Park Hae-jin up to reprise Yoo Jung role in Cheese in the Trap movie

Is this the Best Idea Ever, or a disaster in the making? I honestly couldn’t tell you.

A movie adaptation has been announced for Cheese in the Trap, with an offer out to Park Hae-jin to return in the Yoo Jung role. Does this mean we’re going to get the reboot that could salvage the bitter taste left by the drama? Or should Park Hae-jin just walk away entirely from the franchise? After all, despite a very strong early push, the tvN adaptation ended up a bit of a fiasco — the series itself had its charms, but its curious behind-the-scenes troubles did unfortunately overshadow its strengths.

On the upside: This time, webtoon writer Soonkki has been invited to participate in the production process. (She’d been consulted in the drama’s early stages, but had been cut out of the loop toward its latter half, and was frank about her discontent with that.) She is currently in contract negotiations; she would not be writing the screenplay for the movie but would be involved through the final stages of the project. The movie will be handled by film producer Lee Dong-ho, who did the movies Introduction to Architecture and Inside Men, and his newly established production company.

It’s obvious why you’d want Park Hae-jin back in the role; he was fans’ top choice for the drama and widely acknowledged to be the perfect Jung (many say the only Jung), plus he has tons of public support and sky-high popularity right now. And he could be tempted by a desire to do the project service this second time around and fix what went wrong in the drama.

On the other hand, I don’t know if a movie is really necessary — given how the drama ended on a sour note (not necessarily that the plot ended badly, but in terms of viewer satisfaction), it may be better to just let go of it now and let fans take solace in the ongoing webtoon. If the movie weren’t a big success (which would be a tall order for any project), wouldn’t it feel like rubbing salt in the wound? Do we need to suffer twice? Or is the possibility of a fresh reboot enough reason to give it a try?

Via Sports Donga, Osen


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Just... Let it go man. I don't understand why they want to bring it up again. I thought the drama was decent enough (up until the wreckage that is episode 13 onwards). And since the viewers are basically over it, it's not a good move economically. If they wanted to reprise it again, wait a few more years. Or don't brand it as Cheese in the Trap.


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I'm pretty surprised how popular CITT has risen. PHJ already recorded the next 'Happy Camp' Chinese variety show and dressed up in his YJ character school uniform for that episode.


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They should make this an animated film, not live action. I always thought CiTT would make a fine anime and a lot of the webtoon flashbacks (which is basically the whole thriller and plot of the webtoon) would work better in anime form. Also after the drama what new and fresh aspect can they bring? The drama was good for 12 episodes until things went side ways. They got to bring in something that will draw people in. I say make it an adult animated romance thriller with PHJ voicing Jung and KGE voicing Sul.

If they go live action I want a whole new cast. PHJ and everyone else, just walk away. Once was more than enough (though PHJ is Yoo Jung for me). Actually lets just not with another live action adaption. Animated or nothing.


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CITT as an animated film? I like this idea!


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Just make a Bad Guys Season 2, k-ent. :<


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Yes please. From your fingers to the kdrama gods ears.


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A big yes to this!!


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A Big Yes.


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I just can't fathom this working out so it's best that PHJ let it go and move on to projects that will respect his talent.


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I'm sending prayers so that PHJ wont be tempted to agree and get burn again


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totally agree. I wish he just reject this and move on


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Helllooooo, April Fool's Day isn't until Friday? This is a joke, right?


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I would like a film focused only on Yoo jung
Park hae jin would be the best


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I suggest a brand new cast. The old ensemble has too much drama and bad memories attached to them. Plus, asking one but not the others to return seems hell dodgy.


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I watched 2eps of CITT.. it's okay, but don't get the hype like the others hahaha well, Goodluck then for the movie. Sounds like not a good idea... Or maybe they want to heal the viewers through the movie after the drama's fiasco


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I mean, if KGE is in i might watch just to see these two together.

But CITT left me with such nightmares that it took me a long time to recover. Havent found the cure till now.





