High Society: Episode 12

This show is a pretty good example of why you shouldn’t date in the workplace, because it’s only nice until you break up and end up in a twisted love square. Or does that only happen in dramas? If it wasn’t a thing before, it definitely is now, with our two chaebol characters drifting toward each other while our two less fortunate leads realize they have a lot more in common than they’d initially believed. It’s all in good fun until jealousy rears its ugly head, and something tells me the tentative truce formed between Chang-soo and Joon-ki isn’t going to last much longer.


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Yoon-ha ends up saving Ji-yi from being evicted by using her connections to scare the landlady into submission, even though the woman comments that the person who wanted Ji-yi evicted is much worse than her. Ji-yi knows immediately who that person is.

It’s Chang-soo’s mom, as she asks her son whether he likes to see Ji-yi suffer. He has nothing to say to that, but warns his mother against meeting Ji-yi in the future, promising that he won’t see her again. “You won, Mom. I lost. There, I said it. So have some mercy and leave Ji-yi alone.”

Meanwhile, Ji-yi inquires about possibly getting a loan from their company for an apartment, since she’ll likely have to move. Yoon-ha wonders how she can be thinking of money in this situation, but Ji-yi tells her that worrying about money is how she’s always lived.

“Worrying about it now isn’t fear, but reality,” Ji-yi explains. But she also adds that she forgot about reality when she started dating Chang-soo, only to realize now that reality is an even stronger force than money.

Later that night, Ji-yi works up the courage to call Chang-soo’s mom with what she believes to be good news: she got a job! She asks his mom to meet her outside her workplace for lunch so she can see it for herself.

Both she and Chang-soo think about the night they spent together before she sends him a text: “Let’s stop filming a movie now. I’m going back to reality.” Then he thinks back to Joon-ki’s words about him being unable to marry Ji-yi because he’ll never be able to overcome himself.

Ji-yi gets a call from her mom and immediately starts crying, since the one thing she needed most right now was to hear from her. But she only says things to make her mom happy, and denies that she’s dating anyone.

While Lady Kim all but kidnaps Chairman Jang to take him to her house, Mama Lee tells her husband that she plans to get drunk tonight. “I love you,” she says before adding, “I don’t regret marrying you.”

Papa Choi hears that as if she does regret it, which she breaks down and admits is true. She apologizes after, explaining that she’s just upset and has no one else to take it out on but him. Her husband, sweet as ever, gives her the go-ahead to do so as long as it’ll make her happy.

She confesses that she quit her job today, and was embarrassed to tell him. She was also embarrassed despite having nothing to do with Lady Kim being Chairman Jang’s mistress when she only worked for her. “But today for the first time, I envied that woman,” she admits.

She envied Lady Kim’s money because she realized that it could change everything about the way people perceive you—and if only she had some, she’d be able to give her son all the opportunities he desires. Her husband remains supportive, and Mama Lee says with a sniffle that she’s always liked him for his kindness.

Madam Min is incensed to hear that Chairman Jang won’t be coming home tonight, which Butler Hong takes as a sign that she still cares for her husband. She disagrees, claiming she actually hates him, but Butler Hong points out that she wouldn’t care about what woman he’s with if she did.

That’s when Madam Min sighs that she feels almost reassured that Chairman Jang refuses to get a divorce—after all these years living in a prison, the idea of leaving it is much more frightening than she’d initially thought.

As for her daughters, Min’s preference clearly runs toward Ye-won, though Butler Hong urges her to think more about Yoon-ha. She’s just broken up with her boyfriend, after all. Madam Min scoffs at that, and it’s unclear whether she’ll heed Butler Hong’s advice to give Yoon-ha the time of day, at least.

Yoon-ha pays a visit to Ye-won, and the two talk about Yoon-ha hiring Ji-yi and Ye-won hiring Joon-ki. Yoon-ha wonders if her unni would’ve scouted him if he had no connection to her, to which Ye-won wonders, “Do you think you’re that great?”

Because Yoon-ha came with an agenda, she asks Ye-won why she had that blowout fight with Kyung-joon shortly before he died. She shows her the files of the lawsuit Kyung-joon left her that they won. But, she has the USB he gave her, which she thinks has something to do with their fight and Kyung-joon’s death.

“Are you trying to say I killed him?” Ye-won asks disbelievingly. She knows Yoon-ha’s trying to get to something, though Yoon-ha says it has to do with the lawsuit. They didn’t win because they did nothing wrong, they won because the other side had a lack of evidence.

But the USB Kyung-joon left her has that evidence, which would’ve changed the outcome of the lawsuit. Kyung-joon was ready to acknowledge their wrongs and move forward, while Ye-won is content to compensate the victims after the fact so as not to hurt the company image. Besides, what does Yoon-ha know?

Yoon-ha claims to know everything she needs to know, which Ye-won couldn’t disagree with more. A person only gains power from knowing who they are, yet Yoon-ha could never reconcile her chaebol identity and even hid it by working part-time. So why does she want to work for the company now?

Yoon-ha wonders if Ye-won feels threatened by her entering the company, and while she first tries to reassure her that she has no intention of following their father’s plans for her, Ye-won’s adamance about the responsibility being put on Yoon-ha’s shoulders piques her curiosity. She originally had no interest in company affairs, but with her sister acting the way she is, she suddenly has the desire to do her job and succeed.

But when Ye-won asks for the USB she deems “useless” now, Yoon-ha won’t give it to her, citing that Kyung-joon must have left it to her for a reason. That’s when Ye-won mentions her theory about Kyung-joon’s accident: He was taking antidepressants and left for vacation during a time when the company was in turmoil. By planning ahead and giving Yoon-ha the USB and stocks, Ye-won’s of the mind that Kyung-joon committed suicide.

Yoon-ha won’t believe it, so Ye-won asks why she thinks Kyung-joon took his vacation during such a tumultuous time. Yoon-ha thinks it has something to do with the USB, but nothing more than that.

Butler Hong updates Madam Min on his investigation into Kyung-joon, including keeping watch over an account he had under a borrowed name, since they’d expect to see funds moving in that account if he were still alive. Though Hong is worried, Madam Min assures him that she’ll be able to handle whatever shocking news he may find out.

Since Yoon-ha asked Butler Hong to investigate Joon-ki, he reports to her that there was nothing out of the ordinary. It’s time to forget him now, he advises. Yoon-ha asks then why Butler Hong loves her mother, to which he replies that he doesn’t. She knows it’s a lie, and Butler Hong defends it: “Sometimes you have to protect your love with lies.”

Yoon-ha finds Madam Min drinking, and she casually asks her daughter if her fling with Joon-ki is over. Yoon-ha says that she won’t be marrying him, and obediently says yes when her mother advises her to find another man.

When her mother questions the sudden change in her daughter’s personality, Yoon-ha simply says that she tried things her way, and now sees that her mother was right when it comes to men.

Ji-yi meets Joon-ki at their new workplace, and oohs and ahhs over his promotion to team leader. Since it was Joon-ki’s job to secure a duty-free spot for Taejin Cosmetics at Yumin’s airport storefront, Chang-soo makes a call to ensure the spots have been freed.

He calls to tell Yoon-ha the good news, and adds that if she’s thankful, she can buy him a meal. She promises to buy two, but asks if he might be able to put some of their products in one of his department stores in China. He good-naturedly promises to think about it.

Yoon-ha mentions then that Ji-yi was almost evicted yesterday, and asks Chang-soo if he’s unable to control his mother. He replies that he can’t control her when it comes to marriage, but remains much more ambiguous when Yoon-ha asks if he’s going to keep meeting Ji-yi still.

At work, Ji-yi gushes that she always liked Joon-ki as a person before asking if he heard the news that she and Chang-soo broke up. He did, but doesn’t comment on the matter since he doesn’t think it’s his place.

They’re about to board the elevator before Yoon-ha approaches, and after waffling about on whether to take it with Joon-ki inside or not, she eventually hops in. Cue awkward elevator ride.

After Ji-yi overhears a short call between Chang-soo and Yoon-ha about getting Taejin’s products in his stores overseas, she says to herself that she’s relieved Chang-soo’s living well. Is she really, though?

