Doctors: Episode 6

Sometimes the banal things in someone’s life can be luxuries to others. A happy family, a carefree attitude, or even the ability to forgive others can be privileges some people can’t experience. Despite Ji-hong losing his family and Hye-jung losing hers, this commonality doesn’t seem to be able to bridge the gap on their differing outlooks on life. However, maybe Hye-jung can learn to love again with Ji-hong’s help, and Ji-hong can learn to share some of her pain.



Ji-hong runs down a busy street and narrates, “The value of precious things can only be appraised after they’re lost.”

In flashback, little Ji-hong came home and happily ate food his mother left out for him. Adult Ji-hong narrates, “I didn’t know back then that the mundane things in life were the most valuable things people could enjoy.”

The flashback changes, to little Ji-hong watching as the doctors tried to save his parents. Adult Ji-hong continues his narration: “I lost [them] before my eyes, unable to do anything. I hate everything that destroys my everyday life.”

Ji-hong dashes into the boss’s room and sees Hye-jung sprawled on the ground wincing as a pool of blood forms underneath her. Yoon-do gets up and helps Hye-jung push the attacker off of her, and it turns out that the attacker is the one bleeding.

Returning to his senses, Ji-hong yells at Yoon-do for allowing this situation to occur on his watch, and Yoon-do yells back at Ji-hong that he tried. The two engage in a shouting match, and Hye-jung has to remind them that there are two patients needing their attention right now.

Uncle Pa-ran comes down to meet Ji-hong and Hye-jung since he’s been called to perform the operation on the attacker. He tells Hye-jung that it’s already their third encounter today, so on their fourth, they’ll be dating. He winks at her, and Ji-hong shoos him away.

Hye-jung thinks he’s fun, and Ji-hong says that his pick-up repertoire hasn’t changed at all. Hye-jung turns to Ji-hong and lets him know that Yoon-do tripped the attacker, which saved her. She says that she’s never seen Ji-hong that angry, and Ji-hong admits that he’s surprised over his own behavior, too.

Before she leaves, Ji-hong stops Hye-jung and says that this is an act from one human to another. He pulls her into a hug, and Hye-jung momentarily freezes. Ji-hong says thank you, and when Hye-jung asks what for, he calls her dumb. He lets her go, and Hye-jung walks away flustered, her arms stiffly dangling by her side.

Hye-jung goes to check on the boss’s condition, and checks the CT scans. There isn’t a need to do another surgery, so Hye-jung orders Kyung-joon to return the patient to his room and monitor him. Kyung-joon asks if it’s true that Yoon-do saved her, and Hye-jung asks Kyung-joon about the progress of his thesis. She scolds him for wasting his time on useless things when he could be doing more research.

Yoon-do walks absentmindedly in the hallway, and Hye-jung calls after him. He tries to hide his face and run away, but Hye-jung persists and catches up to him. She thanks him, but he thinks she’s mocking him because he was useless during the attack, and he runs away again.

She follows him and executes some fighting techniques, which make him flinch. She explains that she’s a professional mixed martial artist, so he shouldn’t feel ashamed about earlier. She tries to thank him again, but Yoon-do stops her because he’s too embarrassed to hear it. He watches her leave, and puts a hand over his pounding heart.

Hye-jung enters her office and lies down on the couch before getting up and opening a handbook. She takes out a card inside with a file number written on it.

Myung-hoon and his father Director Jin practice golf and discuss their plans for taking over the hospital. Director Jin says that he might not be alive to see the hospital become privatized, but at least Seo-woo will reap the benefits.

Seo-woo’s mother greets Myung-hoon at home, but he ignores her, much to her ire. She pesters Seo-woo to get married, so she can divorce her father. This seems to be a common occurrence, because Seo-woo casually tells her mother to get a divorce right now.

The topic changes to Yoon-do, and Myung-hoon joins the conversation, telling Seo-woo to decide on a date for the wedding. Seo-woo is against forcing Yoon-do to marry her, but Myung-hoon tells her that love is temporary. He reminds her that she has loftier goals than a happy marriage.

Yoon-do leaves his apartment for work in the morning, and next door, Ji-hong and Uncle Pa-ran exit together. Pa-ran greets Yoon-do, and though Yoon-do tries to avoid Ji-hong, Pa-ran ignores his nephew’s attempt to escape.

Pa-ran suggests carpooling to the hospital, and Yoon-do whispers to his uncle that he doesn’t like Ji-hong. Of course, Pa-ran tattles on Yoon-do, and Ji-hong says in banmal that they should carpool. Yoon-do is taken aback by the sudden informality, but Ji-hong reasons that a nephew of his friend is his nephew, too. Ji-hong and Pa-ran jump into the backseat of Yoon-do’s car with huge, goofy grins plastered on their faces.

Yoon-do drives grumpily as Pa-ran is passed out and leaning on Ji-hong, and he tells Ji-hong that they should return to their former formal relationship. Ji-hong just says he’s going to sleep for a bit, and then apologizes to Yoon-do for yelling at him last night.

Tae-ho is making his rounds and notices that a patient’s guardian is absent, and he tells Kyung-joon to explain the patient’s condition to the guardian later.

Hye-jung waits outside Ji-hong’s office holding a potted plant, and Yoon-do notices her since his office is right across the hallway. He stops to tell her that Ji-hong will come after making his rounds, and asks her random questions like where she bought the plant. He wonders if she isn’t curious about him, and says that it’s common courtesy to ask at least one question back in these situations.

