Lucky Romance: Episode 12

A truce is finally called, and middle ground is found where Su-ho and Bo-nui can start to work on settling their differences. Not everyone is happy about it though, and it’s a shame that while some find peace, other are just beginning to feel the sting of heartache and loss.



After their fight Bo-nui goes to Su-ho’s home, intent on telling him that it’s all a misunderstanding. But he’s not home — he’s out walking, as his father’s and Bo-nui’s harsh words echo through his head. He reaches for his anxiety pills, but he just clenches them in his fist and doesn’t take any.

Bo-nui waits at his house until after dark, then slowly makes her own way home. She looks at the tiger pendent from Su-ho, and sighs that it’s better this way. The two pass by each other on opposite sides of the street, unaware.

The next morning Bo-nui asks Boss Won how Su-ho looked when he came to work (“He’s always the same.” ~scrunchface~ HA). Boss Won asks if they fought because of Gary, and it’s the first Bo-nui’s hearing that Gary brought her food the other night.

Amy and Gary show up all flustered, and Amy asks Bo-nui if anyone she doesn’t know has called or followed her. Apparently another reporter got a picture of the previous morning when Gary and Bo-nui were talking outside their building.

Su-ho frowns at the photos, especially when Gary and Bo-nui arrive at the office at the same time and everyone congratulates them. Su-ho tells Amy that they need to issue a statement, but Gary refuses to say that Bo-nui isn’t special to him. He looks Su-ho right in the eye as he says that she’s special, whether or not she feels the same way.

The employees decide this could be good for PR and urge Bo-nui to give Gary a shot. She walks out, and Gary follows her to the hallway where she chastises him for saying things like that at her place of work. She asks him about the food he made, and says that she can’t accept this sort of thing, from him or anyone else.

Gary looks sad, but he says that he’s not asking her to accept his heart, just not to ask him to lie about his feelings. Bo-nui calls Gary selfish — she’s trying so hard not to burden “that person,” but Gary only cares about his own feelings.

Amy interrupts to tell Gary to be more professional, but she rounds on Bo-nui and blames her for leading him on. She accuses Bo-nui of being fickle and making fools out of two men, and Gary has enough and pulls her away.

Su-ho hangs back until they’re gone, but when Bo-nui sees him there, he just walks past her without a word. She’s waiting when he comes back to say there’s nothing between her and Gary, but Su-ho doesn’t understand why she’s explaining herself. He angrily says that he doesn’t care what she and Gary do.

He stomps all the way to his office, and immediately turns to go back out, but he stops himself. Bo-nui goes to the roof to pray, asking for the strength to guard her heart. She tries Su-ho’s multiplication trick, but it doesn’t work and she bursts into tears.

Dal-nim finds her, worried that Gary upset her, and Bo-nui cries that “that person” hates her now. It’s probably better that things end here, but it hurts so much. She can’t stop thinking of the pain she caused Su-ho, on top of the years of hurt he’s already suffered, and cries that she feels so bad because she likes him so much.

Gary asks Amy why she’s so mean to Bo-nui, and Amy says that it upsets her, how Bo-nui treats him and Su-ho. Gary defends that it’s her superstition and her sister’s illness, and that gives Amy pause. She remembers Su-ho talking about wanting Bo-nui not to be hurt, and decides that what he’s feeling for her is just sympathy.

Everyone in the office can tell Bo-nui’s been crying, but Dal-nim tells them to get back to work. She finds Gary in the hall working up the nerve to go in the office, and takes him to Ryang-ha’s cafe to talk. She sweetly asks him not to make Bo-nui’s life harder, but Gary says it’s not him that’s upsetting her.

Ryang-ha decides to get involved and tells Gary flat-out that Bo-nui isn’t interested in him. Uncomfortable at being ganged up on, Gary says he understands and leaves. Dal-nim grumbles that Bo-nui’s crush should just snatch her up already, but Ryang-ha thinks she’s talking about Gary and says she’s not interested.

Gary finds Bo-nui praying on the roof that night and plunks himself down next to her, saying that he also has a wish to make. He loudly prays for Bo-nui not to be swayed, and for her to end things with the tiger. He tells her that he thinks she’s only talked herself in to liking Su-ho, but when she looks sad, he asks if she likes him that much. Bo-nui says that it doesn’t matter since it’s over anyway.

Bo-nui’s phone starts blowing up with calls from Su-ho, which she resists for about half a second before picking up. It’s Chicken Ajusshi, who’s watching over a sloppy drunk Su-ho as he does math and wails that he can’t make Bo-nui make sense. OMG, he’s drinking his beer out of a straw, I can’t.

Gary stops Bo-nui from rushing over and asks her not to go. Why would she go if it’s over? Bo-nui argues that Su-ho never drinks, but Gary says that’s exactly why she shouldn’t go, if she really wants to end things.

Chicken Ajusshi is trying to keep Su-ho from leaving his place drunk, while Su-ho slurs that he’ll turn into a tiger under the full moon, and bites him, hee. He says Bo-nui will be here soon, and now Su-ho really wants to leave. He spins out of Chicken Ajusshi’s reach and stumbles away, while telling himself that he shouldn’t go. Oh he is not a pretty drunk at all.

He staggers directly into Bo-nui and angrily shakes her hand away, saying that he doesn’t need her. She follows from a distance as he walks… directly to her place. He collapses on her step and finally sees her, and she sadly asks why he came here.

He whines, “I wanted to see you,” in the saddest little voice ever, and curls up on himself. He asks her how he can miss her this much when he hates her so badly. Bo-nui pulls him to his feet, intending to send him home, but he falls into her arms instead. He whispers into her shoulder that he’s glad to see her.

Bo-nui slowly hugs him back, and at her touch, Su-ho finally starts to cry. She takes him upstairs and to her couch, watching him frown in his sleep murmuring her name. She apologizes, calling this whole thing her fault for approaching him first.

He looks so sweet lying there, and she takes the opportunity to look her fill and stroke his hair. Unable to resist, Bo-nui leans down and gently kisses Su-ho’s cheek.

Su-ho is shocked to find himself at Bo-nui’s place in the morning, and remembers them tussling in the street last night, her trying to send him home and him trying to get up to her place. He’s so embarrassed he could die, poor fella.

Bo-nui is at the hospital to check on Bo-ra, and the nurse accidentally slips that “he” is late today. Busted, she decides to come clean, and gives Bo-nui a camera and notebook that the man she came with left behind. She tells Bo-nui that he comes to visit Bo-ra every morning, bugging the doctors.

Bo-nui finds the notebook full of notes on her daily progress. The camera has pictures of Bo-ra, which the nurse says were so she could see her any time she wanted. There are a few pictures of Su-ho in there as well, making cute tiger poses, which makes Bo-nui tear up.

Bo-nui runs to find Su-ho on his way to work, and he stops, unsure of what to do. Bo-nui thinks that happiness is standing right in front of her, and just like in her dream, she runs towards him. Su-ho just smiles and opens his arms wide – he doesn’t know what this is about, but he’s not about to let go.

That night Su-ho calmly climbs into bed, then jumps back up to dance around his room screaming in happiness. Bo-nui sits at her altar squeeing to herself, and says to Bo-ra, “I did well, right?”

Su-ho’s father makes some inquiries into selling his fishery, and returns home to find his wife unhappy. She says that just giving birth to Su-ho doesn’t make them his parents, so they should stop trying.

Bo-nui is happy to see Su-ho waiting for her on the stairs in the morning, but she worries that people will talk if they see them together. Su-ho doesn’t see a problem – let them talk. They both giggle, and he sets off, stopping to hold out his arm, which Bo-nui gleefully takes.

