Doctors: Episode 4

Even after thirteen years, some things don’t change. The present is shaped by the past, and no matter how hard some people try to suppress unwanted memories, the past always seems to be interfering with the present. At times, the things of yesterday can teach us and motivate action, but it can also poison the things of today and hinder growth. It’s time for our characters to decide how they’ll let their past influence their present because the string of fate has drawn them all together again.



Hye-jung struts down the corridor of a department store and narrates that people’s perception of you changes after you succeed. However, she’s learned that success without anyone to share it with is meaningless, but after losing her only family, she lost her will to make another.

Kyung-joon nervously stares at two brain scan images while Hye-jung sits off to the side and quizzes him about the patient’s condition. He meekly states the first condition correctly which boosts his confidence, so he gives his second answer with gusto. Hye-jung shakes her head at him, and can’t believe he was unsure about the right answer and confident with the wrong one.

She orders Kyung-joon to get a room prepared for an emergency surgery, but Kyung-joon tries to dissuade her because of hospital rules. Hye-jung doesn’t care about getting in trouble because the patient comes first. Once she leaves, Kyung-joon takes out his anger on Kang-soo by kicking him in the shin.

On their way to the hospital with the unconscious restaurant owner, Yoon-do chides Seo-woo for the way she reacted before. She explains her high school trauma where she nearly died in a fire because of a school bully, and now that memory causes her to freeze at signs of danger. He’s surprised by her confession since she appears bright, and Seo-woo says that girl is probably in jail by now.

Hye-jung preps for surgery and even shaves the patient’s head herself, leaving Kyung-joon with nothing to do. Her motions are swift and assured without a minute wasted. Kyung-joon is awed at her speed and precision, but Hye-jung dismisses his compliments like it’s no big deal.

Yoon-do and Seo-woo arrive at the hospital, and Kyung-joon rushes out to meet them. Yoon-do hears about the new fellow performing a surgery already, and yells at Kyung-joon for not contacting him. Seo-woo berates Kyung-joon for frustrating Yoon-do, but Kyung-joon says, with growing anxiety, that a blood bath will occur soon because there can’t be two suns in the sky.

Seo-woo enters one of the sleeping quarters where third-year resident PI YOUNG-KOOK (Baek Sung-hyun) practices his suture skills on a pig’s foot. The two are friends though Young-kook is still a resident because he spent ten years in medical school.

He wonders why she’s back at the hospital since she was planning to confess to Kyung-joon. She tells him about the emergency surgery, and Young-kook advises her not to confess. For one, Yoon-do’s not the type to be led, but more importantly, the timing is bad because the new fellow arrived. Seo-woo doesn’t think the new doctor will be a threat to her for the next staff position, but Young-kook tells her that the doctor was scouted by Tae-ho, the chief physician of their department.

Hye-jung finishes her surgery and lets the gangsters know that their boss is safe. They’re all smitten with her, but Hye-jung rolls her eyes at them.

Yoon-do prepares for his surgery and orders Kyung-joon to tell Hye-jung to meet him when she’s done. Kyung-joon tells him that she’s already finished, and sings praises about her speed. Yoon-do glares at Kyung-joon and reminds him that being precise is more important than finishing quickly.

Kang-soo runs down a hallway as Kyung-joon’s voice tells him to stop Hye-jung from leaving or die. He barges into the changing room and quickly twirls around since Hye-jung is changing. Standing with his back towards her, he delivers the message. Hye-jung puts an arm around him and tells him that she hates waiting. She leaves Kang-soo flustered, and he mumbles to himself that she smells nice.

Yoon-do finishes his surgery and gets a text message from Hye-jung telling him to meet her at a nearby cafe. Hye-jung is already there, and inside, Soon-hee sings to herself while cleaning tables. Hye-jung sneaks up on her and hands over a gift she bought earlier at the department store, which Soon-hee knows is a sign that she was thinking of Grandma.

Soon-hee asks about her visit to the hospital and can’t wait for the day Seo-woo realizes that Hye-jung has become a doctor just like her. Hye-jung thinks it’ll just be a bother to run into her, and they drink out on the terrace to wait for Yoon-do. Hye-jung sighs as she reads a new text message from him telling her to run back to the hospital.

Kang-soo looks up Hye-jung online and doesn’t understand why a staff member at a hospital would transfer as a fellow to their hospital. Nevertheless, she’s still his type, and Kang-soo giggles to himself as he stares at her picture. He gets caught in the act by Kyung-joon who reprimands him. A second-year resident, Ahn Joong-dae, tries to sneak out of the room unsuccessfully, and is also scolded by Kyung-joon. Last but not least, Young-kook saunters into the staff room asking the others about eating pigs’ feet, and Kyung-joon yells at him for being too old.

Hye-jung arrives at Yoon-do’s office and apologizes for her short-thinking in inviting him to a private place outside of work. Yoon-do hates apologies and showmanship, and in his eyes, Hye-jung has just done both. She defends her actions, but Yoon-do is unconvinced that the patient was in dire need of surgery without his approval.

He tells Hye-jung that she’ll have to explain herself at the conference, and if it turns out that the patient could have waited, then she’ll have to take responsibility. Hye-jung says that he’ll have to apologize to her if her judgment was correct. Yoon-do is taken aback by her antagonism and asks why she transferred to their hospital if she doesn’t want to become staff.

Looking him squarely in the eye, Hye-jung tells him that it’s private information she’d only divulge to a friend. Yoon-do guesses he’ll never know then since he doesn’t plan on being friends with her. Before they can trade more barbs, Seo-woo enters the room.

Seo-woo recognizes Hye-jung and when Yoon-do introduces Hye-jung as the new fellow, Seo-woo can’t believe she became a doctor. Hye-jung asks if she still gets mad just looking at her, and leaves.

Seo-woo chases after her and asks why Hye-jung came to her hospital. She can’t believe someone like Hye-jung is at the same level as her, and wonders if people know her past. Hye-jung calmly answers her questions, and then asks if Seo-woo will post something on social media since that’s her specialty.

Seo-woo asks if she’s still in contact with Ji-hong, and Hye-jung scoffs—she’s been too busy surviving to hold onto useless memories. Seo-woo doesn’t believe her and accuses her of coming to this hospital because Ji-hong has recently been appointed here. This seems to be news to Hye-jung who momentarily stands there stunned. She walks away from Seo-woo, knowing that words won’t convince her, but Seo-woo shouts out a final message: Ji-hong married In-joo.

A woman trembles on a plane, and sitting across the aisle is Ji-hong who starts to question her. She thinks he’s being a flirt, and ignores his attempts to check her health. However, as soon as she gets up from her seat, she falls to the ground and convulses. Immediately, Ji-hong takes control of the situation and instructs the flight attendants to contact Kook-il Hospital—the patient doesn’t have much time.

The gangster boss is awake, and everything seems fine from the way he complains and answers Hye-jung’s questions. He thanks Hye-jung twice—she pretended to not hear his first one—and she thanks him for waking up.

Kang-soo informs Hye-jung about the plane patient, and Young-kook briefs Hye-jung on the situation as they make their way upstairs to the helipad. He also tells her that he’s friends with Seo-woo. Hye-jung chastises him for talking about personal things at work, and Young-kook clams up instantly.

The helicopter lands, and in slow motion, Ji-hong steps onto the roof. Hye-jung stares awestruck, and Ji-hong finally notices her and walks up to her. After an intense moment of silence, he asks if she’s married or if she’s dating anyone. She says no, and Ji-hong says that’s good and just walks away.

Staring at the CT scans of the patient, Ji-hong decides to perform a freehand aspiration. Hye-sung thinks it’s too risky, but the patient doesn’t have much time. He’s set on his decision, and preps for surgery. Hye-jung joins him to assist, and Ji-hong tells her that he searched for her every time he came to Korea.

Trying to change the subject, Hye-jung asks him about In-joo, and Ji-hong is puzzled by her question. Hye-jung casually throws out that In-joo is his wife, but that only befuddles Ji-hong more. He flicks water at her, and asks when he got married.

