Park So-dam confirms taking the lead in Beautiful Mind

IT’S ABOUT TIME. That only took forever.

And why couldn’t they have announced this yesterday instead of insisting Park So-dam was still unconfirmed? Was it to draw out the reveal? Keep the tease going? Stir curiosity? Somebody tell the drama that’s not how you build suspense.

Via TV Report, Chosun


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Maybe she called in at the last minute saying that she would accept the role, in a King of Dramas-esque manner.


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HAHAHA! YES! That is exactly how it happened.


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They killed all the suspense with this drama, why did she wait all that to confirm she's been offered the role for months!
I am curious to watch this drama after all this mess, they have a good cast though, I don't know about the lead actress i jus watched one episode of BITFT I didn't like it so i stopped watching


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or it was all just to drum up some free promotion for the drama.


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well finally.... but i won't watch this drama for her... i will watch it only for park se young....


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Me too...I just love PSY in serious roles...I watched Faith just for her and the King...


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I think she confirmed this long ago. They just didn't announce it because she is still currently still filming "Cinderella and the 4 knights" so they need to work out the schedule first before officially confirming it finally. Anyway Cinderella is due to finish shooting on May 25 so I guess filming for this will start after that.


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Finally, what a relief. They got good and experienced cast. Definately watching for jang hyuk and park se young


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One of a kind of marketing?
Whoever the female lead, I just rooting for Jang Hyuk


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I'm not familiar with her, but she looks so young paired with Jang Hyuk. (I'm sure this has been said before...anyways)

If he can look younger in the drama and they have good chemistry, then maybe I can believe in them. It's actually not confirmed if they will be a couple though (as far as I know).

I like Jang Hyuk and Yoon Hyun Min so I wish this drama will be good.


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and this confirms another pairing with huge age gap...


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Huge age gap is the trend these days...
Here's the complete list for dramas aired this year

(note "th" is an abbreviation pointing to years/age gap... so 22th means 22 years age gap)


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Wow, considering UEE (1988) is the oldest and the only one who's born in the 80s in that list, either all the other 80s born actresses are extinct, only film movies or are just you know plainly too old now as leads to most casting directors. ;)


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Well, I assure you there are many many 80's born actresses that could do well in dramas or even better since they will be age appropriate to the actors. We actually have Jeon Ji Hyun, Song Hye Kyo, Yoon Eun Hye, Oh Yeon Seo, Honey Lee, Han Ji Hye, Han Ye Seul, Han Hye Jin, Moon Chae Won (currently filming), Moon Geun Young, etc. Well, the list is really long we put it this way. Idk why they have to shove those young'uns with their uncle. It's not like all the stories actually set in high schools and some of them should be played by someone older, e.g neurosurgeons in Doctors and Beautiful Mind.


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Eh, nobody seemed to have a problem with Lee Jong Suk and Joo Won playing genius surgeons even though both are too young to do so. Why is that? Or do only women have to play their age? And there was a time when many pairings were 10 or so years in the opposite direction and yet I don't recall this level of outrage.

I totally get not wanting minors involved but I truly don't have any problem with adults playing opposite other adults.


When did age start matter in kdrama?
I remember people complained when PSH played her 1st high school role for Heirs after years and now people aren't happy she is playing doctors?

Dude she is 27! It's not that far behind. It's not like she is 18 and plays 30.


And PSH is 2 years younger with many actresses you listed above....
Is there really a big difference?


High school really , why are complaining from age gap and accepting noonas dramas
For park shin he she is 26 years old adult and not high schooler any more she graduated from her college and not first time playing with old actors


Gosh! On the one hand, nothing wrong with age differences if people are in love... but these actors certainly are not (prove me wrong LSJ and UEE - your chemistry was off the charts in Marriage Contract!!). On the other hand, hiring male actors to play younger characters and female ones to play older ones is soooo very problematic. And, this has come up so many times in DB threads. Soooooo...

Shall we come up with a moniker for these kinds of pairings - the male version of noona romance? Oppa would be much too benign and ajushhi much too mean. How about oppa-nim romance - yeah, yeah I made it up... but, the double honorific should drive the point home!


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What do they think in Korea?
Maybe it doesn't bother netizens over there?


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Yeah, that'd be good to know. We still get to comment though ... as fans/consumers, and also because the trend is not unique to Korean media.


