Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 4

Hey guys, just popping over to give my thoughts on Beautiful Gong Shim, which is turning out to be a real sleeper hit. Fun, quirky characters populate this little drama world, giving it a life and soul that are simultaneously hilarious and heart-tugging. It’s rare to find a show so instantly-addictive, but consider me well and truly hooked.



Dan-tae gently bandages the tiny scratch on Gong Shim’s wrist, then pushes aside his bangs so she can put a matching bandage on his forehead. He seems veeery aware of how close she is — he definitely feels something. He apologizes, assuming that she’s missing the workshop with Jun-su because she’s here with him.

Gong-shim doesn’t say that she didn’t get into the class, and just mutters that she decided not to go. That puts a pleased little smile on his face, and he happily offers to make her one of his convenience-store meals.

After the workshop, Jun-su sees a drenched Gong Mi trying feebly to hail a taxi, though we see that she left her umbrella behind in the classroom on purpose. He offers her a ride to the subway station, which she demurely declines just enough for plausibility before hopping into his car.

Gong Shim balks when Dan-tae asks why she came to his office — she has no excuse to explain her snooping. She says that she was curious about him, which startles Dan-tae, and Gong Shim laughs nervously that that sounded really weird. She tries again with, “I wanted to get to know you!” then realizes that sounds wrong, too. Everything she says sounds like a confession, ha.

She can’t get it right and finally just waves that it didn’t mean anything, though by now she’s so tongue-tied that it totally sounds like something to Dan-tae. He reveals that he’s been curious about her since they met, but when Gong Shim looks more horrified than flattered, he does this adorably awkward laugh and also claims he misspoke.

He can’t say what he wants to say without it sounding like a love confession either, though on his end I’m pretty sure it sort of is. He ends up just babbling, but Gong Shim wants to know what he means by wanting to get to know her better, and Dan-tae just says it’s the hair.

When Gong Shim won’t let him of the hook, Dan-tae finally says that he wanted to know what was going on inside her head. What kind of woman gets drunk and sleeps at other people’s houses? When he mentions her hiding in the trash, Gong Shim gets offended and leaves.

Jun-su drives Gong Mi to the station, and asks her what made her interested in woodworking. She makes up something about furniture-making, pretending she’s had some lifelong calling to make tables.

Dan-tae follows Gong Shim and they walk slowly, and he points out that they’re walking andante (a musical term for slowly), like his name. That’s why he named his law firm “Walking.”

She asks how he became such a good fighter, and he says he’s not good at fighting, he’s good at dodging. He doesn’t want to reveal his secret, but when Gong Shim leans in close so he can whisper, her proximity disarms him. He tells her to take a swing at him, and he’ll show her.

She does, and he easily dodges and stops her forward motion with a hand to the forehead. Hee. She swings again and he catches her by the chin this time. He explains that he has the ability to see very fast things as if they’re moving slowly, dynamic visual acuity, so he can get out of the way.

He tells her about his recurring dreams of the little boy — a big truck approaches the boy, who tries to run, but he can’t move. But the boy sees the truck moving slower, and he’s able to dodge it. Since he started having these dreams at fifteen, Dan-tae’s been able to see fast things moving slowly too, but to this day he still doesn’t know who that boy is.

Gong Shim suddenly slaps Dan-tae, hard, then asks why he didn’t dodge. HAHA, he has to see it coming to dodge! He’s all, Hit me when I’m looking!! but Gong Shim argues that people don’t only hit you when you’re looking. Good point. She walks away all prim, then gets the grins when Dan-tae chases her. These two are so cute.

When they arrive home Dan-tae says he’ll be moving out of the rooftop apartment tomorrow. He says he’s happy to me moving in with his dad, though he doesn’t actually sound that happy.

He suddenly runs inside the convenience store for his favorite lunch box, ha. Gong Shim is surprised to see her friend Gu-nam working there now, even though he lives over an hour away, and his odd reaction reveals that he’s here to be closer to Gong Shim. Awww, friend crush.

Dan-tae starts to ask Gong Shim why her sister has two rooms while she has none, but he doesn’t even finish his sentence before he sees Gong Mi outside the store. He follows Gong Shim outside almost protectively, and Gong Mi gives him the stinkeye until he leaves. He doesn’t take his eyes off her though, suspicious of Gong Shim’s unni.

Gong Shim asks Gong Mi why she’s home so late, and Gong Mi lies that she was with a friend. But she asks about Jun-su in the very next breath, though Gong Shim refuses to say anything about her employer.

To save face, Gong Mi barks for Gong Shim not to see that raggedy rooftop guy anymore, and when she sees Gong Shim’s bandage and remembers Dan-tae’s matching one, she asks if Gong Shim is dating him. Gong Shim’s reaction is suspicious, as is the fact that he’s suddenly moving out.

She warns Gong Shim not to embarrass her, and Gong Shim snaps back for Gong Mi to stop ordering her around — she has a job now, too. She says that she lost something today because of Gong Mi’s bossiness, but refuses to go into detail when Gong Mi asks what it was (knowing full well it was the class).

Upstairs, Dan-tae removes the bandage Gong Shim placed on his forehead and moons at it, then sticks it to his mirror. Oh boy, that smile — he’s got it bad already.

We see Dan-tae’s father approach a large tree on a hillside, and he clutches its bark, crying and apologizing. Whatever he’s apologizing for, he’s utterly distraught.