Ryang-ha spots a pretty pair of legs on his way into work, and when the girl trips on her heels he runs to help her up. He completely fails to recognize that it’s Dal-nim, sans glasses and braces, until she calls him annoying and he goes slack-jawed. She just gives him a sassy hair-flip and leaves him embarrassed.

Su-ho and Bo-nui get to work and Su-ho immediately says they met out front, which isn’t the least bit glaringly obvious, ha. Bo-nui notices how pretty Dal-nim looks, and Dal-nim nearly passes out when Su-ho compliments her eyes. Su-ho gives everyone a seriously awkward “Fighting!” before heading to his office, and they all wonder what’s wrong with him. ha.

Dal-nim is thrilled at Bo-nui’s news, though she still doesn’t know who it is Bo-nui likes. She says they should double-date, assuming her own one-sided love will bloom soon, and asks Bo-nui who the lucky guy is.

She’s shocked to hear that it’s Su-ho, since Bo-nui denied it before. Bo-nui admits that she’s liked him for a while, and that suddenly she feels safe to be with him. Dal-nim controls her upset, and acts coy when Bo-nui asks who her guy is.

Later she goes after Ryang-ha, calling him a traitor, since he must have known about Bo-nui and Su-ho. Ryang-ha looks like a cornered rat, but when Dal-nim vows revenge and trips on her heels stalking off, he tries to help her up. He’s blocked by several men rushing to help the pretty girl — is that a hint of jealousy I sense?

Su-ho tsks at his employees when he catches them playing a game to determine who pays for lunch… but this time he just fusses that they left him out. He offers to treat the whole office to pizza, which makes Bo-nui grin and Dal-nim sulk.

He watches for Bo-nui’s reaction when the pizza arrives, peeking through his office blinds, and getting nervous when she heads his way. The moment she walks in he grabs her in a hug, refusing to let her go until he gets a kiss. She complies, and they giggle again, and OMG they’re too cute I can’t stand it.

They spend the next few days stealing touches and hand-holds at the office, and sending each other finger-hearts and smoochie-faces. Evan Dal-nim can’t help but smile when she sees them so happy. At one point they work on the roof, holding hands and working one-handed. So cute.

They congratulate themselves on how well they’re hiding their relationship, while downstairs the whole office is paying out bets — they all know. Dal-nim runs to the bathroom to cry, though she reminds herself that if she really loves Su-ho, she’ll be happy for him.

Su-ho takes Bo-nui on a picnic by a pond, even though he hates water, and he rattles off statistics that show that the best dates are picnics by the water with the guy wearing a blue shirt. Bo-nui tells him that was pretty cool, and they giggle again.

Bo-nui can tell this is his first picnic, and promises to take him on lots of them. Su-ho asks how long she’s going to keep calling him “Director,” suddenly dropping to banmal and sneakily calling her “Bo-nui-yah.” He checks to see if that’s okay, and invites her to do the same, but takes exception when she calls him “Su-ho-yah” since he’s older.

Awww, he wants her to call him Oppa. That’s adorable. Bo-nui teases him by calling him “Su-ho-yah” several more times, hee. She tells him that she used to hate her name, thinking it was bad luck, but she likes hearing him say it. Gotta admit, he says it pretty sweetly.

He complains later when Bo-nui buys a gift, thinking it’s for Gary, but she says it’s for a friend who goes to her fortuneteller. He immediately knows it’s his mother, though Bo-nui admits she hasn’t heard from her since their lunch. She apologizes to him for tricking him that day, and promises not to lie to him again.

She’s recognized by some passersby, who ask if she’s Gary Choi’s girlfriend, and Su-ho grabs her hand and barks that she’s his girlfriend. He plays the “don’t you know who I am, I’m a super-geeenius,” card, but they’re sports fans and have no idea who he is, ha.

He drags Bo-nui away and over a creek, and she trips and drops his mom’s gift in the water. Without even thinking, Su-ho wades in and retrieves it, belatedly realizing he’s in the water, and starts to wig out. Ha, it’s mostly an excuse for skinship, as he pleads with Bo-nui to hold his hand and let him put his head in her lap.

He offers to go with her to take his mother her gift, though he warns her he might get in a fight. They arrive to find the fishery empty and his mother not answering the phone, and Su-ho sheepishly admits that he doesn’t know his father’s phone number.

Su-ho’s father is at Chicken Ajusshi’s restaurant with a peace offering, though he overreacts when Chicken Ajusshi spots him and accidentally knocks him down. The two men share a drink, and Dad asks why Chicken Ajusshi isn’t angry, but he apologizes for his behavior.

Chicken Ajusshi just says that it’s easy to apologize to strangers but harder with family. From Dad’s drunken insistence that Su-ho is his son, he can tell Dad’s in a lot of pain, which touches a nerve and sends Dad running away.

Su-ho pouts when he takes Bo-nui home, not ready to end their all-day date yet, and cranky that he has to go on a business trip tomorrow. The idea of being away from Bo-nui for four whole days makes him whiny, and he slumps into her hug. He asks why she hasn’t said she’ll miss him, but she says it goes without saying.

Gary has been unreachable in person or by phone, which sends Amy into a panic. She tries to find him at his place with no luck, and on her way out she runs into Su-ho and Bo-nui hugging in front of the stairs.

She drags Ryang-ha out to watch her drink and complains that Su-ho was smiling. She thinks it’s strange how she and Gary both came back to Korea just to get dumped by their first loves, as if it never even occurred to her that Su-ho might not want her back. Ugh.

Ryang-ha says that for his whole life, Su-ho has never come out of his safe little emotional cave. Bo-nui is the only person who’s ever gotten him to come out. Amy doesn’t understand why it’s Bo-nui and not her, and Ryang-ha is nearly saved by a call from Dal-nim.

Amy snatches the phone, and suddenly Ryang-ha is consoling two drunk, heartbroken women. Ryang-ha pretends not to know how to use his phone, offering Dal-nim a perfect opportunity to teach him (and all of us watching, aren’t we lucky!).

Amy yells at them for flirting, and calls Bo-nui weird for all of her superstitions. Dal-nim yells at her, and says that she’s giving up on Su-ho because of Bo-nui, which is when Amy realizes that Dal-nim likes him, too.

Dal-nim takes offense at Amy calling him “my Su-ho,” and vows to punish her for the way she’s treating Su-ho and Bo-nui. The hair-pulling starts, and Ryang-ha gets a knee in a bad place when he tries to intervene.

At the Zeze building, Boss Won gets stuck in the malfunctioning revolving door, and has to watch helplessly while a shady-looking guy (who looks a lot like the man that’s been hanging around outside wearing a mask) boldly lets himself in. He creepily saunters over to where Boss Won is stuck, bangs on the glass, and tell him to push.

Together they push the doors until Boss Won is free, but the stranger cringes and claims a herniated disk. He claims he’s been doing electrical work on the building, but I’m not sure I believe him.

Su-ho gets set to go on his business trip to Las Vegas, he and Bo-nui exchanging pouty-faces at the separation. Ryang-ha waits while they say goodbye forever, and Bo-nui puts a good-luck talisman on Su-ho’s phone as he insists nothing will happen. Ryang-ha breaks up the giggle-fest and has to literally drag Su-ho away.

Bo-nui texts Su-ho while he’s gone to make sure he’s eating and sleeping, and in turn he begs her repeatedly to say she misses him. She teases that she doesn’t, but she sees an image of him and nods that yes, she does miss him. The team celebrate at the news that the meeting was a success and they have new investors.

Su-ho calls Bo-nui as he’s about to board his plane home, asking again if she misses him. She finally says it: “I miss you, so so much.” Su-ho tells her to open her door if it’s true, and she runs to find him waiting for her.

“I couldn’t wait,” he says, and Bo-nui jumps into his arms. He carries her into her apartment, kicking the door closed behind them.