Tae-ho is making his rounds, and a patient yells at him before twitching uncontrollably. In the background, Young-kook waves his arm to get Seo-woo’s attention, but he manages to catch Tae-ho’s eye in the process.

Tae-ho scolds Young-kook for wearing his scrubs in the hallways, and asks him what he wanted to say. Young-kook tells them about Ji-hong’s plan to do a surgical drainage by freehand, and Tae-ho allows them to go watch.

A group of doctors, including Seo-woo, watch Ji-hong’s surgery, and when Ji-hong inserts the catheter, they hold their breath. No blood comes out, and Young-kook announces the surgery a failure. After everyone gives up hope, blood starts to flow out, and the onlookers cheer.

Kyung-joon supposes that all the girls will be lining up to date Ji-hong now, but Young-kook tells the group that he’s married. Tae-ho interjects to say that Ji-hong is single. Seo-woo frowns at Young-kook’s abysmal intel gathering, and stares at Ji-hong and Hye-jung in a new light.

Hye-jung offers finishing the surgery, and Ji-hong takes a quick break outside. He meets up with Tae-ho who pulls him into a hug. They joke around for a bit, and Tae-ho suggests he drop by the conference today since he’s already here.

Ji-hong returns to the surgery room to watch Hye-jung, and he compliments her skills. She asks him to teach her how to insert the catheter freehand, and Ji-hong calls her rude for demanding things from her teacher on their first meeting.

Once outside, Ji-hong trails after Hye-jung and wonders what’s wrong. He mentions the last time he saw her driving off with the motorcycle boy, and asks how she’s been. Hye-jung just tells him to be good to In-joo because marriage is a sacred thing. She walks away, and Ji-hong talks aloud to himself about why she keeps trying to get him married.

Myung-hoon is now a director, and walks around the hospital lobby with an entourage. Director Jin, his father, greets him, and the two privately go up to their meeting. Now that they’re alone, Myung-hoon drops the formalities, and they worry about their upcoming plans for building a senior health center.

Myung-hoon gives his prepared speech to the board of directors about the new center he’s proposing, but Director Hong doesn’t understand why they’re investing more money just for their elderly VIP patients, especially since they already have a wellness center. Director Jin intervenes and bluntly states that the new proposal is for increasing revenue.

Tae-ho speaks up against the idea, but it’s Director Hong who addresses the elephant in the room. He bluntly says that a hospital is not a business, and he expresses his disapproval of Myung-hoon’s business-minded approach to managing the hospital. Before more damage can be done, Director Jin quickly proposes they vote on the matter to settle things.

In the privacy of his office, Myung-hoon complains about the elite doctors and their inability to challenge the status quo. Director Jin reminds him that they only lost by a small margin, and Myung-hoon firmly states that he won’t give up.

Director Hong stands on top of a hill with Ji-hong and says that he wants to build an organ transplant center. He acknowledges Myung-hoon’s ability in business, but thinks he’s too tawdry. Ji-hong suggests forgetting about the hospital for a while, and invites his father over tonight for dinner in commemoration of his new apartment.

Ji-hong slips in the back of a conference room where Kyung-joon gives a presentation about the gangster boss’s surgery. Yoon-do bombards Hye-jung with questions, and she finally puts a stop to his interrogation by citing her right as a surgeon to make judgments on the field. She says that if he doesn’t trust her as a surgeon, then nothing she says will convince him otherwise.

Tae-ho backs her up, and ends the conference there. He gets up to the front and introduces Ji-hong as a new addition to their department. He tells Ji-hong and Yoon-do to choose which fellow they want as an assistant, and advises Hye-jung and Seo-woo to appeal to the staff member they want to learn from.

Seo-woo greets Ji-hong, and Tae-ho is surprised that she and Hye-jung were both Ji-hong’s students. Tae-ho asks if Seo-woo is already trying to appeal to Ji-hong, but she denies it since she still has a lot to learn from Yoon-do. In flashback, Seo-woo met with her father, who told her to be extra friendly with Ji-hong because of a plan he was working on.

Seo-woo asks Tae-ho for a private word, and in his office, she voices her concerns about hiring Hye-jung. Tae-ho values Hye-jung’s skills regardless of school prestige, which is why he scouted her. Seo-woo wonders why a staffer at another hospital would join their department as a fellow, and even Tae-ho seems curious about why Hye-jung accepted his offer.

Kang-soo walks up to Hye-jung and asks who she wants to assist, but she doesn’t care who chooses her. He thinks she’s cool, and Hye-jung sees her old self in him, remembering how she looked up to Ji-hong in high school. Yoon-do and Kyung-joon are walking towards them, and sensing the tension, Kyung-joon pulls Kang-soo away so the two of them can have a word with each other.

Yoon-do says he won’t apologize for something he didn’t see, and Hye-jung laughs at him. She calls his actions childish and brushes past him. He calls out her name, and asks why she’s acting so disrespectfully towards him. Hye-jung explains that she always returns what she receives. Yoon-do takes a step closer to Hye-jung, and after giving a curt bow, he apologizes to her. He says that he also returns what he receives, so now they’re even.

Back in Tae-ho’s office, Seo-woo vaguely mentions that Hye-jung has a personal connection to Ji-hong, but that she can’t say more on the topic. Tae-ho asks Seo-woo if she’s afraid of Hye-jung, and tells her to be more relaxed given her background. He thinks Hye-jung will be a good influence on Seo-woo because competition will help her grow. Seo-woo tells him that she’ll prove his judgment was wrong.

Hye-jung looks for a medical record on the hospital computers, but is denied access. Kang-soo skips into the room, and Hye-jung asks about finding an old case file. He tells her to visit the operations department, and when he asks whose file she’s looking for, Hye-jung says it’s her grandmother’s records.

Hye-jung walks down a corridor, dejected after learning that the files she’s looking for are under heavy security. Myung-hoon and his entourage pass by, and he stops for a second and addresses Hye-jung. He reaches to unfold her collar, but Hye-jung fixes it herself. He tells Hye-jung to do a good job and doesn’t seem to remember her at all.

Kang-soo is wheeling a cart when Ji-hong stops him to ask about Hye-jung since he hasn’t received any of the other doctors’ numbers yet. Kang-soo offers to help him, and proudly states that he knows more about Hye-jung than anyone else in the department.

Hye-jung practices kickboxing in a ring as the scene of Myung-hoon daring her to prove he did something wrong with Grandma’s surgery flashes before her. Meanwhile, Ji-hong makes pasta for dinner with his father. Director Hong comments about the emptiness, and mentions In-joo’s recent divorce.

He wishes they had gotten married back then, and Ji-hong has a flashback to a rainy night. In-joo dashed out of the car, and Ji-hong followed, pleading with her to return to the car. She thought everything would work out with time, but she knew Ji-hong continued to harbor feelings for someone else in his heart.

Ji-hong plays with an arcade claw machine in his apartment, and his finger hovers over his phone before finally calling Hye-jung. He arrives at the gym and fumbles with the ropes while trying to join her in the ring. He wants to know why Hye-jung keeps thinking he’s married, and firmly states that he isn’t.

Hye-jung gives a half-hearted response, so Ji-hong attempts to stop her from leaving. She twists his arm behind his back, but Ji-hong has been practicing, and pulls Hye-jung into a choke-hold. Unfortunately for Ji-hong, he still has a lot to learn as Hye-jung flips him over and performs some impressive grappling techniques on him.

Ji-hong gives up, but uses that moment to flip Hye-jung and ends up on top of her. The close proximity and positioning suddenly make them both quiet, and Ji-hong stares at Hye-jung, his face just inches from hers. Hye-jung narrates, “Unresolved pasts will always come back to find you whether it’s love or resentment.”


