Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 10

Dan-tae must continue to uncover more truths surrounding his identity, but already danger seems to be hot on his heels. He may not know who the enemy is at this point in time, but a crucial piece of evidence hints at where the enemy may reside, and it’s much easier to nab the enemy from the inside where more clues are bound to surface. Unlocking the mystery behind one’s existence may be a harrowing journey, but luckily, our Dan-tae compartmentalizes sorrow well, by slapping on a goofy grin and riding around a jumbo floor-polishing machine. It’s the little things, isn’t it?



After a tumultuous month of heartbreaking truths, Dan-tae finally returns home, worn and weary, to a home-cooked meal, courtesy of Gong Shim. She also left him hand-drawn cards, featuring a picture of herself with messages chiding him for returning so late and reminding him to take his medicine. The touching gesture moves him to tears, and he sobs.

At the Star Group office, Jun-su’s father and uncle are alarmed to find Dan-tae suited up and asleep behind the desk. When he’s jolted awake, he greets them with a winning smile and introduces himself as the new secretary to the chairwoman.

We rewind a week earlier to when Dan-tae called his father. Over the phone, his father divulges that he wasn’t the one who kidnapped him, but rather kept him away from the man who intended to kill him. Dan-tae wonders who his kidnapper is, along with his true identity, and his father insists they meet in person so he can reveal the whole truth. Dan-tae apologizes for doubting his father’s integrity, and his father expresses remorse for withholding the truth for so long.

Jun-su’s uncle (Uncle Butterfly Tattoo) has a colleague look into Dan-tae’s father’s whereabouts and pays him a visit at the arboretum where he works. Dad is perturbed by Uncle’s sudden appearance, especially when he mentions Dan-tae.

He assures Uncle that no one else knows about the kidnapping incident and that he and Dan-tae haven’t spoken in over ten years. Just then a call comes in from Dan-tae, which reveals his bluff. Uncle accuses Dan-tae’s father of disclosing details about the kidnapping to Dan-tae, and they get into a brawl. Uncle flings Dad to the ground, causing him to hit his head against the bench, then flees the scene.

Dan-tae arrives soon after and frantically tries to wake his father. During the ambulance ride, Dan-tae finds a Star Group pin in his father’s hand.

At the hospital, a doctor informs Dan-tae that his father is unconscious due to a cerebral hemorrhage, but is also suffering from an advanced brain tumor. This is news to Dan-tae, and the doctor says they’ll have to wait and see if he’ll recover. Facing the Han River, Dan-tae recounts what he knows to be true: “The criminal who kidnapped me tried to kill my father, too. The criminal is inside Star Group. Whoever it is, I’ll make sure I find him myself.”

The next morning, Dan-tae is outside Star Group headquarters and vows to find the criminal. His steely eyes quickly disappear as he cracks a goofy smile and puts on his happy-go-lucky mask before entering the building.

Uncle eyes Dan-tae with suspicion when he randomly hops on the floor-polishing machine, laughing out loud and enjoying the ride with the custodian. Uncle assumes Dan-tae’s clowning around like that because he’s not aware of what happened to his father.

President Seok is updating Grandmother on Jun-su’s successful business endeavors when Dan-tae enters the room and announces that he needs money. Both of them are baffled by his request, and Dan-tae clarifies that he’s not asking for their money, but seeking employment at Star Group. He insists he’ll give his all in whatever job they offer him.

After the meeting, he spots Gong Mi and calls out to her, but she frantically turns tail, trips, and falls. Pshh. Dan-tae helps her up, and she denies running away from him; she didn’t hear him because she was in such a rush. Mhmm.

Dan-tae points out the irony in Gong Mi’s recent hire at Star Group, the very company that fired Gong Shim. She urges him not to publicize that she’s related to Gong Shim and asks him to act like he doesn’t know her at work.

Dan-tae agrees to honor her request since they’re neighbors and all, but suggests that coming clean is the better option. He bids her farewell and walks away, only to turn back and shout, “Gong Shim’s sister!” to inform her that he’s here because Star Group is his dear friend Jun-su’s company.

Jun-su runs into Gong Mi at the elevator bank and asks if she’s available for a meal tomorrow; he wants to properly thank her for saving him. Gong Mi’s thrilled by his gesture and replies that tomorrow works on her end.