Epilogue. Su-ho does some quick math as he and Bo-nui go for a walk, and sighs that it’s not enough. Even if he and Bo-nui live to be eighty, according to his calculations it’s not enough time to spend together. He asks her to tell him yes, officially, and Bo-nui says it softly, “yes.” Su-ho pretends he didn’t hear her, making her say it louder, and they giggle. They hold hands, and practically skip off down the street, happy as loons.


I think this episode ruined me. These two are so cute together, I can’t even handle it. I’m so happy they finally worked out their differences and found a middle ground, because it was obvious that neither of them was going to be getting over the other any time soon. But who knew they’d turn into such silly goofy gigglepusses? I love that they think their relationship is such a big secret, when everyone and their little sister can tell they’re infatuated with each other. They may express it very differently, but they’re both equally socially awkward, and I love it.

I thought that the way Bo-nui finally came around to Su-ho was so perfectly in-character for both of them… it was never going to be anything he did for her that got through to her. He could have been adorably attentive all day long and she would have kept resisting, because she doesn’t think she’s worth that kind of treatment. Bo-nui is the kind of person who lives for others, and ultimately it was seeing that trait in Su-ho that brought her around. Where doing things for her would never have worked, seeing that he was taking care of Bo-ra is what made her drop her walls and let him in, because he was meeting her on her level — just quietly helping in the background, without asking for recognition or thanks.

And it’s wonderful that, for all Su-ho’s initial desperation for Bo-nui to see reality for what it is and stop being so superstitious, it’s actually him that’s changing the most. He’s not buying into her beliefs, but he’s (mostly) stopped trying to talk her out of them and instead, meeting her on her level. If he doesn’t buy into her superstitions, at least he’s using them to meet her halfway, and to find a way to relate to her that she understands. For a guy who’s always held himself apart because people don’t get him, it’s a big step for Su-ho to make the attempt, for the first time in his life, to bend to someone else.

On the other hand, I am just about ready to smack Amy into next week. The mental gymnastics she’s performing to explain Su-ho’s feelings towards Bo-nui are so frustrating, when he’s clearly told her he likes Bo-nui. But she continues to pursue him and tell him how he really feels, as if Su-ho isn’t a grown-ass man who can figure these things out on his own. It drives me nuts because Amy doesn’t actually know him any better than Bo-nui does — she knows how he was as a teenager, but that can have very little to do with who a person is as an adult. But she prances around as if she understands him more than anyone, as if she has the right to tell him how to feel and behave, while Su-ho is telling her in no uncertain terms that he does not like her, he likes someone else. I’m really looking forward to the smackdown she’s heading toward — is it bad of me to hope that it’s Bo-nui who delivers it? The way Amy’s been treating her, if anyone deserves to tell Amy where to go, it’s Bo-nui.

But things were so happy and lovey-dovey in this episode, it has me worrying. We still have four episodes left, and as fun as it is to watch Bo-nui and Su-ho flirt like big old nerds, I can feel the looming something about to hit. I’m concerned that Amy may go off the deep end, and we’ve seen flashes of something in Gary that make me worry about why he just up and disappeared. I’m just glad that Su-ho came back from his business trip safely, though now I’m scared that Bo-nui and Su-ho may be about to face something bigger than they can handle.


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This drama is my first encounter with Ryu jun yeol and I now get all the hype about him.

He's really charming when he's in character and every time he appears, my screen just lights up.

Am currently watching Youth Over Flower Africa for more doses of him.


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Ryu Junyeol gives Je Suho a life, man. It's like he is Je Suho, and I love every facial expressions, actions and emotions he acted out as the character. Trust me, I wouldn't be watching this if he wasn't so damn adorable.


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same here. Been Watching kdrama for a decade & this episode turned me into a highschooler. Their giggling is so infectious! ???. This is what I want from my OTP. To openly show their real feelings & date already!!! I hope this becomes a trend in kdramas not wait till the last episode. I want more of the awkward , cute phase of dating & its little arguments. I want my leading man to be this adorable & lovable when falling in love. ❤️❤️❤️.


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The sweetest episode eveh.


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IKR! Did the same thing..Though a taekkie shipper I already watched R88 so so so many times to see that beautiful face of his. And then YOFA.
While I have been critical of Bo-nui's character and HGE in past, this episode made all the cringe worthy episode so damn cute. I was giggling and squeeing the whole time. They do seem perfect for each other.
I hope the tiger has all the luck to face the kdrama tragedy that is bound to follow.


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Adorable! ??????❤❤❤


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Their sweetness gave me diabetes. AHHHH. But i feel like the next episode is going to be noble idiocy -____- That shady ass guy was the one who stole the Genius in the first episode and I bet he is going to do something with the IF project and then Bo nui will think this is because of her bad luck and she is going to distance herself from SuHo. Right?? Please tell me I'm wrong show because I can't handle seeing SuHo SAD :(


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The security guard is her old boss who got job because of her and messed up. Considering Bo-ni's mindset that's a sign for big noble idiocy.

Sadly of all the things that can happen it's only Bo-ni that is capable of hurting su-ho to maximum.. (that guy cares least about Amy / Gary and he is capable of handling any work matter).

Su-ho expressions in pond is priceless and the way he turns and get pass people every time is hilarious...


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I thought the same thing... That Bo Nui is going to blame herself for what shaddy ass guy is gonna pull... And its gonna broke the happy diabetes bubble that SuHo made me crawl since a few weeks ago... ?


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"happy diabetes bubble"



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I also had a bad feeling about the "shady ass guy" while watching this episode. I didn't recognize him as the Genius thief, though. Thanks for reminding me. So like you I think he is going to steal the IF project or mess with it, but I really hope it won't result in Bo Nui breaking up with Su Ho. But at the same time, there's only 4 episodes left and I don't see what kind of cliffhangers could occur here that would have an impact on them.


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I felt that I was in a total diabetic coma watching this episode, except at the moment when this shaddy guy showed up on my screen. Suddenly, there was this uncomfortable breeze coming in...


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AHHH I've watched this episode 3 times and I still get butterflies.

I loved the moment when Suho cried a tear while hugging Bonui when he was drunk. You could really see the pain in his eyes D:



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i swear their matching snorty laughs freaking kill me! they are so cute together, i needed an insulin shot after watching this episode.


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I can't get over the Bert and Ernie chuckling - they are such total geeks but perfect for each other.

I wouldn't have bought this sort of childish, aegyo-manic love without the heavy buildup of care and concern we've seen from Su Ho, though. But since we already know that he'd go to the ends of the earth for Bo Nui, it's completely charming to see that the way they overtly show affection is through such a nerdy, delirious affection.

Su Ho's been doing the heavy lifting in all of this, but it's great to see Bo Nui finally understanding that her experience of family is totally different from his, and stepping up. She's rewarding him for his affection at every turn, and those "eat" and "sleep" texts make him SO HAPPY.

I giggled through the entire second half of the show. I don't even need more drama in the back half, I'd be so happy if Bo Nui and Su Ho just stayed together from now on and dealt with whatever comes up as a hilariously smiley couple.


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Seriously, that kkkrrrhhhhh killed me every.single.time.

They're so damn adorable and I just kove these recent episodes (why did we waste... i mean spend so much time on the non funny, overdramatic tiger hunt again?! Sigh), I could watch them all day though might need some dentures soon because they're just too sweet. lol


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This episode ruined me too. They're too damn cute. Squealing all the way. I think the guy who claimed hinself electrician at the door would steal the game and they would face similar problem to first and Bo nui will end up blaming her bad luck again. But, Chicken ajusshi might give some help this time.


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The electrician worries me, and so does Chicken Ahjusshi. I'm hoping CA isn't evil, but something really worried me about him in the first episodes.

I think you're right about the bad luck, I just wish they wouldn't do it because the Geeks In Love show is just too awesome to interrupt.


