Warm and Cozy: Episode 7
by girlfriday
Oh phew, it’s finally here, the episode where our manchild hero wakes the hell up and realizes that his heart may have other ideas than his brain. In his defense, it’s a very small brain? The romantic development could not have come sooner, because I was so mad at his behavior last week that I needed a big turnaround to get me rooting for him again. We’ve got a ways to go before he’s forgiven, but making hearts go pitter-patter might be a nice place to begin his redemption.
Jaejoo Boys – “머물러줘” (Stay) [ Download ]
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After ditching Jung-joo for a shopping spree with Ji-won in Seoul (grumble, grumble), Gun-woo gets kicked out as soon as he returns. He follows Jung-joo upstairs to argue, not believing that she really wants him to leave and can run the restaurant without her. She points out that he only set the place up to seduce a girl, so doesn’t the fact that he went to Seoul with Ji-won mean that she’s all but won over? Gun-woo says defensively that he wouldn’t like a girl who was won over so easily, unlike someone who would be seduced by a plate of ddukboki. Ooo, buuurn.
Jung-joo asks what he’s going to seduce Ji-won with next time when he’s already blown an entire credit card on her, and Gun-woo says it’s none of her concern since he’s not trying to seduce her. It devolves into a petty round of, “You’re so childish!” “We’re not speaking!” And Gun-woo finally shouts back, “I’m not EVER going to leave!” Well, I got what I wanted, so you two can stew all you want.
By morning, they’re both back at their respective stations in the restaurant, only they spend the day giving each other the silent treatment and exchanging huffy faces. Poong-san tries to intervene but Gun-woo says he’ll never be the first to speak… until he sees Jung-joo pop another Cancer Mint and starts feeling bad.
Poong-san continues to let him believe that they’re painkillers, but then goes outside to ask Jung-joo if she’s still taking the vitamins he gave her. Heh, you resupplied the bottle? She thanks him for looking out for her health, but he just says cryptically that he’s just giving Warm & Cozy a little medicine to keep the peace.
Jung-joo runs into Mayor Wook and asks if she can’t find out the results of her diving school application a little early, but he makes no exceptions and tells her when the final list will be up. She sighs that she won’t pass anyway because of the ajumma who has a grudge against her, but Wook tells her that Gun-woo apologized and made amends with pizza for her grandkids. Jung-joo is surprised that he did that for her and never even told her, and goes back to Warm & Cozy ready to apologize.
She stalls for a bit and then sort of half-mumbles his name, and Gun-woo lights up at the broken silence. Of course he hides his smile and tries to look nonchalant as he answers, but before they can say anything else, Ji-won comes out of the kitchen. UGH. YOU.
A cloud forms over Jung-joo immediately, and she just says to incorporate sea snails into their menu today. Gun-woo is disappointed and calls after her to ask about the menu, but she just leaves him hanging, and Ji-won smirks to herself like the Grinch who stole happiness.
Then she has the nerve to follow Jung-joo out to complain that she’s making hard work for Gun-woo by insisting on catching their own seafood, and tells her not to make his life difficult. What’s even worse than her presence there is that Jung-joo starts to believe her, and thinks that Gun-woo’s life was easier before she arrived.
The air is still awkward by nightfall, and Gun-woo lingers around Jung-joo, wondering why she’s got a suitcase pulled out but not ready to ask her about it. She asks him if she makes him uncomfortable, then says with resignation, “Don’t try so hard.”
He doesn’t really understand what she’s saying, but when he wakes up and she’s not there, he starts to panic. Poong-san tells him that she was headed to the harbor to catch a boat, and when Gun-woo doesn’t seem to know anything about it, he wonders, “What if noona never comes back?”
Her words last night come back to Gun-woo now, and he runs after her. As soon as he does, Poong-san breaks out into an impish grin.
Gun-woo races to the harbor and finds Jung-joo in line for her boat, and drags her suitcase away to stop her. He yells that she’s acting like an escaping daughter-in-law, leaving home just because they had one fight.
She tells him that she’s headed to Busan for a friend’s wedding, ha, and shows him that her giant suitcase is full of gifts and souvenirs from Jeju. Properly mortified, Gun-woo tells her sheepishly to go, and when she wonders if she shouldn’t return, he tells her that she has to come back.
Jung-joo points out that if anyone would be kicked out, it’d be him, and Gun-woo immediately sits down next to her looking as innocent as possible: “Boss, don’t kick me out! I’ll work really hard while you’re gone!”
She’s appeased at that, and asks if he wants her to buy anything on her way back, then recants and says that he wouldn’t need anything from Busan since he just went on a shopping spree in Seoul. He FINALLY catches on that she’s mad that he went up there without her.
He tells her to let her ponytail down for the wedding because she looks much prettier with her hair down, only to watch and immediately rethink it: “Nah, tie it back up.” She grouses while he smiles, thoroughly enjoying himself.
Both Mayor Wook and diver ajumma Hae-shil rush into the diving school to sneak a peek at the final list of new students, and they’re both elated to find Jung-joo and Jung-geun’s names among the new class.
Jung-geun is distracted through yet another board meeting and barely registers a response when their hotel gets chosen by some important VIPs. But then Hae-shil texts to say that he’s been accepted at the diving school, and he erupts in a loud fist-pumping cheer. Thankfully it just looks like he’s really damn happy about those VIPs.
Gun-woo is out picking greens alongside the ajummas (and blending right in with his giant ajumma visor), when Jung-joo calls after the wedding to say that she might not make it home tonight because the groom’s friends have gotten rooms and plan to party all night.
Gun-woo pouts, and then suddenly asks if she doesn’t see storm clouds where she is, because it’s looking really stormy in Jeju. It is, of course, as sunny and blue as it always is.
He goes on and on about how he really knows Jeju weather, and it looks exactly like a storm might roll in tomorrow, just in time for her not to catch a boat back home, so she should really just come home tonight. Sometimes I hate it that you’re this cute.
Jung-joo catches on and plays coy, leaving him guessing about whether or not she’ll make it home. He throws a tantrum in the field, and Jung-joo tells her friend that she won’t be going with them tonight, opting instead to go to a salon to try letting her hair down.
She returns to Jeju that night with a new look, and Wook happens to see her first as she’s arriving by bus. He’s so smitten with her that he whirls his bike around to start chasing the bus, and pedals furiously after it, until he’s gasping for air and drenched in sweat.
I love that he gets off his bike and starts casually walking in her direction while looking away, trying to look leisurely when he’s dripping in sweat and panting like a dog. She greets him but then just keeps walking past, which is pretty much the worst effort-to-reward ratio ever.
So he calls out to her (barely making sounds between gasps for air) and complains that she was much friendlier when she was in need of his help, and Jung-joo offers some of the rice cakes that she bought in Busan.
