Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 9

Loving another person means more than just caring for them — at times it can mean letting them go for their own happiness. But is it right to make such a decision on someone else’s behalf, without their knowledge or consent, and is it really for their own good if it causes even more heartache?


EPISODE 9: “The wind blew in his heart”

Do-kyung experiences yet another vision, of himself grappling with a furious Hae-young. She’s screaming and attacking him, and he has to physically pin her against a wall to make her stop. Being so close, and with tensions running high, he succumbs to temptation and kisses her.

Still stinging from Do-kyung’s rejection, Hae-young goes to work overcompensating, greeting everyone in a voice that’s too shrill and too perky. She even holds the elevator for the other Hae-young and greets her cheerfully — and honestly, it’s kind of terrifying.

Everyone in the office get the results from their physicals and report their metabolic ages, and Hae-young gapes to see that hers is forty-one. But when she hears that a game later will give an advantage to the person with the highest age, her competitive spirit kicks in and she gets excited.

Mom is busy threatening Tae-jin’s mother on the phone, ready to get naked and go beat the crap out of her son (why she strips when she’s angry I don’t know, but it’s hilarious). She refuses his mother’s suggestion that they try to get Tae-jin and Hae-young back together, and Dad looks ready to back her up if needed.

There’s some sort of office party later, where everyone’s metabolic ages are announced. Hae-young is sure she’ll win, but she loses out by one measly year to Soo-kyung. And to add insult to injury, the other Hae-young’s metabolic age is only twenty-one.

As the “youngest” she’s asked to sing, and all the men cheer while our Hae-young and Soo-kyung both pout. Our Hae-young gets a little too drunk and hollers for her to shush right in the middle of her song, which makes the boss angry, and he forbids our Hae-young to talk anymore without his permission. Not that she obeys.

Sung-jin’s metabolic age is forty-three, and when Soo-kyung catches him giggling at her age, she invites him in a honey-sweet voice to talk banmal with her. Don’t fall for it, it’s a trap!

Our Hae-young just sits glaring at the other Hae-young (who’s calling her “unni,” which makes me want to slap her), and she orders her to change her name. “I’m going to be the only Oh Hae-young in this world!” She decides that the other Hae-young’s new name can be Bit-na (Sparkle), and assures her nastily that she’s not just saying this because they’re playing a game — she means it.

Hae-young grows genuinely angry, drawing the attention of her coworkers. She mutters that the other Hae-young is sly, wondering why she came back after dumping Do-kyung like she did. Voice rising, she says that Hae-young should have stayed hidden after doing what she did.

She’s screaming by the time she gets to, “Why did you do it??” The other Hae-young turns it around on her and quietly asks why our Hae-young canceled her wedding the day prior. Oh crap, our Hae-young forgot about that in her anger and drunkenness, that she’s accusing the other Hae-young of doing what everyone else thinks she also did.

Do-kyung’s excessive perfectionism angers a veteran actor when he insists on re=recording a scene’s vocals, and the actor confronts him. Do-kyung stands his ground, insisting the actor’s pronunciation isn’t good enough, and his employee has to drag him out before fists start swinging.

He takes a call from the other Hae-young, who’s canceling their ping-pong date for today. She chirps that she has the youngest metabolic age out of the whole office, unaware that our Hae-young is in a stall listening in. Then she goes on to tell our Hae-young’s age of forty-one, and now I really want to slap her.

She tells Do-kyung about our Hae-young ordering her to change her name like it’s an amusing anecdote and not something our Hae-young feels strongly about, and luckily Do-kyung ends the call there. Our Hae-young sits in the stall horrified, having heard her rival revealing her innermost insecurities to the man who just rejected her.

We see in flashback that our Hae-young had been bullied in school for having the same name as a popular girl, including vicious beatings. Nobody had cared when she’d gotten hurt falling down the stairs, because she was the “wrong” Hae-young.

Now she storms out of the bathroom stall absolutely furious, and screams right into the middle of the party. She calls the other Hae-young out, ready to beat her to a pulp, shrieking that she’ll let go of all her grudges if she can squash her, just once.

She actually charges at the other Hae-young and clutches at her, but Soo-kyung jumps up onto the table and knocks heads with our Hae-young. Our Hae-young passes out cold, so Soo-kyung and the other Hae-young take her to Soo-kyung’s house, since Do-kyung knows where she lives

Do-kyung comes to take her home, though she’s yelling that she’s supposed to go to her parent’s house. She bites Do-kyung’s hand and takes off, only to immediately crash into a wall, hee. Do-kyung has to practically hogtie her to get her into his car, but he finally manages it.

The other Hae-young tries to cozy up to Soo-kyung, calling her “unni,” and getting corrected to “Director Park” right away. Jin-sang sees them out the window and calls Joon over to see the other Hae-young, then stomps outside determined to kill her right here and now. It doesn’t last long, and he’s struck dumb by the pretty and her trilling “Oppa!”

Next up is Hoon, who also falls victim to the other Hae-young’s charms even though his actual girlfriend is right there. Not that that matters, as An-na even goes a little starry-eyed by Hae-young’s looks.

Soo-kyung orders the whole sorry lot of them back inside, but they’re still there when Do-kyung drives back up with Hae-young still in the back seat. Haha, he just heaves a sigh and drives away again. When Jin-sang realizes that Do-kyung is trying to get Hae-young back to her place, he ushers everyone inside.

Do-kyung stops for some medicine for Hae-young’s scraped knee, but she’s still passed out. His hand shakes when he reaches to apply the ointment for her, nervous to touch her bare skin, and he ends up chickening out. He covers her bare legs with his jacket and looks at her face for a moment, and remembers his vision of her face right before he kissed her — she’d had a split lip.

He answers a call from the other Hae-young, who’s waiting at his house for him to come home. When he says he’s at the office she offers to come there, so he goes back to his house, without our Hae-young. Where is she?

The other Hae-young tells Do-kyung what happened at the party, and she says that it seems like Soo-kyung is protecting our Hae-young. Do-kyung just says he needs to get back to the studio, so the other Hae-young gives him his ping-pong paddle and asks when he’s going to meet with her.

Do-kyung doesn’t think this is a good idea, and explains that he understands why she left him, so that’s enough. He doesn’t feel the need to leave things on good terms, but Hae-young presses the issue, so Do-kyung just leaves without saying more.

Our Hae-young wakes up in a fancy hotel room, just barely remembering being led here. She waits until she hears someone enter the room, ready to fight anyone who wants to hurt her, but it’s just Do-kyung with more medicine. When she sees him, she screams, “I almost jumped out the window!!” HA.

Do-kyung is in no mood, and he explains that he only brought her here to avoid his family, not to sleep with her like she thinks. Hee, she’s disappointed, and cutely asks if they can do it just once. He looks tempted for one moment, then tosses the medicine at her and leaves the room.

He storms right back to tell Hae-young that she’d only be embarrassed if they slept together here, and yells at her to get her life straight. She was so drunk she didn’t even remember who brought her here.

Instead of going home, the two drive to the river and watch the sunrise. Hae-young breaks the news that she’s moving back home, feeling weird about living next door to the guy who rejected her. She reminds Do-kyung that he said he’d pay the security deposit, and he just says it will take a little time.

Jin-sang asks Soo-kyung over breakfast (in French, ha) if she’s gone to see her ex yet. They have a whole argument in French, in front of Hoon while he just looks like a confused puppy, until finally Soo-kyung slams off into her bedroom.

