Lucky Romance: Episode 7

Today is a bit of a subdued affair, emotionally speaking, but it does give us some nicely rewarding moments of growth and understanding between characters. I do wish some of that growth and understanding would come on the part of our heroine, whose sweet character and personality makes me want to root for her, although her actions can be exasperating. This means most of the poignant moments come at the hands of our leading man, which makes for an unbalanced development but is, at least, still gratifying when we’re talking about such an endearing hero.

Episode Grade: B



Bo-nui misses her deadline to snare her tiger and save her sister (by midnight), which sucks all the life out of her. She trudges to the hospital feeling bleak, where she finds Su-ho waiting for her, although she just turns away without acknowledging him.

She asks the nurse to be sure to alert her right away if her sister’s condition changes in the coming days. Su-ho hangs back and overhears the exchange, then follows Bo-nui outside, looking on with sympathetic eyes. Bo-nui walks off in the pouring rain and thinks despairingly that she wishes everything were a dream.

Then, out of nowhere an umbrella appears over her head. It’s Su-ho, who calls himself her walking, talking, umbrella-holding telephone pole (she’d called him that when drunk). Adding that he’s a genius (because he can never turn up the opportunity to remind people of that), he says he has a lot of uses.

Bo-nui ignores him, though, and continues walking on listlessly. Su-ho just keeps following with the umbrella, a step behind.

Meanwhile, Gary waits at the bus stop for Bo-nui with an umbrella ready, worrying when she doesn’t show. He knows tonight’s her deadline and imagines her sleeping with Su-ho, a mental image that drives him crazy.

Bo-nui heads to a pojangmacha and drinks alone, while Su-ho takes a seat at the far side of the tent, keeping an eye on her as she gets increasingly drunker. When a group of office workers files out, one man hangs back and sizes up Bo-nui, joining her at the table.

She cuts to the chase, knowing where this is headed, and asks if he can handle her, slurring how she’s got the worst luck in the world and that everyone close to her gets hurt. She declares that she’s fine for a one-night stand if he’s a tiger.

The man tries to escort her to a different location, which is when Su-ho steps in and pulls the man aside. Ha, I love that his answer to the “Who are you?” question is a matter-of-fact “I’m Je Su-ho, the genius.”

Su-ho points out how the man isn’t even trying to be careful picking up Bo-nui, noting his employee ID and wedding ring, and scares the guy into hurrying away. Then he peers over at Bo-nui and makes the funniest exasperated face at her.

Inside, she wonders drunkenly to herself where her tiger went. Su-ho stops her from drinking more and reminds her that her sister is alive, but Bo-nui asks if she’s supposed to dance instead, while Bo-ra’s still in a coma.

She stalks out into the rain and Su-ho chases after her with an umbrella. She knocks it aside angrily, saying that if he was going to help her, he should have done it when she begged. Su-ho fires back that it wouldn’t have changed anything, and tells her to think reasonably now that midnight has passed. Furthermore, she should be relieved that she didn’t get caught up in the secret sex tape.

Bo-nui’s surprised he knows about that, and guesses that he reported the perps to the police. Far from being thankful, however, that angers her more; she asks why he keeps interfering, pointing out that it’s none of his business, and that the downsides are nothing compared to the life at stake.

Su-ho takes this in, then grabs her wrist and starts pulling her along. “Let’s go,” he says. “The sun hasn’t risen yet. I’ll fulfill that wish.”

Amy drops by to see Gary and is shocked to find him sitting in front of Bo-nui’s door. He scoffs when she asks if he likes Bo-nui, saying that he’s just worried about her.

Bo-nui protests as Su-ho pulls her along, and he stops to summarize the situation: She had to catch a tiger, but she didn’t fulfill her crazy plan, and Bo-ra is alive. The logical conclusion is that her superstitious belief was wrong from the start, and he wants her to see reality.

Bo-nui replies that her reality is that the people she loves leaves. She explains how her parents died when she was sixteen, and now she’s poised to lose her only sibling: “What am I supposed to do? I’m so terrified that I wish I could die first. Every day I’m on thin ice and I don’t know when it’ll shatter, so every single second is hell. This is my reality, get it? So she’s alive today. Then it’ll be tomorrow, or the day after.”

She takes back her words from earlier when she’d blamed Su-ho, admitting that she was deflecting her own guilt. She tells him he’ll never understand and asks him to leave her be.

Frustrated, he watches her go and exclaims that he wasted his time today, heading in the opposite direction… and then turns back to look for her again. He just can’t seem to let her go off alone.

After a brief search of the area, Su-ho finds Bo-nui huddled over, humming to herself. He crouches with her and urges her home, but she says sadly that she doesn’t want to go home and see all of Bo-ra’s things. She doesn’t have the right.

Su-ho ends up piggybacking Bo-nui to his place, and his attempt to set her down on the couch ends with her flopping to the floor. I love that he leaves her there, more because he doesn’t know what to do than because he doesn’t care, and then he runs around at a loss, gathering blankets and towels. He’s so out of his element trying to take care of someone.

He pauses at one point to look at her tenderly, and reaches out toward her hand as though to touch it. Which is when, of course, he’s interrupted by a phone call.

It’s Ryang-ha, who’s with the Zeze team, all of whom are wildly drunk from a night of celebrating. The team is insisting on crashing Su-ho’s home, and Su-ho pleads with Ryang-ha to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Turning back to sleeping Bo-nui, Su-ho pats her face dry with a towel and rests a pillow under her head. He peers down at her for a while, wondering what her life has been like.

In the morning, Bo-nui’s the first to wake, and she looks over… to see Su-ho sleeping on the floor, next to her. Aw, did he fall asleep staring at her?

Su-ho wakes moments later, and immediately jumps into a nearby chair, as if he could somehow retroactively convince her he’s been there the whole time.

In bits and pieces, Bo-nui recalls the events of last night with dismay. Su-ho tells her it’s okay, but she insists there’s no way it can be, understanding that she has upset and annoyed him repeatedly.

He starts to say that she can rectify it in the future, but she cuts him off to thank him, promising not to bother him again, even though it looks like he doesn’t really mind so much anymore. She tells him to stay healthy in a tone of final goodbye and leaves.

Su-ho cleans up after she leaves, muttering to himself about how strange she is, not even realizing that his distracted “clean-up” has resulted in all his furniture being pushed to one side in no reasonable order. Ha.

Bo-nui goes to see her fortuneteller, only to find that nobody’s home, and is at a loss for what to do next.

Gary gets no response when he knocks on Bo-nui’s door, but runs into her outside the building. Hearing that Bo-ra’s okay but that Bo-nui didn’t spend the night at the hospital, he puts two and two together and doesn’t ask further.

But of course, he can’t shake his curiosity, and wonders aloud whom Bo-nui spent the night with. He assures himself that there’s no way Su-ho would have gone for it… then worries that Su-ho’s baser instincts might have.

At the lobby coffee shop, Ryang-ha is his usual annoyingly teasing self with Dal-nim, who’s huffy in response until Ryang-ha produces a pink diary and starts to read from it. Suddenly full of horror, Dal-nim makes ineffectual grabs to get her diary, which she’d dropped last night after drinking.

Ryang-ha gleefully reads her embarrassing entries, written with all the poetic angst of an emo teenager on Livejournal, full of flowery descriptions of her crush (Su-ho). Dal-nim insists the diary’s not hers, then snatches it promising to find its real owner.

The countdown clock resets for the Zeze team, who now have 100 days to actually produce the game. They note that Bo-nui and Su-ho both skipped their party last night and are both absent now, wondering if something is going on. But as it turns out, Su-ho is already in the building—busy staring out the window, trying to catch Bo-nui’s arrival. He heads out intending to go to her directly, mock-grumbling about how he’s going to scold her, only to come face to face with Gary.

Ha, the mood is amusingly tense between the two men, who are both curious about the other but not willing to explain themselves. So Gary asks if Su-ho was with Bo-nui last night, acting the part of the concerned brother, and Su-ho replies vaguely about not talking about his employees’ private lives. He says he knows about Bo-nui’s sister and says that matters between him and Bo-nui will be taken care of between the two of them.

Su-ho tsk-tsks that Gary’s image has just taken a hit right now, acting like a nosy kid brother. Then he walks away hiding a satisfied grin at getting in his dig, heh.

When Ryang-ha drops by, Su-ho asks what the phrase “Stay healthy” means. Ryang-ha replies that it’s goodbye, laughing that Su-ho got dumped.

Su-ho perks up moments later when Bo-nui arrives, then actually checks himself out before heading out to talk to her, hee. But before he can say a word, Amy’s arrival interrupts (grr) and she reminds him of his agreement to talk (given when he was distracted).

Amy, under the assumption that Bo-nui was out on a date with a boyfriend, mentions Gary waiting for her all night. The conversation seems to cross some wires, because to Amy it sounds like Bo-nui has a boyfriend, and to Su-ho it sounds like Gary might be that boyfriend, and to Bo-nui there’s no boyfriend.

Then Ryang-ha interrupts and calls Amy the first love and Bo-nui a current special person, because he delights in creating awkwardness. Su-ho denies it and heads off, not getting a chance to talk to Bo-nui after all.

Su-ho’s mother drops in on her Chicken Ajusshi Oppa, who greets her with pleased surprise. Mom tells him Su-ho’s her son, and asks after Chicken Ajusshi’s family. He admits he divorced and never had kids. I… don’t really care about this storyline.

Amy and Su-ho have coffee outside, and he keeps his stiff demeanor with her, saying that people might think there was something between them from the way she talks.

In flashback, a college-age Su-ho finds Amy sleeping over her textbooks and takes a seat next to her. He types busily into her computer and drapes his shirt over her, and when she wakes, she finds a bunch of her work done for her.

So now, she admits that she ran away because she was afraid that she’d keep using him. She insists that she didn’t purposely get close to him to help on her thesis: “I was just curious about the person my father chose over Oppa.”

