MBC eyes remake of classic contract marriage drama 1% of Anything

Here we have another remake in the works, but instead of remaking a foreign property or adapting a webtoon/movie/book into a drama, MBC is looking to remake one of its own properties: 2003 drama 1% of Anything, starring an early-career Kang Dong-won and Kim Jung-hwa in a contract-marriage romance.

At the center of the show is a kind schoolteacher (Kim Jung-hwa) who helps out an elderly man, not knowing he’s a chaebol, and then is shocked to inherit his fortune when he dies. Kang Dong-won plays the haughty grandson who gets cut out of the will, whose only way to inherit is to accept Grandpa’s choice of bride. He and the schoolteacher agree to a temporary contract marriage, but end up falling in love. The drama originated as an internet novel written by Hyun Go-woon, who went on to script the TV series (which also starred Han Hye-jin and Kim Ji-woo).

I wrote about this drama briefly back when I gave capsule reviews of some of my favorite (and okay, not-favorite) contract marriage dramas, because that is one of those tropes that consistently hooks me. The story is a bit straightforward as far as contract relationships go, and by all accounts 1% of Anything is an imperfect watch, which probably feels quite dated now. On the upside, my interest had been piqued after writing that If You Like post (I should really write more of those, if only I had the time), and I’d been bummed to hear that the show wasn’t as exciting or bubbly as I hoped it would be — so this means I am ALL ABOUT this remake series. Here’s the chance to update the world, polish up the rough edges, and make it fun for a whole new generation of viewers.

There were initial reports that MBC would schedule this remake in an unconventional timeslot, the late-night Saturday spot currently home to Oh Ji-ho and Lee Soo-kyung’s My Little Baby. It’s an odd broadcast hour, for sure, since My Little Baby starts airing past midnight (at 12:40 a.m.) and shows two consecutive episodes, but MBC has since come out to clarify that scheduling has not been decided. If 1% of Anything does get that slot, it could premiere as early as late April.

Via Joy News


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Hmm I don't know how I feel. At the time I loved this drama but I don't know if it's quiet charm can be repeated again.
If anything they hopefully will cast two good leads.


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Maybe if they refresh the story a bit and shorten the episodes to 16, edit out the boring parts.


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Unless they get Kang Dong Won or my other faves I won't watch it...


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Kyaaa... Kang Dong Won please! Though that would be quite blurry. I just hope they make the remake better coz I lovef that show.


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I remember this drama, it's good in the beginning, but after that I was bored. Is it gonna be the beginning of remake old dramas? Are they running out of story lines?


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I watched 1% more than once, it has faults for sure, too long for one. but I liked the the way the lesser family kept refusing to just hand over their daughter real or adopted just because the other half where rich, and made them prove that the men and family where worthy of the daughters before agreeing.
lol in many way the lead girls family was an extension of the classic good girl but with the whole family like that, I mean how many families would accept it when their daughter brings home a classmate and telling them she going to live with them from now on, and not only agree but treat her as anther daughter


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<made them prove that the men and family where worthy of the daughters before agreeing

Yeah, they didn't sell out to money but their alternative preferred choice was a stalker, a total creep that had red flags waving left and right!


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This is a very good drama to be remake.
The early ep is really good and the set up is good.
It may get draggy a bit by I adore the couple interaction that straighfprward and how kang dong won is such a pain, and that girl really can handle him.
This show need polished and better acting and directing. I have to said that kang dong won acting at the time is not that good, it's bearable ofc, but it just seems force half of the time.


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I haven't watched this drama, but I hope the remake will be good, because I find the "marriage contract" trope to be interesting. I would like to see a k-drama with this trope, done well.


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Oh gosh no! Unless they improve the male lead's character in some way, this is gonna be terrible. It could've been Kang Dong Won's green acting though because I haven't been able to give him a chance in anything else after being turned off by his acting in this drama.
And man do I feel old for even having been into kdramas this far back to have watched this lol.

I remember really liking the second leads chemistry (his sister and his friend, I think). And I adored how his grandfather adored the heroine.


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Kang Dong-won turned in a hell of a performance as the villain in Kundo, give that a shot if you can.

I assume his relative newness to acting was an issue with his dramas, but he's also mentioned not liking romances and has actively sought roles that don't involve much of a love interest capacity since his drama days.


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Plus the fact that he doesn't like shooting projects the way you shoot dramas.

He did only one more drama after this, I imagine the experiences with the few that he did (three) were enough for him to know that he couldn't his all the way he wanted.

I see though that he did his first drama, Country Princess, with Bae Doona. I just might have to watch that!