Despite her objections, Soo-kyung does screw up her courage to call her ex later. They meet on an overpass, and HAHA, this is the guy she’s been pining over so hard? They walk without saying a word, and go to their favorite restaurant.

Jin-sang is having a difficult time finding a place to spend the night with his married honey, and he reluctantly agrees to take her to his place. But her husband is there waiting for them with an ax, and soon Jin-sang finds himself stripped to his skivvies at his mother’s front door.

When she answers, he screams at her to shut the door, mostly so she can’t see the sign that’s been tied to him saying “I’ve messed around with a married woman. How have you raised your son?” HAHA.

He goes back to Do-kyung’s place to get drunk and dance with his reflection in the mirror. Soo-kyung comes home as drunk and disheveled as always, and says that the ex has moved on with his life. Jin-sang invites her to join him, and they decide to drink until at they pass out. This sounds like a Very Bad Idea.

Definitely bad, but highly amusing. They drink, and dance, and invent weird circus-like tricks, then drink some more. Okay, it’s just looking painful at this point. And so, inevitably, they end up in a naked tangle of arms and legs in bed together.

Soo-kyung wakes first and does the Crawl of Shame back to her own room. Jin-sang doesn’t seem to remember anything, and wonders why she’s acting weird when she scuttles past him on her way to work. The horror of it all finally hits Soo-kyung at work, and she kicks everyone out of her elevator so she can scream in peace.

Tae-jin’s mother vents to him about Hae-young’s mother blasting her, while Tae-jin tries to hold his temper and fails. He’s furious that his mother went to Hae-young’s mom without talking to him first, and he orders her not to do anything else, just stay quiet until she goes back to the States.

He goes back to his place and nearly calls Hae-young, but can’t bring himself to do it. He remembers a waiter telling him that the best way to break up with a woman was to tell her she smells bad. He’d refused to do that, so the waiter had suggested he say that he can’t stand the way she eats.

Tae-jin had gone with it, and now he regrets ever saying it. He does send Hae-young a text asking why she told her parents the truth of their breakup, which she doesn’t answer. She thinks to herself that it was because she wanted to cry, just once.

Tae-jin is waiting when Hae-young gets off work, and he offers to take her to eat. Hae-young smiles wryly, wondering how she could possibly eat in front of him, and says that she doesn’t want to see him again after this.

He gets scared seeing her walk away, and blurts out, “I was in jail! I was arrested the day after we broke up.” The truth is that he could have gotten arrested during their wedding, and it would have destroyed her family, so he broke up with her to avoid that. He knew she would have waited if she knew the truth, so he had to make sure she really would accept the breakup.

Tae-jin’s mouth quivers and his voice is weak as he says he’s sorry, and Hae-young breaks down. She flings off his comforting hand and walks away, shaking with sobs. She wails all the way to her parents’ house, and screams out the whole story to her shocked parents. “He did it because he wanted me to be happyyyyy!!

She has a good cathartic cry while Mom hugs her, saying that she already knows her daughter is wonderful and precious. Dad asks why Tae-jin was arrested but Mom just barks at him Who cares?? Mom and daughter cry together, both relieved that she wasn’t truly rejected.

Do-kyung spends the evening haunting the street outside his place, hoping Hae-young will come home. He even hangs out in her apartment, and almost texts her to ask if she’s coming home tonight.

He ends up listening to the recordings of her talking to herself on the night their situations were switched, and she’d waited up for him to come home. His mouth quirks up just a little when he finds a recording of her calling him “honey” for the benefit of a deliveryman, betraying how much he likes the sound of it. He stays up all night, listening to Hae-young’s voice.

Hae-young stays at her parents’ all night, and in the morning Tae-jin calls her to say he’s coming over. Mom says absolutely not — whatever his reasons, dumping her the day before their wedding wasn’t right.

Do-kyung finally shows up for ping-pong with the other Hae-young, but she doesn’t win as easily as she used to. She thinks he’s gotten better, but Do-kyung says he hasn’t played since they broke up. He refuses her offer of a meal, and says that he won’t be coming here again.

He tells her that he’s really okay, and could even smile and greet her happily if they met on the street, just like she says she wants. He thanks her for making the first overture, but any more than this would be strange.

On the drive home he finally calls our Hae-young, and says, “Let’s go home.” he pulls up to her parents’ house and says he has something to tell her, and he almost smiles when she comes running… but his smile fades when Tae-jin follows her out.

Tae-jin gets in his car to leave, and instead of talking to Hae-young, Do-kyung leaves. This time it’s his turn to be rear-ended, but when he gets out of his car, there’s nobody behind him and his car isn’t damaged. But he’s hurt, and he bends over double, clutching his abdomen in pain.

A sound of screeching car tires, a loud crash, and Do-kyung finds himself lying in the street covered in blood. He wakes up later at home in his own bed, and goes straight to his therapist. Dr. Park has a sudden realization — he thinks he knows why Do-kyung is having these visions.

We don’t hear what he tells Do-kyung, who runs into Hae-young on his walk home. She says she’s going to start moving her things out today, but Do-kyung won’t even speak to her. She asks what he wanted to tell her last night, but all he says is that he’s got the deposit money ready.

When she asks if he’s mad, Do-kyung just asks in turn if Hae-young is dating Tae-jin again. She confirms that she is, which makes Do-kyung angry, to see her run back to the man who dumped her. She spits back that he forgave the other Hae-young after she broke his heart, but he says that at least Hae-young had a good reason besides her own pride.

Hae-young knows that Tae-jin values his pride over her, but right now, she just needs a man, any man. Even if he’s one who rejected her, she needs him to keep her from throwing herself at Do-kyung.

Do-kyung walks away, and Hae-young screams after him that he’s a coward. She chases him and starts thwacking him with her purse, re-enacting his vision to the detail. Do-kyung tries to stop her and she pushes back at him, fighting wildly, until he has to grab her and lift her off the ground to make her stop.

She bites his hand and when he lets go, she goes after him again. He yells and she stops, but when he turns away, she hits him again. He pins her against a wall in an attempt to calm her down, and in the scuffle she splits her lip — another vision. Do-kyung finally gets her to stop struggling, and they stare at each other, panting.

It’s a charged moment on all levels, and Do-kyung finally lets himself give in to temptation, and he kisses Hae-young passionately. She’s right there with him, kissing him back just as desperately, and his hands are everywhere as he drops his face into her neck.

But Do-kyung suddenly remembers where he is and that he has no right to do this, and he backs away, leaving Hae-young confused. Wordlessly, he picks up his jacket and leaves her standing there.

We back up to his conversation with Dr. Park, and now we see the tears in Do-kyung’s eyes as the doctor looks at him. Whatever he sees in the doctor’s expression scares him to death.


Wow. Even knowing what was coming, that kiss was powerful. It’s been building up for a long time now, and it was so intimate that it was hard to watch, like we were actually seeing a private moment between two people that we weren’t meant to see. I’m glad for Hae-young’s sake that she now has confirmation that Do-kyung does feel something for her, but I actually think he did the right thing in walking away. There are still too many secrets between them, and too much to be resolved before they can even think about being together.

Until now, I’ve been willing to give the other Hae-young the benefit of the doubt that she’s really a nice person who just doesn’t know how to relate to people other than by going overboard to please them. I figured her family life stunted her emotional growth, and she’s just innocently unaware of when she hurts someone, because she has good intentions. That’s what I was thinking. But now I’m starting to see that her little “innocent” comments aren’t so innocent, and I think she has a hidden agenda. I do think she was terribly hurt by Do-kyung’s mother’s words and by that recording, but that’s about all I’m giving her credit for at this point.

