Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 7

Feelings grow for our lovable heroine, who’s just so lovable that she can make the rivalry between our two boys fizzle into bromance. To the rest of the world, Gong Shim may just seem like an ordinary girl without any notable skills, but she’s got plenty of charm to share and underappreciated skills up her sleeve. Hence, our boys are falling hard.



Dan-tae takes Gong Shim’s wrist and drags her to the stairwell with his serious face on. He starts with an apology for assuming that she lied to him. Gong Shim challenges him by asking why the “lie” angered him so much in the first place, and he explains that it bothered him.

Gong Shim tells him not to bother paying attention to her, but he insists that she not make him concerned. She pushes back and asks why, but Dan-tae doesn’t quite know either. He just asks her to do as told. Gong Shim seems taken aback by dead-serious Dan-tae, but she rebels and says that she won’t do as told.

Their stairwell conversation is interrupted by another conversation below by Gong Shim’s gossipy colleagues, who continue to hate on Gong Shim. Dan-tae forces Gong Shim out of the stairwell and heads downstairs to confront the rude ladies.

He introduces himself as Grandma’s personal lawyer and threatens to charge them for defamation. He gives them the option to sincerely apologize to Gong Shim in person, and they’re cowed into following his orders. From above, Gong Shim watches this interaction and smiles to herself. Adorable.

Jun-su’s mother arrives at the restaurant to thank her son’s lifesaver, and is impressed by Gong Mi’s looks and profession. Mom tells Jun-su that they should go to the company to meet with his father, and Gong Mi feigns confusion. Mom clarifies that they’re Star Group, humbly bragging that the company belongs to Jun-su. Gong Mi acts surprised.

Before Gong Mi leaves in a cab, Jun-su runs after her to give her first aid supplies for her injured arm. She smiles with gratitude.

Dan-tae waits for Gong Shim with a bag, breaking into a smile when he see her approaching. Gong Shim stops in her tracks when she spots him, wondering why she feels so uncomfortable around him, acting avoidant. But he insists that he’s got something good for her, and shows her the contents of the bag: a whole variety of wigs.

Dan-tae explains that he received them from his clients who worked at a wig factory. Gong Shim admires the quality of the wigs, and Dan-tae is pleased with her reaction. She tries one on and asks for his opinion, and he looks at her star-struck. “It’s really pretty, exactly my style.”

Gong Shim stresses about her stress-induced bald spot and wonders when she’ll live without stress. Dan-tae tries on a blonde wig and tells her that there’s no world without stress — people just relieve stress as it comes. Gong Shim marvels at how expensive the wigs must have been, and Dan-tae generously offers them all to her.

Gong Shim tries on more wigs, and Dan-tae insists she wear the first wig tomorrow. She firmly tells him that she’s going to do what she wants, not as she’s told. Yes girl, you tell him.

As she leaves, Gong Shim thanks Dan-tae for ordering her rude colleagues to apologize to her. With that, she picks the last wig off of Dan-tae’s head and leaves. Dan-tae looks so proud of himself.

The next morning, Dan-tae sits at the convenience store table with a name compatibility test (the kind of puzzles kids do when they like someone), but denies it when Gu-nam catches him in the act, scoffing that he’s too old for that. Gu-nam jokes that the tests are actually accurate, and Dan-tae laughs happily at the idea. Hee, what a child.

Gong Shim comes down with a new wig — his suggestion — and Dan-tae goes slack-jawed, his heart beating faster as she appears glowing to his eyes. With his love-struck face, he tells her that she looks pretty and to make lots of money at work.

Jun-su’s mother tells Jun-su that she disapproves of Gong Shim because she’s seducing him. Jun-su denies this, but his mom shows him photos of them together at the movies, on the streets, and at the park. Mom tells him that she’s going to have her fired right away. Jun-su expresses disappointment in his mother for going to such an extreme and ]warns her not to lash out on innocent Gong Shim.

At work, Jun-su meets with Gong Shim at the rooftop. He looks serious, but when he tells her that he got scolded by his mother, Gong Shim cracks up. He treats it like a big deal, since it does involve heavy consequences, but Gong Shim assures him that it’s no biggie, and that gets scolded by her mother all the time. As an expert in getting scolded, she advises him to act in defiance and be comfortable with it.