Gun-woo lays out a whole set of diving gear that he bought for Jung-joo on her bed, mighty pleased and anticipating her reaction. He holds up the wetsuit’s hand and cheers at it: “Jung-joo, fighting!”
Wook walks Jung-joo home and tells her the good news a day early: She’s been accepted into the diving school. Gun-woo comes out looking for her just in time to see her excited reaction, as she jumps around high-fiving and holding hands with Wook (who looks down at his hands like he’s never going to wash them again), and he frowns jealously.
He walks over and Jung-joo shares her good news, raising up her hands for the same reaction. Gun-woo puts his hands up to meet hers, only instead of clapping, he yanks her close and hugs her. He gives Wook a pointed look as he holds on and says, “Congratulations! Our Jung-joo did well!” Jung-joo pulls out of the awkward hug, but he just throws an arm around her and says they should throw a party to celebrate.
She looks up at him like he’s on drugs and stops to say that she needs her suitcase, and Gun-woo goes to get it while babbling on and on, “Our Jung-joo’s suitcase? Oh, I have to carry Our Jung-joo’s suitcase. Of course I have to carry it. It’s Our Jung-joo’s.” He thinks he’s won and starts to walk ahead, but Jung-joo lingers behind to thank Wook. He asks about her diving equipment and offers to get her a set of goggles from one of the diver ajummas, and Gun-woo pouts thinking about his gift waiting for her back at home.
But when she thanks Wook for helping her get into the school, Gun-woo gets mad and asks if she really got accepted because of Wook: “Ah, he must’ve helped you because of that picture! I saw it too! Hwangto Man.” Oh no you di’n’t.
He even throws up his arm in the pose Wook had in the underwear ad, and poor Wook just stands there feeling exposed and silently covers up his crotch. Gun-woo fakes misunderstanding the situation and Jung-joo tries to explain, but Wook just turns to go.
Gun-woo faux-apologizes for ruining her connections to the not-so-powerful mayor, but she just counters that if word gets out about the underwear ad, she’ll just have to take responsibility for Wook.
Gun-woo scoffs, “What, are you gonna go marry him or something?” Jung-joo: “Why not? Go ahead and spread that rumor around, so I can go be the mayor’s wife.” That slaps the grin right off of Gun-woo’s smug face.
She goes upstairs and discovers the diving gear on her bed, and is dense enough to wonder if it’s hers. At first he says it’s all his, but then angrily shouts that it’s hers and shoves it at her.
He admits to buying her gear when he was up in Seoul, and we see him smiling to himself in flashback as he declared that Our Jung-joo would be Jeju’s top fashionista diver. Jung-joo smiles to hear it, but tells him that it’s too expensive and that he should return them because she picked up some used equipment already.
Gun-woo gets mad all over again, wondering why he ever bothered. But Jung-joo holds onto the goggles, deciding that she wants to keep those.
He heads to bed still pissy over the comment that she’d marry the mayor, but Jung-joo pokes her head in to give him the face cream she bought. She thanks him for making amends with the angry ajumma on her behalf, and he smiles to have his good deed recognized, even adding that he didn’t do it for the credit.
Ever so quick on the uptake, Gun-woo only now notices Jung-joo’s new hair and makeup, and leans in close to stare and smile. She gets flustered at his closeness and blurts that she’s hungry, and he points out that she should’ve eaten lots at the wedding.
She complains that the food wasn’t very good, and he boasts that it’s because he ruined her taste buds for any cooking that isn’t as awesome as his, and offers to make her ddukboki. Is that still code for seduction? Because I can never tell with you.
Jung-geun stares at the text message from Hae-shil all night, wondering what it means that he got accepted at the school. He remembers telling her to fail him if she never wanted to see him again, wondering if passing him means the opposite. Of course, he’s asking romantic advice from his dog, which explains a lot about his methods. He texts Hae-shil in a petulant tone that she’ll have to deal with him now that she went ahead and passed him, and then follows up with a string of texts until he suggests thanking her in person and announces that he’s right outside.
She goes from rolling her eyes to smoothing her hair and rushing to find a sweater to wear, but when she reaches the door, he texts again to say that he’s not there: “I don’t miss you enough to come to your door at this hour! I’m not that crazy!” Uh, well your texts sure say otherwise. She turns and goes back inside thinking he’s crazy, and then we pan up to find Jung-geun standing outside her fence up the hill, watching her and calling himself crazy. He decides that she didn’t know he came all the way here, as if that’s somehow better.
Gun-woo’s noona comes home to find the town’s blogger waiting for her with drinks, and it turns out that they’re old friends. The blogger, Mira, returns the old photograph of Gun-woo’s parents and says that she’s writing a novel based on them, calling it a romantic story, where a first love reappears a millionaire like The Great Gatsby. Noona is flustered that she revealed too much about her mother and Gun-woo’s father while she was drunk, and asks her not to turn her drunk ramblings into a novel. Mira doesn’t look convinced, nor is she about to give up on learning more.
Jung-joo curls up in bed, swooning over her belly full of ddukboki, and her heart races when Gun-woo sleepily calls out her name and comes over to her side of the room. Lol, does she really think he’s coming over to seduce her now that he’s fed her spicy seduction ddukboki?
She tenses up as the soundtrack turns steamy and he comes closer, and when he reaches for her shoulder, she shoots up in bed and asks what he wants at this late hour. He says in a sad little boy voice that he’s ill and he thinks it’s indigestion from the ddukboki, which brings her back to Earth.
She gives him medicine and pats his back, and it’s no surprise that he’s so afraid of needles that he won’t let her prick his finger for the old home remedy. He says that it’s nice to have someone here when he’s sick, and she agrees that being sick on your own is truly lonesome.
That just makes him think about her cancer, and he makes her promise to tell him if she’s sick so that he can be right next to her. He peers at her face in concern as he notes that she’s looking worse lately, and Jung-joo’s heart races again when he leans in close and touches her face.
She has to smack his hand away to get a grip, and asks if he’s really that comfortable around her. He doesn’t hesitate as he answers that he’s completely comfortable around her, and turns around to have her hit his back some more.
Jung-joo asks if he isn’t even just the tiniest bit uncomfortable because he’s a man and she’s a woman, but she deflates when he says that he wouldn’t live here if he saw her as a woman. Ouch. He tells her not to worry because he’s totally comfortable around her. Jung-joo’s hands hover behind his back as she asks shakily, “And what if I’m not? What will you do?” Omo.
She leans down and rests her head on his back, and admits, “If I’m all fluttery and even being with you like this makes my heart race, and I’m worried that you’ll notice… what will you do then?”
He stills at her words, but then when he turns around to face her, she slaps him on the back and laughs, pretending that she said all that stuff to surprise him and make the indigestion go away. Uh, it’s not hiccups. She says it works like a charm and heads upstairs before he can say anything. It leaves him stunned, and he moves his hand from his stomach to his heart.
