Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 13

Hearts, prepare to be pinched: It’s a particularly moving episode, driven by characters and love and heartfelt good intentions. Which, okay, also comes with a fresh side of pain, but I’ll take it because I do love when this drama hits the right emotional chords. It’s easy for the story to veer in other directions depending on what the plot of the day chooses to focus on, but I appreciate when we pause to take advantage of opportunities to tease out relationship developments with real heart and poignancy.


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After Sung-yeol escapes the wedding bloodbath at the palace, Gwi sees Su-hyang still here and tells her, “So it was you.” Before she can respond, she collapses in his arms.

Sung-yeol carries a bitten Hunter Baek to safety, who manages to eke out the message that Seo Jin is the key to killing Gwi. The king recently discovered that she’s descended from that lineage named in the diary.

The king shares this same information with Yoon, and while they don’t know exactly how Jin/Yang-sun figures into the plan, the king has a good guess. He thinks Gwi will die when he drinks her blood—so Yoon he must offer Yang-sun to Gwi, no matter what it takes.

In the morning, Yang-sun hears of Sung-yeol’s dangerous outing last night, and Ho-jin fears that he’s probably dead. Yang-sun’s first reaction is denial, but the truth slowly hits her as she recalls her recent conversations with Sung-yeol.

Thinking of his orders not to be hurt without his permission, she turns that thought around—that he cannot die without her permission either. She heads out to search for him, resolving not to believe a thing until she sees it for herself.

The king is told that Gwi has retreated underground. He’s prepared to face his fate come nightfall, when Gwi will likely kill him, but Yoon speaks up with a last-ditch alternative: He knows where Seo Jin is. Ack, so you really are going to sacrifice her.

The king asks whether Yoon could really offer up his best friend as a meal to the vampire. Yoon struggles with his emotions but musters the resolve to say, “If that is truly the only way to save you and this nation, it must be done.” He swears to find her before sunset.

Sung-yeol arrives safely home with Hunter Baek, who’s barely clinging to life. Sung-yeol takes out his trusty hawthorn dagger and slices his hand with it, healing the hunter’s wounds with his blood. His hand is a mess of half-healed scars by now, and ackkkk it’s painful to look at.

Sung-yeol asks after Yang-sun, and whether Ho-jin explained about him being a vampire yet. Ho-jin says that she doesn’t know that, but she was told of last night’s battle against Gwi. Alarmed to hear she’s out looking for him, Sung-yeol leaves to track her down.

Ho-jin adds that it’s also strange that Su-hyang is still gone, although they’re not too worried about her yet.

Yang-sun runs through the city and to the very place Sung-yeol feared she’d go: the palace. She’s denied entry at the gate, even when mentions the prince, and shoved away.

She’s spotted by her former loan sharks, who are for once not after her money. In fact, they heard that her father was killed for being Eumlan Seosaeng, and since they’re sympathetic to her plight, Yang-sun appeals to them for help.

Yoon receives an update of the casualties, with Sung-yeol and Hunter Baek still missing. He heads out to find Yang-sun, declaring it his last chance to stand up to Gwi.

Su-hyang is still alive, though she has been taken by Gwi to his underground lair. She dreams of her childhood encounter with a vampire that was about to eat her, which Sung-yeol prevented, saving her with a warm smile.

She awakens to see Gwi on his throne, who declares himself the nation’s true king. He calls himself and Sung-yeol both vampires who need to drink human blood to survive, though he wonders why Sung-yeol would put himself through so much suffering to help the puny humans.

Noting Su-hyang’s beauty, Gwi comments that she looks quite tasty. She keeps her calm and tells him to wait to savor her, rather than ruining the taste before he’s ready. He seems to find her interesting, and smiles in agreement.

Gwi is annoyed to learn that the prime minster was unable to capture any of the king’s conspirators because of Sung-yeol’s interference. Su-hyang sheds a tear in relief, while Gwi growls at the man, “Incompetent thing.” The prime minister asks cautiously what he means to do with Hye-ryung now—he does seem to care about his daughter, in his cowardly way—and Gwi replies that it depends on her behavior.

Hye-ryung is called before the king and asked of her father’s whereabouts. She answers no, and says his attempt to kill the king and prince was undeniably traitorous, and that punishment is fitting.

The king replies that her answer is befitting the prince’s wife, but he still doesn’t trust her. Even so, he adds that she will become queen tomorrow (anticipating his death tonight), and asks her to look after the prince.

The king’s advisor urges him to hold out hope that the prince will find Seo Jin, but the king answers pragmatically that they can’t count on it to happen in a day—or that the prince would actually be able to sacrifice her life. He intends to tell Gwi that Yoon knows nothing, and asks his advisor to help convince him.

Sung-yeol spots Yoon’s party riding through the forest, and shows himself before the prince. Yoon asks after Yang-sun’s whereabouts, explaining her role in the grand plan. Since it’s unlikely that an ordinary descendant with no great powers could kill Gwi physically, it must involve giving up her life.

Sung-yeol says hotly that the Prince Jeonghyeon he’d served would never have written a plan that required the sacrifice of an innocent life to a monster. Yoon replies that if he could give up his own life to rid the world of Gwi, he would—but all he can do is resent the heavens for making her the answer.

Yoon demands to know where Yang-sun is, because if she isn’t turned over to Gwi by nightfall, the king will die. He reminds Sung-yeol of his promise to fight for the good of the country, and tells him to choose: his love for Yang-sun, or the people’s lives. It’s the classic dilemma, and Sung-yeol isn’t unmoved.

But Sung-yeol truly doesn’t know where she is, and says that he’s looking for her too. Yoon worries at the ticking clock, and entreats Sung-yeol to bring her to the palace when he finds her.

Yoon isn’t certain that Sung-yeol was telling the truth, so his men head to Sung-yeol’s home and raid the premises. Finding no sign of Yang-sun suggests that he was telling the truth, and they hurry away to continue the hunt.

They miss finding the secret room where Hunter Baek is laid up, and now he wakes up and grabs Ho-jin in alarm. Ho-jin fills him in, including the part where the prince is going to offer Seo Jin to Gwi, which alarms the hunter.

