Cinderella and the Four Knights: Episode 6

There’s a budding family in the Kang household, and Ha-won is right at the center of it. They may not like each other yet, but the cousins are all connected to our favorite girl, and she’s slowly pulling them in closer and closer. However, sometimes what brings us together also pulls us apart, and when the heart gets involved, all bets are off. As yet another hardship arises, Ha-won finds a new friend in an unexpected place, but that friend might just turn into an enemy.


Rewinding a bit from last week, Ha-won and Bodyguard Lee stand outside the temple, waiting to see if the three Kang cousins will arrive for their fathers’ memorial. As more time passes, Ha-won asks Lee hopefully, “The guys… will come, right?”

The two perk up when a car arrives, but it’s Seo-woo’s boisterous mom, come to pay her respects. She stops in front of Ha-won, and identifies her as Hyun-min’s fiancée. Looking around, Seo-woo’s mom asks absently where her son is.

Seo-woo is currently in a recording studio, singing the song he wrote for his father. As he sings, we travel back through last week, reliving Ha-won’s conversations with the boys as she tried to convince them to visit their fathers.

Thinking of Ha-won’s words that he wrote this song for his dad, Seo-woo calls a stop to the recording and leaves the studio, telling the staff he has someone he wants to see. Aww.

Back at the temple, Hyun-min’s mother also arrives, and the two mothers engage in some passive-aggressive nitpicking.

A flashback brings us to when Hyun-min’s mother left the country after her husband’s death, a little Hyun-min desperately begging her not to leave. His mother told to remain behind and protect his position (as heir), giving him a brief hug before pushing him away. Tiny Hyun-min grabbed onto her arm, pleading, but she just shoved him off and continued on, leaving him crying after her.

Hyun-min wakes up from a nightmare (presumably of the flashback we just saw) and tries to shake off the lingering memory. He’s interrupted by the housekeeper, Ms. Beolgyo, when she enters into his room to clean, thinking he’d already gone to the memorial service.

Ms. Beolgyo exits the room, but mutters not-so-quietly that Hyun-min has no heart in refusing to go when Ha-won is going through such a difficult time. The comment catches Hyun-min’s attention and he stops her, asking what she’s talking about.

The housekeeper recounts a conversation she’d had with Ha-won while they’d been preparing the memorial offering food. Ha-won had been happy to help, admitting that her mother had passed away and she hadn’t been able to hold memorial services for her because her stepmother didn’t like it.

Ha-won says that being able to help now reminds her of her mother. She knows that her mom probably waits for the days when Ha-won comes to visit her (at the columbarium), and it makes her sad to think of the boys’ fathers who have been waiting so long for their sons to visit them.

Thinking over Ha-won’s words about his father being lonely and waiting for his son to visit him, Hyun-min gets in his car. As he heads over to the temple, Seo-woo also makes his way there.

Still standing outside, Ha-won has nearly given up hope when she sees Seo-woo’s van pulling up. His arrival is followed by Hyun-min’s, not a minute after. Looking sheepish, Hyun-min asks if she was waiting for him. Ha-won smiles and clarifies it’s his father who’s waiting for him, which gets a small answering smile from Hyun-min.

Both cousins head in together and Ha-won stays outside, still waiting for Ji-woon, though it looks like he’s a no-show.

Eventually it’s clear that she only got two out of the three cousins. Ha-won apologizes to Grandpa Kang, bowing deeply as she acknowledges that she failed this mission. Disappointed, Grandpa heads in and Bodyguard Lee tries to tell Ha-won not to worry, as she was at least partially successful. Ha-won forces a smile but says it still wasn’t a complete success, which means she failed.

The Kang family begins the memorial services, sans the wayward Ji-woon. Outside the temple, one of the monks greets Bodyguard Lee, saying that Grandpa Kang’s sons must be happy this year since all their sons came to visit. At Lee’s confused look, the monk reveals that Ji-woon stopped by earlier that day to pay his respects, even leaving a flower for his father. Sure enough, right below Ji-woon’s father’s picture is a dried rose.

After the service, Grandpa Kang’s new wife Hwa-ja, Hyun-min’s mother, and Seo-woo’s mother all engage in a mini-battle of wits, each trying to assert authority. Hyun-min’s mother goes so far as to point out that her son is the obvious choice for heir, smoothly dropping in that Seo-woo’s just the grandson of a concubine, so he doesn’t really count. Jeez, if they were guys I’d tell them to just take ‘em out and measure.

The ballsy part is that they’re doing all this right in front of Grandpa Kang. He finally shuts the mothers down with a warning that right now, neither of their sons are adequate to be named heir, and if he has to, he’ll scour the planet to find any other children his sons may have fathered.

In the car, Grandpa Kang and Hwa-ja discuss Ji-woon’s absence. When Hwa-ja mentions Ji-woon’s mother, Grandpa Kang tells her not to mention that woman – he blames her for causing Ji-woon to grow up alone. Interesting. Bodyguard Lee enters the car and Hwa-ja subtly removes her hand from Grandpa’s, her eyes briefly meeting Lee’s in the rearview mirror. (No! Ick! Show, do NOT pair him with the sketchy witchy lady! I forbid it!) Lee informs Grandpa Kang that Ji-woon actually did attend his father’s memorial earlier that day.

We go back to the night before when Ji-woon had gone to the columbarium to visit his mother. He’d seen the rose that Ha-won had left, immediately recognizing that it was from her. Ji-woon spent the night in there, thinking back on Ha-won’s words about visiting the man that his mother loved. The next day, he’d gone to the temple and paid his respects to his father, leaving behind the same rose that Ha-won had given his mother.

Having failed her mission (to her knowledge), Ha-won packs up her things. She leaves behind a note, “I don’t think I deserve to be here anymore. Thank you for everything,” but when she closes the door, it creates a small breeze and the note flutters to the ground, unnoticed.

Hyun-min and his mother drive back in his car after the memorial. Mother Dearest can only talk about the pecking order between cousins, reminding him for the gazillionth time to maintain his spot as heir. Hyun-min is sick of it, and when his mother asks where they’re going, he answers that he’s taking her to the airport, telling her to never come back to the country again.

Ugh, Ha-won’s Stepmom and Stepsis snoop their way into Sky House, simpering to Ms. Beolgyo that they are were sooo worried about their precious Ha-won that they wanted to make sure that she was living in a decent place. Not sure how Ms. Beolgyo can stomach their BS, but she directs them to Ha-won’s room and leaves them.

Stepsis immediately deviates, instead locating Hyun-min’s room where she makes herself at home, even bouncing on his bed. She’s in a stalker’s nirvana, until she spots the bag on his desk containing Ha-won’s school uniform. Stepsis immediately jumps to the conclusion that Ha-won is trying to worm her way into Hyun-min’s heart (are we forgetting how you pretty much just scent marked his room?). With an enraged — and alarmingly psychopathic — glint to her eye, Stepsis stomps on the uniform and grabs a bottle of ink off Hyun-min’s desk.

Outside Hyun-min’s room, Bodyguard Lee comes across Stepmom as she whisper-shouts at Stepsis through the door. Stepsis comes out, and Stepmom tries the same spiel about being a mother looking after her daughter. Stepsis sneers that since Ha-won is such a respected guest, that should make them important too. Lee calmly but firmly states, unfortunately, that that respect only extends to Ha-won, and has them escorted/thrown out.

Infuriated, Stepsis writes a slanderous post about Ha-won on their school’s website, claiming to know the “truth” about how she ran away from home and is now living at Sky House.

Ha-won’s barista friend, Ja-young, is cleaning at work when she turns around to find Ha-won sitting at a table, smiling and waving with her luggage in tow. Heh, gotta love her “Oh boy, now what?” face. Ha-won asks if she can stay the night, but unfortunately Ja-young’s house is crowded enough, and no amount of pouting on Ha-won’s part can persuade her.

Just then, Hye-ji arrives at the coffee shop, and Ja-young soon realizes that she and Ha-won know each other. Talking over the obvious tension between the two, Ja-young pretty much shoves Ha-won at her, telling Hye-ji to call her if Ha-won snores before scampering off. Hye-ji turns to leave but stops, instead giving Ha-won an awkward, “Let’s go.” Aww, that was kind of nice.

Hye-ji takes Ha-won back to her place, and Ha-won immediately notes the picture on her desk. It’s the same one that Hyun-min has in his room of the three children. Hye-ji looks uncomfortable but reveals that the children are herself, Hyun-min, and Hye-ji’s brother… who died a long time ago.

Changing the subject, Hye-ji asks Ha-won why she left Sky House when she’s engaged to Hyun-min. Looking relieved to tell the truth, Ha-won reveals that she was never actually Hyun-min’s fiancée. She promises that she was just pretending to be as a part-time gig, and had been living at Sky House while doing a job for Grandpa Kang.

She reassures Hye-ji that there’s nothing going on between the two of them, noting that Hye-ji looks much better with Hyun-min than she ever did. Hye-ji visibly thaws at the news and the two look a bit more comfortable with each other.

The girls split the bed that night and Ha-won talks excitedly about her graduation tomorrow. Hye-ji asks if that means she’ll be seeing her family then, but Ha-won just chirps that they probably won’t come. Hesitantly, Hye-ji offers to attend. Her offer gets a huge smile out of Ha-won, who hugs Hye-ji happily.

That same night, Bodyguard Lee knocks on Ha-won’s door, not knowing that she moved out. Ji-woon passes by and Lee calls out that he heard Ji-woon went to the memorial today. Lee guesses that he did it because of Ha-won, and Ji-woon sputters of course not, no way! Hmmm… Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Bodyguard Lee isn’t buying it either, and mentions that Ha-won was really hurt when she thought he wasn’t coming. He tells Ji-woon that it’s her graduation tomorrow and advises him to drop by and congratulate her.

Ji-woon retreats to his secret room, scoffing that it doesn’t matter to him if it’s her graduation. He lies down to sleep, but immediately pops back up, clearly unable to shake the idea and baffled about the whole thing.

The next morning, Hyun-min ventures into Ha-won’s room looking for her. Wondering where she went so early, her calendar catches his eye, and he realizes that it’s her graduation today. He winces to remember that he never returned her school uniform and races back to his room to grab it. Unfortunately, that immediately turns into panic when he sees that her school clothes have ink stains all over them. Wow, the show hinted it, but I still can’t believe Stepsis actually ruined the clothes like that.