Ji-won reports to Jung-geun about a proposal from the local diving school to hold a festival at the hotel, and she’s ready to turn it down but he stops her and approves it himself. Hae-shil and Wook are shocked to hear that the fancy hotel wants to do a community event, and all they’re told is that the CEO approved it directly. Jung-geun calls and guesses that Hae-shil has some happy news, bragging that it’s all because of him without explaining how.
He asks to meet, and when she turns him down, he calls her out on being excited to see him last night, running around to do her hair and put on a sweater. He says he can make it so that she waits for him and wants to see him, and she turns around to make sure he’s not lurking around the corner. See, this is what happens when you start doing creepy stalker things.
Okay, this is embarrassing—his idea of making her wait and want to see him is to invite her to the hotel as the CEO for a meeting about the festival. Never mind that she doesn’t know you’re the same guy, but whatever floats your boat.
Jung-geun approaches her and lets her think that he happens to be here on business too, and she rejects his offer to meet tomorrow. He gets huffy and says that he can make it so that they see each other, and walks off and sends his secretary to cancel the meeting and drive her home. Seriously, if this is your idea of wooing a girl, you suck at it.
Jung-joo heads out for her first day of diving school, and Gun-woo avoids her and ignores her requests not to laze around in the hammock because it makes their restaurant look closed for business. But when he hears that it’s her first day of school, he calls after her and tells her to do well, and reminds her of her promise that her very first catch belongs to him.
Wook goes out that morning to buy a new diving mask for Jung-joo, and wonders how to make it look used so that she won’t feel burdened by the present. Aww, that is so cute. She runs up to him outside the school and apologizes profusely for not keeping his Hwangto Man secret, explaining how Gun-woo found the picture on her phone.
Wook is shocked to hear that she has his near-nekkid picture on her phone to take out and look at from time to time, and he suddenly breaks out into this hilarious grin. She swears, “No! It’s definitely not like I’m some pervert who stares at a picture of you in nothing but your underwear!” Well when you put it like that…
He waves off her explanation, calling it an excuse, heh, but she insists on telling him about the co-worker sending the photo. He notices the new googles in her bag, and Jung-joo tells him they were a gift from Gun-woo, and he doesn’t have to bother looking for hand-me-downs for her. Sad, he hides the bag he’s holding behind his back until she’s gone. He sighs as he takes it out, regretting putting all those scratches in it, making it impossible to return.
Jung-joo joins the group photo for the new class of diving students, and she gets put in Hae-shil’s training group, along with Jung-geun, who still hasn’t shown up. Jung-geun spends his day with piles and piles of paperwork, which confuses his secretary since he asked for his Saturdays to be cleared for personal stuff, only to ask for work to fill his day. He explains that he is doing personal stuff right now: “I’m trying not to see something I shouldn’t see, so I’m reading these files!”
Jung-joo does well on her first day, even diving down and catching a conch [sora]. She waves it happily and shouts, “I caught a sora!” and Mayor Wook snaps a photo of her beaming face.
Back at Warm & Cozy, Gun-woo puts away his hammock like Jung-joo asked, and when Wook passes by, he makes a mild but civil attempt to apologize for the Hwangto Man thing, and asks if Wook is going to cancel his plans to hold his staff dinner here. Wook decides not to cancel, and Gun-woo is relieved.He does ask if Gun-woo is going to stick around here now, and notes that he used to seem like a visitor to their town, but now he seems more and more like a resident. Gun-woo just pauses to reflect on that without giving an answer.
Wook tells him to make sure that the food is good or else he’ll never come back, and rides off. Gun-woo sneers at Wook throwing his power around in front of Jung-joo, and declares, “Hwangto Man, I will make you a slave to your taste buds!”
Gun-woo plans an extravagant menu for the dinner, ready to show off his best work, but Jung-joo comes home and sees all the exorbitant menu choices and starts arguing with him about cost.
He takes it personally because he’s so caught up in this pride battle, and he tells her not to harp on money so much. She argues that she isn’t in business for fun, but he says that he is—he always did this for the fun of it. Poong-san figures that Gun-woo got tired of living like regular folk, and asks Jung-joo to be understanding, because Gun-woo isn’t someone who needs money.
Ji-won asks Jung-geun to make some time to go to Warm & Cozy with her, because she’s worried about Gun-woo giving his restaurant over to some woman. But Jung-geun says he’s met Jung-joo and thinks she’s a good person. I love that someone shut her down. Too bad noona isn’t as smart as hyung, because Ji-won runs over to her instead, and in no time she’s charging into the restaurant to turn her nose up at the tiny room that Gun-woo shares with Jung-joo. noona gives Jung-joo a key to her hotel suite and asks her to pass it along to Gun-woo.
Jung-joo puts away the conch shells that she didn’t even get to tell Gun-woo about, and he comes in with two big boxes of seafood, pouting about how it’s hot out and he wants to have this stuff delivered now.
She tells him that he really doesn’t need to stay here anymore, and he quickly retracts, agreeing to go to the market and haggle over prices and everything. He says he has no place to go and that he’d leave right away if he could, and she shocks him by saying that he does have a place to go now. She hands him the key and tells him that his sister came by, and forces a smile as she says it’s great. He echoes her words that it’s great, though they seem really hollow.
In no time his bag is packed and he’s saying goodbye. Jung-joo tells him to have fun now, and says that he must’ve been uncomfortable because she made him live this way, and tells him again to live comfortably from now on. He asks what she’ll do if she gets sick, but she says she won’t, and he deflates again. He tells her not to get sick and stares at her reflection in his rearview mirror as he drives away.
Gun-woo is told to steer clear of hyung while he’s at the hotel, and noona says she’ll look for a buyer for the restaurant. He doesn’t want to sell it anymore because he let Jung-joo borrow it for life, but noona says that Jung-joo agreed to take back her deposit and that she wouldn’t do anything to make him uncomfortable. He grouses, “That damn discomfort…”
He spends his days lazing around the luxurious hotel, doing all the things he’s wanted to do, but he doesn’t look happy and he keeps having to tell himself, “This is great. It’s great.” At one point he finds himself pulling weeds from the grass, like harvesting greens is ingrained in his system.
Poong-san tells Jung-joo that he can’t handle the mayor’s dinner by himself, and suggests that she take some of the things that Gun-woo left behind and ask him to work for that one night.
So she heads to the hotel and sends him a text, only to spot him across the pool laughing over something with Ji-won. UGH. YOU AGAIN. But Gun-woo lights up at her text and calls back, but Jung-joo tells him that she was busy and left his stuff at the front desk. He runs down to try and catch her before she goes, and sighs in disappointment when she isn’t there.
Jung-joo decides to cook and eat her first catch on her own, and sits down to a simple meal. But every bite she takes just makes the tears start to come, and she finally can’t stop them from flowing.