Gong Shim receives a call from her coworker in Jeju, who followed their swindling boss to Jeju airport, but lost him when he boarded a flight. She tells Gong Shim to get to Gimpo Airport and keep him there for thirty minutes until she arrives in Seoul. They need to capture him and demand their salary. Gong Shim, determined not to lose him, rushes out and runs into Dan-tae, who enthusiastically joins her quest.

In the taxi ride there, Dan-tae questions how Gong Shim alone will be able to restrain her boss for thirty minutes. She points out that he’s heading to the airport with her now, assuming he would help her out. Dan-tae acts like that didn’t occur to him before and directs the driver to step on it, heh.

They arrive just in time, and Gong Shim spots the designated driver waiting with her boss’s name written on a card. Dan-tae pretends to be an undercover cop and manages to spook the driver enough to get him to relinquish the fake passport he’s prepared for the boss.

The swindling boss arrives, and Dan-tae acts like he’s his driver. The boss informs Dan-tae that his next trip is to China and asks for his passport, but Dan-tae pretends that he left it in the car.

The boss is puzzled by his Seoul accent since he thought his driver came from Yanbian, China, and Dan-tae immediately puts on a hilariously terrible fake accent. He gets the boss to follow him to the parking lot, and Gong Shim texts her coworker at lightning speed to let her know the boss has arrived.

In the parking lot, Dan-tae plays dumb and claims he can’t find his car and doesn’t know the license plate number either. The boss panics that he’ll miss his flight, and Dan-tae surreptitiously texts Gong Shim his location. The boss’s “Andante” ringtone catches Dan-tae’s attention, and he comments that this must be the song Gong Shim was referring to.

The boss is shocked that Dan-tae knows who Gong Shim is, and just then, Gong Shim and her furious coworkers run toward him and have at him. Gong Shim gives Dan-tae a thumbs-up for his efforts, and he responds with a series of flirty winks, which she doesn’t appreciate, heh.

Dan-tae’s perusing the aisles inside a stationary store while Gong Shim waits outside. She receives a call from Jun-su, who needs a dinner buddy for tonight, and Gong Shim decides to treat him and Dan-tae with her first paycheck. Dan-tae emerges from the store and informs her that he’s not available for dinner, but that she and Jun-su should go ahead without him.

He hands her a bag chock full of art supplies, and mentions that her drawings from the other day made him feel better. He says to consider him her first fan, because even the greats started with one, and encourages her to continue drawing in the future. Gong Shim’s grateful for the gift and promises to use it well.

Jun-su waits outside Gong Shim’s home, and despite efforts to include Dan-tae by rescheduling dinner or waiting for him to finish work, Dan-tae insists the two should enjoy their meal. Jun-su warns Gong Shim he’s going to select a very expensive restaurant since dinner’s on her, and she’s worried.

Movers get to work lugging boxes out of Dan-tae’s law office. Dan-tae apologizes to his aunt for making her work for him, and she tells him not to worry about his father; she’ll look after him.

Turns out Jun-su wasn’t kidding because everything on the menu is expensive, but Gong Shim gets over it and decides she’ll treat him as promised. A girl from a nearby table approaches her, and it’s her former high school classmate. She’s incredibly nosy and condescending and describes Gong Shim to her boyfriend as the unfortunate one who took after her father, unlike Gong Mi who had the smarts and beauty of her mother.

Jun-su overhears their conversation and senses Gong Shim’s growing discomfort. He decides to step in, and the boyfriend immediately bows to him. He nervously explains to his girlfriend that Jun-su is the director of Star Group, which takes her by surprise. She asks if Jun-su is Gong Shim’s boyfriend, and Gong Shim replies that he’s not. But Jun-su announces that he has a one-sided crush on Gong Shim, which effectively ends the conversation. Aww.

Afterward, Jun-su asks if he made Gong Shim feel uncomfortable, and Gong Shim admits she was thankful that he stepped in. He regrets not acting cooler, but Gong Shim tells him his acting was stellar.

At the convenience store, Dan-tae gravely asks Gu-nam if he has the goods, and Gu-nam silently whips out… Dan-tae’s beloved meal set, heh. Gu-nam doesn’t get how he can eat the same thing everyday, but Dan-tae explains how if there’s something he really likes, no matter what it is or what it does, he’s the type to never get sick of it and like it for a long time.

