Odds and Ends: Stars for everyone!

javabeans: It’s been a while since we’ve done an Odds and Ends! Hm, I wonder why… it can’t be because we haven’t been doing anything lately.

girlfriday: We do… stuff! We just have to stop talking to each other in regular life, so that we have things to say in Odds and Ends. Maybe I’ll just stop speaking to you from now on.

javabeans: And this is to be MORE productive? I think there is a flaw in your reasoning.

girlfriday: I never said it was logical.

javabeans: Maybe it’s more that we have been doing so much work on behind-the-scenes stuff that we’ve been too tired to add to our plate. Most nights I go to bed only because I can’t keep my eyes open in front of my computer.

girlfriday: That could be all the YouTube cat videos.

javabeans: AND ALSO WORK. There is quite a lot of it, even if you can’t tell on the front end. We’re working on stuff, we swear!

girlfriday: For instance, you might have noticed the stars at the stop of each recap and wondered how they got there.

javabeans: The star ratings are a new feature we’re trying out, and you can rate drama episodes by leaving a comment, at which point a pop-up window will direct you to vote. You can only vote once per episode, but the good news is, there are a ton of episodes on Dramabeans. Go nuts!

girlfriday: Oh, and just to be clear, it’s a rating for the episode, rather than the recap.

javabeans: Yes, if the recap sucks, you can just tell us in words. The stars are for the TV show itself.

girlfriday: Let us know if there are any bugs or if you have trouble voting (be specific about what browser and OS you’re using, and we’ll try to fix any problems that arise). Hopefully it’ll be a fun new feature that you guys can play around with, because yunno, it’s fun to grade things and give out gold stars.

javabeans: Yes, and hopefully we’ll be able to keep it around for a long while. I’m always sad when a fun feature starts creating problems with the site and needs to be disabled (RIP, pretty thumbs), but we’d like to keep the stars around!

girlfriday: That reminds me, I should go to old recaps of City Hunter and give it all of the stars!

javabeans: Oh, I should go to all the anger-inducing endings and give them bad ratings. Sadly, angrily giving someone one star doesn’t feel quite as satisfying as giving an awesome show five stars. You can’t give a show zero stars because then you just didn’t vote, so one star has to be your message. “Feel the wrath of my one starrrr!”

girlfriday: Ooooo, buuuuurrrn. Way to show that show! *eyeroll*

javabeans: Fine, maybe it’s a lame statement. I’m still going to one-star the hell out of Bad Guy and Big and Mary Stayed Out All Night, though.

girlfriday: Okay, can’t really argue with those.

javabeans: But maybe I’ll be nice and start with the love. I have more of that to give anyway.

girlfriday: Race you to the Healer page!

javabeans: Already beat you to it.


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mmm... I kind of stumbled upon the dramabeans site when the star rating option was available... It was really fun to give stars to episodes... But its not available now and I'm missing that feature.... :(
Why was it taken down??
I wanted to ask this from a long time...but I was not sure exactly where I should go and ask... but then today I saw this post... and I'm so glad I could let it out of my system... and now all I need is a reply...hope some one will see this one day and reply....


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