Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 11

Not that it’s ever been easy having the same name as her rival/frenemy, but the complication takes on extra consequences for Hae-young today, leaving emotions running high as pride and love battle it out. We always knew this coil of a misunderstanding would be a challenge for Do-kyung to work out, but the more time starts running out on him, the more worried I’m getting…


EPISODE 11: “In pain, in pain”

Do-kyung wakes during the drive back to Seoul, and smiles to see Hae-young sleeping with her head in his lap. He shields her eyes from the morning sun, and makes his decision and thinks to himself, “Let’s go. Let’s go all the way.”

Tae-jin is waiting at Hae-young’s parents’ house when they arrive home and he bows deeply, but they both move to walk right past them. He says that Hae-young isn’t answering her phone, and when Mom barks, “Why would she answer your calls?” Tae-jin gets on his knees right there in the street.

He apologizes, but Mom has no intention of accepting his apology and tells him to leave. Dad feels sorry for Tae-jin and urges him up, asking how all this happened to him. He tells Tae-jin about Hae-young’s other apartment, and that he assumes she spent the night there.

Do-kyung and Hae-young arrive home, and she rushes up the stairs to get ready for work. Halfway up she stops and turns, and Do-kyung smiles, knowing exactly what’s coming because he saw it a long time ago — Hae-young runs to him, and he happily catches her in his arms.

Nobody is having a good morning at the family house — Jin-sang has somehow lost his phone and his car, and Hoon is having some sort of crisis involving his right hand. He ends up splattering Do-kyung with jam trying to use only one hand, and he’s forced to show Do-kyung and Soo-kyung that in his sleep, An-na gave him very bright, very permanent fake nails. HAHAHA.

He complains that he had grand plans to pick a fight with Do-kyung and leave the house, but now he can’t with such fabulous nails. Do-kyung invites him to go ahead, but Hoon wants to look cool while flouncing, I guess. He’d planned out every move, including his facial expressions, and ominously warns Do-kyung to just wait.

Soo-kyung grows alarmed that she actually feels jealous when she hears about Jin-sang’s hot night with a woman, and she orders him to go back to his own home. He retorts in French that she’s not so squeaky-clean — she had an affair with a married man. They argue back and forth in French, and HA, Do-kyung just rolls his eyes and walks off.

Tae-jin tries to find Hae-young at work, but she’s not there yet. He runs into a friend of Hae-young’s who recognizes him, and the other Hae-young seems surprised to hear that our Hae-young used to be engaged to him.

Our Hae-young hides when she sees Tae-jin getting in his car, not anxious to see him. Later he texts her asking if she’s angry with him, and he promises to keep apologizing until she forgives him. She texts back asking him to meet with her tonight, because she has something she needs to tell him.

When Do-kyung calls to ask Hae-young out for tonight, she says it will have to be later, and she honestly tells him that she’ll be seeing Tae-jin. They did see each other recently, though they didn’t get back together as she’d told Do-kyung, but she wants to end things cleanly.

Do-kyung insists on seeing her first, before she meets with Tae-jin, and Hae-young doesn’t pick up on his urgent energy. She jokes that maybe she should have dressed up fancier today, and warns him not to bring her flowers at work or get on his knees or anything embarrassing like that.

On his way to Hae-young’s office, Do-kyung talks to himself as if he’s speaking to Hae-young: “I won’t push you away anymore out of guilt. I just want to love you. No matter what I tell you, please don’t abandon me. Please hold onto me tightly.” Awww.

Tae-jin doesn’t understand why Hae-young is canceling plans with him two days in a row, but she promises to see him the next day. He’s disappointed, but he accepts her apology. But he’s gotten several dozen roses and has a ring, and he decides to head to her office anyway and surprise her. Oh, this is gonna be bad.

Tae-jin sees Hae-young across the street, and she smiles and waves… but at Do-kyung, who is standing at the corner. When Tae-jin sees him, it hits him like a ton of bricks — his ex-fiancee is seeing the man who ruined his life. And without knowing the true story, the only thing Tae-jin can conclude is that Do-kyung did it all to get Hae-young.

Tae-jin sees red and lunges at Do-kyung, punching him so hard he hits the pavement. Tae-jin picks Do-kyung up and moves to punch him again, but Hae-young runs across the busy street and puts herself between the two men. Tae-jin orders her away from Do-kyung, but she rounds on him and asks who he thinks he is — she’s not his fiancee anymore. Tae-jin tells her, “This is the bastard who ruined my business. He ruined my business and sent me to jail!”

Hae-young turns shocked eyes to Do-kyung, and Tae-jin asks him if he did it because he liked Hae-young. Crying now, Tae-jin violently smashes the roses, but Do-kyung never says a single word.

Hae-young gives Tae-jin a chance to explain, and he tells her how he learned about Do-kyung’s involvement from Chairman Jang. He never could figure out what Do-kyung had against him, but while he was in jail Jin-sang told him that Do-kyung did it because he was getting married to Oh Hae-young.

Our Hae-young makes the connection that Do-kyung must have thought Tae-jin was marrying the other Hae-young, and she says in a dazed voice, “It wasn’t me.” Do-kyung tries to take Hae-young away so he can explain everything, and for a moment she follows him. But she stops, and he drops her hand, and she walks away from both men.

Tae-jin turns and punches Do-kyung again, then kicks him in the stomach several times, and drags him up to yell in his face. How could he steal another man’s woman like this? He delivers several more vicious kicks and punches, and Do-kyung doesn’t even try to fight back.

Hae-young stands in the subway station for a long time, lost in thought, as trains arrive and leave without her. She thinks about everything that’s happened to her since Do-kyung caused Tae-jin to break off their engagement, and realizes that once again, all of these things happened to her because of the other Oh Hae-young, because Do-kyung loved her.

She thinks to herself that if he’d told her everything, that night that he’d been in a fight and she’d asked him who he fought with and why, she might have been able to accept it easily. But he hadn’t, and since then she’d fallen in love with him, and now it’s too late.

Hae-young goes to the pub that she knows the other Hae-young is at tonight, and pushes her out of her chair and to the ground. She screams, “You. You! YOU!!” while their coworkers struggle to pull her off the other Hae-young.

Do-kyung is mentally beating himself up, and he walks the streets with loyal Jin-sang trailing behind him. Hoon sees them and falls in line, and they even pick up Do-kyung’s three employees along the way — I love the image of these men following along, loving their brother and friend so much that they’re willing to just be with him, even if they can’t help ease his pain or even know why he’s hurting.

Eventually the other guys grab a car and continue following Do-kyung, while Jin-sang fills them in as to what’s happened. They’re super confused at the idea of two Oh Hae-youngs, and are shocked to hear that Do-kyung has fallen for the new Hae-young.

Later that night, Hee-ran admits to Hae-young that she thinks she started this whole thing by telling Do-kyung that “Oh Hae-young” was marrying Tae-jin. She didn’t realize that Do-kyung thought she meant the other Hae-young, and she feels terrible that she wasn’t more clear.