Gong Shim heads to the roof and tells Dan-tae that it would’ve been nice if he joined tonight’s dinner and suggests he join next time, her treat. Dan-tae grabs her wrist and gazes at her intensely. Gong Shim stands frozen and nervous as he inches closer to her. It looks like he’s about to kiss her, but he lets go and insists she treat him to a meal next time since he helped her get her first paycheck.

President Seok and Uncle congratulate the chairwoman’s secretary on his promotion and wonder who’ll take his place. They enter a room, and we return to the opening scene in which the two find Dan-tae asleep behind the desk.

Uncle warns Dan-tae to leave before he calls security, but Grandma enters the room and informs them that she hired Dan-tae temporarily to fill the vacant secretary position. President Seok doesn’t agree with Dan-tae’s hire since he lacks proper experience, but Grandma retorts that experience wasn’t what made him president either.

Jun-su’s uncle updates his sister on Dan-tae, and she’s shocked to learn who his father is. Dan-tae’s employment at Star Group causes her to panic, but Uncle tries to appease her by mentioning that Dan-tae doesn’t know anything about their crime, and that he severed contact with his father years ago. She yells at him to make certain she never crosses paths with Dan-tae.

President Seok spots Dan-tae in the lobby, riding on the floor-polishing machine like it’s an amusement park ride, having the time of his life. He sees his former secretary arrive, looking angry after losing her job, and decides to join Dan-tae and the custodian on the machine to avoid getting seen by her.

He warns Dan-tae to stop fooling around at work, but once he leaves, Dan-tae and the custodian decide to have one last lap around the lobby, just for kicks.

Dan-tae delivers coffee to the custodians in the break room, and it turns out they already know who he is; they’re current on the latest Star Group gossip. He encourages them to seek his legal expertise whenever and they’re delighted. He asks if they just clean the executive rooms and bathrooms, and they answer that they clean every single room in the building. They’re all assigned places, and they clean early in the morning before the executives get in.

Dan-tae greets Jun-su, who inquires as to how he ended up working at Star Group. Dan-tae admits that he needed some money after his aunt took out a bad loan so he asked Jun-su’s grandmother to hire him. Jun-su’s glad everything worked out and suggests that Dan-tae not call him “Director” when it’s just the two of them, but Dan-tae doesn’t listen and playfully calls him director repeatedly.

Gong Shim has found herself back at the gas station, working as an attendant until she finds full-time work. Meanwhile, Dan-tae sits at the head of a table in a conference room and munches on a cookie. He ignores the disapproving looks from the attendees and observes their lapels, noticing that they all wear the Star Group pin.

President Seok and Uncle arrive for a board meeting, and while they’re not pleased with Dan-tae’s presence, they know he’s there to take notes for Grandma. Dan-tae glances at their lapels and notices that they, too, wear the company pins.

President Seok chides him for eating all the refreshments and sitting in the chairwoman’s seat. Dan-tae moves over and the meeting commences, only to be interrupted when Dan-tae spills his water. The man sitting next to him picks up his wet pen and finds it odd that the color changed, despite it being made of real silver.

Dan-tae prohibits everyone from drinking their water and declares that it may contain poison. Everyone lines up as Dan-tae takes their water and pours it over the silver pen. Everyone’s water tests clean, except for Dan-tae’s, which tarnishes the pen again.

Everyone starts murmuring, frightened by this incident, but President Seok calls for order and advises them to stay silent on this matter so it doesn’t get leaked to the press. Dan-tae states that he’ll maintain confidentiality and thoroughly investigate. As he walks out of the room, he wonders if he was the culprit’s target. Uncle observes Dan-tae and Gong Shim having a conversation outside building and concludes that they must be close friends.

Jun-su’s grandmother is appalled by the poisoned water incident. Jun-su says Dan-tae requested a chemical analysis of the water, the results of which detected a small amount of potassium cyanide. Jun-su’s mother thinks her brother may be behind this after she demanded that she no longer see Dan-tae again, but keeps her worries to herself.

Dan-tae mulls over why anyone would target him so quickly and recalls that his water bottle was unopened. He assumes the poison was injected via syringe and visits the custodians in their break room to see if they discovered anything suspicious in the trash. However, none of them have.