Gun-woo lies in bed lost in thought, and suddenly shoots up when he remembers that he left his sunglasses back at the restaurant. He digs through his suitcase, convinced that he left it behind and elated to have an excuse. Except he finds them sitting right there, and he deflates all over again. You dummy. Just go!
Just then, his phone chimes with an update on Poong-san’s homepage, which includes a picture of Jung-joo with her first catch. Gun-woo looks down at the picture and smiles, “That’s right! That’s mine, and I left it behind!” I’m just going to pretend that you mean her and not the conch shells, because… *squee*
Gun-woo bursts into hyung’s suite and tattles on himself: “Hyung, hyung! Noona let me stay in her room! Can I stay? Right, I can’t, right? Fine, I’ll go!” He zooms right back out with a giant smile, and Jung-geun wonders what the hell just happened.
By the time he returns to Warm & Cozy with his suitcase in tow, the lights are low and the place is quiet. Gun-woo finds the conch shells on the kitchen counter and gets upset that she ate them without him.
He calls out for her and sees that she’s asleep on a row of chairs, and that she drank and ate the conch by herself before passing out. He notices that she’s using his apron as a blanket and says again, “That’s mine.”
Jung-joo stirs and rolls over in her sleep, and he stoops down to catch her just as she falls. He looks down at her, now asleep in his arms, and gulps, “What do I do? It’s uncomfortable.”
That’s right! Because you luuuuurve her! He’s so dim, but it’s also what makes his slow revelation so fun to watch, because he doesn’t know how to interpret his own feelings. He so obviously doesn’t want to leave and is unhappy without her, but can’t figure out the connection until it’s staring him in the face. Even now I’m not quite sure he’s cottoned on to her being the reason he wants to be at Warm & Cozy—for him it’s still just the place he wants to be, and he’s only barely seeing that he’s “uncomfortable” around her. I like the way that concept was used throughout the episode, because at first Jung-joo speaks of it as attraction, and it later becomes a way to refer to Gun-woo living a life outside of his comfort zone. So she sends him away to his former cushy life, only now it’s so comfortable that it’s boring and empty.
And then it comes full circle when he returns to Warm & Cozy, where he’s now uncomfortable around her, because he’s attracted to her. So the end result is that they both have to be uncomfortable to be happy, and in a way it speaks to Gun-woo’s problem with life in general—he was lazing his days away amounting to nothing because he was too comfortable and complacent. He whines and complains about all of Jung-joo’s nagging, but he’s become a person of (slightly) more substance because of her. Obviously he needs to do a lot more growing to become an adult, and to make up for all of the boneheaded things he’s done up until now. But I’m hopeful that this is the beginning of a newer, better Gun-woo.
I love what the short separation gives us (with the added benefit of being gloriously short)—a chance for Gun-woo to feel loneliness and longing, to worry about leaving Jung-joo on her own without him, and to realize where he belongs. My favorite part is his stubborn insistence on needing a reason to go back there, and the fact that he’s too obtuse to see that Jung-joo is the thing he left behind. I’m just glad that Ji-won’s stupid plan backfired on her and drove Gun-woo right into Jung-joo’s arms.
It’s also thanks to Jung-geun, who remains the only stable influence in Gun-woo’s life, despite the fact that he’s currently rivaling his own idiot brother for Jeju’s Biggest Jackass. He’s doing all of the wrong things with Hae-shil, which is frustrating, but I know that he’ll also screw up so badly that he’ll make up for it with mortifying comedy. But really, I want to give Mayor Wook the credit for opening up Gun-woo’s eyes, because he’s inciting jealousy in the cutest of ways. I just want to watch their adorable rivalry all the time, especially now that both guys are aware of their feelings and getting a little more competitive about her, and not just winning.
With all the cute romance hidden under doublespeak today, it started to feel like an old-school Hong sisters drama in a good way, and call me the eternal optimist, but things are looking up for where we’re going from here on out.
- Warm and Cozy: Episode 6
- Warm and Cozy: Episode 5
- Warm and Cozy: Episode 4
- Warm and Cozy: Episode 3
- Kolorful Palette: Jeju warmth [Warm and Cozy]
- Warm and Cozy: Episode 2
- Warm and Cozy: Episode 1
- Breezy island romance in Warm and Cozy’s posters
- Warm and Cozy’s lazy grasshopper and angry ant meet-cute
- Warm and Cozy on the beaches of Jeju Island
Tags: featured, Kang So-ra, Warm and Cozy, Yoo Yeon-seok
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1 fgb4877
June 3, 2015 at 8:41 PM
Hello and thanks for the recap!. I was worried since the topological knowledge of SWMNBN about Gun Woo’s family inclinated the balance in her favor for a while. At the end of the episode I was glad that Gun Woo started to appreciate things and people without needing a price tag.
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June 3, 2015 at 9:34 PM
Thanks,girlfriday!? I just watched it then I saw the review, had to read it and you made it fun the 2nd time around. Lol on the reaction everytime jiwon appears - UGH,YOU! UGH,YOU AGAIN! She can be so irksome really.
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June 4, 2015 at 1:35 AM
I'm trying to figure out your acronym but i cant seem to get it. what does it stand for?
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June 4, 2015 at 2:15 AM
I'm thinking she/he means "someone who must not be named".
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June 4, 2015 at 2:15 AM
Or rather "SHE who must not be named".
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June 4, 2015 at 12:48 PM
Bingo! ;)
June 4, 2015 at 3:22 AM
It means She Who Must Not Be Named
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2 nonski
June 3, 2015 at 8:46 PM
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh! it's here thank you for the recaps GF! your're the awesomest! Squeeeeeeeee!
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3 yayabean
June 3, 2015 at 8:46 PM
I have been counting the hours to read the recap for this ep. Thank you :D
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June 3, 2015 at 9:30 PM
My heart is now warm and cozy....aww.
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4 Redge
June 3, 2015 at 8:51 PM
I died at "Jeju's Biggest Jackass" lol. That's perfect.
This is my favorite episode yet. You're totally right, it might be because this one felt the most "Hong Sisters" than the rest. The double meanings, the metaphors, and the ending especially--I was grinning like a lunatic!
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June 3, 2015 at 8:55 PM
Also, I'm glad we finally got a light on the whole Gatsby ordeal. GW's mom was Daisy and his dad was Gatbsy. Iiiiiinteresting. JJ's dad might just be Nick in this story.
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June 3, 2015 at 10:03 PM
We were right! Extra points to us for being very good guessers! :-)
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June 3, 2015 at 10:40 PM
Hahaha yay! *high five*
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June 4, 2015 at 1:03 AM
But then JJ and GW will be cousins?
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June 4, 2015 at 8:37 AM
I don't think so? They are not related whatsoever (if they are this wouldn't be a romance). I believe GW's mom was just friends with JJ's dad. No relation (at least I hope so).
