Doctors: Episode 3

Get your tissues prepared because this episode is all about sorrow. Hye-jung might have thought she was at rock bottom when she was kicked out of school and abandoned by her father, but back then, she had nothing to lose and nothing to fear. Despite the heartache Hye-jung experiences throughout this episode, I hope she can say at the end that it was better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all.



Walking on a boardwalk, Ji-hong narrates that the amygdala makes you feel love and hate, but it also controls flight and fight. Thus, when people fall in love, they become more aggressive.

He meets with Seo-woo’s mother, and she makes a snide remark about Ji-hong being caught in a dirty scandal. Ji-hong only wishes to protect his students and is willing to shoulder all the responsibility. However, if Seo-woo’s mother continues to demand Hye-jung’s expulsion, Ji-hong will sue Seo-woo and the school for defamation.

Ji-hong turns in his resignation to the school principal (Soon-hee’s father), and the principal is unhappy to lose a doctor-turned-teacher from his school. (Note: we mislabeled another teacher as the principal in Episodes 1 and 2.)

Hye-jung and Soon-hee get into the back of a police car while Seo-woo is whisked away in an ambulance, still unconscious. Soon-hee fusses over Hye-jung’s burn wound, but Hye-jung tells Soon-hee to keep their meeting a secret from Ji-hong because she can’t have him entangled with her. Hye-jung wants to live as a good person now, and advises Soon-hee to also leave her.

At the police station, only Soon-hee’s father is there because Grandma is asleep and can’t be reached. The officer allows Soon-hee to be released, and her father drags her out of the station. The officer tells Hye-jung that taking the fall now might seem cool, but the world is a cesspool.

In-joo visits Ji-hong to congratulate him on returning to her world, and Ji-hong offers making her dinner. Before he even gets the dishes out, Soon-hee calls Ji-hong and tells him about the incident.

Ji-hong goes to the hospital to meet Seo-woo first, and asks her what happens. She tells him that Hye-jung tried to kill her, and Seo-woo voices her disappointment in Ji-hong. Tears pool in her eyes and she asks why he likes Hye-jung but hates her. Ji-hong tells Seo-woo that’s she’s beautiful and smart, and leaves.

Ji-hong visits Hye-jung at the police station, and wants to see her arm. Hye-jung ignores him, and he sighs at her stubbornness. He takes her arm forcibly to apply medicine, and tells Hye-jung that people with backgrounds like her are discriminated against in these circumstances.

Hye-jung has a flashback where she asked for one of Ji-hong’s medical textbooks as a prize for placing first on her math test. She then asked for his signature, and saw two name tags in his drawer. She noticed his different surnames, and Ji-hong casually told her that he was an orphan until junior high. After a pause, Hye-jung said that she now understood how everyone felt once she’d told them that she had no mother.

Back in the present, Ji-hong admits that he was avoiding her since the online post, and asks her if she understands that society will judge her more harshly than him. Hye-jung smiles and wonders aloud why she’s more worried for Ji-hong, then. Hye-jung bows to him, thanking him for all his help, and tells him that they shouldn’t see each other anymore.

Ji-hong leaves the police station with In-joo, and asks her about a lawyer. In-joo agrees to help Hye-jung, but tells Ji-hong to stop interfering. She doesn’t want him getting closer to Hye-jung since she’s still a minor, and In-joo warns Ji-hong to watch his actions.

Grandma calls Hye-jung’s father, but he refuses to listen to anything concerning his daughter. Thus, Grandma tells him that she has cancer in order to make him come, but he thinks she’s lying and hangs up.

She visits Seo-woo at the hospital and is surprised to learn that Myung-hoon is her father. Seo-woo and Myung-hoon are polite to Grandma, but Seo-woo’s mother orders the doctors to kick her out, complaining about the lack of security.

Grandma walks down the streets downtrodden as a lawyer tells her in voiceover that the case will be very difficult. She visits Hye-jung at the police station with food, but Hye-jung doesn’t eat. She tells Grandma that they should part ways, and Grandma reprimands Hye-jung for saying such things. She says that Hye-jung is the type of person who would abandon Grandma for being embarrassing in the future.

Hye-jung cries that she’s giving Grandma a chance to run away from her, but Grandma tells Hye-jung that she’s never run away in her entire life. Grandma starts to eat the food herself since Hye-jung won’t eat it, so Hye-jung takes the spoon back and eats.

While leaving the police station, a group of officers accidentally knock down Grandma. She waves them away and picks up her things as she remembers Hye-jung happily telling her about placing first in math. Unable to hold it in any longer, Grandma bursts into uncontrollable sobs.

Ji-hong meets his father who tells him that In-joo just left. He asks Ji-hong if he’s settled everything with the school, and tells him to apply to Johns Hopkins and get all the paperwork ready before they leave.

Ji-hong and In-joo meet outside, and In-joo apologizes for being so childish last time. Ji-hong admits that her words helped him, and puts Hye-jung in her care. She asks if he trusts her to do it, and he says that he has to because they’re friends. In-joo is amazed at Ji-hong’s ability to kill two birds with one stone — making it clear that they’re just friends and making sure that Hye-jung is taken care of — and Ji-hong laughs while giving her a knowing nudge.

Back home, Ji-hong asks Grandma how her meeting with the lawyer went, and she lies that the case will go well. Ji-hong informs Grandma about his move, and she says that it must have been hard for him to get entangled in all of this. She thanks Ji-hong and tells him to keep in touch.

Grandma brings food to Hye-jung again and tells her that she can’t visit for a while. Grandma prods Hye-jung to ask her why, and when Hye-jung humors her, Grandma drops a truth bomb: She has stomach cancer. She wasn’t going to tell Hye-jung until her surgery because she didn’t want to worry her, but since Hye-jung is stuck in jail, she might as well worry.

Grandma tells Hye-jung to watch her fight for her life, and wants Hye-jung to do the same. She will try her best to help Hye-jung, but it’ll all be for naught if Hye-jung doesn’t fight for herself. She asks Hye-jung again if she really started the fire, but Hye-jung avoids answering the question and tells Grandma to come back completely healed from her surgery. Hye-jung returns to her cell, and though she tries to stifle her sobs, she can’t stop crying.

Ji-hong has all his things packed and gives one last forlorn look at Grandma’s restaurant before he leaves.

Soon-hee takes a deep breath before marching into the police station, and tells the officer in charge that she started the fire. He reads her Seo-woo’s statement which places the blame on Hye-jung, and tells Soon-hee that she’ll have to serve at least five years at a detention center if she confesses.

Soon-hee’s father runs into the station and tries to get his daughter out of there. However, the officer stops him, and Soon-hee’s father slaps his daughter on the back for causing all this trouble. He asks her if Hye-jung is more important than family, and Soon-hee defiantly says that Hye-jung is the only person who genuinely likes her and speaks to her sincerely. Soon-hee’s father gives up and calls her a disgrace to the family before storming out of the room.

The officer opens the cell door and tells Hye-jung to leave while telling someone who’s offscreen to get in. Still confused, she exits and looks up to see Soon-hee walk past her. The door closes, and Hye-jung yells at the officer to release Soon-hee and put her back in. The officer jokingly asks if they’re dating, and tells them to settle their love matters between themselves.

Hye-jung tells Soon-hee to take back what she said, but Soon-hee asks Hye-jung to not forget that she didn’t abandon her. Soon-hee holds onto Hye-jung’s hands through the bars, and Hye-jung stares back at her with tears in her eyes.

Seo-woo’s mother tells Seo-woo that Hye-jung will be expelled, and Seo-woo asks about Ji-hong. Her mother dismisses her question and says that she’ll have to transfer schools. Seo-woo excuses herself and gets up to take a walk.