When Yoon-ha and Joon-ki depart the elevator, he stops her by admitting to another wrong he committed against her: He was the one who broke the article about her being a part-timer.

But contrary to Yoon-ha’s belief that he released the article because he was worried his goals wouldn’t be accomplished if she left her home, Joon-ki tells her that he was trying to do what was best for her.

There’s a dissonance between reality and the way she perceives herself, he claims, and he knew that even if she’d prepared money to leave her home it wouldn’t have been enough. And in the future, if she wants to know whether someone’s approaching her with hidden motives, she has to look at whether that person seems to match her completely.

If a person doesn’t have any hidden motives, Joon-ki explains, then it’s naturally difficult for them to like everything about the other person. Yoon-ha asks if he’s giving her a tip because he doesn’t have another objective, and he replies that he doesn’t—he just wants things to turn out well for her. “Why?” Yoon-ha asks. “Why else?” he replies.

Chang-soo’s mom meets Ji-yi for lunch as planned, and the girl is sunny and bright despite hearing confirmation that it was Mom who almost had her evicted. But she tells Mom that she won’t have to do that again, since she won’t be meeting Chang-soo anymore.

Likewise, Mom admits that Chang-soo said he wouldn’t meet Ji-yi anymore, so at least they’re on the same page. But the usual evil mother-in-law/prospective daughter-in-law conversation takes a radical turn when Ji-yi tells Mom not to come looking for her again—because if she does, Ji-yi might start to like her.

“If I start to like you,” Ji-yi continues, “I don’t think I’ll be able to break up with Chang-soo. So don’t come looking for me. It’s our third time meeting now, and I like the third time better than the first.” Mom’s completely flabbergasted, having not expected this reaction at all. Ji-yi just wishes her well and leaves.

Yoon-ha reports to her father that they secured Yumin’s airport spots for their products, only for Chairman Jang to put down her efforts by saying that Ye-won had that issue resolved yesterday. Yoon-ha acknowledges that Ye-won would be faster than her because she’s worked at the company longer, and is just glad that the company benefitted from her work.

She mentions the work she’s trying to do in getting their products sold in the Chinese market, and admits that she talked a big game when it came to doing well, but that she might just be all hat and no cattle. Regardless, her father promises to give her the help she needs to succeed, and has almost a non-reaction to Yoon-ha telling him she and Joon-ki have broken up.

While Lady Kim entreats Mama Lee to come back and work for her now that neither of them have secrets from each other anymore, Ji-yi sits next to Joon-ki in the company cafeteria and tells him about her encounter with Chang-soo’s mother. Joon-ki tells her she did a good thing in breaking up with Chang-soo, and she believes it since it’s coming from him.

Meanwhile, Yoon-ha sees them getting friendly and doesn’t seem to like it one bit.

Chang-soo’s hyung tells him what he already knows about Joon-ki securing airport spots for Taejin Cosmetics. Chang-soo’s advice is for his hyung to offer Joon-ki money to work for him, since Joon-ki wouldn’t ever turn money away… only to find out that his hyung tried and failed to bribe Joon-ki away from Chang-soo many times before.

Hyung then cuts to the chase: They’re building a resort on Jeju Island, and want to partner up with Taejin Cosmetics to do so. Since Chang-soo has ties to Yoon-ha, Joon-ki, and even Ye-won, it’ll be his job to make the deal happen.

The first thing Yoon-ha says to Ji-yi once they’re alone is that she and Joon-ki sure looked friendly. “Just because it’s not going well between you two doesn’t mean I have to dislike him too, does it?” Ji-yi asks innocently. Besides, she always liked Joon-ki as a person.

Yoon-ha’s a bit bewildered, and asks if it doesn’t bother Ji-yi that Joon-ki tricked her. “He didn’t trick me,” Ji-yi replies honestly. And on that point, Yoon-ha doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on when she tricked her when it came to her chaebol background. She also points out that she didn’t retaliate when she found out.

Offended, Yoon-ha asks how Ji-yi could compare her to Joon-ki. “I really liked you!” “Do you think he didn’t like you?” Ji-yi returns. “If he’s a man, how could he not like you?”

Yoon-ha explains how disgusted she feels to know that Joon-ki didn’t love her when he first kissed her, but Ji-yi brings her down to earth on that one: love isn’t a prerequisite for kissing. Furthermore, after breaking up with Chang-soo because of their perceived class differences, she tells Yoon-ha to go easy on Joon-ki. Maybe it’s because Ji-yi’s situation isn’t all that dissimilar from his.

After discussing possible collaboration plans with Ye-won, Chang-soo goes to Yoon-ha’s office to discuss things further only for an unexpected guest to arrive in the form of Ji-yi.

He confronts her about her breakup text, which she defends on the basis that his mother told her he’d already planned to break up with her. He’s surprised that it was Ji-yi who asked to meet with her, but then Ji-yi asks a question that should be asked in every chaebol drama ever: “Why does your mom interfere in our relationship when we’re both adults?” Preach it, Ji-yi!

But she’s surprisingly okay with the end of their relationship, since she considers it like the end of filming a movie. Nobody apologizes when the day is done, instead they thank each other for working hard. So that’s exactly what she does before leaving.

Well, I take it back: She’s just been hiding her emotions. When she’s alone, all she can do is think about Chang-soo. It’s not long before Yoon-ha and Chang-soo catch up to her, but she makes another excuse for why she can’t hang out with them.

Chang-soo’s eyes meet with hers for only the briefest of moments as they both remember him telling her that he could end up being a scorpion to her and hurt her even without meaning to. Looks like that part of the story’s come true.

Yoon-ha and Chang-soo encounter Joon-ki in the hallway, and Chang-soo briefly chastises him for using his old Yumin connections now that he works for Taejin. Joon-ki is left to brood over what Yoon-ha said to him in the rain about how her love for him couldn’t solve all her problems, but that it could give her the power to overcome them.

But then he encounters Ji-yi crying, and guesses that she ran into Chang-soo. To make her feel better, he invites her out for a drink.

Chairman Jang interrupts his wife’s piano playing session to tell her to perk up and perform her duties—their children and other people are watching. Madam Min throws that sentiment right back at him—hadn’t he laid down the law that they weren’t divorcing, and that they’d sleep under the same roof no matter what?

He didn’t stick to that, so she’s sure that their children and other people are watching him too. Chairman Jang complains that it’s because she makes it uncomfortable for him at home, so she snaps at him to go sleep at Lady Kim’s house again. So he does.

While Yoon-ha and Chang-soo go out for their fine meal, Joon-ki and Ji-yi head out for some cheap eats and soju at a pojangmacha. Ji-yi’s happy to hear that Joon-ki doesn’t find the stools uncomfortable, since Chang-soo had complained about them before.

She gets a call from Yoon-ha inviting her to come eat with her and Chang-soo, which Ji-yi is quick to decline. She ignores her phone from then on and asks Joon-ki to keep pouring her drinks, and he happily obliges.

Chairman Jang gets up from his meal with Lady Kim and falls to the ground clutching his heart. Uh oh. Madam Min is notified and rushes to the hospital with Butler Hong, unable to believe her husband’s like this when he cleared his last health exam.

Joon-ki walks a very drunk Ji-yi home, and she attempts to tell him the story Chang-soo told her of the frog and the scorpion with mixed results—luckily Joon-ki already knows it.

But they hit an unexpected snag when they encounter Chang-soo and Yoon-ha walking the same street. When Chang-soo asks Ji-yi what she’s doing, she defensively answers that Joon-ki’s taking her home.

Yoon-ha tries to calm the situation down by saying “Let’s go” to Chang-soo, but the familiarity in those words rattles Ji-yi enough for her to take Joon-ki by the arm and say the same thing.

Chang-soo isn’t having it, and grabs Ji-yi by the wrist to have a talk with her. “I don’t want to!” she protests.

…And suddenly, Joon-ki has his hand on Chang-soo’s arm to stop him, because the lady clearly said no. Both men glare at each other, both refusing to let go, while Yoon-ha stands like the odd man out.


