Park Hae-jin eyes an immediate return to dramaland in JTBC’s Man to Man

Glad to see Park Hae-jin is ready to jump back to work after his last drama kind of imploded, and so far the fan reaction to this latest news is pretty much mine, in hoping he’ll have better luck this time.

He is currently considering a drama for JTBC called Man to Man, and it’ll be produced by the production company Drama House, which has a number of critically lauded projects to its name: Secret Love Affair, A Wife’s Credentials, Yoo-na’s Street (all of which were also on JTBC). It’s described as a story of a star actor and the bodyguard who is brought in to protect him, with Park Hae-jin up to play the bodyguard.

My first thought was that the star would be an actress and the two would fall in love, a la Bodyguard — not a bad setup, but a familiar one — but on second thought, it seems more likely to be a male actor. Aside from the title being Man to Man, there’s also mention of bromance, which I find encouraging.

In any case, this production company has proven itself more than capable of nuanced, thoughtful, and emotional material, so I’m expecting they’ll find a solid writer and director team… if only for their sakes, since there may be rioting if not. After the Great Cheese Controversy, public sentiment is overwhelmingly on Park’s side right now, and whether or not it’s accurate, the prevailing belief is that Park was wronged badly by the Powers In Charge of Cheese in the Trap, which has resulted in a very protective attitude toward him. Park’s involvement in Man to Man will likely bring it a lot of extra attention, and it’s probably great time to tackle a new project while there’s so much love being thrown his way.

Man to Man is looking to broadcast toward the end of the year on JTBC.

Via Osen


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oooH this sounds interesting! Hopefully this doesn't crash and die like CITT. Bromance dramas are always fun. Fighting PHJ


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He surely has a way of choosing wired male characters... as long as characters are justified I'm on board...


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Yes!! Sunbae!! I'm thirsty for you. Lol
I hope this drama would be a success!


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ah fuck im so excited!!! i desperately hoped that i would get to see him act soon in another drama after cheese lmao, and the premise, it sounds very... intriguing to say the least n___n


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He looked so fine! Half rolled sleeve never looked more sexy.


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He looks too skinny, imo.

Gain some weight pse oppaaa.


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Yes, so tall and too skinny. Just saw him in Busan early morning last Nov 2015.


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He looks hotter showing his forehead !

(Sorry no input on the drama --I need more info to decide whether I'm looking forward to this drama or not-- or the Great Cheese Controversy --cuz aren't we all over that by now--)


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Yup I've been waiting to see his forehead for years now LMAO. Seriously one thing I couldn't get over with is how his hair never moved in Bad Guys XD


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I love bodyguard story. But usually it involves a lady star and her bodyguard. Why not a lady bodyguard and a male star indeed. I think the one like that was drama Unformidable Rival.

I want Ma Dong Seok in it but he already confirmed in another drama. Is Jo Dong Hyuk busy?


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Oh dear God make Jo Dong Hyuk the star! Why did you have to mention that fine looking man in connection with this drama? I mean, with those muscles he wouldn't need a bodyguard so of course it's just wishful thinking and quite frankly I'll be happy with anyone as long as there is a good bromance, but JO DONG HYUK! Why isn't he in more shows so I can look at him?


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They did that with Wild Romance already. Personally I prefer a nice bromance drama for a change. It would be very refreshing.


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am so glad to hear Hae jin is starring another drama…I've been a follower of him since My Daughter So-Young….AM just sad how he was treated on his last drama…..take care and God bless Have Jin…….


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I assumed he'd be the star, not the bodyguard! O:
Is the bromance going to be the main part of the plot? I'm curious....

Well, I hope his next drama is good and good to him.


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Since it's the production behind SLA, I am all for it. They better have a good PD and writing team as that drama.