Su-ho’s not familiar with this oppa of hers, and Amy explains that her brother wasn’t a genius like Su-ho, but was quite smart. After an accident, Dad lost his son and student, and Mom fell into depression. As for Amy, she felt guilty and took up physics despite not being suited for the topic. Furthermore, she canceled her thesis right away, although Su-ho had already returned to Korea by then.

She asks him to understand her, even if he can’t forgive her, calling her 2004 self immature and selfish. Su-ho merely corrects her: It was 2005, not 2004.

But it’s cleared the air, and Amy returns to her office feeling freer. And Su-ho must understand, because he sends Dal-nim over with the access pass Amy’s been pestering him for, although it looks like it pains Dal-nim physically to give it up. He even takes out the bicycle figurine he’d stuffed in his drawer.

Su-ho finds a small cactus plant on his desk, and his team explains that Bo-nui gave everybody one to ward off bad luck. He finds her with a team member, explaining the details of her game concept in detail, and asks her hotly if she’s going to quit again.

He points out that Bo-ra is doing fine, and that all those fortunetellers they’d visited were wrong, but Bo-nui replies that those are things she believes in and finds support in. Is that so wrong?

He sighs that it is, and sets out with determination to counter all of her falsely held superstitions. He writes his name in red ink (which is supposed to be bad luck), and even writes his parents’ names to prove how little stock he puts in them.

But that upsets her, and she entreats him to cut it out, snatching the paper away before he finishes his mother’s name. She asks, “If your parents die because of you, do you know how hellish that feels?”

That at least lands with him, as he realizes, “Your parents died because of you?”

And then, Su-ho’s father trips over firewood , falls over a wheelbarrow, and crashes to the ground. Su-ho’s mother calls Bo-nui about it, and Bo-nui accompanies Mom back home to check on him. The moment she sees that Dad is fine, albeit a little bruised, Bo-nui slumps to the ground and cries relieved tears.

Su-ho’s parents insist on feeding Bo-nui, touched by her thoughtfulness. Mom pumps her for information on Su-ho, asking if he’s hot-tempered at work. She answers that he’s an impressive person, taking care of his employees well—a description that has both parents cocking their heads in confusion.

Bo-nui says she plans to quit her job, and Mom protests that she has to stick close to Su-ho.

That night, Su-ho works on his couch at home… and looks down to see Bo-nui asleep at his feet, recoiling in alarm. It’s his imagination, of course, and he shakes it off, trying to act like he totally isn’t embarrassed by his reaction.

Bo-nui, on the other hand, imagines Bo-ra awake and well as she sits at home. Bo-ra encourages her to cheer up and smile, and as the vision fades, Bo-nui tells herself she has to protect her sister to the last.

The next morning, Su-ho finds Bo-nui’s desk cleaned out, and his staff explains that she came by early to pack up and told them all to stay healthy.

Dal-nim helps carry her things home, and urges her once more to keep the job and its steady paycheck. But Bo-nui has made up her mind, and just asks Dal-nim to pass along a note to Su-ho, saying she feels very sorry toward him.

Dal-nim gives the note to Su-ho, who asks if Bo-nui acted differently from usual. Dal-nim says no, but confirms that Bo-nui did tell her to stay healthy.

Meanwhile, Bo-nui arrives at the hospital with Gary, though she refuses to go in to see her sister per usual, since she doesn’t want to bring her any bad luck. So Gary visits with Bo-ra alone, urging her to wake up so her sister can resume living like a normal person.

Bo-nui speaks with the doctor about her decision to have Bo-ra discharged from the hospital. She says she wants to be with her sister through the end, whenever it happens. Oh no, is she giving up hope?

Gary reports that Bo-ra looks healthy and well, like she’d wake up at any moment, assuring her that it’ll happen. Oh, he’s still assuming that Bo-nui’s tiger-catching was successful. She says ruefully that that would be nice, and gives him a hug.

Su-ho reads Bo-nui’s letter, where she thanks him and apologizes for putting up with her. She says he’s the first person who’s held up an umbrella for her: “Thanks to you, I was a little less cold that night.” She promises to cherish the memory, and again wishes him good health.

That spurs him into action, and he heads out right away, only to be waylaid by Bo-nui’s ex-boss in the lobby, who’s been trying to get in touch with her about money. Su-ho shakes him off and calls Bo-nui repeatedly, though she ignores her phone while riding the bus somewhere.

Su-ho pounds on her front door, which brings Gary into the hallway. Gary’s taken aback at Su-ho’s panic over finding her right away, pointing out that she looked fine earlier. Su-ho asks, “Would a person who’s going off to die advertise that they’re going off to die?”

Confused but alarmed, Gary protests that Bo-ra will be fine now, and that Su-ho even went to extremes to help make that happen. Su-ho corrects his misconception, saying that nothing happened that night—which is why Bo-nui’s convinced her sister will die.

At the hospital, Bo-nui hangs back as her sister is wheeled out to be transferred to a long-term care facility. She turns away just as Su-ho and Gary rush inside, and while the nurse refuses to divulge patient information, she does tell them that Bo-nui said she was going to a place with a good view, to spend her last moments together.

Filled with dread, the boys head out.

Bo-nui finds herself at the water’s edge, and stars to walk toward the river…

Epilogue. We’re back to that night when Su-ho had taken Bo-nui home. He lays down next to her on the ground, inching closer and settling down to watch her sleep. He finally falls asleep, his hand dropping to the ground, barely touching hers. And at that moment, Bo-ra’s hand twitches in the hospital.


Hm, so Bo-ra is saved after all? And the tiger prediction was fulfilled by their one night spent together?

It’s a sweet twist on the initial interpretation of that sleep-with-a-tiger directive, although there’s a serious downside to the realization, which is that it makes our heroine seem extra foolish for jumping to a conclusion that, as we saw, put her in direct pathway of dangerous, disastrous situations. I could actually find a point of sympathy for Bo-nui’s insistence on sleeping with a tiger man because I did at least buy that she was fully invested in fortuneteller’s readings and felt that her desperation was real. I found her recklessness exasperating in the way that Su-ho did, but she didn’t make me angry about it.

Except now, I kind of feel like throwing my hands up in the air over her, because if “spend a night” with a tiger meant something other than having a sexual encounter, then I’m confused at all the ruckus. She took things to a strangely dire place and then the drama pulled back and gave us something much simpler. And if that weren’t bad enough, the moment she fails her tiger mission, she just… gives up? On herself, and her sister? Before hearing about the tiger task, she was so determined to do everything she could to save Bo-ra, but one prediction goes bad and all of a sudden she wants to die? I just don’t think the writing is doing her character service. I don’t want to be annoyed at my heroine, but it’s hard not to be at this point.

And that’s coming from someone who finds her general predicament compelling and somewhat understandable, given the setup of Bo-nui being a perpetual bad luck charm to everyone she loves. It’s sort of the weird twisted rom-com version of the Mirror of the Witch curse, where the heroine is unwilling to let anyone else die on her account and keeps her distance from those she loves. It works with Mirror of the Witch because that world has an airtight mythology and a rock-solid sense of tone and pathos; Lucky Romance has its moments, but is rather more uneven so my sympathies often swing in and out.

That aside, I do think this drama does something a little different with the standard opposites-attract dynamic, probably because it’s not treating it as a point of humor. I like that Su-ho’s trying to understand Bo-nui, even if he does come to certain points that defy his comprehension, and his pestering of her seems to be partially to get himself to understand, as much as it is about trying to get her to renounce her views.

I’m curious about this conflict, because it’s almost like he’s trying to have a debate with her, and at every step she’s agreeing with him (in acknowledging that her beliefs are absurd to the logical mind). But they can somehow agree on A, B, and C, and Bo-nui will still walk away with a conclusion that defies Su-ho’s logical brain, and it’s interesting to watch him try to get through to her out of a sense of caring. But it almost feels like an atheist trying to talk someone out of religious faith; logic can’t be used against faith, because there’s a fundamental difference wherein faith almost by definition has to leave behind logic. And in that sense it feels like barking up the wrong tree, and I worry that in trying to get her to see “reality,” he might end up breaking her. There’s gotta be a common ground they can find somewhere, surely, and I mean something deeper than video games.


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"Shim Bonui.... Let's go home" keeps playing in my head since last night. This episode is the best so far. The rating has increased too.


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I know!!! I myself have gotten so smitten by that... As if he was saying that to ME!! ?


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I was also smitten by the preview. Did ya'll see Su Ho's beautiful smile. AHHHH!!! Thank you for blessing me with Ryu Jun Yeol


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Me tooooo!!!!


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The way he says that line... gives me life.


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And with wet hair...


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Did you guys see that smile? His smile on the preview?


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yaaaa, i saw ittttt!!!~ ^_^ ryu jun yeol seriously in character. his smile made my day


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Agreed! I don't have an eye for directing but that scene was just so gorgeous. This is my favorite episode thus far! RJY is killing it in this drama!


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I just have to say that RJY and HJE proved they have fantastic chemistry. Those stares during the hospital and rain scenes were electric. I really liked this episode.


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You know I'm starting to suspect HJE has great chemistry with everyone. I can't recall her having just meh chemistry with anyone except maybe No Min Woo (and even then, maybe I was just too distracted by their Manes of Shame XD).

That being said, I'm actually quite fond of Bui Ni. She's stubborn when it comes to her beliefs, and I sympathize with stubborness bourne of guilt. I've been there so many times. -_-

Although I think faith in superstitions really is very illogical, I take offense to the statement that faith is fundamentally illogical. That's blind faith. When you trust someone, you do so because they have shown themselves to be trustworthy, not because you can read their minds. That would just be knowing.


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HJE is a bit of an enigma. I think she might be an actress who validates any charisma being thrown at her and amplifies it. Part of that is her just being a very good scene partner, but I swear another part of it really is enhancing her male costar's ability to buy into the emotion he's pitching. So the entire scene feels more honest not just because HJE is receiving it flawlessly, but because that perfect reception is making her costars more able to take risks and be genuine.

