Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 6

Dan-tae is falling hard for our adorable Gong Shim, and although he has the ability to dodge blows, he’s unable to read minds, which means he’s bound for some missteps if he’s quick to jump to conclusions and solely relying on assumption. Jealousy is on full display in this episode, but so is the desire to make amends and talk things out, which is a solid step toward reconciliation.


Gong Shim is alarmed to find Dan-tae with his arm in a cast, looking glum. She didn’t know he had injured himself from yesterday’s tumble and is awash with guilt. Dan-tae slowly approaches her until she’s backed up against the wall and squirming from his close proximity.

In a dead serious tone, he says that he doesn’t want her being close with other guys. As his face inches nearer to hers, Gong Shim manages to escape, disrupting the charged moment and wondering what the heck he means.

Dan-tae huffs that his broken arm is the result of her date with another guy, followed by her anger when he refused to eat the dumplings bought by said guy, which compelled her to push him, causing him to fall and break his arm, ergo she should stay away from other guys, heh.

Dan-tae somehow manages to make his twisted logic seem almost reasonable and Gong Shim apologizes. She points out that she had purchased the dumplings just for him, which causes Dan-tae’s hardened face to crack into a smile. He has his back turned to her and is absolutely loving the sympathy.

Once inside, Dan-tae muses that if he knew she had purchased dumplings for him sooner, he wouldn’t have gone so far… with his ruse! He slips his perfectly healthy arm out of the cast, and even does some bicep curls with a huge dumbbell.

Moments later, Gong Shim brings him a homemade dish of spicy noodles because she’s still regretful. Dan-tae continues with his fake pity party act, saying he’ll just dust off yesterday’s dropped dumplings and eat them. When asked if there’s anything she can assist him with, he looks up at his wet hair.

Gong Shim blow-dries his hair and buttons up his shirt, much to his pleasure. When he almost gets caught cupping her head with his hand, he pretends his arm pains him and tells her to be careful, making her extra apologetic. She leaves him so he can eat, saying she chose noodles since it’s something he should be able to eat with his left hand. Dan-tae contemplates the chopsticks with a thoughtful look.

So when Gong Shim returns moments later, he’s got sauce all over his mouth, purposely looking as pathetic as possible. “It’s okay, I can eat on my own,” he tells her while visibly struggling with the chopsticks. The messy sight is too much for her, so she proceeds to feed him. He sure loves that.

He even guilt-trips her into joining his investigation of the four-year-old boy (chaebol grandson Jun-pyo) who was kidnapped twenty-six years ago. Gong Shim takes photos of the train station for him, and he also makes sure he’s in a bunch of them as well.

He visits the birthday party venue where young Jun-pyo was last seen, and times how long it takes for a mother to realize her child is missing. Gong Shim plays the stranger who leads the child away in a simulated scenario.

He also times how long it takes to exit the venue, in total only roughly thirty-two seconds. That means by the time a mother realizes her child is missing and commences her search, the kidnapper would’ve already left with her child.

Dan-tae wants to hear an old shoeshiner’s account of the car accident that happened in front of him 26 years ago, but the man grumbles that he’s too busy to talk. Gong Shim volunteers to polish shoes for him, allowing him to open up.

The shoeshiner explains that he’s worked in the same spot for 30 years and still recalls that car accident involving the mother. Dan-tae verifies what he witnessed: A mother was hit by a car, and with her last breath, she uttered Jun-pyo’s name, followed by the word “butterfly.” According to the case file, the word “butterfly” was attributed to the bowtie (butterfly necktie) Jun-pyo was wearing at the time.

The shoeshiner commends Gong Shim on her polishing skills, and she beams as she unwittingly leaves a streak of black polish above her lip, like a mustache. Dan-tae can’t stop staring, but doesn’t say a thing to her.

Dan-tae plays on Gong Shim’s guilt to get her to buy a drink for him, and she runs across the street. Just then, a boy is dragged away from his video game by his mother, and Dan-tae can’t resist finishing off the game.

He yanks off his cast to quickly play and gets so into it, he doesn’t even realize Gong Shim tapping his shoulder with his cast. When he finally turns around, she furiously grabs his hair for fooling her this whole time and making her worry. He exclaims that his arm felt like it was broken, but she doesn’t buy his excuse. Naturally.

Gong Shim’s mom, Jae-boon, and Jun-su’s mom, Tae-hee, meet for coffee, now that they’ve reconnected from their Miss Korea reunion. Jae-boon admits that she’s worried about her Gong Mi’s marriage prospects, but Tae-hee says she has a guy in mind—an only son who’s set to inherit his father’s company—which is music to Jae-boon’s ears.

Dan-tae visits Jun-su at work and asks him to treat him to lunch in the cafeteria. They bump into Gong Shim there, and while she’s happy to see Jun-su, she’s still annoyed at Dan-tae for the fake injury stunt. Dan-tae seethes with jealousy while Gong Shim and Jun-su share laughs and inside jokes.

