Drama viewership ratings for the week of May 9-15, 2016

At the top of the week, Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho saw a rise in ratings after a few weeks spent hovering under the 13% mark, and while it’s still in first, it now has a more solid lead. Monster and Jackpot keep fighting for second place, and keep swapping depending on the episode. That race looks like it’ll stay close, but Monster’s got its monstrous length going for it, at least.

Oh Hae-young Again is enchanting viewers over on tvN, and with its jump to 4% in its fourth episode, it seems poised to perform better for the network than Pied Piper did during its entire run. Otherwise, no big shakeups for the Wednesday-Thursday dramas, other than Goodbye Mr. Black and Entertainer tying for first—though not by much.

The two big premieres this week came from the cable realm, with JTBC premiering Mirror of the Witch to replace the slot previously held by Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki. Dear My Friends also had its premiere on tvN, and both are off to a pretty strong start. Next week, as always, will be the big indicator.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of May 9-15, 2016

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, May 9
Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho 13 KBS 11.8%
Monster 13 MBC 7.5%
Jackpot 13 SBS 8.7%
Oh Hae-young Again 3 tvN 2.996%
Tuesday, May 10
Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho 14 KBS 14.1%
Monster 14 MBC 9.3%
Jackpot 14 SBS 8.4%
Oh Hae-young Again 4 tvN 4.253%
Wednesday, May 11
Master—God of Noodle 5 KBS 6.6%
Goodbye Mr. Black 17 MBC 9.5%
Entertainer 7 SBS 7.8%
Thursday, May 12
Master—God of Noodle 6 KBS 7.3%
Goodbye Mr. Black 18 MBC 8.6%
Entertainer 8 SBS 8.6%
Friday, May 13
Mirror of the Witch 1 JTBC 2.606%
Dear My Friends 1 tvN 4.895%
Saturday, May 14
Five Kids 25 KBS 24.3%
All’s Well With a Happy Home 23 MBC 15.8%
Flower in Prison 5 MBC 20.3%
Beautiful Gong-shim 1 SBS 8.9%
Yes, That’s How It Is 27 SBS 8.0%
Mirror of the Witch 1 JTBC 1.830%
Dear My Friends 1 tvN 4.000%
Sunday, May 15
Five Kids 26 KBS 31.0%
All’s Well With a Happy Home 24 MBC 18.0%
Flower in Prison 6 MBC 19.8%
Beautiful Gong-shim 2 SBS 9.6%
Yes, That’s How It Is 28 SBS 9.8%
Vampire Detective 8 OCN 0.7%




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Has anyone watched Mirror of the Witch?? I"m really, really, reeeally hoping it's good because I love YSY.

Any chance of getting recaps?!?! Pretty please?!


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I did and it was quite good!!! The acting, cinematography, everything is nice.


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The first episode is dark, scary and I have to smack a trigger warning for borderline sexual assault on the first episode. But it's really well done. Don't watch in the dark. I have a zero reaction to most things that are scary, but it even made me twinge. I mean the first episode of Master's Sun didn't make me even flinch.... so you are warned.


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OOOHHH! Thank you! thank you!!!

*off to watch the 1st ep*


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I think the "prologue" first episode was kind of off-putting to some people, that's a big drop between eps 1 and 2. I remember when dramas would blow 4 episodes in the past then leap forward. They don't seem to be doing that anymore. Even 1 episode in the past seems enough to throw some viewers.

I really would rather see them do something more like the did on Blood (and to some extent the Orange Marmalade show) where they start with the modern/main leads and then go into a 1-2 episode flashback. I want to see the main characters and get a feel for the show asap.


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Put off by prologue? I thought the first episode was wonderful, I preferred it to the second. It could be due to the fact that I am not watching for any actors or for romance. This first episode was a beautifully done set up for the story. I was sorry to see the end of the young shaman girl although I saw it coming from miles away.


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That's actually traditional Sageuk format, so I'm not sure who it's supposed to be off putting for. It's made for Korean people who are quite used to the format being that way.

I think if you read some traditional Korean stories, you'd find that it's quite true to traditional Korean storytelling as well.

Kishōtenketsu is the Japanese term for the Chinese, Korean Japanese form of this plot type. 5 acts, not three.

The second episode didn't have the long childhood format.


