Doctors: Episode 9

Doctors are doctors, but with loved ones, it’s difficult to maintain neutrality. Family is the one exception in the safe emotional distance protocol, and while the rational doctor may reason with logic, the personal human will react with instinctive emotion. For Hye-jung and Ji-hong, family is everything, and they both show their dedication to their one person who warmly embraced them in their loneliest hours.



Exhausted from running around the field, Hye-jung takes a break and lies on the ground. Ji-hong joins her and points to the stars. They look up to the night sky, and Ji-hong interrupts their silent wonder by extending his arm. He makes a cheesy comment about how long his arm is and offers it for Hye-jung to borrow. She uses his arm pillow and snuggles closer to him as she closes her eyes. Ji-hong gently touches her hair and smiles to himself.

Hye-jung narrates: “Revenge pacifies the anger of being the victim. Revenge calms you and gives you the strength to move forward. I won’t rest until I reach my destination, but with this man, I can fall asleep.”

At Soon-hee’s empty café, Young-kook takes a beer bottle away from Seo-woo, who’s at the point of slurring drunk. Soon-hee complains about her coming late to the party and causing another scene, but Seo-woo blames everything on Soon-hee. She claims that her life took a turn for the worst because Soon-hee introduced her to Hye-jung.

Young-kook escorts a stumbling Seo-woo out, but Soon-hee gets surprised by Joong-dae, who jumps awake on the bench. He wonders why everyone left without him, and just as he’s about to leave, he turns back around to ask for some ramyun to satisfy his munchies. Ha.

Kang-soo wakes up in the hospital connected to an IV and asks Kyung-joon what happened. He obviously fainted from the excessive alcohol and decides to take advantage of his bed-ridden state to sleep. Cranky Kyung-joon is surprisingly merciful and lets the first-year rest.

Ji-hong walks Hye-jung home, and they’re greeted by Soon-hee, who scolds Hye-jung for coming home so late. She talks about some crazy people who were dancing in the rain the other night (ha, it was them) and warns Hye-jung to watch out for the crazies. That’s Ji-hong’s cue to leave, and they rush their goodbyes to end the conversation.

Hye-jung asks why Soon-hee came home late as well, and she explains that drunk Seo-woo caused another scene. She says that tall and handsome Young-kook took care of Seo-woo, and Hye-jung can tell that she’s enamored with him. Soon-hee also mentions the tall guy who looks like a Siberian Husky — Yoon-do — and says that he kept looking at Hye-jung and Ji-hong. She bets that he likes Hye-jung, to which Hye-jung awkwardly laughs.

Siberian Husky Yoon-do returns from a late-night run, and he’s greeted by Ji-hong, who’s just returned home as well. Yoon-do confronts Ji-hong about liking Hye-jung and says that he’s going to interfere in their relationship. He reasons that his meddling is appropriate because Ji-hong and Hye-jung have just started dating. Since they’re not married, Yoon-do points out that he’s still playing a fair game.

Yoon-do says he’s being upfront because he doesn’t want to be a backstabber when he tries to win over Hye-jung, but Ji-hong doesn’t plan on letting that happen. Ji-hong says that he’s never once lost what he’s wanted and even thanks Yoon-do, since he’ll prove to Hye-jung how popular she is with men. He wishes his opponent the best of luck and heads in for the night, leaving Yoon-do bewildered by the feeling that he’s lost even before he’s gotten started.

Ji-hong texts Hye-jung a cute puppy-in-love emoticon to initiate conversation, and they go back and forth to set a time for a date. After deciding on a time, Ji-hong goes back to his claw machine and Hye-jung looks over Grandma’s medical records again.

The next morning, Hye-jung heads to the Namyangju Hospital, where Grandma received surgery. But she’s unable to access the anesthesia records because the hospital discards medical records after ten years. She’s too late.

Hye-jung reviews Grandma’s records again and searches for then-resident Kim Chi-hyun, who was the assistant in the surgery. Thirteen years later, he’s now Chief Kim at Namyangju Hospital, and Hye-jung goes to meet him.

She easily enters Chief Kim’s office, smoothly talking her way through the nurses posing as a friendly hoobae. Once in his office, Hye-jung confirms with Chief Kim that he was a resident at the hospital thirteen years ago and shows him the medical records. When he recognizes the surgery, he suddenly becomes agitated and criticizes Hye-jung for bothering him without an appointment. Hye-jung argues right back that he wouldn’t meet with her if she’d asked.

Chief Kim tries to free himself of responsibility by saying that he wasn’t the surgeon and claims that he can’t remember what happened thirteen years ago. But Hye-jung demands that he make himself remember because while this may have been an insignificant surgery for him, there’s a person who has thought of that surgery every day since then. Chief Kim clarifies that Hye-jung can’t sue even if the truth is revealed, since it’s past the statute of limitations. Hye-jung knows this, but she also knows that punishment doesn’t have to be through the law.

Chief Kim asks what she wants, and she responds, “An apology, the truth, and payback. These are the rules to be followed in a healthy society.” He still claims to have no responsibility, so Hye-jung leaves her number and tells him to give her a call if he changes his mind.

Hye-jung enters a make-up store and asks a worker to recommend a good lip color for her. She says that she’s looking nice for her grandma, and the worker offers her a bunch of samples to share, unaware that Grandma has passed.

