Waiting and waiting for Winter Sonata 2

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Perhaps when Pan Entertainment said “one month later,” they really meant “one year later”? Last year, Pan Entertainment announced that they would be remaking Winter Sonata, and that a synopsis would follow their announcement shortly. Well folks, a year later and there’s still no synopsis, but a strong-ish affirmation by the creative team that they are in the middle of writing the script.  

The Winter Sonata phenomena already inspired an anime adaptation as well as a stage musical version. Now, we have a full drama remake in progress, and it practically ensures that 2017 will be the Year of the Remakes. With the Joseon adaptation of My Sassy Girl having secured its two mains leads, the remake of 1% of Anything underway, and Winter Sonata 2 starting to set its gears into motion, it seems that we’ll be inundated with recycled material in the new year. After the painful fashion catastrophe of a drama that was Full House Take 2, I’m not quite sure my poor heart can handle any more abuse of my favorite classics. So, I’m expecting the worst, but secretly hoping for the best. 

In 2002, KBS aired the original Winter Sonata to astounding success. This drama almost single-handedly launched Hallyu and made Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo the most recognized faces in Asia. Even today, their popularity lives on: Despite the drama having been broadcast fourteen years ago, just last July Bae Yong-joon had a throng Japanese auntie fans fly to Seoul and wait in front of his hotel for a chance to glimpse him before his nuptials. If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is.

And there was a reason for that dedication; Winter Sonata wasn’t just a touching romance story about star-crossed first loves, it was an emotional seduction that pulled at the heartstrings of people across cultures. It was gut-wrenching at times (say, when an illegitimate son hides to watch his biological father with his real family), balanced by poignant moments (such as when a boy sets out on a cold day to bring a coat to the girl he likes). Altogether, it made for a drama that resonated with viewers and allowed them to hope against all hope for the return of quiet, simple expressions of love between the two lovers.

According to the latest reports, Winter Sonata 2 is planning to broadcast in the earlier half of next year. 

Via Daily Sports, Joy News


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I'm not sure if it's wishful thinking or not, but I know some people said Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are in consideration for Winter Sonata 2.
Thoughts anyone?


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Hell no. One time around of unbelievable romance was enough. I woulf rather they cast newish faces. There are plenty of good actors and actress that needs a chance.


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Can we have more interesting storylines? With some comedic elements maybe? Winter sonata was nice because of the nice winter scenery.


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that would be a rumor someone would start to get buzz going for the upcoming drama. with both of the stars' soaring popularity (esp. SJK's) it would be near impossible to get them together again, since both are now doing CFs left and right and being way more expensive than before.


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"Winter Sonata" is not "Winter Sonata" without Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo.... And I'm sure these two are not going to sign on to do the remake because Bae Yong Jun will be busy with baby duties in 2017 and Choi Ji Woo will be busy with other things... As will Park Sol Mi....

And "Winter Sonata" certainly cannot make due without Park Yong Ha (R.I.P. T.T)

"Winter Sonata" was never broken, so why try to remake/fix/tweak it?


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I totally agree with this statement where without the late Park Yong Ha, there is no Winter Sonata.
How much I miss his boyish Sang Hyuk image during those days...

The original casts are always the best. Whenever they do a 2nd part or continuation to it, it tends to be a failure.


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I couldn't agree more. They will just ruin the beautiful memory of the wonderful original. I can not imagine WS being remade any more than Gone With The Wind. Leave it alone and come up with a new idea.


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Song Hye Kyo and Won Bin please!! :)))


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SHK and WB? The chance I win mega million lottery is higher than your wish will come true.. lol


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Why?! Can u explain? Mayeb you know something that I don't know.


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Rather than do remake for the classic Winter Sonata, they better do their own melodrama.

But honestly, I doubt the picky Won Bin will want to do romance drama. He has been in hiatus for years despite of plenty offers.


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The picky won bin and that thing call "remake".. that's why.


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number of reasons:
1. Winter Sonata was a legendary drama, but making a remake seems cheap. (Think Sassy Girl 2 movie)
2. Won Bin is known to be EXTREMELY selective when it comes to choosing projects. the last time he was in a movie was around 6/7 years ago.
3. to have both stars in the same drama would cost a fortune. Typically top stars like Won Bin stick to movies.