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June 4, 2015 at 2:54 AM
When the drama started, I was thinking that Gatsby is Gun-woo who built a unique restaurant to impress his Daisy (Mok Ji-won) hoping it will make her "recognize" him the way Gatsby made his endless parties and unique lifestyle to impress Daisy...
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June 4, 2015 at 8:36 AM
Yup, I think that's correct too. The Gatsby reference can apply to the previous and new generation.
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5 Cherry
June 3, 2015 at 9:06 PM
I'm super happy Jung joo has hyung's approval! And since he is in luuuuuv with a civilian too he can't object against their relationship!
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6 moosie
June 3, 2015 at 9:13 PM
Definitely my favorite episode yet! And possibly the first time I wasn't angry at GW by the end of an episode--this time I just died of happiness and cute overload.
Also, could the mayor be any more adorable? His interactions with JJ are SO. CUTE.
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Apple Pie
June 4, 2015 at 10:45 AM
agree, whenever I saw GW, will thnk of the cute motion , I will wonder what is the he will do ,
evertime I watch this drama I really " died of happiness " it is what the feeling of warm and cozy !
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7 Samui
June 3, 2015 at 9:17 PM
Yoo Yeon Seok is so versatile. I just realized that he was in Hwayi as Park Ji Won.
He's great in darker role imo... >_<
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June 3, 2015 at 10:26 PM
Uh, scary!
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June 4, 2015 at 11:04 AM
both YYS and Kim Sung-oh have been great in negative/darker roles.
(I can hardly believe this is YYS......the same way I can hardly believe Kim Sung-oh was the batpoop crazy drug dealer/child organ trafficker in Ajusshi, I mean I remember rejoicing when Won Bin blew him up!)
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8 KDaddict?JCW
June 3, 2015 at 9:18 PM
The hotel/resort that Hyung owns actually belongs to Junsu.
If Gun Woo has the maturity of a 12 year old, his hyung has that of an 8 year old when it comes to love. Like hyung like dongsaeng.
This ep is the best one so far. Finally it's enjoyable.
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June 3, 2015 at 9:49 PM
HA ha ha ....so true :D my fav episode too, this is probably the 1st ep, I was not bored. I love the change in character of GW, specially when he was not enjoying that idle, lazy time :)
Best dialogue was "I cant stay here right?? you are so cheap" with all his smiling face :D
I adored KSR so much in this ep, with her red hair band she looks beautiful, she looked beautiful after the haircut, looked beautiful when she rested her head on GW's back, beautiful when she fell in GW's arms :) :)
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June 3, 2015 at 11:08 PM
Hee hee, it cracks me up how he gleefully outs himself in front of hyung and throws himself out using hyung as an excuse.
I hope that one day the writers will show us why hyung is still single tho.
A rom-com can be all fluff like this, as long as it doesn't have anything that sticks out to make it impossible for us to believe even when we want to.
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June 3, 2015 at 11:24 PM
Why is hyung still single?... well... as we can see with his courtship with the diver ajuma he is anything but "suave" ;) .
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June 3, 2015 at 11:35 PM
Why is hyung still single, you ask?
Surely one look at any of his interaction with Hae-shil should make it obvious. ...if this is the way he treats women he likes, no wonder he's not found anyone to marry!
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June 4, 2015 at 1:22 AM
Hee hee hee. I know he's terrible when it comes to women he likes. It's only that with his kind of background, one would expect that he'd have had an arranged loveless marriage from a long time ago, right? Or there might be some pretty thing who had wanted to marry him for his money?
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June 4, 2015 at 2:23 AM
But that's only if his parent(s) control(s) the money or if he himself wants to expand his (family's) empire enough to put himself through that hassle, something which I doubt he can be bothered to do right now. He seems more like a "I will expand my empire, create a legacy, one inch at a time, with my power and wits. Ain't no crazy woman about to use this to bring about a vulnerability" kind of person, if his interaction and impression of JungJoo is anything to go by.
June 4, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Looks like their parents are not typical chaebols who would pair them off with others within the same circle...
Hyung also seemed to prioritize biz over seeking love - I mean he has to with two younger siblings who don't exactly work hard or smart to keep the legacy or bank account rolling for their expenses...I guess hyung had to shoulder the responsibilities and overlook romance part until now...
I am wondering how is it possible for a "shallow person" to acquire depth... On the other hand, GW displayed unique kindness so, very likely he has "hidden depth" ...
It's a lovely scene to have JJ crying over the food ... She missed him a lot even for that short span of time he left the house.
June 4, 2015 at 2:11 AM
Actually, it's not a romcom w/o the comedic "fluff" (alongside the romantic angst) - all the other stuff is ancillary.
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June 4, 2015 at 3:50 AM
Agree this episode is the best so far! Really enjoyable episode! Keep up the good work cast of warm & cozy!
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June 4, 2015 at 8:00 AM
Hyung... please don't screw up your love life by acting like a jerk. I was rooting for you until you decided to play the chaebol card. Making her come over all the way to the hotel and not telling her who you really are is a big NO. Just come clean, you're half way there. She already cares a lot for you. Jebal!
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June 4, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Last week Gun-woo was the jerk, looks like this week it's hyung's turn to be the jerk to the woman he likes. The brothers are both such dummies sometimes....
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9 dkaoru
June 3, 2015 at 9:19 PM
Thanks girlfriday!
I love poong san, he is the best matchmaker so far. Finally, Geon woo starts to notice! Boy is really slow. I realky hate his character but his cute moments are soo cute and am sooo rootibg for jung joo to be happy that I shall overlook that she is too good for him. Their bickering are awesome.
Poor mayor, come on step up ur game! That scene where she told him she has his pic in her phone was tooo hilarious. No no its not like I take it ou n look at a pic of u in ur underwear, its really not like that huahahahahaha. Cant wait for next episode
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June 4, 2015 at 3:02 AM
Agree! I want a reward for Poong-san, he's our best matchmaker so far!
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June 4, 2015 at 5:36 AM
I'm loving him to death. He's just adorable when he gets all excited about getting Geun Woo to get to work.
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June 4, 2015 at 10:38 AM
I love Poong San too - I'd have grabbed him over GW! Sorry I love YYS but before this episode I was shipping JJ with PS and Mayor Wook....
Sorry - anyway Kang so ra is born in 1990 so she is not much older than Poong San in real life...
Is her real name sora same as her "catch" --> sora?
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June 4, 2015 at 11:01 AM
mwahahahaha, Poong-san is an evil schemer but he's the cutest. By hook or by crook, he WILL get Gun-woo to stay on the island, and he was the first to catch on that Jung-joo was the key to it.
And yeah, poor mayor.....he's so adorable and funny, I don't want him to get his heart crushed at the end. But that scene where he looks so hopeful and secretly thrilled at the idea that Jung-joo has a picture of him in his underwear on her phone just kills me.
