Cinderella and the Four Knights: Episode 3

Cinderella has officially entered the palace, and there’s no turning back. While living in a beautiful mansion with four wealthy and handsome men may seem like the ultimate dream, the transition isn’t so smooth and seamless. It’s a bizarre living arrangement, and not everyone is on board with it. While Cinderella could get used to the lavish meals, the other aspects of luxury are harder to accept. But she didn’t sign up for a luxurious retreat; she’s got a job to do and boys to turn into men. Chop, chop!


Trembling and sopping wet from the rain, Ha-won enters Sky House carrying her mother’s urn. Bodyguard Lee wordlessly drapes his jacket over her shoulders and leads her to her room.

Ha-won sits in a tub filled with water, still in her clothes. She numbly reflects on the revelation that she’s not the child of her father before submerging herself in the tub, as if to wash away the miserable truth.

All three grandsons are gathered in the living room, and Bodyguard Lee relays Grandpa’s orders: “Ms. Eun Ha-won will be living here at Sky House with you all, beginning today.”

Naturally, this takes them all by surprise. Hyun-min has qualms about Ji-woon living at Sky House because he didn’t want to live here in the first place, but Ji-woon retorts that it’s also nonsensical for Hyun-min to live in the same house as his fiancée. Seo-woo’s discomfited by the idea of living with a girl.

Bodyguard Lee makes clear that dating is absolutely forbidden in the house, which confuses Seo-woo since he believes Ha-won and Hyun-min are actually engaged. Hyun-min pulls Bodyguard Lee aside, away from his cousins, and convinces him to let the others continue to believe that the engagement is real since it’s “safer” that way.

Bodyguard Lee is unconvinced, but Hyun-min promises that he can stop them from breaking the rule and even vows to give up all his credit cards should anything happen. Bodyguard Lee acquiesces and resumes the meeting.

Bodyguard Lee emphasizes the no-dating rule, with Hyun-min chiming in that he’s the exemption, even though Seo-woo points out that he’s the most dangerous.

After bathing, Ha-won enters her spacious and elegant bedroom. She places her mother’s urn underneath her vanity, and reassures her mother that this is only a temporary spot. The sound of Ha-won’s empty stomach disrupts the moment.

Bodyguard Lee stops Ji-woon in the hallway and reminds him that he’s now chosen to live as Kang Ji-woon, but Ji-woon corrects him by saying that he was coerced to live as a Kang. Bodyguard Lee doesn’t understand why Ji-woon’s trying so hard to live as Han Ji-woon, but Ji-woon replies that he only returned to Sky House to find out the sort of man his father was, the man who abandoned him and his mother and forced him to live as a Han.

Ha-won opens the fridge to find some food, but is stopped by MS. BEOLGYO, a no-nonsense housekeeper who wonders why Ha-won is sneaking around. Ms. Beolgyo warns her that the boys will give her a hard time if they find her like this, so she leads Ha-won to another space that’s much cozier and less luxurious. Ha-won comments that she actually prefers this place over Sky House.

Bodyguard Lee appears and is surprised to see Ha-won in Ms. Beolgyo’s quarters. He chides Ms. Beolgyo for mistaking Ha-won as the new help when she’s really the Chairman’s special guest. The housekeeper apologizes profusely, but Ha-won isn’t offended and tells her not to worry.

Bodyguard Lee walks Ha-won back to Sky House. Ha-won thinks he was too harsh on Ms. Beolgyo, especially since she’s much older than Ha-won, but Bodyguard Lee repeats that everything he does is the Chairman’s command; all the estate’s employees must treat Ha-won with reverence whether she likes it or not. Suddenly, Ha-won’s stomach growls.

Bodyguard Lee expertly whips up four main dishes for Ha-won. She excitedly digs in, and gives him a thumbs up for his culinary expertise.

After dinner, Hyun-min reminds her to act like they’re still engaged. Ha-won scoffs, but he insists it’ll be safer for her that way since she’s the lone girl living in a house full of guys.

She asks him to raise both hands, and he complies. Ha-won swings at him, but Hyun-min dodges and catches her instead. He smiles at her surprised expression and reiterates that he’ll protect her. She then runs into Ji-woon who pointedly asks her how much money she accepted this time around.

Ha-won tries to get comfortable on her new bed, but she’s restless. She remarks that Ji-woon is a jerk, Seo-woo actually makes her feel at ease, but Hyun-min is a playboy who gets on her nerves. She notes that she’s not crazy enough to even consider dating any of them. (Girl, you say that now…) Ha-won moves from the bed to the space underneath her desk and sleeps there, finding comfort in the small space.

Ji-woon and Hyun-min are both out for a nighttime stroll, and as expected, tensions flare when the two run into each other on the same path. Hyun-min wants to know why Ji-woon returned to Sky House, and Ji-woon suggests they see as little of each other as possible. The two go their separate ways, and Ji-woon stops before a solitary entrance.

He pushes past the overgrown shrubbery and slides open the door to a dusty room; a large tarp covers everything inside. Ji-woon muses that the space hasn’t changed one bit, and unearths a photograph of himself as a child with his mother. It brings tears to his eyes, and he’s reminded of his mission to find out why he was forced to live as Han Ji-woon.

The next morning, Ha-won steps out of her room and realizes that her blinds were open the whole night; the inside of her room is completely visible from the outside. Adding to her shock is the fact that Ji-woon and Hyun-min’s bedrooms are on either side of hers. She’s surrounded on all sides! So much for privacy.

While Ha-won explores Sky House in broad daylight, the estate’s employees are busy maintaining the compound. Ha-won is amazed by the extensive breakfast spread (I spy a lobster for breakfast). She sits herself down at the table and waits for the others to arrive.

Bodyguard Lee informs her that none of the cousins will show up; the three of them have yet to dine together, so Ha-won should go ahead and feast. A video call comes in from Grandpa, who greets Ha-won with an “Aloha!” while clutching a cocktail. He checks in from Hawaii to see how her first night at Sky House was, and gives her her first mission, which is to have all three cousins eat together.

Bodyguard Lee presents Ha-won with the contract Grandpa drew up, detailing how missions work. For every mission successfully completed, Ha-won will receive a bonus that will be proportional to the mission’s difficulty. If she fails the mission, she must leave Sky House. And for the 427th time, he adds that dating in the house is strictly forbidden.

Ha-won’s “father” warns Stepmother not to let Ha-won in when she comes crawling back. Stepmother timidly asks if his previous wife really did cheat on him, but he angrily cuts her off. Once inside his truck, he receives a call from a person who saw his missing person flyer and knew the person in question; they arrange to meet. The flyer features Tae Kwon Do Master KANG YOUNG-JIN who used to live at Yeongak Apartment, Unit #308 in 2006. Ji-woon’s daddy, is that you?

Bodyguard Lee pays Stepmother and Yoo-na a visit in order to collect Ha-won’s belongings. They’re shocked by his Haneul Group affiliation, along with the fact that the Chairman personally invited Ha-won to live at Sky House.

Back at Sky House, Ha-won beams at her contract before putting it away; she feels as though she’s about to do some extraordinary work and is eager to get started. “What’s so hard about getting them to eat together?” Ha-won remarks. She looks around the living room and notices there’s no trace of a single family photo in this huge house.

Just then, Seo-woo surprises her with a bouquet of dried flowers, the white rose bundle for her mother that she had been searching for. She’s grateful for his gesture, and he takes a seat beside her. He wonders if something happened to her last night since she seemed upset, but she chalks it up to her getting caught in the rain.