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A Romantic Scene...

Old Oppa kisses Sweet Young Thing passionately for one long, long minute, then slowly pulls away. Sweet Young Thing opens her eyes shyly, eyelashes fluttering, cheeks flushed prettily, ....then screams, "EEEEEEK! Oppa! Your teeth...OMG....what happened to all your teeth?"

Old Oppa takes a second to catch his breath; that kiss has knocked all the wind out of his lungs.

He strokes Sweet Young Thing's (horrified) face tenderly, purses his lips charmingly, spits out his dentures coolly and catches them deftly in his palm, slow-mo. Inwardly, he breathes a sigh of relief that he managed to catch the dentures; his eyesight isn't as good as it used to be.

Old Oppa pops the dentures expertly back in his mouth."All good!" he grins widely, showing all the pearly whites intact, and leans in for another kiss.

Sweet Young Thing is out the door in seconds.


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I believe this baby-grandma (Agi-haraboji) trend started with My Love From Another Star.
Writers learned from that Drama that audiences will accept/ship/love a couple with a 400 year difference in age.
So now we get, "the male lead is 58. And the female lead is 15, but hey! That's much closer than Manager Do and Cheon Song-Yi were! So we're good, no?"


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Now then, why aren't they as inspired by My Girlfriend is a Gumiho!? :/


AUGH! I hate typos! I meant "baby-grandpa." (Sheesh. I ruined the joke.)


Oh, and good scenario, YY. Except you wrote it like real life. In a K-Drama (written by an old man) the Sweet Young Thing would nimbly catch his fake teeth, hold them up like a puppet while she made them open and shut, and purr, "I love you, Oppa-pa."


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Wag, I am laughing so hard at this...LOLOL!!


I think it's a real problem when the actors are still minors paired with actors who are pushing 30 and above. I'm not all that comfortable with ten year age gaps with actors around 30 paired with actors barely out of their teens, but if the actors can make it work, at least they're both adults. What I don't get is these 15-20+ year age gaps. 'Big' (spoilers ahead)
How is it okay to pair an actress in her early 20s with someone almost 40, but Lee Min Jung and Shin Won Ho who had a ten year age gap in 'Big' couldn't do that final scene together. Instead she has to do the scene with Gong Yoo which made no sense and pretty much made the drama legend for it's epically bad ending. I also think they forget who's watching these dramas. I've already crossed two dramas off my list because of the huge age gap involving minors. I'm only giving Kim Yoo Jung and Park Bo Gum's drama a pass because their age gap is the same as Suzy's with Kim Soo Hyun and Taecyeon in Dream High. I don't know why it's so hard for these dramas to pair young actors with each other. It's just jarring when the age gap is huge. I avoided Witch Romance but finally gave in because so many people were raving about it, but as much as I wound up loving it, Uhm Jung Hwa still looked old enough to be Park Seo Joon's mother.


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I totally agree that it would be best if people were cast partners of a similar age. I'm not philosophically opposed to huge age gaps (unlike some) but blatant wish fulfillment on the part of older females or males isn't high on my list of drama watching priorities.


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I think a younger actress/much older actor pairing is much more viscerally disturbing than the reverse scenario.

The young actress/old actor pairing is worrying because it replicates and validates an unequal, harmful power dynamic that we see all too often in real life.

In real life, men as a gender have more power (political, financial, institutional) than women as a gender. This state of affairs is, in fact, why noona-romances are such a popular genre: they pre-situate the woman in a position of more power by dint of her age, and the relative novelty of the dynamic makes for good television. Noona-romances are popular because of the fact that it's somewhat unrealistic to see a man and a woman in a relationship where the woman holds a more powerful position. Noona-romances are wish-fulfillment for female watchers -- not just because us 30+ year-old ahjummas enjoy seeing a hot young actor on our TVs, but because it is wish-fulfillment to see a female character treated as the person in the couple with more power. That so rarely happens in real life, whether in a romantic coupling or in the public sphere.