If this isn’t the first genuinely noble act Joon-ki’s ever committed, then it certainly feels like it, since I’ve had a notoriously difficult time finding ways to connect with him. Even if his love for Yoon-ha was true, even if he came clean about all his misdeeds, all of that came from an unapologetic point of view. Joon-ki’s not sorry about the lifestyle he lives, and if he’s made peace with that, I guess we have to as well.

Something’s changed since his breakup with Yoon-ha, and I’m still struggling to pinpoint what it is—he’s still firm in his beliefs about the class divide, but now that he’s lost his golden ticket, what’s his next plan? Is it just to work his way up the Taejin ladder the old fashioned way? But even that wouldn’t make sense with his prior philosophy about the glass ceiling erected over his head the day he was born into a poor family, because if he believed in the power of hard work, he (ideally) wouldn’t have felt the need to latch onto and manipulate wealthier people for his own personal gains.

Still, it certainly seems like he’s going easy on being manipulative now that he’s come clean, and it makes me wonder whether he’s reached some sort of realization or if he feels—wait for it—remorse for how he’s acted. All that’s just inference at this point since we’re given little to go on other than that Joon-ki’s trying to do well in his new job and score points with higher-ups like Ye-won.

But it was his interactions with Ji-yi this episode that really surprised me, since we’ve seen him act like the perfect gentleman before… when it was a lie. Unless he’s got some seriously nefarious plan going on that wasn’t even hinted at, he has nothing to gain from helping Ji-yi or being friendly with her. Which would mean that his relationship with her is the most genuine of his we’ve seen so far, giving their interactions a sweetly unexpected edge that kept me more engaged than Yoon-ha’s something-like-but-not-necessarily-revenge.

I’m not sure if the show is heading toward a couple swap when it comes to the four of them, but even if nothing romantic comes of Joon-ki and Ji-yi, I appreciate that they’re drawn to each other because they understand each other, and know what they’ve both gone through in the process of dating chaebols. I still have to give Ji-yi a hand for handling a chaebol mother in a totally new and off-putting way, but now I think Joon-ki really was right about Chang-soo when he said that the biggest obstacle he has to overcome is himself. If Ji-yi can handle Mommy Dearest, then he’s out of excuses.


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This drama, very unexciting.


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"Oh, there's a dress by the shop window.
Can I ask about that dress? Do you have it in my size?
Is it silk or polyester? Is it machine washable?
Let me read carefully the washing instructions.
Is this imported or is it locally made?
Can I try it on?
Can I try it in a bigger size?
Can I try it in a smaller size?
Can I try it with my shoes on?
Can I try it with my hair up?
I'm not buying it. This dress is ugly."


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Sorry, couldn't help it. Comments like above never cease to amaze me.


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I see what you did there, and I really like it :-)


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And yours was a bit over the top.


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Like your post :)

Talking about dresses. Uee's fashion here is definitely not high society standards. Her black neck tie, over sized and ugly ear rings, unmatched clothes and accessories are all a turn off. Dress the girl better.


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Super-duper in fashion! Whether it's appealing or not, every single thing you mentioned is the last collection in Haute Couture (summer outfits aside). Black&White, neck ties, oversize collars, sleevless dresses, ripped denims and those accessories...all of them. Maybe not appropriate for young girls, nonetheless the outfits are too expensive, hence the ppl!


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Is it just in kdrama that female working professionals, especially the elite class, dress for work like going for cocktails or even like going for some mid-grand evening functions, with large dangling earrings, diamonds glittering on wrists and fingers, full make up and evening shoes ?


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Do they come off as the same thing to you? Finding a drama dull vs that ?,bian, you feel that way because that is not how I meant for it to be perceived. What I meant was i found this episode meh and boring, I could go do the dishes, come back to it without hitting the rewind button and not feel like I missed anything,I could skip and watch parts with only the second leads and feel satisfied because as much as I am a fan of the leads, I'm disappointed and I don't know who to blame,the characters or the actors.


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LMAO. That was awesome Superficialdramafan!


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Very unexciting, this drama.


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Hihi,So clearly mine is not the best comment , I just felt so meh after watching it and after reading the recap for insights and what I may have missed I still feel the same way.I'll stick to recaps for now and wish the best to our second leads.


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Thanks for the recap though HeadsNo2.


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Thank you for the recap! Interesting comment above. I still watch the drama raw (the first time), to find out what happened in the week’s episodes. I am that curious about the development of the plot, and I actually do care about the characters. I liked the fact that JK is coming totally clean to YH, though he is not trying to persuade her to take him back. And I believed him, when he told her that he simply wanted (now) things to go well (and work out) for her. I appreciated that he is bringing everything out in the open, and he is giving her her space, though honestly, there is not much he can do (to win her back), at this point. I can’t help but wonder if while working for YW, JK might come across some information that might be helpful to YH (regarding her brother’s fight with YW, and his disappearance for example), and if he might decide to help YH with that info. I am curious as to how the writer will bring YH and JK back together.

And CS irritated me in this ep., in his treatment of JY. I don’t think he should try to see or be with JY, unless he has a (solid) plan for going head to head with his mother, and one that does not involve hurting JY unnecessarily. When I saw in the early episodes how close CS was to his mom, I felt that that relationship would have to be tested. I love how JY handles attacks and adversity with grace (and at times with humor), and I love how she keeps her head up. So CS telling her that “she has the manners of a dog,” when she was almost evicted (only saved by YH, who happened to be there) really irritated me. It would have been one thing if CS didn’t know what his mother had done, but by the time he saw JY again, he knew what had happened. What did he expect her to do? I felt that his reaction was kind of rich, coming from someone who has never experienced being evicted (and suddenly at that), and who has never experienced trying to survive, daily.

I also didn’t understand why YH kept inviting JY to eat with them, when she knew that JY was having a hard time, and was doing her best to stay away from CS. I find it interesting that YH told JY that she should be on YH’s side (I think she implied that), yet I felt that as a friend, YH was not being (fully) supportive of JY (and of her effort to get over CS). I kept wondering what YH was thinking…


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Raw, wow, you see this is how we beanies are different, you can even watch it raw and look forward to finding out its progress while I am now only interested in the second leads story line while respecting each others difference of opinion in regards to a drama. The only drama I'm currently watching before and after subs is Mask that I find thrilling and yet some have dropped it for being too makjang. Enjoy the show, I'm bowing out at this point. Maybe when it's done I'll revist it to see what happens to Chang soo and Ji yi.


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People dropped Mask for being too makjang? Funny, I dropped it for being deathly boring post-ep 6. ;-) I wish it were more makjang.

Beanies sure are a diverse lot. :-D


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The first episode of Mask was intriguing enough for me to watch out for episode 2....but after the 5th or 6th, I was downright bored right to the back of my teeth...what a waste having such an assemble of my fav cast.

I would stick with HS.....wild horses wouldn't drag me from it ....hihi


@ klava,

"Enjoy the show," that I will. Yes, I am still interested in this drama, and in its characters. I actually was not interested, when the drama 1st aired, and I was going to skip it. Then I read some of the recaps, and they made me curious, so I decided to check out ep.2, and I kept on watching from there. I still have to go back, and watch ep.1.

I also like a lot of the dialogues, and that might just be me, which is OK. As I mentioned in my post, I am indeed curious about how the writer will write out the last four epis. of the drama. I wish I had commented more, in the comments' section of the recaps, however real life keeps interfering. I have also caught Mask (kind of) mid-way, and I can see why you really like it, or love it. I really, really like the 2nd male lead, the brother-in-law. I love his acting, and I love his character, more so than the male lead. And again, that might just be me.

Regarding HS, CS lost me in this ep. (he so irritated me), whereas JY impressed me with her poise, her confidence (even if she had to fake it), and how well she handled CS's mom. That was so well done. Kudos to JY. At this point (in the drama), I don't think CS deserves JY. He behaves (to me) like a boy, and not like a man. When he starts acting like a man, then MAYBE JY could glance his way, if she so desires.


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@Ivoire I am just like you, except that I wait for at least 70% subs to watch it.

It does frustrate me at times but I still like the drama. It's very rarely that I see just well rounded real-life like characters.

