Who Are You–School 2015: Episode 3

I really love Kim So-hyun in this. I’m already a fan of the School franchise for its super earnest stories about friendship and teen angst, but she grounds everything with an emotional center that completely sucks me in. What a great project for her to spread her wings in.

To say that Eun-bi’s had a rough couple of weeks would be an understatement, but her life’s about to take another unexpected turn. Oh, and just as a reminder: At this point in the story, everyone, including Eun-bi herself, thinks that she’s Eun-byul. We’re sticking to original names since otherwise it’s even more confusing than twins switching lives without knowing it, but thankfully Kim So-hyun plays the two characters so differently that in the moment it’s not hard to keep track of at all.


Baechigi – “바람에 날려” (Throw it to the Wind) for the School 2015 OST [ Download ]

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In a flashback to one week after Eun-byul has gone missing, her best friend Song-joo walks into class and finds a memorial flower wrapped nicely and sitting on Eun-byul’s empty desk. She whips around and demands to know who put it there, but the class is unresponsive.

They don’t seem to care much about Eun-byul’s disappearance (or the prank implying that she died, for that matter), and some of her classmates suggest that the point might’ve been to rile Song-joo up. She smashes the flower underfoot and tells them they’ve gone too far.

In another to-camera interview, the bullied girl in their class, Seo Yeong-eun, says that nowadays there aren’t gangsters and bullies in school—students are simply indifferent towards each other. When asked about Eun-byul, she shifts her gaze downward and says that they were friends once but they’re not close, and then she trails off and says she’d rather not talk about her.

And then we return to the scene that closed out the last episode, with Yeong-eun accusing Eun-bi of stealing her mother’s necklace. Eun-bi is more shocked than anyone when said necklace is found in her locker, and when the teachers demand her presence in the office, Yi-an suddenly wrist-grabs her out of there.

Eun-bi yanks free when they’re outside and asks what he’s doing. He doesn’t really have a plan or a reason for dragging her out here, but he sighs in exasperation that he was just frustrated seeing her so scared and meek, so unlike her.

Eun-bi yells back in frustration that she doesn’t know what’s like her and what isn’t, and Yi-an adopts a more reassuring approach. He puts his hands on her shoulders and says that people might tell her all sort of conflicting things, “But the only person you need to trust is you, Go Eun-byul.”

He adds that she’s often rude and insufferable, but she’d never do something so petty like steal someone else’s stuff. Eun-bi’s eyes widen at that, desperate to cling to his assessment: “Really? Can I trust you?” He nods.

Teacher Kim gets Yeong-eun’s side of the story: Eun-byul demanded money, so Yeong-eun stole her mother’s necklace, only to have it stolen from her own locker. She isn’t interested making a fuss now that the necklace has been returned, and Teacher Kim says that they can’t really take the next step with her amnesia and all.

Yeong-eun asks if it’s because he can’t imagine the star pupil being a bully, but he insists it isn’t that. He lets Eun-bi off the hook for now, since she can’t exactly do any explaining in her condition. Song-joo wonders why it blew over so quickly, suddenly remembering that flower from last week.

The girls see Yeong-eun walk by with her mother, who stomps into the school and demands a formal hearing into the theft. Yeong-eun asks if she wants to advertise to the world that she’s the pathetic loser outcast at school, and asks what’s with her sudden good mother cosplay.

When the dean of students yells at Yeong-eun not to speak to her mother that way, Mom in turn yells at the dean and tells him to apologize to her daughter. Ugh. Thankfully Yeong-eun just storms out, leaving both teachers at a loss for how to deal with her.

Yeong-eun ignores Eun-bi’s calls asking to talk, and later that night Teacher Kim shares a drink with the dean (I have a really hard time not thinking of Pinocchio when these guys are together).

Teacher Kim is the realist and tells him to sometimes just let things go because teachers have to make a living, while the dean wants to make a difference and sighs that his hands are tied when teachers have no say.

When Teacher Ahn walks into the pojangmacha to order her usual, she’s horrified to see her crush Teacher Kim sitting there, and refuses to join them for a drink. She leaves so abruptly and awkwardly that the dean ponders it for a moment and comes up with: “Do you think she likes me?”

Yeong-eun is torn when Eun-bi keeps trying to contact her, and she remembers Eun-byul coming over to introduce herself at the beginning of the school year. They were friendly then, but Yeong-eun ignores the call now.

Eun-bi heads to Mom’s store to pick her up, and runs into a woman who recognizes her. She says that she’s Soo-in’s mom, our Mystery Girl who was texting Eun-byul before she went missing. Mom visibly stiffens when she sees Soo-in’s mom, and when Eun-bi asks about Soo-in, Mom says a little too quickly that they were briefly friends in grade school and nothing more.

In the morning, Yi-an takes his usual jogging route past Eun-bi’s house, and she arrives after her bike ride just in time to see him jog past and then jog backward to linger some more. How cute.

She tries to go in but he yanks her by the hoodie and insists that she needs another lap, so they take a walk by the river. She thanks him for the stuff he said to her the other day, though she admits that the more she thought about it, it pissed her off that he called her rude and insufferable.

He notices that the wound on her neck healed quickly and didn’t even leave a scar, and Eun-bi says that she doesn’t remember having a cut on her neck. Yi-an brushes it off thinking it must not have been that deep, but it seems to niggle at him.

Yeong-eun’s mother gets the school hearing that she wants, and because Eun-bi has no memory of the events, Teacher Kim is tasked with questioning the students to get the full story. Eun-bi overhears a group of girls gossiping about her in the bathroom, wondering if she really stole the necklace and if she’s faking her amnesia too.