Do-kyung’s friends decide they need to find Hae-young for Do-kyung, but they find the wrong Hae-young first and quickly drive away. They catch up to Do-kyung and hustle him into the car, and drive all night, finding themselves at the beach the next morning. They’re trying so hard to cheer up Do-kyung that they’re coming off extra perky, which is pretty sweet.

The guys frolic in the waves while Do-kyung broods on the beach, threatening them with death if they dare touch him. But they grab him and throw him in the ocean anyway, which has got to sting on his poor cut-up face, but they do manage to snap him out of his funk a little bit.

Some pretty girls draw Jin-sang’s attention (Do-kyung: “You’re such an animal”) and he runs over to present his friends to them. But all conversation screeches to a halt when one girl says her name is Oh Hae-young, and all six guys just walk away. Ha. They resume their single-file support train, having accomplished nothing.

Hae-young’s office rumor mill is in full swing, with everyone wondering why our Hae-young would attack the other Hae-young out of the blue like that. The other Hae-young seeks out Soo-kyung, insisting she didn’t do anything to provoke the attack, and she’s hurt that Soo-kyung seems to take our Hae-young’s side, in this and in everything else.

She goes back to her desk and texts our Hae-young, who isn’t at work today, asking why she pounced on her that way. Our Hae-young is at her parents’ house in a funk and barely responsive to anything.

Mom gets fed up and demands to know what’s happening, but Hae-young just asks if Mom remembers the other Hae-young from when she was in school. Mom does remember her, and also how their windows would get smashed in by jilted boys getting the wrong house. Hae-young also remembers that she never got flowers or candy by mistake, only rocks — she feels like she was born to shoulder all of both Hae-youngs’ bad luck while the other Hae-young got all the good luck.

Hae-young wants to move, somewhere where nobody is better than her, so she can at least feel normal. Mom begs Hae-young to say what’s wrong, but Hae-young just sighs.

Hee-ran meets with Hoon regarding his movie script and tells him that it’s not terrible, but she doesn’t feel comfortable working with him considering their connection to Do-kyung. He hurt her friend, and Hee-ran wants to be loyal to Hae-young.

Hoon cringes when he realizes the situation, but Hee-ran starts running at the mouth about how she told Do-kyung about the impending marriage, but it’s not her fault he didn’t think there might be other Oh Hae-youngs. Hoon admits that he was shocked to learn what happened as well, and lies with bravado that he ordered Do-kyung to beg for Hae-young’s forgiveness.

Hee-ran spots Hoon’s fake nails and tells him to take them off, and he realizes that they actually pop off easily. One falls to the floor and he leans over to pick it up just as she crosses her legs, giving him an accidental eyeful, hee.

An-na chases Hoon around the convenience store when she sees that he took the nails off, but he fights back for once and yells at her that it’s humiliating to go around with fake nails. She says they’re proof he has a girlfriend, but he argues that it should be good enough that he tells everyone about her.

He asks if he really looks like a cheater, and An-na says that yes, he does. Hoon is fed up with her demanding ways and wants to break up, screaming that he won’t put up with being treated this way. Good for him — that was long overdue, if you ask me.

Hoon storms out of the store but An-na follows him, yelling that he shouldn’t walk away from her that way. She tells him to come back or else, but Hoon keeps going, and An-na calls out that she knew something was going on with him. That does stop him and he wonders what she meant by that, but when he turns around she’s already gone.

Do-kyung goes out to record some sound, and he stares at his phone, but in the end he doesn’t call Hae-young. He finally sends a simple text, “I’m sorry,” which Hae-young glares at for a long time as she sits at a cafe, inexplicably dressed in a skimpy skirt with way too much makeup on.

She finally calls to say that she’s disappointed he didn’t say anything else, and asks if he’s gone insane. He asks where she is and comes to find her, to say that he’s sorry to her face.

Hae-young’s eyes are cold and she’s not inclined to accept his apology, and when he tries to take her somewhere to talk, she asks if he’s embarrassed to be seen with her in public (because of the way she’s dressed). She admits that she feels gullible and stupid to have let herself be caught in the middle of his love spat, so she wanted to look like someone else. And all he can say is he’s sorry?

Do-kyung says he’s very sorry, and Hae-young laughs ruefully. She wants to know why he’s sorry, and for what, and why he didn’t tell her sooner. Do-kyung replies that he wanted to, but he didn’t want to hurt her even more when she was already in pain.

But Hae-young says that the worst part is that he still loved the other Hae-young so recently that he wanted to break up her wedding. Once again, the rock meant for the other Hae-young hit our Hae-young instead. He let things go so far that she even confessed her feelings to him, not knowing how much he still loved the other Hae-young.

She spits that he should have told her the moment he knew she had feelings for her, so she could have walked away sooner. Do-kyung can only say he’s sorry again — he doesn’t know what else to say. His voice rises and he notices that they’re drawing a crowd, and he says again that he’s very, very sorry.

Hae-young in response, “Beg. Beg on your knees.” But Do-kyung can’t, and he turns away. Hae-young screams at his back, “Come back and beg!!” but he doesn’t stop.

Do-kyung doesn’t get far before he stops and goes back, like he always does when Hae-young is concerned. He turns back away, then stops again, seeming upset that she didn’t follow him. Finally, he walks away. Hae-young staggers around aimlessly, thinking to herself that he never got the chance to say he loved her, and it hurts to know that he said those words to the other Hae-young.

The other Hae-young is currently having lunch with Chairman Jang, who says that it would be strange to keep spending time with her once he marries Do-kyung’s mother. He draws a line, admitting that he’s being harsh, but he asks her not to call him anymore, and tells her to end her feelings for Do-kyung.

Their lunch is interrupted by Tae-jin, who wants to talk to Chairman Jang. He has to remind the chairman who he is, and tells him that Do-kyung asked him to cancel his investment because he was after Tae-jin’s fiancee. He makes a veiled threat that it would be bad for Chairman Jang if word got out that he helped such a thing happen.The other Hae-young is stunned by Tae-jin’s story, and cries on the way home.

That night, Jin-sang wonders why Do-kyung didn’t just get on his knees when Hae-young told him to, even demonstrating how easy it is. He’s shocked Do-kyung didn’t do it when just yesterday he looked like he’d do anything to get Hae-young back, but Do-kyung just mutters that he said he was sorry a million times. Jin-sang counters that he should have gotten on his knees and said he loved her: “Are you sure you like her?”

Do-kyung thinks it’s obvious, but Jin-sang rightly points out that he wouldn’t know unless Do-kyung says so. He asks why Do-kyung can’t just give a straight answer (preach, friend) and sighs that Do-kyung isn’t capable of letting Hae-young in.