Because gold diggers who don't have malice in their hearts do exist in the real world. And spunky lower-middle class women do know how to stand up for themselves. And rich holier-than-thou chaebols who are kind of nice at heart can keep a grudge -- for a time.

My favorite of all is CS, who thinks money defines people's character, yet feels most comfortable with JK.

I was irritated with CS a lot this episode, simply because he doesn't want to fight with his mother yet wants to be with JY. I'm glad JY broke up with him.

I can understand CS to an extent. He has never connected dating and marriage; nor love and marriage. He probably never expected to fall in love-- probably doesn't even know he's in love. Even if knows, he probably thinks its acceptable to be married to one person and still have a lover on the side. It was evident when he flippantly told JY "that she can play around and he'll manage her expenses".

He knows he's not a "good" person and doesn't claim to be.

The only problem for him now is that the person he has fallen in love with doesn't have the same low principles as he does. So he's not getting what he wants.


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@ aoiaheen

Great analysis!


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I think Yoon-ha is operating on the idea that love conquers everything. She doesn't understand why Chang-soo and Ji-yi won't work things out despite the fact that they love each other very much. She's like a well-meaning but meddling aunt who can see that you're trying to be strong even though it hurts but would rather you be happy than hurt. I doubt Yoon-ha was ever capable of taking revenge on Joon-gi, she loves him way too much, she's trying to make it seem like she doesn't like him anymore so people don't know how hurt and foolish she feels for being tricked by someone she trusted. Yoon-ha reminds me a lot of a person close to me and so I'm able to connect with her and interpret her emotions and actions very well.


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Hi @ Ek Ladhki Thi,

I remember you telling me that you liked the kinds of questions I would ask, when we were watching "Heirs." I happen to have one question about this drama (for now), and I was curious as to your thoughts (or any beanies') on this. Thank you!

I have noticed that in ep.11, YH speaks to JK informally, when she used to speak formally to him before (like when she asked him if he didn’t like that she was different, in the ep. that ended with him kissing her. It might have been in ep.8). What does that say about the kinds of interactions they are having (besides the fact that they are not dating anymore). I have learned, while watching Kdramas that the speech/conversation pattern/manner of being spoken to, usually says a lot (to the viewer) about how the characters view each other, and the kind of relationship they have with each other.

So for example, children speak formally (or politely) to their parents (and in-laws), who (however) speak informally (or down) to them. Same goes (I think) between the sunbaes and the hoobaes, and that indicates to me that one group has more power/social status than the other. It could also mean that one person is trying to put the other one down, right?

Having said all of that, what does it mean here that YH now speaks informally to JK, and why was she still speaking formally to him, while they were dating, even though he was not technically above her anymore (since she was not an employee at Yoomin Group anymore). I also noticed that when CS called JY (after she met his mom the 2nd time), she said, “wae (sp?)” instead of “wae-yo (sp?)” when CS called her, right after he spoke to his mom. I can’t remember, however did JY start speaking informally to CS when they started dating? I was curious about that.


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It seems to me that her speaking formally to him while they were dating was a sign of how much she respected him because he IS older than she is, but now she doesn't respect him anymore and she is now his boss hence the lowering of speech.


I don't think the remark that JY ..'has the manners of a dog' referred to her reaction of being evicted but that she broke up with him via text instead of a face-to-face meeting.


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@xie. yes i agree, CS is telling her that breaking up via a text msg is not the thing to do! but u know, he shold understand why she did that! it would be too painful for her to tell it to his face... this is no time for being polite and courteous.


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+1 last paragraph. That was very WTF to me.


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Ivoire - liked your recaps and thoughts! agree with you on the CS and Yh part. What was YH thinking? did she seri0usly think that JY and CS could make up ? guess she really doesn't have a clue ! about Jy's pain and the impossibility of the relationship. Yh comes across as dense and insensitive here. sigh. and yes, CS looks bad here. he should let jy go!!! and let her get on with her life - which she is barely struggling to do. how dare he call her a dog? look what happened the last time she broke up with him in person? he lured her to a hotel room!!! smart gal to break up over the phone! gah! men!


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Of course, he feels remorse. It's been very obvious since he came out clean the first time he lost Yoon-ha.

He just said matter-of-factly what he did and that he sucked. A man of with so much pride on his beliefs doing that means that he's regretting taking up his philosophy.


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JY x JK is the sweetest thing ever, even only in a friendly way.. plotwise, i wonder how this drama will head to since we have only 4 episodes to go..


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this drama frustrates me to no end because it has SO many factors that could've made it exciting and dramatic, and yet it hasn't utilised a single one effectively. and UGH, every yoon-ha/joon-ki scene falls flat - i cry tears of boredom every time i see the two of them onscreen and it's just gotten progressively worse which is really disappointing because they had the potential to be this really crazy, fascinatingly messed-up couple. although i do like revenge-seeking yoon-ha a lot more than lovesick yoon-ha so that's an improvement LOL. i'm at the point where i don't care about what happens to anyone other than my chang-soo/ji-yi OTP lmao.


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+? on everything you just said,it had the potential to be a great drama but it falls flat.I only started watching for the leads and now I literally don't care what is going on with them, I just want our second leads happy.


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@es haha - crying tears of boredom everytime there is a yh and jk scene! i couldn't agree more. 2 hot leads with zero chemistry! good grief! leaving the viewers cold. lol. i still appreciate cs and jy despite cs being an ass and self absorbed - he is a chaebol and that's what chaebols do in k dramas! and jy - i love her arc - the way she said that cs may be a treasure and precious to his mum and isn't she also precious to her mum!! you said it, jy! make him beg!!!


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This drama is poorly acted by the four leads. The second leads character are pretty likable though.


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Ugh...the actress playing Yoon-ah is so bad....every scene she is in just sticks out as "acting" with no depth at all. Flat emotions....and forget about the excuse that that is the nature of the character...nope...a better actor would give depth to an emotionally stunted character. Too bad that Kdramas give roles to lousy "idol" actors that just ruin a drama. I have to say though , the idol actor playing Chang-soo is holding his own and going a good job.


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The Yoon Ah girl only has one expression in whole episodes. She rarely move her mouth when talking. Even her big eyes seems not move. She really looks like robot. I wonder whether it's the character or the actress.

I like Sung Joon in some of his dramas but I think the guy is lack of screen presence.

Second leads are very likable and I enjoy watching them but the more episodes run, the more cheesy and cliche. Not to mention their weak executions in some parts.

This drama is saved by the supporting roles in terms of acting department (the sister and the parents).


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Chang soo is acted by Park Hyung Sik - idol from k pop group ZE:A and he is a good actor ! charming too :) he acted in Heirs and altho his role was minor there - i felt that he did put alot of energy and try his best! i will be keeping my eye on him :)


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I really like Ji-yi (so far). One of the best character I've ever seen in K-drama land. She is so different. I am amazed how clear (in talking at least) she is in her opinion.


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Ji Yi is the only one in this drama that I care about at all.


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Hes not gonna grovel about it they're all still looking down on him. That's why he kept bringing up the arranged date point. I think maybe his maturity level/pride is a little higher than most characters that we've seen in dramas. We dont get those about face changes of heart.

Personally I like it. Say sorry when you've done something by accident, but don't apologize or feel remorse for something you did very purposefully. Then you would be lying.

Honestly, I'm literally just a Joon Ki supporter. Never liked Chang Soo for reasons I can't understand, and Yoon Ha annoys me with her self righteousness. I've been really poor and I've been kind of poor--never been even middle class, so boy do I identify with JKs motives. I might have to find me a rich boy with a soft heart myself.

Oh, wait I don't have JKs business sense--I'd run his company into the ground. Somebody got a plan B?


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I never liked Chang Soo either.

He's a fricking elitist to the bone with zero conviction. He's wishy-washy about everything from the start. He was only lucky that he was able to drag Ji-Yi into a relationship he could never ever commit to.

Ignoring Joon-Ki's methods, Joon-Ki was right about everything about Chang Soo.

I like him and Joon-Ki together because they complement each other well, but right now it won't work unless they both change for the better. I hope it happens.