That entire scene with her humming and Su Ho watching her - he comes off marvellously in that scene, but I think a large part of it is HJE is incredibly unselfish and gives him a lot of room.


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YES OMG YES their chemistry is fabulous and I am in love with this drama. The rain scenes, and the whole gazing-into-each-others-eyes thing that kept happening at various points that night - like in the rain and when he leaned down to watch her murmur to herself - were so romantic, as well as the general mood at those points


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Swooning over "shin bo nui,, 집에 가자"


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Is it just me?... Or does anyone else think that JSH might be the son of chicken ahjusshi?


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Only because he keeps getting pulled into the narrative (and is a reasonably recognisable Ahjusshi actor).

I really hope we don't go there (though at one point I swear I thought Gary's Dad and Je Su Ho's nominal father were the same person, so maybe I've been instinctively waiting for a birth secret!).


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Me too!! Re. Gary and JSH!

Also because SH's mom said "If [your children] take after you, they must be smart!"


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I'm positive that's where this is heading, only I don't understand what the point of this birth secret would be - for Jesu to have another parent to generally ignore?

But the mention of his lack of children-- and how smart they would have been-- plus his ties to/interest in Zeze all point to some deeper connection there.


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It later be revealed that the chicken ahjusshi used to be top programmer (just a quick Google search lol). Although this may change but I agree I think he might be his father.

I feel when this is revealed and his severe anxiety flares up, bonui will finally be the one to rescue him.


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I thought too... even after rewatching first three episodes. Chicken ahjusshi appeared in zeze'factory demonstration where Su-ho collapsed....and also his father showed up at zeze, drunk talking some sh*t about su-ho...

But now i think he may be the one who put that error in the game (his real reason to appear at zeze in the first ep.) and that he is not all that nice as he seems...and than Su-ho's mom will realise that her husband is actually not that bad...


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Chicken Ahjusshi is sinister in some way. Don't know what way, but he's got a lot more knowledge of and interest in Zeze than he claims.


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I think zeze factory (or Je Su Ho) is the caused his bussines failed..
so he want to revenge? hmmm


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Finally! Kept refreshing a million times and glad it's finally here. If the previous episodes didn't feel like rom-com, the last scene just reminded of that one drama with Lee Bo Young "God's Gift". *Exasperated sigh* I still continue to watch it though, so maybe I just have a thing for Ryu Jun-yeol.


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Awesome episode! Su ho is the best. I love how he is drown to her and not even resisting. I especially love the twists they put in the epilogue in each episode.


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I really like this drama. But why drama did you have to include Su ho's Mom and her relationship with the chicken ahjusshi. Like no one cares about them. I'm already having a hard time liking Amy and Gary but the drama had to include something with su ho's mom. I just want more su ho and bonui scenes as well as Dal Nim and Ryang Ha. They are so adorable!!!


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When Amy speaks English or speaks at all I don't like it. I do not know why but it's annoying. And this is coming from someone who finds people who speak English with super heavy inaudible accents cute.


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It's a shame they picked the name "Gary". It's such a ridiculous thing to focus on, but she's pronouncing it "Cary".

Weirdly she says "god" just fine, I don't think anyone's expressly told her it's the same "g" sound in "Gary" and "god".

I realize this is crazy-specific. But... you're his manager. At some point through sheer exposure you would've figured out how Canadians say the name "Gary".


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At least you could tell it was Cary. I had no idea what she was saying.


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same. bo nui/suho/dalnim/ryang ha and any combination of the four makes me one happy viewer. everything else can....go away forever. and i wont even notice tbh. i would like Gary more if he stayed as a caring baby bro, cuz she clearly needs some family and extra support now. but ALAS he is clearly going the annoying angsty jealous second lead with major boundary issues and it feels so needless. (and dont even get me started on Amy omg)


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Ruu Junyeol is the best thing about this drama.


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Yessss he's so good.He's able to infuse both vulnerability and adorable-ness into his character effortlessly.

I know they changed his character a lot from the webtoon which was at first a big disappointment. However, I feel like his character is so relatable and quirky that it's almost better that he's so intelligent and successful on the outside because it contrasts beautifully with the fact that he is so neurotic and self-conscious on the inside. Also despite the initial impression that he gives off, he's got a super soft heart (which is only just below the surface). He doesn't need to have the extra quirk of being mega frugal because he has so many other interesting qualities.


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I know they changed his character a lot from the webtoon which was at first a big disappointment.

They have? Whats he like there? I can't find an english translation of the webtoon.

Yes, RJY is the best thing about the show. He is the only reason i can't seem to drop the show. he is all charm


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Definitely yes!
If its not because of the quirkiness, cute and adorkable Je suho whom nicely done by RJY i definitely drop this drama.
I can't connect with Bonui. Although Jung eum acting is superb, the main problem is with the brain of the Sim Bonui character.
I keep thinking, Oh my God! Suho just save u from lunatic pervert, and you mad at him? Seriously?
What if u been taped while having sex and it been distributed online. It will ruin your life. Not even say thankyou, but mad at your saviour?
Im sorry, it doesnt make sense...


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Yeah, she's only sensible when it comes to interacting with Su Ho. All her other behaviour is, I think, subconsciously purposefully self-destructive. She's trying to punish herself for the 'bad luck' she's brought to her loved ones.

Su Ho on the other hand is pure light. Love him to death.


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thank you Lola for saying that Bo Nui has been acting out of guilt and self loathing. hence the super self destructive way she's been going about everything. same with how she acted as soon as she "failed" to do what the Fortuneteller told her to do. she's ready to finally just die. its so sad and yeah it makes no sense logically! why give up now, why go about the tiger thing so absurdly but its cause she's not in her right mind. she's not thinking about the best way to solve a problem, she is just crippled by despair and guilt. and it hurts to watch. i really want Bora to wake up alrdy or smth like that, so we can see Bo Nui go back to herself more instead of this sad shell of a self she has been in the past few eps.


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I think Jung Eum is doing a fantastic job in bringing out BN's character.Though BN's actions are frustratingly unreasonable, I do sympathize with her.Though she acts all cheerful on the outside she cannot go on, even for a moment without thinking that she will cause bad luck to others..the trauma of her sister's death has taken a huge toll on her psyche and she is grappling at every rope that she can hold onto so that she can rescue herself and her sister. Yeah it is frustrating but for a person who has to live day in and day out in a belief that they cause bad luck i see how that could lead to self-destructive actions.
I would rather have her listen to JS, but like she keeps reminding him again and again that it is not that she does not get logic, it is just that she wants to escape her reality that is so traumatic to her and will her way to a better future even by acting iraationally.

Only, problem i have with the show is that, it takes the superstition line to an extreme and is willing to say that all of her actions are someway 'right'..and that i think is dangerous.


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yes, your last sentence is absolutely right.
it is dangerous if they gonna make viewer think that what bonui belief is in the end "right".

In my country there are people who blindly do whatever their shaman said.
And if this drama encourage people to do that, well... its dangerous.
I hope this drama wont do that... Make me believe in you drama!


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I'm confused by BN, she was willing to sleep with a married drunken stranger (after nearly getting videoed, raped and kidnaped earlier), but a few minutes later she refused (known tiger) SH when her offered to fulfill her wish? That didn't seem consistent with her character at all.

Did I miss something?


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She didn't refuse to sleep with him. He never really offered. He just wanted to get her home and safe. And meanwhile she passed out drunk


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Not to mention that in her mind it was already too late - past midnight and Cinderella turns into a pumpkin!


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Awww.... the song that Bon-ui was humming was the song that No-eul sang in Reply1988. Hope he gets well.

Su-ho is jussstttt ♡♡♡♡♡


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i do thing the same on the humming...kinda familiar rite? later i watch againnn...LOL..


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And also her parents favorite song, right? She said that in the first episode, or am I wrong?


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I honestly think the episode grading system may not be for the best. The first thing I see each time is the grade given for each episode, and it does affect my reading experience, especially if you give the show a B or worse. I don't watch all dramas but I am a fan of your recaps. I would suggest either scrapping the whole thing or listing the episode grade at the end of your recap instead of the beginning.


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yeah.. i agree with you
the grading system take the joy of reading and watching the show..

you dont have to grade the ep actually... the tonality of the written recap is sometimes enough turn people away from watching the show.

onto the show, this guy really has some talent in making his lines delivery iconic
from reply 1988 to this show, there must be one line that people will remember and gush on about...


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Yeah we're iffy on it too. We can do away with them if they're not adding much.


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If you do keep them, maybe it'd be better to write it at the end of the recap than before? So people don't going into reading with certain expectations. Writing tone is a more subtle thing so it doesn't matter so much but I guess the grading might. Also people have different ways of interpreting rating scales as well. Even though technically a B is an above average score, it's seems the other poster is interpreting it as average or below much like how some people see anything below a 7/10 as utter shit.


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True that. The grading put me off. Because I think it's subjective. It was actually the best episode so far. The pacing was good, the story development smooth and I could get into the characters.

Now in comparison there is a weekend show I watch. Where I think the male lead has the wrong foundation shade.And his smile too weird to look convincing. And the storyline boring in quite a few parts. It is a good drama but that show is a B or a C. But then it puts that episode a B same as this episode. But that was like a low DN episode or high credit- in essay marking terms. But for that B I could have skipped that episode and missed nothing important. Where else this B episode delivered something.

How did the criteria get set again? Can anyone remember an A or a C episode to compare with a B?


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As far as I know, this is the first time DB has ever used a rating other than on the overall series rating list they have, so there's nothing to compare it with for an A or C, etc. I think most if not all of the Lucky Romance grades have been Bs.


What about putting it at the end of the episode - or even putting it under a spoiler cut thing so that people can click on it to read the rating if they want?


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I didn;t even notice that there was a grade.

btw, on DB the shows are not 'just' recapped, the writer also gives an opinion. So if they want to add a grade, i'm not sure how it hampers someone else's enjoyment.

