Pinocchio: Episode 20 (Final)

Aw, it’s time to say farewell to our band of reporters, who based on this drama, are pretty much defenders of truth, justice, and guardians of the galaxy. With great media exposure comes great responsibility… The finale delivers exactly what we’ve come to expect from this show—a sweetly satisfying, heartwarming sendoff for everyone and their mothers. And fathers. Don’t forget the dads!


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EPISODE 20: “Peter Pan”

In the wake of Beom-jo’s confession (falsely, to his mother’s crimes), it’s a mad dash to the police precinct. Reporters flood in and line up to get an interview with Beom-jo, but he refuses to see anyone.

In-ha and Dal-po corner the chief detective and argue that Beom-jo isn’t a criminal mastermind and they all know it, but the detective says that until they can prove he’s lying or someone else confesses, his hands are tied.

But almost immediately, word spreads of Chaebol Mommy’s plans to come to the precinct that night, and every station scrambles to get reporters and camera crews ready. In-ha goes to see Mom, who tells her that this is their chance to ask questions on camera.

Mom knows that Chaebol Mommy’s only weakness is her son, and that Beom-jo must’ve turned himself in knowing she’d come for him. She says that this is the opportunity he created for In-ha and Dal-po to ask the right questions. Mom plans to be there as well, because this is what she risked everything to accomplish.

Meanwhile, Chaebol Mommy is at her wit’s end, and no amount of coaxing from her staff can get her to change her mind about going to the police station. She can’t stand that her precious Beom-jo is spending even a minute inside a jail cell, and demands to go onward.

The reporters are lined up at the precinct’s entrance, and Mom arrives to nitpick some more at In-ha’s inane prepared questions (to be fair, she knows they’re lame because they’re from Il-joo, who’s busy kissing Chaebol Mommy’s ass). She tells them that their job is to make Chaebol Mommy say something other than the two standard lawyerspeak lines, which we see her repeat over and over in the car on the way there.

Mom turns to Dal-po and says that she’ll be standing there too, so this is his chance to ask everything he’s ever wanted. That makes his thoughts drift back to the day he and Hyung took their picture.

The photographer tries to coax a smile out of Dal-po, but Hyung’s impending arrest hangs over him like a dark cloud. Hyung turns Dal-po’s face toward him and tries to lighten the mood, and Dal-po just promises to do whatever it takes to bring Song Cha-ok down. Dal-po asks Hyung what he wants to say to her if given the chance, and promises to say it all in Hyung’s place.

Chaebol Mommy arrives at the precinct and repeats her two standard-issue statements about complying with the investigation and being sorry for causing trouble, and it looks like she might make it inside without caving to the reporters’ questions.

Dal-po’s face twists up as he thinks back to Hyung’s answer to his question: His request was for Dal-po not to ask the things they’re curious about, but to do his job as a reporter and ask what it is the people want to know. Right now all Dal-po can see think about are his mother and father, and the only question floating in his head is: “Why did you slander my family?” But he shakes the thought out of his head and keeps his promise to Hyung, focusing on getting Chaebol Mommy to break from her rehearsed lines.

Dal-po asks if she thinks Beom-jo is innocent, and at that, Chaebol Mommy answers eagerly that her son is innocent. Hooked. He keeps going and asks what she thought when she saw reporters slandering Beom-jo’s name. She says it’s wrong, and that it has to be made right.

Her lawyer’s prodding for her to stick to the script just makes her snap right then and there: “Trouble? What trouble have I caused to feel sorry about?!” Dal-po knows he’s got her, and asks her to correct them then, and she rants over and over that Beom-jo is innocent.

They keep insisting that he confessed, and the other reporters join in to ask if this means she’s in on it, and if he’s taking the blame alone. It builds and builds, and she finally breaks: “My son is innocent! My son is so kind that he took the fall and went to jail just to protect his mother!” Yahtzee.

The crowd jumps on her statement to ask if she just admitted to attempted murder. She doesn’t answer any more questions, but the damage is done, and she stares numbly at Dal-po as her lawyers lead her inside.

Most of the reporters clear out, and In-ha asks Dal-po why he didn’t ask all the things he wanted to say about his family. He just lets her wonder and doesn’t say, but shares a little bow with Song Cha-ok, who muses to herself that he really has a talent for making her feel embarrassed.

In-ha thinks that Beom-jo must regret sharing those incriminating text messages with her, because then his mother might still be a sweet angel in his eyes. Dal-po says the truth has a way of coming out eventually, so he would’ve found out a different way, and she isn’t to blame.

Chan-soo watches the news and answers a call from Dal-po, wondering if he called to brag about being the top story on every channel. But Dal-po surprises him by asking him to drop the charges against Song Cha-ok. Chan-soo asks if he got his apology, and Dal-po says that he did. That’s big of you to consider that silent bow an apology.

At YGN, Yoo-rae boasts to her sidekick that she’s got a great story to pitch in today’s meeting, and Gyo-dong walks by to tell her he’s looking forward to it. Yoo-rae finally decides that he likes her and flits off to the meeting twirling her hair.

But her big pitch turns out to be a breakdown of Chaebol Mommy’s I’m-going-to-prison fashion, which is embarrassing for everyone in the room. Gyo-dong yells at her in front of everyone to focus on what’s important, and Yoo-rae sits stunned in her chair long after the meeting is over, deciding that she was wrong about Gyo-dong’s feelings. Orrr, he lurves you so much that he’s disappointed in you!

For a while now, Hyun-kyu has been coaxing her to become his protégé, and Yoo-rae finally says yes. There is a literal passing of the headband like it’s a crown, and Hyun-kyu pun-sings his nickname into H.O.T.’s “Candy,” just to make my day.

The latest news reports tell us that Chaebol Mommy’s various companies are breaking off and voting in new presidents, including MSC. The employees are banding together to petition shareholders to vote her out, and leading the charge is our very own Princess.

Once Chaebol Mommy confesses to everything, Beom-jo is released from jail, and Dal-po is there to pick him up and call him a crazy bastard again. Beom-jo saw the news and wonders why Dal-po didn’t ask about his family, but he says he’s a reporter so he just did his job.

Dal-po thanks him and asks what he can do in return, promising to do whatever Beom-jo asks. In-ha runs up to them out of breath, relieved to hear that it’s all over and Beom-jo is okay. Beom-jo makes sure that Dal-po meant it when he said he’d agree to whatever he asked for, and looks at In-ha with a smile: “Then lemme borrow In-ha for half and hour.”