Hye-jung asks why, and her blunt response flusters Yoon-do. He tries to escape by entering his office but gets his password wrong on the first try. Hye-jung watches Yoon-do and seems genuinely puzzled by his actions.

Kyung-joon explains his patient’s condition to a family member, but all his technical jargon confuses her. Tae-ho happens to walk by and witnesses the exchange. His expression darkens, and he tells Joong-dae to gather all the doctors in their department to the conference room.

Young-kook and Kang-soo hurry to the sudden meeting, and they wonder if it’s about Hye-jung. Once everyone arrives, Tae-ho orders Kyung-joon to repeat what he told the guardian, and everyone understands the problem after hearing Kyung-joon’s recitation. Tae-ho asks Young-kook to explain the mistake, but Young-kook refuses to point out a sunbae’s mistake, despite knowing the answer.

Tae-ho is mad at Kyung-joon’s use of medical terminology and wants everyone to talk to patients in a way that they can understand. He doesn’t want them to feel superior and act haughty by using complex medical terms. He tells them to not only learn skills but also the mentality of being a doctor.

Ji-hong is surprised to see Hye-jung waiting for him, and lets her into his office. She hands him the plant as a welcoming gift but also as a bribe. She hands him the note with the case number on it and asks him to look up Grandma’s surgery file, and he asks if this was the reason she took the job at this hospital. He rips up the note and tells her to forget it. Ji-hong thinks that as a surgeon, she should know that accidents happen, but to Hye-jung, she can’t understand the director’s behavior even more after becoming a doctor herself.

Ji-hong apologizes for ripping up the note, but he says he did it because he felt pity for her. He asks if she can’t live an ordinary life now, but Hye-jung retorts that an ordinary life was never a privilege given to her. Thus, if Ji-hong won’t help her, then she’ll find another way to retrieve that file.

Hye-jung sits outside, lost in thought, until Yoon-do interrupts. He wonders if she’s crying, and Hye-jung can’t believe he’s even more tactless than her. He informs her that the police are here to receive a report from both of them about the knife attack, so they should go together.

Ji-hong looks up Grandma’s file on the computer—the ripped note taped back together—but is also denied access.

Seo-woo walks up to Young-kook and comments about Hye-jung causing problems again. Young-kook corrects her and explains that the boss might have died if it weren’t for Hye-jung. She spots Hye-jung walking with Yoon-do, and when Yoon-do walks over to them, Seo-woo asks why they were together.

He tells her that they had to give a police report, and Seo-woo sighs about Hye-jung always causing trouble. She mentions Yoon-do’s previous wish to kick Hye-jung out, but he tells her that he’s changed his mind. Vexed, Seo-woo tells him that Hye-jung was the school gangster who bullied her, and also reveals that Hye-jung was kicked out of school. But Yoon-do says he already heard this from Hye-jung, and bets his car that Seo-woo wasn’t the only one hurt back then.

Seo-woo follows Yoon-do while he’s checking on the restaurant owner, and says that he owes her a car. She asks for an apology, and with the restaurant owner on her side, Seo-woo finally gets Yoon-do to reluctantly apologize. He tries to hide his face as he leaves, but Seo-woo shouts that he isn’t the one in power just because she likes him. The restaurant owner likes Seo-woo’s spunk, and asks her to bring that wretched girl to her.

Director Hong is surprised that Ji-hong is at work already, and Ji-hong jokingly points an accusatory finger at Tae-ho. Tae-ho denies the accusation and insists that Ji-hong is still on vacation, and Director Hong happily says that it’s okay, then, for Ji-hong to go fishing with him. Ji-hong complains that fishing is boring, and the atmosphere is jovial.

Soon-hee hands out flyers in the hospital lobby and runs into a woman—it’s Hye-jung’s stepmother. Half her face seems to be paralyzed, and her daughter, YOO YOO-NA, is with her. Yoo-na tries to help Soon-hee pick up her fallen flyers, but Stepmother stops her. She boasts loudly about how Yoo-na almost became a doctor, and Soon-hee rolls her eyes.

Once Hye-jung appears, Soon-hee loudly calls after her doctor friend, but they’re already gone, much to her disappointment. Soon-hee hands Hye-jung a bag of clothes, and the two high-five before separating.

Soon-hee pays a visit to the residents’ offices and offers Kyung-joon a flyer for her cafe. He refuses, and complains about security letting solicitors inside. Soon-hee yells that she has a doctor friend, and Young-kook intervenes, managing to stop their bickering.

Young-kook asks her age and comments that he doesn’t see anyone over thirty as a woman. So Soon-hee lies that she’s twenty-six, but when Young-kook asks if her friend is a resident, she can’t answer truthfully and decides to leave. She calls Kyung-joon’s face a mess as she exits, and he yells ineffectually at Young-kook to go bring her back.

As fate would have it, one of Hye-jung’s new patients turns out to be her stepmother. Hye-jung instantly recognizes her, but remains calm and tells the nurse to set up MRI scans. Stepmother barges back into the office, and she sneers at Hye-jung’s aloof attitude towards her own mother. Hye-jung sees through her stepmother’s petty tactics, attacking her while there are onlookers, but Hye-jung says she doesn’t care about what others think and that Stepmother will never be her mother.