Just in time, Jun-su’s mother calls, and Gong Shim tells him not to answer. He’ll get scolded again eventually, but until then, it’s best to just remain comfortable. Gong Shim asks why he was scolded, but Jun-su decides that it doesn’t matter, preferring to learn defiance from Gong Shim. She assures him that it’s super easy.

Gong Shim takes Jun-su to the Insadong district, where visitors dress up in traditional hanboks. Jun-su tries to resist, but Gong Shim tells him to embrace the experience to forget about his scolding. They change into the hanboks, but Jun-su looks so uncomfortable, keeping his head down and repeatedly trying to escape.

On the street, a foreign couple asks Gong Shim in English to take a picture with them. Not understanding, Gong Shim signals “No,” as in “No English,” although they persist in asking for a picture. When Jun-su clarifies what they want, Gong Shim is totally game. They take pictures with the couple, and Gong Shim sends them off, “Bye! Be happy!”

Jun-su realizes that his phone is missing and panics because he has an important business call that afternoon. Gong Shim calls his phone, and the taxi driver picks up. He tells them to hurry and pick up the phone before the next shift, so they run to his location wearing the hanboks. That turns heads and causes some delightful confusion.

They arrive just in time for Jun-su to take his call, and when she hears he needs to complete the transaction online, thankfully Gong Shim knows a nearby café that lends out laptops. So off they go, running in their hanboks again.

At the café, Jun-su works while Gong Shim gets them drinks (I love that the music has an added traditional instrument to the normal sound). The customers are amused and snap pictures of the two. He finishes up his work, and Gong Shim offers to leave if Jun-su’s uncomfortable with the attention they’re drawing, but Jun-su suddenly seems very comfortable.

He tells Gong Shim that unlike her, he’d never made people laugh. Gong Shim assumes it’s because she’s dumb, but Jun-su assures her that she has a talent for making things enjoyable. He thanks her struts out of the café with Gong Shim, fully embracing their outfits.

Dan-tae answers a call from his father’s friend, who is looking for his aunt. When Aunt returns to the office, Dan-tae passes along the message about a big tree in Yangpeong and the ajusshi who wants to know if it can be cut down. At the mention of the tree, Aunt drops her glass of water; she claims that it just slipped, but the call has clearly shaken her.

While walking down the street, Dan-tae stops by a man selling plants and thinks of replacing Gong Shim’s plant, which he’d shredded accidentally. The man doesn’t have it, but Dan-tae likes the sunflower plant and asks the man for seeds, which the man gives to him for free.

In Yangpeong, Dan-tae meets with his father’s friend who and explains that his father had taken care of a particular tree for the past 25 years. Now that he’s sold the land, he wanted to ask Dan-tae’s father if he wanted to move it.

Dan-tae checks out the tree, and from afar, his father approaches as well, but spots Dan-tae first and makes a run for it. Dan-tae catches a glimpse and chases after him, but his father escapes in a taxi and Dan-tae tries to convince himself that it couldn’t have been him, since Dad’s in the Philippines.

Jun-su tries to win a toy for Gong Shim from the claw machine, but fails even after multiple attempts. Gong Shim steps in and successfully grabs a toy in one go, then gives the toy to Jun-su in celebration of his defiance.

Dan-tae comes home to a flooded room, and all his belongings are drenched from a broken water pipe. He’s overwhelmed by the sudden flood and calls Gong Shim for help.

When Gong Shim picks up, she tells Dan-tae to call a professional since she wouldn’t be any help in the situation. He tells her that the home owner is responsible for facility concerns, but Gong Shim calmly responds that she’ll check it out later.

When Gong Shim hangs up, she tells Jun-su that this is how to act in defiance. Jun-su seems amused that she would use this situation as an example for him and double-checks if she needs to head back home. Gong Shim acts nonchalant about the situation, saying that Dan-tae can call an expert.

In the taxi, Jun-su raves about the steak at this restaurant, but Gong Shim isn’t fully listening. She cuts him off with an apology and decides that she needs to head to the home to deal with the flood, and Jun-su looks disappointed but agrees. She reminds him to stay strong with his defiance and runs off.

Gong Mi eats a meal with Jun-su’s mother, and since Jun-su doesn’t pick up mother’s calls, it ends up being just the two of them. In the car ride home, Jun-su’s mother opens the gift from Gong Mi and reads the card, which paints her as a humble person, since she’s returning the money envelope that Jun-su’s mother had slipped her last time in gratitude. She’s added a scarf as a gift, and Jun-su’s mother looks pleased.

