First official still from tvN’s Cheese in the Trap

Webtoon-adapted campus drama Cheese in the Trap has stirred quite a bit of buzz even before we’d seen a single frame from it—the webtoon has really avid fans—but at least now the show has released its first official still, giving us a peek at the two leads. Park Hae-jin (Bad Guys) plays Yoo-jin, described as the guy with perfect specs and a sweet smile that hides his “dangerous true nature,” while Kim Go-eun (Coinlocker Girl, Monster) is Hong-seol, the rare person who can see through to his real self.

The above image isn’t an official poster; the production calls it “the first behind-the-scenes still.” This show really knows how to milk its promo; by the time the drama actually premieres next year, I half-expect we’ll have gone through at least a dozen more rounds.

I’m a bit unclear as to the tone of the show—light? Humorous? Mysterious?—but the hero’s description, plus the show’s characterization as a “breathless romance thriller,” hints at more than our standard rom-com. Mixed-genre romantic comedies can be tricky to pull off (I’m thinking My Secret Hotel as another one that combined thriller elements with romance), but I’m intrigued by the description, as well as curious to see exactly why the Cheese in the Trap fanbase is so rabid, and why they’ve been so protective over the casting.

It’s thanks to the fans that we have a collection of photos from the drama’s various shoots, with filming having commenced a month and a half ago. The production has been filming at a Seoul university campus for some of its shoots, amidst real-life students, which must help give fans the chance to steal looks at the production. Aside from the two leads, the shoots also feature Nam Joo-hyuk (Who Are You—School 2015) and Park Min-ji (When a Man Loves); not seen is Seo Kang-joon, who joined the production later than the others, after he’d finished shooting sageuk drama Hwajung.

Cheese in the Trap will be half pre-produced, and airs as a Monday-Tuesday drama on tvN beginning on January 4.

Via My Daily, IS Plus


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OMG!!! I'm so excited for this. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up so I won't be disappointed. I really love this webtoon.


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So excited for this! Btw is his name in the drama going to be changed from You Jung to Yoo Jin?


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don't think so; even the source article says the character's name is "yoo-jung" so i'm guessing it was just a typo


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Yoo* - my phone autocorrected me :(


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Kim Go Eun looks really pretty in the stills but sort of normal at the same time? Like she dresses the way a real student would, very natural and comfortable.


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This drama has always been extremely over hyped and with stills like this being dished out, it's reminding me of Heirs minus their excessive amount of Hallyu stars. Surprise me show, even if I expect nothing.


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It's not nearly as hyped as Producers and some other stuff this year, I think as long as the writer doesn't go completely off the rails it should be ok.


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KBS really milked Producers like they planned to survive off its success for the next decade. The media play was insane. Thankfully, it was great (IMO) so no loss there. Hopefully this one lives up to everyone's massive expectations. I'm blank on what it'll bring, but I'm always in for something 'different' as the webtoon fans insist.


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Oh my god!!


The trio (Seol-Bora-Euntaek) look good... And PHJ is hotttt as always.. I can't waitt.. Please, please, please be a good drama... Please be great adaptation like Misaeng and not like the music drama adaptation that shall not be named...


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Anticipating, anticipating, anticipating !!!!!
Please be good, please be good, please be good !!!!


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It's interesting that they're calling it a “breathless romance thriller." I guess that's as good a description as any. I've read quite a bit of the webtoon and have trouble defining it. There's definitely a ribbon of unease throughout, wondering what secrets the male lead, Yoo-jin was hiding. Read to chapter 20-something in Season 3 and much still hadn't been revealed. I'll probably try to catch an episode or two when it finally airs.


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when I was stalking that webtoon last last year ifans love it because it kept us from guessing if yoojung is

psycho or just a normal misunderstood 2 face guy

and if his intention to befriend Sul purely romantic or he got a sinister plan to make Sul's life miserable

imo I love the heroine there because she doesn't easily fall in love with yoojung's princely nice guy act and she is a hard worker with a bit of cynical brain I was hoping yoojung is not a psycho because the webtoon artist draw him so cute and handsome He is perfect except the possibility he is a psycho. Its hard not to like him. Inshort the heroine is relatable and guy is perfect ✌️?

oh it also involves different crazy serious stalking (don't worry its not the 2nd lead male, its a different classmate ) , cheating, cat fights (yeah we got always a psycho girl on the loose) , sibling rivalry , romantic rivalry, financial problems, family problems, parent-child problems etc etc haha slice of life

But I am not sure if this webtoon can be adapted to tv series with high ratings ....... I still believe that their manhwas are much good source material to be adapted to tv series than their webtoons. But maybe I am wrong


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cheating **(school related)


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it also touch about gay issues, mental disorder , negligence, child abuse etc etc

the tone of the webtoon for me is dark with subtle melo romance and a bit of comedy ... if its purely rom com ......? ? ...