Jun-su and his parents pick up his father’s mother at the airport, and there’s a lot of love between all four of them, which just highlights Jun-su’s maternal Grandma’s coldness and her obsession with her missing grandson.

Dan-tae’s father leaves an envelope at Jun-su’s family home, stuffing it through the mail slot and quickly shuffling away. The contents nearly send Grandma into fits — it’s a necklace that she once gave her missing grandson Jun-pyo.

Dan-tae’s father calls from a pay phone and whispers that the necklace is proof that he knows where Jun-pyo is. He tells Grandma to meet him at a park the following day, and to come alone with the envelope.

Gong Shim bakes her famous cookies, claiming they’re for the office, though Mom mentions that she baked them often the last time she had a crush. Gong Shim gets twitchy and says they’re just snacks, sheesh, piquing Gong Mi’s interest.

Oh boy, Dan-tae is a total smitten kitten — he’s actually singing a song about a girl with bobbed hair. He bops happily into the convenience store to see Gong Shim crouched in a corner, and he sneaks up behind her… only to scream and fall over when she turns around with huge, misplaced fake eyelashes, HA.

Gong Shim asks if they’re really that weird, and Dan-tae is all, It’s totally weird. But it’s even more weird that she has to ask. He stops her from leaving the store like that, and when she pops back up sans makeup, he has this gobsmacked slo-mo moment at her natural prettiness. Someone’s got it baaaad.

He makes the dumbest joke ever to cover up his staring, and it’s hilarious how his face shows that he knows this is stupid even as he’s saying it. He finds Gong Shim’s annoyance adorable though, and he trails after like a puppy as she walks to work.

He asks who she’s trying to impress with all that makeup, needling her even harder the more irritates she gets. When she snaps that she took off the makeup, geez, Dan-tae says disarmingly, “Not dressing up looks better on you.” ~melts~ Gong Shim is obviously made of sterner stuff than me, because she just threatens to rip his hair out again.

He keeps following Gong Shim, claiming that he’s totally not following her, he’s just also going this way. Riiiight. He bugs her for a going-away party as her tenant, just grasping for reasons to keep talking to her, and Gong Shim finally makes her getaway.

Mom buys a fancy new dress on Gong Mi’s dime, to impress her old Miss Korea friends. She won the pageant, but the other girls married well, and she doesn’t want them knowing that she married a man who lost his business. She’s hoping one of them will have a son suitable for Gong Mi.

In fact Mom already has one in mind, but Gong Mi puts a moratorium on blind dates. They suspect she’s found a man and warn her not to settle, but she assures them she knows better.

HAHA, Dan-tae’s rigged a fishing pole so that he can reel snacks up from the convenience store without having to come down the stairs, and Gu-nam sends him up a bunch of bananas. In his excitement, Dan-tae loses control and whacks Gong Mi on the head with the bananas, and she runs up the stairs to confront him.

He’s appropriately sorry, but Gong Mi is furious and starts insulting him. She grabs the bananas and slams them to the ground, horrifying Dan-tae, but he cheers back up to see that they’re still edible.

On her way to work, Gong Shim fantasizes about Jun-su falling for her after tasting her cookies, and taking her to meet his parents as his fiancee. They enthusiastically approve of her, of course, as Jun-su beams at her adoringly.

Her daydreaming makes her late for work, and she scurries in and plops down in her chair — and onto President Seok’s lap. Whoops, busted. And then to make things worse, she blurts out, “Father!” (As in, in-law.) President Seok warns her not to let him get to work before her again, or else.

Gong Shim pulls Jun-su aside later and asks him to delete the photo that Dan-tae accidentally sent to him, the ones of her drunk and hiding in the garbage. He cutely asks what she’ll do for him if he does, so she offers him her tasty cookies. He plays with her a little, enjoying how she gets up close to try to snatch his phone away, but he does delete the picture.

Seeing the suspicious looks they’re attracting from the other employees, Gong Shim asks Jun-su to please treat her professionally as any other employee, not as a friend. He apologizes and agrees, then orders her, as her boss, to eat lunch at a certain restaurant today. He warns her with a cheeky grin, “If you eat anywhere else, you’re fired.”

While cleaning the president’s desk later, Gong Shim accidentally shatters a crystal glass. She ducks under the desk to pick up the shards, and is forced to hide there when Jun-su and his mother come in to talk. Mom asks about the rumor that Jun-su is getting close to Gong Shim, but he assures her it’s nothing.

Mom warns him not to get too close to a mere secretary — as future CEO, he’s got to protect his reputation. She says he’s too nice, which is why low-class girls flirt with him, and Jun-su agrees that she’s always right. From under the desk, Gong Shim is unable to see Jun-su’s placating expression… she takes his words at face value, and tears fill her eyes.

Dan-tae dresses up (which for him means not not capri pants), taking a moment to smile at the band-aid from Gong Shim, and goes to his mother’s memorial vault. Outside, his father talks to Dan-tae’s aunt, who’s horrified to hear that he plans to tell Dan-tae “everything.”

She doesn’t see the point in his meeting his birth family at this late date, and how will they face him afterward? But Dan-tae’s father says that his time is limited — he’s dying of a brain tumor, and only has a few months to live. He wants to clear his conscience while he can.

Dan-tae’s aunt is violently against this, frantically grabbing him to keep him from going inside and telling the truth. Dad whirls and screams at her that he has to confess his sins before he dies, but he’s struck with a seizure and has to be taken to the hospital.