In regards to Park Hae Jin, I don't think he was the victim at all. Actually, he was the smartest person in the room when he separated himself from the drama before it ended. He knew the last two episodes were going into the makjang territory. Looking back at it, the writers had no idea how to end the drama from the beginning. And that's what sucks considering it was pre-produced. So, don't victimize the actor. His "apology" was actually done to protect his image. If he didn't, he would have been crucified for that awful ending.

Still, he is still a darn good actor. I will watch this drama if he confirms.


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Agree with everything you said. Especially about his shrewd move to become a spokesman for fan anger and simultaneously convert the emotional energy into sympathy and good will for himself.

I was going to post asking how he'd been wronged. I just don't see it. Glad you already answered. ?


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Does this make him the real Jung?


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did you miss the part where they binned scenes he had already filmed and re-filmed the same scenes with inho cantabile? and then ditched his character development in favour of inho cantabile?


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But this is the way the real world works: There's always outtakes from productions. Some stuff always gets cut. And KDs are notorious for changing the story lines during the course of production.

I find it a little manipulative to suggest that it was a personal injustice. He's not entitled to whatever screen time he wants or to dictate how the network/PD decide to tell the story.

Now, if he said that he wouldn't have agreed to the role if he knew what they were ultimately going to do with the character...that'd be fair. But he didn't say that.


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I'm not saying you're manipulative. I'm saying the general assertion is manipulative.


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1. Only up to ep 4 was filmed so it wasn't pre-produced. PD changed the story mid-way and fans voiced their dissatisfaction then ratings started to tank.

2. "Don't victimize the actor".... Really? Reading the comments it's either PHJ scheming (because he's the real YJ)or SKJ's agency/sponsor. I doubt that SKJ's agency pulled strings behind the scenes, or that possible PHJ to planned this to make himself the victim. No one benefited from this situation I don't understand why people are either claim that SKJ has a sponsor or that PHJ is some mastermind. The hate both actors are getting make them both victims in my book. However at the end of the day one got more screen-time(CFs deals) and the other got the public's support.

3. I watched the show for SKJ, but it's obvious that PHJ was royally screwed. He was written off his show that's he's been promoting since last year (he is still promoting the show with 60+ interviews overseas). He filmed scenes, which were edited out completely or re-filmed using SKJ. He literally used to sell and promote the drama then completed written out. I don't understand why that's so difficult to understand?


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Nobody benefitted? Hardly.

I don't think it was a grand conspiracy either way. Not on behalf of the network/PD and not on behalf of the actor or his agency. Rather, they all were seeking to profit from the production.

The 60+ interviews do nothing but benefit him. An actor's lifeblood is public interest and creating favorable public opinion. So the controversy hasn't done anything but help him. But again, that's mostly because he's been smart about how he's used it.

I'm sure he wasn't happy about having scenes cut. It had to have bruised his ego. But he's been the winner in the end.


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Right there with you. People forget most of the "evidence" they're citing about what happened to CITT came from PHJ's own statements. Personally I don't buy the whole "they cut his scenes" story-- it's the same two scenes and one "leaked" page of the screenplay cited over and over. But ultimately does it matter anymore? The results are the results and nobody can argue he walked away the winner. It's sad it's blowing back to another actor and I think we should remember that the PD got convicted in the court of public opinion and might never work again, so there are real consequences here for other people. Personally, and as a huge fan of PHJ, I can't get over the fact that he started trash talking his own drama before it had finished its run.


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I don't get the Conspiracy theory you guys are using for Haejin.
First of all, the reason he talks about his cutting scenes was mainly because due to the drama flow, it must appear in ep 10 -11. But then it was all the piano scenes. Fans, viewers and Haejin must be mad. But he just answered the media only once, explained everything included the rumor about the vacation. And remember how SKJ Company mediaplay to victimize SKJ as well, writing the article that way "PHJ is frustrated about his decreased screens, while at the same time, SKJ, who is wonderfully doing his share, is also hurt". That's terrible to write about Haejin that way. At least they must write about the frustration for Haejin in full context, not for his "less screentime due to SKJ, a wonderful actor".

