Ex-Girlfriend Club gets shortened to 12 episodes

Bad news for fans of tvN’s rom-com Ex-Girlfriend Club, which has just been given a big ol’ cutdown from its initially planned 16 episodes down to 12. Official statements cite that the show is being cut “to maintain high quality” of the remaining episodes, but that’s really just doublespeak for “our ratings weren’t good enough.”

I very much dislike this practice of shortening dramas because of low ratings, even though I can certainly understand the reasoning behind cutting your losses when a show isn’t performing. Ex-Girlfriend Club’s numbers have been flagging; after premiering with a 1.16% rating, the latest episodes (7 and 8) drew 0.65% and 0.8%. That’s admittedly disappointing; when a cable drama can’t clear the 1% benchmark these days it’s usually seen as a failure. Especially when Three Meals a Day, airing right afterward, is pulling in 8% ratings, rendering the old “This is a good number for cable!” argument inapplicable.

I used to really appreciate that Korean dramas were usually allowed to finish out their runs even when performing poorly — after all, they’re only set for one season, so why not air everything you paid to produce? I understand why cutting happens, but it’s just a practice that always disappoints me. And I say this recognizing that the show has its flaws; it’s cute and occasionally laugh-out-loud, but the plot is predictable and light. I enjoy it while I’m watching it, but it’s like cotton candy: gone right away, mostly fluff. (Which isn’t an insult — sometimes you need shows like that to unwind with.)

A rep with the production of Ex-Girlfriend Club explained that the drama would speed up the relationship developments between series leads Song Ji-hyo and Byun Yo-han to wrap up in the next four episodes, since the finale date is now June 13. Interestingly, tvN is not pushing up the premiere of Oh My Ghostess, the rom-com set to follow Ex-Girlfriend Club; it has not yet decided how to fill the four-episode gap between the end of one show and the start of the next. I can’t believe they’d rather cut a cute rom-com short and create a blank space than to just let it run through its planned ending. Sigh!

Oh My Ghostess premieres as planned on July 3.

Via Star New


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I'be been loving this show!!!!!!!! This is so disappointing :(


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Agree, even to the point of trying to send an email to tvN of my displeasure. Unfortunately Google does not translate these website completely!


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What's with all the SJH hate?

I think she's doing great for what she's been given, I mean the character isn't something you can overact--it's the straight man. The one caught up in all the hilarity. And straight men can be 100% funny (Jason Bateman in Arrested Development, Adam Scott in Parks and Rec) but the script has given her such a bland person to work on. Think about it, what are the characteristics of her:

She works hard.
She wants the movie to be made.
She still likes Myeong Soo.

And sure, a better actress could have created her own characteristics and played it that way, but, I mean, how far is she accountable, and the writing (no matter how funny) not?


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Exactly my opinion! I find her real and relate-able..she's like the usual girl who just work earnestly and love wholeheartedly. I think JiHyo embraced the character and acted it like a normal person would be in the situation she's given in the plot.


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People just need something to go at and so they go at what they see as the low hanging fruit. I really liked her character and thought her acting was fine.


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ikr? I didn't know Song Ji Hyo was that unpopular in South Korea. Its kinda crazy what ppl have said abt her. While I didn't like her character in Princess Hours and am not very familiar with her acting, I enjoyed watching her here. Her acting is not so critical that it deserves to be labeled as bad. I've been watching K-dramas for years so I think I know bad acting when I see it. I find her acting pretty natural. And I really enjoy the rapport between the cast and her in their scenes.


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omg thank you! you took the words right out of my mouth! i was so confused of all the hate. Maybe my love for her in Running Man that whatever she does i support and love her no matter what. I find her acting really natural too! and I didn't like her in Goong at all. I even liked Emergency Couple! I maybe the only one who likes EC. I don't understand how her dramas are just not flops.


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Well said!


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I don't know if it's just me but I find this show very entertaining. I always drop any show that I'm catching up with once a new episode of Ex-Girlfriend's comes up. This is bad news!

Why show why?

