Lucky Romance: Episode 10

It’s like watching the Tin Man learn how to use his heart, as Su-ho struggles to deal with all of his brand new shiny emotions. But emotions are complicated, as he’s learning, and can’t be controlled the same way numbers and computers can. It’s going to take a lot of effort to get the results he wants, especially when he’s in such unfamiliar territory, and he won’t get through it without a lot of serious soul-searching.



Bo-nui watches Su-ho sleep for a bit then stands to leave. Su-ho, who wasn’t asleep after all, reaches out and takes her hand. She stops, and they look at each other.

Everyone at the workshop sleeps in the next morning, and OH HAHAHA, Ryang-ha and Dal-nim are snuggled under the same blanket. They’re practically kissing in their sleep, and when they wake, Ryang-ha has to cover Dal-nim’s mouth to keep her from shrieking and waking everyone.

Dal-nim tries to escape the men’s bedroom, but a knock on the door sends her diving right back under the blanket. It’s Seong-hyun looking for Dal-nim, and luckily she doesn’t notice that the feet sticking out from under Ryang-ha’s blanket are quite delicate for a man his size.

She tells Ryang-ha that Su-ho got thrown into the pool last night and that he left upset, which concerns both Ryang-ha and Dal-nim, though for different reasons.

Amy is busy approving the questions for Gary’s interview, and she threatens the reporter not to ask any personal questions or she’ll pull Gary off the air herself. He asks if he can’t even question Gary about his first love, which makes Amy sigh, thinking of her talk with Su-ho last night.

When she’d mentioned being his first love, she’d practically confessed that Su-ho was her first love, too. He’d agreed that their memories were special, but admitted that he’s not sure if it was love, for him. It’s true that she was everything to him once, but when Amy asked how he feels now, he’d just gone inside.

Gary keeps an eye out for Bo-nui as he’s being readied for the interview, but when Dal-nim calls to tell him that she went back to Seoul with Su-ho last night, he understands why she’s not coming. She’s sitting on the floor next to Su-ho as he sleeps, still holding his hand, trying not to nod off herself.

When she realizes the time she jumps up, but Su-ho doesn’t let go of her hand even in his sleep. She sighs to see him looking so peaceful, and when she tries to pull her hand free again, he tightens his hold and yanks her down practically on top of him. She tries to reach for her ringing phone, but Su-ho clutches her with his other hand, and she can’t move away.

Gary is distracted during his interview, looking for Bo-nui, who never shows up. He finally settles, and somewhere in a convenience store, his father happens to catch the interview on television. He watches as Gary discusses resenting his father for most of his life, and leaves looking upset.

Bo-nui finally arrives after Gary’s interview is over, and he angrily asks where she’s been. She explains that she was with Su-ho, who wasn’t well, and Gary sarcastically spits that he must have been nearly dead for her to break her promise. If not, when shy did she spend the entire night with him?

He says that this time, he can’t be understanding — no, he doesn’t want to be understanding. He demands to know what Su-ho is to Bo-nui that she would push Gary away, when they have so much more history together. When Bo-nui asks why he’s so angry, Gary tells her, “Because I like you.”

Bo-nui stops him there, sure that it’s just his anger speaking and he’ll regret saying this later. She gently tells him that they don’t have that kind of relationship, and Gary just looks at her with these hard eyes. Amy interrupts them, and Bo-nui quickly leaves.

Frantic with worry, Ryang-ha wails Su-ho’s name as he burst into Su-ho’s house, and gets so grabby when he sees him that Su-ho has to tickle him to get him to back off. Ryang-ha is shocked to see that Su-ho is actually pretty okay after his dunking, and wonders if Bi-nui stayed here all night. HA, Su-ho’s face, he almost looks triumphant.

Su-ho doesn’t bother denying his feelings for Bo-nui to his friend, just basks in the afterglow of her staying all night with him. Ryang-ha asks if Su-ho has texted her yet for another date, and Su-ho just looks like Uh, that’s a thing?

Bo-nui is at home worrying about what to do with Gary, when Su-ho texts asking her what she’s doing later today. She texts back asking how he’s feeling, and he responds with a random string of emojis.

HAHA, he looks so pleased with himself, but Ryang-ha yells at him for not sending her hearts (Ryang-ha: “Be honest, you lied about your IQ, didn’t you?”). Su-ho starts to kick him out, and both of them fall all over themselves when Bo-nui’s answer comes in. But all she says is that she’ll see him on Monday, and poor Su-ho looks so disappointed.

Amy can tell from Gary’s mood that he likes Bo-nui, not that she’s surprised. He’s embarrassed to be found out, and surprised when Amy gives her blessing for him to date. She reminds him that he only has a month, so if he can break up before leaving then she’s all for it.

Amy runs into Bo-nui on her way out, who’s bringing ddukbokki for Gary as a peace offering for missing his interview. Amy pointedly asks if she also feels bad for running out after hearing his confession, but Bo-nui says he’s just confused because they’re so close.

She says that sometimes people don’t understand their own feelings, but Amy turns that around on her… is Bo-nui sure of her feelings? Bo-nui asks if she means for Gary, and Amy just quirks an eyebrow.

She changes her tone when she hears that Bo-nui was late because Su-ho wasn’t well. She yells at Bo-nui for not taking him to a hospital after he was thrown in the pool, saying that it wasn’t her place to decide to just take him home.