Feeling left out, it becomes a matter of pride for Dan-tae to offer to buy coffee, but Jun-su resists, and they end up deciding to settle this on the basketball court: Winner buys. The boys are hilariously competitive as they alternately score points. Gong Shim cheers whenever Jun-su scores, and frowns whenever Dan-tae rubs his victory in her face. The score is tied nine to nine when the teenage owner of the basketball returns to end the game, telling the ajusshis to quit before they die, heh.

The trio are sipping on their coffees when a black van pulls up to them and snatches Dan-tae right before their eyes. Gong Shim and Jun-su panic and alert a nearby police officer.

They frantically describe how the kidnappers looked, but the officer takes his sweet time jotting down their observations instead of jumping into action. But as they’re urging him to hurry, the black van returns, and Dan-tae emerges, safe and sound.

Dan-tae thanks the men in the van and the police officer for their cooperation in his experiment as Gong Shim and Jun-su scoff in disbelief. He muses that during his disappearance, only the kidnappers were described in detail, not to victim—so “butterfly” may have to do with the boy’s kidnapper rather than the boy. His observations go unheard since Gong Shim and Jun-su ditch him in annoyance, heh.

Mom wishes Gong Mi luck on her blind date that was arranged by Jun-su’s mom. Dad reminds her that she doesn’t have to go on these dates if she doesn’t want to, but Mom shushes him, and Gong Mi says she doesn’t mind; the plan is to marry rich so she can have her own law firm. Still, she seems pretty uninterested.

Her boss sends Gong Shim to deliver a packet to Jun-su at the site of his new restaurant. He’s busy trying to learn how to cook—he’s not the chef, but he has to cook for everyone on opening night—and he asks her to taste his dish. Gong Shim takes a bite and says it’s tasty… and then can’t bring herself to swallow and apologizes, saying that it’s becoming increasingly less tasty in her mouth, HA. With food still in her mouth, she tells him it has potential if he tries really hard.

Dan-tae visits Jun-su’s grandmother and hands her a pair of glasses that allows her to watch TV while lying down. He uses it to illustrate a point: A person’s viewpoint can change based on his/her circumstances. Jun-su’s mother was really referring to her son’s kidnapper when she uttered the word “butterfly,” not her son as everyone assumed. He assures Grandma that he’ll get to the bottom of this case.

Gong Shim gifts Jun-su with a box of her homemade cookies, knowing he’ll be working late in preparation for the grand opening. Jun-su cooks alone in the kitche late into the night when he suddenly starts to sway, looking ill, and faints to the ground. Flames start to engulf the counter while he lies motionless.

Dan-tae makes fun of the “ugly” homemade cookie Gong Shim gives him, but she clarifies that she only used quality ingredients like organic flour and eggs from green-tea-leaf-fed chickens…Uh-oh. Did she say eggs?

Dan-tae retorts that he could’ve died had he eaten her cookie because he’s severely allergic to eggs. Gong Shim thinks he’s fibbing, but he tells her to confirm with Jun-su, who’s even more allergic to eggs than Dan-tae. Gong Shim fears the worst and calls Jun-su to make sure he didn’t eat her cookies, but he doesn’t pick up. He’s still on the floor and unconscious, as flames and smoke permeate the kitchen.

She’s about to drive to him, but Gong Mi has the car. Fortunately, Gong Mi happens to be near the restaurant so Gong Shim tells her to check on Jun-su at his restaurant immediately. Gong Mi arrives at the restaurant and drags Jun-su out of the fiery kitchen.

Jun-su’s family rushes to the hospital, overcome with relief that Jun-su is alive and unharmed. The doctor reports that Jun-su was very lucky and could’ve perished if he was in the kitchen much longer. His family wonders who saved him and took him to the hospital, but he doesn’t remember anything after passing out.

Gong Shim calls her sister for an update, and Gong Mi lies that she didn’t see Jun-su at his restaurant and that all the doors were locked. Gong Shim is relieved to hear that nothing went awry.

Gong Shim is forced to return to the office late that night because a confidential document was inserted into one of many sealed invitations to the restaurant’s grand opening. She simply did as she was told, checked the recipients’ addresses and sealed the invitations, but the two other secretaries bully her into going through all the invitations and locating the document.

Dan-tae looks through the notes Gong Shim took during their investigation and notices a sentence about how the case is a triangle. He calls her to ask her what she meant by that, but she hurriedly hangs up on him when the secretaries give her the stink-eye.

She finally finds the confidential document, but overhears the secretaries mention that Jun-su is in the hospital. Guessing that her cookies made him ill, she runs out of the office.

Dan-tae arrives outside Jun-su’s hospital room and spots Gong Shim inside. Jun-su assuages Gong Shim’s concern that her cookies caused him to faint. He tells her he avoids cookies altogether because of his egg allergy, and that he actually fainted from dizziness. Dan-tae finally enters to check on his friend. Jun-su’s embarrassed, but grateful for all their concern.

Gong Shim’s concern for Jun-su makes Dan-tae feel down. She offers to stay around and help Jun-su with whatever he needs, but he assures her he’s fine and urges her to go home with Dan-tae.