He assumed something happened with her family “just because,” which leads Ha-won to realize that Seo-woo had deleted her text messages on purpose, and not inadvertently like he said he did. Seo-woo tries and fails to backpedal, and Ha-won muses that Yoo-na’s text messages must’ve been particularly nasty for him to have done that.

Seo-woo comes clean and admits that he deleted her texts so her feelings wouldn’t get hurt, causing Ha-won to smile. He wonders if she and Yoo-na are actually sisters since their relationship seemed so strained, but Ha-won chirps that hers isn’t as bad as his relationship with his two cousins; she still ate with her family even if it was to keep up appearances.

She suggests that they all eat together, but Ji-woon’s warm greeting of “Whatchu looking at?” effectively puts an end to that idea. Ha-won quietly follows Ji-woon outside and into his hidden room. Meanwhile, Bodyguard Lee returns to Sky House with Ha-won’s belongings, but leaves them outside to tend to another matter.

As soon as Ha-won enters his space, Ji-woon makes it very clear she’s not welcome. He tells her to stop hanging around him and wonders what made her think it was okay to live at Sky House. Ha-won answers that she came to Sky House to protect something that’s important to her, and Ji-woon immediately assumes that “something” is money, or that she’s here to seduce him.

Ha-won thinks he’s crazy, and then inexplicably, he pulls her toward him and whirls her around. Their faces are inches apart. Ha-won warns him not to touch her again before running out. Ah, Ji-woon had his reasons.

There was a sharp saw protruding from a tool box behind Ha-won, which is why he had suddenly yanked her towards him. Ji-woon sticks it back in and closes the box. In her hurried state, Ha-won runs right into her suitcase, knocking all her belongings into the stream. She frantically grabs the floating contents and enters the cold water to salvage her stuff.

Hyun-min thinks she’s crazy for trying to salvage “garbage,” and Seo-woo worries that she’ll catch a cold, but Ha-won continues to collect everything from the water. Seo-woo has a brilliant idea and returns with a net. He helps her out of the stream, and Ha-won insists the two should head inside since it’s cold.

Right as she’s about to use the net, Ji-woon arrives and asks if she came to Sky House to be treated like this. He hands her the white rose bouquet she dropped in the stream and advises her to take care of things on her own instead of concerning other people. Hyun-min assures Ji-woon not to worry since he’ll do all the worrying, and Ji-woon wonders if Ha-won is Hyun-min’s new toy. Seo-woo plays Switzerland for the umpteenth time and breaks up the argument; he informs Ha-won that the two always bicker like this.

Ha-won shouts at all of them to stop worrying about her and drags her wet belongings back into the house. Once inside, she watches Ji-woon enter his room and turns her gaze back to the bouquet he retrieved for her. His shoes and pants were wet.

Ha-won dries all her stuff using a hairdryer, and Bodyguard Lee apologizes for neglecting her belongings. Cut to an upscale shopping center.

Ha-won asks Bodyguard Lee if they’re filming Pretty Woman right now and insists that she’s fine with her one tracksuit. Bodyguard Lee once again states that it is the Chairman’s command, so he decides to pick out some outfits for her and suggests that she rest at a cafe.

Ha-won accidentally bumps into an older woman, causing the woman’s crocodile purse to drop. The woman causes a scene and demands that Ha-won pay for the scratch on the $30,000 purse. Ha-won’s at a loss for words when Hye-ji steps in and challenges the woman’s assertion that it’s a real luxury purse. Hye-ji inspects the bag and calls out the woman’s bluff, much to Ha-won’s relief.

Ha-won and Hye-ji have a pleasant chat over coffee. Ha-won thanks Hye-ji for getting her out of that purse ruckus and asks her how she knew the purse was a fake. Hye-ji replies that people who do a lot of needlework recognize the difference and adds that she plans to major in fashion design in college.

Hye-ji guesses correctly that Ha-won isn’t from “that world” as well, which surprises Ha-won, because she assumed Hye-ji came from wealth, too. She explains that she and Hyun-min grew up in the same neighborhood, which is why they’ve been close ever since. Ha-won stammers when Hye-ji asks about how she and Hyun-min met. Hye-ji muses that Hyun-min’s never referred to any of his girlfriends as his fiancée, and assumes that Ha-won must be happy dating him.

Ha-won struggles to respond when Bodyguard Lee arrives clutching several shopping bags in each hand. Hye-ji’s surprised to hear he shopped for Ha-won and asks if this was Hyun-min’s request, but Bodyguard Lee answers that Ha-won is now a resident of Sky House, and that it’s his job to take care of her. Shocked by this news, Hye-ji excuses herself.

Ha-won feels burdened by all the clothes, but Bodyguard Lee utters his go-to phrase — “It’s the Chairman’s command” — and says it’s his job to take care of her. He apologizes on behalf of the boys, but Ha-won refuses to accept such generosity. She grudgingly takes one of his shopping bags and drags Bodyguard Lee out to return the rest.

Yoo-na visits Ha-won’s barista friend HONG JA-YOUNG at the cafe. She snatches Ja-young’s phone to find proof of Ha-won’s living situation at Sky House. Yoo-na examines the photos Ha-won sent, but when she tries to grab the phone from Ja-young again, her hand falls into the garbage bag, and well, as Ja-young informs her, she may have gotten handsy with three-day-old, soiled toilet paper.

Seo-woo finds Ha-won’s bankbook on the floor and remarks on how “cute” it is. He flips through the pages and is shocked to find that she only has eight hundred won remaining after paying over three million won to Haneul Columbarium.

After returning all the clothes, Ha-won assures Bodyguard Lee that he doesn’t need to worry too much about her; she’s just a part-timer who’s had her fair share of difficult experiences. Bodyguard Lee turns to her and states that she’s not merely a part-time employee; she’s a precious guest of Sky House. This brings a smile to Ha-won’s face (and mine), and she pumps herself up and exclaims that she will do everything she’s tasked with.

Hye-ji mulls over Bodyguard Lee’s words about Ha-won living at Sky House, and she’s thoroughly puzzled. Ji-woon meets her at an art exhibit, and confirms to Hye-ji that Ha-won is living at Sky House. Hye-ji wants to speak to Hyun-min face-to-face for an explanation.

Back at Sky House, Seo-woo returns the bankbook to Ha-won and apologizes for looking inside. He insists he had to in order to find out who it belonged to, and Ha-won grins, saying that no one else in this house would carry around a bankbook like that. Touché. Seo-woo notes that he keeps learning all her secrets bit by bit, and he reassures her that it’s normal for high schoolers to be broke.

When asked what the deal is with him and his wealthy cousins, Seo-woo struggles to come up with an answer, but Ha-won says it’s fine that their worlds are so different; after all, they’ll only be overlapping temporarily.

That statement strikes Seo-woo as a bit odd, and he asks if she’s an even bigger Casanova than Hyun-min, who plans to break off the engagement early. Ha-won stutters a bit before ordering him not to pry so much.

Ha-won finds a box of golden skincare products on her desk, and guesses that they’re from Bodyguard Lee. She ignores a call from Hyun-min and nestles herself under the desk to go to sleep.

Her phone keeps buzzing with text messages from him; he wants her to visit his room so he can give her something, but Ha-won doesn’t give in. Hyun-min’s baffled by the blatant disregard, a first for him.

