Jackpot: Episode 10

Just when stuff starts to happen, we get a time skip so that slightly different stuff can happen. There’s good and bad as we gear up for the next phase of our story, as both brothers prepare to take their their enemy from a different angle: his wallet. Before that, they’ll have to wrestle with their personal feelings for the same girl, though Dae-gil seems to have drawn the short straw when it comes to matters of the heart.


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Though Chae-gun is now facing off against Jin-ki in battle, he still calls him “kid,” the way he used to when he was an officer and Jin-ki was a junior with hopes and dreams. Those dreams are gone now.

But it’s only at Chae-gun’s insistence that Dae-gil finally leaves, though he warns Jin-ki to survive this fight so that the two of them can fight another day.

Injwa gives Hong Mae an all-black outfit, instructing her to meet a dangerous man by the name of YOOK GWISHIN (which literally translates to “Sixth Ghost”), who I can only assume will be important later.

Chae-gun gets the best of Jin-ki during their fight, actually managing to draw blood. But it’s a fight that’ll have to be finished another day, since royal guards are still out in force from the latest assassination attempt.

Prince Yeoning hides Dam-seo away in the mountains, looking slightly perturbed when she murmurs Dae-gil’s name in her unconscious state. He ignores the first rule of hiding in the forest by building a fire, though his concern over Dam-seo only results in her drawing away from him.

“Why are you doing this?” she wonders, before telling him to just leave her alone. When he asks why, she says it’s because they’re enemies, which isn’t an argument Yeoning’s willing to accept.

He pulls her down with a wrist-grab when she tries to leave, insisting that she stay and care for her wounds—besides, a prince of Joseon doesn’t just make a fire for anyone.

The tables turn when she stops him from leaving with a hand on his arm. “Please, stop. Whatever it is, please do not do it.” She gives in when he tells her that he’s just going to find some medicinal herbs for her, though he doesn’t get far before running straight into Dae-gil.

Dae-gil tosses him the string of water jade leaves he’s brought, which is the best medicinal herb for wounds. Yeoning says that Dae-gil can just take them to her himself, prompting Dae-gil to wonder if someone’s pride has been hurt.

Yeoning takes this opportunity to call Dae-gil out for talking informally to him, and even his most formal of tones doesn’t faze Dae-gil, who simply says that the prince is obviously younger than him. At the prince’s sputtering, Dae-gil adds, “You don’t have any friends, do you? This is why you don’t have friends.”

Though Yeoning tries to defend his obvious lack of friends as being due to his high status, Dae-gil only brought it up to offer him his hand in friendship. “I do not need a friend like you,” Yeoning fires back, and Dae-gil just shrugs.

“Take good care of Dam-seo,” Dae-gil says before leaving. “Don’t you think you’re better suited to care for her than I am? Besides, I’m rather busy right now.” Man, they’re really going all-in on this love triangle, aren’t they?

Yeoning crushes up the leaves and applies them to Dam-seo’s wounds, a process which she has to close her eyes for. When she opens them much later, he jokes that it’s been ages since he finished tying the bandages—does she like the feel of his touch that much?

A visibly uncomfortable Dam-seo tells him to stop, which he confesses he’s tried to do hundreds, nay, thousands of times. But he just can’t control his feelings. “Then… why don’t you stop?” she asks bluntly, leading Yeoning to tell her that the only way she’ll stop him is by killing him.

Eyes gleaming with tears, Dam-seo pulls out her dagger and prepares to stab him… but she can’t bring herself to do it. She cries, and Yeoning knows that she, like him, can’t stop either. So he pulls her in to console her, and while I mean in this in the very best of ways, what is wrong with you people?

While he holds her, shedding tears of his own, Dae-gil looks thoroughly crestfallen as he watches from nearby. He leaves before he can see Dam-seo fall asleep in Yeoning’s arms, though the prince stays awake, lying on the ground with his arm still locked around her.

He knows without a doubt (because he looked into it) that Injwa killed Dam-seo’s father, though what he plans to do with that information is anyone’s guess. For now, he just tucks a cloak around Dam-seo, and falls asleep holding her.

Yeoning wakes the next morning to find his spooning buddy gone, a bloodstained note left in her place. “I felt your warmth, but I did not deserve it,” it reads. “Please forget me now. This is my last request.”