The thing that I like about medical dramas is that there’s a wide cast of side characters that constantly show up because a hospital can’t be managed by one person. I’m really enjoying all the doctors in the neurosurgery department. I find Kyung-joon hilarious in his grumpiness. He’s pressured from above by Yoon-do and receives stress from below from the other residents. While I do wish he wouldn’t hit Kang-soo so frequently, he does make me laugh at his “woe is me” attitude and his ability to overreact to everything. Kang-soo is precious and reminds me of an overly eager puppy, and his admiration for Hye-jung is adorable. I liked the scene with all the residents because it expertly displayed their relationship and showcased a part of their personalities. Kang-soo is still the newbie who speaks his mind, Joong-dae is the timid one who wants to avoid conflicts, Young-kook is carefree and joking (and a bit of an oddball), and Kyung-joon is dramatic and self-pitying. It’s a fun group, and I can’t wait to see more of them.

My favorite doctor so far is Tae-ho. He gets automatic brownie points for scouting Hye-jung and realizing her value as a surgeon without letting things like school prestige and connections influence him. The thing that I really like about him is that he’s friendly and doesn’t act conceited to his patients or the doctors. I loved his surprised face when the patient swore at him and his matter-of-fact reaction afterwards. I also enjoyed his interactions with Ji-hong (they’re so affectionate with each other) and his scene with Seo-woo. I think he read Seo-woo like an open book, but it also seemed to me that he wasn’t trying to be spiteful towards her. He acknowledges Seo-woo’s strengths and tries to guide her, but he did appear to be a bit disappointed in her negative response towards Hye-jung.

I’m glad Soon-hee survived the time jump and is still around because she’s a great friend. Hye-jung needs a place where she can relax, and it’s cute to see that their friendship has grown even stronger over the years. I’m glad that Soon-hee seems to manage a café rather than have a job in the medical field because that would really push my suspension of belief. Maybe she and Kang-soo can meet each other and start a Hye-jung fan club.

The best thing for me about the present timeline and the hospital story is Ji-hong as a doctor. I appreciate him much more as a doctor than as a teacher because he seems happier in this environment. I also think he has more relationships in this field (like his father and Tae-ho) that bring out different sides of him, but in all honesty, it could just be that I feel more comfortable watching him interact with others as a doctor than I did when he was a teacher. It also helps that everyone is now an adult, and I no longer have to worry about moral issues concerning Ji-hong’s feelings. It’s refreshing to see him be open, and I look forward to seeing him pursue Hye-jung as a love interest. Joking Ji-hong who’s honest with his emotions is much more charming than conflicted Ji-hong who had to rein in his feelings (though for good reasons). I hope this time he takes his own advice and allows himself to be a little “crazy” while in love, otherwise another person might sweep Hye-jung off her feet before him because most of the men, from burly gangsters to pink-haired residents, seem to have fallen in love with her already.

It appears that Hye-jung’s reason for accepting Tae-ho’s offer was because of Myung-hoon and uncovering the secrets behind Grandma’s death. It seems that Myung-hoon is more culpable than he let on given that her records are under tight security. I’m actually curious about how much of the surgery was Myung-hoon’s fault rather than an unfortunate accident. It did seem like he was doing well until his phone call with Director Jin, so it’s possible that in his rush, he made a mistake. Despite wanting Myung-hoon’s sins to come to light, I don’t want Hye-jung to be consumed by revenge. She’s still clearly suffering from the loss of Grandma even when more than a decade has passed, and I feel like her need for revenge has deprived her of forming new relationships. Hopefully Ji-hong can help her uncover the truth and take some of the burden off her shoulders.


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It's weird that I'm here so early. Lol. Thanks LovePark for the recap!

"Maybe she and Kang-soo can meet each other and start a Hye-jung fan club."

Oh my God! That will be so awesome and is it a coincidence that they both have weird-looking colored hair? I do wonder if Soon Hee will find Kang Soo irritating coz who wants to share their love? Heh


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I love this episode so much and yes I agree, Kim Tae Ho is the most likeable doctor here. He's not just a talented doctor but also is a good judge of character. I love how he put Seo Woo in her place by mentioning her father's own educational background. He's so quick to realize too just what kind of personality Seo Woo has.

The rapport among the residents are just so much fun. I love Kang Soo most, but I can't help but adore Kyung Joon too. I remember him so well as Cheon Song Yi's manager that he instantly caught my attention.

Kim Rae Won is so winning as Ji Hong. Just so charismatic and so... charming. He's so cool as a doctor, but becomes quite a dork when talking to people he likes. His line delivery is perfect it makes me want to swoon.

PSH is killing it as a 31-year old doctor. I didn't know she could pull off such subtle expressions but she did so well I'm so proud of her. Just total transformation, though fans who have known her for quite some time shouldn't be surprised coz she's cool like this in real life. Lol

Not so much to say about YD coz he's still a character to be seen and heard. I just hope Seo Woo doesn't become so much consumed with jealousy that she forgets being a good person. I hope that her yellow juice drink (compared to the bloody red wine) signifies that she can be a better person than her mom, dad and grandpa.

Gosh, another week to wait!


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Indeed, PSH is the reason I am watching: she portrays a character I can relate to and is doing an awesome job. I am invested in her story, and that makes the show much more appealing. Glad to see she is making progress with her acting. :)
Plus, not sure why, but I find so funny watching her playing her first adult role (because it's the 1st one, isn't it?). It's like, our little girl is now a grown up woman. :D


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"Are you married?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"That's good then"

Technically that's a really strange thing to say to someone you've seen after 13 years. But this is Kim Raewon, so I'm swooning.

*melts into puddle of sunshine and rainbows*


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Bahahah same here! So direct and to the point. Also loved it when he later asked, "Why do you keep insisting on marrying me off??" XD


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The man's down to business,he had 13 years to wait i imagine he doesn't have the strenght to wait no more


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I screamed when that scene came. Ji Hong is so swoon-worthy. Or maybe Kim Rae Won in general is enough cause for swooning. :)


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It's Kim Rae Won. To me, he can do no wrong anymore as Ji Hong and like you, I'm squee-ing and swooning at everything. Such is my blind fan girling for Oppa.


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Definitely Kim Rae-won...hard to pull off those lines without making the viewer cringe like crazy.
Sigh, it's so refreshing seeing him in such a sunshine role again and he seems to have a lot of fun with this character as well.


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Definitely KRW. ^^


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Yup. No doubt that it's KRW ❤️


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Yasss! Kim Rae Won! I don't like his haircut here though. Prefer his hairstyle in Punch.


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I loved that scene, like Hye Jung said, its truckload of cheese but who cares when it is Kim Rae Won and its not like she doesn't want it. Anybody else notice when Ji Hong first put his arms around Hye Jung in that fight scene, she just let it be and was taking that embrace in for a moment before realizing what she is doing. Not to mention, I could literally see hearts in her eyes at the end.


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Very true... Swooning at KRW.....
And also "I got married??? When??".... ;-)


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And he smiled a bit before turning around after he second 'no'. I was like ooooooooo.


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The whole and short "are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? Then we're set!" scene --- swoon !

The ending scene --- double swoon ! Someone can't help but shouting that he's not married, smiling, and looking at her lips!

Boy , JH has quite some competition with almost everyone falling for HJ !

Thanks for the quick recap! I can't wait for next week's episode !


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Is it just me or are YKS' facial expressions just...weird? A bit off? He looked so unnatural during any scene with PSH.


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The look in the end when he was on top of her was creepy.


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The scene itself is kind of creepy. I can't quite put my finger on why.


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I think maybe it could be kind of creepy because he's trying to overpower her? I mean of course we know for Ji Hong he's just trying to prove he can beat a girl LOL but i guess the premise of it could be creepy in real life. The idea of someone stronger than you try to overpower you and succeed? I mean i could be totally going about this wrong but just some thoughts.


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Wait are we talking about the same character? I'm talking about Yoon Kyun Sang


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Hahahaha this thread confused me too


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Me too I went through the whole article twice.. wondering who is YKS LOL


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I was wondering the same thing too. It looks to me like he had injections in his cheeks because they're puffier which makes his facial expressions a bit off. Then again it could be weight gain but I know from older pics his cheeks weren't like that.


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Yeah his cheeks were super puffy when was on Running Man. He definitely looks much different than when he was in Pinocchio


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I read that he was sick. Some disease that makes his face becomes puffy. I don't know for sure but i think some celebrity also has some problem. He promise his fans that he will get better and become more handsome in upcoming episodes.