Talking about the promotions, you must remember that when Haejin and Nam Joo Hyuk has the free-hug event, SKJ use the reason he was busy to hold his OWN event later with no one from the cast. And in the same time, BUSY was the reason the film crew use to exclude PHJ from their vacation. Same reason but different treatment.

Moreover, most of the events holders want to have PHJ, it is not like PHJ organized themselves. And it is due to the signed contract with tvN that PHJ has to attend. Because atm, he is overload with the preparation for his Fanmeeting.


Guess you guys were so overwhelmed by his acting to think that he is a Jung in real life. I think he just voiced his sentiments regarding the matter because everyone was really curious and the bubble was anyway gonna pop, but to his advantage almost everyone took his side. I don't think he manipulated the situation but it was rather that Yoo Jung was already a pivotal character of the webtoon who was beloved and Park Hae Jin himself has a very positive image among the public, that a newbie actor like Seo Kang Joon ( or Baek In Ho) doesn't have what it takes to win the public's love over someone as beloved as Park Hae Jin (or Sunbae)


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No, just not so naive as to think that he isn't driven by business decisions too.

The thing I think people are entirely missing is that there is absolutely no correlation between his scenes being cut and damage to his public image. That was a fabrication of hyper-passionate fans and then capitalized on by his press release.

It's an immature and manipulative mindset that says "because you aren't showing oppa as much as I want to see him... because he's the best actor everrrrrrrr... you're harming him... and committing an injustice... and I hate you... and *&^% off... and you need to paaaaaaay for it." And that's just a small sampling of what I've seen.

SKJ was the one who was really harmed by this debacle. And he was cemented as the villain when PHJ began playing the victim. SKJ was just doing what they asked on set; and now he's being damaged by a ridiculous assertion.

Yes, art imitates life and life imitates art.


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Very well said!!!!!!


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- no actor promotes a show which showcases another actor. It was his show as a lead but surprise, he was written out of his own show, which he found out when the episodes aired

- i'm not sure where you got the idea that he knew the last 2 episodes were crap since he never saw them. so when did he make his grand strategy to play the victim ? first viewers complained, then soonki, then finally PHJ.

- yes, characters/ actors get their screentime reduced on the editing table. but that is secondary characters. You can count on one hand the number of times of it has happened to a lead

- Calling PHJ supporters having " immature and manipulative mindset" while talking about about SKJ was victimised ... lol ... how? - he got the screentime, he got the visibility, he got CFs and a new show. He is the ONLY one who benefited while the show was butchered and the leads sidelined. Even seol's character arc came to a screeching halt. The 'ridiculous assertion' you speak of makes far far more sense than your theory on PHJ

- PHJ got a lot of public sympathy. But what is he going to do with that? he risked being ignored/ blacklisted by production houses and networks for speaking out in an industry that prefers everything to be swept under the rug. Its a mark of how angry/ hurt he must have been to be treated so cheaply. (Not just his role, his queries were unanswered, he wasn;t invited etc etc)

- Why shouldn't people speak out when they are wronged? . For you to say that it is manipulative is just ........... "Ah in" has an excellent reply to you on the next page.


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literally was explaining this to a people on netizenbuzz a few days ago


+Like this brainy response.


Wow. Just wow.

First of all no one woos a leading man as persistently as CJ E&M wooed him and not promise that he'd have ample screen time to develop his character.

Second, he said in one interview that his condition for accepting their offer was that they do right by Jung's character (i.e., give his character enough time to develop), which (as PHJ realized while live-watching the show) they didn't.

Thirdly, he filmed scenes that were crucial to said character development and the show's plot that were not shown AT ALL. It was obvious that the show's plot suffered in its second half due to gratuitous In-ho and repetitive scenes of his broody piano playing when at least half of it could have been used to air those cut Jung scenes.