Gong Shim arrives at the scene of the flood, and though Dan-tae still looks bitter that she refused to come in the first place, they get to work cleaning it up together. While Dan-tae mops the floor, Gong Shim fixes the pipe, much to his amazement. She explains that she worked part-time for a facilities repair shop during her third entrance exam preparation.

Gong Shim spots the band-aid that she put on his forehead on the mirror and asks him why he saved it. Dan-tae looks guilty but quickly covers it up by insisting that he threw it away there since he had no trash can nearby.

Then, Gong Shim finds the name compatibility test, but Dan-tae snatches it out of her hand before she can figure out why her name is on the paper. She’s convinced that it’s profanity about her, but Dan-tae fights her for it, determined not to let her see it. Dan-tae ultimately wins by stuffing the paper in his mouth and swallowing it. Ew.

Outside, Gong Shim fans herself while Dan-tae does his laundry. He convinces her that doing laundry will cool her down, so she steps in to help and seems pleasantly surprised. While stepping on the laundry together, Gong Shim loses her balance and begins to fall back. Dan-tae reaches out to push her back up, and they end up in a hug. They’re both shocked and stand there for a moment before awkwardly parting.

Suddenly, Dan-tae is really hot and starts to sprinkle water on Gong Shim. Forcing a smile, she splashes back, and then of course, they get in a big water fight with the hose. That quickly replaces their initial awkwardness with their normal fun childish ways.

Jun-su arrives on the rooftop, only to find Gong Shim and Dan-tae doing the laundry together. He hesitates to interrupt, but Dan-tae greets him first. Jun-su explains that he knew about the flood because he’d been with Gong Shim earlier, learning about defiance.

The master of defiance, Dan-tae, sits his two pupils down and tells them of the ultimate act of defiance: staying out all night. The two look at each other in awe, and Dan-tae proposes that they all go camping that night, since he can’t sleep in his wet house anyway. Jun-su excitedly agrees, but Gong Shim says that she needs her parents’ permission. She calls her mother about being late, but Mom tells her to do whatever. And so they’re all in for camping.

At the camp site, Dan-tae cooks and feeds Gong Shim the meat fresh off the grill, but she spits it right out because it’s too hot. Jun-su, who was looking at them with envy, takes the opportunity and cools the meat before feeding it to her. The rivalry is apparent, as Dan-tae and Jun-su argue over Gong Shim favoring one of them over the other.

Then, Gong Shim takes off her earphones and comments on how nice it is to listen to music outside. The boys realize that she hasn’t heard a word they’ve said and laugh off their rivalry in good spirits.

As the boys watch Gong Shim play with a dog nearby, Jun-su comments that the dog is cute and that he never had one because his mother disapproved. Dan-tae tells him that’s his charm — he’s rich, but also kind. Jun-su says that he’s decided not be so obedient anymore and says that he’s changed a lot since meeting Dan-tae.

Dan-tae and Jun-su retrieve Gong Shim’s ID when they return their equipment and laugh at her nervous face in the picture. Jun-su notices that her birthday is tomorrow, and that it’s almost midnight. Jun-su says that he needs to make a quick stop in his car, and Dan-tae borrows a cup from the rental table.

Jun-su surprises Gong Shim with a happy birthday and a bunny toy, which he won after going back to the claw machine. She thanks him and says that it’s the first time she’s received a doll as a gift. Next up is Dan-tae, who presents her with a cup of dirt, which is another first for Gong Shim. He says that there are seeds planted in the dirt but leaves the plant a mystery. Despite Gong Shim’s protests, they sing happy birthday for her.

The next day, Grandma’s secretary announces Dan-tae’s arrival as she’s wrapping up a meeting with President Seok and Butterfly Tattoo Uncle. Suspicious of Dan-tae’s investigation with Grandma, Uncle leaves his phone on the side of his chair the record the conversation.

In Grandma’s office, Dan-tae gives her a sketch of Jun-pyo’s projected face at his current age. She asks for updates, but Dan-tae doesn’t have any. He explains that he made special arrangements for the expedited sketch and tells Grandma not to rush — she could get exhausted before she even finds him. He then asks about the butterfly tattoo, but she’s got nothing. All she’s got is a picture of young Jun-pyo from the day of Jun-su’s birthday celebration, and Dan-tae looks at the picture trying to figure out the meaning of the butterfly.