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Yeah, I've been a little suspicious of Chicken Ahjussi from the beginning, too, but I really don't want to believe he's a bad guy.

As for our main pair, their newfound romance is just dorkalicious! My cheeks ached from smiling.

And drunk Bo Ra getting ready to beat down Seol Hee in defense of Bo Nui & Soo Ho was just priceless. Lol.


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I think CA appearence in first eps were only red flag to make us think he may be Suho's biological father. But then he tell Suho that he's a fan sheepisly and that's why he appear on his demo is believable.


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You could be right - I thought he was acting shady, but watching it again it's possible he's hiding his face because he'd be recognized as a famous developer.

I wish he was Su Ho's father but doubt it, given how much they're investing in Fisherman Dad's story. It seems pretty clear that Fisherman Dad believes that Chicken Ahjusshi is Su Ho's dad - though his Mom doesn't seem to have the same worries.

I think we're going to end up with a story where Fisherman Dad already had suspicions Su Ho wasn't his son, and every time Su Ho did something smart or unusual, it just reinforced his suspicion and aggression. It would be nice if the writers refrained from rewarding that behavior with a blood tie, but I suspect that's where we end up: Su Ho being biologically related to Fishy Dad and Dad being apologetic about his history of being a total dick.


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I'm really worried that Chicken Ahjusshi is Su Ho's biological father coz I'm just too tired of dramaland's birth secret.

Hope ur prediction about Fishy Dad being Su Ho's dad is true


I agree- I worried about CA too since the first episode, but then as the episodes go by, my worries are toning down...

The "electrician" tho... he is so shady and I feel like something will go down... :(


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I thought Chicken Ahjussi could be SuHo's estranged uncle - if he's related to SuHo's mum, that would explain the 'Oppa', calling, caring feeding and why he has so many traits in common with SuHo...(though he could just be a neighbourhood oppa too).


Chicken Ahjussi better be good. The actor is already playing a very shady guy in PU38 at the moment and I might never forgive him if he also turns out to be a bad guy here. :-P


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I think I swooned and simultaneously laughed every five seconds during this episode. I felt like I liked it almost entirely too much haha.


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At this rate I cant stop asking the drama: Can they just FedEx Gary and Amy back to their consciousness? Especially Amy. I'm sorry girl but I cant hold my self to not overjoyed everytime Suho frankly told her about his feeling to Bonui, and when Bonui defending herself, and especially this episode when Dalnim stood up for Bonui. I screamed "Slay that girl, yo!" so loud and startled my parents. And oh Dalnim magurl, I'm so proud of you. I've been scared that once she found out about Suho and Bonui she might gone all antagonist over Bonui but nooo, she proofed herself as an awesome human being and a best friend. Of course she sad and it kinda broke me too but she is matured that she accepted the truth, and all she want is just happiness for the people she love. Now that she pulled off her pretty look, I want more scene of Ryang Ha slipping over her. If they just using Gary for ppl like the last eps, just cut it off and make more room for Ryang Ha and Dalnim juseyo.
Can Jesuho become any less adorable? He is the cheesiest geeky character that i ever know, with every calculation about his feeling and all but he still manage to make me totally gaga-swooned over him. That scene when he claimed Bonui is his girlfriend and he is the genius Je Suho and told those Gary fans to google him? Bah, dont make me start with that or i will repeat it again for a good two hours and giggling like crazy girl again. Shim bo nui should realize by now, even tho she bought bad luck and she think of herself as a miserable being, god has balanced it by sending her a good friend like Dalnim and a good guy like Suho. This episode has gone really sweet i think i should check my cholesterol by now. If they are going to be all sweety-honey-bunny all the way till the last eps, than this drama will not be good for my health.
Last, please tell me if Zeze ever need a new employee. I might not be as much about IT except for Microsoft, but I can totally win every bet along with Seung Hyeon againts the boys.


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I totally agree! Amy is such an annoying person, from the time she acted like she was SuHos first everything - which I am glad she is not.
She is so immature at times that I feel sorry for Gary's career.

Dal Nim is my favorite! I'm happy that her character exists. One thing I like best of this drama, is that everyone is professionally qualified. Dal Nim is the software engineer right under SuHo. In a company, that's a pretty high position. So she is a good match for our major shareholder. Both in terms of her profession and her character. I seriously don't get it when a CEO and his secretary like each other. It doesn't make sense at all to me. People should be at a similar level if a relationship is ever gonna progress successfully. Another reason why I like Bo Nui - she isn't some random intern, she is the designer of this whole game!

The more realistic the characters relationship looks, the better it gets.... Many drama writers need to learn from this.


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Yes! ZEZE is the best work place.. The way they all try to act that they don't know was adorable. usually pretty girls in work places are portrayed as mean girls but Seung Hyeon is totally different, telling leave them alone it's their first time dating ..she should win all the bet...


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Agree, it's so refreshing to see a pretty office girl having a nice character in a kdrama. Oh and I'm waiting for her and Hyun Bin (her chubby co-worker) to hook up since there's been hints here and there throughout the show.


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Glad to know that I'm not the only one shipping them hehehehe


Yupp FedEx!! cause they just wouldn't leave on their own.. haaa


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omygod !! the sweetness in this episode killed me multiple times, i just can't with these two ♥ can i have someone like suho in my life please !! he is the most precious thing ever ♥


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The levels of cute in this episode broke me. Not to mention how much fun is it now that Dal Nim is totally rocking them contacts.

On a fashion note: what the hell is this obsession with putting RJH in schoolboy clothes (shorts...the shortts)? Is it just me or are they deliberately making them into a middle school couple? Not that it isn't totally super cute :P


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I love the shorts though!! Maybe it's supposed to bring off the casual start-up owner look.


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I think it's to portray that Suho is still childish in ways... You can see it in the way he behaves.


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In episode 10, there was that scene where Ryang-Ha tried to convince JSH to wear pants and they had a conversation about it, but he still ended up wearing shorts to their "date that never happened" (that led to the kiss scene). I thought it was really adorkable how he was wearing this suit, but with shorts! Plus, he has nice legs. Don't mind that one bit. ;)


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I think it is an industry thing. My husband works for a major computer game company here in Canada and he wears shorts to work almost every day (except for when it is so cold pants are required!). Some of the companies my husband has worked for have even not hired interviewees because they continued to be "overly-dressed-up" in second and third interviews and not matched their attire to the casual style of the bosses doing the interviews.


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I realise that BN rarely shows her legs... Like under a skirt she'll wear pants.... To ward of the bad spirits maybe ;-)
I got so frustrated when Amy told BN off about going back and forth between the two guys/blaming her for Gary's crush on her. Like that's her fault?! Ugh.
And I miss DN's goofy look!! I was hoping she'd appear like that once and after finding out BN and SH are together she'd go back. But at least even if she doesn't look the same on the outside she's still the same on the inside.
Also, what happened to finding Gary's dad? I think that's been left off for a couple of episodes already...


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I think that's Gary's fault. He is too self absorbed in his crush on Bo Nui at the moment.


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Bo-ni never led Gary to such thoughts and rejected him properly twice.. And Gary announcing he likes her in such a place was so childish. The whole Amy blaming bo-ni was nonsense.. I wish su-ho interfered but that might have dragged things too much.

nothing would have changed in the story if Gary and Amy never arrived from Canada...Oh may be that would have led bo-ni to ware 90% torn jeans under her long skirts and get to do some extra PPLs...


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Are we not gonna talk about Dal Nim, and the major shareholder??!?! This episode really brought them closer and I can't wait till something really happens between the two. Also, I loooovvee how Dal Nim stepped up and crossed out her feelings of three notebooks .... That's a huge step and I am super proud of her.