The Spooky Twins find Dam-seo limping through the forest, blindfold her, and take her to an abandoned building where none other than the king himself waits for her. He assures her that he doesn’t want to kill her, but asks if she’s ever once opened her eyes (basically, if she’s ever thought for herself).

He explains that this is the very place where he last saw her father alive. “A king does not speak falsely, so take these words to heart: I am not the one who killed your father, Yi-soo. It was none other than the man who raised you, your teacher, Yi Injwa. Disregarding his fate, he died at the hands of a man who has devoted himself to the madness of his own hollow ambitions. Therefore, you should stop being the puppet of such a man. I am telling you to open your eyes.”

Dam-seo’s hands clench into fists as she shakes with horror and rage, her eyes very much open and burning with tears. When we next see her, she’s in the palace, though she makes it a point to conceal her face in order to escape Yeoning’s notice.

Prince Yeoning pays a visit to his ailing father in the palace, falling to his knees as he confesses that he was unable to catch the assassin. His father calls him out on where he was all night, having known exactly who he was with.

But he tells his son not to worry, since the assassin has been dealt with. Yeoning runs at full speed in a flashback(?) to find Dam-seo lying on a table like a corpse, unveiling the sheet covering her to find a brand bearing the “Gwi” (for “ghost”) Hanja character, or as the chyron tells us, it’s Yook Gwishin’s signature brand.

Back in the present, the king tells him that he’s sent a gift to Injwa, and that he can just forget about that Dam-seo girl now. Of course, she’s not dead, though apparently it was Injwa who staged the fake death by having Hong Mae and Yook Gwishin find a Dam-seo Doppelgänger to kill. Really?

Dam-seo returns to Injwa, who shows her the blunt arrow he’s kept since the day Yi-soo shot it at him. “Your father, Yi-soo, chose to die. That was his conviction. It must become yours as well.” Dam-seo’s not buying it, and gives her teacher a formal bow in farewell—she’ll no longer be serving him.

While Injwa breaks the arrow and blames the king for it, Nameless can only apologize to Dam-seo. Instead of saying farewell to her, Jin-ki wordlessly hands her another hand-carved Buddha statue. Only then does Nameless ask Injwa if Dam-seo was what he was willing to sacrifice to kill the king—but since the king lived and Dam-seo’s gone, he’s lost her forever.

“No. Dam-seo will come to know one day that in this world, there are no eternal friends or enemies.” Injwa claims, in his usual Injwa-esque manner.

Recently returned Chief State Councilor Kim Chang-jip congratulates Prince Yeoning on a job well done protecting his father, and offers his support, along with the support of all the other Noron ministers beneath him. Yeoning can’t help but wonder if this is all part of his father’s greater plan.

In response to his former merchant allies turning against him to go to Kim Chang-jip and the Norons, Injwa pays the head of merchant trading a visit to remind him and his cronies that they still owe him.

But the head merchant is much more scared of siding with the ailing crown prince than he is of Injwa, and isn’t cowed by Injwa’s threats. That earns him a stabbing death by Nameless, though Injwa also gets a jab in for his own enjoyment.

The other merchants beg for mercy, but Injwa’s not in the mood to give it. Losing his temper, he asks if there’s anyone else who wants to betray or insult him. Because now’s totally the time to speak up.

Suspecting that the head merchant was killed by Injwa in the gibang, Prince Yeoning and his men head there to investigate. Using his ample wits, he figures that the merchant would’ve been stabbed while leaving, and finds trace amounts of blood near the doorway.

Using state-of-the-art Joseon CSI methods, Yeoning uses a vinegar solution to reveal the extent of the bloodstain. Now he knows what Injwa’s done.

Yeoning goes to his father to tell him of the murder, and his belief that it was committed by none other than Injwa, Crown Prince Yoon’s baduk teacher. (Does he ever show up for that job?) The king is hardly surprised, knowing that this all stemmed from the merchants sensing that the tide of power was turning toward Yeoning, which would explain them jumping over to the Norons.

It becomes clear that something about this troubles King Sukjong, though he won’t say what. Instead, he refuses to give his son permission to investigate a civilian murder case, claiming it unbecoming of his official rank.