After Dan-tae leaves, Uncle returns to Grandma’s office to retrieve his phone. Grandma doesn’t seem too fond of Uncle but doesn’t suspect anything from him. Sly sly uncle.

Jun-su’s mother summons Gong Shim to her office with a report of Jun-su’s spending yesterday. She reads off his spending in Insadong and at a camp site, then asks if Gong Shim was with him. Although Gong Shim tries to explain the specific circumstances as innocent, Jun-su’s mother is incensed to have her suspicions confirmed and demands that Gong Shim resign from her position.

Before Jun-su’s mother leaves, Gong Shim challenges her abuse of wealth and power. Gong Shim knows that it’s easy for her to fire people who bother her, and understands that she probably wouldn’t last long in this job anyway: “But know this one thing. For the person who fires another, it may just seem like cutting a long fingernail. But for the one who gets fired, it wrings that person’s heart.”

In simple terms, she advises Jun-su’s mother not to live like this and to cut the arrogance. “We’re all the same humans who eat and poop. We’re people.” That leaves Jun-su’s mother flabbergasted.

Gong Shim packs up her things with a tear in her eye, leaving behind her employee badge. Outside, she watches her fellow employees sadly and curses the good weather, then gets a call from Mom about coming home early for her birthday dinner. She makes up an excuse that she’s busy, hangs up, and turns off her phone.

Jun-su barges into the office and accuses his mother for wrongfully dismissing Gong Shim. Mom shamelessly insists that Gong Shim left her position because the secretary job didn’t suit her, but Jun-su can read past Mom’s lies. He’s very disappointed and storms out. At Gong Shim’s desk, he finds her employee ID and takes it with him.

He calls and messages her, full of worry, but because he has a presentation in five minutes, he can’t continue looking for her. Jun-su calls Dan-tae and requests that he search for Gong Shim, telling him the situation.

Dan-tae searches the park and the bus stop while Jun-su keeps staring at his phone during the presentation. Gong Shim wanders on a bridge, mindlessly swings on the park exercise equipment, and finally ends up on the rooftop to water her plants. Dan-tae arrives home and looks extremely glad to see her there. She notices that he’s overly friendly in his greeting, but Dan-tae doesn’t reveal what he knows.

Then Gong Shim accusingly asks about the dirt cup he gave her, which he promised would sprout today. Nothing has bloomed, though, and she starts to get more emotional as she says, “I work a hundred times, a thousand times harder to water my plants. But why isn’t there a sprout?”

Dan-tae doesn’t know how to respond, and Gong Shim continues, saying that there’s something wrong with the seeds — that the seeds must be destined to stay buried in the dirt without a chance to bloom. “It’s just like me. No matter how much I struggle, it’s no use.”

She can’t hold back her tears, and Dan-tae looks at her with sympathy and pulls her into comforting hug, letting her cry on his shoulder as he begins to tear up himself.


Aww, how sad and cute. It was heartbreaking to hear Gong Shim make that analogy between her and her plant because it was an honest and vulnerable confession of her self-perception. She really does try hard to be her best, and though she’s maybe not fit to be the best secretary, she’s doing her absolute best to flourish in her job. And how great is it that Dan-tae is there to be her supportive shoulder to lean on. Though he’s often adorably dense when it comes to dealing with Gong Shim romantically, he knows exactly what she needs and wants — to be treated with dignity. It’s strange to have concurrent sadness and cuteness, but this show is full of strange juxtapositions, and I love it.

While Gong Shim may appear to be a fumbling mess, she knows how to value herself. It’s just bad luck that she got fired on her birthday, but what an exit. I wish I had the audacity to do that one day — to call out someone for their unfair treatment or bigotry. Her forthright response to Jun-su’s mom was such an admirable way to make her point about the subjectivity of hierarchy. It was a cold splash of reality for Jun-su’s mom to check herself, and while I don’t think Gong Shim’s message really hit home for her, I know that Gong Shim was dropping these truths for herself. Sure, she may be mediocre at work, but that doesn’t entitle anyone to take orders from anyone.