Maybe it's just Korea. Being a foreign viewer, I actually like the show very much. I don't know why the ratings don't match up.


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Haha so true. I actually skipped watching the finale for Falling for Innocence when the new eps of ExGC came out. Even recently when Producer came out and the subs were out, I still watched ExGC first and then several times til the subs come out. Producer and other dramas are at the back of my mind. I'll actually catch up on Producer on Sunday and watch the other dramas in the week.


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Oh, are you me? LOL. Thought I'm the only one who's like that. I want this show to resolve the Ji ah's story fast and focus on these bff in love.


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Oh sad. I've been enjoying this.


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Booo, this is the only drama I've been watching lately. It's far from great (some of the ex-girlfriend stuff is nonsensical) but the cast is excellent at keeping the show fun. Love BYH and SJH together, but I'll mostly miss the girls, they're great.


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Wow. I am disappointed with the decision. The drama is so underrated and I feel like it's TVN's fault that it is not gaining many attention-putting it on re-run will also attract attention to it, why didn't you do that sooner, TVN?

Anyway... I like stories which is real and not over the top. A lot of K-Drama are too focus on the makjang, predictable plot and cliche. This drama has all those but with a simpler idea of love- it could happen between two good friends. For me, I could personally relate to it. Ambiguous relationship normally happened when you're in a guy-girl friendship. The drama has a solid foundation, they built it up and conclude it by episode 8 so I understand if they think they could wrap it up nicely by episode 12. However, I hope that is the main reason they're doing it instead of chopping it due to rating<-well I think this one is the reason but that is just selfish.

That out, I think JiHyo had been great in the drama. Of course, YoHan is amazing as MyeongSoo, but I just can't stand people saying that JiHyo can't act coz she can and SooJin is definitely her best modern role yet.

What I felt a waste was the drama has so much warmth and heart as well as effort all around. Rara was phenomenal, Hwayeong is crazy lion while Jiah is just a girl in love who can't let go. There's so much to love in the drama, let it be the exes, the director, EunHye and especially the awesome chemistry between the OTP. MyeongSooJin is the OTP to beat this year (Sorry MooGak-ChoRim) and I hope they'll get to have their history together be told and concluded well with a sunrise at a beach scene as that was what promised by the two of them.


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I am sorry the drama was reduced.
This is my favorite drama right now. (fluff is good for what ails you)
The chemistry between the OTP was/is GREAT!

I loved that this drama was filled to the brim with fun female characters.

The director is cute, in an assy way, and I would love to see him in another drama.

I did think the last two episodes were odd, rough, uneven.


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Boo. I just started this yesterday. Networks do what they do, but not just letting it wrap with the original number of eps is a bad idea. I just think back to the utter mess Blade Man became, and shortening that only made it worse.


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I am really really really really really disappointed.

This was one of my favs - the soundtrack is AWESOME, too.

BYH is love dipped in joy dipped back in love again.
I would watch him watch paint dry. Why can't I watch him in those 4 episodes?


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:) that will sure beat some random space-filler shows.


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+1 for everything! For BYH, hear, hear!!


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Oh Jomo! Nice to know ur watching this drama too. Im still impressed by how many of us got into this drama. It says something abt the dramas quality for sure.

I share ur sentiments too. So upset. This is worse than Surplus Princess. Or that time when I realized that Dramabeans wasn't going to recap ExGC. Looking at the comments here, I'm sure ExGC would've been so much fun to recap and chat abt.


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This is painful ;( so sad nothing much international fans can do. Y were the ratings low...i suppose we were the minority who really enjoyed the show. I really really love this show...i am going to cry some more :(


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TVN cuts too much! They don't seem to appreciate the beauty of a cult following. I just realized all the shows I really liked that got cut are TVN's. Surplus Princess, Three Musketeers, now this...


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Who can forget that tvN has done this before??? Strike out, CEOs!


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Two words: this sucks.

Cue rant about TvN. What is it with these guys? First Three Musketeers, then this. I can't see that this is anything more than laziness in figuring out how to monetize their shows. When will these people break free from myopic paleo thinking and realize that there's both an online and international audience out there?