The restaurant owner finally gets to meet with the woman she kept asking for, and spits in the woman’s face. Seo-woo enters, and restaurant owner tells her that she divorced her husband without a fight when she found out about his affair with this other woman. She regrets her docile past, and urges Seo-woo to fight for her man because there’s no point in living kindly.

Hye-jung stares at a couple of scans of her stepmother’s brain, and decides to call Ji-hong. He’s fishing with his father at the moment, and Hye-jung just tells him to have a good time before hanging up. Director Hong says that Hye-jung must be pretty because Ji-hong sounds different when he’s talking to her. Ji-hong says that’s nonsense, and then asks his father to look up Grandma’s file for him.

Hye-jung shows the MRI scans to Yoon-do and asks him to take this case. However, Yoon-do won’t switch because it’s against hospital policy. Seo-woo walks into the room she shares with Hye-jung, and wonders why Yoon-do is here. He doesn’t give much of an explanation, and wonders if Seo-woo has an inferiority complex towards Hye-jung. He comments about seeing a different side to Seo-woo lately.

Soon-hee is excited about the cafeteria food at the hospital, but Hye-jung doesn’t share her enthusiasm which makes Soon-hee wonder if Hye-jung is ashamed of her. Hye-jung explains that she saw her stepmother today, but she can’t hand over the case to another doctor.

Seo-woo and Young-kook enter the cafeteria, but Seo-woo sees Soon-hee and leaves. Young-kook follows her, and Seo-woo tells him that Hye-jung stole her old friend. He says that she’s suffering from a lack of affection, which is causing her to get emotionally attached to the restaurant owner. Seo-woo denies it and complains about Yoon-do being in the fellow room with Hye-jung earlier. Young-kook says that it probably had something to do with Hye-jung’s stepmother making a scene at the hospital today.

Kang-soo intrudes on Hye-jung’s lunchtime to talk about plans for her welcome party, and Soon-hee offers to host it at her café for free. Hye-jung tells her that she’s his superior, so Soon-hee suggests a fifty-percent discount instead.

Seo-woo walks in on Hye-jung changing in their room, and Hye-jung tells her to just come in. Seo-woo strikes up a conversation and mentions Hye-jung’s stepmother. She then asks about Yoon-do, and Hye-jung tells her that she only asked him to take her stepmother’s case for her, and doesn’t want Seo-woo to misunderstand. Seo-woo says she’s trying to have a civil conversation, but it keeps devolving into an argument and the air remains strained between them.

Kyung-joon is gossiping with Kang-soo and a nurse about Hye-jung, and they all agree that she seems to have a complicated family. Yoon-do interrupts their gossiping and asks for the stepmother’s charts. The nurse is ecstatic that Yoon-do is taking the case for Hye-jung, and he finally learns that the patient is Hye-jung’s stepmother.

Hye-jung tells her stepmother that she needs surgery but suggests that she go elsewhere. Stepmother brazenly calls Hye-jung her daughter and says that she’ll stay, since Hye-jung works here. Hye-jung says that Stepmother hasn’t changed, and her stepmother says that Hye-jung is still the same on the inside, too.

Half-sister Yoo-na catches up to Hye-jung and hands her a business card of their family’s restaurant. Though they aren’t rich, she says they make enough money to live and won’t burden Hye-jung.

Yoon-do leaves a voicemail for Hye-jung telling her that he’ll perform the surgery, and Seo-woo overhears him. She doesn’t like his change of heart, but Yoon-do thinks it’s normal for the heart to change.

Seo-woo visits the restaurant owner, who comments that Seo-woo’s the only one who visits her after her recent spat with the other woman. She tries to get up, but Seo-woo advises her to lie down so she doesn’t overexert herself. The restaurant owner claims that she’s fine, but suddenly, she starts to convulse.

Seo-woo tries to save the restaurant owner, but nothing she does revives her. Seo-woo refuses to give up trying, and Yoon-do has to step in. Kyung-joon declares the time of death, and Yoon-do has to come and physically hold back Seo-woo as she cries.

Hye-jung visits her family’s restaurant, but stays across the street and watches her father from afar. She has a flashback to when Grandma bought her the necklace she’s always wearing, when the two adorably bickered about which one to buy. Back in the present, Ji-hong calls Hye-jung, but she hangs up on him, promising to call back.

She watches her father talk with a customer, and Hye-jung has another memory of Grandma. Hye-jung asked if she should get rid of her mole, but Grandma said it meant she’d receive a lot of love from adults. Hye-jung dejectedly said that her father hated her, but Grandma said he didn’t. However, Grandma said she wouldn’t force her to understand him, because parents should love their children first.

Hye-jung meets with Ji-hong, who hands her an envelope containing Grandma’s file. He tells her that he had to ask a favor from someone to get it, and if finding out the truth will make her happy, then he’ll do his best to help her. He asks when he’ll get to see her “ten won” cheapness, which finally makes her smile.

It suddenly rains, and Ji-hong offers his jacket as an umbrella. They run side by side under his jacket, and end up in a telephone booth. The sudden rain reminds them of a similar moment from their past. Staring out into the rain, Ji-hong repeats a quote by Vivian Greene: “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

He plays The La’s “There She Goes” (another bit of nostalgia from their shared past) and walks out into the rain. He starts dancing and twirling, and then pulls Hye-jung outside with him. They dance and laugh together.