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Chang Soo's cute, but he has NO backbone. He started dating Ji Yi with the premise that the relationship was going nowhere. Now that it has arrived at it's expected destination he should be a man about ending it. OR going head to head with his mother, defending his relationship and keeping his girl.

He does neither. He lies to his mom and continues seeing the girl behind his mom's back, and he can't even protect the girl from his mom. Then let he should let her go, but doesn't want to, he leaves the situation for Ji Yi to break up with him, when he knows his mother is putting her through hell. He wants to eat his cake and have it. He really is a wishy washy immature person.

Ji Yi should just chalk it up to experience and move on. Of the four of them, I give her kudos for being the most mature of them all, next to her, is Joon ki, regardless of whether he was dishonest or not, he is doing the right thing by owning up to his mistakes and that says a lot about his character - in a positive way.


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This is a really good comment. Changsoo really needs to step it up. Ji-yi is amazing, look at how she handles situations! Conflict resolution at its finest.


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Ji Yi's reasoning made no sense to me. What a bad friend she is.


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What, that she doesn't have to hate Joon Ki if Yoon Ha hates Joon Ki?

Ji Yi's got no specific problem with Joon Ki and also believes that his dating Yoon Ha is a lot more nuanced: she thinks JK really liked YH, she knows YH did the asking, she specifically "gave up" JK to YH... And they've only been dating a few weeks, for heaven's sake, and spent a lot less quality time together than Ji Yi and Chan Soo! On a certain level Ji Yi gets that Yoon Ha is a naive, black-and-white person, and I'm happy that she isn't just rolling with Yoon Ha's sudden hatred.

Yoon Ha deliberately didn't tell Ji Yi about her chaebol status. Joon Ki deliberately didn't tell Yoon Ha he knew about her chaebol status. Ji Yi is probably wondering if Yoon Ha would've cut her off as viciously if she'd found out about the chaebol thing too.

Sometimes your friends have to point out that you're being an ass. As far as Ji Yi can tell, Yoon Ha is blowing this entire thing out of proportion. Bringing her down to earth a bit and giving her perspective is a kindness.


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Couldn't have said it any better myself!


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But what a decent human being she is. Because YoonHa was being an idiot. Just because my BFF's an insufferable idiot doesn't mean that I have to be an idiot too.


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Never support toxicity in friends, it just makes them more toxic.


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It really didn't. Trying to conflate Yoon Ha lying to get out of her household to Joon Ki lying to manipulate and deceive Yoon Ha at her most vulnerable fo he can marry into wealth is not even the same thing. I really cannot deal with Ji Yi or how stupid this drama is. Nothing consequential happens. It's a bunch of shallow people, rich and poor, whining about their lives.


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I think Joon Ki always had a soft spot for Ji Yi. He just didn't want her.

I like CS and YH interactions. They seem like really good friends.

I'm a little disappointed with YH's revenge strategy. I wanted more blood. Maybe it's so easy for a chaebol to take revenge on a salary man with a poor background that it would be boring to watch.


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@ aoiaheen,

I have also loved how JK has been towards JY, since the beginning of the drama. And I love what you said here, "I think Joon Ki always had a soft spot for Ji Yi. He just didn’t want her."
I see that too, in JK's interactions with JY. I love how he respects her (since the beginning), and I love how he has been protective of her, without being overbearing. And he didn't make her feel stupid, when she had a crush a him. He is always encouraging her, and I feel that he is treating JY like a friend. I think that JY and CS might be the endgame (for that couple), though I really like how JK and JY get along. I could see JY and JK being a couple (in a different drama universe). I really like the easy chemistry between SJ and IYJ.

I am not impressed with YH's revenge so far either. Like you, I was expecting more. I am curious to see what will happen in the last 4 episodes of this drama. I am also wondering if the fact that YH might learn the news of her dad collapsing in the (possible) presence of JK, might bring JK and YH (back to being) closer. Let's see what will happen.


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thanks for the recap HeadsNo2!
and thanks for the comments guys. I'm still curious with the plot, so you all help me a lot without me watching this frustrating show.


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More thanks for the recap! I've also stopped watching but I care about the characters JUST enough to keep up with it here.


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Well, I think this was a perfect ending for our couples to switch back! I predict YJ will go with CS--because you know they still have to break up face to face and you know what happens when they break up! and YH and JK will end up alone together having to talk to/face each other. So yes, the misunderstandings and separations will be resolved soon! Well, that's my wish!

Now about nothing happening in this drama, I actually think it's all in the dialogues and interactions. Yes, we don't see anyone working, just talking about work. I'm ok with that. I like that they bring up the contradicting perceptions of HS vs LS. How the rich think and act vs how the less fortunates think and act. Yes, to the poor, it's all about money/survival over love, but they are showing us that it's the same for the rich, so why the double standards. I actually think YJ's character is there to point out these things and that's why she is so likable. She acts and says things differently than the typical Kdrama poor girl. I think the show is really trying to get its points across through her character. YH was supposed to be the not typical rich girl who prefers to be among the less fortunates (love how you said that!) well look how she turned out, let her background take over her because her "reality" has been crushed. I think the writers should have made her stronger in her beliefs instead of now taking refuge in her chaebol hell. I am enjoying this show though because the characters are evolving and bring up a lot of issues that deal with society and its perceptions, limitations, possibilities... Not a lot of action but lots of subtle messages, at least that's what I'm getting. I like that YJ pointed out to YH that she also was deceiving people, so why is it ok for a rich person to be among the poor but not for a poor to be among the rich. YH was doing the same thing, trying to get out of her background/hell. why is it wrong when JK does it? If poverty is hell to him, why is it wrong to try to get out of it. They are both similar. Sure, marrying up was his goal, but as he pointed out to CS, why is it wrong when the poor do it when that's what chaebols do too? CS and YH both need to marry for connections, that is the same as marrying up, they even said CS's family is not as well off as YH's that's why he needs to marry up. Anyways, the only character I don't like is YH because they made her dumb in her "innocence". It feels like everyone is always giving her advice like she doesn't know anything-- of course that's because of her behavior, but I find it frustrating that things are always pointed out to her, unless she is representing the HS and the writers are using her character to scold! My long 2 cents, maybe more like 5 cents!


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My favourite scene of the day has to be the one with JY and CS's mom.

Classic twist and reinterpretation. Loved it.


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That was really good, totally pulled the rug out from under CS's mom and looks like it impressed her a bit as well. And Ji Yi had a totally different demeanor than in the prior two meetings, when she was basically just waiting to get smacked.

I also really appreciate that the director made sure CS's mom was sitting there with a glass of water in front of her, all ready to throw, and then - BOOM. Ji Yi completely boggles her and sweeps off in grand style. Ha.

That said... How many people in Korea arrange to meet in a nice restaurant, then one of the party comes in, says a sentence and maybe orders a drink, then bolts off again? That must really tick off waiters.


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And if they order food, they never eat it. In fact I have never seen anyone pay for it either.


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You know what? I understand why they don't eat the food 'cos they can't stand to be in the presence of the other any longer... and now I hope to see a scene in a drama where right after their argument, one of them takes his/her food to another table to finish it. HA!


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That just happened in "Mask"! He walks in, orders rice soup, and then walks out again leaving the full bowl on the table - earlier in the drama two characters have to make a run for it and they make sure to film him leaving notes on the table, but this time round... He's dining and dashing, GET HIM! He just did the same thing in a coffee shop, he's a serial offender!

"High Society" seems to be particularly bad about ordering food and never eating or paying for it, though. Who drinks three sips of a fancy blended ice coffee and then walks out WITHOUT THE COFFEE?


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Seriously, a love square with 4 episodes left? -_-


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Nah, a love triangle with Ji Yi, Chang Soo and Joon Ki.
I doubt what Joon Ki calls love is love for real more like remorse. You can't love a person while carrying so much awful baggage and while you don't even love yourself.
And my God, Ji Yi is just beyond awesome. Any guy in this world would be lucky to have her in his life. Even Joon Ki can breathe around her. If the drama had more episodes, I would totally be on board with an ending where Joon Ki and Ji Yi fall in love. I see them bonding in my head well and that leading to something.
But too late, Park Hyung Sik and Lim Ji Yeon and how they have portrayed their characters and their love for each other and after all the build up at this point, I think it would be wrong if the two don't get a happy ending. Since its a drama about to end, I'll settle for the two.