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if done well it could be good, i've been waiting more kdramas set around university and college students. lets hope it is done well if those are the topics it will be possibly covering. it could be a really good rom/slice of life and i guess comedy drama


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I hope so ..

its suppose to be mostly mysterious/dark and angst because of yoo jung and rom -melo - comedy because of sul

screen writer nim its not rom-com


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FYI, Javabeans: his surname is Yoo and her surname is Hong. Both have one-syllable (?) names: Jung and Seol, respectively.


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I'm not familiar with the webtoon, but I'm excited for the fans, I just love it that they had, to some degree, influence in the casting.


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korean fans are the one who influence the casting ......


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It's a good thing, looking at what they prevented.


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well I was hoping they will cast Suzy as in ha than Sul ... I will get excited for this adaptation if they did that ... its just that I think she can be a strong villain than a candy heroine.


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Suzy doesn't look in any way half-foreign, and I don't think she can carry off In Ha's air. Lee Sung Kyung at least looks correct for the part, with her eyes. Her voice is also a little unusual for a Korean actress.


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His name is Yoo Jung though, not Yoo Jin. On another note, pretty excited both for the drama and Park Hae Jin as Yoo Jung. I have been his fan since "Bad guys".


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Can't wait for this!! Park Hae Jin looks soo effing good!!


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I am anticipating this so much. I am trying to not get my hopes up, but I can't help myself. I am a fan of both leads and the webtoon has me hooked (I have read up to every chapter that has been translated).

My only concern is the drama is pretty slice of life and character driven. A lot happens but a lot of it is pretty crazy. Potential sociopath, stalkers, sibling rivalry, parent child conflict, finical issues and its strains on marriage and the family as a whole, cat fights, cheating, serious gay relationship-swear they better not mess that up or make it any less serious than it was in the webtoon- homophobia, a shit ton of mental issues in all our characters, etc. I hope they don't try to tackle everything. The writers should remain faithful to the story and its characters but put their own twist on things.

The webtoon isn't even finished yet and as much as I am addicted to the story, a lot of ish could have been cut. The story is a bit slow, we haven't got many answers, and the series just needs to wrap things up and end already. I just want the writers to please let them keep Jung as sociopath or not (I imagine him like PHJ's bad guy character the college days) as he is in the webtoon and Seol as hardworking and school, is first and foremost priority then all the other crazy -including Jung- as she is.

I wish all of it was pre-produced (so scared fan reaction will have things been changed midway) and January 4th cannot come soon enough.


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yeah, I'm a little worried about how it'll translate to tv - with Misaeng at least the webtoon was complete and the writers had a very deft touch with the story, but here it's still not. So yeah, it could be a potential mess of meh, which would be tragic considering the source material.

At least the cast appears solid (ok, the two leads do anyway - can't say much for Seo Kang-joon and Nam Joo-hyuk).


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I've read a bit of the webtoon and I really like it. It reminds me of Kare Kano my favorite manga, and frankly one of my favorite stories ever.

Kim Go-eun completely won me over with Monster and Coinlocker Girl. I'll be watching whatever I can of hers secure in the knowledge that whatever it is even if it ends up terrible it won't be her fault.


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Monster isn't a great movie, rather too uneven and cynical in tone really, but even with that, Kim Go-eun killed her role. I couldn't believe it was the same girl from Eun-gyo.

(and bizarrely, she had great chemistry with Lee Min-ki even though she was supposed to be mentally challenged and he was a psychopath out to kill her. I'd love to see them work together on something once he comes out of the army)


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Oooooh, the psychopath from my favorite crime drama BAD GUYS. Lovin' this all right!


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Someone pls correct that mistake!! Its YOO JUNG not YOO JIN for crying out loud!! It's really bugging me!!


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I was expecting bright colors for their hair.


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well, Kim Go-eun did dye her hair red. And Jung's hair is black anyway so Park Hae-jin's look fits pretty well with that.


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Hope they keep the mail lead sociopatic nature true to the webtoon and doesn't make him bland just to make him the perfect dude hero etc...