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I'm not primarily talking about the format. I'm talking about how violent and bloody it is.

I do think in a secondary sense that drama viewers in general are less interested in long backstory arcs at the beginning of shows. I think they want to see the main actors and I think they want to know what kind of tone the show is really going to have.

I have noticed that rather than take up maybe 4 episodes they're now condensing it to just 1 or 2 so people are seeing the main actors in the first week. For instance, Master: God of Noodles did the same thing.


The anti-long back story might be popular so outside of Korea, but inside of Korea it's not the case. Remember they are marketing it to Koreans first and mostly Koreans thereafter. So your opinion about the long back story is wrong. It's quite a popular element in sageuk and makjang dramas which tend to follow the 5 act format, which does include background. Personally, I think they cut it short because it's a shorter drama with higher production values, so it's most likely budget.

The rom coms tend to loosely follow a 3 act format, which is strictly speaking an import.

Don't forget where they get their primary moneys... Korean viewers. =P I know some people seem "shocked" at this idea and balk at the Koreanness on some drama comments. And I'm like what do you think you're watching?

The blood and gore is JTBC showing off that it's a cable network. They also tend to be oriented towards more left-wing political ideals too. The censor board in Korea is really, really strict on non-cable shows.


Ep 1 was strong and perfectly executed.

If you read further below, the Sunday replay of ep 2 received 2.926 in ratings.


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Is it bad I laughed at sexual assault you know when the commentator said please get to position?? He is not doing some dance number felt bad that he was such a powerless king....

It was damn funny when the subtitle read abracadabra when there was any black magic chanting..

Overall the drama is really nice..


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It's sexual assault borderline because of the shadow and also because the mudang in it was forced to have sex with the King against her will. No matter how you want to spin it, it was sexual assault. Thus it's wise to stick a trigger warning on it.

The lashing of the Queen, too, was harsh as well... but I think those first two things can act as triggers, so I'm being respectful to victims, considering rape culture, etc.


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@Kim yoonmi you are right about respecting the victim and acting is incredible by the actress through the whole episode she gave the show the right start...


Just wanted to thank you for your warning about the sexual assault.

I am not a victim of rape or sexual assault, but seeing it portrayed on film is very disturbing to me and I have to be in the right state of mind to watch it. I really appreciate it when folks give others a heads-up.


Well that time having sex was not to enjoy, but to have heir which directly related to securing nation. From what I understood there were times king got instruction (get to position - instruction was Turtle position I think) -since it is national matter, and the scene was observed by other people (I think that was actually to protect the king just in case the girl does some harm to the king).
It is sexual assault, but it is hard to consider that way those times.


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Definitely referring to the mudang and the shadow. It's one thing for the Queen because she knows it's coming and had some power to get into that position, i.e. choose. But the mudang was threatened until she had no choice if she didn't do it and then that shadow probably would be triggering for some, especially since she was asleep and they used a high pitched male voice for it... There is no consent in either of those scenes. The Queen consented, the mudang didn't.

Uhhhggghhh... slap a trigger.

The servants being outside to make sure consummation happened the first time is accurate, though.


Thank you! I think I will give a try to watch this drama. Last week is boring week for me with nothing to watch.


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I'm enjoying it so far. The visuals and music maintain a spookily mystical mood, and the special effects are well done (except for the tiger, unless it was supposed to be a magic tiger?)

So far, YSY and KSR's look nice onscreen, and I can forget about the real life age difference while watching.


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I forgot the age difference while watching too, i am just enjoying the story as it is now I don't wanna think of other stuff


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I think it's because She is playing a seventeen girl instead of twenty some... Which makes it a bit better..


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It's a magic tiger (b/c it responded to the cracked shield from ep 1) and I thought it was well done (it didn't bother/distract me), much better than the one in War of the Arrows.


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I thought the tiger was the best thing ever! It looked quite real and believable. I was thinking they spent all their money on CG. lol


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I'm absolutely loving Mirror of the Witch. All around strong acting/directing/editing/storytelling, beautiful atmospheric cinematography and music.

I'm sad to hear that Choi Sung-Won dropped out of the drama due leukemia. His Dong-Rae character is such a great sidekick to Heo Jun, and I absolutely love their bromance on the 2nd episode. I wish him a successful treatment and recovery.