I did believe the other Hae-young when she said she just wanted to end things on good terms with Do-kyung, but when she started telling him private things about our Hae-young, I no longer believe that. Now I think that her doe-eyed facade is just an act, to give herself plausible deniability if anyone accuses her of playing dirty, she can just pretend she hadno idea her comments were hurtful. I think she knows exactly what she’s doing, and I think she’s angling to get Do-kyung back. She angled for more date-like plans the very first time Do-kyung showed up to play ping-pong – there’s no way this girl doesn’t have an ulterior motive.

I’m actually glad to see our Hae-young reaching her low point, especially when it comes to the other Hae-young. She’s got a lot of unresolved anger and anxiety left over from their school years, which she’s been squashing down for all this time. Her bravado masks a deep inferiority complex, and having the object (if not the aggressor) of so many years of mistreatment just for sharing the same name as someone more pretty and more popular suddenly pop up in her life and seemingly take away the man she likes is just too much. In a way, it’s good that our Hae-young finally snap ped, because now she can start to heal and rebuild her own self-worth.

To that end, I’m ready for Tae-jin to re-enter the story in a significant way, so that Hae-young can deal with her issues and move on. Do-kyung has been able to do that (though his “issue” can’t seem to leave him alone now) and I want Hae-young to get that same opportunity. I don’t think her crush on Do-kyung as it stands now is healthy, because she’s still got nagging issues surrounding Tae-jin’s rejection, so in a way it’s good that Do-kyung rejected her. Like I said before, they both need to step back, deal with their problems, and wrap up their past entanglements before either of them is ready to enter into a new relationship. Maybe once all that’s done, they can be together, but not as their lives are now.

I do think Do-kyung is further along in this process than Hae-young, though he’s still got to deal with his visions, and figure out why he’s having them exclusively about Hae-young. I’m scared of whatever Dr. Park thinks is wrong, because something about the visions, and the escalating side-effects Do-kyung is experiencing, are getting dangerous. He’s having physical as well as mental symptoms, and the fact that he seemed to pass out in the street and wake up at home in bed are downright scary. Whatever is wrong, please just don’t let it be something terminal… Do-kyung and Hae-young have been through enough, they deserve some happiness!


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This Show!!

I never found eric hot but that kiss... I WANT TO BE HER JUST TO HAVE THAT KISS.

And men like him shouldnt wear all black.. Real life gets all messed with dirty imagination. Dramaworld was JUST A DRAMA!! -_-


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"That kiss was powerful...and it was so intimate that it was hard to watch, like we were actually seeing a private moment between two people that we weren’t meant to see..."

whoa, sooo true. I think I've watched it with half an eye open - I was that embarrassed! Talk about le steamy!! After two years of watching Kdrama, that kiss was kind of too hot to handle!! But hey, Do Kyung pulled it off well with his intense, brooding type character. He pretty much has the same expression whatever he's doing, but I like how he bursts into aggression for once.

And Oh Hae Young, whew. Watching her *gasppp* actually respond to the kiss with passion, was another first. Open-mouthed kisses in a kdrama...wow. Guess it's a revolution. Whatever next!?


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IKR, I'm embarrassed by their passionate kissing scene tooooo but it's so gooood, like their relationship just evolved into another level. Well more like a big leap. Are we ready for bed scene. *SCREAMS INTERNALLY*


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I have actually found Do Kyung (and really in general with Eric's acting) excelling in those subtle / minute expressions more than the strong reactions. His wide eyed shock or pain or whatever are almost a little funny to watch, whereas I find that even in his poker face / stoic facial expressions he can create subtle changes that say so much about his character or what he is thinking. A clenched jaw here, a subtle tweak of the lip there and he can control the whole tone of a scene. It's delicious and fabulous...and HOT. Eric is hot, basically is what I am trying to say...that is all :)


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I know! His pained and shocked expression, left me confused, why is Eric being funny? Lol.

But his silent acting! I love it! Who am I kidding, I love Eric, I'm basically repeating everything you say.


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Eric's actings are beyond words. I notice the cameraman always close up his face compare to other actors. He's so good.

And yes, he's BURNING HOT!


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Three cheers for Kim Ji Suk !!! I haven't seen him have so much fun flaunting his body since Chuno. (And I highly recommend that show for lots of manly eye candy and a pretty good story too.)
Can you imagine the director's instructions to him and Ye Ji Wan to crazy dance for 10 to 15 min.(for editing purposes)
They were great! What a waggle on on that boy.
And then the inevitable....
Good Luck to them! Hope someone can be happy in that family.


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Totally agree. I like Kim Ji Suk. I actually want them two together! The crazy couple.


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AMEN! I was thinking the same thing... It's like ladykiller Wang-Son has upped the ante.

*fans self*

NB -- Do not miss his Joseon shower scene with General Choi. Hehehe.


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How do you have a shower scene in.....no don't tell me I'll find it.


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for science...


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I love how science is always behind our curiosity.. ^^


Yay! I wasn't the only one to notice his cute butt.


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I loved the second scene, in which OHY puts on an amazing display of Positive Mental Attitude on her way to work. The look on NOHY's face was priceless when she got an earful of the kind of fake cheeriness she dishes out herself.

All I can say is, I'm glad I've never worked at a company that holds after-work functions like the ones in this show. It seems to be a special form of purgatory. If this is some kind of team-building exercise, include me out. ;-)

NOHY really peeved me in this episode. Blabbing OHY's metabolic age to DK racked up a demerit. Ditto her nosiness regarding OHY's domicile. Another demerit for her insistence that DK jump through hoops so she could have a happy memory. That really got my goat, so my vindictive little self was very pleased with that final table tennis game. He changed his attitude toward her and the situation. Why couldn't she do likewise? That was the tip-off that made me think she really did have an ulterior motive after all. As it was, he gave her exactly what she wanted that was within his control to give. She's the one needing to make an attitude adjustment.

I especially liked how DK blew on his paddle before the final volley. Like a gunfighter blowing smoke away from the barrel of his six shooter.

Re: The Kiss. The fisticuffs leading up to it made me think I was watching a Klingon mating ritual. I'm just glad OHY didn't have the Handbag of Doom from SUNNY... She was in full Woman Scorned mode.

I'd rate the realism of the smooching itself a 10 on the Richter scale. It's amazing what a little clairvoyance can do as incentive -- that and a confession from the woman you love that she's honoring your rejection boundaries by dating someone else.

The Chez Park dancing scene with Jin-Sang and Soo-Kyung featured him shaking his booty to lovely violin music. I cracked up when she first came in and held her platform shoe against the wall and rested her head on it. Then they boogied together in a way eerily reminiscent of OHY and Mama Hwang, complete with snake arms. But OHY and Mama Hwang didn't need to get blitzed to dance like that, which may actually be more terrifying...

I've been watching raw episodes twice through while waiting for the subtitles, and it's really helped me tune in to facial expressions and body language. A couple of my favorites:

The twitch of a smile when DK hears the tape of OHY saying, "Honey, we have a package."

The split second Soo-Kyung's eyes widen while she watches DK extract out-cold OHY from the back seat of NOHY's car.

Tae-Jin's expression when he tells OHY why he canceled the wedding.

The angelically-soft expression on DK's face and the tears in his eyes when he asks Dr. Park, "What is it? Don't look at me like that. Hmmm?" He looked like a little kid.