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Let's just go with "Who Stole The Piano" and I'm in.


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How about this movie instead?

Playful Piano Keys the Movie

The romance between a playful young pianist named In Ho and an innocent piano, and the keys that started it all....


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This can be horror movie... and a romance between a human with his beloved piano


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I am torn. PHJ is the only Jung for me. And I so very much want closure to the drama ending. If PHJ and KGE are in, I will give this a try. But what I really wish could happen is they do an extension to the drama to provide proper closure to the Jung-Seol story. They can do an internet version of it just like they did with Playful Kiss, where they filmed extra episodes after the drama ended. And of course change the PD before that.


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I say this again,

I hope PHJ decline and move away from anything related to Cheese in the crap cause one time is more than enough tbh
Why try to hurt yourself again bae???
Lets just leave Cheese where it belong, in the past and pick another project & be amazing~


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The next big question: Who plays Seol!?

For me, Kim Go Eun was perfect in every way. She should reprise the role.

Burn, drama. Burn.


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yeah, I can't imagine anyone else as Seol now. And neither do I want to see another actress in the role of In-ha.

This proposal should just get buried, I hope to god Park Hae-jin turns it down.


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He movie producer are quite smart. They know now thatCiTT being the hot topic nowadays this is the best possible time to announce for the movie. And they know that audience is not going to accept any other jung than PHJ. They need him for this movie to sore or this is going to sink even worse than tue drama. As much a I dont want him to takke the role I also want him to have a closure to jung's character. It is going to be really interesting to see what decision he's gonna make.


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Can't imagine seeing a CITT without KGE as Seol :/ As awesome as PHJ was as Jung KGE killed her role as well


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I would love to see a more faithful adaptation to the web toon no matter who reprises the roles, except Seol. There are other talented actors who could play Jung or Inho. I'm more skeptical of Seol - KGE really made that part her own. It's hard to envisage someone else in the role. She wasn't a carbon copy of web toon Seol either - her interpretation of Seol is Seol to me now.

I frankly would be much more interested in a re-edit of the drama they already did, so brilliant in many ways. And it wouldn't be that hard to do. Replace more Jung-focused scenes (that make the audience like him more, and understand him better) for some of the Inho scenes, smooth out the last few episodes and tweak the ending.

I'd actually like to see an English version of Cheese - a season on Netflix. I've written to Netflix to tell them to consider it. Not that they'll listen to me, but if people don't try to bring it to their attention they might never hear of it.


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That's how I feel too - Kim Go-eun is the definitive Seol to me, and I don't think I want to see another actress in the role so soon.

And yes, a re-edited version of the drama would be the best thing, not a movie.


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I felt that the perfect balance was struck between the internal quirkiness (and hilarious over-analyzing) of webtoon!Seol and the introspective, wistful vibe the show was going for with drama!Seol in the early episodes. It's a shame the show didn't sustain this because KGE nailed it. The show lost its heart when it stopped paying attention to her and her growth.


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I agree. I can't seem to imagine anyone else as Seol either.

And yes, this is what I said on the first page. A re-edit of the drama is what I want to. Not to mention, it would be the perfect apology to PHJ, Soonkki, and fans. Cuz, I still don't understand how people are not getting that it's not PHJ's screen-time that was compromised—or not just that. It was the story that was compromised. Like, I think the show was lovely and everyone acted their parts extremely well but a little after half-way through that really wasn't Cheese in the Trap anymore. Even if it wasn't 100% faithful you could have still gotten the story right—no one was expecting something without any changes. But they decided to shift the focus of Seol and that really messed everything up. Like, everything happens with Seol as the center, the focus, and the voice (w/ Jung always a thought away or looming in the background) and that stopped being the case. That's the problem. The fact that people are walking away from the show still not understanding Jung is proof that, too. I think even Baek Inha's character was compromised too.