Hye-jung walks into the columbarium with a small and pretty bouquet of flowers, just how Grandma likes things. Crying, Hye-jung vows to remember the life that Grandma cherished so dearly. She misses Grandma a little extra today and can’t stop the tears.

In the car, Myung-hoon advises Seo-woo to pretend to wait for Yoon-do to come around, since men are weak to those who patiently wait for them. He says that business requires some pretending to move people’s hearts, though Seo-woo claims that she’s just a doctor, not a businesswoman.

Ji-hong greets Hye-jung at her house for their morning date, and they drive off to go fishing — a boring chore with his father, but possibly a fun date with Hye-jung along. At the fishing site, Ji-hong backs up into the parking spot, and Hye-jung notices his excellent parking posture (oh dear lord, why is reverse-parking glorified?).

Ji-hong introduces Hye-jung to his father as his hoobae, and Director Hong seems to recognize her name from when Ji-hong picked up her call and sounded so different with her. As they walk, Director Hong asks Hye-jung what she likes so much about Ji-hong. Hee, another straight shooter.

Myung-hoon and Seo-woo meet up with Director Jin at the site of their dreams for the Gukil Stock Corporation. Seo-woo promises to live for the three of them from now on, though she doesn’t look excited about the commitment. Director Jin looks to Myung-hoon and asks if today’s the day. Myung-hoon nods and says he’s headed back to the hospital to watch the events unfold.

It’s D-day in the hospital, and a line of auditors arrive to confiscate Director Hong’s records. Myung-hoon watches with a satisfied grin, saying that it’s the end of Director Hong.

Unaware of the audit, Director Hong relaxes at the fishing site and asks Hye-jung if her parents are alive. She says that her mother passed away, and Director Hong says he only asks because he’s closer in age to his own death now. Ji-hong interrupts the conversation with a freshly brewed stew, and both father and son insist that Hye-jung just sit and enjoy.

Ji-hong receives a call for Tae-ho, who updates him on the audit at the hospital. Since Ji-hong is with his father now, he decides to address the issue later out of earshot.

It’s Seo-woo’s turn at the make-up store, and she asks for a tough smokey eye look. She looks pretty apathetic, and surely this is just another PPL scene.

As Ji-hong sends Hye-jung home ahead of him, she wonders if she should ask him what’s happening. He acts like nothing is wrong, so she decides that she’ll let it be. Once she leaves, Ji-hong talks to his father about the unfair audit. He knows this was plotted, but Director Hong seems set on resigning for the sake of the hospital.

Kang-soo and Young-kook steal some food from Joong-dae’s feast, and they wonder if the hospital will close down because of the audit. Having studied economics, Joong-dae shakes his head and says that the government rarely audits hospitals, so he figures that the audit precipitated from the power struggle between Director Jin and Director Hong. Young-kook says that this is Joong-dae’s most intelligent moment.

Seo-woo walks though the hospital halls in shorts and gets looks from other doctors. Young-kook says that her outfit is inappropriate and unprofessional for a doctor, but she says that she’s going to live her life defiantly, since kindness got her nothing in return.

Hye-jung walks by and pauses briefly without a word before going on her way. Young-kook tells Seo-woo that he’s on her side, since he’s her friend, and she seems unmoved by his obvious statement.

In the fellows’ office, Seo-woo confronts Hye-jung about their tense relationship. She accuses Hye-jung of avoiding her at previous conferences and plotting to come to this hospital to take everything from her, as if Ji-hong weren’t enough. Though Hye-jung acknowledges that she avoided Seo-woo on purpose, she says she only did so because they mutually hurt each other in the past and she needed time to prepare before facing Seo-woo again. She’s not at the hospital to take anything from Seo-woo, but she can’t tell her why she’s here. Seo-woo interprets the secret as a rejection to make amends, and Hye-jung silently confirms.

Boss is finally released from the hospital, and he asks Hye-jung if she still thinks he’s trash. She responds with a request not to retaliate against the person who attacked him, since the person already suffered. Boss pretends that he doesn’t know who she’s talking about, and Hye-jung smiles with gratitude at his willingness to move on. She also requests that he doesn’t return to the hospital hurt, and Boss drives off with his gang.

Then Hye-jung gets summoned to the parking lot, where a decorated convertible car is waiting for her. Boss’s right-hand man gives her a card and keys, and leaves with a suave “adios.” Hye-jung opens the card, and it reads: “I will listen to women more often. Thank you.” Yesss.

Unwilling to accept the gift, Hye-jung asks the nurse for Boss’s contact information, but it seems that they wrote down false numbers to leave without a trace. The neurosurgery staff seems thoroughly amused by the turn of events, but their excitement is cut short by a terse Seo-woo, who asks for Yoon-do.

Yoon-do arrives and checks on Hye-jung’s preparation for surgery. He then asks about their lunch date at the cafeteria, but Hye-jung says she needs to take care of other matters. Still hurt, Seo-woo approaches Yoon-do and suggests that they take it outside to talk.

Seo-woo lets her actions do the talking and slaps Yoon-do across the face. She tries a second time, but he catches her wrist. Once he lets go, she slaps him again (ouch). She accuses him of leading her on, and he acknowledges that he was attracted to her briefly, but it wasn’t like she only had eyes for him.