I love that Gong Shim is stubborn in asserting that she doesn’t take orders from anyone, not even poor love-struck Dan-tae. He’s stupidly in love with our girl, but I enjoy the oversight from them both. It’s almost like watching dumb and dumber, except it’s much more endearing to watch them run around in circles trying to figure out what this strange feeling of attraction is. Dan-tae seems more aware of his racing heart, and it’s pretty obvious that he likes her waaaay more than he can handle. His crush is so unconventional yet fitting for Gong Shim. Like with those wigs — perfect.

But the bag of wigs reminded me that Gong Shim’s wig is just another defense mechanism for her. I actually really enjoy the look on her now, but it’s still a way for her to hide from her real self. She claims that it’s just to cover up her bald spot, but I think it could be another symbol of insecurity and self-doubt that Gong Shim always carries with her. Gong Shim can stand up for herself, and I believe that she values herself. Clearly she can, based on how candid she was with Jun-su’s mom. But when everyone around her has always demoralized her for her looks and lack of talent, she’s always had to fight for her own self-worth. Maybe she’s the jack of all trades and master of none, but she surely will find something that makes her come alive, throw away her wig, and be comfortable in her own hair.


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Love this drama SO much - and the plot has just heated up - BIG TIME!


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Am pleasantly surprised by this drama. It is easy and enjoyable to watch.


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Initially, i was having second thoughts about watching this drama. But because i love NGM so much. I gave in.

And i'm glad i did. This drama is very light and funny. Although i have this feeling that the second half will be a bit serious...


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I hope not..


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I Love this drama. I was watching OHYA but somehow stumbled upon this one and its easily become my favourite. The characters are just SO enjoyable to watch that I just can't even-_UGH! Thank you for recapping!


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whooa cute drama I like how three of them have good friendship it's so cute.I think geonshim now has feeling for dantae.the last part made me tear up little.but she is luck to have this two amazing friends.


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I think my favorite part was the sit down in the park. It really did feel like three friends hanging out.


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I loved that moment when Jun Su called Dan Tae, relying on him to look for Gong shim because he had to take care of work responsibilities first. It's not often in dramas, it seems, that romantic rivals can put aside their petty rivalry for the sake of the person they claim to love. It helps that these guys were friends first and no matter what else happens in this drama, I hope they can continue being bromancy friends.

Honestly, I think I could happily do without romance in this drama and just go with focusing on the friendship between our three leads.

On a realistic and nit picky note: Dan Tae clearly knows nothing about how plants work because you can't plant a seed one day and expect it to show a sprout 24 hours later. At least, that's not how most plants work.


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I agree. That part was so touching when Jun Su called Dan Tae and asked him to search for her. I wondered if I was watching a kdrama. The two male characters are so sweet and not calculating that it's refreshing.


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Word. I really hope the kidnap secret will not tear them apart later.


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I love their friendship and I am gonna hate the show if they pit them against each other. The three dorks are adorable and I love them.


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Maybe he only ever planted mung beans...


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You know a drama is just too adorable when you laugh and grin while watching it and then continue to grin while reading the recap! I love these characters and am enjoying as Gong Shim and Dan-Tae try to figure out their relationship.

And still looking forward to Gong Meanie getting caught in her expanding web of lies. I'm not sure how it is going to happen but it will be interesting when it does.


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Gong Meanie? XD that's so befitting of her. If the drama is gonna make excuses for her in the end and portray her with a renewed, remorseful personality it would be the least they could do to change her name to Meanie.


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I loved so many things in this episode:
-- how DT didn't wait to go apologize to GS (beginning of episode)
-- how DT asked those secretaries to apologize to GS
-- how DT didn't push GS to stop wearing wigs. On the opposite, he respected what felt right and comfortable for her
-- the wigs trying scene: they felt so comfortable with each other. GS took off her wig and didn't feel shy nor embarrassed.
-- the love compatibility game that DT played (off topic: this reminded of JJY in one of tbe 1N2D season 3 episodes...)
-- GS and JS in hanbok. Both so pretty!
-- the jealousy scene at the camping site. And yet, both guys still respect each other.
-- how JS started to sing the happy birthday song in English (to show off his knowledge of English?)
-- how JS went back to get that doll, earlier, for GS. Is that why he stopped by GS/DT place (before the camping)?
-- how GS corrected JS' mom. You go girl !!!
-- how GS turned off her phone instead of pulling her phone battery out. I loved how the camera actually showed the steps to power the phone off, lol
-- how heartbreaking it was for DT to see his GS cry. The tears in his eyes during that last hug...


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I loved how she showed him her "bald spot."