President Seok holds a meeting with board members and urges them to unite in order to dismiss Dan-tae because ever since he started working here, things have gone awry. Jun-su’s uncle adds that if they all write statements in favor of Dan-tae’s dismissal, the chairwoman will have no choice but to approve it. Dan-tae overhears everything and remarks that he may lose his job this way.

President Seok sees Gong Shim outside the building and thinks his eyes are fooling him because he’s seeing her in a flattering light for once. When she stops right in front of him, he’s delighted to see her and they catch up. Suddenly, a motorcyclist whizzes by and throws a paint-filled balloon at Gong Shim, which splatters over her shirt.

Dan-tae believes the culprit is now targeting people close to him as a warning. He checks to see how Gong Shim is faring. Luckily she’s unharmed, but a bit shaken. She states that she was chatting with the president when she was struck. Dan-tae takes note of this and leaves abruptly.

President Seok is in the parking garage when the motorcyclist from before zooms up and threatens him with a bat. Dan-tae arrives just in time and blocks the motorcyclist from striking the president. He beats up the assailant, and the woman who rode on the back of the motorcycle takes off her helmet and exclaims in worry over her fallen partner.

President Seok recognizes her as his former secretary, the one who’s been harassing him constantly, asking him to reinstate her. Dan-tae determines that she was the one who poisoned the water because she had building access and knew exactly where the president sat (although the seating got rearranged when the chairwoman was absent and Dan-tae was moved over). She was also behind the paintball attack, but Gong Shim was hit instead.

Gong Shim worries about Dan-tae that night, and goes to see him when she hears his footsteps. He lets her know that the culprit has been captured, and she worries at his exhausted face. She returns to her room content, and doubts she’ll be able to fall asleep, but ends up snoring in no time.

The next day, Uncle hands President Seok all the board members’ written statements for Dan-tae’s dismissal. But Jun-su’s father has had a change of heart and announces that Dan-tae will remain as secretary. Uncle is stunned by this unexpected turn of events. Later that day, the president, Uncle, and Grandma all watch from above as Dan-tae happily drives the floor polishing machine in the lobby.


Ahn Dan-tae, Ahn Dan-tae! Gotta love Dan-tae! His odd and quirky self was what had us smitten from the very beginning, but it’s interesting to see him magnify that eccentric aspect and exhibit it for all to see as a means of digging up more dirt at Star Group without raising suspicion. And so far, the ploy’s been working. People are so weirded out and distracted by his slightly spaced out, doltish behavior, the last thing they’d suspect is his probing into Star Group for personal reasons. He’s a clever man, our Dan-tae! Now that he works at Star Group, the investigation can finally commence.

Gong Shim took a backseat in this episode in order for us to see how Dan-tae gained entry into Star Group, along with the trouble that arises immediately after his hire. I didn’t mind this so much because her few albeit major moments were so satisfying and entertaining to watch. Also, Secretary Dan-tae is pretty funny.

Gong Shim and Dan-tae make a great team, and I mean that in the romantic and pragmatic sense. It was fun to see them work so well together to nab the swindling horticulture boss at the airport. I loved how Dan-tae just followed her to the airport without really knowing why he was there, but of course he didn’t mind because he’ll do anything for the lady he loves! His “Yanbian” accent was so bad, with intonations all over the place, but it made for a fantastically hilarious scene.

Jun-su, what a sweet gentleman and an even better friend. When he stepped in and declared his one-sided crush on Gong Shim in front of her rude acquaintance and boyfriend, I was nodding, “yes” and wishing chivalry weren’t dead in the real world I live in. I did notice a tinge of sadness in his eyes when Gong Shim complimented him on his “acting,” and it really made me feel for him because we all know he actually does have feelings for her; it wasn’t an act.

I don’t think Gong Shim is aware of her burgeoning feelings for Dan-tae yet, but we as viewers are! She worries about his well-being, can tell if something’s wrong with just one look at his face, and she’s unable to fall asleep because of him. If that’s not the early makings of a crush, then I’m a Joseon princess.

She’s starting to mirror Dan-tae’s caring behavior from before, which comes at an opportune time since Dan-tae could use all the moral support he can get now that he’s working through an identity crisis. It was a lovely moment when he gifted her with art supplies because he recognizes her true potential and wants her to pursue what she truly loves and is skilled at. How lucky Gong Shim is to have Dan-tae as her very first fan! I hope this means we get to see more of her artwork in future episodes. Her drawings were too cute.