Hye-jung goes to the hospital to visit Seo-woo since the officer told her that if the parties involved agree it was an accident, then Soon-hee will be released with just a fine. They coincidentally meet in a stairwell, and the sight of Hye-jung reminds Seo-woo of the night of the fire.

In flashback, we see that Hye-jung carried Seo-woo on her back, and when a pillar crashed down on them, Hye-jung blocked it with her arm so that it wouldn’t fall right on top of Seo-woo. Hye-jung carried Seo-woo again despite her injury, and Seo-woo regained a moment of consciousness and clutched onto Hye-jung tightly.

On the rooftop, Hye-jung wonders why Seo-woo is acting like this when they used to be friends, and Seo-woo says that she gets mad just looking at her. Hye-jung says that she’ll beg if she has to, and gets on her knees. Seo-woo stares down at her and says that it doesn’t work. She walks away as Hye-jung continues to kneel on the floor long after Seo-woo has left.

Hye-jung returns home late at night and moves the puppy out of Grandma’s arms to reclaim her spot next to Grandma. As she snuggles with Grandma, the puppy adorably cuddles next to Hye-jung.

In the morning, Grandma wakes with a start and wonders when and how Hye-jung got home. She gets up to bring some tofu—traditionally eaten when someone’s released from prison to symbolize starting over with a clean slate—and feeds Hye-jung. She asks if it’s Grandma’s surgery day, and Grandma pulls Hye-jung into a hug.

Soon-hee is released from jail with help from her father, and she thanks him profusely. He huffs and tells her to be prepared to leave for Canada. Despite her father’s grumpy mood, Soon-hee remains chirpy and follows after him.

It’s Ji-hong’s last day at school, and he gives his farewell speech to his class minus Hye-jung who’s absent. He apologizes for not finishing the term with them, and says that he’ll remember them always wherever he may be. Seo-woo leads the class in their final bow, and Ji-hong bows back.

Hye-jung sits by Grandma’s hospital bed before the surgery, and the two of them joke and cuddle. When it’s time, Grandma reassures Hye-jung that everything will be all right. They wave goodbye, and Hye-jung watches Grandma until she disappears into the operating room.

Myung-hoon is operating on Grandma when a nurse comes in with a phone call from his father. He tells his father that he remembers their meeting, and promises to wrap up his surgery quickly. Not soon after, blood starts to spurt. Myung-hoon shouts out orders to his assistants, but Grandma flatlines.

When Myung-hoon exits, Hye-jung confronts him and asks about the surgery. He tells her nonchalantly that they tried their best but the results weren’t good. Hye-jung wants clarification, and Myung-hoon tells her to prepare a funeral.

Hye-jung can’t believe Grandma would die and wants an explanation. Myung-hoon says that he’ll speak to an adult, but Hye-jung yells that she’s the closest to Grandma. He refuses to talk to Hye-jung and walks away. She dissolves into sobs and crouches on the floor.

Seo-woo’s family is enjoying a fancy dinner, and Director Jin declares that this is now a turning point for their family. They toast happily.

Hye-jung, dressed in all black, stares down at Grandma’s funeral portrait, and then reads a letter Grandma wrote before her surgery. She writes to Hye-jung that she may have been abandoned by her parents, but at least she was fortunate to have a grandma like her. She wishes Hye-jung to study and tells her that she changed all her bank accounts to be under Hye-jung’s name. Hye-jung clutches the portrait to her chest and weeps.

Her father and stepmother walk in, and her stepmother can’t believe Hye-jung is crying since Grandma died because of her. Indignant, Hye-jung demands to know if they accepted money from the hospital, and tells them that the hospital is responsible for Grandma’s death. Stepmother doesn’t believe a word Hye-jung spews, and even her father looks away.

Hye-jung storms into the hospital and confronts Myung-hoon. She accuses him of killing Grandma, but he calmly states that he did his best and her parents have accepted it. Hye-jung asks if trying your best automatically means forgiveness, but Myung-hoon only warns her to never cause another disturbance because of this matter.

Ji-hong rushes to the hospital and enters just as Hye-jung leaves. He tries calling her, but Hye-jung stares at the caller ID and doesn’t answer. She has a flashback where In-joo handed her a pamphlet for a boarding school. Hye-jung declined since she was planning to take the high school equivalency exam and stay by Grandma’s side. In-joo asked if Hye-jung liked Ji-hong, and told Hye-jung that he lived in a different world from her—in other words, Hye-jung was a hindrance to Ji-hong.

Ji-hong catches up to Hye-jung outside, and reproaches her for making him hear about Grandma from someone else. Hye-jung doesn’t see why she should tell him, and asks him coldly why he’s intervening. Ji-hong pauses and says that now isn’t the right time to talk.

Hye-jung walks away, but Ji-hong calls out to her and asks if it’s really okay for him to leave. With her back turned to him, she tells him that she never wants to see him again, though the tears streaming down her face seem to say otherwise. She tells him to return to his world, and she’ll return to hers.

Ji-hong hesitates for a moment, but then starts running after Hye-jung. A motorcycle passes him, and Soo-chul reaches Hye-jung first. He offers her a ride, and Hye-jung leaves seconds before Ji-hong catches up.

As Ji-hong watches Hye-jung disappear, he narrates that not being crazy while in love is abnormal, but he guarded himself against that. As a result, he’s paying the price for his actions. Meanwhile, Soo-chul speeds on his motorcycle as Hye-jung looks off towards the horizon.

Thirteen years later. We return to a familiar scene with Hye-jung tying up her hair, and in a busy emergency room, gangsters carry their injured boss inside. All the doctors try to avoid treating the scary patient until fourth-year resident KANG KYUNG-JOON (Kim Kang-hyun) is pushed forward as the doctor in charge. He tells a first-year resident CHOI KANG-SOO (Kim Min-suk) to prepare CT and MRI scans, but the boss scoffs at Kyung-joon’s proposal.

When Kyung-joon yells at Kang-soo for accidentally letting a cart go astray, one of the gangsters grabs him and asks if he’s ignoring their boss. He orders Kyung-joon to clench his teeth, but Hye-jung intervenes just in time. She chucks the gangster across the room and tells the rest of them to leave.

Seemingly unimpressed (or too injured to have registered what happened), the boss orders his lackeys to escort her outside because he won’t be treated by a woman. They try to grab Hye-jung, but she deftly avoids them and manages to single-handedly beat everyone. Just as she flips over the last gangster, the boss faints.

Seo-woo is applying lipstick and practicing her confession in a public bathroom. She tries a straightforward approach and then attempts a cutesy version. She sighs at her reflection and decides that acting pretty won’t work. At that moment, the sink crashes to the floor, to Seo-woo’s horror.

She walks to a table at a restaurant where her sunbae and crush, JUNG YOON-DO (Yoon Kyun-sang), is sitting and already done with his meal. She complains about him not waiting, and he tells her to act that way in front of her boyfriend.

Yoon-do wants to get up and go back to the hospital, but Seo-woo stops him because she has something to tell him. Before she can confess her feelings, the restaurant owner approaches them and places a broken piece of sink on their table.

Seo-woo takes out a couple of bills to compensate for the sink, but the restaurant owner yells at her to apologize first. Yoon-do tries to slip away, and Seo-woo gapes at him: Doesn’t he watch dramas? This is when he’s supposed to help the damsel in distress, she points out.

Yoon-do tells her to clean up her own mess, and attempts to leave again. However, the restaurant owner suddenly collapses to the floor, and Yoon-do checks on her at once.

They arrive at the hospital in an ambulance with the restaurant owner, and Kyung-joon tells him that surgery room one is available. He asks about room two, and Kyung-joon explains that the new fellow is already in there with an emergency patient. The news makes Yoon-do furious since he’s in charge of all the surgeries tonight.