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Her comfort level with Dan-tae speaks volumes. She feels free to take off that wig and point out that bald spot when she hides it from everyone else. He has proven she is safe with him and she has nestled right in. So happy for her to have that with someone in her life!


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Haha the old "take out the battery because I don't want to talk to you" trope. But you did remind me that Kdramas always tend to do that. Totally forgot about that cuz i don't see it as often anymore. Maybe it's because the new Samsung phones make it hard to remove the batteries now?


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Dan Tae on blonde wig!!
So precious.

And I hope later Junsu's mom would know that she actually shove her son exactly into the gold-digger herself.


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Dan Tae wearing that blonde wig was the best thing ever. EVER!.


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Good cheabol mothers are extinct creatures in dramaland


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Two hugs in one episode? Am I dreaming? Pls, no one pinch me~


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This was such a precious episode. Dan Tae wears his heart on his sleeve. He doesn't hesitate to tell her she's pretty and I love that. His eyes at the end when he hugged her was just.....that's love right there guys. So beautiful.

I'm glad I decided to have this be my 'one allowed' drama for the week. lol.


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LOVE that about his character, too. He's just so smitten and he goes about it in such weird and thoughtful ways, haha.


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Loving the drama but I wonder if she ever get rid off the wig(s).


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She definitely will, but not until she realizes that she is Beautiful Gong Shim, and she doesn't need the to hide behind her wigs.
Right now, she is SO depressed that no matter how hard she tries, she can't get a break. She may not be able to keep any job for very long, but she is an honest and admirable person who tries her best and speaks her mind. At least she not like the back stabbing gossipy coworkers. Thankfully, Dan Tae is there to help her over her rough spots... Junsu's mom and her egotistical status hungry sis, Gong Meanie.
This episode made you laugh and cry.


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"It’s almost like watching dumb and dumber, except it’s much more endearing" Oh my goodness, that was a perfect description! This triangle of characters is very sweet and it is fun to watch them untangle their feelings as the story unfolds.


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I was so distracted the whole time they were in Insadong. Wasn't Gong Shim supposed to be at work? Did I miss something?


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If I remember correctly, Gong Shim said Junsu's dad aka her boss was out of the country so she was free. Ya know, when the cat is away, the mice will play! ?


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Ah, that's what I missed! Thank you, I feel much better.


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She was teaching him to be rebellious - skipping work was step one!


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Jun Su's mother and Gong Meanie deserve one another! Both are manipulative and two-faced, and I cannot wait till JS's mom realises who she is and treats her like the deceitful cow that she is. I won't feel an ounce of sympathy either if she carries on this way.

Thanking the Drama Gods for answering my prayers- this episode had many more cute moments btw DT and GS.
I just started following Nam Goong Min on Instagram and he posts the cutest pics/videos of him and GS! Helps with my mid week withdrawal from the show. ❤️


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I loved this episode (and the next one). I feel like it became clear in this epsiode that it's mostly Gong Shim's attitude that has people treating her badly (or perhaps she's just been in a negatively reinforced cycle of abuse/sadness/grumpiness leading to more abuse). Anyway I just loved the fact that everyone (Taxi driver in particular) found her cute and adorable. Because she's such a kind and giving person that I hate watching people treat her badly.

I found her statements to Joon Soo's mother to be really profound and was really impressed with her assertiveness. Yes, she didn't get the job on her own merit (that would be Joon Soo's mothers fault) but she wasn't losing it because of anything she did and I loved that she called out that treatment without being angry or rude.

So cute to watch her teach Joon Soo about rebelling but then seeing both of them sat like eager students with Dan Tae expounding his wisdom. Oh and then she calls her parents for permission to rebel! So cute.

I really adore their friendship (three of them) and it was so refreshing to see Joon Soo and Dan Tae put away their competitiveness to look out for Gong Shim's best interest and happiness. The boys are just fantastic.

As an aside: I wonder if Joon Soo and Dan Tae had grown up together as Joon Soo/Joon Pyo would Joon Pyo be the rebel/black sheep of the family convincing Joon Soo to be a little troublemaker?

I've heard this described as a typical kdrama (in terms of plot) with a twist and while I do think that's true (birth secrets anyone?) the way it continues to subvert your expectations is very impressive. This and Oh Hae Young Again are my two favourite shows thus far this year.