I was pretty surprised by the twist at the end. Who knew that former secretary would be so vengeful? All the shots of Jun-su’s uncle looking shady turned out to be a red herring, but they were enough to make me believe he was behind the water poisoning and the paintball attack.

He wasn’t, but that being said, I don’t doubt his ability to commit crimes because he kidnapped Dan-tae/Jun-pyo with the intent to kill, and most likely would’ve gone through with it had it not been for quick thinking by Dan-tae’s father. He’s still the primary enemy with the butterfly tattoo, the one who fomented this disaster, and I’m sure he’ll strike again soon once he feels his fortune is at stake.

I have no doubt Dan-tae will come out stronger after coming to terms with who he really is—same goes for Gong Shim—but the pain he’ll experience is inevitable, which is why I’m relieved he can ride around the floor-polishing machine at work for short bursts of joy. I can’t deny that I wanted to ride along with him, but I’m sure you felt the same way, too. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all board the Dan-tae-mobile and experience the same joy he does?


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I'm in love with this show.


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I love it for the friendships between DT/GS/JS, for the blossoming feelings between DT/GS, for GS's growth in finding her confidence and going after her dreams, and especially for the quirky offbeat craziness that is DT.
Cold arrogant chaebol heroes are SO yesterday.


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When he backed GS into the corner on the roof I thought we were back to serial killer NGM!


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lol... his angry looks is definitely that of NGM!!!


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Haha. I love him for this role.
I do wonder how much of my views of this character is influenced by his previous roles though.


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For me, it was when he had that serious look outside of the Star Group building, then suddenly put on his smiling face. I was like, uh oh... serial killer NGM...

At times, I wonder if DanTae is truly that weirdo, happy guy, or if it's all a mask hidden a super serious NGM...


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Me, too! I got the chills when he smiled suddenly. Sensory Couple chef serial killer throwback (it's the only I've seen him in where he is a killer). Uncle Butterfly Tattoo better watch out. Hehehe.


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*only drama


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Never having seen NGM in anything else, that moment outside Star Group was the momen I thought, "that's what everyone is talking about!" What the hell was that!? ?

Yep I can see him being creepy.

But not in this. I just love his quirky, goofy self in this show.


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OMG I was really scared too when he suddenly changes his expression from angst to smiley. That villain look he always had. I hope Dan Tae won't turn into revenge mode or serial killer side. Dan Tae pleaseeeee why he always have to be a villain, please just go home eat corndog.


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Omoo yes pls Dan Tae shouldn't be evil, but then there's still 8 episodes what else can fill the gap? Finding out that he is Joon Pyo would be too easy


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Is it wrong of me to want a Korean Deadpool with NGM as Deadpool?

The floor-polishing-machine gave me flashbacks to the Zamboni scene in Deadpool, lol.


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If Ahn Dan Te is Deadpool, does that make Gong Shim Teenage Negasonic Warhead and Jun Soo the cutest Colossus ever?


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@Andromeda_Kia and @journey yes yes yes.. Also three cheers to the cutest collosus ever.
Also this makes GongMi Francis.. Because that's how much I hate her!


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LMAO, not sure about Gong-Shim being Negasonic, but Joon-soo as Colossus is just awesome lol. especially since in the movie, Colossus is super decent and good-natured despite being a hunk of metal.

If we are going by lovelines, technically, Gong Shim would be Vanessa, right?

Regardless, Dante-pool and Joon-lossus are the bro team!!


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Yes you're right Gong shim as Vanessa makes a lot more sense since gong-Francis-mi is evil to her!
Also three cheers for dante-pool and jun-lossus bromance. If the writers try to split these two up I swear I'm taking out a contract with the real deadpool!!


Dante-pool and Joon-lossus! Awesome! HAHAHAHA


We are because NGM look killed me.


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My fav weekend show...now with the new OCN drama... Weekends will be just daebak..! Dan tae sshi you are absolutely cool in the cutest way possible. Cant believe NGM has played a murderer


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He is rocking as Dan-tae! I need him to play more characters like this!


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He did a chilling job as a serial killer.

He seems like a super nice guy and when you realize his role you go, "whoa, why didn't I see it before?"

Not everyone can play both sides convincingly.


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What new on drama??? OMG am I missing more awesome.dramas?
And I am loving NGM in this in have been a fan of his for a long time so I'm glad to see him playing a lighter role and he is the main character for once lol.