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I keep reading from so many people about how Eric's face is wooden and feeling puzzled because I saw so many little shifts in facial expression. Good to see someone else took the time to see all the subtly interplays.


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First off, thanks, LollyPip, for your recap!

A linguistics question for Korean speakers:

In several scenes, the word "bored" is used by OHY. It's also in one of her soliloquies recorded by DK.

When she's in the kitchen with Mama Hwang doing the dishes, she tells her that she's going to date Tae-Jin again for a while.

Mom: "Why would you? Forget it."

OHY: "Mom. I'm bored."

Mom: "Why would you be bored? You have a mother and a father! Why would you be bored?..."

Is it boredom or loneliness, or perhaps "losing the will to live"? Existential despair?

Thanks for helping me understand the phrasing and logic.


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My browser seems to have stashed this post wherever it felt like...


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Thank you for asking that! In my mind, "bored" has never fit the angst given the context of that moment in her life.
I automatically say "lonely" in my head each time I come to those part. Being bored doesn't give the same depth of feeling that being lonely gives.


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I think it was her way of avoiding saying the word lonely. She didn't want to admit she was that pathetic so she settled on the more acceptable bored.


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Don't know Korean, but someone asked this question on tumblr so I'm copy & pasting the answers from there:

"She does say she’s bored and she says that because of pride/not wanting to be embarrassed by her flustered emotions."

"In the scene where she wails in front of the door, and when she’s talking to her mom in e09, she uses “심심하다”, which does mean bored."


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Hi, toodles, Oshi, Zia...

Thanks for your thoughts.

Hmm this looks like a case of OHY saving face. I'm thinking that she's actually voicing a need for male companionship, skinship -- or something more. She couldn't say that to Mom, especially after Mom's just told her that she can just live alone for the rest of her life! And that she'll never allow OHY to marry Tae-Jin, who openly showed interest in her physically -- something no one else did in her school years. Hell, Mom's handed down a life sentence of celibacy. I'd be depressed, too.

Not to forget her attraction to DK, who felt ambushed by his attraction to her and has been fighting it because of his guilty conscience and general sense of honor. DK is on Mom s-list, too.


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Thankyou for the recap. Love reliving wat I watched when reading your recaps.

I thk everyone vote hands down among the best kdrama kisses. Really Eric and Hyun Jin really threw themselves into the characters and with it all caution to the wind. From the adrenaline fueled kisses to the vulnerable Do Kyung nuzzling into Hae young's neck. The nuzzling part though brief was my favourite. While the passionate kiss overflowed from the adrenaline of fighting and labored breathing. The neck nuzzling was a moment of openness and vulnerability of Do Kyung's part. It betrayed his inner most wish to be close to her, to find solace, comfort in Hae Young's embrace. Truly best moment witnessed in k drama history.


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It was my favorite part too!


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Mine too!


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Only other "neck nuzzling" moment in k-drama history that can equal this one was the last moments of episode 14 in 'Healer'/first moments of episode 15 when he finally surrendered to letting himself be loved!This is a man crumbling and giving in to how much he loves and needs to be loved.


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Hands down one of the best drama kisses ever. Hate to be a kill joy but there's still the little matter of Do Kyung and his involvement with ruining her marriage to deal with here.


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pretty much what everyone's worrying about. sigh


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So much vulnerability in this episode, and truth be told, as much as Hae Young has sass, I cringe at her moments confronting Pretty Hae Young. It's too embarrassing too watch...

Both characters really have emotional issues , that leaves ME feeling helpless.

And how much do I hate pretty Hae Young for her innocent tell tale, urgh


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Same!! When she gets drunk and starts yelling at the Other Hae Young I feel like pulling her down to her seat or hushing her since what follows every outburst is inevitably cringe worthy. I get the resentment and repressed feelings, but I hate how everyone looks at Our Hae Young like trash whenever she explodes, it makes me want to yell at them through the screen.

Maybe no more company dinners?


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yasss I really hate company dinners, it's always that repeating annoying scenario. CAN WE STAPH DOING THIS FOR THE SAKE OF OUR HAE YOUNG.


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Yes! And she's doing it drunkenly and that doesn't fare too high if you want to earn the respect of your enemy


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Kudos to the writers of AOHY. We are already halfway throughout the series and yet the storyline and plot have progressed so fast that it feels like it would end soon. They are literally surpassing every drama cliches. Wow!

The fact that the characters are being blunt and honest with each other makes the drama different from the others. With this, the drama would uncover more secrets/ stories about the relationship between the two leads.

OMG! That kiss was steaming hot. Other dramas should learn from them. ^_^


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And yet, I also feel there's so many things to do, because there're are so many characters.

Like in MND, there were multiple love stories going on at the same time that you feel like it still shouldn't end.


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And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what a real kiss looks like! After years of watching lukewarm Kdrama kisses amidst some slightly better ones, this was truly satisfying. Worth the wait!


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Man,i dont know how many times i watched the kissing scene really(it made me feel like a perv lol).it's just so passionate like,they couldn't get enough of each other.*bangs head on the desk*

Tbh,i didn't buy what the doctor said about why DK having all those visions,it's hurting my brain just thinking about it.
How about OHY and DK are soulmates and they knew and love eachother from the past and in this generation they meet again?yeah i'm talking about reincarnation.this is a discussion blog so wth,imma throw my theory too even if it sounded dumb.anything but Eric dying on the streets!i will not accept if the lead character in this drama dies in the end?

Also,i think OHY2 knew about how OHY1 was treated because of her in school and in the office.she's not dumb.she could have said something to reprimand people who bullied OHY1,but no.she totally ignores the situation because it's not happening to her.also she like it that everyone prefers her than the other.yeah,that totally boast her confidence to know she's better.i do understand her.nobody cares about her at home so,she really took pains in making herself likable so that everyone loves her.do i hate her?no but i pity her because she's going to live the rest of her life pleasing others.while OHY1 will live the way she wants to.and that my friends,is how you truly lives.


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I lost strength on my knees after watching that kiss scene. honestly I'm not completely satisfied with the writing of this drama especially after watching ep 10, but because of our main couple I just close my eyes and ignore every flaws this drama has. their chemistry and the way they hug ugh so much feels.
and yes thank you for stating that Lollypip! the writer did a great job at making every characters realistic and so human, the other Hae Young is not innocent, she knows what she's doing. she always starts with "ah, I shouldn't say this" but then ends up revealing it anyway - which is something a lot of people do in real life.


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It's partly the writing and partly the editing. If they had cut the episode down to an hour or less they could have had a more impactful set of scenes in episode 10.


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I like Oh Hae Young better in jeans :> she looks sexier and I dont like her current hairstyle, I prefer her hairstyle at very first episode, when she broke up with Tae Jin


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Yeah. When I saw her flashback with Taejin, I noticed her longer hair and realized I missed that look. She looked very pretty.

I'm used to seeing her with her current, shorter hairstyle like she had in Let's Eat 2 so seeing her with long, dark hair was a nice change. She's still cute to me though. ^^


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What an episode!!? WHAT A KISS!!????


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Does anyone have thoughts about why do we have another drunken karaoke scence? Does it feel a little repetitive? The frat boys cheering on the pretty girls, uri OHY is drunk, the boss is yelling etc? I LOVE episode though, haven't felt this way about a kiss since Healer <3


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Me too! Unnecessary company dinners. While I remember watching promo live videos on youtube, Jeon Hye-bin said something like she and Eric didn't get the chance to sing for the OST except Seo Hyun Jin. She sounds abit jealous, but I feel that she gets to sing quite a lot for these noraebang scenes. So they are even now?


