Cheese in the Trap reboot film secures Park Hae-jin to reprise lead role

Wow, so this is really happening, is it? They’re actually doing a Cheese in the Trap reboot movie, and Park Hae-jin is returning to play the leading man once again?

I’m a little apprehensive, a little surprised, and also a little intrigued at how a movie can retell the story and (1) do the webtoon justice, which seems to be the number 1 complaint among the fanbase, and (2) do better than the drama, which was poised to become a runaway hit… until things went awry in the later episodes and left us with a bitter taste in our mouths.

It’s that second option that I’m most interested to see, because this is a clear case where it feels important that the movie be better than the drama. It’s not just an actor playing a character again; in the case of Cheese in the Trap, this movie takes on Added Implications.

There is by now a generally accepted narrative about the drama’s production that paints the director, PD Lee Yoon-jung, as the bad guy for inexplicably sidelining her leading man, placing undue attention on a secondary character, and ruining what should have been a sweet, poignant coming-of-age romance with a strange fixation on someone outside that love story. I say generally accepted because whether or not that is accurate to the true behind-the-scenes story (that nobody knows, other than the drama’s director and perhaps her immediate circle), it’s the narrative that prevails. Webtoon creator Soonkki was upset enough with the drama’s choices that she spoke out about her disappointment as well.

So for that sidelined leading man to come back for a second attempt, and with the webtoon creator also onboard — well, it means that this movie has Things To Prove. I didn’t think Park Hae-jin would put himself through the same project another time after the way Cheese ended, but he did seem to really care about narrative integrity being thwarted, and perhaps feels the urge to be a part of this revision. Maybe it’ll even be a part of his healing process, who knows.

According to reports, Kim Go-eun and Seo Kang-joon, who played Seol and In-ho in the drama are unlikely to be in the film, and I have to say it’ll be an odd feeling to watch Yoo Jung sunbae falling in love with a whole new Seol, in a story that we’ve already seen parts of before. I just don’t know if I want to watch that… but I also feel like there’s no way I can’t! AH THE DILEMMA.

Making the new film will be production company Mountain Movement Story, headed by producers Lee Dong-ho (Inside Men) and Hwang Ji-sun, with Chinese co-producers and co-investors also attached.

The new Cheese in the Trap movie aims to release next summer.

Via Star News, Joy News


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No. This is just like Sassy Girl 2.


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This would be My Creepy Guy The movie


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Cheese in the Trap: Can't Nobody Hold Me Down

Cheese in the Trap: Surprise... I Bet You Thought You'd Seen the Last of Me

Cheese in the Trap: Here We Go Again

Cheese in the Trap: You thought...


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The Cheese in the Trap

2 Cheese 2 Trap

The Cheese in the Trap: The Movie?

Cheese & Trap

Cheese 5

Cheese & Trap 6

Trap 7


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The grinding blades are right in front once more... can you see it too? Just waiting to destroy whatever that's left

well I hope that some healing will take place instead !


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As much as I like Park Hae Jin and Cheese in the Trap (up to eps 12), I hope they don't make the movie version of it UNLESS they can guarantee that it will do justice to Jung and Seol characters. If the writer and the PD can do that, I don't mind who the actress is... I can even like Suzy to play Seol.


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Wow. I have no idea what to think, lol.


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This is the worst idea ever.

Or not.

We'll find out in due time.


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When news of the movie adaptation first broke right after the show ended, my initial response was, "Nooooooooo!" I was too bitter about the falloff of the drama in the second half and not ready to return to it even for the possibility of a better ending. Now that time has passed, I feel a bit more open to the idea. Park Hae Jin really is amazing as Yoo Jung. When I talk to people about the show (who haven't seen it), I'm always like, "Park Hae Jin is great, but don't watch it! Just don't!" It would be nice to actually be able to recommend CITT to people without reservations, if the film is decent of course.

I'm fine with a different cast other than PHJ. I thought everyone else in the cast was good in their own way (including SKJ), but Park Hae Jin was the only one who felt exactly like the webtoon character. That's why he seems like the only actor who is essential. It's not that the others were bad, but there is definitely room for new actors to come in and interpret those characters differently. I am actually curious about how other actors can play Seol, Inha, and Inho.


