varieties on Happy Together or Running Man, but MBC doesn't really seem to? I would totally like more candid and adorable moments between the W cast, because everyone is bringing their A game.


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They will probably guest once filming ends because it's not 100% pre-produced so actors are still busy :)


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I'd be surprised if Jongsuk agrees to go on variety shows since he hates doing it. But maybe Hyojoo can appear on 1N2D again once W is over.


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He is always so damn adorable on variety shows though. I fall in love with him for his running man as much as for his dramas. They are that good.

One of the reasons I am excited for his new film is that he will has to do promotion aka talk shows or variety shows despite of his reluctance. hehehehe


Yeah, he said before that he's not good enough to do variety, but i think he's okay. I enjoyed him in RM.

@Cipher Me too! It's a bit evil of us that we revel in the fact that LJS won't be able to avoid promoting the movie when he's probably scared to do all sorts of promotion and guesting. hehehe!


I love them both in variety - LJS is just dorky and cute, whereas HHJ is so easygoing and can take a joke.


also the sub actually finish 3-4 hours after the initial episode, it shocked me, they are that dedicated . . . .
it's good and I really appreciate it but I never seen anything this fast before


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I love watching Second to Last Love. While it's not exactly perfect, I enjoy the story and can't wait for next week. I was sad they kept just airing one episode per week. I'm glad it's back to it's regular schedule. I hope the ratings would rise, but it doesn't seem like a lot of people are watching it.


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Sad to say goodbye to AoY girls, I wouldn't mind watching the girls all the way to getting married and motherhood!
Cinderella is surprisingly enjoyable, and AJH lights up any scene he is in, I was not a fan... But fast turning into one.
Moonlight is good too, have always been a fan of PBG and glad he is slaying it in sageuk too.
Not too impressed with Jealousy 1st episode, decided a drop unless highly recommended by Beanies.


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Age of Adulthood, then? Wouldn't mind that as well! What if the sequel goes something like: years later, Belle Epoque landlady passes away and the girls reunite/reminisce their college days. Ji-won wearing the Wonder Woman costume for old time's sake lol


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If the ratings of Jealiously Incarnation surpass W's , that would be pity. I hope the W's team know they'v made a memorable piece and made something really inspiring.


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Yeah W only has 3 more weeks to go, I hope it stays on top during that time. Then Jealousy Incarnate is free to reign supreme for the next few months since it has 24 episodes. That way they both my faves Jongsuk and Hyojin win lol.


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IKR, I want both W and JI get high rating. Let W stay on top until the end and JI take over the crown.? ohh wait what drama will replace UF & W later? I don't remember ?
But I still think why JI has 24 episode? I wonder what the plot will be. I hope not so much dragging parts.


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I think "Shopping King Louie" will replace "W" (it makes me sad just thinking about W ending).


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Yes, I just remember. How about the replacing for UF?

And yes, thinking W is ending made me sad too. But I don't want any extension, because I don't want unnecessary dragging, let it finishes nicely and the way it should be. A little bit grateful the rating is not very high, I wonder if the rating achieved 20% , maybe MBC will be crazy to give the extension. i will hate that for sure.


Nice for Cinderella,
cheesy drama can be fun if they keep on their genre,
who doesn't like seeing reverse harem in the most simple way, we have our serious way but drama like cinderella is exactly something to just enjoy if you can and you can stop when you feel enough,

I hope W can reach 20 at least once, quite a shame but I feel they already got the online buzzed a lot and loved by many, hope they stayed awesome till the end,

I start re-watching BBJX because the thought of scarlet heart always crossing my mind,
already love SC ost and I hope it's good, doesn't have to resemble the Chinese one but just be good since they got action,
I just hope the relation with 13th and 14th can be properly executed, that's one of the things I greatly love in the original,


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The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop/ Laurel Tree Tailors had two solid episodes (I recommend it). I think this will come out as ratings winner if this upbeat/funny show can keep it up.


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Saw people talking about it on twitter and I think it has lots of interesting characters. It's drawing my attention more than Gap-soon, tbh. :'(


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mary, I don't like the plots on Our Gabsoon either.? But I just watch for the sake of my loyalty to Kim So Eun and Song Jae Rim. How I wish these two are popular enough to reunite in primetime drama, or even with shorter weekend drama like beautiful Gongshim. Sad.


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Maybe because I wasn't in the mood for any dramas I was currently watching after Age of Youth's last episode...but I did actually check this out on a whim yesterday & I agree.

I mean, I'm sorry. Choi Woo-young as a cocky has-been rockstar?! I had absolutely no idea that I'd been waiting my whole life to see this, but clearly I have. Even without his hilarious antics, the drama is pretty satisfying so far.