In room two, Hye-jung is busy operating on the gangster boss, calm and in control. Yoon-do passes by in his surgical gown, and from the looks of it, Hye-jung has just successfully completed her surgery.


Even though I was prepared, I was still devastated by how quickly Grandma passed away. I loved her, and Kim Young-ae was, as usual, brilliant. I ached when she wept outside the police station so Hye-jung couldn’t see her crying, smiled when she adorably prepared tofu to feed her still sleeping granddaughter, and watched with butterflies in my stomach as she waved goodbye to Hye-jung right before her surgery. I desperately wanted Grandma to survive though I knew she wouldn’t, so when Myung-hoon came out of the surgery room without an ounce of remorse, I wanted to slap him. He didn’t even apologize or utter his condolences to Hye-jung, and his actions made me think of Tae-ho from Episode 2. There’s a reason why Myung-hoon hadn’t been promoted for a long time, and it becomes more evident when he’s compared to Tae-ho. In Tae-ho’s case, his surgery succeeded and afterwards, he warmly told the family and interacted with the son; whereas for Myung-hoon, his surgery failed yet he still acted nonchalant and aloof towards Hye-jung. While I don’t think Myung-hoon is a horrible person, he’s unsympathetic and doesn’t have the skills to excuse his uncommunicative behavior towards the patient’s family. This is what makes Myung-hoon a mediocre doctor aside from his lack of skills, and from the little we’ve seen, Tae-ho appears to be head and shoulders above him.

While I like Park Shin-hye in this role, my only minor issue was that she looked too old to play a high schooler. I find her more believable as a thirty-year-old surgeon than as a teenager, but I only bring this up because when Hye-jung walked away from the hospital completely heartbroken and lost, she looked like a little girl. In that moment, Park Shin-hye was Hye-jung, and I forgot she was acting. Besides that scene, I also applaud Park Shin-hye for all her crying scenes this episode because she portrayed various degrees and forms of sadness through her tears, and her acting highlighted the subtle nuances of the character’s emotions.

It was heartbreaking to see Hye-jung cry by herself. First, it was in her cell, then at the hospital, and finally at home. It was a tough episode for her since she saw her only friend go behind bars, witnessed an ex-friend walk away from their relationship, lost the only family member who truly cared for her, and parted ways with her teacher who had inspired her to live differently. However, these events were heartrending because of the brief moments of happiness Hye-jung had before everything was taken away from her. It was sweet how close Hye-jung was with Grandma, and even though she was expelled from school, Hye-jung remained optimistic because Grandma was by her side and gave her support. Thus, when Grandma died, the last twinkle and hope in Hye-jung’s eye seemed to disappear. However, maybe it’s because of Grandma’s last wish and the circumstances surrounding her death, but it seems that Hye-jung continued studying and didn’t fall back to her old way of living.

I’m excited to meet adult Hye-jung and the new people who’ll inhabit her world. Yoon-do seems stubborn like Hye-jung, and I can’t wait for him to butt heads with her. I also enjoyed the little of adult Seo-woo we saw, who seems much happier now than before. I dearly hope that when the two girls meet each other, Seo-woo doesn’t revert back to her sullen teenage version. A little competition is healthy, but I don’t want Seo-woo to waste her life by always comparing herself to Hye-jung and never appreciating her positive traits. Teenage Seo-woo’s greatest weakness was allowing loss to control her, and failing to see the bigger picture. It seemed to me that she blamed Hye-jung for suddenly appearing and taking the things she thought were hers: the best grades, Soon-hee, and Ji-hong. Hopefully, she can overcome her inferiority complex towards Hye-jung because I really want them to be friends again.

I know a majority of the comments (and probably readers) weren’t keen on the student-teacher relationship. I, myself, always find these sorts of portrayals troubling because, in real life, a teacher should never be romantically involved with a student no matter the circumstances. Thus, I tried to give the show the benefit of the doubt by assuming Ji-hong never harbored romantic feelings for Hye-jung. All the fuzzy cinematography and ambiance was to depict Hye-jung’s one-sided love for her teacher because I can understand her developing a crush on him. But to my dismay, Ji-hong’s final narration hinted at deeper feelings, and it made me frown. He should have known better, but I guess you could say he’s atoning for his mistake by quitting his job and leaving Hye-jung’s side. I’m just glad that we’ve jumped to the present timeline and am willing to put the student-teacher issue in the past since nothing technically happened between them. Anyways, Kim Rae-won is doing an amazing job, and I probably find Ji-hong less creepy than I normally would because of him.


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It was so,so heartbreaking seeing Grandma die,even more when she waved Hye Jung with a smile before entering the surgery room...Like always good characters die,the only family member that truly loved her...I would totally have slapped that shitty women called step mother,and her poor joke of father doing nothing...This episode was heartbreaking and full of sad yet touching moments...really love so far the show...


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My baby Yoon Kyunsang looks so good! ;A;

Ugh. That doctor though. I just can't believe how he could say that to Hyejeong and then celebrate with his family right after. I just wanted to slap the hell out of him at that moment. RIP, Halmoni.

I'm happy Hyejeong has a friend like Soonhee.


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Was it just me or did YKS gained a bit of weight? the last time i saw him was Pinocchio.


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He did gain some weight. Things are probably working out well for him which is great. :)


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I do think he gained a little weight to better match his character in Six Flying Dragons.
Haha, just imagine a Moohyul looking thin like a match stick. That would have been really weird! :)


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Soonhee is precious. She deserves the Best Best Friend title! #kdramabff2016


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Yes she is! I hope she will have a part after the time jump too... though it would be odd if all 3 of them became doctors... maybe a nurse or someone working in the hospital? Though probably Hye Jung will end up saving her or someone in her family since Hye Jung promised to remember her sacrifice. Its Kdrama right? No such thing as promises unfulfilled.


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One look at YKS and all I thought was: I miss Moo-hyul!!!


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I, too, am so happy that Hye-jung has Soon-hee as a friend. I was so sure that Soon-hee would follow her parents' order and abandoned Hye-jung to stay out of trouble, but she didn't. When she cried and told Hye-jung to remember that she did not abandon her friend, I almost cried. It took great strength for a kid with personality like Soon-hee to go against her parents like that.


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I wanted to excuse it with how surgeons are usually emotionally detached but damn that was cold.


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he looks so cute with a bit of weight.

hopefully his character is a good one


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Thanks for the quick recap!!!

This episode was so heartbreaking...

I was disgusted by the doctor's behavior (Seo-woo's dad) after the surgery. And I was disappointed by how the Show was portraying Seo-woo: is she going to be acting like a spoil brat?

I generally can't stand gory scenes, so I closed my eyes during the Grandma's surgery scene. May I know if complications unfortunately just happened and the surgeons couldn't save her? Or was there a mistake?

I'm proud of Hye-jung's growth. She did get out of trouble (so it seems), she seems honest, she turned out fine...

And last, can I say that the one who stole the show was... the puppy? Sooo a-do-ra-ble!

Can't wait to go home and watch today's episode!


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Oh yeah, the step mom was horrible too!


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Ugh I want to b-slap the awful woman. No wonder why Hyejung hated her so much when she talked about her in episode 1.


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Solomon said that the director released a clip which showed the evil stepmother abusing Hye-Jung as a child. I wonder why he chose to release that footage separately and not add it to the drama?


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Sorry, I meant Soompi - damn autocorrect.