He gets up and knocks on her wall until she opens the door. He leaps over the railings, grabs her school uniform, and walks toward her with a pair of scissors behind his back. She asks him to hand over her uniform, but he eggs her on to get it from him or else he’ll snip the sleeves so it’s spring/summer ready.

Left with no choice, Ha-won reluctantly enters his room, and Hyun-min remarks that she is the first girl to ever do so. He continues to hold her uniform hostage, and Ha-won compares him to the customers that come to the convenience store after 4 a.m.; they’re either early bird employees or good-for-nothing partiers who come on strong.

He’s offended by the comparison, but Ha-won works on cornering him. She educates Hyun-min on how she deals with customers that mess with her. She reciprocates their actions equally, “violence for violence.” Suddenly, she places her hands over his arms and brings her face close to his, as if about to kiss him.

He closes his eyes, so ready for it, but Ha-won head-butts him in the mouth instead. He finally offers her the uniform, but just as she’s about to grab it, he shifts it away from her grasp and catches her fall. He looks into her eyes and tells her that she’s becoming more and more… amusing. He moves in for a kiss.

At that moment, Ji-woon and Hye-ji arrive. Ji-woon notices Hyun-min mere moments away from kissing Ha-won, so he quickly plants himself in front of Hye-ji and holds her face so she’s looking straight into his eyes and not the couple behind him.


The pace has picked up ever so slightly now that Ha-won is living in Sky House and has been given her first mission. The story can finally kick into gear! While there was a bit more focus on Ji-woon in this episode — he has a secret rec room! — I’m not sure if we learned that much more about his past except that Ha-won’s “father” is searching for him, for reasons unknown to us at this moment in time. I know Ji-woon’s the first male lead, but in terms of likability, he’s dead last; he seems to be experiencing a very delayed bout of puberty with “go away” printed across his forehead and ingrained in his speech as he leaves behind a trail of angst everywhere he goes. Protecting Ha-won from the saw sticking out from the toolbox and entering the shallow depths of the tiny stream to grab her precious bouquet didn’t really tip him over to swoonworthy level yet.

Bodyguard Lee and Seo-woo, on the other hand, have proven themselves to be mature and chivalrous gentlemen; they’re closer to resembling “knights” than Hyun-min and Ji-woon are. We learned that the cool and stoic bodyguard is a fantastic chef and is capable of cracking a smile. More than once! His protection of and respect for Ha-won may be “the Chairman’s command,” but it’s evident he truly does care for her and recognizes how special she is. I loved that moment when he told Ha-won she wasn’t “just a part-timer.” I’d like him to tell me I’m precious, too! Anyway, moving on…

Seo-woo is the genuine and considerate nice guy. While that may sound boring on paper, his moments with Ha-won were fun to watch. When Ha-won was in the stream collecting her skincare samples, it revealed a lot when Seo-woo was concerned about her catching a cold and Hyun-min kept telling her to stop saving junk. How cute was Seo-woo when he was failing miserably to convince her that he really did delete her text messages by accident? And how thoughtful of him to bring a net for Ha-won; he could’ve gotten it sooner when she hadn’t already collected 90% of her belongings, but I appreciate the courtesy. I feel for Seo-woo the most because he doesn’t really have a beef with Hyun-min or Ji-woon, but because Hyun-min and Ji-woon have a beef with each other, he’s sort of on his own, awkwardly in the middle and always warning them to cut it out. I’m sure that gets old fast. It’s nice to know that Ha-won can put her fist and guard down when she’s with Seo-woo or Bodyguard Lee.

Hyun-min continues to amuse me the most with his ridiculous lines (“Wanna have some caviar and ramen with me?) and antics, brandishing scissors and holding Ha-won’s uniform hostage. There’s a reason why we fall for the bad boy, and Hyun-min in particular is amusing because he’s so unabashedly full of himself and delusional, but not mean-spirited. It’s interesting to see him simultaneously struggle to understand Ha-won and feel immediately attracted to her because she’s so different. Also, Ahn Jae-hyun is clearly enjoying himself with this role, which makes for good viewing.

As for Hye-ji, I’m glad she saved Ha-won during that crocodile purse hubbub, but now I’m starting to think that her kindness toward Ha-won has less to do with her actually being a nice person, and more to do with her trying to figure out what differentiates herself from Ha-won since Hyun-min chose Ha-won as his fiancée. She probably feels that she’s lacking some unique trait or quality that Ha-won has. Hye-ji has an unhealthy obsession with a guy who either toys with her when he needs to or doesn’t even give her the time of day because he’s not interested in her at all. I want to know why Ji-woon cares for Hye-ji so much and why he seems to be okay with being her little spy and feeding her Hyun-minformation. Doesn’t he find her infatuation a little pathetic? He can barely stand Ha-won, who hasn’t really done anything to him, but he’ll do anything for Hye-ji. I don’t get it.

I still find the slo-mo and sparkly sound effects to be laughably cheesy and unnecessary, and sometimes I wonder if Ha-won actually felt flustered after being flipped around by Ji-woon and Hyun-min, or if it’s just the music that’s misleading me into believing that she did. I think it’s too early for her to feel the glimmers of a crush if it’s concerning Ji-woon and Hyun-min, so I hope she doesn’t lose her spunk right away.

This wasn’t the most eventful episode since Ha-won didn’t embark on her first mission yet. We were just shown how Ha-won was settling into Sky House and the life of luxury with some difficulty. I actually wish there was a fun Pretty Woman scene with Ha-won and Bodyguard Lee, but I also saw the merit in not having one; she not only protested the new wardrobe, but actually returned everything with the bodyguard. She means what she says!

Cinderella and the Four Knights continues to be an easy and sufficiently enjoyable watch, a nice show to tune in to when you’re not feeling extra judgmental, or feel the need to have your mind properly stimulated. Sometimes, simplicity with a dollop of cute and a generous pinch of unrealistic romance is the perfect recipe for viewing pleasure.


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Nothing, but guilty pleasure.


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Thank you for the recap, Chickachunga! Great after-thoughts - spot on! Seo-woo is too adorable for words!


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He is giving me major third lead syndrome. Is that even a thing? Seo-woo is just as rich and handsome as the others... But a whole lot more considerate and sane. Wish she'd just pick him and live happily ever after while Ji Woo broods (pointlessly) in the corner.


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HAHA, third lead syndrome!! Tri-syndrome!?? That should definitely be a thing!


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Only seen the little snippets tvn puts out, PSD looks so adorable and cute. But drama a little too adolescent for me:)


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I shouldn't, but I just adore Hyunmin and his arrogance and cheese.

But the body guard is the man. Men who can cook are hot as hell.

Seo woo is a fluff puppy you can’t help but love.

Jiwoo needs a happy pill, angry all the time for no legitimate reason.

Hyejin needs a clue and pride.


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True on all counts.

It would be so fun if Ha Won was discovered to be the 4th knight and Bodyguard Lee was her Cinderella. I'd enjoy that! :D


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Hye ji and Ji woon totally deserve each other! What a bunch of insufferable brats. Too bad everyone else is pleasant. I even prefer the Evil Step family over those two. Chairman's new wive should get more screen time that they do.
So this is 100% pre-produced, has anyone any inside info about how this has ended? The idea that Ha-won and that brat could end up together makes me very uneasy.
Excuse my rant y'all...


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He is the male lead so... Yeah... Unless they give it an open ending. Or she gets all 4 of them ?
That being said I found him SLIGHTLY less annoying next episode so... Who knows? Maybe there can still be room for a change of heart.