The so-young-as-to-be-a-minor actress/old-enough-to-be-your-uncle actor pairings, in contrast, are the media's reflection of poisonous, unequal, pervasive power dynamic that we know all too well. It's the story of the gross older man using his cultural power and comparatively longer life experience to manipulate and control a much younger woman. It's the story of women being told by a patriarchal society that their most important assets are their youth, looks, and sex-appeal: you'd better capitalize on these while you have them, ladies, because once you hit 30 (25? 22?), they're gone, and you have nothing left to offer. A pairing like this does nothing to upend or challenge societal expectations, and is solely a reflection of the desires of the people in power (hint: older men!). That's why comparing noona-romances to these current age-disparate pairings is an inaccurate comparison: it's an apples-to-oranges comparison when set against the background of the power dynamics in the societies that create this media.

If women had the institutional power that men currently have and ran film and other media industries -- really ran them from the top down, the way that men do -- do you honestly think we'd be seeing teenage actresses made up to look "more mature" paired with middle-aged men? Doubt it.


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i get your argument but that can also be quite dangerous for younger men and older women dynamic and its subverts and pushes down the real problematic issues that come with that dynamic. yes its more jarrigf with older man and younger women but i do find the noona/younger guys also kind of problematic and i dislike when people completely bypass the issue when the young male character is way younger sometimes barely legal. its annoying because it only helps to reinforce gender stereotypes and prejudice considering how males also can get abused, sexual assaulted, manipulated and a whole host of other problems by the women in the lives and arent taken seriously. it also makes it seem that there's nothing to worry about the noona younger guy dynamic for the mere fact his a guy, if its a girl start worrying. older women younger guy can still have the similar problems to the older men/younger women , just because she is a older women doesnt mean they cant, both are romanticized wish fulfillment that sugercoats a lot of stuff for such huge age gaps in most dramas.

while i do agree with your assessment on older guy/younger women dynamic as well as why its less jarring for noona romance, i wont say its completely apples to oranges situation and it has any less issues. considering we have had noona dramas where the guy is still in highschool as well. i find both of them problemtic


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Yet another Sweet Young Thing. Can I profess to being bored? What happened to all the actresses in Korea over the age of 25? Were they all kidnapped by aliens? Sent to North Korea on a reunification-via-glamour mission? Taken out and shot for the crime of no longer being "fresh"? Or is this a not-so-gentle hint that it is high time they settle down, get married, and have lots of gorgeous babies dressed in designer onesies?


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So, she'll be having a love line with Jang Hyuk?? I mean, she looks like his teenage daughter...


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Kinda like Ji Sung and Hyeri in Entertainer. Hyeri's voice and the way she talks accentuates the age gap even more. I think Park So Dam might be able to pull off a more mature aura. Well, we shall see.

I dunno, these pairings just don't work for me. Sigh.


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What makes Entertainer even worse is that picture that was shown of Minhyuk 's character as a child with Ji Sung's character who was already an adult. It just makes Ji Sung's love line with Hyeri even more awkward. Boogles my mind that Hyeri and Minhyuk aren't the couple with the chemistry they have. They really should have had two love lines in the drama. One for Hyeri and Minhyuk and one with Jisung and that former co-worker of his.


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Park Seyoung is what...29 this year? She should've been the lead...why is she the second lead anyway...


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bring it on!
so the line up is completed now and i am excited!


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Oh, what a greedy rockie actress she is, is she popular enough in south korean? or is like Lee Jin wook who take drama after drama, i guess there is something behind it,maybe the agency power.
Her face is too cute too, it's like daddy and daughter romance isn't work for me, i prefer Noona romance, than this riddicoulous so called trend


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they always do this and I talking about what ever company she signed with, once they get someone making a break through they try to get as much work as they can, to get as much money as they can while she/he still the flavor of the month.


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Don't know if she is popular enough, but if you have a time go check about her. She just debuted in 2013 but already have more than 10 movies.


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Park So Dam is the "it" girl in Korean movie industry and has won many awards including popularity awards. Saying that she got all her achievements because of her agency power is a low prejudice.


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Why are you so salty, Park Sodam's nickname isn't 'monster rookie' for a reason.

She's got 20+ movies and dramas under her belt for being in the industry in less than 2 years, and she doesn't just take up stuff from her agency- she did Snow Paths, an award winning indie film because she was approached by the director in private and took it up. \uwu/

Anywho, on the topic, I got to go, I don't know if I can take my sanity going with this show.


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So you don't even know her or what the korean public think of her but you call her greedy?