Dal-po’s eyes widen and he instinctively pulls In-ha behind his back, stammering in protest. But when Beom-jo says it’s to say his final goodbyes, they can’t argue.

He takes her back to the convenience store where they first met in person, and tells her that this is the place where he had his biggest regret—it was only thirty seconds, but he let this one moment pass.

He reminds her of the birthday she had when Mom came to see her about the MSC internship, and how disappointed she was that it wasn’t a visit to wish her happy birthday. In-ha remembers that nobody remembered her birthday that day, but Beom-jo says that he did—he came here to give her a present but chickened out at the last minute, and he regrets it to this day.

He takes that present out now and hands it to her, and says the things he wanted to say then: “Happy birthday, Choi In-ha. I missed you, Choi In-ha. I’m glad we met, Choi In-ha.” She asks if he still means it, and is grateful that he does. He turns to go but decides at the last minute to get a hug, and then says goodbye.

Song Cha-ok receives notice that the charges against her have been dropped. Princess comes by with good news that their director will be fired in no time, but she just asks him to hand in her resignation. He doesn’t see why she’s quitting when everything could change in a few days, but she seems determined to leave MSC.

Beom-jo visits his mother in prison, and though she’s without her makeup and her designer clothes, she’s still exactly the same. She’s the one in jail but all she does is worry about the time Beom-jo spent in there, sleeping on the floor and suffering.

Despite confessing to her crimes, it’s clear that Mommy feels no actual remorse—she reassures Beom-jo that she’ll be out of here in no time, and in a few years they can start over. She suggests that he study business in the meantime. He just swallows back his tears and says there’s something else he’d like to do.

MSC’s director comes charging up to Song Cha-ok to ask what she told the police about him, and she answers matter-of-factly that she told them everything. She remembers that she forgot about the latest bribe and decides she’ll have to go back and tell them about that, and he rails at her to shut up. She gets in the elevator to leave the building for the last time and says back to him in banmal, “No, you shut up.” Ha.

As she rides the elevator down, she remembers Dal-po’s questions to her long ago, when he asked why no one believed her words, and if she was a real reporter. She answers to herself now that it’s because she was a liar, and no, she isn’t a reporter.

Dal-po and In-ha fold laundry at home, and he asks oh-so-casually where she went with Beom-jo the other day, and why she took so long. She doesn’t remember being gone longer than thirty minutes, but he gripes that it was forty-two minutes. Heh.

She calls him petty but then they get distracted by pictures from Chan-soo’s housewarming party, and suddenly the picture of them holding the baby and looking very much like parents makes them feel awkward.

Dad chooses that moment of all moments to look over their shoulders, and pulls them aside for a chat. They launch into this long-winded excuse about the picture and how it’s not what it looks like (lol, it’s not even like he caught you kissing!), but Dad has more serious concerns on his mind.

He tells them about bringing up their relationship to Grandpa (as a hypothetical dream), and how he reacted badly. Dad understands Grandpa’s reasoning—he refuses to lose his son a second time, which is why he’ll never agree to un-adopt Dal-po, and a relationship like theirs could end, while family doesn’t.

In-ha can’t believe he’s asking them to break up, but Dad’s idea is just to lie to Grandpa instead, because he’s worried that telling him the truth could lead to some kind of breakdown. In-ha vehemently opposes the idea, but Dal-po agrees to think about it, which upsets her.

Dal-po lies awake that night deep in thought, remembering his promises to Dad that he would never do anything to jeopardize the family, and how he had asked to lie to Grandpa about being his son back when he was desperate and needed a father.

In-ha cries alone while leaning against Dal-po’s door that night, but then the moment of angst gets undercut when he opens it and she tumbles backward right into his arms. He says he has something to tell her, but she runs away to the bathroom, mortified.

Princess gets reinstated at MSC, and everyone welcomes him back at the city news desk, even Gyo-dong. Princess complains about the lock code on the door changing in his absence, but Gyo-dong reminds him that it changes on rotation all the time. That just makes Princess wonder how Yoo-rae got in here every time she was drunk, and Gyo-dong stays conspicuously silent.

Yoo-rae gets drunk again, this time wailing at Gyo-dong for leading her on and then rejecting her. She ends up at the gate of the precinct demanding to see him, and the officers roll their eyes and call him out to fetch her. Ha, is this what he did every time?

He carries her into the reporters’ room and puts her on the couch, and tucks her in with newspapers. When she sneezes and shivers from the cold, he throws his jacket over her too. She mutters in her sleep at Gyo-dong for leading her on, and he cracks a tiny smile.

In-ha finds Yoo-rae looking hungover and reeking of booze the next morning, and again Yoo-rae has no memory of how she ended up sleeping on the couch. Dal-po finds them and asks In-ha to talk, but she lies that she’s on her way out and runs away.

He can hear her hiccupping down the hall and chases her down, and she lies again, desperate to run away before he breaks up with her. She asks how he can give up so easily when they went through so much to get here, but Dal-po finally gets a word in and says that he has no intention of giving up.

He’s going to tell Grandpa the truth and do whatever it takes to get permission, because he’s learned from Beom-jo and Hyung that no matter how much people might seem happier not knowing the truth, in the end not knowing doesn’t keep truth from being true.

She agrees that it’s the only way, but then asks what happens if Grandpa doesn’t give them his blessing. Dal-po says he’ll try everything, but if in the end nothing works, the only thing they can do is accept it.

She cries just to hear him say the words, but he wipes away her tears and tells her, “Father is the person who saved me, raised me, and let me meet you. Even if the entire world gave us permission, if Father says no, I can’t disobey.” He holds her tight and they agree to tell Grandpa together.

They head home and brace themselves for the moment of truth, and kneel before Grandpa, who wonders why they came together. Dal-po begins, “We have something to tell you…”

Fast-forward to January 2015.

We’ve finally caught up to the present day, and Hyun-kyu stands in front of the YGN building looking very much the same—suit on top, sweats on bottom—to announce the newest rookie reporter selection process.

Camerawoman Jae-hwan nitpicks at him like always, but when Il-joo comes by to ask if she isn’t tired of bickering with a manchild, she answers by pulling Hyun-kyu in for a big kiss and says that’s why she married him. They’re so cute. Il-joo grumbles, still dying of jealousy.