Bo-nui tries to reassure Amy by telling her that she never left him all night, but it has the opposite effect. Amy’s voice develops icicles as she asks if Su-ho told bo-nui about his accident, and Bo-nui defiantly says that he did.

Su-ho lies around his apartment, remembering how he asked Bo-nui not to leave him last night, and how she’d stayed. He snickers into his pillow, giddy as a little boy, then composes another text asking what she’s doing tomorrow. He sends it and immediately freaks out, pouncing on the phone when she responds.

All she says is, “Why do you ask?” so Su-ho sends another text asking her to dinner. When she answers that she has plans, he abuses the furniture. He tries to think of an excuse to go see her, looking practically tortured. Then he catches a glimpse of his camera, and gets an idea.

Amy calls Ryang-ha, who can’t talk because Dal-nim is currently sobbing at him. She wails that she’s been saving herself, and this is the man she spends her first night with? He swears she came to his room and he never touched her, and she orders him to forget the whole night.

She’s also jealous of Bo-nui, who got to ride back to Seoul with Su-ho, and Ryang-ha laughs that she’s finally admitting she likes him. She gets up to leave, but comes right back when Ryang-ha offers to dish about Su-ho, hee.

Gary is waiting for Bo-nui when she goes to do her nightly prayer on the roof, and she tells him that he can stay if he wants. He takes a picture of her while she’s praying, saying that it’s for later when he misses her, and apologizes for yelling at her. She starts to say something, but he stops her, and says that she can tell him how she feels later after he’s had a chance to impress her.

He asks her out for tomorrow, but backs off when she doesn’t answer. He tells her to just smile, and quickly retreats to his place. Once he’s alone he gasps for air like he just ran a marathon, sinking to the floor clutching his chest.

Su-ho shows up at Bo-nui’s building, but her lights are off and she doesn’t answer her phone, so he sits in the park to moon over the photos he took of her at the workshop. He kills time hanging out at the playground, calling Bo-nui occasionally, but she’s always doing something noisy and doesn’t hear her phone.

Eventually she sees his increasingly annoyed texts, and runs down to the park, but he’s given up and gone home. In bed that night she re-reads all of his texts, sighing that it’s probably better this way.

She’s woken late that night by someone frantically pounding on her door, surprised to see Su-ho there. He says, almost too calmly, that he couldn’t sleep. He holds his hand out to her accusingly, showing her the characters she drew, saying, “If I erase this, the memory from the night with you will probably be erased, too.”

He’s upset because he knows logically that the characters have nothing to do with his memory, but he can’t help feeling that way. He says that she really is a bug that logic can’t solve, a bug that’s messing up his head and his life. “But… I don’t want to kill that bug. I want it to stay in my head.”

“What should I do about this? Kill it, or not?” he asks. Bo-nui says she has no idea what he’s talking about, and she nervously shuts the door in his face. Su-ho listlessly heads for home, unaware that Bo-nui has run up to the roof to watch him from above.

Gary takes out his frustrations on some tennis balls, to the point that even Amy can tell he got dumped. But he optimistically says that there’s always the next serve, or the next set.

Dal-nim is jealous that Bo-nui got two confessions in one day, though she can’t help squeeing for her friend’s good luck. Awww, she’s just the very best friend ever. She asks if Bo-nui picked Gary, but she shakes her head and says he’s going back to Canada anyway. When Dal-nim asks who the other confession was from, Bo-nui fibs that she doesn’t know him.

Su-ho does that thing we’ve all done at least once — calls a friend just to make sure his phone still works, ha. Ryang-ha tells him to just call Bo-nui, but Su-ho refuses. He practically teleports to the front door when his bell rings, but it’s just Amy.

She’s brought him a bag full of medicine and healthy foods, and when Su-ho tells her to save it for Gary, she pointedly mentions Gary’s crush on Bo-nui. Su-ho shuts that right down, and tells Amy honestly, “I like her. That’s why.”

Amy denies it, since he himself said that he didn’t understand love, but Su-ho says that he wants to find out. Amy asks if they’re already dating, and when he says they’re not, she takes it as a positive sign.

It’s Bo-nui’s turn to loiter outside Su-ho’s place, and she hides when she sees him and Amy talking outside. She can’t hear them, but she sees Amy reach out to touch Su-ho’s face, and she jumps behind a wall and misses that he shakes her hand off.

Suho is such a doofus — he hangs out at the elevator in the morning, not even pushing the button, waiting for Bo-nui to come to work. When she finally arrives, he pretends he didn’t just send an employee up without him, and acts like he didn’t even see her there.

The elevator ride is awkward, and it gets worse when Su-ho rattles off exactly how many hours and minutes it’s been since he last saw her. He asks if she has anything to say to him, but Bo-nui says that she doesn’t. Aww.

The Zeze employees are ready to hand in their resignations out of fear of Su-ho’s reaction to their prank, but he’s cranky about their beta test in four weeks. He launches into a lecture, then completely loses his train of thought when his eyes land on Bo-nui, and he just starts smiling like a goof.

Dal-nim decides to get proactive, and checks her notes from Ryang-ha on how to get Su-ho to notice her. The first tip is to be confident, and she startles ten years off Su-ho’s life when she busts into his office.

She’s nervous and twitchy though, so he gets her a bottle of water, then gets reeeally close. But it’s just to rip Gary’s face off the water bottle, ha. Dal-nim reads more into it than he intends, and rushes downstairs to screech to Ryang-ha that it’s working. Ryang-ha can’t believe it, since the advice he gave was intended to get her dumped.