They pause for a moment, and Ji-hong tells Hye-jung that this is an act from a man to a woman. He marches up to her, and kisses her.


I feel like Ji-hong has a tendency to think he knows what’s right for Hye-jung, and sometimes his advice comes across as overbearing. For example, I didn’t like how he ripped up the note, and thought he mishandled the situation with Hye-jung. He didn’t consider her perspective, and failed to realize that Hye-jung needed closure with her past to move on to her future. However, to his credit, he did rectify his mistake and told her point-blank that he would help her find the truth if it would make her happy. Though I sometimes find him a bit pushy and idealistic, I don’t mind his direct tactic in pursuing Hye-jung because I don’t think she would have known about his feelings otherwise. For the past thirteen years, it appears that Hye-jung hasn’t formed new, meaningful relationships and can’t pick up on social cues hinting at friendship or love. Even Yoon-do’s attempts to grow closer seem to have flown over Hye-jung’s head. As for Ji-hong, I think their thirteen-year separation made him realize that his floundering made him lose the girl, so this time, he’s determined to get his feelings across. Thus, he’s persistent, and Hye-jung is confused by this new emotional terrain he’s introduced in her life.

I’m disappointed with how the show is developing Seo-woo. I feel like they’re depicting her as a one-note character, and though all the other characters keep saying that they’ve seen a new side to her, to the viewers, it’s still the same jealous and insecure Seo-woo. I wish Seo-woo had more gravitas and displayed more professionalism as a surgeon, especially since she’s the only other female doctor we’ve seen so far (not including In-joo). It seems to me that the show does a bad job portraying her character as a doctor, and though others keep saying she’s superior to Hye-jung and has no reason to feel insecure, nothing has happened to support that claim. The only patient we’ve seen her interact with is the restaurant owner, but even then, she is Yoon-do’s patient, not Seo-woo’s. I also thought the death of the restaurant owner could have been better executed because everything happened so abruptly and the slow-motion took me out of the moment. It’s a common occurrence in dramas for second-lead females to be less developed than their second-lead male counterparts, and I think Doctors has that same tendency.

Up until this episode, I was still on the fence with Yoon-do because I thought his tactic last episode to get rid of Hye-jung was pigheaded. However, I completely adored him this episode. It was adorable trying to see him run away and hide from people because his height makes him easily noticeable, and I loved all his animated expressions this episode. Some of my favorites were his aghast looks as he tried to run away from Hye-jung, his frightened expressions when she showed him some fighting techniques, his look of horror when Uncle Pa-ran tattled on him, and his bespectacled thinking face. I’m really enjoying the different layers of Yoon-do we’re seeing, and it’s clear why Seo-woo is smitten with him.

On the whole, I’m ambivalent so far towards Doctors because I’m not sure what kind of drama it wants to be. For the most part, I enjoy the relationships and characters, and think the show is okay as a romance drama focusing on the growth of its female protagonist. Unfortunately, I’m a bit bored with the medical aspects of the show, and don’t really care about the hospital politics. Sometimes, I’m left wondering if being a doctor has any importance at all, and seriously think the show would still be essentially the same even if the characters changed jobs. It could be called Bakers or even Teachers, and the basic construct could stay the same. That’s not to say a drama about doctors has to solely be about surgeries and hospital politics (a la White Tower, which is in a class of its own), but I do wish I cared more about them as doctors because, besides Tae-ho, I wouldn’t want any of them as my doctor—they’d be too busy fighting with each other to even realize I’m bleeding with a knife wound in my stomach or making bets with each other while my life hangs on the line.

Another thing about the show is that it has a penchant for cheesiness. The ending scene, while cute, was really over the top. From the recreation of the iconic scene from the movie The Classic, to the multiple angle shots of their kiss, I found the delivery to be a bit heavy-handed. Also, both actors looked awkward during that kiss (or should I call it pressing their lips together?), and I’m assuming the director told them to do it that way. I guess the director was trying to represent innocence and purity, but he’s forty and she’s thirty-one. Am I supposed to believe that’s the best they can do?


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Ya Ya ya.... the kiss is awkward and all.. but really guys cant u for once being critical of the two innocent souls.. for all we know both might be virgins and all...


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For me, my medical interest in this drama is done ! I'm a medical student so I was really invested in this and beautiful mind .. but now, I'm done !
the assaulter at the start was injured in his left side, and she says " I think his liver is bleeding" ? come on ! this is basic knowledge ! even grade schoolers know that the liver is on the right side of the body ..

Any way, I actually like everything else .. It's not a bad drama .. I like the characters .. and I feel their angst and their struggle ..
for Hye jeong, her grandmother's case is really what keeps me excited for the show, because I know that the director made a mistake ( I think he reptured the gastric artery by mistake ) ..
I don't like Hong's character though .. I hate his type of people in real life too
Seo Woo .. she's my fav so far .. Her actions may be exagerated, but she felt betrayed by the two persons she loved ( now and then ) .. and they both know that she has feelings for them but somehow they didn't respect that .. I loved her bond with the ahjumma, and my heart broke when she died .. her reaction was really heartbreaking .. that's when I really knew that she just was an injured girl ..
Yoon Do .. him being a coward .. that was so unexpected but was so pleasing .. lol .. I like him for now

Thank u so much for the recap <3


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i dont know where to spill all my anger and concerns other than here in the comment sections so im just gonna go ahead and rant