They wait at the bus stop together, and Gong Shim realizes that she left her cardigan in Jun-su’s room. She wants to retrieve it, but Dan-tae gives her flack for it, and accuses her of dishonesty.

He thinks Gong Shim was at the hospital with Jun-su when he called her earlier, and asks, “If you were going to visit someone at the hospital, you should’ve just said so. Why lie and say that you’re busy?”

Gong Shim is incredulous at his assumptions and offended that he’s calling her a liar without having the whole picture. She demands, “Why should I have to tell you where I am, at what time, what I’m doing, in detail?”

The bus arrives, and she boards without him.

The next morning, Gong Shim rebuffs Gu-nam’s greetings upon seeing Dan-tae nearby. Gu-nam has a hunch that something must’ve happened to her at work yesterday, and Dan-tae’s ears perk up.

Gu-nam confirms that Gong Shim went into work due to an emergency, and it dawns on Dan-tae that he wrongly accused Gong Shim of lying to him. He cringes, having hurt her feelings with his hasty conjectures.

Jun-su is discharged from the hospital, but he still doesn’t know who saved him. A nurse is only able to tell him that a woman accompanied him, so he decides to check the CCTV footage at his restaurant. He sees Gong Mi rushing in and dragging his limp body out of the kitchen.

Jun-su invites Gong Mi to coffee at his restaurant and thanks her for saving his life. He inquires as to how she knew he was there, and she replies that she spotted his handmade chair outside the restaurant and remembered his mentioning that the new restaurant was near the wood workshop. He thanks her again, and she modestly states that anyone else would’ve done the same. Mhm.

Dan-tae waits for Gong Shim in the lobby, hoping to talk to her, but she’s in no mood to do so. She accidentally bumps into Jun-su’s uncle, one of the directors, causing him to spill his coffee. He warns her that if she bumps into him again, he’ll make her his secretary.

Uncle cleans himself up at the bathroom sink, and rolls up his sleeves, revealing a butterfly tattoo. Aha, this is the man who kidnapped Jun-pyo 26 years ago.

Uncle spots Dan-tae in the lobby and almost looks like he might have a vague sense of recognition. But he just introduces himself and keeps staring intently at Dan-tae, who greets him politely and doesn’t seem to recognize the man.

Gong Shim emerges, and she still has no desire to talk to Dan-tae, nor does she have anything to say to him. But he grabs her wrist and takes her to a stairwell, insisting that he has a lot to say to her.


Dan-tae messed up, he knows it, and he wants to clear the air! It’s funny and also interesting to see such a dichotomy in his personality. He’s like a mischievous child when he’s jealous, in high spirits, or messing with Gong Shim and Jun-su, but he’s very much a mature adult when he realizes that his misunderstandings hurt the woman he cares about, as he should be. It’s this side of Dan-tae that confirms that his interest in Gong Shim is no laughing matter; it’s the real deal. He genuinely likes and cares for her, and his jealousy is strangely indicative of that.

Gong Shim has proven once again that although she may be lacking in physical appearance, she really does have the kindest heart. Her sincerity is probably one of her most attractive qualities. The way she took care of Dan-tae when his arm was “broken” and how she rushed to Jun-su’s side when she found out he was at the hospital reveals that she’s a caring and nurturing friend who values her friendships. Even though she was driven by guilt in both scenarios, I do hope she realizes that everything isn’t always her fault. She’s not some walking misfortune even though her ridiculous parents, sister, and coworkers may see and treat her that way. We’ve seen her stand up to chauvinistic men, and I hope to see her stand up for herself even more.

Oh, Gong Meanie. I mean, Gong Mi. I never took a liking to her in the first place, never had even a modicum of sympathy for her, and that sentiment still remains. She’s a pathological liar and opportunist. She lied to Gong Shim about not finding Jun-su at his restaurant, and she lied to Jun-su when asked how she knew where he was. I’m relieved Jun-su didn’t immediately fall for her (as far as I can tell) when she saved him, but I’m wary of her using this opportunity to try and woo him. We all know she’s attracted to his wealth—his looks are an added bonus—and her parents, especially her mom, are somehow okay with her open admission of marrying rich so that she can have her own law firm. I guess she can add “gold digger” to her resume, right after “conniving sister” and “fraudulent lawyer.”

The investigation of missing Jun-pyo has officially begun, and I admittedly wasn’t all that impressed with Dan-tae and Gong Shim’s first two findings: how long it took for a mother to realize her child went missing and the shoeshiner’s account of what happened (which was exactly the same as what Dan-tae read in the case file). I did, however, find Dan-tae’s conclusion that people don’t generally describe the kidnapped victim, but rather the kidnappers, to be pretty intriguing. It seemed obvious, but at the same time, not so obvious that one would immediately know that. The finding was strong enough for me to believe that it was all Dan-tae needed to determine that “butterfly” had to do with the kidnapper.