She comes out of the stall more confused than ever about what kind of girl she was before her accident, and asks into the mirror: “Go Eun-byul, just what kind of person are you?” Eun-byul smirks back at her from inside the mirror.

She goes out to the roof to brood, where she runs into troublemaker Tae-gwang playing with a remote-control car. She sighs that she’d like to swing down on a rope like he did at the hospital, and he asks teasingly if she’s going to do it in that skirt. Boys.

She asks if they were friends, and he says no, then lies that she used to like him and follow him around all the time. He sees his father arriving down below and confesses that he’s the school board director’s troubled son, and Eun-bi assumes that they’re all lies and that he’s making fun of her.

As she walks away, he calls out to her that he broke her locker door back in the day, but she cursed at him and he took it, and that was the one and only time they spoke to each other. When she rolls her eyes and spins around without acknowledging him, he shouts that that’s exactly what their interactions were always like—her ignoring him.

One by one, the students involved in the noraebang incident get questioned about their relationship to Yeong-eun, and they all swear that they don’t bully her into paying—she just always offers to take them out and often buys them gifts. Song-joo insists that Eun-byul wouldn’t be involved with the necklace, because she never once accepted any of Yeong-eun’s presents.

Class bully Doo-shik stomps up to the rooftop to threaten Tae-gwang some more. It’s amusing that he says they should stay out of each other’s way, when he’s the one who came up here. He stomps on Tae-gwang’s toy car for good measure, and that’s the thing that really pains him.

The Mommy Mafia meets for coffee, where their leader announces that Eun-bi did score the highest on the midterms, but she’s also about to be involved in a disciplinary hearing, so she’s making an exception.

Shi-jin’s mother lights up to hear that her daughter might have a chance to join their coveted study group, though the leader makes sure to add as a warning that Shi-jin was spotted at the police station the other night. Mom gets snubbed once again when she joins them, and doesn’t understand the barb about giving Eun-bi more of her attention during this difficult time.

The popular girls convene in the hallway, and Shi-jin lets it slip that they did use Yeong-eun like a free ATM, which confirms Eun-bi’s suspicions that something wasn’t right about the scenario.

She feels bad when she notices that Yeong-eun overheard them, and spends all of lunch feeling bad. To make matters worse, two other girls start gossiping about her at the next table over, and Song-joo flips their trays and warns them to keep their mouths shut.

The moment triggers a flash of memory, and Eun-bi suddenly remembers being the victim in a very similar scenario. It shakes her up, but she doesn’t know what to make of it.

At home, Eun-bi and Mom make cucumber face masks and Mom notes that it’s been a really long time since they laughed with each other like this. She heard about the necklace incident and Eun-bi confesses that she didn’t want to disappoint Mom, just in case she’s guilty and can’t remember. Mom has faith in her though, and tells her to face things head-on.

Yeong-eun dreads going to school in the morning, and meanwhile Song-joo overhears another girl saying that Yeong-eun was the one who put the memorial flower on Eun-byul’s desk.

The teachers discuss how to proceed with the hearing, since in Yeong-eun’s case, no one demanded outright that she pay for things, but she voluntarily did so knowing that it would solve her bullying issues. It’s a difficult situation to prove, but they proceed with the hearing for Eun-bi, and the announcement puts Yeong-eun on edge more than anyone.

Song-joo and the other popular girls (minus Eun-bi) corner her in the library to ask why she’s taking it this far when she’s the one who offers to pay for things when they go out.

Yeong-eun scoffs at their obvious refusal to admit the truth, and tells them that she knows what’s implied when they ask her to hang out—they’re not friends, and she knows her money is the only reason they ever ask her to go anywhere.

As tears stream down her face, she admits that she did it anyway because she was that desperate for friends, and that she worked so hard to be asked to join them at all. But now, she’s changed her mind and thinks they should be punished after all.

Yeong-eun doesn’t return to class until late that night when it’s dark, and Eun-bi catches her at the lockers. She tells Yeong-eun that the door to hers was broken long before, then asks if they didn’t switch lockers before the class trip.

Yeong-eun is shocked, thinking that Eun-bi has gotten her memories back, and Eun-bi opens up Yeong-eun’s locker to find her own books stashed inside.

Eun-bi asks if framing her was something she did in the moment because of the locker mix-up, or if she did it on purpose because she doesn’t like her. Yeong-eun admits that she doesn’t like her, and wanted to ruin her record and her pride, and let her know what it feels like to be embarrassed in front of others.

Eun-bi asks why, and all she answers is, “I thought you got your memories back.”

As she waits for the bus, Yeong-eun remembers Eun-byul stopping her at the movies once, where she insisted on paying for her own ticket. Eun-byul asks what it is that Yeong-eun is buying—movies, dinner, friends, or time?

Yeong-eun is embarrassed to have it laid out so baldly like that, when Eun-byul says that she’s buying the time to have other people by her side. But she refuses to sell even ten minutes of her time to Yeong-eun, and goes to rejoin her friends. Back in the present, Yeong-eun breaks down in tears.

Eun-bi hangs out by the pool with Yi-an and tells him that he was right about her being mean and cold, but worries about the disciplinary hearing since apologizing with no memory seems hollow and pointless.

He starts splashing her with water to make her feel better, and it breaks into an all-out water war with hoses. They laugh and play and fight, and it’s adorable.

She trips as she’s backing up though, and it sends her flying into the deep end of the pool. Sinking in the water triggers another wave of memories, but this time they’re sharp and clear: Eun-bi getting bullied day in and day out, her tears as she stood on that bridge before deciding to jump, and then… a second figure in the water diving in after her.

It WAS Eun-byul who saved her! Eun-bi’s eyes dart open in the present, as the memories flood back. Yi-an dives into the pool and carries her out, and she’s okay and breathing, but traumatized from the things she’s just discovered.