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Man, it's sad that they're probably gonna kill him off. The first episode was too depressing and we needed more episodes of fun Joon-Yeonhee interaction.


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I sincerely hope they don't kill him off. He's leaving to treat a potentially life-threatening disease; it is not an exaggeration to say he may actually die. To kill him off in the drama is in poor taste when the producers and writers know why he is leaving. I think it better to write his character off as someone finding enlightenment and going to become a monk, or even turning his character into a cg pet that stays by YSY's side. It's a fantasy drama, there are so many more possibilities than killing his character off.


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Oh that's who the poor actor is. I just want to send him all the best wishes possible. But yeah it seems likely they'll just kill him off.


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I like it so far... The first ep is kinda dark because they show us the black magic and the effects and curses. It's kind of spooky and the actors doing well. While the 2nd ep is more fun and cheery with the introduction of YSY's character, Heo Joon. I love love YSY and KSR together. It's kinda icky thinking about their age gap but YSY looks so young and KSR looks so mature.. Love the chemistry between them.


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The first episode was quite good.


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Watched the first 2 episodes , the second episode made me cringe , i don't think i'm up for a teenage firl romancing a 30 yr old guy :( i like the fantasy element though but i'll have to give it up


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It's weird because they are both supposed to be 17 yrs old, but the age difference is too obvious to ignore. However, I don't mind the age difference as much as the lack of chemistry. Bottom line is that the show has to be careful with the romance to avoid complaints, so I'm afraid the romance angle will remain flat. But the story is interesting enough for me to keep watching.


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The title should be "Another Oh Hae Yeong"... Just saying.. Because the plot is about Another Hae Yeong, not becoming Hae Yeong again. 또 in this case means that.


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Well, my first instinct when I say the Korean title was that it was "Oh Hae Young, Again!" as in"dammit, it's Oh Hae Young again!" because Eric can't escape her and is once again getting mixed up with yet another girl named Oh Hae Young who turns his life upside down (this time in a good way, like upside-down pineapple cake).

But I get why "Another Oh Hae Young" might make more sense. It looks like the official tvn youtube channel is using "Another Miss Oh" and dramafever is using "Another Oh Hae Young". Viki is using "Oh Hae Young Again" though. I think either interpretation is fine.


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I'm reading it off of the Korean... not English titles and from the plotting, etc, it's more like "Another Oh Hae Yeong" because the main character Oh Hae Yeong complains that there are too many Oh Hae Yeong in the world. The majority of the scenes are from her perspective and how her life has been ruined by a better looking Oh Hae Yeong. And how she was always categorized as "the other Oh Hae Yeong."

Most of the scenes with Park Do Gyeong are his premonitions and about them, rather than the problem. He doesn't seem that phased by her being named Oh Hae Yeong, but she's super bothered by it.

They've, in drama, in Korean used 또 multiple times to mean it that way... and not so much again.

Viki is translated by fanship and they usually choose the title before they get to see the episodes.


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Personally I like the SOUND of "Another Oh Hae-young," but as a translation it's actually incorrect. (Another Oh Hae-young would be 또 다른 오해영.)

The title is "Oh Hae-young Again." (또! 오해영) Your reading was right, in that it's meant to be "Agh! Oh Hae-young! AGAIN?!" Of course, broadcasters often change the titles when the market in English, so.


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tvN on their official youtube pu "Another Miss Oh" as "official english title"


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I feel like it could be translated either way (even though it isn't about "becoming" Hae-yeong again) but in the context of the show, yeah, "another" seems like a more fitting translation.


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+1. If it is word-to-word translation, it is more like 'Oh Hae-yong again', but I like 'Another Oh Hae-young'.


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I read Korean, so there are 2 ways to translate 또 One is another and one is again... In this case, Another makes more sense in the larger context of the story.

Like 마음 can mean heart (The non-real one, as supposed to the beating one)/mind/spirit and is really difficult to translate without context.

Korean is more contextually driven than English. English like surgery, which I personally always hated.


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I read Korean, too, and while I still maintain that you could translate it either way, I do think that in the context of the show, "another" is a better translation. That being said, the authors on this site started reporting on the drama before it started airing, and thus couldn't translate based on context. And with that in mind, i can't really fault them for sticking to their original "again" translation, if only for consistency and to avoid having to go through and change a bunch of past articles and tags. As it is i just think of it as if i saw someone and said "oh, you again."