Apparently they released it separately since the footage had the stepmom hitting the young Hye Jung and scenes like that aren't allowed on Korean tv


I actually like Seowoo's character. In the previous episodes, you can see that she is a nice person. She liked Hyejeong and helped her with studies. Even when her mom discriminated both Hyejeong and Soonhee, she still wants to be with them. It's sad that she lets her jealousy eat her up though. Lee Sungkyung is also playing the character really well.


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But did Seowoo agree to tutor Hyejeong with sincerity, or did she do so to gain points in the eyes of her teacher? I do hope it was for friendship, though. I'd love the show to portray her as more than just a jealous character.


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I agree with you that SW help HJ not becos she truly wants to help HJ.
At first she said she needs to check with Teacher first. And that day she confesses to JH that she likes him which she bursts it off. Then she said she'll help HJ which is indeed helping her Teacher, because she is always given tasks by him...
So, it's not really because SW considers HJ (or even SH) as friends.


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Sorry for my bad English.
I meant "he brushes it off" for SW's confession.


Didn't she agree to it after they ran from those guys who were with Jisoo? I thought she was sincere until Hyejeong got number 1.


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Good point...

So I went back to the previous episode recap:
- after the running scene, SW agreed to tutor HJ but only after checking something with the teacher
- SW then went to see the teacher and stated she'll tutor for his sake
- SW confesses her feelings
- SW says she's going to help to show him that she's like the people he likes (i.e. warm-hearted)

So I'm not sure... Did she really mean to help? Or is she just trying to be nice, so that the teacher would like her?


I think it's a little bit of both. It'd make her character more interesting if she's not totally selfish.


She likely started off deciding to offer because of her crush but stuck with it because they were good people. It explains he quick turn around and is a very teenage thing to do.


I think it was a points gaining thing that backfired. She now has it so set in her mind that she refused to acknowledge that she might be wrong. A classic case of cognitive dissonance.


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I like how Seowoo is portrayed. She is not evil, she's just a very insecure and spoiled teenager. Her crush on Jihong wasn't just because he's smart and dreamy but also because he's kind, he understands how much she's a prisoner at home and encourages her to pursue other interests. For someone who thrives on praises, Seowoo easily fell for Jihong's kindness and understanding. Likewise, her cute friendship with Hyejung and Soonhee makes it more regretful when it's torn apart.

Lee Sungkyung does the subtle expression very well. She has a way of reacting to a dismay with a tiny hint of hurt in her eyes.


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Regarding the surgery, it was being done "keyhole" style with small holes for instruments to be put in (instead of a big cut (or "open" surgery) needed if he had to put his hands in to operate directly). They use a tiny camera to see where the instruments are and control the instruments watching images on a tv screen.
Regarding the scene- There was a comment by the surgeon that "the cancer spread further than he thought" and that usually it means the surgeon have to cut and remove more than he initially planned. Then while operating he cut into a blood vessel and there was a lot of bleeding. When there is a lot of bleeding the camera gets covered so they can't see what is going on so they will convert the surgery to "open" by cutting a big incision to directly see what is going on. And in the scene there was blood pouring out of his big incision and then grandma's blood pressure dropped and then her heart stopped.
So, he probably cut into a blood vessel accidentally while trying to remove more of the cancerous tissue, causing the massive bleeding. So he is responsible, though it wasn't intentional. But his follow up actions were completely wrong and disgusting. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know for sure, but certainly there would be grounds for a lawsuit and at minimum at apology that the surgery had a complication.
Sorry for the long rant. Hope this explains it to you!


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Thank you !


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Thank you for your explanation. This even proves more about Seo Woo's dad ethics... sign...
I hope HJ will find out about this soon...


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I think I watch way to many medical shows. I actually already knew this (humblebrag) but thanks for telling all the folks.


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I c, i didnt understand what was happening in the surgery, thanks so much for the explanation! More clarity after reading this :)


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Haha. This is and beautiful mind are my first medical dramas.
Glad my long winded explanation helped some people. I'm not working now, but at least my knowledge isn't entirely going to waste! I'm happy to explain any medical stuff anytime. ?


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sorry to respond to your comment but its one of the tops and i need to know this!
Does anyone know what song is playing after hye-jung is begging seo woo and then she goes home?


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I think I started crying when grandma first told her that she had cancer and the tears just never stopped since then.
I think I cried the hardest when her dad and stepmom came. I felt Hyejung's pain, and I wanted to punch the step mother so badly. How could any human say such thing?!?!? It was such an emotional episode and I'm so so sad that grandma died.


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The appearence of the parents when she was crying alone in grandmas house was pitch perfect. Every bit of shame, fear, hurt, loneliness and grief was evident in that scene.


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Thanks for your recap!!!
Haiz... I cried a lot in this episode.
Methinks... let's just say something positive... it's too sad already.
I personally like these moments most of ep 3:
Grandma to HJ: Don't tell me to leave you. If I want to leave, I will leave u regardless if you ask me or not... (and the fact that she always chooses to stay).
Soonhee to HJ: Remember that I didn't abandon you.
JH to HJ: I will always root for HJ.

These are reasons why Grandma, Soonhee, JH are the ones that matter to HJ. They really shape HJ's future. They are the only ones who truly love her and want to stay by her side. They dont judge her with what she used to do.
Our brave HJ only needs that much... to trust that she is deserved to love and to be loved.
I am so glad that she grows to such an independent lady who defends/fights for herself and makes people respect her.
Grandma would be extremely proud of her in heaven!


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This is episode was a cry fest. HJ was right about being alone. The stepmom is such a witch and SeoWoo's dad is cold. I feel like he's a psycho.

I really love PSH. I love majority of her shows (Heirs is the worst!) And i kinda love the chemistry between her and KRW.


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I think PSH deliberately prepared to be mature looking high school student in this drama. Remember that she was a delinquent and it seemed like she came in from the city and got left by the father in the countryside, so I can understand why she should look older. Haha! In my kid's middle school, there were kids who I said, looked like adults already, so I am not surprised. I love how you said that she transformed to a younger high school student when she was by herself crying, that was some fine acting! Can not wait for the rest of the drama. Hope it continues to be interesting!
OT, hope PSH accepts the movie role opposite the great veteran actor Choi Min Sik. It is quite amusing to imagine actors young and old alike discussing wanting to be in a project with her per KimRye Won interview!


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This episode was such a tear-jerker but I loved Park Shin Hye's acting in this episode. Her acting has improved in leaps and bounds since Pinocchio and yet she is still quite young.


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OMG i know! I never thought that i'd say this but Park Shin Hye did an AMAZING job!! I didnt realise that she was this good an actor! I guess all her other roles were pretty much 2 dimensional and looking pretty. Park Shin Hye fighting!


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Ok... so they do wear socks in kdramaland. Too bad they didn't show the socks.... but wait may be that was a pun. 'Fashion is about socks...!!'?


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I didn't feel like Hye Jung had romantic feelings for her teacher. I think she was thrilled to have an awesome adult figure show her concern and be happy for her achievements. While she had grandma's love, it is a different sort of reinforcement when an adult in a respected position thinks well of you. Except for the closeness at the microscopic, all their interaction could have been the same had the teacher been a female. When Seo Woo asks her if she likes the teacher, Hye Jung is genuinely surprised this question is asked. "We don't fit that category". What teenager would wear a curler at the table when eating with their crush? Their relationship was very important to her and it was painful to walk away rather than continue to attract trouble to his life.
Ji hong' s feelings were a little more cloudy. I don't think he would have admitted to himself at the time that his feelings were more than a teacher for a student. He was personally concerned in other students' lives. It seems like in Korea teachers have a greater responsibility as additional guardians of their students. Teachers in the US would never go to the police station or hospital for incidents outside of school grounds or activities. Had he continued to be a teacher, I don't think he would have crossed the line while she was a minor. He was too principled and responsible. The voiceover at the end were his thoughts after time had passed. Who doesn't think about the depth of feelings or lack of for someone after they are gone from your life. You miss them more than you ever thought possible or you don't.