Yi-an has to chase her down to wrap a jacket around her as she leaves the school, and she looks up at him as giant tears roll down her face.

She comes home still in a daze and takes a look around the room like it’s foreign to her. How much does she remember? Some of it? All? She starts ransacking the room until she finds the notebook that was in her luggage, and flips through it until she finds the picture of the orphanage. There she is, as Eun-bi, smiling in the picture.

The truth—not only her identity but all of the pain of being bullied—hits her hard, and she sends one of the wooden block towers crashing down in shock. Ugh, it was terrible enough to live through it the first time; now she has to re-live all the things that drove her to suicide?

Mom comes in and is so used to getting the cold shoulder from Eun-byul that she doesn’t think much of Eun-bi’s silence. She apologizes for intruding and turns to go, but Eun-bi backhugs her, clinging desperately to Mom as she cries.

Eun-bi contemplates her nametag at school, and when she gets called to the office for her disciplinary hearing, she tells them that she got her memories back. At the same time, Yeong-eun tells Teacher Kim that she lied because she panicked, and they head to the hearing to tell the truth.

But when they open the door, Eun-bi is telling the teachers that she remembers everything, and she’s guilty. She admits to bullying Yeong-eun, and when asked what she said, Eun-bi gets a faraway look in her eyes: “The scariest words I know: I’m not going to be friends with you anymore.”

Yeong-eun is utterly floored to hear Eun-bi describing exactly how she feels. She says that there’s nothing worse than feeling like everyone hates you, and that it doesn’t take much: “Just one person. But why won’t anyone come be by my side?”

The hearing ends with compromise on both sides, and Yeong-eun is greeted out in the hall by Tae-gwang’s remote-control car, bandaged up from all the beatings it took and wearing a “follow me” sign.

She follows the car to her locker, and opens it up to find a card from Eun-bi inside. She writes that the only one who can take the thorns out of your heart is a friend, and asks if Yeong-eun will hold her hand. Inside is a pillow with their class picture on it.

Yeong-eun is overcome with emotion at the gesture, and from across the way, Eun-bi watches with Tae-gwang by her side. He’s upset that his toy car died, and she says it did a good deed on its way to the grave.

At home, Yeong-eun stops locking her door and gives Mom her credit card back. She says that she wants to transfer schools and have a clean start, and make friends the right way.

Eun-bi leaves the house for school, and curiously leaves her phone behind. On her desk is a diary, and a letter for Mom, “From Lee Eun-bi.” Oh no! Is she planning to leave?

Teacher Kim tells the class that Yeong-eun transferred schools by choice, and that she already said her goodbyes, which is news to them. He asks if any of them knew that Yeong-eun was a really talented artist, and then one by one the kids open their lockers to find hand-drawn portraits of each of them as a goodbye from Yeong-eun. Tae-gwang: “Does my face look messed up like this?”

We see her slaving away over the drawings the night before, and Eun-bi smiles to see that hers has a little note at the bottom, hoping that someday they can make up and become true friends. Yeong-eun’s mom asks if she wants to stop and say goodbye to her friends one last time, but Yeong-eun only takes a moment to look at the school wistfully before brightly asking to move forward.

Yi-an walks with Eun-bi after school and brags about breaking an unofficial record during training today. She congratulates him happily, and he says he still can’t get used to it—pre-amnesia Eun-byul would’ve told him that unofficial records don’t count in her book, and to come back when it’s the real deal.

He joshes her for finally listening to him about being less mean, but that brings Eun-bi’s mood down. She says she has someplace to be and wants to say goodbye here, and then admits quietly, “I was so frustrated that I tried so hard to get my memories back… I shouldn’t have…”

He wonders why, and she says with forced lightness in her tone that she thinks she’ll just miss the days when she couldn’t remember a thing. She holds out her hand in a very formal goodbye handshake, and he just laughs it off as silly as he shakes her hand. She turns to go and he waves goodbye with a big smile, completely unaware of the tears streaming down her face as she walks away for good.


Don’t go, Eun-bi! I really need her to stay at this school, not just because the plot dictates it, but because her real life was too horrifying to even think about returning to. And it’s also partly because I’m so fascinated by Eun-byul and the kind of person she was that I want Eun-bi to stick around and peel back more of her twin’s past. Eun-byul is such an interesting enigma, all pride and porcupine needles, brutally honest to the point of being mean, but sharp as a tack and well-intentioned, if abrasive. The more we find out about her, the more I want to know, and I enjoy that it’s not just what happened to her that’s the mystery at the center of the story, but also who she was.

I can’t believe Eun-bi recovered her memories so quickly, since I expected her to spend half the drama in the dark about her own past. We’re going at a refreshingly brisk pace, though I wouldn’t mind slowing it down a little. It was nice for Eun-bi to have a moment of solace with a mom and classmates who aren’t making her life a living hell, though I have to concede that it’s far more dramatically intense to make Eun-bi aware that she isn’t Eun-byul. I don’t know that I want her to actively choose to live someone else’s life, since I want her to eventually overcome her horrible experiences as Eun-bi. But for a girl who just recently attempted suicide, an escape into Eun-byul’s life might be just the thing to heal her.

I already love her cute friendship with Yi-an and her budding bickering one with Tae-gwang—one’s all sweetness and boy-next-door comfort, while the other is intriguing and broody and misunderstood. I’m already conflicted about Yi-an because I find Eun-bi’s connection with him to be genuine, but he has no idea that she isn’t Eun-byul, and he’s clearly had a crush on her forever and a day.