Seo-woo says that she doesn’t mind being insulted because she’s the one who loves him, but she can’t stand him affronting her family. He says that they’re even now, since she slapped him twice, but Seo-woo says that her love isn’t that trivial to be resolved like this. She knows that he’s attracted to girls with harsh backstories and says that she’ll fix his complex by living defiantly. In fact, Seo-woo claims that the world is so wrong in favoring Hye-jung that she has to live defiantly to survive.

Yoon-do responds with the accusation that she needs to fix her inferiority complex to Hye-jung. Seo-woo is always so calculating, but Hye-jung is able to achieve it all. He adds, “And on top of that she’s pretty. Prettier than you.” He says this to drive her mad because he knows her well and knows how to hurt her. He admits that while he doesn’t have a romantic attraction to her, he does still have a sibling affection for her and is willing to accept all her resentment, just not in the form of a face-slap. He walks off, leaving Seo-woo crying.

Kang-soo and the neurosurgery nurse persuade Hye-jung to let them go for a ride in the swanky car before getting rid of it, and Hye-jung obliges. As she walks out arm in arm with the nurse, Chief Kim from Namyangju spots her at the hospital.

Chief Kim meets with Myung-hoon and shows him the medical records that Hye-jung brought him. Myung-hoon seems to know that something went wrong in Grandma’s surgery and makes the same claims about the statute of limitations guarding him from legal retribution. Though Chief Kim seems to suspect greater retaliation, Myung-hoon is all business and seems convinced that the accuser just wants money.

After Chief Kim leaves, Myung-hoon remembers younger Hye-jung’s accusatory voice and contemplates the possibilities. He tells his assistant to find out who leaked these medical records, just as Director Jin enters his office to notify him that Director Hong’s anticipated resignation is about to begin.

Director Hong speaks to the board and insists on his innocence, despite the accusations against him. As he speaks, he experiences facial twitches that interrupt his speech, but not enough for suspicion. He says that he will take responsibility and resolve this false accusation. No resignation.

After Director Hong’s address, Director Jin approaches him and notes that he’s changed. Director Jin thought that Director Hong would resign after this incident and accuses him of being greedy. He wonders why he’s acting out of character — is it for Ji-hong, who isn’t even his real son? That strikes a nerve, and Director Hong gets up and punches him. He warns Director Jin not to speak of Ji-hong that way and vows to find the real culprit behind this stock scandal.

Ji-hong follows his father out, and they ride down the elevator together. Director Hong tells Ji-hong not to take Director Jin’s targeted comments to heart, and Ji-hong holds his father’s hand. He assures his father that he’s past those comments now and scolds his father for throwing his fist like some adolescent.

Director Hong exits the elevator, and Ji-hong notices his lopsided posture. Then, Director Hong loses his balance and falls over. Ji-hong rushes to his side and asks his father if he’s been to regular check-ups after his vestibular schwannoma surgery. His father says that the check-ups are unnecessary, but Ji-hong fears that he’s relapsed, especially after observing his facial numbness during his address and the ataxia in his gait. Ji-hong urges his father to undergo an examination, even though it may make him more vulnerable in the volatile hospital politics.

Myung-hoon checks his father’s blood pressure after that punch, and they discuss their plans going forward. With Director Hong standing firm, Director Jin fears that his secret funds may be disclosed, but Myung-hoon assures him that they’ll be safe.

Ji-hong and Tae-ho are devastated by Director Hong’s brain scans, which show the growth of the tumor to the point where surgery would be extremely difficult. They blame themselves for failing to complete proper check-ups, and neither can risk performing the surgery due to their personal connection with Director Hong. Tae-ho recommends that Director Hong step down from his position and receive surgery from Yoon-do, but Ji-hong insists that everything must remain unknown until his father makes his decision.

Flashback to young Ji-hong getting heavily beaten up by bullies for being too smart in school. The main bully taunts young Ji-hong for living a lowly life, but Ji-hong stands up for himself and says that he’s only taking the beating because he’s an orphan. He grabs the bully’s arm before getting hit and says that’s enough for today. He says that it’s not worth their energy, since he’s not an equal competitor anyway.

Younger Director Hong approaches the boys and asks what’s going on. The bullies wrap it up for today, and Director Hong approaches Ji-hong to assess his wounds. Director Hong asks why he doesn’t fight back, and Ji-hong responds that it’s not realistic for him to act without considering the consequences. Then Director Hong proposes that they live together. Ji-hong initially rejects his proposal, saying that he’s going to marry a girl, but Director Hong clarifies that they should live together as father and son.

Back in the present, Director Hong enters the room and looks over his own scans. He notes how the cancer cells are fighting to live, just like him. Ji-hong insists that he needs surgery, but Director Hong refuses to receive surgery while the hospital is in this mess. Ji-hong pleads, saying that he doesn’t want to lose another loved one.