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There face when goong shim was listening to music and not to their jealous fight was awesome..
The moment she got out of cab and ran towards dan-tae was deciding moment and somewhere I think jun-su knows it too
What's interesting is that their jealousy doesn't end in mistreatment of goong shim.. Like most of k drama with angry first lead and ignoring second lead..
These two just hype better treatment for goong shim which is refreshing and they know to treat her as a person and not some prize..
Best of all they are decent boys who also value there friendship..
With usual plot with different wonderful characters are charm of this show similar to marriage contract... You might not remember the story but gives you a warm feeling when you remember....


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Much better episode, finally Dan Tae is showing a little personality.


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That's a joke, right?


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Nah, TJ usually refers to Dantae as being dull.

You coming around TJ? Haha I hope so.

It took me awhile to like GS, so I understand.

Join the not so dark side will ya?


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I agree with all the wonderful positive comments and feelings I've read from everyone thus far. This show is my happy bae (while OHYA is my hot obsession). I just want to add that I think it's hilarious that you can go "camping" for dinner. Can someone bring this to the states? It's kind of brilliant.


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At the very end I wanted Dan-tae to tell her she already is a pretty flower. Poor Gong Shim hasn't truly realized her worth; everyone else who matters has realized how wonderful and worthwhile she is. Now it's your turn Gong Shim - you're a pretty flower damn it!!! (◕‿◕✿)


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Such a cute episode. I like how the rivalry is still very good natured and all three of the leads seem to be learning a bit from each other.

I will laugh my butt off if Jun-su’s dad comes back from his trip and is pissed she's not there. I think she impressed him with the big font and general actual helpfulness that his son tipped her off about.


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I am just loving this drama so much cause of three musketeers. These three just lights up my screen with their bonding and support for each other.
Then comes my lead pair....DT is so much into GS that he does not how should he explain it to her and what exactly it is (in staircase). He is still in word web when in front of GS to give any decent reasons for this actions. But he is confused only with words cause his action (on rooftop whole giving shoulder to cry) was one matured step that wothout saying or asking anything he is just giving her the hat she needed most that moment a support as hug.
I want him to make her realize her worth and how much she means to him. So that she can become more confident while dealing with her life problems. And to succeed in life without worrying abt future.
NGM and his adorable smile, expression and eyes are the usp of DTs character. And I am loving it.

Thank you for lovely recap.


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This ep tells much about Junsu and make me realize that Junsu needs someone like GS.
I think GS wearing a wig is pretty normal, she has a bald spot with long hair style


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Sigh this show is really bring back love to my heart. Hahahha i really love how minah here n hyeri in entertainer how both get characters that put more clothes on them n less make up from their girls day persona.


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[b]Burning question[/b]

After watching ep 6 (and also Twenty Again), why does it seem like Koreans' idea of camping is more about pitching a tent and cooking... than actually sleeping in the tents? Like here, the three of them didn't seem like they were actualy staying at the site overnight, but just staying there till late. o_O Is it a drama thing, or is the Korean concept of camping very different from mine?


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Maybe cause in dramas, something always happens to stop the camping trip (e.g. an ex-gf calls wanting the lead guy back in the city, the heroine trips and has to be sent to the hospital, there's an Emergency Board Meeting, etc)

There are dramas where they DO stay overnight (Let's Eat 2 and Nail Shop Paris come to mind).

In the variety show, they do a lot of camping and stay overnight/you can see other folks staying overnight in the background too.

Besides, don't we all sleep less during camping? The fun is in hanging out with the mosquitoes and eating BBQ! :D


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Hah, forgot to factor in that something always happens during camping to interrupt the proceedings d=

Personally, I like the food and the staring at stars bit. But mosquitoes, pfft


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Just started on this drama yesterday evening and am already 7 episodes through. Love your recaps and your observations about their relations are always so on-point.

I hate Gong Mi with the fury of a 1000 suns - this actress also played a really mean antagonist in Scent of a woman and I think I have some leftover anger from that as well. Each time, someone refers to the character as beautiful, I have the weirdest case of cognitive dissonance - I mean, objectively, the actress is gorgeous - but Gong Mi has such an ugly selfish heart that it's impossible to associate her with beauty or anything positive whatsoever.

Meanwhile, Gong Shim looks prettier and prettier with each episode and each time she puts others' needs before her own. I can't remember the last time I rooted so much for a character! <3


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This DRAMA is so cute and funny!!! <3


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