Left with no other option than her red tracksuit, Ha-won heads to her graduation, standing out like a sore thumb against all the other students. In the school, Ha-won sits by herself in the corner as all the other girls talk amongst themselves, throwing looks her way. Oh no, they all read Stepsis’s post, didn’t they.

Hyun-min hurries to purchase a duplicate outfit for Ha-won. He calls her and leaves a message, promising to bring her clothes and telling her to wait for him. Outfit in hand, Hyun-min drives over to the school, leading a convoy of food trucks all sporting banners that read, “For the classmates of my girlfriend, Eun Ha-won.”

Hye-ji stops at a flower shop. Thinking back to Ha-won’s admission that she was never engaged to Hyun-min, Hye-ji smiles and asks for a pretty bouquet for her friend’s graduation.

Ha-won’s farewell note is finally found by Ms. Beolgyo while vacuuming. She frantically calls Bodyguard Lee, and he in turn reports it to Grandpa Kang. Grandpa instructs Lee to find her immediately and Lee answers that her graduation is today, so he’ll head over.

In the graduation hall, Ha-won stands awkwardly while all the students in the auditorium steal glances at her. It’s obvious that everyone is talking about Ha-won, having read the nasty story that Stepsis posted.

Oh man, we hear the rest of what she posted and it is ugly, insinuating that Ha-won got into Sky House by sleeping with Grandpa Kang (ew!) and is now turning her sights on the Kang cousins.

Rumors are already flying and poor Ha-won has no idea about any of it. All she can do is stand nervously through her graduation ceremony while her Stepsis and the entire student body leer at her.

To make matters worse, once graduation is over, Ha-won stands by herself, hopefully looking to see if her Dad decided to come after all. As she waits, she comes face-to-face with Stepmom. The woman sneers at her outfit, and when Ha-won says that she left Sky House, Stepmom quips, “Oh dear, where are you going to go now?”

Leaning in close, she tells Ha-won not to even think about coming home, then brushes past her to give a big hug to Stepsis. Okay, we need a truck of doom, pronto.

At his hair salon, Seo-woo posts some new selfies but gets distracted when he sees a bunch of messages from his die-hard fans about Ha-won. They all threaten blood and warn that it’s going down today at her school. Worried, Seo-woo tells his manager to clear his schedule for the day and runs off.

Meanwhile, one of Ha-won’s classmates tells her that there’s someone looking for her, directing her out of the auditorium.

Heh, Ji-woon arrives at the school looking uncomfortable and confused as to why he’s there. He gets scared off by a bunch of flower vendors shoving bouquets in his face, but as he leaves, a group of girls passes him and he overhears them talking about the beatdown that Eun Ha-won is about to get.

Hyun-min arrives with his food truck entourage and is immediately surrounded by a crowd of screaming girls. He casually takes a megaphone out of his trunk and asks if anyone has seen his girlfriend, Ha-won. One of the girls tells him that someone took her out of the auditorium earlier.

Sure enough, Ha-won is ganged up on by a group of girls in the school’s broadcast room. The girls all accuse her of doing trashy things to get into Sky House, and when Ha-won denies it, they call her the Chairman’s concubine. This crosses a line and Ha-won angrily demands they take it back.

As this is going on, both Ji-woon and Hyun-min scour the halls for Ha-won. I kind’ve love that Ji-woon can just sneak around, while Hyun-min has to deal with screaming girls with every room he goes into.

In response to Ha-won’s denial, the girls decide to cut off Ha-won’s clothes to find out how “pure” she still is, brandishing a pair of scissors. That’s just sick. (Also, WHY ARE YOU NOT FIGHTING BACK, HA-WON?!)

Still running around, Ji-woon spies a group of boys hanging out in front of a room and figures that that’s where Ha-won is being held. He proceeds to trash the would-be guards.

Inside, the girls have already sliced several holes in Ha-won’s clothes and are just about to start filming it when Ji-woon throws the door open. Seeing the prone figures outside, the mean girls flee.

Ji-woon walks over to where Ha-won is huddled on the ground, trying to hold her tattered clothes together. He takes in her battered appearance (that look!) and pulls off his jacket, gently draping it over her.

Ji-woon leads the traumatized Ha-won outside, but as they pass the groaning boys, the girls return with more guys in tow. Ji-woon gently nudges Ha-won behind him and prepares to fight the group, when a voice calls out, “Are you using your fists again?” It’s Hyun-min, who has his own method of fighting.

Holding up his car keys, he tells the punks, “I’ll give you this, so go away.” The boys all laugh, until he points to his hot little sports car sitting right outside the window. He reiterates, “I don’t care if you ride it around or sell it. Do whatever you want.” Then he tosses the keys out the window.

The boys all advance towards him… but then the leader says a quick thanks as they race past him to go find the fallen keys. As their backup runs off to play with the pretty car, the mean girls slink away.

Seo-woo finally gets to the school, posing for a few photos and gathering a large group of fangirls in his wake. His plan to ask for the “mean girls” to come forward backfires, so instead he asks where Ha-won is. Faithful Ja-young forces her way to the front, yelling that she knows where to find her. Seo-woo follows her into the school, running to keep ahead of his screaming fans.

In all the commotion, Hye-ji slips into the school, carrying her bouquet for Ha-won.

In the now bully-free hall, Hyun-min tosses Ji-woon’s jacket back at him and puts the new school outfit he bought around Ha-won’s shoulders instead. Looking surly again, Ji-woon starts to walk off, but Ha-won calls after him. He turns towards her and the two share a charged look before he keeps going. Ha-won makes to follow after him, but Hyun-min pulls her back, reminding her that she needs to change before she can go anywhere.

The wannabe thugs all sprint down to Hyun-min’s car, but Bodyguard Lee arrives first and snatches the key right out from under them. The leader attacks, but Lee catches his punch and then proceeds to kick some serious butt. Damn! I know his title is Bodyguard, but that was badass.

Ha-won changes in the broadcast room while Hyun-min sits next door, pouting that she wouldn’t change in front of him. Pffft. Finished, she yells her thanks through the window, and when Hyun-min gets up, he accidentally hits a lever on the soundboard, flipping the ON AIR switch. Uh-oh.

Hyun-min pulls Ha-won back into the broadcast room, wanting to talk, and the entire school stares as every TV in the school starts to broadcast their “private” conversation.

Seo-woo follows a skipping Ja-young until he runs into Ji-woon on his way out. He asks if Ji-woon came for Ha-won’s graduation, but Ji-woon snaps back, “Are you crazy?” Well, at least it wasn’t another “Get lost.”

Brushing it off, Seo-woo asks where Ha-won is, just as the monitor next to them flickers on to show Ha-won and Hyun-min. As they stare, Hye-ji arrives behind them, also watching at the screen.

Back in the booth, Ha-won tells Hyun-min that she won’t go back to Sky House, but Hyun-min doesn’t know what she’s talking about. He says he has something else to discuss. When Ha-won asks what it is, he steps closer and answers, “A confession.” (The word choice implies a romantic confession.) The whole school swoons and Stepmom and Stepsis stare, dumbfounded.

Hyun-min continues, “After meeting you, all other women seem boring to me. And you keep crossing my mind. I don’t like it when you’re with other guys, and I especially don’t like you hanging around Kang Ji-woon.”

In the hall, Ji-woon notices Hye-ji’s crestfallen expression and, almost reluctantly, heads back towards the broadcasting room. Bodyguard Lee arrives looking for Ha-won, and Seo-woo just nods towards the monitor.

Hyun-min finishes his confession (with a few gushes about his own attributes), but Ha-won gently tells him, “Let’s put a stop to all of this now.” Which of course sends the whole school into a tizzy that Ha-won rejected THE Kang Hyun-min.

Ha-won moves to leave, but Hyun-min stops her by grasping her shoulders. He tells her that he hasn’t finished yet. “You and I—” he starts, but just then, Ji-woon flips the switch back and the school groans as the broadcast is cut off. Oblivious to their new privacy, Hyun-min continues, “You and I haven’t even started yet.” Ha-won shakes her head and says she now wants to stop pretending to be his fiancée and end this fake relationship. Her words reach Ji-woon, who was just leaving the booth, and he stops dead in his tracks, turning back to stare at the pair.

Hyun-min takes a step back and agrees, saying they should stop the fake relationship. Instead, he wants to start dating her for real. Ha-won stares up at him, and just outside the room, a tear-stricken Hye-ji drops the bouquet of flowers, having heard it all.


Hah! I can’t wait to see Hyun-min’s face when he realizes his confession just got recorded for all the world to see. I’d feel bad for him, but he seems more the type to roll with the attention rather than get hurt by it. Still, I’m anticipating some serious “Oh, crap” faces. Best part of this episode has to have been the four knights charging into the school to rescue their damsel in distress. I enjoyed how it played out, because this time they all came together not because of a mission or guilt trip or some kind of power play, but rather out of the true concern that they had for Ha-won. Granted, they didn’t exactly play nice one they saw each other, but it’s clear that she has become an important person to all of them.

Ji-woon and Hyun-min’s relationships with Ha-won are constantly changing (understandable given they’re our male leads), and I’m finally starting to like the direction they’re both going. I won’t go too in-depth with Hyun-min, but I will say that I’m not totally convinced that he really, truly wants Ha-won in a romantic sense. Watching this episode, I admit I swooned really hard at all the beautiful gestures he did for Ha-won, but looking back on it, I think he enjoys having someone to do them for, more than he enjoys the actual person receiving them.

Ha-won is the first person that Hyun-min has let into his life in any real capacity ever since his mother left and Hye-ji did… whatever it is she did (I really hope Hyun-min didn’t kill her brother, ’cause that’s a lot of guilt to work through in the ten remaining episodes). I get the feeling that right now, Hyun-min is just enjoying doing all the things he’d always stayed far away from when dating his many “floozies,” and Ha-won is the perfect excuse. Don’t get me wrong, there’s definite care and affection there (and obvious chemistry), and I can see a potential storyline with him falling really hard for her. But it’s also possible that her main role will be to open him up again, and that’s something he desperately needs, maybe even more than a love interest.

Also, side note, I loved Hyun-min’s confession in the end, but did he have to do it in the room where she was just assaulted?! Number one rule of love declarations: Location, location, location!

All that being said about Hyun-min, I’m still not completely on board the Ji-woon train yet, mostly because he keeps giving me friggin’ whiplash with every episode. Can we just pick a temperament and stay with it? Or, at least a consistent hairstyle? I vote no frizz. At least his mood swings seem to be tempering out a bit. It was great to see how all the physical aspects of their interactions (i.e., the slamming against walls and steamy shower scenes) didn’t really affect him, and it wasn’t until Ha-won reached him on an emotional level that he started to notice her. I especially loved the scene in the car when Ha-won had fallen asleep and Ji-woon almost, but not quite, touched her face. That almost-touch meant more than any wall-slamming ever did.