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I checked out the show too. It was pretty entertaining. I figured it was the Five Kids replacement. I guess they had that timeslot on lock so people tuned in to check out the successor. I'll need to see a few more episodes before I can figure out if I'll stick with it, though. Unlike Five Kids or What's With This Family, I can't really tell what the actual premise is.


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Oh, I want to watch this also. I'm a little scared because if I like it then I'll have 3 weekend dramas to watch.

Did anyone watch Blow Breeze?


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Impressive debut at 22.4% then increases by a lot on 2nd episode. If this keeps up Laurel Tree Tailors might be a weekend national drama by the end of it's run if not sooner.


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I hope Cinderella can get decent enough ratings for TvN to maintain the Fri-Sat slot. Yes, Entourage is coming up (are you excited? I am, they better keep me excited), but ratings can determine whether the slot should be permanent or not. But TvN probably won't let us down, right?

How is Our Gab-soon, btw? All I know is that the leads were leads before in a past drama, so I hope their reunion is noteworthy!


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You can read about OG above, I did some comments. they were not the leads on the drama, they were a couple in variety We Got Married.


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It is pretty funny when people are complaining that doctors is boring when it is leading in all streaming sites.It is no.1 on dramafever from its 1st week to the last week even though it is not exclusive and no.1 on Viki too beating W
It is also leading in views of other currently drama in kiss Asian,nonaton and my Asian TV but people are still saying it is only popular in Korea, lol
It is trending too in Korea and other countries even when doctors is airing,park shin hye is always trending in Malaysia and Thailand in which most of it is related to doctors..
The highest rated drama in Malaysia this year is still doctors followed by DOTS but you are still writing it is only popular in Korea???
Even the views on Naver is more than 77m views (will you tell me it is ahjuma that is watching it on naver too)
And the the views its clip use to get on naver is usually more than W or Uncontrollable Fond ratings.
Also doctors top the VOD for last week beating W too and the online ratings too is higher than the Korean ratings.
Just because you are always criticising the drama which makes its fans not to talk about it here doesn't mean it is not popular.
*SORRY* if I hurt your feelings by mentioning your favourite dramas but I just want to state some facts in which most of you do not know cos I have been reading it that it is not popular internationally which is not true.


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I hate getting into these sort of arguments, but since you started it first. Of course it will beat "W" on viki when it is already 20 eps in, and available for anyone to view. Whereas "W" is only 11 eps in, and it is only available for those who have viki pass (so that automatically limits the hits). Yet "W" is at number 2 (which means by ratio of episodes and by the limitation of the viki pass requirement, it is actually getting more hits), and sometimes it is number 1 even.

But that doesn't really matter in the end, because ratings don't speak for the quality of a show, otherwise "Heirs" would be considered a masterpiece.


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I like W but fans should stop putting other shows down cos it's doing great in rating more than W. I loved the show from the beginning but now,I'm getting tired of it. plus,the constant bashing of other shows that are doing well isn't gonna increase W's rating. period!!


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Since you started this, I am curious about "Also doctors top the VOD for last week beating W too and the online ratings too is higher than the Korean ratings.". Could you provide the link for this? I read above that W "this week it tops the chart of naver VOD downloading for the sixth week.". I am a little confused.

Also I am adding some data from China:
douban.com is the most popular and authoritative movie/drama review site in China.

Currently W scores 8.9. 33304 reviewers, 15187 short reviews and 445 long reviews:

Doctors scores 7.0, 8835 reviews 2666 short reviews and 67 long reviews:

If you are interested in other k-drama data, click here:


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Thanks soapbox for the link. I guess this is for the current week. Anyway, based on this link, W tops the list and Doctors is at 8th place.


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No problem. The week is marked on the top right, so according to this it's from last week 2016.08.22 to 2016.08.28


Oh but if you meant you wanted the week before that then I found a screencap of 8.13-8.19: http://imgur.com/QSUNaJU

Hope that helps.


Popularity or relative popularity (for a soap-oriented drama w/ major stars, "Doctors" is a bit of a ratings disappointment) doesn't = quality.

Look at Michael Bay films or how many burgers McDonald's sells.


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It's not masterpiece and no one claim it was.
But people here make it seem like it's the worst drama ever when it's clearly now...
It's slice of life drama and definitely not for everyone but it's giving moral lesson and giving most of the characters development. Their characters are human and their actings are better than most of the current shows right now
But sure it doesn't have quality because you don't like


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I acknowledge the popularity of Doctors but still, I found it boring. Two different things. In my opinion, based on my observation, the popularity of Doctors / DOTS are especially on the non-regular Kdrama viewers / new fan. Similar goes to drama like Heirs, BOF. If Doctors was my first drama ever, maybe I will be a little bit obsess.