I was hoping we’d find out that Eun-byul was responsible for saving Eun-bi—it’s fitting, given that Eun-byul got the fairytale life by chance and was probably feeling immensely guilty about being adopted. Eun-bi needed saving more than anyone, and even Yeong-eun’s pain in this episode paled next to the kind of daily torture Eun-bi endured. I know it’s probably too coincidental that Eun-byul happened by just in time to save Eun-bi the day that she jumped off the bridge, but the fact that her sister was the one person who stuck her hand out to literally save her when she hit rock bottom is the perfect point of connection between them.

I need for Eun-bi to heal and have a nice normal life with real friends so badly it hurts. The raw emotion that came spilling out when she regained her memories was so heartbreaking, like she wished more than anything that her life was nothing more than a terrible nightmare. That’s the emotional center that really keeps me engaged no matter what the Teen Problem of the Week is, because Eun-bi’s pain runs deeper than they’ll ever know. But we saw with Yeong-eun that so much of what lets the awful cycle of bullying continue is fear and self-loathing, and spending time as Eun-byul gives Eun-bi the one thing she never had at her old school—people to unequivocally take her side no matter what. Here she feels loved and valued, and it might take a while for Eun-bi to catch up and think that she’s worthwhile, but I have a feeling that the people around her won’t give up on her so easily this time.


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Kim So Hyun is sinply flawless, and that's all I have to say.


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i'm way beyond schooling years but boy do i wish to be Eun Byul back in the days. top marks, diligent, pretty, mean but honest, well-to-do family, with a cute guy totally bowled over by her. that's too perfect


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I agree...she's especially gorgeous in this drama, and I love the new feel of her acting here versus her previous roles. With kim yoo jung and yeo jin goo, everyone's getting so talented and hot! xD


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i have to say that i enjoy watching KSH in this more than KYJ in Angry Mom. i like both young actresses but KSH gave me a new feel. i watched some of her dramas and she deserves this lead title. from antagonist to protagonist.. i hope she'll play antagonist in other drama :)

i enjoy watching the friendship.. i hate bullying but it happens in real life.. :(


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KSH is fab! I think no matter where they go or doing, KSH and KYJ will be always compared bit and there, even if their project is totally different genre whatsoever, which I hope could be stopped in several years later, but for now, the 3 musketeers will be always in one loop of telescope.

But for now, I enjoy watching KSH deliver such an angsty in such a young age.

little note to add : I do secretly hope she can change hairstyle and get rid of the bangs, not is bad, just curious hows she gonna look without it :*


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Lol, I was thinking the same thing about her hairstyle. While she looks so cute with it as it is, I can imagine how it'll visually transform her along with all the characters she'll take on in her very bright future. She's so young, yet so talented and capable of carrying a drama all by herself! While watching this episode, I was thinking that it felt like a real high school drama because they casted her (16 years old). Well done!


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She said, the bangs itself hide her wide forehead. I think she doesn't like her forehead. We need need her new hairstyles! This one make me remember about her I Missed You days. KYJ did a lot of ne hairstyles...

GF, I always forget to say I love your recaps, thank you


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Both actresses are extremely talented to a point the veteran actors pale in comparison. I wouldn't dare to compare them too much. KSH in this drama has more screentime than KYJ in Angry Mom. But she (KYJ) delivers in each and every scene she gets - even KHS (Kim Hee Sun) can't win against her imho.

Meanwhile KSH actually IS the female lead in this drama - so of course we enjoy her performance a bit more.

I'm looking forward to see these two grow up and earning their roles in dramas and movies. And also with Yeo Jin Goo as a potential male lead next to them. :)


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I dig the connection this episode made between Eun-bi's past life and the current situation with Yong-eun. I also was not expecting for Eun-bi to remember already, but I'm intrigued about the upcoming events especially when Mom learns that it's not Eun-byul she's with right now but Eun-bi.

"I’m already conflicted about Yi-an because I find Eun-bi’s connection with him to be genuine, but he has no idea that she isn’t Eun-byul, and he’s clearly had a crush on her forever and a day." --> This one's also my concern from day one. If it was in Tae-gwang's case, there wouldn't be much of a problem since I think, they're already starting to get to know now (they weren't close or even talking before, right?). But in Yi-an's case, she's liked Eun-byul since forever, and I'm worried how he'll take it when he learns this one's a different person.

I can't see where this show is going, but I am definitely subscribing to it especially when Kim So-hyun is doing such a great job. Also, I think the other casts seem like they have stories to tell in the future, and I am positive they'd do great. Ah, teen angst and teen romance, such a guilty pleasure at times.

P. S.

I also can't stop thinking Pinocchio when I see both the teachers hehe.


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I don't think he'll be affected too much, since he loved Eun Byul with her rude attitude and all.


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i'm wondering if fake Eun Byul left her phone at home for a reason...so that the real Eun Byul can carry on using it when she takes over?
or maybe the upcoming plot in episode 4 requires her to be phone-less to work


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Maybe it's a new phone.


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I tried this out because there's literally nothing interesting on Mon-tues anymore and I'm so surprised to have loved it as much as I did. Kim So-hyun is just fantastic here - it's a great opportunity for her to show the industry what she's capable of. I'm also very thankful Lee Yu-bi passed on this. As good as LYB is, I don't think she has the depth to be able to portray two characters so distinctly the way KSH can so effortlessly.

I think it might be too early to pick shipping sides but I'm leaning very much in Yi-an's favour. I think his crush for Eun-byul is cute, but there's a feeling of genuine care and understanding between him and Eun-bi. I know he thinks she's his best friend, but I want him to really fall for the person he sees her as now instead of who she was in the past.