Back to our main couple: I think I've mastered the silent fan girl scream, which goes like - open your mouth really wide, kick your covers repeatedly while making absolutely no sound at all.


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Hahaha. Ep 11 already tired me from screaming, and talking about episode 12? Damn. I think Ive already adopted Suho's habit of abusing his pillows, if there was anyone around me when I was watching this, they'd be having lots of bruises by now. Hahaha


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Quote of the day
"An otaku's life is only complete, when that person is happy"


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Dal-nim - who is wonderfully portrayed by Lee Cho-Hee - is almost a scene-stealer in this episode. When she wrote "the end" on her notebook, I felt her. She's awesome and knows when to put an end to her one-sided feelings, unlike *ahem* Amy and Gary.

Also, I sense Ryangha's jealousy big time. Can we finally have a romance for Dal-nim now? She deserves a happy ending!


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I felt her too. I love how she quotes "True love is a wish for his happiness." Dalnim-aa I hope you get all the love in the world ..


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It's been a day since I watched this, so I can look at this more calmly than I did straight after, but I feel flat after this episode. I felt bewildered so much of the time, starting from the point they started dating. The entire freaking episode pretty much felt like a FINALE. They literally just sped through little dating moments so fast that quite a few times I had to double-check the episode length on wikipedia to see whether this was the LAST episode, or whether we actually have four episodes left. Ugh. What?

We have four episodes left. Couldn't they have paced it a little more slowly? I would have liked to see more extended moments of BoNui/SuHo dating/existing as a couple.

And I dislike how SuHo seems to be on the receiving end of 'care' within the relationship now. I know he's attentively cared for BoNui's situation for quite a while - it's the sweetest thing about his relationship with her so far - but it was quite aggravating that all the dating scenes had her 'caring' for him - telling him to take care of himself, telling him to look after his parents, taking care of him after his wade into the water, saying that she'd take him on more picnics and cook nice things for him...I think this is the only time when I've felt some irritation towards SuHo. Well, we do have four episodes left, and I hope the rest of it doesn't portray her as the 'caretaker' he 'needs' in his life, because I really would like to see him continue being the one person in her life that 'takes care' of her, instead of her constantly caring for BoRa/other people.

I really am dissatisfied. Also that little giggly thing they kept doing needs to stop, no offence. It was kind of driving me mad. I'm glad to see them happy, but...is this seriously not the last episode? Well, clearly not with that suspicious masked dude at the end, but the weirdness of the event pacing has ruined me.

I'm going to still continue this, because I do have affection for the characters, and although I was left a tad shell-shocked I'm also interested in the other characters' possible romances. Like that really hilarious female worker they have who keeps winning all the bets. I love her.


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Just to clarify, though, there were many moments I loved to bits, although they were kinda overshadowed by the panic I was feeling with the whole RUSHED LAST EPISODE vibe I was getting. Like Dal-Nim. Ooooooh, Dal-Nim. My poor girl. I love her so much, and I truly wish they didn't make her fall for SuHo because that honestly dampened the joy I could be feeling over the main couple getting together. I was praying she wouldn't be embittered towards BoNui, and she wasn't. Despite her massive heartbreak, she willingly gave up SuHo because of her love for Bo Nui. The scene where she clarified to Amy that she gave up her love because her friend WAS BN was so touching, and I loved how she was was ready to murder Amy over Amy speaking trash about BoNui.


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I get what you mean. Usually this 'montage' of happiness is in the last episode. Like, "look this is how the otp is living happily ever after"

So this episode did leave me wondering - what next ? How are they going to fill up next 4 episodes? At couple level I don't see any conflict plus his mom loves BN so the usual mother-in-law opposition is ruled out and all secondary love interests seem to have taken the hint.

What now ???


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I believe after this , we'll get to see the infamous "noble idiocy" scene since the thief is going to steal IF project , what I mean is .. Bonui might sacrifice her feelings for Suho since she'd feel that she's the one who brings the bad luck upon Suho .. furthermore, I really have this instinct that some reporters might captured pics of Suho and Bonui being lovey dovey and somehow it would makes headline on the net and media social since in the eyes of public ,Bonui is now Gary's girlfriend.. ..as much as I hate "noble idiocy" in dramas , it seems that the storyline would head that way ... I really hope the scriptwriter would have other plot twist rather than having Bonui to perform noble idiocy ...


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God .. another noble idiocy again?! I hope the SW won't take that route. They already made bonui the most noble idiocy character so far in previous eps (damn took 12 eps). I wish bonui will take responsibility in whatever she thinks she causes to and stay with him no matter what happen ..


My fear is that because the otp have been shown in a very 'happily ever after' light, in some ways, the rest of the show will be a ruined mess of unnecessary drama.


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The episode pacing was messed up and almost did feel like final. But a guy who checks statistics and goes near a pond for a picnic which he hates so much and wares blue to match the mood .Buys pizza for whole team just to make her eat it and He even agreed to meet his parents because it was troubling her..

He grabs every second to stay with her and all these is not caring.. i do agree his way of caring is different from hers but he definitely cares .


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+1 Good points! I see a lot of mutual caring going on.


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I don't know if anyone's said it but, don't you think that Eunji looks a lot like the girl playing Dal Nim?
I mean, I was so shocked this episode because I thought that was Eunji for a second when I watched it.
Anyway, this espisode was so cute and I love RJY so much, I'm replaying the scene when he gives hearts out to BN.


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DIRECTOR-NIM you have committed a great crime!! Why would you close the door at the end of the episode. I had to see what they were doing mainly for research purposes...


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If Bo Ra is up and interacting next episode, we'll know EXACTLY what they got up to.

...though given the rest of the episode I wouldn't be surprised if Su Ho just snuggled with Bo Nui all night. I'm really enjoying the total change in his physicality now they're dating - for a guy who doesn't like being touched, he takes every opportunity to drape himself across her. His hugs are real hugs - not quite Oh Hae Young hugs (which were amazing, with neck-nuzzling and very intent hands) but a hell of a lot better than most "now I am putting you inside my arm cage, beloved" drama hugs.


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have u watch the hugging scene BTS ??? I said this in my previous post , but since you mention about this scene , I just can't help wondering if you've watched the BTS of it since the hugging in the BTS is even cuterrrr and sweeeterrr ... huhuhu. here's the link of the BTS if you haven't watched it yet



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OMG who knew he had this much AEGYO. Squealllllll he is so cute <3


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IKR , huhuhuhu ... I just can't help replaying the BTS again and again because of the "aegyo" ness.. huhuhuh ... can't get enough of Suho and Bonui together...



I am dying... How is he so cuteeeeee!!! I want to have one Suho for myself and keep him under my blanket for, you know, snuggling..


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Pfft ?


@syanananna, thanks for the link! now i understand what I've been reading about HJE and how she gets along very well with her co-stars (and makes them look good).


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Thanks for linking the BTS - they're so darn adorable together!!!


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Thanks for the recap LollyPip - I aways enjoy reading your comments and insights!

This episode was the silliest, squee-iest episode yet. How can two grown adults act so incredibly goofy and it ends up being the sweetest thing ever? OMG - the smiles and the feels!

And I have to admit, that scene at the end where a sleepy BN finally admits how much she missed SH and then his response, in that serious, deep, come-hither voice - oh my! Standing at her door because he just couldn't wait...be still, my fluttery heart! Our silly goofball nerd has a seriously romantic side to him as well.