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I'm really torn about this. On one hand, I want PHJ and the rest of the cast to move on from the franchise entirely. There had been so much drama and bad vibes that a remake would inevitably be affected as well. It's too soon, it's almost as if the movie is a knee-jerk reaction to the mess.

On the other hand, I can't imagine anyone other than PHJ as Yoo Jung. He embodied the character, and he shone even with the paltry screentime given to him in the second half of the drama. However, the production team would have to film soon if they manage to get him on board as he's not getting any younger.

I'm liking the idea of an animated adaptation, with PHJ and KGE voicing the leads. I agree with the comment above that CitT would make a great anime. This way, we may still get both actors on board once the webtoon has wrapped up without worrying about anyone's age or appearance.


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I'm in!!! As long as Kim Go-eun also signs on as Seol. I don't care about the other characters on who will take their place if they can't sign on the original actors. But they have to sign on the original Yoo Jung and Hong Seol for it to work for me.


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Can't we just end that Cheese something as it is and start another drama instead? There's Man to Man in store for him, right? Don't wanna see ridiculous and unjust treatment ever again to Senior Jung as a character and Park Hae Jin as an actor.


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lol! I've joked about this. Cant believe it really happened.


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I want Kim go eun be Seol again,, don't want other cast


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ok... i will watch it if comic end


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PHJ said in an interview that he forms and ends relationships like a knife, both in work and in romantic relationships. If someone asks him to break up he won't ever ask for a second chance because in his words, you never know if you can handle the hurt the 2nd time.

On that basis, I expect him to decline this project even though he's taking his time to probably discuss with his agency.


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Ohhh, interesting. Though he does seem like that kind of person. And I can relate to this.


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oohhhh....I remembered that interview
hopefully he cut this unholy bad relationship with cheese with quickly and move on~
we all ready for your new project phj


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Huhh...wish they waited a year or so or even longer so they could go with a different cast and no-one would complain (perhaps reminiscence the one and only Yoo Jung Park Hae-jin, but past is past). They should make the movie after the webtoon ended.


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they probably try to milk this as people still have so much interest in citt & phj
and I think his age also a factor too
dont want to wait until he is too old to reprise Yoojung the college student...lol
as much as I adore this busan bae, he is not exactly baby face~
and it did noticeable in certain scenes in the drama tbh


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I hope he stays far away from the movie, too. In my opinion whoever bought the rights in China should just re-edit the second half of the drama, i.e. change/add the PHJ scenes like how it's supposed to be (but please no dubbing) and everyone's happy or at least somehow more satisfied.


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Oh no. If the powers that be had handled the original correctly, a film spin off would have been okay. After the shenanigans that resulted in the crash and burn of the series, it's best to walk away. I feel sorry for the webtoon writer, they have essentially have had their product, their brand, ruined by the rouge PD.


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First reaction : WHAT ?! and gaping like a goldfish in a bowl

So torn, but ... no. I think it's best not to do it at ALL. (Oh, but the possibility of a good story urgh) I don't think I can take it if another actor is playing Jung


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Let it go, let it gooooo.
Park Hae-jin should just walk far away from this whole thing. Even Soonki-nim should just leave it alone before it completely ruins the great reputation her webtoon currently has.


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CITT would not be the same with the same cast. I can't see others playing the characters anymore. So no movie , please. Plus, the TV series was so good due to the complexities of the characters and stories. I can't see all that fitting in an hour, two hours movie.


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I don't quite understand this move. What can a 2h (may even be shorter) movie do that a 16-episode drama can't? Moreover, just like many other CITT fans, Park Haejin is the only real-life image of Jung for me. But it will feel so weird to have only him reprised and all the other casts changed. Then again, i'd really not wish to have another actor take up the role. What with the immense viewers dissatisfaction with the drama, this move is just inviting more comments on what went wrong and what could be improved. We don't need another actor in the mix for this whole saga. The drama left a sour note. But really, just let it go at that. I feel like any attempts to salvage it or even to touch it will result in things getting uglier.


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apparently it was reported that kim go eun was not offered a role in the movie. Well well well.