I think PHJ may have been smart in making his stance clear in the middle of netizen rage against the drama, but that doesn't negate the fact that he took a huge, possible career damaging risk in speaking out the way he did. Speaking out against an established director like LYJ and a production company as influential as CJ E&M is no small thing. They could easily ruin him if they had any ammunition against him. Which they didn't, because PHJ was clearly an absolute professional who was well liked on set.

I think he saw this as a chance to publicly ask CJ E&M why they cut all those important scenes when they refused to answer him when he approached them about it.

SKJ is getting some backlash and (based on netizenbuzz) I think many Korean and Chinese netizens won't be ready to see him on their sceens anytime soon, but I think most of us know this isn't his fault. The issue lies with the production team and their insistence in keeping the people they work with (i.e. Soonkki and PHJ) in the dark about drastic changes to the work they've done.

So yeah, PHJ is the victim here along with Soonkki. He may have been smart in speaking up when public sentiment was (and still is) overwhelmingly in his favor, but this doesn't in any way negate the fact that this PD and production team did him wrong.


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+10000000 Well-informed response.


I read all of his interviews. He really is a fan of the webtoon, he just loves Yoo Jung so much that's why he was disappointed at how they dealt with his character and the direction of the show, that's all.


Loved your response.

It's not editing that fans are pissed off at... Scenes get cut, sure, but people want the leads of the drama to have more screen time than other characters. It's not just "Give oppa more scenes!!" but give your lead ample screen time to develop. And that's why he got wronged, he was promised that.

2nd: calling him manipulative is a bit harsh. He probably saw an opportunity to voice his opinion and got the public support. Yes, it's a smart move but that was his best move in the situation...


I second this.


playing the victim?

bu*thurt much?


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Wow. Just, wow..

This is by far the most ridiculous conclusion I've seen after all the evidence (released by news agencies, production or actors' companies), news articles and interviews (note, not just PHJ's interviews and some funny self-contradictory edits all documented by fans). It is SKJ's company that first came out to shamelessly admit the actor's screentime was significantly increased due to his so-called "popularity" and that audience wanted to see him more (proof please?), at the cost of the quality of the show. Now if SKJ is harmed by this shitty motive, who should take the very most responsibility?

You're not even understanding what fans have been complaining about. Go fact-checking before accusing people taking PHJ's side for being "immature and manipulative". Open your eyes and see for yourself: the audience are mad because the show was screwed. And PHJ did not victimize himself, he simply sided with the audience and demanded an explanation for the sudden and obvious turn that the show took which resulted in the sabotaged storyline. That's it.


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Love you PHJ. Will watch this drama for nothing but you. And if it's a good one all the better. Muaaah


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My first thought at the mention of Park Hae Jin as a bodyguard was his Family Outing identity as Delicate Boy and the impromptu physical training with Kim Jong Kook lol

That said, I loved Secret Love Affair and hope that if he takes this it'll be a drama that does him some justice.


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Omg, those were the days! Couldn't imagine back then that this Delicate Boy would turn to be a popular solid actor now.

I loved Family Outing! I wish he could make an appearance at Running Man just to see him reunited with YJS and KJK, that will be fun.


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I wish the same is nore will like to see thw whole Family Outing cast in Runningman


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delicate boy noona romance fantasy boy~
I'm re-watching FO right now to heal after CITT tbh


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yay!! I'll definitely check this out for PHJ


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Need more details, but a story than centers around a bromance could be interesting. I can enjoy the exploration of platonic relationships as much as I enjoy romantic ones. The words "nuanced", "thoughtful" and "emotional" are also encouraging. I would like to see another production put their faith in a story like that and the fact good, consistent storytelling is enough to keep viewers interested.


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I'meant so happy to hear this news. I hope he accepts the offer and of course gets a professional, smart and thoughtful PD & writer. He really deserves a project that is solid from beginning to end. One where is talents will be appreciated and showcased to the maximum.


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This looks pretty interesting. I hope the actor turns out to be a guy too. I haven't watched Cheese so I've been missing PHJ.