The loan sharks bribe a court lady to disguise Yang-sun in court lady’s clothing, which gets her past the gatekeepers. She heads in the direction of Yoon’s palace, but is stopped by a senior court lady who doesn’t recognize her. Hye-ryung intervenes, lying that she’d called for Yang-sun, then pulls her aside for a private chat.

But Hye-ryung isn’t covering for Yang-sun out of friendly motives, and talks to her coldly. When Yang-sun explains that she’s only here looking for the scholar she loves, Hye-ryung all but sneers that she shouldn’t worry about someone else when she can barely take care of herself.

Yang-sun says with conviction that she could go to hell for her scholar, and Hye-ryung asks if he feels the same way—it seems to her that he’s still hung up on his past love. She adds pointedly, “Do you know what he really is?”

That’s when Sung-yeol rounds the corner and sees them, just in time for Hye-ryung to declare, “That man is a vampire.”

Seeing Yang-sun’s shock, Hye-ryung sneers that she loves him without even knowing anything about him, or how many years he has spent mourning his lost love—it could be well over a hundred years. Yang-sun tries to protest, but Hye-ryung talks right over her, and says pityingly that she’ll let this transgression go since she feels sorry for her.

She adds that she will inquire after Sung-yeol’s condition, and instructs Yang-sun to wait here. She instructs a guard to keep Yang-sun here while she goes to the underground palace: “I just barely became princess—I will not let it all go to nothing.”

Yoon announces a reward to anyone who knows where Yang-sun is, and punishment to obstruction of that information. A thorough search is conducted throughout the city, but they find no sign of her.

Yang-sun reels at the revelation of Sung-yeol’s nature, crying as she thinks back to their sweet encounters. He hangs back, watching from a distance—and she spots him standing there when she looks up across the way. He uses his super-speed to appear at her side in a flash, proving to her that he’s not human. But before he can declare what he is, she grabs him tight, relieved that he’s alive.

He doesn’t understand why she’s not afraid of him, but she replies, “That is not what I am afraid of. Did you not spend many years loving one person? Compared with her, I may be just a fleeting connection. But you saved my life when I was already as good as dead once. And you were also the one to find me a reason for living. While I live, I will stay at your side. I just ask that if and when I die, you will remember me as a past love. I ask for nothing more.”

Moved, this time he’s the one to grabs her close, tears falling from both their eyes.

Hye-ryung appears before Gwi, who bows to her and comments sarcastically on her deigning to grace him with her royal presence. He accuses her of knowing of yesterday’s plot, but she denies any knowledge. She wouldn’t dare show herself now if she’d known, could she?

Su-hyang watches the exchange quietly, noting as Gwi expresses his anger over the ambush. He’s placated, however, when Hye-ryung informs him that she has Eumlan Seosaeng’s daughter in her keeping.

At least, she did as of two seconds ago: Sung-yeol leads Yang-sun out of the palace, easily knocking down guards who stand in their way.

This means Yoon is still empty-handed by sunset, and he’s dismayed to find the king’s quarters empty, with only a note left behind. It’s his grandfather’s dying message, written in his own blood, imparting him last words of wisdom. In it, the king explains that mere blood lineage is not the only reason they govern the people, and that kings have a duty to protect their citizens.

“Remember the weight of that blood,” he has written.

The king’s advisor is prepared to follow him in death, ready to pass along his duties to his grandson Hak-young. Hak-young laments having hated his grandfather without knowing the greater plan, and his grandfather laments not having been warmer to his son and grandson.

Hak-young says he never was very obedient in following his grandfather’s wishes—and adds that he intends to be disobedient again this time. He is prepared to take the fall—Gwi won’t believe that the prince had nothing to do with the plot unless someone else claims responsibility. Hak-young argues that the young king will need a more experienced advisor and asks his grandfather to fulfill that role.

His grandfather has difficulty accepting this, but Hak-young says it’s not so difficult to lay down his life compared to Sung-yeol’s sacrifices.

Sung-yeol and Yang-sun meet up with an anxious Ho-jin, who explains what’s happened in their absence. He pulls Sung-yeol aside to tell him of the prince offering Seo Jin up to Gwi, which makes Sung-yeol decide that home is too dangerous.

He asks Ho-jin to take her to the gibang instead and keep her out of sight. Meanwhile, he’ll have to head back out, because trouble is brewing at the palace. He suspects that’s where Su-hyang is as well, and for now, she’s stuck waiting in Gwi’s lair, trying to contain her fear.

The king makes his purposeful approach toward Gwi’s lair, dressed without his kingly dragon robes, dragging his sword behind him. The image is stark and moving as he walks alone down the path, arriving at the well where Sadong died. Into it, he sighs heavily, “My son, I am sorry.”

He imagines Sadong sitting below, looking up at him with a kind smile as he replies, “No, Father. Thank you for protecting our Yoon.”

Gwi appears behind him and spits out that he enjoyed the banquet and the king’s entertainments. The king addresses him with dignified anger, saying that he’s lived only to kill Gwi, and that being unable to do so will be his lingering regret.

Gwi glares, asking if he’s senile or asking for death. The king eyes him with disdain, calling him a monster who can’t face the sun, declaring that humans aren’t as weak as he believes. That echoes the last words of vampire hunter Hae-seo, who’d foretold that Gwi would die because of the will of the people, and it angers Gwi further.

The king stands firm as Gwi advances, holding up his sword, then takes a swing. Blood splatters across Gwi’s face—but the king has slashed himself, not Gwi. With his dying words, the king taunts Gwi to drink his blood, then lets himself fall down the well. It takes Gwi by such surprise that he can hardly react.

Gwi then saunters into the king’s room and takes a seat in the king’s throne. Yoon realizes what’s happened and forces himself to kneel before Gwi, choking out the request to be spared. Gwi smirks, saying that the king stood up to him until the very last moment. He wipes the king’s blood from his face and smears it onto Yoon, wondering why the prince is being so humble.

Yoon stammers that he doesn’t wish to die like his father and grandfather, and that he knew nothing. Gwi asks who it was that helped the king, and that’s when Hak-young is brought in, bound like a criminal.