Kang-soo and Nurse Su-jin check out Hye-jung’s fancy car, and Nurse Su-jin gets excited to act like a rich heiress for the day. She suggests that they go to a hotel, and Kang-soo immediately shuts down the idea. She meant for the hotel pizza, and Kang-soo gets sheepish. Once in the car, he suggests only driving one loop around the parking lot because he never got around to getting his license. Nurse Su-jin throws a fuss that her rich heiress dreams have been crushed, which distracts Kang-soo momentarily and causes him to swerve into a sign while avoiding a car. Uh-oh.

Kang-soo knows he’s in deep trouble and channels his anxiety into a cartoon drawing of Hye-jung. When she enters the resident room, he rushes under the table, scared for his life. Hye-jung asks for her car keys, and Kang-soo takes her out to see the state of the car. She’s not too harsh with him and tells him to get it fixed, though she does threaten him with her fist when he’s surprised by her mercy.

Tae-ho summons Yoon-do and Hye-jung into his office to assign them to Director Hong’s surgery. Yoon-do initially refuses because he doesn’t want the pressure or attention, but Tae-ho assures him that this surgery will be kept secret. Tae-ho suggests a safe and modest method to reduce the tumor, but Yoon-do wants to take a riskier approach in completely removing the tumor. He works in an all-or-nothing manner and claims that this is the best option, despite Tae-ho’s caution and fear. Then he asks, “If a surgeon is afraid, it’s done for. Are you trying to instill fear in me even before the surgery?”

Yoon-do and Hye-jung prepare for another surgery, and Ji-hong joins them to clarify Yoon-do’s plan for his father’s surgery. He asks that Yoon-do go the safe route in removing the tumor, but Yoon-do seems bothered that he’s not trusted. Yoon-do asks Ji-hong if he trusts him, but he’s met with silence. He offers to step back from Director Hong’s surgery and enters the OR for another surgery. Hye-jung silently watches the interaction and looks at nervous Ji-hong.

In the surgery, Hye-jung tells Yoon-do that Ji-hong is doubtful and Yoon-do is bluffing out of fear. Yoon-do denies being afraid, but Hye-jung tells him not to be afraid since she’ll be supporting him in the surgery. He comments on her confidence, and she explains that the confidence from her rough youth helps her grow even today.

Ji-hong waits for Yoon-do to finish his surgery and approaches him. He says that he looked up Yoon-do’s resume and acknowledges his skills. As a doctor, Ji-hong trusts him, but as the patient’s guardian, he can’t trust him. In an almost pleading tone, he warns Yoon-do, “If this surgery goes badly, you’re dead.”

Hye-jung watches the two from afar and narrates: “When doctors become guardians, they too are merely impotent humans.”


I love that last narration from Hye-jung. It’s a reminder that we’re all imperfectly human, no matter what masks we wear. When things get deeply personal, rationality goes out the window and emotions take over. It’s a perfectly human response.

I like the focus on Ji-hong in this episode, and though it was a bit overdue, I was glad we could finally dig into his past. We already knew he was an orphan before being adopted, but bringing the context of his past into the present day made his connection with his father even more poignant. We see that young and jaded Ji-hong has come a long way to become the joyful spirit he is now, and it’s probably that younger self he saw in Hye-jung. He wants to open doors for her happiness and give her opportunities to grow. While the relationship still has a teacher-student dynamic, I’m more open to it because of Hye-jung’s emotional growth through her interactions with Ji-hong.

Hye-jung is officially back to being awesome, and though she wasn’t the one emotional center to this episode, she was the one I really cared about. Her confidence and determination to do Grandma’s life justice is inspiring, and so far, she’s had a reliable moral compass in her practice. I’m a little nervous about what sort of retaliation she’s seeking, but if her influence on Boss showed me anything, it’s that she values fairness and choices that move people forward. Speaking of Boss, his last words were so validating and quite telling of Hye-jung’s ultimate impression on the people she impacts. She abolishes all the prejudices associated with her past and her gender, and her ability to do so charms everyone around her. Park Shin-hye is doing great with the kickass elements as well as the emotional beats. I really hope she’s like Hye-jung in real life more than any other character she’s done.

Everyone is so brutally honest in this show, and it’s great because there’s less unnecessary brooding and more communication! Yoon-do is the best example of this, especially in telling his crush and his crush’s crush about his own crush. He’s an open book, and I love how simple and honest he is. That being said, I would hate to be in Seo-woo’s shoes because again, he’s blunt and honest. Yes, those slaps must have hurt, but I think his words stung more. He knew which biting words would provoke insecure Seo-woo, and it was hurtful. Even though she’s actually a frustrating ball of misdirected anger, I feel bad for her because she’s never learned to value herself. She’s grown up seeking approval from others rather than herself, and that toxic environment further exacerbated her inferiority complex. Hopefully she’ll come around sooner than later.

Doctors is reaching impressive numbers in ratings, and there are a lot of different elements that make this show so popular: the leads, the romance, the doctor ensemble, the lip colors… There are many different reasons to watch this show, but for me, the cast really completes the missing elements in the story. I think the individual characters outshine the main romance and romantic conflicts. The romance isn’t as compelling on paper and sometimes the clichés just don’t translate as well no matter how great the actors are. Like how do you accentuate the excellence in reverse parking any more than just regular reverse parking? Despite the romantic storytelling pitfalls and the obvious lip gloss PPL, I do think we have a reliable cast that’s able to make the most intelligent, irritating, and stubborn doctors feel intimately human.