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I've been reading this here and there, Doctors popularity is from non-regular kdrama viewers or new fan. I tell you that's just your conclusion cuz you find the drama boring, I can understand if you say popularity doesnt equal quality. I and most people I know who watch doctors are kdrama viewers since kdrama spread all over the world I couldnt even remember when I started. There are actually many factors on why those dramas you mentioned are popular and definitely not because it's viewers havent watch much kdramas. Plus Doctors is a medical drama, why would a new kdrama watcher be attracted to watch it.


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That's why I said "in my opinion" in the beginning. That's definitely from my point of view and my own observation.


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Actually, I think something like Doctors or DoTS would be good for a non kdrama fan to watch. Mature couples, no makjang craziness, no scheming, no other there plots, semi-relatable stories. It's something anyone could watch. It's not boring to a lot of people obviously.


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@lemondoodle, I couldn't agree more. Drama like Doctors actually would be good for a non kdrama fan. Three of my friends who are non kdrama fan watched Doctors. It is quite surprising.
I'm not sure about DoTS. DoTS still got mixed reviews among non kdrama fans in my country, some didnt like it mainly because they had a hard time for the flower boy hero who acts as a soldier while some really enjoy it.

While people said that PSH is the major factor for the popularity of Doctors, I would say KRW also contributes the major factor for its popularity in my country. Even a non kdrama fan like it primarily because a manly hero like KRW unlike typical flower boy actors in kdramas. I'm glad that KRW is still well received among kdrama fans.


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Do you think they were sold in your country before the broadcast if it's not for PSH though? Same with all the streaming sites and all the audience.
Doctors aren't the same without PSH and KRW but clearly PSH is the reason many drama fans interested in and bought the dramas.
Look at KRW's previous dramas to compare...
That's why many actors want to work with her... She is super popular and has as much power as an actor...


Doctors is pretty popular,
it just not well rated by the int-audience,
but not bad rating, just an okay acceptance, even though not as high as the rating in South Korea, but I am pretty sure people know the drama title, don't know if they know the detailed story,


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*and the views its clip use to get on naver is more than W or Uncontrollable Fond views*


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No one would even be complaining about Doctors ratings if your show(s) wasn't stagnant or decreasing in ratings. I am happy to see that Doctors did well considering that it wasn't promoted that much by SBS, it's a Monday & Tuesday drama that was not a pre-production with a flower boy lead. No, Doctors wasn't perfect and it did has its flaws but the comments here are making it seem like it was the worst drama of all time. Due to its success maybe more female centric dramas will be made by KBS, MBC, and SBS.

P.S.~ Stop being so salty about a shows rating when you do not lived in South Korea. Too much sodium is not good for you.


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@oyinlicious I think people find Doctors boring has nothing to do with its ratings or popularity. "Boring" is subjective and is based on each individual's opinion.

@Danielle Well, from my observations and reading the comments I think UF is getting a fair share of criticisms. Most people who had issues with Doctors felt that it was lukewarm ( i mean most people recognize how the plot is pretty simple since it's a slice of life drama and not all of us like slice of life as much). So it's a matter of taste at that point which everyone has their own right to share forth. There were some comments noting its success and how hard working the cast and crew were so I wouldn't say that everyone is being salty about it. But you are right that hopefully the channels realize that female centric dramas do garner success and viewers' interest.


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I still stand by my opinion. You say matter of taste but I think that they are just drama snobs that feel that the show they are currently watching is the crème de la crème and look down on other dramas and their viewers.


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Typical kdrama elitists.


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Ppl not only saying much about Doctors, for low rating / average rating drama like UF also received fair share if criticisms.

If by saying the drama " boring, just ordinary, nothing new, average acting " is looking down on the drama and being salty, then I cannot say much. You have your own view, same goes to others. I don't think it is worst drama, and I think most of us do. Even it is a boring drama for me, I do happy for the casts and team especially because high rating means more money and better opportunities for them too.


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For me it's fine if people criticize ore praise shows accordingly. What I hate is when a show, that some people don't find interesting or great, is loved by others, despite its flaws, start to insinuate that the ones who like the show are simple minded. Believe me, I've seen those kind of comments in Doctors comment thread, so...


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I agree regardless of popularity/ratings, if you find a drama boring it's really because you find it boring.
But I agree with @Danielle if Doctors is not popular/has high ratings, people wouldn't bother commenting that it's boring/overrated. It's also the drama comparisons, they think the drama they like should have better ratings.
In UF case, it's victim of overhyping before it even started, it wouldnt have been criticize much if people they didnt have high expectation.


