Countdown begins on The Time I’ve Loved You, 7000 Days

Now that casting is complete, production finally kicks off with a script read for SBS’s new weekend miniseries The Time I’ve Loved You, 7000 Days. The remake of the Taiwanese drama In Time With You stars Ha Ji-won (Empress Ki) and Lee Jin-wook (Three Musketeers) as best friends of twenty years in deep (deep, deep) denial about their feelings for one another.

The drama comes from writer Min Hyo-jung of Attic Cat and Full House, and PD Jo Soo-won of Pinocchio and I Hear Your Voice. A good chunk of the supporting cast is straight out of PD Jo’s stable of actors, whom you’ll recognize from Pinocchio: Yoon Kyun-sang as a third-generation chaebol Mr. Perfect to challenge the hero on the romantic front, Lee Joo-seung as Ha Ji-won’s little brother who loves Lee Jin-wook more than his own noona (heh), Shin Jung-geun, and Jin Kyung.

Rounding out the cast are Jang Hee-soo (Gap-dong) as the mother who abandoned Lee Jin-wook, Seo Joo-hee (King of Dramas) as Ha Ji-won’s mom, and Choi Dae-chul (Superdaddy Yeol) as the old high school homeroom teacher that the leads share.

Ha Ji-won’s character Jang Hana is described as consistently assertive and honest in all things (thank ye drama gods), and Lee Jin-wook’s character Choi Won is a sweet and gentle guy who excels at everything except romance, because of his best friend.

It’s a coming-of-age story about growing up in your thirties and discovering love in the person who was by your side for twenty years. That premise already has my heart aflutter; with this cast I’m hopeful that we’ll get some great moments of heartfelt laughter and depth. And smoochies. Let’s not forget the smoochies.

The Time I’ve Loved You, 7000 Days follows Divorce Lawyer in Love on Saturdays and Sundays beginning in mid-June.

Via SBS funE


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I am excited for this. And Ha Ji Won is one of my favorite actresses, she's also very beautiful.


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lol Ha Ji Won, why looks so sad? XD Not getting the hype of the drama after watching the original series since the female lead character is so annoying. I hope the writer will put something to make the female lead character more likable and more comedy in korean version. Anyway, good luck.


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Ha Ji Won does seem too serious right? Or maybe she's always so serious at scriptreading session? I hope this drama will turn out to be good. The casts are excellent, the PD-writer pair also good.
Can't wait to see this drama on air!!


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I feel cheated. Where is our hot ex? :(

Don't get me wrong, I like most of the cast here but with the liberties they seem to be taking, this is looking less like the original version


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I agree with you! I feel that this remake will be so different from the original version. I really had expected a stunning/hot/tall guy as the second lead but they ending up casting a rookie. I like yoon kyun sang I think he's a good actor... It's just that I'm not sure if he suits this role. (No offense but I can't see a 'chaebol' look in him, and it's not like the original one is a chaebol) I loved the original version and I really hope that this drama is up to my expectations....


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He looks young and boyish here, but I'm sure they'll transform him into a 'chaebol'.


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maybe that's why ha ji won look unhappy. the setup seems very different from the original. why do they bother doing an adaptation.


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True. I'm kind of on the ropes about this remake seeing how different it's turning out to be from the original. Hopefully that won't make it any less good. But at the same time, perhaps if they change it like this we won't end up comparing both so closely to each other since, you know, the original is almost always better than the remake. Sooo... hmm, we'll just have to wait and see. *fingers crossed*


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lol but Yoon Kyun-sang is hot and tall, doesnt he???


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I've been meaning to ask about that (hot ex) when news about "hyung" being in this drama. So no hot ex in this version? nyak!


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Me too! That was my first question after finished reading the news...hot ex, where??


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It really sounds nothing like the Taiwanese original tbh


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Hmm I was wondering if Yoon Kyun Sang could be the younger guy, Nic, that she thinks that she likes and got cheated by, he was played by David Hsu in the Taiwan drama~


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YES! We were robbed. Was so looking forward to the hot ex actually. *sigh*


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Argh I hate what they've done with the script and characters. Why do they always have to insert their cheesy cliche plots?! The story and characters were fine just as they were in the original. I'm only gonna watch this cause of Ha Ji Won, but they've already managed to ruin it for me before it even started.