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dan-tae: (wink-wink-smile)
me: a puddle of goo

seriously, I love this gesture so very much!!! I even made my boyfriend watch it, to made to his armor of defenses against my weapons of mood swings... also it works to my advantage (hehehehe)
thank you show!!!


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+1 lmao me too love it


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Oh my gosh, when Dante started talking with the Yanbian accent I bust out laughing so loud. Namgoong Min is killing me in this role.

As soon as Dante's dad said, I'll tell you everything later when we meet, I knew he was a goner. Sigh. Hope he recovers.


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Yeah he had Doomed written on his forehead immediately. I was almost yelling at my screen for his dad to to tell DT everything immediately on the phone... They don't have Nike slogans in dramaland eh.

That being said, it was the only part of the show I found "typical" or predictable. It isn't going down the melo angsty route, and I find the fact that they aren't making JS's dad purely evil and an accomplice quite refreshing. Makes for a more interesting story.


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This show feels so fresh! It's got a little bit of Ugly Betty, a little bit of K-drama goofy detective, it's just a really fun show. I love how the cousins are such great friends, I think Ahn Dan-Tae is trying to push Jun-su toward Gong Shim for that reason.

I am also a little perplexed. We've seen now Dan-tae is really good at doing a dumb act. So does he really not realize he's Jun-pyo, or is he in denial because it's too close to him?


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I was thinking it's denial. Since even very intelligent ppl can avoid putting things together when their minds can't (or doesn't want to) handle it.


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i think he knows well but wants to catch the ones behind what happened back then before telling grandma who he is...being Dante is easier to find out who is friend and who is foe and uncover the truth,if he would tell now more likely it would be harder to find the ones responsable for what happened back then...'Em i the only one who was like"Oh look,Nam Gyu Man possesed Dante " in the scenes at the company,in the meeting room and director room before Junsu Dad comes in,that serious look before going all sunshine is sooo funny somehow...


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He knows. He just wants to find the identity of the kidnapper, without revealing his own identity yet.


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Dan-tae is so awesome. Love how he can be so quirky and comical one second but can turn into a bad ass the next moment. Really appreciating his more serious moments that helps flesh out his character, and I like how he is using his quirkiness to the max to subvert everyone's expectations in the company. AHN DAN TAE ANDANTE!


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Is this drama worth watching. Just by the screencaps, it looks like the leading lady is really weak and damsel in distress who is bullied by everyone. And thats what I absolutely hate. I may be wrong.
Tell me why I should watch this?


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While she does seem immature and naive about the world, she is mostly strong and resilient - however, her sister is a manipulative shrew and our heroine falls for it time and again. The only person who outright bullies the heroine ends up apologizing to her thanks to our hero! It's worth it ?


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Aargh! Dat sister! >_<


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Nah, it's not one of those annoying stories... She does get bullied a bit but stands up for herself pretty well. (And I like a heroine with spirit.)
I'd say she is doing the best she can with the hand she has been dealt...and is learning even more ways.
You should try it. A large appeal of this show is the quirkiness of the characters.


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I actually don't think the main female lead to be weak. On the contrary. People are just so disrespectful or jealous and thus bully her. But she can stand up for herself. Things are just not working out , as they should, despite all her efforts. But she's not passive, she can take care of herself.


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The female lead isn't weak, she is portrayed as the typical underdog- dealt a bad hand by fate, she is not successful in society's eyes and her family because she is constantly compared to her prettier successful older sister. She is quirky and offbeat. She isn't the typical innocent naive damsel in distress, unlike say the female lead in You're Beautiful (who I thought was endearing, but not very bright).
It's what I love about this show. The characters arent one dimensional. They feel real and they have different sides to them.

My suggestion is you watch epi 1-4. If you love it, you will by then. If you don't then it's just not your cup of tea. So many new exciting shows starting soon anyway!


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The lead female is strong but she is also compassionate. Watch and see how the develop her character, she has some really good scenes and she and DT and JS have a really good comedic and friendship vibe and the bromance does nothing but get better. Despite both guys loving on her.


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Ooooo I do love me some smarty-pants heroes! It's been so very long since I've found one who is smart but not arrogant (about his brains or any other quality either) gets things done smartly and efficiently and does not let ego interfere with what needs to be done and has thus far passed up on opportunities to come down with sudden onset stupidity syndrome. I am LOVING this!


