Jang Geun-seok leaves Three Meals a Day in wake of tax evasion scandal

This totally sucks. Jang Geun-seok (Pretty Man, Love Rain) has been caught up in a tax evasion brouhaha over the past couple days, and that has led to him dropping out of Three Meals a Day: Fishing Village, his reality-variety program that was scheduled to premiere this Friday on tvN.

In the wake of the scandal, he is literally being cut out of the show — not entirely, as that is impossible, but down to minimum footage. That’s the only way to do it, considering that filming is two-thirds completed, and now the production has to go back and edit him out of the show, pushing back their premiere a week to give themselves the time to do that. Jang was scheduled to participate on another shooting trip this weekend, but now that won’t happen and future shoots will focus on Cha Seung-won and Yoo Hae-jin.

The announcement was made by reps from tvN and production house CJ E&M. They had decided previously that because Jang Geun-seok already paid his fines (the issue arose out of an accounting error and Jang paid immediately) and no longer has outstanding legal obligations to take care of, they were in the clear. “However, after Jang Geun-seok made his explanation, follow-up reports continued to emerge, and we are aware that many viewers have expressed concerns over his appearance in the show. Thus the producers have concluded that it is not appropriate for Jang Geun-seok to be in a broadcast at this time, and upon agreement with his side, it was decided he would leave the show.”

Boo, hiss. This seems like such a weaksauce argument, and I’m annoyed at the producers. I’d read reports in the previous days about them discussing how to handle Jang’s scandal, but assumed they’d proceed — I was shocked that they’d actually alter existing material and have Jang leave. They say it’s a mutual agreement, and Jang’s management seems in accordance with that, but in any case I’m disappointed that the show was so quick to drop him. On the 15th, Jang’s reps released his apologies to the show and his co-stars Cha and Yoo, and stated his decision to leave because he didn’t want to add any unnecessary criticism to the show.

I understand that I live in a different social climate that values celebrity behavior and scandals differently, and context has to be factored into this, but considering the other scandals that have turned dramaland upside-down, this seems like such an overreaction. Sadly, I think timing is to blame — the scandal erupted the week of premiere, and I think everyone’s in a bit of a panic mode. Had they had more time to deal with it, I feel like they would have come to a different decision. At least I hope they would have.

So now Three Meals a Day will premiere next Friday, January 23. Girlfriday and I were excited about possibly returning to cover the show, but now I’m thinking of desisting in protest. Silent, ineffectual protest.

Via E Daily, Star News


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What ever your korean media culture, I just hate humiliating a person who did nothing so serious that cut off is the answer. NA PD n others, where u saw the public sentiment against him? Don’t you see public sentiment here?
If you voted for it, I think you would got the idea how many of us love him, and wanted to his real in your show. Not your fish..or you it was actually him we wanted to see. Even he was so excited! Don't you see the high number of short clips viewer only for him.
I feel how hard it was for him to make mutual, but he did that. We will support you, JKS. We love you.
I am not gonna watch you, the kind of people like you who uses others this way...just disgusting, hate you.


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Not a fan, but I have always find him to be an interesting person. Too bad, I was going to watch this show because of him.


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not watching.


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Tax is fair...all that equal distribution of wealth and blah...blah. Never been a defaulter myself. So much brouhaha over an issue thats already been addressed. C'mon its not even a scandal anymore. Scandal would be scandalized to be reduced as thus.


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I was a bit excited to see this show especially because "my sukkie" was appearing now it's a done deal. I'm out.

I can't believe that it was some type of concern over the issue of unpaid taxes by error which he responsibly took care of immediately. I just can't with this news.


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Hmm, after reading some of these posts, I feel as though a lot of international fans of Korean entertainment really don't understand or care to understand "Koreans" and their culture.

Koreans do hold celebrities to higher standards than maybe other countries do. I think that's because a celeb is considered a public personage and more swoon-worthy if they turn out to be good, law-abiding, decent human beings rather than just beautiful, talented artists. So treading extra carefully and trying to be as faultless as possible is a price someone like JGS has to pay in order to stay popular in Korea. It may be harsh, but that's the reality.

