Lucky Romance: Episode 10

It’s like watching the Tin Man learn how to use his heart, as Su-ho struggles to deal with all of his brand new shiny emotions. But emotions are complicated, as he’s learning, and can’t be controlled the same way numbers and computers can. It’s going to take a lot of effort to get the results he wants, especially when he’s in such unfamiliar territory, and he won’t get through it without a lot of serious soul-searching.



Bo-nui watches Su-ho sleep for a bit then stands to leave. Su-ho, who wasn’t asleep after all, reaches out and takes her hand. She stops, and they look at each other.

Everyone at the workshop sleeps in the next morning, and OH HAHAHA, Ryang-ha and Dal-nim are snuggled under the same blanket. They’re practically kissing in their sleep, and when they wake, Ryang-ha has to cover Dal-nim’s mouth to keep her from shrieking and waking everyone.

Dal-nim tries to escape the men’s bedroom, but a knock on the door sends her diving right back under the blanket. It’s Seong-hyun looking for Dal-nim, and luckily she doesn’t notice that the feet sticking out from under Ryang-ha’s blanket are quite delicate for a man his size.

She tells Ryang-ha that Su-ho got thrown into the pool last night and that he left upset, which concerns both Ryang-ha and Dal-nim, though for different reasons.

Amy is busy approving the questions for Gary’s interview, and she threatens the reporter not to ask any personal questions or she’ll pull Gary off the air herself. He asks if he can’t even question Gary about his first love, which makes Amy sigh, thinking of her talk with Su-ho last night.

When she’d mentioned being his first love, she’d practically confessed that Su-ho was her first love, too. He’d agreed that their memories were special, but admitted that he’s not sure if it was love, for him. It’s true that she was everything to him once, but when Amy asked how he feels now, he’d just gone inside.

Gary keeps an eye out for Bo-nui as he’s being readied for the interview, but when Dal-nim calls to tell him that she went back to Seoul with Su-ho last night, he understands why she’s not coming. She’s sitting on the floor next to Su-ho as he sleeps, still holding his hand, trying not to nod off herself.

When she realizes the time she jumps up, but Su-ho doesn’t let go of her hand even in his sleep. She sighs to see him looking so peaceful, and when she tries to pull her hand free again, he tightens his hold and yanks her down practically on top of him. She tries to reach for her ringing phone, but Su-ho clutches her with his other hand, and she can’t move away.

Gary is distracted during his interview, looking for Bo-nui, who never shows up. He finally settles, and somewhere in a convenience store, his father happens to catch the interview on television. He watches as Gary discusses resenting his father for most of his life, and leaves looking upset.

Bo-nui finally arrives after Gary’s interview is over, and he angrily asks where she’s been. She explains that she was with Su-ho, who wasn’t well, and Gary sarcastically spits that he must have been nearly dead for her to break her promise. If not, when shy did she spend the entire night with him?

He says that this time, he can’t be understanding — no, he doesn’t want to be understanding. He demands to know what Su-ho is to Bo-nui that she would push Gary away, when they have so much more history together. When Bo-nui asks why he’s so angry, Gary tells her, “Because I like you.”

Bo-nui stops him there, sure that it’s just his anger speaking and he’ll regret saying this later. She gently tells him that they don’t have that kind of relationship, and Gary just looks at her with these hard eyes. Amy interrupts them, and Bo-nui quickly leaves.

Frantic with worry, Ryang-ha wails Su-ho’s name as he burst into Su-ho’s house, and gets so grabby when he sees him that Su-ho has to tickle him to get him to back off. Ryang-ha is shocked to see that Su-ho is actually pretty okay after his dunking, and wonders if Bi-nui stayed here all night. HA, Su-ho’s face, he almost looks triumphant.

Su-ho doesn’t bother denying his feelings for Bo-nui to his friend, just basks in the afterglow of her staying all night with him. Ryang-ha asks if Su-ho has texted her yet for another date, and Su-ho just looks like Uh, that’s a thing?

Bo-nui is at home worrying about what to do with Gary, when Su-ho texts asking her what she’s doing later today. She texts back asking how he’s feeling, and he responds with a random string of emojis.

HAHA, he looks so pleased with himself, but Ryang-ha yells at him for not sending her hearts (Ryang-ha: “Be honest, you lied about your IQ, didn’t you?”). Su-ho starts to kick him out, and both of them fall all over themselves when Bo-nui’s answer comes in. But all she says is that she’ll see him on Monday, and poor Su-ho looks so disappointed.

Amy can tell from Gary’s mood that he likes Bo-nui, not that she’s surprised. He’s embarrassed to be found out, and surprised when Amy gives her blessing for him to date. She reminds him that he only has a month, so if he can break up before leaving then she’s all for it.

Amy runs into Bo-nui on her way out, who’s bringing ddukbokki for Gary as a peace offering for missing his interview. Amy pointedly asks if she also feels bad for running out after hearing his confession, but Bo-nui says he’s just confused because they’re so close.

She says that sometimes people don’t understand their own feelings, but Amy turns that around on her… is Bo-nui sure of her feelings? Bo-nui asks if she means for Gary, and Amy just quirks an eyebrow.

She changes her tone when she hears that Bo-nui was late because Su-ho wasn’t well. She yells at Bo-nui for not taking him to a hospital after he was thrown in the pool, saying that it wasn’t her place to decide to just take him home.

Bo-nui tries to reassure Amy by telling her that she never left him all night, but it has the opposite effect. Amy’s voice develops icicles as she asks if Su-ho told bo-nui about his accident, and Bo-nui defiantly says that he did.

Su-ho lies around his apartment, remembering how he asked Bo-nui not to leave him last night, and how she’d stayed. He snickers into his pillow, giddy as a little boy, then composes another text asking what she’s doing tomorrow. He sends it and immediately freaks out, pouncing on the phone when she responds.

All she says is, “Why do you ask?” so Su-ho sends another text asking her to dinner. When she answers that she has plans, he abuses the furniture. He tries to think of an excuse to go see her, looking practically tortured. Then he catches a glimpse of his camera, and gets an idea.

Amy calls Ryang-ha, who can’t talk because Dal-nim is currently sobbing at him. She wails that she’s been saving herself, and this is the man she spends her first night with? He swears she came to his room and he never touched her, and she orders him to forget the whole night.

She’s also jealous of Bo-nui, who got to ride back to Seoul with Su-ho, and Ryang-ha laughs that she’s finally admitting she likes him. She gets up to leave, but comes right back when Ryang-ha offers to dish about Su-ho, hee.

Gary is waiting for Bo-nui when she goes to do her nightly prayer on the roof, and she tells him that he can stay if he wants. He takes a picture of her while she’s praying, saying that it’s for later when he misses her, and apologizes for yelling at her. She starts to say something, but he stops her, and says that she can tell him how she feels later after he’s had a chance to impress her.

He asks her out for tomorrow, but backs off when she doesn’t answer. He tells her to just smile, and quickly retreats to his place. Once he’s alone he gasps for air like he just ran a marathon, sinking to the floor clutching his chest.

Su-ho shows up at Bo-nui’s building, but her lights are off and she doesn’t answer her phone, so he sits in the park to moon over the photos he took of her at the workshop. He kills time hanging out at the playground, calling Bo-nui occasionally, but she’s always doing something noisy and doesn’t hear her phone.

Eventually she sees his increasingly annoyed texts, and runs down to the park, but he’s given up and gone home. In bed that night she re-reads all of his texts, sighing that it’s probably better this way.

She’s woken late that night by someone frantically pounding on her door, surprised to see Su-ho there. He says, almost too calmly, that he couldn’t sleep. He holds his hand out to her accusingly, showing her the characters she drew, saying, “If I erase this, the memory from the night with you will probably be erased, too.”

He’s upset because he knows logically that the characters have nothing to do with his memory, but he can’t help feeling that way. He says that she really is a bug that logic can’t solve, a bug that’s messing up his head and his life. “But… I don’t want to kill that bug. I want it to stay in my head.”

“What should I do about this? Kill it, or not?” he asks. Bo-nui says she has no idea what he’s talking about, and she nervously shuts the door in his face. Su-ho listlessly heads for home, unaware that Bo-nui has run up to the roof to watch him from above.

Gary takes out his frustrations on some tennis balls, to the point that even Amy can tell he got dumped. But he optimistically says that there’s always the next serve, or the next set.

Dal-nim is jealous that Bo-nui got two confessions in one day, though she can’t help squeeing for her friend’s good luck. Awww, she’s just the very best friend ever. She asks if Bo-nui picked Gary, but she shakes her head and says he’s going back to Canada anyway. When Dal-nim asks who the other confession was from, Bo-nui fibs that she doesn’t know him.

Su-ho does that thing we’ve all done at least once — calls a friend just to make sure his phone still works, ha. Ryang-ha tells him to just call Bo-nui, but Su-ho refuses. He practically teleports to the front door when his bell rings, but it’s just Amy.

She’s brought him a bag full of medicine and healthy foods, and when Su-ho tells her to save it for Gary, she pointedly mentions Gary’s crush on Bo-nui. Su-ho shuts that right down, and tells Amy honestly, “I like her. That’s why.”

Amy denies it, since he himself said that he didn’t understand love, but Su-ho says that he wants to find out. Amy asks if they’re already dating, and when he says they’re not, she takes it as a positive sign.

It’s Bo-nui’s turn to loiter outside Su-ho’s place, and she hides when she sees him and Amy talking outside. She can’t hear them, but she sees Amy reach out to touch Su-ho’s face, and she jumps behind a wall and misses that he shakes her hand off.

Suho is such a doofus — he hangs out at the elevator in the morning, not even pushing the button, waiting for Bo-nui to come to work. When she finally arrives, he pretends he didn’t just send an employee up without him, and acts like he didn’t even see her there.

The elevator ride is awkward, and it gets worse when Su-ho rattles off exactly how many hours and minutes it’s been since he last saw her. He asks if she has anything to say to him, but Bo-nui says that she doesn’t. Aww.

The Zeze employees are ready to hand in their resignations out of fear of Su-ho’s reaction to their prank, but he’s cranky about their beta test in four weeks. He launches into a lecture, then completely loses his train of thought when his eyes land on Bo-nui, and he just starts smiling like a goof.

Dal-nim decides to get proactive, and checks her notes from Ryang-ha on how to get Su-ho to notice her. The first tip is to be confident, and she startles ten years off Su-ho’s life when she busts into his office.

She’s nervous and twitchy though, so he gets her a bottle of water, then gets reeeally close. But it’s just to rip Gary’s face off the water bottle, ha. Dal-nim reads more into it than he intends, and rushes downstairs to screech to Ryang-ha that it’s working. Ryang-ha can’t believe it, since the advice he gave was intended to get her dumped.

Amy invites Bo-nui to lunch to apologize for the way she acted the other day, blaming her attitude on worry for Su-ho. But it’s a trap — Amy adds that she hopes Bo-nui and Gary work out, because she feels the same as he does, about Su-ho. She tells Bo-nui how Su-ho called her his “everything,” and asks her to keep this a secret.

Meanwhile Su-ho mopes to Ryang-ha about confessing to Bo-nui at four in the morning, and when Ryang-ha says she probably likes him even less now, Su-ho latches onto that as the reason she’s upset. Ryang-ha groans that Su-ho has a lot to learn about dating.

Su-ho’s father follows his mother when she takes another case of carp juice into town, and grumbles when she goes to the fortuneteller’s place. He wanders over to the Zeze office and hides when Su-ho comes outside, just as Chicken Ajusshi is making a delivery.

Ryang-ha runs outside, and comments that Chicken Ajusshi and Su-ho look a lot alike today, almost like father and son. That makes Su-ho’s dad uncomfortable, and he walks away so distracted he doesn’t even notice he’s holding up traffic. He walks right into Chicken Ajusshi’s path and they both fall to the ground, and Chicken Ajusshi gives Su-ho’s dad a flyer for his restaurant in case he needs to contact him.

Ryang-ha nags Su-ho out of his ratty old shorts and into a fancier pair of shorts, and makes him a reservation at a nice restaurant. He tells Su-ho to just call Bo-nui already and invite her to dinner, and not to take No for an answer. So he texts her a map and calls her, ordering her not to say no, and he can barely handle his excitement when she easily agrees.

On her way home Bo-nui passes Chicken Ajusshi’s restaurant, where Su-ho’s dad is now drunk and trashing the place. She goes to help and recognizes him, telling Chicken Ajusshi who he is. Su-ho’s dad is all That’s right, I’m his father, not you!

Awww cute, Su-ho waits anxiously for Bo-nui with flowers, and when she calls him, he answers with, “Don’t say you’re not coming!” But she’s calling about his father, and his face falls.

Chicken Ajusshi now remembers Su-ho’s father from when they were younger, and says there must be some misunderstanding. Dad keeps yelling that Su-ho is his child, but by the time Su-ho arrives, he’s passed out on the floor.

Su-ho drags him out to the curb, which is when his mother shows up. He sends his father home with Mom and stays to help clean up, saying that he’s no better than his father if he goes. Bo-nui also stays, claiming that it’s just because she likes Chicken Ajusshi.

When they finish, Su-ho tries to send her home, but she insists on going with him while he takes out the trash. She laughs when he pulls away hard and falls on his butt, but Su-ho isn’t laughing, and tells her to forget everything she saw today.

But Bo-nui says that she’ll remember it all, the way he made up for what his father did and even how considerate he’s being of her now. She says there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and he calls after her, “Then can you keep doing this for me? Whether it’s my parents, or my weaknesses, I think it won’t be embarrassing if it’s you.”

Bo-nui gently reminds him that Bo-ra comes first for her, but Su-ho counters that she can protect Bo-ra, and he’ll protect her. He gives her a necklace he had made for her, with a jeweled tiger charm. But Bo-nui looks at him with sad eyes and says she can’t accept it.

She draws a line, saying that he’s just her boss, and walks away. But Su-ho runs past her and whirls her around, then just stares as if he has no idea what to do next. He finally blurts out, “You said you don’t hate me,” but Bo-nui says that she doesn’t like him, either.

She claims that she only stayed with him the other night because he asked, and that she regrets it now because she missed Gary’s interview. Su-ho looks like he’s been punched in the gut, but he tells Bo-nui to stop lying. Bo-nui says that for him it’s always either go or stop, so she’s choosing to stop.

Su-ho says that if she goes now, he won’t ask her again… “You really don’t like me?” Bo-nui just answers that he called her a bug, so she’s telling him to catch it and kill it. She pulls her wrist out of his hand and turns away again.

Su-ho chases her again, and this time when he pulls her around, her face is streaming with tears. She looks at him with wide, hurt eyes, and when he doesn’t say anything, she starts to walk away.

Su-ho immediately spins her back to him and kisses her. He pulls back just far enough to whisper, “Is this what I’m supposed to do?” She doesn’t answer, and he takes her face in his hands and kisses her again, softly this time. Bo-nui’s eyes flutter closed.