Amy invites Bo-nui to lunch to apologize for the way she acted the other day, blaming her attitude on worry for Su-ho. But it’s a trap — Amy adds that she hopes Bo-nui and Gary work out, because she feels the same as he does, about Su-ho. She tells Bo-nui how Su-ho called her his “everything,” and asks her to keep this a secret.

Meanwhile Su-ho mopes to Ryang-ha about confessing to Bo-nui at four in the morning, and when Ryang-ha says she probably likes him even less now, Su-ho latches onto that as the reason she’s upset. Ryang-ha groans that Su-ho has a lot to learn about dating.

Su-ho’s father follows his mother when she takes another case of carp juice into town, and grumbles when she goes to the fortuneteller’s place. He wanders over to the Zeze office and hides when Su-ho comes outside, just as Chicken Ajusshi is making a delivery.

Ryang-ha runs outside, and comments that Chicken Ajusshi and Su-ho look a lot alike today, almost like father and son. That makes Su-ho’s dad uncomfortable, and he walks away so distracted he doesn’t even notice he’s holding up traffic. He walks right into Chicken Ajusshi’s path and they both fall to the ground, and Chicken Ajusshi gives Su-ho’s dad a flyer for his restaurant in case he needs to contact him.

Ryang-ha nags Su-ho out of his ratty old shorts and into a fancier pair of shorts, and makes him a reservation at a nice restaurant. He tells Su-ho to just call Bo-nui already and invite her to dinner, and not to take No for an answer. So he texts her a map and calls her, ordering her not to say no, and he can barely handle his excitement when she easily agrees.

On her way home Bo-nui passes Chicken Ajusshi’s restaurant, where Su-ho’s dad is now drunk and trashing the place. She goes to help and recognizes him, telling Chicken Ajusshi who he is. Su-ho’s dad is all That’s right, I’m his father, not you!

Awww cute, Su-ho waits anxiously for Bo-nui with flowers, and when she calls him, he answers with, “Don’t say you’re not coming!” But she’s calling about his father, and his face falls.

Chicken Ajusshi now remembers Su-ho’s father from when they were younger, and says there must be some misunderstanding. Dad keeps yelling that Su-ho is his child, but by the time Su-ho arrives, he’s passed out on the floor.

Su-ho drags him out to the curb, which is when his mother shows up. He sends his father home with Mom and stays to help clean up, saying that he’s no better than his father if he goes. Bo-nui also stays, claiming that it’s just because she likes Chicken Ajusshi.

When they finish, Su-ho tries to send her home, but she insists on going with him while he takes out the trash. She laughs when he pulls away hard and falls on his butt, but Su-ho isn’t laughing, and tells her to forget everything she saw today.

But Bo-nui says that she’ll remember it all, the way he made up for what his father did and even how considerate he’s being of her now. She says there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and he calls after her, “Then can you keep doing this for me? Whether it’s my parents, or my weaknesses, I think it won’t be embarrassing if it’s you.”

Bo-nui gently reminds him that Bo-ra comes first for her, but Su-ho counters that she can protect Bo-ra, and he’ll protect her. He gives her a necklace he had made for her, with a jeweled tiger charm. But Bo-nui looks at him with sad eyes and says she can’t accept it.

She draws a line, saying that he’s just her boss, and walks away. But Su-ho runs past her and whirls her around, then just stares as if he has no idea what to do next. He finally blurts out, “You said you don’t hate me,” but Bo-nui says that she doesn’t like him, either.

She claims that she only stayed with him the other night because he asked, and that she regrets it now because she missed Gary’s interview. Su-ho looks like he’s been punched in the gut, but he tells Bo-nui to stop lying. Bo-nui says that for him it’s always either go or stop, so she’s choosing to stop.

Su-ho says that if she goes now, he won’t ask her again… “You really don’t like me?” Bo-nui just answers that he called her a bug, so she’s telling him to catch it and kill it. She pulls her wrist out of his hand and turns away again.

Su-ho chases her again, and this time when he pulls her around, her face is streaming with tears. She looks at him with wide, hurt eyes, and when he doesn’t say anything, she starts to walk away.

Su-ho immediately spins her back to him and kisses her. He pulls back just far enough to whisper, “Is this what I’m supposed to do?” She doesn’t answer, and he takes her face in his hands and kisses her again, softly this time. Bo-nui’s eyes flutter closed.

EPILOGUE. When Su-ho sent Bo-nui the text asking if she was free the next day, she’d squealed with excitement. She’d sent back, “Why do you ask,” and her face broke into a huge grin when he asked her to dinner. She’d composed an acceptance text, but then she’d looked over at her childhood drawing of her family, and erased it again.


Aww, it’s good to see that Bo-nui was just as nervous and excited on the other end of that text, and that it’s just her promise to put her sister above everything else that’s holding her back. It can be difficult to suss out Bo-nui’s feelings, because she puts on such a veneer of being content in her solitude that it’s hard for the audience to connect with her feelings for Su-ho. When all we see is her denial, it’s good to know that she really does have strong feelings for him in return, especially when he kisses her like that. Normally I’m against the forced kiss, but in this case I think Su-ho knows she returns his affections but just needs some guidance out of her shell of superstition. If it weren’t for a semi-forced kiss, Bo-nui would just stay alone forever. (That was a pretty good kiss though!)