Jin-sang and Do-kyung both roll their eyes when the other Hae-young approaches them. Jin-sang leaves and Hae-young tells Do-kyung that when she left him, she was heartbroken that he never once even emailed her, even to say he hated her. To her it felt like their breakup meant nothing to him.

She says that she knows what he did to Tae-jin because he thought she was marrying him, and actually thanks him. Now she knows that he did hurt when she left him. But her words infuriate Do-kyung, who ruined someone’s life because of her, but Hae-young actually says that she doesn’t care, since he did it because he loved her.

She starts to cry, and tells Do-kyung, “I still love you. I love you so, so much.” She moves to take his hand and Do-kyung recoils, and leaves after shooting her a look of disgust.

Tae-jin spends the night sitting in his car by the Han River, remembering his interruption of Chairman Jang’s lunch with the other Hae-young. She’d quickly gotten up and left, and the chairman had told him that her name was Oh Hae-young, and that she’d been engaged to Do-kyung.

He remembers our Hae-young saying, “It wasn’t me,” and he finally puts the pieces together himself. He laughs at the absurdity of his life being ruined over a case of mistaken identity, and his unhinged laughter turns to agonized screams.

Do-kyung goes for a walk and finds himself on a street corner, looking at himself on the other side of the intersection. Vision Do-kyung just stands there, unmoving and unemotional, while a car smashes into him.

It’s hard to say if it’s a memory or a vision, but next we see Do-kyung in Dr. Park’s office, and he calmly gazes out the window as he says, “With that woman, I think it’s right to end it this way.” Then he’s lying in the street, bleeding and broken, then back in the office and he repeats his words: “I think it’s right to end it this way. For her. I will die anyway.”


Okay Show, you’re genuinely scaring me now. I love how the show is doling out information so slowly regarding Do-kyung’s visions and what they mean, but I’m really starting to get frightened that Do-kyung could actually die. There’s this shivery feeling of something big, and dark, and ugly getting closer and closer, and it’s scaring me to death even as I’m impressed with the execution of the sensation of impending doom. I still hold out hope that the death vision is just a warning of some kind, based on the pattern of blood on Do-kyung’s face matching the blood on his father’s face when he died. But I’m starting worry that I’m wrong.

Aside from that, WOW, I’m floored by how self-centered the other Hae-young was in this episode. I can understand that she’s relieved to know that Do-kyung did care about her, but to say that she doesn’t care whose life he ruined as long as she knows he loved her? Is she even serious?? She doesn’t even realize in that moment that Do-kyung is in serious pain, and that saying that to him right then is like twisting the knife. All she cares about is that, after she left him, and after she crushed all of his dreams and broke his heart, at least now she knows he was hurting. I knew she was self-absorbed and spoiled, but that just takes the cake. She doesn’t even care that he and two other people are in extreme pain right now, their lives and hearts in tatters and that it was all set off by her leaving Do-kyung without a word of explanation, so long as she knows Do-kyung was hurt when she left. What a bitch.

I’m trying very hard not to be a Do-kyung apologist, because I very much think he did wrong to harm Tae-jin’s business, no matter what his reason. But I do believe that it was never his goal to completely ruin Tae-jin’s business and send him to jail and make him cancel his wedding — I think Do-kyung only meant for one investor to pull out and make things difficult for Tae-jin. His intent wasn’t complete ruin, just inconvenience. So I find it hard to completely condemn Do-kyung, because while what he did was absolutely wrong, something Tae-jin was doing was shady enough that it snowballed on him. Most of what happened to Tae-jin was because of his own immoral business practices, and I didn’t miss that glimmer of malevolence when he threatened Chairman Jang. There’s definitely more to Tae-jin’s story.

It was interesting to me when Hae-young thought that if Do-kyung had told her the truth sooner, she could have accepted it, because while I completely agree that he should have been honest with her sooner, I also understand why he wasn’t. He’s been trying so hard not to fall in love with Hae-young that he never really thought it would matter when he told her, because either way she would probably cut off contact with him. So if telling her meant losing her, and he was trying so very hard not to fall for her, it really made no difference when he told her. But then he went and fell in love, and decided that he did want to be with her. In his defense, he was going to tell her right away, but it was his bad luck that Tae-jin got there first.

He made a mistake, no argument there. But it wasn’t Do-kyung’s fault that everything blew up for Tae-jin the way it did, and I do think Do-kyung felt terrible when he realized his mistake, and the extent of what happened to Tae-jin was a complete surprise to him. Because he felt guilty about it, he tried to mitigate the damage by having Jin-sang help get Tae-jin out of jail as soon as he could. And the very day he decided that he wanted to make a go of things with Hae-young, he intended to tell her everything. So for those reasons, I’m not seeing Do-kyung as a terrible person.

As for our Hae-young, I find it fascinating that she immediately blamed the other Hae-young when she found out the truth of what Do-kyung did to Tae-jin, causing him to cancel their wedding. On the one hand, it’s not like the other Hae-young did anything intentional to hurt our Hae-young, she was just living her life and a mistake was made. But on the other hand, hasn’t that always been the case? The other Hae-young has never intentionally or directly done any harm to our Hae-young, but yet her life has been profoundly impacted in very negative ways just by the fact of the other Hae-young’s very existence. So while I don’t think our Hae-young was right to attack the other Hae-young, I can see how she just finally snapped when she learned that once again, just by sharing the same name, her life was irrevocably altered. So it makes sense that she’s not so much angry at what Do-kyung did, but the fact that she got hurt again by being mistaken for the other Hae-young. I can’t blame her for feeling like she gets all the bad luck, and now it’s happening again, just when she thought she’d finally moved past that part of her life.


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At the end of Ep. 10, DK's soliloquy to go to the end with OHY brought this to mind:

Eagles - Take It To The Limit (Live at The Capital Centre 1977)

I'm not sure whether he meant "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" or to throw caution to the wind and love OHY with all his heart in all the moments of life he has left. I think he meant both, and not merely jumping her bones. That would be a song by the Raspberries (see 39.1, above). ;-)


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I know that no one would agree with me, but whatever the reason is and no matter what had happened to the investment and the bussiness, the fact that Do-kyung had tried to ruin someone else's life because of his past ex-girlfriend who left him on their wedding day that he MIGHT not even love (just pity, like he said) is awful. I don't know how they're going to make Do-kyung pay for all his wrong doings. If they're going to the "dying" route so that it will be easier for our Hae-young to forgive him, then I will be so disappointed.

Aside from that, wow, what a selfish remark from the other Hae-young. I don't understand her at all. While she's not down right evil, but her remarks make me so disgusted at her now.

And maybe I'm the only one who thinks about it here, but I pity Han Tae-jin, no matter what the reason of his failed bussiness.


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Honestly, reflecting on all of it, Do Kyung is a very bad guy and has been since he wanted to do the revenge on the other Hae Young. The signs have always been there


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It is spiteful, insanely childish and awful. He's a person with serious issues, which needs to sort out before anything else.