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Tbh, I love PHJ to bits and was going to check out the drama version JUST for him but was scared away because of all the negative reviews.

As someone who has not watched the drama & who isn't keen on any of the original actors except for PHJ, I'm excited for this remake. I will definitely watch it and hope for a good actress to play seol. Personally I would love chun woo hee but I think they may cast a Chinese actress for seol since it's a joint production? Regardless, I hope I can at least stand her. Crazy double standards here but I have to atleast like the actress enough to watch a drama (I couldn't even finish DoTS even though I loveeeeeee SJK cuz I just don't care for SHK.)


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As a Nigerian I'm almost like 12000% sure that some sort witchcraft had to used to pull him back into this thing. Because correct me if I'm wrong but not only did they play him in the show but everyone in the whole freaking cast went on vacation without him. Like there's no way some sort of black magic wasn't used in this thing. I refuse to believe it.... I'm still gonna watch though.


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PLease cast Gong Seung Yeon please


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The comments are killing me *points at the drama* behold, the true supreme...

Movie...Cheese in the Trap: Still I Rise


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Oh please please please have beautiful soundtracks like the tv series!


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Hmmmm. This reminds me of Broadchurch where the UK actor played the same character in the US version of the show. It didnt work out well. Having said this, as a person who didnt read the manga and didnt watch the tv version of CITT the movie version may actually be good.


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wow congratulations for Him after playing the victim he won everything and beside that his mates got the hatred and blaming for nothing seriously I don't like his personality I hope the co actors who will play with him to be careful .


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If you've been following the whole CitT saga then you know this isn't true. But hey, haters gonna hate.


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I am not fan or a hater @Elle but I notices what happened and the results for his attitude sorry not all movie makers are following the Book they are changing the events to not to follow original and you have an examples but in CIT what is done by PHJ is to gain sympathy as an a viewer I read news and K netizen comments he succeeded in what he did everything are for himself and the others efforts are granted like as they were the criminals really ??
Not this accident only make me notice that attitude from him but I don't want to talk here .....his personality not as easy as you are thinking .


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Um... no. The thing is, fans were already screaming for blood when PHJ spoke up (which he only did after Soonkki issued her own statement washing her hands of the whole mess). What he said (in the most diplomatic terms, mind you) only confirms what eagle-eyed viewers already suspected: that his scenes were cut, that those scenes were important in Jung's character development, and he had no idea why so much of his scenes were cut. He then (in subsequent statements) praised his fellow cast members and urged the public to continue supporting the show.

Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken up before the drama ended, but I think he felt strongly enough about the network jeopardizing his work that he had to speak up. He didn't start this - the fire was already there. There's no issue if only cosmetic cuts were made, if the integrity of the show wasn't sacrificed. But it was, and the audience started seeing the signs WAY before he and Soonkki spoke up.

The fact that he still promoted overseas despite the whole mess speaks to his professionalism. He's the only one who advertised the drama overseas and smoothed things over when all hell broke loose. If you must blame anyone, blame the CitT crew for screwing the cast over and the Korean netizens for bringing undeserved hate on KGE and SKJ.

If you don't like PHJ you'll probably find fault in anything he does so there's little I or anyone can say to change your mind.


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Agreed.. His victim mentality is obvious and he is success for making everyone symphatize with him. Sorry man, Cutting scene is already common in any movie / drama / documentary / etc… Why make it such a big deal? There is so many actor who get treated like that and they don't make a fuss.. particularly at the middle of production, so unprofesional. It's not like his acting is good or anything.

The theme in CITT is about a problem in a society, that is a victim mentality, and in this mess, The theme really fit the conflict off screen.


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1. "His victim mentality is obvious and he is success for making everyone symphatize with him. Sorry man, Cutting scene is already common in any movie / drama / documentary / etc… Why make it such a big deal?"

>> Editing is part of filming-production process, indeed. However it can turn out to be good or bad. And imho PHJ felt the later.