The reason many Koreans are angry at this guy is not only because he cheated on his taxes but (more) because he lied. He has been denying any wrongdoings (he only got audited but the audit revealed no problem whatsoever) up until 3 days ago when he was put in a position and could no longer deny payment of millions of dollars in back taxes and fines. And then he comes out and says oh, you know, my agency forgot to pay some taxes but it was a purely unintentional accounting mistake. Needless to say, back taxes amounting millions of dollars do not at all sound plausible unless it was intentional. It's just so disappointing that this young, beautiful (according to some), talented (according to some) celeb was not the decent person many believed him to be.

And I don't think "Koreans" in general have been less harsh on celebs that had caused other sorts of scandals - attempted adultery, girl-friend beating, accusation of rape etc. Just because a few of their rabid fans are cheering on their returns on screens and concert stages, it does not mean most Koreans have forgotten or forgiven their transgressions. Many of LBH's movies filmed before his latest scandal are kind of drifting because the producers are afraid of releasing them to only see them flop. I doubt KHJ's future concerts, at least in Korea, will bring the kind of success he was used to in the past. These people will have a long, hard uphill fight to come back, if ever, to their previous levels of popularity. So I don't understand international fans accusing Koreans of hypocrisy and unreasonableness.


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@Ppasun - Thanks for your post and for filling in the details regarding the tax evasion. What you wrote makes sense as well as the Korean public's reaction, especially if it's true that his mother ran his management company (from what I read in someone else's op).

As for the people upset with the seemingly nonsensical Korean reaction or non-reaction to its celebrity scandals, I'm a bit dumbfounded given the scandals in the West. Bill Cosby, anyone? How about James Franco texting a recently turned 16 yr old fan for a date in a hotel bar (while knowing her age and that she was in NY for her birthday weekend)? NFL wife-beating scandals? R. Kelly's predilection for underage girls? Not to mention the homophobic, sexist comments made by certain music stars?

My point is Korean society is not alone in its sometimes confounding or conflicting reaction to scandals. Yes, you have the right to be confounded and to complain, but keep in mind that your own society/nation is not above its own share of confounding/conflicting/hypocritical behavior. Also, keep in mind that there are certain things as a non-Korean resident you may be unaware of which can influence the public's reaction. I know that my Korean relatives often are confounded by what they read about Americans and American society the way you are about Koreans and Korean society.


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I forgot to add that I don't necessarily agree with the decision to edit JGS out of the filmed scenes. It would make more sense just to scrap what was filmed and begin again with a replacement. But that's just me...


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After I read you, I don't feel that good. Yah yah you korean are so generous and so honest. You don't understand how the international media react!! then why are asking for the money what he earned by entertaining us. As because he born there. Even his programs are not so successful in your country. And most of all he already paid that, didn't kill you. If it was a future program then we may be considered that okay he should get punished as because he lied. But its already done, going to be aired and now you are cutting his part. If it happens to you then, you worked hard all the day and suddenly you heard because someday you lied. How should you react?
We found him beautiful.... because he is that. Hell of your korean entertainment, I am out of it. I am not gonna part of this hippocracy!


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>Koreans do hold celebrities to higher standards than maybe other countries do. I think that’s because a celeb is considered a public personage and more swoon-worthy if they turn out to be good, law-abiding, decent human beings rather than just beautiful, talented artists. So treading extra carefully and trying to be as faultless as possible is a price someone like JGS has to pay in order to stay popular in Korea. It may be harsh, but that’s the reality.

I think we all understand that very well, personally I think it's not very healthy. It's like they are still stuck in America around the 50's. It's such a modern country, it's hard for us, so far away, to understand how they can still have this mentality.


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So are you saying in your country if a star is found to have lied about doing something that casts a negative light on his character, you just shrug and go right back to watching his shows and fangirling about him because that is the modern way to do things?


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Reading Mi's reply is explanatory.

But maybe because in the Western world the fandom is not that frantic anymore. I never read reports about die-hard fans as in Korea that stalk their idols. (Well, paparazzi do the job). And netizens do not have such a power on anybody's life.

I often see Korea as a fascinating oxymoron. 2050 in technology, 1950 in mentality. And as every society it has it's ups and downs. However the way the showbiz treats people there could use some *cough * huge *cough* changes.


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I can understand that. I think the guy never should have been cast though. But to be fair, you don't know what he told the producers/tvn either. He was denying any wrong doing in public, I would imagine he was saying the same thing to them in private. It's an unfortunate situation.