What I really want to know is, what happens now that the cat’s out of the bag now that Ji-woon knows Ha-won was never engaged to Hyun-min? Will he still pursue her now that it’s not “stealing?” I guess you could argue that he’ll still pursue her simply because Hyun-min is interested in her and Hye-ji will obviously not like that, but his face at the end showed a lot more emotion than I was expecting. Do we need to have him rescue Ha-won a few more times to find out his true feelings?

Because apparently the girl has conveniently forgotten her kickass fighting skills and can now be taken down by a couple of bullies who weren’t even holding her that tightly. I fully understand her being traumatized after that disgusting scissors move, since it was definitely assault (and frankly, a lot darker than I thought those girls were gonna go). What I couldn’t understand was how she got in that situation in the first place. What happened to the tough-as-nails delivery girl who beat up two full-grown men without blinking? Where’s the Cinderella who threw her shoe at Prince Charming? Come on, Ha-won! Just pretend that those girls refused to pay for their pizzas and kick their ass!


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Im on Kang Hyun Min Team. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤He is Awesome and SOO CHARISMATIC. Daeebaaak ???


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R.I.P. Red Tracksuit Apparatus....may we never get to see you again!

Also...yay Team Kang Hyun Min!


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Yes, finally!!!! No more red tracksuit. ? Now, next!


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I bet you $10 that Hawon will sew it back together.


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I am going to throw a fit. ?


I will take that bet.


Good god no.

How did we get two Pretty Woman scenes AND YET WE'RE STILL STUCK WITH THESE TRACKIES?!


Now... we only have the black one left...


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She probably has more in the back. Maybe along with the unknown father she has an unknown rich uncle name Joo-won who gets custom made track suits sewn from artisans in Italy.


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Now that you're mentioning Joo Won's Italian track suit... Ha Won's red track suit doesn't seem so bad anymore...


lol ... joo-won's track suits were an entire character in that drama. They had their own merry arc and character growth.

These ones are just stupid. What did she pack in that big suitcase? free cosmetic samples ?


tbvh I like the black one
keep it there...


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I don't even understand why Ha Won is falling for forever-PMS-ing Ji Won.

He's like... Oh I don't want to be Kang... and then he threw money to some poor girl... rode expensive car... took a girl to a fancy restaurant... I don't believe he got the money on his own.


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Sadly till now as a viewer i'm more invested in Hyun Min as a character and his story is the most compelling as well not even mentioning the chemistry with HaWon and all their interactions till now in place of the main lead...Maybe it's me but the writer kinda did a bad job in this case as i should have been invested in the hero yet i don't find pretty much any of it,mostly as how he was portaryed till now in place of how Hyun Min shined in character,backstory and interaction,he looks more like the lead to me than the actual one


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Yes to this!

I'm more invested in Hyun-min. I keep wanting to see more and more of him especially in those confrontation scenes between the leads.
Like this ep, when Ha-won kept looking at Ji-woon and wanted to go to him when Hyun-min was putting that coat on her, I wanted a close up of his reaction, his face just to see how he actually responded to all that.


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At first, I was so confused about who's the leading man here. Hyun Min was the one who out-shined the other two boys, but it's Ji Won who walked in the middle (you know, it's some sort of standard ethics code for Kdrama's flower boys to let the main lead walks in the middle.


I think we all have the hunch that JW will be the end game, but JW just badly explained and badly placed. He is so mysterious and sad and passive towards ha won, what should we do?
if this wasn't a drama, it hard to finf someone who has time to actually mind about jiwin, most would leave him alone

Whereas hyun min is adapted easily and make the scene so joyfull. He is honest and showing all his bad side to hawon intentionally, but in the flip side, his genuine and charming side come naturally.
There's a reason why childhood friend or friend become couple, because they spend time and communicate.


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I don't know the writer of the drama, but I have an unfounded faith in the writer (perhaps W's writer has got me thinking too highly of all other drama writers too). My hope is that they're planning on subverting our expectations of JW being endgame because the writer HAS to know that they've made HM so much more compelling than JW from the get go, for a second lead. And the title is literally called Cinderella and Four Knights, which is so overtly a retelling of Cinderella, that I hope that means they know they have to put an interesting spin on it ie. she doesn't end up with the male lead. Okay, I'm just onboard the HM ship.


I think we are seeing some very lazy writing on this show:
- conveniently forgotten epic fighting skills to put damsel in distress
- weaksauce "fake fiance" game kept around an implausibly long time just to keep Mr. Emo emo
- withholding character information on supposed main character to keep him "dark" and "unpredictable" (no, he just seems petulant and mean) and giving both male leads huge mostly unexplained mood swings for drama
- lots of birth secrets (Sec. Lee, both leads) to generate some sort of unknowns to the endgame and tons of other kdrama cliches: truck of doom, scheming unloving mom, scheming psycho female anti, dead parents (dead on the same day, what an interesting thing to have in common!), spoiled chaebol son, manipulative chaebol dad, Candy, falling into one another's arms, poor girl makeover (three times!) and many many more

Even though the writing is fairly pedestrian, the leads are all in so I am definitely going to keep watching.


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I agree, the writing, story-line, is just "Meh". Yawn; but, the actors are engaging, so, I continue to watch even though I do agree w/ your assessments of the so many faults w/the writing.


strangely too, that the writers put pieces of hyunmin's past (like how his mother left him and such) in natural order, in the steps we can emotionally understand.

but in jiwoon's (and hyeji's) case, we haven't get one good piece to figure out what the hell is going on in their lives.


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With you on this ship. They have so much chemistry together and looks so comfortable in all their interactions. There is also a more equal power in the relationship in that our Cinderella stays true to her feisty nature with him. It looks like they're not endgame though, so I'm training myself not to get too invested in this show. It's pre produced too so ending will not be affected by viewers' views.

At any rate, i like that I'm liking ahn jaeyun in this role and would love for him to get some love even in the nonromantic way in this story.

Seowoo continues to be so adorbs and maybe it's the boice in me but I don't want him to end up with ha won either. Want him for myself! Haha


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Seo Woo and his mother is mother-son relationship goals. His mum is childish yet charming on her way, and she is very proud taking selfies with his son's picture, and I found it is so adorable.


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The only consolation I get for him not getting love from grandpa is that at least he seems to have a family with his mom and of course with the fangirls. Hihi


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His fangirls is no joke,. LOL.

But maybe comparing him with Hyun Min, I think he got better love and affection from his mother. Hyun Min's mother on the hand is really a terrible and greedy mother.


Yes yes yes Seo Woo is super adorable! And his relationship with his mom looks cool too.

I don't know yet which ship to sail with...leaning a little bit towards Ha Won - Hyun Min simply because I like their interactions better.


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Hyun Min and his mini megaphone is the cutest thing so far. Anyway im Kang Hyun Min team too but fall for the fourth knight lately. Hehe


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Thank you for the lovely recap, CandidClown - yep, still enjoying this one. Cheesy, but ever so fun!


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I’ll try to see if I can decode Ji-woon. Having read CandidClown’s recap, I wanted to look furter into how I can convince myself to like this character and accept its fate.

Part of me will always be cheering on Team Kang Hyun-min because it’s apparent, it’s evident, that Hyun-min and Ha-won will always be our Soju and Kimbap. While that ship may never see the light of day, in some fanfiction universe, they’re probably happily making babies by now.

Ji-woon’s character on the other hand, simply wasn’t introduced correctly. I could point fingers at the editing team or the writers themselves, but clearly had Ji-woon’s introduction been executed subtly, I am sure we would have been more accepting of him. But what’s done is done and can’t be undone.

By now, the story will likely steer Ha-won in Ji-woon’s direction like any other flower boy, candy-girl drama would. Theirs is a story that has been told one too many times but the journey they will take is what’s supposed to make us viewers swoon and happily cheer along. I hope that day would come because right now everything seems wrongly written.

Maybe Ji-woon will turn over a new leaf, show his vulnerability and maybe even some Cha Chi Soo chaebol-ism. I’d hate to see him continue on being a jagged-temperamental-self-absorbed-unhappy guy that he is now. I’m sick of that. So really, I want to see his character come out of whatever rock or shell its hiding on. Give me something I can believe in.

I really can’t decode Ji-woon not because he’s complicated or complex. I can’t decode him because his character was simply not made to be liked at first. So I will give this guy a chance. Hopefully, he will prove me wrong.

**this comment was meant to be posted here**


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perfect analysis of why most of us are having trouble getting on the JW train.

Plus i hate that whenever JW-HW are together, they seem to remove all her spine and turn her into an everyday Kdrama candy.

She forgets her cool martial arts, she starts whimpering and looking dazed or is simply supposed to be the happy-g-lucky sunshine, ready to spread joy in his dour life *snorts*


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I'm a fan of your comments ?
They are funny, enlightening and the fact that you ship Hyunmin x Hawon makes it all the more interesting.
The one thing I can't figure out is why have HM develop feelings for HW if he is going to be a possible cousin? Wouldn't that be too awkward for both HM/HW since the confession is public?


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Aw, Emsel, you sweet thing! Thanks!

If Ha-won ends up being the long lost Kang cousin, I'm 100% sure she won't end up with any of her knights.

Unless they pull a reverse birth secret on us and Ji-woon draws the shortest straw, he ends up being duped and officially dethrones him of his Kang rights, then there's a chance he'll end up with our girl. (But honestly, in ep1, hyun-min confirmed if secretary lee was thorough in investgating Ji-woon's legitimacy.)

Hyun-min on the other hand, I think will be more controlled with his emotions. Yes, he likes to flaunt his wealth and power but you will never see him reveal his true feelings. Hye-ji got that right about him. If what you're saying happens, I'm sure he'll play coy and pretend everything's okay. That's up until he's all alone then we'd see him breaking down.

Don't you just wish they'd pull one on us and make hyun-min the non-kang??


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Hmm..I'm afraid if HW ends up being Kang then JW truly will not be a Kang. I have a feeling since their moms share the same death date, there was an unintentional switch. Maybe they got the wrong mom. So JW will go back to his old life and HW will be with him because she will also be more comfortable in an everyday life, she wants to be a teacher right? And poor HM will be her cousin..maybe that's why she is not having any romantic feelings towards him and for him...he is confused??!! No!!! I want HM and HW to end up together! I will take anything just don't put HM and HJ together please!