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Thanks, HeadsNo2!
I liked both the episodes this week (no ffw, AT ALL :-) ), your recap and your final comments,too. Our young quartet finally started to grow up and face real world and real people. What is a relationship between a man and a woman? Does it start and finish at will? At whose will? Then, who's more miserable, the one who leaves or the one who's left behind? And last but certainly not least, is money so important or not? Are one's childhood dreams the proper motivation in life? Feelings over money and upper social scale or vice versa?
I have the feeling the plot's starting now and the writers had been just warming up till half of the race!


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+1 By far the best two episodes of the drama.


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Oh please no. Please please please don't pair yoonha with changsoo. I really like him..and unfortunately cannot stand her. I don't like joonki but he has always been nice to jiyi...I still don't want them together.. *sigh*


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Just because people hang out together doesn't mean they have romantic intentions. They could both be meeting as friends. For them to have romantic intentions this early in the game, means that they didn't have true feelings for their former partners and that certainly isn't the case.


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Yoon-ha: Wait, what do you mean I'm using a double standard?
Ji-yi: Let me just stuff these breadsticks in my purse, it's time to go...

In all seriousness, I think Ji-Yi is an awesome character. It's a shame that when the typical poor girl/rich guy trope was genderflipped the pair that remains more interesting is ... the typical plucky poor girl/bratty rich guy. I'm not saying I think Ji-Yi should have been a golddigger or anything, but with both the official leads having such strange, sort of stilted characters, it didn't really subvert the trope very successfully. But, Ji-Yi is sort of doing that on her own. If she manages to win over the mom and CS gets over his class-bias it will actually be a pretty interesting twist.


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So the love square is turning into a love triangle? And with only 4 episodes left? Filled mostly with jealous angst? Wonder how the writers are going to solve the loose ends and get JK-YH and CS-JY back together.


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Yoon ha needs to grow up. Is she naive or just selfish/self centered? First of - when people break up, they do NOT want to have dinner together! She can't even stand to be in the same elevator as Joon ki without clamming up and then she wants Chang Soo and Ji Yi to eat dinner together after breaking up?! Get real.

Secondly, thank goodness for Ji Yi's honesty! It's OK in Yoon ha's mind to deceive everyone about her chaebol status but when she finds someone who deceived her about his intentions to date her, she gets all high and mighty? Her reaching out to Chang Soo and Ji Yi to both cut Joon ki, because they broke up is mighty childish and reeks of selfishness. She is NOT the center of the universe! I am glad she has a friend who can tell her like it is. Other people can have relationships and friendships that have nothing to do with her. Ugh. Ends rant.


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When Yoon Ha ended up standing there at the end, odd man out, I laughed and laughed. The entire drama she's been at this weird disconnected tangent, and now it's finally shown in tableau form! No one cares about Yoon Ha!


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That is the same vibe I got - kind of like really putting into perspective her relative importance to the entire plot.


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So, I am not the only one. I don't even know anymore why Yoon Ha is a relevant character with a purpose in this drama let alone a lead?? Her sister Ye Won is even better compared to her. She serves a purpose, has a goal and is sticking to that. First she was naive rich spoiled heiress who sort of like the idea of mingling with the less fortunate to make herself appreciate money, that may not be right but was to a certain extent interesting. From that she become a love sick puppy who lives in extended Disney universe in the course of a week. From that she has become again a spoiled rich kid who thinks she wants revenge but really doesn't know how to do that. I am scratching my head trying to find some hidden or mysterious development in her story so far and am failing. Every other character including to a little extent Joon Ki has made some contribution to the story or at least the actors have contributed something of their own to their character to make it stand out.
She truly is the odd man out. I felt more excited about the double hand triple death glare that happened between Ji Yi, Joon Ki and Chang Soo then Yoon Ha's any past interaction so far with Joon Ki. No chemistry, nothing. Something has gone wrong with this drama either writing wise or casting wise because I am literally rooting for the wrong couple for most of the run of this drama and now am excited about the wrong love triangle.


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"double hand triple death glare" LOL.


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This drama is getting really boring n cliche.
And I don't like the casts either especially Uee. To be honest i dont think she can act at all. The characters development....., ugh, really frustating! All the chaebols are being ungrateful (esp YH) with what they have n always thinking that they're superior than others. And ohh come on people! we're no longer in Joseon era, what's with all the high n low classes! The only reason i watch this drama is bcoz of Sung Joon, but now i dont think i am able to bear n continue watching this drama anymore.. I'm getting really frustrated here..


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Chaebols like YH especially always thinking she's superior to others ?

Nah....look at the wonderful way she treats JK's mum, who is just a maid...no one could be more kinder and courteous than the billionaire daughter YH !

Look at the way she loves and cares for her poor-as-church-mice friend JY.

Look at how she did not look down on JK's background and she's sympathetic to JK's father who is not only poor but who is home bound due to his illness.

And who said she's ungrateful being a chaebol's daughter ? What drove her from home is the abused treatment she receives at home from her mum.


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I laughed so hard when JK said he loved YH because although I watched and read the recaps, there must've been a second I blinked and missed it. More laughable are their expressions when they talk to each other. UEE's eyes seem so lifeless, I cringe. SJ isn't any better but at least he did cry that one time... under the rain.

The dad's coma, the unnecessary love between Butler and Mom, the likelihood of Oppa still being alive, the real mystery of the one copy of the "secret" USB files.... there's so much to cover. So much in only 4 episodes with unnecessary love triangle and needless revenge drama.


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Does anyone really care if the brother is alive anymore? I don't. So many loose ends here that not much really makes any sense.


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I actually do care about the brother being alive or not. Commenters have mentioned that he might return, and I am still curious to see whether or not that will happen. I wonder if the insistence by the mom and by YH that the brother disappeared (and might not be dead, since they don't have a body yet) was foreshadowing, or whether the viewers were being mislead.


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I laughed so hard when JK said he loved YH

In my humble opinion, he doesn't really love her... More like he cares for her. After all... they don't even know each other well... what 'love' bullshit are they crapping?


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Same here re: JK confessing his "love". Im so not convinced. I was like: really, u sure? Just can't take him seriously in this romance after all he's done.


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I know. What did they have? Like 3 dates and they love each other.


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I still like this drama but I gotta admit that I am so much more for Ji Yi and Joon Ki compared to the other two. Not as a couple because heck, Ji Yi and Chang Soo is life but as persons, individuals. I feel cheated/deceived by Yoon Ha as a character, that's why I am shocked that people commenting on the streaming website favor her over Ji Yi and even calling the latter a bad friend.
For me, Ji Yi is one of the most amazing poor girl heroine of KDramaland. She is just so fresh and original in the way she reacts to the usual chaebol drama plotlines, it's greaaat ! Plus, I liked how she confronted Yoon Ha and makes her realize how blinded and kind of self centered she is (sorry not sorry). Oh and Lim Ji Yeon is killing it. I was one of those against her casting because I watched her dreadful performance in Obsessed but dayum, that role was perfect for her ♡.

In contrast, I am so disappointed by Uee and her character, Yoon Ha. I thought she was alright at the beginning but the way she is handling YH in the latter half ... No words can describe it. I feel that a better actor will show other facial expressions than "frowning/expressionless" stuffs. I still think she is a good idol actress but yeap, disappointing. About YH, I imagined her to be that badass and level headed rich girl who actually had great plan to live a better life out of her suffocating family but working part time while living and eating in a fancy household ? Are you kidding ? Moreover, she is so naive that it hurts. She talked so much about preparing herself, being independent and all and yet, she is so blind to realitsy so yeah, Ji Yi is the badass one for me.

As for the men, I still like Chang Soo although he can be kind of annoying at times. Hyunshik is delightful though. He manages to make this character hot and endearing at the same time. Plus, his "puppy love" towards Ji Yi is so freakin' adorable !