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I hope Chun Woo Hee will be lead actress. She is suitable to be Seol in my opinion.


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2 months after the show ends and just one speculation alone can still set buildings on fire hahahaha


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Could be a golden second chance?! But please, for the love god, Piano better not have a role in it!


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The reactions really put me off this franchise. The demand seems to be to change all actors except PHJ. The story may be alienating but the other actors were also pitch perfect-- Kim Go Eun, Seo Kang Joon, Lee Sung Kyung. I don't want a Seol who isn't Go Eun. Park Hae Jin has all the sympathy in the drama behind the drama and for good reason, but the devaluing of all other characters and actors is so OTT. When the drama was good, it was the best, and it was because of all of these actors, but it's completely unacknowledged. I didn't realize how Yoo Jung centric the fan-base was before I started watching, not only re: screentime, but with every character who questioned him hated on and branded a hypocrite, to the extent that the actors bore the brunt for it-- why is Seol calling In Ho oppa and refusing to understand Jung, why hasn't In Ho made anything of his life and keeps blaming Jung, why is In Ha trying to ruin Jung's life. I've never before so strongly felt that I was watching a completely different drama.


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I hope all the actors involved in the drama decline a role in the movie. Maybe CITT can get a reboot somewhere down the line once Soonki has finished the webtoon. After the disaster that was tvN's CITT, I can't see a 2hr movie being any better, a drama reboot years from now would be much better. People also need time to get over their anger. That might take years unfortunately. I dread reading anything involving the cast due to the never ending negative comments. I think a brand new cast would be in order for a reboot. It'd be great if they are all unknowns. Unfortunately, I wouldn't trust a new installment with tvN.


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Reading any of the comments for this drama used to be like reading a very long In Defence Of post. What I found strange was that there was universal admission that Yoo Jung's character and PHJ as an actor, were shafted; he didn't have enough lines, his screentime was slashed, he wasn't made accessible to viewers because his scenes and actions were haphazard, his back-story wasn't fully explored, his motives weren't developed well, he wasn't made sympathetic because of this lack of exploration, AND YET, most of the comments were a defence of the character, his actions and motives, ie people understood him and loved him, even more than the characters who did have more screentime. Everything he did was completely understandable to the majority. So if a majority of people did get the character, fully sympathised with him, defended both his thought-process and actions and understood them completely-- then he couldn't possibly have been that badly written. On the other hand, if he WAS that badly written and short-changed, then his actions couldn't have been as easily defensible because the show wouldn't have given enough material for all that defence, which means most aspects of the character were either extrapolated from the webtoon or just created by the audience and mere conjecture. It's difficult to say that the character was shown as too problematic and wasn't given enough material to be sympathetic, while In Ho was made too nice and likeable, when people clearly like and praise Jung and his actions more-- which again means that either he IS likeable and the drama itself made him that way and itself gave people the material to understand the character and love him...or that people like him despite the drama, they like him regardless of the drama, as if he exists outside the drama itself and it doesn't matter what he does or says in it, which means they like a character that wasn't drama!Jung at all. I still wonder which one it is. People said that Jung wasn't made sympathetic in the drama and In Ho was made much too sympathetic, and yet if someone sympathised with In Ho (which, apparently, the drama was itself aiming for, according to the audience) then they were accused of reading his actions in a favourably coloured light (which would apply that the interpretation was favourable, not the drama writing for him). The whole thing was infinitely tiring.


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I find the drama did trying make Yoo Jung become symphatetic char, but never trying to insist us to justify of his action. Understanding his action, yess, but Drama make sure and already pointing out it doesn't make you have the right to do that. That's what I found refreshing, though, from this drama.


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There's proof that PHJ's screen time was slashed - there's a bunch of scenes in previes that never made it to the screen, and they looked crucial to the plot. Viewers caught on to this and were rightly angered even before Soonkki and PHJ spoke up. Another problem was the lack of payoff. The production team set up this overarching mystery mystery with Jung and Seol at the center, and then completely dropped the ball in the second half of the drama by ignoring them completely in favor of In-ho's angst.