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I so agree, Chabol really? How uncreative and is YKS really thr ex?hes so young maybe nic but hellllll no as the ex. He has no aura. Is this the best they can do for HJW? SBS is soo predictable!!! They will eff this up. They should've waited for GY in my opinion and a suitable ex...


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Yoon Kyun-sang i love. But can he carry the 2nd lead role? Especially opposite ha ji won. I hope he ca cause i'd be so disappointed if it does nor haplen aincw i love the original veraion to bits...


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since when have i anticipate a drama this big?

It's so exciting to see my beloved Pinocchio team (i wished the whole team is in, yep our Fantastic Four included, all of them) on less than a year, get to work with her highness, Ha Jiwon and the refined hunk man Lee Jinwook ssi. How cool is that?

I don't know but this drama felt sort of personal, even the story sounds cliche but i have a feeling that this drama would set my heart on fire.

I haven't seen the original but i'm ready to laugh, cry and fall in love with this production.


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So basically they have taken my favorite TWdrama and added a ton of kdrama cliches and is now calling it a remake. I'm all for re-inventing adaptations but they're just trying to play to the masses by adding all the usual. Rich Chaebol as second lead? check. one of the leads as major mommy/ daddy issues? check. (In the original the hero's mom had a good relationship and an adorable bickering relationship with his sister which was far more realistic than this and also a romance with a neighborhood ahjussi). I wasn't really expecting that much from this show since the real magic of the original was in the directing and the realistic characters, but the script changes they chose for this one are already dissapointing. I still like the cast so I guess I'll be watching this show on its own merits and not as a remake.


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It's indeed a little jarring how different the Korean remake has turned out. Realistic is the word, it's what made the original so relatable.


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Ditto! One thing that got me disappointed was the mom-abandoning-son thing :( Nevertheless, the original one did an amazing job because of its honest contemplations about love and life, so I'm hoping they do great in this one. I know it's unfair to always compare it to the original, but sometimes it's just important especially if we loved it.


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I am seriously so pissed over the added mom issue for our main lead. One of th reasons he said that faithful line to her while they were teens was because she was so similar in temperament to his mom and sister. He didn't want to handle 3 princesses in his life. With the change its going to feel more like he appreciated her after his mom left and she cared for him. I get the notion and the reasoning but the original reason why he liked her was great the way it was. He had no reason to like her. He just did. And the viewers never wondered why, we just accepted it as such.


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Don't know why the cast seems lackluster to me, even with the mighty fine Ha Ji Won. And wae no hot ex?
I love Taiwanese version a lot so i will keep an eye on this one. Who knows, it may turn out nice.


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Wow they changed a lot from the original. I guess they have to make it desirable for their audience. Personally loved the Taiwanese version.
But that's OK because the cast is great and I've been anticipating this remake from day one. Plus it's IHYV's PD.
So excited I can't breathe, please recap it DB! <3
Could this remake knock off TOITNI from the number one spot of friends turned lovers?


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From what I've been reading even korean viewers are tired of the same old cliches and the most successful shows in recent years seem to be ones that don't stick to usual cliches or execute them in a fresh way.

I think it's more sticking to an industry formula than pandering to the audience which even worse.


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Errr, there will be a mom's abandoning issue in the remake? I know a remake doesn't have to be precise, but why does it have to be that issue? Whae K Drama God? Can I have my male lead character without parental up bringing problem, pretty please? :/


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Huh...yeah, not really liking these changes. What happened to the main leads sorta girlfriend? The original alluded to main man dating just as much as main woman.

But, we'll see...how it goes? Though, I must say I hate the changed family relationships the most. Li Da Ren was never abandoned...he has a rebellious little sister, too. ): Aw...

A little less excited but still looking forward to it.