Ah i meant to say I read Korean too buuuut I stopped studying it ages ago so I'm not the most reliable source.. my opinions on translation should probablybe taken with a grain of salt lol


Finally the rattings, I've been refreshing the web the whole day waiting for the raitings

Dear my friends and mirror of the witch are very good, also beutiful gong shim is light and enjoyable, NGM is really funny


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Both dear my friends and mirror of the witch were strong. But i liked mirror of the witch's first episode more than second. Dear my friends is my first drama from this writer and i am clearly understanding why she's a favorite. Though the show has so far been light (umm not so heavy) i can still sense tension even in a few pleasant moments. The writing hits you directly and I have been feeling pretty emotional ( I had to pause for a moment in GHJ and JIS call scene in second episode) though only two epi have past.

Moreover, does somebody find any issue with the direction in beautiful gong sgim? The scenes seem to be long and at times useless. Though i hope it improves. But i may drop it. Don't find it funny as yet.


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Useless might be the wrong word. The discussions in the long scenes become unnecessary.


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Yes i noticed that, specially the first episode


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Yeah, in the scene with Minah and her friend drinking, the dialogue seemed to keep repeating itself.


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In Korean dramas, often the seemingly "useless" and "unnecessary" things become critical later. Pay attention because it might turn out those little things will pay off if you keep track of them.

I know this isn't very popular with Dramabeans admin who tends to hate/skip over such things, but I swear it's true. It'll add to the layers of the story.

As for why look up Kishōtenketsu.... Korean dramas tend to blend that story format with Dream record format as well as the three act structure.

So far, Mirror of the Witch is using somewhat closer to Kishōtenketsu as an overall format, with hints of 3 act structure. This usually means the little things you think are unimportant and the characters go on about are very important later if you chance to remember.


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I thought the first episode dragged when NGM and Minah weren't on screen. I'm hoping the drama focuses more on them and less on the families cause I don't care about either of them yet. Still found it enjoyable enough to want to watch the second episode tho.


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It did. The birth secret stuff and Gong Shim's family is generally annoying more than interesting, but it's really nice that Namgung Min and Minah nail their roles and are very likable. Both are very fun characters, even.

I hope the writers don't make the mistake of dragging out the comeuppance. I can only take so much of this makjang.


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Nam Goong Min and his long lost cousin have some pretty great chemistry going on. If this weren't a Korean drama I could and they weren't related, I would have been imagining this taking a completely different turn.

I guess intense close up gazes can be read as many different things?

I'm really liking the first episode I hope Dramabeans is going to cover it. I surprised myself for feeling like maybe Gong Mi was right about not sueing? I mean she actually is the bread winner of the family, they are paying rent on that house and paying of the father's debt, so what are they going to do if she gets fired?

I mean don't get me wrong I think the way the family treats Gong Shim is shameful but what are they meant to do? It's not like that lawsuit could set the whole familiy up for life, is it? And if the sister can't work as a lawyer anymore, what is she meant to do. It would be one thing for Gong Shim to take the money and run off to Italy but what about the rest of the family? In Western countries we'd be all for Gong Shim running away but Korean culture seems to be heavily invested in family ties and respecting the elders, so what should they do?


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Oh, I like NGM and the cousin too, I just wish they could be bromancey without the stupid birth secret thing as an external factor. I mean, there's already supposed to be a love square of sorts b/w the cousin, NGM, Minah, and the sister. That's enough conflict as it is.

I think Gong Shim is petty for still wanting to sue, but at the same time I totally understand her wanting to be petty. If her family had been straigtforward and just told her that the woman was married to Gong Mi's boss, I think she would've agreed to settle. But they were wrong to try to make her drop the case by deceiving her and trying to trivialize her pain. So I understand her suing the woman out of spite.


@Peach yeah, I totally understand why Gong Shim wanted to sue and her family choosing to trivialise what happened to her is just another in a long line of things they've done to push her down and raise up Gong Mi.

In the grand scheme of things I understand Gong Mi's side, but in the immediate, the way the family treats Gong Shim is completely shameless.