Dal-po is back in Hyung’s apartment, and as he gets dressed in his snazzy suit, he talks to In-ha over the phone (she’s still saved as “Niece In-ha,” so I gather that Grandpa said no). Both their stations have rookie interviews today, and they chitchat as he drives over to pick her up for work, and she waits with two coffees in hand.

Dal-po says he met with Beom-jo recently and he plans to apply at MSC as a rookie, and In-ha thinks it’s crazy because he’d have to go live at the police precinct all over again from the start. Dal-po shudders at the thought and says that’s worse than going to army twice.

He picks her up, and she comments on him dressing up now that he’s on the courthouse team (she’s on economy coverage at MSC). She jokes that she’s dressed up because there are lots of good-looking guys interviewing today, and he scowls.

At YGN, Dal-po calls the next group of interviewees in, but stops short when he notices that one of them looks eerily like Hyung (it’s the same actor who played Hyung as a teenager). And then in the group interview, when Gyo-dong asks about news you want to hear versus news you need to hear, Mini-Hyung starts giving a hypothetical example about tickets to an idol concert. Everyone in the room raises an eyebrow and they ask if cancer news is next, and Dal-po is properly weirded out that Mini-Hyung is quoting him. But he says it’s a story he was taught in a special lecture series, and the lesson stuck with him.

We see that Song Cha-ok is the teacher he’s talking about—she’s doing what she does best, teaching new reporter hopefuls how to do the job. But now she’s imparting a very different kind of philosophy about the news that needs to be told, which she picked up from Dal-po.

Over at MSC, In-ha is wrangling the interviewees as well, and one of them recognizes her as the face of MSC’s news and the world’s first Pinocchio reporter. Pwaha, I love In-ha’s deadpan response to the compliment that she’s prettier in person: “Of course. I think my looks are wasted on journalism too.”

But she overhears that same girl telling the others that In-ha was just chosen as a publicity stunt, and she heard that her recent journalism award was yet another PR move. In-ha loses her patience and screams back that yes, she was chosen for publicity, but challenges the girl to confirm her source about the award. When she says she just heard it somewhere but it fits, In-ha makes a point of her assuming something without confirming the facts. Princess tells the girl to just go home now. In-ha gets back to calling out the next group of interviewees, and Beom-jo comes up when she calls his number.

He greets her with a big smile and says it’s been about a year, and she pouts that he always hangs out with Dal-po but never with her. Beom-jo corrects her and swears that he tells Dal-po to bring her along every time, but he never does. Ha. She raises her hand for a high-five just like old times, and Beom-jo gulps nervously before offering up his hand for one of her jumping high-fives of pain. Yay, the band is back together!

Dad and Grandpa stop by Dal-po’s empty apartment to fill his fridge like always, and Grandpa notices that Dal-po left his wallet at home. He finds the picture of him and In-ha with Chan-soo’s baby tucked inside, and though Grandpa is taken aback at first, the image of them as happy parents gives him pause and he wonders if maybe their relationship isn’t as wrong as he once thought.

Dad carefully broaches the subject and says that he thought it was absurd at first too, but the more you think about it, the less weird it gets, and the more he sees them together, he starts to find them cute at times. Aw, Dad.

He says that Dal-po has liked In-ha for over ten years, but the fact that they’re living as uncle and niece because Grandpa wants it that way makes Dad proud of them, but also sorry too. Grandpa puts the wallet back with a deep sigh.

It’s time for the new rookies to get their start at YGN, and now Yoo-rae is the new Hyun-kyu, dressed exactly the way he was on her first day, with the exact same speech and headband to boot. I love it. Hyun-kyu just watches her, beaming with pride at the monster he’s created.

Dal-po gets ready to do a report outside the courthouse and is surprised to see Grandpa there. Grandpa says he came to the courthouse to submit paperwork to cancel Dal-po’s adoption. Awwww.

Grandpa says it’s time he help Dal-po reclaim his real name, and says he’s sorry—he loved Dal-po so much that he was too stubborn for too long. Ugh, it still breaks my heart when he tells Dal-po that he can throw away that name now.

Dal-po cries, and Grandpa tells him, “You just take good care of our In-ha now.” Dal-po nods, “I will, Father.” Grandpa hugs him close: “Thank you for living as my son,” and Dal-po answers, “Thank you for raising me, Father.”

Grandpa sits by with a proud smile as Dal-po begins his report, announcing Chaebol Mommy’s three-year sentence. In-ha follows with a report of Beomjo Group’s recovery after voting on a new CEO, and Yoo-rae follows with reports on the various assemblymen who are being investigated for their involvement in corruption.

Then we fade into a wedding dress shop, where Dad and Grandpa read the latest wedding-wear trends right out of a magazine, the same way Grandpa did when he took Dal-po in for his makeover.

The curtain opens and In-ha and Dal-po model their wedding dress and tux, and Dad and Grandpa fawn over them. Dad snaps pictures of In-ha and Grandpa is still very much all about Dal-po, which just gets me right here.

They order them to try on every outfit in the store, and the curtains close again. In-ha turns to Dal-po and says she’s curious about something—why did he go on that quiz show back in high school?

He answers with a kiss, and then: “Because I liked you.” He finally told her! He goes in for another kiss. And another. And another.


I could do this all day. Don’t stop on my account! Pretty brave with two parents sitting just on the other side of that curtain, but I guess they’re not afraid of much anymore. I love that it ends with In-ha finally learning how long Dal-po’s been in love with her, since he’s never once confessed to it outright. All in all the finale was a solid wrap-up, and in exchange for dealing with the height of our main conflicts before the final episode, we got resolutions and futures and time to focus on the family, which made me happy.

As a series, Pinocchio felt very much like a retread of themes that the writer and director had already explored in I Hear Your Voice, and for that reason it admittedly doesn’t feel as fresh the second time around. The extra episodes didn’t help much for the pace of the story either, which hurtled through its best material in the first half and suffered through a languid latter half. Going from the emotional stakes in Hyung’s story to the moms and their war was a sharp downturn in speed and emotional investment, and I can’t help but wonder how much better it would have been to watch it play out in the reverse, with Hyung’s story getting the bigger buildup for the finale. In hindsight the drop-off in tension after Hyung gets jailed marks the show’s biggest mistake, because it’s akin to killing Min Joon-gook off halfway through I Hear Your Voice—where would we have been then? It might’ve been a miscalculation on how good Hyung’s story would be, but hell, isn’t this what the liveshoot is for?