Yoon looks at his friend in shock, while Hak-young feigns contempt for Yoon’s cowardice. Aw, he can’t even have an honest last exchange with his beloved buddy? Don’t make him hurt him so!

But Gwi buys the story, and asks Yoon if he should have the instigator killed. Hak-young spits at him and goads him to do just that, saying that the heavens will curse him.

So Gwi calls forth his bloodlust and strikes, seizing upon Hak-young’s neck. Noooooo!

Over his shoulder, as the life is literally being drained from his body, Hak-young looks at Yoon with tearful eyes. Oh no, this is so sad. Their eyes remain locked as Gwi finishes, and Yoon watches in horror as Hak-young falls right before him.

Yoon is dragged away, and the prime minister offers to take Hak-young’s corpse for burning. But Gwi stops him, having been struck by “a fun thought.” Nooooo, you can’t! If you vamp him I swear… I’ll… curse you and burn you in effigy and… grar, it really sucks being an impotent viewer sometimes.

Yoon staggers back to his quarters, where Hye-ryung has just heard that Sung-yeol has made off with her hostage. That causes a fresh wave of anger, and he growls Sung-yeol’s name.

Tucked away in a room at the gibang, Yang-sun mock-accuses Ho-jin of lying to her—he didn’t tell her that Mr. Scholar was Mr. Night Scholar. But she says it didn’t make her love Sung-yeol any less. Ho-jin says that Sung-yeol maybe be a tiny bit different than how she’s seeing the Night Scholar, but she says simply that it’s okay, and her feelings won’t change.

Sung-yeol pauses as a trio passes him in the street, pushing along a wooden coffin. The men deliver it to the gibang with instructions to give it to Sung-yeol. People huddle around it curiously when the lid starts to tap, the knocking growing louder…

Underground, Gwi asks why Su-hyang isn’t afraid of him. She replies that she is, but is also curious, calling him the most powerful being alive. She’s heard that he can live forever, and starts to wonder at what it is to live without human restraints. Gwi realizes something and cuts her off, asking, “Do you wish to become a vampire?”

He chuckles, then explains to her what it’s like to turn into a vampire. At first, you have no will—all you feel is a burning thirst. It sends you hunting for blood, and once you’ve tasted blood, you can’t forget it.

At the gibang, the lid flies off the coffin, and the world’s stupidest gisaeng leans in, hovering above the corpse. Seconds later, she’s seized.

It’s newly turned Hak-young, and dammit, why’d you have to make him hot as a vampire? Won’t you even allow me my grief?

Vamp Hak-young drinks up the gisaeng, then turns to face all the terrified people trying to scramble away from him. He grins, then leaps into action, going on a hunting spree from room to room. He arrives at Yang-sun’s room, where Ho-jin does his meager best to ward him off and lead Yang-sun out.

But Vamp Hak-young is super-fast and intervenes, grabbing hold of Ho-jin, who motions at Yang-sun to flee. But she turns and sees the carnage in the courtyard, frozen in horror while Hak-young tosses Ho-jin aside and advances on her next.

The scene sparks a memory, and suddenly she’s back ten years ago, when her father had turned into a vampire and attacked her. Hak-young grabs her and leans in to take a bite, just as Sung-yeol flings him off.

The two vampires engage in combat, and Sung-yeol gains the upper hand. He pins Hak-young to the ground and raises his dagger in the other—just as Yang-sun screams. She yells, “Don’t kill him!” And with her eyes begging him no, Sung-yeol hesitates, torn.


Uh, I sure hope you’ve got a secret evil-fighting plan up your sleeve, Yang-sun, because this had better not cause our scholar-nim extra pain. Hasn’t he suffered enough?

Speaking of suffering, boy wasn’t there a lot of it this episode? But this is the good kind of narrative suffering, the kind that is as satisfying as it is tear-inducing. Which makes me sound sadistic, I’m sure, but it also shows what, in my book, separates nobly idiotic sacrifices from the truly noble sacrifices. I liked that every dilemma in this episode was given some thought and presented from multiple angles, so that I couldn’t begrudge anybody their choices.

That’s why, when presented with Yoon’s decision, not even Sung-yeol seemed angry about it—because it’s the same problem he wrestle(d)(s) with. He just ended up making the other decision, but he understood the thought process, having previously decided the same thing and thinking he could sacrifice Yang-sun for the greater good.

It helps that the episode was full of some lovely acting moments—which, given such a gimmicky and often simplistic romantic storyline, isn’t something we can take for granted here. Scholar Who Walks the Night can be mighty entertaining at its best moments, but it’s always walking the line of cheesiness (and sometimes way over that line), and when we get moments of emotion and gravitas, I feel lucky. I mean, you cast Lee Soon-jae as your king and you’re going to get gravitas, that’s a given, but I appreciate that the actors are treating their characters with dignity; they don’t know they’re in a fantasy romance drama, and they’re acting with the weight of people facing actually dire circumstances. I’m shocked, but I even like Changmin in this, and think he’s done a great job portraying Yoon’s conflicted head and heart.

I’m relieved that the episode also marked a step forward on multiple fronts, because I feel like Scholar has been stuck in place for a few episodes, spinning narrative wheels. And when we knew everything, even when the characters don’t, the story often loses its spark. So now Yang-sun knows Sung-yeol is a vampire and loves him anyway, which is significant more for his sake than hers—we could pretty much see that she was going to embrace him without too much agonizing. It’s one of the benefits of having a heart that simple—it knows what it wants, and it’s pretty pure in staying true to that.

But her faith has a tremendous—transformative, even—effect on Sung-yeol, who’d expected to be forsaken. Although I do wonder if she’s going to have a problem with the whole killing part of his identity, vampires or not, which does bring us back to the question of this episode’s cliffhanger. Well, I suppose I like Hak-young too much to want him dead (again, er, more dead) right away, even if the very fact that he’s been vamped hurts me a little. A lot. Is there a way to give an evil vampire his soul back? Buffy?


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What a beautiful confession by Yangsun! Girl, you are an inspiration!!!!! Love is unconditional no matter what!!!! Our sexy vampire was so touched. Sniff sniff....


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Haven't watched this episode yet but I agree. Really liked her straightforward confession! :)


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This girl is proving me wrong. She's got so much guts and compassion!