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LOLLLL this episode is SOOOO CUTEEEEEE hahaha nevermind they act like the cutest kiddie couple ever but... I like BN's development here (I really don't need to go into how ABSOLUTELY LOVEABLE/WONDERFUL our SH is of course!!!). It feels like we were waiting FOREVER with SH for BN to come out of her paralyzing fear/lie but we gotta give it up to the genius for being so darned right-- the answer will always be there and BN WILL find it. It was a really nice touch on the rooftop when she starts by praying again when she felt at loss towards SH's cold shoulder, and then switches to trying the multiplication table... that's how desperate she is LOL she literally is going to try everything (superstition, or SH's plain nerd) to figure out what to do with her troubled heart. And I loled when she cries at how it doesn't work... then I LOVED LOVED how she realized how hard it was for SH to try to be beside her as she's struggling between her feelings and her fear...

"The multiplication table doesn't work at all... so that's how that person must have felt too... feeling frustrated all by himself... that's how hard it was for him to breathe too... that's how much it hurts him... And he's a hurting person already... but I just hurt him more.... That person's hurting a lot... I like him a lot, that's why I'm so sorry towards him..." it was rough for both of them, but hey it was what BN needed to knock her out of her own fears-- to look outside of herself and her fears and be shaken by what the other person must be going through as well... And yes, that's our brave, lovely SH... making himself so vulnerable to her even though he was a hurting person even before he met her. Maybe it's the realization of his courage that she felt the impulse to be brave herself... Good job SH~ you're pulling her out... he's always pressing onward to try to meet her in the middle, including his mommy/daddy issues:

SH: Wanna give (mom) the offering cups right now?

BN: O.O?? Together? (You're willing to go see her??)

SH: I mean... you keep thinking about it... (and isn't it lovely this is after their convo at the antique store about how she apologized for misleading him... and that she didn't dare contact her after that day behind his back) But if I go, we might get into a fight again... Don't be disappointed~ *aegyo*

Guh... I love how honest he is with her... that touch of realism as he faces himself but is given the encouragement to try again. He's learning so so much LOL and SO SO fast because that's our genius nerdy boy ROFL I love his nerdiness even when dating kekeke so yeah... BN just needs time to catch up to our smarty pants keke

And then PUAHAHAHAHA our silly boy sheepishly admits that he didn't even have his own dad's phone number :P

So as much as I really didn't like the first few episodes and was kinda mad at the writer... I'll give you a nod of respect for coming up with those nuggets of nuanced dialogue :phew:;)


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yayyyy the recap is up!!! episode 12 SLAYED me. i died, like 1000x over... how can these two be so cute and perfect together?! omg the identical snort-giggles killlled me. i was smiling so hard from ear to ear the whole episode that my cheeks started hurting. RJY's million expressions are THE BEST.

and this is why i love your recaps - i didn't even realize that suho was drinking beer from a straw - and i thought i was watching with so much focus too!


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Suho drinking beer from a straw is gold. But it was shown in the background while CA was talking to BN on the phone. But This scene deserved a separate frame !!


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That explains why he was THAT drunk


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Aaaaaaand we have to wait another week to see what happens behind the closed door.


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Thank god it appears she hasn't gone all coy after being willing to go the distance with sketchy strangers!


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Wednesday, come quick!


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Wanted to add... as happy and sweet as this episode was, I actually CRIED when the nurse handed BN the camera and notebook full of Su-ho's notes. It was so touching, and HJE acted it out so well. I also loved when she walked around the corner, saw Su-ho, and when he saw her running towards him, he immediately opened his arms and smiled even though he was probably still hurt and upset by her at the time. SO SWEET.

I also really liked what she was wearing in that scene. That pretty yellow blouse under a black dress with lemons.


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...and jeans. She was also wearing jeans.


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Lol I must've blocked that part out ??


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While you're at it, block out her shoes too. Though even if you force yourself not to look at the shoes, you'll hear them anyway: CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP.

She might as well strap her feet to wooden blocks.


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This episode has turned me into a mad woman last night. Thank God I was alone. From the first minute, I cried and cried until the end, even during their happiest and cutest moments. They were so sweet they make me cried and smiled and giggled while crying until it finished. Wow, and all those intelligent quotes by SH, connecting Science and Maths to everything just really get to me. So after this, I will not feel so weird anymore if I go and solve math problems while dealing with my breakdowns. The writer must have known people like this to be able to come up with so many beautiful, nerdy quotes. I really want to kiss the writer and the whole production team for coming up with one of the most beautiful couple I have ever seen in kdrama. And top that with RJY's acting, JSH is one of those real and believable first lead characters (or maybe the only one) that i've ever watched, having a crush and cannot stop thinking of him yet.

JSH is like a real guy. So what if he is a genius, since in the real world, there are many geniuses, some of them really young and already with their own companies (and some of them are my friends). I like JSH because :

He is not a typical drama chaebol.
He doesn't look like those idols.
He doesn't dress like idols.
He speaks of maths and science and the theory of relativaty adorably. Never thought Einstein can make someone looks so sexy.
He has great speaking voice and tone, and his deep tone melts my heart continuously.

In a nutshell, JSH is the best character and Bonui is the best complement for him. I want to know what's going to happen next but I'm too sad to think about the inevitable ending. Just don't want it to end.


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If so then open the door.. His face and voice was so sexy and romantic.. What's bad luck I think she is the luckiest girl in whole world to get a complete package like Su-ho


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My husband said he knows who to blame if i start laughing like these nerds.



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I have to commend Bo-nui for her patience. If I were in her place, I would probably have screamed at Gary when he announced his feelings in a public space, KNOWING CONSCIOUSLY that it would be more difficult for Bo-nui to reject him in front of all those people, even though she clearly expressed her discomfort previously. It's his obliviousness to other people's feelings (and Amy failing to comprehend that she's not the special snowflake she thinks she is) that really gets under my skin when I watch the drama.

There were times when I closed my eyes and skipped sections of episode 12 because the cheese got too greasy for me to handle (I like that they're playing up the cute, but it got to the point where the childishness became too much). Nonetheless, it was nice to see our heroes happy for a change. Also, we got to see more of Ryu Jun-yeol's lovely smile, which I am ALWAYS here for.

I never interpreted Chicken Ahjusshi as a possible antagonist, so that's an interesting idea that I will probably keep thinking about. But I'm pretty sure that there's something shady about Park Sung-kwang's cameo character (the "electrician"), since we saw him in episode 1 ruining the Genius presentation.


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I interpreted the scene at the beginning as Gary playing the situation into his favor. Could be just me, but that's how I saw it.


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Oh my god. I'm happy that they're happy, too, and Ryu Jun-yeol's acting is mesmerising so that even if he's behaving in a way that's embarrassing I find it watchable, but the childish element within their interactions, the overall extreme level of cheesiness and....the giggles...were too much for me


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In my 3-year long kdrama watching career, this is the first time I rewatch each episode while waiting for the next. And one of the few ones that I sincerely like the female lead. I mean, she is a geek coder, that itself is good enough, but I even somehow manage to relate to her weird sides. Except her clothing. But no, I am even OK with that. Not in a "I would wear this" way, but more like the crazy runway styles that are to inspire you. Like BN, I also tend to overthink stuff and blame myself for everything. Thinking that you are unworthy, guilty, and sometimes not enough for your loved ones, these are very relatable. Important to note: after the first episode, I left a comment here about how I wish they would pick someone other than HJE, because I thought she is annoying. I hereby swallow my words. I loved her in this role.


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SAME! I have NEVER rewatched a kdrama, or even entire episodes. In other kdramas, I'll rewind scenes here and there, sure... but like you, this is the first kdrama that has me watching full episodes while waiting for the next. I have also never died of anticipation over upcoming episodes before! I don't know what's come over me!


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I've never seen Ryu Jun Yeol smile this much in an episode ever!! He was always so grumpy and brooding in Reply 1988.


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Can this episode be any cuter?

Su-ho and Bo-nui are too cute for words - the hand-holding and hand-touching in the office, kya~

When Su-ho appeared behind the transparent board in Bo-nui's imagination, that almost killed me. Su-ho: "Really? You don't miss me?" Gah, his voice, his hair, his smile. He looked almost too perfect!