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" The voiceover at the end were his thoughts after time had passed. Who doesn’t think about the depth of feelings or lack of for someone after they are gone from your life. You miss them more than you ever thought. "

Love your take at JH's last narration.


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I c, i didnt think of the possibility of it being after thoughts, good point :)
I think the only we should blame then is the sound director for inserting romance music at this scene, wrong aid to speech =p
Heh, sensitive to sound effects and music after oh hae young (on spot) and lucky romance (none or wrong)


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I agree with most of your assessment, while I think that Hyejung probably had an innocent crush that she herself struggled to come to terms with. On the surface, she thinks of him as one of the rare cool adults and a role model she never had. When Seowoo asked whether she liked Jihong, she suddenly realized that she cared about him and didn't want to hurt his career.

Unlike many here, I didn't really find Jihong creepy. He didn't act upon his feelings and his caring demeanors to her weren't very different from the way he treated every other female student. So even though it's inappropriate to have feelings for a minor and it's fair that Jihong punished himself up for having those feelings, Seowoo's words were still slander. She's just lucky that she didn't get beat up because the people in question cared and wanted to protect her, despite what she did to them.


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Yes, the fact that he didn't act on it that time was a relief for me. It's still bearable to watch. I will just forget about that incident. Like what lovepark said, nothing really happened.

TBH, i actually find it creepy that korean girls calling their (older) boyfriends "oppa". Like the way they call their older brother. In our culture ( Philippines ), you'll stop using the older brother term if you harbor romantic feelings.


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I find the word "oppa" okay though, since Vietnamese word for "oppa" is "anh", which is used for both older brother and any unrelated older guys.


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In philippines it's called "kuya". And you can used it to unrelated older guys. BUT, we drop it if ever we view that guy romantically. Haha!


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Wah. In Malaysia elder brother is called 'abang' and most wives called their husbands 'abang' too as a term of endearment . I called my brothers that and insert their names at the back e.g 'Abang Nas'.


Yes I love your take on both their feelings. They have sweet moments not creepy moments.
This drama is a delight to watch and I'm completely smitten so far.
And love love love the soundtracks!!


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Thank you! I also thought the narratives are afterthoughts of the characters. Like thinking aloud while looking back at those times.
I do, however, believe that JH and HJ somehow knew that they have special feelings for each other but didn't know how to address those because of the circumstances and also kind of in denial because, like HJ said, how's that possible between them? But HJ looked disappointed that JH didn't show much concern that she's in prison, and JH, well.. he knew he couldn't do anything that time.

So.. fast forward to episode 4. Oh, I can't wait for the episode 4 recap! Thanks LovePark for this!


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I agree with most of your post but I do feel both teacher and student did have a stirring of emotions for each other although these emotions had not yet been defined by actions. I believe it is OK to think anything you want to think because only then, can you distinguish right from wrong. Teacher knew right from wrong and clearly never acted on his emotions. Hye Jeong had major issues with trust and love, she too most probably would not have acted on her feelings, for they would have been puzzling to her. While I do not necessarily approve of teacher/student relationships, they do happen. In the US, both teacher and student would have been considered adults and thus the relationship would have been between two consenting adults.


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I liked the first two episodes, but right now the drama is turning quite mundane for me. Plus even if they are both adults now I must say Ji Hong still comes across a bit creepy for me. But I'll keep watching, I've been wrong before.


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Well, that made me cry like a baby. Her relationship with her Grandma was so beautiful. I was already expecting her to die, but man, her death still messed with my emotions when it happened.

And Soon-hee is a great friend. I wonder what became of her in the future? Ji-soo's character too. (please don't let that be the end of his screentime!)

I have a soft spot for running scenes in any drama, lol. When Ji-hong ran after Hye-jung coupled with the trademark k-drama ballad ost (that cam make any scene twice as dramatic), my heart pretty much pounded with glee.


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Ikr! My heart also pounded during the running scene!. I repeated that scene few times lol


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This ep was so sad... I cried so much
Shinhye has outdone herself again and I'm glad people finally see it


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Let's talk about the important stuff though: grandma has the cutest puppy in the entire world ?


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I really am going to miss the puppy...!


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Yes, it really was the cutest little puppy ever! When Grandma, Hye Jung and puppy were cuddled together it was the most beautiful thing.


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Seriously!! I'm not even a pet person but I adore this puppy. Adore! If I could find one just like him I'd get it immediately.

Wasn't he the cutest when he was nipping at Grandma's clothes while she was trying to make a phone call? *puppy love <3*


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Couldn't agree more!!!! Cutest puppy ever.

Btw, you have to check out youtube bts for the puppy alone.

And rewatch ep 1 the scene when HJ got home after the bar fight and got introduced to JH by grandma. She angrily walked past JH and closed the door. There's another innocent victim of HJ's anger... =))


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Im in for the puppy!!

Ommo, whoever cast that puppy deserve an award, stat!
And the puppy can get award for being so adorably snuggling against Hye Jung and granma.

"Best snuggle" award? :)


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Yes, the puppy is super duper snuggly cute!


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IKR! I wonder if HJ kept it up to the present.

Does anyone know what breed it is? I want one!!!


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Yesss!! I'm dying to know the breed as well!! If anyone knows, please, let us know!!!!????


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Yes it was a cry fest and Im such a sap I started crying before everyone else. I actually I loved the scene with grandma at the police station when she was visiting Hye Jung the first time and giving her food the most. That scene was beautifully acted by both actresses. You could feel the conflicting emotions so well and their deep love for one another, when Hye Jung grabbed back the soup and started eating I already had tears running down my face.

And I Absolutely Hate and Abhor doctors like Seo Woo's dad. URGH. All patients are equal, all relatives are equal and should be treated with respect. He is scum. Bah. Really my pet peeve when doctors act like this.
And since you can help who you fall in love with, but you can control your actions and response, I see no problem with what happened with Ji Hong towards Hye Jung. But I do agree that KRW as Ji Hong helps me forgive a lot, cuz Oppa is ?
Can't wait for the next episode. ❤️


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Sorry I meant *cant help who you fall in love with, but you can control your actions and response


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I agree with what you said sp much. He couldn't help his feelings, but he didn't do anything inappropriate.


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Cried so much during this episode because Hye Jung alone at the hospital, reminds me of when I was alone at the hospital waiting for my mom to come out of an emergency MRI scan- no family and friends to support a thin young girl like me...
Well, back to drama land.
why did grandma have to die so soon??? Right when Hye Jung was determined to change her course?? Well I guess that's how life is . And that lovely trio shattered into pieces because of Seo Woo's jealousy argh. I feel like Baek in Ha from Cheese in the Trap stepped in to ruin another precious heroine yet again!
So far I'm in love with this drama! Finally we've got a female character who doesn't need a man to save her because she's got the determination to rise up all on her own!


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Can I just say how much I love Soon-hee? I surprised myself by tearing up when she told Hye-jung to remember that she didn't abandon her. I think the actress playing her is doing a great job putting life into the character - I hope she pops up regularly in the adult years!


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I don't really mind the student/teacher falling in love. Especially when their ages are so close and you're talking 18-19 year old students.
However, I do not think they should be acted on until the student graduates and becomes an adult. So in this case I was not bothered by it, he was an adult and did not act on his feelings and that was good. But to say he can't fall in love with a young woman so close in age...or that he should stop himself from falling in love...well the only way to do that is exactly what they did--separate. So I think this was well done.
The large time jump was a surprise for me. That they jumped her to 31yrs old was big!!