I actually think that standing up to Amy when she asked how Bo-nui knew about Su-ho’s accident was a bit of a turning point for Bo-nui. Amy was challenging her right to be close to Su-ho in that moment, and by not letting her intimidate her, Bo-nui was defending her own right to be near him. Until then, I don’t think she really thought she had a place in his life beyond an employee, and ever since he’s been opening up to her, she’s been fighting her own blossoming feelings for him. It was a small moment, but you could see Bo-nui pull herself up and look Amy right in the eye when she said that yes, Su-ho did tell her about his accident. Amy was practically pulling rank on Bo-nui, and there was so much subtext in Bo-nui’s simple “yes,” that I nearly cheered out loud. That one word told Amy that yes, he did open up to her, and yes, he is choosing to get close to her. And he’s doing it now… not over a decade ago when he was a child, but now as a fully-mature adult. In a way, Bo-nui was staking her own claim on him, though I don’t think she understands it consciously quite yet.

As painful as it was to see, and to imagine how it made Bo-nui feel, I’m glad that Su-ho had his little existential crisis. He’s spent so much time trying to convince her that her superstition isn’t logical or rational, because his whole world runs on the logical and rational. He’s been focusing so hard on making her fit into his world view that he was thrown off-balance to learn that love isn’t logical or rational. Now that he’s admitting his feelings, it’s throwing him for a loop, because feelings don’t stack into nice, neat little boxes that you can categorize and file away — they’re messy and pointy and squishy, and they don’t behave how you want them to.

So I sort of understand why Su-ho got upset with Bo-nui, even though he surely knows it’s not her fault that he’s feeling this way. But he had his life all orderly and organized. It’s how he’s always coped with his insecurities and fears. Now she’s come into his world and made it squishy and messy, and that’s scaring Su-ho witless, and when she didn’t fall into his arms like he expected it was natural for him to lash out. Not nice, but understandable. If you can’t fix a bug, you destroy it, so it makes sense to Su-ho that if he can’t quantify and control Bo-nui and his feelings for her, then the rational thing to do is get rid of them. The problem is that he doesn’t want to, and that makes no sense to his analytical brain.

So in the same way that Bo-nui needs to let go of her superstition and wake up to the real world, Su-ho also needs to relax his grip on control and sometimes just… go with it. I think he’s still uncomfortable with it, but he’s willing to do it if it’s what needs to be done to stay near Bo-nui. They’re good for each other — they’re coming in from their extremes, and when they meet in the middle, it’s going to be a better place for both of them.


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I got dizzy reading the comments...IMO comment section is indeed a mean to express viewers' opinions, so we can expect comments with personal tastes here. Nothing wrong with that as long as the words used are civil, and the focus is the character/plot, not bashing the actors instead for unrelated things (but then again constructive critics are in a way good for actor's improvement, aren't they?).

Tbh I really like Bonui's characterization. It's actually realistic to me, considering what she had been through and then voila a shaman showed up in front of her telling her she brings bad luck (and she believes it wholeheartedly). The blind dates with unknown males who scammed her were frustrating but yeah I guess she was THAT desperate because the time limit was almost up. There are times when I was actually very touched with her situation and just want to say "it's nor your fault..." I really like this episode's truth or dare part because finally I got to see that bonui is also giddy about her newfound feelings. Some of her outfits are kinda weird to me but some are actually pretty.

Suho the cutie patotie being giddy reminiscing his romantic moments is one of the cutest thing ever! And lol using emoticons as a sign language instead of texting bonui clearly what he wants. I'm over the moon for this surprise kiss scene! Can't wait to see what's coming next. I can't believe it's only 6 more episodes before this drama ends T.T


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I didn't think anyone bashing the actor, in fact, I don't see anyone,
the actress got more bashed than she deserves and I think that's why some commenter retaliates for the undeserved treatment of hers in their view


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I didn't point to anyone in particular. By "actors" I didn't mean just male actors, you see. We can say "actors" to refer generally for the drama cast. And I don't see anyone bashing the actor aka RJY indeed. What I said was the general codes I regard as important in every online forum.

If some people think the actress (can we just say HJE? because no other LR actresses are mentioned in this comment section) is being bashed more than she deserves and they stand up for her, it's all entitled to their own opinion, just like how I'm free to say I like bonui and I like HJE's acting. But then again, there's always two sides of the story.

Sso I hope I made my point from my previous comment clear. It seems you thought I was leaning to "the actor" while I actually said "actors", the cast of any drama.


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I also think Bo Nui's characterisation and character development is pretty realistic and understandable, too! Well, I don't completely sympathise with her overwhelming ability to forgive but it doesn't make me hate her in any way - and when it comes down to the core of it, Bo Nui essentially finds it so easy to forgive BECAUSE she thinks she's wronged everyone in the first place due to her bad luck thingamajig. And so I can understand that.

I don't have any issues with how she's dealing with things in the romantic sector, either - she's not entirely oblivious and her hesitance to engage in a romantic relationship with SuHo is fully understandable for me.


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What's with this fanwar?
I have no idea about what's going on here since I didn't watched Reply 1988. I'm not a fan of family dramas to be exact. But as I go through the previous comments, it's so annoying and saddening.Can we just enjoy the drama? It's a simple logic guys. If you don't like it, then don't watch it. For me, I like (love)it so much that I'm gonna stay until the end.