EPILOGUE. When Su-ho sent Bo-nui the text asking if she was free the next day, she’d squealed with excitement. She’d sent back, “Why do you ask,” and her face broke into a huge grin when he asked her to dinner. She’d composed an acceptance text, but then she’d looked over at her childhood drawing of her family, and erased it again.


Aww, it’s good to see that Bo-nui was just as nervous and excited on the other end of that text, and that it’s just her promise to put her sister above everything else that’s holding her back. It can be difficult to suss out Bo-nui’s feelings, because she puts on such a veneer of being content in her solitude that it’s hard for the audience to connect with her feelings for Su-ho. When all we see is her denial, it’s good to know that she really does have strong feelings for him in return, especially when he kisses her like that. Normally I’m against the forced kiss, but in this case I think Su-ho knows she returns his affections but just needs some guidance out of her shell of superstition. If it weren’t for a semi-forced kiss, Bo-nui would just stay alone forever. (That was a pretty good kiss though!)

I actually think that standing up to Amy when she asked how Bo-nui knew about Su-ho’s accident was a bit of a turning point for Bo-nui. Amy was challenging her right to be close to Su-ho in that moment, and by not letting her intimidate her, Bo-nui was defending her own right to be near him. Until then, I don’t think she really thought she had a place in his life beyond an employee, and ever since he’s been opening up to her, she’s been fighting her own blossoming feelings for him. It was a small moment, but you could see Bo-nui pull herself up and look Amy right in the eye when she said that yes, Su-ho did tell her about his accident. Amy was practically pulling rank on Bo-nui, and there was so much subtext in Bo-nui’s simple “yes,” that I nearly cheered out loud. That one word told Amy that yes, he did open up to her, and yes, he is choosing to get close to her. And he’s doing it now… not over a decade ago when he was a child, but now as a fully-mature adult. In a way, Bo-nui was staking her own claim on him, though I don’t think she understands it consciously quite yet.

As painful as it was to see, and to imagine how it made Bo-nui feel, I’m glad that Su-ho had his little existential crisis. He’s spent so much time trying to convince her that her superstition isn’t logical or rational, because his whole world runs on the logical and rational. He’s been focusing so hard on making her fit into his world view that he was thrown off-balance to learn that love isn’t logical or rational. Now that he’s admitting his feelings, it’s throwing him for a loop, because feelings don’t stack into nice, neat little boxes that you can categorize and file away — they’re messy and pointy and squishy, and they don’t behave how you want them to.

So I sort of understand why Su-ho got upset with Bo-nui, even though he surely knows it’s not her fault that he’s feeling this way. But he had his life all orderly and organized. It’s how he’s always coped with his insecurities and fears. Now she’s come into his world and made it squishy and messy, and that’s scaring Su-ho witless, and when she didn’t fall into his arms like he expected it was natural for him to lash out. Not nice, but understandable. If you can’t fix a bug, you destroy it, so it makes sense to Su-ho that if he can’t quantify and control Bo-nui and his feelings for her, then the rational thing to do is get rid of them. The problem is that he doesn’t want to, and that makes no sense to his analytical brain.

So in the same way that Bo-nui needs to let go of her superstition and wake up to the real world, Su-ho also needs to relax his grip on control and sometimes just… go with it. I think he’s still uncomfortable with it, but he’s willing to do it if it’s what needs to be done to stay near Bo-nui. They’re good for each other — they’re coming in from their extremes, and when they meet in the middle, it’s going to be a better place for both of them.


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I almost threw my phone out of frustration! Bo Nui is just so frustrating! I can't believe the writer is doing this! I hate slow paced dramas and i'm annoyed that i'm still rooting for this drama at this point. I just hope the writer justifies Bon Hui's cold heartedness any moment now(although we know that she is just pretending). Suho is such a charmer. Like a schoolboy liking a girl for the first time. I am so impressed by his perseverance after being rejected and dumped many times. Suho fearlessly pursues his little bug and clings on to it. Bonui keeps pushing away the people she cares for but Suho decides to hold on no matter what she says. And yes, Mr. Je, that's love right there. Now you know.


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Ikr! Bo nui is the most boring female lead yet for me. She does nothing absolutely nothing to emote. I'm just watching this show for the uberadorable Je Su Ho. Jung Pal you will get your lady now!


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For me the problem is that they seem to have spent so much effort and time sketching out SH's character and giving it so many quirks, but BN is strangely one toned. So she comes across as bland when compared to him.


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yes that could be the case. Her only side I know is as a caring unselfish person who believes in superstition. both the romance and comedy are coming from JSH while she goes aroung either thanking somebody or moping. Well, i sense a lot of hatred in me ...or probably its jealousy because she gets the dorky jun yeol :p


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The question about character development then becomes, how much of it is the director, how much is the actor?
I think Ryu Jun-Yeol sshi is a very detailed actor compared to Hwang Jung-Eum sshi, which is why we are seeing a clash.


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I'm still thinking about what Dalnim said in this episode. Something like: "it's not easy to have to people like each other. When it happens, just go with the flow". Right? It's a simple fact. Bonui is always overthinking. It's frustrating. Haha! That kiss though--- <3 <3<3


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you guys... I think it's kinda harsh to say Bo Nui is frustrating and boring. In fact she is extremely eccentric lol, what with throwing salt everywhere, and very helpful and a caring person! She does have have feelings for Su Ho, like she is extremely aware of all the help he's given her and we saw that she does want to be with him, but as shown in the epilogue, Bo Ra and her fear of her bad luck is what's holding her back.

TBH every comment I've seen about this show, and even while reading the recaps I see everyone rooting for Su Ho and Ryu Joon Yeol and bashing Bo Nui and Hwang Jung Eum..... I mean lol everyone hates her when she's screeching and acting over the top but when shes playing anything else she's boring :/ also I'm not specifically saying this at anyone but it's something that's been irking me since the first episode.

I think we all need to sympathize with Bo Nui a bit more... I mean her parents DIED when she was 16, she had to raise herself and her sister ever since and THEM her sister gets in an accident and is in a coma. Not only is that heartbreaking enough, she's told that it's ALL her fault. That every bad thing that ever happened to her or anyone around her is because of her bad luck. Like damn....that's a lot for someone to live with.

And honestly in her situation I don't blame her at all for believing it. I've related with this drama a lot since the beginning, because I was in a similar situation (everything is good now though haha thank god) and I can first handedly say that her extreme belief and willingness to go as far as possible to help her sister is extremely believable considering everything that she's been through. And I think we forget the extremity of her loss and how it's affected her and is still affecting her because she's still smiling, she's still helping people, she's living life, but it's there and a part of her and she can't help being affected by it.

Of course it's more fun to watch Su Ho be dorky and hilarious as he falls in love and it might be frustrating to watch Bo Nui just cry or sprinkle salt everywhere or deny him, but she is funny too! She is funny and quirky and extremely compassionate. I love watching both these characters, both together and apart, but I feel like no one is giving Bo Nui is a chance because it seems since before this drama even started airing everyone had has a prejudice against HJE and her acting and it's kinda cruel to say that Bo Nui is just boring or annoying when she's not jumping right in Su Ho's arms because her sister is still in a coma and she's afraid that everything she touches dies.

(again I mean this with the utmost respect to everyone :D this is my first time commenting on DB as I've always been too intimidated before loll but I just felt like saying my thoughts about the show and characters. I respect everyone's opinion and just wanted to share my personal view of her character ^.^)


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I think you did a really good job or articulating why you think Bo Nul is an interesting character, and I hope you that continue to commit. I always think it takes a little bit of bravery to go against popular opinion.

For me, I was pleasantly surprised that Hwang Jung toned down her screeching and overacting. (She's super popular in Korea, so I guess there is an audience for that)

I think mostly it's the fault of the writers. I'm of the opinion that her character is very one sided, frustrating in her responses and hard to connect with for me and for a lot of people.

I don't mind HJ and would gladly watch her in something else again. I just think people are blown away by RJY acting, and rightly so. It's hard to be compared to him because he's just so good and elevates the script to a different level.Not only is he an excellent actor but he also has the advantage of playing such an enjoyable character. This provides an unfortunate contrast and comparison to her character making her seem deficient in comparison.


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Sorry I can't spell and autocorrect doesn't help lol. Ah...my mom says I'm good at other things.


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She's scared most of the time. And riddled with survivor's guilt.


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I love Bo Nui. I love her weird taste of clothing. I love how sometimes normal she is (by holding up herself and overthinking about everything untill people accused her bland and boring, believe it or not many people does that). And i love HJE.

But sometimes i think, people fails to relate to her merely cause people expect her to be quirky mode all the time since she's superstitious, or her short hair make her supposedly a strong woman while she's not that fierce, or since she's so pretty phisically that people can't buy her to be a geeky superstitious game programmer that holds a lot of pain.


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thank you....its like damn if you do, damn if you dont situation with HJE... we are all blinded by strong female character on few drama this year and people are expecting the same from this one....

i know her superstitious are annoying but there are people in real life like her really.... in my country there are people who obsess with shamans that they can really used to gain anything for their selfish need like killing people

bo nui rely on shamans to save her one and ONLY family members...that is not bad actually and she can have my sympathy.

and you want a genius female character and you got it, but accept it that she has flaws that every genius can have, her superstititous belief


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I want to hug her and say, "its not ur fault" thousand times. Its so sad everytime she did those supertitious thing out of guilty (for believing u bring bad luck for others) and out of fear (for hurting other). After soooo many brutally bad situation happened, and when this shaman told "its her fault", no wonder her personality becomes so frustrated. The moment realized her feeling to Suho, and she didnt recover yet. On that crying scene after pushing Suho, i cried. I can say shes really dealing with it.
Somebody, help Bonui pleaseee!! Suho, dont let her go! All she need is love.

HJE really did a great job here delivering Bonui. I love her more and more. HJE, thankyou, and fighting!!


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Her character reminds me of another one: Son Se Dong in Blade Man.


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I should watch this show soon ^^


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omg THANK YOU SO MUCH. I've been feeling so upset by the commentary here re: Bo Nui and HJE. and its like, yes RJY and Suho are great. and i get it if ppl find him the draw more than hje/bo nui but the bashing is so uncalled for and makes me uncomfortable??
Like its so exhausting and makes me not want to read comments and that sucks cuz i like hanging out and reading the comments even when i dont choose to comment. and i'm glad everything is better for u now! I have a very close friend and she had an ailing parent and she essentially dropped everything in her life (education, career, dreams etc) to go take care of him. and she was miserable but she loved her father so much that it felt like the exact right call to make.
this is EXACTLY what i think about when i see Bo Nui and unfortunately for my friend, life isnt a drama and her father eventually passed away after a few years and ofc no cute genius programmers have shown up at the door lol. (she is doing ok tho!) but the point is, while the drama is obv a drama and is dramatizing things alot, the fact is Bo Nui's core problem ie having a sick sister that she loves more than herself (and the only family member she has left to boot!) is a very very real thing and its what makes me so angry whenever i hear ppl shit talk her. like i think of my real flesh and blood friend who would ppl hate her if she didnt jump into the arms of the first guy who was nice to her while she was caring for her dad and having to do damage control after he passed away cuz she's all her mom has now??? And IRL people DID look down on her for dropping her promising future like that, just to care for a parent cuz they couldnt fathom the amnt of love and respect she had for said parent. it's not something i could ever do, but i respect that about her and i respect it and sympathize with Bo Nui for it. obv the self destructive behavior is hard to watch, i'm glad its over and it def wasntr helpful to her sister but that too sadly not that far removed from reality. You dont need to be superstitious to feel Survivors Guilt. it is a very real thing. and if Bo Nui wanted to use religion/faith/spirituality to get through this personal hell then why the eff not??? its not like most of us can say we'd do so much better in her place.
and like Bo Nui obviously wants to be happy too! and for once I'm glad the male lead was so persistent cuz she rly needs to be yanked out of her shell cuz she's so scared that she will hurt Suho somehow and or send her sister back into a coma if she doesnt think about her for 0.01 seconds. Like....i just...tbh I'm tired of all the woman/girl bashing that happens in comments on DB dramas half the time in general. its extra hard to see here tho, & i cant help but feel like the fact that it's a female character is partly ppl care so little for how SHE feels vs their "'oppa'" ugh. (ty for saying what u said Mar. )


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im also not a fan of people bashing her characters..

im also rooting for Su hO BUT a lot of commentary here ..really.. astonishing ...
its like people have no ounce of empathy on her characters...and its weird if you can see her suffering, why others dont?!!


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>> You dont need to be superstitious to feel Survivors Guilt. it is a very real thing. and if Bo Nui wanted to use religion/faith/spirituality to get through this personal hell then why the eff not??? its not like most of us can say we’d do so much better in her place <<


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first time commenting on this drama - or reading the comments section for the matter of fact..

just feel like i should join you girls in sharing some bo nui love!

i love HJE, and i like her portrayal of bo nui as a grounded and relatable character.. not your typical suffering-in-silence Candy who is waiting for her prince charming to save her, nor a too-good-to-be-true heroine that you will never find outside of kdramas. she cares for the sister, her friends (i mean normal people do as much right?), and obviously su ho.. it's more frustrating to me that people assume she should just respond to the affections of su ho just because he likes her???? what's the logic?! can't the girl choose for herself?! well, in the storytelling sense, it's because of her rejection that su ho gets to play all macho and appeal to all the romanticizing hearts of ladies watching the show.. >.>

i personally think that THE reason why this show is so charming, is not just because of the hilariously cute su ho (love love love him!), but is rather how they (the 2 leads) brought different levels of energy to the show. su ho is in charge of being eccentric and funny, while bo nui takes care of the touching parts. I don't know about others, but when HJE cries, my heart just aches for her. that's good enough for me.


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thank you so much for standing for HJE...actually I am kinda annoyed since first episode about the comments on HJE,it seems a one way traffic ,when you read comments on RJY it is more of SuHo is a great actor...he nailed it...he is so charming blah blah blah...but when you read HJE's ,shes a fashion terrorist...she is bland...she is boring...etc etc.The worst that I have seen is "I am just watching this for RJY" What the heck...we are all watching this for our biases...If all HJE fans watching the show will say "we are only watching this for HJE" do you think other actors' fans will love it? This is a collaborative effort of all the people involved in this production, this drama wouldn't even grace our tv screen if it is only made for RJY...im sorry for RJY fans (im not generalizing them) there are just few who lost their common sense and need to review their ethics.I know that HJE is someone they don't like (I don't know why , coz I think this actress is doing all her effort to relive her character Bo nui, to the point that she has all these bruises and injuries caught during the first episodes) which I saw during the presscon.

My point here is let us all support our biases without giving hurtful comments to others coz we are all on the same boat.^-^


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+1000 , how horrible and disrespectful to other actress/actor and their fans that comment was "I only watch this for RJY", errr seriously guys your beloved bias drama wont exist if there's only 1 actor, it's a team work. If you watch RJY V-interview, you'd know even RJY himself said he memorized his lines well because the other actors/actresses helped him to do that, if they're hesitate delivering their lines he won't remember his lines either. If you found Bo nui character boring, I may say wow how insensitive one person can be, just wondering if you had that kind of fate like Bo nui's, would you still say the same?