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I actually think the time jump is the thing that got me invested in the show. Until that moment I was ready to let it go even if it was trying to fiddle with my emotions. The show states unequivocally by time jumping that although there is history this show is about adults. I never have to deal with creepy stalker vibes and just watch thank god.


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I'm still a squicked out by the student-teacher relationship in the ending scenes. They could have left that out.

BUT, I'm not gonna sto watching this show, because PSH is absolutely KILLING IT. I feel like I'm seeing a completely new side of her for the first time--she has a depth, maturity, confidence, range, and charisma that is STUNNING.

PSH has played so many innocent girl roles that I was never sure of her acting ability, because those roles are sort of one note. In fact, I often felt like PSH was very overrated.

But in this complex role, PSH's full range and charisma shine so much. Before I used to see her as just one of many young actresses, playing in dramas geared toward teens. But with this role, I truly see her now as one of Korea's best actresses. I see her now as a superstar, in the mold of SHK and JJH and all the others who have come before her. IMO she's THAT good in this role.

PSH's acting here reminds me so much of Chinese actress Vicki Zhao's performance in the C-drama Romance in the Rain. The story of young girls with asshole fathers and stepmothers, left to fend for themselves in the world...girls who are brave, strong, independent, and stand up for their vulnerable moms and grandmas...I love it.


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What made you say that? I've always seen her as someone who can stretch quite a bit despite the sometimes bland nature of her characters.


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I had the same view as Sea, I couldn't see past PSH playing the same one note innocent character in her past dramas. So I am delighted and amazed, simply pleasantly stunned, to see her nuanced, complex performance in this role. Color me impressed, I am halfway in love with her in this role. No wonder the ratings are rising. I predict it may just hit the 20 percent mark before the end of the drama run.


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After enduring the severe trauma of Heirs, I avoided anything with PSH in it for quite a while. Glad to see that she can actually get beyond the 24/7 cryfest that was Heirs.


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Try to watch Pinnochio. It was PSH and Lee Jong Suk. That's her drama after Heirs.

I asked how come many people stucked on Heirs when she already had another drama that was really awesome.



Ep 4 is 23%. And some articles think that Shin Hye and Rae Won could be potentially the next Song-Song couple. because of their chemistry.


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Does someone know where i can find the violin music that sometimes plays in the background.
It plays for a very short time but It's kinda sad and I like it very much.
It's not a part of any of the released ost.
I can't find it anywhere.
Please do reply,if u know what i am talking about.


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I think they usually release the instrumental BGM after the final episode airs, if they release it at all because sometimes they leave us hanging


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If you have a smartphone you can use this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shazam.android&hl=en

I have only found a very few songs it could not recognize, and that was when I was testing music ID apps. Most of what it could not find were things like Mongolian folk songs and some bad YouTube ones.


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Soundhound is also really good!


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Do you guys know the song that plays after hye-jung bows begging seo woo? I really like it and cant find it anywhere even after using siri and shazam.


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I'm looking for the same song! Any luck?


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the name of the song is "Hurt and Heart" heres the link :D


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oh yes, and I forgot to say this:
Huge thank you to lovepark for the super super fast recap!
It's been barely 24 hours since Ive watched and I cannot imagine how hard you must be working to churn out a recap, and a well thought out one at that!
Really appreciate it! :)


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is Park shin hye getting more skinnier ? i love her in the heirs.. just nice.. cute


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What I found most outrageous in this episode was Seo-woo's father's apathy. OMG! The scene where he takes a phone call during the surgery and says he'll try to wrap up soon. I was like "Is this happening???" "Maybe the subs are wrong!" Can surgeons take phone calls like that during surgeries? I wouldn't want to get a surgery done if my doctor is going to attend to phone calls. What? He should have called his father before the surgery to inform him he might be late because of the surgery, then thrown his phone out of the window! I want to slap that poor excuse of a doctor.


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I'm so sorry to say this but after a certain point yah they do. They kind of start seeing surgeries mechanically (the jaded ones anyway). It's a technical excersize.


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Actually, doctors do have to be contactable even when they are operating, so it's not uncommon to have the phone answered. But usually the assistant or nurses take a message, and only if it's urgent do they answer directly.


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Ah, I didn't know that. I've always thought of surgeries as high focus requiring procedures. Of course, if it's urgent and the doctor is experienced enough... I found it plain evil though, when he said he'll try to finish the surgery soon just for dinner plans.


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Thanks for the recap, lovepark!

This was a very emotional ep and you can't help but feel for Hyejung... I knew the passing of Grandma was bound to happen, but it was so sad to see... I love all their moments together, from the eating scene to cuddling with doggy at home scene to the hospital bed scene. They love each other and if it wasn't for Grandma, Hyejung might not have turned a new leaf. It was heartbreaking to see Hyejung having to deal with the grief herself from crying alone at the hospital, then at home. The way the news was delivered by Seowoo's dad was heartless... I can barely wrap my head around how nonchalant he was and then he was laughing and enjoying dinner with family as if this death left no mark on him. And the stepmom... What a horrendous person with no heart. The dad?! What kinda son is he to Grandma?! I am horrified by his reaction when she told him she had cancer and how he wanted nothing to do with his own daughter.

Seowoo should really learn to set aside her jealousy and value the friendship she has with Hyejung and Soonhee. She even remembered how Hyejung saved her and got hurt in the process! I hope she will grow as the series progresses and look beyond what her mom had brainwashed her with so that she can see real friends are what matters above fame and riches.

I do hope Soonhee will continue to be in the life of Hyejung in present time. If she did go to Canada to stay with her aunt, maybe she can come back for a visit. Same with Soochul. Hope that's not the last of Jisoo that we see in this series.

PSH is really nailing this role and she did a great job portraying all the emotions. My heart cried for her when she was experiencing Grandma's passing and I felt angry at the injustice of it all. That end scene with Seowoo's dad, I can see her determination to go into medicine and show him and others what she's capable of. You just wait and see!


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Unlike most here it seems, I don't have much hope for Seo-woo. I think she will end up digging herself in very deep, and I also predict she will do that online social media thing again to try and destroy her "enemy". I think she has some serious mental issues that will get worse as the show progresses.


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This episode was heart- wrenching. I love Park Shin Hye but now I adore her and want to hug her as if she is my younger sister. Which is weird cuz I am a June 1990 born and she is too, so we are same- aged.

Her acting has improved evermore and it has so many layers now. You cry for her even when she isn't crying and when she does start, all hell breaks lose. Obviously I am talking from a personal POV but I do think many would have felt the same.

And Kim Rae Won. He is so beautiful. His eyes speak even when he stays silent. (He is kinda similar to Jung Kyung Ho in this way). I wanted the episode to go on and on so that I could appreciate him more even though he did not have many scenes.

I hated the doctor and the step- mom like everyone else. I got frustrated at Seo Woo but I did not hate her because she was a teenager and the character is quite possible in real life. And can I just say how adorable Soon Hee is. She is one hell of a friend. :) The grandmother too was adorable and I did not want her to die at all! Though I have to say that the most adorable thing in the episode was that puppy.

*The icky factor that everyone talks about- the teacher'student love thingy: I think the show has dealt with it quite well. Whether it is a taboo or not, this does happen sometimes in real life. And art, after all, is a mirror to reality. So to me it makes sense that somewhere sometime a teacher could have had feelings for his student. The best thing is that he did not act upon those feelings. And now that the show has come to the present times, the problem does not exist evermore.*

So dear show, I am ready for the fun, romance, jealousy, etc. to start now. Keep it coming!


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The jump to present times and the the fact that the show made a deliberate separation between HS and now is a big reason why I'm sticking with the drama. If they hadn't I would ahve dropped it so fast...