So i was just in youtube watching the kiss scene again and i came across one very disturbing and worrying comment from a young teenage girl(i think). She commented saying "i wish my teacher does that to me lol"... sigh---
I know that i am here enjoying the drama and swooning over the romance development, but I'm still completely against the teacher-student thing. I guess i am a hypocrite for still watching the drama but i just could not resist a project with Kim Rae won. So while im guilty of enjoying the drama, I'm very aware of how morally wrong the plotline is. And i know there are many people who are like me, who were initally put off by the loveline but just decided to watch it since its just a drama but after i saw that comment on youtube, it just made me really . I hadnt really realised how many young girls were watching this any having inappropriate fantasies :/
I dont even know where I'm going with my comment right now O.O
anyways if there are any young beanies out here than please can you just, you know just understand that this is just a drama and that it should not be happening anywhere ever in real world.
I know im like the biggest hypocrite in the world but at least i know that im definitely, definitely not hoping for such things with my teacher.


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When I was in middle school those types of comments happened whenever we had a handsome young teacher. And let's not talk about high school.
And at university one of the girls dated one of her former teachers from high school that she had liked.

And it was ok. Teenagers start feeling staff and talking about it, and teachers are professionals who deal with that every year and nothing happens (well, we did not really tell them, but we would look at them, giggle, and a lot of more bullshit).

So I understand people having problems with the teacher in this story having feelings for the girl. I am fine with it since he did nothing about it, they met outside, etc., but that is just my pov.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I used to watch Terminator movies as a kid with my family and never felt that killing was ok. I think these days we worry too much about protecting young kids and teenagers, as if they were too stupid to see right and wrong.

And in the cases where they do have problems understanding what they should and shouldn't do, that's what parents are for, to guide them. Dramas don't need to be about pure topics just for the sake of young people, they should tell the story they want to tell without people condemning them.

Sorry for the long rant, but seriously... so many of these comments these days, specially with this drama. Specially since people are always saying as well that viewers are not stupid, when the plot or the cues too simple...

Again, sorry for the rant, it was not directed at you specifically.


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Haha np. I was just really shocked when I first saw that comment on YT but now that I've cooled off I'm not too bothered.
And yup like you said nothing happened while HJ was still a high school student and I'm extremely glad about that. but Idk sometimes when I thick hard, the fact that he regrets not holding on to her 13 yrs makes me feel uncomfortable :/
just the fact that he might have had feelings for her is a bit unsettling. 9(?8?) years age gap doesn't faze me at all if they're both adults, hence why I'm totally shipping them together right now but the drama keeps suggesting that he actually had romantic feelings for her when she was still in school... I really hope that the writers somehow address this concern that a lot of viewers are having soon.

Having said all that I know I'll definitely keep watching this drama till the end. I'm enjoying it too much(like I said I'm a hypocrite ?). KRW makes me forget about all the small flaws of the drama. Plus, I'm loving the new development of bromance between JH, uncle and YD so I HAVE to continue watching :')


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I was smiling like a goof that had cheese spilled all over her when they played that music and danced in the rain. They were soaked with water, I, with cheese. Yes, corny af... and then. The kiss.

I would have been happier without one.

The director, or the writer.. whoever said "insert awkward, car collision chaste kiss here" can't seem to understand the kind of chemistry PSH and KRW had (along with their respective ages) should NOT kiss like middle schoolers. Even highschoolers can give us a better kiss!

Director-nim should have placed her on a box so KRW wouldn't have to crouch awkwardly. His hands should not have been placed on the arm but one on the neck and the other around the waist. PSH would have slowly placed her arms around his waist following the kiss. And mouths should have been open, heads should have been moving. people should have been tasting the rain!!

Okay lets take it back from the top. And.....ACTION!


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Exactly my thoughts! Maybe not a slap, but headlock or something. She's a fighter!!!!!! That's all I want to see in the first 3mins of episode 7.


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I wonder if Yoondo was really supposed to be like this considering how he's quite unlikeable in the beginning. Maybe it's not working out so they out Moohyul's soul back into Yoon Kyunsang. HAHA.

It's so hard when your lead girl is freaking shippable with everyone! Strangely though, I ship her the least with Jihong. It could just be me but I feel so overwhelmed by his straightforwardness and him being quite pushy.

Lee Sungkyung!! She's sooooo good. I keep on watching that scene. It breaks my heart seeing her like that. She'll probably go to the dark(er) side now that she lost someone she likes and that leaves me heartbroken.


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Still loving the drama. There are really some excellent life quotes coming out of it. Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won's acting is excellent. HJ is not used to skinship so before the hug and kiss HJH has to explain what he will be doing to avoid getting hit.


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Wow that kiss was... Embarrassing.

Doctors has been one of my compulsive dramas where I don't really know why I can't stop watching each week - I just can't stop. But maybe now I have a valid reason to.

My goodness. We're not asking for anything x-rated or lewd. Just a decent lip lock that doesn't have her cringing like she's taking bad medicine. Even worse the guy goes and IMITATES the way she's always kissed in most of her dramas. What's he got, PSH dead fish kiss syndrome?

Still it was one of the most romantic scenes ever. Just, Hong Ji Hong shouldn't expect any awards for that dancing. It was pretty whack, lol.