Inside, Dan-tae waits for his father, who never comes. He assumes he’s still angry with him, telling his mother’s picture (with tears in his eyes, awww) that he wouldn’t forgive him either.

Gong Shim had decided not to give Jun-su the cookies after hearing his conversation with his mother, so Gong Mi gets a nasty little idea. She takes the cookies to woodworking class and hands them out, pretending she made them herself.

Gong Shim goes to the rooftop apartment that afternoon, to see that Dan-tae accidentally took the things she left there when he moved out. She goes to his office, and is surprised to see all of his belongings piled up there, since he was supposed to be moving in with his father. His aunt tells Gong Shim that his father didn’t show up, and Dan-tae didn’t want to live in the new place alone.

She finds Dan-tae drinking alone at a pojangmacha, and joins him. He’s clearly been drinking for a while already, and he looks pleased to see her. Gong Shim doesn’t mention that she knows why he’s drinking, that his father didn’t show today, but she offers to drink with him.

Dan-tae tells her not to get drunk: “I don’t feel like playing hide-and-seek today.” He asks why she stopped, saying that it would have been better if she’d gone on home, since she might feel worse keeping him company. Awww, that just twists my heart.

Still, he does look pleased when she stays, and they each down a shot of soju. Dan-tae asks when Gong Shim is moving back to the apartment, and she makes a split-second decision, telling him that she decided not to. She claims that she needs the rent it brings in, so she’s going to put it back up for rent.

Dan-tae sighs that he’s worried that living with his father won’t be much fun, plus he’s used to living alone. He suddenly changes the subject and asks again why Gong Shim put on fake eyelashes this morning, and she says that it’s because she envies her beautiful sister.

Dan-tae seems surprised at the idea that Gong Mi is beautiful, and he looks Gong Shim right in the eyes as he says, “To me, the prettiest woman in the world is Gong Shim.” Swoon forever. But Gong Shim thinks he’s teasing, and just offers to pay for the drinks.

Happily drunk, Dan-tae reaches out to pinch Gong Shim’s cheek, calling her cute. She gets annoyed and sweeps his arm away, and Dan-tae goes face down, passed out cold.

Gong Shim only now notices that the two bottle of soju on the table are only the tip of the iceberg — there are many more on the floor at Dan-tae’s feet. She’s forced to piggyback his drunk butt home, which is hilarious since he’s roughly twice her size.

She stops to rest her aching back, though she moans that it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as what she heard earlier today. Since Dan-tae’s still mostly unconscious, Gong Shim feels safe confiding that she learned that Jun-su is only being nice to her out of pity.

She still can’t rouse him, so Gong Shim piggybacks him the rest of the way to the empty rooftop apartment, then rolls him up in a blanket and leaves a bottle of water, before going home herself. On her way out, she gives the chair that Jun-su fixed a sad face.

Jun-su’s parents and paternal grandmother present Grandma with legal papers declaring Jun-pyo officially a missing person. The papers essentially mean that they’re declaring him dead, which the family wants because a majority share of company stocks are still held in his name. Grandma goes ballistic.

She accuses them of being greedy and grasping, and demands that they have the papers reversed immediately. Even Jun-su’s other grandmother stands up for their decision, but Grandma refuses to listen.

Dan-tae can’t remember anything from the night before, and he’s adorably sheepish as Gong Shim fusses at him for grabbing her cheek. She tells him that he begged her to let him back in the apartment, and all he can do is apologize over and over.

Grandma calls Dan-tae for his professional opinion on the declaration about her son’s missing status, and he tells her that it can’t be cancelled. The only way to reverse the ruling is for the missing person to come back, alive. She asks him for a ride to the park, where she’s supposed to meet her informant (his father).

Grandma waits anxiously, but the man who called her never shows up. He’s in the hospital, unconscious, and Dan-tae’s aunt says that it’s better this way. Grandma tearfully begs Dan-tae to help her find her missing grandson Jun-pyo.

That night, Jun-su notices when Gong Mi doesn’t make it to woodworking class. After class he sees her on the street nearby and stops, and she admits that she’s been waiting for him. She confesses that the cookies were only for him, but she was too shy so she gave them to the whole class. She admits that she’s curious about Jun-su, and asks him out. He’s taken aback, but he accepts.

Gong Shim and Dan-tae run into each other at the office, and she’s grouchy from her sore back after carrying him home. As apology, he offers to take her to a restaurant that Jun-su recommends, and she pretends to just barely allow it while secretly smiling. Aww, you think he’s cute.

She balks a little to see how fancy the place is, and Dan-tae jokes that he can afford it… if he eats ramyun for the next two months. But he eventually convinces her, and leads her inside.

They barely miss seeing Jun-su and Gong Mi pull up in his car, Dan-tae hilariously mimicking Gong Shim’s sore-backed ajumma shuffle. But Gong Mi does see them, and watches them enter the restaurant with narrowed eyes.


This has got to be the flat-out cutest drama I’ve ever seen. It’s so quirky and wonky and endearing, with characters that don’t fit into any stock molds and who just wiggle into your heart right away. The hero isn’t a jerk or mean to the heroine (yeah he pokes fun, but there’s no real meanness to it — he’s more like an elementary-school kid might pull the pigtails of the girl he likes), and he actually accepts his own crush on her right away without trying to pretend it’s not happening. The heroine has no romantic interest in the hero at all (that she knows of), finding him annoying and pesky, not to mention that she’s his landlord so in a position of power over him, to a point. And the chaebol is a decent guy who seems really sweet and kind, for once. There’s nothing really innovative in the plot, but with characters this precious, we’re tuning in for them anyway, am I right?