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That's what we wanted from the last episode, for Yang-sun to keep her word that her heart won't change. Well done girl!


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I knew that was a foreshadowing of things to come in this episode. Heart committed. Done.


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Vampire Hak-young is ten times hotter than human Hak-young, that is all


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100% agreed! Hot!!!!


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Wasn't it amazing that while he is brought to the place, he shaved his beard so he would looked 1000000x times hotter and beat Sungyeol?


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Hahaha we get new traits from Scholar vampires beside the usual super speed with fangs.
-you'll look 10 times hotter
-you'll rock the guy liner
-your lips will be as red as pomegranate juice
-your facial hair will disappear forever

I didn't expect him to die in this episode but at least he went out as a hot vampire.

I am going to miss my fav grandpa Lee Soon-jae but his death was expected. It was good to see him play (kind of) the same character from Yi-san.


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*rotfl* As if two hot vampires aren't enough, they are adding another one! Also, the editor team just found another effect for our road-runner vampires!


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They should all do a guy-liner commercial together.


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I agree :)


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I find their use of guy liner very entertaining haha
For me it's like the essence of having a vampire transformation.

I wonder if their makeup artist had fun applying it on them teehee


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Man make-up true story. My first crush was Jang Keun-suk in You're Beautiful. He had me at eyeliner. Not all men can wear eyeliner or man make-up and get away with it. But those that can like the color pink, can certainly wear it well.


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Lee Min-ki is another one that looks good with guy-liner.


@Kiara - The hottest thing about Lee Min-ki in eyeliner, is getting to watch him put it on in SUFBB.

Now that's something you don't see everyday in dramas.

(vamps of course are exempt from such plebeian things as putting on eyeliner, they get an automatic eyeliner tattoo the minute they go undead)


@pogo How in the heck did I miss that. Going to find it and watch it lol.


Got that vampire swag


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- and not to mention, alllll the ladies will swoon. Literally!

(ok, they can also swoon in terror like Soo-hyang, but swoon they will!)

count me in as another one who will miss Lee Soon-jae. He added the necessary gravitas to his scenes with Yoon (and it really helped in a big way with Changmin), but it's a shame that his best scene is also his last. I loved the taunting he gave Gwi.


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On tonight's episode of Idle Vampire who Frolics at All Hours of the Day, Mukadil decides that ruling Joseon is too small of a goal. With super sexy powers, he realizes he could totally have his own show, and dammit, people would watch it. But in order for him to be the main character, the other main characters would have to go away or die or get eaten, whichever Mukadil felt like doing at the time. For Yoobi-chingu, he sends her to space to go back to Vampiritus so she can stop macking on some Magistrate Gunman Fugitive Clown guy and save Woobin-chingu from the gumiho. He teaches So-Eun to dance "Like a Cat" and she immediately remarries to Song Jae Rim (Much to my ire, but whatever I guess I can share). She is much happier than she was with needlessly facially hairy prince man child. Changmin gets his mustache ripped off and in utter shame for being an unassertive dick for the past several episodes stows away and... You know... Writes a ballad album.


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bahahahahha this was too good and "save Woobin-chingu from the gumhio" = perfect. ahahhha love it! :)))


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LOL, I started watching vampire idol because of your posts, and I love Mukadil (he's so cute). However Gwi is smoking hot. I wonder who this actor can go from looking weirdly cute, to looking smoking hot. I think the hairstyle is Scholar Walks the Night suits him a lot.


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I wonder "how" not "who", sorry typo and I can't edit it.


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I did too but haven't gotten past episode 2 lol.


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Yes, I'm not watching every ep, but I skimmed through a few eps, and it's a weird, cute, and campy sitcom.


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It's only in episode 3 that our girl even appears, but we don't get to see her actual face for a while (and the hilarity involved in trying to get her to show her face....)


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Can you please tel me where I can watch Vampire Idol???


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I saw several eng subbed eps on youtube


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I watched it on Youtube too Nancy.


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Thank you guys....


You are the best! Makes me wish they would do your show instead.

"stop macking on some Magistrate Gunman Fugitive Clown guy" and "save Woobin-chingu from the gumiho" Daebak!


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He teaches So-Eun to dance “Like a Cat” and she immediately remarries to Song Jae Rim (Much to my ire, but whatever I guess I can share).

I can't. *takes Oppar back* :P


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I have given up on this drama a long time ago, don't even read recaps anymore but still come here for your comments. I think its so much more interesting than the real drama and laugh out loud funny!


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I look forward to your episodes all the time!! Thank you so much for the laughs heeeheehehe


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all hail Vampire Idol!


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He doesn’t understand why she’s not afraid of him, but she replies, “That is not what I am afraid of. Did you not spend many years loving one person? Compared with her, I may be just a fleeting connection. But you saved my life when I was already as good as dead once. And you were also the one to find me a reason for living. While I live, I will stay at your side. I just ask that if and when I die, you will remember me as a past love. I ask for nothing more.”

Moved, this time he’s the one to grabs her close, tears falling from both their eyes.



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I'm glad she's gotten past the fan-girl phase. She should've ask for more damn it. Like a new pony, new shoes, new hanbok, more romance novels and the master bedroom with a hot tub ....woot woot!

I'm glad Ho-jin wasn't there. He would totally accuse her of quoting that whole moving speech from one of her romance novels.

Anyway, I hope you'll find your real life Yang-sun :).


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I'm glad she's past the fangirl phase and FINALLY knows the truth about Sung-yeol (it took long enough, omg. I was ready to hug Hye-ryung when she finally got out the words that Sung-yeol was a vampire).

And she was even allowed to use her brain a bit this episode to get into the castle! That's progress, quite a bit of it. She's adorable and endearing but let her have some inner strength too, damn it.


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What was on the writer's mind, seriously?! Are you guys keep dragging this until the last 2 weeks? On the preview for 14th episode, Gwi also bite Hyeryung. First (my one and only dependable man) Hakyoung, then Hyeryung and soon, Suhyang. NOW LET'S JUST TURN EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY AND MAKE A NEW ARMY -- GAH! It doesn't make sense anymore! But, I also admit that he is soooooo incredibly hot as new-shaved vampire last night but-- this is not fair!