Curious if the new wife is actually Secretary/Bodyguard Lee Mom...Hyun Min sure has one awaful Mom...Curious if there is more to Grandpa Kang adversion towards Ji Woon Mom aside from her sad accident...I really want to slap the mother/daughter duo so badly,was glad when Bodyguard Lee put them in their place and toss them out... Also,I get so distracted…Hyun Min’s lips sparkle more than that Edward Dude


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I think that shove he gave them was actually rather polite!


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Sadly it was,i wouldn't be so polite...


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Now that you've mentioned it, Ahn Jae Hyun can pass off as the korean version of Edward lol


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The tomato diet makes Ahn Jae Hyun's skin so freaking luminous.


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And he's done the vampire bit, too. lol.


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I now understand my totally irrational dislike of him.


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Swipe left to activate Bodyguard mode. Stoic hottie, Secretary Lee activated his bodyguard mode and we got to see a little bit of ass whopping from the real knight in shining armor. We really wanted more of that, seriously.


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He is bodyguard, secretary.., and chef. He is too perfect.


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I agree, Bodyguard Lee is the only one showing knightly qualities here!

Also I thought Sky House has the tightest security, how did they just let anybody, namely stepmom and stepsis walk in and roam around the house?? No ID checks?


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they have the tightes security but plot is their boss


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I think the new wife and the Secretary is related somehow. Maybe he is her hidden child.


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i'm thinking about that too... if he's chairmain's new wive's child, then doesn't it make him the second generation chaebol?
compared of the kang cousin's third status, he made it to the first heir. crazy or not, it means the cousins need to call him 'uncle'.


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I'm with you Miky, i think candi can rest easy, no romance there, i think new wife is bodyguard Lee's mother.
I guess she kept him hidden to be able to "advance" and marry up. It's more of a "i haven't spoken to you in years and now you're married to my boss" awkward kind of relationship.
It would fit, this is after all a show with birth secrets, surprise grandsons and dead siblings hehe. One more to add to the pile ...The stepson. :) I just hope they don't end up adding another cliché in the Mix..that our Girl Hawon's real father is also another Kang son and she therefore is their cousin (granddaughter) or worse Ji woo's sister! That would be too much for me to take. How odd that 2 of the sons died in a car crash at the same time and JW and HW 's moms died on the same day, i assume in the same fire. Was HW's mom there to vist JW's mom..or the dad? tum tum tuuuuuum *cue dramatic musci* to be continued


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If Hawon is a Kang and Lee is stepgrandma's son, then... does that make Bodyguard Lee the evil stepsister in the story? ???


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more like the fairy godmother :) :)


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Ditto on the truck of doom making an appearance! The mother-daughter duo of evil need to be run over, stat! They are so delightful to hate!!! I think I hate them more than the orig step sisters in Cinderella, and that's saying sommat.

Ji-Woon, for me, has almost claimed the top spot as prince charming. His way of protecting Ha-won spoke volumes, as opposed to Hyun-min's, which was to literally throw money away at the problem.


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I don't get what do you mean?
isn't a bloodless confrontation would be ideal??
why would you throw punch to people that is bought, money is what owned them not the bully fist,
it more rational to bought them rather punch them, since punch will leave them with punch revenge to catch you later


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Hmm, I thought so too to begin with, but thinking about it, the car he so willingly throws at people isn't his money to begin with. He didn't earn that cash, and it seems he hasn't been taught to value it either - hence why Bodyguard Lee was right to step in. It doesn't make Hyun-min bad of a person, but I can see why he's not prince charming, he hasn't learnt how to deal with problems...yet. Whilst Ji Woon's way isn't perfect, he still chose to protect her by confronting the muppets. *shrugs* just the way I see it.


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he threw the car because he has the capability of it , becauae he has it in posession and even if they take it, all the registrationsl and law wouldn't let them have it,
it can be a way of distraction for another smart character,

and I think the nature of that thought is a better way to solve problem since I found barging into fight without second thought is too reckless.


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Maybe from Hyun Min's perspective, he is easily to throw his cars (seriously I was shocked to see him gave his car very easily to his ex-girlfriend) because he knows he can get another car, easily simply because he has money. However, I was very glad that the Secretary stepped in. I am OK with him throwing his car to save our Cinderella, but I hope he won't simply give away his cars to his ex anymore because man... I know you are wealthy enough, but you did nothing to earn those things. Poor this man, he needs to realize soon, not every girl wants your money.


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Jw happily throws around money too when it conveniences him, like when he threw it her face. As far as I can tell, he doesn't earn that money too. What he earned as a mechanic before was peanuts which had his co-workers grumbling that he always buy them cheap food.

In fact, except the knight who is a singer, I don't think any of them earn anything

And i don;t see it as rewarding bad behaviour. Say If I am no ninja and i have tons of money, I wouldn't mind paying the baddies to get out of a bad situation esp when they are so many of them and i don't want to escalate it into a brawl that will make headlines tomorrow "omg! Rich heirs beat up poor school kids"


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I'm curious about this though, do we know for sure that Hyun Min doesn't earn anything? Because he went to a school abroad, which is usually considered a good business decision, and he seems to be unusually sharp mind (with his puzzle/rubik's cube solving abilities), so I've been wondering.


He's probably earning something on the side, but again, inconsistencies in the writing, because Hyun Min went back to the house under threat of having all his credit cards revoked.

Or maybe, you know. He's just feeding his devil-may-care playboy persona and is not ready to have anyone know that he's his own chaebol boss. lol.


But why would you reward (pay) the bullies? Isn't that rewarding a bad conduct just because you want to get rid of the problem?


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I wonder if Hyun-min is smart enough to call the bodyguard and tell him to get to the keys first? Probably not, but....


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Lol. I wouldn't doubt HM's mental faculties, but there's just no time for him to have called Smexy-tary Lee. Or he may have set it up beforehand.


the bully is the gurls gang, the guys waiting outside is the henchman,
why would they guard it for free of none of the guy have beef with hawon?
i assume they asked them and would reward them later (with money and other things the bully capable of)


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The guys are also students, and to me it seems they were doing what the girls said, based on the rumors spread by the stepsister. Even if they were to be paid, they were doing something bad (they had to know what they were doing), so again, why would you pay them to stop?


ofc I paid them because it actually showed that they didn't hate ha won and put money over her because they knew that

"doing something to the girl is not really that important, we didn't interesting in the kang's cousin"
"I don't want to lose in fight"

teens will never back down if you fight them,their hormon will fight for the "manliness"
tbut they'll leave if you give them a better choice that would benefit both

and yup that's why Hyun min doing a good thing


I was quite disapointed that Ji-Woon was the one to "save" Ha-Won. Not because it's him but because Ha-Won is capable to take care of herself and I was so disapointed that she didn't taekwondo these girls right here, right now. Why did she had to be in some damsel in distress cliché ? She wasn't so weak in the first episode when she sent the jerks flying...

Maybe that's why I can cheer her with Ji-Woon. For him to rescue her, she had to be a weak little girl unable to defend herself so that he can do the only think he can : throw some punches. Don't get me wrong, I thought that it was quite nice of him when he pricked her finger. That was sweet but this... I had prefered if he had arrived just to see her kick some ass.


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Stop, just stop! Truck of Doom has turned over a new leaf! He's out in the courtyard serving up food for her classmates. Don't lead him astray again! ~_^


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agreed, truck of doom is reformed now, let's leave him to his rehabilitation. He's such a good actor, soo many parts he can play, catering truck, milktruck, vegetable truck, i dare say even a temporary home for outcast drama hero's. Also, given the title, to wipe out stepmom and sister, we really need a carriage of doom..or better yet ..a hearst, saves some time on getting them cremated so we can all move along to the happy wedding afterwards. With former truck of doom as the transportation for the honeymooners.


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Finally JW period is over. Yeay


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Ji-woon is like your home tv shopping network.. "No. Wait. There's moooooore!"


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"What happened to the tough-as-nails delivery girl who beat up two full-grown men without blinking? Where’s the Cinderella who threw her shoe at Prince Charming?"

My thoughts exactly!!

Why do these wonderfully tough, no nonsense heroines suddenly become limp dish rags that have to be rescued by our heroes? It would have been so much better if she had beaten up those girls on her own and then had help taking out the boys.

Writer, you totally failed me!


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Ugh, I couldn't agree more! It would've been true to Hawon's character to put up a solid fight and be overpowered / subdued. Tied up and not merely held down.

In another note, Bodyguard Lee, why you badass in everything? Badass cook, badass fighter! Will you please come to our world? Lol!


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Those girls had guys bigger than her and scissors I am tough as nails but when the other part holds a weapon that I can't fight off I will honestly not fight unless they mean to kill me in that case we both going to hell


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Or maybe what I wanted to see was more subtle I'm-gonna-kick-your-asses look, rather than the damsel-in-distress expression. Or perhaps Hawon was so used to blending in the background that she didn't know how to deal with the sudden attention .


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yep it is pretty common, tough girl then wimp when it suits the writer when they trying out a plot device ie hero saving the princess. The fact that from first episode performance she seem perfectly capable of saving herself is conveniently forgotten.


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H황won's badass character comes out only for Hyun-min, that's why I (and so many other audience) ship them instead of with Jinwoon. She's strong, capable in doing things, smart, and cute while in Hyun-min's area.

This character gets softer when meeting her best friend, Seowoo, Grandpa, Bodyguard Lee, and Hyeji, she turns positive and a bit feminine.

Then, when meeting Jiwoon, all of the sudden her power switched off, and left with confused face with maybe a little tricks.


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I might be dropping it.
I don't like that Ji-Woon is falling for Ha Won so fast. One moment he is all for Hye Ji and then smiling lovingly at Ha Won.And it is not just for breaking up Hyun Min and her.
The drama is at that point where I can't handle the cheese anymore.
The other thing is Ha Won is trying to control the boys, trying to tell them how to feel, what to do but knows nothing about their backgrounds and scars, ending up looking like a nosy girl.


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Ji-woon is just as annoying as Hye-ji. They can go prick themselves and look like spongebob.


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But no our Sandy Cheeks aka Ha-won lost her fighting abilities to turn Squidward Tentacles aka Ji-woon into the hero of the day! Pfff! Spongebob aka Hyun-min comes on his burgercar to leek of all the cream but instead of long awaited award he'll go to Goofy Goober to get icecream drunk. What will be the next mission of our "money, money <3!" Krusty Crab(p) grand father? We're still waiting for Plankton aka Hwa-ja move!