I didn't expect it to be, but this was by far and away my favorite show the summer. It's fresh and funny. Flaws... fluff... blah blah blah blah blah. ( I don't mean to be rude but that's honestly the way I feel .) We're hardly expecting War and Peace from these dramas. Space has to be given to something that just purely entertains. This show does that in spades.


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We’re hardly expecting War and Peace from these dramas- Amen to that! As long as I have fun - that is what matters (to me).
This is the first (and maybe last) time I put these many comments(reply) ever in DB- and i am surprised at myself - didn't know I love the show this much. :(


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I think we have such a strong reaction because the show slowly wormed its way into our hearts. It isn't flashy;there are no LOVE IS THE MOMENT's crashing us over the head.
It's sweet, funny, pretty and I think has a good message about being honest with those you love.

Plus, it's FUNNY and Rara! We get to see Rara.


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Sweet, funny, pretty and realistic so maybe that's why we all can relate to it.

Out of all the 3 exes , I love Rara the most. Might be the youngest but she's not petty like the other 2. I hope the director would look at her.


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Huhuhuh... why?... I really enjoy and love the drama. It is fun and relatable:) How come they lessened the episode when it has poor rating? Don't they know that there many people who love to watch it and it so happened that they cannot watch it via TVN channel... To TVN, Please do not do this again... it is so disheartening:(


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Is there a petition that we can sign? I loved and actually look forward to the new episodes every week! I can think of a lot of worse drama (Lovable Girl, cough , cough) than ran its miserable course for a long time w/o being cut. So why cut something that is cute and unique in its own way? My point is every show has its own audience/fan base, if you already went through the trouble of creating and producing it, why cut it like this?? Terrible decision that kill the work of art.


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My Lovely Girl was an SBS drama – different networks, different policies.


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Ugh I know. Just giving examples of shows that should be shortened regardless of which network run it.


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I would sign that petition right now. I was wondering the same thing. Is there NOTHING we can do, guys? Do we have no power? I mean, its times like these that make me wonder if our feedback is even taken note of by Korean PD's.


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Probably not especially since we are not in Korea and doesn't impact the rating. I hope the writer and hyun Uo Han doesn't feel discourage by this since I thought it was a great piece of work.


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well, that would maybe explain why the last two episodes were so confusing. i thought i'd missed an episode because the story accelerated forwards so quickly. i did not get the sudden turn around in myeong soos feelings in particular but i guess i can put it down to the extension.


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Dammit, I was really liking this show. Especially with the relationship developments moving at a normal pace. I wanted them to flesh out the side ladies as well. We never get their full backstory :(


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Unbelievable. A lot of cheesy and cliche dramas with lot of popularity ( like Boys over flowers. I'm sorry i really dont like it) and this one , so funny, different and mature , being cut . This is too much sad .


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Most kdramas are cheesy and cliched. Not just BOF. You have to admit BOF was popular. Ex Girlfriend Club also has cheesy and cliched parts too. It all comes down to the important rating. Rating, rating! lol


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It prove that having a star studded cast goes a long way. Remember Heirs? Okay let me not bash some ones fave but its as good an example as any.


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Thats an unfortunate news for us, the fans!

Ive been enjoying every episode of this drama, and its getting better with every episode, and now they wanna cut it short!? Now Im worried about the ending.

I love Song Jihyo in Running Man and I definitely love her as Kim Soojin, and mostly her chemistry with Byun Yohan. Kim Soojin and Bang Myeongsoo really does look like theyve been friends for years!

I love the other characters of ex-girlfriend except Na Jiah, coz she cannot let Myeongsoo go! Hahaha. Thats my personal preference anyways.

I know Jihyo is a lot lacking compared to other leads in the drama. But shes improved a lot, and she seems natural as Kim Soojin. Yes, maybe because her acting fell flat, doesnt leave much impressions, and for that Im wishing Song Jihyo good luck! I hope she can keep improving and improving and one day she can be better actress.