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I don't want to be presumptious, but the changes they've added to the story seem rather unnecessary, reducing the relatable and mostly realistic original story to a dumbed down cliche generic rom-com scenario. I am not jumping to conclusions just yet but i don't see why they couldn't keep the story as it was while improving the aspects that where less well executed in the original. I understand there needs to be changes to justify the existence of this remake, but why do they have to be so uninspired? There's enough drama and conflict in the original set-up without the chaebol second lead and abandonement issues. I'll keep an open mind but i admit i'm not terribly excited for this. Let's see how it goes, i hope i'll eat my own words and they manage to make this interesting after all.


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My thoughts exactly! I'm trying my best to stay optimistic, but as a fan of the original, I'm not feeling the changes. . .


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This. idc if they call this a remake or an adaptation but they changes they've made are too silly and melodramatic and doesn't fit with the essence of the original


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i prefer call this drama as an adaptation instead of remake...


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Finally! I'm so excited for this pairing!


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Just in case anyone's feeling nostalgic after reading about the changes, I made a music video for the original drama last year. Now, even if the remake doesn't like up to our expectations, we can still drown in the angsty/cuteness (or at least enjoy a re-watch, lol).



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I'm sooooooooooo excited for this, I feel like were are going to have an adaptation rather then a full on remake. Anyway I'm just really happy to see this cast with this project and this directing team ^^ can't wait to be done with finals to go on a few drama weeks binge watch sessions.


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I want to see Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin reunited again !!


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Hmmm... I was very excited about this remake with HJW and LJW, so I'm kinda disappointed with the plot changes. It's not like minor changes such as HJW's character having a little brother instead of an older brother and sister. But it's major changes!! The male lead had a loving relationship with his mom and a rebellious younger sister. So, having mom issues in this remake is a damper. Not to mention the chaebol second lead, though I like YKS.

Anyway, I'll still watch just to see how this turns out and I like the PD's past works. Good to see other familiar faces in the cast. I know they come out with a good song by the male lead to express his love for the female lead, or have a good substitute if they don't plan on going this route.

Song from original Taiwan series:


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*I hope, not I know they come out...


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I hope that they will copy the room of Ariel Lin in this version. That transparent floor as if there's a hole on her floor/ unfinished floor.


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Hearing about the changes really, really makes me nervous. In Time With You is by far my favorite Taiwanese drama so the drastic changes are making me anxious. I loved how grounded the original was but the mother issues and other changes just makes it seem cliche.


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I am anxious too. I am actually okay with the changes so far except why must they change the mother and the male lead relationship like that? It is removing the reason why male lead is in denial of his feelings towards female lead despite they have chemistry. I don't know how they are going to fix this. Sighs. ?


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So are they gonna play their younger selves? It'll be funny to see them in high school uniforms! Ahaha.


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Agree with so many of the comments here. Director Winnie was able to transcend classic cliches to give audiences something unique, meaningful, and a bit nostalgic of what it means to have a grounded love relationship in the modern world. Not going to make any judgments, but this news just turned me from cautiously expectant to disappointed passivity.

May check it out bc of the main leads. For their sakes, I hope this turns out well, especially given the Low ratings broadcast time.


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Yes please!!!!!!


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So many very conflicting opinions. I have not seen the original and cannot tell from the posts if this is going to be much good or not. Sounds a little like something I remember called 9 and 2 outs.


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This was hands down one of the best Taiwanese dramas and I sincerely hope Korea doesn't screw it up like they did with Fated To Love You.

I have such high hopes for this drama that it might just kill me.


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Ah, the vagaries of personal taste! I ADORE In Time With You and think the changes here sound awful, but I absolutely LOATHE the TW- original of FTLY and think the K-version is the best remake I've ever seen - replacing a chauvinist misogynist bully of a lead with an actual human being.


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I think all of these plot changes is to get higher ratings since I don't think ahjummas will watch it if there isn't any mom-abandoning-son and chaebols in the plot.


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Can't say I'm surprised. Who in the world chose this writer? Might as well go back and watch the original to forget about this...