The plotular missteps might’ve been helped by a more conflicted romance, but this one, while being buckets of cute, wasn’t actually all that conflicted. I didn’t mind in the grand scheme of things because I found Lee Jong-seok and Park Shin-hye to be SO. FRIGGIN. CUTE together, but it didn’t help the sagging pace in the second half when their feelings had been confirmed but they kept trying to invent reasons why they couldn’t be together. The only reason I ever bought was this last one, involving Grandpa’s blessing, so I feel like much of the breaking up and angsting we did in the middle did the show no favors. Compared to the early conflict—Dal-po trying to hide his feelings because he thought they were wrong, or In-ha asking him to ignore her repeated confessions—the later stuff didn’t move me nearly as much.

This writer is far from subtle in her themes (though honestly, she did a better job with reporters than lawyers, because omg, the law in Voice was seriously funny), but I do appreciate that she wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to idealism and writing heroes and heroines who fight to right wrongs in their own way. In Pinocchio it was driven by the idea of eternal youth, not living forever, but as in Peter Pan—the title of the final episode and the symbol of unending youth. The older generation of characters (the moms and Hyung included) had each lost their way at some point, because they lost their innocence and their idealism, and eventually their sense of right and wrong. But In-ha, Dal-po, and Beom-jo are Peter Pans, because they refuse to cave to the jaded grown-up acceptance that this is just the way things are, and set out to find a way to make their naïve view of the world a reality.

They learn along the way just how naïve they really were, but they also hold on to the core of their idealism, and that’s what changes the people around them. (Well, it doesn’t change Chaebol Mommy so much as gets her caught, but she’s a bit of a nutjob, so we’ll call that a mitigated success. And I actually liked that she didn’t suddenly feel remorse, because that would’ve been out of character.) We get the sense that our central characters will stay young forever in the way that matters—in heart. In that way it’s much more about Peter Pan than it is about Pinocchio, though it was fun to get a rom-com heroine who was forced to be honest at all times, on top of being vain and shameless.

Though her character didn’t get nearly as much development as the hero did, Park Shin-hye’s performance was the one that stood out in this drama, if only to serve as a great big reminder of how much I like her in comedies. She does funny in an effortless way, and made In-ha so lovable that I forgot all about the sad girl who used to get dragged around by rich assholes (man, what I wouldn’t give to wipe Heirs from my memory). It’s so nice to have her playing a strong female character, and so charmingly at that. Lee Jong-seok is best when working with this production team, though I can’t help but wonder if casting someone else would’ve been the distance from I Hear Your Voice that we needed. But I loved Dal-po all the same, so I can’t argue that it was a bad choice, because he carried the emotion of the show.

Part of Pinocchio’s winning charm is that every side character is played by someone great, which makes all the newsroom scenes entertaining on their own. Kim Hae-sook and Jin Kyung were especially great as the two moms, as was Yoon Kyun-sang as Hyung, and pretty much everyone on the two news teams was fun to watch. I was frankly a little disappointed with Lee Yubi’s character, both in the actress’s portrayal and in the character’s arc, because she was so broad that I couldn’t take her seriously. I feel like her romance with Gyo-dong saved her (almost nonexistent) storyline towards the end, because she was wasted for a good portion of the drama. Kim Young-kwang got his chance to shine, but it would’ve been nice to give the boys’ friendship a little more heft by building it in early on. It feels mostly like the second leads got punted in favor of developing Hyung and Mom, which I understand given the way their conflicts drove much of the plot, but it would’ve been nice to tilt the balance a little more evenly.

But what I did love unabashedly about Pinocchio was the family. Even its fluid definition of family was moving, from Dad and Grandpa’s acceptance of Dal-po, to In-ha’s tenuous relationship with her mother, to Dal-po’s heartbreaking one with Hyung. And of course Dal-po and In-ha’s struggle to define what their love was, when protecting their family was so important to them. That stuff was aces, and I’ll never tire of watching uplifting stories about found families that go to the ends of the earth to love one another. Grandpa’s refusal to let go of Dal-po as a son feels like the farthest thing from a roadblock there is, because it comes from such pure-hearted love. And it was so fitting that Dal-po decided that he couldn’t betray that love.

Even though I knew we’d get a happy ending, I found the finale’s conflict compelling because I love this family, and it matters a great deal that they respect Grandpa and search for a way to earn his blessing the right way. I’m so glad we didn’t rush through that acceptance or get some kind of comical version where they go through all that angst and he just tells them he knows; instead, we get another highlight father-son moment. Dal-po and Grandpa’s scenes were among my favorites throughout the show (as were In-ha’s scenes with Dad), and I got to send the show off with a feeling of satisfaction and lots of warm fuzzies to spare. Thanks for the feel-good times, Pinocchio. You were the best love story between an uncle, a niece, a grandpa, and a dad ever. Strangely, not as weird as it sounds!


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Time flies by too fast, now we are saying goodbye already!

Pinocchio truly has been quite a ride. Personally having previously watched dream high and IHYV I have to say this has been the best. (I got bored with the other two oops)
I mean, there was chemistry between the actors (not my OTP but LJS and PSH hit off so well), such loveable characters (my fave was gramps), a great storyline (yes I know everybody loves the hyung arc but I appreciate the other ones too) and of course the relationships we have come to witness that lead to heart melting moments and giggly times (the Choi fam and yoo-cap ship)

Tbh the only thing I wanted more of was yoorae and cap, they both are adorable. Come to think of it, yes it seems that was all we wanted for these two characters by the end of the show and whilst it seems rather bleak for some viewers I reckon it is pretty great. These two clearly had us all pumped every time! (So they should have fulfilled our wishes to attest to their little romance more. Oh well! )

There has been a number of twists and turns as we got to the end - the biggest being Sung Cha Ok, and I really appreciate that. It's clear by the end we are no longer cursing at her (adur) but I'm so glad to see her change for the better. If only we saw more of perhaps her and in ha or something!

I love the deep meaning behind each title of the episode and how they ended off with Peter pan as we see our reporters fighting for the truth, and the impact they have left to the other characters as well as the industry. It really hurts to say goodbye because I've had so much joy watching each of them grow and bond together but I guess I can't do anything about it! It has been awesome. Thank you, Pinocchio.