Seasons pass, and Dae-gil is now able to slice a flower petal in midair, shoot an arrow through the eye of a nyang, cut down arrows headed straight for him with his eyes closed, and even catch one inches away from his face. He’s one with nature, and he’s ready.

Over dinner, Chae-gun tells Dae-gil that the reason he took him in as his pupil was because he reminded him of someone he used to know. They went through life together after meeting at a young age, and Chae-gun describes the man as a tiger among tigers.

“He must have been a handsome, great man,” Dae-gil jokes, before saying that he’ll become a great tiger like the man Chae-gun’s describing. In order to do that though, he’ll have to leave, and Chae-gun knows it’s time.

With tears in his eyes, Chae-gun sends him off, telling him to eat well and watch his back, much like a father would. Dae-gil gives him a low bow of farewell, claiming that he’ll never forget what he’s done for him and will live his life for him in thanks.

Chae-gun lovingly tsks at him for crying, though he himself sniffs back tears once Dae-gil’s gone. Awww.

Injwa and the shamanistic gibang madam seem to share one thing in common, and that’s their inability to use their powers to discern anything about Dae-gil. His energy is just too strong for them.

Hong Mae’s gathered a bunch of lowlier sorts for Injwa and a purpose as yet unknown to us, and among them is a gambler called HWANGHAE KEJAKDU (Kim Sung-oh, what are you doing here with that broken arm?) who has an uncanny ability to sense cheating through extra-keen hearing. (Since “Hwanghae” is for his hometown, we’ll call him Kejakdu for now.)

The second introduction is to a master swindler named GOLSA, who can even forge the royal seal and a royal inspector’s badge in order to steal rice, which he can claim are taxes owed to the state he doesn’t even work for.

The worst of them all, or so she claims, is the fierce-looking Yook Gwishin. He takes his gambling very seriously, and scares away anyone who would dare accuse him of cheating. Though she still doesn’t know why Injwa wanted her to amass three notorious gambling masters in the first place.

They each seem to recognize Injwa as Scholar Baek Myun, and he gets straight to business: Someone’s been winning too much at all the casinos he’s affiliated with, and he wants to put a stop to him.

Turns out that the problem gambler is none other than Dae-gil, looking like a proper young man of noble birth now. He’s able to beat even the best of cheaters through methods we can only assume involve cheating of some sort, and makes sure to wear the signature white mask Injwa was known for.

He’s been sweeping his way through Joseon, and Injwa figures that it’s only a matter of time before he pays a visit to his casino in the capital. He knows it’s Dae-gil, and tells the three gamblers that Dae-gil is the son of Baek Man-geum, who they all knew.

Wearing the white mask, Dae-gil places an extraordinarily large bet on a game played by gisaengs, one he theoretically can’t rig. He approaches an old man who recognizes him as Scholar Baek Myun, and asks if he’s come to catch him.

Only, that mask-wearer can’t be Dae-gil, since Dae-gil is with the Three Gamblers. Cut to reveal Prince Yeoning as he takes off the mask to reveal himself to the old man, introducing himself as a hunting dog ready to tear out Injwa’s throat.

He used the mask so that he could find the old man, though we still don’t know who the old man is. All we know is that Yeoning needs him to accomplish his goal of crushing all the casinos in the capital, which will eventually lead him to Injwa.

Dae-gil tells the Three Gamblers of his intent to do the same as Yeoning and crush every casino in Hanyang. Injwa takes this opportunity to confront Dae-gil and absently ask if he’s finally become a tiger after all. “Why would a person become a beast? I’m just a human,” Dae-gil replies with a smile.

“From this point on, I’m going to cut off your arms and legs,” he continues in the same tone. “Then, I’ll come for your throat. Shall we make a bet? Whether I can do it or not?”


Well, it’s not like we didn’t know the gambling phase was coming. It does feel like we shifted into it a little suddenly despite the show’s attempts to periodically remind us how important gambling is/will be, and we’re still left with only a rudimentary understanding of why this is all supposed to matter. Which is to say that it’s likely because Injwa owns this casino, and the boys can take their revenge by trying to ruin him financially. Or something.