I don’t expect there to be any surprises as far as the story goes, which is just fine with me, because watching these particular characters navigate through familiar drama waters is why we’re all here. We do have the well-known birth-secret trope looming over us, with the male leads being related — that reveal should cause some drama later on, but I don’t expect it to threaten their budding bromance in any real way. While the setup is familiar, with Dan-tae sure to be the missing Jun-pyo, I still expect the details to be interesting enough to hold our attention, though I do hope the show doesn’t get too bogged down in it. Its strength is its characters, and I hope the show is aware of that enough to remember to keep them front and center.

Dan-tae definitely has a full-blown crush by now, and it’s no wonder… He already found Gong Shim intriguing, but a lot of things she said in this episode, which from her side came from a place of trying to hide her spying on him, could be interpreted as statements of interest. So here’s a guy who already thinks a girl is interesting, and he feels for her in her family situation, and now she’s saying things like that she’s curious about him. No wonder his interest bloomed into an actual crush! And thank goodness, because Dan-tae with a crush is probably the weirdest and cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. He follows her around, pestering her like a little boy, but every time he gets close to being truly annoying, he says something genuinely sweet, which just makes you wanna hug him. I can’t tell if he’s doing it on purpose or not, though my gut feeling is that he’s just being himself — he says what he wants, when he wants, and what he wants can change on a dime. I think that Gong Shim just gets frustrated because she can’t keep up with his shifting moods, and she doesn’t know what to think of him. It doesn’t occur to her that he might be interested in her, so she assumes he’s pestering her just to get her angry. I’m curious to see her face when she realizes that he’s actually doing it because he likes her.

I do think that Gong Shim likes Dan-tae, on a friendly level at least, and that there’s more there that she just hasn’t recognized yet. She seeks him out at times, though I don’t think she really understands why. And she did give up her apartment so that Dan-tae would have a place to come back to, even though it meant she has to keep living in a closet. She even did it in such a way that Dan-tae could keep his pride, and pretend that he chose to come back rather than having nowhere else to go, which was really sweet of her. Those aren’t insignificant things, and they speak to a deeper feeling than I think Gong Shim knows she’s feeling towward Dan-tae, because she’s already altering her own life to help him. Right now I think she’s just starry-eyed over Jun-su, which is overshadowing the more subtle underlying emotions she’s feeling towards Dan-tae (not to mention that whole annoying-little-boy thing he does). But she’s not a stupid girl, and once she’s done mooning over Jun-su, I’m very much looking forward to seeing her abject horror when she realizes that the guy she really likes, is Dan-tae.


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@lollypip I thought the same til ep 4 then 5/6 were just so so. If story does not pickup pace, dropping like a hot spud!


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the cuteness still rest in those last episodes, I love how Dan Tae is actually helping Gong Shim to grow personally - he is showing the way of the large gray scale of the life itself, because her opinions and her behavior is all black and white, she doesn't see the inbetweens and I love the way, how he is teaching her to count ;-)


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Posts should NOT reference episodes that have aired after the episode being recapped. That is disrespectful to LollyPip, recap author, who has taken her valuable time to post this excellent recap. It is common sense and well known dramabeans commenting etiquette.


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Huh? Why?
This comment only mention eps 5/6 without spoiling anything. And your use of bold is distracting.


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Because Dramabeans has rules for commenting and that's one of them. Check theDB menu to read the rules.


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If you wish to go there...Let me quote it then:

"NO SPOILERS. This means anything that has happened in a series beyond the recap in which you are posting. If you post spoilers, they will be deleted, you will grow warts on your toes, and javabeans will learn how to make voodoo dolls to stick you in effigy. Don’t make her come after you."

The OP did not post any spoiler content, whatsoever. Mentioning that a person watched future episodes without posting anything about what happened in those future episodes is not a spoiler. So then what rule did the OP brake?

Since when saying "I watched the next few episodes and didn't like them" equals to a spoiler?


Thanks for the recap LollyPip! Oh how I love this drama! I catch myself grinning like a fool through most of each episode because these characters are so silly and just so stinking cute.

Except sister Gong Mi. Ack - could she lie any more? She is awful and makes me wonder what is up with her character, because so far, most of the characters have some redeeming quality but I'm finding it hard to like Gong Mi at all. Could it be that we will find there is something else at play making her act this way? (Like misplaced jealousy because she has to carry the family on her back while thinking Gong Shim gets off easy - that sort of thing. Although at this point, even if there is a "reason" for her dishonesty and meanness, it won't excuse her behavior in my book.) Whatever the motivation, does anyone else foresee her somehow ending up working with Dan Tae (as they are both lawyers) and she gains a new perspective?

There must be a whole lot left to the plot that they are going to dole out a little at a time, considering we still have so many episodes left. But I am NOT complaining! I am loving every minute of this show!