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I really enjoyed this drama- light, funny, original....plus I like the two leads. I am disappointed!


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That's so sad. I really like this show! It's cute, light, airy .... and the characters are so much fun.

Plus I love Song Ji Hyo. <3


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Aw, that's sad though I've been thinking what they would do for the rest of the episodes now that they are kinda together. Well, less angst is always good. I want to believe that they cut the episodes down to keep it high quality. Please, let it be the real reason coz this show made me happy.

Lee Yoonji probably can't do much physical activities now that she's pregnant so I guess it's kinda okay that they're only doing 12 episodes.


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Being shortened to 12 episode??
Such unfairly decision :((
Just finally, I get new interesting rom com serial after watching you're come from the star , this pieces make me laughs and realized that best buddy-turns-actual couple dramas I actually enjoy, is situation that we've found between us and how to solved that feeling.
Love the puppy face Byun Yo Han as a lead. Love the smirk!


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NO. WHY. I've actually been loving it so much byun yo han is so cute and i seriously have been enjoying the 3 ex girlfriends meddling cause they're hilarious. Ok but i guess this is a sign i should be studying for my finals.... TTTTTTTT


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This sucks, because I've come to love every single character in this show. Even that jerk Director Jo whom I used to hate. Love the bickering between him and Myeong Soo. Now that 4 episodes are getting cut, we'll be seeing even less of him.


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But even if it's getting low ratings what could they possibly put in the timeslot to get better ratings? Just let it finish up it's run and go onto the next drama if you dont have anything else planned! Unless the writers completely agreed, that could be possible. Low ratings and the writer really only has about 12 episodes of content planned.
We'll see.


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why they do that???? I was enjoying the show..its quite funny.


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Somebody hand me a table to flip!!


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Super sad about this news
I feel like I'm bad luck....every drama I really like is usually not very popular or gets cut.
I thought because it was such a relatable(?) story that people would like it. I'm even more surprised because the song "Some" was really popular and this story makes me think about that song because it exemplifies it so much.

Like some have said, this story is not your typical rom-com kdrama. For a kdrama, i didn't think it was cliched at all. It was a lot better than the meet some 'random stranger' who you've actually known since childhood and be secretly connected by some red string (big eye roll).

I also really liked all the characters, minus Ji-ah (though I can't help but always think how pretty the actress is), and thought the actors and actresses were doing great. Song Ji Hyo fit this role very well for me and it made me like her even more than i did.

That said, my only problems with the drama was consistently wondering the story between Myung Soo and his exes like. We get only somewhat of a glimpse at Jiah and Myung soo's story, even more than a glimpse of his history with Soo Jin. I can understand the frustration with that.

I haven't really watched the last two episodes...I took a quick glance at episode 7 (it wasn't subbed all the way) and I realized they were doing that "separation" arch they do, so ive been avoiding it as opposed to not watching it. I don't think I'll watch the episodes...but with this news...ugh...

I was sincerely enjoying this drama. It's the only drama I've been so excited about this year alone.


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This sucks big time. I'm a fan of tvN shows but this just offends me in every single way. I just started to marathon the series and it slowly becomes my crack drama then BAM! you give me this.

Just when Byun Yo Han is already ruining my bias list, there goes the remaining 4 episodes where I can see his so aww-inducing smile. Read that his next project is a sageuk, I don't know if I can watch that for him.

As for Ji Hyo, I liked her better here than EC. She felt natural because it's written that way. She might not be the best actress out there but she's decent enough. Maybe it helps that her chemistry with Yo Han is so good.


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The number of comments here are really surprising and telling. More ppl than I thought are actually into ExGC. It is kinda indicative of how popular this drama is overseas. I'll never see tvN the same way again. Maybe there are some financial issues going on behind the scenes that we don't know about.


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But if ep 7 & 8 is a product of speeding things up then maybe it won't so bad, right. I enjoyed those eps.