*shrugs*. Back to the drama. Sorry for the little ranting above.

After the 6th ep., i fell in love with Ryu Jun Yeol so I made a little research about him. Haha, now I sounded like I'm a full pledge fangirl. I watched Socialphobia, and God Holy Gracious, I barely recognized him on that movie. Yangge TV!!haha.

And for Jungeum, she's a veteran in this field so she doesn't need to impress me more. She's excellent.
I love the Dalnim girl more tho, and I know I will be heartbroken as her when she will find out Suho and Bonui in the coming episodes. To be intangled in a one side love..(*cries in the corner), I totally feel you girl ???


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Seriously though, I can't blame Dalnim for thinking Suhorang was accepting her "advances" towards him. The way he looked at the bottle w/ such intensity just wanting to rip Gary's pic off..if it were me, I'd think he was looking at me like that too. XD


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This drama is only my 6th kdrama so I'm not familiar with the tropes or actors as some on this thread are. I'm one of those DotS converts, the perfect marketing Hallyu targets - never had any interaction with Korean culture before it, and am now hooked on kdrama.

Both characters look like they're on a growth journey. Stuff I like and am looking forward to:

1. I like the analogue (love) vs digital (on/off, go/stop) tension that has been set up. Because life is often in shades of grey, and Suho can't fathom it. But as a programmer myself, you can always programme exceptions. And also programme randomness. And therefore...

2. I look forward and am hoping for a scene where Suho and Bonui pit their programming skills against each other, or work together to resolve a bug. There is nothing more sexy than brains working together and I think this will help elevate Bonui's startus in Suho's mind as someone who isn't just a walking mass and mess of contradictions.

3. Amy and Gary's motivations need to be a bit more fleshed out. I don't buy Amy wanting to get back into Suho's life; from what I can tell they were close but she was using him and was enjoying the noona-worship, and they were never a real couple. I would buy it if she wants something from him now again, because I can't see that there's anything there but really old memories. Same for Gary. I don't buy his noona love. Plus BOTH of them have to return to Canada so what are either of them doing rekindling old flames for 1mth relationships?! (Very angry at this point.)

4. Dalnim and Ryanghu OTP FTW. Plus the other two office workers - the lady and the chubby guy. There's something there.

5. Absent and/or irresponsible father figure parallels between Suho and Gary - looking forward to the big reveals. Plus how the chicken ajussi fits into the programming world.


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Your comment is a breath of fresh air and relevant to the content of the drama... Thank you...


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Thank you! I am struggling to find people to fangirl with because NOBODY in my social circle understands my love for Korean drama. So I come here to find other people to fangirl with... I don't quite understand the fanwar thing; I'm a longtime watcher of other shows which have cult followings as well, but the fanwars tend to be about other things, NOT about which actor you like more! So am quite amused at the war a bit sad that it is taking so much space on this thread though, I would really have liked to actually discuss character development and other bits and pieces...are there other forums where I can discuss this? It's gotten a bit poisonous...


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You can check 'soompi forum for Lucky Romance'. For me, it is a much more comfortable place to see some discussions or news about LR. I haven't seen any ugly fanwars broke out there yet, or maybe I just missed it. Back to the drama, I was wondering about the 'go and stop' remark during the confessions and the significant of it. I guess it shows that because this couple also come from the same field of study, they understand each other well. I also hope no matter what the outcome of this confession, they still work together for the project and no one gives out any resignation letters. I am actually interested in the father issues. I could be wrong but I thought Suho has already known that JMP is not his father. When they fought at earlier episode, he mentioned about JMP's family registry. It's just odd to say these words when you have a big fight with your parents. Or, is it just me?


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I can explain the Go and Stop!! Because at the basics of all computers is what we call binary language - it only has two states, 0 or 1. English has 26 alphabets, but binary only has two - 1 or 0. So the state is always 'stop' or 'go'.

For me this is what gives the drama a bit more oomph, cos I know programmers!! My brother is a computer GAME programmer too so I can TOTALLY SEE how RJY is doing the right thing with the character. The HAIR is totally correct, my brother's hair is a mess all the time.

I dont't know about the father bit; I am hoping there's no big birth mystery around this. As much as his mom is a pain, I don't want her to be an adulterer! I hope there's a good rationale behind it.


>Point no.4
Just look at my username XD They are so adorable!

The moment Suho realized he couldn't calculate and control his feelings, we just knew he had fallen deep in love >.<
I think Gary's biggest moment would be about him and his dad. I actually teared up when it was discovered how his dad sacrificed so much to finance his family. It would also be great if Suho, after being closer to Bonui and learn her value that family is important nonetheless, will show a change of heart towards his parents esp his dad.


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I know!! They're so cute, they could have a series to themselves!!


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''a scene where Suho and Bonui pit their programming skills against each other, or work together to resolve a bug. There is nothing more sexy than brains working together''

YES I've wanted to see them both actively work on something together for a prolonged period of time, ugh.


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I am Korean. My english ability is poor. So I am silent watcher.
I read all recap & casting article & commant about 'LR'. I am Fan of Hwang jung eum.
HJE is a seinor of RJY. Same agency and same university. (It is still important at Korea)
They coworks drama, discuss acting.
Behind scenes picture & video, you can see that easily.
It is not commonly thing.
Some other actors dosen't say anything about acting to other actors, and rehearsal about acting.
HJE advices & makes idea about funny moments, that spotlight RJY acting.
Two actor (HJE, RJY) respect each other.
So, Most of the korean fan of two actor respect each Fan group.