If viewers didn't feel the same way as him, I don't think it would viral this big. CITT became huge mess because the viewers were just as disappointed as PHJ, regarding the way production team handling the story.

Viewers have high intelligence and keen eyes in deciding whether a drama is good or not. I believe them (us!) cannot be stirred merely because of an actor's statement.

2. 'It’s not like his acting is good or anything'

>>Could you elaborate your statement?

3.'The theme in CITT is about a problem in a society, that is a victim mentality, and in this mess, The theme really fit the conflict off screen.'

>>CITT is a story made by webtoonist Soonki respectively. What's going on off-screen with its drama adaptation is whole different matter. Treating them as a set is biased and not objective.


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1. I agree , it would have been better. But His complain when the drama itself haven't finished airing is really unprofesional. You could start complain behind the scene. Don't such make a big fuss.. His complain about YJ childhood is uncall for, because to me It's not adding anything new, we already told his personality multiple times, we already knew BAek sibling got adopted because his anti-social issue. It's clear he got upset based on personal matter. He got limit screen time

1. ‘It’s not like his acting is good or anything’.
For me his lifeless and wooden acting in some scene doesn't add much to the plot. Like every his scene when he is alone in the car, or in the room. The production have limit screen time. THey will cut something that is unnecesary. I know there is something more than we don't know about behind the scene. But blame all of it on PD? Please. Look your acting first before complain, PHJ...

3. For me, It's clear we saw differently of CITT is all about. For several Avid CITT webtoon fans, they might be think it's about romance, others fans find it Yo Jung character is the one who makes this webtoon interesting. But for me, it's about something more than that. It's about victim mentality we often see in everyday life, And that narrative is the most interesting think in a drama or webtoon. The irony is almost everyone whom are more focal are the one who like to use a victim mentality card in their hand.


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while victim mentality can be a problem, the complexes some people have towards anyone who gains success or anyone who can't accept injustice is a bigger problem!

Your calling the acting skills of an actor who has received awards since the very beginning of his career, not good or anything, proves where the problem really is!

Deal with it man!


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i think this is the way they apologize for the unpleasantness they made.


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Surprised that he accepted the role reprisal, but gotta say PHJ is perfect as Jung. For the rest of the cast though, I wonder who they will find. Comparisons with the drama would be inevitable. I just hope whoever they cast will be suitable for their roles. At least script wise, things should be good with Soonkki's involvement.


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It will be weird if the original cast aren't coming back for the movie, I think the main problem is CITT fans are waiting for satisfying closure for Jung and Seol relationship, hence it will be a bad idea if the production company choose completely different cast except for Park Hae Jin, especially if they cast new Seol (I heard they will cast Chinese actress?It will be very awkward for sure) At least please cast Korean actress for Seol.

Kim Go Eun is a movie starlet, she has enough charisma and experience, so why don't cast her back? And as much I despised the Baek Siblings in the drama, I think Seo Kang Joong and Lee Sung Kyung should be recast as well, if the main 4 is back, this movie will be a hit for sure. We are waiting for a good closure, that's all we are asking.


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3 months later

And Cheese in the Trap still manage to bring heated debate everywhere.


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Unlike you I cannot imagine anyone else playing a role already played perfectly by PHJ and I would love to see Jung fall in love with another Seol as I didn't like Seol at the first place. Seol needs to be played by an actress with a pure image (definitely not KGE after Muse) with enough integrity not to shoot scenes already shot with her leading man, with her second leading man!
And do not even get me started with SKJ.
I don't think the situation you call awry has just happened out of incompetence. It was definitely one of those dirty tricks that are common in the entertainment industry.

I am eagerly counting the days ans waiting for Jung and new Seol to dazzle me.

I am not wishing for a happy ending but I am keeping my fingers crossed for a decent ending.


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Well, It will probably ruined the mood if the Seol won't be the same Actress, It isn't that easy to change the love with Kim Go-eun as Seol though. But, It's not impossible to try to watch it..


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What the heck.i expcted the same casts.actually its kim go eun and park hae jin puts the entire drama to fullest.why so sudden chnge yoo jung partner.feel sooo dissapointed.


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