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This is my only consern; they'll down play Jung and is socailpathic ways. One is the best parts of the webtoon is wondering if Seul is overreacting or if Jung is as bad masked as she believed him to be. He also does have inherited mental issues (his father was like him until he received help from Inho's psychologist grandpa) so I really hope they don't brush over that. Some of the fun of him is wondering (and praying I'm wrong) if homeboy has a body in the boot if his car, while he sits all fake smiles in class. That sounds twisted.


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The photo of Seol, Bora & Euntaek at the top of the stairs is so spot-on, exactly how I imagine the characters! (I did think Seol's hair would be more orange, but the darker color is much more flattering)

I'm very hopeful & looking forward to January!!


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so happy to see Park Hae Jin here :') and gosh he really looks good! I don't want to get my hopes up but I'm really hoping for good chemistry between the cast, as well as for the writers to do a solid job. (Regardless, as a really shallow viewer... my eyes are already happy looking at the visuals of this cast)


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praying for the best cause fandom be cray.


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I like the pic still! it is really natural and show the vibe of the drama..

PHJ and KGE look good together. hope their chemistry will be good as well and what i hope the most that the drama will be great since i love the webtoon so much.

It's a bit worring that in the end the drama will only be half pre-produced which makes me guessing that they can't finish the schedule on time and later it can be influenced by the viewers but i won't think about it now and pray it will turn out well.

currently reading season 3 of the drama and a bit bummed that there are no new tranlations of the later epsiodes and seaon 4. hope the translators will pick it up before the drama start airing so we can read al least all the material that exist if the writer won't end the webtoon yet (another thing that will be nice if happens so the scriptwriters won't come with different ending)

anyway..looking forward to 4th of january..two months from now!


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Looking good! Park Hae-Jin actually looks pretty convincing as a college student (from what I can tell from those grainy photos). And the Seol-Bora-Taek trio looks super cute!

The more I think about it, the more pleased I am with the casting. Kim Go-Eun is going to be awesome as Seol.

One of the things the webtoon does well is keeping the readers guessing about Yoo Jung and his deal. Just when you're convinced he's a total psychopath, it takes you somewhere unexpected and you wonder if it's all a matter of perspective. Urgh, I really want to talk about this really great thematic thing I noticed but I don't want to spoil people that aren't caught up with the raws.

Also, can I just say I'm super excited to see Lee Sung-Kyung wreck shit as In-Ha? Too bad Min-Soo probably won't be in this adaptation ha.


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Yeah i was wondering about whether there gonna be min soo or not since there are no news about her casting so i guess not?

It is too bad cause she provided many good scenes in the webtoon if you know what i mean and as herself she is very interesting character.

I'm now on season 3 episode chapter 49 but i stopped cause there are no nore translations after episode 58..it is been a while now i wonder what happened. i didn't find other sites that translated other than that site..


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So it turns out Son Min-Soo is going to be in it! She's going to be played by Yoon Ji-Won, according to the official tvN page: http://giftmap.interest.me/View/3812


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yay! i'm so glad haha..this page also provides the other cast info and so far i like what i see!


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Why does it look like they turned her neighbors boyfriend who hated Seul into an ahjumma. I swear I saw casting post here where he was a dude. If the writers switched it out imma be raging. I just hope that websites poster is wrong.


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no he's still a guy. the ahjumma you mentioned is the actress who plays kim rara in SWP and is going to be professor instead of a man proffesor i think.


you know what after looking again it really seems they changed it...it's pity cause that side plot was interesting and unique..i guess they are not open to those reltioship yet?


As a huge fan of this webtoon, I'm still doubtful about this drama. Although that doubt has decreased after looking at the stills but who know's. The webtoon itself is excessively long so wondering what the full plot for this drama will turn out to be. Keeping watch.


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I am really looking forward to this drama, it is the only one from the upcoming K-dramas that has me really interested. I just hope it will live up to its potential, and be well executed.


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Omg I am a massive fan of the webtoon CITY so I am super excited. Although my memory has faded a bit because they dont do much translations anymore.

While we are at it, can we please also have drama adaptation of unTouchables? Or Winter Woods? Those two are currently most popular webtoons. And wayyyyy better than CITT too (imo).


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I love the stills! Some of the outfits actually look the same as the one in webtoon if I'm not wrong. I thought that they'd make Kim Go-eun's hair to be brighter too but I'm fine with this darker shade and in some angles Seol really looks like the plushie from Jung hehe.. Now I'm curious on how they will style Seo Kang-joon as Baek In-ho.


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