There is something quite sinister about the fact that Jun-pyo/Dan-tae was kidnapped by his own uncle. From the start, Jun-pyo’s uncle was portrayed as a shady character, so we knew to feel antagonistic towards him. I did feel a slight chill when he introduced himself to Dan-tae and shook his hand, not knowing he was face-to-face with adult Jun-pyo. Other than that, there’s not much to go off of, and there’s no real sense of danger emanating from him just yet. Honestly speaking, the tattoo of a butterfly doesn’t help his case. I’m not saying it had to be obvious like a skull and cross bones, but a butterfly seems kind of random. Maybe there’s an ominous meaning behind the butterfly, or maybe this baddie happens to be a butterfly aficionado. Perhaps we’ll find out.

Anyway, what engrosses me most about this drama continues to be the quirky and endearing characters of Gong Shim and Dan-tae. They never fail to make me laugh with their slapstick comedy. It’s a testament to their acting ability that I’m able to laugh at/with them when their highs are high, and feel for them when their lows are low. The story may be lacking, but they’re elevating it, or maybe they’re just pleasantly distracting me from it, like a colorful butterfly.


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Another good episode. The funny parts were hysterical but even though the hidden ID is obvious I'm really curious how they're going to tease it into the show.


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The butterfly tattoo seemed strange to me for such a man, but I guess it was chosen because the name in Korean can be confused with bow tie, which is what the boy was wearing and what the police misunderstood.


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I also went back to the last episode where the grandmother was describing what happened and we can see it all go down in flashback. It wasn't just the butterfly that was the same. It was also his uncle's face that we see carrying him away from the bus stop after the collision.

I also don't think it took his mother that long to realize that her son had been kidnapped. She realized it quickly, but kidnapping Dan Tae took a short period of time because unlike Gong Shim who had to establish a rapport with the little boy first, his uncle would have been a familiar face, meaning a quick greeting and the boy would have immediately gone with him, without suspecting a thing.


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That takes me back to the question if JunSoo Dad's was aware of it or is oblivious as we can clearly see that his mom did see the act but pretended for her own intrests...also curious about the motivation behind why the man did the act,did he get work alone or is someone else in(no that we've seen any more players in action),kinda sad that he's a baddie because i liked him with Gong Shim,their interactions are somehow funny...Can't wait to enjoy Gong Mi's face when she'll find out that DanTae is the true heir while the one she aims is not...Even so she doens't deserve a good man as JunSoo at all...Curious if Gong Shim's dream of be a painter will come true...also even if she's not an Secreary she could well become a chef,looks like she cooks quite well...


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I was hoping for the Show to tell us more about GS' dreams, such as being a painter. I wish we could have seen her painting or even just doodling. Or the Show could have said her dream was to become a chef, specialized in Italian cuisine (since she wanted to go to Italy).


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I am waiting for this too. I think I want to hear more about their dreams as she's been so marginalized in her family of origin.


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If being an executive assistant doesn't work out, I could actually see GS being an assistant to DT ^^

I hope JS is not going to fall for GM after this dizziness/fire incident. I could see a change of expression on his face. I hope it was gratitude and nothing else!

For her sake, GM needs to stop lying now. I doubt it's going to happen. I don't see any remorse at all.

I wonder when GS is going to start noticing DT's feelings for her. When will she fall for him too?


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I really hope Jun Su Doesn't fall for that evil sister that seems more like a step-sister.


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Yay! You're caught up with the episodes!! Hooray - and we're all along for this great fun ride!


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Thanks for the recap! From this moment on, Gong Mi will now be called Gong Meanie ??

I still have several questions rolling around in my head:

1. Where is Jun-pyo's real dad when the kidnapping is going down and what eventually happens to him?

2. What is the connection between Dan Tae's parents and Jun-pyo's uncle - how did they come to take possession of the boy? And who is the child Dan Tae's dad apologized to at the tree?

3. Did Jun-su's mom plan the kidnapping with uncle (I'm assuming yes on this one).

4. Why in the world do all of these Korean women adopt all of their husband's mistresses' children into the family? And does this mean that the other grandmother is actually the 2nd wife? If so, how is she even allowed in the house?

5. Why is Gong Meanie such a liar and so mean to Gong Shim? i get that they undervalued Gong Shim her whole life but they seem to do it more out of ignorance than out of spite or mean-spirits, so why is Gong Meanie such a bad apple?


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5. I have the feeling Gong Meanie has narcissistic personality disorder. Meaning, she can only think of herself and has no empathy for others. Although I must admit after seeing Twenty Again I'm diagnosing a lot of people (real and fiction) with this disorder. Too bad I'm not a real psychologist.


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Haha. You may be right! Complete belief that the world revolves around them and conviction that they can do no wrong as long as they serve their own purpose. Gong Mi does sound like she has it.
My question is now, can it be cured? id really prefer her to not be evil sister.


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I think it can be cured but the person has to at some point acknowledge they have it and then get psychotherapy, which must be difficult given people with NPD really don't like to think of themselves as flawed in any way.

But, since this is a kdrama, it's a pretty safe bet that even without therapy the sister will turn nice and be forgiven by everyone in ep. 20. :-)


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Sounds like a Kdrama fairy will wave her magic wand in episode 19/20 and *poof!* we will get Gong Mi version 2.0- Meanie no more.
But the Beanies here won't be so quick to forgive her, especially if she ends up with puppy dog sweet Jun Su. He deserves someone with less issues.