He shouldn't have taken the job knowing there was possibility something would come up against him that would harm the show and the show should not have cast him until the matter was settled one way or the other. The only people who really suffer are the other two cast members and the crew who had to work over time to edit him out.


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Oh, what a pity. I was looking forward to seeing Dokko Jin and Dokko Ma Te together.

This case seems similar to Kang Ho Dong's case... no? Will JGS be retiring temporarily? Hope not.


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That made me remember my wish during Best Love to have YB's Hwang Tae-kyung cameo and face off with Dokko Jin. That would've been so epic. LSG's cameo was great, but Tae-kyung would've been more fun I think mostly because he was an original Hong Sisters creation like Dokko Jin, not a funny version of a real celeb.


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It's not that big of a deal, he can just go to the army anyway. no need to retire.


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WTF Man????? I waited so long for it to premier just to watch JKS and now they forced him out of the show??
Not Cool .....
These producers are sooooo going to burn in HELL....


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I would guess one of the shows sponsor/backers said they rather not have him related to thier product with the scandel ongoing. It not really about what is fair or not, it simply $ and that why they make drama for and that why companies back them to sell their products on the show/drama. If they feel having Jang on the show going to effect that, then of course they going to dump him. As for other celeb getting away with beating up girlfriend or wifes, will welcome to the male dominated world that is Korea.


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Thank you for the new perspective you gave me on things. I feel frustrated that I couldn't see that myself.


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Very sad. The thing I don't understand here is the power balance. This is what confuses me most when thinking of S.Korean entertainment industry. Many aspects of it.

Here what puzzled me most is the decision the channel made. I understand that they want good ratings but I feel that there is something wrong in giving up a guy so easily. I'd understand and cutting him off if he turned out to be an abuser or a rapist but he cheated on his taxes. Unless of course this turns out to be a crime in level of the former two mentioned above. It is not in my country. Anyway this time I think it would have been better to stick with him even if only for providing some balance to the power shifting in this bizarre (for me) world that is S.Korean entertainment industry.

As for LBH incident, I'm puzzled by people's reaction to him. I was angry that worse crimes committed by male entertainers went unpunished. The two ladies decided to commit a crime (they were too young to consider the consequences I suppose) and their punishment didn't seem outrageous to me. Black mail is disgusting.
The only thing (in this case) LBH is guilty of is being a horny old goat. He didn't trick the girl or anything. He didn't abuse her or took advantage of her when she is unconscious. I don't understand why he is being considered extremely guilty by almost everyone on net.


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I don't think people refer to him. Mostly people referred to Kim Hyun Jong and PHS


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No watching! No recaping! No translating to English!

TVN has to look for another way of free advertisement.

It is weird how they decided just to cut JKS. The whole concept will be cripled. No fun at all to watch two middle-aged men bickering to each other. It will be painfully sad.

BTW, "Spy" is in the same time slot.

JJ, fighting!


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No need to put down JKS's costars just to prop him up. Cha Seung Won and Yoo Hae Jin did nothing wrong but are being negatively affected by this whole thing too.

Both are funny and have great personalities, so I'll be watching because of them. I do agree that the the show's concept and original dynamics have been ruined, but I hope for the sake of CSW and YHJ that it will still work out ok somehow. In the end they'll be the ones suffering the consequences if the show is a mess and it flops. It won't be because they can't carry a show but because of editing, but it will probably look that way to unaware viewers.

I feel terrible for all three guys (JKS, CSW, and YHJ). :(


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Exactly, CSW has way more personality and charm.


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I'm crying right now. Already HATE that show!!!


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Why do they keep giving this kid such a hard time? I really think it is a little too coincidental that they have once again found a reason to shut him out . They let rapists and murderers come back into the industry but they have done nothing but give this kid a hard time since day one. Feel so sorry for him.


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He went solo, set up his own agency at the height of his popularity. What do you think happened there? Of course it is not something favourable for others who manage entertainment agencies what he did is something not of a norm, why he is too young to do that, he can do much better being controlled by an agency, there goes the potential profit an agency can get from him. And to make matter worst, Jang Geun Suk has open a new possibilities for other actors like him to follow in his footsteps. So giving him a hard time is a must because making it easy for him is allowing others to do like him as simple as that. So this maybe the reason of the unspoken ban on him.


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And his agency run by his people/mom was responsible for his tax situation.


