Drama viewership ratings for the week of June 27-July 3, 2016

Out of the medical dramas airing early in the week, Doctors has emerged victorious when it comes to numbers, cinching over 15% in only its fourth episode. Beautiful Mind continues to languish under the 5% mark, which wouldn’t look so bad if Doctors wasn’t doing so well. It’s so hard to see the ones you love underperforming.

Oh Hae-young Again finished on a high note, reaching that ever-so-coveted 10% mark with its final episode. I wonder if the cast will still keep to their promises even though the show is now over? Better late than never, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, the Wednesday-Thursday dramas are still spread pretty evenly, and remain unpredictable when it comes to who gets first place any given week. Wanted saw a jump between its third and fourth episodes but was still left in third place, while Master—God of Noodle went from second to first with its finale episode. (So many numbers!) Dear My Friends also ended on cable network tvN this week at 6.9%, and while it doesn’t top the numbers its penultimate episode pulled in, it’s a pretty high note to end on. Go tvN.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of June 27-July 3, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, June 27
Beautiful Mind 3 KBS 4.7%
Monster 27 MBC 10.6%
Doctors 3 SBS 14.4%
Oh Hae-young Again 17 tvN 8.0%
Tuesday, June 28
Beautiful Mind 4 KBS 4.5%
Monster 28 MBC 11.1%
Doctors 4 SBS 15.6%
Oh Hae-young Again 18 tvN 10.0%
Wednesday, June 29
Master—God of Noodle 19 KBS 7.5%
Lucky Romance 11 MBC 8.4%
Wanted 3 SBS 6.7%
Thursday, June 30
Master—God of Noodle 20 KBS 8.2%
Lucky Romance 12 MBC 7.7%
Wanted 4 SBS 7.6%
Friday, July 1
Mirror of the Witch 15 JTBC 2.7%
Police Unit 38 5 OCN 1.9%
Dear My Friends 15 tvN 8.1%
Saturday, July 2
Five Kids 39 KBS 26.8%
All’s Well With a Happy Home 37 MBC 16.0%
Flower in Prison 18 MBC 19.0%
Beautiful Gong Shim 15 SBS 13.5%
Yes, That’s How It Is 41 SBS 7.9%
Mirror of the Witch 16 JTBC 1.8%
Police Unit 38 6 OCN 3.1%
Dear My Friends 16 tvN 6.9%
Sunday, July 3
Five Kids 40 KBS 31.0%
All’s Well With a Happy Home 38 MBC 19.3%
Flower in Prison 19 MBC 18.7%
Beautiful Gong Shim 16 SBS 13.0%
Yes, That’s How It Is 42 SBS 8.5%




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Interesting stats !!


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I wonder why the ratings for Lucky Romance is so low when it is better than anything out there. I think that if there's any show that deserves an extension, it should have been Lucky Romance, just so we could see more of Ryu Jun Yeol.
Ok, so I am in love with him, is that a crime?
Another Oh Hae Young doesn't need that extra episodes, ditto for Beautiful Gong Shim, which I do like but why 20 episodes, seriously?


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I enjoy watching doctors and beautiful mind... Sad that BM didnt get hight rating but it's good.

Enjoy psh's acting in doctors.

Wondering about W and UF... Gonna watch both dramas..


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Me too. Enjoying Doctors! And waiting for W and Uf


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Owww, such low rating for Beautiful Mind! I really like this drama, like all dramas, it has fails moments, but aside from that it's good medical thriller.


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It's a good medical drama. Probably because the romance is lacking, that will explain the low rating. But certainly it has its own fan. I enjoy it as it is :)


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I don't think that Beautiful Minds is suffering as much from a lack of romance as from a very badly written, illogical female lead. Some of the actions she took in ep. 4 almost made me drop the drama. When you compare her to a kickass, empathetic female lead in Doctors, it's little wonder that the ratings for Doctors is so high while the one for BM is so low.


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Agreed. The argument that BM isn't doing well in ratings because it's 'too smart' or 'too great' a show to generate mass appeal is overly simplistic and quite frankly off-the-mark. The romance argument is also silly. To say that a show isn't doing well because it's lacking in romantic development is to suggest that Korean viewers can't appreciate anything but traditional romances. However, plenty of romance-centric 'old school' kdramas have fared poorly in recent years, while critically acclaimed dramas with low romance content have been ratings successes.