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10 k_rin
June 3, 2015 at 9:20 PM
Thanks again for the recap GF!!!!! Eeeeek I can't wait for tomorrow's episode!!! I loved Jung Joo's little "joking" confession, and I'm happy to see Gun Woo's finally waking up to his feelings towards her. He's showing signs of maturity thank God. This is the first drama I've ever watched where I have to wait for the episodes every week and it's KILLING me!!!!!! I just want to thank you and Java beans for all your hard work. I've watched mostly old dramas and always come back to read the recaps. You guys always explain everything thoroughly so when I don't understand something I come here for answers. Your comments always make me laugh! Thank you for being awesome!! :)
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11 Khule WY
June 3, 2015 at 9:26 PM
Thanks for the recap.
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12 Camille W
June 3, 2015 at 9:49 PM
Can I just ask? How is this recap here so fast? This is a record. Thanks girlfriday!!! I havent even seen the ep subbed yet.
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13 evw09
June 3, 2015 at 9:53 PM
1) I'm hoping that we have instantaneous growth with Geon Woo in tomorrow's episode so have to go through another week of Jung Joo crying over the man-boy. I love the show and really want Jung Joo's success but it has got to start with her putting on her big girl pants and toughening up with Geon Woo.
2) Sam Okyere and the Hong Sisters. I'm so grateful for their treatment of Sam on this show. Often times, foreigners, regardless of nationality but particularly those of color, get questionable character depictions in K-dramas. (As an American, I can say this happens far too regularly in American media as well, so there's no exception.) The Hong Sisters, in this drama, have used Sam to show that there are foreigners who are respectful, appreciative of Korean culture, and don't have to be caricatures. It's so refreshing to see and I hope this will help to usher in a new trend. I'm a huge fan of Sam's and he has really inspired me to learn Korean.
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June 3, 2015 at 10:50 PM
Re #2: Unfortunately they didn't do that with Big. Then again, that was only one of the many problematic things in that show.
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June 3, 2015 at 11:31 PM
I'm really impressed, how did the Hong sisters cast a foreigner whose Korean is so near perfect? And his acting is quite natural too, I thought he was just there for one episode cameo but I was happy to see more of him.
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June 4, 2015 at 1:25 AM
Okyere's been around a lot in variety shows.
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June 4, 2015 at 2:14 AM
"Rooftop Prince" had a pair of foreigners living in the apt. below (aside from the early comedy, was the best thing about RP).
Actually think the Hong sisters could have done a better job showing how JJ and Sam got friendly at the diving school.
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June 4, 2015 at 10:56 AM
This is the first time I'm seeing Sam Okyere, is he an actor? I'm surprised by not only the fact that he speaks perfect Korean, but the fact that he can act so naturally in a language that he's probably learned later in life - that's really impressive. I agree it was nice to see more of him, and to get the feel that Jejudo is a draw for international visitors too.
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June 6, 2015 at 7:28 PM
No he's not an actor..he is the ghanian representative on the show 'abnormal summit'..he's really cute and funny on the show..he also seems like a very nice person in real-life..Idk if you've ever watched or heard about the show but I highly reccommend you watch it ^^
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14 bugdocmom
June 3, 2015 at 10:08 PM
KSR is an amazing actress - the soju scene made me tear up a bit. She really misses GW. I so love this drama. All the characters are so adorable, except for JW and maybe GWs sister but I will give her the benefit of the doubt - don't know her story yet..
Can't wait for ep 8!!
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June 4, 2015 at 3:52 AM
Yeah that was awesome acting by Kang Sora! She is getting better & better!
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15 chairmanmeow
June 3, 2015 at 11:14 PM
At last there's at least a semblance of feelings from our idiot of a hero!
Gun-woo, it doesn't take an IQ of 140 to figure out that Jung-joo is a gazillion times better than Ji-won.
It just shows your mental ability that you took so long to realize that you love Jung-joo while making us, the audience, feel like slapping you...
Well, next episode, I'm expecting a kiss. And you'd better deliver one on par with my expectations!
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16 coby
June 3, 2015 at 11:40 PM
I so want to see this episode! Lunch break please.
Thanks for the recap.
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17 kuromitsu
June 4, 2015 at 12:18 AM
I'm expecting Ji-Won and/or Gun-Woo to ruin this all by the next episode.
I hope my expectations aren't met.
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18 Pyromaniac
June 4, 2015 at 12:21 AM
She's so pretty.....
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19 lifoser
June 4, 2015 at 12:24 AM
The feeeeels in the end!! Geun woooo right in the feels!!
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20 osmanthustea
June 4, 2015 at 12:25 AM
Kang So-ra caught a sora. Hahaha so cute!
But what's with the damn brothers? I really wanna rattle hyung for being so oafish now. BAH!!
At least Geun-woo is half-decent now. That pulling weeds scene just cracked me up. Finally the Jeju-ness is getting into your blood, boy! And telling tales to hyung himself is so sweet, that puppy!
Haiz, as much as I know who our OTP are, I feel quite sad for Wook because I really like him. )=
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June 4, 2015 at 1:49 AM
I really like Wook, tooo. I noticet i tend to like a lot of Hong sisters 2nd male leads but usually can only just barely tolerate the 2nd female leads... i wish they'd make more likeable female characters.
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June 5, 2015 at 12:05 PM
Ah, I think the second female lead in Secret Garden wasn't too shabby. She's an outright businesswoman who's also out to mess with her ex-boyfriend Oska, but at least she's got spunk and eventually played fairy godmother! =D
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June 5, 2015 at 12:06 PM
But I get what you mean about dramas not giving enough depth to second leads. I used to accept those practices at face value, but reading DB has made me more critical in the way I approach drama plotlines and gender politics. (=
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21 fantasy
June 4, 2015 at 12:37 AM
checked the ratings its increasing!!!! I thought after MASK it will decrease :P good for the show :)
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22 Calzeralzer
June 4, 2015 at 12:39 AM
That was such a nice ending, Geun Woo finally feeling all the feels and hopefully leaving Ji Won forever and always. It was a great turn around from last week.
Thank you for the recap!!!!
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23 Jyc
June 4, 2015 at 12:50 AM
I think I died at the "That's mine" part. And also that back hug!
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24 Sam
June 4, 2015 at 12:59 AM
As always...great recaps! I think I enjoy your recaps almost as much as I do the actual episodes! At least you iron out any and all misunderstandings I had about the show I previously watched. To tell the truth, every once in awhile, I read your recap before I see the episode! Lol thanks so much!
ps i love your readers comments as well. Aloha
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25 mary
June 4, 2015 at 1:21 AM
Seriously, why isn't school 2015 covered?