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I rarely see anyone bashing hje here. Most of us critique over her character. Just because you understand her actions doesn't means that others are.
For example looking a tiger on the street to sleep with. And prefer being video in a porn movie rather than to be safe by suho.
That's why most people here stay for suho character. What is wrong with that? It's not HJE. It's the character.


I'm very biased, I love RJY but I also adore HJE and I watched almost all of her drama - yes even FH2 - so I'm sad too with “I only watch this for RJY” but everyone is free to watch this drama for his reason and to comment and share his love for one, two or more characters and we are all fans so we are all biased so let's not lost focus: the problem is not RJY or his fans, the problem is the hate for HJE and for BN. Because it's true that if there are 50 comments that are love declaration to RJY and SH but it's also true that there are 50 comments that are offending comments for HJE and BN.
With your comment and all the similar comments I think you only offended a lot of RJY fans saying that it's horrible and disrespectful to watch a drama because they like one actor just like you think RJY fans offended HJE fans. You can't defend one attacking the other it will only make the situation worse.
My point is that from the very start people didn't connect with BN and called her stupid ( more than once) and dismissed her superstition as something impossible to believe in. Well, sadly the world is full of people, even smart people, that waste time, money and even more believing in charlatans. And it's easy to label BN as stupid without trying to understand that she lost her parents at 16, she cared for her baby sister all alone since then and for the last 2 years she was in a limbo waiting for a miracle that the doctors said it was impossible to get. I wonder why it's so difficult to see how sad, hurt and confused BN was in the last 2 years.
And there is also a lot of negativity about HJE too. At first the problem was that she is playing the same character one more time in LR, but luckly I think now there are only few of that comments because it's clear that she is trying her best to act like BN and BN is not the usual cheerful character she played before.
So most of the comments now are about her dresses.
Ok, she as BN is dressed terrible no one can deny that but she is not the only female lead in a kdrama that wear horrible outfit, not the first and not the last one for sure. So it's boring to read always the same comments. I wonder if some people watch the drama just so they can comment about her dresses.
Anyway that's just my opinion, free to disagree but I really hope you can defend HJE without blaming RJY or his fans since both of them are great and like you said LR is a lovely drama not just because of one actor or one actress, it's a team work


While some of HJE's dresses/denims leave a lot to be desired, I love all her accessories. The bags, earrings, jewelry are so cute. In some of the earlier episode, she wore some really nice dresses like the pink dress with yellow bag for her tiger hunting date. Obviously, the stylist can dress her up better but they chose the oversized and bulky dresses to fit in with her BN character. BN has been thru a lot to the point where she probably just wants to put on a mask to hide from the world as portrayed by her choice of clothing. Hopefully, we see her taking off her mask (wear better fitting clothes) in upcoming episodes.

Can we pls stop the fan wars? Both BN and Suho are essential to the story. HJE and RJY are amazing actors and their chemistry shines thru here.


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I'm sorry to jump in here late, but better late than never.

Reminder, everyone, to stay civil. It is fine to criticize character, it is fine to dislike actors, but you must be civil with your words. You cannot attack each other or insult other commenters or accuse entire swathes of people, which instigates hostility.


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YES x1000

I think we just don't get enough of Bonui's self thought like one in the epilogue. That girl indeed loves Suho, you can see it even from first episodes, just like how Suho grows his feelings. It's just that we are shown almost only from Suho's perspectives. Now with that epilogue, that could be said actually Bonui was all squealing every time she thinks about him.

Her superstitious character is the main topic in the story. She's super smart but with bad luck. Imagine if she's very optimistic and know that it's all not her fault from the beginning. She would've gone everywhere and not saving Suho at all.

Seriously though, she needs some logic to built herself together, and he needs some faith to do at least... living.


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THIS. I can relate to Bonui's character. I feel like I have a bad luck charm to those people close to me. There's a lot of unfortunate incidents that happen when they're with me. My mom thinks its probably because of my birth mark. So whenever such incident happen I used to think it was because of me. But like Bonui I always try to look at the brighter side of people and very appreciative of the good things thats happening.


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I'm telling you right now I have never commented before EVER! And I read some pretty cruel or Really funny stuff that was worth commenting but still I never did. But you are now my reason for doing so cause I seriously agree so much. When I watch this on viki some of the commenters really bash her and I'm like yall don't understand this character at all.


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I agree with you. I love both Bonui and Suho and how it"s being played by HJE and RJY respectively.


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I thank you so very much for your comment. I always wanted to say it but didnt know how to put it into words. You said it exactly how I thought it and I appreciate that. I also like HJE and Bo Nui. I honestly dont see why people have such strong opinions towards her as an actress. But yes we all differ in opinion. I agree that we have to give her credit as an actress and as a character. Again, thank you for your comment. Ill be supporting you in your future comments then on :) you should def comment again!


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Ahhhh thank you guys so much for all the support!! I've actually been coming back to the comment section everyday to read the responses (I'm honestly so surprised people responded at all) and I'm glad that I was able to properly explain why I like Bo Nui so much and that so many others feel the same way :')

I don't know if everyone who replied will see this (I hope so) but thank you guys so much. Every comment, opinion, and word of support was amazing to read and kept me smiling all day. I relate personally with Bo Nui and her situation and from the first episode I knew this drama and character was going to be dear to my heart, so I just wanted to speak up and explain why I felt she deserved a deeper look at her character beyond her crazy superstitious actions.

I hope I was respectful when I first shared my opinion and that I am still being respectful now. I'm glad that others who agreed with me were also able to speak up in support for the character and also express why they love her so much. Sharing an unpopular opinion is scary #.# but I'm glad I did because so many others feel the same way! It's not an unpopular opinion anymore yayy lol. :D


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Thank you thank you thank you! You said exactly what I'm thinking. Since the start of this drama too many people here have been criticizing Bo Nui and HJE for no real reasons. Do people gather here to trash Bo Nui? She boring? She's doesn't make sense? She's stupid to believe in superstitions? Well, the show explained in details why and how she became this superstitious. Her belief in superstition impacts negatively her daily life and her reasoning (I'm waiting for the show to address the fact that she needs to consult a psychologist, love can't heal everything). Let's be honest, who wouldn't have been like her? Except for this flaw, I can't see what's so detestable in the character. It seems people are so enamored with Su Ho and Ryu Joon Yeol they can't accept his co-star...The bias is strong. They trash Bo Nui but they don't have anything to say on Su Ho's 360° personality change in the span of 2 episodes. Of course every person in love changes, from a cold and analytic person to a lovesick childish boy...Right.


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well said. I think she's doing an amazing job in this drama. She does pick similar characters which is probably why people are annoyed with her but she definitely can act and has amazing chemistry with her male leads which is more than I can say about a lot of female leads


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I have te exact same view as you...I just started reading the recaps today, to compare them to my view of the show, and the constant attack on her in the comments is exceedingly strange. People are being really excessive


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I don't find this drama slow paced and I' don't find BN frustrating.
It's only tenth episode and they've kissed two times already - once it was kind of vomiting kiss and the second time is now. We have still 6 episodes to go and I find all dramas slow paced after the actual kiss and it's all about the happy ending afterwards with steering some salt into the sweet coffee in the last four episodes. I hope it wonn't be this case. So far so good.
Bon nui is not flat and we see that she is showing her affection, even the coworkers thought about them dating together. When she came back with Gary and she immediatly was thinking that that's SH waiting for her, she fixed her hair in the front seat mirror and was kind of surprised and disappointed that it was a reporter. She got all excited about two men fighting over her and after Dal Nim told her that she should let her self to be loved she went on a bus to SH's place with such a peace in her face but then she saw Amy with SH. She heard that Amy WAS everything to him so she was watching his reactions the next day if he's not playing it on both sides. She took lots of courage to confess openly - going to somebody's home in the night fall but she came in the wrong moment. She started to doubt herself about everything again. There's so many things going on and she's so brave to face it in the way like everybody'll do in the same situation. Fighting!


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I totally agree! People are being overly critical. For me BN is how any normal person reacts when they are put through such situations. It would be so out of her character-sketch, if she were to just accept Su-ho's heart without any thought and scepticism.. She's definitely shaken and wants to bask in his swoon-worthy presence, but she's just a scared little girl, whose been loosing all the people she has ever loved.
I would love to see her overcome her worries and take in all the love SH's showering on her ♥
Hwaiting BN!

P.S: That kiss though ♡♡♡


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It's so beautiful (especially in the last episode) watching them opening up to each other, understanding more about one another, and making all that effort. And boom that's what made Suho brave enough to just tell her upfront that he likes her.

I have to say I rewatched that emoticon scene with Ryangha so many friggin times I busted a gut XD that was my fave.

Oh Bonnui, stop torturing our poor, thawing robot boy so keke that lovestruck grin we're soooo not tired of


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And his almost-whimpering little boy look sitting on the floor after he fell? His almost-going-to-cry voice saying "I told you I could do it myself..." pfffffft LOL aigooo i just about died


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That emoticon scene brought in tons of laughter. It was priceless, watching Su-ho justifying the turban-wearing-smiling-man emoticon. Major LOL.


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Did you notice SH's expression ? He is so freaking proud that he managed to send emoticons!!! ... and the ones he sent *lol* ...

I have watched that scene 5 times and i laugh every time. Not smile but loud laugh

Best scene of the episode


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Lollypip, you're on a roll..or drama high! Thank you for this amazing recap!


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I SWEAR. Je Su Ho is the cutest male lead ever. Swoon swoon swoon, squeal squeal squeal all the way to his first onscreen kiss. OMG


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Yes he is !! ❤
Ryu Jun Yeol is so full of charms i just can't with his nonending cuteness in this drama, he is about to kill the viewers with the way he acts and the way he delivers his lines !

shim bonui...........let's go home ❤
Is this how you do it ? ........after kissing bonui ❤

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! ❤❤❤


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When he kissed her and the tear falls down, it was captured perfectly...i love it.


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saw a bts pic of the kiss scene and bo nui had her arm on suho's waist!! so i think it's safe to say that we'll see some reciprocation on her part in ep 11.
these two are crazy adorable. they are hard carrying the drama rn i could care less about anyone else besides them (and ryang ha/dal nim). the secondary leads and the unnecessary parent drama make me yawn.

haha speaking of dal nim SHE WAS SO CUTE when she was in suho's office trying to act all chic. ryu jun yeol talked about lee cho hee during his v live broadcast this week and mentioned how they couldn't stop laughing when they were filming the scene ahaha.


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I SAW IT and the kiss became 1000% better.

I want to post the link but are we allowed to post BTS links? Or are they considered spoilers?

Okay, lemme try: https://www.instagram.com/p/BHBbZ1XDNMI/


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AHHH thank you so much!! :D It does look a 1000% better. Oh and by the way your name gives me full metal alchemist feels if you know what I'm talking about.


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Yes! Glad you caught that. It was supposed to be Mrs. Edward Elric or Mrs. Elric but elric sounds better hehehe


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Link spoilers are okay. :D Beanies can choose whether to click on it or not.


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Patiently waits for another Cali recap...


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Je Su-ho's question in between the kiss - "is this what I'm supposed to do?" - omg i just died. The way he voiced it, almost like a whisper. kyaaa ~


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He is such a cutie patootie ... he is asking for instructions in the middle of the kissing! .. so *#@%ing adorable


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Lucky Romance's epilogues are gold! And seriously, Suho is the poster boy for any person who is sick with love. I need to make that photo of him with that big goofy smile as my wallpaper.


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This episode is AWESOME!! Love it so much❤❤❤☺☺☺
Writer-nim, PD-nim!! Can you please give us Soohu-Boni scenes AS MUCH possible AS you can?! I love the leads and their characters. Soohu is so adorable and sweet. It has been a long time since I see an endearing Kdrama hero.


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true that! i hate jerky male leads *everything LMH*. RJY takes adorable to a whole new level. so endearing! i wish to see him in more and more dramas..possibly in a thriller or melo..i am sure given his talent, RJY can pull off any role brilliantly. i would've not just liked but looved this drama if there were a different female lead possibly PBY or HG...may be i in future we will see a more fitting leading lady.


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It's a matter of taste, for me HJE was perfect as Bo nui, she nailed it.


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Yes that's totally up to your taste! There could be several reasons why I cant see HJE as the perfect Bo Nui and her wardrobe has nothing to do with it.
a) the character has been written so scantily. I mean all we know about her is that she's had an extremely sad, struggling and regretful life leading to all sorts of superstitions. She's no doubt a strong woman but she's also supposed to be a fun quirky character given the genre. So whenever I see her caught in a situation which is supposed to be funny, i just feel oh no lord dont give this woman any more troubles.
b) HJE makes it all the more sad with her crying expertise. She was earlier over the top yelling and now over the top thankful. etc etc
but then I'm happy you like the pairing and are enjoying the drama.


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Are u ready to see your future fitting lady wearing those denims and weird clothes?
Its a matter of taste, ofcourse. But i only can named HJE since this drama was only a topic. Even when i didnt know that she'd be so into this kind of fashion.


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I had been praying to the drama gods that Amy would turn out to be a typical k-drama second lead beoch... sigh I guess we have another manipulative shrew on our hands.

*On a side note Ryang-ha and Dal-nim need to start dating and stop denying their sizzling chemistry.


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~ I meant to to say wouldn't, I wish she wouldn't turn out to be a typical k-drama second lead beoch...


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They wasted her talent:((


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She is totally wasted here. I really liked her in flower boy ramyun shop ...


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I feel so mushy and gooey at the kiss scene.The way he tenderly held her head with his beautiful hands AHHHH. Is this Ryu Jun Yeol's first on screen kiss.


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It is lol. He Nailed it right? It's soft and tender as supposed to be forced kiss. I can mention other forced kiss in the drama that turn me off ...but this one ... thanks to the actors it's different


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It was paced very well for a surprise kiss. That he pulled back, left that opening for uncertainty (and for her to book it) before going in for a longer kiss sold it.

That and you can totally believe him pausing mid-kiss to try to verify he's doing the right thing. Man, Bo Nui's initial interpretation of "night with a tiger" would have been bizarre if this is his MO with new experiences.


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Thank you for the recap, @Lollypip!

Awesome episode again!

Am I the only who understands Bo-nui's reluctance?

It's not been long since she has gotten Bora back, and while seeing her face did probably eliminate some of her fears/superstitions regarding her and her loved ones, I can see her thinking that she doesn't want to jinx either Bora's health by being "distracted" over a guy and/or "damage" that guy too.

I loved how clear she was in answering Gary, though. And it was particularly noticeable when she was on the fence regarding Su-ho.

Ryang-ha : Dal-nim ship continues on it's merry way, though I hope Dal-nim won't be too heartbroken in the end.

Also, by god, that end scene, "Am I doing this right?" yes, yes, you are Je Su-ho aka Ryu Jun-yeol and may a tiger strike me down if I object to it.