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I think you might be right about it being too early to start shipping, but I can't help it..however at the moment I feel like Yi-an and Eun-bi won't/shouldn't work yet because she is not Eun-byul, who he has been in love with since they were kids.. If they were to work out I hope he has time to mourn the loss of Eun-byul (If she is dead.) and even then it weirds me out a bit..however, I do think that Eun-bi and Yi-an have a cute friendship.

So at the moment I really like Tae-gwang and Eun-bi's relationship, and mostly because Tae-gwang and Eun-byul didn't seem to have much of a relationship to start with, so Eun-bi's interactions with him seem more relaxed and like herself (but also because he is so misunderstood and I think she will be able to get through to him:) Basically their relationship seems new and "safe", while the other with Yi-an started off with a misunderstanding, and Eun-bi can't just take Eun-byul's place in his heart...that wouldn't be fair to Eun-byul.

*First time commenting and I leave a really long one..oh well! lol Loving this drama so far and excited to see where the writers take the story.*


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I agree that Yi An/Eunbi wouldn't work. In the end he only has eyes for Eunbyul and it would honestly be weird if they go with Eunbi/Yi an pairing if Eunbyul is dead.

I have a feeling that Tae-Gwang didn't really like Eunbyul? or they seem to have some kind of history together given the past few episodes.


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I like what Tae-gwang has to offer in the drama. He's very different, a little bullied, and definitely isn't someone who's friends with most. But he's also shown to be a strong person inside despite his problems. Which is why he feels so much like a contrast Eun-bi. She was meek and never knew hiw to fight for herself and this relationship may help her grow stronger. In that note, I feel her friendship with Tae-gwang is important. But for a love interest, I don't really think it would be all that interesting.

I wouldn't say Yi-an is 'in love' with Eun-byul. They were children, and it's mostly a crush to me. Their friendship was sweet and definitely not one sided, but I'm more excited to see the kind of relationship Eun-bi and Yi-an develops. Friendship is what he already has with Eun-byul. So I'm rooting for love between him and Eun-bi. He offers her the support she never had, helps her find confidence in herself and makes her feel important. I can't help but root for them, but like we said, it's too early haha. Let's wait and see how it unfolds.


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but that wouldnt be fair to enbyul since enbyul has the same feeling towards Ian


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If Yi-an falls in love with Eun-bi and she the same, then they should end up together regardless of the crush Eun-byul and Yi-an had for each other. If Eun-bi and Yi-an are forced to give each other up for the sake of Eun-byul later on - that would be unfair.


I think I was too hasty in writing that Yi-an was 'in love' with Eun-byul..although I would say they loved each other and were on the cusp of turning that friendship into something more.. And now everything seems to be a mess..so I am going to try and just be happy with this budding friendship triangle. I really don't want to have too many expectations with it only being the 3rd ep..(although I watched ep 4 already so that may have affected my reasoning..lol)


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I'm definitely with you that they loved each other just that they weren't in love. If things didn't turn out this way, they'd certain have gone beyond friendship.

Lol, I too saw ep 4 already. I'm loving all sides of the triangle for now even if I have my preferences. I think that's a sign that the drama is doing well in developing everyone. I have my ship, but I feel like the narrative can sway me many times.


i think that this isn't the first time they switch. they probably switched before. that's why eunbyul told yi an in the first episode that she isn't the same eunbyul before, that she grew up different now.. in the preview they(she and mom) visited some place... kinda hinting that the "orginal" eunbyul is dead.. but i hope she isn't.. iwould want to see everyone's reaction when they see the twins together.. also the twins' interaction.


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I would find it interesting if the twins made a pact long ago that every 5 years or so they would switch places with each other. That is probably why Eun Byul's mood changed because it was time to give up her cushy life for the next few years.


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if they had made a pact why would eun-bi attempt suicide? she'd presumably be aware that she wouldn't have much longer in that life


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I have a bad feeling about Shi Jin. She's too nice, it's got to be an act. It makes me think she asked her mother to try to get Eun Byul exiled from the study group. Eun Bi's amnesia was surprisingly short. She better not be a noble idiot and leave. I hope Mom can accept her as a second daughter since they are twin sisters after all. I am loving both boys right now and am reveling in the fact that there are two girls in this drama, so potentially both will get a happy ending. I love how comfortable Eun Bi is with Yi An despite knowing him for all of two weeks. Unless everyone finds out tomorrow, I think he will be the first to realize she's a fake ever since he noticed her scar. I aww'ed when Tae Gwang drove his remote-control car for Eun Bi to reconcile with Young Eun. It's nice how she can confide in him. I wonder if this is the last we see of Young Eun because I'm not used to characters leaving in School. Even Young Woo came back in School 2013. I like Young Eun's character and feel it would be a shame if we never explored her transition from outcast to friend. Thanks for the recap, girlfriday !


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I think Shi Jin is the one that attacked Eunbyul in the bathroom in the 1st episode. Because if you look closely the silhouette of the person that attacked her had short hair. I thought that it could be Young Eun but since she left it and resolved her issues with Eunbyul it wouldn't be her.


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I totally agree with you. I've always thought she was the attacker.


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I don't want to jump to conclusions but it has to be her right? she's the only one with that hairstyle in the class. I think that she has an inferiority complex because she's described as an average girl from the beginning. Eunbyul on the other hand is beautiful, top student, and popular.


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@ano i had the same thoughts. Well I did check her hair style and shoes, and it appeared close enough. But i still don't want to think that it was her.


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Kim Sohyun fangirl


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I'm really hooked to this drama and KSH is doing a great job. I can feel the pain Eun Bi lived before and i'm more intrigued about what happened to Eun Byul.
This drama also makes me.wonder how could bullying turned into such an awful activity, i can't deny there was bullying in my school but now is living hell!!!