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"Rounding out the cast are Jang Hee-soo (Gap-dong)as the mother who abandoned Lee Jin-wook"

Aww I really liked the dynamic of the male lead's family in the original series(and the mum definitely did not run away). Hope they don't add too much drama to the drama.
I love love love the original series. It was the last Taiwan that I've watched(also the first, in god-knows how many donkey years.


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As someone who hasn't seen the original version at all, I'm coming into this drama with a fresh and open perspective. I like the main story line and love HJW and LJW. While I see why some people are worried, as I was with Cantabile Tomorrow, I'm excited for this drama and hopefully will be something that will tug the heartstrings!


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But...Li Da Ren is close to his Mom and Sister...his only emotional issue was their hang up from high school until now and how he just can't spit it out

Sunny's character was kind of like a chaebol I guess...

Yeah no...remake in name only?


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Really k-drama? Can't do away with the cliches?

I didn't like that we have a chaebol second lead, and now we have a lead with mommy issues. I'm still watching but not too excited. :(


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My oppa, Lee Jin-wook, looks so beautiful here. Definitely at the top of my watchlist!!!


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I know right! He looks so handsome.


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Definitely disappointed with some of the changes they made in this remake. I already feel like it won't have the same feel and sincerity as the original so I'll try to keep my expectations low. Part of what made me love the original was the supporting cast and their interactions with the main leads. All the people in the original version seemed so real and fleshed out. It's like looking at the day to day lives of people you know. I think this will be more an adaptation than a remake. Hopefully this one will have the same heartwarming and simple yet sincere tone to it like the original.


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Aren't they both great kissers, like for realsss kissing and not that lips-on-lips nonsense?



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Remake or adaptation I don't care as long as the storyline could convince me to watch. The actings also important. Some actors are versatile in their roles and some of them are not. I hope Ha Ji Won could prove that she can act with more range of characters. Not a fan of Lee Jin Wook though. I even don't know the reason. Maybe his expressions kinda bland? Lack of screen presence? I don't know exactly lol. But I'll give him chance to prove me wrong.


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If you think Ha Ji Won can't act in a greater range of characters then clearly you haven't seen any of her works besides Secret Garden, which isn't even her best work in regards to acting. She's played in everything from horror to melo, saeguk, action, comedy. You name it, she's done it all and proven her versatility. She's one of the few Korean actresses who can say she's done more than just one or two genres.


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I'm looking forward to this drama.It is HJW.Glad she's playing a new role..Pretty sure she'll play the bitch character well.At the start ,she used to play the villain.As far as chemistry,I read before that it does'nt matter whom she's opposite with even with a tree she'll have chemistry.


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I just easily felt excited while looking at those pics!
I have all faith with the QUEEN-HaJiWon.
She can give justice to any role she had played and even her co male stars took credits to that.
No matter what other say or will say..
This is a remake.
A new twist is coming.
Whether in the plot or roles of the character.
May it be a cliche or not.
Let's admit it.
Fan or not,they felt the excitement too.


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I was soooo excited for this remake but reading the character summary above, i'm now apprehensive.

The reason why a lot of people fell in love with the original version (In Time with You), myself included was because of it's mundaneness. The characters are simple, ordinary, working class types and in that sense their story became relatable.

I am not really feeling how they are taking liberties with characterization. I just feel that sooner or later like all the other jdramas and tdramas that i love and which Korea has remade, this will once again be full of dramatics and will eventually turn melo that there comes a point that i just cannot understand anymore how they are paying tribute to the original work because it seems more like they are botching it big time ( yes, i'm talking about you Boys Over Flowers, To the Beautiful You and Operation: Proposal)

Ariel and Bolin were superb in this series. Every line that they deliver, every nuance that they make touches me in a place deep down to my core because there is a subtle reference in their gestures and in their words about the depth of their love for each other that they dare not speak even if they are just talking about her leaving snot on his shirt or they are just buying pads for her period.