P.s. Chan Soo's oldest boy is such a lady killer. What's his name?

P.P.s.. I hope they have a small special for us to see how everyone is going. OK actually I only thought about yoorae n cap. But also choi fam, Chan soo's expanding fam, etc.


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I absolutely agree with you on showing more of the mother-daughter bond between In Ha and Sung Cha Ok. I just feel her ending screen time was too little for her redemption. I wanted the writer and director to show that her bond with her daughter has atleast begun to mend. And now she realises that family was all more worth sacrificing everything for. I just feel they focused to much time on developing Ki Ha Myung and left the equally important mother-daughter relationship.


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Now what am I going to watch? I loved loved this show. I love Hyun Bin but the promos look... Stupid. Wah.


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@Skywonto, you should totally watch Healer! It’s an incredible drama and has an epic romance ♥

You’ll love it for sure as much as a lot of beanies here love it too. If you look at the comments sections for Healer, since episode 8 onwards, they all have above 1000 comments each (ep 8 & 9 with 1000+, ep 10 with 4000+, ep 11 with 1000+, and episode 12 with 2000+ and counting….)

Trust me, you won’t regret watching Healer :)


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Healer even has Javabeans and Girlfriday all fangirling over it! They're spazzing about the drama as much as a lot of Beanies Healers here too ♥


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...once you're hooked into Healer, come over and join us at the Healer comments thread. It's pretty fun over there too. We even hold celebrations for reaching 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, etc milestones in number of comments :)


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I really intent to join your bandwagon as soon as I finished Pinocchio but some fans are promoting it too much that sometimes it feels like stepping foot on someone else's face. I feel disrespected especially when I am I was in the middle of crazy fangirling over Pinocchio and people butt in the comment section of the Pinocchio recap. I wish they had at least not done it while Pinocchio was ongoing, because I'm sure you'd feel as offensive as I had if the we were to exchange places.



Really? I'm actually new to commenting here and have only started just today so I've never been keeping up with comments threads before to notice this kind of thing. Obviously I was only promoting the drama now because there are those who wanted a good recommendation and this drama has just ended. I also finished watching Pinocchio too and it's a good drama. I watched both this and Healer back to back and they are both just as equally good. I find Healer has more chemistry but that is only just my opinion. Anyway, sorry to hear that you got turned off by other fans earlier on. Too bad it's a good drama miss out on though. And I agree with what you said though, I would be annoyed too if someone keeps butting in while fangirling over a different drama.

I guess the fandom over at Healer is quite crazy, but I dont blame those girls one bit since they were the ones who got into watching the drama in the first place :)


I love Healer too and I'm super ecstatic about it's popularity, but this seems a bit much. Why all this effort?


I'm with Carnation - it's one thing to respond when asked for a rec, but the frequent promotion of Healer in the Pinocchio recaps does grate - I'm not saying don't mention it at all, but the constant repetition of Healer stuff in an unrelated thread is a bit disrespectful, it's not even like this is an OT! I'd understand if people were comparing the two dramas (they do have similar themes) but just posting exclusively Healer stuff here is just....not kosher, as they say.


Hmm reading this...I'm sorta on the fence here. I agree with Pogo but I also agree with Bongsookie too. it's perfectly fine to share the excitement as long as it isn't too often on another's thread. Pinocchio fans aren't perfect either since I saw someone dissing KMHM last time. I admit it irritated me seeing the post a little because I do enjoy KMHM but at least Bongsookie, your post was more positive. If you're new to commenting then all is good we all forgive you since you may not know the ins and outs about commenting here. I understand your excitement to be honest because I recently saw Healer and the drama captured my heart to the point of thinking about it all day. But given the fact that I enjoy all dramas and will be watching Pinocchio soon, I usually get sad when I see fanwars start because of either hyper fans or downright negative ones. Don't get me wrong I was not hate your comments but like above why so much effort? Just saying :)


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Oh and Carnation dear, I agree with you. I actually felt totally disrespected too with a Pinocchio fan hijacked KMHM thread just to say it was boring. I didn't see the point but it made me curious to see this drama though. I planning on watching this drama soon (and by that I mean in a couple of months time) but not too soon since seeing negative comments sometimes from another fandom can leave a sour taste in my mouth. Though at the same time I don't want to miss out on a great drama so I will definitely be watching at one point. I would recommend the same for you too with regards to Healer. It would be a shame to miss out on something good :) we can always ignore comments that irritate us and we shouldn't let it affect our enjoyment for other dramas.


I loved this drama. I agree that they kinda lost the thrill when the brother was arrested. I wish they would've kept him a bit longer and involve him more with ha myung. Overall i loved the relationships between the family and the news ppl. I love psh role and ljs i hope they work together again!


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Am rly sad that this drama is over! i just love our main couple they are so comfortable with each other that they seem too real and the last scene melted my heart with all the adorableness and the kisses, no more cold fish kisses 4 u psh , Ljs thank u for that!(hopefully they become a real couple!! :-) ) and am rly happy that lee jong seok's character isn't some rude jerk who becomes sweet after 8 episodes he was sweet and caring to in-ha from beginning to end. In-ha and dad's bickering was a lot of fun to watch and grandpa is just AWESOME!! I do have to agree with GF that hyung's story was a lot more compelling and nervewrecking than chalebol mommy. i didn't like that the second leads character didn't have any story developement specially lee yubi's and i was rly waiting for a big kiss or at least a confession from gyo-dong! :-( psh did a great job being in-ha who was care free,funny and she made her a lot of fun to watch! I never rly liked ljs , and i didn't watch his dramas, the last time i saw him was on SG. so, I was suprised by his acting talent. This was the best drama for me this year!! Am rly gonna miss u pinocchio!! <3 <3 <3


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We will all miss Pinocchio :> I was also not a fan of LJS at first even when they did the Jambangee photoshoot but his performance in Pinocchio blew me away, definitely an actor worthy to be called an actor. Hehe. But for some reason I cannot get myself to watch his previous dramas although I know how good he is. Maybe I'll look into it after a year, need to move on from pinocchio first. Hahaha. :)


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There is no one better suited together than Dal Po and In Ha whose built their relationship on respect, love, understanding, and warmth. Therefore when they finally get married (or is going to) it just makes everything about them feel right. And I couldn't have asked for a better ending and story for them two, so I wish Dal Po and In Ha the very best because they're so good for each other.