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I agree with you. This could be a warning to those artists and performers wanting to challenge and leave their major entertainment companies in pursuit of success on their own like Jang Geun Suk. He is an example of success and for the major entertainment companies he is a threat.

The timing and the re-release of the same news is too coincidental. It's as if they were again threatened he may find greater success in Korea and they use their media muscles to quash the possibility.

It's unfortunate not just for Jan Geun Suk but for other idols and performers who have to go against the entertainment company Goliaths.


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There goes my reason to watch this show. Like others, he would've brought an interesting element to the show. I'm ambivalent towards him but have been intrigued by his star persona. Hope he finds strength during this hard time.


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Nothing surprising, it happened to Kang Ho Dong before. So I wonder why everyone is up in arms here, that's how it works in Korea.


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But at least Kang Ho Dong income comes from his korean contracts/activities. Jang Geun suk receives little support from his own countrymen, they want to bury him if they can, the thing they can forgive for others, forget it when JGS is concerned yes that is how it is when it comes to him. They would always rekindle his old "scandal" why because of money - medias w/c continue to write reports about it obviously want payment to stop negative write ups, yes unfortunately it's happening. But JGS just don't want to give in to them.

They don't like him because he dares to stand up for his dreams, when he said, he wants to have his own entertainment agency at the age of 40 something, they mistook it as arrogance or bluff. He went solo, set up his own agency, what do you think happened there of course it is not something favourable for others who manage entertainment agencies what he did is something not of a norm, why he is too young to do that, he can do much better being controlled by an agency, there goes the potential profit an agency can get from him. And to make matter worst, Jang Geun Suk has open a new possibilities for other actors like him to follow in his footsteps. So giving him a hard time is a must because making it easy for him is allowing others to do like him as simple as that.


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Oh please, KHD spent nearly 2 yrs away from the entertainment industry.


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This sucks!

It seems like someone is scheming to totally destroy JKS. It makes me think whether that someone is the person who wanted to pay him U$ 1 million to have dinner with him and whom he refused? As he said before, having dinner is fine but paying him that much money is questionnable. (My speculation only.)


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So sad to hear about this. In the preview, Jang KeunSuk provided much interest, with his looks for instance. Oh well, he does not need a producer who does not believe in him. Don't worry JKS there are millions outside of Korea who believes in you and your talent.


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That seems so unfair! Maybe there are other reasons for it? I was hoping that this show would make him more acceptable an popular in Korea, leading to more dramas. Urgh.


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Well sorry to say this, they don't deserve his money! If many koreans hate him this much then leave him and his hard earned money, want to kick him to the curb but they don't want to let go of his money... that really sucks. Jang Geun Suk income apparently the bulk of it comes from his overseas activities. If not for international fans Jang Geun Suk will not be this rich. Drama producers casted him the last few years not only because they believe he can do the job but also because they can easily sell it overseas. So yeah japanese are more deserving of that tax money aigooo.

I feel sorry for him he does not deserve this, just because he dares to be different from the typical male korean actors, set up his own agency which is by the way manage by his parents - that also tells us it is not really his fault, being the star for sure he has no more time to see what is going on with the accounting dep. So I cannot see the reason why they have to take this further & blame him directly after all the conclusion was it is an accounting error & not intentional. Jang Geun Suk's agency does not like bribing or paying the media so that they would write good news about him hence this is always happening to him because he chose to be indifferent to that kind of practices.


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No - he CHEATED on his taxes - and not just a little.


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Why are you one of the investigators of this case to conclude that? The news doesn't say so - IT'S ACCOUNTING ERROR NOT INTENTIONAL THEREFORE NO REASON FOR THE PROSECUTORS TO TAKE ANY FURTHER LEGAL ACTION.


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The fact that it was his OWN agency run by his people/parents make it even more his fault.


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No it was not his fault, it is run by his parents so he totally trust them, mistakes whether big or small can happen. His parents managed different kind of business before even PD Na knew that JGS was a son of a fisherman that is why he casted him, his father or mother were not entertainment tycoons. Managing an entertainment agency is quite different and, it is their first time managing a celebrity who is their own son they never did that before, you can say they are still learning. That is why the agency has apologized already and promised to be more careful with its financial obligation.

"the involved authorities acknowledged that it wasn't done on purpose and did not press charges meaning no examination of the prosecution took place" - statement released by Tree J (JGS agency).