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Am I the only who understands Bo-nui’s reluctance?

I don't think anyone here does not understand it . but the problem is that the whole character is so .... boring. The writing seems to be all over the place and the victim seems to be BN. So as viewers we may understand her but it makes her no less frustrating to watch


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Aah, sorry, I should have worded it better.

I meant exactly that actually- I don't find her frustrating at all. I do find her extremely interesting in that she is in a profession where logic rules more than faith/superstition and yet she sometimes shows blind faith in stuff out of desperation, and also, is supposedly good at her job too.

I want to see her journey as she moves from blind superstition into a simple faith that good things will happen to her and she can accept and move on from the bad things that happen to her having her loved ones by her side.

She has fended for herself and her sister since she was 16, which if she is 32 now, makes it 16 years. Especially if she has been believing that her parents' deaths was caused due to her. She would be feeling guilty for her parents, who died young, and for her sister too, for taking her parents away from her. And then, suddenly her sister gets into a car accident, for which Bo-nui blames herself.

That being said, I don't absolve her of the extremes she went to in the beginning episodes. She was extremely foolish sometimes and I was glad that Soo-ho reigned her in.

I think her character growth will be a slow burn - and I hope the show/writing does that.


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Thank you for the detailed reply. I get now what you were trying to say.

On paper i think i understand BN - for all the reasons you listed. But on screen its not translating well. Its great that you are getting her character which means that the show becomes automatically a better viewing for you.

Of course every body reacts differently to Art. But just from this comment section i think largely the writing has failed to convey her character properly. Which makes us all frustrated with her. Which probably must be tiring to read over and over again for people who are liking her :)


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Thank you for understanding, XD
Agree about the writing. Also, recently, we have had so many dramas where

1. The writing and the plot have been excellent and airtight- this is where LR needs to buckle up/

2. As someone pointed out in the comments above, strong female characters (alpha females? Is that the right word?) in the professional world. Miss Temper and Nam Jung-ki set the bar high for me with Lee Yo-won's marvelous Ok Da-jung. On another side, we had Kim Hye soo in Signal and so on.

So I understand the frustration one might have with one such as Bo-nui. Let's hope her character becomes better for the show and the viewers, so we can enjoy both Su-ho and Bo-nui falling in love!


One up for this comment. You couldn't have said it better. We all understand that Bonui has reasons for being the way she is and that she is just being selfless for the people she loves. There are two guys who have fallen hard for her (one being her lucky tiger) but she pushes them away for her own reasons. I just feel like writers/s are dragging this on too much. BN's character is not highlighted well scriptwise, i guess. But i feel her. I just want to see and feel more sides of her. ^.^


exactly, but that makes her sound plenty Strong to me? strong female character shouldnt just mean someone who can be a badass cop or an assertive high powered business lady (and i LOVED ms temper). sometimes just persevering through extreme hardship is worthy of commending too. (and i'd get if she was just a bland candy type of heroine, but she's not so why not give her the props?) Also let's not forget she is in fact very gifted at her job, its just a shame we havent rly gotten to the chance to see that again since the first 2 eps. but i have hope we'll get to within the remaining six eps/hours.


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I think she is pretty strong to be able to defend herself until now but the writer/pd need to show that more to give viewer a seeing experience of the broken little girl, cause I think narration is not enough for a lot of people


well she's not boring to me at all so, sounds like its just your opinion and a handful of others. and if y'all cared how she felt, you wouldnt be talking about how boring she is cuz idk what's boring about crushing despair, loneliness, or extreme superstition (to say nothing of those eye catching outfits lol). you might not CARE but there's nothing on paper that makes her chara sound boring. and HJE is doing fine bringing her to life. she's not had as much chance to get silly/goofy (not that ppl wont complain about HJE when she does get to play it more loose, like in KMHM) but that doesnt automatically make her boring. what's boring to me is gary, amy and the whole birth secret nonsense. cardboard cutouts and cliche plotlines. but the leads are saving the day and contrary to what some of the rest of you think. RJY could never have been able to carry the weight of mediocre plot threads all on his own, if he had indeed been saddled with a sub par leading actress. HJE is def pulling her weight and i fail to understand how y'all are not seeing that. (my only wish right now for her character is that we get to see her kick ass at programming again!)


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and if y’all cared how she felt, you wouldnt be talking about how boring she is cuz idk what’s boring about crushing despair, loneliness, or extreme superstition

You do realise that BN is not a real person ... don't you ?
And again, its a show, it is about creativity, everyone will not have the same opinion. it is not maths that everyone will end with the same answer. Everyone is free to like/dislike the character and an actor's interpretation of it. And everyone is free to voice it


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Wow! Your maturity is astounding … So anyone who does not adhere to your opinion of a fictional show about a fictional character must be a “hater” with a boring life.

I'll answer your question the Bo nui way "Yes"


Yes ofcourse we do realize Bo nui is not a real person. But aren't we supposed to act like human? No matter if this only a drama, you'd been given enough of her background, shouldn't we emphatize with her situation like a normal human being rather than simply just call her boring after what she had been through? Since its genre is not a melodrama the writer/PD won't have enough episodes to make like 5 childhood episodes to give her more background like melodrama genre used to had. If you may recall, even dramabeans complaints before for that first 3 flashbacks background episodes LR had since they think it's too long. So I think LR already did a great job for giving a depth in BN character rather than her character portrayed on the webtoon.


thanks for letting me know that bo nui is not real, i would have never realized it otherwise~
i explained up thread (its ok if u didnt see it) that i do see alot of a real person in her. and tbh so do others! so when you say "oh i can see why she's like this and i get it" well you're saying one of two things. either A) u really dont get it, and that's why u fail to connect with her or a less charitable interpretation would B) that you do see what she's about and you just flat out dont care or want to. (also there is a diff between indifference and active dislike. so far it seems like you and quite a few others are more the latter than the former)
So, yes she IS fictional so u are free to not care and openly speak about it. but then so are others open to share THEIR opinions on that matter. by disagreeing openly or emphatically with what you said. plot critique is fair and in this case totally understandable, but for me its not hard to see alot of the plot critique as ultimately a veiled attempt to take yet more pot shots at HJE and or the character of BN, esp when bashing female characters and actresses is just par for the course not just here but in alot of online spaces. So yes again BN isnt real, but real people watch this show and have real feelings about it and real people had real experiences similar to BN so yeah they might care a little bit. u dont have to change your mind about BN or the drama. but people are gonna say their piece no matter what. and people getting worked up over fictional characters is exactly what an engaging story is all about. u end up caring for people that u dont know and dont actually exist. its quite a normal reaction! (and your rather condescending tone in your reply was not needed btw.)


I wasn't trying to be condescending but can please read what you and tya have written

- if y’all cared how she felt, you wouldnt be talking about how boring she is cuz idk what’s boring about crushing despair

-we do realize Bo nui is not a real person. But aren’t we supposed to act like human

- shouldn’t we emphatize with her situation like a normal human being rather than simply just call her boring after what she had been through

She is fictional. Why should i empathise with someone that does not exist when the writing is not giving me any scope to feel for BN. If it is working for you, thats great. Like i said before this means your viewing experience automatically becomes richer than mine. But for many of us it is not the case. So Why are we being personally attacked for not liking something?

Its wonderful that you realise that not everyone's opinion have to match and you have the freedom to disagree and voice your opinion.

Please extend the rest of us the same courtesy too instead of making allegations that it is some "veiled attempt to take yet more pot shots at HJE"


THIS 10 times!!


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This is my first drama with ryu jun yeol in it - wow, am I a fan! Is he always this much of a goofball or is just this particular character. He is comic gold in this!


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It's just the character. He's a good actor with capital G. Every character of him, he Nailed it. You should watch his other work like Social phobia or Glory Days ( movie) or Reply 88 where you can re fall in love again to another character he portrayed...kim junghwan.


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Oh no u didn't! XD that's... kind of a spoiler, but yeah

Please @DramaMama, I don't know which projects you have watched, but you can watch him in this kind of timeline:
1. Reply 1988 (enjoy 40hrs of Ryu Junyeol being highschooler)
2. Youth over Flowers in Africa (you gotta watch this after R88 because ..spoiler everywhere.., and he adds his own attractiveness to 1000+ in real life)
3. Socialphobia (a movie, a turn off, but seeing him like that doesn't do harm, and just adds some color)

or you can just do a Ryu-a-thon with anything :D he's addictive.


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Ryu Jun Yeol can do no wrong in my book.

Dalnim and Ryang Ha. Kiss please


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Hey there
Welcome to the club.
The man is gold. This character is complete opposite to his previous character in Answer me 1988 in which he is brooding, sullen, fiercely protective and immensely lovable. The lovable part is constant.


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Let their be one episode of alternate reality where Dal nim and Su-ho "TRY" to flirt with each other. They are both utterly clueless, adorable and dorks of the highest order.


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The exact word : clueless, that's what makes their interaction so funny. I love Dal nim..


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Who doesn't love Dal nim ? :)

They are like crossed wires. He says something but she understands something else completely. She says something but he is thinking in another direction altogether.

They would have made an amazing rom com couple who sabotage their own love story with their clutzyiness. No external obstacles necessary!

.. i don't want to see her heart broken .. I hope her love story with RH starts before she finds out above SH & BN


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Oh! We just need a special episode (or maybe a drama) just for Dal-nim!

and yes, I hope Ryangha wins her all over first... or it just happen like other dramas when she got heartbroken first then Ryangha comes to the rescue (Nooo, we don't want heartbroken Dalnimㅠㅠㅠㅠ)

And lol, she literally said she doesn't want to meet him anymore, but when his tip works, the first thing she did was rushing to him with that adorable/lose-her-mind giggling face.


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Oohhh sign me up for this idea...Now I want it! That would be priceless. XD


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If there anything Jun Yeol does better than romance, it's bromance!



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But in YOF I prefer Junyeol - jaehong bonding. They take care each other and quite balance because they knew each other longer.
Don't forget the longest bromance Rjy - Lee donghwi. Donghwi even wear the ring that abandoned by Dukseon during taxi variety show.
And the newest one..RJY- Lee soohyuk. Soohyuk suddenly became happy cheerful and joking around because he met Junyeol (even his fans confirm it )


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ah yes, Ryu Junyeol - Lee Donghwi! Lee Donghwi kissed him on the cheek when he won best new actor at Baeksang Award.


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Awww you reminded me how when Yeolie was dead tired...Jaehongie wiped his feet. Bromance goals! Oh and we can't forget Yohanie. The man was mentioned in his winning speech for good reason. <3 Jun Yeol just has a lot of bros and he cares, respects, loves, and supports them. Fortunately vice versa. Though if we are talking about YOF...it's very telling how when they did their reunion special, they all were waiting and asking for when Yeolie would arrive. He's the mood/atmosphere/makes anyone comfortable maker. Made any awkwardness disappear as soon as he appeared. He has that natural, genuine ability. :)


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I still think the writing is all over the place (what even is the plot anymore...) but I'm still hanging on for Su Ho, Ryang-Ha and Dal-Nim, my sources of happiness and joy. I would totally watch another drama with just these three being idiots. Also, why is Dal-Nim so cute? Why do I love her more than I should? ...I feel bad for thinking her and SuHo would be soooo adorable together... the nerd in me really wishes that this nerd-mance could happen but, alas :( .

Anyways, as much as I hate hate hate forced kisses... that kiss was kind of cute. I usually don't feel anything for K-drama "fish-eye" kisses but my heart skipped a beat with this one, hehe.


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I've removed any thought of plot and just watch for RJY.


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Truer words were never spoken


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I agree with you on the plot. It's not properly developed or executed. But the drama does make me happy and warm because of all the characters and the funny moments they have (especially Suho's), and right now that is enough for me.


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I can't stand both 2nd leads. And barely tolerate BN. Plot. What plot?

I am staying till the end for SH. RSY is gold. I've never seen a guy be so adorkable in love. Ever.

In fact, can I ask @YY or @Jomo to watch this jus so they can write an ode about his smile? Or rather his legs. Gosh... his bare legs are distracting. Tanned, toned and fit. What the heck are the other Kdrama male leads wearing that I've never noticed their legs till RSY and his limbs came on screen? I never ever gush over a guys legs ever in any of my posts.


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I had some mixed reactions to the kiss. I liked that he kissed her and I liked how her tear dropped perfectly as he swooped in to kiss her. Like all forced kisses, it certainly looked like he was doing all the work. It's particularly noticeable when he's being SO passionate, it makes it look like he's passionately kissing a manakin.

But if she hadn't had to play the manakin, that kiss would have been hot.

I'm weary with the motivations and one note character of BN. I understand it (sort of) but that doesn't make it less boring. Writers please.... Please make her more interesting.


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I hope she'll reciprocate his kiss the next episode though I'm wary since HJE also let PSJ do most of the work in their supposedly hot kiss in She Was Pretty (seriously...kissers like him need to stay on cable lol) and haven't seen her doing a passionate kiss yet (but I've only seen her in KMHL and SWP).


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Then you should watch Secret. The kisses there were sizzling hot. She definitely can kiss when the director allows.


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And her kiss even hotter on the BTS of secret XD.
Hoping the same thing, I hope she reacts more in the beginning of ep 11 kiss ( if they would show us the complete version of the kiss though)


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Episode after episode, this drama gets better. I got sad that the ratings dropped in ep 10 when Joon Ryo is acting so good. I have to say Korean viewers are not being supportive. They simply go for Makjang!!

One of my kdrama shipping wish is for Joon Ryol and Hyeri to reunion in a drama in future. Reply 1988 ending was so bad and I still havent moved on from it


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Oh no. I'm not quite sure about your idea of RJY-Hyeri reunion. That 88's ending is so bad for me and I don't think I can't stand Hyeri's acting.


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They sure are scary! Now I am afraid for his next leading lady! If they're treating Hyeri and HJE like this then there is a big possibility that they will do the same if they are not satisfied with the actress! I love RJY but some of his fans is really arrogant and think the drama is all about RJY!


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wait really? i mean i dont think DB is indicative of how korean viewers/fans act. but do u mean like on korean websites and stuff? that's such a shame if that's true! i was gonna say in KMHM (i never got around to watching SWP) i do remember ppl (on DB) not being esp charitable to her in the comments there either but idr it being as annoying to me then as it is now. so either its worse here or the subject matter is more sensitive or i'm getting crankier in my old age haha.


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Lol yo should check a lot of the thread again then. Psh and siwon fans also complained about how load hje in swp back then. In DB, in soompi too. Just because you want to put down RJY fans doesn't mean you have to forget to check the fact before saying a fact.