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Yeah I agree. I was tired of seeing another company dinner. Another place where our OHY was getting insulted and looked down upon by her co-workers.

Maybe it is due to the extension, but I felt like this episode included more flashbacks/filler than usual.


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For starters, we got more exposition re: OHY's crappy school years.

More importantly, we see Soo-Kyung actively protect OHY from herself by blocking her intended headbutt of NOHY. Now we know that NOHY knows that SK knows...

It may also be that the cringeworthy singing and dancing functions as comic relief for the humiliation and angst elsewhere in the episode.

The atmosphere at the noraebang triggers OHY's memory of those school scenes, but this time she fights back against her perceived nemesis instead of taking a beating or lying abandoned at the foot of the stairs. (Aside: No hand rails or landings to break a fall?!? -- Yowser.) -- So that's some internal progress. It's just that she's picked a terrible location and audience to settle the score... OHY does come off looking like an ogre. And it's not a good look for her.

Maybe at some point she'll overcome her need to tilt at the windmills of the past, and start really living in the moment. As it is, she's dragging her anchor. Once she jettisons her baggage, and makes peace with her younger self, she has the chance to move on with her life. She could then be truly devil-may-care, which would be so much more appealing than the downtrodden doormat exploding with resentment.


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1) I need to slap that bitch Oh Bit Na.

2) Every male should stop asking advice on women problems from their male friend. They give stupid advices. Like Jin Sang & that guy who suggest breaking over the way you eat. Urgh.

3) When our Hae Young came home crying to her mom.. It reminds me of my childhood days and honestly, we still do the same thing as an adult. Everyone is someone child and she finds comfort in her family :')

4) Can I just kick Jin Sang & Park Hoon in the shin? So much with being angry with pretty Oh Hae Young but instantly melting infront of her -_-

5) Park Do Kyung was getting all handsy with Hae Young during her drunk scene ;). And yeah, he was totally considering her suggestion in the hotel room. Lol


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4) If that scene's supposed to be funny it clearly missed the point, I also just wanted to kick them.


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I swear! what is wrong with you guys, like seriously, is being pretty everything? being pretty melts your heart so easily? ugh pervvvv


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I KNOW. I thought they, at the very least, would stay strong. Such disappointments.

I mean, jeez. Do-kyung almost married her, but he has never seemed as affected by her as the rest of the male population is.


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Stray thought but I wonder what that says about what would happen if people actually got to know her....


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I was so annoyed with them.

Stupid, stupid boys.


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Yeah, them turncoats! Both of them, JS and PH.

Also, even if JS's belief in DK is admirable (re the physic ability), I still want to thwack him on the upside of his head: -

1. for instigating and then egging on DK's revenge move on TJ; and

2. for the way he denigrated Our OHY after the failed 'hunting' scam involving Gi Tae. He really insulted her then and I still fume when recalling that scene. Hrmmph....


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I think the scene was intended to show NOHY' siren-like effect.

All too humanly, JS and Hoon turned into Benedict Arnold.


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Yeassssssss!!!!!! That kiss!!!! It's beautiful, not gross and definitely not dead. Thank you, Eric Mun & Seo Hyun Jin.

I think a believable kiss makes the story believable. *wink*

Showing off abs is so last year. More of this kind of kisses, please.


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It's about time our OHY told the other OHY to change her name.


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I cant stop thinking about what the accident visions actually mean...I know the writer/PD have some tricks and is going to lead us to think one way while its totally wrong the same way they revealed pretty OHY's background....everyone has given some pretty interesting theories...one theory that I'm leaning towards is that Do Kyung is somewhere between life and death and the therapist is an "angel" or "GOD" or his conscious and Do Kyung is supposed to learn or reflect on his experience on earth....the end may be bittersweet that he "learns" his lessons is happy and moves on or is given a chance to make some changes? This makes sense to me considering what his father tells him in ep 10 but I will not speak on that until the recap is up...or I may just be reading a little too much into this :) for now I'll enjoy the ride :)


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This was episode was so intense - and awesome! I am much less worried about the extension, as there is plenty of material left to mine. It continues to surprise me and make me laugh and cry. Seo Hyun Jin and Ye Ji Won are amazing.

Can I just say how incredibly relieved I am that the kiss, in additional to being SUPER HOT, was also completely consensual?! Seriously, take note, dramaland. This is 1000 times hotter than some guy forcing himself on a girl, her fighting back, then eventually succumbing.


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dont forget...eventually succumbing, with either eyes wide open or eyes scared-shut! those kinds of kisses just ruins the scene. What we've just witnessed sets the bar! I'm still fanning myself. I guess that's cable TV in Korea! Thank Goodness for that!


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Omgyes!!! Consensual! The kiss scene was one of the best that I've seen. I love that both sides were into it.


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Question about the subs

I just compared Dramafever's subs to Viki's for that hotel room scene.

Do Kyung: Do I need to knock some sense into you? Get up.
OHY: will you do it with me once?

Do Kyung: shall I hit you to get you up or are you just going to get up?
OHY: does hitting me get you excited?

One scene reads completely different from the other.

Can any Korean speakers enlighten me as to which is more accurate?


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I'm not fluent in Korean so I might be wrong, but I think I heard Haeyoung said "흥분" means excitement and so I guess Viki is the right one.


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I noticed those variations as well. Thanks for posting your query.


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Since I'm Korean, I can tell you that Viki version is more accurate. ^_^


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Thanks for answering. ^^

And @DBChen, thanks for sharing! I've only read DF's subs, but Viki's seems to be much better and less abrupt[?] Even though OHY was pretty forward with her line, lol.


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Viki does a better job of being more accurate to the script if a bit rougher on the grammar as far as English is concerned.


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I have always preferred Dramafever subs compared to Viki because they seem more grammatically correct. But sometimes I have found that Viki ones might convey the emotion better.. I actually find myself sometimes mentally correcting Dramafever subs to what I think is more accurate, without even noticing it, lol. In this case Viki seems correct and that completely changes what she said and his response to it.
Another perk of Viki subs is that they always have the song lyrics too.


Yeah, DF subs may be easier to read and understand but they americanize a lot/too much for my liking, so I prefer the Viki subs in general.


Since my love for this drama knows no bounds, I am watching again with Viki subs. ;)


Hi, Wiser!

Thanks for your clarification. It puts a whole different spin on the scene.

I'd seen the subs from KissAsian and DramaYou as well as Viki.


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I don't trust the Other Oh Hae Young for a second. At first I hated her, if only for how unfairly Our Oh Hae Young was treated because of their name resemblance, but now I realize that she is a very thoughtless person. Truly thoughtless in the sense that living a life of significant privilege has allowed her to disregard the feelings of others or at least see them as being inferior to hers. She knows what Our Hae Young goes through, HAS to know, yet bothers to do nothing about it because it simply doesn't affect her. In fact she thrives on the unfair treatment of somebody else, and has the gall to sidle up to that person pretending to be blameless.

She is also conniving in that she made the ping pong match out to be hers and Do Kyung's last goodbye, yet as soon as they finished she was gunning for something more. It made me think of when she told Our Hae Young that she would be seeing Do Kyung for a "while" as if she could just swift in and take away what belonged to the other women because she deserved it more or thought herself more worthy. Either way I thoroughly dislike her character and can't for anything figure out why she's still meeting with the chairman if not to ultimately let it slip about the abuse she endured, hence getting back at Do Kyung's mom. I think she's bidding her time waiting for a chance to bring it up, not that I like Do Kyung's mom, she is the worst and reminds me of a whiny baby and has a venomous nature, I cringe when she comes onscreen.