It's just as awful for the Other Oh Hae-young to rejoice about revenge ("If 100 people suffer for me to know you love me, it's all okay").

Or Our Oh Hae-young (in the preview for #12) wanting Do-kyung to suffer now (we'll have to see if that actually plays out in revenge though).

I get the feeling itself (in anger/frustration/sadness/despair, wanting revenge), but it's a whole other thing to actually go through with it – especially given we're talking about relationships that fall apart. It's not like someone killed their sibling in a long-running family feud....


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It just all seems like a endless cycle of hate, anger, revenge, bitterness and all. I honestly don't even know how they're gonna make DK seem redeemable. Even if he didn't cause the harm to OHY, the intention was there to ruin someone all because of his own pain.

Now that the truth is revealed, the pain becomes even more unbearable for everyone. As we now learn of the truth behind everything. It's like adding salt onto the wound that was about to heal.


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That's exactly what I've been thinking. It's not like he killed your family seriously. Why the characters in this drama could never seem to forgive? But still, heartbreak is a heartbreak and a lie is a lie. Maybe Do-kyung should have confessed sooner rather than waiting so this whole pain could be avoided.

I hate that part too when other Hae-young said it so casually to Do-kyung. And the look of disgust from Do-kyung totally mirrored my own. I mean, how come you can say things like tha? I'm actually glad that she ran away from the wedding or else her marriage with Do-kyung would end in a disaster anyway.


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<Why the characters in this drama could never seem to forgive?

They don't need to forgive even. They just need to let go, walk away, move on with their life – deal with the issue without constantly engaging with the people that hurt them.

To me, this is were the drama veers away too much from real life and just uses interactions to create dramatic twists. Because I think in real life, at least some people would just walk away. Not continue talking with their exes on the phone, meet with them, continue entangling themselves. Especially because the break-ups were major and because both couples already had extended separation times to get distance. And because DK/OHY haven't know each other long enough but now know there is MASSIVE baggage (and worse, baggage they share) that they each come with, that even trying for a relationship doesn't make much sense.

I mean, you can't convince me that either DK or our OHY deeply like each other now to fight for a relationship, after the few weeks they've know each other / one day they've dated. It could be that one of them is obsessive and will try to cling to the relationship, but I'd expect at least one of them to just walk away – and I mean, walk away for good (no happy-ever-after at the end of the drama).


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I agree that some parts veer away from real life, but at the same time there are people out there who just cannot let go. It seems our main leads are in that category. Both love too strongly in their own way.

In OHY's case I feel she just kinda fell for the next person who came along lol and then got in too deep to pull out. Whereas DK was attracted to OHY through her contrasting personality to his. So open, bright and shiny compared to his dull quite nature. Of course there's also the guilt he feels which is an extra connection to her.

I can so see OHY being the obsessive one and DK just willing to walk away in the relationship. But as the drama seems to be telling us, the heart wants what it wants.


<there are people out there who just cannot let go

I agree with that. But here they all don't want to let go – and in real life, there are also people who will.

I can get OHY falling for the next person who came along, but I'm not convinced she deeply loves him already. She's got intense feelings, but I think they're superficial. They don't really know each other, they haven't spend that much time together – there's only attraction (lust more than love) that's there right now. She's had a bombshell dropped on her, which should make her reevaluate Do-kyung, but she also doesn't know about his father, hasn't met his mother – she hasn't even scratched the surface of this guy to say "I love him, with all the baggage that he comes with". Curiously enough, she hasn't even slept with him yet, so even on the lust level, she's not progressed far.


The gist of the following quote has been in the back of my mind since the series started.

Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all.

-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It's been a long time coming, but the Law of Cause and Effect is now in play, and divine retribution cannot be far behind. Bring on the karma...


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There's a lovely acoustic guitar tune starting at about 26:00 when JS meets DK on the sidewalk at night and starts following him. It really caught my ear. I transcribed the lyrics from Viki. (Thanks!) They really fit the scene, and those following.

"Why am I so cold?
If the words of love easily change.
I'm so sorry for that.
Do you pity me?
Somehow I want to be able to remain by your side.
What I had to hide for all this time.
All the painful wounds that I gathered over the years.
Please give them all to me.
If I am able to do it.
Come closer to me, please.
I can also wait for your dreams to appear."

They walk past large flatscreen displays showing a guy singing (with an acoustic guitarist in the background). I know zilch about Kpop. Who is this dude?


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I tried searching for the song based on the lyrics, but it seems that it's an unreleased OST. I'm thinking it's going to be Part 7 of the OST, to be released next week. Knets seems to already know the singer though - it's The Black Skirt, a korean rock/indie band. I think they got part of the hint from the cameo of Lee Byung-joon - he was in The Black Skirt's latest MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osdysFalds4


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Thanks for the OST info. "In My City Of Seoul" by The Black Skirt is gorgeous! The strings are so sweet... Another great earworm passed along by a fellow Beanie. ;-)

The feeling reminds me of "Walk Away Renee" by The Left Banke. Yes, that is harpsichord you're hearing. Listen with headphones...


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I've been in the finance line since middle school so I have zero knowledge in music.

Well, thanks to you, I received a lesson on harpsichord today :)
I'm no fan of The Black Skirt but I agree, their latest release and "Walk Away Renee" have the same feel. Thanks for introducing me to The Left Banke, their music sounds awesome!

Korean viewers seem to like that the lyrics of this new OST fits right into the scene too so I'd say 'your thoughts and knets' thoughts are the same!' (btw this is a famous saying for those who is a fan of Shinhwa :D)


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The Left Banke was a "one-hit wonder," -- but what a hit it was. A few other pop hits of the 1960s used harpsichord -- Paul Mauriat's "Love is Blue" was a huge one, and the Mamas & the Papas had "Monday, Monday." Listen with headphones -- the harpsichord is in the right channel. The incomparable Mama Cass is in the left.

‘your thoughts and knets’ thoughts are the same!’ -- How apropos as we enjoy one of Shinhwa's finest in OHYA. ;-)

Back to OHYA OST. -- I, too, enjoy having lyrics that fit with the scene. I get a little cross-eyed trying to read dialogue and lyrics simultaneously, but it's worth it. And it adds so much to the emotional oomph. Sometimes it's like being hit with a ton of bricks... in a good way.

COFFEE PRINCE and MNIKSS nearly sent me into overload because of the background music in addition to the OSTs themselves. Terrific use of music to add color and nuance.

I've been a music nut since I was a kid, and was a disc jockey in FM college radio for about 10 years. Since getting hooked on Kdrama, I've heard lots of great Korean music I would have played on my show (Magma, FT Island, and lots of OSTs) if it had been available back then. ;-)


During the wedding reception, did anyone else notice the strains of Haydn's "Emperor's Hymn"/"Deutschlandlied"?

Seems apropos for a chaebol Master of the Universe... right up until the fight breaks out.



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I have been thinking an alternative scene for the scene where Hae Young scream to Do Kyung to beg for her forgiveness.