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Song Jae-rim claimed to have the same problem. Some sort of infection? Between Age of Feeling and Surplus Princess his cheeks went hamster like that.

But Oppa is still cute. As long as he acts well and is healthy, who am I to complain? :D


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"His cheeks went hamster" rofl
I'm so gonna use this phrase!! ?


Maybe he was ill and he took strong medicine that made his face like that,seen idols in the same,that were in pain and took strong meds and they had the same for a period puffy cheeks


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He still has residual feelings as Ki Jae Myung(Pinocchio) jajaj,the way he glares at her


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I picked up this series from this episode bcoz cant warp my head around teacher student funda.
I dont know but got feeling of heirs all over again becoz pretty good looking characters but plot doesn't hold much ground. I would have like it him falling in love now rather than falling in love way earlier.

Writer could have make them neighbor and separated and got together other than teacher student concept.

Just watching to see where story will go and actors are good but doesn't have much expectation.

Just my opinion


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"I dont know but got feeling of heirs all over again becoz pretty good looking characters but plot doesn’t hold much ground."

This is nothing like the Heirs. You skipped 3 episodes, for sure you are not going to understand the story line/plot. You are missing so much of the backstory. Some things may be cheesy and predictable, but the story is well executed, the pacing is fine.


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should watch it completely before comparing


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You can't compare this to Heirs. You just can't.
It's not even big deal in the past as they didn't do anything romantically as student and teacher even though we knew he had feeling for her.
I think you should watch the beginning to have a better understanding how we get here. It's important


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i think america is a FREEDOM society??
lol why banned teacher-student relation when free sex is allowed??


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WTH are you talking about?


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No, we still generally frown on grown adults having sex with children. We're not ancient Rome, thank you.


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WTH?!! So out of point


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I agree - they're not even romantically involved... and from my point of view, how they first met also played a big part in it. They didn't meet in a classroom, and because of the encounter, neither of them felt that this was a teacher-student relationship.

Besides, it was emphasized that PSH was 18 years old when they first met. Technically, she's an adult.


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18 years old in Korean age is actually 16 or 17 in Western age, so she is definitely not an adult. She's only a junior in high school (2nd year in Korea). 20 is an adult in Korea.


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I'm just curious. So in Korea, they used korean age in school? I thought they refer to western age?


They use Korean age for everything except medical records as far as I know. I'm a teacher, and they definitely use Korean age in school. It confuses the kids to NO END when you tell them how old they would be in America.


If you skipped 3 episodes you missed most of the backstory. This is nothing like Heirs - Heirs was one of the worst dramas ever, and so far this is one of the best of the year.


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Please, this ain't nothing like Heirs. Don't jump to conclusions when u don't hv facts from 3 episodes ago backing u up. The plot, execution, etc sets it on a different class from Heirs.


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The scene where Yoon Do meets Hye Jung had me thinking that he was gonna be struck by her beauty and forget he was mad. Of course, that was the Shin Hye fan in me hoping all the guys would fall for her, but that would make for a really poor story so I'm actually really glad it didn't happen that way.

The "are you married?" scene as well as the ending boxing scene really does get the heart pumping haha. I can't wait to see more interactions between the staff, but even more so between Hye Jung and Ji Hong! Monday can't come quick enough!


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Also wanted to add, I'm really curious about what happened with Chul Soo. Almost thought Gangster Boss could have been him, but nope.


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Am very sure there is a story that remains to be told in regards to Soo Chul.....


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same, about chul soo.
i thought ji soo's character will be hye jung's first love,i hope to see more of his character..for 13 years of time skipped, my guess he will be hye jung first bf, and also one who help hye jung aside soon hee.
ji soo and shin hye has great chemistry too..kekeke
i ship hye jung with everyone..heh


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I am glad I was not the only one who swooned in reunion scene of KRW and PSH, even though it would be weird in real life.
Oh and correct me if I am wrong is it same Baek Sung-hyun who acted with PSH in Stairway to Heaven? If yes, that is so cute!


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Yup it is! I really want the show to address the fact they worked together as child actors in fun meta way. Because in my my mind they are the ones who are truly reuniting lol.

Way back then they were on similar star levels and now she is leading lady status while he is still so underrated. I really hope he gets his big break soon. I would love it if they starred as leads in drama one day.


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* in a drama one day* I mean


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the real thirteen years of reunion was them..aw..the cute childhood love story of song ju and jong suh..so cute to see them together again in this drama.


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Yay! Finally!

I love this episode. I watched this twice. And rewatched the JiHong and HyeJeong scene multiple times. i'm happy that we're finally at present. And My Goodness, PSH and KRW's chemistry is undeniable.

I never said this. But i hope these two will date in real life. Haha!


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Me too!

I'd be the first to cheer them on.


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NO!! PSH is taken.... by LJS. lmoa!???


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Yes! Hahaha

I swooned at the are you married-no-then we're set scene though. ?


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Well, they never confirmed those rumors so who knows until she comes out saying yes I am dating, I will imagine her with Rae Won because God, the chemistry is insane.


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I ship kang soo and soon hee


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add me with this ship..lol. they match well..both weird, same cute adoration to hye jung..i love soon hee's lovable character.totally love the womance/sisterhood of hye jung and soon hee..so cute and heart warming.


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Another thing, i just find it funny when JH said he looked for HJ everytime he's in Korea but failed. But when Kangsoo just search her name on the internet and voila! hahaha!


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When he was looking for her she was going to 3rd tier colleges in the country. Once she made staff at her prior hospital and her successful procedures were publized, her name was a Google search away.
He knew about her recruitment and seemed to be returning to the hospital to meet her. It was funny how eager and excited he was to see her again, literally tripping over himself to get to her.


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I think so too! When he stepped off the helicopter he was definitely looking straight at her. He didn't just suddenly notice her, she is the first thing he saw like he was looking for her. And maybe the translation is off as I watched on viki, but doesn't KS tell HJ that the doctor who discovered the patient on the plane (that's JH) requested her to meet them on the rooftop? Which is why YG asked if she knows him, like does she have connections? I am not sure, Lovepark recapped the scene differently so maybe the viki translation is off. I don't think YG was asking about SW on the rooftop. So yes, that means JH came back for HJ knowing exactly where she is now. With TH recruiting her and TH and JH being so close, how could he not know at least when she transferred. I hope they give us flashbacks... I am sure she also must have followed him a little if he became such a renowned Doctor. But loving both of them!


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But he seemed surprised that she became a doctor - pleasantly surprised..

"Oh so you became a doctor" kind of explanation


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The translation was a bit off on Viki;

KS tells HJ that a doctor from their hospital discovered a patient on the plane and requested a neurosurgery fellow to be on standby at the helicopter pad so that they can get to the operating room as soon as possible (: (i believe KS went to HJ first because she was just there in the room and not because she was requested)

So in other words, JH did NOT know that HJ was working at the hospital (i believe he came back because his father came back to Korea too, and as you know his father's the chairman so the doting son just followed (: )

Also i don't think HJ is the type to tell people that she knows JH and she didnt have a need to tell TH about it either. That's why after the conference JH tells TH that SW and HJ were his students and TH was really surprised that he had 2 neurosurgeon doctors under his belt
hope that helps ;


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I've never entertained the thought that JH knew HJ would be there until I read this. So interesting. But then again, both JH and HJ are recruited by Tae Ho. It's likely that Tae Ho wanted JH back in Gukil Hospital, then JH asked Tae Ho to look for HJ in return. When TH found her in a provincial hospital, he recruited her, and told JH so now they're in one hospital.


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I thought about this also but found a logical explanation for it. When Kang soo typed in her name, I believe he put in some keywords like her former hospital or something. In Korea it's very common for people to have the same names (a good example of this is Oh Hae Young, there were at least three people in Seoul with exactly the same name). It's possible when JH was looking for HJ he didn't have a familiar point of reference and could have pulled up a ton of similar names, and not know where to start looking.