Also! My bet is that Tae Jin will be the one to run into Do Kyung with his car! I've had the feeling for a while now and can totally see him doing it once he puts two and two together about Do Kyung's feelings for Our Hae Young. He's out of jail and trying to get his life back, but he'll probably lose it when he sees them together after being dumped by Hae Young.


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Yes, I hate the fact that Pretty Oh thinks that she can swipe away KD from Our Oh without any thought that might hurt Our Oh. In her mind, our Oh is one that she can easily step on. Maybe KD's sister's protection for our OH might ticked her off but still she is very manipulative with a facade of a good sweet girl. Are they nearing 30 or over thirty years old in the drama? Forget about trying to be girly and cute for that age!once they reach near 30 years old. In a real life, it won't go well even she is pretty. Women's age is a cruel thing in male dominated Asian workplace in real world. They much prefer pretty in early 20's than pretty in 30's.


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That intense kiss scene though....OMG....Eric, you have restored my faith in Kdrama Romance.


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now I need the bts clip for that kissing scene!


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I'm SO IN LOVE WITH THIS DRAMA!!! I don't have the words to describe the amount of love I have for it!! Although I adore Eric, Seo Hyun Jin is the one that has me addicted to the drama!! Our Oh Hae Young's a baddass!!! She's someone you can relate to. A down to earth woman that's been through a lot!
As long as she has a happy ending I'm good no matter who she ends up with but I'm hoping it's not Tae Jin. I agree with what her mom said, there's no excuse for breaking up with someone the day before their freaking wedding!!! Why not just tell her what's up and let her decide? They could've still stopped the wedding without having her go through all that.


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Unless I really missed the boat in the earlier episodes, the traffic accident vision is actually a dream that DK wakes up from in bed in his PJs. It incorporates the audio hallucination or clairaudience of a crash.

IIRC, all his earlier visions occurred when he was awake.

When I think of dreams, I think of the brain rehashing the day's events, so I wonder if this has to do with a past experience. Episode 10 supports that, I think.

Given all the creative misdirection thus far by Writer-nim, I'm about ready to cry uncle and just wait and see what happens.


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1) THAT.KISS. it totally tops lee min ho's "game over" kiss in personal taste now!!!!
2) does anyone else kinda feel bad for tae jin? i mean come on...he did have the girl first, and he kinda just said those things to her to cleanly cut ties with her and was just pulling the whole "tragic hero" card right???


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2) I think Tae Jin handled the situation badly in that he didn't tell her what was going on. Noble Idiocy strikes again.

On the other hand, if OHY hadn't insisted on trying to protect her own pride (It is better to dump than to be dumped), she wouldn't have been the bad guy. It was a no-win situation.

I feel bad for TJ because I haven't seen hard evidence that he had shady business dealings -- it's only hearsay, even if it was coming from a lawyer. Show me the evidence.

Someone suggested that OHY will hear about DK's involvement in their wedding debacle from Tae Jin. Now that's ominous... I think I'm having a vision of its inevitability. ;-)


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Just made me wonder how the two leads actually felt during these make out sessions? It's looks very hot and steamy and too many touches. Can't they actually feel something 'coz I badly want them to date in real life...lol! They look so darn good together❤️


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It's impossible for the actors not having 'any feels' after those intimate skinships. Something like having crush, perhaps? Some people said, when someone fall in love, the love will be delivered to people surrounds them. I bet Eric and Seo Hyun Jin must have feels towards each other, but whether it will continue after work done or not, it's another story.

By the way, are they dating someone else? I'm one of those who really wanna see them together in real life :)


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And in regards to Tae Jin, I feel bad for him for breaking up with OHY that way but he really doesn't have to hurt her that way because our poor OHY emotionally suffered. I can't blame OHY for falling in love with PDK. He really treated her well except for the rejection part. I still want PDK and our ordinary OHY to fix their mess and end up happily together. I want to be able to watch this drama all over again and feel good every time I watch it. Unlike CITT which I enjoyed the first 7 or 8 episodes, I cannot repeat the whole drama again because it was a disappointment at least for me. DOTS got me all excited because of Soong Joong Ki but it was too cheesy for me. I couldn't watch the rest of the episodes. All I'm saying is that OHY drama brought a lot of excitement and realistic dramatization of characters and events. It truly is a fantastic story with very believable actors. I can feel ordinary OHY's pain and frustration and I felt that passion between these two onscreen couple. I need episode 10 recap now. I need to move on:)


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One more thing...I hope they would cut down on the drinking sessions. I feel like I'm developing cirrhosis of the liver just by watching them drink alcohol.


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Yep, that was the BEST KISS I think I've seen in any and all productions. They deserve a Special Award for that one. This set the bar for realism in every kiss, for KDrama's especially. I do think they were "acting", as I didn't notice any tongue play. But, so what, it was so well done.

I really dig the unique-ness of this story line. These two met when they were/are pretty raw from the hurt of being so brutally abandoned by their finances. At some point they gravitated to being each other as safe haven from that (comrade in arms?) But, their stories are so unexpectedly inter-twined there are serious speed bumps to a full relationship.

Oh yes, how will she handle finding out the truth of her ex's imprisonement/desolution of her marriage? That's a speed bump of epic proportions.


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There are many gifs in slow motions spread on twitters. Both of them used TOUNGE! Check it if you want lol.


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Oh that kiss... too much to handle! I dont want it to have a sad meaningful artsy ending, I want a darn happy fluffy ending!!! before the happy ending comes, I hope they address DK and his mom's relationship clinically... Like, Him dragging her to his shrink with her... she seems like a crucial step in understanding his distant behavior with basically everyone and healing his soul. He seems conflicted but I hope he can speak about what he did to Taejin before they start dating... HY too needs to let go of her complex and find answers with TJ too. At times, it even looks like te other HY is envious of her but I just dont know what to say about the other HY tho... Our HY def started it by talking about calling off weddings so she deserved the other HYs response but how the other HY told everything that was happening to our HY in the gathering to DK just infuriated me! That shade without really throwing shade.. the passive aggressive comments to put her down, I knew she was doing it but its so subtle it takes a minute to see it. I get its not her fault the boys ignored our HY in high school but these kind of comments are def her fault...


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Do Kyung and our Oh Hae Young just make me want to fall inlove again. badly. That intensity. WOW. I have no words. 'Nuf said.


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i was beginning to think i was over the drama but after the ep i was like wow i can't watch another second. maybe i'll see how the end is but jesus.

the kiss was great and i think the girl playing original OHY is amazing, but the lead-up to the kiss was awfully violent on her end and he reciprocated which he really shouldn't have and that was awful.

also HIS reasoning for being mad at her for being easy (??) makes ABSOLUTELY no sense. he's mad for him (tae jin) leaving her, which makes sense on a prideful level in every cultural context even though it is wrong but it's LITERALLY HIS FAULT. he has no right. he's been jerking her around from the beginning and it is insanely annoying to watch.

being in her shoes i get. she's hot-headed and constantly second best. i don't dislike OR like the second OHY that much actually, but i get her motivations and pity her. i want to see them all come to terms and develop but it's episode 9 leading to ten and after this i'm like who the hell is writing this shit? no thanks. and actually, he hasn't developed. he's fucked with her feelings which has lead original OHY to be a bit emotionally stunted too but it's a joy to watch her because seo hyun jin is really incredible to me.

the best part IS the parents because they defy a lot of things and are supportive. i am sooo frustrated my god. the last episode made me really upset.

also is eric capable of not playing a jerk? idk the last drama i saw him in was discovery of romance and jesus. also his lead actress acted circles around him in that too. antyways. the cause and effect her really just stunted me here and i cannot get past it.


