Yoon Kye-sang up for tvN remake of The Good Wife

My my, they just keep lining up good actors for this project. Though I guess once you score A-list film actress Jeon Do-yeon (The Shameless, Secret Sunshine) to headline your drama, you’d be crazy not to give her charismatic co-stars to work with. The Korean remake of the critically-acclaimed American television series The Good Wife has confirmed Jeon for the main role, as well as Yoo Ji-tae (Healer) to play her husband; now Yoon Kye-sang (Last, Full Sun) is being courted to play her main love interest.

The Emmy-award-winning series is currently airing its seventh and final season on CBS, and stars Julianna Margulies as the wife of a disgraced state’s attorney who is sent to prison for political corruption involving a sex scandal. She goes back to work as a lawyer after spending 13 years as a stay-at-home mother of two kids, and the drama is about her rediscovering her professional and personal life.

Jeon Do-yeon has been cast as the title character, and Yoo Ji-tae will play her prosecutor husband who is publicly disgraced in a scandal. Yoon Kye-sang is up for the role of the heroine’s friend from law school who’s now a senior partner at a law firm. In the original, the character is Will Gardner, played by Josh Charles, one of the city’s top ten eligible bachelors who helps the heroine get a job at his firm. His character is the central love interest early on in the series, so unless the remake is going to skew the story heavily, we’ll probably be rooting for Yoon Kye-sang in this love triangle.

I’m mostly interested in the project because they managed to get Jeon Do-yeon, and because I’ve heard such good things about The Good Wife’s strong female characters. It has to be why she signed on to play the part, and I can already imagine how good she’ll be at putting on the calm and cool exterior while her life falls apart publicly.

The remake will be helmed by PD Lee Jung-hyo of the dark thriller Heartless City and writer Han Sung-woon of KBS’s Spy. It’ll follow Oh Hae-young Again on Mondays and Tuesdays in July.

Via Osen


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Wonderful! Can't wait!
Hopefully the korean remake will shed a slightly different light in the plot.
I assume more focus would be on the love triangle plot rather than the court works


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"I assume more focus would be on the love triangle plot rather than the court works"

I hope not. The guest actors for each case and the court interactions were some of the best parts of the show, especially in the earlier seasons. It's hard to imagine the show in such a condensed format (and I only watched five seasons, so I don't know where they went with the plot and characters), but I do hope the focus is Alicia rediscovering herself as something more than just "the good wife" and for me that would mean the focus had to be much broader than a love triangle with a legal backdrop.

I'll definitely be tuning in as I'm curious about how it will be adapted. Will this entire show be pre-produced?


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I can't imagine it won't. I'd bet it's one of the ways TVN persuaded Jeon to pick up this project. Plus Kim Hye Soo's Signal was nearly preproduced and they're definitely on the same status so TVN won't treat them much differently


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I really hope not, there's so much to it than that! But seeing what happened with CITT, one can only hope.


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I like TGW and I will certainly watch the remake but the writer kinda worrisome...


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Ah! I really thought Yoo Ji Tae would be a better Will than Peter but I love Yoon Kye Sang! It seems like overall all the Korean actors are younger than their American counterparts so I'm satisfied with this triangle.

I love that the PD of Heartless City is directing this. Absolutely fantastic. I hope they really play up the scandal that Yoo gets himself tangled in - I felt like it fell flat for Peter because they had to spread it over two or three seasons.

Buuuut, I'm worried about the writer. I couldn't finish Spy because how poorly it was written. And that was a remake also with a strong female center (or was supposed to be at least). I'll be praying that the writer brings her A game to this rewrite. Anything less is simply unacceptable.

Also interesting how this is not scheduled on Friday & Saturday... what does that say about its quality?


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I watched Season One out of curiosity and really enjoyed it. I actually didn't like the main female character, but it's probably b/c I didn't care much for the actress playing her. Hopefully Jeon Do-yeon will take it to a different level.

I agree; I think Yoo Ji Tae would make a better Will than Peter but I also love Yoon Kye Sang, so I'm a bit torn here.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the cast b/c I like so many side characters like Kalinda (who does not love her?) and Eli Gold.


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Please don't mess up this casting. He was often the only comic relief we had - though he was amazing :)


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Eli Gold kicks ass. He is so GOOD.

Don't forget all the judges who brought lots of comic relief in their own right. The courtroom had some of my favorite scenes.


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OMG yesss @the judges and their hilariously antics.


YOO JI-TAE!!!??? Woo-hoo!


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I loved the Good wife in its early years ,loved the courtroom stuff ,the stay at home mum rediscovering herself as a lawyer, the simmering tension between her and Will and even how she stood by her slimy husband at first. I didn't love it so much in its latter years ,I'm wondering how a drama will condense everything into a shorter format and if the love triangle will have a different resolution.