But between the politics, the love triangle, and now the gambling, the experience of watching feels disjointed, like we’re seeing bits and pieces of one show, only to get thrown into another. What’s even more bizarre is the editing—sometimes it can be nice and fluid, sometimes it can be completely discombobulating—but either way, we’re left with scenes like the one with Prince Yeoning and his father, that just seem to take the idea of continuity as a light suggestion.

The way Yeoning approached the king to confess that he hadn’t yet caught the assassin told us that he had no idea she’d already been captured and killed, yet when the king told him that she was dead, we got a filtered flashback-style sequence with Yeoning running to inspect her body. And then we see him back with his father as if he never left, so either he didn’t, or he did and came back, or I’m just very, very confused.

Generally though, with all the jumps from scene to scene, sometimes with only tertiary characters to guide us through, there lacks a sense of assuredness in story flow from one scene to the next. Some of those scenes can be quite fine on their own, don’t get me wrong, but they’re starting to feel like mix-and-match, where you could just change around the order in which they appear and nothing terrible would happen. Aside from what’s already happening, anyway.

The love triangle, while feeling pushed upon us to the Nth degree, was still adequately sold by Prince Yeoning, though I’m still left scratching my head when it comes to his discovery of Dam-seo’s body. Did he believe it? And for that matter, did the king? Surely not, considering he’d just spoken to her. But then if Injwa was the one who ordered the doppelgänger to be killed, was he planning to protect Dam-seo by making it look like she’d been killed? But how did the king get to use the corpse for his own means? And what difference did it make if Yook Gwishin had killed her? Y’know, I’ll stop here. At least the brotherly interactions are still cute.


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The cinematography for this show is so, so gorgeous. It's such a shame that the plot just doesn't deliver.


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Not only that, but they have such good actors too. If the plot and writing were better, this show would have done better than Iljimae. By the way, with so many actors cast in the same roles as in Iljimae, it makes me want to compare the shows even though they're not all that similar.


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The cinematography this drama just like movie ! I really love it. . They have all great actor, but the female lead seems like not ready to be female lady.
So i ship bromance more than romance.. Since the writer always push ds with yeoning, but the writer also made damseo rejected him.. So what you really wanted to bring yeoning and damseo one screen???
If you wanted daegil, just bring her to daegil.. The whole romance given to yeoning more, but never makes him got the girl..
Please focus on bromance. I love them.. Daegil habit toward yeoning just exactly what brother did. Thanks for not making them enemy.


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It is a shame. The acting is good (except for Dam Seo, still not sold on her), the show is pretty, and there are glimpses of something good, but it could be much better. I'm still enjoying it enough to keep watching.


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Is she maybe trying to channel Cheok Sa-Gwang / Han Ye-ri from 6 Flying Dragons?? She wears the same bleak expression and even looks a bit similar, at least from some camera angles. And I don't mean that as a knock, there's worse things to be than a Cheok Sa-Gwang clone, at least if you can pull it off.

And I thought she was the best thing in High Society. That's not saying much, but I'm not ready to give up on her yet.


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I think she's perfect at playing bubbly characters but not so much of melodramatic characters, kinda like Shin SeKyung before Girl Who Sees Smells.


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So, rather than Han Ye-re 2.0, she's Shin Se-kyung 2.0...


LMAO @ you thinking for a sec that she was at Han YeRi's level. I like her, but I'm not blind.


She makes me miss Han Ye-ri. If only she was half as good*sigh*. I know it's an unfair comparison because Han Ye-ri has been acting longer plus she is very talented and not just a scene stealer but a show stealer.

I just don't feel her therefore I don't care.


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Her character may be the best thing in High Society, but her acting was pretty bad there too.


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And here we are..couldn't help ourselves to compare the show with beloved Six Flying Dragons.


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Second to "except for DamSeo". Her acting is so terrible, much worse than Shin Sekyung who did okay in Six Flying Dragons.

It's ridiculous to compare Damseo with Chuk Sagwang. Damseo character didn't give any strong presence during the whole show so far. In term of acting, Im Jiyeon should learn how to stop looks so plain and more importantly learn martial arts harder because she plays a swordwoman character. I'm not impressed with her action skills at all.
On the other hand, Han Yeri as Chuk Sagwang was so captivating. I love her acting, movements and even her voice sounds so mesmerizing.