Even the fact that her room is actually Gong Mi's closet. Ugh. But you know maybe if Gong Mi wasn't so spoiled as the 'golden child' she'd feel comfortable talking to her sister/family about the fact that her job is in jeopardy because she won't sleep with the clients.

I was quite annoyed by Gong Shim asking for money for Italian classes when she's left her sister to support her entire family. Why give up your solitude for that?


First was kind of on the line for me.. It was all over the place...
Its frustrating because all the rom com hero's are gaining power its kind of OK for Eric (mainly direction is beautiful )but NGM with his fighting got on my nerve you know leave that for vampie San.. He needs it more...

Story settles down at second I find gong shim rather immature.. Life is hard for everyone and she will find that soon.. I love the brothers..


I think it's a really cute bromance. I mean you don't often have the second lead's life saved by the main lead in the first episode! It's a great reason to suddenly be pally with your new hyung, it certainly worked in Descendants of the Sun with Jin Gu and that street kid. When they find out they're cousins too I think it'll just feel pretty natural.


I found beautiful gong shim trying too hard to be cute or i don't know what. It was slow too. Also is it because of past NGM character's where he has been mostly sinister that they making him look and overdo cuteness? It's actually putting me off coz i liked him as an actor and not so much in this drama...so far.


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I've only watched the first episode thus far but I thought the 'cutesy' act was meant to be overlydone? I thought the audience is supposed to see it as fake rather than genuine.

Actually I'm curious to know more about his character because I really thought he was scamming the second male lead (he was wan't he?) when he switched phones because he wanted the guy to give him a reward to help with his money issues.

Plus the delight with which he stole a cookie from a child made me laugh (but he was definitely overdoing it there too!).

I don't know, I'm liking his character not because I think he's acting cute but because I think he's a total weirdo and so is Gong Shim and that's what I like. :)


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I thought the same too that he purposely did it. But then later on the way they showed him doing nice things for others i was confused. But I also think that it wasn't a very negative act. As in he does charge very less from people who can't afford lawyer fees and the way he helped Gong Shim. So no harm getting some more money from people who can afford it.
But I'm finding his over acting not enjoyable and i really dont want to root for the 2nd lead if he goes on like this.

The cookie thing i guess is showing that he's big into food. A scene in the 2nd episode proves it.


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Oh! Dear My Friends and Mirror of the Witch premiered! Did anyone watch them? Are they worth watching or too soon to tell?


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I watched Dear My Friends but I'm still waiting on the next two episodes to see how it goes before making a judgement. There isn't really much of a plot as of yet but I like it. I can really relate to the main character about the frustration of dealing with her mother's friends and I'm looking forward to see how she come to regard them as her own friends (it's Dear My Friends after all).


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I pick Mirror of the Witch over Dear My Friends. The latter has too much yelling for my taste and not the kind to decompress with. Depends on one's mood/taste.


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They're both pretty good but really, you can never be so sure about dramas these days. It's trial and error most of the time.


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+1 For example, I liked Ms.temper more than Memory when they started, but I ended up loving Memory more at the end. You never know.


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I'm really enjoying 'Dear My friends". It's so far mature, intelligent and not melodramatic. IMO better than beautiful gong shim though the ratings show otherwise.


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DMF is tvN (cable) and BGS is SBS (main channel) so 4-5% is a solid number for cable channels.


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Good to know!


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"Dear My Friends" was excellent. Very subtle, profound and quite humorous (and the senior actors and actresses are great). "Mirror of the Witch", however, had a disturbing first episode while the second episode was a tiny bit better (nothing interesting, though). "Beautiful Gong Shim" was terrible (not even worth discussing - unfortunately, the actors lack talent and the drama lacks a plot).


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So happy for Oh Hae Young Again ratings


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Did you see the ratings promise? - if over 10%, you get one day date with Eric? And what's up with Jeon Hye-bin (other OHY) - making ratings promise using Eric (she said on 5% Eric will give free hug to people with name Oh-Hae, Hae-young etc) lol


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Also (on over 10%) Ye Ji-won(Eric's sister) said she will do the power hug with Kim Ji-suk(Eric's friend) like what OHY/Seo Hyun-jin did in the ending of ep 4.


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Holyyyyy, this NEED TO HAPPEN!!