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Since I didn't watch Cheese, he's still in my mind as the cold pseudo-psychopath of Bad Guys. I want to see him again and Bodyguard's premise sounds cool and it's even better that it's on cable.

SIghs....should I keep waiting for Bad Guys 2? :(


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I'm still waiting for Bad Guys 2 .. :D


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Me too!!


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I've never been so excited for drama news. After CITT, I need saving.


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Oh my, that pic, Park Hae Jin's is soo handsome in it that it would be more fitting if he is the actor in this drama if he signs in. I want him to be the actor for I know I will be drooling for his handsomeness with the right make-up and outfit. I just didn't like the way they dressed Park Hae Jin in the trap. I want him dressed as Lee Hwi Kyung in The Moon From The Stars. Goodluck, I will be tuning in to whatever project you'll star in.


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At this point, I'm willing to watch paint dry for him. After all, I sat through being tortured by CITT.


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Lol same. I mean, bromance and PHJ as a bodyguard? I'm in!

I really hope he accepts!


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I second this. I'm still damaged from CITT, I just need him to be on my screen.


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They better treat my Sunbae right this time!


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ameeen sister...


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Prayer circle for this drama's production team to do right by Park Hae-jin.....

I'm happy he's doing another kdrama so soon after instead of packing off to China, it's good the industry hasn't turned their backs on him for speaking out.


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Ohhhh he looks hot! I initially thought he'd be the star but I'm all for this. Hope this erases the mess that Cheese brought.


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If they're looking for another Man, no one is Man-ier than Song Jae-rim. *hint hint, Universe*


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i second this...
but but, they both look so much a like O_o


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I love his hair here. This reminds me that my #1 complaint going into CitT was Jung's hair. I hated that hairstyle lol. I'll echo everyone else and say he looks great and I'm ready to see him again already. Hopefully he won't get scenes cut without notice this time! /bitter


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Great news indeed :) Love PHJ a lot not only as an actor but he also seems so sweet and considerate as a person as well.
I will definitely stay tuned !


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Huh, I almost forgot what he looked like without the psychopath fringe. Well since it's this vague, my wildly speculative hope is that it's kinda like Rough Cut; bodyguard, gangster, same difference. It'd be crazy/fun considering this team, it'd be all atmospheric instead of gritty. If Park is the sullen Gangpae, who'd be the obnoxious Soota?


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the Jung thirst in this thread is so strong... yummmm


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thought it was a gay themed drama bcoz of the title but SK is not yet ready for that. i wonder who will play the star actor. i don't want it to be another model turned actor but a mature charismatic actor like go soo. well, maybe that's too much to ask ...


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I like his hair swept back from his face. Looks much much swoon-y (?) ... What is the korean actors' fascination with bangs covering the forehead ? Is it a recent thing ?

I'm so glad that he is getting good offers. For some reason i thought he might get blacklisted for speaking out. I'm actually glad that its not a female actor bec i don't want to watch another damsel in distress. Bromance done right always gets a thumbs up from all of us!

PS: Still not giving up on BG 2.


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I agree with you 100% re: the bangs. Someone noted they probably did the bang thing in CITT to make him look younger because he is over 30 I believe.


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Ooooh, bromance full out instead of romance? Now can they go without a female lead at all so nothing is ruined in the name of a dreaded love triangle? That would be so darn awesome. I adore PHJ despite hating Yoo Jung and I'm furious on what he had to go through because of a drama as boring and crappy as Cheese. Hopefully he has better luck and a better PD this time around. Everyone and their mothers know he deserves better.


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my mother approves this comment.


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GAHHH, will my dream of a park hae jin x moon chae won drama ever be realized? i NEED them on my screen together at least once, pleaseeeee.


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And we are dreaming of the same dream.