Whats the big deal ?

Personally for me they don't add any value. But they also don't take away anything


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Yeah, I don't think you need the grade at all - or if so, put it at the end. We all know it is personal opinion of the person doing the recapping and we just love the recaps!!! I totally appreciate your ratings system in that long separate list on the DB website. It has influenced me to watch many dramas - but I love reading your words in the recap - especially the Comments section. I often skip the recap just to read the comments. What you say lets us know how you feel about it. Seeing a grade takes the joy out of it for me. Just saying'.


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I'm so eager to get to the meat of the recap that I've never noticed the grading system. my eyes literally skip over it because even though comments like this remind me it exists, I've never noticed the grade unless I scroll back to the top and intentionally look for it. ^_^


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Hear hear!
I vote for scrapping it off. Sorry DB team!
Too bad, it was an appealing idea.


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I also think that grading system is a bit of an overkill. The idea seemed like a good one at first, but ended up somewhat as a killjoy. Hope my word won't offend anyone, I mean no harm.


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The more I start liking SH, the more i dislike BN

She was going to be freaking raped/filmed/blackmailed into sex trafficking ... and she still gets angry on SH for 'interfering' . She is telling him that if he cared he should have slept with her. whatttt ! *head desk*

then she quits her job ? Does she have a backup ? How is she going to pay the hospital bills from now on ? If the shaman's condition is not fulfilled, so now she doesn't even want to do anything more ? Or is she going back again to the shaman for an alternative cure ?

Urghhhhhhhh ..... Never has a heroine irritated me this much.

SH though is turning out to be very different from first impressions. He is going above and beyond for someone who is completely thankless. And frankly i am not sure why. Had they gone out on more 'dates' and connected i would get it.

I love, love love all those quirky dorky things that RJY does with the character. The expressions, the flailing around, the rapid logical yapping and beneath that a very sweet person.

RJY is knocking it out of the park.


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Agreed! Sing it sister! Bo Nui is really pissing me off! Why is Su Ho so lovely, he deserves someone so much nicer than a self-destructive, danger hound Bo Hui. Grr.


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I would totally ship SH and Dal nim. Can you imaging them - 2 dorks, absolutely clueless, with no dating skills running around each other like headless chickens ?


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Can't. It's impossible to ship these 2 and think about them making cute little kids in the epilogue. All I can is a disastrous 1st night. Then a clueless flapping mum with burnt rice for the kimbap. Then either an overbearing logical dad. Or a doting dad but emotionally disconnected one.

In fact all 3 females in this drama doesn't match with him. It's scary shipping him with such an illogical female. With such dangerous reckless habits. Sickness and illness are a given in life. I shudder to think in this fictional world if he falls sick in the future she is going through all this superstitious crap. Not all superstitions are bad but in this particular drama premise- her actions are nuts and overboard. It's fine to not leave rice grains on your plate. It's another to scatter salt everywhere around people and the workplace. Nuts.


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yes, definitely agree...


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Its been my big question too,
If only they contact more like on a "date", maybe i can understant why Suho fall in love with Bonui.
But, as i remember its just because Bonui said "You are a warm person", and "Its must be you" those moment that make Suho feels something in his heart.
Just that right?
What makes Suho fall in Bonui?

Oh, this rant... makes me remember about Oh My Ghostess, when Chef suddenly accept that he fall in love with the girl, and not the ghost.
Although he always interact with the ghost...
It just disconnect.
*Sorry for my rant*


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To be fair I think he has more basis than that. She kissed him before they met, then he rescued her and got her home safe, then she saved the day at his company launch, while he mistakenly accused her of being at fault, then she ended up being the first person to finish his test but he lost her and then she ended up at his business and started causing trouble. Also she rescued him in front of the press and held his hand.

I think for someone who probably hasn't had a lot of contact with woman the kiss and hand holding did things to him. She showed him she's smart and capable and also all the other stuff. So I think it's all that that has him hooked. What I hate is that many of the good things she's said has been out of desperation to get her tiger rather than real. So that messes him up.


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When he found out that she did everything bec of the 'tiger' thing, i thought he would completely cut all contact. On surface she is everything he hates - she used him, is illogical and irrational,

But he still worried for her. I think i would have liked if they had played it as him being a nice person who can't knowingly walk away from someone in trouble.

But they show him as being romantically interested in her which frankly baffles me. Bec at this point she is completely cuckoo! And she doesn't need romance but a psychiatrist which (bless him) he actually suggested.

She on the other hand does not give him a second thought when that would have made sense given how he saved her from being raped multiple times. But instead she says 'whats wrong with being filmed' .... sheesh!


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I think some o it is a matter of interpretation. I haven't seen his interest in her at the start or even now as romantic. I see it more as the confusion and curiosity of a guy who is so logical that he can't understand (but wants to understand) someone who's so full of contradictions (in that she's really smart in some things but illogically superstitious at the same time).

His is the interest and curiosity of someone who will fall for her eventually but I don't see him there quite yet.


agree with eyes..
just like ryang ha said, give him a code (or coding?), it is the thing he like so much

so for Suho, Bonui is puzzle/code which difficult to solve/understand (she smart girl who extremly believes superstitions) and on his way to solved "Bonui", he learn about who she is, her life's story, and it's matter of time until he realizes curiosity become caring and then become love


oh the hand holding, i forgot that too...
Yeah Lola you are right, but but but... it would be more realistic if they make contact more, before Suho fall head over heels to her... They barely know each other, yeah but this is dramaland after all...


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I think he's very realistic. When I've fallen in love, my best friend was wandering why. She saw him without the pink glasses I had on my nose that time. We changed a lot and she still doesn't understand how we can be together. Most of the time we're like an italian couple strongly arguing and then everything is lovey dovey. But that's love, you don't choose the moment you fell for the other person.


Noo.. i love bo nui, her world is falling apart and she can't take any more guilt so she take the self destructed way, I understand and pity her, there's no one besides her in the past 2 years and she's so afraid to have a bond with others since it may bring bad luck to them. The way she's blaming Suho, she already admitted it is because she's mad, mad at herself, mad at her world, but she couldn't take anymore so she's blaming it on him. I know that it's wrong but she had admitted it and apologized to Suho. I hope Bo nui will forgive herself with Suho's help and fall for him rightaway, because he's to sweet to be missed


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AMEN. like Idk if some of the ppl in the comments or javabeans have seen what a depressed person looks like but that is p much where Bo Nui is right now. I just really hope things pick up for her more. I was almost teary when she was at the water's edge. I've been around people with and personally experienced alot of psychological issues. and i've never had anyone die near me. so its not like you even need to be in as dire a situation as Bo Nui's to contemplate suicide or engage in risky behaviors. I am genuinely rooting for her and I do feel bad for Suho who is trying hard and is getting nowhere. but its not about him. and to his credit he seems to get taht and is genuinely just trying to help her rather than making it about him being right or thinking that cause he is helping her she should just get her shit together alrdy.
Suho's care for her is rly sweet and endearing. and his actions do come off as genuinely selfless, a rare feat indeed haha. RYJ and HJE should be praised for making their characters so lovable and sympathetic. But yeah Suho clearly has NO idea why she's behaving this way, like he knows but he doesnt Get It. much like commentors here. but he still manages to have empathy. i get he's fictional but..let's try to do the same yes? (idk, i just rly dont get hating or disliking her. her only crimes so far are to be very sad and irrational...)


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I do not dislike BN. She is irrational, confused, and is a complete mess, that I agree. But I still love her.

I am not an expert but from what I see she is depressed and self-destructive. We always see male leads having psychological problems, and tenderhearted female leads who heals them. This time it is a gender reversal of the roles. And I love watching it. I got emotional watching him stare her at the park, and said "let's go home". That would be the single thing that I would like to hear when I feel like that I rocked bottom.

She is at her lowest point in her life. And that night she was drunk. Things that she said to SH are not her real thoughts, like when she yelled at him for calling the police. As a viewer, it looks like she did not really mean it. She was angry and frustrated, think about it, she was in a hotel room full of cameras just a couple of hours ago. And SH was the closest person that she can vent these feelings at that time. She does not know what to do with her life, and because she is blaming herself for all the bad things, she thinks that she is not worth for living a good life. That is why she is not focusing her career, or love life. Although the supersition plot seem too unreal, what she feels is relatable. People irl too have these kind of struggles, and emotions. And then, there is SH, who can be there for her. He is not understanding her, yet he is doing everything he can to minimize the damage she can get as she lost herself. Without judging, or nagging, he just supports and guides her.


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agreed! I dont get ppl being mad at Bo Nui. i get some frustration but like, idk, i've been there (not the sick sister or dead parents part or cray cray behavior with creeps osn the net) but in terms of being and feeling THAT LOW. and not acting wise or in my best interests as a result.
but like Suho's compassion and non judgement is almost too good to be true sometimes! but only cuz i'm a cynic. he's preciousss. i also appreciate his non aggressive nature. idk i dont automatically hate a male lead if he's got a bit of a temper but its a total trope by now. and Suho's quiet awkness and preference to avoid physical confrontations (and it NOT being played as some kind of character flaw) is rly really refreshing negl.

but yeah back to Bo Nui, she apologized profusely and even wrote him a letter of apology. so like, i dont think u can be mad at her for shouting at him in those moments and hell even he seemed to get she didnt mean it. and the letter also made clear her intent and gratitude. but yeah I hope things pick up for her soon!


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I could understand her. She's so desperate thinking her sister would died if he didn't sleep with a Tiger and pressed by time. In her point of view Suho not only didn't grant her wish even after she begged, he also ruin all her attempt to achieve it without his help. She didn't care what will happen to her if Bora could live longer. She even said she want to died earlier than them so that they won't get bad luck because of her anymore.