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funny how her male leads love working with her but a lot of knetizens and DB commenters don't like her. I personally adore her and I've watched almost every show/movie she's been in. Sure some were epic fails in my book but there were a lot more that left me still liking her a lot and I can see how her charm has captured the hearts of her male actors too. They all want to work with her again. She is really cheeky and unique unlike a lot of korean females


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One more thing Anne.
I think that what happened in R88 sites should remain in R88 sites but since you don't want it let me tell you something.
Do you know what's really scary?
That people after almost 5 months are still watching R88 just to badmouth RJY and KJH.
Before you write that we, and I say we because even if I not active on R88 sites I'm RJY fan, are scary I hope you can go and open just on page of the other team thread on soompi.
Just because RJY fans are calm and bigger people doesn't mean that we like it.
Or you can open twitter or IG and see how many people tag RJY just to annoy his fans.
Or you can google RJY name to see the rumors they spread.
But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter because even if some people keep sharing hate RJY is a good actor that will do great things no matter what.
I understand that 7 movies in a year can make people jealous.

And for the people that didn't watch R88 can you please ignore the trolls?
If you open any article about RJY you will see with your eyes that there are a few of "neutral" fans in every article that leave the same comments about how RJY fans are scary.
I even see non neutral fans that shared "neutral" fans posts like some kind of trophy.

Just my opinion but after 5 months I don't trust "neutral" fans anymore


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@Hyesun,I have been to KMHM and She Was Pretty threads and the Mimideul and Pretties are all respectful and peace loving fans ,that is why Ilove to goback at soompi, and I think Lucky Romance thread at soompi are also peace loving, there is no tension in those places and they support all the actors. I don't know what you are talking about. Siwon and PSJ fans love HJE more than those who do not. Her and Siwon next drama is actually highly anticipated , once he return to the army. Her character doesn't receive as much hate as now.


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Bogum wasn't talked about but you still try to bring bogum. These kids. What has he done to you? You guys are acting like victims. I read below and someone said PBG soompi thread is full of hate for Rjy, why you lying though? Have you visited the thread? I have never seen lovely fans as I have in that thread unless you really find it difficult to differentiate between actors thread and Shippers thread. Stop trying to stain Bogum fans just because of some.
I have been following this show and I have seen comments Luke "I find bonui boring". "I'm here for RJY". Blablabla..What? Will you tag people who say that as rjy fans? What if they ain't even fans of any of the actors but just watch the show and criticise it? Are the critics officially all Bogum fans? I mean, what is wrong with you people?
Every fandom has bad eggs. Even you fandom does. There are RJY-PBG fans that get along but all you guy's do(those below too),is bring Innocent bogum's name down here.

If some of you can't let the hatred of R'88 go, I feel so sorry for you(this advice also applies to some immature bogum fans). Whatever happened in R'88 stays in R'88. The actors have all moved on with new projects, I suggest you all do the same.
The blame game and playing the victim card(on both fandoms) needs to stop.


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can we stop dragging people that are not related to this drama?
stop dragging siwon,,stop dragging bogum, JUST STOP!!!

The issues here is people dragging bo nui character acting like she is the worst female lead in universe when she is not...period!!!

dont drag REPLY SERIES character which is not related at all to the drama!!


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Wait, why are you dragging Park Bogum into this? PBG thread never had any hate for Ryu Joonyeol. It's the TaekSun ship that analyzed Junghwan's character and deemed him as frustrating and flawed. No one ever bashed Ryu Joonyeol the actor!


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Every fandom has bad eggs, including yours. I have personally never come across such fans you described anywhere, so stop generalizing all Bogum fans.


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Say wut? I think you're the one who can't wait for august so you can do the same as these peeps who "pretend to be HJE fans". Your credible and super complex comments eveRYUwhere tRYUly inspires me.
#CerbeRYUs squad FTW


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this comment didn't even mention what is mention in Lucky Romance, just the actor s/he care that happens to act in LR


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Girl, I'm a fan of RJY and you have just insulted me (and surely many other fans of his) for what saying things that I don't even do. See my other comment in this comment section, I like Bonui and how HJE portrays her. What in earth is wrong with saying "the ending is bad for me"? When we watch dramas, we are free to give reviews of the dramas. And yes personally for me as team junghwan obviously Reply88 would be one of the best drama ever if junghwan ended up as the husband (is that even a secret?), but that drama is over now and again everyone is free to have a say about any drama and any actor they watch. I have moved on without you even need to tell me. And I adore hyeri, I started watching R88 because of her tbh. In the future when RJY acts with another female actresses, I'm sure I won't attack the actresses like your stigmatization of "Junghwan fans" (btw this is weird enough. Junghwan fans? Perhaps you mean team junghwan? Because junghwan is not an actor or celeb). You do realize the not all people who watch this drama come from Reply 88, don't you? There are also HJE fans, LSH fans, LCA fans, perhaps Junsu's fans because his OST is really good, and even people who don't even know RJY before. Why are you so offensive with all this exclamation marks and calling people out as fanatics and spoiled brats in a drama recap where RJY is the main lead? He plays Junghwan, in case you don't know. Learn some respect, please. Also please re-read Anneflln's comment. Where did she even attacked HJE? Omg. Do not generalize.

FYI it's Jung-hwan, not Jung-whan.


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Idk why but I feel like I need to rephrase. He played junghwan in reply88 obviously, not in LR.


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As for the kiss, I think OHY has ruined me. I just can't watch these non responsive, lips tightly shut kisses any more ... i just roll my eyes . And it is not the actors fault.

Seriously, why do the Big 3 broadcasters have such an allergic reaction to showing a little passion ?

But at least they managed to make it unique with 'Is this what I’m supposed to do' ... that was so, so achingly sweet


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There are good kissing scenes in public broadcast. I Remember You, You From Another Star, Kill Me Heal Me, and Princess Hours (super hot kiss btw) comes to mind. I think there are others but I have a short list of dramas.

I'm kinda disappointed with the kiss only because I know Hwang Jung-eum could do better But given the situation, it's kinda expected that she'll be still. However, I wanted her to kiss him back after he said Is this what I’m supposed to do?, and her hands where just at her sides. That was frustrating. There is still a chance the she might kiss him back in the next episode though. So here's to hoping to more passionate kisses in this drama.


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Do you think she wasn't doing much because she is now married? I wasn't even sure she would have an actual kiss scene because is it allowed for married actresses? So yeah, he probably had to do all the work because she has "limitations"? At least I am glad she is still acting! And I don't mind seeing him doing all the work in the kiss! Beautifully done!


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The leads fom KMHM and My love from the star were married. I blame the PD or the writer.


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Sorry. I think I wasn't able to explain myself properly. I know Hwang Jung-eum has good kissing scenes and being married will not limit her acting abilities. That's why I said that there's a chance of having a good kiss scene in this drama.

The situation I was speaking was Bo-nui being caught off guard by the kiss. I would totally be shocked and stand still of the guy I
like suddenly kisses me.


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married actresses even do bed scenes and other more intense shiz in movies so idt that was the issue. it just depends on the directing and w.e the standards and practices are for that channel (at the time the drama airs). i normally hate a kiss like that but it was set up correctly, so it made sense that both parties acted how they did and so long as not every kiss they have looks like that i'll be fine. i love me an OHY kiss but it woulda not worked here at all imo. Suho is too innocent and inexperienced and Bo Nui is too scared n reluctant to let herself go, for it to have been as passionate and sexual as the OHY kiss was.


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yay, a shout-out to the kiss from Goong/Princess Hours! I'm always surprised that that isn't in everyone's Top 5 KDrama Kisses, it's sure a ?WOW? for me! Glad to see another fan, elric *waves*!


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Well, I'm glad I stuck around! Really loving SH and BN! They are so perfect for each other! I like that you do see his growth, and trying to be a better man! That's what love does to you, you want to be a better person for the other person. Like when he started scolding his employees but then looked at BN and ended up encouraging them instead! Raising their spirits because BN would be proud of him for doing something good, "warm" and "kind" as BN always tells him he is. I thought BN tears at the end were spot on! Such a sad puppy face and eyes! I think it's interesting some comments think she is boring. I actually like her better now. She seems to be more "balanced". I think she was a bit over the top before with all the extreme behavior. Now, you can actually relate to her. She is scared to love as everyone she loves dies or had something bad happen to them. She doesn't want to think about herself thinking it is selfish. So I like how SH can open her world which only consists of BR. There is a life for her too! And love! I am glad it's him!
Now, I can't wait until he is the one who pursues her for that "one night"! And him giving her the charm! Perfect! He doesn't believe in all that's stuff but he wants to be her tiger! Too cute! Thank you for the recap!


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Now, I can’t wait until he is the one who pursues her for that “one night”!

you found the meta plot :)


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That kiss was good!!! Considering how others do it. However, if HJE just kissed back, I think it would be on a whole new different level.


The scene where Bonui stood up to Amy's question was the turning point for me. Earlier in the drama, there has been subtle confirmations that Bonui likes Su Ho. However, standing up to amy confirmed that she really likes and cares about Su Ho. :D



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i thought the kiss actually came out p sweet by the end? it helped that altho it was "forced" it didnt feel overly aggressive or harsh which is how alot of forced kisses feel to me like the dude asserting himself over the girls feelings until she gives in. but in this case the way it was set up, with him clearly seeing a direct contradiction between what she was telling him then and how she'd been talking to him/acting prior to that. and then finally being set off by her tears (another indication that she has feelings for him). he finally just goes for it! and its still p soft n tentative by the end but Bo Nui just closing her eyes and letting the tear fall and u can tell she just wants to let go and live like a person again for a little bit. i was just ;_; u two crazy kids, pls work this out. its weird but i feel like HJE managed to convey alot of emotion even with her subdued reaction to the kiss? like she wasnt moving much but i could feel alot of emotion. alot of the time with these kisses the guy is like trying to eat the girls face lol, and is all PASSION PASSION and then the actress is like a plank board who feels nothing and if she does its just Surprise! wide eyes! and its so offputting. esp if its a grown ass woman like cmon now. but it wasnt like that imo this time. context matters. and u can convey alot even with small gestures/details and i think HJE did actually. which is not easy to do.


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i just realized by comment sounds like i'm disagreeing with you. I'M NOT. XD apologies.


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I'd pay Amy's shipping fee to America...

other than that, love the episode; the kiss and Dalnim & Ryang ha.


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I meant to Canada, or wherever.


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Let's split for the fee. Haha!


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I will contribute to this fund.


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Btw, does RJY look like he has lost a lot of weight ? It struck me in that grey suit. There is such a noticeable difference in his look now vs the first episode

This live shooting is murder on actor's health. By mid point the actors start looking tired or weak or end up with major weight loss.

pre produced is the way to go


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Apparently he lost weight to fit this role better? According to his V-app broadcast anyways... but live shooting and double filming with his movie probably played a huge part in adding to that weight loss. It is a shame though because I thought he was reaaally hot and nicely built a few months ago when he was fresh out of R88 (he's still cute though and I guess it works for this particular character :) ).


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RJY lost his weight for Lucky Romance to match with Suho's character who sometimes skips meal and wants to invent pills to replace food. He is a very detail actor.


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Ah! ... he should take care of his health first. Esp since they have dropped the story of SH's eating habits (Except the trauma)


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I watched two other romcoms with HJE in it (KMHM, SWP) and this is the first time I liked her. I do not know if her characters are always boring, or is it the way she portrays them. This time, yes Shim BoNui is still boring, but for the first time I have seen her playing with her eyes. In her previous dramas, her eyes were looking tired and somehow distant. Now, when SH said her "it must be hard for you", the way her eyes got teary was impressive. Her facial expressions while SH confessed were also telling more than what is written in the script. The way she looks to SH as he interacts with Amy, I can sense the jelousy. Everytime her emotions written her face, she runs away. She left the bench on the park, she shut the door, she hide herself in front of SH's house. I am not frusturated like others when she did these, because her facial expressions and her eyes made me believe that she is also falling for him. It is just she believes that she does not deserve happiness when her sister is in the hosital because of her. I can totally understand why she did not jump into SH's arms, no matter how much she would like to.

My expectations from a romcom: (1) I need to believe the leads are in love (chemistry), (2) I need to fall in love w/ the male lead's character (no douche male leads), (3) I need to relate w/ female lead's character (no airheaded female leads). If these 3 expectations are met, I love the drama no matter how bad the plot is. Most of the kdramas provide only (1), having all the three is very rare (healer, coffee prince, my name is sam soon). This drama can meet 2 1/2. The (1) and (2) is there w/o a doubt, and BN, despite looking like every other airheaded female lead on the shell, is broken inside. She is clever (a coder, a good one at that), but broken. I liked the female lead to be the more broken one, and the male lead to be the more tenderhearted one for a change. It has always been the other way around. I liked how the two sincerely care about each other. I really liked this drama more than I am supposed to, I guess. Hope it does not loose it's charm until the end.


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You speak my mind


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(i liked HJE fine in KMHM and Secret but she's truly impressing me in this one. she's so emotive while still playing it way more subdued than she usually would)


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I learn to accept Bonui with all her flaws as Suho does. I think that's why he falls for Bonui too, she genuinely accepts his flaws. Not like his dad. She's not boring though, at least she got backbone and defend herself when Amy yelled at her. In a completely different drama, this type of female heroine would just take it and get depressed somewhere (candy style).


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Good point! She indeed got backbone. I also love how these two readily accept each other's odd sides.


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lol right? i was so expecting that reaction where she immediately wilts and gives in to the needlessly aggressive Other Woman but nope not Bo Nui! so refreshing lemme say. (esp cuz it would have made no sense for her to agree with Amy here. she did exactly what Suho requested of her which was to take him home!) meanwhile Amy continues to be a very obnoxious plot device.


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you should try to watch Secret , the drama that she acted with Ji Sung .... she's totally different in that drama ..definitely one of her best drama character to date ..


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I will keep that in mind, thanks!


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I cried river of tears in Secret. Funny because I started Secret because of Ji Sung. Loved HJE her in SWP more than KMHM but secret is my fav even when i hate crying watching kdramas.


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secret was awesome but up until near the end her character had no backbone. I hate with females are made to look like idiots who don't know what they want or aren't brave enough to go get it in kdrama. Her role in this is a lot better.

speaking of kiss scenes, I know this episode didn't show it (or perhaps because she's a newlywed she wouldn't) but she's one of the few female leads that actually kiss back. It's frustrating when they stand there like wooden figurines while being kissed


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Thanks to Lollypip for a lovely recap! I also felt that precise moment when everything shifted as BN told Amy that yes, Suho had shared his weakness with her. That was a very direct look that BN gave Amy and Amy responded gratifyingly (for me) by almost looking like she'd been slapped sideways with a fish. Very satisfying!


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BAHAHA your comment made me laugh. LOL slapped by a fish. Amy infuriates me. Shoo Shoo away.


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Let's pitch in with elvira (comment 23) on the shipping costs to send her ... wherever.


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Why couldnt kim jung pal be as forward as je su ho??!!! (The wound is still fresh)


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HJE is a very good actress for me .... I know that people are now obsessed with RJY since it's undeniable that he's a very good actor who can emote well , but for me , it's because both leads work well together to create the chemistry that you can see their believable acting , I still remember how Ji Sung praised HJE endlessly when they acted in KMHM and Secret together , Ji Sung it was because HJE is also such a good actress that makes him can connect with his characters in those dramas ... for those who had never watch , Secret or Endless Love , I recommend to watch these dramas and you'll see that HJE is such a remarkable actress . I love this drama but then it sadden me whenever I read comments on dramabeans , certain people just can't stop condemning HJE though they said that they dislike Bonui's character ... about Bonui's sense of fashion , I believe the stylist or fashion coordinator for the drama is the one who's responsible for this, therefore I don't get it when some people blame HJE for her sense of fashion in dramas that she act/acted in.