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June 4, 2015 at 1:45 AM
it depends on who is recapping the show. some writers get their recaps out the day of or day after an episode airs, and some get them out 3-5 days after. theyre actually fairly consistent, so if you pay enough attention to the names you can figure out around when a recap will come out (i dont think we'll see school 2015 for another day or two)
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June 4, 2015 at 1:59 AM
Was she asking why it hasn't been recapped yet or if it's being recapped at all?
I was going to point her to the recaps and say they were being recapped, but if she's impatient and being a little whiny in an unrelated thread, then yours is probably the better response.
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June 4, 2015 at 3:43 AM
Sorry for being impatient and thanks for the response;)
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26 bd5
June 4, 2015 at 2:36 AM
The fight/squabble at the beginning was all underlying sexual tension and at least one of them was oblivious to it.
'Fraid despite Mayor Wook's best efforts pedaling, that there really isn't a contest; JJ has no interest in the good Mayor (at least not in the present) and at this juncture, the Mayor has just served as an instrument to bring GW's jealousy to the surface (which is too bad since really like the character of Mayor Wook who actually seems to be a better match for the usually level-headed JJ; but I guess JJ has been bitten by the kooky love bug as well).
Speaking of kooky, big bro is certainly acting that in what he perceives as wooing lady diver HS, but don't mind at all b/c love seeing big bro thinking he is in control of the situation when clearly he isn't (this coupling is definitely the source of most of the comedy).
Big bro is certainly going to drive HS nuts (and away) before he gets to his senses and realizes that he is not driving the boat in this situation.
Kang So-ra looks good either way, but actually thinks she looks better w/ lighter make-up and her hair in a ponytail (w/ her hair down and in that part, she kinda has a vague resemblance to KTH at certain angles).
Love that JW got shut down by big bro when it came to JJ.
Can't blame noona since she hadn't met JJ before and not the way JG met JJ (where he could get a sense of what kind of person JJ was); also being the workaholic that he is, JG can recognize other no nonsense, hard-working types (such as JJ and diver HS), not sure if noona is able to do so since she just seems to be the female version of GW (spending $$ and following her love interest around).
Speaking of big sis, the blogger character still annoys me.
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June 4, 2015 at 9:00 AM
I never noticed that before, but I'm just amazed by how much she does look like Kim Tae Hee. Sora is just too cute.
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June 4, 2015 at 5:08 PM
I thought I was the only one who was a bit ticked-off with the blogger lady....she might also fall into the URGH.HER AGAIN category very quickly...Clearly she is the next source of angst for the OTP -_-
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27 brightsept
June 4, 2015 at 3:52 AM
This is so funny, I dont know why but I never really have a desire to watch this drama, but I want to know how the story goes. So I always read your recap every week. I wonder what should I answer when people ask me if I watch warm & cozy or not, because the answer is of course no but hey I know the story so you can discuss things with me. lol. sorry im so random.. anyway thanks for recapping this drama so fast! Im enjoying your recap
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28 songsong
June 4, 2015 at 3:56 AM
Thank you for the recap girlfriday!
The drama is getting better & better. Really enjoy episode 7 & can't wait for episode 8.
The leads Yoo Yeon Seok & Kang Sora are really in top form! The rest of the cast are also doing great. Also the pacing of the drama also got better. Enjoying the drama more & more.
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29 alienshore
June 4, 2015 at 5:01 AM
The OTP is cute as can be. And hyung and the lady diver are adorable (if not a bit insane and stalkery on hyung's part). And I love that hyung likes Jung Joo rather than being the usual stumbling block. And I love the mayor and hope he finds a girl at the end.
All that said, comedy or not, Ji Won needs to die in a horrible way. Somewhere as an afterthought at the end I'd love to hear someone laugh and say: "Mok Ji Won, oh, yeah, she was trampled to death by a herd of horses. Ha ha ha ha." I mean, really, I think I'm going to have to make a new Kdrama list of most loathsome 2nd females and the first 5 will be just her. And I know they won't kill her, but I sure as heck hope she doesn't get a happy ending, but rather maybe a large bowl of fish stew dumped on her head instead. Or a one way ticket back to the USA.
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June 4, 2015 at 10:47 AM
I'm just fascinated by all the ways in which the actress sucks at literally every aspect of performance.
From that nasal monotone to those perpetually blank eyes a la Han Ga In, to that face where literally nothing except her mouth moves when she speaks a line (seriously that's not normal, look at any of the other actors and you can see their faces/features actually have a range of motion but this one's face seems frozen like one of those creepy one-part-only gifs, like someone said last week ).....minimising her screen time is really a massive improvement.
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June 5, 2015 at 12:11 PM
But I really wanna vote for Song Jae-hee from Doctor Stranger, even though she's main lead. She made me so irritated (LJS' Park Hoon is even more of a loser when it comes to chasing her), and with a convoluted plot, I chose to just abandon having to deal with her. Ugh!!
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30 nen916
June 4, 2015 at 5:35 AM
Thanks for the great recap and this drama is shaping up nicely. I love that angst is done for the most part in the comedy
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31 masquerade
June 4, 2015 at 5:48 AM
Yunno what I love the best out of all this? The fact that neither guy is interested in Ji Won, and she KNOWS it. It's just great. She doesn't deserved to be loved, which is why I'm so pleased that she doesn't have some sort of back-up person at the ready who will jump in and love her when her aim doesn't work out. Also, I loved the way big bro shut her up on Jung Joo, it was awesome.
On a different note ... so glad that Geun Woo is growing as a character. So glad. I don't want to hate him.
Also, I'm confused as to who Ji Won is pursuing, exactly. I wish they'd make it clear whether she's going after big bro still at this point.
Pluuus ... big bro. Um. He reminds me of a typical Hong Sisters self-absorbed, crazy obsessed male lead. And if he continues to treat Hae Shil like an ass (and if she continues to tolerate it) I will start wanting to rub him off my screen. However, what I like is that he's actually not all cray and with the IQ of a six year old, as we can see in his dealings with Guen Woo and his liking of Jung Joo's sensibility.
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June 4, 2015 at 6:59 AM
Jiwon is pursuing $$$...which ever brother floats her way is the brother she is pursuing. When she see the brothers all she has is dalla dalla signs in her eyes
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June 4, 2015 at 7:49 AM
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June 4, 2015 at 8:08 AM
How apt! LOL! I do like the way you put it!
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32 onyxx
June 4, 2015 at 6:19 AM
this episode marks the major turning point for the main leads. i kind feel bad for the town mayor though (for his inevitable heartbreak). his intentions are good and he has been nothing less than helpful right from the start. poor guy.
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33 evelynray
June 4, 2015 at 7:05 AM
This episode made me laugh more than other episodes.