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agree agree agree.
Don't think I'll drop it entirely. I'm going to go back to see where the train wreck is taking me.

I really liked how it began... but then...first... it was Hawon forcing the boys to do things, lecturing people on how they should feel towards things she has no backstory on... and then the boys are weirdly nice about it (honestly, Ji Woon's reactions are the only ones that make sense if I were in his shoes... even if they ARE really annoying)... and then they all are beginning to be won over despite years of harboring negative feelings towards Thing X.

The now the mighty Hawon gets bullied... I get the whole weapons thing being dangerous... but I would imagine Hawon... the smart cookie that she is... should've seen something was up, and bailed the hell outta there. But no... no... just another damsel in distress. Taekwondo out the window. C'mon guys! I think I would've even been okay if Hawon was NEVER a skilled fighter. But the fact that the showed introduced her to be able to fling a dude into the air, half way across the room, and then have her succumb to 5 girls she can PROBABLY trip up then out run... that just be cray!


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I dropped this drama already.


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Did I miss something? What was the comment about the brother and Hyunmin?

On another note, I'm enjoying the drama for what it is. I hope it continues to build on its own strength which means continuing to expand the friendship between the two girls. It's a combination of bad writing & bad acting but Hyeji is most bearable (and may I say a little likable) when she's being friendly with Hawon (I really like that name - on a different note)


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i vote for no frizz hair too.


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Ditto. Dead hair walking Ji-woon needs a makeover stat! All that PPL in this show and they can't find a good hair product to endorse. At least the green duct tape did itself some good.


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The green duct tape's product placement is pretty aggressive. The skeezy ex-boyfriend also used green duct tape on Ye Eun in AOY.


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Look, here's your handy dandy green duct tape that works best when used as:

- plastering your butler to the ceiling (c4)
- kidnapping your ex-gf because you're downright crazy. (AoY)
- holding your mini van's bumper together (bring it on, ghost)
- a waxing strip (oh my ghostess)


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That was epic, LOL!
And yes, I saw all of these and I was wondering why this sort of tape in Korea is always green, when in my country it goes from beige to mustard.


In name of all frizzy haired wretched poor fluffy's (namely me) have some mercy ! Do you have any idea how hard it is to tame those unrully strands ? quit picking on us ..although should you feel the need to do some crowdfunding to get me..i mean us hairvictims, some decent haircare products that actually work (especially for lazy frizzy's ) i would ofcourse not stop you in your noble endaveour.


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Hyunminie, you have my full support.


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Idk but Hyun-min's confession moment made me squee like I never watch that kind of scene before. I just... just... ah Ahn Jae-hyuuun. Why are you so good in this role?


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Lol. I love his Gaston-y approach to his character, without the actual meanness.


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Saw that episode 6 recorded a 3.9% rating. That's pretty impressive for a show that none of the networks wanted to pick up, and that tVN had to create a late night timeslot for!

As for the show, I'm just taking it for what it is, but I really want Ha Won to regain some of her spunk! Where did our fiery, fiesty heroine go??

Can't help but ship Hyun Min and Ha Won even though I don't think he'll be the endgame. I feel like she is the only one in a very long time that takes him for who he is, sees right through to that deeper, pained side of him, and who he is starting to let his guard down for. I think him falling for her is becoming genuine, and she is not just another one of "his women".


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I am so incredibly distracted by the music sometimes, what is the music director doing! Their random addition of background instrumental tracks change the tonality of the scene so thoroughly that it's extremely jarring. And this contrast is extremely visible when you have those same scenes in the teaser with no track (or an OST). There were many scenes like that, but two scenes that stuck out to me, wherein the hyper and peppy music changed the atmosphere and mood of the progression; the first was when Hyun Min tells Ha Won that Ji Woon only has Park Hae Ji in his heart and she's going to get hurt in episode 5. The scene, in the teaser, seemed so intense, but that upbeat music was totally mismatched with the expressions of the actors. Second, when Hae Won's stepmother told her that she had no place to come back to and should think of where she'd go. The music was almost comedic in what should have been a sad scene. I'm so baffled.

The second thing is, that I'm genuinely not sure where this show is going with the family narrative. I mean, the missions are strange because they're only being completed in name, mostly, not in spirit. Hyun Min, for instance, only seemed to have come for Ha Won, because he heard her story abut her mother from the housekeeper and not because Ha Won's words about his father being lonely had an effect on him. Ji Woon also was more influenced by Ha Won's flower next to his mother's ashes. So they did complete the 'mission' so to speak, but it had nothing to do with what the mission was really about. Ditto the eating mission (where I don't think Ji Woon even ate.)

Also, if this drama is trying at a family-is-family and should eat/live together narrative then I'm really not sure where they're going with the mothers. Hyun Min's mother is clearly not someone he's willing to engage with at all & for good reason. And the Chairman's wife, who is also family after all, isn't really presented in the light of that 'Family' narrative (she's clearly more concerned with the successor issue and I'm pretty sure Secretary Lee's mother). So if it's a pity that they're estranged from their cousins, then isn't it equally a pity that they seem estranged from their mothers? After all, we're not all of us super close to our cousins to the extent they're trying to get the Kang cousins to be, while they're also (apart from perhaps Seo Woo) estranged from their immediate family. And the Chairman's line about how- if the mothers squabbled too much about the succession- he'd search for all other "seeds" that their husbands had planted, also struck me as a very hollow understanding of family, in a show that is constantly elevating it.

Anyway, these are minor issues (though I do find the narrative very strange in these aspects), because I still love the drama and all the character interactions to pieces, which is what I'm mainly watching for anyway. This is my crack!drama, I'm just so into it and so...


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excited for the fall-out from Hyun Min's confession.

What I really liked was how they had the brothers deal in their typical way with the problems; with Ji Woon beating up everyone and Hyun Min throwing money. I honestly really like the fact that Hyun Min can't (or doesn't) fight. I think it fits the character. It'd be incredibly strange if he were to suddenly also be really good at fighting (although hilarious, because it would mean he's just letting himself get beaten up by Ha Won). I like that he handles all his problems the same way (he suggested money during the pizza incident as well), and that he's now beginning to develop problems that no amount of money is going to solve. I feel like fighting is traditionally romantic, but I like the alternate scenario where Hyun Min hates fighting (and probably can't) and is more willing to give up something and is equally- if not more- effective. Ha Won and Ji Woon were surrounded, they might have made their way through, but there's no denying that Hyun Min's method- as much as it wasn't traditionally romantic- was more effective.


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Confession, Rejection. I really really really wanted Hyun-min to come to terms with his feelings for Ha-won but as we all know, our prayers won't be answered by the drama gods and poor guy will most likely get cooly rejected by our girl.

I do however wanna be by his side and challenge him to a game of Tetris. Afterall, he really is just a nerd trapped inside a playboy chaebol's body.


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nerd hyunmin is so charming ...


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agreed! wish they'd show more this side of him. I really like the cubic scene.


Accidentally awkward-loner-nerd Hyun Min is my actual favorite. If he wasn't a chaebol, he wouldn't be getting the time of the day, because, surprisingly despite his charm, he's so awkward and socially challenged, it's hilarious.

But what I currently see happening is Ha Won shipping Hye Ji and Hyun Min and trying to get them together, which I am really not here for. I don't think Hyun Min's emotions- or anyone's emotions for that matter- should be streamrolled through to get what you want. It honestly seemed like Ha Won is going to try and ease the situation between Hye Ji and Hyun Min without, again, knowing anything about the reason or background of it.


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Ha-won is a people pleaser. That's gotta be her worst trait.

I would be extremely disappointed if she started pushing Hyun-min towards Hye-ji just so everybody can live happily ever after. That right there is crossing the line.

Can she not be that ignorant and insensitive to not know? Clearly she's been hanging out with Ji-woon too long that she's becoming annoyingly stubborn.


Point on about the background score. They are definitely a miss when it comes to enhancing the mood the scene is supposed to create.


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i wish they had built up the friendship a bit more between ha-won and hye-ji before tearing it down.

on another note, why do i feel like this series will end with hyun-min stepping down/abdicating as heir? we don't even know if it's something he himself wants, it's just something everyone told him was going to happen. we don't even know what hyun-min's actual hopes and dreams are yet (to be fair the only characters whose hopes and dreams we know so far are ha-won and seo-woo), aside from being with ha-won.


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Agree, right now what bonds the two girls is the fact that they're not after the same guy. What I'm curious though is if Hye-ji will go all-out b*tch mode and declare war upfront or will she do it sneakily as a frenemy.


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I do feel it too! Take note of his friend said "I really want to dissect your brain, just what is exactly in your head?" and when Hyunmin said to Bodyguard Lee about "If anything happens, I'll give my credit card."

Despite his narcissistic, witty, smart, sarcastic character, he's also spontaneous, fast-thinker, big challenger, risk-taker, analytical, detailed, and strong-willed.

Even though he's the most spender, I think it means he's the least love of the money, because he throws it to things he didn't actually like. Different with Seowoo who got fun stuffs in his room, or Jiwoon who treated his 'beloved' friends meals.

Therefore, when he get something he truly loves, I think he doesn't mind throws everything to be with it. (and also, with that kind of brain, he can actually stand up himself if he wants to)


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one thing I like about hawon hyunmin dynamic is because hyun min let the spunky ha won out, let her be kickass and not gonna compete in that area, he acknowledge her on that area and accepted the badass side of her,
he appears to summon another side of her that often get buried by the appearance of jiwon,
jiwon is the prince that make the princess need to be saved since be need to be the one that saved them,
hyun min is the prince that let them be equally saved.

each to their own .my observation


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my thoughts exactly


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Okay... Bodyguard Lee is a badasssss!!!! His fighting scene was so cool... *swoon* <3 <3
I wish I could ship him with Ha Won... But my preference is still Hyun Min... Hahaha

About HaWon not being able to kick her bullies, I read in a forum where someone mentions that it might be because Ha Won is graduating so she can't get into trouble or her graduation could get cancelled or something.


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I ship Bodyguard Lee with myself. Seriously is there any guy like him out there?


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So long as he doesn't feel anything for Grandpa's new wife!


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Not gonna happen!! There will be blood if they pair bodyguard Lee with the chairman's wife!!!