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Kbas, i was thinking that maybe in the future, it will be revealed that JH knew about HJ being a new fellow and went back right away.

Adal, yeah. adding the hospital name narrowed the search a bit for Kang Soo. Haha.


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I'm totally Loving Kim Rae Won and Park Shin Hye.
KRW should forever wear his hair like this, much better than the floppy hair I've seen him elsewhere. So many swoony scenes! Hye Jung is certainly made of stronger stuff than me- if I had someone like Ji Hong look at me like that I'd me melted on the floor.
Park Shin Hye is awesome- kick ass and no nonsense. Love her chracter's brash exterior and mushy vulnerable interior.

And I am so so happy Hye Jung and Soon Hee have such a great friendship!!! And that They are such a huge part in each other's lives. Looking forward to more scenes together. Sisterhood yeah!! ❤️❤️❤️

And like Lovepark, I'm enjoying the residents too, especially Kang Soo who's crush is adorable.

Can't wait for more Squee worthy scenes next week! And this show will forever have a place in my heart for introducing me to KRW. Man I'm fangirling/swooning so hard it isn't even funny.


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Im trying to gauge their age difference.. any guesses? During the high school setup, when they were at the police station, it was mentioned that they're above 14yrs old.. cant guess Ji hong's age though cause im not sure how many levels there are in their education system.. find it weird that he asked her if she's in a relationship when they met again.. tells me that he's kinda waiting for her to be of legal age..

Its been bothering me but i just want to let you guys know, im not married ??=p


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Hye Jeong is 18yrs old. Somebody said Ji Hong is 27. And that's a good estimate for 18 years +6 years medschool and maybe 3 years residency?


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I recall In Soo mentioning that Ji Hong quite his first year of internship. That would mean that he quite shortly after completing medical school. If it's the same system as other international medical programs, he would have entered medical school when he started high school. That would have made him around 22 when he quite medicine. If In Soo was in her 2nd year of residency (and given they were the same age), that would have made him 24 or 25 when he first met Hye Jung.

Honestly, I was a little against the whole relationship because in my mind I always think teachers are 30+ which would make it too huge of an age gap for me, especially in terms of maturity. But, now that they're both grown up (and in the same field), I don't really see a problem with me shipping the heck out of them.

Sigh, if I only listened to my mother and applied for medicalschool in my home country. I would have been a doctor already instead of still applying for medical school :(


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that age difference did puzzled me too during the flashback episodes lol


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hye jung is 18 when they first meet and ji hong is 9 years older than her so 27
in the present day she's 31 and he's 40


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Yay~ I've been wondering and came to dramabeans in hopes for an answer. Thank you! :)


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Really?? For some reason, I thought he was only about 25? If he's the same age as In Joo, wouldn't that mean he was only 25, max 26?


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aside from HJ's age. I missed out on JH and IJ's. Can somebody please tell me what episode it is?

initially, my guess is 26 because i remember JH mentions that IJ is in her 2nd year residency. So assuming that they're in the same age bracket. I concluded that JH is 26.


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Same here... I was not aware JH's age was actually mentioned! Yea like you, I just deduced JH's age based on IJ's mentioning herself being in the 2nd year residency.

So if it wasn't mentioned anywhere that JH is 27... I would conclude he's only 26, or maybe even 25!


As it seems that Korean age is being applied to Hye Jong's age, we should do the same to Ji Hong's. So, Korean years: 18 and 27 but in US years: 17/16 and 26/27. The reason for the two possible Korean ages, is, I imagine, because as with Chinese lunar year, the Korean new year starts some time in spring, usually in late January or February.


Sorry, correction: if we also take into account the tendency to us the year you have started rather than the year you have finished for age, Ji Hong would be 25/26 in Korean years.


i'm just going by the ages they included in the character descriptions on the sbs website


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Thanx! :)


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It feels like they are playing their real life age difference of ten years. Park Shin Hye is actually 26 and Kim Rae Won is 35. Obviously, with the 13 year age jump, she's about 30 and he's about 39 in the story; 9 years difference,. This is the PERFECT age difference for men and women.


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Yeah your right. My curiosity is killing me so i screengrabbed the form that JH showed his Dad. He was born 8/23/1977. Which made him 38 going 39. There you go! Hahaha!


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YAY! That means my guess is right!! He was 26! Hahahaha


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Yeah me too curiosity was killing me to so I went here to find answers hahaha...

That 9 years difference from the back story was bothering me and that he was a teacher creeps me out. And for a teacher to have a serious feelings for her highschool student rather than the student having a puppy love for her teacher kinda weird. lol

Fast forward to the present it works out well.


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Unpopular opinion but in Malaysia (at least) it is not weird to have crushes on teachers and probably it still wouldn't be weird because she's 18 (age of consent in my country) and the teacher being 25-26 is perfectly acceptable.

The only problem is because he's a teacher and she's a student. Even if both of them likes each other then, it still wouldn't be an issue coz they didn't act on it. Even if they did, it still wouldn't be an issue (to me, lol).

Take it this way, if one of the young lecturers or TAs in your uni is in a relationship with a student, would you still be troubled by that revelation?


I'm kinda late to the party so I haven't caught up with EP5 and 6 yet. 7 just came out, right?

Oh, also, thank you for the recap! I enjoy silently reading the comments and see other readers' views on the drama.


So I guess we can ship them in real life because their chemistry was insane!!! If Hong Ji Hong♥ Yoo Hye Jung can happen so does Kim Rae Won♥Park Shin Hye. Lol


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Descended from the helicopter!

What's with this trend though?
If this becomes a thing we might see Goryeo prince coming down from a helicopter too. Only if imaginary cat would have released now we could see the magnificent fall of Bok Gil.


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I LOL'ed at your comment. Thanks for the laughs


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Lmao. You hit the nail on the head.


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Somebody asked in the previous episode's recap what happened to the puppy. I think I found him: he has pinkish orange hair and follows Hye Jung around the hospital looking like all he wants to do is cuddle.


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Haha! This comment made me laugh.
Yes he is rather puppy-like isn't he? I first saw this actor in DOTS and he was quite adorable in that too.
I do hope the real puppy makes a reappearance some where down the road. I can't believe they would have found a sweetheart like that and not want to put it into as many scenes as possible!


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By real puppy I assume you our puppy Ji Soo? Gosh I can't wait to see him reappearing again! :D


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I was wondering about that too.. what happened to ji-soo


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I know, that puppy really was the cutest thing and I'm not even much of a dog person.

I guess the PD and/or writer knew we would have a puppy-shaped hole in our hearts after the time jump so if they couldn't fill it with an actual puppy-shaped puppy they would give us an adorable flower-boy-shaped puppy as consolation.

Nothing to fill the grandma-shaped hole though...just the hope that Hye Jung lays down some swift and awesome justice on Dr. Insensitive McMoneygrubber.


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Hahaha. I wonder how much money Grandma left for HJ and the Puppy to afford Med school..

I was hoping for it to appear again. Maybe in her apartment. I saw a BTS about the puppy being 3 months old so judging from the size. It's probably a small dog. What breed is that btw?


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Speaking of puppy...Just saw this vid and it's too cute to not share


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That is the CUTEST bts vid ever. :3


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Okay so I'm confused about one detail.... what's the difference between a staffer and a fellow? Can anyone explain?


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Staff is a permanent position. A fellow or residency is a short term "learning" position. A doctor may get offered a staff position at the end of his fellowship, if not he has to find a job elsewhere usually in a smaller hospital that needs his speciality, but doesn't have a fellowship program.


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I love this episode so much. I must've watched it at least 5 times and I could watch it again!

PSH and KRW have white hot chemistry, oh la la! I swear the sparring scene at the end of this episode made me feel like yelling "GET A ROOM!" It reminded me of that hot dancing scene in


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Scent of a woman.

I'm totally buying PSH as a 31 year old doctor. She's doing an awesome job.


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Omgosh yes!!! Scent of woman! The whole time I was thinking how much that scene gave me the feels I felt during the tango scene of scent of woman. Their chemistry is palpable!