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Yeah Gong mi is nasty in this epi and I admit it did cross my mind about what you said- her working with Dan Tae and learning that success/happiness isn't only with money.
But I wonder if she is going to end up really liking Jin Su, as a person and not as the star group's grandson, and then when the birth secret is revealed, have to decide if she still is going to hang around if Jin Su isn't going to inherit everything.
But I think so far the writer is purposely being vague with the romantic relationships btw Jin Su/Gong Shim/Gong Mi/Dan Tae to keep us guessing whether GS will end up with JS or DT.
Because in epi 5/6 I'm feeling the romance btw JS and GS and then maybe GM and JS at the end. And terribly one sided btw DT and GS. GS was more annoyed at DT than feeling anything else.

So who knows what's going to happen.


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I think they're just taking their time to develop the romance between DT and GS. I'm totally fine with it being one-sided right now because we still have 14 episodes to go- if I'm not wrong.


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I think Gong Mi working with Dan Tae would come true. Because the premise of this drama is story of two sisters (not two brothers) and whether with their difference could let a happy life. So I think Gong Mi growth is in store.

Untill eps 6 they still take time to develop all side of the romance. I could see Junsu liking Gong Shim and start appreciating Gong Mi. All combination of the end pair is possible. So I just watching it for the cute right now.


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"And thank goodness, because Dan-tae with a crush is probably the weirdest and cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time."

- Isn't it though?! I love it.


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Yup! He totally is.
Remembering it brought a smile to my face today


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He is super cute! I guess it helps that I'm a scaredy cat so I've never seen him be a serial killer.


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Oh I just loveeee GoongMin in here! So glad he took this role! Thx Lollipip!!


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Thanks again Dramabeans team for recapping this, and I know you guys have put in extra effort to quickly get up to date with the recaps. It's great because we get more than 2 recaps a week and your thoughts remind me why I like this show.

^ I agree with @BA that epi 5/6 weren't as strong as the prior 4. For me it's because I felt the exact same way as Lollypip did this episode and am shipping Gong Shim and Dan Tae. But Dan Tae is too much like a little boy pulling on Gong Shim's pigtails to show that he likes her, and I'm not feeling that Gong Shim is liking him back enough. Not enough sweet/melty moments from Dan Tae to make up for his childish antics.

I'm hoping and praying (very hard!) that the story gets better this weekend, especially between GS and DT. I still be hanging on to this show though, because I've really fallen in love with the characters and I want to see them through and know their story. I just hope that the ride with be a cracktastic one, and not one that will make me fall asleep.

Thanks again for the recap. I really needed something to cheer me up today (RL is tough at the moment) and this helped ❤️


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Beanies, please avoid spoilers. The Gong Shim recap team started last week and is catching up to the new episodes.

Keep the discussion within the current or previous recap's events or your drama will be cursed and Gong Mi will stay evil but end up with Jun-su or Dan-tae.


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Sorry Mary!
Didn't mean to spoil it. *kneels down to plead for forgiveness*
Pls don't curse them! I want this Story to have a Happy Ending pls! One that I won't want to throw sharp objects at.


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Dantae is #gold

I'm not feeling Gong Shim's style. If they are going with an ugly duckling look, her outfit is actually considered quirky and chic. If they are going with a shabby, I've-been-unemployed-for-months look, they should have learned from She Was Pretty heroine's style.

The thing is, Gong Shim's outfit is repetitive. She wears overall dresses or overall jumpsuit almost EVERY DAY. The individual outfit is not terrible, but the collection of outfit in all these episodes make me wonder whether she had any other work-appropriate clothes. Like, cigarette pants? Cullotes without shoulder strap? Dress skirt?


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I kept thinking the same thing Chiisan! I don't mind what Gong Shim wears--it's her own unique style. I'm just wondering about the unrealistic-ness of it. I mean she's supposed to be working for this ubber important company, as the chairman's secretary no less! Isn't there some sort of dress code. My own workplace dress code is more stringent than that and I work at a school (I have a very picky principal).

From all the other dramas I've seen, the position Gong Shim has requires a heart of steel, viciousness and flawless style. I like that Gong Shim doesn't have the first two, but it seems weird that no one has told her to adhere to business dress style.


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I noticed that once a female character is dressed a certain way, then the same style is oftentimes repeated. Which is really too bad, especially when it is so obvious like for GS...

I find GS style to be more quirky than shabby. Perhaps not quirky, but more like .. plain ? Unstylish? And maybe that is considered as "ugly" in Korea ( I have no idea but just wondering...)?


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I really loooove Gong Shim's style. I think she looks super cute and definitley quircky and stylish. But I loved the heroine's style in She Was Pretty as well so what do I know about fashion.

I do feel like the outfits she wears look kind of expensive though?


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I don't like her clothes either. They aren't quirky, they look cheap and ugly. And I wish she would be more serious about work as well. Being late, screwing up... I'd like it if she tried her hardest but still messed up, because at least then she was trying. So far she would be serious about it. I'd also like to know more about her dream that she mentioned.


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She should really ditch the wig, at least. It doesn't look bad, but it just makes her look so fake.


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Her clothes make her look 20-35lbs heavier than she actually is. Maybe done on purpose?


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Maybe that's the point. She's meant to frustrate viewers in many ways and wonder why she's so weird.
She's very antisocial? GS and DT are similar yet different.
I can't wait to get the romance in full swing! It would be highly interesting.

It's sad that this is the only drama I'm invested in right now. I kinda miss having 2 or 3 dramas to juggle. I hope this drama continue being awesome!!!