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Well i think my Hyun Min shink is sank. I am not sure if i should watch this show further not because that my shink is sank but because the Ha won and Ji woon storyline is very boring no chemistry nothing interesting and storyline is getting more predictable every second. The only kinda fresh thing about the show was the fact that who will be the main man . Now that we know who she will end up with i don't have a reason to watch the show because only gonna make me frustrated with Hamster cheek's being all jealous again for another man . Hyun Min and Hamster cheek getting closer is another reason why i wont be able to stand the show .


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Can't help but get just a teeeeeeny bit disappointed that Ha-won suddenly becomes damsel in distress, which she so clearly refused to be. Does her badassery work only with men? Some form of fighting back would have been nice, instead of her looking so helpless all of a sudden.

Don't know what exact moment triggered Hyun-min to confess though. Was it their confrontation after meeting mom? But I won't deny that I'm looking forward to seeing him shrivel on his publicized embarrassing moment.


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I thought about the lead up to his confession too. as per what he said, its pretty straightforward actually. After he met her other girls turned boring, we saw this in his date with this one girl; so checked. She bothered his mind, i.e. their first serious conflict becoz of the mom, checked. Dont like her being around JW, check. Her being with other guys? This I can't recall. I do think witnessing her reaction to JW this ep might actually be the trigger.


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Something tells me Bodyguard Lee is New Wife's son... I got that feeling when she told grandpa that what he needed the most was a son in a previous episode. I think she married grandpa to have Bodyguard Lee be his son in law (since he pretty much has all the attributes the grandsons are lacking, i see how New Wife would plot something like that).


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Boyfriend 101. A good boyfriend will listen to your opinions and hear you out. A good boyfriend will be sensitive towards your feelings. A good boyfriend will surprise you at your graduation complete with food trucks for you and possibly the entire school. A good boyfriend will rush over to bring you your school uniform. A good boyfriend will not resort to using his fists but will outsmart anyone just to protect you. That includes giving his car away like it was a gaddamn matchbox. A good boyfriend knows when to concede and apologize. A good boyfriend can be upfront about his feelings and confess. A good boyfriend for you Ha-won is a guy named, Hyun-min.


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Hear, hear.

Hear that, Ha Won? Lol.

Danged Episode 8 preview ruined it, though. T_T


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That really ruined my day.


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gaaaaaah I love you!!!

what makes me like hyun min is his cooperative nature to adrress his thought, even if sometimes it 's too much, but we are not guessing and can make up our mind....


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I know right? Hawon is too blinded by Jiwoon to see this. I'm sad for him. I hope he will find a better girl in the end. And hopefully not Hyeji.


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>> And hopefully not Hyeji.<<

when I just have to agree


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perfect boyfriend, Hyun Min


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That is the perfect description of a 2nd lead of kdramaland tbh. In kdramaland, the nice guy just get friendzoned till death.


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I mean... if Ha Won doesn't want him, I'll have him. In his own words, he has good looks, a brilliant mind and is the heir of the Haneul Group.


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That's why, I don't understand if she rejects THE Kang Hyun-min.


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EXACTLY! I was like, uh hello, you can take on these girls blindfolded with one hand behind your back! You were not suppose to need any rescue! ARGH! So, so, so mad.

Ok, moving on. AHAHA.


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SO MAD! I'm not moving on yet. WHY WHY WHY????? WHY would your super duper slo-mo martial arts skills just evaporate? ARGH.

Re: Hyunmin, I bust out laughing when he pulled that megaphone out of his trunk. He's so silly.


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How cute was that? and Seo Woo, too. =D


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Thank you for the recap! I agree with a lot of what you said! I just have a couple of things to say regarding this episode.

1. Jae Young is a terrible friend! I can't believe she wouldn't take HW in because it would be too crowded! Looking at how she dropped poor HW who was by herself after the graduation when her parents came, I think she is just selfish and uncaring! She just left HW alone, without saying anything, asking if she'll be ok she obviously looked a little distraught maybe waiting for her dad, nor inviting her to stay with her...I feel bad for HW, it really seems like she was surrounded by s----y people! Moving to Sky House she is actually treated so much better! The guys may not be "decent human beings" but seem so far above anyone else in her life before! Just my two cents on this terrible friend! Who has the galls to use her when SW is looking for her! Anyways...

2. I hate to see it but I have to be objectionable--is that the right word? Although I love HM and really really wish for him to be our hero, I can see why JW is a better match. I hate it but oh what can I do? I will have to accept it somehow. HM is like a grand love that can offer you your dreams and treat you like a queen! Everything he does, whether intentionally or not like the broadcasted confession would make any girl swoon! At least me! Unfortunately, that is not what appeals to HW. The way to her heart is much simpler...JW pricking her finger to ease her indigestion as their mom did... a selfie as a gift instead of the expensive salmon cream..eating ramen instead of lamb chops! Ok, I get it...maybe I just don't like JIW as JW. I am not seeing the chemistry there although as some have said it is being forced on us. There is so much more chemistry between HW and HM...too bad it may get wasted....maybe I'll just have to wait for another drama where maybe they'll be the OTP. I am enjoying the show, and will just dream of HM for myself then!


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Objective is the word...brain is in slow mo!


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Objectionable = disagreeable, offensive. bad. =D


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Secretary is my favorite. I ship him with me. Hahaha the other 3 can go fight to get Cinderella.

I'm a bit confused as to why Hawon get bullied. Seems to me she was shown as a badass in the earlier episode. I thought she would be like the gang leader in school.


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I am in the minority (maybe) because I ship Ha Won and Ji Won from the beginning. The way Ha Won treated Hyun Min is just a friend who she comfortable with. And I also think Hyun Min does not really has romantic feeling towards Ha Won. Looks like he still has a feeling / issues with Hye Ji,.

Whatever it is, I ship the Secretary with myself. He is so capable with everything. Cannot wait to see next episode.
Based on previews, Hyun Min earned new title for himself LOL. And I also already saw the previews for epi 8 too.

Oh yeah, Hye Ji. I don't like her and I don't like the way that actress playing the character.Wish we can replace her with better actress.


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Looks like a lot of us want Mr. Secretary/ Bodyguard for ourselves. :)

They should have gone with the secretary/bodyguard as the main male character. Would have been more interesting...anyway, I'm still enjoying the fluff.

If only there were four Ha Won's for each guy. Oh well...I'm okay if she ends up with Ji Woon. However, I'm not going to be too happy if Hyun Min ends up with Hye Ji. Seriously, her screen time is a waste of precious seconds and minutes that could be used more productively to further elaborate the 5th wife's plans and Ji Woon's past...and give us more of secretary/bodyguard.


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Mr Secretary is the real Prince Charming. I think most women will go crazy if their man cooks. Instead of fighting, I think man is sexiest when he cooks. LOL.

The way the actress playing Hye Ji made the character more less interesting and she just a bitch who wasted the screen time. Instead of make us sympathize with her, she made us boring, a total boring. I don't wish he to end up with anyone, I just want to get her out of picture and she needs to move on. But maybe, it will be OK if the writer made her friend with our Cinderella.


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Im still pressed at how after all we've seen of bad ass Ha won , she suddenly needs help to save herself... like, I would have understood if she -after managing to run or beating the girls' arses- would have needed help to beat or run from the boys but really? Not even a whack in the head for those laughable wannabe thug girls??! Im not buying it! Thats the exact opposite of what weve seen of Hawon. Hope the show avoids these forced situations.


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If gramps is really going to search the planet for extra grandkids, who is he going to find? Ha-won?


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He'll find... Nemo, Dory, Waldo...i could go on


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Carmen San Diego?


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The close-up on the step sis' s face during the last scene gave me nightmares. Her eyes were saucers!!
And Hyeji's expression in the last moment screamed murderssss.
I'm losing interest in this drama. Here for the cuteness but not so much this ep.


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If I understand Korean law correctly, spreading false rumors is actually a crime. Evil step-sis could be jailbait :)

I know the laws of kdrama-land don't permit a heroine to send even an evil step-sis to jail, can't we make an exception? Please? Before I drop the show in disgust?


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Grandpa (or his company) can sue Evil Sis for slander instead.


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I really like Ha Won when she's with Hyun Min. Their chemistry is over the roof! But...they obviously aren't end game from what I can tell. The only problem with their interaction is that thete's not much Ha won id sharing with Hyunmin about her life. What does Hyun Min actually know about her? He doesn't really get to know her.
Meanwhile, Jiwoon, in the short instances he had, she feels comfortable enough to reveal her life bit by bit.
I totally can relate. There's some people in life I feel safer sharing my life while others are just great for sharing a moment.
On that note though, I'm still hoping for HW and HM relationship to progress deeper cause I really enjoy them!


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To go back to the beginning of the episode for a minute, it really bothered me that Ha Won's reason the boys should go to the memorial service was because the fathers were waiting for them. We know so little about the dads and what they deserve or don't deserve. She should have encouraged the boys to go to heal themselves, since they are the ones who have really been damaged by their family. It makes no sense to me that her primary concern wasn't the boys she is getting to know, but their dead dads.


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I felt a bit the same way too. Yes their fathers may be waiting for them or may be lonely, but there must be a reason why their sons turned out like that too. So not knowing anything about their past (i.e. HM and his mom), how can you lecture or give advice if you don't know what the problem is? I understand good intentions, but you do have to be conscious of not over stepping as well. Which was a bit annoying with HW looking at SW's photo/through his stuff, but at the same time they are all doing that, looking at her journal or calendar. It felt at times there is just too much nosiness! From everyone!
From a cultural point of view, in most Asian cultures there is a lot of respect for elders and ancestors so that no matter what they did, you still have to go and pay your respects. It's just good manners and upbringing. So my take is more that she was telling them to still respect their elders/fathers and that does mean attending their death anniversary.


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I agree, that was a very lame reason she used for them to go. "Your dad is lonely". And oh, behold, the boy was moved by this.
What does it mean? In which religion in the world the soul resides near the remains of the dead body, so many years after its death? Isn't it supposed, in Buddhism, Hinduism and even Christianity and Islam, to move on to the "other world", however it might be described? In other Korean dramas, we see that only people with issues remain as ghosts, otherwise they move on.
So what's this crap of having to visit an urn with ashes so that the dead person won't feel lonely? If the soul is everywhere and nowhere, you can speak to it or try to communicate with it even while you're at home, in the bus, or wherever you are.



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at least the Ji Woon ship has raised its anchor and maybe is starting to inch out of the habour... I was less annoyed at his character and I can see the story trying to push him and Ha Won together... Add some hair conditioner and it might help! ha.