On a different note though, I'm seriously asking myself if whether I'd still be swooning over that scene if it wasn't KRW playing the role. I feel like Im not concerned by the loveline anymore because I'm too busy swooning over him...???
Either way I'm glad that I picked up this show for KRW despite my initial plan to not watch it.


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Is it just me but Kang soo hair is actually different in some scene? It look brown orange and pinkish orange.


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It's the lightening.


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I didn't know I could float even higher into swoon heaven when it comes to KRW but when Ji-hong was standing outside the OR, wondering why he was talking to himself, followed by the funniest facial expressions and adorable smile, I was like asqweddewfatswdfgd. lol
Kyah, how can he be so damn cute, manly and sexy at the same time?!


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Dude. That was it for me too. I can no longer be expected to be reasonable when it comes to this drama. Damn you, Kim Rae-won.


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Hye jung is my favorite park shin hye character. She's got back bone, awesome hair, great closet, and smart as hell. She really needed this kind of char to showcase her versatility. Now I'm thinking someone needs to give her an action role.

Her chemistry with Kim Rae won feels different in comparison to all her past costars. More mature, more fire. Krw ain't your typical pretty boy but boy is he a man. It helps that he's a direct, straightforward, read- right-through-you, no bullshit kind of guy.

Couldn't care less about medical dramas to be frank, but there are some cute (personality-wise) doctorss up in here that almost make me forget about the surly ones. Seo woo is just unneeded.

Soon hee & hye jung dynamic is my favorite. Yay to cute womance.


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Can we all take a minute and adore the bants between Boss-nim and Hye jung??? I need to see more of the Boss. They will get along soooo well.

The whole scene at the helipad *swooooooooon* I have seen that scene like 5times already!!!! HOT COUPLE ALERT!!!!!!

Seo Woo??? Bitch please....

Kang Soo and Soon Hee?? President of Hye Jung fan club and weird couple Alert! I mean, they both have weird hair colours.

I'm just loving this show and I hope Hye Jung finds true happiness at the end of it all with or without a man. When she said something about losing the last family member she has and not wanting to make another family. I just felt so bad for her.

Yoon do?? He's okay. Just reminds me a lot of the rude but brillant guys I was in college with then.


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Yes! I kind of can't wait until Kang Soo meets Soon Hee. It will be fun.


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yes, me too.. it will be fun.


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Great episode! Really liking Park Shin Hye as Hyejung and Kim Rae Won... there's just something about his persona that makes you want to see him on the screen; also, I really like his character.

One of my hopes is that this show doesn't turn Seo Woo into a "typical" envious second lead who only focuses on putting down the heroine and others... I really do want to believe that there is some good in her, especially based on her rapport with other people (which many of those relationships do seem genuine-ish) and that her insecurity won't get the best of her. Fingers crossed...

Also really liking all of the hospital personnel and residents! There's something about Yoon Do that is intriguing, even if he doesn't seem to be the nicest to some people...


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Seo Woo seems to have one of those personality disorders where she cannot stand anything that does not fit into her preconceived notions, to the point of even making up conspiracy theories in her mind.

I think she will get much worse, and much more vindictive - perhaps to the point of putting up another false story in the internet. In short, I think she will end up being batshit crazy.


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I agree. I was a bit disappointed that SW did not change/mature more after the time jump. I guess I was expecting some internal emotional conflicts which would add more layers for her character. But what we got was much worse. Her character became more entitled, delusional and vindictive. Telling HJ to get out of "her" hospital? Then trying to instill doubts about JH-HJ into TH? Sign, she will only get worse from here.


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SW is unable to deal with someone else being better or take the limelight. It's sad how this was enforced in her upbringing. She will suffer a lot because of this personality flaw but I do believe that drama will show her overcoming it and becoming a better and happier person in the end......a lot more will happen before she comes to terms with reality.


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Goodness, KRW. His grand entrance to reappear into her life was so direct yet swoony. I could not stop grinning and sighing when I saw that scene. PSH and KRW are nailing it. Their chemistry is so palpable. So real even during those short times 13 years ago.


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I replayed the scene when he gets off the helicopter. Even the camera seems to freeze there! Kim Rae Won is swoon- worthy!


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Here I thought you only sigh and swoon over SIG... I am so mistaken. ?


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Let me join to swoonfest too!

Episode 4 has too many cute moments: Kangsoo being an adorbs pinked-hair puppy, Yoondo being grumpy, Jihong just literally being hot like he is, Soonhee popping up like sunshine and rainbow in Hyejung's life...


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Hi beanies. I just have a question for all medical dramas. How do they film surgery scenes? I mean do they use a real person or a dummy? Is the actor/ actress performing the surgery or is it someone else? The scenes just looks so damn real that it is really hard to know what's happening behind the camera. Thank you guys.


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Hello tackukulet19,

I just read your comment, and I found it interesting so I decided to reply to it.

Yes, as you have suggested, the actors use a dummy in surgery scenes.

I once saw a behind-the-scenes video of the drama, "Surgeon Bong Dal-hee" with Lee Yo-won and Lee Beom-soo and the actors performed surgeries on a dummy that, I think, squirted blood when they cut it with a scalpel. And the crew employed a real-life nurse who seemed to be specialized in surgical practice to teach the actors with their scenes on set.


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Wahh! Maraming salamat po sa inyong sagot. [Thank you for answering.]


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This is just one example https://www.dappercadaver.com/collections/medical-props-decor

Several more - Google 'medical props for movies".


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"dapper cadaver"

Company name is A++++



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The realism is actually very impressive. Having seen real life surgeries like this all the time I must say the equipment and attention to detail is something I didn't expect from a Kdrama.
They only show the face of the actor who is being operated on and then the camera cuts away to the operation site, which as mentioned by Lana is on a dummy or like prosthesis. In this case it's convenient anyway because they are operating on the brain, which is why the actors faces are always seen face down with the drapes (medical term for cloths covering the operating field) covering the back of the head because they are lying face down with the back or top of the skull/head exposed for surgery.


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I'm also pretty impressed and glad that medical dramas are placing more emphasis on realism. Heck, I actually got a little excited during some of the surgeries because it reminded me of my shadowing experience. I was definitely hoping for more though when it came down to to the hemorrhage :(


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Am I the only one having a hard time believing that Seo Woo is Hye Jung's equal? When her character was first reintroduced at the restaurant I was thinking that she couldn't be an actual doctor--she must be just a doctor's daughter seeking a doctor husband. She seemed so young and ... ditsy. Not at all professional and intelligent. And while PSH is so believable as a tough as nails, talented neurosurgeon it is hard to believe that LSK is even a medical student much less post-residency fellow. Something that seems more obvious when she's around the residents who seem more like buddies and equals than her subordinates. I think part of it is her dress and makeup??? She looked older in Cheese in the Trap, IMHO.

I just wondered if I was alone in my thoughts. :)


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You're not the only one. I have the same concern. We're talking about neurosurgery! I just don't buy Seo Woo having the intense focus and precision necessary to be a genius brain surgeon. I'm hoping the writers give her an opportunity to demonstrate her skills in the operating room to set up a plausible competition between the two.


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She strikes me as being "fact smart" but pretty ditzy otherwise. We have not seen how she actually does in the operating room, but I suspect that she is one of those that is fine if things follow the script, but totally helpless if things go wrong.

Her comment about how she was totally sure the patient was going to die when they were all watching the operation makes me think that she has the initiative and imagination of a sloth.


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I think the show isn't going to make her out to be a genius brain surgeon. In fact her character is one who has no ambition of her own- she has been coddled from young by her parents, she did well in school because they wanted her to, she became a doctor for them too and I'm sure she automatically got a job in the hospital because of daddy. So she is spoilt and immature and has basically l gotten this far because of the silver spoon in her mouth. So I think the feeling you get from her character is spot on actually. She isn't mature enough by a long shot and I'm sure she isn't going to be a good surgeon. She will freeze under stress and probably need to be bailed out by her senior or even Hye Jung!