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Yeah, remember that pr-produced tvN drama-that-can't-be-named? I want that for this drama. hehe.
Oh honey, my dislike for that character only grew in the next ep. Gu Jun-pyo was a bully and he was more likable than JW could ever be. Oh gosh this is She Was Pretty all over again.


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tvN drama-that-can’t-be-named was actually half pre-produced, so I wouldn't get my hopes up...and to make matters worse Ha Won ended up with Mr. Grumpy in novels...
Maybe JIW would start caring about his drama and starts to act? Acting was what saved me from second lead syndrome in She was pretty,...so maybe there is hope


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Oh no.... please not an open ending,did anyone noticed,or it's just me,that tvn series is have so many open ending???


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Open endings 90% of the time = lazy writing.


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Hye-ji's character is like menstrual cramps; it's annoying as hell, but you just have to deal with it.


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I have pain KILLERS for those.


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Lol! She ma


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Lol! That makes her a good match with Ji-woo who seems to be forever PMS-ing


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Darn fingers


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Damn you guys are on fire!?


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LOL, I need to be careful reading these! I almost choked on my lunch from this thread! HAHAHAHAHA I love you guys and gals!


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It's slightly disappointing also cause Jung il woo was one of the main reasons to tune into to this show for a lot of people and it turns out Ahn Jae hyun scored the most amusing character. God knows, atleast for me Ahn Jae hyun's character seemed the least threatening (including his performance) before the show started and now he's scoring all the second lead syndrome points.


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No way in hell would I prefer the step family over the brat tho omg they're actually so selfish and self centered and narcissist andnndndnd they're the worst characters ever


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Haha. Lots of people falling (fighting) for Bodyguard Lee I see, Chickachunga included! ?


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Man, those smiles were gorgeous. *.*


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Me, me, me! Any guy who makes jjajangmyun FROM SCRATCH gets my vote.


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And he fried her a WHOLE chicken...that's love!


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Bodyguard Lee had me at the umbrella scene. Methinks he gave the "thou shalt not date" rule so he could have Hawon for himself. those eyes!!! #swoon


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I'm rooting for Bodyguard Lee!!! Hahah he's so awesome and nice to her.


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I'm here for secretary lee!


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Haha ! I know ! During their scenes, I was like : Ha-won, I will totally get it if you fall for this guy instead ^^


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I know right? He cooks and that pushes him over the edge. Also he looks great when he smiles.

This is probably going to be a forgettable, mediocre ratings drama but I bet that actor will get some good roles after this.


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I hope for him because there is potential haha ^^


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I just read he was supposed to be in My Love From Another Star but had to drop out due to being in an accident! He would have been the 2nd male lead I think the story read. Daebak. If not for that bad luck he'd surely have blown up already!


If only it ends up that the taekwondo guy that Ha-Won's "stepfather" is searching for was the biological father of Ha-Won and Ji-woon. Then Ha-Won will happily end up with bodyguard Lee since she's related to all the other Knights. I know it's too much to hope for. The stepfather is probably her real dad, and the grandpa convinced him to kick Ha-Won out of the house "for her own good." Which, yeah, would make him the worst father ever. And Ha-Won will end up with that brat Ji-woon, who should really just go off with Hyeji (getting rid of 2 annoying characters at once). God, I really hope they don't waste 2 or 3 episodes down the line with the possibility of Ha-Won and Ji-woon being siblings. I can smell the melo angst already.


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I have this thought too but I think the fate is already sealed...


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I have a lot of hope for this twist.


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Me too?.

He's the best of the bunch and who doesn't like a man who can cook? Lol


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My nickname for him is now "Butler-sama" haha I dunno why. He's just so so perfect.


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no wonder all Jung Il Woo dramas flopped..hes suck at acting..Park Sodam should endup with Ahn Jae Hyun..both of the are cute..


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I thought i was the only one who's not getting the vibe. I find him goodlooking but i can't seem to stand his acting. TBH, i haven't watched a drama that he's the lead.


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We are all shocked, I have seen JIW in 49 days and his mini-drama with Jin Se Yeon, I loved him there but here he is...wooden? Bad?
I never expected to prefer Ahn Jae Hyun over JIW but here I am.
Hyun min I cheer for you!!!


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i feel exactly the same as you! i've seen JIW in 49 days, flower boy ramyun shop, & moon embracing the sun but he has never been as bad as he is in this drama.

maybe he was just told to play the character this way (kind of like how lee sung kyung got so much hate for how she played baek in-ha but later people kinda felt like it was the director telling her to overact in that manner)

hopefully... he gets MUCH better... cause he's dead last out of the 4 boys for me...


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Nope, not just this drama - that Night Watchman rubbish was the same. Granted, he was the best part of a really terrible drama, but he was really phoning it in and not appealing at all.

Lee Sung-kyung, for all her faults, goes all-in to a role. If anything, her approach is closer to Ahn Jae-hyun here than JIW.


Wouldn't it be nice if Ji-woon was the one given the makeover?


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I still don't like his hair. Lol. I feel like I need to introduce him to some conditioner...


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His hair needs a memorial service. Seems like all the hair strands died.


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Just like his soul.


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Ooh. Burn!


What if Body and Soul both have different hairstyle preferences?


I see beans of wisdom coming


his soul along with all the nerves in his face, it seems.


If he can't bring his eyes to look alive, at least the hair, right? :)


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Lol! It just all adds up now doesn't it haha


Hair looks dead six times over.


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Can someone please burn that tracksuit, especially the red one? Burn it, burn it please. It won't lessen PBG's character's sass to be wearing other clothes than that ugly tracksuit. What's with the tracksuit??


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Ever wondered what was inside her luggage?


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Makes one really wonder why the need to get that luggage from her house in the first place. And the she accepts one thing when the secretary shops for her and.....Tada! It's a tracksuit. What???? I was pulling my hair at this scene.


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Tracksuit and old lady dresses. Don't expect anything glamorous. I'll refrain from tugging my hair, I'd hate to end up looking like Ji-woon.


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Can somebody give that guy a conditioner? ?


I was disapointed too but it does say that Secretary Lee is a very gentle person since he doesn't force his tastes on her haha


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I could totally get on board with that but out of all things? Really? A tracksuit?

Makes me sound like a lunatic raging against tracksuits. But hey, it's named tracksuit for a reason. Where's the track for it to serve its purpose? ?


And she washes it in the bathtub?? I think that luggage is full of coupons she can reuse "three times".


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Oh and she blow dries the tracksuit too!


Seriously, there's NO washer & dryer in that mansion?


Ah yes! I just made the same comment before I noticed yours! I'm glad I'm not the only one that was baffled by this.


Maybe they scored PPL money for the blowdryer, but couldn't get any for a washing machine.


The 4 deadly sins of PPL according to Cinderella and the Four Knights:

1. PPL Green Duct Tape - when you want to prove that it's tacky enough than your regular silver/gray duct tape, go plaster someone (preferably your butler) to the ceiling.

2. PPL Bathtub - not only can you take a dip in it, you can also handwash your $5000 old lady dress.

3. PPL Hair Dryer - it not only dries your hair, but it also dries your favorite tracksuit.

4. PPL Tracksuit - the only outfit you'll ever need! Proven to snag you a chaebol of your choice, get you access to the hottest events, move you into fancy mansion, get a makeover and earn brownie points to make your dreams come true.


At least the white and black one is a bit more easier on the eyes. Maybe she'll get a sparkly one a la Hyun Bin?