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JGS evaded nearly 10 BILLION won in taxes (over $9 million) and they chalked it up to "accounting errors" (yeah, right).

For me, what's more galling is that a mediocre talent like JGS can evade over $9 million in taxes.


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Where are the tax audit documents? All you say is based on some yellow media! If there was a crime, his company should be prosecuted, right?

Your words show the fact that you didsn't like him at all ang came here just to troll.

A medioce artiste cannot even earn such money for his entire life. Not mentioning paying such taxes.
Again - where are the officila statement of the tax agency and your proofs?


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Um, this is coming from Korean newspapers which are their equivalent of the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.

And please - plenty of mediocre "artists" or no-talents have made a lot of $$.

Justin Bieber for one (fitting since JGS is like the Korean Bieber), not to mention the Kardashians, the cast of Jersey Shore, etc.


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NY Times??? Please, all medias qoute Kookmin Ilbo and I'd like you to have a look to their site

Also we are discussing Korean entertainment here, not the American showbiz. I am from Europe and your examples are so irrelevant to me as if I start to explain you about the success of the French rap.


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agreed to that! He paid the fine and admitting the "errors" which was done by his agency running by his own mom!
and he claimed to be innocent! yeah right!


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Seems like you and bd5 IS the same person. Keep it on lol.

Anyway if it is true that his agency paid almost $10 million dollars for tax, woooooow that really means Jang Geun Suk is earning a lot basing from his tax returns his earnings is like combination of three or four top hallyu stars!


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I agree with you, milia. bd 5 is a jks hater. I notice that he has been trolling for this page from 15th jan. WTF! he replied many comments, emphasizing his implied hatred towards jks. OMO! why does this kind of person exist? I you hate jks, y bother to troll this page for 3 days?

or is he too jealous that jks can earn that much? can't your idol do it? LOL. Pls be aware, jks is a boss, not licking others' shoes. whether you like it or not, he is lucky enough to have his mom as a boss. so what?


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if* you hate jks


at least you are admitting he is not the top 4 hallyu stars. Thank god! Its obvious he is prince of asia in his own dreamland. :)


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Oh did I say so? Nope I don't think so, where is that admission? As far as I know he will always be one of the top hallyu stars out there. And obviously he is on the top base on his income (he is manage by his own agency, so everything goes to his bank account) His income does not depend alone from acting. He is very talented so he has variety of activities therefore many sources of income. :) Jang Geun Suk's talent fee is already higher than other hallyu stars from his peer group ever since after the success of You're Beautiful fyi meaning since 2010.


It's like the Kang Ho Dong tax scandal, Koreans put one of the nation's MC to early retirement, and One night two days was never he same!!

I wish the best to Sukkie, it's time to use his hallyu star and take overseas projects.


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it was just a six months holiday for him, before he was back to work again, bit of a joke all round really after such a 'heart' felt puplic sorry on his part. All he was really sorry for was getting caught..lol. Still he a great MC if a little loud for my liking.


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I like his overreaction! He was the greatest in early days of 1N2D, thanks to him, everyone developped to form an amazing combo. When he left, it was obvious there was a misbalance.

I wish he does a new variety that showcase his MC skills, put the guy with Lee Seung Gi, Eun Ji Won and Kim C. (Too bad MC Mong and Lee Su Geun can't join)


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Listen up everyone! If you want Jang Keun Suk back on the show, you can leave your comment on this web site:


There is a petition going on on this TVN website that has thousands of comments asking for a version with Jang Keun Suk in.

You can leave your comments in English (Korean is even better) to join the thousands of others who have protested against dropping JKS and altering the show.


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So for those threatening not to watch the show, it not the show's loss ... At the end of the day it's the Korean audience that matters ... I bet most of you posting on this site are non-Koreans ... Stop defending your idol because bottom line he was found evading almost $10m in taxes ...


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BTW there are also many korean viewers who are disappointed with what happened. They want to see the original/complete program.


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And your petition will not matter because your viewership will not count. Think about it, other than You're Beautiful, all other dramas that followed were big flops ...


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I thought YAB was a flop in Korea as well. He was almost invisible in Korea since his last drama and he wont be missed.
Now its time to get enlisted JKS! Your acting carrier is finished or at least for another few years.


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Wow! Happy when others are down much?