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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I wanted more Byun Yo Han and Song Ji Hyo cutenesssssssss! Whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyy???? But hopefully they would give this show a proper ending despite the episodes being vut short. TvN suck in wrapping up their tv series... (well the ones I've seen anyway, like monstar and surplus princess). Please TvN, no crappy ending!


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Dang! I really hate to hear that, since this is one of the few shows I am enjoying right now. Light and fluffy has it's place! I am really enjoying the three women's ever-changing conflicting schemes and the director seeing thru all their machinations. The cute between the 2 leads is just some extra icing. They really need to find a way to see how many people really do watch shows via the internet worldwide.


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I am seriously bummed out about this news. This was such a refreshing and sweet drama! I loved how it steered away from the typical chaebol heir and poor heroine storyline and focused on individuals trying to make an honest living. It's light, it's relatable and it's funny! And can I get a Hallelujah for the explosive chemistry between Song Ji Hyo and Byun Yo Han?! Wow! Those two are just so natural with each other. I love their scenes together! They are seriously so stinking adorable! I smiled like an idiot and giggled so much at their cute impromptu date in ep 8! It really does seem like they've been friends for years! I am also very convinced at both of their characters, so I don't know why there's so much hate for Ji Hyo. I honestly think she's doing a splendid jon portraying Soo Jin and her acting is very natural for me! All, in all, I've enjoyed this drama very much! Super bummed that it's being cut down. I will continue to watch this show and support it as much as I can. Much love to all the members of the Ex-Girlfriend Club! <3


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When they first met under the rain, I can just felt the moment when she felt in love with him, his smile was so sweet and she was just head over heel I think


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YES! The moment the window rolled down halfway and he smiled, I know she fell for him then. When they showed the part when there's so much similarities between them through their similar opinions on Superman, their peace face tattoo at the rock festival... oh gosh I love love love their chemistry, it's more than H2O, it's like O2 and it's breathable.


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There are tons of dramas with no chaebols :\ you just need to switch genres.


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I know. ^^ I'm just saying it's nice to watch a drama that doesn't have that storyline because there are LOTS of dramas with that typical characteristic. Rich guy/poor girl and vice versa. Of course I can't speak for all dramas, but most of the ones I've seen are like that. Maybe I will explore more. :P


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This is a totally PREJUDICED impression, but it looked like there would be so much petty cat fighting in it that I didn't even care to start it, so is that true or not?


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There isn't any. That is why this is so nice.
the Ex's are not evil, just flawed in very specific ways.


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Overseas ratings don't count. This is normal. We don't really watch tVN we're on the internet so we don't contribute to the payroll's paycheck.


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you know I don't mind it being cut..but leaving 4 hours empty? why not move up the next one? I absolutely love this show though. I needed this after some tough dramas and it is so feel good compared to say Who Are You..which is killing me these days..or Let's Eat2 that really disappointed me..or even divorce lawyer(didn't like Chuckhee)..and what the heck is going on in Orange marmalade?

I like that exGFclub has no evil female second lead (i do find jiah annoying..but she isnt evil)..or even a second male lead(love the director..but thats not happening) I'm tired of these damn love triangles!!! and amnesia!(looking @you Orange Marmalade)


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Can't wait for Ghostess!!!
I love lee yoon ji in this one but Song Ji Hyo has no hope in acting. She has the look and charm bur acting skill? nope

The drama is sometimes funny but it's so slow and dull with the pace moving like a snail.


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Since she has been making her coffee in this industry for a long time now, it's a little presumptuous of you to call her untalented. Considering her earlier projects, I don't think she needs to prove to anyone whether she deserves to be called a skillfull female actor or not.


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so sad.. I love the show, how could you TvN? it's the only drama I'm watching right now :(


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I love Ji hyo.. I would watch any movie or drama of her..

But, I need to admit, this drama is so slow.. The character development keep falling back.. For example, the scene where Ji soo, BYH need to sleep in 1 room.. I was expecting something good would happen.. But it end up with a funny scene where all 4 exes in a room.. No development btw Ji soo and Myeong Soo..