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ikr, will they let Hye Ryng to become a vampire also? hmm so how about making everyone vampire then...


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I think Gwi can senses ... HR has her own agenda ...it seems she tried to protect Yoon ... HR could hide things from him ... that's why he bites her and made her a vampire ... no options for her not to followed him ( Gwi) ....

In this case Gwi is smart ......


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Honestly, Gwi is the smartest character in this drama. He figured out that the hawthorn powder was sprinkled in the prison; questioning why the king's guard protecting Yoon and else. I hope things never get this complicated...


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Sohyang is smart too ... in this case I doubt she will " whole hearted " on Gwi side .... she still love KSY so much ... she felt relieved when she heard ... KSY is OK ....

She knew how to deal with Gwi .....



I'll be really disappointed if Hye-ryung gets vamped that easily, she's been doing a fine job of trying to work around Gwi's demands on her life.


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But nothing change in HR after Gwi bite her and I kept wondering WHY? I thought everyone will turn to be a vampire after being bitten but why not HR? Or maybe HR is already a vampire...


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maybe there is something that is yet to be revealed here.


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So Gwi was actually gave her a not-too-deep holes? I couldn't understand their way of thinking. If Hyeryung is already a vampire, why is she okay under the sunlight in the previous scenes? At this point, Yoon better make his mind straight. Everyone has sacrified themself in order to save him. Just, ugh!


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Maybe Hyereung wont be affected because she is the reincarnation of the Scholars previous love and due to that she has some sort of immunity as in her previous life she willing gave up her life and was drained by a Vampire. But remember the scholar is no ordinary vampire but a guardian vampire and thus the rules are different of what to expect. Since when he drank from her it was due to her love and sacrifice?

Then again I am no Vampire Expert so I have no idea what this is all about and I may be wrong. Perhaps it takes time for the transformation to take place or you need to be fully drained. or perhaps a person lives in a dormant state and the transformation only takes place after you die. After all there are many theories of how to make a vampire but since I haven't actually ever managed to meet one yet I can't claim to be an expert sadly.

As for Su-Hyang (or whatever her name is) Lets be honest we saw her betray coming a long way of.
She practically told us she would do this if she was turned into a vampire. Remember she told the scholar that she would be eternally faithful to him if she could become a vampire like him. Naturally he declined said offer but Gwi simply doesn't have said restraints and if it grants him an ally against the scholar in this private feud he will readily transform someone from the scholars camp.

Also for Yang Sun I have to wonder if she really is still human or not. After all if she is descended from Gwi then she must certainly have some Vampire Blood no matter how diluted it may have become over time but to keep it more recent the Scholar has kept sharing his blood with her secretly whenever he has gotten the chance/excuse to do so.

On a side note finally Lee Yubi gets to be with the Supernatural being, Even her cross dressing days finally came in handy. Must be thanking Suzzy's character from their previous drama in how to lure a Supernatural Being to fall for them. (Hope all of you get the reference over here) :)

I seriously doubt that Gwi simply draining her would kill him. If her blood was deadly to vampires then a single drop should have been more than enough if not to kill him then to get a reaction of some sort. Plus if it is the Power of Three to set them free (Charmed Reference in case someone is wondering) then her alone won't work.
Perhaps something to do with her blood on the Hawthorn dagger and the princes sword and then stabbed into Gwi's heart. If this wont kill him perhaps it will help revert him back into a human which technically is also tantamount to killing him?

The ending of this episode. Perhaps Yang Sun hopes to turn the new Vamoire to their cause. After all if the scholar can be a good vampire what is stopping others to do the same according to her> They don't really have much of a chance. Plus with a little house training you can have a new friendly vampire that will go all Vegetarian :)

got to go now take care


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I'm kind of lost. What is the writers dragging here?


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I was just kind of, well, upset -- with the fact that Hakyoung is turned.........and with this push-pull thing between Yangsun and Sungyeol. How many times did Sungyeol want her to stay away from him?


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Hak-young turning into a vampire came as a surprise. I understand why you are upset. If they needed a 4th hero I'd definitely pick Hak-young.

Obviously he pushes Yang-sun away to protect her but yes, it's the same damn excuse every time. He's hot when she is in trouble but cold after she confesses her love for him. Dude has issues.
I guess that's what the writers do when they run out of ideas. Rinse repeat ......


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I'm afraid they will keep dragging it this way in order to fill the scene.
I want Yangsun to join the plan, not as a poisoned meal but maybe a mouse to lure Gwi out. She can also make Yoon hear Sungyeol's words.
Isn't Sungyeol and Yangsun originally worked together in the manhwa? At least make her a hero, she has a strong will; nothing can shake her unless her lover is in danger


Yes Yang-sun and Sung-yeol were working together to defeat Gwi but here she is very limited. She is like a side character sometimes instead of being actively involved in the plan.

You are right, they are going to drag it for maybe 2 episodes or more. Problem is Yang-sun doesn't know about the secret plan aka plan of vague and her part in it. Instead of pushing her away I wish Sung-yeol would sit her down and tell her. She might actually use her brain to help figure out what they need to do.


You know, Prince Jeonghyeon's romance novels may have inspired Yang-sun to write the Night Scholar. She understand what he wrote in his diary whereas Sung-yeol couldn't figure it out. Maybe he should let her read it?


I feel like it wouldn't be a kdrama without some noble idiocy, but we already got that earlier in ep 8.......you're right that I guess they do have to eke out the story to fill 20 episodes :/


i like the mystery about Hye Ryung and Su Hyang. i cant picture Su Hyang yet, i dun think she will turn to villain. for the time being, shes is described as a woman who can do anything for love, even it is unrequited love. As for Hye Rung, she is being too careful, planning secretly coz she doesnt want her agenda being exposed, esp to Gwi.
its exciting to know whats going to happen to them.


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Yes ... me too... I'm curious about these 2 women ... what will they do next ??? Seems to me HR likes Yoon and want to protect him ??? But Gwi is very smart ... he bites her ... and she becomes a Vampire .... Can't wait for the next episode ..