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Dam Seo is the leading lady. Cheok Sa-Gwang was a side character with limited screen time but Ye-ri did more than what she was given and that's the reason why they kept her till the last episode.

Maybe this girl didn't have enough time to train? I can't believe for a minute that she can kill anyone, even a fly.

Ye-ri's Sa-Gwang was pretty much scary when she held those swords in her hands. You just know someone is going to die.


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Hi @kiara I've seen you on every SFD recaps! :)

Agree with you. Damseo is one of main characters but kinda turns me off. Her swordmanship seems so awkward since the 1st episode and still hasn't getting better till epi 10. Not to mention her awkward acting.

Chuk Sagwang was just a side character but showed very strong presences. Han Yeri could steal viewers' attention with her amazing action movements & acting skills. Even the way she spoke got me hypnotized. She could even gave the vibe of #1-swordman-in-Joseon based on her beautiful movements and eyes-acting only.
Ah. How I miss CSG and SFD. The quality of the drama is so, so good.

Watching Jackpot right after SFD is kind of a torture. The quality difference speaks a lot. I still follow this show for Choi Minsoo ahjussi, Yeo Jingoo and Jang Geunsuk.


Gorgeous episode. The scene with the waterfall was my favorite.


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Yeoning had that same filtered flashback (like the one he had of Dam Seo) with the death of the merchant and revealed the blood with vinegar, but in the end, the king really didn't care about the discovery. While it is a way to show how Yeoning figures out what happened, the viewers are also filled in. But it's confusing: about Dam Seo, did he figure it out right and do we the viewers get what happened?

Being King in this show doesn't seem all that glamorous.

It's ep 10 and there are more new faces introduced to keep track of? There sure are a lot of ragged guys hanging out with a vendetta and nothing to lose but winning.


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Lol this reminds me of V for Vendetta.

I don't think Sukjong wants Yeoning to go Sherlock on Injwa. He won't be able to take him down yet and he won't be able to do it alone so it's best to leave it to daddy.

The position of the king in this era was no fairytale. It was more like kill or be killed.


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Oh, Heads! *chuckling as reading recap* Your snarky level was so high today! lol "Spooning buddies?" "State of the art... Joseon CSI..." You had me laughing the entire time I was reading, tonight. Spot on recap, as always. And much appreciated! Thank you for it.


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The recaps are better written than the scripts (?)


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Heads' recaps are better than the show, especially when the show is lacking.

Felt like I missed like 5 episodes -when Dae-gil became successful gambler like that? How did that happen?
but cinematography was great, and story was not boring.


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I like the story but my biggest problem with this show is not trusting the writer. So far this is a big improvement from his last drama but you never know what would happen midway.

I like it that he doesn't reveal so much but it can get pretty frustrating when it's messy like this episode.


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I vote that Heads gets hired as Jackpot's new scriptwriter.


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I love Head's recapping style and sense of humor.

The editing of this show is a mess. Kudos to the editor/director's ability to turn simple scene into complicated thing. lol.


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Oh, and I forgot to comment on this, "The way Yeoning approached the king to confess that he hadn’t yet caught the assassin told us that he had no idea she’d already been captured and killed, yet when the king told him that she was dead, we got a filtered flashback-style sequence with Yeoning running to inspect her body. And then we see him back with his father as if he never left, so either he didn’t, or he did and came back, or I’m just very, very confused."

Me, too, Heads. Meeee. Too.


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what i think happened is that the flashbacks were actually "flashforwards" ,prince yeoning run to see the dead assasin after his meeting with the king. Who obviously knew that it wasn't the real assasin since he's just talked with dam seo. The dead body was simply for the sake of public (the rest of the court, soldiers, ministers etc.) and injwa certenly knew it wouldn't fool the king.


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@Watcher: Thank you for the explanation!


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I already miss baek man geum & daegil's grandfather and now not the teacher. Plz reunite them again.. They shared a good bond


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Yeo jin goo looked really sweet with that kind of romantic scene with Dam Seo ? growing up fast young man..!


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I can't wait to watch a sageuk with him and Kim Yoo-jung now that they are older. My two favorite child actors.


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DEF. His jaw is slicing through my computer screen.


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"“From this point on, I’m going to cut off your arms and legs,” he continues in the same tone. “Then, I’ll come for your throat."