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Yes, I agree with you about the outfits. She's working in a big corporation as the chairman's secretary, she's going to be dealing with important clients and business associates. Wearing that jarring polka-dotted outfit to work oh my goodness. Shouldn't she dress appropriately for work? I get that she's quirky and feels comfortable in her own 'quirky' outfits, but this grates on me. It's so unrealistic. In the real world, she would be given a harsh dressing-down by her boss. It's either Conform or You're Out. Is she deliberately setting herself apart from the rest of her 'normal' colleagues who dress professionally for work? Is it a conscious "I want to be different and quirky" mindset, or is it something that is part of her, that she doesn't see how differently she dresses from her other working colleagues in the office? I have been trying to puzzle her out from the first episode, whether she is just born "different", or whether she has deliberately set out to be different.


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Gong Shim's outfits are slowly changing. She started with heavy sweaters and huge skirts. While she is still wearing layers, they are starting to become more trendy and shapely. I feel like her outfits are going to be comparable to her personality/self metamorphosis. As she becomes happier and more confident with her self, her outfits will also keep changing to fit her personality. They are still quirky because that is Gong Shim but they will become more sleek and stylish.


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Just LOVE this drama - no matter what- every single minute of it. I love laughing this much and I find myself wanting to watch hours of their BTS bloopers because I can only imagine how much they all must be laughing on set.


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Really fun watching this drama.. tumbs up..??


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That whole "I've been curious about you" conversation is great. DT's astonished expression (with a mouth full of food) when GS teĺls him she went to his office out of curiosity, GS's firm denial ("That's sounded wrong, I swear that's not what I meant."), DT's impulse to use the opportunity as a sneaky confession and then cover it up ("I've been curious about you from the beginning. ...you're right, that sounded wrong."), GS refusing to let the subject drop... It's definitely revealing of their feelings--or lack thereof, in GS's case--towards each other.

GM, on the other hand, is pissing me off with her manipulations. JS is too good for her, and although I know they're probably going to end up together (it is a weekend drama), I hope he makes her seriously work for it.

Anyway! I caught them filming in my neighborhood again, so I got a couple of pictures from across the street. My husband got super close, but he got yelled at by the crew when he tried to take pictures so he didn't get anything usable. My phone camera is also really bad, so the shots didn't come out too well. (I was closer than it looks, I promise. I saw Namgoong Min's face!)

Minah (GS) is standing up on the left side, wearing a blue jumper. Namgoong Min (DT) is sitting down on a bench on the right, wearing green. I didn't hear anything other than him calling "Gongshim-sshi!" in a pretty normal tone, so I have no idea what the scene is about.

NOTE: There'a nothing spoilery about these pictures apart from the fact that they're in the park and what they're wearing, so spoiler-phobes can rest assured.



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Awesome ! Thanks for sharing!!!


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You are really lucky!
Thanks for sharing ❤️


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I love how someone (neighborhood resident?) is just blithely walking their dog alongside.


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wow! you are so lucky...thanks for sharing....☺


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I think the "I’ve been curious about you" conversation is because her boss asked her to investigate DT. I think she still doesn't have any romantic feelings towards DT, although it's getting there cause the friendship is building!!!
I totally hate GM!! she's an evil and manipulative, and I want her to end up single! at least for a while till she learns her lesson. I can't believe she's that evil to her sis!

Kender lucky you!!! getting to see Nam Goong Min "up close" <3

thanks for the pics ;)


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Oh yeah, GS is definitely uninterested at that point of the drama, but it's just entertaining to see them have basically the same dialogue coming from two completely different points of view.

He has a beautiful face. *sob*


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I love it when guys fall first and Dan-tae is seriously cute, even if he can't really normally express his feelings for her. Considering she's as weird as he is... I wonder how they'll ever actually reach the next step lol. She does obviously care for him though.

As for the less cute... I seriously HATE Jun-su and Gong Mi and every scene they have together. Gong Mi could be interesting if not for her obsession with him, but I don't understand it at all. I'm not sure how they can ever make it work considering how hateful Gong Mi is and how many lies she's told. Not that I ship him with GS either, since I don't think he gets her. He's nice, but that's about it.

I enjoy the more serious side of this too. The birth secret is pretty interesting and I can't wait until it all comes out because it's going to just ruin a lot of things I can tell.


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Can anyone explain to me why it seems common to have a woman, usually the Grandma who is the head of a huge company in these dramas? Is it a Korean thing?
I always wonder where their husbands are. And why the grandmas then usually dote on their grandsons. Will they also dote on grand daughters?
I expected it to be more male dominated like how Chinese favour the boys because the girls marry out and leave the family.
But then again every one else in charge in the company is male. So I'm not sure.
I haven't watched many Korean dramas but noticed this for this drama and another I watched.


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Was the other drama 'Oh My Venus'? I think it's unusual for it to be a woman, but whenever it is, it's because the younger generation either married into the family or were adopted. In the case of 'Oh My Venus' Young Ho's Dad was married to the matriarchs daughter and that's why they were waiting to pass the company on to Young Ho (the Chairwoman's blood related grandson). Similarly in Beautiful Gong Shim, Joon Pyo is the only blood relative of the grandmother's. The Joon Soo's father is the child of a mistress (and I guess the Dad has passed already) and therefore none of the family other than the missing Joon Pyo are blood related to the matriarch.


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Actually you are right! It was OMV. I guess it's just a coincidence that 2 shows I saw had this.
But I do like the fact that it's not all male dominated all the time anyway. Even if it's rare.
Thanks Lola!