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I like how you call her greedy because she is in lots of projects. Is it wrong for an actor to want to be in a lot of projects, especially when they are starting out and trying to build their resume? That's how it should be done, most just haven't been as successful as she has been.


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For real. And no one blinks an eye when their favorite oppas take project after project but god forbid a rising young actress do the same. I. JUST. CAN'T. WITH. THIS. WORLD.


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Interesting double standard. Many of the people that I know loathe noona romances with a passion and yet are loving this new trend. I'm a bit of an equal opportunity hater, myself.


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Me too.


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lol, same i dont like noona romance all that much although willing to give some a try where the age gap isnt too jarring. but the one's where the guy is in his last year of highschool or barely legal im out, same thing for older man younger women dynamic. its like no thank. its also funny those who like noona romance are complaining about this pretty full on.


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God some of you people, stop making sense and using logical reasoning and basic research to advance actually legit arguments, some people's heads might explode!


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I like her in her movie with Kang Dong Won.
I think she's one of the few in her age range who can act well. I think that she's more known in the movie industry so those who rarely watch movies don't know her.


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Yes you are right. Same like Kim Go Eun.


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oh yes, her acting in 'The Priests' still gives me goosebumps! O.O


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You know, I actually might watch this thing now, age gap be damned.


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Wow, what a difference opinion with other thread... I guess as long as oppar is the love one nothing else matter

About time PSD in a public broadcast TV.


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Okay, so I really don't want to act like those users that constantly complain about a female lead casting and suggest every other rookie or nugu actress under the sun, but, I really don't understand how Park So Dam got cast in this.

Her filmography looks okay from a glance, but up until last year she basically was just doing short films or bit characters that didn't have any importance, and then got some recognition from her film with KDW.

Park So Dam, Lim Ji Yeon, Kim Go Eun, JSY, etc. basically just walked onto the drama scene and were handed lead roles in important dramas or at public broadcast stations from the get go. And it's not like they're under a big agency, they all come from small agencies.

Like how the hell did these four get multiple lead roles in public broadcast before people like Yoo In Na, and now Park Se Young, who have done second lead after second lead.

I feel like I know why, but I won't go there.


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I understand your frustration as I feel actress like Yoo In Na and Park Se Young deserve leading lady. I have plenty for underrated actresses who have been doing supporting roles for ages.

But for me at last Park So Dam and Kim Go Eun are much better at least compared to Jin Se Yeon or Lim Ji Yeon.


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Lim Ji Yeon and Kim Go Eun both did an EROTIC movie as their debut then boom they became leading ladies in dramas, at least KGE can act ....... Sigh


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I can only speak for Yoo Inna, not knowing Park Seyoungs work very well

YIA is represented by YG - while great at pushing (selected ) singers , is crap with their actresses. Reason why Kang Hye jung , Park Hanbyul etc left . Not trying hard enough to get them exposure

Her last drama also flopped - and to my knowledge she hasn't been only active while RJ ing

Her best known work Queen inhyun's man was back in 2012 ! Everybody's memory has moved on to newer works / actors .. heck even her co star Ji Hyun Woo acted his heart out in Awl last year

Bottom line , YIA needs to be constantly putting effort to act.


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Park Seyoung was a child actresses, after university she acted in Man from Equator (younger version), acted in Love Rain, she was the queen in Faith,
lead roles in Sincerity moves heaven, School 2013, Glorious Day
Stop for 10 months cos of contract dispute, came back as 2nd lead in My Daughter Geum Sa Wol.
Was in 2 movies- Fashion King and Cat Funeral
U can check her out. Go watch Glorious Day, one of my favourite heartwarming family drama, handsome Lee sang woo romance her


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"Park So Dam, Lim Ji Yeon, Kim Go Eun, JSY, etc. basically just walked onto the drama scene and were handed lead roles in important dramas or at public broadcast stations from the get go. And it’s not like they’re under a big agency, they all come from small agencies."



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It's almost as if networking through bit roles, using raw talent to get noticed and steadily climbing the ladder doesn't exist.

You make it sound as if Kim Goeun and Park Sodam just jumped out of a rock and was handed their roles.


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Also, she looks like she's twelve and Jang Hyuk is pushing forty and looks it, so there's that.


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And she's supposed to heal his brain injury with love. Sibling love, I hope.