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That is my feeling about her also. In older k-dramas the Evil Bitch always got redeemed at the end, but more recent ones - not so much. And I think you are right about having to be bailed out - one possible scenario is that she makes a major mistake, Our Lady Doctor attempts to bail her out, but the patient dies because of Seo Woo's mistake, so she tries to shift blame.


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A neurosurgeon once looked me straight in the eye and told me, "it's neurosurgery, not rocket science! Think of it as playing on a joy stick." when I admitted that I had dreamed about becoming a neurosurgeon but decided against it because of my shaky hands. I'm not saying that neurosurgery doesn't require focus and precision because that's not the case at all but to assign ability based on personality is a slippery slope.

That said, I don't have a positive opinion on Seo Woo. her inability to deal with situations that are out of her comfort zone speaks volumes about her as a surgeon. That has nothing to do with her ditsy personality but with how she puts into motion her training and experience. I will never think positively of any doctor who assumes that a patient will die without closely monitoring the situation and evaluating all possible scenarios.


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I think that she just assumed the patient would die because it is not something that SHE could have handled, totally obliviou to the fact that she may not be all that skilled.


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Hi Val, well certain things can be trained, but your innate character is pretty hard to change. Your shaking hands can be improved with technique and practice it's true. But I do believe that character also plays a big part- it determines how you respond to problems, stress, and even success, so it will determine to an extent how good you will become at something. Of course there is also inborn talent, which is why there are "geniuses" in kdramas.

But anyway, good luck in becoming a neurosurgeon and making your dreams come true! I have friends doing it and I have nothing but utmost respect for what they do. It's tough work, training is insanely intense, but they love what they are doing and it's also very rewarding when patients do well. Fighting!


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No, you're not alone in thinking that. While I buy PSH as a talented experienced neurosurgeon, I have a hard time seeing Seo woo as anything more than a medical student. Though they are supposed to be the same age, she comes across as immature, maybe she never really had to struggle or work hard because of her family's position in the hospital. I would like to be proven wrong and see her as a competent doctor. I really do.


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I also thought Seo Woo appeared too immature to be a neurosurgeon. She didn't inspire confidence in me when she just stood there when the restaurant owner collapsed; with all that training, she should've reacted instinctively!

I had also forgotten that she was the smartest student in high school. They should've cast someone older for this character.


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Not alone. Aside from looking too young - which is a casting problem I think - she seems to have the brains of an above average cow, to the point where I wonder how she made it through medical school.


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Of course I'm rooting for PSH's character but to say that SW has the brains of a cow is kinda off.

Seo Woo was "book smart" and had the advantage of being tutored during her high school years. She could have been book smart through college/med school as well.

Although I do agree that she doesn't look like a neurosurgeon. She looks and acts like she's still in med school. But that's the way her character is written... I guess we'll just have to wait for more character development.


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By far this is the best medical drama I have watch.. and I have only watch two meddrama... doctor stranger and this.

I love that Hye Jung still have the feisty in her! I just wish she give Seo Woo a back kick when she ask how people like Hye Jung is on the same level as her.

And when Jihong come out from the helicopter! And when he back hug Hye Jung on the ring! And when he ask her if she married and have a boyfriend!



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I had trouble with Seo-woo and Hye-jung acting immature in this episode. It seemed like they barely grew up. Hye-jung had all the same mannerisms she did as a teenager, which you think would change after that chunk of time. I'm not sure if this is due to PSH trying to keep some continuity with her character, but come on. They're older. They're doctors. I don't believe it's odd to expect them to be a bit more professional. Seo-woo seemed outright superficial, and I had trouble taking her seriously based on the scenes she was given. We know she's smart, so why did they pigeonhole her as someone riding on the coattails of her family?


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I like that she doesn't change 180 degrees for being a doctor. She is herself but more mature and successful.
And I don't see how she is immature when the one who started everything is SW?
I don't think HJ did anything to call immature


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It's too early to say anything specially without knowing her back story.......from when HJ's grandmother died to becoming a successful outstanding neurosurgeon.

It would be too unbelievable if she made a 189 degree turnaround.......she is a bold, intelligent, sharp, skilled surgeon who puts the patients first and foremost and that's what counts.

I really don't think she was immature in any way. After all that incident affected her life in a big way.....she channeled all the anger towards becoming successful.


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We haven't seen Seo Woo at work, so we can't really judge her abilities as a fellow surgeon yet. For all we know, once she's inside the OR, she becomes more mature.

Hye Jung's character description indicated that she remained head strong and haven't changed much of her personality even though she's already a doctor. She actually became a lot calmer, and more cunning since she can look SW's father in the eye and still smile at him nicely. Her emotions were more controlled and she's become so much more confident, not only as a doctor but also as a person overall.


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I am really loving this drama! PSH's acting suprises me, she has more depth n maturity now... KRW, I am amaze at his facial expressions. Wow, hot couple, sizzling chemistry. PSH should act more with mature actors, she really shines here. I AM REALLY ENJOYING THIS DRAMA! Hope they date in real life....


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i just realised Park shin hye and Baek Sung Hyun (Pi Young kook) is together in Stairaway to Heaven. wow, its already 13 years too.


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I know, right! Time flies.


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The actual reunion after 13 years.


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I know! I really want the show to address the fact they worked together as child actors in fun meta way. Because in my my mind they are the ones who are truly reuniting lol.

Way back then they were on similar star levels and now she (Park Shin Hye) is leading lady status while he (Baek Sung Hyun) is still so underrated. I really hope he gets his big break soon. I would love it if they starred as leads in a drama one day.

*I reposed my comment here because I felt it was relevant to this thread but if that's not allowed then please delete my comment and I apologize."


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ah this is bad. this early i want Park Shin Hye and Yoon Kyun Sang together hahaha

episode 3 was slow but it picked up on this episode. it feels like it was just right since we were transitioning and important events happened in ep3 that needed more time and emotion.

looking forward to next week!


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Beware of the second lead syndroooome~*insert Mishil Theme from Queen Seon Deok*

Hh..may be we should just ask neurosurgeons operate our brains and do sth with our neurons so we won't fall for the second male lead everytime we watch kdramas.

Or may be they can even do sth to our neurons to prevent dramahangover.

(me too, expecting interesting interactions between Yoon Do and Hye Jung. Aaa I fall for him already.)


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Thanks for the recap, lovepark!

So happy that JH is back and reunited with HJ. His direct questions were amusing. They already seem like a great team with that first surgery, so I know HJ can be JH's assistant.

KTH is an awesome doctor and it felt so good to see him put SW in her place with what she said.

Not surprised SW's dad didn't even recognize HJ. Hope JH can help HJ access those confidential grandma files.

The residents are all so funny and cute in their unique way. XD Can't wait to see more of this lil' fam.

So awesome SH is still around for the adult plot. Running a cafe seems to suit her and glad she can still be HJ's pillar of support.

I wonder if there will be mention of SC later on to wrap up his character. I'm definitely curious like JH and wanna know what's happened with HJ and SC the past 13 years after they rode off on the motorcycle.


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This episode seriously made me swoon over and over and over again. Actually, I'm totally in love with the whole drama and really hope things work out with Hye Jung and Ji Hong, poor guy waited for 13 years!
And wow Seo Woo hasn't changed at all, hasn't she??? Can't believe she's a neurosurgeon either. Seems like Baek In Ha from Cheese in the Trap is back to ruin another lovely heroine once again.
I don't know how I'm going to survive till Monday.


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I'm really on the fence for this drama

1st ep - loved
2nd - okish
3rd - fast fwded like 60%
4rth - liked

- The helicopter scene was swoony. except for the fact that they haven't met since school. So has JH been thinking romantically about his student all this time ? uh-oh!

- I'm not sure why the show is projecting HJ and JH as some star crossed lovers. The whole setup feels like that. they met as student teacher for like a month? I didn't find any thing earth shattering in their interaction to still remember each other after all this time

- I strangely like YD and HJ more. their banter and trying to get in the last word was riveting

- Why the heck is SW still obsessed with what happened a decade ago? I can imagine HJ being still upset bec her life got ruined but why is SW still hung up on it? isn't she like least bit guilty?