In my opinion, BM has not picked up audiences because ... well, it really is a poorly written show. It basically suffers from a crisis of identity and delivery. It was billed as a more serious psychological-medical-crime thriller; one where characters walk around with dramatic gestures, intentions, and dialogues. But the problem with selling a smart, sophisticated show is that, well, it *must* actually be smart and sophisticated. The stakes are raised in this instance because there are things to prove. A show that doesn't take itself too seriously and plays up the camp factor has nothing to lose. But a terribly-written show pretending to be serious and 'good' is just embarrassing. Kind of like when James Franco tries to convince the world he is a deep ~artiste~.

I followed all four episodes of BM because the first episode advertised the show as a smart thriller. But instead I've found sloppy writing, rage-inducing character actions (not just by Jin Sung, mind you), and enough plot holes to warp the space-time continuum. I suspect this is why BM is stuck under 5%: audiences who prefer lighter fare didn't tune in to begin with, while those who are into smart thrillers have abandoned ship when the show revealed itself to be lacking.

On the other end of the pool, Doctors is not a good show, period. But it hasn't bit off more than it could chew, or promised more than it could deliver. It was advertised as a heroine-centric romance. And it has stayed its course so far. Audiences who watched for that reason had their expectation rewarded and so ratings wise the show stayed strong.


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THIS ^ so much truth


I too like BM. I like the plot & I am really curious about the romance part. It will be interesting to see the emotionless doc falling in love with a feisty cop. BM fighting! :)


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Now that OHYA has finished, perhaps this week BM will get better ratings


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Beautiful Mind certainly deserves more than the rating it is getting now. Fighting !!


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So happy OHYA reached that 10 percent mark.... does that mean some lucky fan still gets to go on a date with Eric now that it's over?


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I don't think Eric made that promise. Jeon Hye Bin volunteered him lol. Eric can always say that the rating didn't quite made it to 10%. 9.9 is still 9.9 not 10.


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Eric should volunteer himself rgardless of the rating.But glad it reached 10%.


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They promised a free hug event and that happened I think sometime last week? You can see the photos if you search for it!


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Does it count as breaking 10% for OHY when the more precise reading is 9.991% ^_^


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No it should be 9.9% not 10% lol.


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But 9.9% doesn't seem right either


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What do you mean? That's the standard nationwide report by Neilsen. You don't get to round it up to 10% just because it's that close.


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What I mean is according to Nielsen, the Nationwide average rating for episode 18 is 9.991%. So while it's not right to say the drama hit 10% mark, it's not right (Mathematically) to say the drama hv 9.9% rating only, should be precisely stated 9.991 :)


The first decimal is good enough and that's how it's been recorded and quoted for years. Who has the time to get all precised when they are just an estimate?


These numbers are just estimates so we can say it probably hit 10% or more at some point but it stayed at 9.9 for most of the episode.

These rating companies have been accused before or rigging the ratings. (I think it was Tnms).


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That's why the ratings people usually cite are Nielsen nationwide averages.

PU38 is doing pretty well too, 3 percent plus is a great score for OCN though I bet it would've been higher if it was on tvN.


AGB Neilsen is more global and covers more households too. More than half in Seoul and the rest is spread out in different areas. That's why we get Seoul and Nationwide ratings at the same time.

Yes, Unit 38 is doing pretty well. I'm rooting for it to beat Bad Guys in ratings but it's falling behind this week. Hopefully it'll be closer next week.

You are right pogo. It's actually higher on tvN even though it airs later at 1am.


I love to see Police Squad 38 doing well in the rating.
Hwaiting SIG-oppa!!!


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me too! it's the best thing so far. :)


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hope WANTED Can estabilized next week when must war with UF strom..


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I wanna ask something: how much percentage is needed for a cable drama to be called successful or doing okay? With the explosive popularity for cable shows now I think the standard must have changed..?

How is Mirror of the Witch doing with 1.5-2%? Does it mean the show's doing okay (like equivalent to dramas on national TV with stable 8%?) or is it doing poorly (considering that if you're popular then you can reach 8% like OHY)?


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1-2 percent is acceptable from what I've seen. You are considered good if you hit 3 and a hit if you hit 5-8.


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I think it also depends on the station. Tvn obviously has higher standard, with its consecutive recent hits drama lately. For ocn or jtbc, I think 2% is considered good already.


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Anything at 2% or over is considered good for cable shows before 11pm like Mirror and Dear my Friends.
1% for the late shows (11pm and 12 am) like Unit 38 and Oh Hae Young.


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I am so happy that OHYA ended in it's highest rating. I don't think Eric will have the 10% - date with a fan promise done because the actual rating is 9.991%. But it would be awesome if he do it. Btw, we still have two extra (BTS) episodes air next week. Yey for another week of OHYA.

Feel bit disappointed for MOTW's ratings, they are pretty unstable. How I wish at least it will ends in higher mark later on.