In ep 7 where Myeong Soo draw Ji soo's picture took almost 10 minutes.. To be honest, that's waste a lot of time. Not to mention every episode they spend 2-5 minutes in the beginning to repeat previous episode.

This is rom-com drama.. But the quality is far below Emergency Couple.. U don't need 7 minutes hair pulling scene to make people laugh..

Ji hyo, Hwaiting.. Eventhough the drama is not good, I will still watching it because of u


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I get where you're coming from with some of the scenes, especially the drawing scene, because while it was cute it didn't require 10 minutes. However, I do think the pace is realistic and they portray their uncertainties in stepping forward clearly. Maybe that's why it feels slow but I think it's realistic.


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Not happy at all.


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Oh man, this is my most anticipated show to watch every week. This could have been perfectly fine as a 12 episode drama IF they had planned for it that way. It is not a very strong show (prone to cliches and contrived setups that do not add very much to the plot, and narratively it could be meatier), but I like how they explore the main couple's relationship. As others have said, the feelings, challenges, and approaches are relatable and have a good progression so far. It's ironic that this comes after the comment that Myeong Soo's editor gives for his next series - "who wants to follow a normal relationship?"

Thinking about it, it's been a while since I've had a light, fun, zany rom com on my drama plate.


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*unlurks to join the ExGFC love fest*

This is the first show in a loooong while that reminded me why I love watching kdramas even after all these years.

The friends-turned-lovers trope is not a novel thing (even the show admits it---when the lady asked "isn't it too common?" after he shared the plot of his next webtoon).

But for some unknown reason, the show manages to hit the right buttons for me. The chemistry of all the actors leaves me giddy and rooting for their respective happily ever afters.

This news stabbed my TvN-loving heart. Why, Dramaland? Why?


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my friday have been super special because of this series......tvN....pffftttttt


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Count me in as the people who is sad that this drama does not get the attention it deserved. This drama is so relatable and full off hearts. This may not be the best in terms of quality or techniques but it tugs your heart and gives butterflies on your stomach... things what I love from kdrama.

The first few episodes were a bit slow but it starting to pick up... I am actually hoping we will explore more about the exes and why it didn't work out between them. Song Ji Hyo and Byun Yo han are awesome, I hope they will stay strong because of this... they need to know that there are people who love this drama and sad about this decision. Maybe because it lacks of popular names... eventhough I think everyone does a good job. I love all the EXs.


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Exactly, agree with you! As a foreigner, I love the show sooo much.. and I think that Song Ji Hyo has improved a lot in her acting skill..
So sad, this drama has actually taken a lot of my time, the first drama that i hardly wait due to timing difference of my country.. each episode i watch for 3 times:
1st - for the raw episode,
2nd - several hours after the english sub has been generated but in a low definition (360p) website
3rd - the next day after the whole episode has been uploaded in a hd website

I'm so addicted.. but now, i'm so saddd.. :-(
Too bad and I am bit surprised that SJH is unpopular at her own country.. SJH, fighting!


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why is it not doing well? well it's bc international fans mean nothing. everyone here watches an eng subbed version (as do i) that does NOTHING to help the rating. obv tvn is only worried about the korean viewers bc they're the one that affects ratings


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Couldn't this news somehow turn out for the better? I know im being very optimistic but let's suppose that this bad news smh gets ppl to atleast give the show a chance. I mean if enough ppl are upset they'll make some noise abt it. Then other ppl might just check it out. Idk im looking for hope heh.


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I love this drama but I certainly agree about cutting the episodes to maintain a high quality. Past two episodes draggest the angst unnecessarily which made me scratch my skull in frustration. I am glad we will only see the cute side from now on. I also feel like thet added that love tension to fill the episodes, just so glad that all is gone


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yes I agree its like cotton candy but it is an enjoyable watch. the acting is all fine but i agree with those that mentioned that there was no chemistry between the leads and I think that's oneof the problem besides the storyline being uninterinteresting in EP 2 n 3. Am sad that it got chop. going up against producer is no help.tvn is ruthless, they really are.


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