... to continue or not? i guess one more week!


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I agree! I like YD and HJ more, strangely enough! Although sometimes I have the tendency to root for the second male lead, and I really like YKS. :)) The moment he tells her "I guess I'll never know because we'll never be close" I was just like SON YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET SAYING THAT YOU ALREADY LIKE HER AND YOU HATE TO ADMIT IT


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A crisis naturally brings people closer. For JH and HJ, that time when they rescued that pregnant woman became the turning point of their lives. It renewed JH's interest in becoming a doctor, and it gave HJ what she needed most, appreciation and gratefulness from other people. That incident also gave them an idea of what kind of person they both are. For HJ, she found out that JH is a doctor, while JH got a glimpsed of HJ's kinder side.

-As for Seo Woo, I guess HJ is her only archenemy, the only person who managed to show that she could be inferior. It's like high school all over again and with the girl's character's description, it seems like Hye Jung for her is her worst nightmare ever.


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Agree on SW - she is up against someone that is clearly much better than her, and also a rival, and she is having problems dealing with it. I think she will get much worse in future episodes.


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+1 !


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I agree with you. Although I like the setup in general, it is so hard to believe that all these people have not been able to have a life in 13 years and everything is still so fresh for them.
Even if they were not able to find love again, the whole "are you married, do you have a boyfriend" thing was too much for me, like: was he waiting all these years the moment to find her and say that?? The scene could have been much more realistic and subtle, to show us that the encounter made an impact in both and that he still had feelings for her...I think that would have made it much more swoon-worthy.


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Well, Now I can fully enjoy without bothering about morality and appropriate behavior lol

I definitely enjoyed the episode and looking forward to the next but seemed like Ji Hong is going way too fast.. as much as I loved the last scene and almost kiss. The writer needs to slow down a bit and show Hye Jung's side as well.


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Soo our brilliant PSH let slip to a resident the essence of her masterplan, of using her current hospital position to dig into her grandmother's records? This is saying something about her trust in him isn't it.


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omg PSH + KRW are just killliinnnn' their roles. love it!!! finally a kdrama worth waiting for!!!! pls dont disappoint towards the end.


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Medical drama is not my cup of tea but I love the characters! They're all so squishy and adorable! (Except for Seowoo's dad, I wanna squash his face in)

And I freaking ship Hyejeong with everyone, including the gangster-patient.


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LOL... your comments about squashing SW dad so funny.
I rather punch his face tough.

And yes, I also shipping HJ with everyone.
She really charming, that what make peoples fall for her.

Love how PSH/KRW show their chemistry here, it blast and surprise us.
Cant wait Monday-Tuesday coming. Keep counting every minutes passes!


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the gangster patient was hot and their banter was entertaining so i don't blame you lol


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So far I'm loving all the characters in this drama.
The only thing that peeves me is the fact that all the patients so far pretty much drops to the ground unconscious and then it's like always an aneurysm...-0-


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My favorite character is Soon-hee. Lovable and loyal, the two best traits in a friend!


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soon hee and hye jung is love.


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she's the best! :) she's the true puppy in this show.


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Checking out this episode after watching the cast in previous Running Man, and wow, can't believe the sweetly loyal Yoon Kyun Sang is the same assy Yoon Do... As the level of assiness (is there such a word?) is equal to the level of falling later on, that poor boy, he's going to fall so hard, isn't he?
Loved the witty banter between Hye Jung and everybody else, she really gives as good as she get. Loving the cast too, but the way they paint Seo Woo & In Joo so far is a red, red alert on bitchy second leads.


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Seo Woo is insecure and weak and selfish, but interesting. Her parents haven't exactly provided her with stellar values, and it's a shame to see she's still insanely class-motivated.

In Joo on the other hand is a territorial monster who I would really like to see unveiled. I cannot believe that she approached a high-schooler to basically say "you're not good enough for your teacher, stop crushing on him, he's mine". Now THAT is a level of coldhearted stupidity that I can't explain.

I'm sure In Joo will show up again, but jeez. Just because you want to marry a guy doesn't mean you can make it happen, especially when he's made it 100% known that he's not marrying you. To then go after a TEENAGER out of jealousy? You are not part of this, In Joo! I can't believe she laid that burden on a teenager.

I also have a terrible feeling that In Joo may have been preventing Ji Hong from tracking down Hye Jung all of these years.


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"I’m glad Soon-hee survived the time jump and is still around because she’s a great friend. "

So very glad!


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replaying helicopter scene for 100x in a row. That was... urggghhh.


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Me too! AGH....Those friggin lines and then he walks away. Dear Lord, my heart was gone.


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LOL, ngl I did swoon at that reunion scene (although it's so cheesy how he of course had to make a grand entrance via the helicopter pffftt but hey he looked hot so ok no complaints there).

Argh I'm a bit disappointed with the show for Seo Woo's characterization, but I guess it's only 4 eps in so there's room for character growth yet. I hope she'll go somewhere along the "I Hear Your Voice" route, where there are no absolute black and whites and we can sift through the grey areas in their characterizations.

I don't usually watch medical dramas, so yeah I'm mostly here for the cute character interactions :D I can't wait for Monday & Tuesdays again, now that OHYA has finished.


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i'm not keeping my hopes up that it'll actually happen, but i think there is a chance that seo woo could get some good development. i'm just not sure because she seems like the same person she was, and she's 13 years older than before..


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I believe there will be a development for the Seo Woo character. She will not forever be bad. That glimpse of goodness was at their house when she was embarrassed by her mother's attitude towards HJ and SH during the tutoring session. She will develop into a nice and likeable character. I saw this from the sub of the first press conference. How this will happen will surely be in the episodes which we have yet to see.

Overall, I am loving the drama. We have so many characters who are adorable in their own way, including the gangster boss.

PSH and KRW are killing it in the chemistry department. Their chemistry is off the charts. So is their acting.


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That helicopter scene though
Someone's been watching DotS lol


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Had I not watched Plum Blossoms before, I might have spent less effort liking KRW..sigh... just why did I have to watch that movie..aisssshh

But I can't not like him... he's just so likable and swoonable in those scenes with PSH, so much I like them that I actually regret starting to watch this drama when it's just running its 4 ep. I should have waited until it completes.. I should have... so I don't have to suffer this pain of waiting for Mondays to come.


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Kim rae won and park shin hye are slaying left and right. Amazing dynamics. Such hot chemistry. And also the last scene, ehmm.. Left me squealing so much. lol. Also, really happy to see Baek sung hyun and shin hye together. The stairway to heaven babies who were just completely adorable and stole that show. They had amazing chemistry even at that young age as i recall. Our lovey-dovey hyejung-soon hee. hehe. Adore their friendship so much. Hyejung and soon hee are otp,okay. haha.. And the conversations between yoon do and hye jung, seo woo and hye jung..

yoon do:why are you rude to me.
hyejung:you were rude to me first. I will always give back what i get.
seo woo:just leave. I'll believe you.
hyejung: I will leave whenver I want.
Damn.... Hye jung ah, i love you. Park shin hye is killing it. Amazing story, amazing cast,amazing direction.. Completely loving it. i am cheering for everybody for such a good work.

And oh.. Park shin hye is having chemistry with almost everybody,even cameo gangster boss, his subordinate..lol. That i end up shipping her with everyone,lol.


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I loved the comment from one of the gangsters "Are you married?".


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I think I rewatched this ep like 3 times already. I LOVED IT.
First 2 eps were good, 3rd was better, 4th sealed the deal for me
I can already tell our resident team are going to be so much fun.
I'm so happy Soon Hee is still around and their friendship is better than ever.
I love how Hye Jung always has the last say in her conversations with Seo Woo & Yoon Do.
And Ji Hong... ah what can I say about Ji Hong. I love how straightforward he is & I love his smile. KRW's line delivery is just amazing.

I can't wait for the next ep
Dear Monday, please come quickly!


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this episode is quite interesting


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kim rae won got me hook line sinker


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Is it just me or Kang-soo's hair color keep on changing? :/

Loved this episode a lot! Can't wait for next week! <3


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