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If it was just because he's not comfortable with the romance genre, then he would have only struggled with those scenes, but he was all around terrible (his performance would have gotten him a lot of shit from sites like these today). "Green" is too kind a word to describe his acting back then, although maybe it was a one time off because I've read people say he was pretty good in that other drama he did. Agree 100% on giving him another chance though, he has given really solid performances since then.


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wow..that's one of the first few kdramas I started on. I love that older kdramas went through 'trends'. There were the contract marriages (sweet 18, full house), love happens in foreign land (lovers in Paris, spring waltz), birth secrets (too many), terminal illness (everyone is dying of something), amnesia (has anyone develop a phobia of trucks on the roads yet?) But why would anyone wanna remake an old drama when it's not even a classic?


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Why can't they leave the classic alone! Seriously it wasn't that good, Kang Dongwon was wooden but I like it as it is..


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Off topic, but I need to say this: Of all the remakes & adaptationgoing on these days, why hadn't anyone thought of remaking death note?! it really puzzles me, I know Korea is more than capable of doing justice to the source materiel!
Back to topic, I started 1% two years ago but didn't finish it, it felt really outdated especially the direction & some dialogues, I think for once a remake could do good to the original provided they hire a good PD to helm it!


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The japanese adaptation train is enough for death note as a finished manga, It had a very good anime, infamous and well acted movie in parallel word (I read the maga intensely in junior high), have popular drama in 2015 (with some changes in description) and they plan a new movie continuation that release on 2017 as I remember, not to mention the hollywood adaptation that idk where.
The series is exploited enough and popular,
Why SK need to remake it?
If I have to think, it because it hasn't had a drama before and Idk it would fit SK,
They had them in musical with junsu as I believe.
And i don't think death note fans is okay to welcome another adaptation


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Death Note has already been through 3 adaptations in Japan (anime, live action movies, live action drama just last year). I'm not sure it really needs a Korean adaptation. And between the mythology and the story, it feels uniquely Japanese to me and I'd worry a lot would be lost in translation.


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I am naturally aware of all the japanese adaptations & I think the anime is the best one, I watched it more times than I could count in both Japanese & English (I think it is one of the rare cases where subtitles work as perfectly as the original language)
But still, after watching the K version of Liar Game, I found myself wanting a K version of death note, I just want it to be in capable hands, maybe I am asking for too much
Don't remind me of the Hollywood remake, I am still recovering from the atrocity of remaking Oldboy!


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I JUST finished watching this because of your recent post. I think it is the oldest kdrama I have watched so far. It reminded me of current tdramas: strong family focus, filial daughters, plot conflict that resolve within an episode. It will be interesting to see what a modernized version changes.


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Strangely I don't remember any of the details of this drama other than the main OTP's arc (she's a sweet girl who is kind enough to help his grandpa one day, and end up with grandpa's wealth) BUT I do remember vividly how I watched this long drama TWICE lol.

I might be too young, or too in love with Kang Dongwon (I do think Kim Junghwa is gorgeous too) to notice the flaws of this drama though.

I thought it was a harmless drama but seeing some of the negative reviews here...yep...I was too in love with Kang Dongwon back then. Heh.


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I remember watching this drama 12years ago and love it so much… The most memorable scene when they hero asked the heroin to give him 24hours of her time…
Ohhh I feel so old.


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Maybe I'm crazy but I thought it was Joo Won in that picture.


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No, I saw it too!!! No wonder people say KDW and JW look alike.


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I definitely saw Joo Won at first glance. Glad I'm not alone I thought my eyes are playing tricks.


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It could start airing as early as late April?! That sounds like an exact remake (how would have time otherwise?).... which I really don't think this drama merits. It is pretty dated, but at the same time I also don't think there's anything "special" enough about this drama to take the basic premise and modernise it. I didn't hate it (just certain scenes or certain characters), but there isn't anything in the material that would make me want to see a remake.


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Awwwww, I loved this drama, it was one of the shows that helped me fall in love with kdrama. It was slow and clunky and sometimes it felt like all people did was talk and drink orange juice, but it was sweet and funny and had so much love! I guess I wouldn't tell someone to watch the original now when there are so many better choices but ten years ago I adored it. Assy KDW being repeatedly put in his place by a smart woman was fun. I wonder what ever happened to the hunky actor who played the teacher's charming older brother?
I can think of a lot of young actors who could make an entertaining show of a new version, with a suitably gruff-but-softhearted grandpa also needed. Good luck!


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This drama's synopsis sounds like something I would love. But when I checked it out I was really disappointed.

I can't even remember anything about it but I ended up dropping it. And I actually like older dramas! So I'm not really excited about a remake.