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yeheyyyyy for BTS!! cant wait!!


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@Alicia, since DMF has ended, I hope that MOTW ratings will rise next week. I think they deserve at least 3% viewership. The show is fantastic and the actors are really great.


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@zizi Hopefully! The drama deserve better rating tbh. But I'm afraid about the new drama, The Good Wife which have Jeon Doyeon as female lead. She probably will snatch away all DMF's viewers unless the storyline doesn't good enough.


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This drama is first Korean remake from US and its belongs to tvN, also was specially aired on tvN for the broadcast channel's 10th anniversary year. I don't think stroyline will not good. MOTW low rating have its reason. You need to learn how to accept. If I'm Korean people, I will not watch MOTW too. I will watch Five Children or tvN dramas. The storyline is not logic and get wroster and wroster.


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I mean the storyline.


You know MOTW is a show on magic, curses and evil.
So unless you really believe those things exist how do you expect a show based on birth of children threw dark magic and a show focus on breaking it suppose to be logical?

Those shows YOU LIKE are a DIFFERENT genre.
MOTW is NOT trying to be a close to life real situation story.

MOTW was clear on what type of show it was going to be and a logical one it is not.


It seem Wednesday-Thursday slot dont have a big competions at all.
I gave my bid that surely W will out as a winner. HHJ/LJS look so good together and the thrillers make me excited.

Monday-Tuesday winner till the end, surely Doctors.
Awesome and chessy storylines, and KRW/PSH/Jisoo/LSK/YKS/KMS really nail their characters.
Never expect to fall in love with Medical Drama before, but Doctors change my mind. So Love it!


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Its sooooooooooo good! You might understand me if you know how it feels to enjoy so heartwarming dramas like doctors with a nice cup of coffee and this chilled monsoon weather....
Sorry! But couldn't stop myself from writing this. Its the best time of the year when everything from little pots in my garden to huge trees look so amazing .. And to top with that best heartwarming dramas you couldn't ask more


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Yay police unit 38 jumped up in ratings! I'm really enjoying it thus far so I'm glad to see people liking it too.


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Your username <3 (also coincidentally, the db banner I have atm is the final shot of the kids)

Seo In-gook kills it in cable dramas, looks like. I can barely believe this is the same guy who played Yoon Yoon-jae!


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I watched the first three episodes of birth doctors and beautiful mind this week. I liked the story of beautiful mind a lot more and Jang Hyuk is killing it. I do like PSH character on her show but the age gap was a turn off.


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ditto! I like BM plot more & my God Jang Hyuk is seriously so cool. This is my first Jang Hyuk drama & I am simply loving him. :)


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Ah, you should watch JH's other works too, especially Chuno, Thank You and TWDR.


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Thank you DB. (:

Beautiful Mind is suffering the fate of I Remember You. It's not quite as good as the latter, but it's also getting rejected because of the theme.

Started Police Unit 38 today, and the first episode was pretty good. Happy for Sooyoung, Ma Dong Seok and Seo In Guk, because the ratings are great for a cable drama.

I hope Five Kids does something for Sung Hoon, I want to see him in lead roles.

Mirror of the Witch is slaying it, I'm not sure why the ratings aren't following.


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I ended up watching dramas which weren't the top priority in my list - Wanted and Beautiful Mind.

Whatever flaws Wanted has, this drama is the one I anticipate the most. It used to be Mirror of the Witch but MotW has slowed down the past week. Wanted keep my on my edge guessing who's the kidnapper. I find the drama a mix between God's Gift - 14 Days and Pied Piper. Almost everyone is not above suspicion. Like someone commented in the recap, I was even suspicious of the guy who worked in the cafe.

I am hanging on to Beautiful Mind despite my dislike for the Jin Sung. I just mentally check out whenever she comes on screen. It's funny that I can watch this drama and not Doctors. Ji Hong's interactions and romantic feelings for Hye Jung bothered me so much that it's affecting my impression of Kim Rae Won. I know there's a separation between real and reel but I can't help feeling creeped out and turned off. It's a pity because I was enjoying Park Shin Hye in this and looking at the popularity, I feel that I am missing out on a good show.

I need to continue with PU38 for teddy bear soon. I've been slacking on this one.

Uncontrollably Fond is premiering this week but I confess I will watch as one would a trainwreck. Don't get me wrong. I won't be surprised if it leads the pack on Wednesday but I am doubtful of its quality. From the trailers, Suzy is doing her usual thing and Woo Bin is playing the same old character.