DK: "I'm sorry. I'm very very sorry.."
HY: "Beg. Kneel down and beg for my forgiveness." (saying it as lifeless as she can with expresionless face)
DK: *Staring at her for 10 seconds then slowly, dramatically kneel down*
OH: *Stare at him for 2 seconds* "Good for you."
*Then leave him still kneeling down*


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That's probably the scene many people were imagining, heck I was thinking something like this too. However that's could've been too far fetched I mean like OHY mentioned, DK has never said he loved her so it's against his character to do something this extreme at her requests.

However it would've been a nice scene to happen just so we can see DK suffer more because of her.


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That was the best "the truth is out' episode I've seen in kdramaland.
Just like the characters, I felt that my emotions were all over the place. The whole team really know how to connect to the viewers.
Honestly, this might be the first time that I would want to have a time jump in a drama. The characters all act like they know how to be adults but clearly they need some growing up to do and some time apart(for the leads) might be the best way..


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1) Love the duckling train! #bromance . And yeah how Hae Ran will always has Hae Young's back and support her.

1) Love the conversation between Park siblings during the breakfast. That's what siblings do. It's so funny and resembles how I interact with my sibling. Pretty much I'm the shouty Do Kyung and my younger sister will retaliates in the same manner like Park Hoon. And my brother will offer us pillow, stick, towel.. anything so that we can fight of each other. Dont take me wrong, this is not violence at all. It's more like a playful setting. LOL.

2) I'm quite surprised as how Hae Ran think that it might be her fault that this misunderstanding happen. As a viewer, it never occured to me that it was her fault but if I were to be in her shoes I would feel miserable and guilty too.

3) I appreciate that the writer give us the scene where OHY attacked the Pretty OHY. I'm not saying it;s right to do so but it's understandable. And when Pretty Hae Young send the text message demanding her to explain, it's so realistic and happens in our life.


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Can you please post the episode 12 recap a bit faster???????Please. ............!


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Can you please post the oh hae young again episodes 12 recap a bit faster???????Please. ............!


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Does this drama remind anyone of it's ok that's love? It's giving me the same melancholic vibes and the pretty imagery and the darkness too. It's just so good!! I loved that drama and I'm loving this one, I cried so much in this episode. And the actor for park tae jin, he's really good in his role, I felt his hurt. If I was him, I would hate do kyung too.


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Not to mention the Pandora's box of psychological issues these characters have...


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People complain about how selfishly the characters act. Am I the only one who feels that that's the whole point? I mean that's the reason why their former relationships died in the first place.


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I'll agree with you if they don't all end up happy-ever-after with each other. But since this is a kdrama, I'm pretty sure that we'll get sold some happy-ever-after (wedding/perhaps bickering but happy marriage + kids) at least between Do-kyung/Oh Hae-young and DK's sis/DK's best friend, which is the part I'd complain about.


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I am holding out, hoping out the writer (especially with the extra two episodes) will be able to show that each of our main cast (or at least some) realise the extent of their actions, feel remorse, and strive to find a healthier lifestyle. I do think DK and HY could work in such a scenario. I don't care about the ending, as long as the road getting there is understandable and in character.

I read your comments for many of the dramas here, and agree with many, and respect what you have to say. And perhaps it is questionable that Korean culture glorifies the past, even the acts of regretting past situations/actions, and keeping hold of the memories and feelings, rather than simply moving on (and away).

But I feel like we're watching a cast of characters at their very worst. And some people, in real life, continue on a similar track until they die. But others don't. And I am hoping this drama is able to show that process, and that I can be pleased with a happy ending, for it was earned. Because as Zia said, all people are selfish. And all people have some sort of ugliness to them them.


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This is my hope too.


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Its official... This drama has a hero, who can be interpreted as a villain. I want my Hae Yong to end up with someone who is not Tae Jin or Do Kyung... I agree completely with Hae Young's mother. Don't date either of the guys.
In Do Kyung's own words.... Hae Young shouldn't date Tae Jin again because he held his pride over her. So, if are to judge Do Kyung by his own standards... He ought not date her too... He couldn't let his pride go to say the words I love you or to just beg...gah


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DK visions about the car accident scares the shit out of me i really hope he doesn't die at the end i want a happy ending please let it be a happy ending.


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I love the acting when Tae Jin lashed out, that felt so raw and real.

And Pretty Hae Young? You disgust me and everyone on the planet. I'm glad both Jin Sang and Do Kyung didn't welcome her at that moment.


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you know everyone is extremely attached to the drama when the recaps has only been up for few hours and there are already over 200 comments!

i hope the writer knows what she has done to the lives of so many viewers!


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Ok here I go. I've never liked Do Kyung. I don't understand why Hae Young does either. If this weren't a Kdrama I'd say she was on the rebound hard and doesn't really love him either. There may have been a time before his break up that Do Kyung had a personality but from what we've been shown there isn't much there to love. He's sullen, cranky, rude, and distant. Everyone else avoids him like a plague other Hae Young and his best buddy.

There isn't a character in this show that isn't self centered as hell. Although I can relate a bit to how Hae Young feels all the time. That feeling of inadequacy, like you never quite measure up. Sure you can be smart and even successful and people will expect you to be satisfied with that, but everyone craves love, unconditional love. Most people just never receive it so it leaves a hole to fill. Yes, it's shallow that looks are so important for a woman but it's a reality, not a delusion that pretty girls have an advantage. That is not a Korean thing, that's a people thing.

I also have to say that the "duck walk" was a failed attempt to inject a little humor into an otherwise gut wrenching episode. It was silly and for me served as nothing more than a time filler. Those guys don't even like Do Kyung or if they do it's because it's a K drama because he's a nasty boss and crappy brother so I have no idea why anyone would be so loyal to him.


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I think HY likes him because she feels a unique connection with him. She mentioned to her friend that she felt comfortable and started to open up and that once she did, it made her want to open up more. I've had to keep that in hte back of my mind as her actions go from crazy to crazier. Her friend also mentions that she's never seen OHY act like this.

I also agree the duck walk was the show's attempt to inject humor and that it resonated poorly with me. However, I think the show only shows us his "nasty" side with the yelling and the hitting (only his little brother). I expect most of the time he is respectful, shows he cares about his employees and knows that he works them hard and demands the best. The scenes where he takes care of his employees are short and easy to miss. ie. Giving them his card so they can enjoy a movie well done and telling them not to give it back until they had spent a minimum or his employees knowing that his mom sucks him dry, but that he always pays their salary on time.


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True and like so many men he finds solace in his work.


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How can this show be this good even in angsty and noble idiocy territory? That is some seriously awesome writing. I hope it stays this great!

I must say that I didn't initially think that NO Hae Young was this far gone. But when she thanked Do Kyung for what he did I pretty much lost all respect for her(and wanted to slap her). And its nice to know that Our Hae Young has seen through her from the beginning and never bought any part of her innocence act.