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seriously, Yoo HyeJung is awesome.


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" the one who looks like a siberian husky dog " xD

I like Hye Jung .. a lot
but I also like Seo woo and I pity her !
when she slapped Jung Do, I felt her pain really .. it's like everyone is against her while she doesn't know what she did wrong .. I think she'll come to realize it though .. because deep down she's a nice girl who got lonely ..


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I too really like Hye Yung, but don't feel any pity for Seo Woo. All the hate is in her head. This episode, she was really harboring predator tendancies... Yoon Do was practically all, "Dude, no means no."


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Lol that's true and hilarious


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True, there is something to be said about the brutal honesty in this show! It's refreshing...and so is Hye-jung


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park hye shin is AWESOME!!!.. and she really has become beautiful with age...
all these guys are adorable


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After watching this episode, I guess at the end of this romance drama, the love lines will be like this :
1. Hye Jung - Hong Hong Hong
2. Soon Hee - Young Kook
3. Kang Soo - The Nurse
4. bromance between Kyung Joon - Joong Dae

While Yoon Do will be forever single because he can't find another charismatic spunky woman with tragic past other than Hye Jung (I won't take any random love line for him)

And Seo Woo? I don't really care about her anymore unless she changes her mind and acts like a mature woman as she should be *heavy sigh*

And those Siberian Husky dog thing about Yoon Do, now that Soon Hee has mentioned it, I can't unsee it. Thanks Soon Hee-ya ;) you gave me a good laugh


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I'm thinking the writers may put Soon Hee with (Ramon boy) Joong-dae at the end. I HOPE she's get pair up with Young Kook though. I luv him.


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The OTP is clear as day so it seems like it's Soonhee's ship that makes everyone anxious. I personally don't like Youngkook. It's not because he's an underachiever who's content with being in the shadow, it's just...he's so boooooring.

Me thinks Kangsoo is a match made in heaven with Soonhee. They are both cute and cheeky troublemakers. I hope the writer isn't pairing him with Cinderella Nurse because that's just nonsensical.


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I think they might end up pairing Soonhee with Yoondo. He also fits the 'tall Doctor' description.

I've seen Younggook as a match with Seowoo since the beginning. He's very supportive of her, and it seems like he's the only one she ever relaxes around.


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i really hope seo woo gets a great redemption because i ship her with young gook

and please pair kang soo with seo woo not that nurse


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I just keep thinking that Young Kook will end up with Seo Woo, or just single at the end! Whereas Soon Hee will end up with Joong Dae because it will be such a comedic pairing.


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No! Soon Hee deserves better than to be paired with a buffoon. I hate that kind of simpering, sycophantic behaviour.

Hmm, I do think that the production might be pushing that pairing though.


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Sycophantic - what a fun word! I'm going to have to incorporate that into my vocabulary.


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Agree. I just adore adore adore Soon Hee.

It's not so much the looks. I could get behind a romance with Joong Dae if he's shown to be an awesome human being.

But so far he's 100% comic relief. And Soon Hee deserves so much more than to be thrown into a insignificant comedic pairing just for laughs and gigglez.

I worry too, because the story seems to be pushing at Soon Hee - Joong Dae. UGH.


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i think that Young kook will end up with Seo Woo too! just because he gets her and is the only one that can really call her out on things, and she does occasionally listen instead of going all defensive unlike how she reacts to Yoon Do and Ji Hong.

i wonder what Yoon Do meant by "he was attracted to Seo-woo briefly, but it wasn't like she only had eyes for him", so Seo-Woo was attracted to someone else??


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i dont know why but i have this feeling that Young Kook is not just a friend
maybe he has had eyes since long for seo woo but he knows he will get rejected and thats why he pretends to be just a friend
remember the look in his eyes when he said im always on your side?
this show is so real that i think soon hee will end up with joon dae. you wont always end up with your ideal type
i love this show alot......please more psh-krw romance


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I really like Ji Hong as a character by himself. His positive attitude, and not falling into broodiness when other character in other kdramas would have certainly done so if given the same backstory as Ji Hong, is his most compelling characteristic. Plus, when he smiles and laughs, I just melt, awww, all the gooeyness comes out


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Really liking this show because of the different charters.
I think if I was in this dramaworld, I would be right there with Soon Hee-Ya, and totally be crushing on Young Kook.

Young Kook is an interesting character who’s deeply loyal to Seo Woo, but does not let that loyalty determine his opinion of Hye Jung. He’s not the kind of friend who is going to hate someone just because his friend hates him or her. I like how he consistently calls SW out on her BS. I only wish that he would tell her straight up when she just needs to stop. Her insecurity and victim mentality are not only self destructive but harmful to the people around her. YK’s rationally is a good offset to SW irrationality and I enjoy watching them on screen together; however I’m not hoping for a future love line, just some mature and growth on SW part (something that obviously hasn’t happened since high school).

Yoon Do is another character whom I absolutely adore. I didn’t know that I could swoon over blatant honesty, but apparently that works for me. I don’t always agree with what he does or says, but I’m constantly commenting to myself on how adorable he is. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the writing but I also think some credit goes to the actor as well. I loved him in in Pinocchio; he somehow managed to make a seemingly unredeemable character into one that was thoroughly sympatric.