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And I forgot to mention, the sound team for LR seems to have pulled it together. I just loveeee the music in this drama.


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YESSS. I especially love the song Junsu sings KYAAA. I have it on loop in my playlist hehe :D


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How old are these two ? there is no way they are 30ish ... These two are teenagers falling in love for the first time .. So. Freaking. Cute. .. But seriously stop snorting and start kissing.

Dal Nim is all kinds of awesome. my heart broke for her and her missing harry potter glasses. When she pulled Amy's hair, i think that was fan-service! You go girl!


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Buahahahaha best comment!
"But seriously stop snorting and start kissing."?
You can't say that in any other drama.


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You guys, that emoji with stuff coming out of its nose - snorting, if you will-put itself there, I swear to god! I never touched that key. I've never even noticed that key. It's a talisman sign of approval of what bips99 said or something ? DA-da-DA-da


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To be honest, I never understood why Bo Nui couldn't date him in the first place, because she could date and take care of her sister at the same time? I don't even get what suddenly changed her mind. But thank god, they're together now because they are so cute together. I was watching with arms flailing and the biggest smile. I don't care about the plot anyway, give me 4 more episodes of OTP just being adorkable anytime.


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It wasn't that Bo-nui didn't want to date (Su-ho or anyone else) but that she believed that she was bad luck, bringing harm to her employers/family/anyone close to her. So she didn't want to be near people at all (unless in a Bunny/Racoon costume) so that she wouldn't give bad jujus to others.

But Su-ho proved himself to be good luck for her - with Bo-ra waking up and Bo-ra NOT RELAPSING when Bo-nui came to see her, because Su-ho was there with her, so she's been able to open up a bit more - accepting that Su-ho wasn't affected by her bad luck.


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Did u guys observe or its me only that suddenly he is looking very handsome.
maybe bcoz of his hair little be away from him forehead


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Can anyone explain to me the korean obsession of having the justin beiber hair with the hair covering the entire forehead

.... every single hero in every single show

baffling since 90% of them look better and more distinct with their hair swept back

Why the inverted salad bowl cut? Why ? Why? Why?


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Actually, in my opinion RJY looks more handsome in Reply 88. In Je Suho, he loss much of his weight i think?
I like chubbier version of RJY, hehe...
And he definitely looks more handsome in dark and formal suit....


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Actually he's originally this thin, in fact even thinner! For R88, he was asked to gain weight, and he gained 10kg for the role.
For SH, he lost around 5kg because he feels that SH is not a fan of eating, and therefore would be skinny!


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I think the charms that Ryu Jun Yeol has that made je suho looks more handsome. I gotta admit that RJY is not handsome (not ugly either) like typical k drama lead Jo In Sung, Won Bin etc. But, I end up searching news related to him more because he is such a charming person.


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Agreed to that word, he is charming and appealing ;)


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Yes, yes, princess. Now I completely understand the theory of relativity. Between Thursday 10:55 pm and the following Wednesday 9:55 pm feels like an eternity but those two magical hours fly by like nanoseconds.

This drama has been anything but a typical Kdrama: from a mom who actually likes her son's girlfriend; to a bestie who cheers for the gf's love even if that means the end of her own unrequited love; to second leads who may be a bit infuriating but do not engage in any vicious scheming to split up the OTP; a suspected spy who just turns out to be a good-natured, shy fan. So I'm not worried as much about the remaining 4 episodes. Maybe it will be cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness from here all the way out. If that turns out to be the case, I certainly won't complain about it. The only thing I'm sad about is what am I gonna do in two weeks when I can't see these adorkable couple any more.

Bonui-ya and Suho-ya, from here on walk only on the flowery path.


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Agree! I think that the last 4eps will be just as fun!


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Any you know who I want to call out as an unsung hero? That female graphics designer who is consistently being one hell of a boss and sticking to her feminist principles.

I LOVE that she doesn't let anyone cook up a catfight between her and another woman, that she is actively looking out for the other women in her company, that she gives Bo Nui tissues and smacks down one of the guy gaggle for trying to rank women by looks. She's beautiful and smart and the rest of the office staff are wrapped around her finger, but she uses her powers for good instead of evil while not being a total priss.

When the show started and she showed up on screen I groaned, thinking she would be the basis of some stupid girl-on-girl office fight. Instead she's just an excellent team member and good person. Which is realistic! There are plenty of cool, laid-back women in offices! So good to see them represented.


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Seonghyun (I think that's her name on the show) is an awesome character. Holding her own in a male programming world, not jealous of the other girls, telling the guy she likes (I think this is a given) that he shouldn't rank girls according to their looks... such a great woman.


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Yes, yes, yes!!! I love her to bits, and she's one of my favourite characters in this drama. I loved loved loved the way she gave BoNui tissues and the way she called out the guys for ranking their looks was really great. And from the start of the drama she's always called out SuHo's more pushy and unrealistic decisions at the risk of angering him when none of the others wanted to point stuff out, and I love her.


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+ 100 to that

I also find it funny that she's always winning on the bets haha


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Lol... theory of relativity indeed!!!!


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oh my goshh!!!! HJE and RJY's chemistry is really no joke!!! it feels as if they are real lovers because of their believable acting ..... HJE always has this magic that makes her co stars really in love with her character in dramas and yes , she has such good chemistry with most of her onscreen couples ... seriously , I even dig their BTS so much ... their offscreen interactions is sweet as well , though this time I can only ship her with RJY in dramaland since she's married ... I love every single moments in this episode , there's not even one single boring moments when Suho and Bonui are together ... both of them really emitted their feelings through their eyes .. and really , RJY and HJE are perfect as Suho and Bonui , there's no other actor/actress who fits those characters as much as they do in my eyes ..

btw , just can't help sharing these BTS from episode 12 making ...



and I have to say the BTS for their hugging scene in front of Bonui's apartment is much much sweeter than the already as sweet as sugar scene in the drama itself ... PD nim didn't include the part where Suho tried to "eat" Bonui's head in the drama scene ... can't help grinning from ears to ears watching those BTS .. no wonder their onscreen chemistry is sweet , their offscreen interaction is so cutteeeeee tooo ... if only HJE is not yet married , I would really ship them so hard.


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Haha don't get carried away with the shipping. ^^ I think it's just her amazing chemistry with her leads. There was a time I shipped her with Jisung too, even if he was already married.


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huhuhuh .......yes, I used to ship her with Jisung as well because of their electrifying chemistry in Secret and KMHM ..but then I know that I can only ship them in dramaland and my own "fantasyland" ..huhuh ...the same thing goes to RJY and HJE , knowing that the ship won't ever sail, I can only ship them as onscreen couple but somehow just can't help squealing looking at how cute they both in BTS ..ekeke. don't worry .. I believe my craziness would stop once the series end... really, thanks a lot for your concern. ^^


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Thanks again for the wonderful re-cap, LollyPip :-). I always look forward to your insightful commentary!

Near the end of your recap you mentioned feeling a looming "something" just waiting to hit. I think the weird guy who was stalking the building and who helped Bo-Nui's old boss out of the revolving door is a spy, and that BN's old boss is going to let him have access to the building, thinking he's an electrician. When "IF"gets stolen, BN is going to blame herself, since SH hired him because of her. Also, if there's bad publicity around Gary because of the photo with her, and if that bad publicity effects the game, she's going to blame herself for that as well.

On another note, I've really appreciated how they're taking the slow road with Bo-Ra's recovery. K-Drama-Land is notorious for having people who have been in comas for YEARS suddenly pop right out of bed, fully functioning both mentally and physically. BR's slow recovery and her anticipated need for therapy of all kinds is so much more realistic.