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Happy to see Oh Hae-young Again's rising numbers! I hope it keeps on going up. :D


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Interesting how Hae Young and Neighborhood Lawyer experienced a pretty big jump in ratings from Monday to Tuesday...


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No more ms Temper and i feel empty. Time to watch other dramas and i happened to like Happy Home. I dont understand some characters' motivation, like Se Ri, what exactly do you want? Writer-nim tries to make her sympathetic but I don't think it's working. The patriach? There are plenty of psychos.. The MIL, the secretary, etc..

Ah well. I do have those that i root for. The long suffering DIL, the other long suffering DIL (kekekeke), the long suffering mother.


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happy Home is good too! And yes I am still having Ms Temper's withdrawal.

Se Ri in HH reminds me on Kang Seol RI in I Have A Lover. Both are home wrecker but the writer seems to make us feel sympathy towards them.


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Omg.. I just said d same thing to my drama dongseng. With one spineless jerk of a husband and another cheating husband, sometimes i wonder why im watching this, lol


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Oh, Neighborhood Lawyer had that many views? I didn't know that... My mother likes it, but I haven't seen much yet. Maybe I should take a look. Does anyone else thing it's worth the watch?


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I enjoyed the first few episodes, but the writing is kind of circler so I got bored. It's best in my opinion, in its silly, over the top moments.


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I am watching it, really good, love the lead actor and storyline


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Just in! Mirror of the Witch got high ratings on its Sundar replays!

Ep.1 : 1.643
Ep.2 : 2.926


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Mirror of the Witch is a Friday/Saturday show.

Eps 1: 2.6 (Friday)
Eps 2: 1.8 (Saturday)


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Sorry, didn't notice replay.


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Wow those are big numbers on repeat. It's good to see a lot of people came in for that second episode later.


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Monster FIGHTING !!!!


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Yeah we support you( monster) so .....fighting!!!!!!


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I love the plot and the directing of Mirror Of The Witch. It's sad that the actor playing Dong-rae had to bow out but I wish for his speedy recovery. The real star of this drama is actually Yeom Jung-ah. She is so brilliant in Hong-joo's role. I love the subtle change in her expression when they do a close up on her. Definitely my favourite actor in Mirror of The Witch, followed by Yoon Shi-yoon heee. IMO, Kim Sae-ron feels lacking compared to veterans in the drama but she IS a rookie actress afterall, plenty of room for her to grow. But for now, I don't like the lovelines they're pushing for our main characters cuz I can't overlook the fact that Sae-ron is a teenager who speaks oh-so-casually to a man double her age (it's the Asian blood in me). It's totally not her fault though for getting casted. I look forward to the next episodes of Mirror of The Witch!

Can anyone tell me what's Dear My Friend's all about? I loved the writer's previous work Padam Padam. Her strength lies in her clever dialogues than the actual plot IMO but I've only watch Padam Padam so she might have changed her style by now. I still remember some of her dialogues from Padam Padam. They leaves a great impression on you and made you re-think er.. things. Hehe.

Lastly, can anyone also tell me how's Flower in Prison now that Jin Se-yeon's taken the lead? I went to Naver to check comments but most of them are talking about how good Go Soo is and all comments praising Jin Se-yeon seems to get a lot of downvotes. But I can see that the rating's getting better compared to last week.


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I know! Especially after seeing him as Heo Jun's best friend! I thought they were so awesome together but of course, he needs to focus on treatment.

I love the subtle change in her expression when they do a close up on her.
THIS! That one scene where she was smiling to reassure the Queen that nothing's wrong but then the camera zoomed in and her expression changed in a split second! Ohh, I love her! I think she's my favorite character so far. I love the shaman girl too but yeah... :(

Dear My Friends, I assume, is focused on elderly people's lives. It's not your usual drama because all of them are older actors (veterans! so there is totally no problem with acting) and I'm not sure if there will be one solid plot to it. So far we were given introductions and the story's a little over the place (there's a lot of people to introduce). It gives you a different perspective though and I like it so far.


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Spot on about Yeom Jung Ah. I noticed the subtle change in her expression too in the scene where the Queen questioned if the princess could possibly be alive. It's not just the acting in scenes like this but the PD as well.