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I am really obsessed with this drama, any way i found prince is selfish and pathetic, he just want to offer yang sun as Gwi's supper to protect the king, why is he so hurry if he wants to save the people. i wish there will be a another solution rather than offering yang sun. now i'm sure su hyang will betray sung yeol. love the girl's confession, i'm curious about ep 14 preview, can't wait for it. :)


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thinking from King's perspective, its logic that he concluded to offer YS to Gwi. because for the time being this is the only solution they have.


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Yes ..from .the King prespective but the prince .... Yoon ...he is selfish ..pathetic and coward .... not only offer YS but his friend .... died because of him ... and he blamed KSY ...


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Yeah. He already offered up Yang Sun's dad to Gwi because his grand plan of sacrifice failed. He was quite keen on outing himself as the Lustful guy for the goodwill of mankind, but when things went downhill he bailed. When his granddad embarked on the stupidest plan ever (even Sung Yeol the vampire told him not to), they failed and he still wants to offer up Yang Sun to save their asses. He had the cheek to blame Sung Yeol for his problems. How about some responsibility for your stupidity?

Seriously, they believe a hunter who just mentioned that Yang Sun has to die, and opt to kill Yang Sun on the off chance the plan is correct? What if that was not the plan? And Yang Sun was Harry Potter to Gwi's Voldemort. Oops just killed the Chosen One. Oh well just eternity in bondage to Gwi then. No big deal.


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I would agree with the king if he didn't know about Prince Jeonghyeon diary. What I find annoying about these royals (Yoon and his grandfather) is their unwillingness to work as a team to defeat Gwi. I can understand their hesitation to work with a vampire but Sung-yeol has proven enough that Gwi is their common enemy.


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I'm with Sung-yeol here. They go it wrong. Prince Jeonghyeon would never have written a plan that required the sacrifice of an innocent life to a monster.
Yang-sun alone is not the answer and she doesn't need to be sacrificed. All 3 of them will play a role in it.


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Agree ~~~~


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Exactly. The trade-off Yoon was willing to make was the right one, given his responsibilities . However, the plan itself wasn't very smart. They did nothing to verify that Yang Sun's blood would kill Gwi. Which is a pretty big gamble, since if she dies or turns into a vampire, the entire secret plan is ruined.

I've had one question that I haven't found an answer to . Why do they keep saying that we as a threat to the people ? It doesn't seem to me that he's a threat to anybody but the Royals and their bodyguards.


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we as a = Gwi is a


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I believe Yoon meant it when he said that he would sacrifice himself if he could to get rid of Gwi. He is unaware of his role in the secret plan at the moment because grandpa is still alive. I'm kind of uncomfortable defending him but I do understand where he is coming from.

I haven't thought about what Gwi said about being a threat to the people to be honest. Now you are giving me something to think about.


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Same here - I don't like Yoon's willingness to sacrifice Yang-sun, but we do get to see exactly how conflicted and desperate he is, and why he would arrive at that conclusion, because it's not something he WANTS to do - it's something he feels bound to do. He's not really ok with the course of action that involved sacrificing Yang-sun but in the absence of any other choice, he'd do this.

As for Gwi not being a threat to anyone but the Royals and their bodyguards, it does give me pause - as far as we can see, he can only kill and eat people, he's not a magician or something. But he does like to wreak havoc when he feels like it, like the Hwayanggak stunt with Hak-young's newly vamped self. I presume he's been doing the vamp-and-let-it-out-to-kill for a while now.


I'm not 100 % sure Suhyang will betray KSy .... she is so smart and understand how to survive and deal with Gwi ....
She could be only pretends on Gwi side ...


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"She could be only pretends on Gwi side..."

Yes. Just looking for a chance to get info so she can help her hero. Sung-yeol did save her after all.

BTW, does Gwi need to get a housekeeper? OMG, that place is a mess!


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Yeah, it's apparent every single time we see Soo-hyang in this episode that she is all-caps TERRIFIED but trying to keep her wits about her. You can see her trying to stay one step ahead of Gwi's murderous whims, but there's no way to tell if the last request to be made a vampire was genuine or not. Either way, she hasn't gone over to the dark side yet.


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Oo ... Finally ...after long waiting .... Thks for nice recaps JB !!!


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Junki shi looks stunning in hanbok !!! Can't wait the next Ep ... the queen hyerong becomes vampire too ??? LOL !!!


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Right on!


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Uhhhh....this was reply to Kiara's comment about Yangsun not being the sole sacrificer in terms of killing Gwi. Sorry! :(


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I'm hoping that her blood is not the only thing that is needed from her. This Yang-sun has strong will and she doesn't listen to anyone. Let her be the one to deliver the final blow that would send off her long lost relative to the netherworld.
Yang-sun has lost way too much and suffered much. She should be allowed to take it out on Gwi.


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I'm still anxiously waiting for their introduction!!!!


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Darth Vader meets Luke Skywalker lol.


LOL! Too funny.


I don't think her blood is what this secret plan needs, based on the hunter's reaction to being told about the intended sacrifice.

Because if it was, then it would make her really nothing but an object in the grand scheme of things. And that would suck.


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That's true.


Is it just me noticing it or does LOVE give Sung-yeol a power boost each time?


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If it does, then they could make a scene where Yangsun and Sungyeol's making out before his last battle with Gwi -- just don't make it as rough as Bella-Edward


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LOL! Reason is I'm still in awe of that boulder scene from Episode 1 that knocked Gwi out cold. That was funny!


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Me too! He could be in rage mode if his lover is in pain though.
The writer better read this and grant our wish to see their making out scene Damn it! It's already on my head!!! asfdgfjslowuncmaqbsjxz


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it was not only love but the heart that want to protect the one he love not sex like the fools say below/upper comment.

like a mom that can lift a huge tractor because her little girl below it.

lol this is not a porn movie, if we want to see make out scene we can see games of throne, we can see child fuck her mother, her sister even her cow haha


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Lmao sorry for offending but it is just my wild expectation, I thought everyone could take it as a joke. I'll take a note with this


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Cara, you are not a fool. You were just fan-tasizing. Nothing wrong. Plus, it was just a joke. The director is not going to do that in a million years! Geez, people chill out there doesn't have to be name calling or use of profanity. I've already seen the B and F word used in these comments and I think its inappropriate.