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On one hand we see the broadcaster groveling for this beautiful, adorable monster rookie to take up this utter trainwreck of a show.

If you look over to the gallery yonder, you see so much salt blaming this adorable girl for taking a *gasp* job! It's salt mines! Saltier than the Dead Sea! You need floaties to be able to wade through all that salt!

Ok but for real: this is gonna be a trainwreck, but don't shoot the messenger. People getting upset and implying things they shouldn't about Sodam kind of need to step away a bit and blow off some steam.


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Haha, if this drama ends up a mess, it ain't gonna be because of Park So Dam. FACT.


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People don't even know what they're talking about -- this girl's a Monster Rookie, why do you think KBS has been asking her to take this role for so long? She's extremely busy as well.

And yes she is popular enough and acts well.


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Ugh, this age gap trend just needs to be over!!!


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Monster Rookie? ohh reallyyy.. becauze I never seen her article on the internet, so sorry I'm not trying to make you cry, bye


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Almost all of her resume is movies so unless you watch a lot of movies you wont know her. I don't watch many Korean movies and if I do they are usually a few years old, so I don't know her either. But she is called Monster Rookie by the Korean Media because she has been in over 10 movies, some very highly acclaimed, in just the 2 years since she debuted. She has more on her resume then some actors who have been in the field for years. Thus, the term Monster Rookie.

Is she a good actor? I personally don't know but I assume if she was cast in all these movies in such a short time she must be.


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I just find it's not fair, because ther are a ton of talented actresses in their late twenties, earlier thirtes, they're just never cast them again, Like Yoon eun hye, kim sa rang, Kim so yeon, etc etc that i miss ~

10movies for 2 years debut? but is she popular enough, did She has so many CF after that? Did korean tv audience know her? I never seen her in variety show too? did all the movies she star being Hits?


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I think the problem with Yoon Eun-Hye is her last few dramas have been flops which doesn't look good on her resume. And she has been in a couple movies recently.

Kim Sa-Rang was just the main actress of the drama My Love Eun-Dong.

Kim So-Yeon is the lead in a currently airing show now, All's Well With a Happy Home. I'm not sure why you are using her as an example as she is almost always cast as the lead and has been cast as the lead in a drama every year.

But I understand what you are trying to get at but honestly sometimes it's luck. Park So-Dam just maybe lucked out and got those roles or maybe she is just that good of an actor.

And beyond how many movies she has done I don't know anything else about her. Not all movies she was in were hits but I know a few of them were huge hits. Veteran and Sado to name a couple.


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And why exactly do you have to be so rude? She is doing really well in the movie industry grabbing awards left and right for her performances after barely 3 years of acting. Her most recent nomination is for this year's Baeksang Awards for both a movie and a drama, or are you gonna tell me you never heard of those either so it's not important? She is talented and dramaland is lucky to have her. There's no need to put down other talented actresses just because you don't see your favorites on TV as much as you'd like. And maybe she isn't interested in clowning around on variety shows, that is strictly her choice and there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe do some reading and don't just assume she's some nobody just because you don't know her.


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Really happy to hear this. I think she will do well as lead with Jang Hyuk.


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Now, I am looking forward to this drama.

I do hope Jang Hyuk can tone down his over the top acting a notch, though.

Although I love him to pieces his grating laugh can get irritating after a while, and it seems that he acts the same way in drama, after drama.... after a while it can get quite fatiguing.

I have heard only good stuff about Park So-dam and I am excited to seeing her performance in a drama.


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These upcoming months in dramaland would be uncomfortable for me... I like most of the plots but then theres all these leads with crazy age gaps that its hard to believe theyll romance each other... but at least shes not underage -she isnt, right?! O.o-


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I have nothing against the actress but this is a terrible casting if she is supposed to play Jang Hyuk's love interest. The age difference is 15 years and she looks really really young for her age. I think it would be more realistic if she played his sister or daughter that he finds out about. There are already too many castings with huge age differences.


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Never watched any of her films but acting in films vs TV series are totally different. An actress good in films may not be appropriate for TV series.


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Did the age gaps trend doesn't make you all feel dirty, because it looks like an uncle with his niece, but i really don't get it with this so called trend, is the script writers inspired by Sulli x Choiza, Who know ew


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