That being said the writer is pushing for all 4 of them to like Ha Won and has some nice moments for all of them so I don't mind too much...

Ha Won better get her kung fu action back soon... we don't need another typical candy heroine! I want her Bad Ass!


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As Grandpa Kang scours through the earth for another lost grandson, perhaps he'll find Hawon's bio dad as his long lost son...


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Is it just me? I saw this as the start of things between Hyun Min and Ha Won -- not the end. It felt to me a lot like the first love confession by Darcy for Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice. Hyun Min hasn't a clue about love or even his own feelings, but I think he truly has feeling for Ha Won -- he is going about it all wrong and pulling all these stunts that he thinks she will like (but she won't) or maybe have worked in the past with other girls but they don't with her

I think it will be a while yet before he knows how to love her but he does truly care. "You and me -- we haven't even started anything yet ... ". Killer line

So far Hyn Min has been protagonist at end of episode three times ( 6-confession, 5-grabbing JW's shirt, 4-almost kissing HaWon) and Ji Woon only once (episode 1 - when he threw money at HaWon)

Show - why are you giving HM so much airtime if you plan to give HaWon to JW..?... :-)


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HM seemed to again downplay the seriousness of his confession by unabashedly listing his attributes.. And the look on his face after HW said let's end this, mix of surprise, disappointment, kinda makes me feel sad for him. Yes! and that line 'we haven't started yet' :(( I want to see their proper start please. Take my money tvN and shoot the drama again with HM&HW as the endgame!


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I'll throw in my entire bloody fortune to see that happen... at least the fraction that's left over from Kang Chul's romance business proposal. lol.


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Yes yes yes please! Reshoot the damn thing and sack the writer


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Yes I say, why not - I would watch it again :D they could even make alternate endings for all the guys, they wouldn't even need to reshoot everything just change certain scenes and sew it back up together ^^ (and take the angel chorus out)


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Yes. The sparkly score that grates. And the cheesy love songs, too. Replace them with better ones.


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I agree!

And yes that look of disappointment / surprise - AJH played that so well!


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LOL ! :D Yes lets raise a found together to remake the show


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I also found it odd that Ha Won didn't kick the mean girls asses. Its like they intentionally forgot that she could do taekwondo just to have her get rescued/.

And I'm calling it, ater episode 3 I got a feeling that new wife is Lee's mother. There were hints here and there, and when she let go Grandpa's hand when he got pissed about Ji won's mother 'abandoning Ji Won', it got even clearer to me. Maybe she abandoned Lee. There was that comment she made about 'not grandsons but sons'.


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I really wish they hadn't shown Ha-won as a martial arts pro girl in the first episode. I could have lived with the fact that shes an innocent sweet kid rather than seeing this episode where shes suddenly damsel in distress. It was so turning off. The writer/director should have really thought through this. Just to show chairman n hyun min she was shown as a girl who could do martial arts n for ji won's sake shes shown as a damsel in distress. So a man can only love a woman who needs taken care of?...that is the only way to romance? Totally totally disappointed.


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In this episode I thought a couple of most revealing things were said /done by Hye Ji.

When she said to HaWon that Hyun Min has another side to him that most people don't usually see

When she looked so pained when she was listening to Hyun Min confess his feelings to HaWon. You could read in her fave that she knew that hyun Min's feelings for HaWon were real

Other noteworthy thing was Ji Woon's reaction when he realized what Hyun Min was doing - his eyes immediately went to Hye Ji. He was more interested in Hye Ji's reaction than Ha Won. That seemed significant to me .. And when he saw how hurt Hye Ali looked, he suddenly left to turn the broadcast off.

It is intriguing that the one who understands HyunMin's feelings for HaWon are genuine, the most is Hye Ji. And the one who understands it the least is Ha won.

Hyun Min's desire to breeze through life without letting his true feelings show is -- I think -- in for a lot of revision.


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Hye Ji is apparently the girl next door type who grew up with Hyun Jin. The problem is that there's a strange disconnect somewhere, in that she's extremely hurt, nearly suicidal, and dislikes the main girl intensely. If her relationship with Hyun Jin was when they were young you would think that they or at least he drifted apart as they got older, and she should move on as well.

There really isn't anything that they could tell me that would change my opinion, even if she was promised to marry him as a child. As it is, she's not even on the same page as the blind dates he has to go on as heir to the company. So why does she get so hurt? What could possibly keep her continually returning for more heartache over and over. My guess is that she's written poorly, which is why her acting doesn't fit with the story very well. Usually the second lead has some sort of advantage over the lead when it comes to beauty, wealth, education, etc. It almost seems like the lead has more qualifications, in that Grampa likes her. It seems to me that Grampa doesn't even know who Hye Ji is. At the very least he should have some sort of strong reaction to her, even hate would work, since Hyun Jin would love to rebel against grampa.

I hope that the story improves regarding her, otherwise her character will become tiring. We already have the stepsister getting angry at ha won's antics. Hye ji needs to be different. I'm up for revisions as well.


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I kneewwww you were going to complain that she didn't beat up 5 girls and set herself free. I KNEW IT. 5 girls. 5 GIRLS. I will go for logic and tell you that 5 girls and 6 gang members at the door are more than any regular person can handle, unrealistic girl that can fight aside, that is waaaaay too unrealistic even for a drama. FFS HOW PREDICTABLE OF THIS RECAP. I just KNEW this would come up. godamn.


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They should have at least "shown" her fighting before being overpowered. Or at least have one or two of them sport a bruise so we could draw our own conclusions

And when they were tearing her clothes, it was just the girls inside. Since she took down grown men easily, i would have liked to see a bash a few of them and worry about the boys outside later.

Its the way the scenes were shown. She was just like any other helpless damsel in distress when the show has specifically shown us what a badass she can be


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Honestly, it's not realistic for her either to throw a guy across the room. I didn't expect her to finish of everyone but if you watch the scene - they don't even hold her that tightly. It would have been better if they showed her taking in the situation, like seeing the guys outside, thinking to herself that that is too risky but then why did she halfheartedly try to wriggle her way out of the weak hold of the girls to begin with - then I would have rather liked to not see her give in mentally if not physically. She was strong like that for a second even but that moment was quickly forgotten.


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I understand your frustration that HW could have at least thrown a few punches before being cornered. Too bad the script sought this way to make Ji woon a hero otherwise who would root for this sulking male lead.


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I agree, I don't at all think confronting a gang is the same as confronting an individual, and I didn't expect her to escape. Especially as school bullies in Korean dramas have always been shown to be extremely proficient and often skilled fighters themselves. But the real problem is that there is no in-universe consistency with this particular trait re: Hawon. While her constant take-downs of weakling Hyun Min are completely reasonable, she also threw a guy clean across the room the first time Hyun Min saw her, which too was completely unrealistic even for a drama. Similarly, she never manages to get out of Ji Woon's grasp and we have no idea why. Is it because he's stronger, the better fighter and she can't? Or is it because she doesn't want to? The first time, she was even able to corner Ji Woon right after he cornered her, but he's been able to physically intimidate her each time since and it's not clear why that is. It's just very much a set-up of convenience is the problem, not that she couldn't fight away a gang on her own.


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It does seem strange though that she seems extrmely helpless, considering it appears that both she and her mother were Taekwondo experts. Also, for whatever reason the writer went to this same bullying trope/ damsel in distress mode you see all the time, when Ha Won is supposed to be an avid student of the book The Art of War.

The book, while vague sometimes, has responses for every problem faced by someone who wants to succeed. Sun Tzu probably would have advised divide and conquer when outnumbered, i.e., make her enemies fight each other.


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Well if she was applying Sun Tzu, she could have bee nusing the strategm of giving the impression of being weak, and then when they let their guard down, thinking she is helpless and unable to defend herself, attack.

Our heroine probably isn't inclined to it but there's also the strategm of not getting physically hurt in a fight in which she is overwhelmingly outnumbered, endure whatever humiliation they have in stall for her, and save her strength to be better able to take them down later, when the odds are better.

Come to think of it mum and stepsister wouldn't still be walking around if she hadn't been able to learn to swallow her pride, control her anger and fear, and accept whatever petty humiliations are thrown at her.


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I'm with you all who are confused by Ha Won's damsel in distress mode in this episode. In the previous one, she was spunky when she took off her bridal garb and threw a shoe at Hyun Mi after their fake engagement, and stood up to petulant and moody Ji Woon. Did she get kick in the head and forget her Taekwondo skills? or Does she have a split personality?

I'm rooting for secretary and body guard, Mr. Lee. Hopefully, he doesn't get dragged down into the Chairman's money hungry wife's clutches. I hope he has enough sense to kick her to the curb.


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Helpless Ha-won is not working for me. She could've at least put up a fight against the wannabe mean girls squad (tbh, 2 of them looked like ahjummas and not high schoolers)!!!
Where's that girl that could smack the living daylights out of Hyun-min? I need that girl back.


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True. A person who's personal code involves The Art of War would not be helpless in this situation. No doubt Sun Tzu would have a solution to this problem, be it divide and conquer or pick the baddest girl and make an example of her, thus causing the rest to back away in fear. It seems the writer forgot about that. The book is not that big, so it wouldn't take much to memorize it.


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I think she's got it memorized, what with her exchanging chapters like a pro with the grandad in one of the earlier episodes. Did I get a kick out of that repartee. Which makes her helplessness in front of the bullies infuriating. Girl, you're a black-belter, versed in The Art of War, and sent two grown men flying with her skills.

Hmm. Maybe living with all that testosterone zapped her of her powers.


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I'm frustrated with many parts here, but I really am floored about how quickly she packed up and left. She seems like a girl with sense. I don't care how humble you are being, it makes no sense to leave the house, especially mere hours before your graduation, without checking if you actually are fired. It was a VOLUNTEER mission. It wasn't even one grandpa asked her for! Of course it set up the girls sleepover, but I feel like there were better options. She could just be worried about getting kicked out and achieve similar story goals. Also, she can't seem to read the situation there, but can read everyone else's feelings on their face? And she was so money hungry a few weeks ago she pretended to be engaged to tabloid fodder, but now she's cool with being homeless and college less? Ugh!


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Firstly i had a problem with her interfering in something as sensitive as dead dads-sons relationship .... but having done that, i assume she felt some sort of affection for the boys. And wasn't she yelling at HM before how she thought they were friends. And what about the nice secretary and the housekeeper who treated her so kindly?