Yeah. It doesn't help that her family buys into her self-serving crap either. I really hate it when bad behavior is rewarded. :/ Its very bad for the perp too.


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I too would like answers to these questions.

In terms of question 1, I reckon Dad is already dead by this point.

Questions 2 I really want answered, that connection, I think will be very interesting.

I don't know about 3, I can't see how she wasn't culpable, but 'Dog Manager' looked pretty thuggish in the flashback so I'm kind of hoping that he was opportunistic at the party and she wasn't in on it but let it happen once she saw him run away with Joon Pyo. I really don't want Joon Soo's mother to be completely bad, I think selfish and snobbish is bad enough, no need to make her completely evil.

4. Yeah, I'm assuming that Grandfather made the decision while she was still alive but somehow she managed to hold onto the reigns. Maybe her tradeoff was, he can be adopted in but Joon Pyo must be named as the owner of the shares with Halmoni the one in charge of them.

5. Why is Gong Meanie so much different from Gong Shim. Other than being spoiled she really doesn't have any empathy or sisterly love for her sister at all, does she? Gong Shim seems to exist to serve Gong Meanie. Maybe @blnmom is right about the narcisissm.


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And your answer to #4 gives the motive for the planned or just opportunistic kidnapping: to get to the shares and inheritance.


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I swear, if Jun Soo falls for Gong Meanie (love the name btw), I'll cry ugly tears. Let the guy be single or find him Gong Shim 2.0, the original HAS to end with Dan Tae.

And I'm still puzzled at "Gong Shim's lack of physical appearance", the girl is sooooo pretty and adorably cute, I always liked her face and her smile is so beautiful *///*


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I know right? Gong Shim is sooo cute. I think the only reason she wasn't cute in the beginning is because she always looked grumpy. I always thought people found her off-putting not because she actually looked ugly (though obviously fashion-wise she's got her own style that's not traditionally sylish) but because her personality wasn't 'cute'.

When she smiles and giggle - hooboy! Pretty girl.


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Yes! If the story doesn't redeem Gong Mi and she still ends up with Jun Su, I'll throw sharp objects at the screen.
The only saving bit would be Gong Mi having to deal with JS's parents for the rest of her life. ? They would be the parent-in-laws from hell and treat her like a cockroach they want to be squished. That would make me feel a bit better. ?
DT has to be with GS. I refuse to think otherwise.


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Or, Gong Mi dealing with his snobbish parents, after Jun Pyo's come back AND having to work for Dan Tae, the apparent crazy guy, WHILST supporting her new overbearing and critical family. She is held aloft by the love of a good (poor, carpentering) man...but barely.
Maybe a stress-induced bald patch too.

I like it. I like it a LOT.


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"There is something quite sinister about the fact that Jun-pyo/Dan-tae was kidnapped by his own uncle."

I was confused about the relationship. I thought the man was Jun-su’s uncle (his mother's brother) but not actually related to Jun-Pyo.

I can't remember what, if anything, in the show made me think this was the relationship or if I just assumed it because it makes the most sense to me.


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Maybe she means "uncle" more loosely. He is after all related to Jun Pyo if he is Jun Su's mother's brother.
Maybe it's a Asian thing but I call my Grandmother's brother's daughter's husband "Uncle", because he is family even if he isn't exactly my "uncle" by exact definition.


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From what I can tell Jun Pyo/Dan Tae is not related by blood to Joon Soo's Uncle (Uncle is Joon Soo's mother's brother).

Joon Soo's father is the mistress' son. Jun Pyo's father is Halmoni's son. Joon Soo's father and Jun Pyo's father would be half-brothers making JS and JP half-cousins. Joon Soo's mother married into the family. The guy that kidnapped Jun Pyo appears to be the Joon Soo's mother's brother making them related by marriage but not by blood.


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Was just about to clarify the family relationships. But you nailed it perfectly, Lola. :) it was a bit confusing at first but it was confirmed when they said junsu dad was born "outside". Which mean he resulted from an affair. The second halmoni was not a second wife, she was a mistress. Jun pyos halmoni brought in Jun su family I'm assuming afterwards because there were no other "heirs". Junsu mom is soooo messed up. She saw her brother taking junpyo and just turned a blind eye to it. My guess at the motivation for all of this was so Junsu and his family would become the heirs to the company.


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As soon as Dan Tae asked Gong Shim to take pictures I knew she would misunderstand and take pictures of him instead. But it was so hilarious how he chided her and then immediately started posing!

I love these two together. However this week I finally saw the potential for Joon Soo/Gong Shim, particularly when they were ganging up on Dan Tae with the basketball/kidnapping. So I'm torn because I can kind of see her with either guy but I know I'm watching a kdrama and GoongMin is the lead so I have to root for him.

Ugh, Gong Meanie (tee hee, that's brilliant!) you are still terribad and I just can't stand you. I need Joon Soo to see through her antics.

Still hating Gong Mum and have contempt for Gong Dad. What a useless pair.