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Many shows have an older female "chairman". Most times the husband and son have passed away and the wife-grandma helms the company until she feels her grandson is ready to take over. I've only seen one chairwoman where the husband was still alive.


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I too think Joon Soo is a passing crush for Gong Shim which she doesn't realize yet that has less deeper emotions attached. She is never truly herself around him but with Dan Tae, she is embarrassingly true to who she is. They even share some unspoken ease when they speak their heart out to each other. And he adores her for just who she is. Namgoong Min is totally another level of awesome here with his crush on Gong Shim. This show is my happy place right now.


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Agree with everything you say! Joon Soo is definitely interested in Gong Shim. The stairwell photo dance made that very clear. He's definitely very cute with her but he is also her 'prince', he's her ideal but not someone (as you say) she can truly be herself with like she can with Ahn Dan Tae.

Nam Goong Min is absolutely crushing this role. But when will Gong Shim realise he likes her???

This show makes me truly giddy.


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Trying to avoid 5/6 spoilers and concentrate on ep 4. Gong Mi is really getting on my nerves. I was feeling bad for her in previous eps because she has such a burden to bear but I think all that motivation aside, she's too cold-blooded to enjoy watching. While I understand why she might want a rich husband (her parents are practically selling her off afterall) and she's actually quite smart about the way she's going about hooking Joon Soo. The fact that it's so manipulative really drives me batty. I want Joon Soo to be too smart to fall for it, but she's good. If only, she had a conscience and heart.

How did that family raise such a sweetheart in Gong Shim? Because the rest of them are complete leeches. Grr the mum and the dad anger me for different reasons but still they make me seethe.

Joon Soo - Aw, poor Gong Shim thinking he was being serious to his mum. Joon Soo is a sweetheart, love him.

Ahn Dan Tae - Such a mix of kindness, intelligence and childishness. He wouldn't be for me, but he's kind of perfect for Gong Shim.

Gong Shim - I know it was a direction for the purposes of humor but Gong Shim sat on top of the President for a long time, even for the lols that was a bit long.


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Ugh, they just had to make the sister catty.

My ideal scenario: successful older sister wants GS to do well and tries to mold her into a mini-me. She finds out GS likes JS and, thinking he's out of her league, schemes to "fix" her sister so GS can get with him. But she accidentally makes JS like her instead. Meanwhile, she's suspicious of DT but eventually DT teaches both sisters that GS is awesome the way she is and they all learn to appreciate one another. Yaaaay.


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I love your story. Why did they have to make the sister so mean. My sisters mean the world to me, and I just feel that the drama would have had so much more warmth and depth if they had made the sister a flawed, but loving woman. I love the actress playing the sister - she's very good.


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Yeah, that's a sour point with me as well. I would easily buy Gong Mi's actions if she were a step sister not a full sibling.

I have three sisters and though we sometimes fight like crazy we are always there for each other and have each other's backs. For a sister to go so far to demean and sabotage another sister feels almost unreal.


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This is one of the cutest drama I've ever seen! It's really fun especially when marathoning all 6 episodes together LOL!

Dan-tae is adorkable, his smile is so goofy I just love it and Gong-shim is so cute bickering with him!

Gong-mi is frustrating really, she's acting like a stepsister!!

I'm glad you guys decided to recap this, I was planning to watch it after it's done but couldn't wait when I saw episode 1 recap posted, thank you.


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LOL! Abject horror is the correct term and I am so looking forward to it too! The realization that she likes Ahn Dan-tae is gonna be hilarious~


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took a look, haven´t gotten too far, but I already love how they have made the hero this "averige male" in every way, he is doing his job but doesnt even try to look cool doing it, and he is a slug. I am going on a trip however and will be gone two weeks, so I dont know if I can watch anything


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Lollypip, "abject horror" made me giggle so much, too. She will surely put up a fight against her own feelings.


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Imagine Gong Shim, when her puppy crush is over and finally realizes to her "Abject horror" her true love is Dan Tae. She looks at him and her heart flutters and she is trying to make it stop whatever possible way she can which includes fighting him, pulling his hair and screaming in embarrassment, I already am giddy trying to picture that.


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Can I have him as a boyfriend ????

That was my thought seeing this episode and futher epis

He's adorable

What do u think would u like Andante as a boyfriend ?


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I'd have to see what kind of shoes he wears in the winter.


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Boyfriend yes, but as a husband it would be really annoying if he did all his work pro bono!! He's good looking enough to get away with wearing anything imo :)


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Wonderful drama. The story is predictable, but the two leads are so awfully charming in an off-beat way that I can't help but smile like a doofus at every single one of their endearing interactions.

I only wish Gong-mi and Grandma were a bit more sympathetic. The latter one is currently what frustrates me most about the missing grandson plot. She is so terribly self-absorbed and ignorant of other people's feelings, most importantly those of poor Jun-su, that I almost wish Dan-tae would never learn the truth. Even the biggest Grandma apology tour wouldn't make up for suffering her behavior for 20+ years, especially to Jun-su, her grandson, only looking for love and validation. At this point, I just don't see how even a tearful family reunion à la dramaland would be able to change or whitewash this long-standing toxic guilt-trip dynamic. (And yes, I have similar issues with Gong-shim's parents.)