Duckling train was <3

I really applaud SHJ and Eric's acting in the I'm sorry scene, especially when Eric said "What else can I say?" so much pain in his voice.

Loved when Jin Sang was talking sense into Do Kyung. It was pretty much what we all wanted to say to him at that point.

I can't believe I'm already waiting for next Monday! This summer will go down in history as that summer all we did was to wait for Mondays and Tuesdays!!


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NOOOOO!!!! you cannot do this to meee T_T nooo!!
actually i regret watching this before it's finished
now I have to feel the sufferings of waiting for a week


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I like how the writer is not afraid to show the ugly sides of each character. I can't help but notice that the depth of resentment our hae Young has for the other hae Young is unfair. I hope the drama gives some perspective from the other hae Young's side as well and let both hae youngs talk about it before the show ends because this is not a case where the other oh haeyoung is an antagonist to our haeyoung' protagonist. I also think that our haeyoung has an unhealthy way of dealing with her inferiority complex. She is a bit self indulgent in victimising herself and blaming the other hae Young for everything. Honestly, I thought her aggressiveness towards the other haeyoung in this episode was undignified. I would really dislike someone if they assault me without a reason. I don't mean to say that I dislike our haeyoung. On the contrary I really like her characterisation because she is so layered.
The same goes for do kyung and other hae Young. Do-kyung is emotionally closed off and other hae Young is needy of acceptance. Honestly, I'm a little surprised at the disproportionate hate she is getting because we all know her words at the end end and her overall character is the product of her deep insecurities.
I think all our characters are equally flawed people and that's actually one of the strong points of this show.


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I have to disagree with you Lollypip - DK did not make a mistake, he deliberately set out to hurt TJ. He may not have meant for him to go to jail, but we'll never know since it was not explained and you're giving DK the benefit of the doubt. But it was deliberate - not a mistake.


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I have seen ep 11 & 12 and after that this is my crazy theory ( may be you will say I am crazy)
I think that PDK is seeing all this what's happening now is a vision and he come back to situation where he is sitting at bar with his lawyer friend and his friend asking him to take revenge by spoiling TJ's business.
Now he know what gonna happen and if he does not spoil his business then he will not get OHY , if he does he have change to make things right from the start.

I think he will chose to let her go by not spoiling it and still TJ will go to jail and he will able to re live every moment he see in his vision again with out guilty.

Let me know what you think


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Hmmm, shades of Jacob Marley's ghost in A Christmas Carol. I can hear his chains rattling.

It has occurred to me that OHYA has plenty of grist for the mill as a cautionary tale, so you might be on to something.

Revenge is a dish best not served at all.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get Sixth Sense'd.

Sometimes I get a peculiar feeling that by some quirk everyone will end up back at square one. Maybe I'm just getting gun-shy from all the plot twists. (Another is coming up in Ep. 12 that casts a new light on DK's sins. I also have a sneaking suspicion that we haven't heard the whole story regarding DK's dad...)


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I have a theory about this all happening in DK's mind, and I, too, think there's a lot more to the story regarding Dad. I hope I can find time to elaborate in the next recap.


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I wrote a comment about this happening in the episode 4 recap and, if it happens, I want a cookie! The title of episode 13 is "Even If I turn back time, I would meet you again"...so I think it could be possible. This would explain why one moment didn't happen the way it was 'supposed to' in episode 4. Maybe that particular 'vision' (the hug) was of how they become a couple in that reality. A part of me loves this idea, while a part of me is not sure they could pull it off...


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The thing is...the reason I still think it's possible is because then it really would be Oh Hae Young Again!!!


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I feel the need to copy the post I made at 19.3:

I have a much different take on the scene where OHY demands that DK kneel down and beg…and all the scenes following where she wishes he will suffer…it’s all because she loves him desperately and she KNOWS – to the depth of her soul – how much he loves her. She needs to do whatever it takes to break him into the truth – to drive him to the ground – to break him into bits so he will realize the truth of his love for her. She is doing the tough love thing – the same thing drill sergeants do in basic training to break a spirit before it is rebuilt…or the same thing when families do an intervention to get an addict into rehab. You HAVE to do it this way -it seems cruel but it can be the ONLY way a person can be saved!! I have experienced this myself in my own life. THIS is what she is doing because, for all her faults, OHY is a deeply in-tune person emotionally. She is doing this out of desperation for the love she feels for him and her desire to rescue him and bring him into the light. She knows he has to be stripped bare and made raw before the truth of his love will be revealed to him…..wait til you watch episode 12. I applaud OHY for EVERY move, action, reaction, all the days in bed she’s taking. This is what the depth of love feels like, looks like, IS like.


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I don't know about the scenes where she's constantly wishing people would suffer or not exist, but I also think she knows deep down he really loves her and she wants to push him to acknowledge it. When he doesn't, all she can think is that he doesn't love her that much or enough. She doesn't know he has other factors like his death vision and him wavering because of that clouds what she feels in her heart. Poor girl can't catch a break.


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Interesting thought. There may be some truth to what you are saying. But coming directly after her discussion of how she feels like a fool and is embarrassed to see herself in the mirror, I think there is certainly a part of her that wants him to look equally as foolish and embarrassing.

Also, I took her demand as a sign of desperation on her part to hear him finally tell her that he loves her. She has been so happy loving a man who chose her over the other OHY - something that hasn't happened to her before. But suddenly, the revelation that he broke up her marriage thinking he was hurting the other OHY throws doubt into the mix. Does DK really love her for herself or is he with her just because he feels bad for what he did? (Which he has admitted to her previously). I think our OHY is at the breaking point where she needs desperately to hear DK be honest and open about his feelings and is so hurt that she is going to do some hurting back.


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If you think about it this is not unlike that great scene at the end of episode 14, beginning of 15 in Healer, where Young-shin says to Healer in his pain, "If you make me go away you will cry forever." That's why I'm seeing AOHY as perhaps one of the greatest love stories ever told in K-dramas. It is showing the power of love to save us. OHY knows exactly what she's doing..


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I actually don't agree with the portion of her wishing people dying or suffering for her because that's just not healthy. I no longer can connect to her character because she made herself miserable. Where is the tough Oh Hae-young who can stand straight again after getting dumped before her wedding day? I miss that Hae-young, the Hae-young that I love.

I experience heart break too, and I know how it feels, but I don't think it will make me look like her or act like her. Or maybe that's just me


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Have anyone notice the car that runs into DY in his visions is exactly like's TJ? I have rewatched the scene over and over again is exactly the same model, even the color. It would totally sucks if that happens, I mean TJ has been miswronged but to end as such a villain? *sighs*.


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The visuals in this show are just so gorgeous. The scene when TJ violently bashes the roses against the pole and we see the beautiful petals fluttering down in slow motion. We've seen this imagery before, in visions with OHY/DK and at DK's death, but I was really struck by the bright red color this time. Everybody is just so bloodied from all of the hurts and wounds inflicted by themselves and others.