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why should I be happy I dont even know him or met him in person. If this tax evasion were done by some other actors I would have commented the same.
I only watched love rain, it sucked so bad I stopped watching after epi 5. His acting is mediocre at best and how he became famous outside korea is beyond me.


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Invisible in korea??? That is why they are looking to cast him. KBS did offer him a project already fyi but he rejected because he's looking for a better script. And korea love to choose him as their ambassador also.




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So why does jgs invest his time overseas, Japan and china particularly?


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Because he is a hallyu star, hallyu is representing korean culture outside Korea. If an actor will only be popular in korea then he is not a hallyu star. Maintaining hallyu star status depends on star's popularity abroad. And most Hallyu stars especially those who have been famous for years would do only one project per year in Korea. If the hallyu star is an actor most of them choose to do drama every year or two years, the older generation of hallyu stars would sometimes takes three up to five years to choose a project. A hallyu star is someone whom you see travelling frequently for overseas activities.

Jang Geun Suk is a multi-talented Hallyu star, and there is nothing wrong if he wants to engage that talent & time for something else while waiting for a good script, isn't it? Btw he is also very busy in korea, just finished a fan meeting for Lotte Duty Free & he has a coming Team H Party Concert in Seoul this month. And will be off to Japan again for the realease of his third full album coming February.


Yes you are right all JGS dramas are quite low in rating but they were selling hot in overseas market. And looking how most korean dramas are flopping now in domestic rating, in the end producers would still not hesitate to offer JGS a project because at least they can sell it overseas while other korean dramas that flopped in domestic ratings, their production could not even pay their stars & staff. Look at KBS who holds most of JGS dramas they earned a lot through his dramas mind you compare to other flopped dramas in their station and I can name a lot - The King's Face, Blade Man, Golden Cross, The Full Sun. Inspiring Generation has an average rating in the middle of its airing but the production could not pay their crew why they couldn't sell it overseas.

So in the end KBS would not mind casting him though his dramas are flopping big as you said anyway JGS dramas are always a BIG WINNER in international market.


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It is sad the this scandle is still going on. I read that this was out for a few months and was resolved by paying the fee. It was founded that his accountant made an error when taxes were filed. So Jang Geun seok did nothing wrong. Also same thing happened to Song Hye kyo but she still got to work and do promotions, so why the big upset and double stand with Jang when it wasn't his fault???! Media needs to start reporting the facts! Also he is the person who helped pass a bill in Korea that would make celebrities accountable for the abuse of minor, since there are so many minors in the industry such as idols.


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This just feels like a witch hunt.


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This is ridiculous! Jang is such a good person. I know. He has a big heart for the needy. When the Philippines experienced typhoon Yolanda, he was one of the first people to give so much for the victims. I know he's also a responsible man. If ever the issue is true, apparently i would say it's not of his doings. I know I'm being bias but don't shoot me for my opinions. I love Jang.


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Had one reason to watch the show ... aaand it's gone.
I hope he gets through this and lands more, better offers.


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I watched the 1st ep a few days ago on channel M ...
I was so confused because there was no jang geun sook !!!
I googled it and so surprise to read about him dropping out ...
no wonder the 1st ep was so boring ....
don't think I'm gonna watch it anymore ...


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This is just not fair. I mean it sometimes happens so that celebrities have tax issues, and according to Jang geun suk's company they have settled it by paying fine. Now, this is just not done if an actor's role is cut out like this after shooting and when everybody was waiting eagerly to see Jang Geun suk in this show. I, as a Jang geun Suk fan, can never accept this and will never watch this show. Completely heartbroken....


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I am so disappointed of all those that are call his fanns,and of all the producers on your country he paid his taxes why did you had to leave him out of a show? We Latinos are welcoming with open arms your productions shows dramas your concerts and you can destroy an actor in just a second,shame on all of you.He is a good actor and singer and model and that is what is important to us.If he had a good publicity company nothing like this would had happen,and even if you the press and producers made him feel down we love him and support him. Just send his pics on face book and on drama fever and I will send them all over the world of speaking Spanish countries.


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We enjoy his actuations and performances.the same as Kim Hyung Joong they are actors and publicity could be good or amarillista but that shouldn't affect the actor and producers should not


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This is so wrong.Why should JGS need to leave this show because of such mistake.I don't really understand korean entertainment.


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