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I do want to see Song Hye Kyo and Won Bin reunited in a drama again someday (soon is fine, too), but I doubt any of them would want to do a remake.


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Especially the picky Won Bin. I doubt he will want to do romance drama.


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since we're talking about WS remake, so why don't reunite them in Autumn in my Heart sequels?
say, WB character (forget his name) meet new girl who look alike with SHK character (played by SHK) after visiting her grave. so the story will revolve about whether he really love her as she is or because she resemblance his crush, hence the angst begin


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Nooo, leave the classics alone, please. I can't believe they're still considering this atrocity. What nerve!


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The classic leads are already old..
The time that they played in the drama, they were young. Like the leads of "Autumn in my heart".
At least now Song Hye Kyo would be a not bad choice because she is baby face beauty and really one of a kind!!
We don't wanna ajumma and HarabOjii (Grandpa) LOL!! The main lead of Winter Sonata has already past his golden years..


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The classic leads are older now but they are hardly old.
The classic leads owned their roles in WS and no one could ever match up and do the roles justice. I don't care how much you like them or how talented some young actors are, when it has already been done to perfection, leave it alone.


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Song Hye Kyo & Won Bin ❤
Song Hye Kyo & Zu In Sung ❤
Kim Tae Hee & Zu In Sung
Hyun Bin & Ha ji Won ❤❤❤
Hyun Bin & Shin Mina ❤❤


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I like 2 see Bae Suzy and Lee Jong Suk.


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NOOOO! It has to be PSH and LJS! :D


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Omg PSH? I think I had eough with her crying a whole river in Heirs. Imagine her doing Winter Sonata, she'll cry her eyes out LOL. this one or a stairway to heaven remake would make her eyes fall out of its sockets.

LJS? maybe as Song joo on a STH remake, he's good at showing emotions though... But to be honest there was too much noble idiocy in a three way.


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I'm scratching my head and wondering why anyone would think it's a good idea to remake early hallyu dramas. Producers need to realize there's a time and place for certain things; just because a show was wildly popular in its time, doesn't mean it'll adapt well to changed mores. I mean like The Sheik was a runaway romantic best seller in 1919 and spawned a box-office hit movie in 1920 staring Rudolf Valentino. But who'd be interested in a remake today?

I'm sure when Winter Sonata aired, the whole makjang package of Separated First Loves, Tragic Car Accident, Amnesia, and Daddy Issues/Birth Secret was titillating and sorta fresh (at least to the rest of Asia). But today? Wouldn't it seem excessive, cliche, and ridiculous?

Let the 'classics' rest in peace. Resurrection would only bring stinking zombies.


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never mind. Maybe a remake would work, because I just went through all the 'ridiculous' Winter Sonata plot devices, and realized most of them are still relevant:

- Hero has daddy problems
Status: very relevant.
Last seen: Beautiful Mind

- Birth secret and/or double identities
Status: very relevant
Last seen: Beautiful Gong Shim

- Separated first love
Status: super relevant
Last seen: Uncontrollably Fond

- Tragic car accident
Status: very relevant
Last seen: Doctors (HHH's parents)

- Hero comes back from America
Status: super duper relevant
Last seen: Doctors, Beautiful Mind

- Amnesia
Status: endangered and heading towards extinction
Last seen: ???

- Fake death
Status: endangered
Last seen: Ghost? Moon-Sun? Mirror of the Witch?

- OTP reunited because they have to work together
Status: ridiculously relevant
Last seen: Doctors, Emergency Couple, Sly and Single, Uncontrollably Fond

- one of both of OTP already engaged to other people
Status: sort of relevant
Last seen: Beautiful Mind


WAH WAH WAH. LOL. I guess kdramas have not evolved as much as I like to think they have.


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lol @ your list. Talk about permutations and combinations!

If I were a drama writer and needed to churn out scripts fast, I'd write different tropes on cards, mix them in a hat, and randomly pull out stuff.