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This drama is so great. It has captivated me with both twins. I want too see Eun Byul's past. I want to see Eun Bi grow into her own person and not hide in her sisters life. I think that having her gain her memories back has given her the chance to really become her own person.

Also I am in love with Yi Ahn, he is so adorable.

Thanks for the recap!


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I'm loving this drama but I wish that they just kept the title as who are you and not add school 2015 so that it's not compared to the previous school series.esp. given that the whole feel for this drama is very different from the previous series. I have a feeling the scriptwriters didn't event write this drama as a part of the school series but KBS and FNC decided to add that title.

Anyways, KSH is doing a great job here and really enjoy the way she portrays her two characters- they have different lives but in terms of personality they don't seem drastically different (well so far) so it's good that KSH can act out the subtle differences. I really like the part where Eunbi was looking at Eunbyul through the mirror. They seemed like two different people! I just hope that the drama continues to surprise us with an unpredictable turn of events.


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Okay, now let me put it in place!
So, Eun-byul isn't REALLY a bully! she's just a person who's TOO honest and that comes out as being mean. Right? I got a bit confused so please inform me whether it's right or not.
And Yeoung-eun is a person who tried to buy friends using money. Seriously, she should take lessons from Geum Jan-di (BBF, anyone?)! I still remember the thrashing she gave to Gu Jun-pyo for trying to buy love using money after dressing her up in all those precious jewels and expensive dress and giving her a complete make-over!


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Yes you're right. And that's the reason why I love Eun Byul :)


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Im on the same boat


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There's something i would like to ask... You know, the scene, with Lee Pil Mo and the dean of students (played by Shin Jung-geun), cause i kept thinking but to no avail. Were they in same scene before in Pinocchio?


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I mean, did they have a scene together in Pinocchio?


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They never did, as long as I can recall.


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I have a doubt. When a person's memories come back (well, in dramas of course), do they also remember the new memories or it's just the old person all over again with ni clue what happened since amnesia hit..so confusing.


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Traditionally, K-drama retrograde amnesia:
- you lose your episodic memory of a certain time span prior to the amnesia-triggering event (sometimes that time span is your whole life)
- your memories will come back pretty soon (unless the character is off-screen for a while), usually in chunks, sometimes all-at-once in one big event
- most of the time, the amnesia will NOT interfere with your new memories, the ones you gained since the original amnesia event, HOWEVER: if your original memories come back in one big event, usually mirroring the amnesia event, depending on the plot situation, you may suffer from an additional retrograde amnesia that deletes precisely all memories gained since the amnesia event


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I was right about the whole Yeoung-eun thing, almost exactly right in fact, yay me.

I'm probably just being stubborn but, despite mounting evidence otherwise, I still refuse to be sure Eun-bi and Eun-byul are two different people. My solution to counter the evidence and say they're one person, schizophrenia.

How can Kim So-hyun be such a master of her craft already? If I were certain actresses, she'd scare me because I'd be positive I'd be out of a job in 3 or 4 years.

I think is Eun-bi and Eun-byul are separate then Eun-byul is still alive as I think there are questions that can't be answered if she's dead.


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Yes but your theory does not explain the coffee shop scene where both twins are present in real time and Eun Byul is attempting to call Eun Bi.

This makes me think that Eun Byul has not met Eun Bi prior to that call because Eun Bi would have her own twin sister's number saved in her phone and would be more likely to pick up the call.

My guess is Soo Jin committed suicide and the whole series is going Pretty Little Liars route where Soo Jin (or someone close to her) believes Eun Byul was connected to her suicide and therefore blackmailing her. This causes Eun Byul to run away and seek out Eun Bi for help and in that process she finds her sister attempting to commit suicide - pulls her out of the water and switched places with her.


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ooh that sounds cool. Soo Jin definitely has something to do with that scar on Eun Byul's neck. But I think Soo Jin's still alive.


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The scene where Yeong-eun opened the drawer to find the card written by Eun-bi moved me to tears.

"Only a friend's hand can pull out a thorn that's deep inside a heart."

Beautiful, beautiful quote.


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I'm very confused about the preview for episode 4. Like, it shows the mom with Eunbi and they're like in the funeral place where there's a photo of Eunbyul. And then, the mom ask Eunbi if she is really her daughter, Eunbyul. Omg, I feel so bad. I highly doubt that Eunbyul is actually dead. Like in the preview also, there's this girl name Shin Ji Soo (something like that) that texted her. I think Eunbyul did something terrible to Ji Soo or something like that.


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the urn had eunbi's name as well as the date of death which was 28/4/2015 (episode 2's air date)


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Please don't discuss previews in the recaps-- it's against Dramabeans' commenting policy. No spoilers, please!


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Oops okay! I'm new here haha will not discuss it further!


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I'm really digging this drama! With the 'mystery' trend lately, this is the one that I'm really invested in.


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So where is the real Eun byul? She's not dead, in hiding, why? Has she traded places? Were would she go? Did she die? How? I don't think so. Ireally hope the explanation isn't to corny.


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Episode 3 and I am already stressed about the possible angst between the Eun Bi/Yi An/Eun Byul love triangle situation. It's early but I already am leaning towards the Eun Bi/Yi An pairing. I am guessing that the childhood memory he had before was actually Eun Bi and I just feel like with everything that Eun Bi has gone through Yi An is just what she needs. Just don't want to deal with her falling for him but feeling guilty because he likes Eun Byul not her and then having to reject him or some nonsense like that. This drama is moving so quickly though so I wouldn't be surprised if he finds out soon that she is not actually Eun Byul...especially since it seems like he was one of the people who knew her best - I think he will pick up on things quickly. I hope so at least...