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While I am looking forward to the story in present times, I think I will miss their old town life too. High School based stories are my favourite, so that might be why I like the first 3 episodes so much.


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Soon Hee is the sweetest, most precious thing ever. Her loyalty almost moved me to tears :')


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Hang on I saw an image cap where she kind of admitted to being gay. Is that a thing? I really hope she comes back too. She is so cute.


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I thought she's an annoying side-kick or something in her first scene. Who knew. She's a new type of character. Not one of those rehashed 'the friend' characters.


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Soon Hee is such a ball of charms, but she's also like Hye Jung though she didn't have that much of a painful childhood. She's unappreciated by her family, and Seo Woo, who she adores a lot in the beginning, didn't give her back the same love and attention she craves so much.
Then Hye Jung came and maybe it's like meeting a kindred spirit. Someone who knows just what it is you've been through without even going into the details. I love that Hye Jung finds her cute at first and not annoying maybe coz she's just like a puppy who stays loyal to anyone who treats them right.


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I always think psh is a good actress, but not that great yet. For me, although lot of ppl felt yab, heirs and Pino kind a gave out the same vibe. But psh character there is totally different from one another. Different characters have different strengths and nuances and she showcase that well, imo. You don't have to like the character, but stop conflating it with the actress

And for this episode, what hits me most are when HJ cry after she confronts the doctor and when she pretend to be okay in front of JH (or should I say, in the back of JH ?). Her facial expressions changes in seconds and the way she was swallowing her tears and couldn't even breathe for a couple long seconds in order to hold back her tears. I got goosebumps, it was so realistic.


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Great episode! Though I must say.. I'm still waiting to see what kind of "significant" role Ji-soo's character will play.

Don't waste him! Pretty please


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Did anyone noticed in Ep 1 when Ji-Hong had a car accident; his dad was actually Seo-woo's dad as well? That explains the change in surnames right? I can't understand how he became an orphan though.


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No, you've mistaken. The dads are two different persons. His biological parents died in the car crash, and he later got adopted by his current dad.


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I was thinking the same thing about Ji-hong narrating his love for Hye-jung.. I would probably have felt creepy a teacher falling for his own student but Kim Rae-won made it bearable.


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When Ji-hong ran back to Hye-jung (btw how far did she go in those couple seconds, KRW was running like crazy lol) I was like, nonononono, there's going to be a backhug, someone stop him and thank goodness Ji-soo came. Puuhhh, that was close. :-P

I'm happy we're done with the past, let the romance begin though I'm gonna miss grandma and puppy. :-(


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I'm also no fan of the whole teacher-student thing but I thought it was interesting when you pointed out something:

"All the fuzzy cinematography and ambiance was to depict Hye-jung’s one-sided love for her teacher because I can understand her developing a crush on him."

Ji-hong's show of feelings, for me, showed that all that fuzzy cinematography wasn't for Hye-jung's benefit. It was actually for him. So far, I've only really seen Hye-jung as someone adjusting wholly at the idea that there were actually people in the world she respected. I don't even think she was aware of her feelings for her teacher. But Ji-hong, realizing that he was alarmingly falling fast for his student didn't really know how to handle it. Especially with the added complication of his closeness to her grandmother and her openness to him about future possibilities in regards to her life. He knew it was bad and he didn't actually have the heart to even outright deny it. In-joo knew him well enough that he was in hot water and he needed to get out of it quick. I see his unwillingness to go away though when he asked Hye-jung if it was really okay for him to leave. Even then, he wanted a reason to stay. SO BAD.

I actually admired that interesting tidbit. Then again, I might be looking too deeply into this. Can't wait for the next episode! Haven't seen it yet.


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I agree. He was kind of "saved by the bell" so too speak when biker boy showed up. Still even though we don't know exactly how he would have remained in her life. I'm certain the writer never had any intention of us seeing him as anything but a stand up guy. I'm not sure if any of this part of plot bothers me as much as it does others. I personally don't think portraying "problematic" things in drama like student teacher relationships, is bad if handled correctly.


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"I personally don’t think portraying “problematic” things in drama like student teacher relationships, is bad if handled correctly."

Ditto. I don't like dramas that just play on cliches so hard it hurts to watch the show. This one was fine. Sure the circumstances that surrounded their parting just sucked but I liked how it happened. Even if all those things didn't happen though, the whole plotline still could be saved with good writing. We'll see how things play out. So far, I have no complaints.


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Shin hye owned this episode. It was such a tear-jerker episode. It was so emotional and sad one scene after an another..that i was basically sobbing when hyejung and the doctor talk after grandma's death. Whenever she cry,i cry. Seriously, for me, shinhye is the master when it comes to crying scenes. Perfectly bringing out the emotions. The best.. no can beat her in it. Also the girl looks so beautiful even when crying, but me.. basically upper-eyelid and all got swelled from crying while watching this episode. lol. I was able to feel the emotions that she felt. She is truly an amazing actress. Absolutely nailing it.


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Whoaaaaaaa! The ratings for Doctors is increasing! I'm happy to see that it's doing well! Park Shin Hye is really killing it in this role. Just the way she emotes and expresses her feelings got me feeling the same emotions she was! Especially her crying scenes! I literally bawled half the time watching ep 3. Kim Rae Won is wonderful here too! I'm so excited to see what will happen next!


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At first I didn't think I'd like this drama, it's just too sappy. I see where they're going with this and it's pretty formulaic but I'm in so far. I have a love hate relationship with Park Shin hye. Sometimes I love her and sometimes I just can't get past the persona. I can't help it but I love Kim Rae won too. He could eat corn through a picket fence but he's just charming. I also know he can really act when given something meaty. This one isn't meaty but still I'm in.

I do have one other thing to say. It's a about the student teacher relationship. I know some people think it's problematic. It's completely inappropriate for a teacher to have a romantic relationship with a student. However, I don't believe that portraying a person's romantic feelings toward a student is necessarily bad when you don't act on those feelings. That's what is called restraint. That's what you call respecting the rules of society. That is the kind of behavior we want to encourage in each other not hide it and pretend it never exists. Because we all know that sometimes it does. We cannot and never will be able to dictate people's feelings but we can encourage their behavior and how they act on those feelings.


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I have to say that before it started I had serious doubts about it, but now after seeing 4 episodes it is one of my top 3 favorites. It took me a long time to get over my Heirs PSH trauma, but she managed to turn it around in this show.


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This a thousand times. I have no issues with how their relationship is being portrayed, at all. You may love with your brain but that doesn't mean you can control it. Rather that pretend that such feelings don't exist, it's far better to acknowledge and show just how they should be handled. PSH and KRW are handling/depicting their character's feelings brilliantly, and I find it so strange that anyone could find it squicky.


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I cried.... like a baby.

Ugly baby

Park Shin Hye... tbh I'm not a fan of her work..... but after watching this episode... damnnnnnn Park Shin Hye, where did she hide her badassery all this time???

This is so much better than doctor spy drama!

And Kim Rae Won is such a hot doctor who I always fantasize when I'm taking number two, or when I can't sleep at night or when I'm in a boring meeting.

He is that hot and good. You have to be Kim Rae Won level to be in my fantasy.


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It's okay. I am finding that he's rapidly becoming my fantasy, too.

How is it possible, by all that's holy, for a man to be so hot and so good?!


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I'm going to ask a controversial question, do pardon me, not that it reflects my viewpoint because I firmly believe that teachers should unequivocally NOT get romantically involved with their high school students. But is it okay for a teacher to have that feeling of attraction (since we are all human after all, and sometimes feelings of attraction cannot be helped) BUT do nothing about it, in order words, keep the relationship strictly professional?