Also, the beautiful ocean, the boys showing support as they walk behind DK. Even the message on the back of OHY's shirt as she walks away from TJ and DK after the big reveal. I don't think there is a single detail this PD and writer leave to chance and the images (combined with the music) stay with me long after each episode has ended.


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On a symbolic level, I was floored to realize that TJ showered OHY and DK with red rose petals. Holy smokes.

Bloodshed is one possible interpretation, but that's not the first thing that comes to mind for me. More like a blessing, and a very sensual one at that... so maybe beyond the fighting and bloodshed, there is a foreshadowing of happier times to come.

I know, the cognitive dissonance is deafening at the moment. ;-)


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I finished episode 12 but since this is recap for episode 11, I will just comment for the 11th episode.

PDK deserves the beatings from Tae Jin. It is still amazing that he's alive after what he "supposedly"done to Tae Jin. I feel like PDK deserves to go through this hell as well...at least in episode 11. Our ordinary HY really lost it. Some may find it overly exaggerated response to a painful event but she truly is a messed up character. I do believe that in the upcoming episodes our OHY will rise up and become more sane:)

The other OHY is a done deal. She doesn't deserve PDK. She's a terrible character.

I like it that PDK didn't kneel down in front of OHY. He showed his strong pride there which is not surprising for his character. I mean, he should really kneel down because of what he has done. But I like it that the writer presented his character as somebody not willing to give up his pride easily. It means that when his character starts to melt down, it means that he is actually giving in to love and letting go of his pride. That is true love there and very romantic. Crushing your ego in exchange for the love you've longed for. I'm a hopeless romantic:)

I felt the pain of our OHY. Love can kill you?


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What I don't understand is why people think that Our Hae Young is psychologically unstable, because she said things like 'I wish all the other women would die and I would be the only one left' or "I wish all the people who don't like me/hate me would disappear". With these sentences she's basically asking for a breather, she asking to give her a break. "I don't want to be compared to any other woman, just give me a bit of freedom for a moment".

"I wish all the people who don't like me/hate me would disappear" with this she's asking to be left alone. "Even if you don't like me, just please don't bother me. Stop mocking me, I know you don't like me, so give me a break".

And lastly when she said that she wants DK to cry, suffer because of her. It not because she wants him to feel pain for the sake of feeling pain, to see him suffer. At the end of the day she loves him. What she's saying with that sentence is that she wants him to feel her pain, feel how much she's hurting, feel how much he hurt her.

Jae Young words might be really harsh but don't take it at face value. I don't believe that people haven't said or thought some harsh and some awful things. Actually we do it all the time, say/think then and forget, move on. So seriously give Hae Young a breather. I really wish that she spends some quality time alone, where no one knows her, and thinks about herself, her life and her value. That would the best for everyone. I wish she'd find peace and understand her self worth.


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"What I don’t understand is why people think that Our Hae Young is psychologically unstable, because she said things like ‘I wish all the other women would die and I would be the only one left’ or “I wish all the people who don’t like me/hate me would disappear”. With these sentences she’s basically asking for a breather, she asking to give her a break. “I don’t want to be compared to any other woman, just give me a bit of freedom for a moment”."

I just don't understand either. Some watchers are just often overreact with character drama action.... When I'm in Hae Young stated of mind, I often curse at people like that when I mad at someone, even my beloved one, Hoping of their misery so they will feeling my pain... It's just a natural act for me.. But after I calm myself down, I usually forget for what wish for and move on.


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At this point, OHY's emotions feels pathological. It just validates my belief that one should never embark on another relationship or seek love when one is emotionally fragile. I've said before, it's like going to the supermarket when you're hungry - bound to have poor judgement and bad decisions will be made!

So much anger, so much angst, so much acting on anger and angst. None of them right now is on any emotional state to be in a relationship really. They but in particular OHy need to just step back and reflect and let wounds heal properly. Their relationship as it is is soooooo draining.

them are my thoughts. Thanks for the recap, lollypip.


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Btw, in a related matter, graham Norton has some great advice on being single. I remember a few weeks ago, there was a comment on the pressure of being single, esp in the Indian community? Here is a great answer to that.



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Thanks for that link to a very thoughtful piece. If only OHY and her colleagues could read and heed...


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You're welcome @pakalana pikake. Glad you thought so too.


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alright ... here's how the show should really end ... she needs to give both of the guys the boot ... seriously fiancé should have trusted in her to stay with him and DK ruined her life ....

then two years later they should end the show with a scene from her wedding where she's getting married to her Team Leader.


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haha, I think I remember thinking at the end of this episode that if she's getting together with anyone, it should be with her team leader too! But I'm more the stable, practical type than passionate.


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Like you, I've concluded a realistic resolution would have to be years later... and I've been thinking Team Leader Sung-Jin would be a comfortable third-tier kind of guy who's been trying to look out for her all along.

Given how she is treated by most of her co-workers, she should blow that popsicle stand and get a different job... and then date her ex-boss.


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I've been reading some of you beanies want this drama to end as an imaginary - like everything is really only Do-kyung's imagination, that sort of thing. I wish it's not and that we are all watching real stories, real thing happening in the fantasy realm that is the drama. Because if it's not, then I think I'm just wasting my time getting invested in the characters and the story. Kinda like being stabbed in the back by the writer.


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Totally agree, the main reason why this drama is so good right now is because it's so realistic. It'd be a big slap to everyone's face if all we got was this was a dream or some fictional experience.


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You know what was I said the whole time I saw the Gold Haeyoung?! 니쁜 기집해!

Ouh, the angst was intense! First, the reason I want to watch this drama is, I think it's a Light rom-com. And I was totally wrong! Thankyou writer and all of the people that produce this drama! Thank you for the tears that my hands had been shed!

I just wandering, Is that society really bad in South Korea? People love to talk about others?

No offense, but the thing they called them "pretty" Oh haeyoung and "just" Oh haeyoung was extremely cruel! Hello! FACE ISN'T EVERYTHING! YOU WON'T GONNA DIE IF YOU'RE UGLY! I know the feeling, cause my posture is not perfect. My body was really huge, not just fat, but I was also tall, so the distribution of my body fat was wide.

We mock people sometimes, but with not their face.

sorry for the bad english


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As far as I know (and I'm not Korean so take it with a grain of salt) it is that bad. People's lives get ruined by rumors and public image is king.


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Damn this drama needs a leap or an open ending with our main 3 characters needing serious help from a GOOD shrink it will be weird to have a sunny-happy-nothing-happened-we-are-sane ending.
Damn why is everything I'm reading or watching these days so emotionally draining. Even FANFICS!! But at least in the fanfic the girl doesn't end up in a toxic relationship as end game. phew


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I'm again invested in a tvN drama. last time I checked I stopped watching after Cheese in the Trap and now I'm back with Oh Hae Young Again. This drama keeps getting better and better! When you're watching it, you'll see it has the same feeling while watching Marriage not Dating with a hint of Cheese in the trap. I don't know why I even feel invested in this drama. I keep on wanting more.