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I really really hope the writer will not ruin Hye Jung base character for the sake to comply to korean standards and all that forgivness stuff they love...Hope she doesn't go back to her good for nothing father who never took her side and abandoned her and that horrible step mother...Loved how she was matter of fact and told her off,such a horrible women,just wanted to really slap her...I knwo i sound mean but they don't deserve it at all,even more the father that didn't seek her at all in this 13 years if he wanted to mend his relationship for real or was guilty of what he did


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I found the dancing scene a little awkward at first but actually really liked how KRW carried it out. I was wondering how he would dance to the Las and the semi ballroom dancing was perfect! Being able to invite HJ to join and do little turns and just enjoy dancing and holding hands. So much better than a club scene! It was romantic and carefree! I love to see this side of JH but am afraid of whether that means he will change when his daily life gets affected by SWs dad. He is in a good place now, what will happen if something happens to his dad?! As he said, the daily simple joys of life being taken away...I hope we don't get too much of a change then...


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After talking the kiss to death my only wish is they won't be repeating the whole scene (including super slowmo) at the beginning of next episode. Please don't torture us again Pd-nim.


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I have a lot of thoughts about this episode...

First, I feel like Ji Hong is doing too much too soon and I feel like in some ways he is the male Seo Woo in that he thinks because he is attracted to Hye Jung and waited on her, she should be obligated to just roll over and return his feelings. 13 years is a long time and a lot can happen and sometimes both people and feelings can change. I think this is something Hyejung herself is starting to realize. I personally feel like Hyejung is still very emotionally uptight and tense around Ji Hong (she had her hands in a fist both when he hugged her and again when he kissed her) because she is not comfortable around him. All she REALLY knows about him is the infatuation she felt for him years ago and how he played a role in her inspiration to become a doctor. He doesn't really see Hyejung as she is, but rather who she WAS. He is not a bad guy, but I would not like to see him with Hyejung.

Which brings me to Yoon Do. I personally feel like the scriptwriter is setting us up for something between these two. I used to hate him but after getting to understand him more, I realize that as different as he is to Hyejung, he is also just as similar. They both have pasts that were less than fortunate that served as their motivation to become their present day selves. I also like that even though they are on better terms now, he doesn't treat Hyejung like everyone else in her life does. He doesn't shower her with admiration or scorn like the other residents, with sympathy like the people in the hospital after finding about her family did, or look at her as someone who needs guidance like Ji Hong. He just sees her as Hye Jung which I think is something Hyejung herself is not used to and is surprised by. You can see it in the curious glances she casts after their interactions like when he said he should have been the one who was stabbed (lol) or how he didn't ask why she was crying when he thought she was or even show her sympathy, his refusal of her apology, and his nonchalant attitude towards her past when she mentioned getting expelled. I like their tandem. For once, it's Hyejung being thrown off guard.

And lastly, Seo Woo. I don't think she sincerely hates Hyejung. The fact that she still remembered the details of her personal life about her stepmom and had a hint of remorse in her voice showed that imo. I think she is just jealous and scornful of the fact that Hyejung has the likeability and natural talent that Seo woo wishes she had and it causes her to act in ugly ways. I still don't find her likeable though and the fact that she says she won't be with someone who doesn't love her yet she tries to force someone into falling for her seems a bit hypocritical imo.

I am curious as to what will happen when Soon Hee and Seo Woo eventually meet at the residents party as Seo Woo was trying her best to avoid her in the cafeteria since it was thanks to Soon Hee that Seo Woo wasn't able to ruin...


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I agree with pretty much everything you said lol. Yoon Do and Hye Jung seem like a much better couple atm, and it really does feel like they might be setting something up that's more than just the typical second male lead drama. Or I could be getting my hopes up :(


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So my theory is the heir of subway is secretly dating Park Shin-Hye and agreed to invest into the drama - but under the conditions that they heavily use PPL and Park Shin-Hye is not allowed to move her face/limbs during any kiss scenes.

That's my best guess at least...


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LOL. Any hot kiss scene would be between her and her subway sandwich, I guess?


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That oddly sounds like my love life already...not sure if I want Korean dramas to get that "real"...


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"I feel like Ji-hong has a tendency to think he knows what’s right for Hye-jung, and sometimes his advice comes across as overbearing. For example, I didn’t like how he ripped up the note, and thought he mishandled the situation with Hye-jung. He didn’t consider her perspective, and failed to realize that Hye-jung needed closure with her past to move on to her future. "

About the comment above... If you ever been in a relationship with a man significantly older (maybe a decade give or take a year), the men have a tendency to think they know more about life than the girl. Then the men have a habit of blending in father figure in with being a lover. Since Ji hong was a teacher there is at least about 8 years difference in age. The older men means well, but women mostly finds it overbearing. This is not uncommon in real life.


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yep, and that's one thing i don't like about the relationship. his actions toward her always come off as half paternal and half romantic, which is a weird combination for me. i know a lot of people like it because he wants to give her the protection that she's never had before, but i would like it if that does not happen in a relationship. i just am not a huge fan of the way he sometimes follows his own whims and does not fully consider her perspective. i was okay with the dynamic for a bit, but it's getting to be too much for me lately.