1. Hyung talking to his dog about his love life. ?
2. Mayor Wook cycling after the bus, only to stop and pretend to walk around when Jung Joo alighted from the bus.
3. The tension between Mayor Wook and Gun Woo.
4. Gun Woo tattling on HIMSELF to his Hyung so that he could use him as a reason to leave the resort and then Hyung wondering what the hell did it happened. This scene is hilarious, maybe it's because it's between the two most idiots on Jeju Island.
5. Just Hyung himself, with Hae sil.
6. Hyung ah ?
Hope to see more of Hyung's budding relationship with Hae Sil.
Anyway, looks like that Gun Woo will realise his feelings for Jung joo in next episode!
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June 4, 2015 at 7:51 AM
I cracks me up whenever hyung brags about his immense will power :P
and yes no.4 scene was the best :D
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June 4, 2015 at 8:23 AM
Oh ya, Hyung and his self-proclaimed strong will power. Pfffttt
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34 Anna
June 4, 2015 at 7:27 AM
This drama lives up to its title...its warm, fuzzy and all things nice. I love both the leads. Kang sora is amazing as always. Despite the dissapointment of kim woo bin not taking the lead, i love our cute and adorable lead. Thanks for the recap. Dramabeans fighting!
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35 Marcyt
June 4, 2015 at 7:44 AM
I don't like this pairing. I'd rather see her with the mayor instead of spoiled GW. He doesn't deserve her.
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36 bonsai
June 4, 2015 at 7:53 AM
I love the acting so far and the drama is SO CUTE, there are still unpleasant parts but overall SO CUTE
Next episode! Please!
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37 Adal
June 4, 2015 at 7:55 AM
The mayor is so cute around Jung Joo he has developed one huge crush that is so endearing to see. If I didn't like Gun Woo as much as I do, I would ship her with the mayor in a heartbeat. They would make a really good couple too, I can see them complementing each other. They both understand and value the same things.
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June 4, 2015 at 10:08 AM
But it'll be so boring!
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38 Aigoooo
June 4, 2015 at 8:16 AM
To be perfectly honest, I really struggled watching this drama but this episode has got me hooked. We finally see a glimmer of a two sided/reciprocated love with our OTP and our cute diver couple. His older brother is ridiculously fun to watch. He sorta reminds me of Dokko Jin in his behavior, a bit full of himself, tries to ignore his feeling yet gets all giddy whenever she involved and putting blame on her because he is falling for her. lol
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39 RoseTyler
June 4, 2015 at 8:30 AM
This was my favorite episode yet! Finally starting to really root for Gun Woo, he was much less douchey in this episode. The lead actors in this show are so adorable together.
I really love the side characters in this show (except Ji Won). The mayor & Poong San are adorable. Poor mayor! Already getting heartbroken for him. And I love Hyung - capable businessman and immature manchild in love. I'd only ever seen the actor before in Gu Family Book, and his character was so gross and horrible there, but he's great here! Totally changed my view of him.
Can't wait for Episode 8!
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40 osmanthustea
June 4, 2015 at 8:41 AM
Did anyone notice how the music always has a bit of fuddy duddy, old time tune whenever it's a hyung scene? heh. Kinda like a meta joke on hyung's dated approach to dating!
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41 samsooki
June 4, 2015 at 10:09 AM
I am beginning to really like this drama.
I might skip the next ep though and just read GF's recaps because I'm that guy who runs away when turbulence happens on the way to lurrrve.
Love you GF.
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42 mclaw3
June 4, 2015 at 10:23 AM
This episode was Laugh out Loud funny! As I thought, the Hong sisters are crafting this love story quite well.
The tension between JJ and GW is epic. They have been living like a married couple and have settled into it so naturally that even GW called her leaving to go on the boat like a daughter-in-law leaving after her and her husband have their first fight.
I love that he has stability and understanding and love with her. Even though he is a little dense, he deserves that kind of love too. Furthermore, I LOVED when hyung shut little Miss Evil down. I was literally screaming, BURNNNNN at the screen. I just hate this GW's sister is so damn self-absorbed she missed what Miss Evil was trying to do. If she got to know JJ, she would like her as well.
This was the episode where GW has begun to become "uncomfortable" and where his hyung got really stupid. This whole I have to be in control all the time that hyung has going on is too much. I sense a little competition coming his way, and it will be interesting when it happens. Another thing that was apparent in this episode, is the loneliest person is definitely Miss Evil. It thought it was GW, but he has JJ now, which is why Miss Evil is always coming for her. I just want to kick her lonely arse back to Seoul.
Great episode, great character development, and a whole lot of laughs. Poong San is cupid personified. Even after hearing GW go on about Miss Evil, he's on JJ's side. Next episode should be really good. FIGHTING!!!
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43 pogo
June 4, 2015 at 10:52 AM
I do love it! Hyung is acting like an even smaller manchild than Gun-woo, but I love how Gun-woo and Jung-joo are shaping up even though Wook gave me some serious Second Lead Syndrome (can he please get some gorgeous Hong Sisters alumna for a cameo love interest in the end? Because I adore him and Jung-joo but we know that ship isn't going to sail).
And omw Kang Sora was great this ep. She fits this character to a T in every way - now that she has a handle on the more comic aspect of things, she was also great in Jung-joo's heartbroken drinking-alone scene. The whole thing was a close-up of her struggling not to cry, which is even harder than crying onscreen, but she was great.
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44 akatadramas
June 4, 2015 at 12:02 PM
Honestly, this was the most boring episode for me. The plot to me is getting a little stale. At first I really liked the Warm and Cozy feel but I guess I've been watching too much makjang dramas because there's no depth in this drama. It's too breezy and Geon Woo is totally annoying.
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45 James
June 4, 2015 at 12:16 PM
I like the show and the scenery is awesome...
but there are things that I don't get...
1. Aren't Jung Joo and Gun-Woo suppose to be twins?
2. What is the point of haenyeo school?
nvm I did my own research and it is actually legit... even with foreigners heh...
Is Song Jung-Geun and Kim Hae-Sil romance suppose to lead to something? random 2nd lead romance or connection with their parents? :s
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46 meme
June 4, 2015 at 5:33 PM
I can't wait for the next recap.
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47 naengmyeonnaengmyeonnaengmyeon
June 4, 2015 at 6:40 PM
I'm not prone to liking secondary leads (in fact I can't think of even one time I have), but this mayor is another story entirely. Apart from the main lead being frustratingly immature, doesn't the mayor also simply have more ... dimension?
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48 violet88
June 6, 2015 at 8:13 AM
The scene when GW tattling on himself to hyung was hillarious, GW is just too cute to handle.. hehe. And the time he spent during the short separation with JJ, missing her and all the time convincing himself that that is comfortable and just what he need was great..
JJ scene dining alone while missing GW is also great.. does anyone knows the title of the song that played during ghat scene?...
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49 Wonsin
September 23, 2015 at 9:37 AM
what is the song when the mayor was chasing the bus with his bike?
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