Joon Soo's Mum is now appearing to be quite villainous, particularly if she cooked this up with her brother. I'm wondering how Dan Tae's Dad and Aunt come into play here. Since the Aunt kept worrying that it would ruin Dan Tae's feelings for his 'parents' - I started thinking that maybe Dad and Aunt cared for Dan Tae after their brother/sister somehow passed. Maybe Joon Pyo's Mother is somehow related to Dan Tae's Dad's wife? Anyway I was feeling quite a bit of sympathy for Joon Soo's mother in the beginning because of mean Halmoni but it's starting to seem warranted.


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I'm so happy the weekend is almost here because almost every day we have had Recaps and I'm Ready and Excited for the new episodes!

If there is a God of Dramas, my prayer is:

Please let me see some budding romance from Gong Shim->Dan Tae; Please let his apology be good and heartfelt and MELT-worthy. (I want to swoon over Nam Goong Min!)

(And if there is still space for a smaller wish) please make Gong Mi less "meanie"? I'd like for GS to experience having a proper older sister. There are still 14 epi ok? Pls show.

I promise to be good, eat my veges and never post spoilers on Dramabeans recaps anymore. ?


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Thanks for recap :). I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I like this show. And I agree with the common consensus that the quirkiness of Gong Shim and Dan Tae are a big draw.

I saw the recap for Ep 2 a few days ago and caught up. Quite thankful for this blog and the commenters here as I really needed those laughs.


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Okay, slight rant ahead:

DT's final words are totally swoon-worthy (I know it can't possibly be a confession this soon, but my heart can't stop hoping!), but I can't completely forgive him for dragging GS down the hall by the wrist. He could have started by saying he misjudged her and that he wants to talk it out and then asked to meet her in the stairwell or for lunch, but he didn't. He was unnecessarily forceful and had little regard for GS at her own workplace. (Maybe she's busy! She did have a bunch of stuff in her arms.)

I still love DT, really, and not just because my love for NGM makes me blind. I just wish he respected GS's agency a little more.


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The wrist grabbing is a Kdrama trope that I hate the most! For once I'd like the female to defend herself by either twisting the man's hand until it's almost broken or knee him where it hurts the most.


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In Oh Hae Young, OHY chastises the male character for doing it and can I think he looked ashamed?


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Well I guess she made him realise what he did and got a sorry out of him. I don't think I've ever seen a Kdrama lead apologize for grabbing the girl's wrist. So go Oh Hae Young!


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+++ a lot


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As much as I like DT and GS being quirky and arguing cutely, I actually really liked how well they worked together on the case. They have a good rapport when he's not annoying her and she's not getting upset at everything he does. Though by now, I think she's not actually that upset with him most of the time. It's just how they work.

Though not a fan of wrist grabbing, but I hope he actually maintains his serious attitude and apologizes for real. I can see the jealousy obviously, but with JS and GS I just don't see anything but friends between them. I hope the threesome continues to hang out and things don't get weird.. but that seem unlikely.

The evil sister is too much. She has chances to clear the air and NOT lie about things, but she always just digs a deeper hole. She's supposed to be a smart lawyer, does she not think none of this will eventually come out?

I also think JS' mom obviously set up the kidnapping to get DT out of the way so JS could be heir. I'm just not sure how far the whole thing goes and if JS' dad is actually a part of it. I would guess he knows the details now even if he wasn't a part of the kidnapping to start with.


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Yes - I so want to hear her explanation for why she thinks the kidnapping case is a triangle. And I hope it is smart and insightful, showing us yet another positive side to our beloved Gong Shim. Dan Tae would have such encouraging words for her, boosting her confidence even more, no doubt.


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I dunno, didn't JS's mom seem quite surprised that Jun Pyo and his mother even came to the party?

Anyway, I'm too lazy to log in again so I'll make my other comments here as well.

The name "Gong Meanie" is simply wonderful, thank you. I can't understand what Gong Meanie would get from keeping it a secret that she saved JS from the fire. I suppose she's devious enough to play the long game and know he would have the security tape pulled and see it was her. Sheeeesh. I would have expected her to go for an immediate payoff of ingratiating herself with his family but I'm not as wily as she is.


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True, she did seem surprised. Maybe she didn't set it up, but the brother took the chance when he saw it? But who does that out of the blue, so it was probably something they talked about before for things to happen, right? Though the mom could be innocent to start with, but regardless, she knew who did it and did nothing and said nothing. She's not going to redeemed easily if at all.

She kept it a secret since she knew JS would go after GS and thank her, and that means GS also gets some of the praise for saving him. For someone who thinks little of her sister she sure is worried about her "stealing" attention. Evil sister actually seems pretty insecure.


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he is sonooo adorable...


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This is my logic: Halmoni blames Jin Soo because with his birth his mother and father became opportunist determined to get a slice of the inheritance. Halmoni no doubt made clear at his conception that was not her grandchild and put her foot down. With the advice of Jin Soo's birth grandma (Jin Soo's dad's mother) to get rid of the heir will force Halmoni to give Jin Soo Jin Pyo's place.