And the Choi family is absolutely the best family support ever.

On another note, it's so sad that Pinocchio has finally come to an end. It was a fun, wild, thrilling, happy, sad, and great drama.

Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk are amazing together♥



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There should be another season!


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If only!

But I doubt it. I'm not so sure that'll be a good idea anyway. Pinocchio was well loved, best not to ruin it by trying to expand on that success.


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Hmmm if we do season 2 I wonder what it would be about? Since the show had already tackled and neatly ended the main crisis of the drama.


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I have a question, what was In Ha questions to Dal Po on the last scene. Was it about why he joined the quiz, or what he wanted to say during the quiz. (I recall that Dal Po wanted to say sth on air and got cut off, but I forgot why.. must re-watch). Honestly, I think if the question is the first one it's a bit random, because it happens a long time ago and if I'm not mistaken, Dal Po already answered it though vague and lied about it. But if its the latter, I would understand if In Ha still curious about that. Anyway, I'm asking because there are different translation for that dialogue.. so now I'm curious (and star asking whether I should learn korean or not) .


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It is why he went on the quiz, not what he wanted to say... I translated it wrong when I first heard it as well, and I agree that what he wanted to say would have made more sense?


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Hi hitoritabi, thanks for the answer. Yeah! I re-watch episode 2, Dal Po already answered the question: "If you are embarrassed, from now on you don't have to get off from my bike". Anyway, I am glad In Ha now knows that Dal Po had been in love since forever even though the question is a bit out of the blue.


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I'm glad I only read the recaps starting episode 13, it would have been a waste of my time watching this drama, I love the honesty of the reviewer.

"Going from the emotional stakes in Hyung’s story to the moms and their war was a sharp downturn in speed and emotional investment, and I can’t help but wonder how much better it would have been to watch it play out in the reverse, with Hyung’s story getting the bigger buildup for the finale.

I'm a fan of Lee Jong Suk, but I ended up loving Yoon Kyun Sang so much, the writers fail this drama. It became a tedious and boring soap opera drama after episode 12. I lost interest in the storyline after this episode and started reading summaries. Sorry about that.

I will be following Yoon Kyun Sang's next drama, he is amazing and pure potential. I hope LJS can finally get a drama that would take him to another step in his career, he is just so talented, but Good Doctor and Pinocchio were pretty lacking in my opinion and wasted his great potential.


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I think you mean Dr. Stranger?


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I don't think he was wasted though. Idk 'bout DS, but he was well utilized in Pinocchio and gave a strong performance. Plotwise, we all have different views on Pinocchio, or at least we can agree that it wasn't as 'thrilling' in the end.

But the acting performances given by the amazing cast was affecting and stood strong throughout the series. His potential was definitely not wasted, but highly appreciated by all who loved the drama.


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I just realized how they never said "I love you" and "I like you" to each other except for that one time when In Ha had to confess her feelings to Dal Po. But wow, it never felt as if something was missing because their actions make up for everything that words cannot express.

I will totally miss this drama! <3 I hope Shin Hye and Jong Suk get to have another drama together (or maybe they can date in real life haha). But I'm good to go with another drama ;)


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Yes another drama would be better than dating. If they're dating we wont see any of their interactions but if they're in the drama we get loads of it!!! <3


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True that. I'm not too big on shipping people in real life, cause most likely you'll end up disappointed. But hopefully those two will work together again~


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This comment may backtrack a bit but I'm super curious as to whom the witness Pinocchio who claimed to see Ha Myung's dad actually saw. Was it another person or really Ha Myung's dad?

Did I miss anything? If someone could kindly explain to me, it'd be very much appreciated!

Thanks! :)


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The person he saw was another person that dresses and kinda looks like Ha Myung's dad, though his face was sort of covered by his hand since it was raining when Pinocchio saw him from the bus.


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Ah I see.. Thanks so much for your reply! :)


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You're welcome Sophie, I hope you're enjoying Pinocchio :>


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Ah, finally I finished!

Is there anyone else who enjoyed Pinocchio more than Voice? I did, and I think that's because I loved the way the author portrayed reporters and the whole newsroom/journalism world than lawyers and courts.

It was a tiring journey of saving or re-encountering conscience, but it was also a compelling, realistic and memorable one.

Jongsuk was an awesome Dalpo/Hamyung. He carried the role with heart, a really big heart, and everything he did felt right. I've been watching him since he was only the cool looking singer Oscar chased throughout Secret Garden, and I must say that dayum boy you've grown into one hell of an actor. But I hope he'll choose a more challenging role because obviously he's mastered in being a character like this.

Shinhye, on the other hand, reminded me why I liked her. After You're Beautiful, I never watched her again. I'm glad I decided to abandon Heirs after the first episode because otherwise I would have to endure the secondhand embarrassment. She was flawless as Inha; her portrayal felt realistic yet convincing, and that separated her from being just another over-the-top kind Candy girl. Kudos to you, girl!

For the other two main, Beomjo and Yoorae... First of all, I'm pretty satisfied with how the writer decided to "elevate" Beomjo. He got a chance to develop as a real character and I'm thankful for that. Youngkwang did a good job, it's time to get him another main role!
I agree about Yoorae though. She was completely wasted; she didn't developed at all and was just there for the sake of the laugh. The romance between her and Cap Hwang was the only thing that saved her, I mean REALLY saved because I love them together. But it's mainly because of Cap, not her

All supporting actors did AWESOME! From Nosy Jang Sunbae to Gangsta Camera Unnie. From Cap Kim to Cap Hwang (my favorite ever. Lee Pilmo is a forever scene stealer!). From Hyung to Grandpa to Dad. And of course, Song Cha Ok. Jinkyung was a star here.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with Pinocchio that I'm willing to forgive it for being a bit slugged paced after Hyung's story ended!


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Thank you for the recap from the first to the last episode.


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Thanks ever so much Girlfriday for recapping all 20 episodes of Pinocchio.

Despite some of its apparent flaws, I'm so glad that I tuned in to watch Pinocchio as it aired from November 2014 - January 2015. Truly enjoyed it. The finale episode for the most part was satisfying, well-paced and pre-planned. It certainly never felt like nor came across as a rushed ending or hackneyed job.