And she's not only quitting her job. She's quit on live. She thought Bora would died soon because she can't ask that shaman for other information after failing to sleep with tiger. So she won't need to pay for Bora hospital bill anymore. She's gonna accompany Bora to die together.


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I like this drama so much but there are some things that really grate, particularly regarding Shim Bo Nui.

It's now clear to me that the self destructive path to rapesville was subconciously intentional, to punish herself for her 'bad luck'. I got so angry when she got angry about Su Ho preventing her from being filmed but it makes sense in that she was blaming him for the anger she feels at herself.

Also I HATE that the luck stuff is being reinforced as true. It makes me so angry that we're supposed to see these conmen/women as speaking truths. Argh!

Also can Bo Nui please have some genuine feeling for Su Ho already? That poor boy is the most delightful, up-tight tsundere hero I've seen in a while, he's basically a human marshmallow at this point, he deserves better!

If we have a Su Ho related birth secret coming up with Chicken Ahjusshi Imma pull someone's hair out.

Dal Nim continues to be a delight and her every scene is amazing. I loved her reluctance to hand over the swipe card to Amy and the fight for the notebook, hilarious!

Su Ho, protect him he's so adorable and kind.


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human marshmallow

Perfect description. He can't seem to stop caring about people. Even for Amy. I just want to hug him


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<he’s basically a human marshmallow at this point



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er how believable would it be that she'd start having romantic feelings for him or anyone else in her current state of mind? that's like the most realistic thing to me. she is clearly fond of him which is a good start, but i'm fine waiting for her to fall for him in a more organic and reasonable fashion rather tahn her catching feelings mid suicidal thoughts and crying jags. like...cmon now.


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You're absolutely right and the more I sit and think about it the more empathy I have for Bo Nui, it would be totally ridiculous for her to fall in love the way she is now and HJE is doing a fabulous job of portraying the desperation and emotional agony Bo Nui is in. It's just hard to see Su Ho being so into her and interested in her when she just doesn't have it in her to feel the same way back. That's the core of the frustration.

I do love that Bo Nui immediately back tracked after yelling at Su Ho about the videotaping, she admitted that she was angry at herself, scared etc. The fact that she's aware of all the crazy stuff but believes it anyway (because she needs to) is just amazing to me. It's amazing that this character has made it to our screens, because her actions are so extreme and frankly I kind of like that our heroine is a little bit unlikable (not to me but her actions are definitely unlikable). Kind of like how I love how complex the characters are in Another Miss Oh.

Bo Nui gives me mixed feelings, I find her to be a really tragic character and HJE infuses her with a lot of pathos and I really want to root for her (and I do). But I can only root for her if the outcome is that she stops depending on superstitions to get her through her life. And I'm very afraid that the show is only going to reinforce her dangerous belief in luck.


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I do feel bad for her losing her parents and now her sister is in a coma but it's seriously getting a bit annoying to have her moping around with no real purpose in life other than to save Bo-Ra, not saying it's not important but I think that's where she went wrong, she already gave up her life when the accident happen. The fact that she has been acting so reckless to the point of risking being raped or even killed by one of those random men is absurd and only someone who has given up on their own life would go that far.... Sorry I think I'm explaining it wrong, it doesn't really make that much sense...
Anyways someone has to point her in Meredith Grey's direction, tgey could have a thing or two to talk about losing people you love.

Oh and also someone please take those jeans from her, soon she'll be wearing them under her pijamas too, I'm starting to think those jeans are another sort of amulet to her.


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So writing names with red ink would bring bad luck so all of my teacher who corrected thousands of paper and signed with red ink should be cursed by now...?


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My teacher is wise then cause she made us check the exams (by exchanging papers of course) with red pen and signed with: "corrected by: student name here"


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I believe it is a very Asian superstition. Being raised in Asia (not Korea though), I was also taught to never use red ink to write any person's name. It is considered disrespectful of the person, and for me to learn not to do it when I was little, my parents would say it's cursing. So you can probably guess how horrific I felt when I first had a teacher wrote my name in red ink back in Canada...


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im in asia though :P

my father was actually quite superstitious like: dont sweep the floor at night, dont sing while cooking/ or while in front of the stove.. which is weird but we all have our beliefs hahaha :P


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Haha funny
My parents also have their fair share of superstition (other than the red ink), such as no whistling after nightfall, don't look back (nor answering anyone calling ur name) when walking alone in the dark, etc ;p I consider myself agnostic but I do get affected by those superstitions.


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Ok, so I went back to dig out why writing names in red ink is a taboo. Apparently, in ancient China, criminals who got death penalty would have their names written in red on the official record. Hence, people avoid doing so. While Korea had been highly influenced by Chinese culture in the old days, I guess they had similar mechanism and the superstition attached to it.


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She's pretty much confirming that she's been given up her life after Bora's accident in her explanation to Suho.


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Sorry wrong button
It's mean to answer for Elsiepin


Superstition is a tricky thing.. Like cutting nails at night brings misfortune to your parents.. Which was Something I watched in an anime" xxx holic"(supernatural show )
For many years I cut my nails at night and after watching that it became uncomfortable and I avoided cutting them at night.. I know it's illogical because I did it before..I'm not superstitious and still I don't till today.. Superstition plays with our worst fear and our most vulnerable emotions..
Bo-ni is too deep into it.... I hope she releases the reality soon... But the way she gave up doesn't make sense to me..


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btw, i hope that the writer does not end up going with the theme that all these superstitions work. like they showed bora's hand moving.

... normally i wouldn't mind it bec some sort of talismans/luck/karma/destiny beliefs are a part of everyone's life

but the initial setup - of having a girl sleep with a stranger to cure her sister - is everything that i hate about superstitions.

So i really hope that the shaman gets exposed as a fraud.


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Absolutely. The blind obedience, the wastefulness of paying all these "shamans" money, when she has hospital bills, the danger and ickyness of suggesting a woman sleep with someone for luck. I really don't like the idea that it's real (in show). And it's not right to allow Bo Nui to continue to think this way. Ugh. Please show make sure you don't reinforce this idea.


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it seems though they will go this route - bora's hand moving, SH father's accident ....


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hopefully there will be some logical explanation for that like magic? hahaha cause im also hoping that they will not go down this route..


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tq so much for the recaps....really really really means it..


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Well, looks like chicken ajussshi is here to stay so I hope the storyline is actually pretty important....

Bo Nui is so reckless. It makes me so frustrated.

Dal Nim is cute as ever!

Je Su Ho is winning my heart, I love the petty thing he did right after saving her from the married dude at the pojangmacha. And the umbrella. He held it for her while getting rained on himself! How unlike him, especially when Ryang Ha was shocked that he was concerned about somebody. SH definitely has it bad for BN :P


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I have been sticking out for the sake of the drama but BN's (over)reactions today is the last straw for me. I can understand her feeling helpless and agitated but yelling at someone that she doesn't care being sex-taped is way too much really. When she discharges BR from the hospital despite everyone around her saying that her sister is showing no sign of worsening condition I was like WTF? Even when there is only a glimmer of hope shouldn't she hang onto it till the very end? Like she has been doing up to now? Does she really think her sister will magically sit up from a coma like a sleeping princess upon receiving the true love kiss? That the sister is showing no sign of fading away is positive enough so I don't know why she has to make it more dramatic.
Then the whole thing of SH's writing his name in red ink and feels a sudden, inexplanable pang of pain in his chest, the his father's minor accident feels like the show is forcing down viewers' throat that superstition does have a point and everyone should believe BN.
I'll just resort to reading recaps for this show and stop watching to save myself some frustration. The way BN's character is written right now and all this forced superstition-can-be-right stuff has begun hinging on making me feel sick tbh.
For the first time in my life I wish SH could give BN a slap when she was so stubborn and unreasonable in that rainy scene, but I understand violence should not be inflicted, much less by a man on a woman so yeah.


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Oh yeah in the heat of my frustration I forgot to mention that BN literally gives up hope and decides to discharge her sister from hospital when she cannot find the shaman at his place.
Are you serious, show?
And isn't there no doctor around to knock some sense into her head that her sister is NOT fading away?
Sorry I'm so mad right now I have to restrain myself from calling BN stupid.


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Please don't restrain yourself.

Everyone with me - She is STUPID!

... Maybe if we say it enough, the writer will listen and improve BN's character sketch. The joys of live shooting!

So pls everyone yell and be heard :P


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Or make some character slap her really hard and she snaps back to reality and says it out loud: 'oh thanks for the wakeup call; I was being unreasonably stupid.'
That's the only way she can redeem herself as a character for me X(
Sorry for the suggested violence but I don't feel bad toward BN at all. She kind of deserves it.


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she knew she is stupid but she can't help feel more guilty if she did nothing,

there's only 2 of them now and now she is alone,

she's in despair about life and all the things she did is not even because of logic


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No, there is no doctor around like that...rewatch the first episode (Bo ra having one of many seizures and BN conversation with a doctor)

I think she did not just randomly gave up. I understand this deadline as her last hope to revive Bora ...she was supposed to wake up not just stay alive. So i believe that BN planed to discharge Bora in case she doesn't wake up beforehand.


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No. Bora's doctor already asked her to give up on Bora since long before. He even commend Bonui for thinking right when Bonui tell him she's gonna discharge Bora.


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I guess it's a matter of taste. Logically, I should have big issues with BN's character. If I met her in real life I would certainly feel as exasperated as SH. But for whatever reason, I can suspend my disbelief and enjoy the show as it is. I am able to sympathize with and understand both our lead characters.

Whereas the show that many people on dramabeans seem to enjoy - Oh Hae Young again - has me pulling at my hair in frustration over HY's manic behavior and DK's reticence, and squirming uncomfortably when they get all mushy over each other. I still like and appreciate other elements of the show but have a hard time liking these characters anymore.

Kind of strange how personal tastes work, especially considering that the dynamics between these two sets of characters are somewhat similar on paper. Though HY isn't superstitious the way BN is..but they are both pretty extreme when it comes to their emotions and both men are pretty...non-emotive (at least at first).