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I think a good bromance drama will be very refreshing. Hope they don't put the cheesy cliché of a love triangle in there. It's fine of they put a romance in there, say like between the star and a girl, but don't let that be the focus of the drama. It's totally unnecessary for a great drama. Really, there's so much more than romance in dramas. For instance, I'm not watching Descendants of the Sun, but I'm way more interested in the bromance between Song Joong Ki and Lee Kwang Soo, and the strength of that friendship provides for them. Like put friendship before romance for once!


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Yoo Jung sunbaeeeeeee, hum euh Park Hae Jin sunbae :) , will keep an eye on this drama, but the question will be to watch while it's airing or after ??? wait and see...
A cameo of Kim Go Eun would be gladly welcomed ;) !!!


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Is it too much to hope for a gratuitous shower scene or some demonstration of hot bodyguard physique from him??? Sunbae, pleeeeease?


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He has a mole on his left shoulder blade
yes, I saw his shower scene cut on ig
what, I need something to cleanse my soul after Cheese.. ;P


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oh.. The drama from this production team are really good.!
I am so happy. I hope he takes the role and it turns out awesome. And they treat him better than CITT production team. Thank you for this article.


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I loved SLA... yay! So he'll be the bodyguard... but the star won't be playing piano right?


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Lol reading the comments made me happier than reading the news. kkkkk.

Just give him a good writer, PDnim & of course his partner. And reading the jokes somewhere (actually it is more on prayer) asking him to decline the offer if it involves piano again. We all know what "piano" did to him in CITT. kkk.


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I haven't watched Secret Love Affair, A Wife's Credentials, or Yoo-na's Street (not my cup of tea) but I know these are critically acclaimed shows so I'm so, so excited that PHJ will be able to work with this production company. Hopefully, this new project will be able to wash away the stink left by CitT.


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I loved Yu Na's Street (It did flag somewhat in the last 10 episodes) so I'm mega happy about this.
If Man to Man is half as quirky or innovative as YNS... I'd be a very happy ajumma.


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Writer of Yoona's Street? I'm in.


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Oh, just the production company... But still!


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I know he's still finishing up another drama right now, but I'd love to see Park Hae-Jin in a film with Jung Kyung-ho. They're such amazing actors, and they both have excellent range.


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if this is another drama like Heartless City..... i swear to god to watch the shit out of it!


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So happy to hear this! Actually I think PHJ was not only wronged by the Powers In Charge of Cheese in the Trap but also by an actor whom he thought was a friend but back stabbed him by using dirty connections very much like Yoo Jung! Poor Hae Jin! I hope he finds better colleagues this time!

After watching DR stranger and Bad Guys and Cheese I realised he has a talent in portraying mysterious characters.

Park Hae Jin Fighting!


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He got Jung-ed in real life... i can not T_T


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Exactly what I thought too. Poor PHJ.


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I thought I was the only one thinking that it might be more than the regular bromance. I blame that track record(ok, just SLA) lol. But that's not possible(right?).

And some part of me thought that it might be a love triangle with the two friends competing. It was the angst lover in me.

I hope they treat him well if he confirms. And I hope we get see him with Kim Go-eun again(in a movie!)


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yes pleasee, i really do hope he can reunite with kim go eun and they get the proper happy ending in dramaland / movieland.

*chanting *praying


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so... after 3 years sunbae decide to become a bodyguard huh?



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I initially thought it was a Chinese drama, and thought 'so JB even covers PHJ's Chinese drama news ...' Lol.

Yeay, it's PHJ againnnn! I can't wait! But haven't we learnt the lesson of signing in before the PD and writer has yet to confirm..?


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The production company sounds promising!

But we need BAD GUYS 2!!!


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Oooh, premise sounds interesting and I'D BE SO HAPPY IF PHJ RETURNS TO DRAMALAND SOON! I didn't have enough of him in Cheese, for obvious reasons.


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The actor nominations be it Jo in sung or Kang dong won or Won bin !!!!

Aigooooooo...can't wait to see this to happens


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As long as PHJ do not get shafted again. Love bromances but a gal is gonna topple that isn't it? Can't imagine if there are no female leads cos kdramas always love triangles.


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