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In Smile, You whole family wore tracksuits and in the end even few years old children wore those green tracksuits.

The red one is rugged and This new one is New.


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haha that's right ! I remember it now ! Jung-In was dying to have one at the end ! Even if it's ugly, it would be fun to see the knights in tracksuit too haha I picture it already haha


PBG? bwahahahahaha!


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PSD. My bad. Hahahahahaha.

My mind must be elsewhere. Ehem. ? Just rewatched IRY and AnswerMe88. Must be an early indication of PBG addiction. Hahahahahaha.


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I think it's some kind of commentary on how poor she is. Like tracksuits = cheap which is a whole level of insulting since they aren't really used for day wear.


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Haha, I was just thinking, girl, you don't have to wash your clothes in the freakin bath tub! I'm sure there is a washer and dryer somewhere in the house.

Secondly I think Eul Nol also owns that track suit in a different drama universe- could be a candy thing or...

They both took style advise from Secret Garden

Eh, and honestly candy pride gets on my nerves sometimes. She has one pair of probably smelly clothes ( because I didn't see her using soap) that she wears every day. Her employer is offering to pay for clothes for her to wear- that she will be wearing to work in.... And she refuses... Based on her pride?? ... Eh not me ???? hehe.


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Eh, speaking of Secret Garden, isn't Cinderella have the same PD as Secret Garden??


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Yes. I noticed the similarity with NE sweats right away. Lol.

And i think she used more water washing that dress in that freaking tub than actually washing it in the washer. which i'm sure the sky house have.


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I can't believe there'd be a day that I would pick a drama because Jung Il-woo is in it but end up sticking around because of Ahn Jae-hyun. Surprise! Surprise!

Now I'm starting to think Jae-hyun probably has a very specific niche of roles that he can play with much finesse and passion. And sneaky, naughty playboy seems right up his alley. So is geeky, protective brother like in YFAS.

I badly need something from Ji-woon to get me rooting for him because right now he's losing swoony points by the second because of his unexplainable and unhealthy yet strong feelings for Hye-ji. And winning Ha-won so Hye-ji can have Hyun-min is not helping at all.


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I think marriage suits him. He's become more animated in acting. Tips from the wife, mebbe? lol.


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Maybe. He was already good in YFAS. He probably just need to stick more on roles that best suit his skills. Not sure he gets them from Goo Hye-sun because (sorry, GHS fans!) the girl isn't exactly acing on acting too. But I heard she does well on directing, so perhaps the trick is finding your strength and rolling with it. ;)


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Hmm. IMO, his role in MLftS didn't require considerable acting prowess. I mean, yes, he was adorable there, but he's not one of the leads, so he didn't get to show his acting prowess much. I saw Fashion King (movie) and Blood and his acting there was pretty robotic. Maybe the writing called for such acting. I don't know. =) He's killing the Hyun Min role, though. Chickachanga's right saying that AJH is playing this role with such relish that he's a joy to watch.

Goodness. Jung Il Woo, in comparison, is just urgh.


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Confirmed. He stated his wife has been coaching him in acting, ESPECIALLY since this show has a Boys Over Flowers vibe to it.


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That is very cute! They can probably make a drama based on their life experience!


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AAAAAWWWW. He's already got the perfect eyes to down on annoying people. cough-justtwo-cough


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@seoulice exactly! May be the bad boy, devil may care attitude suits him the most out of all the roles he has played so far. I hope he appears in more dramas from now on.
Also agree with someone above who sed that tracksuit needs to be burnt. Hell yeah, I don't even understand how they are finding her so pretty or fascinating in that hideous outfit! Also those cheesy music and the slow mo are too repetitive and happens far too often.


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Oh Ji woon NEEDS major character growth. But even with that will i be able to erase the memories of him throwing money at Ha won when he barely knew her ugh.


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Hyun Min should be endgame.

And I've totally lost count of the times I said as much. XD


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Amen to that.


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Hyun Min is the only good written character here. Everything else shows lazy and lousy scriptwriting. In such circumstances witty dialogues as well as oneliners ups the game. Even that is missing. Get Lost can't get you far.


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I agree! Hyun Min should be end game. JW character is depressing and sucks hairy balls.


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Agreed! He really does light up the screen with his cockiness.


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He's so far the most layered character out of three (or four, if so secretary lee is second) he's an open book from all ways point of view. you can tell he'll be an ass in next scene but you can't predict on how he's being. his brain is so imaginative and delusional, he's just very interesting.
Meanwhile the supposed-to-be-main-lead and supposed-to-be-2nd-female-lead just dead plain, they can just end up together since they're the only ones who deserves each other...


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Thanks for the recap ! I was thinking the same about Ji-woon and Ha-won, sure there was something in the second episode when they faced up but I think I am getting the second lead syndrome with Seo-woo or Bodyguard Lee but also Hyun-min (this last scene was epic and he win me over here haha). I know where we are probably heading to (Ji-woon is the male lead after all and he is walking enough in the center for us to get it) but I kind of wish it would not be this obvious...


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What I thought when Ha Won's 'father' pulled out the image of the man in the taekwondo outfit was the following:
- Is this man Ha Won's REAL father? (Seeing Ha Won's mum in the taekwondo outfit made me think that maybe she met a man at a Taekwondo studio)
- Is this man Ji Woon's REAL father?
- Are they related somehow?
- But they can't be cuz they're supposed to be endgame (*cries cuz I want Ha Won and Hyun Min to happen*)


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That's bad form Nida ! I am going to hope too... ;)


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Imagine how awesome it would be if Ha Won and Ji Won were actually main leads AND brother and sister.
Whole story would be about them finding each other and finding love with other people.
We would get two couples by the end of the drama (even if Ji Won/Hye ji would be annoying to watch) and have no shipping wars.


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Good one. At this point, that's the only way I would like assh*lic Ji Won as lead.


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True enough ! I think that Ha-won being his sister would be a way to give him a family and make peace with the others. But I dare not let myself wander too much because I have a feeling that I would be disapointed haha


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You do have the point there! Strangely too, the name order of the cast are this: JIW, AJH, PSD, LJS, CM, SNE. when mostly the female lead is put in the second row, before the second male lead.
but in tvn's correlation chart, hyunmin doesnt have any relation with hawon (which is strange), meanwhile jiwoon likes hyeji, and have dashed line of love with hawon. :/


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I really hope this drama not make JW and HW end up together. JW is really like being in puberty, like going everywhere he says -i have rights to be a jerk because i am totally in pain-
And if he has a pride why he is okay with using every luxurious fasility, why he doesn't just go strike?


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^^ You have a point. After acting like a brash person that he is,how he can still enjoy all those luxuries if you don't want that surname in the first place? This drama just made it's main character very unlikable to root for... Also as ji won said, he just thinks the world is centered around him, so it's all about he and his problems.


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when the chairman needs to cut his credit cards to make him come home. you know that he's indeed living from his grandpa's fortune...
(although it cant be helped that his works are all affecred by chairman)


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Can't Ha-won end up with Mr Bodyguard? He seems like the only sane one around. And Park So-dam looks totally adorable in that first screencap.

I keep forgetting this is pre-produced, so I was initially thinking that Jang Hyuk could put in a cameo and whisk Ha-won away or something at the end... like a real-life prince. Aish.


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@junny,look like someone still can't move on from BM.??.me too,imagine Jang Hyuk show up for at least 30 minute,seduce Ha Won,make the prince's jealousy over the top.