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Hmm. Who the hell is jong in? (Whatever his name is) He's bugging the hell out of me! Ugh. The thing about this drama is it frustrates but then again, i'm still watching it! I would totally ship eun bi with yi an if the former was the one who talked to the latter. (Because the little girl yi an talked to nefore was really nice. I mean eun byul is a nice girl but she's really sharp with words. But then again if the little girl was eun bi. She should have remembered it by now but she didn't and the previews episodes were just all about her hardships) and the pairing is bugging me really bad since yi an doesn't know a single thing about eun bi being eun byul. And i know eun byul has feelings for yi an but what was stopping her? Was it because of the jong in guy? Ugh!! Seriously this drama is killing my brain cells. If eun byul shows i hope the eun bi-eun byul-yi an-tae gwang would be perfectly resolved


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I was going through some pre-published pictures and fan-based videos that compiled them and one of those pictures as when Eun-Byul's best friend Song-Joo was yelling about that flower. The other picture (still haven't been broadcated), one of the twins is speaking to the head-bully in Eun-Bi's past school. They're wearing blue jackets instead of the red ones with the uniforms. The twin that's speaking to the bully is confident. It got me thinking about Eun-Byul's fate.. Will she take over her sister's life or will the bully retransfer to seoul and meet Eun-Bi while being Eun-Byul. Or is this a flashback ? Maybe the bully used to be in Eun-Byul's school and hated her so she took out on Eun-Bi. Oh God I should be studying !! I cant help but think about this.. The show is so well written that it has us making theories from episode one..


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Kim So-hyun is rocking this!!! I already feel so invested in Eun-bi's journey AND equally fascinated by all the mystery surrounding Eun-byul.

I came to this drama a little uncertain of what to expect from the twins/mystery part and so I'm surprised by just how satisfied I am with the setup. It really works and offers a really engrossing dynamic between all the characters and her. Not to mention, a really compelling inner struggle, as well.

I was both really happy and a litttttle hesitant when the drama already had Eun-bi come to terms with who she is, because while I really like the refreshing pace, I also maybe wanted her to become a little bit more 'used' to the idea of being Eun-byul first. Still, I'm happy because I expected her to not realize her identity for a really long time, so this just completely changes my expectations for how the drama will unfold from here on out and I LOVE that.

Really, the whole show is proving to be really promising so far. I'm surprised by how fast things are happening without losing out on an emotional thorough-line, like the handling of Young-eun's story this episode.

Also, I have to hand it to Yook Sung-jae. I'm really loving him here. I rarely get second-lead syndrome (like, literally, never!), but I have a feeling I'm stuck with it this time around. I am liking Nam Joo-hyuk a lot too, just not to quite the same degree as Sung-jae so far, but this has a lot to do with me being really taken with Tae-gwang the character so far. Still really like Yi-an. And really, I'm just looking forward to the friendships!

Can't wait for more! Thanks for the recap, GF.


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Look up Big Byung Stress, turn on the CC, and enjoy. Yook Sungjae in that video is one of the reasons I'm watching this drama now.


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i really don't want En Byul's two friends to turn on her or have a disagreement but I feel like there's something brewing. they seem like awesome friends, but they seem TOO perfect.


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im scared Yong Eun might kill herself. she's been dealing with a lot of shit and she doesn't have any friends defending her. she might seem a little annoying just bc she might be lying, but i still feel bad. she's still human and there's only so much a human can take. i hope 'eun byul' gets a chance to talk to her


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I doubt Young Eun would do that because the end showed her coming to terms with her peers (she's no longer bitter, and thus the personal drawings for each classmate). She was also nicer to her mom, which shows a big improvement on her part to open up in their relationship.


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What bothered me in this episode was Young Eun blaming Eun Byul for friend troubles, when in the flashbacks we see Eun Byul actually having tried to befriend her. She refused to let Young Eun pay for her and didn't accept gifts from her which I think shows respect, not meanness.
The way I see it, Young Eun got herself into her own mess. She offered to pay, gave gifts, stole, etc. But then she blamed it on the other girls, saying she wanted to feel accepted. Well, that's fine but they didn't force you to do it. They didin't bully her in the true sense of the word, the way Eun Bi was bullied at her school. - So to me, for Young Eun to cry about that, then to say she hopes the girls would all get punished was not owning up to her own responsibilities. Sorry you felt "left out" but everyone does at one point or another. But don't blame others and call it "bullying" when you were part of your own problem.

I have seen true bullying with kids and this just seemed like someone feeling sorry for herself, then creating lies to get revenge on what she perceived as "injustice". Just my 2 cents.


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Kind of agree with you. Young Eun was expoited because she had money, but nobody was really harsh on her or harmed her physically.

Maybe in her head, she felt like bullied, because she had no friends and was like an outcast.


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My best friend is a Korean studying abroad at our school and according to her, the bullying in dramas is nothing compared to what the kids experience in middle school alone. So for Young Eun to react the way she did to bullying that she imagined in her head, its a bit ridiculous. However, its not too unbelievable. I'm a HS senior and let me tell you, we're all a little ridiculous.


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So is it just me or does the actress who plays Yeong-eun look like the asian version of Leighton Meester?? lol


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There's something about this show that makes me feel so sad. It's not exactly the plot - I can tell when the writers want me to feel sad. But it's something else...the feeling? I don't what it is but the combination of filming + music + acting...I feel my heart slowly breaking...

I like the feeling because I thought the show might not be able to pull it off given the premise. In a way, it's so hopeless and filled with sadness that even when something happy is happening, there's a tinge of grey all over the place. For example, it's a happier moment when Young-eun is getting a fresh start but it was also so fitting with the vibe that she chose not to stop at the school. Good decisions.