OOohhh! Please DO IT!!! BUT sloooowly, and one at a time!


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YES! waiting for Yeoning to do the same, too! *munching my popcorn*


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*sitting beside DieWahrheit munching and sharing popcorn and gummies in gleeful anticipation*


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"What’s even more bizarre is the editing—sometimes it can be nice and fluid, sometimes it can be completely discombobulating".

Yes, huge issue.


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*Sigh* I will have to agree.


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What I'm still scratching my head about is the whole In Jwa's 'there's no eternal enemy or friend speech'. Really In Jwa? So what about your hatred for the king? Unless your definition of eternal is hating a man beyond three generations. In which case, now I understand. Just don't go hating Dae Gil and Yeoning's kids cuz then you would have crossed into the eternal hatred category. Pfft.


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lol... apparently the perfect Yi In Jwa cannot really practice what he preaches kkkk... waiting slowly slowly for his perfection to 'crack'.


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I wonder who must be the man Chae gun is talking about?? Want to see more JGS n YJG scenes...

Thanks for the recaps.. But what did daegil say while giving his last blow???


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He's talking about the king. I think Dae Gil resemble his father in appearance and his behavior. He's definitely the king son. If you put Baek Man-geum next to Dae Gil you can guess immediately he's not the father (physical resemblance).


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Definitely it's the King that Chae Gun is referring to.. The Tiger among the tigers.. Dae Gil must really resemble the king that's why Sukjong himself was amused to see him.


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I want to see more Dae Gil scenes !


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me, too! i laughed a lot when yeoning told Dae Gil grew up already lol... I want to see more of this 'grown up' goofy!


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I third the motion.. :D xD
I particularly love the Master-student scene in this episode.. It was touching yet funny that tough guys cry.. Hee hee. I will probably miss Master Chae Gun, but I think their tandem is not yet over coz episode 1 showed us he's still by Dae Gil' side..

Love the cinematography and the music and the actors, just please make the script more lovable and believable.. Thanks for the recaps. :)


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Thanks for another good recap, Heads! I, too, was kinda confused with the 'Dam Seo' corpse substitute thingy. So Injwa delivered this to the king or the palace or wherever it was- the place where Yeoning ran like crazy to? and the King, knowing that Dam Seo was still alive, didn't buy it and 'send' the girl back alive? Writer-nim owes us an explanation kkk... maybe we'll get some 'flashbacks' information later on to get things clearer.

By the way, I hope in some way if they really want to build a romance here, they'll build it decently *fine love triangle fine... whoever 'wins' the cold girl Dam Seo fineeee... but just make it more convincing... kkk*.

Looking forward to the next episodes & of course the next recaps! I am curious to know how the two brothers are going to start 'crushing' Yi In Jwa. Dae Gil has already started by confronting and provoking the old 'hyena' in person (sorry, I refuse to associate him with tigers kkkk) and Yeoning has started his 'underground' efforts. Let the dice be thrown again! bring it on!


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Pretty confusing and I hope there is an explanation in the next episode and it better be good lol.

Maybe his reaction meant something else? He said "Father how could you..." meaning how could he not care? or how could he have known it was fake?

I think the whole corpse thing was meant to be a flashback.
His reaction after he saw her corpse was out of confusion rather than sadness over the death of someone he cares for.
Maybe he knows that it was a fake corpse before he went to see his father.
(I don't know and I don't want to think).


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"Dam-seo pulls out her dagger and prepares to stab him… but she can’t bring herself to do it. She cries..... So he pulls her in to console her, and while I mean in this in the very best of ways, what is wrong with you people?"

They live in Kdrama land, where this is normal behavior for star-crossed lovers.

Just ONCE, I'd like the dialogue to go "Go ahead and kill me, I won't resist.... Argh!! What's that knife doing IN me! ... Croak"
Please !!?


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LOL.....croak. Crack me up.....hahaha


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Hahahaha! So funny!


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Continually, many are displeased by the Dam Seo actress, but other than the plot not being consistent, I find all actors are playing their parts well. I think Dam seo needs to convey that expression which shows how she has this one particular purpose on mind. But since Sukjong has told her to think for herself, it seems her demeanor will visibly start changing. In other words, I have no problem with her.