For example- the teen heroine is sent to the countryside to live with relatives after her parents die in a tragic car accident, where she meets the son of the Korean president. He'd been sent to a small town under a false identity so he can attend school in privacy, under the protective cloak of anonymity. They fall in love. But hero's president father is assasinated! Oh no! OTP is separated when hero is sent to America to live with his uncle. 10 years later, heroine meets hero again when she's hired as a speech-writer for the president, and he's hired as an intelligence specialist. Also, the hero turns out to be a math geniuuussss with a fields medal and degrees from Princeton and MIT. They uncover a conspiracy that led to the assassination of hero's father. A huge chaebol corporation that helped to put the hero's father to power had owned factories that polluted a small fishing village with cadmium. Villagers who lived in the area developed itai-itai disease with soft bones and kidney failure. Chaebol corporation wanted president to coverup the scandal; he resisted and was assasinated. OTP discovers secret and are targeted by the chaebol corporation. They overcome the dangers, take down evil corporation, fall in love, and live happily ever after. THE END.


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I... seriously love your story. It should be made into a drama. It would be awesome :D


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glad you were entertained ;)

srsly, everyone should play the Write an Early Hallyu Drama game.

drama fans should make an "Apples to Apples" type card game, except with kdrama tropes. Each player will be given a set number of random tropes and 20 minutes to connect the tropes into a plot. the most entertaining plot wins the game. also: best played while drunk.


@aprillilac, I made a similar game but it's still under beta (basically a Kdrama version of Cards Against Humanity).

Though I also have a finished Kdrama Bingo :D

I tried it on Lucky Romance and the card was full of marks. My Beautiful Gong-shim card is still one mark short of bingo-ing.



oh. my. kdrama. subway.

That bingo is a goldmine. LAWLZ.

Crying. Cancer. Airport chase scene. Scheming secretary.

I'm crying! :'D


Wow !!! Ur awesome !!!


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Lol, that list made me chuckle.
And why would we need a Winter Sonata remake? I thought UF is somehow already one.
Daddy AND mommy issues, birth secret, terminal illness, separated first love, car accidentS, OTP reunion due to work, I must've forgotten some and we're just 4 episodes in. lmao


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You just said what's in my mind! I also get WS feels in UF drama, and to add your trope list it's also set in winter.

It's confirmed now, not only they run out ideas but now they choose the easy road: ride the original's popularity to reduce promotion work. So even if in end up as a bad remake/adaptation/whatever they call it, they manage to attract viewer's attention (at least in the first few eps).


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Hahaha, good list. I hadn't realised Beautiful Mind had a number of those things.

Goodbye Mr Black had a fake death and double identity (although that lasted all of five minutes on screen).

I'd rather not see a remake of Winter Sonata (liked neither the cast nor storyline). Surely there are other stories waiting to be told.


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Mask also has fake death and double identities with evil second leads on top.
I guess old tropes never die.


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and I forgot about School 2015!!!

It has fake death, double identity, AND anemia.


And here I think that Korean drama had evolved at least. HA. What a wishful thinking.


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Girl, amnesia is SO not extinct.

Last seen: Beautiful Gong Shim, I Hear Your Voice


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Wahahaha. Your post is a win! hahaha. Life is much more like a cycle than a one way street, really.


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I dunno, I think in the right hands even The Sheik could be adapted for modern audiences. (Although I wouldn't dare try without a Valentino lookalike. Dat smile! Dose eyebrows! *swoon*)

The real problem comes when money-hungry studios try to create SEQUELS decades later without taking into account that the original is now wildly outdated and needs an update.

Although as you noted in your post below, Kdramas are still essentially the same beast that they were in the days of the original Winter Sonata, albeit slightly more polished and with prettier cameras.


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OMG you're totally right. Twilight is kind of The Sheik recycled. Instead of 'strange, exotic oriental hero' you have 'strange, exotic vampire'. Instead of 'heroine falls in love with her rapist' you get 'heroine falls in love with a controlling old man who could potential kill her'. Dang, romance novels ... :'( And here I thought society was too progressive for ca. 1920s romantic tropes.


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I would never have thought to make that comparison, but you are so right. But alas, RPatts does not have even half of Rudy's charm, which is probably why I couldn't get more than a few minutes into that movie. (The Sheik and its sequel Son of the Sheik will remain my guilty pleasures until the end of time, however.)