The way she refers to Halmoni as "the old bag" and advised them to declare Jin Pyo dead smacks of her being the mastermind. "Uncle"/dog aghassi is not a real uncle but, a friend of the family pre-kidnapping who was willing to get his hands dirty for a kickback ergo, a high company position.

Gong Meanie has been born and bread to be the family bread-winner and means of financial gain and do any thing she wants she's been taught to get scamming and schemical is acceptable to achieve this. Mom and dad proved this with the dress return. Gong Meanie proved this with taking two rooms because she wanted a closet even if that meant her sister has none.

Her parents raised her that way and Gong Shim escaped that mentality because they didn't care enough about her to foster that mentality in her. I too hope the sister doesn't end up with either Jin Soo or working at Jin Pyo's practice. I too look forward to Gong Shim realizing the fact that she's hyper aware of An Dan Tae means she likes him. I think her friend isn't crushing on her but rather has something to do with An Dan Tae having him work closer to keep an eye on Gong Shim. Remember he started around the time An Dan Tae was supposed to move away?


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Autocorrect made it schemical when it should have been "has been taught to scam and scheme..."

Also I didn't think the Uncle was blood related but if that's the moms brother the rest of my reasoning still stands. They all (excluding Jin Soo, Jin Pyo (Dan Tae) & Gong Shim) are all trying to get money.


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I'm surprised at the hate for Gong Mi in this episode. Yes, she was mean (not just mean, makjang mean) before, but I don't see it in this one.

She even went out of her way to not claim credit and I think it's commendable. The only thing she did wrong is not admit how she got there, and that doesn't change anything really.

I dunno if she changes for the better, but her actions here definitely make me want to root for a brighter her.


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I mean, how many male k-drama leads have been mean for a lot of episodes, then do something noble while keeping it a secret? But somehow we root for them and not for her.

I'm not discounting that she's just being manipulative. But come on.


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I was pleasantly surprised that she didn't take credit for saving him, unless she knows somehow he's going to check the cctvs, which, I suppose, is not an impossibility, but I do want to believe she genuinely walked away after seeing him safe, and that was enough for her - I don't know, I get so conflicted with this character, and that part where she lies to him about how she got there, I just let out a long sigh....again I am disappointed.


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This is the same PD as The Girl Who Sees Smells, and they really aren't into subtlety. If Gong Mi had evil intentions, they would have shown it by having her look at the CCTV or something to recognize it was there.


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I don't know... I find both sisters pretty unpleasant with Gong Mi just plain mean and self-centered and Gong Shim just cranky to the point of me saying 'enough already' out loud. This is not my favorite show to be sure.


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Love your name describing Gong Mi. Oh crap! They are trying to make Gong Meanie into a heroine in this episode. She is still the same old conniving person and is the real liar. I don't understand why she couldn't tell the truth to Jun Su or her sister?
I love the way Gong Shim threw a fit when she discovered Dan Tae playing at the video game.Laugh so hard! Especially when she threw the fake cast at him. The hair pulling looks pretty real. Namgoong Min might not have any hair left after this drama finishes up.
It's probably too early for Dan Tae to confess to Gong Shim. I think the cliff hanger is that he will apologize to her for calling her a liar and try to get back into her good graces.
I love the way they play off each other. Good acting.
I can't wait until the next episode.


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I finally caught up. Thanks for the recaps chickachunga! I really like this show, but i can't stand any scenes with the Grandmother, Jun Soo's parents or Mi-the-witch and her parents (yeah they can't be Shimmie's rents) so I read the recaps to understand what's going on.

Loving Dan-tae and Shimmie's cuteness, and Jun Soo's pretty adorable too. I'm not buying the birth secrets trope, so I'm just going to pretend everyone but our boys, and girl, are invisible.

For me this is a cute story of a weird guy and a weird girl doing weird things and living weirdly ever after.


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Tbh I write this in small bathroom time
want to said thanks for the recap
Where can I get myself a Junsu????


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oh... i loved it when he pulled his hand out of the cast first time.. totally took me by surprise..because the way the ended the 5th, it had really looked like he hurt his hand.
And I don't know what the hell is wrong with Gong Meanie...( I liked that name @DramaMama...suits her) She is like a calculating machine....yuck. S he does not even like Jun Su... she is after him because he comes from money. And She didn't tell the truth to Jun Su because she didn't want to let him know that she is Gong Shim's sister.
And lastly even though I'm not a fan of wrist grabbing... I'm totally looking forward to what Dan Tae wants to tell Gong Shim, what he ends up saying, and what Gong Shim makes out of it.... well as we all know, it can end up as three different things. Just like when he did the first confession... lol!


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Yes, keeping her connection to Gong Shim a secret is the only reason I can think of for Gong Meanie to not claim credit for saving JS as well.