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When he wrote his name down in red ink, he pretended to get pains in his chest and then went "no, i'm perfectly fine and healthy" as to prove to her you wont suddenly die from doing something against superstition. So he was faking it in an obvious way and then saying 'i'm not dead, see?'

I agree at her illogical rationalization and complete obedience to this shaman's words is just plainly sad (i mean, it was just that shaman that told her that, and she believes just him wholeheartedly?). And what's to say that there isnt another alternative superstition the shaman will tell her since this plan "failed". He waited 2 years (?) before he told her "oh wait, there is suddenly another way to save your sister". Girl, just sit down and wait....or give the shaman more money and he'll suddenly have another miraculous epiphany on how to save ur sister, jeesh


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Thanks for correcting me. I was so busy being frustrated at BN I wasn't able to keep my head clear to tell whether SH was faking it or it was real. But the whole point of daddy's accident still feels forced, and personally I find it disturbingly wrong to force such an idea onto viewers. It is BN and her blind belief that needs changing, not otherwise.
While I get why she places so much hope on what the shaman says, because what he has been saying up till then has worked, it doesn't mean she will give up hope because he is not there near the deadline to give her more directions or predictions. That's going too far and feels too wrong, as you and many other commentors have argued.
If I remember correctly SH said there was still at least a day or two left because it happened to rain on her supposed deadline (i.e. No full moon), and that is exactly where he was close to agreeing with her superstition (even if only there and then), but she still refused to listen and still discharged her sis just because a freaking shaman wasn't around for a consultation.
Just not long ago I read an article about a couple who prayed for 2 freaking hours while their child was dying in their home before calling the ambulance. That's why I find BN's reactions and decision in this episode disturbingly sick.


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Just my opinion, but when you actually believes in things like superstition, you would end up believing whatever you're told, no matter how stupid they sounded. There are people in my country like that who got cheated off their money because they believe in shamans and they paid the shamans a lot of money just to get an advice from them. That's why I think I can understand Bo Nui's action, though it might look stupid to others.


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Did you miss out the first episode? Doctor himself advised Bora to be discharged from the hospital because there is nothing they can do anymore..


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SH is the one that's holding me back in this drama! I am really fed up with BN! She irritates me to no end! Every time SH shows concern she rebuffs him like wtf??? Urgh!! if not for RJY I I would have dropped this drama a long time ago!!!


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Preach it, sister.

I actually watched the episode raw and couldn't understand most of what Bo-nui was saying, but then it turns out that after watching the episode with subs, I still don't understand most of what Bo-nui was saying. For someone who's supposed to have a strong sense of logic to be able to code so well, Bo-nui is a walking contradiction.

I'm just here for Su-ho's cuteness.


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but then it turns out that after watching the episode with subs, I still don’t understand most of what Bo-nui was saying


... A workshop i attended once said that in books/movies you can't make your character "irritating"

You can make them naive, idiotic, evil, manipulative, psychotic, criminal - anything. Anything at all. But don't make them irritating.

Bec when you do, the audience stops connecting with them.

BN is irritating. They need to correct that ASAP. Bec everyone else is fine


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I LOVE LOVE how Sohu says this dialogue: "Shim Boniiii Chibe kaja" :)))) He adorably sits like how Boni is sitting and with a considerate and sweet voices tells her to go home. :))))
My love for Sohu is gettig Bigger!! :))) He is such an adorable dork character.
I love how he tries to find the meaning og Shim Boni's sentences because he is so into her and wants to know abt her. For example he was trying to figure out what she meant by saying "wish you the best". He is so sweet ^^


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Setting aside BN character,am I the only one who thinks that HJE was superb in her acting in this episode. I had a heavy heart watching the "raining" scenes and bawled at the humming scene, it is so sad.If RJY is so good in his scenes I think HJE also is killing it in the acting department.


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Yes, I agree with you! :)) her acting is very good and her scene in the rain was really convincing


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oh that's the highlight,
I love that scene for how good their expression are.

It's not explosive or super sad but I feel it so much,


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Clearly someone at the denim store has closed Lucky Romance's tab - the only prominent denim appearance in this episode was in the sexy dream sequence (which says disturbing things about Gary, honestly).

So congratulations wardrobe department for breaking whatever hex was causing the plague of denim. Now never suggestively pin a banner reading "LONELY" across Lee Soo Hyuk's ass again.


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she actually did have denim on in this episode too! it was the hospital scene with her and Gary visiting her sister. Under the frilly dress. They couldn't resist >.<

And I literally did a "HA!" when i saw that LSH's ass is apparently "lonely" lol


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Haha the denim she even wears is so vile. I nearly went blind looking at Gary's blinged out denim jacket; I mean what our the costume crew sniffing?!


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I DID notice the bejeweled jeans under the long dress, but I figure that Bo Nui finally realized what she was wearing and intentionally went to that lake to drown them. I am comforted that the last shots of the show were of those pants approaching their watery grave.

The large rocks tacked to the hems should do a good job of sinking them to the bottom of the lake.


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So happy to read this -- we were thinking the EXACT same thing. My comment at that scene on Viki was, "I hope she leaves those clothes and all her bad fashion sense in the Han."


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Ha, found you...I was looking forward to your denim comment while reading the conments and was already wondering...where is Miranda's comment cursing out the wardrobe stylists? Hehe.

They definitely turned it down couple notches but still...too much denim. When she came to work in the pretty white crochet dress I was already thinking...i bet there's some ugly wide denim pants underneath it since she isn't on a date and not only that, it was too short and had fringes. And later she was also wearing jeans (with some bobble embellishments!) underneath that boho dress. And for good measure her outfits are completed with her most favorite thick socks and sandals combo. Help!


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The German-on-vacation footwear is troubling, but I'm going to comfort myself with the thought that she put on all of her ugliest clothing to drown it in the lake in one go.

50% of this episode was that lovely dark coral dress, followed by that nice white eyelet lace thing, so I can't be TOO angry. I will however remain vigilant, as this might be a ploy on the part of production to get me to let my guard do....

....DAMMIT!!!! I've just realized where all the denim was hidden in this episode! SU HO'S FURNITURE. All of his furniture is made of denim! AUUUUUUGH!


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Spoiler alert!! Denim raises its ugly head again in the next episode.

May you not get whiplash and lockjaw when you see the hideous god-awful outfit coming up next episode.


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Oh, I saw. I saw, and I screamed.


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Faith and logic do work together.

But I get what you're saying.


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I do adore this drama but I just want to shake bonui, hard!

It's heartbreaking seeing her desperation but I want her to just open her eyes and her mind more.

Suho is just a great person and she is lucky to have a someone like him looking over her.. my only issue is she puts herself in stupid situations and needs saving all the time.

Her time of rescuing suho will come cos he has his own issues but in mind and heart bonui needs a check reality check and rescue herself first.


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* needs a check reality and rescue herself first.


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Love your comments about the faith vs logic thing. And I love RJY as JSH. Partly because he's giving me R88 closure. He's like a funnier, more transparent, more proactive Jung-hwan. XD


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First up - why are people jumping on Shim Bo Nui for discharging her sister from hospital? Didn't the doctors, right at the very beginning, convince her to do the same? When midnight happened, and she failed to sleep with a Tiger (in her eyes), I saw it like she was finally accepting what the doctors were saying, and there wasn't any use prolonging the inevitable. It's kinda silly, that it was failing to heed the Shaman's advice, that makes her come to the conclusion, but for me, it was like Bo Nui was seeking closure and wants to draw a line on the sand, rather than worrying every minute of every day, which takes it's toll. That's what I saw her sigh of relief and smile as.

Also I agree with Javabeans....although she is frustrating as hell, superstitions IS her religion! You can't argue wih logic, because religion and superstitions both require a break in scientific logic.

When I saw Shim Bo Nui berating Su Ho from being taped, I saw a woman at the cusp of breaking point, that she does not care about her own safety or care what happens to her. Her altruism is so deep, it is alien to viewers - but I see where she's coming from, even though I was yelling initially that she was getting angry at Su Ho. She is directing her own self-hatred at him. This woman is a danger to herself, because she is utterly broken. That does not make her annoying, but frustrating, yes.

One thing I do not like, is making the superstitions look like they have some truth based on them. With Su Ho's dad, I pushed it away as coincidence, because it's coincidences that reinforce superstitions are real...but you cannot argue Bo Ra's finger twitching is a coincidence, JUST as Bo Nui's and Su Ho's fingers touch.

I want that shaman to be outed as a fraud!
Su Ho is soooooooo endearing. Bless him.


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Agree with you about checking Bo Ra out of the hospital. She'd been pleading with the docs to keep her in hospital for a long time.


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And everything else you said! Ha. But even with that and all the sympathy I feel for her, it was really hard to watch her this episode. She's a pretty tragic character.


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I think she finally starts to accept reality,
she realize she's been stupid and it' time to move on but she also can't forgive herself that deemed failed to save her sister.


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Agree with all you said.

Though I think in Bora's case. I could accept it that it's happen not because of her succesfully catching a tiger. But because God choose to reward her for all her prayer and hard work to save her little sister.


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I like to think that the finger twitch happened because Gary visited and talked to her. Because Bo Nui has been avoiding seeing Bo Ra because she doesn't want to infect her with her bad luck so Bo Ra hasn't had any stimulation other than nurses/doctors all this time.

They say coma patients should be talked to and stimulated that way.


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I agree. Bora responded to the human contact with someone she remembers.


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I was fascinated by the salmon or vermilion or whatever dress. What freaking material was it? No rain stains. No creases. Flows well. And no VPL or bra line. Did not cling to inappropriate parts through rain, squatting, sleeping, anything ?

My god.... not that I have a body like that but it sure was distracting staying perfect the whole time. At some point she the actress had to be under the rain right?

It was more distracting than that damn flavoured water PPL I keep seeing for 7 episodes.