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Maybe being in love in real life helps AJH's acting.


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Then can we find someone for JIW?
Second lead syndrome is too strong here


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I think it's technically Fourth Lead Syndrome. Secretary Lee leaves all 3 other guys in the dust for me.


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also being in variety show helps him i guess. he was (and is) a model that require stone face. he was needed to protect his image and such. when actually he's a rather dork and a bit ignorant, thumbs up to lee seunggi who recommended him to join new journey to the west s2 so we can see his another side. with that image breaker, he got nothing more to lose in this drama.


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I'm actually here for all the pretty, and for all the tropes the show has managed to squeeze in every episode. LOL! The makjang is so predictable I swear I ended up obsessing over the next cliche they'll throw in next. hahaha


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And oh yess, I ship Ha-won with Mr. bodyguard already.


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I think there is something wrong with me - I keep looking forward to the next over the top cliche.


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Me, too! haha. They better up their cliches in the next episode!


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Hyun-min continues to amuse me the most with his ridiculous lines (“Wanna have some caviar and ramen with me?) and antics, brandishing scissors and holding Ha-won’s uniform hostage. There’s a reason why we fall for the bad boy, and Hyun-min in particular is amusing because he’s so unabashedly full of himself and delusional, but not mean-spirited. It’s interesting to see him simultaneously struggle to understand Ha-won and feel immediately attracted to her because she’s so different. Also, Ahn Jae-hyun is clearly enjoying himself with this role, which makes for good viewing.

-- Ahh I guess I can read a whole another book on hyun min now that it's fixed who's gonna end up with who..He has certainly found a new fan in me, the only reason for me to stick out .


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He is such a fan character and even more enjoying him even with his childish and arogant stuff as he isin't evil type,even if he might hurt with his actions they don't come from a place were he legit wants to do it,all mean...not to mention the skyrocket chemistry between him and Ha Won,they look so good together,now i feel so bad he isin't the lead...Hope he doesn't go to HJ in the end in some twisted revelation etc...


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are you living in 2016?
did you get bored from normal interactions accompanied with legit sound effects?
watch "Cinderella and two and a half knights" full of dramatic whirls, holly aaaah's and sparkle jewelery music.
watch drama from the past!!


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I was thinking of the same thing! This drama feels like a blast from the past, way back when tropes and cliches were just being introduced to us! LOL. In a way, it's a fluffy distraction from the mind-bending W, so I'm okay shutting my brain for a couple of episodes every week.


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That Hyunmin X Hawon chemistry just hits the sweet spot. Even though nothing's happening YET, I'm like "NOOO Hyunmin please don't go back to Hyeji" >_<


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he's an ass, but he definitely deserves someone better than that dramatically-over-clingy girl... he needs to be overpowered, therefore hawon is perfect. #sadSLS


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Thanks for the recap! Can't believe I am enjoying this show...but...I am! JW and HJ totally deserve each other! It is so obvious she is just using him because of his connection, even if limited or nonexistent, to HM! And of course he likes to be used! That's our hero??? Ok, it's just the beginning and maybe he will turn around and make us all swoon, but I agree so far there is nothing about JW that is attractive. Not sure if it's the character or JIWs acting? Could the character come across differently if played by another actor? I don't know why I keep wishing JGS would be JW instead! There is something as others mentioned that feels like JIW seems miscast. Does he not look young enough for the part? But, maybe show will surprise us and have us all rooting for him later.
Still loving PSD! And I too would be fine if she doesn't end up with anyone! And loving AJH as HM. Those swirl-embraces! Maybe it's his height as he is a pretty thin man, but those embraces are so manly! I don't mind the cheesy music when he does that--I am sold! Yes, GHS is a lucky girl! And I'm sure he is a lucky guy too!


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Oh now that you say it,I think JGS could have killed the role, he certainly got the right attitude that's condescending and full of arrogance. Yeah don't know why but JIW either doesn't fit the role,or he is not giving the right vibe, most of the time it seems like he's stuck in another dimension, so just after being a sulky, moping person half the time,then he goes throw a smile at the other girl. It just doesn't suit the character, or comes off genuine. Sometimes I was close to thinking that I would catch him acting. It's like acting like a Shakespearean character in the middle of a chick flick :S.


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I wonder if the director told him to act like that, or whether it was Jung Il-woo's own take on the character. Even in the screencaps, he comes off as forbidding and annoying. But maybe he'll ease up in later episodes.


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ooh yes. JGS would have been great. I still can't exactly say why his character in You're Beautiful was so great, but he was totally swoon worthy! I mean he was a grumpy pants as well but he was a cool grumpy pants who later became an adorable marshmallowly Pig Rabbit! lol.
Hopefully hopefully JIW will improve in the coming episodes...


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The drama is cute and fluffy so far.

But what's with the lip gloss? It's so distracting! Especially on the guys! It's really layered on thick and looks way too sparkly and pink. I don't mind pretty lips, but it's a bit ridiculous!


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Cute actress

I find K actors are always cute and good in acting
But not with K actress , only few of them look natural and can act


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@pam,maybe it's because k-actor is not doing plastic surgery so much than k-actress,so for the actor they really enter the show world relay on their acting talent.but for the actress,I think half of them,is because of the plastic surgery,or just count on they beauty talent.so they act is like high school drama club.


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wow there, misogynistic thoughts!! theres so many and i mean it, sooo many actors with just pretty faces, who can's really act and rely on their appearance, and it actually works because of fangirls who no mater what will think that they are "cute" or "sexy" so it's ok. but actresses even if they are legit, or just cute, will be criticized anyway.


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yes, in korea, not just women who cares to be called pretty. it doesn't gendered. if you want to actually speak about no-pretty-face-but-talent somehow only few comes up like ryu junyeol. and so many pretty-face-but-no talent.


I have no reason to watch this show other than to watch Bodyguard Lee be friggin awesome. Can we just get rid of the three brats so I can have him?


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IKR? I can watch him cook in the kitchen all day (esp. him taste-testing his dishes, LOL). Nah, I can watch him do nothing and just be pretty all day. Those piercing eyes, deym!


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I'm finding myself skipping to his scenes. Ah shojo manga in TV forms and I always fall for the silent one.


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I love you Jung il Woo, but for now i am on Kang Hyun Min ship?.. You brood too much, I hate it :l.. Hyun Min fighting!


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This is atanshi do danshi korean version, the eating together and missions. I love the cute kid in Japan version. Prickly but sooo cute.
Anyway, I cringed a lot watching this ep, all the swoon hugs. I just can't. But weirdly enough, I still watch it coz ahn Jae hyun! He's so hot! I squee a lot watchin him. How can he be that cute and gentleman and suave.
I'm havin Beautiful Mind withdrawal syndrome right now as my Mon-Tues feel too empty but my weekend just got happier.


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I really like Ha-won's and BotGuard Lee's interactions. It's cute watching him go from *does-not-compute*does-not-compute* to slowly getting in-touch with feelings whenever Ha-won encourages him to relax around her. Hee hee! More, please!


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I'm finding all the close ups really uncomfortable. Just wished that she would smack them when she's being pulled around here and there.

Hope the writers don't make her into a wimp...starting to feel that in the latest eps.


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+1! How many times per episode does she get spun, tripped, grabbed, or pushed up against a wall? It becomes ridiculous. Like the writers want to build physical closeness or chemistry and just have no other ideas how to shoehorn it into the script. I'm at the point where I grumble every time it happens cause we have to be at 5+ per hour.