But more than that, their family is a central element to the story. I loved them as much as i loved the leads so this whole thing about Jin Wook's mother abandoning him in this version does not bode well with me when the mother-son and mother-lead actress relationship in the original gives so much more depth to the story and it was nothing short of being wonderful.

ITWY was a gem. It's writer and director geniuses because they made the drama's viewers feel feels just by the poetry of painting similes on shots and dialogues without banking on formulaic characters common to Asian dramas and without pulling out the big guns of dramatics and histronics.

I have no doubt Jin Wook and Ha Ji Won can deliver on the acting front the same way that Bolin and Ariel did. I' m just scared that it's the writing that will send this version downhill and i love this drama too much to watch it happen.

I'd give it a chance and try my best to be positive though.

I just hope I am wrong with these doubts Because In Time With You is the kind of drama that immediately goes up to one's list of all time favorites and it would be a disservice to the original if first time viewers would base their judgment on this version and they turn out to be shortchanged just because it is not as magical and as heartstopping as how us, bigtime fans of the drama, paint it out to be.


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oh gosh, I really can't wait for this drama to start.
so many plus points I almost have to reign myself not to chuckle in glee.
1. there's no actor slated to work on this drama that I don't have affection for.
2. the premise is dear to my heart. friends to lovers, argh, what could be more perfect than that!!!
3. no noona romance (yeah, i just don't subscribe to the trend)
4. it's Ha Ji-WON!!!!


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Oh nooooooooooooo this cast is really awful when they made Fated to love you turned out better than the original for me, but this drama is really beautiful and I feel that Ha Ji Won is way to old for this and I really don't find her likeble at all, the whole cast is meh I just want Lee Jin-wook to have a hit because he is really a good actor but I can't stand Ji Won's bad acting she is good but not for rom coms. I think I pass I just hope thet the don't destroy this beautiful drama, people should watch the original even when I have never been a fan of Ariel and I kind of hate her acting too, the drama as a full is really good.


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Watch secret garden.


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Something I found so heartwarming about the original were the parents/family relationships of the lead female. If this adaptation has the female lead as being cold and calculating, they'd also have to change how they portray the parents/family.

Sad. ?


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I'm excited, I think the lead actors are amazing, and I have faith in the production team. Yeah, there are minor plot changes, but would you really want to see the exact same show but in Korean? I don't think so. Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the source material. I don't get the disappointment over the second lead not being hot, he's a bit young, but the original character was a jerk, so I look forward to Yoon Kyun Sang playing that out. Fun fact: did you know that Bolin Chen (who played the lead in the Taiwanese drama) plays Lee Jin Wook's character in the Chinese remake of the Korean movie Miss Granny? Sounds like fate to me!


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This looks promising. :) I like both leads so hopefully this will turn out well. I also found the female lead in the original version annoying at times. But like with FTLY the original version the female lead was also annoying but in the Korean remake I liked her so much more. Could be because Jang Nara was the actress. I have faith that Ha Hi Won will do a great job. Yay finally a drama I can anticipate :). I think LJW as the male lead is perfect. Somehow he looks a bit like the male lead in the Taiwanese version . Both good looking surely but they have the same gaze, the earnest puppy kind. Lol


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He was abandoned?! And where is his sister?? I always loved that he was stucked between 2 fiesty women all his life nly to end up loving a fiesty woman himself. haha It also made sense that the only guy she was going to get was a guy who had experience dealing with strong women.


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The biggest problem I have with the remake now is the runaway Mum. Da Ren Ge's Mum and Uncle Bai were warm, sweet and funny, like an older version of the lead OTP, and removing that is a big change to the dynamic of the story. Plus, of course, You Qing was not an easy character to like, and it really needed someone with Ariel's spectacular level of innate, intrinsic cuteness, to make her at all likeable. HJW doesn't exude that at all, for me.


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OMG!!! I can't wait for this!!! I love the taiwanese version I hope this drama would be awesome!!!


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I've never watched Original version before. That's why i can't wait to see that lovely couple. I really like Lee jin Wook not only for his good looking but also for his amazing acting skill..


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L infinite just a cameo. Oh nooo


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