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This drama leaves me so conflicted and by all accounts i should have stopped watching this week. The rational, level headed side of my brain goes wow noooooo why is this drama trying to get me to ship a teacher/student relationship where the balance of power is so heavily skewed and remains so bc now hes her boss. Its not entirely creepy bc we as an audience know hye jung is attracted to ji hong but if this was real life ji hong's ass would get sent to HR so fast. When i step away from the drama i remember just how creepy the entire premise is. Like really? You thought about and pined after your underage student for 13 YEARS? And now ur not respecting the boundaries of work and just coming on sooo strong.

I also dont dig what they are doing with seo woo's character. She is supposed to be hye jung's rival....and in order for it to be an actual competition they need to be more or less equal to each other. All we're seeing so far is jealous insecure seo woo who cant handle high pressure situations as well as her rival. She's a doctor too....there is no way she would have survived med school if she crumbled at the first sign of trouble like we're seeing. All the hospital politics also bore me to tears and that takes up a chunk of the drama which ehhh.

Having said all that, all rational thought goes out the window for me once ji hong shows up on screen. That dancing in the rain scene was so ott and yet i was giggling like a 12 year old. I cannot believe im gonna sit through a subpar 20 ep drama for KRW. Its not like hes the only good looking actor in korea. Gong yoo is beautiful and i wont watch some of his works. I dont know what the hell it is about KRW but hes so charming??? in the disarming way. So what im saying is im here for the long haul bc ji hong is played by KRW. god im so WEAK.


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This is probably the worst recap I have ever read.
It's ok to drop the show if you don't like or connect to it.
I'm certain Doctors is popular and is loved enough in Korea or internationally that they wouldn't loose anything without this kind of soulless recaps


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im actually enjoying the drama so I don't get this lifeless recap.My real life is crazy enough that i only watch kdrama for their entertainment value.I'm kinda disappointed with this recap as its emotionless and boring which is entirely different with how i feel with the show.Different strokes for different folks.


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Shout out to anyone shipping Hye Jung and Soon Hee. These two are adorable.


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I love Doctors and i LOVE Kim Rae Won. I thought about watching Uncontrollably Fond but all the positive hype and review from the recappers/writers while writing negatively about Doctors has turned me off. Everyones entitled to their own opinions but the amount of negatively for Doctors while praising their bias, this is the first time since I've been following this blog back in 2004, that it has me disgusted and not even want to check out their favorite drama that's not really even doing that good for all the hype it has gotten. If they write so negatively and insincerely about Doctors, what lies are they saying about UF to draw me in just to be disappointed. I do hope UF stays afloat because I like the actors n actresses. Kim Woo Bin must be regretting not taking the chance to be PSH's OTP when he had the chance. Good thing there's always next time.


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This is the first time I have ever experienced second lead syndrome. Kim Sae Ron's character is just SO CHEESY it's actually difficult to watch. Honestly, at this point, I hope that Seo Woo ends up with Ji-Hong and Hyejung ends up with Yoon-Do. I feel bad for Seo Woo - I want her to get her fairy tale ending with the cheesiest man ever born. Also, I just find Hyejung and Yoon-Do's interactions to be so so much more interesting.


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Why does KRW look so pale and gaunt in this drama? :3 Is his character anemic?


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geeeze that last scene was SOO awkward!! it's like kissing your family member! i just binged watched all the episodes that came out, but i was hearing good things about the main leads' chemistry....which honestly i'm not too sure about!!!

i actually am more interested in hye jung and yoon-do's romance..


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Good to catch a glimpse of JH's childhood experience of losing his parents & what happened at the hospital then. I think that has taught him to appreciate the everyday things & not take things for granted.

Him ripping up HJ's note with the case # was unexpected since I thought he'd readily help. I'm glad he ended up asking his dad for the favour. You know there's gotta be dirt when even JH couldn't access the records.

YD is so cute in this ep,, first being so embarrassed & wanting to find a hole to crawl into upon seeing HJ, and then not knowing how to react to her one-two-back-spin-elbow. XD I LOLed at his attempt at friendly convo with HJ only to realize how socially inept she is. But then later, he also proved to be quite tactless.

I wanna see YA being a nice younger sis despite how bad her mom is to HJ. The stepmom is totally out of line in her behaviour. At least it seems they carried on grandma's restaurant & HJ's dad is working hard.

SH & KS were so cute in the caf. Hope to see more of them together.

I was initially quite annoyed by SW, who does seem to have some sorta inferiority complex she can't overcome when it's HJ. It started with HJ beating her in high school on that math test, then JH liking HJ & not her, and now HJ being a doctor... I like how YD told SW as is... What is her beef with HJ exactly? And for sure, she wasn't the only "victim" from high school. It was also good for YK to tell her what's up with her thinking when she said SH used to be her friend before she went to be HJ's friend.

To me, SW is a character that yearns for affection & attention cuz she never received either from her parents growing up. Dad is corrupted & Mom only cared for her to get into a prestigious school. No one cared about SW the person or feelings. That's why she latched onto the restaurant owner, whom she identified with in terms of the sucky experiences they've been through. I felt that scene when she broke down from being unable to save the owner was a good display of character growth. She's not always just jealous & acting Ike she's YD's wife by questioning why he's with HJ. She actually cares about this patient that she's connected with & maybe has the heart of a doctor.

Where is SC?! Don't make puppy Jisoo appear in ep. 5 only to disappear again. LOL I wanna know his story for the past 13 years & reconnect with HJ if they somehow lost touch.