I think the love-line is lacking because it’s missing the elements that make romance work for kdrams. K-dramas are so good at the long and steady build-up leading to big romantic pay-offs. This drama has almost no build-up. Now it seems like they may have to rely on miscommunication or misunderstandings to add conflict to the romance. I’m not sure which angle they’ll choose. I guess will wait and see.


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I admire Young-kook's loyalty towards Seon-woo although I don't really understand it and hope the show will give us their backstory and tell us how they got so close. Her entitlement and victim mentality would drive me nuts and living a resident's life is already tough enough, who wants to be surrounded by her negativity in their little free time?


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Maybe Seo-woo is a sociopath and Young-kook was pretending to be friends so he can observe and write a study about her.


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hahahaha!! Good one Mary! ?


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Just like how Young-oh's ex-fianceé pretended to love him so she could write her thesis on antisocial personality disorder?


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Yeah I'm baffled why Young Kook is really steadfast in his loyalty to Seo Woo. But I'm glad too, because it seems like SW needs someone who can call her out on her BS even though she'll never listen anyway. I have a secret hope they'll get together lol but I think there's a 70% chance it won't happen.


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Youngkook is like the Voice of Reasons in Seowoo's life. Except she only likes to keep him around because she feels most secured and confident in front of underachievers.


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I am surprised to know how good this drama is :)


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I'm truthfully really tired of all the office politics in the drama and wish they'd just stick to the who-killed-haelmoni-investigation instead of a full-blown power struggle. I'm really just here for the doctors' interactions I guess, so I almost always want to skip through the evil villains part heh.

The cast are really the heart of this drama, and I kind of regard this drama as a slice-of-life and wouldn't have minded if there weren't such a big drama behind it all. But I guess it wouldn't be a kdrama otherwise.

In other news, I still wish they would give Seo Woo's character more depth. She's way too petty to even be valuable to the narrative :( I wanted her to be somewhat of a foil to Hye Jung's character like Seo Deo Yeon was to Jang Hye Sung in "I hear your voice". I guess they still have a few more eps left, but I'm really not feeling her character.

Despite my complaints (haha oops), I still really like this drama to tune in every week to it :)


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I know there's a lot of plot to get through but I really wanted to know how Ji Soo's character Soo-Chul is fairing. Poor boy.


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I really hope will see a reunion between him and his little son. That would be too cute for words. A girl can dream.


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Oh yes! This has to happen! Hopefully sooner rather than later. Like father, like son, they are both adorable.


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- The lipsticks product placements drive me nuts... but also they make me really want them. Stop it, Korean makeup products!

- This is strange but the only thing I noticed about the fishing scene was Hye Jung and her extremely high wedge heels - not something I would ever envision myself going fishing in, especially not on that uneven grassy terrain.

- I'm also really tired of Seo Woo. Really. She needs to get out of my face. I'm tired of seeing her face and her expression (there's something about it that makes me feel like slapping her like she slapped Yoon Do - Wake UP, girl) and I'm tired of her whiny "I'm so sick of being kind because everyone is being horrible to me". Get off your high horse. Why would she expect kindness/rewards in return for being kind? And besides - spreading rumours about HJ back in high school, and now slapping YD just because he doesn't like you back, not to mention bringing up the topic of trying to rekindle friendships with HJ yet always accusing HJ but never bothering to think about whether she herself might be wrong - please, she's not exactly the paragon of kindness either.


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Pffft. Two lipstick PPL in five minutes, because how else do you make it even between the two ladies? Since Park Shinhye flashes some Mamonde liptint, Lee Sungkyung's got to swatch some Laneigh two-tone lipstick. xD


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I actually kind of want the two-tone lipstick now ?


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I feel like they do it cause they have to. It's why the Tuesday episode has less PPL that the Monday one. They probably do it to get it out of the way


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I'm afraid the more the ratings go up the more PPLs there'll be...oh the joys of live shot dramas. X)


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I am so forcing myself to keep watching this turkey. What a waste of actual acting talent. I'm looking at you Kim Rae won. You must have needed the extra cash. I never expect Park Shin hye to pick a "good" drama. She just seems to occasionally stumble on one now and then. This one isn't one of them. The tropes the memes, and even the damned product placement is over the top in this one. It shares the week with another horrible medical drama, Beautiful Mind. At least that one has Jang Hyuk who can't seem to stop being compelling no matter how stupid the script he's given. The things that drama writers don't know about medicine, disease, mental health and their own darned health care system would fill a fleet of semi trucks. I understand it's fiction but "good" fiction unless you'r writing sci fi or fantasy should have some basis in facts.


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Haha. I actually am opposite to you- regarding medical accuracy I expected much less from the writers than this. (And I'm in the medical line) Perhaps the bar for me was set very low, but it's a drama, and you have to give the writer some leeway I think or you will never be able to watch another drama involving medicine. I think ER was the only truly accurate one, but that's because it was written by an actual Doctor and if I not wrong it was about his subspecialty as well.

I'm watching Doctors for the kick ass female lead and her growth. I'm watching Beautiful Mind for the intricate plot and characters. Definitely not tuning in for the actual Medicine. ?