I just hope our male lead escapes his fate of dying. Or maybe he did crash into a car but was rushed in the hospital so he'll survive.

Or, you know because he can escape his future once he let Just Oh Hae Young in his life. you know, like they say you can trigger your future or something like that. It just depends on what happens in the present.


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I am surprised that people are saying PDK is unrelatable. He has gone through a huge trauma as a child (the childhood scenes were totally in place and totally important and heartbreaking), he's been brought up by his unstable mother (you all know what she's like) and he has closed himself off. He's quite stoic, and flawed. On top of that he's having mental and visceral images of his own death....wouldn't you be confused about how to go about things? OHY is so far from being stable herself, she's been getting hammered and feeling sorry for herself since day one. And he WAS planning on telling her about the wedding thing, once they got together, but they were officially together for one day, so, it's not like he had a million opportunities. He was on his way of actually telling her.

And now for OHY - I feel her. I feel how because of her unlucky name situation and all the bullying in school she endured, she has become extremely insecure, and only awful things keep happening to her. But - hitting someone is NEVER NEVER NEVER, NOT EVER ok, and the fact that she's also wanting to consciously hurt PDK through humiliating him on the street, without giving him the proper space and time to explain everything fully (which he wanted to do), is just....so off-putting. She also could care less about her parents and how they're worried sick for her...she keeps displaying her crazy behaviors in front of them continuously. I've lost all respect and love for her, and I am glad he didn't beg on the street and walked away. At this point if I was him, I wouldn't even want anything to do with her to be honest. YES - from her perspective and knowledge so far, he is responsible for this, but it's not like he consciously wanted to ruin her life, it's not like he's happy about it, and it's not like he didn't resist her for the longest time because of this! She should try to think about him (not about owning him, and him saying "i love you" to her), to truly think about how he must be feeling in this situation, can't she tell he feels bad as hell also??? Isn't that real love? She seems to only love him in terms of being around him and hearing "i love you" from him..where is the real concern??? AAAAAAAIIIISH, you guys, i am so frustrated with her character at this point, i can't even deal!

And to all of the people saying how he wanted to ruin someone's life - initially he didn't want to do anything - his friend was the one pushing him to get stupid drunk, and do something like that. Also he was NEVER planning on ruining his business. He wanted one investor to pull out. That in itself should not lead to jail time. Let's not pretend that OHY didn't wish for all women to die, or for him to suffer and cry because of her, or that she didn't actually hit someone when she was drunk.
I agree he should be blamed for doing something like this to the man, but i don't see why he should be blamed directly for her misfortune, as he didn't...


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I initially thought that the pretty Oh Hae Young is not an evil bitch, she was just wounded and jarred. But this episode shows that she sure is a selfish bitch. How can she say "thank you" when everyone else was hurting?


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Well the writer's message is trying to make is how Do Kyung Passiveness and pride to show his love is that bad.... to the point that even someone as kind as Pretty OHY thinking she is relieved finally finding out he loved her and don't care how many time people that he already ruined... well the circumstance is already happen anyway, no chance to mourn something that has already in the past.. And given by how our Hae Young treated her before.... she human, not a saint


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I loved how this episode explored what happens when you aren't intentional in your approach to romantic relationships.

HY has a habit of pursuing relationships to alleviate her boredom with her life. She wanted to sleep together before he had ever truly invested in or pursued her. Sleeping together so soon would have only deepened her heartache and clouded her judgment once their problems emerged. She needs to learn to be happy within herself before she'll be ready to start a relationship. Or use sex to fill that emotional void.

DK, on the other hand, commits to relationships out of inertia. He shut his heart off when his dad died, seemingly adopting his philosophy of not caring about people because people will always leave anyway. I think the visions he's having symbolize the state of his heart. (Especially how the imagery current vision mirrors / connects with the death of his father). His heart wants to love and connect, and is at the risk of dying entirely if he keeps shutting it down. He needs to learn that love and vulnerability have to accompany commitment in order for a relationship to be healthy.

DK's sister shows the danger of being non-intentional about her relationships by moving too fast. It's only natural to feel as though she's in love with a person she's had sex with. Those emotions are what sex should produce. But sex should solidify a relationship once it's already healthy and fully committed. It can never create a healthy fully committed relationship.

And DK's brother is coming to terms with the implications of impulsively dating someone so much younger. Once the heat subsides, the difference in perspective on what's important is starting to emerge.


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That should be:
... NOT use sex to fill that void.


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Great analysis of all the characters and how their intention dictates the importance they place on certain aspects of a relationship.

I especially love how you articulated what DK's heart needs if he doesn't want to fade away entirely.


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I'm just hoping that the writer doesn't disappoint us after throwing everyone in this huge mess. We still have 6 episodes to go and now that everyone is at their lowest, change is bound to happen. That really mirrors real life, you don't change unless you're forced to, or you hit rock bottom. 6 episodes seem like a good amount of time for everyone to get back on their feet and change for the better.

None of the characters have healthy relationships, and I do think the writer intended for people to recognize that, and I wonder if they know that they'd spark off thousands of conversations discussing and reflecting on the themes and social issues the drama highlights.

It's really interesting because I've never seen so much hate for the main leads in a drama. For me, I love our main characters and still root for them, even if I don't agree with many of the decisions they make. Both of them need to change and forgive and love themselves before they can start to love others well. Both have good hearts and I wish for them to be happy and healthy.

I do feel bad for TJ, but I also think that he had a choice to share his burdens with his wife-to-be. When you decide to marry someone, you are supposed to take on life and its' challenges together. Also, the dirty business running reflects on his character. Plus I think he doesn't know HY well... he was so intending on surprising her with the flowers and a proposal, which she tells TJ she doesn't like. TJ didn't do anything wrong in their relationship, they were just not meant for each other. HY's inferiority complex didn't go away, she just hid behind her veil of external confidence. The drama didn't show much of how she was like when she was with TJ, but I do think some little things gave us clues. For one, the way she was dressed and presented herself in Ep1 was like that of a 'first tier' person, whom she later says TJ is, and was the only one from that type who liked her. After they break up, with all walls down, we get to know her as she is, which looks different from the girl we saw at the start of Ep1.

She probably felt that she had to be a certain way in order to be befitting of TJ, and hid all her flaws which she later on exposed completely to DK because he was someone who she felt she didn't need to impress or ensure that she was liked.


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Oops I had a typo:

"Plus I think he doesn’t know HY well… he was so intending on surprising her with the flowers and a proposal, which she tells DK she doesn’t like."


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OMG! ! This show made me fall in love with Kdramas again :-)


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Eric oppa saranghae :-D


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Hi, where is that river that DK went to record the sound of watet? It seems so beautiful with all the big rocks. Is it far from Seoul?


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