And finally, I dont get the hate towards Joon Gi. Yeah, he did so wrong by tricking her but he is not the worst person ever. Actually, this situation reminds me of Park Hae Jin's character in My daughter Seoyoung. When he found out that his lover tricked him by making him believe she was an orphan whereas she was the daughter of a rich household he got mad because he thought it was taking him as easy and that the wealthy side of her was an insult for him because at the end, he had to consider him as a bonus, right ? Whatever, I felt that way. Yeah, he already knew she was rich and she told him pretty soon (I guess ?) but still, like Ji Yi pointing out, she lied to, she deceived them too. Some will point out that it is not comparable but I disageee.
Anyway, I dont know if it makes me a gold digger or whatever but I can totally understand Joon Gi's motives and actions. It wasnt morally right but as the poors pointed out, it is survival. The ones getting a free ride in their lives shouldnt judge him by their own standards because never have they knew what poor...


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And finally, I dont get the hate towards Joon Gi. Yeah, he did so wrong by tricking her but he is not the worst person ever.

My thoughts too! Who's not manipulative at all? We're all JoonKi in some way. He's hated only because he got caught. Now get off your high horses.


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I don't like Yoon Hi's character, and I don't think much of the actress that plays her either. Poorly written and poorly acted.

If not for Ji Yi I would have dropped this about 6 episodes ago. In a way she reminds me a little bit of the heroine in Grapevine.


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I enjoyed Jiyi having those conversations about REALITY with Yoona and pointing out her hypocrisy too. I like that Jiyi is all, "He was my friend first and I gave up my crush on him for you while you were deceiving me so shush"

I also like Jiyi and Joon Ki because they've had a nice friendship and interactions all along. Joon Ki respected Jiyi's opinion and never made her feel bad about the crush either.

The immature chaebol types can go elsewhere...though WTF was Yoona doing trying to drag Jiyi to eat with Chansoo? You were there when she almost go evicted! You KNOW why she is done!

I also am glad someone stopped a wrist grab even if Jiyi will probably go with Chansoo to stop trouble


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WTF was Yoona doing trying to drag Jiyi to eat with Chansoo? You were there when she almost go evicted! You KNOW why she is done!

Saaaaaaame! Like, just shush YoonHa. Stahp it! Use your brain for once, why won't you?


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"WTF was Yoona doing trying to drag Jiyi to eat with Chansoo?"

YES. Multiple times! First in the office, then at the elevators, then at the restaurant, and now we'll just go stalk her at home!

Yoon Ha, you are a terrible friend who apparently cannot read a situation if your life depended on it. Idiot.


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Ji-yi is such an awesome character, possibly the best written and best acted character in this drama. I just love her completely, her scene with Chang-soo's mom had me laughing so hard. She's Yoon-ha's voice of reason and such an awesome friend. I love how Yoon-ha kept worrying about Ji-yi whenever she was with Chang-soo, like telling her that they were only going for a meeting and then apologizing, she didn't want Ji-yi to misunderstand anything between them. I like Joon-gi a lot too, he's sorry he broke Yoon-ha's heart but he still has a dream to achieve, that's pretty human in my opinion. I wanted so much from this drama, and I'm not terribly disappointed in it, but I would have preferred if it was a book I was reading instead of a drama I was watching. The actors could be a lot better and the writing could be a lot tighter but I don't regret watching this show at all. And I'm pretty sure I say this every episode, but Chang-soo is such a JERK.


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"i would have preferred if it was a book I was reading instead of a drama I was watching"

+1000 ??

Exactly my thought, it could have been a lot better if it was a novel. I really appreciate the writers creative ideas in comparing between two different social classes, and how realistic her characters feels with all their flaws and the way they display their emotions. But somehow she's pretty bad in writing a script and balancing the story in episodes , also unfortunately Uee was a bad choice for the heroine role, not that I dislike her acting but YH's role just don't suit her.


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"Book instead of a drama": Bingo!

I had the same thought about "Warm Word", actually. Conceptionally, there is a lot of fantastic stuff in them, but it really doesn't get across the screen.


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My favourite character is JoonKi. Because he knows exactly what he is, has come to terms with it and is completely unapologetic about him being him. All he regrets is that he's hurt someone else. Why does he need to be apologetic? I don't get it. I must be a hard-hearted bitch then.

I think it's because I dislike hypocrisy the most and yet I see it everyday. Like a vegan incessantly deriding another person for eating roast beef while wearing a full leather jacket. Or a keyboard warrior. Or, (no offense intended) a religious person claiming that praying will let one attain forgiveness for all sins. If you've sinned, then you're a sinner. If you have sinned the damage is done. What you do mean by getting some vaguely obtained forgiveness to assuage your own guilt?

JoonKi is manipulative (but I'd argue that he's not extremely so) but not a hypocrite (subject to reasonable levels... I can't really remember a moment where he's been hypocritical...). Who isn't manipulative at all though? Is there anyone who's never guilt-tripped someone else? Is there anyone who's never taken opportunity of someone in their moment of weakness? (Hey, tempting someone who's dieting into eating a bite of a cupcake you've just made counts too.) He is so refreshingly blunt and refreshingly opportunistic - like a normal businessman!

I remember in an earlier episode where JoonKi came clean with ChangSoo and Heads was derisive about JoonKi saying that ChangSoo can't get over himself. I actually loved him for it. Elitist statement my ass - that was some truth tea he spilled. Current ChangSoo is stuck in his own mindset and he's his own enemy.

That goes to say, I dislike YoonHa the most out of the four. Yep, JiYi just told you that she lives by worrying about money. You sure you still can insist that background doesn't matter, YoonHa?


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Yoon Ha is such a totally unrealistic hypocrite that probably would not like even if played by a better actress. Somehow she thinks that play-acting at some part time job makes her one with the lower class slobs, meanwhile living in a house where she is waited on by a dozen maids and staff.


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Yeah, that part-time job and still living at home with maids situation put me off a bit. How can she say she wants freedom but still relies on her wealthy background? And if somebody messes with her, you know what happens next. If she was really sick and hated her privileged lifestyle then she should've completely cut ties off and work her way up as a poor person. And if Kdrama powers that be ever makes a show where the heroine was once a rich heiress, cut ties with her family and cut off from their money, but is intelligent and hardworking to get a good job and find happiness, success and of course romance with her own hands, then I'm definitely watching that.


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I have to comment...NEVER and I say NEVER date in your workplace! Because when you break up....man, it it just horrible :(

I´ve been to a situation like that, and now I want to quit from my job hahaha

About the show, I have to add:
I LOL when he was being so cold to her, telling alll the truth and bla bla and she sad somethink like " it´s good that you still have some sense because I was going to run over you with the car" or something like that when he finaly show some feeling. Man, that man is cold!



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I only watch this drama because of uee and truly she's one of the best actress her acting is so touching


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If Yo Na ends up with Chang Soo and Ji Yi ends up with Joon Ki I will kill myself, seriously. There's no way I will allow a couple swap! It's totally okay if they hang out as friends, but NO romance, seriously. Although I understand that Chang Soo has some work to do when it comes to his mother, I still love him to death! And I want him to end up with Ji Yi either way, I can't accept him being with anyone else. Cuz he's so in love with her, I just wish that from next week, the writers and producers will make him fight for her!! That's the only logical thing. And the sooner Yo Na and Joon Ki kiss and make up, the better, cuz she has become annoying ever since she got that "edgy transformation". She was totally loveable before, but now she needs to relax and find out what she really wants. The ending of ep 12 was anything, but fine! I got this awful and painful ache in my stomach, I am dying to watch ep 13!! Omg, I don't know what to do, I am so scared about how they are going to play this drama, HOPEFULLY they will all have an "happy" or at least good ending. FOREVER CHANGYI COUPLE <3 Love them no matter what! They are the only reason why I'm still watching this drama.