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Aw, that's okay! *insert hearts* I realized that I went too far, too. Also, before the drama started people already relating it as Korean's Twilight. :)


it's america freedom of speech GIRLS lol


It's only me ??? I think YS is prettier & cuter when she dressed as a boy ...
But Junkishi looks gorgeous in hanbok...
LSH Gwi & Hokyung looks hot & sexy as vampire ... but LJK looks Beautiful & charismatic vampire ....


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Not just you....totally loving everything about Lee Jun Ki. He was born to act. This is his genre. Hanboks adore him.


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It’s only me ??? I think YS is prettier & cuter when she dressed as a boy …

You are not the only one.


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YS is cuter when she dressed as a boy. when shes wearing a court maid attire, she just look usual.

but agreed all men in this drama can be beautiful, sexy and hot at the same time in this drama.


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yeah, it's not just you - Yang-sun does look cuter in her boy attire. She's still pretty in the girl hanboks, but looks not quite at ease (which is probably a deliberate choice by Lee Yubi, who previously looked entirely at home in hanboks for Gu Family Book and Royal Tailor).


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Wow, I really appreciate how fast you upload the recap. I always come here when the sub still not out yet. Thank you!


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Shall we discuss the fact that Yang Sun obviously isn't to be sacrificed to Gwi in the way we all thought? I mean, the hunter responding like that had to mean something, right? Or was it just shock? Ah darn it! Anyway, I'll believe she's not to be a poisoned meal, and will go on driving myself crazy trying to figure out how she fits in.


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I'm thinking that maybe the reason they need both the guardian vampire and the descendant to kill Gwi is Sung-yeol has to make Yang-sun a vampire and she becomes some kind of super powerful vampire that can beat Gwi. Or he has to give her half his powers and somehow two halves are stronger than one whole.


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I think to defeat Gwi it needs king (Now the prince is the king) , yang sun(Gwi's Spouse's blood line) and Sung yeol (vampire guardian) these three combination can defeat him, but still they don't know how. willingness of the king has fulfilled, but sung yeol can't understand the next step. they are only thinking about sacrificing yang sun, but if i'm correct late vampire guardian said at his death bed to sung yeol " you will be the only vampire who can defeat Gwi" i think sung yeol has big job but he needs yang sun for that.


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hey just my random thought i think yang sun should not be sacrificed for gwi but for sung yeol, he might need to drink yang sun blood to defeat Gwi, after summarizing the whole happening in this drama, that will be the answer :(


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i think SY need YS blood to become strong enuf to beat Gwi, but not to the extent to kill her.


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"At the gibang, the lid flies off the coffin, and the world’s stupidest gisaeng leans in"

Hahahaha. I stay away from empty coffins so if I heard one with someone knocking on the inside, I would flee.

Also, what happened to Hak-young's mustache after becoming vamped?


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Vamps turn younger and sexier after becoming one... haha!
So no more hairy and moustaches around their face.

Their beauty is everlasting and they never age...Sungyeol and Gwi are one of the examples.


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She must be related to that mourner in the woods from a few episodes ago. LOL


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Hahaha that was unintentionally funny.


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Hahahaa...I am sorry but this was too hilarious...


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ok I'm sure I just died. Of laughter, that is.


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Aish...everyone's literally turning into vamps. Poor thing Hakyoung has turned to the dark side and even better looking than he was in his human form. LOL!

Almost every episode LJK changes his hanbok. Am always curious to see what else is in his wardrobe for the next episode. We still have 7 epi to go which means we get to see more outfits from him. Heheh! :D

I reckon Soohyang is just fiesty and hoping to turn into a vamp to click with Sungyeol. She can't gain his heart so she might join him in the afterlife adventure.... haha!


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wow., its pretty cool if Su Hyang can do some action as well after turn to vamp. haha. and together with Hakyoung, and Hye Ryung if she is to become vampire also.



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If Gwi bite her I think she will be his vamp minion :(. That would be sad at least to me because I really like her character and the actress.
I hope that she will still remember how Sung-yeol saved her even if she becomes a vampire.


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i like her character as well. but i think she maybe intended to becomes vampire in order to help SY.


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It would be sad, really - she's been doing a fantastic job of remaining calm and thinking on her feet so Gwi doesn't do just that :/


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I must think about MIDO's comment deeply 15.1 and 15.1.1 it give me goosebumps.


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i got it!!! Yang Sun blood is.......HOLY WATER!!!!

if i remember correctly Gwi tasted YS blood before right? if it's really lethal then it should of done something to him.

lol this is kinda of dragging but things just got better with another sexy vampire! i dont think he will die though he will something like SY and be with the crown prince.


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its actually pretty cool if Hakyoung turn to be a vampire that will be bodyguard for Crown Prince.


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Good idea! But, he has to control his hunger toward blood first...


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maybe SY shud tell him tips to control his hunger towards blood. i dun want him to die again, please make him a little bit more useful. the writer is not deliberately turn him into vamp without any plan, right? hmmm *wishful thinking


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Hey maybe Yang-sun will save him. She screamed at Sung-yeol not to kill him.


Kiara hopefully yes. i really like him..


I wish when Gwi is already gone, everyone who got turned by him gained their lives again -- but, again, it seems impossible because our hero will be the only vampire left (he got turned by the dying Guardian Gwi though)


LOL Where's Buffy when you need her? Probably at the Bronze hahaha. Anywho, Im happy to see consequences for the terrible palace plan but feel like Gwi is taking everyone's word a little too easily. I also hope Gwi doesnt turn su hyang into a vampire; she's already got issues.


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I don't know what type of lifestyle vampire had but HY drank too much blood. He should feel full knowing he killed atleast 50 people at gibang..



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hmm now i think if this drama got 16 episode, then at least the plot is not dragging too much. actually for the first 10 epi, this drama seems been dragging too much and quite repetitive. only after 10 epi, then the plot becomes better.


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Dear Javabeans, thanks a lot!!


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Hak Young is the first actor who is able to make me love him when he's kind, and make me despise him when he's evil. He totally knows how to use his facial muscles. Lol. The vampire him looks totally different from the human him. Kudos to the actor!