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Agreed on UF. I am the one who still don't understand why Suzy is popular in Korea.
I am also puzzled at Doctors for such high ratings, and BM for such low ratings.
I watched all shows listed except Happy home and How it is, and enjoyed the most of them. The one I liked the least was God of Noodles.


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i was also a bit off about the teacher-student relationship in the first few eps of doctors. but, if you analyze again, the age difference is not that high. maybe 7-8 years which i think is perfectly okay.

hong ji hong just decided to teach instead of pursuing his career as a doctor due to some incident. as he said in the latest episode (which is episode 6). he and his friend are 30 something guys. hye-jung was 18 when he was teaching, and the drama took a leap of 13 years. which means she's already 31 at present. which means they are both in their 30s. so i think the age difference is not that high. it's just that, at the beginning of the show, kim rae won was a teacher and hye jung was still in school.

i was actually surprised myself that i will be enjoying doctors. their chemistry as a couple is soooooo good which i didn't really expect at all!

im really enjoying doctors right now. it's a feel good drama with enough angst to get you hooked.


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Even though they are both set in hospitals, Doctors and BM don't really have anything in common. One is a romance drama and the other a suspense drama. It is no surprise that Doctors is doing well because of the genre but also because PSH and KRW are both extremely popular actors. I am enjoying both though there are flaws, of course.

I actually like it when you have three dramas each doing just fine without one breaking away. Sooooo many times I've seen good dramas trail in the ratings and, as a fan, it is so frustrating.

Also, does anyone know if they are finally keeping track of people watching online. I think China does and with so many young people viewing that way, the Nielson ratings seem downright old fashioned or, at the least, incomplete.


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Last year, they caculator rating online (viewship online) but i don't know why they stop do that for MBC, KBS, SBS right now.


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Doctors fighting!!

The story is heart warming and the actors are good.I love the chemistry of Kim Rae Won and Park Shin hye..Congrats team Doctors.


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Beautiful Mind deserves higher ratings. I like it better than Doctors, but am watching both, because I am an ahjumma who loves both Jang Hyuk and Kim Rae Won!

Hope the writer can improve on the Park So Dam character, she is so annoying. However, both shows have their plot holes/annoyances so it's not just Beautiful Mind.

Also hope MOTW does better, it deserves to be a hit show. The acting is top rate solid.


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BM fighting! The storyline is so interesting and lots of suspense, great cast and acting.


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I'm watching Police Unit 38 and so far I'm enjoying it! It's both interesting and broaches on serious topics yet is hilarious.


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I will drop Beautfiul Mind. Feel so bad when watch it. It's too heavy, lack of "light points".


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I love both Beautiful Mind and Doctors. But the sloppy writing of the female lead does put me off sometimes. Its funny how i used to like her in the 1st and 2nd episode. But i love the chemistry between Lee yong and Jin Sang. I might be the only one who likes some of their scenes together.
Wish BM picks up in the ratings next week. The thrilling and suspense is good, but need to up the writing level , especially reforming the female lead. She is way too dumb.

I am glad Doctors is doing a great job in ratings. I bet this show will cross the 20% mark very soon, and would be in the same league in ratings as DOTS. I cant wait for Ep 5. Last week episodes good.

I will miss Oh hae Young. A show finally which made me relate after a long time. Glad,it did not have usual stereotype Korean drama second leads, who are way too EVIL in trying to ruin the leads lives. A very unusual kind of show, which made me cry and laugh so hard. Glad it got higher ratings for a cable channel.

Police Unit38 is picking up in ratings,and i am so delighted. It started with a bit of slow start, but now its fast paced and thrilling with good amount of drama.

Lucky romance deserves a lot more higher ratings than it is now. I never thought i would ever get hooked to this drama.Je Soo ho is the most cutest , adorable and the most nicest gentleman-cum-nerd ever i saw in a korean drama. The actor just makes Je Soo Ho shine. I would have stopped watching this show if not for the lead guy. And the supporting characters are cute as well. If you watch this without smiling and giggling like a maniac, then there must be something very wrong with you. This show DEFINES CUTENESS and ADORABLENESS. Period.

All i want to say is that, every drama has its flaws, yet it does not make us from watching it. Some episodes make you disappoint , others make you smile like a maniac and keeps your mind reeling. 2016 is going great so far, as of now. Hope it continues it that way.


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I'm so satisfied to see PU38 ratings go up... hope the trend continues till the end... it deserves it if the story continues to unfold with such excitement.

Lucky Romance is a delightful show especially with Je Soo Ho's performance. But i notice in the past 3 weeks, its thur's rating has been lower than Wed's rating though i'd enjoyed the thur episodes better. Why why why?


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