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I think the writer is focusing in the second lead then the first one.but still ship the lead couple their so hot and their acting is so good especialy yoona her acting is so daebak


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I know right. I like the second lead couple well enough especially Ji-yi, but I think the writer spends way too much time on them and not enough on the lead pair. It's why the second lead couple seems more fleshed out than the lead pair. I'm actually annoyed whenever I see all those silly flashbacks when the writer could have used that time to tighten up the story. I wish the writer would shift focus back to where it really belongs. This is a reverse Cinderella story not a normal one, writernim needs to do better since she has written such lovely characters, she should use them in a proper way.


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Ol' lackluster drama face 2015! *Fist shake of righteous fervor* this drama had so much potential and this is what you give me? I mean why advertise all this steaminess and romance when it never was going to be that?
I don't want to get my hopes up anymore this year. Meanwhile I'm still team JK.


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oh. my. god!

So I'm currently watching Oh Dal Ja's Spring.
And I kept looking at the warhorse/battle-axe Team Leader Kang ("Oh Dal Ja-shi") and I was thinking she looked familiar.

Actress Yang Hee-Kyeong who plays Team Leader Kang in Oh Dal Ja's Spring is the same actress who plays Choi Joon Gi's sweet and loving mother in High Society.

KaBloo-ey *** Mind. Blown***

She is nearly unrecognizable if you compare her appearance...she lost a LOT of weight. Her face looks so different!

Wow. I'm on Ep 11 of Dal Ja's Spring... so far Lee Min Ki is growing on me, but I'm not completely sold on him yet. I believe it's because I don't care for him being paired with Chae Rim. I HATE HATE HATE her freaking hair in this drama.

Which is weird because I'm currently only watching High Society because of Park Hung Sik's hair.


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err....I just realized I wrote Lee Min Ki...
I MEANT to write Lee Jun Ki
(both H.A.F. tho...so paTAYto poTAHto)

still can't get over 2nd best mom transformation
(1st best mom is STILL from I Hear Your Voice)


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There are numerous comments in different ways. I think it's a success of the drama which is to bring out a reality and actual relationship in society now. This is not just about love,
Joon ki is the truest character I feel. Life is not like a film. I am raised by a poor mother and a high ranking father and I know different feelings in both poor and high class worlds and how people change all the time depending on situations where their background is viewed in different ways.
Jooki is right, background affects our behaviors so you see confusing reactions in the drama. While Yooha is also right, personality is unchanged and it's personality that keeps love remain eventhough extrovert behaviors are shown differently.
Up to this moment, the writer has done her job well.
It's complicated to explain things happening in this drama but I found it so new and true rather than other love story drama.


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In answer to JY's question about being mad at Joonki, too, "YES!!" You don't get to be Switzerland in these type of situations. I can tolerate you not being openly hostile, but not sitting down to break bread with the dude that just played me.
If I've fallen out with somebody then I feel like if you can't say something bad about the person, then don't say anything at all. REAL FRIENDS ARE NOT NEUTRAL. They take sides. I'm okay if it's not my side, but you gotta pick one.


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But real friends are at their best when they stand up to you. I don't want a bunch of yes-men around me, and I think that's what Ji Yi is doing for Yoon Ha: this was a weeks-long relationship that was romantically delusional from the start on Yoon Ha's side, and Ji Yi has always been a realist. So from her point of view, a breakup over Yoon Ha's background is really not that different from Yoon Ha lying to Ji Yi for years about her background.

Ji Yi still tells Yoon Ha she can be pissed off, she just doesn't want to get all high school about it and pick a side. It's a little different with long-term relationships and divorces, but this was a couple of weeks. Ji Yi liked Joon Ki far longer than Yoon Ha even knew he existed.


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I am actually a bit sad at how badly our supposed leading lady is doing. Mostly poor writing, but a lot of not very convincing acting also. I also get this feeling that she is acting like a 14 year old throwing a tantrum. And when chaebol daughter throw tantrums, we get Nut Rage... :P


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Actually when an adult woman says kissing means you love me, then you don't support her at all. You run in the other direction because she's a 14 year old trapped in a 27 year olds body and she is also possibly really clingy.


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Real friends don't give blind support to someone that is totally wrong just because they are a friend.


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I'm a week later with this, but... I disagree with all of you. Some of you, completely.

REAL friends will always publicly support you. They may chastise you privately, but when you're hurt and vulnerable the LAST thing a real friend would do is immediately make nice with the person that hurt you.

Yoon-ha didn't kill anybody. She didn't commit any crimes. She got played. By the same dude who knew Ji-yi had a crush on him and totally disregarded it because he wanted to go for the rich chick.

And Yoon-ha's not wrong about her feelings toward Joon-ki. He sought her out with the intention of marrying her while actually detesting who he thought she was. That's a bit sociopathic. "He didn't do anything to me" is the sh**** of excuses someone who claimed to be a friend could make given these circumstances.


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I really loved Jiyi and Changsoo's interactions! It's like watching meteor garden all over again and I never get bored.


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Totally loving Joonki right now. I just love the fact that the older brother of Changsoo finally admitted to trying to steal Joonki from Changsoo by offering more money and yet Joonki didn't leave, that goes to show for me that Joonki considers Changsoo as a friend. Love the growth of his character. Love Jiyi as well. Really a great character and given really great dialogue.


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Silly, silly plot. I do have to say I really like the music. It's a little too dramatic for this washed-down plot, but I love the echoey vibe. Who is the composer, I wonder? And wouldn't the music be better with an honestly sinister storyline? (I know the main character's family is supposed to be sinister, but I usually just skip over them because they are over-drawn in their annoying-ness, and I skip to the cute second lead couple).


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Who pulls out a love square is the last 4~5 episodes? Oh, this drama.

So glad that I stopped watching -_-"

Even if I know no feelings will develop JYxJK wise, the diagram is still now a love square. And here I thought that by the end of the 16 episodes, this drama will at least have my vote for having two separate lovelines, then they do this last minute love square.

Ugh, now the only reason I follow this show's recaps will be PHS. The love square totally damaged my feels towards the past and future CSxJY moments. Thanks.


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Anyone notice YoonHa wore the same black dress and choker she wore the day before? Maybe filmed out of sequence.


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I would definitely love the lead couple IF moon geunyoung and park seo jun in this drama ( actual lead actor & actress bfore uee & sungjoon) ? i think they will be a perfect couple and will have a great chemistry too !!!


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Ikr !! Why they always pick idol like all da time . Sung joon is a good actor but uee just too bad actress .

Btw , i love changsoo jiyi couple . lJY is really a good actress . Adore her ...


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the only characters worth dissecting would be cs and jy. and joon ki. of course Cs is a jerk. he is a chaebol prince, rt? not that he's not trying to be a (better)man . i like that he is not rash or impulsive. he is taking it one day at a time dealing with elitist and possessive chaebol mother and his serious growing feelings towards JY. he strikes me as being a very serious person despite his easy going manner and bad boy charm. the way he did background checks on YH and jk before confronting them shows that he is actually quite savvy .he thinks through all angles before he makes a move. he respects his mother and does not throw tantrums or smash furniture and drive his car into trees (unlike some one we know :P), no matter how upset he is . he just takes a shower lol!!! he tries to work within the confines of his situation for a win win situation. i really like how he is respectful of his mother even when she is being intrusive and demanding, how he always gives in to Jy's childish requests e.g. at the amusement park, photo booth, piggback etc. hyun sik really nailed the role and portrays a complex character - having to deal with jk's 'betryal", mother breathing down his neck, one step ahead of his jealous brother and spending time with jy. this guy is a serious multi tasker. PHS is v charismatic and HOT!


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I thought the ending was a bit less contrived than it's described here. When Ji yi stops answering phone calls, Chang-soo and Yoon-ha recall the last time she did that she'd gotten very drunk. Out of worry, they agree to go to her home and make sure that she's OK.

They didn't know that she was out with Joon-ki. They are legit waiting for her at her house, not happening to walk down the same street.

The description makes a difference to me, because it speaks more about the ties of friendship and makes the plot device smarter than "oh, look at you two coming the opposite way."

In any case, I rather like the couple swap thing going on, though it got a bit ridiculous at Taejin. I can also see the fun parallel: all four had working connections to the supermarket under the employ of Ho Min. Now 3 of 4 work at Taejin, with #4 there for business as well.


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