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There's one part GM goes on a blind date with the rich guy, and the rich guy mentions he's supplying shopping carts to Star Company and GM's hands tighten - I wonder what this means? Does it mean she likes JS, and feels pain at this reminder of him, and his rejection of her, on a blind date with someone for whom she feels nothing? I feel she's falling for JS for real, even though she set off deliberately to snare him since he's the heir of Star Group Company. Did she deliberately keep quiet about saving him, knowing he would try his best to find out who saved him? Did she do a good deed, at the same time using the deed as a means to an end? I find GM's character very interesting. I can't read her at all. She doesn't betray her emotions, unlike the other characters in the drama.


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I interpreted GM's gesture (tightening of her fists) as a sign of anger and caprice. I assume she's upset that she got rejected by JS, who is much better and above (from a status /position point of view) than the blind date. She probably thought "I don't want to settle down with this guy who is just providing shopping carts to the Star Group. I want to be the heir's (or whatever title JS has or will have)'s fiancee/wife instead. Anyone under that status doesn't seem interesting enough for me."


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Ooh, I like your interpretation...that's really so insightful, made me pause and think. That gesture, so quick you could almost miss it, perplexed me. Thank you!


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Although that's the case, I feel like the drama would have Gong Mi sincerely fall for JS, and then be "redeemed" so we may all like her...and happily ever after for all the couples.


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Gong mi is at it with her lies again! I wish for Jun su's sake, he realizes that Gong Shim and her are sisters, and that Gong Shim asked Gong mi to stop by. I want her exposed for the liar she is. She lies about the littlest and stupidest things, because she's ashamed and envious of her sister. Not knowing that acknowledging the relationship with Gong Shim would win her points in Jun su's book. He's such a sweetheart.

I was very displeased with Dan Tae's antics, this episode. This thing with pretending his arm was broken was deceptive and not. funny. at. all. It raises concerns in me that he doesn't have proper boundaries when it comes to people he loves. I am afraid he's inclined to be a tad too possessive and it shows up in little ways, like obsessively calling her when she's on a date with someone else, his lack of physical boundaries with Gong Shim, and now getting angry with her because she was too busy to take his call.

Gong Shim's parents are a piece of work! Did anyone notice her dad telling her not to fall for anyone higher than a team leader else she be disappointed? No wonder both daughters have complexes! It's like they've trained Gong mi to expect the best in life based on her looks and brains; and conversely taught Gong Shim to accept the worst in life because she's not pretty or smart enough!


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This was the best epi for me so far. And I dont even know how many times I have watched initial 15 mints of Dan Tae faking his broken arm and fooling Gong Shim to get closeness of her. He is all over her like a small boy who just wants to have object of his affection just in front of his eyes.
He was jealous like a teenaged boy when he thought that GS ignores him to be with JS and blamed her.
But lastly he was the mature Man who accepted he did mistake and ready amend it and then instead of beating around the bush preferred to have Big Long talk (he must have a lot to say to her...I am all ready to hear). Still I am keeping my fingers crossed that he wont be doing some cover up as he did last episodes start.
Then we have GS a pretty average girl in looks and brain but does have very good sense of judging when its a limit of someone aloowing her softer side for their benefit. And I am happy she dint just accepted DTs apologies yet cause he deserves some serious words and acts to show her how wrong he was and will not repeat the same in future.
I am watching this just for OTP so rest all stories be it birth secret, meanie sister does not bother me much as long as DT GS are entertaining me.


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I actually like JS and GS together more.
I'd want to see DT grow as a guy cos he's really childish right now in terms of romance and maybe his mature side could help fix GM too.
JS and GM is a big no no. JS is way too nice and angelic for him to end up with such a manipulative, narcissistic brat.
The trio's friendship is something I actually enjoy watching! Although right now, DT is all hung up and jealous, they have a real relationship foundation between the three of them. I like that a lot.
Please let JS and GS flourish!!


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I see GS and DT having a life-long friendship :)


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Am I the only one who thinks the bibim guksu eating scene was gross, especially when he feign that big-round-eyes-babo-look? omg it supposed to be funny but i'm grossed out


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I'm convinced that JS's parents were not originally part of the kidnapping plot, but that perhaps Jun Soo's father - upon discovering the person who did initiate the kidnapping - made a deal with him to get rid of the boy by bringing the kidnapper into a position of power in the company. If you'll recall, the kidnapper originally asked for money but did not go through with the deal - or even show up. That could suggest a change in plans, by which I mean JS's parents becoming implicitly involved in order to make themselves as the heir to Star Group. Often times, ambitious people will seize an opportunity not of their own making but turn it into an advantage - that's also the kdrama way!


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Just wanted to add here that if the kidnapper is indeed JS's uncle (his mother's brother), then it's still entirely possible that the uncle initiated the plan on his own and his sister, upon seeing who had the boy, freaked out and ran away. Later she told her husband and together they decided to kill two birds with one stone (i.e. gain a foothold in the company and prevent shame brought to their family by revealing it was a family member who kidnapped the grandson - because surely that would have destroyed them socially and possibly financially).

Anyway, this is just my theory on events.


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It was only till I saw the bloopers at the end of this episode that I found out that On Joo Wan (Jun-su) is dating Jo Bo Ah! I knew they were co-stars in Surplus Princess though. They make a cute couple! I liked her in All About My Mom and she's in Monster too, which I'm currently watching.


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