There are some very valid reasons why people manage to write lengthy paragraphs in defense of Jung's character.

(1) The existence of the webtoon. The thing with an adaptation is that it's expected to live up to the spirit of the original. It doesn't have to be a scene-by-scene copy, but it does have to get the tone and characters right. Fans of the webtoon watched this drama to see the characters they love, and they were very vocal in voicing their displeasure once they saw the lead(s - I'd argue Seol got shafted as well) being shoved aside. The dissatisfaction spread to non-readers, and viola! Insta-riot.

The webtoon is a character-driven story - the tv team had everything they needed there even without the ending. Seol's personality quirks, Jung's light/dark moments, and In-ho's (much, much better) character development. If you've read all those defences of Jung, you probably noticed that a lot of them cite the webtoon. There's a lot of important material the tv team chose to ignore, and many people know this. There's a lot of character beats missing in the drama, but many people can connect the dots by reading the webtoon.

(2) PHJ's acting. He's a reader of the webtoon and understands that there's a lot of issues simmering beneath the surface with Jung. This is reflected in his acting. drama!Jung is unsympathetic on paper (I read in an interview that the PD's intention was to have PHJ play Jung as less nice than in the webtoon), but PHJ's acting adds a layer of vulnerability to the character that makes the audience want to get to know him more (which sort of turns us into Seol, but I think that was supposed to be the goal).

(3) The utter lack of balance. The drama does blame Jung for everything while his targets are reduced to being hapless victims of a potentially psychopathic ass. Even Sang-chul (a shameless freeloader and unrepentant bully) gets to call him out and take the moral high ground (which, what?) The drama was at its greatest when we were given a bunch of main characters with potential for huge leaps in character development. Seol was actually making great strides before she was reduced into an object for In-ho to pine over. The imbalance was most obvious in the 13th and 14th episodes (when people got REALLY angry), but many people started pointing this out at around episode 7 or 8. You know you have a problem when people are clocking the lead's screentime and it turns out he's only there for 10...


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Ugh my comment has been cut off!

(cont) minutes. The audience was baited with deleted scenes in end-of-episode previews. We know there's more scenes on hand, and we're wondering why we haven't seen them.

I think I would have been happier with the ending if Seol had been in a good headspace. As it was, she ended the show on a low point and with her character development negated. She learned to stand up to people only to give in to the same archetypes after she graduated.

That said, I can't imagine PHJ going solo as Yoo Jung with every other part recasted. PGE, SKJ, LSK, and the rest of the cast were amazing in their roles. It wasn't SKJ's fault the PD (or CJ) moved him front and center to the detriment of everyone else. The cast played off each other so well, I can't imagine PHJ repeating the dynamic with a completely new set of actors. It is a shame that the netizens (and the movie producers) are overlooking their talents because of the controversy, and it's an even bigger shame that the drama has turned into such a mess, even a respected film director thought it needed a do-over.

I hope you're not too burned by the drama controversy to give the webtoon a try. It's slower-paced but it gives all the main characters room to breath and grow.


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I completely agree with this comment, and I think you explained it really well. But as someone who never read the webtoon, and was just watching the drama, I thought that the sympathy for Jung and all his actions and everything he said was very over-the-top. People disliked most of the other characters so they were blamed for everything they did and every choice they made, while the majority opinion blamed Jung's choice on his childhood (neither In Ho nor In Ha were given that luxury) and father, which I personally found actually lessened the character for me because it sort of took away his agency and made him a victim of pre-determination. I LOVED that here was a drama that wasn't afraid to call its lead on his shadiness and didn't romanticize it, that was my favorite thing about his character and characterization. I didn't have to like his actions to think he was an incredible character, but there was so much conflation of it that made it seem that to love Jung, you have to agree with and understand everything he does.