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I don't tune in for the medical stuff either really. I'm not sure why Korean drama, not just this one, but many many others. Have so much "medical" nonsense in them. The actual medical procedures being off don't bother me as much as the overused trope that koreans have to pay for life saving medical procedures or their loved one's will die. It's not at all accurate. South Korea has one of the highest rated, most successful universal healthcare systems in the developed world. Also, I like to note that if I walk into a hospital and see my doctor kick or hit another doctor, then I'm going somewhere else. I don't know why this one is driving me crazy. Maybe because Beautiful Mind is crap science too all in the same week. I'm only watching that one because Jang Hyuk could melt ice in Antarctica with his smoldering stare.


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Ah. I understand what you mean now. I agree with you 100% about the doctors not acting like professionals (hitting/acting petty/placing patients' life at stake to prove a point/dressing up in clubbing make up etc) plus the idea that without money patients won't get treatment is complete nonsense.
I on the other hand was watching for the actual procedures and they were in fact quite accurate! Lol. I actually wrote something about it on my blog (it's only about BM but you can check it out if you like, so that maybe you can see that there are some parts which are medically accurate? Haha. I'd like to know what you think.)


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Give me the link I'd love to check out your blog.


I think you can click on my name on this post? If not it is

Sorry I'm such a noob as this. I never have blogged much before this but I wanted to give the writer some credit for some of the accuracies in the show as well as to debunk some of the rubbish. ?


Michykdrama, you have a blog about BM!!! I am going to check it out right now! I am really enjoying BM. I started Doctors first and totally fell in love with JH and HJ, then picked up BM as a lot of commenters and DB staff said so many good things about it, and I have to say, I find BM to be definitely more captivating, the patients, the stories, the romance are really more poignant/touching. I am enjoying both, but they definitely have a different feel. Ok, going to read your blog now!


if youre the only one complaining ..................
well make sure if youre ok. have a check up dude.


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Funny that BM fans keep complaining in Doctors thread.
You might think this drama not so good but guess what? KRW might be glad to pick this over BM for many reasons- he wanted a light role and this drama is doing much better no matter how much you trash it.
The 2 dramas are totally different. Doctors is about human struggle and it's wonderful how realistic it is. You don't need to appreciate it but don't need to trash it either. It make you look bitter and pathetic

And people give PSH too much credit. The drama is popular it's must be her. The drama is not good. It must be her fault.

The last thing KRW need is your pity because he is doing much better than your so-called good shows


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I think the title doctors crush match the story line almost every character have crush on another


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my perspective is, or how much I love Hye Jung, but I think PSH, is really beautiful .... I love this drama


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The product placement is strong with this one...now excuse me while I go buy new lipstick and eyeliner.


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Get a light green lipstick so it matches with Subway's veggie sandwiches.


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Good call, first rule of Kdrama beauty; Any food you eat must match your PPL Makeup. Bonus points if the food is also product placement. So to be on the safe side only eat subway. Or go to the designated PPL coffee shop. Wait, scratch that, if go there you need to order a beverage and leave it on the table without actually drinking any of it. I'll just wear green lipstick and eat my Subway.


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Im afraid to see in the final they show that YK is secretly been in love with SW all this time. Since her mom mention about SW dad used to follow her around n stuff.. please no.
2. SW keep on saying that shes nice all but when? Just teach mathematic once n be nice to the ahjuma before she died once. Before at the restaurant she was rude to her. SW is souless.
The siberian husky comment is soooo on the dot. Who would have thought of it... applauded and standing ovation on that part. Hi hi hi


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Yeah, she'd completely delusional. I think Seo Woo equates not actively trying to destroy someone's life as 'kind'. So if she's not doing that folks, she's being a good person (soz Hye Jung!).

Seo Woo was never 'kind'. She only helped out Hye Jung in the first place to score points with Ji Hong. She was never a real friend to Soon Hee. She studied and did what her amoral lizard parents wanted and counts that as being 'good'.

I have to laugh at everyone telling her to stop announcing her impending turn to the dark side though. Everyone treats her exactly like you would if you had to deal with an adult acting like a bitchy teenager at work. They ignore it. It's actually impressively realistic. I love the occasional attempts to point out her unprofessionalism too.


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I really liked how this drama is moving forward. I love the interaction between HJ and JH very much. I like his vibrant personality and her big eyes looking at him with awe. She still has that high school facial expression when she looks at him. Many people talked about his reverse parking. I loved the backing on the car, because in the most recent episode, she fell asleep on it. she must have been reminiscing her actions or looking for something more from him. "HG, I have long arms. You can use them " - She probably was day dreaming, maybe to touch or put her head on his arm. May be she wanted that. Her expression of looking at his so intently, and being so close to him the previous time and in the car, must have been something. He just parked, and went on to say his father's car was there and moved on.

I hate the pettiness of SW and the evilness of their entire family. They need to grow up real good.

I really like KS - I like his playfulness very much. Loved him in DOTS too.

I hope HJ and JH get closer - I hope they bring In Joo . It would be nice to see some competition for JH and bring HJ feelings to the surface and accept his love and love him so.


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"the lip colors.."
I LOLed when i read this and looked like a complete idiot in the library. They need to up their game when incorporating the sponsored cosmetics. I see no (or barely any) difference between before and after the actresses apply the products.