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i meant that it's literally PDK's fault that tae jin was in jail. and i'm not implying that in terms of violence are OHY and PDK on an equal playing field because they're not but still that's not something i liked at all and it was distracting, sorry 2 b a buzzkill but it is what it is.


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Saying he's mad for her for being easy was just a spur-of-the-moment excuse.


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But he told her in one of the early episodes not to throw herself at random guys... including himself -- so it's not anything new. He just hasn't said it in a while.


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So Great! Good point about the possibility of a fatal illness - though mental illnesses reminiscent of It's Okay It's love is also worrying. At this point I'd take a poorly thought out supernatural element than a well thought out medical explanation that might make our couple suffer. Moar kisses!!


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I may be in the minority here, but this is the episode that made me look at Our Hae Young a little differently. She's spunky and forthright and someone we're all rooting for, but this is the episode we start to see her allowing herself to be vulnerable.

Her vulnerability makes her even more relatable, but to me, we are also offered a glimpse at her unraveling a bit at the ends. She focuses on the Other Hae Young as a problem, but Our Hae Young has a lot to work on for herself before she jumps into the next relationship, and it was hard for me to watch someone I'm rooting for to be so obsessive and aggressive--whether trying to physically hit Other Hae Young or obsessing about Do Kyung.

I understand Our Hae Young is in a sensitive state after the emotionally affective events that happened, but I am hoping to see her really evaluate her life and her own issues so that she can stand on her own. I get that Other Hae Young can make her life difficult, but Our Hae Young isn't exactly helping matters by behaving the way she does (especially at her job).


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I think you are in the minority, but I totally agree with you. Regular Hae Gang (RHG) is pretty fortunate. She has loving, supportive parents. She seems to have a couple of genuine friends at work, and she seems to like her job at times (although she is not always professional). I am not sure pretty Hae Gang (PHG) is so lucky. Attracting potentially unwanted attention is actually unpleasant, and constantly dealing with idol worshippers would probably make genuine social interaction difficult. I wish RHG would realize what PHG already knows: that kind of attention is exhausting and superficial.

I like that RHG is honest about who she is, but I wish she exercised a little more self-control (out of consideration for others, at least) and stopped relying on men to determine her happiness and self-worth. She cries and wallows in self-pity, but she honestly seems better off than the other three main characters.


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thanks much for the recap! i know at this time i'm just writing for myself, but just incase some one should read this, here's my thoughts about this episode & the drama.

i agree with all of the comments about the kiss! it was one of the most powerful intimate moments i've seen in k-drama. it's right up there with heart to heart make out scene! that one seem so real too! but this one they put at the end of the episode, wow isn't that just making us come back for more! the chemistry is on fire with these 2.

i understand folks feeling that do kyung was a bit to aggressive in warding our hae young off, but i too felt it came more from the sexual frustration & trying to still distance himself from her. & our hae young is her mother's child because she will fight once her radar's up!

i wouldn't have mentioned it but, i agree with all who notice the cut on her lip seem to materialize from nowhere & it was poorly done cut, at that!

as far as do kyung & tae jin, there is still a lot to explore on that front! which should make the extension of 2 episode useful if the writers flush it out. We've only gotten a little of who tae jin is as a person. & i can't believe he won't be weighing in on the relationship between our girl hae young & do kyung. just thinking it will probably be tae jin who tells hae young that it was do kyung who got him thrown in jail. can't wait for the fallout with that, because our hae young has put out all her secrets but do kyung has yet to share his vulnerabilities to her.

i have to say his vision & audio hallucinations (can't think of a better word at this time) are frightening & that our hae young aren't in them is a little off putting. he has had vision that both the doctor & his buddy where in but they still haven't address to my satisfaction why he started having these hallucinations. his 1st hallucination had nothing to do with hae young but his friend acting up in front of women & getting a ticket & then the sign crashing on his car.

i continue to like the other hae young less & less. she's doesn't really sympathize with others, especially our hae young & she does like having all the attention focused on her. is one of the reason she's trying to hold on to do young is because he the 1st person she felt she could be more of her true self with? or as close as possible to her true self, because she doesn't show her true self with anyone.

ok i love do kyung sister in all her wackyness! & who didn't see that hook up coming between herself & his buddy. i love to see more of her relationship with her mom. i'm not getting all of do kyung family relationship? that's beginning to me. so i'm hoping that the writers will explore that more too!


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Just wanted to say your thoughts have been read and they are approved of by this beanie.

On another note the heart to heart scene your referring to is the one where they first sleep together?


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thanks for the response! nice to know even though i get to the comments late that some one is reading them.

yes, it was when they sleep together for the 1st time in heart to heart. i found it to be so natural & how people really make love to one another!


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Hi, mvl...

I'm wondering about Tae-Jin myself. How did he and OHY meet? Why would he bother with her, given her dismal social standing earlier in her life. His parents live in the US, and maybe he did, too... and was more open-minded about her than her classmates had been.

Good points about OHY being her mother's daughter in the physical violence department, and DK fighting his attraction to her (which hasd been in the back of my mind, too).

In a way, I think OHY and DK are each other's Red Kryptonite.


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you pointed out that tae jin's parent where more open minded than korean parents. his mother did reach out to our hae young's mother to try to get those 2 back together. she seemed to really like our hae young. i'm excited to see more of their back story.


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I'm glad someone mentioned PDK's sister. She's a great character. Boy, that actress can kick some butt, she's obviously athletic in real life. I saw her in Tommorrow's Cantible and enjoyed her character there too; it is nothing like this one, except they both have a Fabulous wardrobe! That women is is a clothes horse. Even if she's wearing something kinda weird, she pulls it off glamously. Loved that giant bowler hat.

The foreplay fight, OHY overdid the aggression and she couldn't blame it on booze. I get why she was so upset...but, after the first 2 grapples, she should have gotten ahold of herself. BUT, then there might have been less intensity in THE KISS. PDK tried to contain her, but, I think he did well handling the determined barrage of hits she was being subjected to.

Honestly, the level of physical abuse so common in KDrama's confuses and concerns me. There seems to be a barely distinqishable line btwn a slap down and getting your ass kicked. Do people in Korea really tolerate getting slapped and kicked just because someone doesn't like you or you siad something someone takes offense too? It, also, seems family can get away w/anything short of murder.


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Wow... I didn't even recognize Ye Ji-Won, and I watched TOMORROW'S CANTABILE not that long ago.

You should see her in the BTS -- 2nd dan black belt in taekwondo.

[ENG] 160503 Another Miss Oh (또!오해영) First Broadcast BTS (Part 1)


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Ye Ji Won was the office supply nazi in The Producers. Almost similar char as here, though much less toned down.