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I think you are right. I was relieved when Damsoe cut ties with In Jwa in this episode. Mostly cause I spent the first half of the episode screaming "kill her" lol


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After ep 3, or maybe 4, I abandoned my hope that this drama will makes sense and Injwa stop thinking being vague is the 'it' thing to do. But darn it, it is still had to watch tbh.
We already 10 eps but DS seriously need to discover new emotion(s). Dont you tired pulling that face day in, day out?
I know you are in your revenge plan but at least a variety of mad/angry/despair/sad/etc emotions on face probably good so that this mere mortal didnt spent so much time over-analyzing.

Thanks Head for your recap and I actually looking forward reading this than watching rn~


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I believe there may be more than one love triangle in the story, both of which will be complicated and will involve Dae-gil.

In the 7th episode, the slave girl Seol-im said to Dae-gil that they will meet again someday. I've a feeling that the second love triangle will involve Dam-seo, Seol-im and Dae-gil.

Just for some Jackpot fun, which couple are you going to root for, and why?
Dae-gil - Dam-seo
Yeoning - Dam-seo
Dae-gil - Seol-im


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I'm rooting for Dae Gil and Seol Im couple.. They have much better chemistry than Dae Gil-Dam Seo.. Dae Gil needs someone who is more compassionate yet brave to withstand all challenges. Seol Im and Dam Seo are the same in the sense that they both wanted to take revenge for their parent/s' death. But unlike Dam Seo, Seol Im has a sunny and friendly disposition. I'm really hoping she and Dae Gil will meet again soon..


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Dae Gil and Yeoning because I've had enough of jealous brothers fighting for the throne. I think these two will work together.


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Ironically, this scriptwriter's previous drama, Warrior Baek Dong Soo has more bromance than this one. Otherwise, second to you. I rather have Daegil and Yeoning. Kinda sick of the whole brotherly rivalry.


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I am only here for Yeo Jin-gu and so far he is the only one I a buying on the romance. YJG is just so awesome. I keep replaying all of his scenes. He has the best (and most beautiful) facial expressions. And THAT VOICE! Just delicious! I do wish the writing (and editing) were better, but I think the cast is doing well with what they have been given. And would someone please stab In-jwa already?! He is just asking for it.


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I discovered last night that he is 18!!!! I knew he was young but.... He is soo good! And that voice!


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Count me in too. Yeo jin goo was just perfect. Specifically when he teased Dam seo ?


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I'm afraid we will only see Injwa being stabbed in the last episode ahahahaha... writer-nim, make sure it'll be a very meaningful (ups I mean painful) one!
*becoming a monster myself already after seeing Yi In Jwa for 10 episodes*


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'and even his most formal of tones doesn’t faze Dae-gil, who simply says that the prince is obviously younger than him. '---

honestly, Yeo Jin Goo( Prince) sometimes looks older and mature than Jan Keun Suk so this scene was quite amusing to me.


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Haha.. FYI, Jang Geun Suk is 10 years older than Yeo Jin Gu. JGS is sure to have boyish charm. His fans sometimes call him Peter pan..


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HeadsNo2 ~

Thanks for the recap. Still enjoying the show despite the editing / story flow. Many K dramas have the same problem. Is this show using the live shoot?

YJG is too pretty.


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Yes, the live shoot from the worst kind. They film some scenes just 3-4 days before airing.
An working day continues 18 hours!


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I'm here for the Tigers y'all! Old tigers, ambitious tigers, young tigers, real tigers that are upset cause their mates were killed to protect baby tigers and an all knowing monster lol.
This show is absolute nonsense but somehow I find myself tuning in week after week.


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I thought your comment was so funny and so SPOT ON! I am also finding VERY amusing (sometimes rather frustrating, but I will go for amusing for now!) that it seems like EVERY. ONE and EVERY. THING. has been a "Tiger." He's a tiger, she's a tiger, it's a tiger... sheesh! It might be easier to tell everyone apart if someone WASN'T a damned tiger! lol

I know that the King is a monster... but isn't he supposed to be a tiger, too?

Dear God.


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Joseon must have been a tiger adoring nation, I guess... even the royal sword was called 'the four tiger sword' (saingeom) kkkk...