I don't think society will ever be too progressive for 1920s romantic tropes. Remember how wildly popular 50 Shades was when it came out?


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MUAHAHAHA I knew you (or somebody) would bring up 50 shades =D

Let's drink some wine and watch The Sheik. I've never seen it! but thanks to your comment I want to check it out =)


Really?! I assumed you had, since you brought it up haha. I downloaded it once on a whim and instantly fell in love with Valentino while simultaneously finding the entire story problematic. His charm is endless. (His film The Eagle showcases his charm adorably, if you've never seen it before. It's like a lighthearded Russian Zorro. One of my favorites.) His death really was such a tragedy; I can easily understand why the world went crazy when he died.

I would totally be down for a wine and silent movie night! That's what I did last New Year's Eve anyway haha.


Umm I don't know if you noticed or not, but everything you mentioned IS in today's dramas. Nothing has changed. It would not be a kdrama if someone didn't pass out from the common cold, or get hit by a car or be in a car accident, lose their memory, male lead's mothers trying to ruin their sons relationships. Love triangles out the yinyang. It all happens over and over again, I guess you really don't have a point now do you.

I do not want it remade because it is perfect as it was and no remake will do it justice.


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among the 4 endless love series, this one ranked 1st..great & wonderful love story..very touching, i cried most of the time..i was totally carried away..2 thumbs up.
Such a great news.
I vote for Park Shin Hye and Hyun Bin as the leads.


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this just made me wonder... think in like 7 years or so, what if they did a remake of Boys over Flowers? wow i can't even imagine that and i'm not sure how i would feel about that either


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That I would welcome, as I believe it has ample room to be much better than it was. However, the die-hard fans of the original would be up in arms.


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Please nooooo park shin hye ??
Her acting still leaves a lot to desire..
Her kiss scenes... don't wanna even talk about it!! Reallyy poor acting.. same facial expressions..


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If the article mentioned Park Shin Hye's name as possible heroine?

I am not her fan, but you do not have to drag her name and criticise her acting in this article.

Park Shin Hye.. I don't think she will want to do this drama if she is offered. Not only her, I doubt any established actress will want to replace Choi Ji Woo.


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This drama has a huge popularity and big name, it's no kidding if even drama suck, since it's tiltle winter sonata 2 it will give an effect that everyone will wacth it to know it's good or bad for sure, and comparing to winter sonata 1, wow this drama would be a spotlight for the actors and actress who got to star in this drama! now i wish my baby get the role, wishing the pd to cast Yonghwa and kim ji won ahahahaha *runs* since netizen think yonghwa looks like bae yongjoon when he is on junior highschooll photo.


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Please cast Jisoo and Park Shin Hye...


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Isn't there anyy better actress than her?! PSH, Seriously??


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What's left to tell that could top what has already been told?


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But Kiara, they can just tell the same exact story over again, now with PPL and a different set of pretty people!


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Lmfao! PPL! Well, whoever they cast, the one thing we're sure to get is tons and tons of PPL.


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Haha this time we know who designed all those scarves.


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LOL! Different set of pretty people and younger ones.
I don't know if any established actors would want to act on this. Winter Sonata is the classic one, and I don't think any established actress will want to replace Choi Ji Woo, knowing the risks. If this happen, I think they will do open audition like Joo Won's Sassy Girl.


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LOL right.


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Please....no remake. This drama is classic. Any attempt for a remake is definitely heading to the direction of disaster.


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yup.. most kdrama still play those issues. but at least kdramas are shorter this days (cant believe I finished WS back then, well teenage spirit maybe :) )


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That reminds me...

What happened to the Korean remake of "Bara no nai Hanaya"? (Flower shop without a Rose)

About 3 years ago news came out that Bae Yong Jun bought the rights to remake that drama and he was going to star in it (therefore making his drama comeback).

Not a peep since then!


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No, please don't do that! Bara no nai Hanaya is a gem to me, a drama that make me cried a river and touched so many things in my heart. I can't let it get screwed over


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'Bara no nai Hanaya' is the only drama that ever made me cry within the first 10 minutes of the first episode.