I get that the writers REALLY dropped the ball on him; both character-wise and screentime-wise, but that's exactly why I never warmed up to him completely, I thought there were way too many problematics that were never addressed. And that IN FACT is what the drama showed me, and is what it has been criticized for- for only showing problematics and not addressing them when it came to Jung, i.e. deliberately blaming him for stuff and making him unsympathetic. But when I was reading exactly what the drama was showing me (even though it was a result of background drama and should really have been different, but still remains very much canonical), I was constantly told that I should not be reading it this way, and that I was supposed to be watching a very different drama from the one I was actually watching. I haven't read the webtoon and the drama exists as its own adaptation and interpretation, and if I don't borrow from the webtoon OR factor in the behind-the-scenes, I'm getting a very different character from what I felt was the popularly accepted characterization. I get and completely sympathize with the PHJ situation in real life, but there was so much conflation by the audience, that it was really hard to continue liking Jung when every single other character in the drama (and I mean literally everyone from Seol onwards) was being criticized for how their actions affected Jung. If the drama blamed Jung, the audience did a 180 and blamed everyone except Jung. Both those positions were extremely exhausting. It would've made sense to me if people found some things about Jung and his actions confusing and were like "the drama is deliberately trying to paint him negatively by not giving a backstory/not exploring his motivations/not developing his actions in context", but instead, what I largely found was that people said "this drama is deliberately trying to paint him negatively... but here is why this action...


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...is not negative at all and totally defensible and understandable and actually Jung is right in context" which for me meant the drama couldn't possibly be portraying him that negatively since obviously the sympathetic reactions would have to derive FROM the drama. Mostly there was sympathy both for the deliberate negative portrayal AND for the negative action, again, as if the character exists outside the text and is not contained by the drama. I get that people had their interpretations and sympathies, as did I, but it's very difficult to argue your position when your consideration is supposed to include things that never even happened in the text in question i.e. the drama.

The only thing I'd disagree with is that I never saw Seol as an object for In Ho to pine over. I very much felt Seol's subjectivity in all her interactions with In Ho. And I felt that the ending objectified Seol much more than In Ho's arc ever did, in that a major life-changing event for her (her accident and hospitalization), wasn't even about her, it was only for Jung's character-development and realizations. She was merely collateral damage in the In Ha/Jung showdown. She had to be physically hurt in order for Jung to come to some kind of understanding about his behavior, and yet this major, climactic event changed nothing for her (in that she went on to the life she probably would have had anyway.) Which is what I'd argued in the last episode's comments as well. Because I have seen a lot of people mention the Seol-shafting re: In Ho, but again there is absolutely no critique when the same thing happens re: Jung, which is what I'd felt has been happening since quite a few episodes with the audience.


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I just read your second part and yes it seems I should check out the webtoon! I was totally intrigued by Jung for a significant period, before the disproportional reactions started coloring my view of the character and text lol. I think I'm so worked up because I've seen so many comments which don't want Kim Go Eun back and it just made me hopping mad. KGE was resplendent as Seol, that was an utterly, gorgeously nuanced, masterful portrayal. Seol was so painfully real and relatable in every way and a LOT of that has to do with how Go Eun played her. But this insistence that Park Hae Jin was the only relevant member of the cast and the only one who's casting is of any point is just off-putting for me. Seol was my girl and one of my favorite female characters in dramaland, but both she and her excellent actor just got shot down so much, it soured me to everything else.

AND DON'T EVEN MENTION THAT ENDING, Seol ending up jaded and resigned, that is something I just can't forgive this drama for. That all her experiences basically changed NOTHING in her interactions with the world and people, just. I have never seen such shoddy writing, esp for a drama that was on the brink of a revolution in its early episodes.