See above Post, please.

I surprised some harshly & bashing comment about actor in drama recap's comments.
First I upset, but everywhere hater exist.
Don't compare actor, acting, ect. Then Fan war decreases. Drama making is coworks.
Spotlighting characters and support character makes & valances drama work.
Not only one epport makes thing. HJE always saying that.

And, drama character is & is not actor. Please say soft about character.

HJE choice character fashion style fit drama script. If she's character pauper, she takes same some clothes and bag at whole drama.
In this drama, Bonui character style according some fact.
Bonui is poor orphan girl with sick sister, pay hospital bills. Drama shows us, Bonui make her clothes. Home made clothes.
And, Bonui canopies her body from physical contact other, not makes bring bad luck. Like bunnies & Raccoon mask.
Denim? If iron can makes clothes as usual Korea society, Bonui will takes it.
Bonui defense bad luck transmissible to others with clothes, salt and beans.
Think about actress ware with denim at summer day. She endured it for character.

I don't know This "Fan war" people is real fan of actor. I like & support RJY. Most of the fan did it as me. Harsh comments end up makes damaged actor imagine.


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Thank you for your explanation and insights about Bonui's background and clothes. As an international viewer, it's really nice to understand about Korean culture from their efforts on making a drama, clothes for Bonui, and respect between all who work in this field abd their fans. As for all these comments, it goes with the popularity of the drama itself, drama characters, or the actors and actresses who play them. If not because of LR popularity, why would these people even bother to leave their harsh comments? In a way, it is actually a boost for the popularity or rating too, because even when they dislike the drama or the drama characters from the bottom of their heart, amazingly they are still interested enough to watch this drama...


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Thanks for the insight.

It contributes positively to the conversation.


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Thank you for pointing out that all of Bonui's clothes are homemade! I noticed it as well but I was trying to figure out what was so special about her clothes because they don't seem to fall into any specific pattern of korean clothing. I like how they also wrote it into the storyline, like how she sewed clothes as a part time job (she quit in Epi 1) and also how Bora loved her sister's clothes the best (also Epi 1).


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thank you so much for your insight! Yes, both actors are working so sweetly alongside each other in the behind the scenes. The thing about the denim makes sense now.


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Wow! what's wrong with people why can't some commentators watch a show without bashing others. I'm starting to hate the fandom for RJY ,R88 is over let it go! Let the actor skills speak for themselves no need to bring down another actor. People think they're sly overzealous fans stand more and more I'm here to read the recap for Lucky Romance tired of these silly fan wars.


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Excuse me I think I need you to set this thing straight. You can’t generalize people who dislike Bonui come from R88 fans. A lot of RJY fans I know love Shim Bonui and also Hwang Jung Eum. If you want some prove, go look at soompi thread. Some us rarely visit here because we know some repeating usernames are clearly RJY haters (our old enemy since Reply 1988) who intentionally come in every LR recap to create some fanwar (they even don't actually watch the drama itself so who are them to judge?)


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Comment was deleted


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RJY and HJE's chemistry is no joke. HJE is known for having great chemistry with all her co-star. Ryu Jun Yeol is very lucky to be paired with her in his first lead role drama in public broadcast. RJY said in his latest V-app that he could remember his lines easily because his co-stars do very well. And I believe, as his senior, HJE gives him a lot of advices. You can see he is so comfortable around her in BTS. As Bonui, I really love how HJE can let out such emotional tears easily just like in Secret.

Regarding to those haters or fake neutral kdrama lovers who purposely lurk into Lucky Romance thread and bring down Reply 1988 fans to create a tiny war here, let me tell you, There are a lot of people who don't watch R88 fall in love with Je Suho. Even some of them decide to watch Reply 1988 after they saw RJY's performance in Lucky Romance. As in my own experience, most of my friends are 'clasical' kdrama lovers, some of them even refuse to watch Reply 1988 because it's not a romance drama. I think we can't generalize people who dislike Bonui come from R88 fans. I believe R88 fans like Suho not because their attachment or loyalty to a certain fiction character. Because fanning over someone because of their image would never last long but someone with true talent. Lucky Romance stands up because of HJE and RJY hard carried that drama. They're perfect as Bonui and Suho. I don't think RJY would do very well if the person who played Bonui couldn't act (it would just kill the mood).


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I don't get this unpleasant war of words. I didn't know who this RJY was until Lucky Romance. And I'm a dedicated K-drama fan who's watched over 200 dramas in 3 years. I tried watching one of the Reply series and gave up because of how the writers trolled the viewers so much so I didn't bother watching the latest Reply series even though I liked PBG from I Remember You. I heard about the JH fans griping broken heartedly when their ship sank on other DB threads. It seems to be an inescapable pity party no matter where you go. Thankfully the soompi thread for Lucky Romance has been a wonderful caring place that I've been lurking at with the kind of comments that you want to spend time reading. Frankly, I watched LR because of HJE. I liked her from Can You Hear My Heart. She was the reason I bothered to follow LR and now because of her, RJY is an actor I'm happy to have discovered. For fans like me- new to RJY, the constant reference to his role in Reply 88 is very off-putting. I am talking about the Jung Hwan fans - the ones who keep calling him by that character name in the Lucky Romance comments. I am one of those who rolls their eyes and goes "They're at it again!" when I see comments using his Reply character. R88 is over and the ending is never going to change. As for me, I am looking forward to RJY's future projects because he is a very talented actor. I like the chemistry that he and HJE has for this drama. That should be celebrated - not every drama is lucky to have that one dynamite ingredient.