There are two older kdramas that I really liked and would enjoy seeing remade: "Loving You" (2002) and "Love Letter" (2003).


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If they put the 1% of Anything remake on the My Little Baby timeslot, that title will surely be apropos ratings-wise. *snickers*


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This was the first kdrama i have ever watched and at that time i actually liked most of it but indeed it had it's flaws and it was way too long,aside from even then saying why they always had to meet at the caffee(and the drinking of way too much water) :D neverless i loved that the heroine always had the control over the main dude...don't know how i feel about it being remade,they really lack creative input that now they are all into remakes or what,i refuse to think there aren't any worthy stories there at all..i guess i'll change my mind considering the cast who will join this one


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Why isn't there a Korean remake to Autumn's Concerto yet?


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Autumn's Concerto is probably one of my most favorite Taiwanese dramas EVER. It was SO GOOD. I'd love to see a Korean remake but am deathly afraid they'll screw it up.


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Both writers and audience have gotten more savvy, so I'm looking forward to a smarter, better edited remake. It'll be interesting to see both a "first draft" and "revised draft" edition of the drama...


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Crazy idiots... Why watch a remake of Kang Dong-Won drama? They think anyone can top him???


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KDW was so stiff, awkward, and just plain bad in this drama. I remember watching it (me being new to kdramaland) and thinking this dude will not make it to the industry. Then I checked out Too Beautuful to Lie, still was t convinced. He was slightly better in Temptation of Wolves and improved so much in Magic. The movie that really clinched for me that he's a good actor was Duelist. And by Maundy Thursday, he's just an all-around amazing actor for me. Of course my favourite is Jeon Woo Chi!


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hahaha I had seen Country Princess first, so KDW seemed pretty smooth by 1% and was utterly charming to me by Temptation Of Wolves ?! As they say in kdrama "timing is everything" lolol. Just seeing the title "Too Beautiful to Lie" made me start laughing, I need to go watch the Pepper King again. Thank you for the walk down memory lane.


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Me too!

My fave is Jeon Woo Chi.

Although he's showing some crazy acting in Kundo; bad guy in general, but there's something about his character that broke my heart at the ending..

If Lee Jun Ki seems to be born for sageuk, I think KDW is no.2 after him (I find his sageuk or fusion sageuk is better, i.e. Duelist, Kundo, Jeon Woo Chi). Mebbe I just love him :-)


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Oldies but goodies, this was my first kdrama so its remembered very fondly. At the time when I watched it, I found some of the dating component very old fashioned but a bit sweet. I did not like the idea of grounding an adult for a couple of weeks because she missed curfew, that upset me because she is an adult it does not matter if she lived in that house. I did like the 24 hour date which I wish would happen to me, what a unique and wonderful way to get to know someone. Its also a precursor to a real relationship if you can completely enjoy being with in that person's company for a full day and still miss them at the end that could be the one for you. Should they bring this back I look forward to watching it with some modifications making it bit more current & with a twinge more spice.


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I've watched episode 1 and dropped it because of the reasons Javabeans stated: outdatedness. I gotta admit, being an artist, I watch many things for the beauty and scenery as much as the plot and characters. Usually, I would love romantic comedies like this, but the original had blurry camera quality and not-so-good acting(especially compared to today's quality). Since I haven't watched the rest of the show, the remake would be a completely new experience for me, and since I hear this was a good watch, it could be much improved with better casting and film quality.

Therefore I support the remake of this drama and hope it can exceed the old one, even if this new show will have much pressure to do so anyway. I think it will have more chance of success than failure in the first place, so why not give it a shot? So many remakes have risen to popularity in Korea, and this could turn out to be another one.


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This was the 1st ever kdrama that I watched! Been hooked on kdramas ever since... (",)


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My first drama also.


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I'm always on the fence when I hear remake anything. To date though the best remake of a classic kdrama I have seen is Yoo Na's Street which was a remake of The Moon of Seoul. We can only wait and see


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I've seen this drama around 3 times, but it was a REALLY long time ago. I hope there is an update but shorter.


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This is the first drama I ever watched and I've had a soft spot for it ever since. I watch it at least one a year. I am so excited about a remake but hope they don't soften up the hero too much. However, in spite of this being my first drama. My second and third dramas (Kim Sam Soon and Sweet 18) are what turned me into an addict.


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I watched this drama...

... and can't believe it's been 13 years already???

Time sure flies.


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I remember watching this more tha. 10 years ago. I got bored at middle and skipped at the end lol


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All I can say is..ORANGE JUICE -_-;


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Everyone was green, but Han Hye-jin showed a lot of potential even back then. She should definitely be in the remake; preferably as the lead.


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Ep 10. That can never be better remade.


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