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LOL i noticed that too! Even when she woke up in Su-ho's house and ran out to see the shaman, I thought "okay, now she HAS to look like a mess! She's been out all night in the rain and slept on the ground for goodness sakes". But nope. She looked as flawless as ever. As Beyonce says "you wake up. flawless". I mean really, they could have but at least ONE hair out of place. It won't tarnish her reputation or beauty lol


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maybe that's the dream dress that obtains by sacrificing the day with the unfitting jeans line...

you know, wear the jeans and your dress will look perfect all day


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Okay you know what else I love about this show? Yes BoNui is actively trying to harm herself but that and her lack of total adoration for Su Ho are the only downsides (also chicken ahjusshi), wait. There may be many things that I'm frustrated with, with this show but I absolutely love that nobody in the know has slut shamed Bo Nui about her plan. How lovely is that? Very refreshing to see.


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I somehow understand bo nui desperation,

I love my brother so much that he became the only thought that stops me from suicide (well bad day happen).
I keep thinking what his world gonna be without me and how broken I felt if he left me suddenly.

I also have this strange belief since I never got lucky in lottery, not once since I remember and if there's a lottery, I end up picking number 1 in 8 out of 10 chance and if the number 1 is taken, 11 is my to go number.

Logically thinking Bo Nui is indeed stupid but there's one occasion when you gonna do anything because no one by your side and you just can't forgive yourself.
She has no one until recently that support her emotionally, she already did everything for her sister but none work. She reaches her breaking point and it hits her hard, harder than logic can possibly tell.

People like to think the world is all about logic but even if we believe in that, people have a different experience that created their own sense of logic and fate.

Of all, I think HJE acting really sold me on how desperate Bo Nui actually. When I read the recap, I understand she is frustrated to deal with and Soo Hoo needs to tie him to logic. but when I watch it, I feel like she is the girl that already give up, it's over, she wants to run away but she couldn't, she wants to escape from her own pain and she just can't stop her guilt that easily. It's been years of enduring things alone.

and I am glad Soo Hoo is there, he can helps her


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@Sancheezy - I'm glad that you have someone that special in your life. Be strong. If you ever are in too much despair, pls reach out to professional counselors and suicide helplines. often just talking about our trouble are enough to reduce their burden. Online too, there are a lot of forums to talk and get help

My personal motto is - This too shall pass. You can get through anything in life with a little embarrassment and a good cry.

Sending lots of good karma your way :)


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I have a similar motto-
"This too shall pass, painfully like a kidney stone but it will"


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thank you, ^^

it was a bad time, I literally can't talk to anybody.
Then the thought passes me like a lunch time, why I don't just disappear, it seems strange since I have many things going on but it also doesn't seem to be a bad idea in my mind atm. If I looked back, it indeed almost happens, I even start neglecting my life.
It seems pretty rational at the moment, I knew it stupid but it seems like the best option in my mind

Then my brother's face appear, It gives me some strength that at least, we are here for each other


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Your brother is so blessed that someone loves him so much :")
Always fight the urges.
Fighting *hand gesture*
Sending lots of good Karma your way.


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thank you . . .
He is a younger brother than still cling to me and said I am the prettiest girl in every moment (even when I was fat, way shorter than him and bruised). Someone who can hug me without asking anything.

I think I am blessed to have him in my life


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I'm glad that you were able to get over a very bad time. That you did not give in to the impulse makes you an incredibly strong person. Your brother sounds wonderful too. Even in the age of 500 facebook friends, all that we need is one true one by our side. i'm happy that you have someone like that. Wishing you a beautiful future ahead!


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tbh, I think Bo Nui's belief in the superstitions IS based in a sort of logic. She believed what the fortune-teller told her simply because he did pinpoint a few truths about her reality, and therefore she believed him, like about the fact that she had a detrimental effect on things close to her (as seen in the flashbacks to her childhood when she consistently brought misfortune to people and things). Another reason why she believes him, which is less logical, is because they reinforce her own beliefs about herself. She seems to derive her beliefs on luck from this one specific fortune-teller who has an apparent track record of being 'real', and it's clear that she's not easily duped by phonies. What's more, I think the drama seems to be trying to portray the idea that luck is, here, indeed really relevant - we have Bo Nui's sister apparently coming to life because she 'spent a night' with Su Ho and then Su Ho's father tripping when Su Ho writes his name in a red pen. Of course, we might be shown that there were other factors later on that weren't luck-connected, but if not, then I'm not really happy about the idea of them trying to force the idea that luck is real.


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I feel like i should give up already and stop watching this drama before it gets all cliche and frustrating. It makes me said though because i was very found of most of the characters and really touched by performances of the actors. But i have to say Shim Bo Nui really gets on my nerves not because she believes in all that superstitions but because her whole life is build around them and nothing else. She had a great oppurtunity to create the game she said she really cared about, work with people that seems very nice and fun, plus she could have pay the bills of the hospital. Which would been a real issue for any other person. Another thing is that i just don't think she understands the reality of the situation someone who lost 2 years of their life is not gonna simply wake up and continue their life like nothing happened and i am not just saying this in a medical way but there is a psychological side too. She just wants her to wake up and thinks about nothing further like will she have any other complications physical or psychological or like what is the problem that put her in to a coma will it repeat again or how am i gonna provide her a healthy life when i don'teven earn money how can she not think about these stuff ? Also she blaming her bad luck is just like a pitty show that she choose to believe just to escape the reality. I know show is about a quirky girl with superstitions and i am fine with it to some level but why not sprinkle a little bit of reality here and there to just to make it more emotional and relatable other then frustrating because a woman who lost both her parents in an accident and having a sister in coma is pretty tragic and sad and everybody should have feel bad for her and relate with her but the show is just no allowing us to do so. I am really dissapointted with where story is leading and the female leading is going plus there is Su-Ho's possible father story cliche that nobody wants to see or interested in. All in all i am sad because i was very found of Gary and Su-Ho and SBN was much more likable at first but yet here we are in the 7th episode and she lost most of her credit at least for me.


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I think you are placing yourself too much into the scene without reading what Bo-nui is about. She doesn't care about money or career or her own safety, but to save her sister. So she works to make money, not to buy herself stuff, but to support and hopefully cure Bo-ra. First it was through medicine, but the doctors (ep 1?) lost her and were helpless. So she turned to superstition and fortune tellers - which amazingly at the time, seemed to work.

All she wants is her sister to be awake - and she's expressly made the IF game for her sister. Since Bo-ra has missed out on 2 years, her youth, her school, etc, Bo-nui created a game where Bo-ra could experience different kinds of life, all the life, all the glamour that she could have lived. That's why it's not a virtual reality sports game (which would be more profitable?) but a game that encompasses all aspects of a star's life. In this case, because of business and sportstars and whatever, it took form as life in aspect of tennis star Gary.

While you may disagree with her priorities, do you believe that Bo-nui will be happy with she has high paying job/top rated game but three graves to visit?


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I really agree with everything you said here. And this line was really chilling and absolutely true - 'do you believe that Bo-nui will be happy with she has high paying job/top rated game but three graves to visit?'


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More sweetness yet frustrating episode. Can we count when bonui said how good he is in office to his parents and felt warm when he umbrellaed her that she will cherish it as a sign of bonui already felt something to suho?? I'm dying for otp moment when they both in love...

And oh the bus car slow-mo when they passed and missed, I can't stop thinking to R88 junghwan slow-mo in ep 18...aughh the feels!! so many R88 references..


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I like that she genuinely appreciates Su-ho. All his gestures are given the benefit of the doubt - as his wanting to teach her a lesson (not the punitive way) and trying to protect her.

I don't think that Bo-nui any thoughts at all for love or romance. How could she move on in her life, when her sister is frozen in time (in coma)? So her relationship with Su-ho, and with Gary, is platonic and caring, but definitely not romance like we'd expect in ep 8 halfway through the drama.


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I get what you mean, I actually thought the same way as you. She's not there yet for love.. thats just sounds of my desperation through almost halfway of drama. The storyline didn't let her to felt anything else than bora..
Poor suho, I just want to see her start to notice him..


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I am not frustrated with Bo Nui. Live a life like hers and see if you will become any logical.

She has been bullied at school and everyone outcasted her for being a bad luck. Her parents died while trying to get her a ticket. Her sister went into coma on the day she told she suspected something bad to happen.

All these have happened in her life. Do you think she will be able to think rationally?

And no she didnt give up after midnight passed. She actually went back to the shaman to ask him what to do next. But he was obviously not there and didnt pick up her phone. So she finally reached a conclusion.

Her taking Bora out of the hospital isnt a stupid but is actually a wise decision since she finally accepted what the doctors had been suggesting her since ages.

Everyone is so busy painting her as frustrating without even thinking of why she does what she does.


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Yeah, if only we could see more about her past...
What makes bo nui is bo nui right now.
But unfortunately, the flash back is too fast, so we cant connect with her mind.
If only the writer show us MORE when nobody in school want to sit with her, a lot of miss fortune (lost purse, suddenly fall, and another miss fortune in the past), the background when her parents died (not only 2 minutes flash back). All of that can make us believe that she is bring bad luck it can make us connect with her. And can root for her,
But sadly she is the only heroine in all of the drama i watched that i cant connect....
But i still want to see this drama, dilemma....


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When someone is going to self-destruct mode, it is frustrating to watch, though we understand why. This can apply to anything. When you see a talented actor getting hooked on drugs, you might understand why, but that doesn't mean you don't want someone to shake them, and tell them to "wake up!"

I don't want someone to waste their talent, or lose their will to live when they are self-destructing. People also self-destruct in many ways. Drinks. Drugs. Danger. Although they are not deliberately taking their life, it's like they're taking steps to shorten it. Some people get out that mindspace, some don't.

Also some self-destruct just not to feel responsibility over their life, which I think Bo Nui is doing.