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sometimes you just have to let classic tale be a classic tale, never remake it.

sassy girl is the prime example of that.

besides, after winter sonata, probably there are thousands of plot that follow winter sonata plot, its will not be that fresh either.


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Sigh. JUst leave the classics alone.


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They should have Winter Sonata Middle Age edition. Both BYJ and CJW have been married for twenty years, and she is tired of looking after him (did he go blind in the last part?) and her children who are brats. Her children are high schoolers who are busy studying and she feels lost and empty. She spends her days watching dramas and thinking about her romance with BYJ before they were married.
(cue to Twenty Again)

She decides to revamp herself and then starts work at the same ski resort which needs revamp as well after 2 decades.

Ok, now I know why scriptwriters resort to tropes and other cliches. I can't think of how to continue the story, and it is a bit vague already.


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LOL. Reminds me of the ending to Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome. Romantic, star-crossed/forbidden love affair ends in an accident. the end. ... wait, no. the author's not done yet *cue epilogue set 20 years later* the hero can't stand the heroine, and is so over everything. but they're stuck together because tragic accident handicapped them both. ooops.


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I actually like your storyline. In fact I'm sure it's better than whatever the writers would come up with anyway lol.

Perhaps if they're really so bent on having a remake/sequel, they can just focus on the kids' story or something.


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They should cast younger ones. It would be awesome to see ji soo and kim yoo jung as lead pairs. No doubt about their abilities. Kim yoo jung is too good in emotions expression.


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Is it gonna be remake or gonna be totally different from the original?
I would say no to remake and also no to part2.
The original one already perfect as it is, so I can't see the "part2" of the story. Like how the hell it gonna make sense..


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Hell yeah!! I want to see kim yoo jung and ji soo together but not in this one.


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I prefer them not to remake this. But, if they really want, they should give it to the totally new faces, so people will get the remake with brand new images. They should open the casting for new faces.


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Why do they do sequels when they pretty much wont have any link to the original thing? I doubt theyll get the leads to star as a middle aged couple so theyll def get younger ppl... isnt it best to just use another title for the drama?? Maaaany have used the elements that made winter sonata popular so no one would go crazy if anything similar airs but if their beloved classic gets tainted, people would want blood lol


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They should cast yeo jin goo and kim so hyun,they are extremely talented with good visuals and amazing chemistry.


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Kim so hyun for melodrama!!!! Melo is not her type. Kim yoo jung is perfect for melodrama.


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I had fun reading the comments. Most of them are hilarious but true. I don't want a remake too. It would have been better if they did it after say five years. Winter Sonata was my first Kdrama and hooked me to it until now.


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Remakes we can expect:

Winter Subnata
In the freezing cold of a winter snowstorm, with roads and rails down, our leads fight their desperate craving for turkey breast and roast beef...

Subway to Heaven
The heroine forgets her love for Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki after she develops amnesia due to a car accident...

Autumn in my Sub
The heroine is forced to settle for cold salads after running into dire straits...

My Lovely Sub Soon
A pastry chef falls for a spicy Italian sandwich after taking on a new job ...

Sub Happened in Bali
Two men fight over a delicious tuna sandwich in idyllic Bali, leading to tragedy


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Subway Sonata ... how beautiful.. hehehe


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Remaking classic dramas should be banned!


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I've not seen any of these originals so for me all these will be like a new show.

The only Endless love seasonal drama I saw was Summer Scent and sadly I only made it about half through. Maybe I should pick it back up and finish watching it.


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If it won't be Choi Ji-woo and Bae Young-joon, then it should not be done. Also, Park Young-ha is gone. Winter Sonata was a beautiful love story, and they should just let it be.


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you forgot Fated to love you on the recent amnesia plot. But I liked how they used it.

I think we still have those elements of those melo dramas in recent stories. Separated lovers, amnesia, cancer (Uncontrollably Fond seems to be heading that way), cars of doom, "sibblings" sort of incest (to me Autumm in my heart borders on that, Their story never got to me), lead actors crying rivers, cinderella complex.

I think kdramas haven't explored the world of romeo & juliet plots... We have a lot of that in latin shows, is so boring. But haven't seen it in Kdramas.


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