Regarding Su Ho's transformation from an emotionally repressed Mr. Roboto to an Adorkable, emotional goob, I couldn't be more delighted. I think it's so appropriate that now that he's broken out of his shell he's acting like an elementary school boy. Once his younger self went into the deep freeze, he never learned more age appropriate responses. His newly thawed self is starting up right where he left off :-). Can't wait to see more of our OTP come out of their respective shells!


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"Nae nae goongju-nim .. " I love how she took care of him and he was happily follow.
And ofc I love how she said she missed him and voila ~ he was already in front door and said he couldn't wait .. ughh the feels!


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+1, yesss i love that too, the way he said "yes yes princessa" was super duper cute, so much feels ♡, their onscreen offscreen chemistry was simply amazing, like I would ship them in real if HJE is not yet married.


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I really appreciate the way love is portrayed from BN's perspective. Giving is love, but BN "takes" when she loves! She loves BR by giving, endlessly. Yet with SH, she's learning to love by grabbing it/him with both hands. And that's okay, because to love is not just to give (Gary), or to take (Amy), exclusively.


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I liked your comment. Nice reading of BN's thoughts.


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I've been replaying this episode and love every minute of it! especially the new couple cuteness. I can't.

I know I am not the only one who has been abusing the replay button here :D


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Lolypip, I really love your review and the way you put things into perspectives!
I love the way you tighten every moment into such a beautiful writing! You are so brilliant!


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So, who have been ruined by Suho and Bonui? *raises both hands
*does Suho and Bonui synchronized laugh


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The writer must be a huge Ryu Jun Yeol fan, having followed him through Reply 1988, BOF in Africa, his instagrams, fan meetings etc. She draws from various aspects of Ryu the real person in the portrayal of Suho, such as:
- the redeeming scene of Suho winning over Gun Wook, which is so healing for the broken hearts wailing after Jung Hwan;
- Ryu's wonderful mix of boyishness and manliness in BOFiA;
- his love of Disney (Korean netizens have likened Suho to Peter Pan in the first 4 chapters, and that's why his shorts are a spot-on symbol of the boy in him; the costumes worn by Bo Nui [they have to be costumes, right?]remind us occasionally of Wendy and frilly, flouncy Victoriana; Dal Nim is Tinkerbell; Suho's pyjamas are straight out of what the younger brothers wear in Peter Pan, etc. etc.);
- his tendency to hug people around him, esp. with the BYH48 gang, the 1988 gang, and in particular Ra Mi Ran.

All the endearing traits of Ryu are in the drama. Then Ryu himself adds to the 3-dimensional characterisation with his ad lib input.

That is why it is a wonderful watch whenever he is on screen.


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Great observations. It explains a lot in this drama. This new writing and directing trend of building a drama character and story narration based on specific actor is cute and ... very shallow. It should be alarming for Kdrama lovers. That exact thing ruined Cheese in the Trap.


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How did it ruin Cheese in the Trap? I mean I have my issues with it, but I'm curious about your observation!


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You're really on point on this! RJY real life personality is part of who JSH is. You can see the same characterization in his role in R88 and of course in YOFinA. He is really lovable!


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Bo-nui and Su-ho's relationship is equal parts adorable and and nauseating! They're just PERFECT together... but I'm seriously BAD with PDA... so watching them prance around the office together thinking they're being all covert (as hilarious as it is) kinda makes me want to shrivel up and die inside. But... in the best possible way? XD

I haven't read all the comments for episode 11 and 12 so I don't know if someone else already mentioned it? The man that was skulking around the building and helped boss Won out of the revolving door was definitely one of the two disgruntled employees that stole GeniusII and fled the country from episode 1 (his picture is even in the episode 1 recap). Clearly he's up to something and he's trying to get in good with boss Won so he won't be caught without ID.


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From the first episode I tried to picture other actors to play Suho and how it could turn out. For example Park Hae-jin - handsome, cold and cool guy - it would be so typical kdrama so I'm sooooooooo happy RJY got the role, he's so perfect for it. Thank you RJY you made my day. :-D

I don't mind those shorts, he's the CEO of computer's game development company where dreams come true and when there's an official meeting to be hold he is dressed to global standards. I love the top hidden behind the pink apron BN was wearing on their date and SH shirts like tunic style ones.


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That stranger who helped pushing the revolving door is park sungkwang isn't it? Or am I wrong? I'm pretty sure it's park sungkwang, I'm missing catchphrase makers skit already :"


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Your first 2 lines comments are exactly how i feel.

I need to pause several times to breath.

RJY acting is too damn cute made me feel all over my face. Feels like im in love too with SBN. Or is it jealousy? Ha!


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Behind all of the cuteness, I really scream in joy when I found out they give SuHo a new pair of pajama (the blue one).


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Rest in peace guys!! (ugh this sounds wrong)
This week has been enjoyable. This recap and all comments can be our mood booster for the weekend. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
*Giggle overload*


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"Bo-nui runs to find Su-ho on his way to work, and he stops, unsure of what to do. Bo-nui thinks that happiness is standing right in front of her, and just like in her dream, she runs towards him. Su-ho just smiles and opens his arms wide – he doesn’t know what this is about, but he’s not about to let go."

LolliPip, I beg to differ. I think Suhu is on his way to the hospital to check in on Bora, as the nurse says, "he is late today". He stops when he sees Bo Nui, not because he is unsure of what to do, but because he is waiting for Bo Nui's reaction to what he has done - he can see the blue notebook in her hands. Then when Bo Nui runs to him, all smiles, he knows she has found the answer he is so sure she would arrive at.

That is why when he wraps his arms round her, there is so much love in his eyes.


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I think so too. Suho smiled at Bonui and raised his arms because he knews Bonui finally found the answer. He was on his way to the hospital. Despite of his broken heart because of Bonui, he still comes to the hospital.


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My heart broke for Dal-nim this episode, even though I love our couple! She is such a good friend.


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She is happy for Bo-nui, even as she accepts the end of her 2-year crush. She defends Bo-nui when Amy calls her "a bit weird, right..?"

AND she defends her in the BEST WAY. "The sin of talking (whatever) about Bo-nui, the sin of hurting Su-ho in the past... In the name of love, I will punish you!" That's the Sailor Moon quote, y'all!!! (the korean version)


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Two more weeks to go. I wonder where the story will go from here. The rating will probably drop some more for those episodes when the new drama arrives. But, I hope LR will get better each episode to the end... I also wish RJY will do more TV drama again in the future. If he's too busy to be a main lead, maybe he can be a cameo here and there so we can still see him.


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RJY completely carries the pairing. I agree with you ladies. In all my years of Kdrama swooning I've never felt so giddy watching a character. Yes, he's adorable and his acting is so fun, but his physical comedy, stuttering, and facial expressions are just hysterical. Amazing!

I also love seeing Lee Soo-Hyuk as a sweetheart in this drama.

With our Denim Disaster SBN, I get irritated. I love everything else so much in the drama but I keep wishing/imagining another actress could have played the role so I could like her at least a little bit. Dal Nim is the only gal I really love in this drama! Bo Nui's annoying, and I wish she'd just have been in jeans and a t-shirt the whole time instead of the distracting atrocities she consistently wears.

Excepting the rest of the cast, I feel like Hwang Jung-Eum and the plot are a slightly altered variation of She Was Pretty. The office, the blinds-peeping, the lunch game, and the over the top lovey-dovey sweet as sugar coupling. It's so similar!

My last remark: I don't trust that "electrician" ahjussi!


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My mistake. I also DO NOT love Amy. She's a fresh-face living in la la land. She is no threat and is pretty much unlikable. She actually smiled when she found out Bo Nui's sis was sick.


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"Ne ne, gongjunim" - prance into bed

I just about died!!! i cant handle this level of cute


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