I guess transparent lip colors are a trend in korea...


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Seo-woo what kindness?????? ???


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i watch this drama because i love.. looveeee PSH is wearing in this drama... outfit are always on point! and I want one for myself hihihihi


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This is the Korean Grey's Anatomy. It's heavily based on the romantical connections between the doctors and the medical aspect seems to be second. While I do enjoy the drama, I feel like this episode had me bored to tears in the medical department. I want surgeries and action! I want that gripping life or death situation and Hye Jung kicking some serious butt!!!


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I keep seeing people talk about romance is the main focus when HJ and JH barely has screen time together....
The drama is about human/line. Medical/hospital is just the background


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But I want the two with the weird hair colour together.... I am not even asking for too much *deep sigh*

Seo Woo is that character I would have bitch slapped since and moved on from. I seriously don't have patience for people with twisted thoughts. I understand when you want to be competitive with your friends and all, in the area of your career and maybe love. What I don't understand and I refuse to is when you think everyone should worship the ground you walk on. Doesn't she get tired? Because I think all she does all day is think of how to trample over Hye Jung. It should be tiring.....

Then she slapped Yoon Do?? She's number 2 on my hitlist now. I have one or two things against Yoon Do but you don't go around slapping the Siberia husky


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Loving this drama. So addicted to it. Park Shin Hye is very pretty and her acting has matured greatly. I'm impressed.


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someone should start a fund raising to help defray cost of shaving psh chin since she's so embarrassed of it. I can't even imagine how she passed the medical exam.


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The heck?


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Any theories as to why HyeJung is not being sneaky in finding the truth about her Grandmother's surgery?


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Now, I will forever see him as one.


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Plot twist: Hye Jung doesn't end up with Hong Hong Hong or cutie pie husky Yoon Do.... Gangster Oppa wins it all ;DDD


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Gangster Oppa was fiiiiine! I'll take Yoon Do of everyone's hands. That Siberian husky is coming home with me!


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Thanks for the recap, dramallama!!

I like PSH in this role a lot. Doing a great job at conveying HJ's painful loss of grandma, how she would keep living with grandma in mind, her tentativeness towards men/love, etc. I also like how she naturally encourages those around her, such as giving YD confidence for the surgery, and earns respect, such as the Boss listening to her.

KS and the nurse... Haha... Knew there'd be a fender bender.

The honesty is refreshing in this series. YD is the straightarrow and he doesn't package his words with tact. So, I can feel the burn on SW's end. But then again, I wouldn't be slapping YD if I were her. She really needs to get over the inferiority complex and pinning her misdirected hatred/jealousy/anger all on HJ.

I like the warm moment when JH held his dad's hand. Didn't think Director Hong would actually throw a punch at Director Jin, but I guess enough is enough. No doubt the shady people will get what they deserve at the end.

Too much lipstick/lipgloss PPL in this ep, but I guess it can't be helped. Just wish the two scenes had been spaced out more.

I wanna know how SC is doing cuz puppy Jisoo always makes an episode extra special... He must be so bored lying in a hospital bed. =P


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"oh dear lord, why is reverse-parking glorified?"

Hahahahahahahahahahaha...my thoughts exactly! They do know that its not the right way to reverse park, right? ;)


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I agree with the Makeup PPL in this episode! Even KRW had on noticeable makeup in one scene I found disturbing... His lips I think. Oh well...

Now interesting Dramallama how you wrote MH seems to know there was something wrong with Grandma's surgery. Doesn't he know?? Who is doing the cover up otherwise? I thought he definitely knew he did something wrong which is why he covered it up and paid off the parents? Or maybe I missed something in the beginning.

About SW, she needs to listen to the people who actually care about her! Like JH and YD! They basically both said the same thing, she needs to learn to love herself. I believe JH as her teacher really saw what she needed, and so did YD as her Sunbae. They may not be in love with her, but still want the best for her--unlike her family who only want to use her for their own gain. She is a victim of her own making blaming it on everybody else. SH left her. HJ stole her JH. Always blaming other people and not taking any responsibility. As SH said when they were in high school, she never considered/treated SH as her friend. Ever since we first saw her in high school, she has never been her own person. As she told JH "what about what I want" maybe she had other dreams other than what her parents want. But she never set herself free. Oh, and she was being kind and nice? And now is going to change and be defiant? Ok, whatever you say SW. Still living in her own delusion/perception. I really want to see her grow. But she is going in circle right now. I wish we could at least see that she is a good doctor. But I don't think she really cares about being a doctor. She is only still doing what her family wants. Of all the characters I think she is the weakest I am not sure what her character is supposed to be except cause grief for HJ. Even SH who we hardly see is more relatable. And I agree with those of you who think SH should end up with JD! That would be too cute!

I like the progression of HJ and JH's relationship. He may be direct, but they are taking it slow. They are technically going on dates but not quite dating yet. Slowly breaking down her walls, and that's working!


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Characters are the strongest element of this drama.
They feel real
The romance wasn't even the focus in the last 2 weeks... to say that it was outshone. If anything it was the main reason they got the rating this high
But writer start focusing on real conflict and leave the romance a bit behind. That's why it hasn't crossed 20 year

And Hyejung is love. Shinhye is just as sassy.


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