Had a thing going down with Running Man's Kim Jong-Kook's char. And that was a hoot! Haven't seen Jong-Kook being man-handled that way before, or since! :-D


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Some people might think that our HY aggressive behavior toward DK was overly done but I actually understood why she was not done with him after 2nd grapple. She was frustrated and just didn't understand what stopped him from pursuing her when the both of them are super aware of each others feelings. She's 32 year old, old enough to recognized someone attracted to her without him explicitly told her that. He was purposely avoiding her, acting like a royal jerk to her. It was majorly confusing and that drove her up the wall and made her want to at least physically hurt him, because he was hurting her with his hot and cold reaction toward her. I would do the same if anyone is treating me like that.


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Darn it, I meant the constant barrage of hits HE, not she, was being subjected to. Grrr. Why is ther no edit option?


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I don't buy it. In what way does it show that Tae Jin values his pride over hers? In fact, in breaking up with her, he was taking care so that she is not embarrassed by him being arrested during their wedding. He has not acted proud in any way. We see more of that kind of behaviour from Do Kyung and DK dares to stand in judgement of Tae Jin, that is too hypocritical.
It feels forced to me. OHY really has the hots of DK and she is just justifying it in any way and why have Tae Jin hanging if she doesn't want him any more?


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He didn't tell the truth, at least to her, for the real reason that they had to break off the wedding, instead he said he can't stand her face while eating. It hurts a lot to Our Hae Young as someone who has insecurities about her looks, family background being compared to especially during the her high school years. Anyway, we can't really know if she'd cut him off soon or not. Gotta watch the next episode to knowwww :< monday....


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I cannot, and will not, watch any more of this drama.

I'm commenting here just because I want to explain why, because I've always felt safe as a reader and commenter on this site. This is not not an attack on the actors or the fans of this drama. But so much of this drama has really disturbed me over the last few weeks, and the comments here have not at all pointed out those scenes. I gave it chances, but with this kiss scene I am well and truly done.

The casual violence between people - the mom hitting her daughter ("But it's out of love!") - has disturbed me. Yes, it's a drama, yes it's a comedy, yes it's "not real" - but this is what is portrayed in the media. This is what is taken as "love" - it's okay, the mom loves her, so she can hit her and chase her and threaten to hit her. Because she ~loves~ her. And yes, most sane people are aware this is an exaggerated drama and in real life should never happen. But also? A lot of people internalize this, accept this, and then allow this. It's one thing to have a relationship like this in a drama. It's another to have it, and then gloss over and excuse it entirely in the name of "love."

This kiss scene was just completely disturbing. There was mutual violence. She physically abuses him. He physically abuses her. Even if it doesn't hurt much, if it doesn't cause lasting damage, she is still hitting him violently. He is still violently restraining and pushing her around, and then forcing a kiss on her.

I don't care if the kiss itself looks mutual or passionate at the end. I felt incredibly uncomfortable watching the entire time. There is never, ever an excuse for violence. Passion does not equal violence. Does anger happen? Yes. But the moment anger becomes abuse (physical or verbal), that is a line crossed.

I'm actually furious right now, so I can't express myself well. I know there are so many fans of this drama who have said that it's part of the plot, part of their personality, it wasn't an unwanted kiss. That's not the point. The violence is mutual and equally off-putting on both sides. This is not a "best" kiss or a passionate, enjoyable kiss. This is a kiss that springs from a mutually abusive relationship. The moment the violence happens, it doesn't matter how the kiss itself looks - it just shouldn't happen. Nothing justifies that violence. Nothing.

I am aware this is a drama recap blog, that a drama has no responsibility for such things. But this stuff is honestly what contributes to things like the media is witch hunting Amber Heard for saying Johnny Depp physically abused her. This contributes to why domestic/relationship-based violence victims are blamed in society, rather than believed. Even if it was a "cultural" thing, it wouldn't matter. Culture explains. It never excuses.

I'm done with this drama. Completely and utterly done.


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exactly how i felt. it's shocking to me how many people ignored it. also, the writing hasn't been consistent and supported any of this mistreatment anyway. it's bad writing and it's gross.


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From a sane, grown-up adult woman with children and a big career who has actually experienced this level of passionate sort-of-fighting after an argument and leading to a great kissing scene (and More!) like this exact scenario, I actually feel sorry for anyone who has not had this level of passion. It is real. It is amazing. It is rare in its occurrence but man-oh-man can it pull a couple back into the intense love they have for each other. I don't get the Korean propensity for mothers to hit children or all the hair pulling we tend to see - but THIS KISS is real - and it is more than OK. I hope you get to experience this type of love in your life - even if only for ten seconds. You will never forget it!


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DK's pent up emotions and frustration from his circumstances to his magnanimous attraction towards our HY was so evident that he was internally struggling to stop himself from jumping on our HY right there and then. He was fighting with his own desire to be close with our HY, emotionally and physically that it drove him up the wall and resulting him being unnecessarily mean toward our HY. It was heartbreaking to see him pacing around his residence and hanging around our HY's place before he came to realization to just screw everything all and acknowledge that he just cannot live without our HY close to him.

I am glad that our HY get back at DK when he lashed out at her for running back to TJ after what he had done to her. Her being angry and frustrated at DK's taciturn and unnecessarily mean response was so great that I can physically feel her wanted to inflict pain to DK, physically and mentally. And it worked!! She teared down the wall that DK had been building around her and she just opened a floodgate of emotion for DK to finally react, and the most passionate kiss in drama land finally happened!! And that hug and DK buried his face in her nape was what made the passionate kiss more meaningful. As desperate as our HY needs and wants toward DK, it was the same for him. He needed her, so he can breathe a little better.

I have always love Eric when he was doing his stuff with Shinhwa, he is one of my favorite bias in the group. And now, I am impressed with him as an actor because his acting out the tough acting, but actually vulnerable DK to perfection that DK struggles, anger and longing look believable. And there's nothing else more that can be said about SHJ because her natural acting and her responding to DK's character made it even more real. And their amazing chemistry was off the charts right from the start.
This drama reminds me of Love Revolution (JPN) drama, because it gave almost the same vibe and feeling, with interesting characters and great story line, and the chemistry between the leads were amazing.

Thanks LollyPip for the great recap ^^


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That kiss! THAT KISS!!!!


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I don't like noh hae young but was offended on her behalf when her boss and the rest of the office chanted baby hae young to force her into singing. Gaaah!
Saw the kiss coming thanks to dk's vision but was still like whoah when it actually happened. You go girl!


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Now this is what you call a KISS! I'm so glad that Eric and Seo Hyun Jin were able to show a GOOD KISS that's always missing in most of the dramas. The camera was still and it was angled at the side so you can see CLEARLY that they're kissing and not just feeling each others lips.

The way he held her in his arms was so intense and so HOT! ARGH!!! You know the feeling that even when you're not supposed to think about it, but you just keep thinking about it? Their kissing scene pops up in your head and boom! You start going KWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I forgot the word. HAHAHAHAHA That's the effect of that scene... :D

Please, dear writer-nim, don't disappoint us. Please give us more KISSES! And please don't ruin the ending... PLEASE! x3 LOVE YOU!


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everbody is searching for a reason to hate other haeyoung while the act of rudeness and immaturity of our haeyoung get overlooked so easily :(
why the double standard?
honestly, this drama is a mess..
I can't get to like dokyung, our haeyoung, and the way they build their relationship.. it is all over the place, going steadily with unhealthy pace


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a lot of people criticizing how other haeyoung call our haeyoung unni and reveal our haeyoung's embarassing secret and call her bitch
but what abt our haeyoung who just screaming loudly at other people out of nowhere?? it is really ridiculous and if I'm pretty haeyoung I would be screaming back at her smh so f*cking rude


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