Although I cringed at some of the romantic scenes, like when they were looking at the microscope, and all the cheesy background music they played when PSH and KRW were in scenes together, I understood that his desire to help her came from a good place , and her grandmother asked him to look out for her.

So although attraction was present on both sides, he never really acted in any unethical manner towards her, and she kept their interactions respectful. If the jealous student hadn't interfered, in the ordinary sequence of events, they may end up marrying when she's all grown up. I have a close friend who ended up marrying her college professor a few years after she graduated. My point is, it's not just how you feel, it's the actions you take with those feelings that are important. Since everything was handled platonically, I find I'm OK with this pairing.


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you just said what I felt. totally agree.


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Exactly. I was kinda scared with the last scene (when HJH was running towards her). Because if any backhug or confession actually happened. I would've stop watching.

Glad to know that the writer knows that it's unethical. Atleast my belief that "no romance will happen" was actually true. Sigh!


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Loved this episode sooo much. I do have a question though: what's the name of the actress playing the restaurant ajumma? I've seen her in a few dramas, but I can't remember which. Thanks!


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Me toooo, i've been wandering where did I see that ahjumma. let me know if you found out who she is, will ya?


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Yes, indeed this episode make PSH shine even more as an actress.
She really good with her acting.
Make me crying non-stop during watching this episode, together with grandma scenes make me heart breaking.
How come she can survive living in this cruel world alone, and she can living it even she is teenager only. Okay, maybe not alone... she has SH as her BFF, and JH who will always by her side (i think). ^^
HJ may have many flawless, but she is a survivor.
She make woman look smart, sexy but tough in the same times. What a type of heroine we always miss in nowadays K-Dramaland. Now we can have our own heroine heroes, who's can make people can bring out humanity more through her job as doctor. So yeah, hope you can continue to recaps Doctors until final episode. Thanks, and will support Doctors team.


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i'm watching the show because of yun kyun sang... all ready to launch into fangirling mode.
i love how he has put on some weight, and doesnt bother working out, just like byun yohan (yikes all my flying dragon bromance feels coming back) and i love how his tall stature makes the director make him do weird things like sitting on the table to talk to psh's character (he's on eye level with her!)
also i'm proud of how he is working his character out in the show, he's such a darling in real life (just see how he celebrates the production crew in his instagram and not the other actors) and it's so not him to be that brash talking obnoxious high and mighty neurosurgeon. i'm sure he's having fun as well.
my baby moo hyul! <3


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I know everyone's a little eh on the teacher-student thing.
But, I wasn't not really. It wasn't creepy at all mostly because they did nothing. All we saw was the two of them form a connection, and while yes teacher/student is wrong, they did nothing to each other; no hand holding
no kissing, no inappropriate touching, no confessions.
So, yeah I wasn't creeped out.

Anyway, despite that. Like the drama, will continue to watch.


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The student-teacher relationship is bothering me as well, like most of you. Just trying to understand the age difference better - how does the Korean process of becoming a doctor work? I will assume that Ji Hong was in 4th year residency when he became a teacher (same as In Joo?). So that's 4 years added to the 6 years Koreans spend in med school right after high school. So is it fair to assume Hyejung and Jihong are 10 years apart?


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He was 27 when they met and she was 18- 9 years


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Did it actually said he's 27? That's good. Atleast it's not 35 yo techer and 18yo student. Lol.


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One part that seems to have been glossed over is the time between when they all parted ways in high school, and the 13 years that followed. We know a little of the backstory on some, but for example Seo Woo we have no info at all on how she fared after taking the blame for the fire.


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If i may, i would like to commend how the teenager park shin hye portrayed the character because she was alone all through those hardships that she has to encounter since she losts her mother, from where she should have felt that no one stood by her side and so she thought she has to protect herself. And her physical appearance depicted a strong and much older woman than those of other students because she was different.

For me its like a reversal of appearance, from the way her face is made up through the way she is being dressed. She now have the luxury to dress the way she wanted to and touch her face with colors that she would have done in the past if she was able to.

And about the teacher and student romance side, no i wasnt dissapointed when ji hong admitted to himself that he felt something for his student. I didnt felt bad, why? Because he didnt took advantage of her nor the chance when he had it, remember the scene with the microscope...? He has put the reign on his feelings and kept it to himself. Both of them succeeded on keeping their self respect by not allowing their personal feelings to get the better out of them.

Honestly i was a bit disappointed with kim rae won's make up throughout his teacher appearance hehe, his face was so damn pale and his lips were.... Black...? Good thing his acting was superb and i loved his smile, he's still the actor that i used to look forward to and has never disappointed me. Love him!

He looked a bit chubby now, the doctor who was in pinocchio, but he's okay, i am also expecting hus character to be unique and funny, you know those moments when hye soo treats him "well" hehehe

And last but not the least, thank you dramabeans for the recaps. If you can check your site, you'll know how i come here almost all of the time. Thank you so much!!!!


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All hail Doctors (Doctor's Crush)! Love love love Park Shin Hye! She never cease to amaze me with her acting skills! I cried my eyeballs out watching her in every episode. Especially her story with her grandma made me really emotional.. Oh my heart.. I just exploded with tears.... T_T
Kim Rae Won still has his charm from the old days, though I wished he could gain weight a bit and work on his lips. They're so pale. I don't know but those things make him looks kinda ill and old. Nevertheless, love his chemistry with PSH. It was still appropriate as a teacher and student in the early episodes yet strong enough to withstand time.

The way they subtly mention/show some clues like blood drip from Hye Jung's nose (while math test), death of her mother (I suspect caused brain tumor/cancer or something like that), also Ji Hong (after 13 years) then became a renowned intracranial tumor expert. All those facts cannot but made me think that they will make Hye Jung sick later on and Ji Hong would be the one who can save her. Something like that (ahahaha I'm making up my own story but there's a possibility, right?) I dont mind such plot but I'm just hoping this is not a sad ending melodrama.

And by the way, i believe there's importance in Ji Hong words, "people who are meant to die will die even if doctors are there.." especially related to my above analysis. Well, I hope you can prove yourself wrong, okay dr. Hong! ;D

Anyway, I should stop analysing too much. So far I'm enjoying the drama. Can't wait for the next episodes. I'm looking forward for the spicy triangle or "quadrangle"?? whatever kind of love in their neurosurgery department. LOL


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Ok, I do not mean to be a killjoy here, but what high school students go though 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 1 year of internship, and a minimum of 6 years of specialized neurosurgical residency to come back on the scene as an "all ready experienced MD" to look like they just stepped out of high school, with the same hair color and hair cut? PSH would be a minimum 33 years old now, and her enemy side kick also. The teacher would be in his mid to late 40's also. Just saying...


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Ohmygosh i thought i was the only one who was creeped out on the possible teacher-student relationship!!! I'm loooooving the drama and the chemistry between Hye Jung and Ji Hong, buuuuuuut then again, I have to remind myself to stop and just remember that Hye Jung is a high school student! Kim Rae Won is just adorbs and the perfect oppa okay, but his character here as a teacher makes me restrained to love him as the oppa. But yeah good thing they quickly moved on to present time! I'll be more excited to see the tension between Hye Jung & Ji Hong!

Btw, now that I think of it, this drama has all the recipe of a typical korean drama but still, looking forward to something new and fresh. And possibly, the irresistable chemistry between Park Shin Hye & Kim Rae Won. (Or Kim Rae Won only hahaha). Doctors, I am loving you so far! ❤️


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Hi can anyone tell me how did hye jung manage to survive all those years? I mean how did she go to college and everything. Who helped her? I know I am spoiling myself but I really want to know. Or can anyone tell me if it is discussed in the drama. That would probably do. Thank you so much.


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