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All the twirling makes me wonder if the writers were paying homage to Cinderella attending the royal ball. kk


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I noticed that too and I really really hope it's a temporary thing. Everyone's pulling her around and grabbing her and she just stands there gazing at them while cheesy music plays--it's definitely a writing flaw and I pray they tone it down. I don't mind cheesiness, just please writers, give it to us in moderation!


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at least she can build herself up when she interacts with hyunmin and seowoo... but her power got from 100 to 0 as soon as she interacts with jiwoon ?


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I'm definitely rooting for Hyun-min and Mr. Secretary. Ji-woon? KOJYEO!

Secretary Lee: It's the Chairman's command that I have to kiss you everyday.
Me: Yes, please, ahjussi!


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What about Hyun Min and Ji Woon. They are physically aggressive with each other and you can sense the tension between them. Even at the end of episode 4 they are deeply looking into each others eyes. ahem. Boys Love in the air!!?


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+1000 Ha-won & Lee, Hyun-min & Ji-woon couple ftw!


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Ironically, Ahn Jae Hyun is two months older than Jung Il woo but he seems years younger. He really is JIW's hyung.

I don't know why Il Woo seems so old in this drama, but his fried hair and frequent sulky attitude isn't helping matters. Maybe it would have been better if he wasn't quite so sullen and morose.

I'd take the butler over those three any day. He's truly a man while the others are just boys and Seo woo would be a girl's best friend. He's so nice and caring.


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fun fact, all three kang cousins and hawon are all 20 years old (born in 1997)... hahahaha ???
i don't understand why they need jung ilwoo to play a 20 yo. like people can believe it.
as for ahn jaehyun, he always look younger since MLFAS high school persona. it's because his fancy suits that make him look older. if they give him tracksuit like hawon, everyone would believe he's a 20 yo.


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I snorted at all the twirling and swirling :D.

And Bodyguard Lee had me charmed....


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This drama makes me happy... I love it!!
- PSD is so boyishly cute...
- AJH... Ufff.... He has so many chemistry with PSD makes me wonder is he realllyyyyy the second lead!!!???
- JIW... I still don't like him. Ep4 doesn't not redeem his character imo. I also wondering, for someone who said doesn't want to be a Kang.. He sure enjoy the wealth/money
- bodyguard Lee... Why so swoony??? Maybe PSD should end up with him!!
- Seo Woo: he's nice.. But no chemistry with PSD. He's more like a good friend or brother.. For now
- Hye Ji... I dunno, she feels so fake and manipulative. Is it the actress or the character??


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Even after seeing ep4, I am still up in the air about Hey Ji. It kind of seems like the two girls should actually become good friends, but so far I am worried about the writer making her into yet another Evil Bitch.


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for now, the evil bitch is, i think, stepsister yoona. but with hyeji's strange level of obsession towards hyunmin, i wouldn't surprise if she would turn into a monster once she knew hyunmin loves hawon, and at the end someone send her to a therapist. that girl needs help.


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This show is giving me the strangest case of Second Lead Syndrome.

Usually, I get SLS in cases where it's obvious that the non-lead is a much better fit for the female lead than the person she actually ends up with. And I do think that the non-leads on this show are way better matches for Ha Won than Ji-Woon: Seo Woo, whose guileless sweetness pairs well with Ha Won's noona-esque teasing; Secretary Lee, whose stoic exterior is chipped away by Ha Won's bright and cheery enthusiasm; even Hyun Min, who definitely isn't a great guy but undeniably has a lot of chemistry with Ha Won.

But what's really causing my SLS is the fact that Ji-Woon. just doesn't feel like a lead. No matter how much screentime the writers give him, they don't ever expand upon his characterization to make him feel real and three-dimensional. Ji-Woon is such a non-entity that he seems like some random side character that keeps accidentally walking in front of the camera while the leads are talking.


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I totally agree! It's not that I like bad boys like Hyun Min, but rather that I can't get behind the main lead. There's a power vacuum here, and Hyun Min is funny and more "real" than Ji-Woon. Ji Woon just pops up, says or does something snarky, and then disappears. Not sure if it's the writing or acting or both, but I don't care to see or hear Ji-Woon on the screen. He's not a part of any of this. How can I get behind that??

But cheesy Hyun Min? Adorbs. Bodyguard Lee? Swoon. Even though Lee has fewer lines/screen time than Ji-Woon, I still feel him a LOT more than Ji-Woon. Let's skip one through three and go straight to the fourth!


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I feel like it has to be the writing (not the acting) that's making Ji-Woon such a black hole of a character. After all, Jung Il-Woo did a great job of playing a grumpy yet adorkable chaebol heir in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, so he's definitely capable of breathing life into the "cold male lead" archetype.

But, for whatever reason, the writers thought it would be a good idea for Ji-Wooon to be as emotionally flat as possible--seriously, the character is so lifeless that I just want to reach through the screen and check to make sure that he's still breathing. It's frustrating because I really do like Jung Il-Woo, and I know that I could've liked Ji-Woon as well if only the writers had just let Jung Il-Woo do what he does best.


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I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get on the Ji-Woon ship, but you've described him perfectly! This character is so flat I feel like the drama would be fine even if they took him out entirely. I like the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th leads more than the main which is giving me anxiety about the ending of this show--please drama gods, if you're listening, let her end up with someone, ANYONE else! I'm rooting for you Secretary Lee!

And Hyun-Min, that kid makes my day with his ridiculous-ness.


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Thanks for the recap! I kinda expected her to kiss ass from day 1 but guess tht will have to wait... Ji woon is getting on my nerves more than Hyun min... I suspect his endless bad mood comes from his apparent crush on Hyeji who keeps moping over Hyunmin but I wonder, why try to lecture Hawon and not rant to HJ about her delusional behavior? The moment she said she would get 'answers' from HM about HW living in their house, I was like 'Who are you and why would he give you explanations, you crazy girl??'.
Anyways, im not that rushed to the actual mission if we get more scenes with Bodyguard Lee...! Even if he says its a command, he'll go shopping, prepare meals and put annoying family in their place without breaking a sweat... Grandpa said no dating his gransons but what about Lee??! Girl, grab the one who has taste in clothes and run!! That what I'd do!!


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Velcro shoes.... seriously JIW?


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There's where we're getting old manvibe from: triple velcro shoes!


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WAIT! Maybe they fall in love over teaching him how tie his shoes? Yep. That has to be it.


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Ooooh, or maybe the reason he's so emotionally stunted is that he's secretly a toddler trapped in an adult's body?


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Aaaaahhhhhhh gee this entertains me to no end


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Could he be ... one of Snow White's dwarves trapped in a hooot body? LOL


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Love Hyun Min and Ha Won!! Can't they be my OTP? Their chemistry is awesome, I momentarily forgot AJH has GHS when they are onscreen. JW needs a bit more in his acting aside from "get lost". I'm totally not invested in his character so far. HW interaction with SW and Body guard Lee is something I like, caring and genuine, comfortable and easy.


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What's happening? Why do I find myself rooting for Ahn Jae Hyun over Jung Il Woo!? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY. Is this real? Have I been transported to some alternate webtoon world where AJH is a more compelling actor than JIW? QUICK SOMEONE SHOOT ME TO SEE IF I BLEED.


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Lol fancyramen. I offer you Kang Chul,a shooter with a gold olympic medal.