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yeah, I actually had a little doubt about poor Hak-young based on just the grinning vampire clip, but when I saw the blue hanbok he was wearing (same as the vamp Hak-young) I realised he's the one to bite it (literally)


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Can they turn Yoon into a vampire and get rid of that awful excuse of a goatee or beard (whatever the hell it is)?


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I've actually come to like the goatee, it separates him nicely from his boyband persona.


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Besides linking CP and Yang-sun, what else is the significance of the boxes? Does it have a latch? Has anyone tried to open it? Maybe there's a message inside in regards to the plan?

One of the problems with this drama is they introduce something but it lacks deeper meaning. And it was totally omitted from this episode.


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I don't know where to begin with the many problems this drama is having. I've never wanted a drama to be to end so bad. Feeling sorry for the actors.


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errr to end


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Bless their hearts for still working so hard and being dedicated to their characters.


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I’ve never wanted a drama to be to end so bad.

I take it you didn't watch Warm & Cozy then ;)

This drama's suddenly got more plot and actual stuff happening than it had in its entire first half. Which is a change I do not mind at all - at least things are happening, and Yang-sun isn't made to behave like a total birdbrain.

I feel bad for the actors too, and I do want the drama to end - largely so Lee Yubi can finally give her back a rest. By the looks of her ig she's still wearing a back brace on the regular (one small advantage she gets from this being a sageuk is that the brace can be hidden by oversized/puffy hanboks.


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I didn't watch Warm and Cozy but I kind of read the recaps for a couple episodes. I'm not a fan of the Hong sisters but I like the lead actors.

I do like the change because there is movement but the script isn't going to be any better.

Yes I feel for Yubi and working through her injury. I'm so glad that she got to work with oppa because I get the feeling that she is very comfortable with him and I'm sure he is helping her out just like grandpa Lee Soon-jae with Changmin.


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The leads of Warm & Cozy were literally the only thing keeping any of us watching, but it was such a waste of their talent. The Hong sisters didn't even try with this one - much worse than SWWTN, by far.

I was honestly worried about Yubi scoring her first ever lead role with a major star and respected actor like oppa, because while she is talented, she's still not perfect and netizens really had the knives out for her for not being Kim So-eun. But she does take well to actively learning from senior actors even in her previous dramas, and I'm glad that was the case here too.

Either way, we're here to the bitter end - I want to see how this ends, even if it's no ratings hit and I have frequently wanted to tear out Writer 1's hair.


I'm still choosing to watch it, but there is clearly a disparity between the two leading actors. As much as they are both talented and I have enjoyed watching them in other work in the past, Lee Jun ki and Lee Yubi seem to be acting on two different wavelengths, and I don't find any believable chemistry between their characters.

I just really wish Yang-sun was written with more spark. I find Hye-ryung and So-hyang much more interesting characters because they both have a consistent depth and a spunk that Yang-sun doesn't seem to have.

But there are still several episodes left! Here's hoping!


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actually YS's character is quite pitiful coz the writer made her always like a lost puppy. her character shud be written better coz im always see her like a kid, because of her character, hopefully the future episodes at least make her better. its not LYB wrong, and i also dont expect her to

i dunno, if im watching sageuk, i love to see female lead to become real strong.


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I have nothing against Lee Yu Bi but I don't find her character appealing at all. That's why I turned away from this drama as I prefer a drama with a stronger female character. That's probably why I am more drawn towards Hye Ryeong and So Hyang (gisaeng).


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Yep. +1


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I may be worried about the future plot and potential noble idiocy, but this is the best episode of SWWTN so far - I loved that we actually move forward, with people getting info and taking decisions about things. Even when some of those decisions end in tears.

I also loved seeing Lee Jun-ki and Lee Soo-hyuk together in the fight scene. Like WHOA.

THANK GOODNESS for Yang-sun finally catching on that Sung-yeol is a vampire, even if she had to have the words spit out of her by Hye-ryung (who I suspect is extra sharp and cold to her because she's jealous of Yoon's and Yang-sun's friendship). The scene after the realisation where he confronts her at the palace, was beautiful - we all knew she would, but now she knows, and she loves him anyway.

And I loved the way the royal family's and their friends' Operation Keep Fighting went down. Yoon doesn't WANT to sacrifice his childhood friend or let his grandfather die or beg for mercy from the vampire who killed him, but we get to see how he has to, or feels he has to.

Soo-hyang is a badass for even staying alive in Gwi's lair, though I suspect the 'betrayal' isn't real and it really looks like she is going all out to survive.


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Yes that's what I thought... SH is smart and know how to survive .... and I think her love to KSY will never change


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Such a tragic tale and the OST is just gorgeous.


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I cant even with this show. Its all over the place! Plus they are very very inconsistent on their vamps turn! Gah! But one thing I appreciate about whats happening now(other than vamp Hakyoung's sexy manchest) is that Gwi is doing a lot more than being ineffectively threatening in his dark, dank dungeon of doom.

Also, kudos to Hakyoung for the best vampiric acting I've seen on this show ever! I think he was even better than his sunbae vamps ModelGwi and Seung Yeol. But dear me, he really turned out to be sexy af after turning. I couldnt even recognize him after turning. Is it the guyliner? Or was it the hair?


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Both the hair & the eye liner ......and the acting skills too...


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Btw myasiantv.com ... Eps 14 already with Sub ......


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Oh yeah. Guyliners and bare chests, efteedubs. Yoon's sidekick is definitely way hotter when turned. O.o

By the way, should Sung Yeol turn the King, then should both feast on Yang Sun and turn her into a vamp, and then the three of them kill off Gwi and live in an immortal menagé-a-trois ever after?

Urgh. Even Stephanie Meyer didn't take that route. What am I thinking? T_T XD


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Thanks for the recap, JB!

I thought the confession and embrace was the most touching scene in this ep.

Hak Young being turned into a vampire was so sad, especially since he was sacrificing himself for Yoon.

Now that Yang Sun has her memory back, it's gonna be a little different between her and Sang Yeol.


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...Vamp!Hak-yiung doesn't have his beard....so...when one become a vampire their facial hair disappears?


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5 stars for this episode


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