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I'm still enjoying the drama very much. However, I agree about the dead body Dam-seo scene. It doesn't make a lot of sense, and not just from an editing perspective. What reason does In-jwa have in wanting to show her dead? And since only her arm was knife branded, why doesn't anyone see it's not Dam-seo? Well, except for the King. I think that whole scene could have been cut...but maybe there is reason for it that we'll learn later on 'cause right now it's doesn't work.

As for the rest of the editing and story line, I don't have a major problem with it. This story covers something like 30 plus years, from 1692-ish through at least 1728 when In-jwa's Revolt takes place. That's a lot of ground to cover in 24 episodes.

What I'm curious about is the as-yet undeveloped relationship between the two brothers. Right now, it almost appears as if they're working in concert. Are they? Have they been communicating with each other other, and we don't know it yet?

And how does Chae-gun return to Dae-gil's side? We know Sukjong dies in 1720, and we're almost there now. Does he leave the palace employment when the weak Gyongjong becomes king?

Yes, I'm curious to see how this mystery thriller comes together to defeat In-jwa.


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Lady Choi will kick the bucket first before Sukjong. I think the timeline being at 1717 was to give her more time. (I was a year ahead). It would be great if she tells her boys that they are brothers before she dies.

Looks like there was a time skip in this episode so it must have been just a year.

As for Chae-gun, maybe Sukjong's will reveal the truth about being Dae Gil's father followed by a final command to guard his son.


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I hate to say this, but I am kind of looking forward to all this death. *ducks head* Wait a minute! The reason include these: 1.) I want the "big revelation" for the brothers to FINALLY know each other...but we are going to be forced to wait forEVER for that...aren't we?! 2.) I love the King. Any (and I do mean ANY) scene that he has been in, I have RELISHED. So I can imagine even a moving death scene. *grabs hankies...and a blanket to duck under just in case King stays scary as F*ck!) 3.) I also want the Crown Prince to slay people. Based on history, I have been told that the Crown Prince gets his moment to shine before he keels over, and I kind of want this for him. He seems like a nice enough fellow and I feel bad for him. I hope he gets to get rid of some bad people before his death. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts.


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I agree with everything. I'd love to see all of Sukjong's boys shine. Good or bad. That's the only way I'll survive the rest of the show without Choi Min Soo (he owns Sukjong in my book).

I'm rooting for Yoon, Dae Gil and Yeoning. Don't go fairytale on me writer Kwon.


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I'm already 'lamenting' over the possibility of losing Sukjong soon enough too ahahaha... the Dong Yi's gentle Sukjong has forever been replaced by this raawwwrr Sukjong Choi Min Soo portrays! grrrh... but I love him here better... finally seeing a tiger king among the manipulative ministers!
and about the poor Crown Prince Yoon, i also hope he'll have a good part of the story. Yeoning/ Yeongjo has always been portrayed as a genius kid and/or a cruel daddy all these times in the history of Sageuk Dramas + Movies, now he has his chance to have another part of him told *though partly fictional*. I hope the same for Crown Prince Yoon. He isn't only about the femme-fatale's son, is he? just a bit more story about him and ok, writer-nim can have another 'death' scene.


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You know after ep 7 and 8, I was just drunk on relief that Show had stopped trying to find 57 different ways to maul and mutilate poor Dae Gil!
Now I'm right here with Heads, appreciating the pretty but scratching my head in genuine confusion.

This drama has soooo much potential! If only they could sort out the writing and editing. (Yeah, I know,........not really much of an 'only', is it?)


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Ah!! Yeoning,, take Dam seo. Take her. Please take her! Don't let her go near Dae gil...lol?
But really I wish she ends up with yeoning!
We'll take Seol im for our hero!
Please please! Make this happen....I don't want Dae gil to end up with Dam seo!??
Anyway great episode especially with master-student farewell scene....its so sad?
Thanks for the recap! JGS Fighting!!?


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Can Nameless take Dam Seo instead? The boys are both too good for her.
I'd rather see Yeoning alone and heartbroken any day than with her. She's just too bland.


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Poor Dam Seo.. No one wants to take her.. Kkkkk. If the writer read these comments, I guess he will have no choice but to kill Dam Seo's character in the end..

BTW, I saw the preview of ep. 11 and the poor girl wasn't there..


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