Common sense aside, i hate this almost martyr like trope where you walk out without properly informing anyone in person. And then they have to run helter-skelter to look for you.

just showed that all the people in sky house are just a job to her. didn't care about anyone for a second


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I guess home with stepmom and stepsister is same as school. Even if she was treated badly she didn't really fight back because it would make her homeless and not fulfill her mother's dream for her to go to college, so she just endured for many years. As for her teaching mean customers their lessons, she could afford that, she had 10 jobs anyway.


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It was their graduationday. It wouldn't have mattered if she whooped a few asses on her way out, because she's out of there, anyway, as long as she didn't get herself hauled to jail.


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I'll try to see if I can decode Ji-woon. Having read CandidClown's recap, I wanted to look furter into how I can convince myself to like this character and accept its fate.

Part of me will always be cheering on Team Kang Hyun-min because it's apparent, it's evident, that Hyun-min and Ha-won will always be our Soju and Kimbap. While that ship may never see the light of day, in some fanfiction universe, they're probably happily making babies by now.

Ji-woon's character on the other hand, simply wasn't introduced correctly. I could point fingers at the editing team or the writers themselves, but clearly had Ji-woon's introduction been executed subtly, I am sure we would have been more accepting of him. But what's done is done and can't be undone.

By now, the story will likely steer Ha-won in Ji-woon's direction like any other flower boy, candy-girl drama would. Theirs is a story that has been told one too many times but the journey they will take is what's supposed to make us viewers swoon and happily cheer along. I hope that day would come because right now everything seems wrongly written.

Maybe Ji-woon will turn over a new leaf, show his vulnerability and maybe even some Cha Chi Soo chaebol-ism. I'd hate to see him continue on being a jagged-temperamental-self-absorbed-unhappy guy that he is now. I'm sick of that. So really, I want to see his character come out of whatever rock or shell its hiding on. Give me something I can believe in.

I really can't decode Ji-woon not because he's complicated or complex. I can't decode him because his character was simply not made to be liked at first. So I will give this guy a chance. Hopefully, he will prove me wrong.


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Agree! There are plenty of male leads that start as jerks, but usually there is still some appeal even at the beginning of a show. I don't feel anything for JW but dislike, and... Nothing. I don't get it. It's episode 6 already... Personally, I think he actually has more chemistry with HJ. If they ended up together I would be the happiest! I think I really have an issue with JIW's acting/portrayal of the character. I think JW could be great maybe if played by a different actor. I mentioned JGS before but even someone like JiSoo I think would be great. Someone who can portray bad yet still engaging. Bad yet alluring. As someone else said JIW is coming across flat. And is only becoming more "likeable" because the story makes him so, not because of his acting if that makes sense. I have seen JIW in other works and I agree, he can be good but he can also be not so good. Unfortunately a nice smile does not make a good actor.


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is it the script or JIW's acting that is making Ji Woon character fall so flat (for me)

i have been s fan of JIW for long time -- even sitting through a good part of Night Watchman for him. Always waiting for him to get the right role ..

But here there have been in every episode an uh oh moment for me where his acting just feels wrong -- for example last interactions with the mechanics at garage. Hurt , crushed , vulnerable while trying to be tough -all of those were ways that could have played - these are opportunities to get sympathy points - and JIW has not been able to pull it off, Not saying it would. Have been easy ... Because script does not make it easy. But still

.. Hopefully thing will change because this drama has been a lot of fun, and if JiWoon is going to get the girl I really hope to like him


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I don't know, but I think it's the acting. Usually I do not care for characters like HM, rich, playboy, good looks...etc..but here I love HM and his character! I would usually always fall the hero and all his angst, but not here. So I think it's the acting. Maybe another actor would not have been as good as AJH. AJH is definitely the perfect HM! Maybe he's too perfect that's why JIW/JW seems flat next to him??!


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I'm liking this drama a lot. Its light, fun and cute. Writer nim, please be consistent. Ha won is a badass at the start of the drama, one of the qualities that endeared her to Grandpa. Why then, with just the bully girls in school, she did nothing to protect herself? As to who I'm shipping, its Ha Won and Bodyguard Lee. At this stage, he's truly the one showing care and concern to Ha Won. And, let's face it, Bodyguard Lee is what you can call a man! The 3 potential heirs are just boys. Ha Won and Bodyguard Lee fighting!


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I agree with you! I'm 100% convinced that half the stuff he did/does for her "because the chairman ordered it" is actually his own idea and caring for her.

Ha Won and Bodyguard Lee would be amazing, and he seems to understand her the best.

I've accepted the Ji Woon ship and I honestly do understand and feel the emotions happening there, but I'm suffering from serious fourth-lead syndrome here.

Bodyguard Lee is obviously the best choice for Ha Won.


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Don't forget Ha-Won, there's still Bodyguard Lee!
I really liked this episode, though. The show has been getting better than episodes 3-4. I was seriously worried where the show was going at that point but now we're getting back into the swing of things and a lot is happening.
I kinda ship Ha-Won with everybody and nobody right now, lol. I'm on the Ji-Woon ship mostly because Jung Il-Woo. I hope he doesn't get dragged around by Hye-Ji for long but it is a K-drama so I'm expecting this to go on for a while.
I really don't get Hye-Ji, but then do the writers ever really try that hard with the second lead girls (not often, hehe). Still whether or not Hyun-Min or Hye-Ji was to blame for the fallout, why is she so obsessed with him ten years later? I get that she "knows" that he's acting out by dating lameo girls... but she's pretty and smart and at what point does she not just date someone else? She has choices (lots I'm sure, lol) not just Ji-Woon and Hyun-Min. When someone tells you to your face multiple times, "get lost", "I don't like you" then... you kinda have to move on. I'm clearly over analyzing her character, lol!


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Hye ji's Obsession might very well come from the loss of her brother and Hyun min being the only link to him and that happy time they all spend together. Another guy doesn't cut it for her because what she really wants might not be a romantic partner, that may only be her own delusion, telling herself that she is the better girl for him and all that. She seems to long for the past rather, even stuck there and I think she really just wants Hyun min to be like he was back then so that she can also go back to herself from back then.
So to put it bluntly: she might just still be coping with her brother's death/ not able to let go of him and in extension also not of Hyun min.


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For once I might ve suffering from second lead syndrome, because drama conventions (and previews) heavily indicate she is going to start to fall for JW soon.

And considering the preview for ep 7 I might end up dropping this drama altogether because I am really not annoying the fact that they seem to be setting up HJ/HM end game. I cannot like HJ, since her only reason for being nice to HW is her fake fiance status is now out in the open, and the way she reacted to HMs confession spells Trouble ahead. I'd love to be surprise regarding HJ and HW's friendship, since it looks to me that neither of them have that many, and wow HJ needs someone like HW in her life who tells her getting a man is not the most important thing in the world.

Right now I really can't make myself like JW which is weird since JIW should be a surefire hit for me, but my heart has decided on HM and jumping ship would require monumental efforts on the writer's part that I don't think are going to happen which makes me sad, because Park So Dam is great and HW is a likeable character who deserves anything she wants.

Ah well I think I'll see the next two eps to decide if I can like HW/JW endgame. (Otoh if HJ/HM happens I will Drop this like a hot potato)


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Tbh, I wish this was a family drama 'cause it could've been way more interesting than a romance. I low key wish that Hawon was an older lady who's married so I could see the boys being whipped with some wisdom and sass. It'd be funny to see Hyun min try to hit on a older lady (wouldn't be surprised if he has). I think having an older lady take care of them would fill the absence of a mother (at least for 2 of our knights). I think that having someone with a bit more wisdom and experience in their life would be able to understand their situation (or at least emphasize) but also know when to slap sense into them. Not that Ha won can't do any of that stuff, I just think an older lady would have a better approach, she wouldn't have it easier but it'd be a smoother path to help them heal. Lol though, this is pre produced so rip my fantasy but too bad 'cause they could've done some real good stuff on how the absence of family really affects people and that family exists in many ways. We still have 10 episodes so we still got a lot to see.


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Because apparently the girl has conveniently forgotten her kickass fighting skills and can now be taken down by a couple of bullies who weren’t even holding her that tightly

If girl didn't forget her kumfu abilities then how could the 4 knights rescue their damsel


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I really really wanna be on Ji Woon's ship... But his character is written pretty badly. HM is much more charming and interesting, and their easy chemistry is great too! I want to support the otp and Ii woo but the show's not helping!!!


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I'm much more impressed with the Secretary fighting the school thugs than with Ji woon manhandling the bullies. I also thought HM using his money to stop the violence was cool since it differentiated him as a character from the routine male turning a saviour by beating the thugs.

I'm so disappointed with ep 8 preview, but I'll watch it just to know more about the intriguing HM than for the destined romance of JW × HW.


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Did the writer started out with having the viewiers falling in love with Hyun Min first then proceed to have us suffer from a broken heart later? If that is the case, they succeeded and I am prepared to have my heart broken into a zillion pieces.

There is no way in hell any sane girl will fall for Ji Won...but this is kdrama we are talking about. Bad boys seem to reign in kdramaland and a girl's heart beats for all the wrong reason all the time.


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Why is Ji Woon a bad boy?
On the contrary, he is portrayed as extremely sensitive, and very perceptive. He has figured out things about Ha Won that Hyun Min hasn't an inkling of. Hyun Min finds her different and interesting and is slowly being drawn to her sincerely. But his universe is so far away from hers!
Whereas Ji Woon has lived in the real world, just as she has, he has fed himself instant noodles and been in fights and worked his ass to make money to support himself, just as she has. He can understand her better than any of the others.
He has seen her in her weakest moments, and was touched by them. In the columbarium, when she cried about her mother, when she returned all the Cinderella clothes and did not accept his money, all her miserable and glorious moments were shared with him. Yes, he initially misunderstood her character, but then he learned about her having to return the urn with the ashes [SPOILERS].
We have been shown his loyal, self-sacrificing side: he is ready to trample on his own feelings so that the girl he loves, pathetic Hye Ji, can be happy with the man she loves - although this would break his heart in two different ways, because the man she loves is the cousin he hates.
He never flaunts his concern for Ha Won but silently does things for her behind the scenes: he goes to the temple secretly, he rescues her and the leaves her to his cousin. [SPOILERS]

He is more of a gallant hero than rich, spoiled boy who suddenly decides he might have his first love (Or not. Or yes. )
Ha Won is fond of the handsome Hyun Min only as a friend, she has never seen him romantically.
Ji Woon is starting to relate to her at a much deeper level. Plus the risqué pool exchange, and the steamy shower moment. Yes, they are falling for each other from the start.


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