I think Kim Sae Ron did well enough, it helps that she is 15 years old playing a 17 year old character. At least I don't have to suffer some incompetent actress overacting an innocent and cute girl. The tough part goes to Yoon Shi Yoon who looks as young as he can for a man almost 30. I am not looking forward to the lovelines except for Sae Ron and Si Yang's characters. Credit goes to Kwak Si Yang because I wasn't expecting this loveline at all and neither do I know this actor. I am more enamored with his one sided love for Yeon Hee in that short scene. But I am sure it's short lived and tragic because of the curse.


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Jin Se Yeon... she's not as cringey here as she's been in other roles, but quite honestly, nothing to write home about. About Han hyo joo level in dong yi? Just... there. This is just a subjective opinion of mine, but i just feel she's really vanilla.
Park Joo mi and jung jun ho though... their acting is a bigger problem, lol. I actually really like Choi Wan Kyu's past works so I'm hoping it gets better. They really could've done a better job with casting the female lead(and other people). I guarantee there is not a shortage of actresses in their 20s that can act. (park eun bin? lee se young? come on, people.)


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Agreed. JSY is improved here because of good direction. I honestly still don't believe she has become good actress. I still have a doubt why the PD nim casted her, despite of plenty actresses out there who have real talent yet so underrated.
But what is done.. is done.


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Half-hearted about catching Flower in Prison because of Jin Se Yeon. If she is at least bearable there, might just take the plunge.


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Maybe you should wait until episode 10 and see how it goes first.


Thanks for the comparison with Han Hyo-joo in Dongyi because I watched Dongyi before. I think I'm gonna start Flower in Prison afterall, I missed Go Soo so much and this PD is one of my favourite.
Let's hope that my next comment in the ratings section contains only praises for Flower in Prison! :)


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Jin Se Yeon has the kind of vibe that Han Hyo-joo has, that is the reason why the PD wants JSY.

The storyline i think is quite good, and I will watch just for Go Soo. Veteran actors also solid.


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Han Hyo Joo in Dong Yi improved a lot, since it was 60 episodes (if I wasnt mistaken), so I believe given the length of this drama, Jin Seyeon could also improved. She is so far easy on my eyes, and I am liking the plot and the flow so I'll stick.

p/s: First time watching Go Soo's work. He is overflowing with charisma! Love him ^^


I think JSY is trying. and yes Park Joo-mi and Jung Jun-ho (plays Jung Nan-jung and Yoon Woon-hyung) have more problem. I think they were cast wrong. They look too kind/nice to play evil. And I said a few times but Park Joo-mi is my first girl crush, and I lover her. Too bad she can't pull it off well, but I still love to watch her.

I liked when story was around the prison, but once JSY became the spy doing martial arts, it became less fun. I feel like it is a liiiiittle above 'Horse doctor' (so far. Hope it gets better)


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I honestly did not have any problems with Kim Sae-Ron, but I don't understand why people are gushing over her acting history.

I think Jung Da Bin is better (which doesn't matter anyway since she's in another show).


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honestly agree. She's decent but kind of.. not that amazing considering the insane talent pool of child actors in korea.


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She is decent yes. She is not in the league of the amazing Kim Yoo Jung and Kim So Hyun yet.


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I want to give a high five and maybe a nice pat on the back to whoever's doing the special effects for Mirror of the Witch.


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Mirror of the Witch were OK in the first two episodes (Hopefully the rating will increasing).

I am glad for Oh Hae Young's rating, They deserve it.
I am sincerely hope that Master God of Noodles' rating will be increased. Speaking of this, who is the female lead in this drama,is it Jung Yoo Mi or Gong Seung Yeon? for the past two episodes, there were not so many scenes of JYM so I am wondering. Anyway, I am hooked with this drama. Jo Jae Hyun is so evilicious.

Watched a glimpse of recent episodes of Flower In The Prison. OK, I think the PDnim really giving acting lesson to Jin Se Yeon. She is no longer having a bland expression, even it is still a lot of efforts for her to become a good actress.


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I will be extremely sad if GSY is the female lead in MGoN because I loved her chemistry with Lee Sang Yeob in the 2nd episode!!


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Agree. I am shipping her with LSY. Lol

But I think GSY being a lead over JYM seems wrong. Whoever it is, I just want to think all of them are the main casts, even Myeong's story will be the centre of this drama. Each of them has their own stories.