Also, I'm really curious what Eun-byul is like. She has such an interesting character.



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Tae gwang looks like seo in gook( younger version) very handsome!! Like go bok dong in angry mom
Btw: I really like tae gwang's acting, he's talented like go bok dong! I really love the newbies; hope they get more opportunity and big roles in the future!

Ps. Scared to watch school ep 5 after seing ep 4. Hay


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Like someone said in this section of comments, this drama really gets you guessing from the first ep! My thoughts was "did mom abandon eunbi because they aren't financially stable and had to take care of eunbyul who is the weaker twin *she said that eunbyul is weak or something when she sent her off for the trip* so that it brings her to abandon eunbi?" then it was said that eunbyul was adopted. After this ep, showing that eunbyul saved eunbi, other got me thinking what happened to eunbyul after that. The previews and ep 4 doesn't looks good for eunbyul, I hope that she's out there somewhere who would just appear in the later episodes.


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Eunbi has to wake up from her fairytale already...so fast?? Anyway, I think Yi-an should've noticed that sth was strange because swimming is an ability that you'll never forget...right? And Eunbi drowned in the pool while the actual Eunbyul knows how to swim.
So far really liking this drama!


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Does this drama remind anyone of the American teen drama called "The Lying Game" (if anyone has seen it)? There's a lot of differences but when I was watching the first eps, it reminded me of TLG. Maybe Eunbyul set everything up to look for their biological mother. And maybe she'll come to take back her place once she sees that all her friends like Eunbi more. Just a thought.


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Whoa! You're right. The plot line is kind of similar.


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Omg YES. I've been seeing the similarities since like episode one!!! It's great since I loved TLG, a shame they cancelled it and never fully explained everything!


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I am really curious about Eun byul as well. I am not sure but I think I like her more than Eunbi. I wish they would just show her being somewhere in the show. It would be more fun to see the two characters simultaneously.
And... somebody please tell me. Yi an is paired opposite Eun byul, right? Or is it Eunbi?


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Talking about Yi An and Tae Kwang role it seems that Yi An character fit the most SLC and Tae Kwang fit MLC. and if they are going for romance then i think Tae Kwang/Eun Bi pairing is more easier to accept.

and i think ending of episode 3 kinda symbol of what their ending relationship in the future too. and ofcourse who Yi An likes so far is Eun Byeol for her goods and bad.
It will hurt so much when the revelation is open to him later. feel bad for Yi An. but I anticipated the journey of Eun Bi and curious more about Eun Byeol.

the story is interesting and twins character also not cliche. so far i like it.


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Thanks for the recap. Wasn't shocked at all by Eunbyul being the savior. Show is moving really fast, though. It doesn't bode well for the future since dramas tend to forget what they're doing when everything is being revealed so quickly and wacky stuff starts to happen just to fill space (Angry Mom, cough). You know another drama that just tried to fill space, Nail Shop Paris *shudders*. Off-topic, I know but that show just.... *another shudder for good measure* I dont know if I loved it or hated it.

Excited for the recap on the next episode so I can share my thoughts on that one too. :-)


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Next episode recap, recap!
(Waiting eagerly.)


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Hey, Do you know one of the OST ? It's not "Reset" and it's not "Throw it to the Wind"?? Somewhere in the end where
(Eun-bi is telling the teachers that she remembers everything, and she’s guilty) . I searched and searched but found Nothing : (


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Are you still gonna continue updating ? Or leave this unfinished halfway


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I really love your recaps! I hope you'll continue recapping this drama. Though it was kind of expected that Eun Byul would be the savior, I'm interested to see how this will turn out. [SPOILER DELETED]


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I cannot imagine the pain the main character must feel though. She went through all that bullying phase and it got to the point that she wanted to commit suicide, then made up the mind to, only to lose her memories and wake up as a loved child, then to witness someone else being bullied and have all the previous memories come back, then understanding that she's not actually herself. *shudders*


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I wanted eun bi to enjoy her happy days longer before waking up! It's so sad that it was short-lived and she has to live through these memories again.


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I beg off you, wheres ep 4 recap? pleaseee


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I KNOW RIGHT. Not pressuring the recapers, but it's almost a week...


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No more patience left in me
I think she won't be recapping anymore


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girlfriday! Please please please recap ep. 4!!!!!! It's been 5 daysssss PLEASE !!!!!


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I'm so emotional watching this drama bcoz the same things happen to me . i got transferred to another school where i found humanity and hope.....Say no To Bullies.


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Hope you're doing well! Glad you found happiness :)


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Am I the only one who finds Yi An's determination to cling to/control Eun Byul kind of creepy? I get the childhood friendship and all, but the fact is, he's acting like her boyfriend to others (trying to corner her or separate her from people) when he isn't. And he wasn't seen like that by the now dead Eun Byul, who clearly did not want his constant attention. There have been times he reminded me of a stalker, not a cute high schooler. My vote goes for The Puppy.


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I'm replying to your comment two years later, lol. Just wanted to say that I don't personally think Yi Ahn seems creepy at all. Eun Byul didn't necessarily dislike his attention, as seen when she was all smiles as she texted him after his competition. I think she pushed him away on the boat deck because she was too in the moment and she had been dealing with the stress from that mysterious text. And as for trying to corner/separate her, I don't see when he does that at all? Eun Bi always plays along when he talks to her, so it's not making her do anything she doesn't want to do. I don't know, we all have our own opinions, I just wanted to share mine. :)


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hi guys whats the song playing when Eun Byul confess


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Thank you for adding in the part about how Eun Bi left her phone, diary, and note at home. The server I was watching the episode on didn't translate that the note said "Lee Eun Bi" so I totally missed that, even though it's pretty important to the plot.


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