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yup.. HJE is good actress... i like her all her roles especially in KMHM... she makes me happy and sad in all her scenes..

i have no idea how other people perceive her acting,but they sure being judgmental here...


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yup! like regardless of how you feel about HJE's acting style or her clothes or her characters, SHE is partly the reason the couples in KMHM, Secret and now LR worked/work as well as they did/do. don't just give the male actors all the credit! (and I adore JS's acting too so...). so if u liked the romance at all in those, give her a break lol.


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Omg endless love frustrated me to bits all cause of hje's role and she was even the reason I decided to watch it. If it wasn't for Sooyoung's bf I wouldn't have watched till the end. All she did in that drama was cry and put herself in situations that made her cry and THEN still ended up with the wrong guy. so frustrating!


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Strangely.. I like shin bo nui tough.. Of course the character not as complex as orijin from kill me heal me but i think HJE potrait her great. She isn't unselfish naturally, she just think she has to be.. Because she blame everything happen around her on herself. Shr scared to be source of another unhappiness that's why she become more low tone.. I think the tone fit the character well. I don't think i could cry on someone throw herself on tiger man for helping her sister if HJE doesn't potrait her great. Maybe i will just shout her "stupid".


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love this drama so much and I love RJY! but as I see here some people are still salty AF about reply 1988! like move on already!You're just reliving the heartache for all of us!!!!....... let's just talk about seho and let go of Jungwhan! I don't want RJY to be known in a Single character only! As much as I love Jungwhan's character he is already from the pasrt and Seho is the present!


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Plus Suho is so much more awesome than Junghwan. Why be stuck in the 80s when 2016 oppa is here for you? XD


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My pillow is dead from me punching it(ala Je Suho) after watching the kissing part. Thank you Suho for not walking awayyy! Bonui loves you too, she just needs a strong push. Now let's hope she wont make excuses for the kiss. Let this be real or is it still too early.. On which ep should I count on them to really be together? Also Bonui's clothes are growing on me (I love the dark blue lace dress she had on in the kiss scene). And Amy is annoying and is it bad that I dont really care for Gary(say it like Amy)... Anyway am just glad Suho decided to be so awesome this ep. Thanks for the recap!


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i dont think its early per se since they both have alot of work to do even whenever they start trying to date. they both havent been in actual real relationships since Bo Nui gave up her personal life at such a young age even before she gave up her professional life when bora got into her accident. and ofc suho's one experience with love was a one sided crush on the first girl who was rly nice to him/noticed him. so yeah! i think plenty of good story can come out of them trying to make a go of a relationship. but idk if the writers will feel the same and instead put silly pointless obstacles in their way like scheming second leads or misunderstandings or noble idiocy or w/e that birth secret is about...blech. pls dont do it drama!
if not caring about Gary is wrong, well I dont want to be right! lol. Gary and Amy are boring and annoying. unfortunately Amy's chara is even MORE one note and shoehorned into the plot than Gary's is. so i end up finding her even more annoying but i dislike both and would like them to go away alrdy.
(how much do i love Suho IMMEDIATELY shutting her down on so many occasions? lol. and Bo Nui is trying to send off Gary without being too harsh, but hopefully she'll confess she likes Suho to Gary soon so he can finally get a clue.)


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ikr?! Most male's would have left defeated after she told him to catch and kill the bug but he still chased her again and was able to see that she didn't really mean it because she was crying. That initial kiss tho. my heart skipped a beat when he spawn her around and their lips connected and her tears fell silently. Brought me back to the car scene in secret.

Amy and Gary are annoying especially Gray yelling at bo nui like fuck off she doesn't owe u an explanation.

Her outfit in this episode (apart from the night dress that carried over from the last episode) were ok. It's totally up to the set designer what you wear. I have acted a bit and u either bring a bunch of clothing options and they decide how it will be combined and worn or they give u the outfits. Same goes with hairstyles although I must say HJE keeping her hair so short all these years really has given the hairstylist limited options (ex: the Rockstar drama she was in, her hair was an epic fail so so we're all the leads hairstyles)


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In the case of MBC, the weekend re-runs of the week’s episodes come with 'scene explanations'.

The following are the official explanations, frame by frame, of the kiss scene.

- BN shakes off SH's hand and walks rapidly away
- SH stands frozen in place, then runs towards BN
- SH grasps BN's hand and turns her around
- SH eyes widen when he sees BN's face
- BN is crying
- SH remains still, just watching, but when BN tries to turn away, he pulls her hand towards him, and kisses her
- SH slowly pulls away
- "Is this... what I’m supposed to do?"
- SH cups BN's face with both hands and kisses again
- The kiss is more intense and hotter than the previous one
- BN closes her eyes
- They kiss under the streetlight, as if they are the only two people in the world



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Poor Bo-nui :( I didn't like her self-destructive behavior in past eps, though I understood why she's doing it. It's like having a depressed friend who does all this destructive things. You understand why she does it though you wish she'd stop doing it.

I like her more now that she's opening up and taking small chances. I think it's in character that she's still hesitant to let go of her guilt about Bo-ra and start a relationship with someone new. If we believe that her descent into desperation wasn't a sudden on/off switch, then it also makes sense to believe that her "recovery" will be gradual.

When Su-ho kept asking her "do you like me/do you hate me" and she has to keep rejecting him, I thought "Su-ho, stop asking! It huuuuuuuuuurts her to say no too." But I'm glad Su-ho didn't listen to me and didn't take her words at face value LOL.

I think when he saw her crying, he understood that she has reasons for saying no aside from "I hate you".


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Here is my attempt to please while Cali Senpai is busy.

The Vampire Lords (Garry and Amy) decide to return from Canada to Korea when they realize that it isn't all that safe over there due to the large number of Vampire Hunters, Slayers and Daywalkers hunting Vampires.

So after they have healed from their defeats which they had in Korea they hope that enough time has passed that they can get away with fake identities and call.

Gary returns to the Spy Bar where his Neighborhood Hero provides him with a fake ID but tells him to beware the Neighborhood Lawyer.

Amy on the other hand tries to find the missing Vampire Prosecutor for help yet he is still missing so she ends up asking the Vampire Detective for help again as a fake client.

Now armed with their new identities they try to charm two unwitting people to join their ranks of the new undead. Unfortunately for them the pretty lady is only has tigers on her mind and her charms tend to ward of Vampires so Garry is out of luck. As for the genius he is so out of his elements that Amy can't hypnotize/charm him at all. He is still calculating the pros and cons of becoming a vampire.

Can he learn to swim if he lives long enough? Will he need to drink blood instead of beer and most importantly of all can he still make video games without vampires but tennis stars in them.

As for Garry will he ever get to drink the blood of the chosen cursed one or will he lose out to the hero once again.

To find out the answers to all these questions and more please don't forget to tune into this show at the same time and place next week or read drama beans for fan comments :)

Well here is my attempt clearly not as good as Cali Senpai but I hope that you all enjoy it as well.

PS this is harder than it looks so Congratulations and Good Luck for Cali Senpais hard and witty work. Looking forward to reading your recaps as well.


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Q. Only reason for watching this show?


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Wow how disrespectful that comment was to other actress/actor and their fans. How's your feelin' if I say I watch this drama only for HJE and don't care about RJY? Be considerate to others, please?


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I dont think if one watch for one actor doesnt mean that fan disrespectful to other actor. It is only natural if we want to watch a certain drama for only one actor/actress. I bet you are also doing the same and if you did i wouldnt call you disrespectful to other actor bcs it is not something you would call direspectful.

And I am RJY fans who also was there during fan war. And to be honest, it is also goes both ways, *i hate to say this* but some bogum fan also did the same to RJY even invaded his vapp.

I do think if we mourning about junghwan in here is totally okay bcs we felt his character was very frustrating and je suho is such a redemption for that. We felt so hurt by the ending so i think it is insensitive for ppl who dont feel the same way to tell us to move on.

I do think HJE acting is a bit over the top in KMHM but she excel in secret and LR. And if you follow this thread from ep. 1, ppl mostly frustated about her character and her dress not her acting.

And for ppl who just come here to bash RJY and his fan, didnt it enough to make 24 acc to rate 1/10 LR even the before the engsub for 1 is out? I accept good critic but not hate.


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I laughed when they rate 1/10 in another web when the drama not even started yet. It was like " wow are you that desperate???" Rjy must be that good that they feel threatened. Dont know if they're bogum fans or not, but if they are, wow.

I don't feel threatened at all by bogum. don't care what hes doing I dont care his drama I don't care to even read his news save my valuable time to my favorite actor. Whether his drama doing good or not it's not my concern at all.

These people surely have 40 hours a day. And because they can't put RJY and je suho down just like their campaign in soompi forum, they put us down instead.


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Ryu Jun Yeol's lips. Criminally under-utilized no more. XD


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For those who think RJY fans put down HJE: you guys are wrong. Some of us just dont feel the CHARACTER for some reasons. And please noone mention bad thing about bogum or taek here but only you guys that just come these past days made as if we talk bad about him. It is wrong to bring someone who didnt even in the drama. I believe the other bogum/taek fans would be dissapointed by your action.


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no one mention bogum or taek here but junghwan is here since ep 1 when not everyone knew him here


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Junghwan is mentioned because that is the character from his last drama. It is only natural to compare actor/actress past work to the recent one to better describe what we can expect for the new drama. And i dont see anything wrong with that


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Especially when the writer is clearly, making parallels to R88...in hitting their misses. Showing how things could have played out. Showing another perspective.


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but all that that mention jungwhan also failed to mention LR, HJE, Suho and Bunoi while others put emphasize on the context that it's related to HJE,

the commenter seems to assume jungwhan is the universe and all comment down to poor jungwhan, the love jungwhan ect, so please add more about this drama in those types of comment


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Well, Kim Hye Jin and Oh Ri Jin are here from ep 1 too.
I disagree with it but if we want to be more precise people keep saying how HJE is playing the same character since before the drama even started so they are talking about these 2 characters since then.

I just read a comment when someone talked about Siwon too and it's not even the first or second time.

Many comments talked about Ji Sung in previous recaps too.

So what's your point?
We are the only one that talk about characters from other dramas? I don't think so.

And even if not everyone know KJH there are a lot of people who know him and this is RJY new drama so it's not oot as you think


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I am so confused... reading all these comments... can someone explain to me what is wrong with not being able to connect with a certain character? I think it's fair game to say you're not particularly fond of a fictional character in a fictional tv show (eg. I just couldn't with Eric's character in OHYA, so I only watched for Seo Hyun Jin -- before I dropped it, that is)

Rather than it being a personal attack towards the actor/actress, I think it's more critiquing the scriptwriter? I think most of us agree that this drama's writing is not the best, right? I appreciate the comments made to clarify her character, but I also sense that some are taking this a little personally. Don't get me wrong, I like Bonui (and love love love HJE ever since High Kick 2 and it's terrible ending), but I agree with people saying that her character needs more work ... again, not HJE's fault, but the scriptwriter. Heck, I think Gary and Amy get just about the same amount of flack-- if not more -- from commenters (I feel bad for LSH and LCA tbh) but I dont see people defending them either because most agree that their characters are poorly written...

Anyways, I've seen people criticize Bonui yet praise HJE in the same sentence (and it's true HJE is doing well in her role and deserves all the praise she gets) so I don't see the problem...? I also don't see how vehemently calling people who disagree "RJY stans" or whatever is going to achieve anything either... although it's true some of his fans are a lil' crazy (you'd think he was a kpop idol or something) but I think those kind of fans just come with popularity, unfortunately.


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Well, I must say we counter attack anyone who suddenly put him down. But then suddenly the one who attacked first crying that we are rude and aggressive lol. Do you remember an old makjang drama stairway to heaven where an antagonist steal the female lead dress and then the female lead ask her to return the dress back and the antagonist suddenly hysterical saying they're rude for not lend her the dress with crying and over the moon attack. Yeah that's happening too now.
Don't call us rude if you were the first one to attack. Now they attack us without mentioning his name but trying everything they could to put us down in every article about reply lol.
Yes...they have 50 hours day to spend


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I don't think anyone put RJY down in this thread though? If I missed it and they were... well, every celebrity has their share of antis, it's nothing new... and answering back aggressively just leads to everyone looking a bit crazy. I'm also seeing people drag "Bogum stans" and talking about Soompi/Twitter (quite frankly, I am so lost with this one)... but ok, maybe they have done all that you've said but this seems like a personal affair between y'all JH and TK hardcore fans (rly guys?? its been almost 5 months?), and idk I feel like this isn't the place for it..

People here seem more frustrated with some of RJY fans saying that he is "carrying the show" or some other variation of that -- which is fair. I don't think it's quite a stretch to say that most are watching because of him though... but I can see why fans of other actors would feel bad seeing comments like that (sorry, maybe I'm guilty of making such comments hehe.) But honestly... this thread is such a mess with all the R88 talk, RJY stans vs HJE stans... 'Bogum stans did this and that'... I'm tired... truly a MESS and deserving of a 'YIKES!'

That all said... anyone excited for the new episode? lol.


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I think it's the frustration seeing comment about Bonui is frustrating every single episode when she already has growth and changed, like do you even watch the show for the story or for RJY,
if it for the later, for RJY then don't comment about Bo Nui, it's okay to be full-on fangirl mode,

then no one of that comment is about the writer or another character that also in the same growth because what important is giggling over how cute RJY is rather than seeing him as Su Ho that understands Bo Nui


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But to be fair there isn't much of a plot or story anymore (as I've said in a previous comment, the scriptwriting is all over the place), so I think it only makes sense for people to say that they're "watching for so-and-so character(s)" be it SuHo or Bonui etc etc... vs "watching for the story." However, I understand people being upset at the whole "RJY is carrying the show" talk...

Personally, I think it's okay to be a little frustrated with BN or to not understand her character... maybe not to the point of calling her "boring" or a horrible female lead because that's kind of uncalled for... but I think it's a fair opinion to feel a bit disconnected with her... I think her character development might just be on the slow side or just isn't as obvious so people feel a disconnect/think her character is one-sided and I don't blame them... but I have hope the writing will get better on her end.


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the judgment on bo nui feels like she is the worst character ever that didn't deserve su hoo for whatever the reason is,

that's what I can't understand,
it's okay to criticize but it's overly bad to the point that she is not worth at all as I mostly see here for 8 episode


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Oh ok i see... tbh I don't really remember most of the comments that I read here + remember the people who make them after I log off the internet so I thought that this was an issue that was just arising now and was confused why people were being automatically labelled RJY fanatics just for disagreeing (which obviously led to a bigger MESS with some RJY stans coming to defend themselves then another MESS with people bringing in R88 and PBG lol)...