High Marks for Youth actors Shin Jae-Ha & Nam Da-Reum and the Adult Cast of Lee Jong-Seuk, Yoon Gyun-Sang, Kim Hae-Sook, Jin Kyung, Lee Pil-Mo, and Lee Yoo-Bi.

Character Highlights:
Ki Brothers: Ha-Myeong & Jae-Myeong
Choi Family Dynamics (Grandfather, Sons Duo, + Grandaughter/Daughter/Niece): Gong-Pil, Dal-Pyeong, Dal-Po, & In-Ha
Cap (Hwang Gyo-Dong) & Yoon Yoo Rae
Seo Bum-Jo & "Chaebol Mommy" Park Ro-Sa
YSN & MSN Colleagues
"Mommy Dearest" Song Cha-Ok
An Chan-Soo & Family


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hehe pretty much all the characters are a highlight! (almost)


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Thanks so much, GF!

What a great run for this series. Happy with the way things wrapped up for all the characters. ^^ The Choi family is the best! And so refreshing to have an honest couple as the OTP. I've really enjoyed this drama and applaud the actors for their performances. Definitely gonna miss this! Almost wish there's an epilogue that shows the future of the characters with IH and DP married with kids. XD


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For the final i heard that news about a new project of Park Shin Hye & Lee Jong suk in Pinocchio drama i was sooo happy and drilled and excited ? i knew that i'm gonna see the perfect chemistry lines during watching! ❤ hopefully from 1st episode i had this beautiful feeling inside myself ? butterflies of my stomach started to fly around by watching these 2 adorable characters on screen ☺❤❤ Inha lovely,kind and honest character with Pinocchio syndrome who couldn't lie about anything show us a brave truthful girl and reporter ? Dalpo intelligent reporter ,devoted lover,and kindest family guy show us a strong character and his love for Inha was spontaneous ❤❤ all romantic lines btw Dalpo & Inha were fabulous :) their kisses,hugs,kindly words,...created lovely darling couple so all the fans fall in love with their amazing chemistry during watching ❤ even when cameras were off so many skinship we saw of them together,every one was hoping they get into real couple which is so perfect! ❤ i wished that too and still on ? among all the kisses scenes i love snowy kiss scene and wedding kiss scene ? Park Shin Hye in wedding gown and Lee Jong Suk in tuxedo were looking gorgeous as bride and groom ???? their wedding photos looked like real couples even wedding kiss ? omo ??❤i hope see them in another project soon ? and looking forward to hear happy news of their dating ❤thank you Pinocchio staff ☺


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I finally finished it! WOOT and Awwww. I really am going to miss this show. It made me love Park Shin Hye all over again cause for a while I was getting tired of all her roles. So many good things in this show. I loved every bit of it. Just wish some things happened from the beginning like that love triangle between Il Joo, Hyu Kyu and Jae Hwan. Plus more Gyo Dong!


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you have the nicest review so far.. i will definitely watch and rewatch this drama..


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Thanks GF for the review! *hands out pinocchio shaped cookies, anyone else wants?*

I'm gonna miss this drama so much. I've grown so attached to these characters and as the drama that marked my return to drama watching, Pinocchio holds a super special place in my heart. What am I going to do without it nowww?


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P.S. I love how even recappers on other sites (jooni and ms koala) are gushing about Pinocchio as well. Haha, it's twice as much fun when you know the reviewers love it as much as you do!

Now all I need is a Dal-po pillow, and maybe some In-ha bunnies, and I can finally turn in for the night (don't ask me why I took this long to watch, I just couldn't bear to say goodbye to this Show wahhh!)


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Hi, This is a question about Hyung--was the length of his prison sentence ever mentioned? I've tried to check, without any luck finding it. I really loved him--of course it was right that he should be sentenced for those deaths (tho' the only one I'm sure he committed was the last one). BUT they were unremorseful gangster-killers themselves, which should mitigate Hyung's ethical responsibility. AND Hyung truly regretted his actions.

So I completely agree with Divyrus, pogo, and Chesens! Would have loved more good resolution there! So I'll just have to decide on my own that's what happened!

Love to all of you, companions on this great story-journey!


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Omo! I have same thought about hyung GF. If they only put first the story of mother's and put hyung's story at end it will really hit it big I assume. Hyung's story still more interesting though. :D


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here's their wedding scene of My MV. BGM is Beautiful in White by Shayne Ward.


They are so beautiful together !


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lol 20 episodes and a 1000 comments and I still do not know if it is worth watching, really it impossiable to fliter through the fangirl and boying to really know anything but 90% of the comment where done by people who think so is the greatest actor of our time and of course so handsome or so so is so pretty and talented...ok..but is the drama any good?
Guess I have to take a look at see for myself lazy person that I am lol


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Omagashhh dalpo and inha are so cute!!!! Why did this have to end? I want more of dalpo and inha. LSJ and PSH have fantastic chemistry! Their chemistry is off the charts!! I actually wanted to see the wedding ceremony as well,but only got to see them trying on their wedding attire instead but thats okay. And like all of you,I wanted to know what happened to hyung and the cap and yoo rae's relationship. Overall,this is a good drama, except for the draggy I love you but I can't be with you thingy other than that everything is fine. Is healer and punch any good you guys?


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I'm reasonably new to dramas (I've been watching them for less than half a year) and I loved Pinocchio and will miss it dearly, and lee Jong-suk makes my heart melt haha. Am I the only one who is amazed that lee pil-mo is 40? He just looks so good! And also any drama recommendations? Ive watched quite a lot but some more ideas would be helpful ^_^


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Ah , 'Pinocchio' was a very very good drama! I had some hesitation before watching it, tbh due to the screenshots i often came across to from various articles out there, i thought it was gonna be the common deja vu romantic drama, with the backhugs and cheesy romantic scenes, ONLY after i read that it was written by the same IHYV writer and i watched the 1st episode, that i knew this drama was got to offer more! This drama did not disappoint me, and as a person who'll work in the media myself, this drama was even better, i actually learnt a whole lot from the story, not just journalistically but even as a human, to stick to what you believe in cos at the end of the day we all are pinocchios in some way & we all have that conscience that tells us when we're being in the wrong and to make things right, and it shouldnt be ignored! ! I really enjoyed the actors, they were all magnificient!