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agree. smart but not arrogant. and ADT, GS and JS are adorable.

i wanna be their friend.lol!


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I was waiting for that Kiss!

Not today, Endo, Not today...Lol!


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Yes! Love the fact that DT is smart! For once we don't have the usual idiotic lead rushing foolishly and unaware right into danger by confessing his secret to the evil guy.
I LOVE the fact that he seems to be a step ahead of the bad guy some times and is keeping him nervous!


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Yeah exactly. I have a tough time believing that the leads always confide in the wrong person because of bad luck. Its usually because they're careless and not cautious enough, which, considering that they're supposed to be smart people, is very jarring. So I loved how Dante is careful and clear headed and is dancing circles around the baddies.


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NGM and Minah are doing amazing jobs as fun, entertaining leads. Really enjoying this drama and how it sticks to its giddy, goofy core even in the middle of seriousness.

NGM has proven his ability to play horrifying villains and funny, puppy leads. I really respect him as an actor.


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Dantae: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone....... GONG SHIM UNNI!

Gong Mi: *looks like she's about to cry

How classic! More Gong Meanie with her face falling off please!


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That was my favorite scene of the episode! Hahaha. I had a good laugh at that.


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I'm just curious : did you all think that DT intentionally declined the diner with JS and GS? If so, was it out of respect, as DT knew that JS and GS might like each other?
Or did you think that he was just bus/preoccupied with his investigation?

The look on his face, when watching GS and JS parting at night, seems to tell that DT postted a change in GS/JS interaction. Is he aware that GS crush on JS is slowly wearing off?


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No, I don't think he did it intentionally. DT has a lot on his plate right now, and it's one of the things I love about this show- the characters are strong independent ones with their own lives and stories, despite the fact they are such adorable clowns when they are together.

And I like the fact that DT didn't force GS into kissing him, even though He really wanted it. He respects her enough to give her time and space. He isn't going anywhere and his feelings are still there. But he isn't going to bulldozer over her to make her realise them. He is letting her do it on her own. Which I how I interpreted the look he gave JS and her when they went for the meal. I don't think DT knows anything about Gs's feelings except that she cares for him.


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I agree, I don't think he was pushing GS/JS together because we see that he did have plans (packing up the office). However, I do think that he's giving them the chance? His facial expression when convincing them to go, I feel like he was kind of leaving it to fate, somehow?

I think he recognises that Gong Shim is very concerned about him and thinks about him a lot (like when she rushed to tell him about the meal and the 'Andante, Andante' stuff).

It does feel like he's distancing himself from everyone because he's dealing with a lot but I think he's just processing and working out what he needs to do. He has to be careful because of Jun Su too.


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So I am on mobile and have something to do...
Thanks for the recap

*out to find my junsu


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I am positively falling in love with Jun soo, everytime he smile.. Oh swoooonn! How could he be so cute, and sometimes so vulnerable, wanna give him big hugs.
Watch the way he walks and how that white shirt fits him well (when he cooked last time… Argh)… Ottoke, Jun soo ya..

Being chaebol doesn’t hurt either… Can I have him in real life please…

Happy that I am not the only one with second lead obsession here.??


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I snort-laugh every time I see GS's look of shock -> disbelief -> repulsion when DT triple alternate winks at her. Seriously. Who triple alternate winks? Lol.
How do they come up with this stuff?? Love it.

Made so many faces during this episode- from being teary eyed at DT to yelling at the screen for his dad to to tell DT everything immediately on the phone, to snort laughing and squeeing with a big grin on my face....
My husband thinks I'm mad...

Yup. Mad over this show.

It's almost the weekend!! Yes!
Between this and the new shows coming out im such a happy girl.


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Yes Dantae is hilarious but Gong Shim's reaction is gold lol. She has really natural expressions.

Now that we're 10 hours in... can Gong Shim ditch the wig yet?


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I'm actually quite liking the wig nowadays. I know she is prettier without it but it adds to her charm. And it's got great potential to be used to make a serious situation less serious or to be funny.
Maybe it'll start a trend for blunt bangs! Lol


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Poor Junsu. His heart is going to break when he finds out what his mother did to Junpyo. Right now I think he sees her as nagging, but harmless enough. When he sees how far she will go for money, it is going to be a huge blow because he really loves her.