Awkward kiss at the end, but I can understand given HJ's zero experience & interest in men. I just think the director dragged out that scene too much with the slo-mo, close-ups & multi-angles.

TBH, if it wasn't KRW acting as JH & making him so charming, this kinda character would turn me off IRL cuz I don't like guys who pursue so forwardly & aggressively. At least give some time before going for a kiss. How much do you know HJ in terms of what she's gone thru these 13 years & even before? Let's start by being friends first and give her the space &...


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Got cut off...

Let's start by being friends first and give her the space & time to reciprocate your feelings.


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Park shin hye cannot kiss and while this fact was pretty obvious in Heirs its been confirmed here.
The last scene was super flat....no excitement or tingle.
She becomes so tense whenever it comes to kissing scenes.


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No pal.. The heirs kiss has a backstory. The director didn't inform the girl about that deep french kiss in the closet and it just came out as a surprise to the girl. It was even later addressed by the leads. Many inetz were angry with the pd because the girl was practically abused. Imagine that.. Its sad if you ask me..

But other things abt the kiss is your pov so i respect that. I just thought i would share since you mentioned the heirs kiss. And beside, its just ep 6 and no real romance has started between them and the kiss happened without hyejung’s consent. And both had the same mirrored expression. So, Its not right to blame PSH alone.


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But Hyejung was tense when he hugged her why shouldn't she be tense when he kissed her?
Just because the kiss isn't something you expected. Don't blame on the actress


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Sometimes, the romance works even when there is no kiss scene at all. Fingers brushing against one another's, a gentle stroke of a cheek - these come across as tender, poignant scenes which are remembered long after the crushing disappointment of a first kiss scene. 49 Days was a master at this. In the Taiwanese movie, Our Times, there wasn't a single kiss scene from beginning to end, and yet it stands as one of my most favorite romantic movies ever.


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This episode was so fun as usual. I mean like the first scene, where our super cool hyejung handled the situation of the intruder. And how she didn't wait for an oppa to help her. How amazing of her.. And the exchanges happening between yoon do and hyejung.. i mean how cute was that.. Man.. park shin hye's portrayal of hyejung is just perfect. Like she showing her power moves and yoon do being cutely scared and completely in awe of her..and the reactions that followed.. and kangsoo and hyejung's exchange in the lift. Ahh.. too cute.. I love my otp hyejung and soon hee so much. But soon hee walking into the hospital and also into doctor's lounge felt kinda forced and slightly annoying..And that step-mother is getting on my nerves. She still thinks hyejung is the same girl from 13 years ago.. I loved how hyejung maintained her cool and handled the situation.

And yes.. Ahh.. I completely loved the whole rain scene and the kiss. I basically felt like floating cause it was all way too romantic for me. I am no kiss expert. So i was like coo-ing how its so romantic and perfect while watching the live broadcast as well with eng subs. But then, i see few ppl complaining about it blaming PSH..i am like guys, didn’t you see how kim rae won executed it and the directing was..Both kim rae won and park shin hye had the same mirrored expression. So, Its not right to blame PSH alone. Beside, the funny thing is i felt kim rae won’s posture was weird. Basically it was just a liplock between them and the director panned a little too long.

But then, its just ep 6 and no real romance has started between them and the kiss happened without hyejung’s consent. I want her to react or get angry or something.. Now that would make it even more interesting.

And for me, Doctors is completely addictive and fun. I thoroughly enjoy it minute by minute and park shin hye and kim rae won’s acting is amazing. And hyejung is everything that i love.


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The woman got blamed for the mistakes of men , The woman got blamed by women like her , the woman got blamed bcz she is the woman and the woman is regretting for being woman .


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I wish dramabeans would stop recapping if you don't enjoy the drama. It takes away from those who do like this drama... it's like recapping has become a "chore" and you're doing it "just because." The recap is like reading a dry summary written by someone who was assigned to do it, not because they enjoy it. Writers used to include their side-comments and thoughts in the recap, but I personally found myself skipping the recap altogether and going to the straight to the comments.

As for what everyone has been commenting about this episode- the kiss. It was never going to be a deep, passionate kiss when that's not the context of their relationship. I do think the kiss went on too long and we were shown one too many angles, which made it seem awkward. I'd rather we have no kiss at all, but I am curious as to how Hye-jung will react in the next episode.

Personally, I like the pairing of Yoon Do and Hye-jung more than Ji Hong.. but I know this ship won't sail haha. I find YD-HJ interactions cute and interesting, and we can see Yoon Do changing his character because of HJ.


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Sorry but the guy looked like he was kissing a wet sock and not a woman he felt passionately devoted to for several years. I'm really shocked the PD went with the shot/scene.


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Can you please include OST every episode. Thanks


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I am suffering through episode 7 right now and had to pause at 34 minutes to come back to the DramaBeans forum to complain about HOW AWFUL THE MUSIC IS@!!!!!!!!! What are they thinking? The music is so ill-timed and awkward it is ruining the enjoyment for me. It sounds like circus music during casual conversations and the moments of forced comedy. Gah!!!!


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i am truly enjoying this drama. i find it interesting maybe because i also work in the medical field... yoon do is incredibly endearing and i am seriously on the verge of second lead syndrome again... the kiss looks awkward but i feel that it is close to reality when a person experience her first kiss at quite a late age (30's).... just a personal opinion though... i really like this drama. no hate please. thanks ?


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