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As long as they are not rude and offensive to other people, I see nothing wrong with it :).

You said it yourself, the Reply writers trolled the viewers so much and this also happened in Reply 1988, the 3rd of the series where the writers going all out in trolling the viewers.

That's why it hurt so much for people who like junghwan. And add to that Ryu Jun Yeol acting...so believable and natural.
It really remind us of that unrequited first love that we had years ago. Nobody can forget that..
that why it was painfull and it still is painfull.

You should watch it to understand where we are coming from. RJY's acting there just as good as he is here. :)


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So it has come to this now, got pushed out of soompi from a "certain" characters fans and you have now come to his personal article to start a war? You say your a neutral fan but have a strong dislike for one fandom? Hmm ok then. RJY fans, when a neutral fan responds and makes such comments like this just please ignore it.

This article is about LR, I have had enough of a certain fandom (not all cos most of the fans are super sweet and funny too!) following and being negative about if not the actor but his fans too and the impact of the R88.

Do you want to know why Junghwan gets some comparison to Suho? It's because Suho went for it and just didnt hold back his love for a friend like what happened in R88. We get to see this character express his love without hesitation. Some compare it, so what? Is it his fans fault that they met RJY through R88 and liked his character and acting skills. It's there choice, I wont criticize them for it.. We cant controls peoples feelings.

You say some cant get over it, well my above comment explains your answers maybe. Some have and some haven't gotten over it. Also should older RJY fans just ignore new fans of RJY through LR? Who want to watch R88 but are hesitant to watch due to hearing and reading about the ending? They ask we answered, I mean there are articles that still talk about it. Its not a big spoiler now is it and you do know you dont have to read those comments, is just a general discussion.

Also just because someone is not a fan of HJE does not automatically mean that it is a RJY fan. Can it actually be that *shock, horror* the person is simply not a fan from before? They might not actually be a RJY or whoever fan.

I personally like HJE as she just pulls you into the drama, I will literally watch anything with her. Like she makes me want to cry and laugh and sometimes at the same time, I mean what kind of sorcery is that!

I have also read loads of comments during Kill Me Heal Me that some people didnt like her (screaming and such) and praising Jisung for his many characters. Did I or others automatically assume it was a Jisung fans that hated her? Nah

Please dont throw accusations and generalize a fandom, dont use that as an excuse to start something.

Just read and spazz amongst ourselves, its a LR recap after all :)


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I'm assuming you are talking about me? I am not a shipper of anyone. In fact my name here is the same as in Soompi. You may check for yourself. I only post in drama related threads and I haven't been active for months now I think. So I am not sure what you mean by being pushed out of Soompi by a certain fandom? Unless you weren't referring to me after all? *head scratching* If you weren't, I am sorry for this post. If you were, you just proved why some Reply fans are called rabid.


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I actually never saw your comment so I was scratching my head thinking what? So no, I definitely not talking to you :)

Also I am not a fan of that word rabid, it just sounds a bit harsh in my opinion.


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Anyway its all good, lets just spazz about LR


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ANYWAY this recap is about LR, RJY plays Suho really good and his chemistry with HJE is spot on. This drama is addictive and that kiss :P The whole scene was so intense but the ending was so romantic.

What I like about this drama is that has a different aura, plus is features my fav romcom queen HJE and no.1 oppa RJY . The whole cast just fit so well together, well done PD nim and the writers :)

Also I just get happy seeing and hearing Lee Soo-Hyuk as Gary, when he has a strop or something - cute! When he says noona too - aww double cute. I just wanna give him a hug lol


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Coming so late, hope next week will be more awesome, I think Bo nui and Soo Hoo compatible with each other


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Coming so late, hope next week will be more awesome, I think Bo nui and Soo Hoo are compatible with each other


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I'm so excited to see "behind the scenes" that Bonui has actually been not blind to Suho's cuteness! I was catching the meaningful looks that she sometimes has over the last few episodes and was hoping that there would be a big reveal... and this episode's Easter Egg clip showed it!!

Ten times where Bonui's increasing affection showed:

1. When she stole a look at him after coffee in the park, as he wordlessly stood and ran to (presumably) walk her home after they visited Bora. A look which he also exchanged not a moment later!

2. When she lit up when she greeted Suho as he visited the 3D motion capture studio. It's a VERY short cut but look at her face! For me this millisecond of pure pleasure was unadulterated happiness to Bonui.

3. When Bonui started taking photographs of Suho playing Gary's "girlfriend" in the motion capture scene. I think there's a parallel that's going to come out soon... Suho taking pictures of her at the workshop before the ATV race, and Bonui taking pictures of him at the motion picture studio? Cuteness overload!

4. When Gary told Amy that she had "won" with Suho, as Bonui was telling her fortune. There's a short cut to Bonui's disappointed face at the end when she hears that Amy was triumphant with Suho :(

5. Bonui seeing Suho and Amy getting close because of a moth, and looking very down. Damned moth!

6. Bonui seeing - and misunderstanding - Suho and Amy's relationship when she's outside Suho's house and sees Amy touching Suho's face with tenderness - and missing his smackdown.