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Now people can stop blaming Kim Sae Ron for taking the lead role in Mirror of the Witch. She's actually playing the character around her age, it's actually Yoon Shi Yoon who is too old for his character.
Sae Ron who is 16years old playing 17years old character, while Shi Yoon who is 30years old playing 17years old character...

I never had problem with their age-gap to begin with and I'm happy that this drama is actually good.


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I think more people blamed KSR because YSY was actually offered the role first. So it's like YSY didn't "expect" to act with a 15 year old, and that KSR should've accepted another role where the age gap wouldn't be an issue. That's my guess anyways.


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Korean netizens reaction were the same. They thought that Kim Sae Ron was going to play an adult role, so they were pretty negative about it. But when they know that she actually play the role of her age (17years Korean age), they are all fine with it.


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I'm in the minority, but I cannot stand Neighborhood Lawyer. The "arty-camera-on-shoulder" with a too strong yellow filter is so annoying in my opinio bc exhausting to watch. That's also the reason I couldn't watch Iris. Don't care much about the story on top of that (for once, I'd like the cliches to be reversed). Pity bc I truly like the cast.
I really enjoyed the 1rst episode of Beautiful GS. NGM nice and smiling, wow, wow, wow. Like the quatuor of actors together !


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Mirror of the Witch is so beautifully shot. First episode was dark and eerie. Second episode was more fun and cute. Can't wait for next week to see Kim Sae Ron in gray hair.


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I guess tonight's Oh Hae Young's episode is gonna have higher ratings becauseeeee we're finalllly gonna see ERIC LAUGHING after 4 episodes of 'Eric's expressionless face' complains. HAHAH bring it on ep 5!!


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Master - God of Noodle deserves better reception. It's hand down the best quality production on Wed-Thu.


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Agree. I was expected that I will love GMB, but it is a disappointment. Entertainer is just not my cup of tea, so I pass it (even I really want to watch Ji Sung but I just cannot stand Hyeri).

My favourite :
Mond- Tues : Oh Hae Yeong & Jackpot ( watching Jo BoAh's parts only in Monster, I skipped most of it).

Wed- Thurs : just Master God of Noodles.


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It is.

I completely agree. I was quite relieved to see that the ratings for Master God of Noodles improved from Wednesday to Thursday. Maybe people are beginning to warm up to it more. It's hands down a better quality product than either of its competitors (Entertainer or GMB).

GMB producers should take a look at this drama to see how they can produce a better quality product, because everything sucks in that drama from the writing to the directing. The one thing they have going for them is that the leads are all well liked and strongly performing professionals, otherwise that drama would have gone the same way as Moorim School.


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I heart Dear My Friends.


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I suddenly choose to watch Beautiful gong shim and even it kinda weird at some point but I like the character, they seem so real and genuine. They are flawed but they all try to tie up the loose end of their life alone when they may need someone to help them. I hope the story gets better.


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OMG Beautiful Gong-Shim is SOOOO GOOD! The ratings are pretty high I'm guessing for the first episode.


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It is so good I love the lead guys oh my!


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so many good dramas.. so little time.


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Five Kids is still number one with me, and the romance storyline with Sang Min and Yeon Tae loving it. So good to see Mi Jung and Sang Tae calling each other honey. I look forward to the weekend just to catch this family drama. Oh and what the MIL did in the preview will have some serious reprecussions I so hope.

Mirror of the Witch did have good special effects as for romance I don't really see it as such, more about good vs evil and the never ending struggle between the two, I found it interesting that the king and queen didn't age in 17 years, lol.

Gong Shim is an unexpected gem, it quietly tickles your funny bone and touches your emotions I think the casting is spot on, and I'm so grateful it is being subbed, at one of my favorite kdrama sites.

Still love the Lawyer, it entertains me, and it has a nice dramatic comedic balance. Loving it.


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I love Five Kids and I am so glad it is retaining its number one position for weekend dramas. It's like comfort food: warm and deeply satisfying so you never get tired of watching it and actually feel refreshed when you are done. Kudos to all the cast and crew!


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Dear My Friends is E.X.C.E.L.L.E.N.T.!!! what a joy to see all the veteran actors in one drama!

the banter is hilarious, many times my daughter would listen/overhear conversations i have with or about my friends and she'd say "you guys have more drama than i did in high school..."
: D


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