I think what you and others are saying makes sense though and I see now why people are upset after reading some comments more thoroughly. I've also seen HJE get dragged really badly since 'KHMH' and 'SWP' so thinking about it, I get why some of her fans are just tired of seeing her/her characters criticized. But at the same time, I also understand people who want to see more from BN's character...maybe they just don't express it well... maybe a bit harsh... but I think people genuinely just want to connect with her better? I know I do. I think we'll be able to see that though given that her character is opening up more...

*Sigh* idk.. I'm talking too much and I dunno what I'm talking about anymore... I just hope everyone can find a middle ground and can enjoy talking about this show again (maybe... in a perfect world....)


I appreciate Hwang Jung Eum as an actress, she really brings a character to life no matter what people feel. Her problem is that she over exaggerates the character and she doesn't express her emotions well enough but RYJ on the other hand deserve an awards for his unbeatable awesomeness in bringing a character to life. I love how he makes you love him even if he is not the lead. He drama you to every move he makes and for an actor, that's all you need from your audience. The series is going great. Thanks Dramabeans for a detailed recap


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I prefer to blame the sw for bonui in rational behavior. I mean, she's a programmer but she can't think how she put herself in danger during 3 occasions is like ... frustrating for us as viewers.


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Lol @sasha....you say HJE over exaggerates, then I think you should know that it's what the character demanded?
"She doesn't express her emotions enough" you say...but bo nui's character is 'written' this way.. hence she's acting this way. For a check go watch secret.You would see how she acts in a much serious way and it was a well blended role.If you want to blame anything on this drama...blame the super boring 'game development plot"..blame the fillers like two heroes hugging each other and posing for super awkward photos to give audience a laugh,blame the almost too much often occuring scenes like se ho going crazy with his love slash crush on bo nui.I mean episodes after episodes they are using poor se ho's love attacks and his trials with how to ask bo nui out on date....The show started so much better! I really really miss bo nui's crazy antics..and talking to the trees asking about her tiger lol...I really enjoyed the drama whole lot more when bo nui puked all over se ho...and when se ho 'Actually' looked like a science crazy rationalist who is like super opposite to shim bo nui's superstitious self...The times when bo nui looked all over the office looking for tigers ...or acted like a hysteric when she hid se ho in her room..all that charm is gone...How did that happen honestly? A person's traits do not change overnight so what did they do to bo nui's character?It's like their characteristics got swapped all of a sudden and now we're watching a different drama.It really started with a whole lot of potential...and I really wish they did not get rid of the original plot from the webtoon either.
So umm I think if there is any one to blame...that should be the writer....not the actress.


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Why this become another fanwar????
1. Not everyone critics bonui are RJY fans. Why haters generalized? Just because you dislike bonui character doesn't mean they hate HJE. They can't stand her previous character= RJY fans ? Where that logic come from ?

2. We don't need to mention another actor that is not in the drama. Bogum nor hyeri is not here. They had nothing to do with this drama. Bring your hate somewhere else. For RJY fans, better to stop to reply this pity party invaders the one who called us rude by pretending they're neutral is the one that being rude to themselves to spread hate towards us. Just leave us alone if you want respect.

3. This is RJY drama, why throwing hate to RJY fans but expect to get applaud???? Where the logic come from??? If you use your logic even 1% , you'll know you got attack in return. Don't cry that we are rude when we are being attack at our home go to your favorite actor and throw pity party there as much as you can.

4. I didn't see anyone throw hate towards HJE. It's her character. Means, blame the writer . Use your other logic haters. And the dress ??? Why can't we say anything about the dress?? It's not like we say she's ugly or something ehh.. the dress are weird though I got bored to read the comments as well. But this the same when people question why rhy always wear top buttoned t-shirts .

5. Reply 88, why people can't upbringing that? You mentioned swp, kmhm, secret but can't for reply 88?? Why can't we being salty over the ending when Korean fans also did the same. You have mute button for us being salty? Then you should have mute button being salty toward us either. And stop pretending to be neutral. You're not neutral when you spread haters about us. I saw the same comments on kkuljaem. I guess you use the same trick . No, don't cheat to he neutral...you're take side. I don't mind if people take side I do mind people being hypocrite.


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Yes it is sad to see another fan war breaking out :( I want us to all get along. I really enjoy seeing HJE and RJY together so let us all talk in peace :)


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I think until this point...it was pretty peaceful. Until a certain few got bored and started bombarding w/ their attacks! *shrugs*


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We are getting along well...in soompi forum everyone is happy and get along. I don't know how someone called us rude out of sudden, here, in RJY news or drama because some us dislike Bonui 's character.
I disagree with Bonui choice too, though I do understand why she was that desperate. But to say us rude out of sudden and pretending to be neutral is hypocrite.
Because if they're neutral they will check both side of the story...and have neutral mind that not all RJY fans dislike Bonui.
The story itself is all over the place to begin with. This drama is lucky to have HJE, daesang winner MBC awards and RJY. Baeksang winner as the character. Otherwise. It would be nowhere.


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Adding no 6.
Those @anne who called us scary, show us the proof. Because I have screenshot too how scary you hater are on Twitter, on soompi forum. Care to share which one is scarier ??? Send me message and I let you know so we can set this straight and stop whatever stupid reason you don't leaves us alone.


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I dont think they know what rude means. If someone dont like certain actor acting is not being rude. I tell you what is rude : hacking into someone else IP and messing with their Insta, spying into RJY fans chatroom just to get us mass suspended and calling junyeol lips as squid lips in his latest vapp. That is I would have call rude as hell.


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They have 40 hours a day baby...I wish they give us some of that spare hours do we can pour more love to RJY.


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I'm still sad that they watched his vapp live and commented on it while I had to wait to watch it :(
Lucky them to have so much free time :(

Of course their comments where the best ones too, just because RJY genuinely smiled while reading them.

That comments showed that he is a great person, always sharing love even for the haters


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Lol...sad fact right they have a lot free time even to attack us and then have pity party. Actually I thank them to add the comments though. And off course to add my screen cap collection of their rude behavior


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Omg... is this the part when he scroll far dooooowwn.... with little smile.....?
I watch the Vapp but not live.
My heart ache...
He's genuine guy who tried his best in everything he did, why? Why they're doing this to him?


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You know what else is rude? Targeting people, following them and reporting them for disagreeing with you. It's called cyber bullying and stalking, and that's why you guys were mass banned for awhile. Until you whined and got unbanned. Don't blame other people for your own actions.


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I love you girl....


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I'm neutral here. Truly neutral so I checked both bogum and RJY news the funny thing is most of fanwar happened in RJy news. Then I checked every comments. It's funny how the one called RJY fans rude are from PBG that coming to RJY comments news to throw the hate. These become fanwar.
I never saw this in PBG news. at every news of him were just his fans commenting. So I agree with guerilla posting, if that @anne happen to have proof, I want to see it too. As a neutral who didn't bother to join soompi except for the news also at dramabeans and other websites drama, it's funny who the one being attacked is the one calling to be rude.

Because this is happening in idol world too. Some times they're attack other fandom, but when the other fandom counter attack then they start crying lthat other fandom are rude and lack of respect.

Though I do agree, this is RJY news thread, how can someone expect a red carpet for being an invaders? You attack the house owner and you expect a welcoming is hilarious.


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The ironic thing is those two actors get along with each other from then until now. Back to LR... Both HJE and RJY are a part of LR team and they work hard together to make this drama better (Note: check out their BTS clips). On this drama, there will be no funny Suho without this caring and superstitious Bonui. It's what is on the script: just like Ying and Yang thing. And, there will only be six more episodes of LR and we won't see Bonui and Suho anymore, so why don't we just enjoy the view in peace until then. I am a bit nervous on the aftermath of the kiss though... Will it be a hard slap followed by tears from them later on OR a big goofy smile on their face?


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Ikr. Very funny and ironic. These boys took pics together, traveling together and all and their fans fighting as if their lives depends in it.
I try to understand their logic but can't... and I guess right when someone here keep saying they have 40 hours a day do a lot of free time and nothing to do #sigh.
Get a life girls


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They are all get along in the BTS. HJE even trying to get junyeol calm in the kiss scene in eps 2 and 10 by listening music from her phone. HJE also guided junyeol through the 1st kiss scene bcs junyeol was way to nervous since this is his first kiss. Junyeol also cracking the joke together with soohyuk and both calling noona noona to jungeum and LCA. They are great time and all leads are from cjes except soohyuk. So i dont really get the hate toward junyeol fans when junyeol and junyeol fans respect each other
P.s: junyeol fan even draw fan art to some of their scene and jungeum post 2 of the fanart in her ig. So we are really getting along. Idk where this fuss come from


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+ 100000000000


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no one attack RJY, everyone praises him,
some people here including me doesn't get why bo nui gets criticize too hard for the unknown reason,
that's too much if they really watch the show,

how they laughed at bo nui suicide thought as something overly stupid and her shaman belief is complete bullshit irrational behavior,
it's overly defensive but not many people saying much in many episodes,
it won't stop and it's not even coming from any PBG fans as I saw (not even fan of the series), the one who bring PBG is the commenter Azteca who bring the skeptical view.

if you read the comment each episode, it's bo nui who is downgraded to the level of insane and RJY- not even soo hoo (they do not use the character name) that being godly level, come on, you can't see the bias treatment


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Sigh........... can't we just enjoy the show?
Let's make a deal, for the next recap, don't bring any other actors/characters that not involved in the drama.
Eventhough I don't think its wrong for a comparison, but if it can make this comment section calm again... shall we?

Oh and one last time, criticizing a character doesn't mean we hate them/the one who played it. It's even better if our cons for the character can make the SW or PD into a consideration for what's best for the remaining episodes. It's a live shooting, anyway.

Thank you, and have a good day! :)


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What a joke from those who commented that Ryu Junyeol fan's should stop lamenting over Reply 1988 and that we're too harsh on Hwang Jung Eum.

I've watched her most 3 recent romcoms and I have to say I like Bonui the least not because she's her acting is bad or that she's acting alongside RJY, but because Shim Bonui is a tad bland if I compare her to her previously played characters. I have no hate for the actress herself, most dislikes were directed to the character. You guys need to head back to kindy if you can't get this.

If there is a general consensus that most find Bonui not as fun, does that mean we're hating on HJE? Most of us headed here expecting a romcom so I understand why some people think Bonui is boring because she's not your usual shouty slapstick comedy kind of heroine. Just because some(most) of us find Suho an awesome character but don't feel so much for Bonui means Ryu Joonyeol's fans are hating on HJE? What bullshit logic is this??

Then again I do feel bad for HJE because when she's shouty, most people complain. And now that she's toned it down a lot, there are a number of people who find her not as compelling of a character.

All in all, I'm happy Bonui has her sass back. And it's been 10 episodes, the direction of the drama and characters are clear now. I do wish people will stop complaining so we don't give a chance to these fake commenters who are trying to stir up drama to sully Ryu Joonyeol or his fans, or even make this drama a less enjoyable one.


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This is fantastic. Anyone who does not agree with your opinion is - arrogant, haters, condescending, scary etc etc

I saw no one attacking HJE fans, but her fans are all over the place making personal attacks. *applause*

Why can I not criticise a character or even an actor as long as I don't abuse anyone ? ...

Since some of the comments were directed at me. Yes, I did say "she does nothing for me" ... So what? Am I not free to not connect with an actor ? I further said that i realise i was in the minority as she is very popular.

If a particular actor does not work for me, compounded by a rather frustratingly written character, why can I not say so without being attacked ?

Thanks guys, for spoiling the mood for everyone. Way to go.


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With all due respect of HJE fans, they're very fun and nice. We have fun on soompi and even we, means us and them, made fun of her fashion terrorist. No, the one attack RJY fans is not HJE fans.
They pretty much understand we dislike bonui character at earliest episode. We don't hate HJE.
My favorite of her drama was KMHM. She was very fun and happy there. Secret are frustrating to watch when she always held back to got back to her ex fiancée. I didn't watch SWP and I hate Endless love. This is character of bonui seriously better than her character in secret. So, calling I don't like her character in Secret is not because I hate her ...


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The funny thing is that this is the first RJY show i watched. In fact as i mentioned in the open thread, I watched R88 just last week. But suddenly I (&others) am some crazy loon who can't get over the Reply disappointment and running down HJE bec I am a RJY fanatic *eye roll*


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I really like this show and have enjoyed it since the beginning. The characters were such opposites in their commitment to superstition/luck and logic that seeing them come together slowly to find the middle ground and begin to form a relationship was beautiful. I really wanted the kiss at the end but I don't know if she should reciprocate it yet. Even if the epilogue showed us that she does clearly like him, it would seem kinda quick for her to turn around and be super into kissing him, even if she's crying about it.

Also, I know nobody likes Amy or Gary and while Amy definitely gets on my nerves as a character because her desire to have Su-ho like her is so manipulative almost, I really am sad that nobody seems to be loving LSH's performance as Gary as much as I do. I don't ship him with Bo-nui at all romantically but their friendship is cute and the way LSH portrays him is so sweet and he's just such a wounded puppy in the best way. All of his intentions are always so pure and kind and there's a real sweetness to the performance. Seeing LSH have such personality is wonderful for me as he wasn't allowed to do much of that in the other drama I watched him in(Scholar) so seeing him play a full human being with such cute emotions has made me fall for him and want a show where he can have a romance with someone who shows a romantic interest for him at all. Because Bo-nui is clearly not here for him that way and the quicker they can go back to being friends more than anything in between, the better.


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I've been a silent reader for quite a while but then i have to share my thoughts on what's happening right here...from what i can see starting from episode 1 ,it's pretty obvious there are certain RJY fans who keep condemning HJE's acting in the drama..well, let me emphasize again, i use the word "certain" fans since i'm not not generalizing RJY fans a whole but there are definitely fans who downgrade her be it her acting or Bonui's fashion sense. It gets worse and worse after each episodes and i don't think that i have to copy and paste those comments right here to proof what i've said. It's acceptable if they made constructive criticism but it irks me to no end when they put her down just because they don't like her character..they blame her as if she was the one who penned her character in LR ...and please don't be in denial when i said some of them criticize HJE and not her character .. i just don't get it how can people blame HJE for Bonui's fashion sense when it's not her who is responsible for the outfits used in the drama..it all depends on the fashion coordinator and what the writer wants to realize Bonui's character on screen..some people said they dislike HJE because of her screechy character in KMHM..the thing is,it's because her character is written that way,hence she was just doing her job as what the PD nim and the writer wanted. You don't see Bonui being screechy ..Bonui is totally different from Oh Ri Jin.. HJE is one of the actress who's not afraid to uglify herself for the sake of her drama characters potrayal..she doesn't mind to act crazy-ish and screechy...and she had potrayed lots of different characters before in Giant,Secret, Endless Love etc...and as of today, some of HJE fans just can't stand those fans who keeps her from day 1 of LR that they feel they need to stand up for HJE... both fans are of course defensive of their biases..and now I can see that the war begins since people still can't stop talking about R88 ... *sigh* . I have never watched RJY in other drama but then I have to say that I'm very impressed with his acting and I can really see he's a down to earth person who is easygoing based on those BTS that I've watched..therefore he's fast becoming one of my favorite actor, hence it saddens me when I see "some" of his fans condemning HJE. As the saying goes, "it takes 2 to tango"..hence the same thing can be applied for HJE and RJY's character potrayal in LR..they help each other in getting into their characters, if HJE does nothing and can't emote as claimed by "certain" RJY fans, of course it would be hard for RJY to be in character as well. In conclusion, both of them are doing marvelllous job to materialize their characters on screen. If HJE doea not know to act or overact, she won't have so many acting awards under her belt. So in conclusion, both RJY and HJE nail their parts in LR. I'll definitely check out Social Phobia out of my growing love for RJY.