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yes I agree about the earlier seasons. let's hope they take the best of things and leave it at that. hahaha.


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OMG!!!! Yay!!!! If you can't tell, I am super excited!
Please accept the role, Kye Sang oppa.

Yoon Kye Sang has that smoldering sexy attitude that is totally suited for playing Will. I was totally on team Will and rooted for Alicia & Will's slow burn romance.


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Wow at the castings. ;)

We just need a good script & direction now.


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That's an amazing cast. So why are they going with that writer? I know you can't judge everything on previous works, but it kind of helps. Especially when you're doing a remake. Especially when you have all these great actors signed on. Now I really want this to turn out great.


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Yoon Kye Sang and Yoo Ji Tae! In one drama!
I must be dreaming right? Right?


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If he is playing, does that mean he is not playing the main character?


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*playing Will


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Will is one of the main characters until the 5th season so I imagine he'll be playing throughout the series.

I'd honestly say Alicia is the main character and everyone else supports her in her journey but that's mostly my opinion.


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I have not watched the American series. I am loving this cast... all of them.. but if I had to choose between Yoo Ji-Tae and Yoo Kye-Sang for a love line, it will be Yoo Ji-Tae, hands down for me....


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As much as I love Yoon Kye-Sang, Yoo Ji-Tae would make a better Will. In fact, he's basically the Korean counterpart of Josh Charles (who plays Will in The Good Wife).


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I agree that the first seasons of TGW were better. I hope they include the character of "Kalinda" in this remake and I wonder which actress should be cast.


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Talk about a dream cast!! For some reason I can't read the article(darn ads), please tell me both YJT ánd YKS have confirmed??


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I do hope they concentrate on the court cases a bit at least coz they were always so interesting. Plus Willwas always impressed about her capabilities even after the 13 year hiatus so it is important to the plot.
I hope they don't take much time to start will n alicia's love story as they did in the original. Especially if it's a 16 or 20 episode run.
Can't wait. So excied. *josh charles sigh*
I hope this actor makes me feel the saame *fingers crossed*
Did they select the detective girl yet? And carey?


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Love the original series. Love this cast.

Not sure if I've completely gotten over TVN's Cheese adaptation, but holding onto Signal for hope.


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I had my heart broken because of the tragic end of Will & Alicia, I hope I have a compensation here.
Great cast.


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Cheese,oh cheese*sobs*
Now that I've typed that sentence I imagine how it may read to someone who doesn't know the context. I mean,just why is this person sobbing over her stolen cheese or something? Its just cheese ffs!
About the topic,I have not watched the main series but have heared about it. Going by the character descriptions,I was initialy hoping Yoo Ji Tae would take the Will Gardener character but now that I think about it,I'm glad he's playing something different because that charismatic,sexy,smart and accomplished,righteous with a touch of smug is what he played in Healer as reporter Kim Moon Ho(where I was introduced to him and loved him). So I'll be happy to see him in something else.


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hahahahahaha I know exactly what you mean, I'm just praying it's not another cheese! That would annoy me so much more as well!


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A lot of people like to focus on the romance between Will and Alicia but for me personally, I absolutely loved the boardroom, the cross-examinations, the recurring characters as someone already stated: Elsbeth Tascioni and Colin Sweeney one of my absolute favourites, along with Eli!
And also Alicia's relationship with her family, her children and especially her husband which I doubt can be done in 16-20 episodes. (though it honestly does not need 7 seasons).

It's one of my favorite series, the strong females, (Kalinda, Diane, Nancy makes me absolutely livid but love her!) the way Alicia stands by Peter like so many important figures have done.

My main point is, I'm so curious to see this because the show is very American which is one of the reasons why it fascinates me, I hope they don't butcher it and use the original material well but also adapt it so that it reflect the Korean Legal System more and keeps a similar character development that is one of the main factors that made the series such a success.

God, sorry about the essay!


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I'm seeing a lot of dramas where a married woman rediscover themselves by finding a love interest outside of their marriage. However I wonder if this type of shows would be as popular if it was a husband going out to rediscover himself during is marriage on the rock. I"m pretty sure the audience would not be so into it.


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It's not about finding a love interest outside of her marriage but rebuilding her life after living what she thought was a perfect one. the love interest ends up being a byproduct but it's not the focus of the story. I cannot say whether I agree or disagree with your assessment if genders were switched. I would like to say that I would still be supportive either way. I identify so much with the main character's story that it was easy to root for her a lot of the time (although it was definitely not all the time). my support would depend on how I identify with the character if genders were switched. either way I'm excited to see how this will be adapted.


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*ugly cries* YES !!!!!
Please accept the role, Kye Sang oppa !!!!
This drama line up looks really good ! OMG *happy dance*


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I think Yoon Kye Sang will make for a better Cary Argos than Will Gardner. Fingers crossed.....


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