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I think the Shaman came up with the "whole Tiger scheme" to work both SH mom's pocket book and BN. They are both superstitious. In a past episode we see BN leaving the Shaman's house and SH mom arriving. SH mom wants a daughter in law. The Shaman knows that BN works at ZeZe bc we see BN showing him her notebook and telling him that " there are no Tigers at ZeZe" and Shaman replies that there is.... The Shaman is a fraud. In opening episodes he approaches her at the hospital. Sees her alone and vulnerable (she has no one to help her be a steady person) he asks open ended / basic questions....Its her memories that cause her to believe him....school etc. he leads her to her "conclusion" that she is bad luck.


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I have a lot of Faith in God so praying totally makes sense to me.
Her desperation to hold on to superstition which is her ladt thread of hope makes sense too but did she ever think how her sister will fe if she found out what she did for her?
If my sisters are willing to get raped or sex-taped for me i will feel like i don't deserve that life. Not at the cost of my sister's dignity.
The decision to discharge does makes sense since she finally gave up on herself n gave in to the doctor's suggestion.
LSH's lonely ass got me to do a spit take ??
And thank Gawd i was not the only one puzzled over the material of the dreas which the Dramagods have blesses hwr ever so sculpted body with.
Imagine the Gods huddled up in a circle n each adding an ingridient like-
"Sugar,spice and everything nice"
I hope LSH finds his dad but plz don't be Suho's sibling.
I mean puhleez.
Losing your lady is one thing but losing it to your brother is heart breaking. Even if you just find out he's your brother you will have to sit with them at every Cheonsong(sorry i forgot the festival's name n made up something which sounded similar to me) dinner even if your present on skype .


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I think Bonui is a bit selfish in that sense. She's so consumed by how hard it's for her to see Bora's condition that she even want to die first. She never thought that Bora would be as devastated if she died and left Bora all alone.


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I love how suho's living up to his name.
If I'm not wrong it means saviour right?? ?
The only superstition i ever believed in is don't call someone from behind as they're leaving.
In my culture it's considered that your interrupting someone.
It can be leaving for work or anything.
I wish people tell me more superstitions.
I love hearing about them ;)


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Shim Bo Nui is desperate. She's so desperate, watching her makes me desperate. She knows shes being bizzare. But i can see that 2yrs of watching her sister being at death's door has made her irrational. And she knows it(HJE acting is so on point). JSH accused her of making him a sacrifice, but its actually herself she's looking to sacrifice. Like a life for a life. So for all those who want to slap her, i understand its frustrating to watch, but when someone's that low, you cant expect them to 'snap out of it'.

@Lola who called JSH a marshmallow, thats such an astute observation! He's a dork and he's totally ok with it. I loved the scene where he drove her unwanted suitor away. he pulled in out and nagged him with 'logic' - so totally in character. I have stars in my eyes and how cute RJY's portrayal of JSH is


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Yes! She is herself the sacrifice! And she's trying to punish herself 'earn' forgiveness/relief for the wrong she believes she's done to cause all the trouble.

I love Su Ho so much it kind of hurts to watch him with Bo Nui because he's so earnest (I do believe he really likes her) and kind and looking out for her and she's so trapped in her misery she can't see anything else.


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I'm loving every bit of this show, and find Bo Nui's desperation hard to watch, but understandable. The only thing I wished Su Ho would have told her when she got mad at him for calling the police was, "What good would it do Bo Ra if you got hurt or even killed?" Maybe that would give her pause to think. That was certainly what I was thinking.

But that isn't how kdramas seem to work. We have to build up to the OTP falling in love, then once that happens we have to watch the world try to pull them apart. I think we're close to Bo Nui falling for Su Ho, and then there will be more angst around their relationship. We're barely half way through the series.
Also the story around Gary's dad has yet to really start - and this story line around the Chicken Ajussi...?

Personally I'm looking forward to seeing the pairing of Dal Nim and the coffee shop major shareholder. Cute Cute cute!

What really keeps me watching the episodes multiple times is Ryu Jun Yeo - and watching his character evolve into the sweet marshmallow dork that he is. Now I'm going to look forward to Bo Nui healing and forgiving herself and then the two of them loving each other into wholeness.

Thanks for the recaps!!!
PS:I don't pay attention to your rating system anyway, so it doesn't bother me.


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I dont know but Bo Nui looks too old for soo ho and what with female character fashion sense .( really producer need to go this length in fashion for her ) already her character making much more pity job.

What's with kdrama female lead dressing badly ? We dont expect much but give basic fashion sense to these female charecter becoz I am watching this drama and suddenly I think what is that she wearing . ( Like where she is walking too words water and rather getting worried about that I am thinking what's with that jeans and shoes , please dont die in that and go classic way)

I see so many flaws in this show but when I see RJY's doing his charm magic (like reply 1988) i want to move on and watch this show for him.

Plzzzzzzzzzz dont torture us with that denim and weired fashion sense


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To me, they look about the same age, and even if she does look older to him in your perspective, that's not a bad thing. We always have a ton of male actors looking like they could have fathered their on-screen female partner, and people just tend to think that's okay because he's a 'man'.


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Nah.. I don't believe in because if its man then its okay.
Its just I can't put them together that's it .

I like her acting very much because i have seen lots of her show .


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RJY is 29 years old and is only two years younger than HJE. He just looks really young for his age and also the way they dress him makes him look more youthful(i was shocked when i found out he's 30).


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Can I just mention how glad I am that Gary seemed to think that Bo Nui and Su Ho slept with each other - and then didn't make a huge, massive outburst about it?? I was beginning to think that he was so semi-calm because he thought they hadn't slept with each other, and I was hugely surprised to find that he'd actually assumed that Bo Nui and Su Ho had done the do that night. Like, wow. Thank god for having him respecting Bo Nui's decisions and not acting so hugely invested in her, because I was expecting for him to be full-out jealous and he didn't. This gives me hope that they'll keep Gary and Bo Nui's relationship drama-free and have him quietly get over his crush on her. So he's obviously not deeply in love at this point, and I just hope they can keep it that way. Because they make the cutest siblings ever. Also Gary and Amy would make the cutest couple.


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Reading these comments make me realize how much fashion just flies over my head. I did not notice any of those outfits or the denim epidemic that is happening (except Gary's denim jacket last episode, that one was too shiny to miss). I don't know what that says about my fashion sense.


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Please join my club, haha. I'm getting confused seeing the deep bother the styling is putting a lot of people in, lol


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Where is the sign up sheet! I am so glad I am not alone in this lol


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This maybe a drama in a long time that I've seen where characters as outrageous as they are at times, have very restrained reaction to each other's choices. Shim Bo Nui has two men in her life respecting her choices as she is an adult, no angry grab you hand or stares or glares or angry outbursts. The boundaries are so well placed where they should be, I must say I love that. Gary's reaction to Bo Nui's decision to sleep with another man, Su-Ho's reaction and Bo Nui's reactions to those around her, I am mighty impressed. Also, this episode was full of heart, Su-Ho, take me home with you. I'll go. Su-Ho and Bo Nui, the way they sort of connect with each other on emotional level, she lets her heart bare to him and he is slowly trying to let her in. This show for me has now found its footing.


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ah thanx god I'm not the only one whos annoyed with the way Gary's manager talk and how she pronounce the "R" so annoyingly whenever she finds it >< arghhhh

I quit this drama and partly because of her XD but mainly because this started to sound pointless ...at least for me ..the work place which we still don't know that much about any person that works there except for the over exaggerating Dal nim ,I mean if the genre was Workplace ,then we are supposed to at least live that workplace ,I just feel they are copying "she was pretty" in that ..don't hate me XD but I just feel that way !

Also I agree with u about the one night thing and how it was kind of making me restless and how it ended up like that ..I mean they could have saved us the trouble .

so I'm just reading recaps and hope u all have a nice time watching anyway and good luck ^^


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I only have two complaints with this episode and it's that why do they look so oily all the time? Is it because they're going for the dewy look? it's REALLY distracting for me, lol!

My second complaint was going to be how I felt frustrated that Bo Nui is not really opening up Suho (in a romantic sense) as much as he is to her, but it seems like everyone else has already expressed that, lol.

I loved this episode and i replayed a lot of scenes countless times.
And also, I have to admit, LSH is getting cuter each episode.
Can't wait for today!

I also agree that the grading system should either be scrapped or moved to the bottom of the recap.


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This show went from rom-com to melo real quick... but I love Su Ho so much I don't even care anymore


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I'm just wondering if the Episode Grades were also given to other dramas? If yes, what are these dramas?


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After watching the first 10 minutes of episode 8, is it spoilery to ask what in hell nation HJE's "costumer" is thinking? Last week it was the conspiracy hatched by big denim. What is it this week, big boho? Are you a costumer when you just empty your closet onto someone's body?


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Lol, Ryang ha, you are so going to fall in love with Dal Nim... It seems like he enjoys teasing her (a little bit too much) just like a little boy who likes to tease a girl whom he likes. Does anybody hear a rumor about Lucky Romance is going to be made into a movie?


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Hmmm...Thanks for the recap and giving me something to think about.

Sometimes in life we have bad experiences, some call it luck, and we would like to chalk it up to things not going our way.
Sometimes, however, WE make the mistakes that cause our "bad" fortune, and suddenly it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think that is what is going on with BN. All her life, she just expects the worst, and it happens, so she blames herself and doesn't let any of the light in. She can't see that the truth is much simpler than the reality she has constructed.

So when the shaman tells her to spend the night, once again, she miscalculates, misreads, and misses the simple truth.

SH is there to shine the light on, and right now she still cannot see even with his help.

I have made so many mistakes in my life, missteps that caused other misfortune that caused other bad things to happen. Of course, it took years to even realize this, and I totally wish I could have a do-over. But that isn't life, is it? We learn best by failing, so the lesson is burned into our memory. BN isn't learning, she needs SH and his pragmatism to keep teaching her. Once she understands there is a way out of her self-inflicted quagmire, most of her fears will disappear. Right?


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Amen, jomo. :')


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