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I can't speak for all RJY fans respectively. But I do know some dislike her acting in her previous drama and hope she would tone it down which she does. But most of them are critics that preference. Like you don't like her character. You don't like her hair ...she needs to fired her for costume coordinator.
Never I saw or read comments that attack physically and personally about " HJE is ugly " or " her lips like a squid" which RJY received. And yes, I have the screen cap of the comments.

Not all fans watching a drama because they like all the actors in the drama. I don't get why they called us rude because we said " we watching this for RJY". Will it be less rude if they say " I only watch this drama because of Jisung " for Danddara or only because of Song jongki in DOTS. I saw and read HUNDRED of comments like that amongst viewers but this same poster never address that comments as rude.
The double standard of haters we talk about here.


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To be clear, I screencap the comments that attack RJY.


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it's perfectly okay to comment about why you watch this imo, but "some" comment put another emphasizing character arc including bo nui and suho before write that , that what I consider an attack,

it's okay to be fangirling, just be that and do not try to downgrade what you don't watch for, in this case, bonui and soho, just watch RJY and write that


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in my "dictionary" when "certain" people said things like : "she can't emote at all" , "she does nothing for me" , "RJY is hardcarrying the show all alone , "there should be another actress instead of HJE that fits this role" .. these comments are definitely harsh though there's no calling silly names involved ..those are just some comments that I can remember. and just like I said previously in my post , I only see "certain" RJY fans who did such things like that .... the thing is , there's even "some" fans who keep doing the same thing for every single episodes commentary.having said that, I love RJY the same , doesn't matter those words of his fans actually affected me in a way since I have loved HJE as an actress for some years.


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I respect you for drawing a clear line of "certain fans", not generalizing. Commenting about replacing HJE for the leading lady for this drama is kind harsh, I agree. I think she's doing well as bonui. And I know many RJY fans who basically cheer for HJE-RJY chemistry since the Marie Claire pictorials of LR main leads were out,so certainly it's not them saying things like that.


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Cypher ....thank you for being the only rationable person here...I know what you mean..and the proof is here already.I am sorry to say this but it's like rjy is his fan's property so when they do not like their king's queen they need to mark their territory and protest strongly lol.Just look at the fan names...this thread is full of names like ryeja...rye' something something ...Thing is if you make a constructive criticism stating a logical reasoning then it makes sense.But it's all about shallow and fluffy matters like how HJE can't emote...or she is not making sense...etc etc.I wonder whether it has to do with their dislike related to the actor HJE...because if it was really about this show....then they would not bother with her screams or hyper active expressions in KMHM right?


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*rational I meant,sorry.




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You are saying 'some' of the RJY fans are downgrading and criticizing HJE. But let me get this straight they are criticising her because they find her acting boring or her fashion sense terrible and not because they are fans of RJY.
That being said i like HJE and the way she portrays BN's character and i am a ardent RJY fan


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the reason why I'm saying they are "some" RJY fans who did that is because those same people also praised RJY before downgrading HJE .... I just don't want to waste my time to go and copy every single comments to proof of what I've said but perhaps you'd know if you follow the comments made right here starting from ep 1 of LR . whatever it is, for me I love both RJY and HJE though I admit that I've only started to like RJY because of LR since this is the first drama of his that I'm watching.


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good lord this is holiday season here, so no one has to work so here's my upvote for this

>>I’m saying they are “some” RJY fans who did that is because those same people also praised RJY before downgrading HJE <<


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Now all the criticism comes with "certain" mentioned when yesterday there was wholesale vicious personal attacks for no rhyme or reason.

Cherry picking 5 comments out of 10 episodes worth of recap does not justify what went on here.

And btw, nowhere were HJE and/or BN fans silent. Each of these so called objectionable comments had people who disagreed with it. and a civil discussion followed.

The forum was perfectly fine till yesterday with all sides represented. First people started a useless fanwar. And when people were called out for their hypocrisy, they start taking the high road giving silly excuses like

-how they were silent till now (they were not. There was criticism but ppl disagreed and put fwd their pov decently and did not make it personal),
-how HJE was criticized continuously and relentlessly from ep 1 (she was not) and
-how it is just "certain" people who did it and they were not targeting the whole RJY fandom/neutral fans (lol. As a "certain" someone told me that I was a hater with a boring life simple bec i differed in opinion)


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well...it is good that you know who you are, and knows that you are one of those "certain " people who loves to throw hate on this thread. Since episode 1, we are very civil and open minded of all the daggers you are throwing against HJE. I am reading most of your post and I know that you know what you wrote in all the episode recaps since episode 1 that I don't have to elaborate them and here in episode 10, you are one of those early posters that made one of us stand up for HJE (@ Mar). We are not targeting RJY fandom period. (for what reason?for what gains do we get?We are not interested for sure).

We just feel that "some" people need a "punch" for them to stop.Peace to all "real" RJY fans.


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This is a bit rich coming from you. From what i have seen you are the one that spreads hate around, spewing vitriol against anyone who does not fall in line with your opinion.

I went back and read all of my comments in all the 10 recaps. I have commented on HJE twice.

Once in 2nd ep - when i said that usually i find her ott but if she maintains what she is doing here, i'm onboard for the series

And the 2nd time in ep 8 - which you keep quoting blindly yet partially
"After watching 4 shows of HJE, i can conclusively say that she does nothing for me. She is not a bad actor by any stretch. But she just doesn’t get me to feel about any character"

when ppl disagreed with me, i wrote
"Given that she does so many shows obviously a lot of people like HJE. Thats why i said “she does nothing for me”. She can’t get me emotionally invested in any show"

How the heck is that throwing daggers?

Everywhere else I have criticized BN only. Or are you one of those fanatics that cannot differentiate b/w the actor and the character. Most of my frustration with BN was when she nearly got raped. How the hell is that bashing HJE?

btw, to my above statement in ep 8, here is what YOU replied -
"No matter what an actress do, no matter how good she is, if you don’t like her ,you will never like her as opposed to actresses who just smirk, laughed, frowned and cried with a deformed face were hailed as best performances."

I don't know which actress's deformed face you are referring to, but pls don't act all high and mighty. You don't have a leg to stand on.

But obviously any sense will fly over your head. At least you finally admitted that you deliberately went after some people to "punch" them. so do continue spreading negativity and ruining everyone's enjoyment. Its what online bullies like you love to do. Keep up with you viciousness.

PS: To all RJY fans, pls get a certificate from @charm on whether you qualify as a "real" fan or not. He/She is the residing authority on it.


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I am not acting all high and mighty please, I don't consider myself like that in any way, and please...please...please ...do not solicit sympathy from RJY fans by saying this OMG "To all RJY fans, pls get a certificate from @charm on whether you qualify as a “real” fan or not. He/She is the residing authority on it."many of them are peace loving fans so please do not start again another fight. I think based from your writing you are the one whom I can assume as vicious coz you really know how to play with words.(I am sorry I cannot cope up with you coz English is not my native language)

Lastly, I am not spreading any negativity here, never was I commented negatively about RJY , about his acting, about his physical appearance, about his role as SH.most of my post are replies of comments which I believe are downright harsh and inconsiderate, nothing more nothing less.If you will read again all my post you will never see me bashing any actor on this thread coz it is not my style. I am more of the reactor not the catalyst who spread hate to actors they don't like.


And you neatly side stepped the question of my numerous supposed negative comments that you have been eying from episode 1 which made you 'react' to all the 'hate' i have been spreading about.... Maybe because there are none?

I don't need to solicit sympathy from anyone. I can fight my own fights.

Don't worry if English is not your native language. You managed to pull down and attack people just fine.

Its the pattern I see all over the board. A bunch of people suddenly start making personal attacks. And when questioned they just make vague references to 'certain' fans with not a shred of evidence to back it up. No one can actually point out the exact comments which were so offensive.

This is my last comment on this matter because I don't have any energy left to deal with negative people.

For all the people who started this nonsense, thank you for dimming the joy we feel when visiting DB by turning it into a warzone.


Thank you for considering to stop, as I feel the same.Most of the HJE fans who commented here have bases for our allegations, these are not weaved from nowhere, I didn't bother to answer most of your comments coz I dimmed it necessary.But for once, the word "some", "certain",and "few" fans are not generalized as RJY fans, as I now realized that they might not be "real" fans of RJY. If I offended you, I am sorry, it is not my intention,but it is human nature to reciprocate when you or someone you love is being stooped down and crushed to high lows and that is what just happened today for most of the HJE fans here on this thread.

We are not war freaks, most of us are silent readers but sometimes when you are drowned with so many unfair criticism, it is high time to resurface from the water.


I don't get this fanwar at all.

I saw R88 and though i shipped one pair, i didnt hate the other. I like both PBG and RYJ. they both have their own charms, and their own acting style. And from what I saw in YOF, both are very friendly bros in real life. What's the fuss?

So, lets go back to JSH and BN, okay?

Or what about this. I didnt notice anyone discuss about how Ryang Ha is actually like dal nim? SH noticed how he was overly excited in the morning after the 'sleeping accident' and how he looks rather dissapointed when dalnim thinks she made progress with SH? These two are just beyond cute, they made my day ?


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He does like her. A Nd the ironic thing is he claims himself as an expert but he becomes not better than suho in front of Dalnim. Isn't he cute lol.


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He sure does "bump" into her a lot, doesn't he? All up in her business too.;)
LMAO they are comedy gold those 2. XD


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And i forgot to say that, I'm not complaining Bonui at all, I can feel how desperate she is, with all of unlucky things, and she portrayed it so good, Bonui baby ❤
So stop saying RJY fans are scary because we are not baby, love yaaaa


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What's the problem if others are "neutral," it's their stand, so be it. And another thing, who said RJY fans are scary? No, they're not! Because they're VERY scary and will fight for their oppa to death! Jk. Spread the love.



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stop it with the sarcasm. we are the first being attacked here when we did nothing wrong. Dont be bad person pls


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Ugh, please. Do not start another comment that will offend other people. Some comments similar to yours have been deleted, in case you don't know. You are accusing RJY fans in a drama recap where RJY is the main lead. You point finger at every single RJY fan by saying that "RJY fans" are not scary but instead very scary. Spread the love? Jk, just kidding? Don't joke around with that kind of sensitive matter because it's not even funny.

Btw it's "share the love", not "spread". It's a cherished phrase for RJY fans because RJY himself uses it when he gives autograph to fans. So you are being rude and I hope you stop immediately.


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Ok, I will say this once and for all.
My apologizes if any of my statement might have found insulting to you RJY fans, I never meant it.
All of my statement before, saying there is RJY fans discredit PBG and HJE was based on my experience seeing LR threads, especially here on DB since ep 1 till now, you may reread to check them all, am not lying when I said there's even one hoping the next PBG drama will be a failure one.
I don't know about PBG fans since am not seeing anyone badmouthing RJY in this LR thread, am not following any of PBG thread either, nor have interested to check his thread. Am not PBG fans, I've even waited R88 to be finished first before watching so I'll know who is the husband since I don't want to have any dissapointment, I'll support whoever deoksun ended up with.
Tbh am more like HJE fans and the reason I make a statement like that since I've seen enough comments stating like "arrghh Bo nui is so frustating, am only watch this for RJY, If it's not for RJY I might have dropped this drama" like in every and each episodes from 1 till 10.
The reason you may find it's ok until now maybe because HJE fans keeps remain silent all of this time hoping that kind of comment will dissapear itself, but turnsout nope, still seeing it in ep 10, so you may understand my accumulated frustation seeing that kind of comment. Like I said earlier, I never seen a person been putting down like this in another thread, at least any of HJE thread before.
If you want to criticize the lack of writing why don't you say it so? Instead of saying Bo nui is the most boring character ever, you may say the writer should have write BN character like this, that or giving any advise, it would be so much better to hear.
Please put yourself in our shoes too, what If HJE fans make a statement like that to RJY or Suho? will you be okay with it? You could praise RJY all you want without discrediting others. Please be considerate to other people who may find related to BN character on their current life. I never discredit RJY whatsoever, I even want to praise him because I do think he is a really great actor.
So I'll put this war to an end. All I want to do is just enjoy watching LR because having a war like this did bother others to enjoy the drama, apologizes for my long rant and my apologizes if any of my statement insults any of you guys.


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not even HJE fans but saw the comment since ep 1, it's obvious that certain commenter never really think for bo nui and just typed what they liked about su ho then add how they hate bo nui for .... reason

>>The reason you may find it’s ok until now maybe because HJE fans keeps remain silent all of this time hoping that kind of comment will dissapear itself, but turnsout nope, still seeing it in ep 10,<<


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+100000 on the part when you said that HJE fans had remain silent from the beginning when "certain" fans keep on badmouthing her non stop ...and only for today, some of HJE fans stood up for HJE and somehow "certain" fans retaliated as well and being in denial when they said that there's no RJY fans who downgrade HJE . for me , if you want others to respect you , you should also learn how to respect others ...


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How I wish that LR fans in DB can be like those fans in soompi .. in soompi both RJY's and HJE's fans respect each other and we love both actor/actress ..we root for them as excellent onscreen couple that has amazing chemistry


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@Iann @Shaira Thank you!
Yes, how sad it turns out to be like this, how I wish we can get along like people on soompi too, they're so friendly and not judgy, people supporting to each other and before HJE got married they're even shipping their bias to be a real life couple with HJE.


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even think it's about other reply fans, I don't even partake in that drama discussion despite dropped the drama earlier,

I don't get how they reach that conclusion,

many people just want them to take a second thought about bo nui if they really watch the show---- but if they're there just to see RJY and no even soo hoo then I hope they don't write bad things about bo nui since it seems like they didn't watch the show


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Yes, I don't get it either, why do they think it's PBG fans and brought back reply war here in LR thread. no one had ever badmouthing RJY here in LR thread since ep 1 till now. And to be honest whats that about #teamjunghwan this, team junghwan there, when there's no junghwan here anymore, he is now suho, it's not R88 thread. Why do they need to make a statement like that when there's no one here put themselves as teamtaek, when this is even an LR thread not R88, I just don't get it.


I'm very confused as to why some people would drag PBG into this war. As if it's not possible to love both boys.