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The winking! So funny. Gong Shim's reaction is giving me never ending delight. This definitely was Dan Tae's week, I'm kind of hoping that Dan Tae gets Shim rehired as the Presidents secretary (who knew that she grew on him all this time?) and help him solve the case. I'd even be happy to have Jun Su in on it if they can work out a way to do it without crushing his cutie pie soul.


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Glad that he realizes that he is Jun Pyo.. and is in the Star Group to investigate his kidnapping. Time to kick some butt!

LOL at his Yanbian accent...

Looks like fun riding the Dan Tae-mobile!

Cute episode.


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yep! i'm so into dan tae X gong mi!


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I'm kind of worried though. The plot seems like things would wrap up in 3-4 episodes, but it's slated for 20 episodes... I hope they don't drag the story out.

Gong Mi is just *yawn*. I was hoping she would have to go apply for a job at Dantae's law firm when she was jobless, and learn how to act like a decent human, but the character is now so boring. I suppose the actress is doing a good job at being phony, but her role is more of a time-waster than anything for the story.

I don't outright hate Jun-su's mom and Uncle so far though. Yes, she was bitchy to Gong Shim and GS' mom, but both she and her brother seemed more misguided than plain evil. I really really hope that it'll turn out to be a poorly thought out temporary kidnapping ploy that went awry (with grand talk of "taking care" of Jun-pyo for good) than a real desire to kill the kid. /=

I love all three leads too much. Can we just skip the love lines and have them all live together happily ever after as the best of friends?


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Im really surprise when the culprit of President attack is his former secretary. Oh, I never expected it to happen, I think all of this is Dantae's plan, but Im wrong kkk
BUT, Im suspicious enough, .....about the timing.
Let me ask something, please?
The timing happen when Dantae ia fear if he is gonna fire by the company board director, and the "continous attack" is happen between in the timeline when Dantae need to "saving" his position in Star Group. in the first though, I guess its All Dantae's plan, but its turn out that Ita not his plan!
omg, is this real??? coz its like, Heaven help Dantae. or, its....Dantae's plan to saving his position in Star Group.
omg, maybe I watch too many crime drama so Im thinking like this BUT, I dont think uri smart brain bb Dantae will just stay sit n not doing anything when his plan in Star Group got obstacle (got fired) in his way........
Anyway, I keep thinking about it after watch epi 10 yesterday~
and I cant wait epi 11~~~


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I admitted that i cheered when Junsu chimes in and said "Im the one who likes her one sidedly" and im like "YES SON ! TELL EM !"


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Here's episode 11 preview...


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Ooooooooooo. Thanks!


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More high jinks. Looks good.


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aauuwwww Halloween Halloweeennn kkkk
auuwww pleaseee more romantic scene pleaseeee kkk


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LOL @ "banjjak banjjak Ahn Dan-tae". A hero disguised as a fool is one of my favorite tropes, and NM wears the mask well -- he's a hoot! I loved the triple blink! He should do more comedies.


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I wanted to check out his other roles because of this but apparently he's known for always playing evil bad guy characters. Only other thing I saw him in was Girl Who See Smells, which I dropped after a bit but I honestly don't want to seem him like that. He's too cute here so I kind of want that image to remain untouched lol even though I'm pretty sure he's an amazing actor in all his bad guy roles.


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Why do that have her sleeping in her wig - that would be so uncomfortable and no one would actually do that...and then she wakes up and it's on perfectly straight, HA!


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Waiting for ep 11&12 recap! Omg can't stop thinking about it, I have a lot of things to discuss with you guys! I barely breating.


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how long more till gong shim takes out her wig?:(


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Seriously. It's so refreshing seeing her without it. Gosh even if she hasn't grown her hair back I'd prefer her to wear the longer wig.

We're past the halfway point now so hoping it's soon...


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not that I'm justifying grandma's mean acts towards Junsu, but now I kinda understand why she is so cold towards Junsu and his family..
I only realized late that by blood, grandma has no relation whatsoever with junsu and his family.. junsu's dad is the child of grandma's husband and his affair (the talkative old lady), and then junsu's dad get adopted as legal child of grandma and makes him someone important in star group..
so that's why she must felt all lonely amongst "strangers" who cares nothing but money and money..
poor junsu want to get grandma's heart but always fail..


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