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Well, I agree it would be much better if Seol's char is get shut down completely, I'm mad too... But it's not as if she doesn't has time to shine... Might be due to character focus on anyone else who also has capable to shine.... A drama with decent essemble cast like this would be waste if only focus the main char arc... and I appreciate that... Sang Chul, So Min Soo, In Ha also need to shine, and I'm glad the production give them a chance. love love love their roles. This drama has a better young actor than the one in Misaeng. I actually has simpathy alot with all Jung's victim because the drama make them symphatetic as well


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The thing was, Soonkki told the production team to lessen the number of villains in the drama in order to maintain the slice of life feel of the webtoon (and presumably allow ample time for the main characters to develop). There were simply too many villains for a 16-episode drama.


I agree that a lot of characters shined in this show, even the villains were perfectly cast and made you think, and Kim Go Eun and Seol were the heart of the show throughout, but I really wish she'd had a more complete arc. I felt like that ending undermined so much character development that I couldn't accept it for a character that I had come to know and love.


That ending was poison tbh.

KGE was resplendent as Seol. She, PHJ, and the rest were dream cast levels of perfection. It's a shame PD LYJ (and/or CJ - this may be a case of executive meddling and she may not have had a choice in the matter) screwed everyone over.

You're right in that she ended up a tool servicing Jung's realizations in the last episode, but I'd have to maintain my stance that this whole objectifying Seol-for-love-interests thing has been going on since the time In-ho's screentime increased (a lot of it was devoted to watching her and secretly pining for her so...). Anyway, I was already expecting things to suck when the car accident plot came around so I watched it less as someone angered by the ultimate shafting of what was once an awesome heroine and more as someone resigned to the inevitable trainwreck.

I wanted to know so much more about Seol, and I was curious when in the earlier episodes she was asked what her dream was and she didn't know. I wanted to see her journey to figuring out her life, with or without Jung in it. I wanted to see more of the conflict with her family (I don't buy for one second that the whole thing was resolved with a perfunctory acknowledgement from her dad) and I wanted to see her take charge of her own life and her relationships. There were so many lost opportunities for character development that could have been given to her if only there the writing was more balanced.

The ending was a downer ending. I got the feeling that she was bitter and weary with life in general during that final monologue, and it was an awful, awful way to close the show. She was so despondent... it was depressing to see the woman who confronted Min-soo and gave Sang-chul the what-for devolve into the meek girl who can't say no. It was a new low for a production crew who, by this point, had already undermined the careful craftsmanship their lead actor did in building up his character by cutting his scenes.


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Seems that my queen KGE hasn't been offered/contacted to reprise her role as Seol and no, no no no nope!

KGE is Seol for me just as much as PHJ is Jung. As an avid reader/fan of the webtoon and lover of the first 12 episodes of the drama. KGE nailed that role. She brought the quirkiness, the doubts, the inner questioning, doubts, wariness, etc of Seol. But also made her so damn relatable and just...I loved Seol.

NO KGE no bueno! I really hope and pray PHJ doesn't do this. None of the original cast should. Hell we don't even need a movie. Despite my many grievances with the drama. Most important/significant scenes were word for word scene for scene copy of/from the webtoon. Other than improving upon what was already given, I don't see what the movie could do that the drama didn't.

NO movie or just a whole fresh new cast to see how they do things.


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I agree. Go Eun is just so subtle as Seol.... It's so hard to imagine a better actress with the same age to pull it off... SHe bring that nuance to Seol char.


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No, just don't... I think it's too soon to even think of doing a movie adaption, much less make casting offers... Just let the webtoon wrap up. And if Soonkki agrees to a movie version, then let the talks begin at that point in time. Plus, I think PHJ should not reprise the role of Jung since I tend to like having different actors play the same role in drama vs. movie adaptation. PHJ already lined up his next drama, so that's probably something fans can look forward to. He did an amazing job as Jung and we don't really need him to do it all over again, especially when the plot is kinda iffy at this point depending on how the movie version will adapt the webtoon...


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Let it go, Park Hae Jin. You're superb as Jung and the world have acknowledged it. No need to do this for your personal satisfaction. Please do much better drama where your character can get fair treatment and lots of airtime.


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