That's why I hope that, at the end, Gong-shim will go to Italy or at least move to another place without still being tied to the people who cannot love, support, and respect her. She shouldn't have to prove that she is worthy of their love by being pretty or "nice" or successful. She just is as a human being and that is a fact since the very first episode.


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I totally agree with you. I can't help feeling bothered by the way grandma treats Jun-su. How can she blame him for something that he had nothing to do with? so just because it happened on his birthday it's his fault?! He's a sweet grandson, who wants nothing more than just being acknowledged and loved! UGH, she frustrates me!


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JS isn't really her grandson though. He's the grandson of her husband's mistress. They aren't related at all from what I understand. She doesn't have to be mean to him, but I can understand why she doesn't feel much for him. Especially since his birthday is part of the reason she lost her daughter in law and grandson. To blame him is unreasonable, but to not care about him...? Well, I can't say I totally think she's evil for that. She allows those people into her house (and the mistress too) so I don't think she's all bad. She's resentful of them though, which is a shame since that's really the only family she has left.


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In korean drama land, this isn't new. Halmoni that doesn't like the son or grandson. But this time around her deep seated dislike for them stems from a very awful situation. Joon Soo is the mistresses grandson, she isn't related to him even remotely. Her won grandson went missing and she knows the other family doesn't want him to return minus Joon Soo. Even in reality, you'd hardly find a woman in her position who would be nice to the grandson from the mistress. That is expecting that person to be very kind and almost saintly. My son died, my grandson is missing yet the one from the mistress is alive, very few people would be okay with this. It isn't Joon Soo's fault though.
Having said that I don't support her way of treating Joon Soo but I get where she comes from.


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Oh my gosh Dan tae is sooooo weird am absolutely smitten. I mean do you see the way he knows he has a thing for her and how he shows it in an undertone-ish way that her oblivious be-wigged brain cannot conceive. Its just so hilarious, its lyk a secret between Dan tae and us(the viewers).

I like how the show does it like that. Don't worry Dan tae, we will not let her know..... yet.... but you better before we do... just saying, you guys are like baby panda and koala bear adorable!


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This drama gets to my heart closer after each passing episode. And every new day DT- GS have new tricks to keep me hooked till next epi. This one drama is the cutest one so far and not cause of anyone looking cute but being cute with their innocent yet heartwarming antics. NGM and his goofy smile every time he reacts towards GS us annoyance is just the highlight of their interactions.
We always have couple ring for people about to get together and here these two had Couple Band Aid (so damn innovative way to show their bonding).
I only have speculation that DT is playing such low key happy go lucky character but he must be having a rough n tough manly version which will be out soon ( I am missing his suited - booted - dashing - handsome avatar..) still I am enjoying current capri man....and waiting for the chaebol version.
Thank you so very much for such lovely recap.


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Dan Tae seems to be a person who doesn't care about having money beyond the point of his daily life. He even avoids getting some extra cash...So I keep imagining the day he finds out he is actually a chaebol heir with all those stocks in his name... Omo... I think he will be bewildered to death and might wanna feel like running away from all that money.


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Haa..I agree and can feel how confused he must be then knowing his reality. He seems to be a content person who is happy with the minimal things he has. So once he will get to know he is the owner of some inheritance he gonna have tough time realizing it and at the same time it will be painful for him to accept cause of all that kidnapping scheming. He will run away cant comment cause his bonding with halmoni is getting stronger so she will be the reason he will remain with the empire but will not be happy thats for sure.
Also for now he is not yet aware that he is on a search mission of its own to find himself. And each and every step he will be towards completing the mission ita gona be tear jerker ( just hoping GS remains his side to keep his goofy side alive)


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Ahn Dan Tae seems to have very strong feelings for Gong Shim. I wonder if he realizes it himself.

She's such a warm heart, it's no wonder all the guys in the drama are drawn to her.

There are two characters here, I would like to hit with a frying pan - Aunt (who's being bloody selfish, by not telling Dan Tae his dad's in the hospital, and who is afraid to let Dan Tae know his true heritage) and Gong Mi who treats her sister and everyone she considers beneath her like dirt.

I blame Pop and Mom for Gong Mi's behavior - it's obvious they only use her like a cash cow and didn't bother instilling the right values in their daughter.

Love the bananas, anything that discomfits Gong Mi gets a Plus in my book. Karma's a bitch - she will reap what she sows.

Poor Joon Soo, I really dislike the way halmoni treats him, but I dislike his parents, particularly his mom, very strongly and I can't blame her for tarring them with the same brush even though he is different.


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And thank you all for the catch up recaps. I know it isn't easy to do and is much appreciated ;-)


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Haven't seen this mentioned much but I'm quite disappointed at how incompetent Gong Shim is at work. I thought that she would be the kind who would work hard and be good at her job and her unemployment was because of her looks/educational background etc. But, from this episode she seems seriously incompetent. Breaking glass, being late, showing up to the wrong interview, being loud in front of other employees etc. seems to be the hallmark of a bad employee to me, and her unemployment seems deserved?

IDK. Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but I really don't like characters that whine about their unemployment/bad luck and blame it all on their looks/social class when they themselves could just be incompetent! OK rant over. LOVE THE SHOW NONETHELESS!


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What I don't get is..why does she kept saying 'I am ugly'..she is pretty, maybe slightly above average. If the drama wants an ugly character they should do a better job.


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I absolutely love that Dan Tae doesn't know Gong Mi is pretty.


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