7. Bonui opening the bus window and letting the wind blow into her face as she enjoys the breeze. The subtext I am reading is that she's remembering the window breeze in Suho's car... just before she asks if he likes her. I'll bet she thinks he was lying.

8. Bonui looking at Amy rather in surprise and consternation at the bbq when Amy rather nastily springs the truth or dare statement, "You have a crush on someone." The look that she gives Suho just before she answers the question... is made of kitkat and toblerone. Yumm.

9. Bonui asking Amy "Why are you yelling at me?" And the smackdown at the end of that conversation when she tells Amy defiantly "YES." That Suho actually told her about his trauma origins. Not just that, but she's already met his parents Amy, take that!

10. The pleased bedroom eyes she wanted to turn to Suho in the elevator when she found out that he had given Mr Won the security guard job. I wish she had turned around and said whatever she wanted to say!!!


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That's such a great point you ... uh, pointed out (about the camera)!!! They are each other's umbrellas, and good luck charms, and photographers! They catch each other's bugs (computer and heart-bugs), and keep feeding each other. (Bo-nui with her sandwiches and soup/porridge in the fridge; Su-ho keeps taking her out for meals)


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The whole episodes 9 and 10 have been on constant repeat on my phone for the whole weekend, I am dying dying with the lack of a preview.



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I'm so excited to see "behind the scenes" that Bonui has actually been not blind to Suho's cuteness! I was catching the meaningful looks that she sometimes has over the last few episodes and was hoping that there would be a big reveal... and this episode's Easter Egg clip showed it!!

Ten tmes where Bonui's increasing affection showed:

1. When she stole a look at him after coffee in the park, as he wordlessly stood and ran to (presumably) walk her home after they visited Bora. A look which he also exchanged not a moment later!

2. When she lit up when she greeted Suho as he visited the 3D motion capture studio. It's a VERY short cut but look at her face! For me this millisecond of pure pleasure was unadulterated happiness to Bonui.

3. When Bonui started taking photographs of Suho playing Gary's "girlfriend" in the motion capture scene. I think there's a parallel that's going to come out soon... Suho taking pictures of her at the workshop before the ATV race, and Bonui taking pictures of him at the motion picture studio? Cuteness overload!

4. When Gary told Amy that she had "won" with Suho, as Bonui was telling her fortune. There's a short cut to Bonui's disappointed face at the end when she hears that Amy was triumphant with Suho :(

5. Bonui seeing Suho and Amy getting close because of a moth, and getting depressed. Damned moth!

6. Bonui seeing - and misunderstanding - Suho and Amy's relationship when she's outside Suho's house and sees Amy touching Suho's face with tenderness - and missing his smackdown.

7. Bonui opening the bus window and letting the wind blow into her face as she enjoys the breeze. The subtext I am reading is that she's remembering the window breeze in Suho's car... just before she asks if he likes her. I'll bet she thinks he was lying.

8. Bonui looking at Amy rather in surprise and consternation at the bbq when Amy rather nastily springs the truth or dare statement, "You have a crush on someone." The look that she gives Suho just before she answers the question... is made of kitkat and toblerone. Yumm.

9. Bonui asking Amy "Why are you yelling at me?" And the smackdown at the end of that conversation when she tells Amy defiantly "YES." That Suho actually told her about his trauma origins. Not just that, but she's already met his parents Amy, take that!

10. The pleased bedroom eyes she wanted to turn to Suho in the elevator when she found out that he had given Mr Won the security guard job. I wish she had turned around and said whatever she wanted to say!!!


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Wow I just have a chance to visit DB now, I thought its gonna full of celebrations becoz of what happened in this episode. What's this even JB had to make a comment?
Ahh this is the episode that I'm waiting for, the kiss!! Omg .. I thought this eps gonna ended with heartbreak but but I left surprised, smiling like crazy. The kiss is sooo sweet .. His voice and gaze to her between the kiss .. RIP soul see u in heaven. And the best epilogue ever, finally I can see her pov about suho. She's in love too .. aww .. She's so cute, I miss this since 'horaang oddigayagoo ..?' The cutest drunken scene that I kept reply in my re-watch. Another cute OTP moment please, a lot..


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The kiss scene.. why do I keep replaying it!


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That's exactly what I'm doing too .. The kiss is super sweet, perfectly capture. Hoping more kiss to come .. One kiss for each remaining eps would be great for me :)


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hello guys..i'm back...

wowww...been here very very late...oooo

well, first i already watch the WHOLE....ep recap...

my godness... i LIKE that KISSING scene... yayy..u got the one truely love SH.

i dnk why n WHY an WHYYY...i keep playing the part SH gimmick to exited of texting BN..oo god save me!!!(sigh&melting heart)


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The Epi11 preview.

The sweater-wearing scene.

The crush photo wall.

The dream sequences of flowers and hearts.

I am preparing my heart to be crushed, CRUSHED I tell you.

All those scenes which are dreamily-lit, all false lies, lies!! There's still 6 more hours of this show to go and so much pain and angst to milk from this still, so be still and be sensible my poor heart, and don't expect love in this next episode. :(


Also, could we have some, you know, actual game development? A 30 day timeline is not funny. It's ridiculous. There will be no time to pee, much less romance around!


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Love the show so much! Both actors are so endearing and the romance is just adorable.

The only issue I had with the episode was the amusing/alarming use of the wrist-grab action. Lol. So jerky and...extra...and almost like a PARODY of the scene in most romance kdramas.


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