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I am hoping Our Gap Soon drama got a higher rating, because we the international fans of Solim Couple really likes the story line.


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My favorites are Second to Last Love, each episode I watch has me cracking up, love it. Bring It On Ghost is a easy watch the two leads are adorable, and I'm still trying to figure out what the evil entity is, and the show is almost over. Love these two, still withdrawing from "Family of Five", and really looking forward to binge watching "W", and although it is not a current show, I am enjoying Nirvana In Fire for the second time, and Empress Wu. Congrats to everyone whose fave show is up in the ratings and to shows that are low hope the ratings go up. Shows are a matter of timing, sometimes viewers want melo, sci fi or just plain old syrupy romance what I love about drama's usually there is something for everyone.


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I kinda am grateful Uncontrollably Fond got a rating drop this week, I was like, internally screaming on the inside, "YOU DESERVE THIS, SHOW!"


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Congrats to Doctors for ending with such high ratings. I started watching it, but not really feeling it. It's just my taste and has nothing to do with the cast. I think they're great. I like PSH, but my fave so far is still her role in Pinocchio. I do get the high ratings they received. It's breezy and uplifting which seems to be what majority likes. It is a drama that cuts across demographics.

For UF, I wonder if the turn of events would have been different if it were not 100% pre-produced. Would the writer have changed some things upon learning the responses of the viewers? I remember what happened to the Producers after the initial reaction of the viewers to the first few episodes and how they changed their direction in the latter episodes. It feels extra sad because KBS was obviously rooting for this drama to be so huge.

I cannot wait to see how the new dramas will perform ratings-wise especially the one with IU. Something to look forward to.


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I always wonder about the weekend dramas that seem to get the highest ratings but are rarely discussed on DB. Purely from DB you would think Cinderella >>>>> Laurel Tailors but its quite the reverse.

I guess they are directed to a different audience plus some of them seem to go on forever and the 16-20 format is far easier for recaps.


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I like Bring it on Ghost, W- two worlds, and Cinderella and the Four Knights in that order.

Even though Bring it on Ghost is full of special effects for making scary ghosts, the villain does not need special effects to be the scariest thing in it. All he has to do is turn his face and do his laser eye look to look scary.


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I'd like to ask: is 1% still the standard rating to be considered a successful cable drama? Or has it increased over the years with the popularity of cable shows? I think as of 2012 it's 1%, but not sure now.


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Back in 2012-2013 cable dramas, that reached the 1% rating mark or more, were considered success, at least in tVn, Now the figures should be different, as more people are tuning into cable dramas for their original content, and there are other cable channels competing. However, even in 2012-2013 most cable dramas were watched online, since the audience is usually younger.


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age of youth<<<< I'm scared of watching you"" but I still want to watch you because of the good comments..


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Why are you scared? Don't be scared! *bribes you with cookies and cucumbers*


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I realized belatedly that Age of Youth had its finale the same week as The Good Wife and I am doubly sad... I enjoyed both immensely and will miss having so many different complex and badass female characters on my screen.

Also, also, it looks like there isn't a drama to air immediately after The Good Wife? There's a four-week gap between TGW's finale and K2's premiere.


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I hope this drama keep raising the rating, the first two chapters were great . I love Kim So-eun is an excellent actress and knows how to bring this character well .


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I really enjoyed the Cinderella & 4 Knight and Let's Fight Ghost, but why they have low rating.
I think a lot of TVN's drama are nice, but the rating has always been low. like Another Miss Oh.
For W, indeed good. And I think it better than Doctor drama. But i dont know why, doctor got the highest rating. Even though in some articles mentioned that W got the highest rating.


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Those articles are made-up but I guess some W fans would love that
Even on CPI Doctors had been doing better
Do you think what you think is important when Doctors is leading everything?


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Congratulations to Doctors for getting that high rating for a show that was not hyped, actually underrated since nobody was talking about it. It was a nice surprise to the makers and cast for sure....haha! Even Park Shin Hye's company thought it would flop! It proves that PSH does not need a flower boy to have a successful drama, that she actually is part of the reason those dramas were popular, not riding on some "oppas" coat tails! and this show also proves that given the right role she can deliver....anyone watched Tree of Heaven? I even love her in Don't Worry , I'm A Ghost. Good luck on her next project, nice to know he is appreciated by the powers that be , by veteran actors and by drama /movie directors. It's sweet how she was already casted with Choi Min Shik even before Doctors became the Sleeper hit of the summer.


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