How I wish Ki Ha myung's story with his hyung featured more, cos their brotherly chemistry is SO spot on, i just hoped we got to see them interract more or i don't know, it's partly due to the wonderful acting of Yoon Kyun Sang who portrays the 2 extremeties of his character very well! That scene in previous eps when Ki Ha myung (or dal po) tells his identity got me, this scene was one of the best emotional scenes ive seen out of a korean drama , hands down!

Park shin Hye's acting is amazing, she has improved her skills very much so! The emotions, the actions, and all, she portrayed her character very well, there are some roles out there that only her could pull off as naturally i admit!
Lee Jong suk and PSH has the best chemistry! It would have worked also, if that last scene came from their wedding ceremony ha :)

Another thing that i thought would happen directly was the cameo of I hear your voice's dorky lawyer ha, which appeared in the ..epilogue? It would have been funny to see it happening in the actual drama, but then it'd probably mean that Hyung's sentence would change and i dont think that's what the writer envisaged :)

Anyway great drama as it was! I dont regret watching it! ;)


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Enjoyed the show!!

Love the newsroom excitement, in-ha, dalpol and the team.

However the ending wasnt satisfying enough...

1) WOuld love to see so much more of Cap and Yoo Rae- they are so cute together!! They shd have a happy ending

2) Bum Jo is such a nice person- i want someone for him too.

3) Dalpo's jailed brother- let him be released!

Overall, consistenly good work from the writers of I hear your voice, but i still rank IHMY as above this show...


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I enjoyed d episode
just nw finished my marathon run f dis shw
Bt something was missing in dis show.. Nt in romance department..
I disliked our pinocchio gal wen she lied about that Bus drivers autopsy result..
Both moms played der very well.. i am happy dat BJs mom didnt change even n jail.. All oders shws dat villians hav remorse @ end.


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the starting episodes were the best for me, i had laughs and tears so the ending was a little bit too emotionless for me and some answers were left unanswered for some it works but not for this.., if they're going to end it with a happy ending, better that some of the side characters' ending are revealed too like yoon yurae and cap hwang...


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I'm so happy about Yoo-Rae and Cap, it's obvious that there's something going on... but sad that it's an open ending for them.
In Hoo and Dal Po's chemistry is absolutely great... hope jong suk and shin hye will have a chance to work together again...


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I wish to see Shin-hye and Young-kwang paired soon :)


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Hello, I am curious about something. I think there was a scene where Dai Po's brother got visited by Boem-Jo in episode 17/18/19/20 (I literally forgot). And they both talked abouta promise or something... do you know what's that about? I'm curious to death..


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Best drama ever ♥ I just wished that this thread is active like Healer. I am envying Healer fans for their love. Pinocchio will always have a special place in my heart ♥


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Hmm @PL your enthusiasm over this drama at Healer's thread had made me curious about Pinocchio. Thanks to you I'm gonna check it out! :D


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gawd! did any one realize that after In Ha rejected Beom Joo that he started to act like a sick person? like he is not lively any more lol


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I just finished watching PINOCCHIO (tbh I'm not updated since I was busy working ) and again the same situation I am going through every time I was able to finish a GREAT k-drama I feel so empty like I don't know where should I be heading now that I'm done? Watching it makes me feel like I am the protagonist in the story. Now I lost my identity again wahhhhhh.., anyway this drama is DAEBAK! I just love everything about pinocchio, from the story line, the script, the characters, the acting skills the set up the scene everything!!!!! I am surely gonna miss them ALL OF THEM!!! thank you drama beans for the recaps and all I love reading everything in this site!!!! <3


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This drama really is a rare gem! It's definitely amongst my top 5 K-dramas ever. It's not perfect but so full of heart and hope, so heart-tugging and heart-warming that it's close to top 1 heh.


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well, in fairness the story is OK.... if only they have chosen better actress than PSH... Feel like watching a children's anime.... She doesn't act maturely,not convincing enough... And LSJ, yeah, he's good... but can he be more mature looking too??...

Felt that their romance is "forced"....Just for the sake of having a love story....

Nonetheless, It's okay.... It's like a best selling children's book...


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I'm going voting crazy!


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I wonder why Pinocchio doesn't have as many fans as Healer or My Love from Another Star. Its as good as any of the best kdramas out there. Plus I love every actor and character in this show!
I still hadn't discovered Dramabeans when I fell in love with this show and so I am here now to read recaps and to give 5 stars.

I really do wish that more people would appreciate how awesome this drama was :)


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5 stars for this episode


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and for the whole drama


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I started watching last night but I stopped at episode 4. I just went over your recaps here since I think it'll be a waste of time if I watch all the episodes. and I've been skipping a lot. I like the main characters. I really do. However, when I watched them, it is like, I cannot see anything new from them. Thank you for your recaps. They have been very helpful.


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They had about 20 minutes left in the Finale episode after having wrapped up the entire plot. Still the director wasted that time on the 'on-off' relationship between CHoi In Ha and Ki Ha Myung/Choi Dal po even that was so obvious they'll end up together in the end. They could've saved some time and shown that the mother-daughter bond between In Ha and Sung Cha Ok was beginning to mend. I just feel that the end was left a bit open ended for the Mom (showing her as a lecturer just doesn't justify her reward for her redemption)

For Sung Cha Ok, In Ha's mom. I wanted the writer to show that Sung Cha Ok wasn't that ruthless of a person either despite what she did. It was, at the end of the day, all because of her difiicult circumstances. Her husband had been unemployed and not supporting the family in the early days. That had led her to not whistle-blow in the first place. And when she exposed herself there and then infront of the Director, she risked her job and income which led her to finally becoming a sell-out for Chairman Park. I wanted the writer to acknowledge that, and in the series I wanted In Ha to acknowledge that as well. Her mom wasn't a villain, just a victim of business politics.


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I really really really liked this drama especial how the two leads work together and their chemistry with the supporting actors overall I really loved this drama and thanks for the recap♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡!!!!!!!!!!


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Such an amazing amazing amazing drama!i just loved this! i cried, i laughed with this!?really loved this!


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Cap Gyo-dong is my most age-appropriate crush so far in a Korean drama. What other dramas or movies does Pil-mo Lee have good roles in?


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I have a question. I haven't watched this for a long time and I'm trying to remeber which episode it was that they kissed at the news place. And they we're both crying. Can anybody tell me which episode.


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