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Kang Chul in a tracksuit. But before he shoots, he will twirl 100000 times. LOL


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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but does the premises not sound like the Japaneses drama Atashinchi no Danshi? Especially the "make everyone eat at the same table" job.. But it was enjoyable. here is to the hopes that this one will be as enjoyable.


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Ha Won and Hyun Min are really but really adorable together,at the moment i ship them so much even if i know he won't get the girl...Minority but i actually like the new tarcksuit,i detest the old one...Hope the person Dad searching is not Ha Won real Dad and he is just to see him BURN of guilt


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I like the tracksuit too, it's a good tracksuit,
I'll buy one for my own,
I'll even want to wear it for a happy morning walk ,

love that tracksuit


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Ha-won is definitely a precious guest and not a part-timer -- because she'll be thrown out immediately if she fails a task.
What's wrong with this picture?


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so I don't really like cheese but I like the intentional cheesy moment,

I hope this drama do all the troupe that I already thought because Idk how many times I replaying the last minute of ep 3 just to feel the giddy-ness,

sure there's a good romcom out there but this is weirdly good between the innocent mind and all the thing they do + said,

I do like it a lot,
and for Ji won, he really seems like in puberty mode, Idk what's wrong with him but he doesn't add up the good thing about the drama,
and even if hyun min is not the gentleman in every thing he did, but he actually said what he thought of, and not trying to be emo and mysterious......

but still my plan is still the same, dating kang hyun min, break up, asking for some money (well he is giving the break up gift) and freed myself elsewhere,

anyway, I heard this drama is from a novel, is it right?
I want to read it for spoiler, you know, preparing my heart?


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no one doesn't want to date hyunmin eventhough not for love/status. simply because he can grant any wish by break up lol.

and yes there was the novel (i didn't read too) and hilariously if you search this title on naver, the most related search was the ending. because no one can simply wait for spoiler.


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Slow and boring episode, nothing new. JIW sticks our like a sore thumb. Maybe it's because the rest of main cast have baby faces. His not showing much emotion, that blank expression he wears all the time is not making me care for his character one bit.


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JIW can't act? The way he portrayed his characters in FBRS and 49days was so perfect. Imagine suddenly being called by a different name, living in a different household, and on top of that your new family members doesn't even like you, I am sure no one can be happy right away.
I think he is playing the role very well and I hope we get to see more of his past.


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JIW is for sure a fantastic actor, but the character he's playing is so flat and somewhat poorly written--hopefully they fix that in future episodes, because I do think when he's given good material he executes it ridiculously well. Fighting JIW!


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he is indeed a good actor. but his characterisation here was almost too plain. we know he's got terrible coercion from the chairman. but not only that, he (as in jiwoon) acts dead when interact with everyone except hyeji. we need his layered characters. like the reason why he's so grumpy towards everything. what happened with his mom/dad etc. because i think his intro was too late to be interesting rather than hyunmin's. even hyunmin's past also wasn't revealed yet.


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"Seo-woo plays Switzerland for the umpteenth time..." I laughed at this.

Anyhow, forget about first and second lead syndrome, I'll pick Seo Woo and Bodyguard Lee any day.


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Yeah, that line really cracked me up. It was brilliant!


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Noo, forget that, they doesn't stand a chance, they were the only once without sparkle music.

"is secretly happy"
" still thinks that she can teleport in that reality and snach secretary lee for herself "


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Forget these boys, Yoon Sung is ideal in every way.

Also re: tracksuit, I hate it because every time I see it I can't help but imagine how it must smell of kimchi and sweat. She changes out of it in ep 4 and it was a breath of fresh air for me.
And good job to Ahn Jaehyun for making me cheer for the playboy over the angsty-mean-but-probably-good-inside guy. I never thought THAT would happen.


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Things I now know to expect in every episode:

1. The heroine will get wet, somehow, some way: rain, tub, juice...something.

2. The heroine will be twirled around and held closely, because reasons.

3. The 2 "lead" guys will throw killing looks at each other.

4. Brooding. Lots of brooding, for no real reason except the raising of hotness levels. (I'll admit I love Heathcliff types.)

5. The heroine will turn down some sort of expensive gift, and the giver will be mystified.

6. I will beg the screen to let the heroine see the potential in the secretary, but it won't happen.

7. The stepmom and/or sister will do something simultaneously irritating and stupid.

But I'm still watching, because this may not be the fluff I need, but it's the fluff I deserve. Besides, pretty boys. ;)


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1.1. And blow dry whatever gets wet.
2.1. At least 3 times per episode.
6.1. Maybe it will happen? Please happen.


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I really hope Ha Won succeeds in her first mission because, sorry to say this, the 3 chaebols look like they need to be fed. Maybe, Bodyguard Lee can whip them up a little something.


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Seriously, though, the actors look like they went a little too far with their diets. I know there's a lot of pressure in their industry but there's such a thing as too lean.


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Hahahahaha... That is the best comment! I can't stop laughing! I agree, she needs to succeed in her mission so they can be fed! Forget about being a family, just eat please!


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I think I enjoy NOT enjoying this weirdly overly slo-mo'd, fluffy mess of a show, but only for one more week. I feel like I've invested so much eye rolling time that I HAVE to see how she gets them to eat together.


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That's how I feel. Every episode so far I'm groaning, making snide comments, yelling at the tv... My mother and I agree that it's so cheezy it hurts but we're happy that it can cause us to feel THIS strongly about a show because sometimes even good shows can't do that...
*eyes roll onto floor*


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this episode: *eyes roll onto floor*
succeeding episodes: mouth rolls onto the floor, then the nose, and finally the ears.
Looks up in the mirror: OMG, I've become No-Face OSM!
(screams the line while chyron types in front)

all that cheese is bad for the health and sanity, y'all! haha


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Lol I've been yelling at the tv too and I cringe every time the show plays that 'wind chimes and angels' noise when one of the boys grabs Ha-Won; this show is so ridiculously cheesy and every episode I ask myself about a dozen times why I'm still watching--but I can't help it haha


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So to clarify, it's Cinderella and the Two Knights, a Gradeschooler plus a Teenager?


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Except I classify them as
tracksuit Cinderella, a hot Chef secretary-butler sama, musically talented puppy, ego Huyn Min, and Kang Broody Woon.

At least secretary can sweep Cinderella off her feet.


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How I wish the major twist would be that none of the three cousins are deemed fit to be the heir, therefore the inheritance goes to Smexy-tary Lee. He gets the girl because the dating ban does not apply on him, and they live happily ever after. It's the Chairman's orders.


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Then Ha-won can be Cindere-LEE kk


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I may be slow on the uptake, but woah, the moment you realize Ha won's one and only outfit is the same one Eul wore when she smelled like sweat and kimchi. :O


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Me thinking// them writers making 2nd leads be more likeable than 1st lead then denying him the girl..man thats savage af.

Kinda praying to all ma drama gods for a Hawon Hyu min ending...

Oh bodyguard lee you just that rare kind of gold I would totally hide you in Pluto or sth for being so gentle than fellow we males.....I'll be gay fo yu man..idk

That brooding fella your role is to make our precious Hyu min realize his sincere love for Hawon and GET LOST from sabotagin our lovable ship...

As for the other one be a good cuz/lil bro and make good music

Lastly Hye Ji.....hey evil...can yu be like a monster evil...cz i kinda need to hate you more and at the moment you putting less efforts.....lets work hard hmmmmm..

Rest of you.....Aloha!!


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